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goldznuts · 4 years ago
(Wano AU) Tagged::Regrets
If there was one question that had began to annoy him it was any in reference to the one piece or laugh-tale island. Those were his secrets to keep and if any desired to know then they could go themselves in their own stride and pay their own prices but he would still always be the first. There was no easy path for the questions they asked and Roger could not help but play musical chairs in attempts to get away from the never-ending questions and conversations. A quick smile and wave was given until his presence brought more attention than he bargained for. Nope! The captain commented before rising from his seat slapping the payment on the counter. Under the influence, the Captain after two battles now staggered down the street in hopes to find a quiet bar to relax in. He wasn't tired or hurt just to the point that he was too drunk to speak properly. This was not how he often carried himself but he had gone too far in his search for booze. Little did he know with the fame, even while despised, he could manage to find regrets in making such a bold testament to the world. Peace was rare and priceless, this was his first lesson as King. His best bet was to buy his drinks and head back to the Oro Jackson to disappear into the grasp of the sea once more. There was one place he could go to and not have to worry but they would despise him too. It would be certain that his sails were the ones that kept Oden away for so long and Wano had began to fall into a grim era. As the thoughts crossed his mind he remembered his first statement not to rule a thing and tried to cast aside such concerns. But Oden?....he was there, or so he had presumed. Was it selfish for an entire country to have fallen for his cause? These type of thoughts came to mind to counter his protest of little cares. Pressing a hand to his forehead he lifted the gourd to read the label in question. Sure enough it was Rum. He didn't do too well under the influence of Rum and steered clear of the drink as a whole. No wonder his mind was processing too much in irritation. That still didn't change the fact that the thoughts were in fact truth as ugly as it appeared. For every action there was a reaction and many would pay the price even more than he could have ever imagined. It was heavy and one of the few regrets he carried with the new crown. When they had brought Oden back in celebration they could not help but acknowledge the price they had all paid when Wano came into view. Should he have stayed behind to assist in such matters? Should he have left Oden to his affairs the first time they returned for the Polygliff. Either way it was done and now he had but one choice at this point. He had gotten wind that Kaido had schemed something up for the entire land of gold. This was the cause of his stop for drinks in the first place. The news that Wano had closed off everything in attempts to conceal the secrets he had found out. Yep! This was definitely the work of Kaido and Roger could not help but feel a pull at his heart in thought of what that monster could do with his hands on an entire country of innocent people. Seems some of the Rocks had found a way to rule even while broken apart and disbanded. Such thoughts were beginning to bring a headache and he could not help but sigh slinking away into an dark alley to sober up a bit before heading back tot he Oro Jackson. Roger had left behind his crewmates for extra security to their vessel and even selfishly because he required the time to think. Once on board, he through a drunken sway gave the order dropping the canisters of alcohol on the deck before dropping to the wooden floor hopelessly trying to fend off a drunken slumber. ☠"Go!....We are going.......Wano, to Oden, head for Wano."☠ The drunk captain had finally spat out the order before the snores commenced. The king was content to face his consequences alongside Oden. He couldn't just leave him there to handle Kaido alone in good conscience. Newgate wouldn't let him live it down if something happened to the man or his family. Too add Kaido was NEVER
ALONE, but if he were then he was a force to be reckoned with all the same even for Oden. Rayleigh only paused studying the drunk captain with a raised brow shaking his head in disapproval. This was unlike Roger and surely his visit could not have been so bad. "Political affairs are not our forte, Roger!" The other screamed with a mind to knock him upside his head. Even as he protested the captain continued his snores the order standing without the dispute. If he were awake he would tell his number two that they could not rule the seas and not address and situation like this. They owed Oden for everything and could never turn away even if the man had told them to go. Oden had promised that he would be fine and would reach out when he was finished with setting order. The roger pirates were supposed to celebrate together with him, it was the promise given before they agreed to leave. That was how it was supposed to go and even then Roger had a bad feeling in his gut and still left as requested. When they arrived in Wano things were not as they had found it the first time around. The drastic changes already shifting the finical and economical stance of Wano. The caste systems had tilted for greed and plots. This was real bad and to make matters worse he had found out that ODEN WAS DEAD? This hurt his heart and Roger had no idea how he would even tell Whitebeard of such a thing. He had left the other there and now knew he should have stayed to address the situation directly with him. As Oro Jackson pulled into port he studied the smoke filled skies a grim chill pushing down his spine as he took in the view. None on board the ship could speak as they viewed what was left of the Kozuki family shrine, it was now nothing but ash. They knew it would be bad but never anticipated Wano would end up in such a state. To correct, he should have known but at the time he was not aware that Kaido was directly involved with Wano. Deciding against porting the Pirate king opted to hide the vessel and leave out on foot. Hours later he found himself in much need of a drink as he made his way through the lands under disguise. They had opted for masks since they were so common these days. The Red and blank kimono he wore was constraining and layered to blend him in with the noblemen. He could find out anything he needed to know with time in patience. The drinks they shared weren't festive in the least. The captain babysitting the bowl of sake that had been poured by request. He gazed into the liquid his reflection dancing back, or one of the mask rather as he sunk back into his thoughts. When he had found a voice to speak he finally swallowed the lump in his throat. Roger forced up a cracked voice before he took in a few labored breaths to hide the fact he was very upset. Rayleigh in whom set beside him had no sarcastic comments to add nor did he instigate the situation that was obvious. There was no humor to be found even as they tried but the silence had to be broken. He was certain Rayleigh didn't offer many words only because he too didn't know what to say or he was simply waiting for the captain to lead off in discussion. During times like these it made the captain very thankful for his friend. ☠"Rayle-O, I-I, don't think we did the right thing here. I-I feel like this is my fault and I am almost scared to inquire anything further. This is so wrong!"☠ The captain explained as he lifted the bowl to his lips the sake being a much calmer choice for the male. He couldn't help the sting of tears that forced forward. Roger was very thankful for the mask he wore at this moment and lowered the bowl not even in the mood to drink. This was so messed up, he had assumed that when Oden returned that he would be able to handle the situation at hand. THAT WAS WHAT HE HAD TOLD HIM! And here Roger was fool enough to believe him even despite his own two eyes and the odd gut wrenching feeling they all had when they sailed out. ☠"We are far too late and we have to fix this!"☠ He choked out as he struggled to catch his grip for the moment being. He
needed food and more drinks, something that could put him down until he could process all the grim news and address it. No wonder they were hated by the many, if they left messes like this for the world to clean up. Thoughts like this came forward and had the King already wanting to retire from the game before he even started. It was then Roger made up his mind that when they fixed Wano's grim tale he would retire and head home to start a family. ☠"I-I didn't want to rule the seas...I just wanted to find the answers. When this is over......."☠ He paused remembering that he was intoxicated and that this was not a conversation to be had in a place like this. Instead Roger paused patting the other on his shoulder before heading to put in a another request for food. Leaning over the counter with his mask in place he glanced back to the curtain that had concealed them from view by design. The place was known for privacy and small gatherings much like a lounge so it was a good option for peace. What peace was to be had in Wano when the entire land was suffering? Immediately, Roger lost his appetite and headed out for a fresh breath of air. Ensuring that the mask was pinned into place he slid the door open gently so not to draw attention as he snuck out for a moment to figure out his best course of action. Who needed a plan? At this point he'd love to get his hands on the supposed strongest beast and anyone else involved. His eyes burned with fury behind the mask as he leaned against the wall allowing a much needed breath to escape him.
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kittus-sideshow-shindig · 3 years ago
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Anonymous asked:
"Mont D'or, Can we speak for a moment?" // From misao @xtherfriends​
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The minister glanced over at his visitor. “Speak? What about? I suppose I can spare a few minutes.”
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xamassed · 3 years ago
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「 meme / @xtherfriends​ 」
“ it’s a good thing i have my library card ‘cause i’m checkin’ you out.  ”  || To sanji from lottie
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“You’re free to look at me for as long as you like, Lottie-chaaan~! I hope you don’t mind if I admire you in return!” He spun, spun, spun around until he came to stand before her. One hand wrapped around hers, lips finding the backs of her knuckles. “You are exquisite, as always, my darling.”
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multixminds · 3 years ago
“You thought it couldn’t get any worse. Well, it got worse!”
The perks of mara was that she could very much foretell things, far ahead than one would like....and she was not afraid to share the information. Never.
"I have never had a wrong prediction, do not doubt this one like you are now. You'll be eating your words far too soon." // @xtherfriends
“You thought it couldn’t get any worse. Well, it got worse!”
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Drake frowned wider than he usually did because it truly did seem like Mara was upset, and though this was a conversation that the ginger hadn't wanted to have because it was difficult to due Mara's abilities, it seemed that they were going to have to have it out if they were going to get passed it ... if they even could.
"I understand that, and I believe you," the ginger haired Zoan user spoke up as he stared at her, "but I can't trust in your power one hundred percent of the time without a doubt. Even if it ends up exactly as you say, I have to try and I have to continue my way regardless of the outcome. There is no other way for me."
Should he die while continuing on his mission, that would simply be his fate. He would not run from it.
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son-of-beast · 3 years ago
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Anonymous asked:
"And what are you doing all alone?" Spoke the large monster to the child, as it layed on the sand of the beach with part of its body still submerged in water. // saria to child yamato @xtherfriends​
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AH- A GIANT SEA MONSTER?! He wasn’t expecting that here...!!! Did Kaido have sea monsters?!?! The horned, and rather horrified, child scampered away to hide behind a rock. Yes, a very good hiding spot...
Bruises were fresh on his face and he moved with the weight of jangling chains. Fortunately, he was allowed to wander the island after the cave incident ‘resolved’, but not without consequence... Yamato peeked over the rock, watching with a suspicious and fearful look. Yet, he hadn’t run off...
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songbxrd · 4 years ago
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strwcptn · 3 years ago
"Oi, What's being rubber like?" A Child asked with curiosity, head tilted upwards to act as if she was 'looking' at the other.
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     oh, it was the kid that was with that gangster guy, the question did bring him a thought to his mind as well. luffy was never really asked about how it felt to be rubber, so he didn’t really know how to answer her.
          “uh...i guess it feels...” he put a finger to his forehead, not sure how to go about this, and it just hit him. “being able to stretch is awesome! but not only that my hits don’t even hurt because being rubber, physical attacks don’t hurt me!” and there was that signature grin of luffy’s.
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cruel-coldcalmness · 4 years ago
Anonymous asked:
"So, what would you say is the most beautiful place you've been to?"
And kujira gave kuma a look of curiosity as she leaned into her hand. // @xtherfriends from Kujira
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“There is a place on a high mountain from where you can see azure blue sky, distant windy mountains, turquiose sea and green hills, each from very side of that mountain. But it's not the best thing. The best is that in night, when everyone is sleeping and you're sitting on top of an old rock, you can see billions of stars twinkling above you in the sky high above.”
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sogekyng-a · 3 years ago
"Hi!! I um....would you like a tarot reading?? Its free!!" A girl offered, holding up a deck of cards to show as if to prove she was not, in fact, lying.
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     usopp might have been spending too much time dealing with nami and her ‘free’ things, but for some reason he wasn’t fully convinced that this kid wasn’t lying even if she showed him the cards.
      but he’d give the kid the benefit of the doubt.
          “alright, but if you’re trying to scam me, know that i’m part of a notorious pirate crew.”
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muselexum · 4 years ago
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@xtherfriends​ sent:  "It is good to see that the younger spirits these days have a fire burning bright in their soul." The large orca fishman offered a smile to the captain. // (for luffy, I hyena offer u arihi-)
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     “Ah?” Luffy said, turning as the voice caught his attention. When his eyes fell upon the large fishlady, his expression immediately turned into one of awe. “Wow, you’re huge!” Well that’s not very polite Luffy. In fact, he didn’t fully pick up what she had said either.
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somftchilds-a · 4 years ago
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@xtherfriends​ said:
"Oh aren't you just a sweetie!!" // from arihi
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      “ ooh!! j just wanted tto... ”
      Galapagos was no stranger to just randomly jump tackling people. It was a method of greeting as an anyagi as she just wanted to cuddle and hug people sometimes!! She looked up at the big woman before pushing her face down. She hadn’t let go...She was still very much attached and hugging. She was comfy! And the little goat girl just wanted to hug as many people as she could! All the time!! It was a warmth that reminded of her family!!
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kittus-sideshow-shindig · 3 years ago
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Anonymous asked:
"You have until morning to make sure that Misao's belongings make it to my ship. Refusal to comply and you'll only fuel the fire. I will not make a compromise." And if an argument broke out, anja never hesitated. She expected for this to be followed by the librarian. // @xtherfriends​
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“Huh? Are you threatening me?? If Misao wants to leave Totto Land, she can’t leave alone. I... get she doesn’t want to see me, but I can’t just let her go running off anywhere!” Monty did have rules around here to upkeep. If it wasn’t going to be him, someone of the crew had to follow her at least.
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xamassed · 3 years ago
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「 @xtherfriends​  」
"You're beautiful." Lottie spoke softly as she stared at the blonde, almost with a look of enchantment. // (it's her.....it's lottie coming for sanji)
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He was in a similar situation, his adoring eyes focused solely on her and how mesmerizing she was. Chin in his hands, Sanji arched forward, his nose almost touching hers. “And you are utterly breath-taking, my dear. A true and honest vision. Every time I look at you, my heart feels lighter. How do you do it?”
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kittus-sideshow-shindig · 3 years ago
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“Is that an exasperated Misao I hear? Are you alright, dear?” Well would you look at that, a friendly Chiffon has appeared to approach her. She can make an educated guess on who ‘him’ is... It wasn’t that difficult. And knowing ‘him’, it was quite a conundrum here...
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"I just want......to be able to......get along with him-!!"
How does one win another's approval? Who knows!!! But she's been trying for a while!!
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selccuth · 3 years ago
@xtherfriends​​ sent:
"Can you BELIEVE Diamante?? I grace him all the time with my presence and he has the AUDACITY to indulge another girl that ISN'T me on his lap!!!" // Palmira @ lulu
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A provided file along hand talons, shifted to nails, ever the patient in listening to the woes of a succubus with competition. It would not be the first time, nor the last. There was hardly anyone quite as understanding, as open and supportive, as Lulubelle when faced with family. Even in multitasking there are words exchanged, paced though they may come, a comment for every check of a finely tipped talon ready to sink itself into another’s skin.
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❝ You know he has always been that way. ❞ A vision of color upon renewed paleness, casually going through palettes in the mind while their conversation holds. ❝ It is not only women. ❞ Remark made not with the intention to worsen the situation, though surely it would set the already ignited ablaze. She smiles with a cheekiness only the playful sort could ever master. ❝ There is nothing keeping you from copying the same hand he plays, you know... and yours is prettier. ❞
Chaos brewing, a humor shared between them for years at another’s expense. She considered herself among the kindly, merciful and without the sheer cruelty masked by potent charisma. But the griffin was playful, always aching to war with itself beneath a delicate balance, majestic yet feral. She finds herself inspired by actions of the past; The recollection of fun Diamante had relentlessly teasing his fellow suit had not gone unnoticed. ❝ You should consider finding another that respects your presence and honors your irreplaceable grace. I hear losing out on attention makes him rather upset. Wouldn’t that be a shame? ❞
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son-of-beast · 4 years ago
(Sorry if this is annoying, you can igoner me if you want, but are there any one piece roleplayers that you would reccomend checking out? Any character is fine.)
I'm not sure who you already know, but I'll give you a long list of blogs I've seen/know of lovely people with lovely muses. put under read more since this is long
nami's blogs are all amazing (im biased since she is my girlfriend <3 ) these are luazasvogel (King the Wildfire), squigglevogel (King's kids ocs), moondeluge (multimuse), onikanabo (Kaido), jooshugaberu (Big Mom), zahraalgernon (oc), somftchilds (oc), picavecalyx (oc) and she has a even more. Tons of good stuff here, can never go wrong with interacting with her. okay now i will list others.
postmortemlullabies (oc)
medicus-mortem (trafalgar law)
mediicusvitae (trafalgar lamy)
the-grumpy-guard (oc)
addisonmuses (multimuse)
littlemissleapyear (oc)
shibonzakura (tashigi)
monsieurprince (sanji)
muselexum (multimuse)
abyssusinvo (multimuse)
gardenersaim (usopp modern verse)
concasse (sanji modern verse)
videcoeur (multimuse)
umbrx (doflamingo)
taccendaa (oc)
logpcse (multimuse)
icyharpy (monet)
viciousbite (multimuse)
castaris (nami)
bloominghands (robin)
ephxmerall (multimuse)
chiarosxuro (doflamingo)
borsalika (kizaru)
tragicomors (multimuse)
chiikarimochi (katakuri)
tctidem (multimuse)
songbxrd (ocs)
xtherfriends (ocs)
wanos-greatest-beauty (komurasaki)
poisoned-pink (reiju)
distopea (multimuse)
regensia (multimuse)
shambledsurgeon (trafalgar law)
ikkaku-of-heard (ikkaku)
sicklexclaws (oc)
heavenlyborne (shalria)
akagamiko (shanks)
gemingjia (oc)
breezecall (multimuse)
onnagataizou (izou)
rosamygale (black maria)
nervionsailor (oc)
metalheaduo (multimuse)
conquiistador (doflamingo)
candymakcrs (multimuse)
abrupturn (multimuse)
one-piece-musings (multimuse)
and there's a ton more. the oprpc is very active and its up to you to reach out and interact with all of us. i also have a multi if you arent already following that at @kittus-sideshow-shindig that im also happy to interact with. i gave you a buncha blogs to check out.
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