#he also looks like Steve from blues clues to me
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Ok I know it's like not actually possible and we knows he's a human but I have been sticking to the theory Mr Martin is the devil and idk that music cue at the end of the episode is really fueling me
#school spirits#school spirits spoilers#Mr Martin#he also looks like Steve from blues clues to me#so when he said clues I was popping off
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Hi! Can I please request a Bucky x fem!reader where she is a mutant (from present day) with the ability to time travel, but she does not know how to control/use her powers, so she accidentally sends herself all the way back to the 40s and she doesn’t know how to send herself back. She meets Bucky and Steve and they quickly become her best friends and also take her in because she has no where to live (due to her time traveling there, but they don’t know that) and her and Bucky fall in love and get married. After losing both her husband, Bucky, and her best friend, Steve (she, like the rest of the world, has no clue either of them survived) her grief starts up her powers again and she finds herself back to present day, right smack dab in the middle of the Avengers HQ while they’re having a meeting about Bucky (this is after he has been captured, when Zemo is about to talk to him). The Avengers are 100% ready to fight this perceived threat that just came out of nowhere, but Steve, after taking a second to process (he is BAFFLED), realizes that this is one of his best friends, his other best friend’s wife, from the 40s, and Y/n just starts crying and throws herself into his arms because her best friend is alive 🥺 He’d be so shook to hear that she was never actually from the 40s, but from present day. Anyway, when Zemo triggers the Winter Soldier to come out, when Steve and Sam bring him to that warehouse and have his arm trapped so he can’t move, Y/n comes along with them and sees her husband (who she thought was dead) for the first time since the 40s (for her it hasn’t been that long though because she time traveled back to present day right after losing him and Steve, so the grief is fresh) and Bucky immediately starts crying because his wife is there 🥺 (Steve 100% knows right then and there that he’s speaking to Bucky, not Winter Soldier)
Together Again » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: 40s Bucky Barnes x Mutant/Enhanced!Female Reader with Pre Serum Steve Rogers, Husband!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Mutant/Enhanced!Reader with Steve Rogers/Captain America and the Avengers
Summary: Your somehow loose control with your time travel abilities and it sends you all the way to the 1940s and you end up meeting Bucky and Steve. After hearing the devastating news about your husband’s death and disappearance of your best friend, or so you thought, your abilities send you back to the time period you’re supposed to be in and find out your husband and best friend have been alive the whole time and you two are finally together again.
Warnings: Fluff, language, crying, kissing, pet names
A/N: Thank you for the beautifully detailed request @kpopgirlbtssvt 🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
GIFS ARE NOT MINE! Gif credits go to the creators.

You’re still trying to get used to having the ability to time travel. You don’t know how to control them yet and you ended up time traveling to a time period you’ve never been to. You looked around frantically. You were in an alleyway, but you don’t know where. You ran out of the alleyway to find something to tell you where you are and what time period you’re in. You looked around, seeing old cars and not as many businesses as the time period you’re supposed to be in.
“Ma’am?” You heard a voice from behind you.
You yelped and turned around, seeing two guys. One is a tall brunette and the other one is a blonde who’s about the same height as you. Both of them have blue eyes.
“Are you lost?” The brunette asks.
“Very. I’ve never been here before.” You say. “Can you guys tell me where I am?” You asked politely, trying to stay calm.
“Brooklyn, New York.” The blonde tells you.
“What year is it?” You asked curiously.
“You don’t know what year it is?” The brunette asks.
You shook your head no.
“It’s February 1941.” The brunette tells you.
Your eyes widened and your heart started to thud in your chest. You looked around, trying to gather your surroundings. That’s when you realized you were getting judgmental stares from anyone who walked past you.
“Why- Why’s everyone staring at me?” You asked.
“I think it’s because of what you’re wearing.” The blonde says.
You frowned and looked down at your outfit. You’re wearing a sweatshirt, black leggings, and your favorite sneakers. What’s wrong with that? Your mind was all over the place that you completely forgot that women in the 1940s don’t wear clothes like what you’re currently wearing.
“How about you come home with us so you’ll be warm and I’ll get you something to where?” The brunette suggests.
You stared at the two men for a few seconds before nodding your head. You walked with them, both of them on either side of you.
“What are your names?” You asked.
“I’m James, but everyone I know calls me Bucky.” Bucky introduces himself.
“And I’m Steve.” Steve introduces himself. “What’s your name?” He asks.
“Y/N.” You tell them.
When you got to their apartment, you looked around and sat down on the couch, nervously played with your fingers.
“Bucky will be back in a little bit. He went to his parents house to see what his sister has for you to wear.” Steve says, handing you a glass of water.
You smiled and accepted the glass of water.
“You don’t talk much, do you?” He says.
You nodded.
“It’s ok. I understand. I used to be like that before Bucky and I became friends.” He says.
You smiled at how understanding Steve is. You and Steve maintained a great conversation till Bucky got home.
“My sister gave me a few options for you to choose from.” Bucky handed you a few hangers of outfits. “You can change in my bedroom. It’s at the end of the hall.” He says.
You smiled and went to Bucky’s bedroom. You laid the outfits on his bed and looked at them, trying to decide which one you should wear. You settled with a floral skirt with a matching short sleeved blouse. You put it on and looked down at it, smoothing it out with your hands. You went back to the living room.
“What do you guys think?” You asked.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” Steve compliments with a smile.
Bucky’s jaw dropped. He was stunned by your beauty. He’s never seen a woman as beautiful as you.
“What do you think, Bucky?” You asked.
Bucky is still stunned. Steve poked his cheek to get his attention. He swatted his hand away, making you giggle.
“You’re drop dead gorgeous, doll.” Bucky finally compliments.
“Thank you.” You blushed.
A smile formed on Bucky’s face the more he looked at you. He knew he that you, him, and Steve are going to be great friends. Actually, Bucky wants more with you. He can see a future with you.
Shortly after that day, Bucky and Steve let you move in with them. You still haven’t told them that you have the ability to time travel and you’re not actually from that time period. You have a feeling that they won’t believe you. You might as well be honest with them and tell them.
“Bucky? Steve? I need to tell you guys something.” You say nervously.
“What is it, doll?” Bucky asks.
“I haven’t told you guys everything about me.” You say.
“What do you mean?” Steve asks.
“Promise you guys will believe me?” You asked.
They nodded.
“I’m not actually supposed to be in this time period.” You tell them.
“Of course you do, doll.” Bucky put a comforting hand on your knee. “You belong here.” He says softly.
“That’s sweet of you to say, Bucky, but I’m serious. I’m not actually supposed to be in the 1940’s.” You say.
“If you think you’re not supposed to be in our time period, what time period do you think you’re supposed to be in?” Steve asks.
“In between the 2010s and 2020s.” You say.
Bucky’s and Steve’s eyes went wide when they heard those years.
“You’re supposed to be almost 100 years in the future?” Steve asks.
You nodded.
“The only way you’d get from the future all the way back here is time travel.” Bucky says.
You stared at them, waiting for them to realize it, in which they did. Both of them had shocked looks on their faces.
“Did you use a Time Machine to get here?” Steve asks.
“Not exactly.” You answered. “The time period where I’m supposed to be in has superpowers and abilities. Those who have superpowers or abilities are enhanced or mutants.” You explained.
“Which one are you?” He asks.
“I’m a mutant.” You tell them.
“You don’t look like a mutant.” Bucky says.
“You look like a normal human like us.” Steve says.
“Thank you, guys.” You smiled.
“Which do you have? Superpowers or abilities?” Bucky asks.
“Abilities.” You answered.
“What are your abilities?” He asks.
“I have the ability to time travel, but I don’t know how to control them.” You explained. “So now, I guess I’m stuck here.” You say.
Bucky’s and Steve’s minds are completely blown right now. They always thought that superpowers and abilities were fictional in the books they’ve read. They would’ve never guessed that they’re real.
“Do you guys believe me?” You asked nervously.
“Of course we do, doll.” Bucky smiles.
You smiled and hugged them.
A few weeks go by and you’re still getting used to life in the 1940s. Bucky and Steve are making it easier for you to adjust to this time period. Also, you’ve started to develop a crush on Bucky. Bucky has the same crush on you as well.
“Hey, Bucky. What’re you reading?” You asked, walking in his bedroom and sat down on his bed next to him.
“Reading The Hobbit.” Bucky says.
You couldn’t help but giggle.
“What’re you laughing about, doll face?” He asks in a playful voice.
“You reading The Hobbit.” You giggled again. “That makes you a nerd.” You joked playfully.
“There’s no need for name calling, doll.” He says, still sounding playful.
“What’re you going to do about it, James?” You playfully taunted.
Bucky grabbed you, pulling you onto his lap and started tickling you. You giggled and squirmed on his lap.
“Bucky, st-stop!” You giggled.
“Nope! This is what you get for calling me a nerd.” He says.
“You- You didn’t let me fin-finish.” You laughed. “I-I think you’re a cute nerd.” You say.
Bucky stopped tickling you. You laid across his lap, trying to catch your breath.
“You’re cute too, babydoll.” Bucky says softly, gently cupping your cheek.
“Really? Even if I’m a mutant?” You asked.
“Yes.” He whispers.
Silence filled the bedroom. You and Bucky gazed in each other’s eyes. You sat upright and sat next to him. You leaned in at the same time as Bucky. You two kissed passionately. His lips felt so soft against yours. You and Bucky were breathless when he pulled away.
“Woah…” You say, completely speechless.
Bucky chuckles lightly. He then cups your cheek.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” Bucky asks softly.
“Yes.” You smiled.
Bucky smiles and pecks your lips a few times.
“I can’t believe we’re married.” You say, staring at the ring on your finger.
“You better believe it, doll. This is our life now.” Bucky smiles. “Mrs. Barnes.” He says softly.
“Mr. Barnes.” You say with a smile.
“Do you have to go?” You asked.
“You know I have to, doll.” Bucky whispers, gently caressing your cheek.
“I’m going to miss you.” You whispered, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Bucky kissed you softly and sweetly.
“I’ll be home before you know it, babydoll.” He whispers.
“I love you, James.” You whispered.
“I love you too, doll.” He whispers back.
“Stevie!” You smiled happily when you opened the door.
“Hi, Y/N.” Steve says.
You hugged him tightly. You looked outside, expecting Bucky to be with Steve, but he wasn’t which confused you.
“Where’s Bucky?” You asked, looking at Steve.
Steve looks down and sighs, dreading that he has to tell you what he’s about to tell you.
“Y/N…” He begins softly.
“No.” You said. “I know what you’re about to say. Bucky is not dead.” You say, your voice cracking.
“I’m so sorry, but he is.” He says.
“He said he’d come home to me!” You cried.
Steve wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly.
“Tell me how he died.” You say.
“He- he fell off a train. I tried to get him, but he fell before I could get to him.” Steve tells you, his voice cracking. “I’m so sorry.” He whispers.
Steve couldn’t stay after that. He had to go back to the Army. You laid in bed, trying to process your husband’s death. You gazed at the picture of you and him on yours and his wedding day. Your bottom lip quivered and a loud cry left your lips. That’s when a bright light lit up the bedroom…
The Avengers were having a meeting about the Sokovia Accords when you appeared in the room. You were on the floor, crying in the fetal position. The Avengers were alarmed when they seen you and they stood up from their seats.
“Ma’am?” Steve slowly approached you. “Are you ok? Are you injured?” He asks.
You quickly recognized that voice. You know that voice. Your crying stopped and your eyes shot open. You sat up, seeing your best friend.
“Steve?” You asked.
“Y/N?” Steve asks.
You stood up from the floor and ran over to him, hugging him tightly.
“You’re alive.” You whispered.
You and Steve stood there hugging while the Avengers stared at you two in confusion. They cleared their throats to get yours and his attention.
“Who is she, Steve?” Natasha asks.
“This is Y/N. She’s Bucky’s wife. She has the ability to time travel. She’s actually from this time period.” Steve tells them.
Tears rolled down your cheeks and your bottom lip quivered when you heard your husband’s name. Steve excused himself and took you to a different room to talk.
“I have something to tell you and it may come to you as a shock, but I’m telling the truth when I say this.” Steve begins.
You sniffled, waiting for him to continue.
“Bucky is alive.” He tells you.
Your eyes went wide.
“But- but told me he was dead.” You say.
“I thought he was, but I seen him.” He says.
“When?” You asked.
“Not too long ago.” He says.
“Take me to him.” You say.
“I will once I figure out where he is. I promise.” He says.
“Why did you bring me to an abandoned building in a different country?” You asked Steve.
“Bucky is in here. I brought him here.” Steve says.
You looked in the room Bucky is in, gasping when you seen Bucky. You went to run to him, but Steve grabbed your arm before you could get to your husband.
“Steve, he’s waking up.” Sam informs him.
Steve walks toward Bucky with you and Sam following behind him. You stayed hidden behind Steve. Bucky frowns when he noticed that his metal arm was wedged in some kind of machine.
“Which Bucky am I talking to?” Steve asks him.
“Your mom’s name is Sarah and you used to wear newspapers in your shoes.” Bucky says.
You smiled to yourself when you finally heard your husband’s voice for the first time in a while. You stepped out from behind Steve.
“James?” You asked.
“Doll?” Bucky whispers. “Is that really you?” He asks.
Bucky thought he was hallucinating for a second.
“Yes.” You confirmed softly.
Bucky somehow managed to get his metal arm out of the machine. He stood up and walked over to you. Steve stands in between you and him, just to be sure he was in Winter Soldier mode.
“Steve, please.” Bucky’s voice cracks and his eyes tear up. “Let me hug my wife.” He pleads softly.
Steve looked in Bucky’s eyes, seeing his best friend and not the Winter Soldier. He stepped aside, allowing Bucky to approach you. Bucky hugged you tightly. He broke down in tears and so did you.
“We’ll give you guys a moment.” Steve says.
Steve and Sam left the room, leaving you and Bucky alone. Bucky cupped your cheeks and kissed you passionately. Your hands clutched the fabric of his henley, melting into his touch.
“I missed you more than anything, babydoll.” Bucky whispers against your lips.
“I missed you more.” You whispered back.
Bucky wrapped his arms around you, holding you against him.
“I love you so much, James.” You whispered.
“I love you more, babydoll.” He murmurs softly. “I’m never leaving you again. I promise.” He whispers, kissing the top of your head.
-Bucky’s Doll
#sergeant james buchanan barnes#sergeant james barnes#sergeant barnes#james buchanan bucky barnes#james buchanan barnes#james bucky barnes#james barnes#bucky barnes#40s bucky barnes#40s bucky#winter soldier#sebastian stan#sebby stan#seb stan#sebastian stan characters#avengers#marvel#mcu#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes x enhanced!reader#bucky barnes x wife!reader#40s bucky barnes x reader#40s bucky x reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes one shot#bucky barnes imagine#mutant!reader
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Part One Two
“I’m really sorry,” Steve is saying before Eddie has the door fully open, but it makes Eddie smile. It feels like Steve has started saying ‘I’m sorry,’ instead of ‘hello’ as a matter of course.
It’s Sunday afternoon though, and Eddie isn’t cooking anything and Steve isn’t holding an empty plate, so Eddie has no clue what Steve could be sorry for this time.
“Could you come and help me with something? It’ll just take two moments.”
“Sure thing,” Eddie agrees easily, slipping on his adventure crocs and following Steve down the hall.
Eddie follows Steve into and then through his apartment into the small bedroom. It’s a two bed apartment, the same as Eddie’s. Eddie uses his spare room to store his guitars. He has a desk in there too; a place to write and paint his miniatures and do guitar maintenance.
It’s a nursery. It’s cute, animal themed. The ceiling is painted powder blue, which drops down onto the walls about a foot before ending in a neatly done scalloped edge. The walls are white, but have cloud shapes printed on them in the same blue. There are random tufts of painted grass popping up from the floor; some with flowers. The rocker and the other furniture, including crib and chest of drawers, are all painted the same green, and the blinds are green jungle, with elephants and big cats and monkeys hiding amongst the leaves. A lot of the soft things are yellow and white, and Eddie has not a fucking clue as to the sex of Steve’s pup, so he asks as much.
Steve smiles, “I don’t know. I didn’t want to know. I like surprises.”
“Huh. Well. I’m always the one shaking the gifts at Christmas, but I do love a surprise too. What did you need?”
“We have the fixings for the mobile there ready, but I clean forgot about it until now, and I’m too big to stretch up there. Didn’t do it at the time because we were moving furniture and I was frightened I’d break it.”
“Okay sure,” Eddie takes the dangly parts of the mobile; cute little moons and stars and sun shapes, and fixes it to the bit already attached to the ceiling. It’s nice, and easy to figure out, but it does hang low so he gets what Steve means.
He also sees why Steve can’t reach; he seems to have suddenly gotten even bigger over the last week, and he's also only been wearing these sort of loose shift dresses, like a blouse, a button up, and a tent had a horrendous love child.
He looks gorgeous though. Eddie always thought pregnancy must be pretty fucking miserable; your body betraying you almost. Needing to pee all the time, unreasonable hormones. Cravings. Morning sickness. Odd shit happening all over the place. Eddie always figured telling pregnant people that they’re ‘glowing’ was just a nice thing people said to make them feel better during what must be a pretty shitty nine months.
Not with Steve though. Steve’s actually glowing. Not like literally glowing but...he’s beautiful, and Eddie suddenly understands what all the fuss is about.
Steve clears his throat. Right. Right okay, Eddie’s creepy staring, “so I was going to make chicken parm again tonight, since I know you like it and it’s been a bit...do you maybe want to get out the apartment and come to another, slightly different, apartment?”
Steve laughs a little, looking at where his hands cradle his bump, before looking back up, cheeks pink, “I think I’d like that.”
Eddie’s laid the table as nice as he can. He snagged a little bunch of daisy looking things out of the garden and shoved them in a mug, just because he remembered Steve’s little daffodil.
He doesn’t own place mats, but he does dig out a table cloth he usually only uses for games night; it’s black, but it’s clean.
Steve settles himself at the table and Eddie goes and gets dinner, he can’t help but notice Steve shift in his seat, wincing.
“You okay?”
Steve hums, “been getting funny back pain, but it’s all normal. Could be anything really, just the weight of the baby, or maybe they are leaning on my sciatic nerve. It’s all fine. Nearly done now.”
Steve takes the first bite of his dinner and hums appreciatively. It makes Eddie warm inside, a little tickle of his brain releasing happy chemicals. Omega is being fed. Omega is safe and happy.
Eddie tells it to fuck off.
“So you’re due soon?” Which feels like he;s stating the obvious, Steve is the size of a tiny moon.
Eddie makes a noise, startled, then nearly chokes on a string of spaghetti, “excuse me,” he manages to get out, before drinking half his water, Steve looking half concerned and more than a little amused from the other side of the table. “Tomorrow?” Eddie asks weakly.
Steve nods, chewing and swallowing before he answers, “the due date is tomorrow, but it’s the norm really for first pups to go over that, even more normal with male Omega, don’t worry, it’s fine. Although it should be soon, I passed the mucus plug yesterday.”
Eddie nearly chokes again, “the what?” he tries his best not to sound too horrified.
“Oh. Sorry, you probably don't want to hear about the uhm, the kind of gross stuff.”
“No, no, of course it’s fine what is...uhm...that?” And Eddie is fully prepared to regret acquiring this cursed knowledge. He doesn’t even know what it is and he’s already eyeing his spaghetti sauce dubiously. For Steve though...he will learn about the gross stuff.
“Oh, well, when you’re pregnant you get sort of this...lump of...gacky stuff and blood. You don’t have periods when you’re pregnant usually, so it kind of protects everything from infection getting in and stuff like that.”
Eddie takes a deep breath and lets it out, blowing up his bangs, and makes himself eat his dinner normally, “fair enough, but that means you’re...kinda’ close?”
“Well, kinda’. Robin’s spending this morning with her girlfriend and then this afternoon sorting her place out. She’ll be over later, she’s moving in until the pups a week old or so, just make sure I’m okay.”
“She’s...a really good friend, right?” It warms Eddie to know Steve has someone like that in his life.
“Yeah...she’s been there with me through everything. Every appointment, all the classes, everything. Even when I decided I wanted to do this it was...it was right after yet another crappy breakup, you know. She could have said all the sensible things about maybe it's not the right time yet, or that I should...think about it. You know, all that things that would have been totally reasonable for her to say but I'd just...I’d just had enough of waiting and she said she’d support me whatever, and that was that. She’s the best.”
Steve shifts again, putting down his cutlery to try and stretch his back out, hissing with pain, “you sure you’re okay?” Eddie asks, concerned.
“Yeah, fine I think,” Steve bends forward then, gripping the edge of the table and breathing out harshly through his nose, “oh that felt weird.”
Eddie’s up and coming around the table before he can stop himself, hovering his hands, not sure if it’s okay to touch, “Steve?”
“I...oh. Oh gosh I’m so sorry Eddie,” Steve stands cautiously revealing a very clear wet patch on the seat.
“I...that’s fine,” Eddie squeaks out, “are you...is this. Is that…?”
“Yeah, pretty sure my water just broke. And I really wanted that chicken parm,” Steve sighs.
“I can make it again,” Eddie says reflexively, “kind of feel like there’s bigger things to think about what should- like can I help? What do we do?”
Eddie finds himself, very strangely, not panicking. Like, well, maybe a little, but not an uncontrollable amount. Which now he’s here that’s a really nice surprise.
“I’ll just call Robbie, and then will you walk me home?”
And Eddie had maybe had inappropriate thoughts about walking Steve home so he could steal a kiss, not whatever this is. But. Still. “Of course.”
Steve smiles at him with his phone next to his ear, “it’s go time Birdie. Oh, what was I supposed to say? Code red? The eagle is...leaving? I can’t remember, you couldn’t make your mind up about the-” Steve hisses, bending to lean on the table, “yep, yep, see you soon.”
Steve hangs up, telling Eddie she’s on her way as they walk down the hall, dinner abandoned on the table. Steve chooses to stand, walking little laps back and forth along the back of the couch, “is there anything I can do?”
“My bag and car seat are in the nursery, if you don’t mind grabbing those?” Eddie does, putting Steve’s things right by the door, “oh, and a towel, from the bathroom? I don’t want to make a mess in Rob’s car.”
“Sure thing,” Eddie grabs a bath towel from there, and puts it on top, just as Steve’s phone starts ringing.
Eddie can practically feel it when Steve tenses up, his scent turning bitter with distress. Despite what’s going on, Steve’s scent hadn’t changed at all until now, “your car won’t start?”
He sounds terrified.
“I. Yeah. Okay. I can wait I’ll- okay.”
“Okay?” Steve shakes his head, eyes suddenly wet, he looks like he’s biting back tears and Eddie can’t stop himself from going to him.
“She’s got to wait for Chrissy to get to her place and pick her up, then they’ll come over,” Eddie has to make this better. He has to.
“Okay, how about this, me and you go now, I’ll take you, and they can meet you there? That’ll make it faster right?”
“I mean, I’m not...I mean labor can take hours and hours, I’m being silly I just- Eddie I’m a bit scared. She was supposed to be here, it’s a bit too soon.”
They end up holding hands, which Eddie’s kind of thrilled about even if Steve is squeezing the life out of him, “would you feel better if you were waiting at the hospital?”
Steve bites his lip, clearly torn, “are you sure you don’t mind?”
“I’ll get my keys.”
Part Four
#eddie munson#steve harrington#stranger things#steddie#pre getting together#pre steddie#dustin henderson#omega steve harrington#alpha eddie munson#ao3 author#ficlet#ao3 writer#mpreg
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Avengers : Age Of Ultron ft. Static (3) | s.r
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: Idk what this is called. Ego stroking and Fluff?
Summary: The question of the hour is, who is Y/n Stark's favorite Avenger? Is it Tony Stark, The Iron Man, her brother? Or Steve Rogers, Captain America, her boyfriend? Everyone's dying to find out.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, yet to be codenamed—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Drinking, Cursing, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Past Trauma, Mentions of Bullying
a/n: there is a chunk in there about tony that i absolutely loved writing the shit out of. so tell me what you think, please. comment!
Avengers : Age of Ultron ft. Static (2) | Avengers : Age of Ultron ft. Static (4) | Series Masterlist | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
When Y/n and Steve walk in, most of the guests have dwindled away. Leaving only the Avengers in the room.
Bruce is sitting on the couch, leaning over to talk to Natash on the armchair to his left. On Bruce’s other side sits Sam, on the backrest of the couch and below him is Clint, on the floor, fiddling with drum sticks—which she has absolutely no clue about the origins of. Maria’s right there next to him, on the floor, heels abandoned to the side. Tony’s standing by the bar, pouring a couple drinks, she’s presuming for himself and her. Rhodey’s taken the seat on Maria’s right, meanwhile Thor’s half lying on the couch opposite Clint and Maria.
However, the best addition to all this is Helen Cho, sleeping peacefully in one corner of the room, while the rest of them chat away.
“Hey, hotshot!” Sam yells the moment he spots her. “Who’s your favorite Avenger?”
“I heard you put your money on Tony,” she throws back very easily as she walks over to meet Tony at the bar. Steve, on the other hand, seats himself between Rhodey and Thor. “Worried you’ll lose?”
Before Sam can respond, however, Natasha speaks up, “Oh, he’s definitely losing.”
Y/n and Tony share a smile as he offers her the drink, then together, they head back to the centre of the room and join these crazy kids at the table.
“Why, Romanoff, you seem mighty confident for a girl who calls me a puzzle she can’t solve,” Y/n remarks, taking a seat on the armchair next to Thor while Tony sits down next to Rhodey. “Who’d you pick?” She knows the answer, she just wants to hear it. Stirring shit up is afterall, a Stark’s favorite family bonding activity.
Natasha makes a face like it should be fucking obvious. “Steve,” she says.
“Ah,” Y/n nods. “You think those baby blues work on me in the bedroom, so they must work on the field too?”
“No,” she counters with a smile. “I’ve seen the look in your eyes when you talk about him, not just Steve Rogers, the boyfriend but Steve Rogers, The Captain America. You admire him.” She adjusts herself to look right at Y/n as she adds, “You might be a puzzle I can’t solve, but I know this much, the baby blues work wonders on you. He’s it for you.”
The statement made is utterly true, and it makes Y/n want to look over at Steve for his reaction. But she’s frankly very afraid of what that might be, so chooses not to. Instead she barely sets her glass down to respond before Clint points a drumstick at her like it’s a gavel of absolute judgment.
“Baby blues can take a damn hike. It’s definitely Tony,” he declares, spinning the stick between his fingers. “It’s the law. Blood over boyfriends.”
“First of all,” Rhodey cuts in, with a cunning smirk, “we don’t even know if she picked anyone.”
“Please,” Sam scoffs. “That smile? That’s the smile of someone who’s already made a choice and is just waiting for us to catch up.”
She does smile. Because he’s right.
“Exactly,” Thor agrees, raising his drink like he’s toasting her superior intellect. “And the answer is clear! The bond of siblings is forged in the stars. Little Stark would never betray her brother.”
“Okay, first of all—” Tony interjects, pointing dramatically, “thank you, Point Break. Second, she would betray me, but only if it were funny.”
She raises her glass to him in silent agreement.
“That’s adorable,” Bruce says dryly, “but the answer is Steve.”
Hill hums. “Yeah, no. I’m gonna have to side with the Norse God on this one.”
“Exactly!” Clint inflates, seeing the tides turn his way again. “You can’t just disregard decades of Stark sibling history for some—” he gestures vaguely at Steve, “—muscles and morality situation.”
Steve, who’s been quietly sipping his drink, raises a brow. “Some muscles and morality situation?”
“I mean… accurate,” Y/n muses.
It makes Steve turn to her and pass a look.
‘Really?’ he asks her wordlessly. ‘Really.’ she replies with a smile.
The exchange goes unnoticed by the rest, who are still dead set on their debate.
“See?” Natasha smirks. “It’s Steve.”
Sam shakes his head. “No, no, no. Y’all are forgetting the key factor—who puts up with Y/n’s bullshit more?”
“Tony,” Clint says immediately.
“Steve,” Natasha counters, just as fast.
Bruce lifts a hand. “Steve literally chose this. Tony was born into it.”
“Oh, so it’s voluntary suffering that makes someone her favorite?” Maria deadpans. “That’s the logic we’re going with?”
“You’re acting like loving Y/n is some great hardship,” Tony says, putting a hand to his chest like a martyr. “It’s not, okay? It’s a privilege. A spectacular pain in the ass, but a privilege.”
Steve snorts into his drink. She just winks at him.
Bruce sits up then, “If we’re going purely by scientific method—”
“No one asked for science, Doc,” Sam cuts in.
Bruce is undeterred. “—she gravitates toward Cap in high-stress situations. It’s a subconscious preference.”
She tilts her head, intrigued. “That a fact, Doc?”
“It’s an observable pattern,” Bruce nods.
Tony scoffs. “Or, and hear me out, it’s just that Steve’s built like a brick wall and happens to be standing in the way most of the time.”
Steve sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I’m right here.”
Rhodey, having had enough, finally leans forward, aiming to end the debate. “You’re all wrong, by the way.”
That gets the room’s attention.
“Oh, this should be good,” Tony says. “Go on, War Machine. Who do you think it is?”
Rhodey smirks. “Neither of you two, that’s for sure,” he states with finality.
“How’d you figure that?” Steve asks, curious.
“‘Cause whenever you tell her to pick favorites, she answers with the most out of pocket shit—for instance, you ask her what her favorite Star Wars is, and you’d think she’ll say Empire or Return of the Jedi, right?” Everyone nods. Rhodey just shakes his head and looks at her, encouraging her to answer.
“A New Hope,” she obliges.
Groans sound out across the room, with complaints to boot.
But Rhodey smiles triumphant. “See?” He takes a sip of his drink, “It’s neither of you, trust me.”
“This proves nothing,” Clint counters. “Other than the fact that she has questionable taste—which seems to be the pattern,” he says looking at Steve.
Steve sighs, put upon. “You didn’t even know we were dating until an hour ago.”
“Which is absolutely wild to me,” Y/n chimes in. “You thought the kiss I gave him after the mission was purely platonic? Or did you think I kiss all the Avengers like that?”
“I knew you guys had a thing! I just missed the part where you made it official,” Clint defends.
“We’re getting sidetracked,” Sam butts in.
“Despite being hopelessly blind, Barton’s logic is sound,” Thor says then. “Choice made in Midgardian movies holds no bearing whatsoever on her choice of favorite Avenger.”
“You know what? We could go back and forth on this till the cows come home,” Tony states. “Let’s get right to the source instead.” He turns to her with a smirk and anticipation clear in his eyes. “Ready for it, Stark? Question of the hour…” the anticipation builds. “Who is your favorite Avenger?”
She lets the question hang in the air for a second, taking the time to leisurely sip her drink.
But then she looks up at him between her lashes and says, “Sorry, handsome.”
Steve, as expected, is gracious in his defeat. His head falls, as if he’d seen this coming a mile away, but he doesn’t quit smiling. She apologises to him silently with her eyes, and he forgives her all the same.
Tony, however, is anything but gracious in his presumed victory.
“Before you start celebrating—it’s not you either, dickhead,” she speaks up, putting a damper on Tony’s celebration howl.
He turns to face her instantly, “Then who the fuck is it?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Y/n asks, only to be met with silence. So, she answers her own question, “It’s Widow.”
“Out of pocket shit,” Rhodey reiterates, with a winning grin.
“Bullshit!” Tony slumps. “That’s a diplomatic answer you just made up, to avoid picking between the two of us,” he says, pointing from himself to Steve.
Y/n makes a face, “You wish.” Her tone is standoffish enough to get Tony off her back immediately. She takes another sip of her drink, having accomplished that goal. “She’s the only woman on the team and she’s one who keeps all you miscreants in check… which while not an easy feat, is not why she’s my favorite Avenger.”
“Alright,” Sam chimes in. “I’ll bite,” he announces, as if he’s volunteering to be the sacrificial lamb. “Why is she your favorite Avenger?”
She smiles. “You boys…” she begins. “You had greatness thrust upon you…” she looks around the room, just for good measure. “She stole it.” She takes another swig—takes her time with it too. “Please understand,” she begins, meaning every word, “I’m not trying to negate the fact that you guys had to go through some real fucking horrible shit to get to where you are today. I’m not just proud, but grateful to be associated with each and every single person in this room.” She needs to make sure that they mean it, so she pauses to let them soak in the words. And then adds, “But she’s different.”
She clicks her tongue, “I mean, she’s done her fair share of bad things. I’ve read her files and man, it’s really not good—some of it is bordering on grotesque. Frankly, I am surprised they didn’t redact more shit then they already had—”
She’s cut off by the voice of someone clearing their throat.
Her eyes fly to meet the offending party only to come up with a smile.
Natasha’s looking at her intently, face completely and utterly unreadable.
“But,” Y/n says then. “But…” She licks her lips, and straightens, and addresses Natasha directly when she begins anew, “To be able to face your past… to look back at your history, so marred and maimed by your misdeeds… and then to say ‘To hell with it. I am going to be good, now’, that—that takes the kind of courage that only someone with balls of steel could accomplish.” Her smile slips out, she can’t help it.
When she looks around, the rest of the team is smiling too.
She composes herself. “The way I see it… being good—is not inherent…” Her eyes meet Steve’s as she adds with a smirk, “Unless you’re Steve fucking Rogers…” Steve smiles back at her. “It’s a choice you make,” she states, tone far more grim, a stark contrast to the one she’s used thus far. “Every single day, with every single decision.” She swallows thickly with the weight of her words. After a beat, she scoffs—a little self-deprecatingly, “So, I’m not gonna sit here and say being good is easy—it really fucking isn’t, especially when it counts.” She knows that just as well, if not better than most of the people in this room. “But it is easier when you’ve been taught the difference between right and wrong,” she tells all of them. “She wasn’t. She chose to learn it, all by her lonesome… and then she stuck to it… And that is why, she is my favorite Avenger.”
There is a stunned yet warm silence in the room.
She can tell that everyone’s taking in her words, running it in their heads again, just to grasp it better. So, she lets it hang.
Tony, obviously, is the one who breaks it, “My God, that was a great answer. I—I mean, fuck! That was eloquent and emotional and very well thought out, and now I just feel like an asshole.”
“Don’t have to feel like an asshole, Stark,” she says leaning back into her chair. “You already are one.”
Tony just rolls her eyes at that. “Eat a dick, Halle Berry.”
She chuckles at that.
“I don’t mean this as an insult but,” Bruce pipes up, “I’ve never seen you like this before. I didn’t think you could…” He cuts himself off, clearly at a loss for the right word.
“Emote?” She supplies.
“Yes,” Bruce agrees immediately.
She snorts. “Yeah, well. I can…”
“Just takes a few drinks for her to get there,” Tony adds on with a cheeky smile as he comes to sit opposite to her on the couch next to Steve.
Clint’s instantly on alert. He pretends to cover his mouth and whisper-yells at Sam, “Get the woman a refill!” Sam, always happy to have a big emotional moment, obliges eagerly. It makes her roll her eyes with a smile. “Hey, Y/n?”
“Yes, Clint?”
“What do you think of me?”
The question shocks her a bit, she won’t lie. Clint and her interactions have been few and far between. She’s not holding that against the dude as such, seeing as the only time they ‘hang out’ is during a mission. It is a fucking fact. She can’t run away from it either.
“You really wanna know, Barton?”
“I’m asking, aren’t I?” Clint throws back at her while Sam offers him a fresh glass, a repeat of her drink.
With a wordless thanks bid to Sam she turns back to look at Clint.
And she can tell, he’s expecting something standoffish. A joke, maybe? But yeah, she can tell he thinks it’ll be a throwaway compliment at best and a complete dismantling of his worst habits at worst.
Well, isn’t it great then that she absolutely loves proving people wrong.
She sits up again, “No one asked you to do this.” The statement kicks the smug look off of his face instantly. Fucker, she thinks to herself, a little triumphantly. “You spent a long time in Black Ops, so taking up the S.H.I.E.L.D. gig would have been an easy choice, but no one ever asked you to go fight aliens.” She almost jumps in her seat, her words emphatic, “Especially, when their leader had mindfucked you seven ways to Sunday! No one would have held it against you if you decided to just take a day.” She clicks her tongue, “But you didn’t. You got back up and you fought fucking aliens.” She looks him straight in the eyes, “You’re just a man, Barton, and you fight with Gods… to most people that makes you a hero, but to me that makes you a terrifying role model.” Y/n can clearly see the moment that the words hit Clint with their full force. She thinks she can even see his chest cave with the weight of them. “You keep this team grounded. You keep ‘em human. You keep ‘em together.”
For a second.
Then another.
And then, “Fuck!” Clint exclaims. “I mean… No, yeah. I mean, fuck. Cause, fuck!” Y/n laughs. “I thought you didn’t even like me.”
Her face falls instantly. “Why the fuck wouldn’t I like you?”
“I don’t know?” Clint defends, poorly. “You don’t talk to me.”
Her nose scrunches up. “No, you don’t talk to me.”
“I talk to you plenty!”
“You really don’t,” Natasha chimes in, looking at Clint over the top of her beer bottle.
“I don’t?” Clint looks around the room for an answer. And everyone replies promptly by either looking away awkwardly or a stern shake of their heads. “Fuck! I’m sorry. I just thought that you didn’t like me. But… That was—what you said…” Oh shit, the fucker’s about to get serious. His brow is scrunching up. “What you said means a lot to me. Thank you… And I’m sorry. I’m gonna—I’m gonna talk to you more now.”
She tries her best not to laugh as she replies, “Can’t wait.”
“Do Banner next,” Clint says, pointing to Bruce.
“No, no, no, no, no. Don’t drag me into this. This is Barton’s—” Bruce is cut off.
“Too late, Bruce.”
Bruce looks at her and then exhales. “No chance of me getting out of this?”
“None whatsoever,” she tells him solemnly.
“So I have to do this?”
He closes his eyes, shakes his head slightly and finally lets a small smile slip out. “Fine…” He stares her down, “Hit me.”
He’s expecting the worst.
So why not hit him with it?
“You are a monster.”
At that, Bruce physically deflates, he collapses in on himself. “This is exactly why I didn’t want to do this.”
He’s not gonna get off that easy.
“You went to try and recreate a serum that made Captain America and instead you got turned into a raging, big green guy who has no understanding of ‘tasteful nudity’. Fuck, man. My heart bleeds for your wardrobe alone…” She can hear quiet chuckles from around the room. But then she tilts her head, looking him over. Sensing the shift in her demeanor, Bruce meets her gaze. “Anyone else would have taken it as the hit that it was and gotten… angry.” Bruce smiles at the pun. “Gotten angry at the world, angry at life, angry at everything… And I mean, who the fuck would have blamed you? You had every right to be angry. Because how the fuck is fair to be dealt a hand as shit as that, when they are someone as kind as you?” She thinks her words over, fidgeting with the glass in her hand. “I won’t comment on your struggles with the Hulk, I wasn’t there so it’s not my place. From what little I do know, I can imagine it wasn’t an easy time for you. I can—I can sympathise with that… But you took the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone and moulded it as such that now you use it to help people, to protect them. To be a hero.”
“I’m not—”
She cuts him off again, “I know you don’t see that in yourself, but I do, okay? I look at you and I see a hero. So does everyone else in this room.” She gives Bruce a moment—to look around at his team, who look back at him with the same faith that she’s speaking of. He seems a little too fucking surprised to see it. “And I don’t just mean that as the Hulk. Because you’re not just the green guy.” She levels him with a stern look. “I’m also talking about Banner, the guy with seven fucking PhDs.”
Bruce blushes.
He stares at his hands as he replies, “Well, Y/n… I really do appreciate the fact that you didn’t forget my seven PhDs.”
She can’t help it, she laughs. So do the rest.
“I know you don’t believe me but—”
Now it’s Bruce who cuts her off. “It’s probably the kindest thing anyone’s ever said to me, Y/n. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” She takes a large sip from her drink.
“I volunteer to be next,” Thor speaks up, glass in hand.
And who is she to say no to that? “As you wish, your highness.”
“Come on, Little Stark, let’s see what you’ve got.”
She smiles. “This isn’t your fucking planet, dude.” The big man is left confused. It makes her smile widen. “This isn’t your fucking planet, we are not your people, this is not your kingdom. You are neither obligated to fight for us, nor were you asked to… You could have just looked the other way. Ignored your brother’s annoying cry for attention and let this planet fend for itself, but you didn’t. Fuck, more than that, you kept coming—you keep coming back, helping in any way you can to help us fix things, even when it’s not your job to…”
Her eyes turn to his hammer, “That hammer of yours—you say it can only be picked up when you’re worthy, and sure, Odin’s seal of approval on you is great and all but—” her gaze fly up to meet his, “I don’t know him. So—and I mean no offense here—but him saying you’re worthy, means fuckall to me. All I know is that to me, you’re a God because you never turn away from someone asking for help. No matter where you are, no matter who it is—if they ask for a helping hand, they can always, always count on yours. That is what makes you worthy, and what will surely make you a great King.”
Thor sniffles.
He fucking sniffles.
Her eyes widen in surprise, so much so that she forgets to quip.
“A great King, you say? Well, if that ever happens, remind me to put you in charge of all my public speeches,” he says, eyes a little misty.
“Sure, yeah,” she answers, unsure of herself. “Whatever you want, big guy.” She never thought she was going to make the God of Thunder cry.
“You made the God of Thunder cry!” Sam states, a little astonished.
“I am not crying!”
She ignores Thor completely, “And it’s your turn next, Birdman.”
“What? No! I’m not even an Avenger!” He comes to his seat atop the backrest next to Bruce.
“How the fuck does that matter when you’re the one I look up the most?”
Sam clearly wasn’t expecting her to say that. “Me?”
“Yeah, you!” Obviously. She plays with her drink a little, before taking a sip. “You have this infectious optimism about you—that a realist like me—”
“A pessimist like you,” Tony corrects her.
She flips him off, but agrees. “That a pessimist like me should technically hate… But I don’t. I kinda like it, a lot. It’s so fucking contagious that I think might just want to steal it.”
Sam smiles at her then, “I could just teach you, hotshot.”
Sipping her drink, she shakes her head. “If you’re going to teach me anything, teach me about loyalty, cause man! We came knocking on your window, with the entire might of the United States of America’s premiere Intelligence Organisation up our ass,” she points from herself to Steve to Natasha. “And you fucking let us in!” She sits up, folding up one leg under the other. “You didn’t just give us a place to lay low—no! You chose to join the fucking fight! Your first time around as an Avenger and you took down the plan Hydra had been crafting for fifty fucking years!” Sam laughs, partly at her enthusiasm, partly because she can tell he gets what she’s getting at. “That’s some top tier Avenger shit if I’ve ever seen any. Goddamn it, Birdman! Mark my words,” she holds up her glass to him. “You’re gonna take the world by storm… and when you do, I’m gonna go around gloating to anyone who’ll listen that Sam Wilson’s first mission as an Avenger was with me.” She winks at him and takes a swig. “You’ll see.”
Sam chuckles, with his head down and a hint of shyness blooming across his face. “I’ll hand it to ya, hotshot—you’ve got a way with words.” He looks over at the rest of the room, “And y’all had me believe she can’t express herself for shit!”
“That’s cause none of them have ever gotten drunk with her,” Rhodey chimes in.
“But you have, haven’t you, Rhodey?” She asks, on the cusp of slurring. The drink in her hand, the one Sam made, is doing exactly what Clint had hoped it would. “We grew up together, you and I…” Rhodey reacts exactly the way she thought he would, he looks at her with a quiet determination. “Which means you know that I love you, because I’ve told you a million times over. B—but I think I never really told you I respect you. And I do, Rhodes. I respect you more than anyone else in my fucking life. You know that, don’t you?” He nods slowly, with a smile. “I know I fought you tooth and nail when you joined the Air Force but—but you gotta know, it wasn’t because I thought you wouldn’t be brilliant at it. Of course, you would be. I knew that better than anyone. I just…” she licks her lips, afraid of the confession that’s about to come.
“I was being selfish. You weren’t just Tony’s best friend, you’re mine too. And I was fucking terrified of losing my friend, you know?” When she looks at him, he’s already staring back at her with an understanding smile. “It was an asshole move, but now that it’s been a long enough time, I’m gonna pretend that I’m old enough to admit—I have never been more proud to call you my friend, Rhodes. You have always been a hero to me… I’m sorry if I gave the impression otherwise.”
Rhodey doesn’t say anything at first. He just gets up from his seat and walks over to her. And then he kisses the top of her head while pulling her in “Not a damn thing for you to say sorry for, Chef.”
“Thanks, Chef,” she mumbles into the hug he pulls her in.
“Right back atchya, kid.” He kisses her head again. He’s just about to let go, when Tony rushes over to them and jumps in, hugging them both harder.
“This is by far the most emotional team building exercise I have ever seen,” Hill speaks up.
Oh, you sweet summer child. “That you’ve ever been a part of,” Y/n corrects her, fighting her way out of the bear hug the two men had engulfed her in.
“Oh no no no no no.”
“You really thought I’d forget about you, Hill?”
“I am not a part of this,” Hill retorts. “I’m categorically not an Avenger.”
“What the hell is up with you guys and rejecting the Avenger title?” She looks around the room. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think it’s cursed or something.” She takes a sip of her drink, “Look, Hill, you don’t know very much about me—”
“Apart from the suspicious fact that you’re a lawyer who can kick some serious ass,” Hill provides.
“Apart from that, yes,” she agrees. “So, I’m gonna tell you something—I know everything there is to know about everyone I meet. See, before Howie took me in, life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for me.”
“But it is now, that I’m part of it?” Tony pipes in, without any preamble as he and Rhodey take their previous seats again.
She ignores him, rolling her eyes. “Which kinda gave way to a laundry list of character flaws, one of which was a crippling and annoying amount of trust issues—it led me to develop a habit of digging into the past of anyone I had more than a one minute conversation with… I haven’t just read Nat’s files—I have made one on every single person in this room—including you. Now, the files might not tell me who you are, but as I’ve already stated, I happen to believe that a person is defined by their actions. And holy shit, Hill—you’ve got absolutely no right calling yourself anything less than an Avenger.”
She shifts to the edge of her seat. She can’t get close to Hill, who’s sitting on the floor, on the other side of the table, so this is the best she’s got right about now. “You’re painfully smart and confoundingly determined. You don’t take shit from anyone—not from Fury, not from the billionaire genius and not from the Super Soldier.” She smiles at her then, “And that makes you a fucking badass. And the rest of it? Like the op in Transnistria?” Maria’s eyes widen at the mention of it. Told ya. “In my eyes, shit like that makes you a fucking hero.”
And there it is again.
Some more of it.
Hill, herself, is the one who breaks it this time. “Anyone ever tell you, you know too fucking much for a lawyer?”
Chuckling, she slides back into her seat, finishing up her drink. “Only the people who couldn’t afford me.”
She looks over the people in front of her, and she has to end it off on a good note, doesn’t she? “With all that said and done, I need you crazy kids to know that I meant it with every fiber of my being when I said that I’m grateful to be associated with every single one of you… but I will charge you all my entire hourly rate for every single litigation you get me and yourself trapped in. And I am very expensive.”
Everyone breaks into a laugh.
Well, everyone except Tony.
“Hold on, aren’t you forgetting someone?” Tony asks. When all he gets in response is a cocked brow from her, he points from himself to Steve. “What? Me and the Capsicle don’t get a heart to heart from Miss Summa Cum Laude Y/n Stark? How’s that fair?”
“You really want me to sit here and wax poetic about the two of you?”
“Why not?” Steve asks, with a cheeky grin.
“Really? That’s what you want?”
“As the old man said, why not?” Tony doubles down, kicking back with his feet.
“Cause you’re the two men I lov—care about most in the whole world,” she states. Fuck. Almost fucked that up, colossally. “You want a public proclamation of it now?”
Steve smiles at her, “Maybe we do, doll.”
Meanwhile, Tony takes this moment to stare at her and mouth the word ‘care’ like a fucking insult. The motherfucker is mocking her, giggling and snickering like a third grader and Y/n can’t even do anything about it. Cause Steve’s already looking at her, and if she gives in now, there’d be hell for her to pay.
She’ll get back at her brother some other fucking time.
“Fine,” she says, just to get Tony to stop. “Let’s start with you, shall we, Cap?”
Steve gets comfortable in his seat. “Let’s hear it, doll.”
And fine. If he’s gonna be cocky about it, it’s only fair for her to make him eat his shit-eating grin.
Ignoring Tony’s knowing gaze, she lets herself relax in her chair.
“Steven Grant Rogers, the man out of time,” she begins. “You know, I have been hearin’ tall tales about you since I was a fucking teenager. All these stories of the great Captain America, the soldier, the righteous man… the hero. I heard all about your adventures and your bravery, your crazy, damn near impossible mission, in the face of great, undefeatable odds… And you know what I thought?” Steve quirks his brow. “I thought, what a steaming hot load of bullshit!” Everyone laughs, but Tony’s sounds out the loudest, obviously. “They’d talk about you like you were this great, ineffable being—not even human. To them, you were larger than life. And I’d think what motherfucking horseshit!” She plays with the empty glass in her hand.
“I’m not saying they were lying but—” She shrugs. “Howie was always an unreliable narrator, and the rest of them were probably just caught up in the Captain America of it all…” But then… “But then I met you and suddenly,” she tongues her cheek, “it all made sense…” Steve’s smile falls away and gives way to a sort of startling realization. “It made sense that Howard Stark—a man who had very little faith in humanity—didn’t just talk about you like a friend, or like a hero, but like someone he aspired to be. It made sense then, that Peggy Carter…” His eyes shine and ears perk up at the mention of her name, “Fell in love with you.” She can feel the weight of Tony's gaze on her, telling her silently to not give away too much, to not reveal more than she had, to not dwell on this one particular topic. She gives in to her brother’s silent plea. “Even before the serum, you always fought for a choice, and made the right one when you got it, no matter how hard it was.” She exhales heavily.
“You fight for what is right, damn the consequences. You fight true and you fight hard.” She smiles a little then, “Now, I won’t go as far as to say that you’re some ineffable being, because you’re not. You’re a man, and you make mistakes. But—but from what I understand, the true character of a man is how he acts when faced with those mistakes. How he works to rectify them.” She’s a little shy about it when she says, “And I think I can say this now—I know you. The Steve Rogers behind the Captain America of it all… So, please understand that I mean it when I say—You’re a good man in a storm.”
She pauses so the words can hit as hard as she wants them to. And they do. Steve, her Steve does the thing he does when he feels overwhelmed, he sits up straighter and broadens his shoulder—like he’s being awarded a medal. “And while, it a fucking honor getting to share a battlefield with you, I will maintain to my dying day,” her smile slips out, “that getting to call you mine is a far bigger accomplishment.”
For a second, she thinks Steve’s malfunctioned.
“I think you broke him,” Natasha comments, and fuck she has to agree.
“Is he breathing?” Clint asks, sounding genuinely worried.
“I—” Tony turns to look at Steve whose eyes are set on her. “I don’t think so.” He begins clicking his finger in front of Steve’s face. “Hey? Hey, Steve? Anyone in there?” Steve doesn’t even fucking blink.
“Stop that!” Hill reprimands him by throwing a stray popcorn kernel at Tony. Who does stop but looks at her, offended.
“Rogers? Are you with us?” Thor questions from his seat.
“I think we should check his pulse,” Bruce states, leaning forward with creased brows.
“I don’t know, doesn’t it feel like if you touch him, he’ll—spontaneously combust into flames?” Rhodey wonders aloud.
“I’m with Rhodey on this one, give him a second. He’s just rebooting,” Sam suggests.
“Or maybe the years just caught up to him,” Tony retorts. “I think the old man’s a goner.” He turns to Y/n and says, “I think you killed your dear boyfriend, Stark—”
Before Tony can finish, Steve’s on his knees, in front of her in the blink of an eye.
She’s cut off mid-sentence, swallowed by the delightfully crushing weight of a 6-foot-something Super Soldier as Steve Rogers closes the space between them in a kiss that feels like reverence made tangible.
He’s on his knees before her—not in surrender, but in devotion. His hands, strong, battle-worn, are impossibly gentle as they frame her face, thumbs brushing reverently along her cheekbones like he’s committing her to memory. Like she’s something holy.
The kiss itself is deliberate, deep, but never demanding. His lips press against hers with an almost aching care, a silent whisper of gratitude, of thanks that he cannot express with words, something dangerously close to worship. It’s not about hunger. It’s about feeling. About letting her know that he heard her, and he was rendered speechless with the weight of her words.
Her hands sink into his hair, nails dragging lightly against his scalp, and he shudders. Shudders.
A man who has stood unshaken in the face of war, of gods, of the end of the world—and yet here he is, kneeling, unraveling, offering himself up at the altar of her.
The world around them still moves—distant voices, the soft creak of leather beneath her, their friends wolf whistles and crass comments at the overt display—but it doesn’t touch them. Steve kisses her like she’s the only thing that has ever truly mattered. Like she’s the one thing he ever got without having to fight with his entire might for.
When he finally pulls back, just barely, his forehead resting against hers, his breath is warm, uneven, filled with something raw. His fingers trail down her arms, tracing paths that feel like promises.
“Had to do that,” he murmurs, voice rough, a prayer in itself. “Hope you don’t mind.”
She exhales, a slow, wrecked thing, and tightens her grip in his hair. Like she’d ever let him go. “Don’t mind at all, handsome.” She kisses him once again. Quick and short.
“Thank you,” he says then, kissing her cheek. “You don’t know how much—thank you.”
And that makes her roll her eyes, because what the fuck does he have to thank her for?
“Go back to your seat, handsome. Before this becomes something less appropriate for public consumption.” She pushes him off. “Come on. Get away from me!”
Laughing, Steve obliges.
“Well, that got real steamy, real quick,” Tony comments, a little too cheeky for her liking.
Their eyes meet and she hums softly. Looking at the last vestiges of liquor in the glass in her hand, she says slowly, “I guess this brings me to you—” she looks up at him, “Anthony Edward Stark… the boy who saved me.”
No one else in the room understands the connotation of the words, the weight behind them, except the two of them. It makes the cunning smile from Tony’s face fall away. He didn’t see this shift in her tone coming. He didn’t think she’d reveal herself like this, not even this tiny bit. He sobers immediately.
And fuck, we can’t have that.
She turns to the crowd then, “When Tony was younger…” She shakes her hand in casual estimation, “12, I think?” She nods to herself, satisfied with her guess. “Howie shipped him off to boarding school after he broke some rule or another. Doesn’t matter.” She dismisses out of hand, because it truly doesn’t. “Now, what you gotta know about Tony, is that he was a late bloomer.” Snickers sound out from around the room.
“Thanks, Stark,” Tony admonishes her with no real heat.
She smiles, and corrects herself, “Not like that, I meant he was small for his age.” She pulls up her hand to her head to indicate his height. “He also cried a lot.” She shakes her head with fondness of the little Tony Stark in her memory. “I mean, I could make him cry by just calling him an asshole—he cried a lot.” She chuckles, Tony does too. “And… there is no nice way to say this… um, all that made him pretty fucking easy to pick on.”
Her smile fades as she continues, “So, when he would call me every night from the boarding school to tell me about his day… I knew he’d been crying.” She grits her teeth. “He wouldn’t say anything, of course. He would—he’d quip and crack jokes, and bitch about the classes and the teachers. He would act like everything was dandy—like everything was fine for a genius, scared little boy, at a school full of dickhead rich kids, who were taught by their parents to make everyone who was different feel lesser than…” She bites the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from breaking. “I’d ask him, again and again, ‘What’s wrong, Tones? Tell me what’s wrong, and we’ll fix it, together.’” She shakes her head, “He wouldn’t fess up. He’d say, ‘Everything’s fine, Y/n. Quit bein’ a worry wart.’ He’d act like everything was okay… But I could tell. ‘Course I could…”
She runs a hand through her hair, and exhales slowly, mustering up a smile. “So, imagine my surprise when I get a call one day and this fucker is just vibrating with pure excitement.” Her smile grows, as she puts a hand to her ear, imitating a phone. “‘What is it, Tones? What happened?’” She laughs a little. “‘I made a friend’ he said. ‘I made a friend, his name is Wallace! He just got transferred here from Hudson. You wanna talk to him?’ Of course I did!” Everyone else in the room matches her smile with their own brilliant ones. “So I’m talking to Wallace and fuck, a great kid! Apparently he was like a mini Thor?” She points at the God of thunder who looks like he’s a minute away from swooning. “Pretty big for his age?” She nods to herself. “Not the smartest kid you’ll ever meet, but he was kind. You know?” Everyone nods in unison, making her smile wider.
“So, I’m excited, Tony is clearly very excited, and now fucking Wallace is excited. We’re fucking brimming with it.” She slows down then, brings her hand to her lips and fidgets with them. “But then… the next night, I’m waiting by the phone for three hours, I don’t get a call.” Suddenly the tone in the room shifts. “It’s ass o’clock at night, I barge into Howie’s study and I pester the shit outta him for like two hours straight till he calls the School to check in on Tony. When he finally does, they tell us it’s all peachy. They tell us Tony’s asleep, safe and sound in his bed.” She sits up, “Of course, I don’t buy that, but he is safe. So, who knows? Maybe he had a rough day. Maybe he needed a night—some space to gather himself and he’ll tell me all about it tomorrow.” She hits the back of her hand into her palm. “But tomorrow night comes, and again—I don’t get a call.” She leans forward, just to bask in the curiosity that everyone’s wearing on their faces right now.
“Now that’s fucking suspicious.” She sits up straight then, “But I gotta play my cards right. I can’t wake up Howard again and light a fire under his ass. If anything had happened to Tony the school would have been obligated to call—Can’t afford to upset the guy who’s funding their new science wing. So, I gotta play it smart, I can’t be the boy who cried wolf.” She shrugs, “I gotta wait it out. Wait for him to call me tomorrow.” She pauses for a second, letting the suspense build. “Cut to—next night. No call.” She throws up her hands, and eases back into her seat.
“Means, it’s DEFCON 1. I am now screaming at the top of my lungs, telling Howard to call the School and check in on Tony. He’s yelling right back at me—telling me I’m overreacting. And fuck that. ‘I know Tony! I know my brother, Howard! And I am telling you, something is really fucking wrong! Just call the school, goddamn it!’” Her hands are flying everywhere as she enacts the entire scene out. “In the middle of all this, Maria walks in—and then shit hits the fucking fan. Now it’s Howie against me and Maria,” she enunciates with her hand. “The entire Stark Household is a fucking battlefield. Bullets are flying everywhere—curses the likes of which you have never heard. I have the telephone in my hand,” she begins acting out her words once again, “and I’m about to hurl that shit at Howard’s head so fucking hard, if he doesn’t make the goddamn call—” her voice quiets suddenly, “that we almost miss it when it rings.” Everyone’s suddenly on alert.
Her voice remains soft as she continues, with only a hint of a smile, “Now, we’ve made such a big, fat fuss about the whole thing, that even Howie’s on edge. He picks up the phone before it even has a chance to ring a second time.” She brings her hand to her face, taking a second before she breaks the suspense. “It’s the school,” she tells them. “Tony Stark has been expelled from their fine establishment for using household appliances to electrocute the shit out of the Mayor’s son.” She smiles proud and wide.
She shrugs, “Now, he’s not a violent kid, so why would he go and do that?” She gives them all a pause to guess, but it’s a rhetorical question and everyone treats it as such. “‘Cause of the bullying? Come on. He’d been living with that shit for a year—he didn’t break. So why now?” She hopes her face reflects the pride she feels inside when she says, “It’s ‘cause the douchebag had gone after Wallace.”
When she looks around at the room, everyone’s eyes have gotten a new kind of reverence as they look at her brother.
So she looks at him too. “When you came back from your God awful vacation in the desert and told me you wanted to be a hero, you might have thought of it as a career pivot—but to me… It was a prophecy coming true.” She can tell he’s trying really fucking hard not to cry. “Natasha Romanoff is my favorite Avenger, but you are my favorite fucking superhero, Tony Stark. Always have been, always will be.”
Just as Y/n makes her grand proclamation, Tony abruptly gets to his feet and turns away from the group. His hands rise to his face, fingers pressing against his eyes. She knows exactly what he’s doing.
“Tony?” Natasha calls out, her voice deceptively sweet. “Are you—Tony.”
“Is he crying?” Clint asks, slowly.
“He’s crying,” Rhodey confirms, deadpan.
“Absolutely not!” Tony snaps, but the slight waver in his voice betrays him.
Y/n grins and pushes up from her chair. “Told you it was easy to make him cry,” she announces, strolling over to him.
Tony turns away further, as if sheer willpower will keep his dignity intact. It won’t. Y/n doesn’t care. She wraps her arms around him from the side, her grip firm. “Old habits die hard, don’t they, Stark?” she teases, her voice warm. To make sure he knows she means no harm, she tightens her hold and presses a loud, obnoxious kiss to the side of his head.
“Shut up! It’s your fault!” Tony grumbles, but the sniffling ruins any heat behind it.
She chuckles, rubbing his arms in slow, comforting circles. “You’re the one who wanted me to wax poetic about you.”
“Not this poetic,” he gripes.
“Well, tough luck, genius,” she scolds, lighthearted. “You’re stuck with this—with me, I’m afraid. I’m right behind you, always.”
Tony turns so fast she barely has time to register it before she’s got an armful of Iron Man, holding onto her like she’s his last tether.
“Woah, woah—” she stumbles, unprepared for the sudden weight, but then there’s a steadying hand at the small of her back.
With his support, she regains her footing and tightens her grip around Tony, holding onto her brother just as fiercely as he’s holding onto her.
“You’re my favorite too,” Tony whispers in her ear, just for her to hear and no one else. “I need you to know that. You’re my fucking favorite superhero too.”
She doesn’t know what to say to that, so she just kisses his head again and again and again. “Now, get off me you, damn, koala bear!” She pushes him off, not unkindly. “Okay,” she turns to the crowd, "I've hit my yearly quota for feelings in one night. If we don't change the topic soon, I might just self-destruct out of sheer principle.” Clasping the hand Steve has on the small of her back with her own, she looks over the room.
Steve takes the chance and pulls her onto his lap. She yelps in surprise, but he just wraps his hands around her, kissing her neck.
She’s just about to smooch the living shit out of her boyfriend when Clint, sensing the perfect moment to ruin everything, loudly announces, “Well, that was horrifying. I need something aggressively stupid to cleanse my brain.”
“Something not feelings-related,” Tony adds, pointing a warning finger at Y/n like she hasn’t already hit her emotional quota for the year.
Natasha smirks. “Like what? Another round of Guess What’s Gonna Kill Tony First?”
“First of all—rude,” Tony says. “Second, we all know it’s either gonna be my own brilliance or Steve’s disappointment.”
“I never said I was disappointed in you,” Steve says.
“You didn’t have to.”
Rhodey claps Tony on the shoulder. “I’m still putting money on ‘blows himself up doing something unnecessarily dramatic.’”
“Please,” Sam waves him off. “We’ve all got money on that.”
Bruce sighs. “At this point, it’s basic statistics.”
Tony hands shoot up to his chest, and onto his heart, he feigns injury and dramatically gasps like he’s been shot. “Et tu, Bruce?” To that Bruce just laughs in response, shaking his head.
“The only way Tony gets to die is peacefully in his sleep, at the ripe old age of 99!” Y/n announces to the room, ending all scope for argument. It’s a sore subject for her and no one but Tony knows the extent of that. “We’re not playing that morbid fucking game ever again!”
Natasha throws her hands up in surrender. “My bad.” Everyone else too has the decency to look admonished, except Tony who looks at her with fairly well hidden mild concern.
“So, what’s our options here?” Hill chimes in, dissipating the slight tension. “Bar fight? Competitive arson?”
“Something legal,” Bruce interjects quickly, because he knows this group too well.
Sam gestures at Y/n. “Can we get a ruling on what constitutes ‘legal’ in this room?”
She smirks, tilting her glass toward him. “Technically, nothing we do holds up in court.”
“Cleared by the legal department!” Tony declares.
Steve mutters, “I should be more concerned about that than I am,” dropping another kiss on her shoulder.
She throws her head back, chuckling, and kisses his temple in return.
Clint leans forward, rubbing his hands together. “You wanna talk about legal precedent? Let’s talk about divine precedent.” He jerks his chin toward the center of the room, where Mjolnir sits, unassuming and waiting.
Y/n raises an eyebrow. “You’re not seriously about to bring Thor’s hammer into this.”
“Oh, I’m dead serious.” Clint gestures at Thor, eyes narrowing. “Let’s discuss the so-called worthiness clause. By whose standards? Who enforces it? And most importantly—” He leans in. “Who’s to say you’re not just screwing with us?”
Thor pulls out the flask of that good fucking Asgardiaun stuff from his pocket and pours some into his drink. “Ah, Barton, your skepticism wounds me,” but the laugh that follows, renders the sentiment in the words irrelevant.
Clint gestures dramatically at the hammer, spinning the drumstick in his hand, looking around the room like he’s about to expose the world’s greatest con. “But, it’s a trick!”
“Oh no. It’s much more than that,” Thor counters easily, while passing the flask to Steve who takes a swig.
Oh, this is going to be so fucking good.
“Ah, ‘whosoever be he worthy, shall haveth the power!’ Whatever, man! It’s a trick.”
Read the next part here. Find the Static Verse Masterlist here. Read The Avengers (ft. Static) here.
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Merry Christmas!!💚❤️🎅🎄🎁
Happy Holidays everyone! Thank you to everyone who voted on the Christmas fic idea. I really hope you enjoy this fic! I wrote a lot more than I was expecting but I couldn’t stop myself, I truly fell in love with writing this story! Thank you for an amazing year! I hope you, your friends, family and loved ones have a great holiday season! - Clara💞
Blues Clues Christmas💙🐾
Caregiver! Steve Burns & GN Little! Reader (SFW!)
Tags- Christmas fluff, hand holding, being picked up, forehead kisses, searching for clues, dog licks, and typical blues clues fluff!
My eyes start to flutter open to a frosty Christmas Eve morning. Wait… ITS CHRISTMAS EVE!!! I jump up and look outside and it’s still snowing!!!
I turn and shake Steve to wake up, “Steve!! Steve!! It’s Christmas Eve!!”
I hear him chuckling before he stretches, starting to wake up. “Someone’s excited for Christmas.”
“I am! I can’t wait to-.” I’m interrupted by Blue, jumping into the bed and licking my face. “Blue! Good morning! Merry Christmas Eve!”
Blue smiles to me and barks, just as excited for the day ahead. I hold her in my arms, turning as we look to a disheveled Steve sits up in bed.
“You two are wide awake,” he chuckles, “Come on you rascals. Let’s get some Christmas Eve breakfast.”
Blue jumps from my arms and heads towards the kitchen. But before Steve and I go, he leads me to the bathroom first, “Come on little one, let’s get you changed and ready for the big day.”
With a quick pit stop to the bathroom, brushing our teeth, getting changed into our outfits, we set off to the kitchen hand in hand.
“Bonjour Y/N!” Mr. Salt comes to the edge of the countertop.
“Good morning Steve!” Mrs. Pepper joins him.
“Good morning!” I say to put, taking a seat at the table next to Blue.
Steve grabs a cup of tea for himself and a sippy cup of fruit juice for me. Then we settle in and have a small breakfast together with Blue and the spice family.
“So what’s the plan today Steve?” I ask, eager to get our Christmas Eve started.
“Well,” he put his tea cup down, “I was thinking we could stop by and give out invitations to Christmas, maybe some cooking…”
“Leave the cooking to us.” Mrs. Pepper winked.
“But what about tonight? The night before Christmas?” I ask again.
But this time it’s Blue’s turn. She barks and spins around before putting a blue paw print on the table.
Steve and I gasp. “BLUE’S CLUES!!!”
“That’s a great idea Blue!” Steve smiles, “We’ll play Blues Clues to see what we should do tonight after dinner.”
“So we need to keep our eyes out for three clues!” I cheer from across the table.
“Yes! And I have a very important job for you Y/N.” He reaches into his pocket and takes out his handy dandy notebook. “I want you to be in charge of my notebook today.”
I’m speechless taking the notebook carefully. I stare at it in disbelief, “Y-You want me to hold onto it?”
“Sure! I could use your help today finding all of Blue’s clues. Are you up to the task my little sidekick?” He winks.
“Yes!! Yes!! A million times yes!!” I almost jump from my seat.
“Then let’s starts our adventure!” Steve finishes his tea and I finish my juice before we set out to the living room.
“Alright. Now on top of finding Blue’s clues, we also have to give out our Christmas invitations. We have three stops.”
He holds out the cards, “One is for Magenta, one is for Josh, and one is for Joe. We’ll need to make sure we stop at everyone’s house so they know they’re invited tomorrow. I’ll have you be in change of holding onto the cards.”
He hands me them and I look at the cards in awe, “You want me to be in charge of the cards too?”
“Of course! I know you can do it! But if you’re feeling overwhelmed or like it’s too much responsibility, you let me know okay?” He reassures.
“I will but, I’ve got it.” I smile back to him.
“I knew I could trust you! Now, let’s head out.” He goes to open the door but I stop him smiling, “Steve wait.”
“What’s wrong little one?”
“We need our coats, hats and gloves.”
With a small gasp he nods, “You’re so right. How could I be so silly? You’re so smart!” He praises. “Let’s get our winter gear.”
“First we’ll put on our coat…” he puts on his green stripped coat that matches his usual shirt. He turns and grabs my coat, helping me put each arm in the sleeves, then zipping it right up.
“Great. Next we’ll put on our hats…” he grabs his green hat and puts it on, then does the same for me. “Comfy?” He asks getting a nod from me.
“Finally we’ll put on our mittens.” A green pair for him of course, then a pair for me. “Let me see their hands.” He waves his hands up like crazy, I giggle and follow suit.
“Alright! Looks like we’re all set. But first, do we need anything else before we leave? A snack, a quick trip to the bathroom?”
I pause, thinking it over. “Bathroom?” I say shy.
“Good idea. Let’s make a quick stop before we go.” He takes my mitten hand in his mitten hand, heading back to our bed room. After taking care of business, we’re right back to it!
“Okay! Are you all set? Ready for our Christmas Adventure?” He smiles.
“Yes! Let’s find out what Blue wants to do tonight after dinner!” I squeeze his hand.
“Great! Let’s go!”
We step outside to our frosty front yard. It snowed a few days ago and everything still looked so beautiful, like a winter wonderland.
We leave our little yellow house and start walking down the street, saying hi to those who pass us. I stick close to Steve, holding his hand as we approach our first stop, Magenta’s house.
“Would you like to ring the bell or would you like me too?” He ask, looking over to me.
“Can you?”
“Of course I can.” He leans forward ringing the bell. We wait maybe a minute before Magenta runs to the door and right over to us.
“Magenta!! So good to see you!” I giggle as she jumps up and licks Steve and I.
We follow after her into the house and find Blue sitting at a coloring table with Magenta. “Oh hi Blue!”
Blue smiles and barks back, but then I see it.
“STEVE! A clue! A clue!!!”
“I know Magenta really flew!”
“No!” I giggle shaking my head to Steve, “A clue!” I point to the blue paw print on the piece of paper.
He gasps. “A clue!! Great job Y/N!! You found our first clue! But…what is it?”
“It’s paper Steve.” I giggle some more. He’s so silly sometimes.
“Ah! You’re so right, it is paper. You know what this means, we need our Handy Dandy…”
“Notebook!” I hold it out for him.
“Notebook! That’s right. Thank you sweet one.”
He takes the notebook, pushing the crayon through the top and flipping to a new page.
“So our first clue is paper. We start by drawing a straight line at the top, then a line down, then another line at the bottom and one up to connect at the top. There, paper!”
He stops and thinks looking over to me, “But what could Blue want to do after dinner tonight with paper?”
“Maybe she wants to draw some more?” I offer.
“Maybe…but we better find more clues to make sure.” We nod together.
“Here,” he hands me the notebook again, “for safe keeping.”
I turn and put the notebook back in my pocket. But then I remember our second mission!
“Magenta!” I grab the invitation from my backpack and hand it to her, “You’re invited over for Christmas tomorrow!”
Magenta lights up running around and barking. She runs over to me and licks me as a thank you. “Oh! You’re welcome! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!” I smile back.
“Alright! You two have fun! We have more invitations to send out!” Steve holds his hand out to me which I gladly take. Together we wave goodbye to Magenta and Blue before leaving.
Then we’re back to it, making our way down the street to the next house. “Uncle Josh!!”
“Yeah! Next is Uncle Josh! I’m sure he’ll very excited to come over.”
We walk up the steps to the blue house which belongs to Josh. “Would you like to do the honors this time?” Steve asks and I quickly nod, reaching forward and ringing the bell.
Soon Josh arrives at the door, his face lighting up to see is. “Y/N! Steve! What a wonderful surprise!”
“Uncle Josh!” I run forward and give him the biggest hug.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you!!” He wraps his arms around me, hugging me just as tightly. With a kiss to my forehead, we break apart.
I stick close to him, resting against his side. He notices this and wraps an arm around me. “So what brings you two here?”
“We’re looking for Blue’s Clues!” Steve replied.
Josh gasp, “Special Christmas Eve Blue’s Clues! This must really be important!”
“Have you see any around?” I ask.
“Not that I know of but-.” He looks around, “maybe another set of eyes could help!”
He takes my hand in his, leading me into his living room with Steve following behind.
“Actually I could use the two of yours help.” Papers laid all over his living room.
“You see, there was a mistake at the print shop and now all of my stories are messed up. Can you help me tell which is the real story.”
“Yeah!” I bounce beside him.
Josh smiles, squeezing my hand, “Great! Okay here’s the first one. Is it Little Bo-Peep lost her sheep or her cows?”
Steve and I think for a moment. Then it hits me, “It’s her sheep!”
“Ohhhhh.” Josh and Steve say in unison. “You’re right! It is her sheep!”
Josh smiles back, “Good job Y/N!” He puts the paper in a pile. “Okay here’s the next one, Little blue or red ridding hood?”
Again, we all stop and take a moment to think. “Red or blue…red or blue…” Steve says to himself.
“Red!” I chime in.
The two again, look in awe of me. “You’re right! It’s Little Red Riding Hood. Amazing Job!” Josh praises some more, putting the paper in the pile.
“Alright! Last one, Old MacDonald had a mansion or a farm?” Josh reads the papers.
Again, we all take our time to think it over.
“I’ve got this one!” Steve chimes in, “But…just to be sure, what do you think Y/N?”
“I think it’s a farm!”
“I think so too!” Steve cheers on.
“Great job you guy!! You helped me put my stories back together!”
I cheer us on but then pause as my eyes hit upon Josh’s pile of stories. He must’ve seen it at the same time as me because Josh and I turn and look at each other at the same time.
“A clue!!” We say in unison.
“A clue?! Where?” Steve leans over.
“On the stack of stories.” Josh points out.
“So our next clue is a story…” I think.
“You know what this means, we need our Handy…Dandy….” Steve smirks.
“Notebook!!” I hold it up.
“Wow!! Steve let you hold his notebook! He must really trust you Y/N! What a big honor!” Josh praises me making me blush.
“Thank you.” I smile, handing the notebook to Steve.
He takes the crayon out and flips to the next page. “So our next clue is…stories. We’ll make a square with some squiggly lines in the center for writings. Then we’ll repeat this on the other side so we have two pages. There! A story!”
Steve lifts his head and looks to Josh and I. “But what could Blue want to do tonight after dinner with paper and a story?”
The three of us sit and think for a minute. “Oh!” Josh suddenly says “Maybe she wants to make her own stories!”
“Ohhhhhh.” Steve and I say in unison.
“But we better find the last clue, just to be sure.” I remind them as Steve hands me his notebook back.
“Definitely!” Josh smiles.
Steve and I gasp! “The mail is here!!”
Before we run out the door I stop, grabbing my backpack and pulling out Josh’s invitation. “Here Josh! It’s your invitation to Christmas tomorrow at our house.”
“Really?! I’d love to go! I’ll see you then Y/N.” With one last hug from Josh, I’m sent off with Steve back home for the mail!
We put our stuff down by the front door as Steve starts to sing, “Here’s the mail, it never fails, it makes want to wag my tail, when it comes I wanna wail, mmmmaaaaiiilll!!!”
I giggle, joining Steve on the mmmaaaiiilll part.
We take out seats on the thinking chair. Steve in the center of the chair while I sit on the arm. Mailbox comes in through the window with a Christmas hat on.
“Mail’s here! Mail’s here!!” He happily cheers.
“I thought the post office is closed on holidays?” I ask Mailbox.
“It is! That’s very smart of you Y/N. The post office is closed on major holidays, but this arrived this morning for the two of you.” He opens up and inside of a red and green letter.
“We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter, wonder who it’s from.” Steve smiles, opening the letter. He pauses and gasps, looking at me. “It’s from Santa.”
My eyes widen and I gasp as well, “SANTA?!”
“Yes! It says:
Dear Steve, Blue and Y/N,
You’ve all been very good this year. I look for to visiting your house tonight. Make sure not to stay up too late and please leave out some milk and cookies if you can.
Sincerely yours,
Santa Claus❤️”
I beam with excitement. “Santa’s coming tonight!!!!”
“Yes he is! We need to figure out what Blue wants to do tonight so we get to bed at a good hour and don’t accidentally see Santa Claus.”
Just as Steve says that Blue runs by. “Follow that dog!” I giggle, grabbing my backpack by the door and running after her.
“Wait up Y/N!” Steve calls after me.
Blue stops in front of a picture of Joe’s present shop. She barks a cute little song before she…goes into the picture?!?! I stare in disbelief.
“Where’s Blue?” Steve asks catching up.
“She…she’s in the picture.”
“Ohhhh she skidooed into the photo.”
“Yeah! We can do it too! All you have to do is rock your leg and arms with me. Ready?” I nod following his lead.
“Blue skidooed we can too!” Suddenly we shrink and go into the picture frame!! Where once we were in our house, now we’re in the picture, or more specifically, outside Uncle Joe’s present shop.
“Wow!!” I smile to Steve, “That was awesome!”
“Isn’t it?” He smiles back. We turn and look to the present shop. “It’s my brother Joe’s present shop!”
“He’s the last invitation we need to hand out!”
“You’re right! Let’s head in and see what he’s up to.”
Inside the present shop was busy! Presents being wrapped and sent in all sorts of directions. Joe usually helps Santa out with the wrapping this time of year and it seems like this year was no different!
There, in the center of it all is Joe, making sure everything is in working order.
“Uncle Joe!!” I run into the shop and right over to him.
He immediately lights up seeing me, opening his arms and holding me in a tight hug. “Y/N!! Sweetheart!! It’s so good to see you!!”
He lifts me into his arms, holding me on his hip. “What brings you here today?”
“Well we’re on the hunt for Blue’s Clues.” Steve says as he joins us.
“Special Christmas Eve Blue’s Clues huh? What have you got so far?”
“We’ve got paper and stories.”
“Paper and stories…” Joe starts to think, “Now I wouldn’t want to say anything until you have the third clue, but…have you thought about maybe Blue want to make her own stories?”
“That’s what Uncle Josh said!”
“Really? So he copying me now?” Joe smirks.
“You’re copying him silly!” I giggle.
“Am I now? Am I?” He spins me around making me giggle more.
“How are the presents coming by?” Steve asks.
“Everything is going according to schedule. Santa should be ready to head out as soon as tonight!”
Suddenly my eyes catches something, I look closer and it’s….
“A clue!! A clue!!”
“A clue?!” Josh and Steve say in unison. “Where?”
“There!” I point to the square box cutter. “It’s a clue!!”
The two gasp, “You’re right Y/N! It’s one of Blue’s clues!! Good eye.” Joe praises
“The final clue is a square!” Steve examines the clue.
“Notebook!” I hold it out to Steve.
“Our handy dandy notebook! Thank you Y/N.”
“You’re holding Steve’s notebook? That’s such a big honor. Steve must really trust you.” He praises.
I beam with happiness, “Yeah! It’s a big honor.”
“So, the shape of a square. We’ll make one line at the top and equal size lines going down the sides and one at the bottom. There, a square.” Steve explains, showing the two of us the drawing.
“It’s our last clue!!” I cheer.
“Our last clue?! You know that that means, it’s time for our thinking chair!!” Steve cheers.
Joe sets be back down but before Steve and I go I stop and grab my backpack. “Uncle Joe! I almost forgot!”
I hand him the invitation, “You’re in over for Christmas tomorrow!”
“I am!” He looks at the invitation, “I’d be honored. I’ll see you tomorrow kiddo.”
I take Steve’s hand and wave goodbye to Joe. Once out of his present shop we skidoo back to our house. Then it’s off to the thinking chair!
Steve and I sit in our thinking chair. I hand him the notebook and we start to go over our clues. “So now that we’re in our thinking chair, let’s think. What does Blue want to do tonight after dinner? What was the first clue?”
“That’s right! We saw the clue at Magenta’s house. But…what was the second clue?”
“Yes! We saw the stack of stories at Josh’s house.”
“And the final clue is a square at Uncle Joe’s present shop.”
“So, what does Blue want to do tonight after dinner with paper, stories and a square?”
We sit and think…and think…
“What if…” Steve starts out saying, “she wants to write Christmas cards and put them in a box?”
“But then what would be the clue about stories?”
“Right…you’re so right….” Steve goes back to thinking.
There’s a moment of silence as the two of us think. Blue runs over and joins us as we think and think.
“I’ve got it!!” I suddenly say. Steve and Blue look to me. “She want to read a storybook after dinner! That would explain the paper as pages, the stories in the book and the square shape is the book itself!”
Steve lights up with the realization. We look to Blue who barks and spins around with conformation.
“You did it Y/N! You figure out Blue’s Clues!” He wraps his arms around me and picks me up, bringing me into a tight hug. “You are so incredibly smart! I am so proud of you Little one.”
I giggle and hold him close. “Couldn’t have done it without you Steve.”
“Aw! You’re sweet but I think the smartie here is you.” He smiles back, holding me in his arms.
“Steve! Y/N! Dinner is ready!” Mrs. Pepper calls from the kitchen.
“Oh! It’s dinner time! Come on, let’s go.” Steve carries me into the kitchen where everyone is seated at the big table for Christmas Eve dinner. Everyone is there, side table, slippery soap, the whole spice family, even mailbox.
We all have a nice tasty dinner together. Laughing and having fun with friends and family around.
Then like Blue ask, we all gather in the living room together. First we set out some milk and cookies for Santa along with some carrots for the reindeer.
Steve and I cuddle close together on the couch, Blue in my lap and a Christmas book in his hand. With his arm wrapped around me he begins to read, “‘Twas the night before Christmas…”
Somewhere in the story I fall asleep against Steve. With a kiss to my forehead, he picks me up and brings me into the bedroom.
It’s Christmas morning!!! I jump awake and shake Steve to wake up. “It’s Christmas morning!! Santa came!!”
Steve laughs and yawns waking up. “Good morning Little one, merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Steve.” I smile back.
Blue jumps up into the bed and licks the two of us. I giggle, “And merry Christmas to you too Blue!”
We get out of bed and go right to the tree. True to Santa’s letter, we have plenty of presents under the tree!! I gasp, grabbing Steve’s when pulling him along to the tree.
The morning is spent unwrapping and exchanging gifts with everyone in the house. Then company comes over right after. First Magenta runs in and plays with Blue.
Then Josh and Joe come over. “Where’s my favorite Little?” Joe calls from the door. I come run over and reunite with my uncles. “Y/N! Thank you for inviting us!” Josh adds, the two smiling.
The rest of Christmas Day is peacefully and fun. Spent with loved ones and family alike.
“Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.” Steve wraps his arm around me, kissing my forehead. Blue jumps up and kisses the two of us, ending the best Christmas ever!
#age regression#age regressor#agere little#agere#little space#sfw age regression#agere post#sfw agere#sfw littlespace#age regression blog#age regression writing#age regression community#sfw age regressor#age regression sfw#age regression fic#ageregression#age re safe space#agere blog#caregiver!steve burns#cg!steve burns#blues clues#agere blues clues#blues clues fic#agere fandom#agere community#christmas agere#agere christmas#little!reader#little blog#sfw little blog
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what's my name again?
Harringrove - Rating: M - 4309 words
A Billy Didn't Die Day fic and a present for @shieldofiron and @intothedysphoria because they love a bit of Amnesiac Billy.
Thank you to @spaceofentropy for the beta, as always. <3
It's also on Ao3!
It's a year since Starcourt. The last thing Steve expected was to find Billy fucking Hargrove on the side of the road one night. Not only is he alive, but he doesn't remember anything, not even his name. This new Billy is flirty as hell and Steve finds that he doesn't mind at all...
He turned towards the voice, wondering if the guy was talking to him. He must have been because there was no one else around.
He wasn't even sure where they were.
The side of some country road, clearly, judging by the trees and the lone street light illuminating a busted phone booth.
Had he walked there? He couldn't see a car apart from the maroon BMW that the guy was standing next to.
He took a good look at the guy. Thick brown hair that you wanted to sink your fingers into, big brown eyes, full lips, a long neck begging for a hickey… a well fitted jacket and light blue jeans that definitely highlighted his… assets.
Okay, so I’m clearly into men.
He licked his bottom lip and took a couple of steps towards the decidedly hot guy. He noticed the guy's hand tighten around something that was dangling loosely from his fingers, then the guy brought up a fucking baseball bat with nails on it and swung it a few times like he was warming up to use it.
“Woah, there, pretty boy, I know we only just met, but I promise I'm no threat to you,” he said, putting both hands up so the stranger could see he meant it. “I'd appreciate a ride, though, into whatever town is closest to here so I can figure out my next step with a cup of coffee.”
He had searched his pockets when he woke up on the side of the road and found nothing besides a couple of twenty dollar notes. He had no idea where he was, or who he was, which was not the best situation to be in.
“How are you here, Hargrove?” the guy asked, bat still raised. “I saw you die, man. A whole year ago, on the floor at Starcourt.”
“What the fuck? Clearly you have me confused with someone else.”
“You're telling me you're not Billy Hargrove? Because you sure as fuck look like him. And sound like him. And that's not possible.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, man. I woke up under that tree over there not that long ago and I have no clue where I am, or, more to the point, who I am,” he told the guy who immediately scoffed. “Okay, what’s your name then?”
“Steve. Steve Harrington. We were in high school together last year? You beat me up about a month after you arrived in town, when I was looking after your stepsister and her friends?”
“Yeah, Steve, my gut says that doesn’t sound like something I would do, not without a good reason. And I don’t remember having a sister.”
“Well, you just said you didn’t remember who you were, so…” Steve shrugged.
“Sure wish I remembered you, though, because you’re pretty fucking dreamy.”
Steve stood up straight and dropped the bat. It clattered on the road beside his feet. “Oh, um, I don’t… um, I’m not…”
“No need to fret, pretty boy, I meant nothing by it. If you just point me in the direction of the nearest town, I'll be out of your hair and on my way.”
“What? No. You can’t!”
“You don’t want to give me a ride and now you don’t want to give me directions… What the fuck do you expect me to do? I’d call a cab except I have no clue where I am and that phone booth has seen better days.”
“You can’t just walk back into Hawkins like nothing happened, Billy. You died . There was an article in the paper about you, with your yearbook photo. We had a fucking funeral for you, for fuck’s sake.”
“Look, amigo, this conversation is going in circles. I’m tired and I’d love nothing more than a hot meal and an even hotter shower. I have just enough for a shitty motel room, so if you’d be so kind as to tell me if I should go this way or that way, and you never have to see me again.”
“You can come to my house.” Steve blinked a few times, like the words coming out of his mouth had surprised him.
“You can come to my house,” he repeated. “My parents are away in Chicago, the fridge is stocked up and you can pick whichever guest room you want for the night. And tomorrow we can work out what happened to you.”
If Steve wanted him to be this Billy, he’d be Billy, especially if that meant a safe place to spend the night. The name kinda felt right anyway.
“You promise not to bludgeon me to death with your nail bat?”
“I promise. Get in the car, Billy. I don’t like this place,” Steve said, nodding towards the passenger side before he bent to pick up his bat.
Billy allowed himself a moment to stare at Steve’s ass before he walked around the car and got in. Steve shoved the nail bat in the boot before he settled behind the wheel and started his fancy car.
“Not sure what’s hiding in the forest, but that building over there gives me the heebie jeebies, Stevie,” Billy said, peering into the darkness at some rusted warehouse with a dilapidated sign. He thought he saw something move in the shadows and was glad when Steve turned the car around and took them away.
Billy let out a low whistle when Steve parked his fancy car outside an equally fancy house. “Jesus, pretty boy, you didn’t tell me you were loaded.”
Steve shrugged. “My parents are, not me. My dad’s pretty pissed that I didn't get into college and keeps threatening to get me a job at his company, but I’d rather stay here and work at the video store, even if it doesn't pay much, than having to travel all across the state selling vacuum cleaners.”
“Vacuum cleaners, ay? Sounds pretty fucking boring. And they’re letting you stay in this mansion for free?” Billy asked as he followed Steve into the house.
“Nah, not quite. I mean, they still pay the mortgage but I have to pay for the utilities.” Steve led the way to the kitchen and made a beeline for the freezer. “Hot pockets, pizza or TV dinner?” He turned to Billy who was staring at him.
“A kitchen this nice and you don’t cook? Not even eggs, or like, grilled cheese?” Billy shook his head. “I’m disappointed, Steve.”
Steve closed the freezer, his eyes never leaving Billy.
“What? What did I say?” Billy was starting to feel a bit self-conscious. He wasn’t sure why Steve was suddenly staring silently at him. He didn’t think he’d made any major faux-pas and if he had, he could hardly be blamed for it. After all, he’d told Steve he had no memories.
“You, um, you keep calling me Steve,” Steve said so softly Billy almost didn’t hear it.
“Yeah, it’s your name, isn’t it?” Billy was the guy with the memory loss but Steve seemed to be the confused one…
“I guess I’m not used to it. You always called me Harrington before…” There was wonder in his eyes and it made Billy feel some sort of way he wasn’t too keen to explore when he was this tired and hungry.
“You want me to call you by your last name instead?”
“No, no, it’s fine. I, um, I like it.” Steve cleared his throat. “So, about dinner?”
“Oh, I’ll have whatever is quickest, if that’s okay. I’m beat.”
Steve nodded and threw a couple of hot pockets into the microwave before getting two sodas from the fridge and offering one to Billy, who took it gratefully.
“Thanks.” The cold drink made Billy realize how parched he’d been. He wondered when the last time was that he’d had anything to eat or drink before he woke up on the side of that creepy road. This amnesia thing was bullshit, if you asked him.
Steve sat with him while he ate and Billy asked him about that life he’d been supposedly living before he lost his memory. The reluctance of his host to answer a few of Billy’s questions made him wonder what Steve was hiding. Something bad had happened on July 4th the year before, leading to the destruction of the local mall, and the demise of this Billy guy Steve was adamant was him.
“I’m sorry, pretty boy, but I’m struggling to keep my eyes open. Do you think we could pick this conversation up in the morning?”
“Yes, of course. I’ll get you a towel and some clean clothes. There’s a guest bedroom down the hall, third door on the left. The bathroom is the one before that. If you end up in the garage, you went too far.”
Billy went looking for the room while Steve retrieved clothes for him from upstairs. They said goodnight and Billy had a quick shower before he lay in bed, pondering on the surreal turn his evening had taken. He’d gone from waking up on the grass next to an isolated country road with no car and no ID, to staring at the ceiling on a comfy bed with soft sheets, and a belly full of food.
He hoped the next day brought more answers.
“Are you absolutely sure it’s really him?”
“Dustin, for the fifteenth time, yes, I am sure, okay?” Steve gritted out, trying not to scream. He regretted using the radio to tell the kids about Billy before he went to bed, because they’d all shown up bright and early. He kept repeating the same information, over and over, and none of them seemed to actually listen, or understand he didn’t know any more than what he’d already shared with them.
“But it’s not possible,” Mike said, a sour look on his face. “We saw him die. There’s no way he could have survived the injuries that the Mind Flayer infl—”
Mike’s eyes widened and he stopped talking, staring at the archway to the kitchen. Someone gasped, Steve wasn’t sure which of the kids, then they all turned around as one. It was a very Invasion of the Body Snatchers moment and Steve started laughing.
His laughter died in his throat when he took in the sight of Billy Hargrove padding into the kitchen, stretching with a yawn. He was wearing the gray joggers Steve had left for him the night before, slung low on his hips, and nothing else. The scars on his chest and sides looked pink and gnarly and Steve winced at the sight of them.
He wondered what he was going to say to Billy about them when he asked, because he was bound to ask. Maybe he should just tell him the truth, even though he had no way to prove any of it.
Billy opened cupboards until he found the mugs, then helped himself to some coffee. Black, one sugar. He turned around, leaning against the counter and lifted his mug in greeting.
“Morning, pretty boy. Teenagers I don’t know. Thanks for the bed last night, I don’t remember the last time I slept so well.” Billy chuckled. “Then again, I don’t remember anything before you found me last night so…”
The kids all started talking at the same time, throwing out questions and theories that Steve tuned out automatically. He didn’t care how it was possible that Billy was back, or where he’d been in the past year. The fact was that he was back and he had no memories.
Steve crossed the lounge and walked into the kitchen. He got himself some coffee before joining Billy by the counter.
“Hey,” Steve said, marveling at the smile that bloomed on Billy’s face.
“Hey, Stevie. Are they always this noisy and annoying?” Billy asked with a nod towards the kids.
Steve chuckled. “Uh huh.” The stray thought hit him, not for the first time, that Billy was attractive as fuck, especially when he smiled. He didn’t remember Billy smiling all that much before, at least not in the open and genuine way this new Billy was. He found that he liked it a lot.
After the battle of Starcourt, Robin had asked a lot of questions and Steve had done his best to answer them. Some of the things she’d said when he’d explained his unwanted rivalry with Billy had prompted some serious soul searching.
For Robin’s eighteenth birthday back in March, they’d driven to Indianapolis and used fake IDs to get into a queer bar. Steve had ended up in a booth making out with a guy with a dirty blonde mullet and blue eyes, which had caused him a few realizations about himself.
After long discussions with Robin during boring early afternoon shifts at Family Videos, the two of them had come to the following conclusions:
One, Steve was most definitely bisexual.
Two, he maybe had a type.
Three, there was a good chance Billy had been pulling Steve’s metaphorical pigtails
After the last twelve-ish hours, Steve was ready to add a new item to the list. Billy was definitely flirting with him, and Steve was into it. A lot.
“You know, they usually keep going for a while. I bet we could sneak out to go grab some breakfast and they wouldn’t even notice,” Steve whispered to Billy, his eyes on Dustin and Mike yelling at each other while Lucas and Will tried to calm them down.
Billy snickered. “You’re on. I better put a shirt on though…”
Steve made a show of looking down at Billy’s chest before he locked eyes with him. “If you must… Wouldn’t want you to get arrested for indecent exposure on your first day back from the great beyond, I guess,” he said with a wink that made Billy’s cheeks turn pink. “Come on,” he added before pushing off the counter.
With a nod, Billy headed down the hallway towards the guest room, which went unnoticed by the kids. Steve put both their mugs in the sink and grabbed his wallet and his keys as silently as he could from the bowl on top of the microwave.
He stopped in the archway long enough to get Will’s attention. “Just going to the bathroom,” he told the quiet boy, who nodded before his eyes moved back to Mike.
A fully dressed Billy was waiting for him by the door to the garage. Steve looked back at the house as they drove off, but no one came running after them.
“Are you sure it’s safe to leave those boys in your house like that?” Billy asked when they got out of Loch Nora.
“Yeah, they’ll get tired of arguing eventually and raid the kitchen for snacks.” Steve was over it, if he was really honest. He never signed up to be the unofficial Party babysitter, not that a bunch of fifteen-year-olds needed a babysitter. He sighed. “They’ll either be watching a movie when we get back or they’ll have left.”
“Kinda hoping for the latter, I have to say, pretty boy” Billy said, his gaze on Steve and Steve found himself agreeing.
“That makes two of us.” Steve smiled, feeling a little giddy when Billy blushed again.
“Do you think it’s a good idea for us to go out in public, on account of me being dead and all?” Billy inquired when they stopped at the intersection that would take them downtown.
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. I’m taking us to a diner about twenty minutes out of Hawkins. They have the best pancakes.” Steve took the turn that led out to the highway, flipping down the sun visor when the sun peeked through the trees and into his eyes.
“You know, I’m still not entirely sure who I am, but yet somehow, I know I love pancakes,” Billy said, his frustration evident in his tone.
Steve reached across the central console and picked up Billy’s hand in his, slotting their fingers together. “I’m sorry.” He turned his head briefly to smile at Billy then put his attention back on the road, giving Billy’s hand a light squeeze. “If your memories don’t come back, we’ll just have to make new ones.”
“What’s going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t do this. Don’t answer a question with a question. You skirted around a bunch of stuff last night when you were telling me all about how I allegedly died, and now you’re holding my hand and talking about making new memories together. What the fuck is happening?”
Steve sighed. He spotted a service road and slowed down so he could get off the highway. He drove until they were out of view and parked next to a copse of trees. He unbuckled his seat belt and turned to face Billy, who was sitting in a similar fashion. He took a moment to gather his thoughts and decide where to start and what to tell Billy.
“The truth, please,” Billy said and Steve nodded.
“Over a year and a half ago, you moved here to Indiana from California, with your dad, your stepmom and your stepsister, Max. I’m not sure why you moved over here from there, there were a few rumors at school about it, but they were all as stupid as each other. I do know that you were angry about it, and you took it out on Max, and to a certain degree, me.”
“Okay, so how did we go from that to this? Because I vividly remember you telling me last night I beat you up at some point early in our acquaintance.”
“I did say that. And I remember you saying that you wouldn't have done it without a good reason.”
“Uh huh.”
“And you were right, though I didn’t realize it at the time. By that, I mean when you showed up looking for Max, and found her alone in some stranger’s house with me and those boys you met earlier, I probably shouldn’t have antagonized you, or thrown the first punch.”
“I also since learned some unsavory things about your father that went a long way to explain why you reacted the way you did and beat the shit out of me. But that’s all water under the bridge.”
“Are you serious right now?” Billy balked.
“As a heart attack. Anyway, around that time and also later, some really bad shit happened, involving an alternate dimension, flower-headed creatures with lots of teeth, and possession by a huge monster made of people.” Steve chanced a glance at Billy to find him staring with an odd look on his face. “Long story short, me and my friend Robin were tortured by Russians but we managed to escape, then you sacrificed yourself to save all of us, and potentially the world.”
“Okaaaay. Alternate dimensions, creepy monsters and Russians in Indiana. Got it. That still doesn’t explain this.” Billy gestured between the two of them.
“Um, I did a lot of thinking, after, and Robin made me realize a bunch of things about myself.”
“This Robin your girlfriend, then?” Billy seemed upset by the idea.
“What? No!” Steve shook his head vehemently, so there wouldn’t be any doubt in Billy’s mind. “We’re just friends. And I’m totally not her type.”
“Pretty boy like you is everyone’s type, Steve.”
The turn of phrase was so familiar, it hit Steve in the gut. He wanted to reach into the past and slap himself for being so oblivious. “Even yours?” he asked, hopeful and not caring about sounding desperate.
Billy laughed and Steve was once again astonished at the difference between this Billy and the one he remembered.
“Especially mine,” Billy replied, sobering up. His gaze dropped from Steve’s eyes to his mouth.
“Billy?” Steve whispered when Billy didn’t look up again.
“Yeah?” Billy glanced up then, and Steve grinned at him.
“I’m glad you’re back.”
“Me too, pretty boy, me too.”
Steve wasn’t sure if he yanked Billy to him or if Billy climbed over, but next thing he knew, he had a lap full of amnesiac boy. He grappled for the handle on the side of the seat and slid the seat as far back as it went, moaning loudly when Billy straddled him properly. Then Billy’s mouth was on his and it was everything Steve had dreamed about and more… Billy kissed with his whole body and Steve couldn’t get enough of it.
He wrapped his arms around Billy to keep him close, not that Billy was likely to go anywhere, if the way he buried his fingers in Steve’s hair was any indication. Billy tightened his fingers, giving a little tug that made Steve’s dick jump. The second Steve leaned his head back, Billy left his mouth to nibble along his jaw and down his neck.
Steve let out a keening whimper when Billy started licking and sucking on a spot at the base of his neck. His hand flew to the back of Billy’s head and he bucked his hips, groaning when he felt Billy’s half-hard cock press against his. There was fire running through his veins at the thought of Billy marking him where everyone could see.
“Oh fuck, Steve… you feel so go— fuck !” Billy pulled back all of a sudden, his breath coming in harsh pants, his hands dropping out of Steve’s hair as he sat upright. He banged his head on the roof of the car when he moved off Steve and fell back into the passenger seat. He was white as a sheet, his arms curled over his chest, his knees up to his chin.
“Baby, you okay?” Steve asked, concerned at the sudden change in Billy. He wanted to reach out, but wasn’t sure it would be well received.
“I remember…” Billy’s voice was shaky and he wouldn’t look at Steve. “I remember everything. Oh God!”
He was out of the car and running into the woods before Steve had a chance to move. Steve took off after him, not even bothering to close his car door in his rush to catch up to him.
“Billy! Wait!” Steve kept his eyes on the red dot ahead of him and kept calling out for Billy to stop. He came to a clearing with a rocky outcrop and stopped to catch his breath, noticing the heaving form of the boy he was looking for huddled beside a boulder.
He approached slowly, careful to make some noise to alert Billy to his presence. “Hey, Billy, it’s me, it’s Steve.”
Billy lifted his head from where it was resting against his knees. His eyes were red and his cheeks wet from tears. “Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?” he asked with a voice rendered husky from crying.
Steve let out a relieved chuckle. “Yeah, it’s me. Don’t cream your pants.”
“I don’t know, Stevie, you seemed pretty keen a minute ago in that fancy car of yours,” Billy replied with a small chuckle of his own.
Steve dropped down in front of Billy, close enough to be touching but not daring to yet. His confidence was bolstered by the glimpse of Billy’s usual bravado “Yeah, I was, until the boy I like ran out on me,” he said with a smile.
“Can I touch you?” Steve asked, moving closer when Billy nodded. He wrapped his arm around Billy’s shoulder, reassured when Billy leaned into him. “You scared the shit out of me, running off like that. What happened?”
“I don’t… I don’t know. Suddenly everything came back to me, every horrible thing I did, all those people… God, Steve, how can you stand me? I can’t stand myself after what I—”
“Baby, no. That wasn’t you. The Mind Flayer controlled you. It made you do those things. It’s not your fault, you hear me?”
“You really mean it?”
“That it wasn’t your fault? You bet.”
“No, the other part.”
“Oh, that? Wasn’t that obvious? I really like you, Billy Hargrove. And I’m glad you’re back from the dead, or wherever you were this past year.”
“Pretty boy, I have no fucking clue what happened to me.”
“What do you wanna do now?”
“I can’t stay here, I know that much, because where the fuck would I go? I died. And there is no fucking way I’m going back to Cherry Lane.”
“Oh, well, you wouldn’t be able to, anyway. Your dad left a bit after your funeral. Susan and Max moved into a trailer at Forest Hills because the house was in his name and they couldn’t stay there.”
“Well, that’s just peachy, isn’t it?”
Steve tightened his hold on Billy. “You can stay with me. Or we could…”
“We could what? What are you plotting in that brain of yours, pretty boy?”
“I have some savings, and a car. If you wanted, we could, I don’t know, go to Cali. Or somewhere else. Anywhere.”
“You’d want that?”
“More than anything, if I’m being honest.”
“But your life is here. I don’t want you to end up resenting me, Steve.”
Steve cupped Billy’s cheek and pressed their lips together for a short kiss. “My only friend here is Robin, and she’s off to college in the fall. I’m sick of spending my days off driving a bunch of ungrateful teenagers around. Also, I’ve spent a whole year without you, and it sucked. So if you want me, want this, I’m all in.”
Billy pounced, bowling Steve over onto the soft grass with a wide grin. They rolled over a few times and Steve was still laughing when Billy pulled him down for a kiss.
The pancakes could wait. The damn kids could wait.
The universe had given Steve sunshine back and he was going to bask in it for the rest of his life.
#harringrove#billy hargrove#steve harrington#billy x steve#amnesiac billy hargrove#amnesia#dragonflylady77#harringrove fic
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Of Friends and Horror
Stu Macher x Fem!Reader x Billy Loomis
WARNINGS: Graphic content, eventual Smut (MINORS DNI), Language, Talks of SA (rape), Cheating, Obsessiveness, Gore, 18+ content, Stalking, Jealousy, Angst, Possessiveness, (let me know if there’s more that needs to be added!)
Word Count: 1.02k
Tag List: @ev3ningrain @nerdytif @m-the-little-witch
A/N: Ah, I hope y’all feel lucky. Two chapters in one day! I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope I captured Randy, Billy, and Stu’s personality correctly. Thank you so much for reading! I’m hoping I’d get an update out tomorrow, but if not, it should be up later on this week at some point so keep an eye open. I also wrote this on my iPad, so I apologize if there’s any grammatical errors. I’ll proofread again tomorrow and put out an updated version. Oh, again, if you wanna be added to the tag list, just comment down below. Thank you :)
All chapter links! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
OF&H Masterlist
Chapter 3
“Remember, your principal loves you, and I want you to be safe. All students are encouraged to return to their homes promptly from school grounds…” The principal spoke over the PA, “Avoid strangers, walk in twos and threes—“
You pinched the bridge of your nose, visibly stressed from all the questioning. You haven’t a clue why you were so upset about everything, you weren’t the killer, but for some reason it felt like you were. Maybe you should’ve lied? Twisted the story a bit so you didn’t reveal you were a mistress at some point in your life.
“I am a slut..” You mumbled, dragging your fingers down your face, causing your eyes to droop. “Now Brooke is definitely going to find out, how am I to confront her on that?” You asked no one in particular.
You stared at the vibrant blue sky, squinting when the sun flashed your eyes. “Have mercy on me, please?” You begged the man upstairs, not expecting an answer in return.
“What kind of questions did they ask you, Sid?” You heard Tatum’s voice in the distance.
You blew a raspberry, putting your brave face on and sauntered over to your friend group at the fountain.
“They asked if I knew Casey…” Sidney’s voice soon followed.
“Hi, guys!” You chirped, sitting in front of Stu, Billy, Tatum and Sidney, unintentionally stopping their conversation.
“Hello, Sweetcheeks!” Stu blurted, eyes glazing over you, a small smirk planted on his lips. “What took you so long?” He groaned, “It’s always so boring when you aren’t here!” He frowned, tossing his head back.
“Gee, thanks Stu..” Tatum snipped, causing you to giggle.
You looked over to Billy, seeing Sidney leaning against his legs, your face contorting in disgust as jealousy was creeping up on you. You mentally slapped yourself, looking away and back at Stu.
“Uh, they had me stay longer for questioning…” You admitted, leaning back against your bag, stretching out your legs.
“Huh? Why?” Billy asked, curiously.
“Yeah, why’s that?” Sidney mumbled.
You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat.
“Just reasons, I guess.”
“Speaking of questioning, did they ask if you like to hunt?” Stu looked at Billy and Randy who seemed to have shown up out of nowhere.
“Yeah, they did. Did they ask you?” Billy answered and probed, Randy nodded in agreement.
“Hunt? Why would they ask you if you liked to hunt?” Tatum voiced.
“Because their bodies were gutted.” Randy spoke up, shoving a peanut in his mouth.
“They didn’t ask me if I liked to hunt…” both Sidney and Tatum declared.
Stu looked around, but his eyes always seemed to land on you, which caused you to blush, and chew on your fingernail.
“‘Cause there’s no way a girl could’ve killed ‘em..” Stu laughed.
“That’s bullshit. The killer could easily be female, basic instinct.”
“That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing…” Randy butted in.
“Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. And the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that.” Stu grinned, still staring at you without realizing it.
You leaned in, placing your chin on the palm of your hand. “Really now? If that’s so, then why did they ask me if I liked to hunt, Stu?” You smirked, catching all of them off guard. “Like Tatum said, the killer could easily be a girl. Though, with how they were killed it was clearly a man. They’re all the same, messy. They like to play with their prey. A woman on the other hand, knows how to get things done, swiftly and cleanly. Why do you think they don’t get caught as easily?” You finished your statement. Drumming your fingers across your lap in triumph.
“That was— I was not expecting that.” Stu laughed loudly, bewilderment lingering around him like an aroma of some sorts. Billy was just as shocked, but more amused.
However, Sidney wasn’t having it. “How… How do you gut someone?” She asked.
“You take a knife—“ Stu started and Billy looked up from his lunch. “And you slit ‘em from the groin to the sternum..”
“Hey.” Billy cut Stu off, glaring at him. “It’s called tact, you fuckrag.”
You sighed, shaking your head.
“Hey, (Y/n)..” Sidney asked, ignoring Billy and Stu’s former conversation.
Your ears perked and you looked at her confused.
“Didn’t you used to date Steve Orth?”
‘Now how in the fuck could she have possibly known that…’ You thought, your ears turning red from anger and you clenched your fist.
“Yeah, for like a couple of months..”
“Hold up, did I miss a chapter or something? When the hell did you date him?” Billy asked, looking somewhat pissed.
“Uh, yeah, I have to agree with Billy here.. when the hell did that happen?” Tatum’s eyes widened, she felt betrayed.
“Jesus, guys, it was only a couple of months, I don’t even know how Sidney found out.” You started, shooting Sidney a glare.
“Can we change the subject, please?”
“Did you sleep with him?” Stu mumbled, starting to get irritated as well.
“All of you, please just shut up. It is not a big deal.” You demanded.
“Are the police aware that you dated the victim?” Randy asked, ignoring your pleas.
“Hey, what are you saying? That I killed both Casey and Steve?” Your mouth gaped at the accusation.
“It just makes sense, ex-girlfriend not over the relationship, gets jealous seeing her lover with someone else… You know, the scorned ex who kills for revenge!” Randy shouted, earning a few stares in the process from passersby’s.
“(Y/n) was with me last night, okay?” Billy spoke, winking at you from behind Sidney.
“Yeah, I was…” You stated, catching Sidney’s eyes darting your way.
“Was that before or after you sliced them up?”
“Hold on, you went to (Y/n)‘s after you came by my place? You said you were going to Stu’s!” Sidney flared her nostrils, anger bubbling to the surface.
“Oh, brother…” You whispered, face-palming. Seeing Sidney hurriedly packing up her things, she didn’t give neither you or Billy time to explain...
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#fanfiction#billy loomis x female reader#ghostface x female reader#stu matcher x reader#stu macher x female reader#billy x you x stu#billy loomis x reader#billy loomis#stu macher#ghostface#scream x reader#scream franchise#scream 1996
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‘tis my birthday today (it’s gotta be one of the worst birthdays to have, we don’t need to talk about it) anyways that’s where this is coming from
(also i’m not trying to imply that jan 1 is eddie’s bday. i wouldn’t wish that on anybody. besides, he is def a weirdo february aquarius)
The second half of the calendar year is nothing short of pandemonium for Eddie and Steve and their three daughters.
Moe’s birthday in late July kicks it off, almost immediately followed by Steve’s birthday in early August, then Hazel’s in September. Robbie’s birthday comes mere days after Halloween, and from there they dive headfirst into the bedlam of the holiday season.
Much to Eddie's relief, they all made it to yet another New Year's Day, and while the girls are definitely feeling the end-of-winter-break blues, Eddie welcomes the reprieve in festivities, brief as it may be.
His own birthday is up next – though not for another month.
He’s really not a birthday kind of guy. Never had been.
He loves making birthdays exciting for Steve and their daughters (they have a whole slew of traditions and everything – there’s names spelled out in pancakes involved; it's a very big deal), but his own…not so much.
It managed to fly under the radar for the past few years, but since this year is the big Five-Oh, he knows Steve won’t let him get away with that again.
Eddie has a complicated relationship with his birthday. When he was younger and the weight of Birthday Importance was at its peak, he never really celebrated the way other kids got to, and now, as an adult, he doesn’t know how to feel the things you’re supposed to feel about your birthday.
Steve does a good job, despite Eddie’s weirdness.
His favorite, Eddie thinks, was the year Moe was born, when Steve had managed to catch him off guard by renting a tiny cottage up in Maine for a few days.
“Moe or no Moe,” Steve had asked, “I’ve got Rob and Nance on standby.”
(They’d taken Moe. She saw snow for the first time. It was amazing, and people who don't want to involve their kids in stuff are a bunch of fucking weirdos).
Steve gives him a letter every year – handwritten on notebook paper and folded into whatever cheesy card he picks out.
Eddie keeps most of the letters in a fireproof lockbox along with all their passports and social security cards and birth certificates (look – Eddie doesn’t fuck around with priceless shit), but he keeps the most recent one – the one Steve gave him for his forty-ninth birthday nearly a year ago – in the top drawer of his bedside table.
He has it pretty much memorized at this point.
It says:
Ed! (with an exclamation point and everything – god, does Eddie love him)
Holy shit we’re getting old.
Writing this is making me think about all the ones from the beginning, when I’d write about our future together even though we didn’t have a damn clue what we were working towards for a while.
I think we’re in it, man. Crazy, right?
(The ink color suddenly switches from blue to purple)
Sorry for the color change. Hazy decided she needed a blue pen immediately. Hope your vision hasn’t gone totally to shit and you can still read the purple.
Anyways, since I have you hostage reading this, I’m gonna take the opportunity to discuss you, because you don’t let me in real life most of the time.
You are gorgeous. Best looking face I’ve ever seen. I wonder how much time I’ve lost off my day just staring at you (actually, not a loss. I take that back)
You suck at puzzles – I know that sounds bad, but it’s great for me. I need that to rub off on Moe because she’s getting pretty good and that’s gonna be a problem for me.
You make me laugh so fucking hard every day. I’m praying the girls get your sense of “elevated” humor or whatever you like to call it
You’re so fucking smart, Eddie. I count myself lucky for it endlessly
You are completely 100% you all the time. I’m still working on that I think but I’m getting there because of you. I’m glad all that shit we went through didn’t take that away from you.
the BEST dad. Can’t believe I didn’t say that sooner. Not to brag but our kids are turning out pretty awesome (can’t go around saying that too much though it’ll go right to their heads and then any power we have left goes out the window)
You’re probably the best person I’ve ever known. Don’t think I’ll be forgetting what a catch you are any time soon, because I won't.
Thank you for loving me even all these years later. My life is better every day that I’m with you.
We’ll keep things quiet this year. Don’t get used to it though. Next year’s gonna be a rager.
Love you always!
- Steve :) ♡ ☆
#over-the-moon in love steve absolutely writes a mean love letter#to those who get steve's sign-off -> ilysm that's an old post#shoutout to the partners of birthday-haters#y’all are doing the most and it is appreciated#steddie#liv’s steddie dads verse#steddie dads#steve harrington#eddie munson
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Should We Stay or Should We Go? || Chapter Two
-A ST Rewrite Feat. Steve Harrington x Henderson!OFC-
Main Masterlist || Series Masterlist
🎲Summary: On the night of November 6th, 1983, Stephanie Henderson decided to walk her little brother’s friend, Will, back home. However… they never arrive. Now, Dustin, Mike and Lucas, and soon the exception of the girl’s ex-best friend, Steve, must band together to find out what happened. Meanwhile, Steph and Will must fight for their survival in this nightmarish version of Hawkins, Indiana.
🎲Chapter Summary: Lucas, Mike and Dustin try to talk to the girl they found in the woods; And Hopper questions an anxious Joyce about an unsettling phone call; Steph and Will must continue to survive; And Steve’s eyes get opened in a way he never saw coming.
🎲Pairings: Will x Platonic!OFC; Dustin x Sister!OC; Slow burn! Steve x Henderson!OFC (Ex-bestfriends to Lovers); Slow burn! Byler
🎲Rating: Teen-Mature
🎲Word Count: 11,024 (Oh, my lord)
🎲Date: 5/16/24
🎲Warnings: Angst; Swearing; Implied Broken Friendship; Talks of Kidnapping; Mental Strain/Breaking Down; Implying Sex; Lying; Implied Suicide; Death/Killing; Talks of Corpses; Blood; Gun Use; Steve's 'Asshole Era. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
(And let me know if I missed anything)
🎲A/N: Jesus. This was a tough one to write and edit (Hopefully I didn't make too many mistakes). But, geez. Writing different POVs, everyone's thought was a tough one. But hopefully y'all can understand 😅. Also, I am NOT a D&D player, so some of lore just comes straight from the wiki. Hopefully that's reliable enough. Anyway, sorry for the delay. Enjoy!

“What the fuck are you?!” Will heard her scream as the creature tried to outmatch her. The light above them grew brighter and brighter, and he squeezed his eyes shut while gripping her jacket tighter. He prayed this was just another nightmare. Maybe… Maybe he’s getting his wish when he hears the silence. Does he dare open his eyes and see the truth?
He’s scared, trembling, and it heightens when he hears the girl heaving for air. So much so he clenches his grip on the fabric tighter, the strange smelling air going through his nostrils causing him to gasp himself. When his eyes snapped open is when his coughing fit started.
He hears his name being called, and hands coming around his shoulders. He almost jerks away, afraid, until his orbs settle on the silhouette before him.
“S-Steph?” He croaked, a sense of relief flooding his veins. “What just happened?” He could see the confusion on her face, looking around for clues. He followed her eyes, nose crinkling at the sight. “We’re still in the shed. But it’s… gross.”
She swallows. “Stay behind me.” She tells him, and guides herself through the door. They both shivered at the sudden drop in temperature. “Jesus, It’s freezing.”
Will and her looked around, the outside world seemed to be encased in a blue hue, the places around seemed to be tangled with vines and covered in something sticky. There was also a white powder that looked like snow, raining down from the dark skies above. A sky that didn’t even have moonlight like it did a few minutes ago.
“Did you hit your head when we crashed?” She asked after getting his attention away from the sky.
He shakes his head, almost sadly. If that had both just hit their heads, would the situation have been better? He frowns, worriedly thinking away as the older girl tries to stay calm.
“Come on.” She says, gesturing to him to follow. “Let’s go inside. I want to see something.”
The rain was coming down more intensely than before, followed by the grumbling of thunder and lightning. Somehow, miraculously, the boys, mostly Wheeler, managed to convince the strange girl they found in the woods to return home with them, and hid her in the basement.
“Is there a number we can call for your parents?” Mike asked, worriedly as the girl looked between the three boys, all scared and confused.
“Where’s your hair? Do you have cancer?” Dustin spitted out, genuinely curious.
“Did you run away?” Lucas asked, skeptical.
“Are you in some kind of trouble?” Mike says, just as his friend questions a red sustain on her shirt. He slaps his hand away quickly. “Stop it! You’re freaking her out!”
“She’s freaking me out!”
“I bet she’s deaf.” Dustin suggested, before taking a quick half step and smacking his hands together. The sound makes the girl flinch, and he frowns apologetically. “Not deaf.”
“That’s enough, all right? She’s just scared and cold.” Mike said, silencing the two before running over to the laundry basket and grabbing some clothes. “Here, these are clean. Okay?”
The girl takes them, taking a second to be grateful before she starts stripping– The boys freak out, Mike running up to stop her while the other two look away.
“See over there?” He points. “Th-That’s the bathroom. Privacy. Get it?” She nods and he shows her inside. Just when he was about to shut it behind him, she grabs it forcibly. “You don’t want it closed?”
“No.” She finally says, surprising him.
“Oh, so you can speak. Okay, well… Um, how about we just keep the door…” He slowly moves it until there’s about three inches of space. “Just like this. Is that better?”
Mike smiles and leaves her be, rejoining the group who were having a conversation of their own.
“This is mental.” Dustin said, freaking out.
“At least she can talk.” Mike points out, with Lucas shaking his head, replying,
“She said ‘no’ and ‘yes’. Your three-year-old sister says more.”
“She tried to get naked.” Dustin adds.
“There’s something seriously wrong with her.” Lucas said, touching his temple. “Like, wrong in the head.”
“She just went like…” The Henderson boy makes a motion of taking off shirt (and even knocked his own hat off his head).
“I bet she escaped from Pennhurst.”
“From where?” Mike said, eyebrow raised.
“The nuthouse in Kerley County.”
“You got a lot of family there?” Dustin teased, getting a dirty look.
“Bite me. Seriously though, think about it. That would explain her shaved hair and why she’s so crazy.”
“Why she went like…” He does the shirt motion again. In his mind this was helping him and Lucas’ case.
“‘She’s an escapee’ is the point. She’s probably a psycho.”
“Like Michael Myers.”
“Exactly! We should’ve never brought her here.”
“So you just wanted to leave her out in that storm?” Mike asks, irritated.
“Yes! We went out to find Will–”
“And Phanie.” Dustin pressures.
“And Steph – not another problem!” Lucas agrees.
“I think we should tell your mom.”
“I second that.”
Mike holds his hand up. “Who’s crazy now?”
“How is that crazy?” Lucas scoffed.
“‘Cause, we weren’t supposed to be out tonight, remember?”
“So if I tell my mom and she tells your mom and your mom–”
Dustin’s eyes widened. “Oh, man.”
“Our houses become Alcatraz.” Lucas frowns.
“Exactly. We’ll never find Will, or Steph.” Mike says, seeing Dustin make the shirt motion once more, silently asking the question about the girl. “All right, here’s the plan. She sleeps here tonight.”
Henderson perked up again. “You’re letting a girl–”
“Just listen! In the morning, she sneaks around my house, goes to the front door and rings my doorbell. My mom will answer and know exactly what to do. She’ll send her back to Pennhurst or wherever she comes from. We’ll be totally in the clear. And tomorrow night, we go back out. And this time, we find Will and Stephanie.”
Lucas and Dustin share a look, until one of them finally shrugged. “I guess that works.”
“Great. We’ll start again tomorrow. Goodnight, guys.” Mike bid them as he went off to start making the mysterious girl a place to rest.
“This is crazy, man.” Lucas said, once they had snuck back out. “What the hell is Mike even thinking?”
“I don’t know. Do you think his plan will really work?” Dustin asked, as they headed over to where their bikes were hidden.
“I’m giving it less than a fifty percent chance of success.” He sighs. “I better get home.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Hey, don’t look so sad.” He pats his curly haired friend on the back. “We’ll find them.”
“I just want my sister back. You have no idea.”
In the following morning, in the Byers house, the eldest seemingly was keeping it together, making the morning meal like he always does and hoping his worrying mother would have just a bite.
“All right, Mom. Breakfast is ready.” Jonathan said, while placing the plate down in front of her, her thoughts being interrupted.
“What?” His mother said, before moving some papers. “No, be careful of the poster.”
“Yeah, okay. All right–”
“I can’t eat.”
“I just need you to eat, Mom.”
“Listen, listen. The Xerox place opens in, like…” She looks down at her watch. “30 minutes–”
“And I don’t want you to go alone–”
“No, I know. I told you, I got it.”
“So I’m gonna have Karen take you, ‘cause I should be here.” She gestures around, all jittery. “Claudia will meet you there, b-but if she’s not, she’ll reimburse us for the copies of Stephanie, I–”
He shakes his head with understanding. “Okay.”
“We need to make, what, 200, 300 copies?” He nods again. “How much is a copy?”
“Ten cents?”
“If we– ten cents”
“Mom, Mom!” Jonathan stops her from counting the cash she had laid out, and squeezes her shoulder with her other hang to calm her. “Y-You can’t get like this, okay?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Joyce replies, taking a shaky inhale of nicotine.
“No, it’s okay.” He reassures her softly, just before someone comes knocking on their door. The mother rushed over with her son on her tail, busting the door wide open for the exhausted police officer.
“We’ve been waiting six hours.”
“I know, I came as soon as I could.” Hopper replies, nearly dead on his feet.
“Six hours.”
“A little bit of trust here, all right?” He slides his hat off. “We’ve been searching all night, went all the way to Cartersville.”
Joyce made a choking sound and looked away. “God…”
Hopper frowns, sadly. “Flo says you got a phone call?”
“Oh, yeah.” Joyce nods and shows him their phone.
He picks it, examining the speaker part of it which was charded black. “Storm barbecued this pretty good.”
She took a step back in surprise. “The storm?”
Hopper looked at her like she had two heads. “What else?”
“You’re saying that that’s not weird?”
“No, it’s weird.”
“Can we, like, trace who made the call? Contact the–”
“No, it doesn’t work like that.” He shakes his head, and then looks at her with all seriousness. “Now, uh, you’re sure it was Will? Because Flo said you just heard some breathing.”
“No. It was him, it was Will... and h-he was scared. And then something–”
“It was probably just a prank call. It was somebody trying to scare you.”
“Who would do that?” Joyce questioned, face full of confusion and sickness.
“Well, this thing’s been on TV. It brings out all the crazies, you know. False leads, prank calls, uh–”
“No, Hopper, it was not a prank. It was him.”
“Joyce.” He begins, as she denies him again
“Come on, how about a little trust here?” She laughs dryly. “What, you think I’m– I’m making this up?”
“I’m not saying that you’re making it up.” Hopper looks at her with concern again. “All I’m saying is it’s an emotional time for you.”
“And you think I don’t know my own son’s breathing?”
“Hopper, my son’s missing. A-And not only that, someone else’s daughter is missing.” She nervously takes a puff of her cigarette. “And you know what the mess up part about that is? Stephanie didn’t have to! She didn’t have to be the sweetheart she is and take my son home. She could have just drove past him, but she didn’t! She didn’t, Hop. And now I have to live with the thought that I made someone else’s kid go missing because I. Was. Working!”
She ends with an emotional sigh, tightening the heavy tension it the room. Jonathan worriedly looking at his mother before, locking eyes with the police chief who was trying to find the right words to say.
“You hear from, uh, Lonnie yet?” Hopper asked after the small silence.
“It’s been long enough.” He puts his hat back on. “I’m having him checked out.”
“Oh, come on!” She sighs loudly, watching him leave. “You’re wasting your time.” Then the door shuts, and rubs her temple. “Jesus. He never listens!”
Jonathan ponders for a moment, before asking, “Mom, how likely is it that Will would actually go to Lonnie’s?”
“I…” Joyce runs a hand through her messy locks. “It’s possible, but he lives a long, long way. Especially on foot. But… I don’t– maybe he would! I…” She sighs again, overwhelmed. “However, I don’t think he would have gone with Stephanie. He’s… W-Will knows your father’s not the best man, and Will, you know, has that heart of gold.”
That got a chuckle out of both of them. “Yeah.”
“I don’t think Will would have risked Stephanie like that.” She shakes her head. “No. She’s an older kid, and older sister. As much as this sounds messed up, she would have done anything to make sure Will was safe. I know it. So… my question is…” She locks eyes with her son. “What would a girl her age think is a safe place for a young boy?”
Stephanie flipped the lightswitch on in the kitchen out of curiosity, but finds herself still submerged in darkness. “Just what I thought. There’s no light.” She says with a frown.
“The flash of light we saw–” Will looks up at her. “Do you think it was a power outage?”
“I don’t think there’s light here, I mean-” She starts walking around, rubbing her shaking hands together. “Look at this place. I don’t think we’re in Hawkins anymore.” She shivers just a smidge. “At least it’s a little warmer inside here.” Then she hears a distressful sound. “Will?”
The boy was pale, pupils blown wide and had a small tremble. “W-What do you m-mean we’re not in Hawkins anymore?” He asked, lip quivering with a slight pant. “B-But th-this looks like my house. D-Did w-we get taken somewhere else? Can we even g-go home? I–”
“Shit… Will–” She rushes over, hands coming up to his shoulders while she gets on one knee. “Will? Hey, bud, listen– hey.” She makes sure his gaze meets hers. “Don’t freak out. I know it’s scary, but we’re going to figure this out. Once we do, I’m going to get us home, I promise.”
The boy sniffles into his shoulder, fighting back tears. “You promise?”
“I promise.” She says it without realizing the fate of those words.
He swallows and extends out a certain finger. “Pinky promise?”
Her breath was nearly taken away by that certain question, taking her far back into a distant memory. But… like hell she’s going to let that memory change her judgment. She interlocks hers with his and repeats, “Pinky promise.”
That got him to crack a smile. “So, what next?” He asks, making her rack her brain for a plan.
He woke up again to his cat’s crying. The young Henderson frowns, heart clenching at how Mews was wondering where his sister was at. For the urban legend of how cats had no emotions, he’s certainly not seeing it. He rubbed his eyes and wandered aimlessly around, the thought of calling sick into school was still fresh in his mind. Should he? I mean it made sense, and it wasn’t like the school won’t understand, so….
Was that a yes?
He walked through the hallway, curls in his eyes as slows in front of his sister’s bedroom. His cat locked eyes with him, sadness and confusion filled the slitted pupils. Mews meows again.
“She’s not back yet.” Dustin says, getting a chirp. “We’re trying. She’ll be back soon.” He starts walking away, hearing him make a sad sound once more.
“Dusty-bun, I’m going to make some posters.” Claudia said, who were gathering her belongings by the door. “I left you breakfast on the stove.”
His nervous fingers gripped his t-shirt as he tried not to sound so down. “Hey, Mom?” Her eyes meet his gaze. “Is it okay if I… stay home today?”
Claudia’s face softens bittersweetly. “Of course you can, sweety. If you leave the house for whatever reason, just leave me a note where you’re going, that’s all I ask.” She gives him a kiss on his hairline, and is one foot out the door before adding, “Oh! And be back before dark. Okay? Your Mama doesn’t need to worry about another kid.”
“Can do.”
He watches her smile and closes the door, locking it. He frowns at that action, I mean they’ve never locked their door before, and now it was becoming second nature. He was even surprised she told him he could leave the house. Or… did she not expect him to leave this place in the state he’s in? Sounds like something she would do.
He sighs and heads for the kitchen to make himself a plate. He didn’t have much of an appetite, really, but he didn’t want to hurt his mother’s feelings or make her beg for him to eat – he didn’t want to call ‘pot kettle black’ since he was the one that had to convince his mourning mother to eat last night. But it was hard, his fork just picking at the food, cutting it into smaller pieces to stare at before dropping his utensil onto the plate.
Steph… His fingers dug into his pocket and pulled the gold chain out, letting it sprawl out in his palm. He stares at it intensely, thinking. Come on, Sis, give me a sign. What happened to you and Will? What caused you to go off road and run? Run with Will’s shotgun out of all things?
What had got her so scared that they needed a weapon to protect themselves? Both her and Will were the last two people that would resort in violence, so the fact that they decided to arm themselves with a weapon tells him that something sinister was up.
But what? Dustin lays the necklace down next to him, pretending that she was here to eat with him like she always does, before deciding it was time to munch on what was left on his plate.
Hopper struggles to keep his mind clear after that conversation with Joyce. His thought always going back to this particular moment:
““Stephanie didn’t have to! She didn’t have to be the sweetheart she is and take my son home. She could have just drove past him, but she didn’t! She didn’t, Hop. And now I have to live with the thought that I made someone else’s kid go missing because I. Was. Working!””
Of course the woman felt guilty about everything. I mean, your kid goes missing, who else are you going to blame other than yourself? But she also was chipping away at the idea it was her fault that that poor girl was missing too. Blames herself for working later than usual, and wasn’t the one to come across her own son on the road and pick him up. That’s a lot of guilt for someone who’s holding the family together on her own.
He listens to the volunteers shout the children’s names, hoping that they would shout back. Hopper wishes that too. He prays that one of them would yell back for help and get this nightmare over with.
“Hey!” He shouts at the two officers. “Anything?”
Callahan shakes his head. “You?”
“No, nothing but a dead phone.”
Hopper nods. “About one step from falling off the edge.”
“She’s been a few steps for a while now, hasn’t she?” Powell asked, as he’s met with a stern glare.
“Kid’s missing, man. Show a little class.” Hopper snaps, making them avert their eyes.
“All right…”
He exhales and takes off with the rest of the group, shouting, “Come on, let’s go! We got a lot of ground to cover.” He keeps his fingers crossed that this would be it. That this would be the search that brings them home.
For their mothers' sake.
For his sake.
For every goddamn person out of here’s sake.
Stephanie shifted through the last cabinet and frowns. “Well, we can’t cook anything because there’s no electricity. But we can eat the dry goods. Unless we can figure out how to start a fire” She sighs, and wrinkles her nose. I mean, they can go a few days without eating if they didn’t want to touch the box of crackers covered in goo. But water? How were they supposed to have water if the faucet comes out with something they probably shouldn’t drink.
She rubs her temples, thinking. “I guess we’re going to have to look for some bottled stuff to drink.” She makes contact with the boy who just entered the room. “How you feeling?”
“Fine. I got a bit of a chill, but we can still grab clothes out of the closets if we need it.” Will replies, hugging his walkie talkie close.
“And the call?”
“Nothing. I mean I could hardly ever get reception over here anyway, so maybe we can try finding a different spot.”
“That wouldn’t be a bad idea." She says with a sigh. “Where’s the shotgun?”
“Oh, uh– Mom’s room.” He points behind him.
“Alright, maybe I’ll take a peek outside. If it seems clear, maybe we can try to find some reception.”
Stephanie leaves the room with Will looking back at his walkie. He had to remain strong, hopeful. He has to get through to someone. His friends, his family, one of them has to be able–
Was he hearing things? Was his mind playing tricks?
His eyes trail to his living room where he swears he heard someone talking. It was faint, but you can’t miss it.
It sounds like… His chest tightens at a thought, his brown orbs blown wide as he looks at the yellow phone on the wall. It was probably hopeless, stupid even, I mean… the damn thing didn’t work when Stephanie tried to call for help when they were being chased. But that was the real world, this was… fake? Maybe it different, maybe it’s—
Oh, shit.
Maybe he’s just grasping at straws at this point and hopes it turns out okay.
His fingers latch around the phone, pulling it off the receiver and dials his home’s number, praying with all his might that this ridiculous idea would actually work.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, com–
Oh, he felt like crying when someone picked up.
[ ‘Hello?’ ]
His mother’s voice broke through and poke him in the heart. He couldn’t breath as relief washed over him like a storm.
[ ‘Hello? Lonnie? Hopper? Who is this?’ ]
Say something, say something, say something– His lip quivers as he swallows. “M-Mom?” He can’t wait till Steph hears about this. “M-Mom, I-It’s me.”
She can hear me right? She has to.
[ ‘Will? Will? It’s Will!’ ]
[ ‘Mom, it’s Will?’ ]
He could cry upon hearing the second voice. “J-Jonathan? Mom? M-Me and Stephanie are tr-trap in some weird place! I-I don’t know what t-to–”
Then he was cut off by the dreadful sound of the monster. Will watched as its claws wrapped around the corner, almost like it was pulling itself into the kitchen. He doesn’t even know where it came from. He didn’t even hear it freaking come in!
He froze on sight, his mother shouting something he couldn’t make out as the beast with no eyes looked directly at him. He wanted to scream but it was stuck in his throat. Is this how he was going to die? Die by listening to his mother’s pleas to answer her?
It shrieked and seemed to get bigger, ready to strike him down before it took a bullet to the face. The shot made it fall against the wall, and Will drops the fried phone and backs himself away. Stephanie looked half scared to death too as she cocks the shotgun again and fires one more when it stands up, sending it flying to the living room. As quickly as her buckling knees could hold her, she rushes over to Will, pulling him behind her as she aims the barrel into the direction the beast was. Shaking intensely, she carefully peeks around the corner to find that it had completely vanished like it did earlier. She gasps in shock before sliding to the ground herself, mentally drained.
“Steph!!” Will calls out with worry. He could see her eyes glassing over, her skin becoming paler as she shouts,
“Where the fuck are we?!”
Steve strolls into school, head in the clouds, and an aching feeling in the pit of his stomach. His sleep went to complete shit after the conversation with his girlfriend last night. He still doesn’t understand why it was affecting him so much. It’s not like him and Steph hung out anymore. So why is he losing sleep over this?
You’re not even friends anymore, Harrington. He mentally slaps himself. Get your shit together–
“Boo!” Tommy yelled, jumping out from behind the corner, startling him.
“Jesus, Hagan.” Steve said, holding his chest while the other teen laughed.
“That was so easy.”
“So–” Carol’s arm snakes around him with a grin. “Did you tell your little girlfriend about your party?”
“I-I… not yet.”
“What? You didn’t tell her at her house yesterday?”
“N-No. Never got the chance to.”
“What?!” Tommy scoffs. “Stealthy Stevie didn’t get to use his skills last night?” Him and his girlfriend laughed, but then grew quiet seeing how distant the King was being. “What the fuck’s going on with you, man?”
“Um…” Steve’s gaze gets caught onto someone else, spotting a certain person posting a certain flier up on the bulletin board. He swallows, and masks a fake smile. “You guys go ahead to class. I got to grab something out of my locker.”
“Oh, we can go with you.” Carol begins, trying to follow him but he shakes them off.
“No, no. Go ahead. I’ll meet you there.” Steve ignores the strange looks they gave him before walking away. Deciding this was the ‘only’ way, he rushes over to the oldest Byers kid, ‘accidently’ pushing his shoulder into his, knocking the papers out of his hand while he was leaving. He scoffs, while saying, “Watch where you’re going!”
Jonathan says nothing as he bends over to collect the rest, oblivious to the other teenager sliding a paper away with his foot. Once he leaves, Steve retrieves the flier from under his shoe, reading it over.
HAVE YOU SEEN ME? Stephanie Henderson Age 16, 5’4” Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, 110lbs. Last seen wearing a brown work uniform, black jacket, white sneakers, and a baseball cap. Reach out to Claudia Henderson or Joyce Byers at #### or ####
Steve stares with a distant look in his eyes, thumb brushing over her picture. Such a gentle smile for a gentle person. God… why did they have to use that picture? It was right before he–
He frowns, throwing his head back.
What the hell was he supposed to do now?
Back at the Wheeler’s house, Mike decided to stay home, his parents totally unaware of him doing so. He showed the new girl around his place, acting a bit giggly when they finally got to his room. He was so excited to show off his action figures, and comic books, and anything else that he holds close to his heart. He didn’t even realize she was starting to wander off to where a collection of trophies were. Her brown eyes grew with fascination by them.
“Oh, these are all my science fair trophies. We got first every year.” Mike’s smile drops just a tad. “Except for last year when we got third. Mr. Clarke said it was totally political.”
Yeah, it totally was that. He expected some kind of reaction from her, except for the one where her eyes widened and she slowly pointed to the picture of Will in their fair picture together.
Mike perked up, hopeful. “You know Will? Did you see him? Last Night? On the road? Did–” He pauses. “Hang on a sec.” Maybe he’s getting his hopes up as he grabs another photo after shifting around in his drawer. It was a picture of his friends’ families at the lake, posing nicely for the camera.
He points to the girl in the right hand corner. “This is Stephanie. She’s his sister.” He points to Dustin who’s hanging out behind her. “She supposedly gave Will a ride the night he disappeared, and we can’t find her either. Did you see her too?”
The girl studies Steph’s face, slowly the same reaction she had from seeing Will returned as she pointed again. “I–”
Her answer was cut short when they heard something from outside. Mike gets up quickly, peeking through his curtains to see his mother’s car pulling into the driveway. He pales.
“Shit.” He rushes to grab her by the hand and strings her along. “We gotta hide!”
Of course the eldest stayed awake for most of the night, the two of them tucked away in the far corner of Will’s room, her eyes trained on the door just in case that wretched monster appeared again. She kept a good grip on the shotgun, one foot planted on the ground for a quick pop up if needed. Adrenaline was pumping in her blood, she was fighting off her exhaustion and hunger, while a tune played on her dry lips.
“♪ Here we stand
Worlds apart, hearts broken in two. Two. Two
Sleepless nights.
Losing ground, I’m reaching for you. You. You
Feeling that it’s gone
Can’t change your mind
If we can’t go on
To survive–♪”
Will stirred beside her, his head resting on her shoulder that was starting to fall asleep, but she refused to jostle the kid. God knows he needs his rest. Well… so does she, but she’ll get around to that.
Her mind wanders back to the conversation they had last night, the one where Will admitted he spoke to his mother on the phone. Shock wasn’t the right word, especially when she examined the phone that had been burnt black, and when asking again if he heard that right, the youngest Byers swears he did.
Is there actually a way to communicate to… well… ‘our world’, I guess. She ponders on that thought, wondering if it’s possible to do so without frying your phone to death. Not to mention Will swears he heard people talking before calling his mother. Can we only communicate to the people we ‘hear’?
She scolds herself. This hurts my head too much.
“♪ –The tide
Love divides
Someday, love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
How we touched and went our separate ways
If he ever hurts you
True love won’t desert you
You know I still love you
Though we touched and went our separate ways– ♪”
Will stirred again, this time waking up slowly with a groan. “Was it a dream…?” He whispers, his eyes opening at a snail pace.
“I wish.” Steph says, sadly.
“Did you sleep okay?” He asks, rubbing his face.
Her heart skips a beat and a lie slips out. “Uh, yeah. It was fine.”
“That’s good.”
“We shouldn’t stay here.” She says, surprising him. “We should probably move around, maybe lose that monster for a while. And you’re probably hungry too, I know my mom keeps cans and bottled water down in our basement for emergencies. That should tie us over for a little while.”
“Is it even safe to go out?” He wonders, yet intrigued. He’ll admit… he is a bit famished.
“I don’t know. But we got to try. Right?”
“Whoa, whoa. Careful, careful.” Hopper says as he snags his partner by the collar. “I need you alive for the next few days, at least.”
Callahan smirked and scoffed as he gestures to the Quarry below. “Oh, hell, I could survive that.” He said, making his superior laugh. “What? George Burness made the jump. And he was drunk as a skunk. He did it on a $10 bet.”
“George is a liar. You make that jump from this height, that water turns into cement. Hits you like a ton of bricks.” Hopper smacks his hands together. “Break every damn bone in your body.”
The youngster pondered on that for a second before shaking his head. “Nah.”
[ ‘Chief, you copy?’ ]
Hopper grabs his walkie from his belt. “Yeah, Flo, talk to me.”
[ ‘Hey, Chief, we got a call from over at Benny’s. I think you need to get there right away.’ ]
And those were words he didn’t want to hear. So he and his team rushed over there as quickly as they could, and the first they were met with was the smell of a rotting corpse.
“Ugh, Jesus!” Callahan said, covering his nose.
“Suicide?” Powell asked, after a moment of silence.
Hopper hummed and stared in disbelief at the man laying on the table, pistol in hand and a bullet wound straight through the temple. There’s no way this can be real.
“Missing kid, suicide.” Callahan frowns. “You must feel like a big city cop again, huh, Chief?
“Well, I mostly dealt with strangers back then.” Hopper replies, this particular moment he almost broke down. “Benny was my friend.”
Stephanie peeked outside before gesturing to Will to follow. The two of them had backpacks on that they found lying around, going to use them to fill up with anything they could find – But the task that lay ahead was going to be hard. The task was…
Walking back through Mirkwood to the Henderson home.
No lights, just a few bullets to spare, and their pure will to survive (Or maybe it’s the fear that’s fueling that will).
“I don’t like this.” Will mutters, only a few minutes after they left the Byers’ driveway and down a few feet on the road. “What if that thing spawns in front of us again?”
“Then we shoot it and book it again. That’s all we can do now.” Steph replies, carefully looking around. But what if he’s right? What if thing actually just spawns out of thin air? Then there’s not telling where and when not to go.
He stays silent, shaking a tad as they make it further down the road. It took a hot minute for the older girl to notice this and stop briefly, the twelve year old’s eyes confused just as she held out her hand. Without missing a beat, his clammy hand takes it, squeezing it tight. She smiles just a tad, reminding her of Dustin before they started walking again.
She felt him hang on to dear life as they strolled into the darkest part of Mirkwood, the eeriness that was silence was making their hearts race. She came to a conclusion after facing the monster last night that she had to be the strong one here. She has to act like the older sister again, and remain calm, and to keep him safe.
I made a promise. I don’t know how to fulfill it just yet, but I’m going to get him out of here. Steph casts a glance down at him, the poor boy’s face looked so cold. Does hers look like that too?
She grins after a quick thought. “Hey–” His eyes locked with hers. “What does a ‘Ranger’ do in D&D? That one sounds intriguing to me.”
His face lights up. “You actually want to play D&D?”
“Hey, you suggested it, I might as well. So, the Ranger? What’s that like? The lore?”
“Well, Rangers are warriors that explore different civilizations, and they hunt down the deadliest of monsters. They’re trained in many different combat techniques, survival skills, and even some magic.”
“Magic? I like the sound of that.”
“They mostly reside in the forest, or anything ‘nature-y’.”
She chuckles. “I don’t like the sound of that. What else? Aren’t there like… classes… or different types?
“Oh, yeah.” He nods. “I guess it depends on what you prefer. Do you want me to tell you?”
“I’m all ears.” Steph said, making a motion. I’m just glad he’s stopped shaking.
“Well, there’s a lot. The most common ones are ‘Beast Masters’, which are accompanied with an animal companion. Then there’s ‘Hunters’, which are mainly just professional assassins that take down monsters of all sorts. Now, even though all Rangers have the capability of taking monsters down, Hunters are strictly made just to do that.”
She hums. “Interesting.”
“Then there’s ‘Gloom Stalkers’, who live mostly in dark realms, and take down the shadowy beasts roaming the territory. They’re pretty good at ambushing their opponents.” He smiles. “Personally, I find that the coolest.”
“Well, I can see why. What else? Do Rangers get weapons?”
“Of course! The most common is a two-blade or archery.”
“Archery sounds cool.”
“See, I agree. But I know Lucas always says it’s ‘stupid’, so–”
Steph shakes her head with a sigh. “Oh, well. I guess I’ll have to prove him wrong when I play.”
“So you are going to play with us!” Will said, joyfully, like you just told him Christmas was coming early.
“If that’s how I prove Lucas wrong, then so be it. So how does one newbie play D&D?” She asked, hopefully this will keep him occupied. At least I can keep him distracted until we get there.
“Are you out of your mind?” Lucas said, as soon as Mike was done with his explanation for them being here.
“Just listen to me.” Mike pleads.
“You are out of your mind–”
“She knows about Will and Steph.”
Dustin perks up after being the silent one here. “What do you mean she knows about them?”
Mike grabs the pictures from earlier and holds them up. “She pointed at them, at their picture. She knew they were missing. I could tell.”
“You could tell?” Lucas asked, looking between the pictures and the girl who was on the bed.
“Just think about it. Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found her on Mirkwood, the same place where they disappeared?”
Dustin nodded, agreeing. “That is weird.”
“And she said bad people are after her.” Mike said, with a frown. “I think maybe these bad people are the same ones that took Will and Steph. I think she knows what happened to them.”
“Then why doesn’t she tell us?” Lucas asked, glaring at her direction before stomping over. “Do you know where they are?” He grabs her by the shoulder. “Do you know where Will and Stephanie are?!”
“Stop it, you’re scaring her!” Mike pulls him away, as his friend brushes him off.
“She should be scared! If you know where they are, tell us! This is nuts. We have to take her to your mom.”
“No! Eleven said telling any adult would put us in danger.”
“What kind of danger?” Dustin asked, his thoughts from earlier about his sister and Will taking a shotgun with them crossed his mind.
Lucas gives him a weird look. “Her name is Eleven?”
“El for short.” Mike clarifies.
“Mike! What kind of danger?” Dustin pushes, his stomach turning.
“Danger danger!” The brunette makes a finger gun and points it between Henderson’s eyes before moving over towards Lucas who demises quickly.
“No, no, no!” Sinclair snaps, rushing for the door. “We’re going back to plan A. We’re telling your mom.”
He pulls open the door only for it to slam shut automatically. Not even batting an eye at that, he tries again, for it to not only to shut with more force but to even lock itself. The boys look back at the only explanation, and they see El standing on her feet with a drop of blood coming out of her nose.
“No.” She said, with a tone that told them not to push it.
Back at the station, Hopper was questioning an anxious friend of Benny’s. Earl was his name, and he was sitting in a chair, eyes full of disbelief as he lit a cigarette.
“Just doesn’t make any sense, Chief.”
“You, uh, notice anything odd about him the last few weeks?” Hopper asked, trying to keep it professional (even though this case was hurting him the most).
Earl shakes his head. “No, we’re fixin’ to go fishing down the Etowah next Sunday. I mean, he was lookin’ forward to it. I know that.”
“He got any enemies you might know about? I mean, people who might not want him around?”
“The exes didn’t like him much. That’s for sure, but… nah.”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
“Yesterday. Lunch, same as always.”
“Just you and the boys?”
“Yep. Me and Henry and…” He pauses. “Well, there was this, uh, this kid. No kid did this.”
“Kid?” Hopper nearly perked up hope. “What are you talking about?”
“Yeah. At lunch, uh, there was this boy that, uh I mean, he was trying to steal food out of Benny’s kitchen. Can you imagine that?”
Hopper locked eyes with Callahan who got the silent message. “This kid what’d he look like?”
“Well, he was about yea high.” Earl raises his arm up and out. “You know, tiny like. I didn’t get a good look at him, though. He was back in the kitchen.”
“He look like this?” Callahan asked, coming back with a missing kid poster of Will.
He takes the flier, and immediately shakes his head. “Oh, no, that’s… that’s Lonnie’s missin’ kid. No. This was a different kid. This one had really short hair. I mean, it was buzzed nearly down to the scalp.”
Hopper tries not to let his composure break, and continues to hold on to the slimmer of hope. “Yeah, well, let’s… You know, let’s forget about the haircut. I mean, if this kid had a buzz cut… could it be Lonnie’s kid?”
“Well, I-I… didn’t get a good look at him. About the right height, though. I mean, could’ve been. Yeah, that’s… Could’ve been.”
Hopper frowns, taking the poster back from him. “And, you only saw the boy right? No girl? Teenager? Dark hair?”
“No.” Earl shakes his head once more. “No. I didn’t see a girl.”
The Chief mentally sighs. This is not good.
[ ‘A party?’ ]
Finally! Steve thought, pumping his fist. She finally sounded intrigued. He was hoping this would make up for his weird behavior at school.
And, no, no, no, It wasn’t because of– well… ‘you know who’. Totally not because of her. Totally, totally, totally not–
[ ‘Steve?’ ]
Nancy’s voice broke through his totally not clouded mind. “Uh, yeah, sorry. Yeah, a party. Well… kind of. It’s just going to be me, Tommy H. and Carol. No parents for the whole weekend, so we wouldn’t have to worry about them coming in and ruining the mo-jo.”
Just my friends and my girlfriend. Just having fun, no worries about–
[ ‘Not much of a party with just four people.’ ]
He laughs. “Okay, I’ll admit, it’s a little sad. But you know, it’s better this way. And, you know, if you want to, you can invite Barbara. If it makes you feel more comfortable. Or not. Or you don’t have to come–”
[ ‘Steve.’ ]
[ ‘I’ll totally come. But I’m going to try to convince Barb first if that’s alright.’ ]
“Yeah, Yeah. Totally. It starts at seven.”
[ ‘Starts at seven. Got it. I’ll see you then.’ ]
He smiles. “See you then. Bye.”
[ ‘Bye.’ ]
“Yes!” He said, once he hung up the phone. “Finally.” He feels his spirits get lifted again. “This is going to be perfect.”
“Welcome to Mi Casa.” Stephanie said, upon entering her home. Just as gross and dark as Will’s.
“You said the basement, right?” Will asked, the thought of eating something sounded nice.
They thought navigating below “sunlight” was going to be hard, but I guess living in darkness for nearly twenty-four hours had its perks. Finding the tote where the emergency supplies were easier than they thought, their stomachs growing when they saw the cans of food.
“Hang on second.” Steph said, disappearing back up the stairs for a sec, and then coming back with some forks and a can opener. She uses her shirt to wipe it clean the best she could before using. “Pineapple or Peaches?”
“Pineapple, please.” Will said, drooling as she placed the open can in his hands. The two of them plop down criss-cross applesauce, sighing with relief that they could finally take a rest.
“We’ll have to take what we can, but don’t make your bag too heavy in case we need to run again. Got it?” She replies, sliding over a bottle of water to him too. He nods, and takes a second to chug some liquid too.
One can was enough for now, since none of them had any clue how long they’ll be here, they’ll need to ration what they can find. Food, water, a first aid kit, some mittens and hats, an extra jacket, socks (And Will was proud to find a half box of matches laying around).
“Do we need anything else?” He asked, making her think.
She hums, and feels around her pockets. “We need more ammo. Or another gun at least.”
“Do you have any?”
“No. I don’t.” She closes her eyes. Now where could we get more nearby?
But the more she thought about it, the more she dreaded. She does know one place they have a gun, and hopefully still does since it’s been so long.
She sighs. “I know… one place that has a gun. It’s far though. Really far. It’ll take us a couple hours to get there on foot. But it’s closer than going to town.”
“If that’s what we have to do, then let’s do it.” Will said, sliding his backpack back on, ready to start their journey again. He flashes her a goofy grin. “I hope I can count this as PE for school.”
If that was a joke to cheer her up then it totally worked.
Now that they might have a lead, the police and its volunteers spread out in the woods behind Benny’s diner, hoping to find some good news (For Hopper’s sake he really hopes so).
“Hey, you think Earl really saw Will?” Callahan asked, trying to keep up with his Boss’ speed. “I mean, what’s he doin’ with a shaved head? And stealing food from Benny?”
“Tell you what, when we find him, we’ll ask.” Hopper replies, with an attitude.
“Can’t ask a corpse questions.” Powell said, getting a glare. Suddenly, one of the volunteers blew a whistle.
“Hold up! You got something?” Hopper shouted and broke into a sprint. “Hey, what do you got?”
“Not sure.” The person said, crouching down next to a drain. “Maybe nothing. I found this. In there.”
Hopper takes a piece of fabric from his hand, before shining his flashlight through the drain, still hopeful that maybe he was lying in there, scared but safe.
“No way a kid crawls through there.” Powell said, in denial.
“I don’t know… a scared enough one might. His brother said he was good at hiding.”
“Yeah, but, just Will?” Callahan asked, conflicted. “What happened to Stephanie? ‘Cause there ain’t no way a teenager’s going to fit through this drain pipe.”
“Maybe they separated?” Powell questioned.
“I’m not so sure about that. Claudia said her daughter would never leave anyone behind.”
“Willingly that is.”
“Come on, you two.” Hopper said, jogging again.
This time, they decided to follow the drain pipe that led them further into the forest. Just as their knees were about to give out, they’re met with an electric fence and a keep out sign for the one and only…
Hawkins Lab.
“El?” Mike announces his arrival into the basement. He had just finished having dinner with his family, and even convinced his mom to let his friends stay the night. All part of his plan to figure out what was happening to his missing family.
“No adults. Just us and some meatloaf.” He continues, placing a tray down in front of the makeshift fort, letting her know to come out. Her eyes trail to him and then to the two boys falling behind. “Don’t worry. They won’t tell anyone about you. They promise. Right?”
“We never would’ve upset you if we knew you had superpowers.” Dustin said, before getting hit in the leg by Mike. “Ow!”
“What Dustin is trying to say is that they were just scared… earlier. That’s all.”
“We just wanted to find our friends.” Lucas admitted, feeling a tad guilty for his actions.
“‘Friends’?” El asked, confused by that word. It was so foreign to her. What does it even mean?
“Yeah, friends. Will? Steph?”
“What are ‘friends’?”
Lucas gave her a weird look. “Is she serious?” Henderson shrugged. “Um, a friend–”
“Is someone that you’d do anything for.” Mike cuts in.
“You lend them your cool stuff, like comic books and trading cards.” Dustin adds.
“And they never break a promise.”
“Especially when there’s spit.” Lucas also puts in, making sure she was getting it.
“Spit?” El said, tilting her head.
“A spit swear means–” He spits into his palm. “You never break your word.” He holds his hand out for Dustin to take and shake. “It’s a bond.”
Mike nods in agreement. “That’s super important, because friends… they tell each other things. Things that parents don’t know.”
Barbara finally pulls the car over to the side after her friend insisted they stop here. She looks over at the brunette with a strange look. “What are we doing here? His house is three blocks away.”
“We can’t park in the driveway.” Nancy said, making the ginger roll her eyes.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, the neighbors might see.”
“This is so stupid.” Barb shakes her head. “I’m just gonna drop you off.”
“Calm down, Barb. Come on. You promised that you’d go.” Nancy pleaded with her ‘baby doe’ face. “You’re coming. We’re gonna have a great time.”
“He just wants to get in your pants.”
Nancy chuckles with disbelief. “No, he doesn’t.”
“Nance… seriously. He invited you to his house. His parents aren’t home. Come on, you are not this stupid.”
“Tommy H. and Carol are gonna be there.”
“Tommy and Carol have been having sex since, like, seventh grade.” Barb cringes at the thought. “It’ll probably just be, like, a big orgy.”
“I’m serious!”
“All right, well…” Nancy takes her seat belt off and starts unbuttoning her sweater. “You can be, like, my guardian. All right? Make sure I don’t get drunk and do anything stupid.”
“Ugh.” Barb said, shaking her head. She watches as her friend takes her top off and starts fiddling around in her purse for another one. “Is that a new bra?”
Nancy pauses. “No.”
“So, obvious, Nancy…”
“What’s the weirdo doing?” Lucas asked, watching her sit at their D&D table and close her eyes.
“El?” Mike said, as they gathered around, waiting.
When she opens her eyes, she slowly gravitates to one of the pieces and picks it up. “Will.” She replies, showing it was the Wizard piece, the one that the boy always plays as.
“Superpowers.” Dustin said, as Lucas rolled his eyes, still not convinced about this whole thing.
“Did you see him? On Mirkwood? Do you know where he is?” Mike asks, just before she brushes the rest of the figures off the board and flips it over. She places the wizard piece on the board. “I don’t understand.”
“Hiding.” She replies, the boys looking at one another. She then places another figure down, surprising them.
“Who is that supposed to be?” Lucas asked, as Dustin perked up.
“The Ranger. Is that Stephanie?” He asked, as she nodded. “Are they hiding?” She nods again. “Together.” Another nod.
“From the bad men?” Mike asked, but she shakes her head in disappointment. “Then from who?”
And without saying another word she places another figure down.
It was a beast with two heads.
The Demogorgon.
|| NOW ||
It took a while like she said, and luckily they had no trouble getting there, but what was troubling the young boy was that she wouldn’t tell him where they were going. Was she embarrassed by this place? Did something happen? He doesn’t know, but it’s gnawing at him.
“We’ve arrived.” She said, as they were coming up to it.
It was… a pretty big house, much bigger than his and even his friends’ houses. He wonders if this was one of the rich neighbourhoods or something like that. And sure enough… his questions would be answered when he happened to catch the name on the mailbox.
Now he understands why she didn’t say anything.
“So this is the…” Was he choosing his words correctly? “The King’s house?”
“Yep.” Stephanie said, hand on the doorknob which miraculously opened. She rolls her blue eyes. “They still keep it unlocked.” They stepped inside, still gloomy and covered in vines and goo like the last two. “Let’s go upstairs.”
Will follows behind, observing everything that seemed a bit foreign for him. “I knew they were rich but I didn’t know they were that rich.” He said after observing art piece after art piece that he knows isn’t locally made.
“Yeah, they got crazy money.” She said, and her pace seemed to quicken without her noticing. She hustles into the parents room, opening the closet to find a safe. “Shit.” She forgot about the lock. “Where did that bastard put the key?”
Stephanie starts running around the bedroom, pulling open drawers, looking through trinkets, his wife’s jewelry box too – A curse word after every failed attempt.
“Steph?” Will said, worriedly.
“Just give me a second.” She snapped, and left the room. She starts opening the drawers from the tables in the hallway, visibly getting more annoyed with each second. “For fuck sakes–”
“What?!” She slammed it shut, rattling everything that was on. The force and her tone seemed to shock him, and even take a small step back. She grips the table, closing her eyes to calm herself. “Fuck. I just…”
And when she opens them she finds herself staring at the boy she wanted to forget about. It was a picture of him on his swim team, the frame saying: Championship 1981. She just stares at with emotions the youngest Byers couldn’t figure out what they were.
“Steph?” He asked, slowly.
“What happened to you and Steve?”
She continues to stare at the photo for another minute before pushing herself to stand. “I think he still keeps that knife in his room.” Was what she muttered before heading in the opposite direction to another room.
Will could only wonder what really happened to them…
Just as the lights started to flicker.
Inside the most “fabulous” party of the year, Barb laid back in one of the pool chairs, listening to the terrible music that’s blasting in her ear as her best friend watches her boyfriend slice a hole into a beer can and start drinking it all in one go.
“Is that supposed to impress me?” Nancy asked, as he sat down and lit a cigarette.
“You’re not?” Steve asked, genuinely surprised.
“You are a cliche, you do realize that?”
“You are a cliche. What with your– your grades and your band practice.”
“I’m so not in band.”
“Okay, party girl. Why don’t you just, uh, show us how it’s done, then?” He hands her the knife and a can.
“Okay.” She says, all giggly.
“You gotta make a little hole right in–”
“I got it.”
“Yeah, she’s smart, you douche!” Tommy said, as he crushes his own can on his forehead.
Soon, everyone was chanting “Chug” as Nancy down a whole beer in under thirty seconds. Everyone cheered and laughed, proud at the achievement.
“Barb, you wanna try?” Nancy asked, holding the blade up.
“What? No. No, I don’t want to. Thanks.” She said, shaking her head. But after a quick back and forth badgering she finally gave in. She rips the items out of the girl’s hand, clearly upset. It wasn’t long before her judgment was clouding her mind and accidentally nicks herself.
“Whoa, Gnarly.” Tommy said, impressed by the deep cut.
“Are you okay?” Nancy asked, worriedly.
“Yeah.” Barb said, trying to push her away.
“Barb, you’re bleeding.”
“I’m fine. Where’s your bathroom?”
“Oh, it’s– Steve stands up, and starts taking her over to the sliding door. “It’s, uh, down past the kitchen, to the left.” He frowns. Shit of course.
But before he could say anything, Tommy had pushed Carol into the pool and then jumped in after her. Steve then shrugs, and lets a smirk play on his face as he does the same to Nancy before doing a cannonball.
|| NOW ||
Steph tries to contain herself as she enters his room. It was taking a lot of strength not to just start flipping things over, and tear those stupid pendants off the wall.
Stupid fucking house. Stupid fucking room. Stupid fucking Harrington. She grits her teeth, fighting back the tears in her eyes as she desperately tries to remember where he hid the blade.
She lets out a groan. “For fuck sake’s, man! Where did you put it?!” She yells, and kicks whatever was near her. She swears something must have fallen out from it, but she doesn’t even want to look.
God damn you, Harrington. She scolds, and rubs her face. How can he–
That’s when the light in his room flickered on and off scaring her half to death. “What the–”
“Stephanie!” Will’s voice shouted, kicking her into high gear.
“Fuck.” She mumbles, and races to find that blade.
As soon as Barb comes out of the bathroom, she immediately spots a certain someone heading up the stairs. “Nance! Nancy.” She shouts, getting her to stop. “Where are you going?”
“Nowhere. Just… upstairs. To change. I… fell in the pool.” Nancy said, feeling like she was on cloud nine. “Why don’t you go ahead and go home. I’ll just… I’ll get a ride or something.”
“Barb, I’m fine.”
“This isn’t you.”
“I’m fine. Just go ahead and go home, okay?”
And then Nancy leaves her all alone, confused and heartbroken by her friend’s actions. But despite being hurt, she couldn’t just up and leave her drunken buddy like this. So…
She decides to wait.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Steve had found her some clothes she could change in, and he was grinning like a kid upon the thought of seeing his girlfriend in his clothes.
I’m such a dork. He tells himself as she calls out his name. “Yeah?” There was a look in her eyes that he’s never seen before, and honestly was turned on by it.
But ‘Fuck that’, says the universe, and the home phone starts to ring.
He groans, irritated. “Hang on a second–” He proceeds to run out of the room, and shouts, “Hey! Turn the music down in case it’s my parents.”
Nancy chuckles, cheeks flush because she was ready to lose her– wait. Did something just touch her leg? She looks down to find that a box was tipped over and had opened, and wonders when that happened. Did she accidently kick it without realizing? Or was it already like that? Frankly, curiosity got the best of her as she crouched down to try to fix it. But then, her actions slowed when she saw something.
The Wheeler picks up a paper – a flier – to her surprise was the missing poster of Stephanie Henderson.
“What?” She says, quietly, confusedly. Why was he keeping this? And that’s when she puts two and two together. She starts shifting through the small pile which was made up of photos, movie tickets, receipts from a record store, arcade tokens and– “Oh, my god.”
Suddenly, Steve comes jogging back in, relief on his face. “False alarm. It was just–”
“So who is she to you?” Nancy asked, standing up and flashing the memorabilia at him.
His face falls immediately. “Hey, that’s–”
“Is she the person that was rumored you pushed away?”
“It’s nothing.” Steve replies, trying to take the stuff away from her, but she ain’t budging.
“It’s nothing, or she’s nothing?”
“It’s– W-What? You jealous?” He asked, trying to play this thing off cool, but his girlfriend wasn’t stupid.
“I’m not jealous. I’m just curious.” Nancy replies, honestly. She takes another look at the photos in her hand before looking back at him. “I mean, if she isn’t your friend anymore, then why do you hang on to all this stuff? Or better question–”
“Nancy, stop, it’s just–”
“Why did you break it off?”
His brain short circuits again. “What?”
“I said, ‘Why did you break it off?’ I mean…” She flips through some of the photos he has, memorized. “From what I see, you two remind me of Barb and I. You two look like you were tied at the hip. So why break it off?”
“I…” Why couldn’t he fucking talk all of a sudden? “I didn’t, I–”
“So, she broke it off?” She said, eyebrow raised.
“No. I-I broke it off, she didn’t do anything–”
“So… why did you?”
“Look, I just want to understand you. I mean, every time I think I have you figured out you throw me through a loop.” She gives him a reassuring look as she picks up the box, shuffling whatever was remaining around. “I mean, from what I see, you seem like a completely different person then. I just wonder if it’s a good thing or a bad–”
Now it was her turn to look lost (and for Steve to lose all the color in his face). She frowns, slowly pulling out a small casing. “Is this a… bullet?”
“That’s nothing!” He manages to snag at least that away.
“Why do you have a bullet in the box?!” She asks, eyes blown wide.
He swallows. “Nancy–”
“Did you shoot her or something?”
“What?!” He scoffs. “No! Why would I shoot her?!”
“Well did she shoot you?”
“No! Nobody shot anybody, it was just–”
“Then why do you have a stray bullet cas–”
“‘CAUSE IT WAS MY FAULT!! OKAY?!” Steve snaps, startling them both (He can’t believe he just lost his cool like that). He swallows again, head spinning at the memories (Why did he fucking leave the box right there?). “I just… there was an incident and… it… shaped my decision, okay? But it didn’t involve me or her with a gun, it was… s-someone else. Someone I know. I don’t know why I’m holding onto it, I…” He sighs and grabs the box, holding it out for her to put the stuff away.
It takes her a moment to process it all, and she does put all the stuff in her hands away, but she remains silent the whole time. She’s never seen him act this way before.
It honestly concerned her.
Nancy breaks eye contact, and only reverses it when she gathers the right words. “Look, Steve, I’m sorry I intruded, I probably shouldn’t have but… I’m just trying to understand you.”
Steve shakes his head, still confused. “I-I…” He shrugs, and crosses his arms defensibly. “What’s there to understand?”
Nancy gestures to him and says, “Well, for starters, you’re an airhead and–”
“So?” He cuts in, as she holds her tongue and continues.
“And you’re arrogant, snarky, and sweet–”
“Sweet’s fine.”
“Of course. Sweet’s fine. I love how nice you are to me, Steve.” She then frowns for him. “However, that gets overshadowed by your… insecurities.”
He pauses, now it was his turn to take in those words (What the hell did she mean by that? He’s not… no). “I don’t… I don’t have any… any–”
“Steve.” Nancy takes a step closer. “I don’t know why the kid in these pictures decided to change into the one I’m seeing before me, but if that doesn’t have to do with any insecurities, then I’m not sure why you decided to make that change willingly.”
“I… W-Willingly?” He scoffs again. “What do you mean? I never change willingly? What are you even getting at, Nance?” He hasn’t changed. He’s never changed. What is she even getting at?
But Nancy looked at him with eyes full of pity and took another step closer. “I don’t know what the reason was for you two to stop being friends, but all I know, from what I gathered, she wasn’t the one to end it.” She places Steph’s flier on his chest that he subconsciously grabbed, and said one last thing before leaving his room. And that was,
“Maybe there was a good reason for you to end it, but that’s not an excuse for you to stop being who you really are.”
And Steve’s left with an epiphany he’s not sure he can decipher.
|| NOW ||
As soon as the lock was broken, she retrieved the gun from the safe and frantically told her companion to get down the stairs. Will and Steph’s hearts were in their ears, and it sped up when the light above the front door flickered.
“Shit–” She pulls the boy to a halt, and redirects them to the back door. “Go, go, go, go, go.”
She throws open the sliding door, and out into the backyard, but as soon as they step foot onto the ground, the lights around the empty pool start to flicker. The two of them stopped immediately and held their breaths. They weren’t sure where the beast was at, but it was definitely nearby ready to snatch them up.
They were afraid to even breathe or twitch. What if this thing really does appear out of thin air?
They both jolted when a loud growl came from somewhere inside the pool. Wasting no time, Steph taps Will on the arm and makes a shushing gesture, then waves him to follow her. The boy understood completely, and the two of them move slowly, so carefully that there’s not way–
The both of them screamed when two human hands grabbed onto the top of the pool ladder.
A girl’s head poked up, face battered and covered in grime, her glasses shattered and splattered with blood. The girl looked so fam–
“Nancy!!” She shouts, as something growls behind her, scaring all of them to their core. And when her eyes landed on the two of them, she desperately yelled for help just seconds before the beast’s claws wrapped around her head and pulled her back.
Will and Steph matched the girl’s scream, and the beast roared in delight that his prey was just right in front of it. Its claws could be seen grabbing the ladder, like it was trying to crawl out and feast.
That’s when the two of them booked it.
The guns rattled in their hands.
The tears in their eyes.
Whatever this place was, they knew…
This couldn’t get compared to hell itself.

-Taglist is Open-
@ladygrey03 @poppet05 @tooearlyforthis @lovesfics @lordzzz
@mirkwoodshewolf @sadbitchfangirl @olivewisp
@emsownuniverse @unspecifiedvisitor @smaryamsstuff @kitty49646
#steve harrington#steve harrington fic#steve harrington x you#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington x henderson reader#stranger things fanfiction#steve harrington fanfiction#dustin henderson#dustin henderson x sister reader#dustin henderson x reader#eddie munson#will byers x reader#will byers x platonic reader#will byers#stranger things x reader#jopper#jancy#steve harrington x oc#Stephanie Henderson#my fanfic writing#skyfallwrites
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I stumbled onto your blog and THANK the dash because oh my god!!!! Your art is so yummy it tastes like the mango yogurt i loved as a child
please yap to me about your centaur/fantasy creature au it’s a need (and if you’re cool with it i can yap about mine in return??)
Tysm!! No bc mango yogurt is so good I'm so glad you like it, Idk how long this is gonna be so it'll be under the cut!! Just general details about each design/character (Paul left out bc I don't have anything figured out for him yet)
.Faun (only non-horse of his family)
.Highened hearing (big deer ears)
.Kicks his hooves on the ground when he's frustrated
.Struggles to find good pants (deer legs + tail get in the way)
.Antlers grow very slowly, one is shorter than the other from an incident when he was younger (more in Curly's info)
.His horse half is based on a lusitano
.Generally just normal Darry but horse
.He used to give Ponyboy rides on his back when he was younger
.His horse half is based on an appaloosa mustang
.Wings are very loosely based on dove wings (looking for a better fit for them tbh)
.He has trouble flying a lot of the time due to his wingspan being a bit small
.He also used to let baby Pony ride on his back but had to quit because Pony kept pulling on his feathers
.Cyclops was so fitting for him
.Scarily good as taking apart and repairing things (especially mechanical things)
.He does get a little self conscious about his appearance sometimes, puts more effort into how he looks to try and combat that
.Siren Dallas was my moment of genius (fun fact that idea kickstarted the au)
.His skin is like snake skin
.Scales on his face, hands, forearms, calves, and neck
.Uses his siren song to get away with stuff (he doesn't practice it enough so it doesn't work all the time)
.Primarily eats fish, he doesn't eat any kind of vegetables or fruit often (they make him sick)
.Bird legs (sirens were originally birds)
.Such a mix of different animals
.He bleats like a goat when he laughs really hard
.Can move quietly (he doesn't do it much, but the pads on his feet let him be a little quieter)
.Gets his shirt stuck on his horns and wings a lot
.Very large wingspan
.Hair grows extremely fast, he chops it off himself most of the time (its very uneven), it will form a mane if left uncut
.Snake tail is controlled by him, it has venom but it isnt very strong (mostly just causes nausea)
.Can sometimes control transformations, its mostly emotion based though
.The full moon doesn't force a change but it amplifies his emotions and makes it more likely to happen (Bobs death was on a full moon in this au😼)
.Retains some wolf traits (ears, tail, claws and some fur patches) in 'human' form
.Still carries a blade but it isnt what killed Bob in this
.Carries himself on his hind legs despite naturally being on all fours (I forgot the word for it)
.Insanely large wingspan
.Lowkey dont have much for him for hcs I fear
.Tried copying Tim by walking on two legs but he doesn't have that kind of balance + he's still young
.One of his horns is shorter than the other because he and Ponyboy used to headbut each other and get their horns/antlers stuck together, they have matching chips in them still
.Mane is very unkempt and the curls get matted easily
.I don't have much for her hcs either, she's relatively the same so far
.Mermaid (merman?)
.Moves like a snake on land (drags his tail)
.Fully covered in scales, but his upper body is tan until submerged in water (turns blue to camouflage in water)
.Silently prides himself on appearance
.Lowk had no clue for him, unicorn just felt right
.Used to dye his horse-half a neuterla color (like brown) but stopped since it was difficult to keep up with
.Shorter than pegusi and centaurs
.Hair is made up of normal hair and fire, the fire doesnt spread to anything though
.Clothes are specially made fire-proof just in case though
.Feathered ears + patches of feathers on her upper back above her wings and on her elbows
.Doesn't bleed, injuries instead release ash until they heal (has to wrap small cuts up to prevent getting ashes everywhere)
.Friendship with Cherry was unlikely (plant + fire)
.Grows leaves in her hair, she removes them frequently
.Blush is green, same with her blood (chlorophyl)
.Lowk the same too, I dont have much on her either
Sorry this took so long, I was stuck on what to talk about on this! @echxingmelody (tagging since this took me awhile, idk how asks work😭)
#the outsiders#the outsiders fanart#dallas the outsiders#the outsiders steve#the outsiders sodapop#the outsiders movie#the outsiders johnny#the outsiders 1983#the outsiders book#the outsiders dally#the outsiders darry#the outsiders fandom#the outsiders hcs#the outsiders headcanons#the outsiders ponyboy#steve randle#ponyboy curtis#johnny cade#darry curtis#darrel curtis#sodapop curtis#sodapop#ponyboy#tim shepard#curly shepard#angela shepard#bob sheldon#randy the outsiders#cherry valance#the outsiders marcia
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STEVE & BUCKY'S LOVE STORY, UNABRIDGED SOMEWHAT ABRIDGED, part 3/4 (here are part 1 and part 2)
i just want to preface this by saying: as much as they tried to make this movie all about tony, and as much as they tried to no-homo the steve/bucky situation, they still somehow ended up making CACW the gayest movie in the whole cap trilogy, and that's saying something *throws confetti*
now, picking up where we left off:
aided by his friends sam and natasha, steve spends the following two years or so chasing after bucky, looking for clues as to where he could be hiding, until he eventually finds him.
their reunion scene is like. i honestly don't know if i can convey the sheer, ridiculous, absolute beauty that is this scene.
the thing is, steve isn't the only one who discovered bucky's location: the bad guys did too, and they're coming. like they're coming RIGHT NOW, as sam keeps trying to warn steve. which means that he and bucky have about 20 seconds to do this, and that might sound like too short of a time, right? but honey, the amount of repressed emotions and homoerotic subtext these two manage to stuff into those 20 seconds, my god--
no because like, there's a whole-ass SWAT team outside, waiting to crash through their door and blow up the place, yeah? and instead of getting the fuck out of there PRONTO, steve, mr romeo fucking rogers, decides to spend those precious few seconds trying to get bucky to admit that he loves him, making this much yearned-for, long-awaited reunion the most high-stakes game of gay chicken in the whole of history. you might think i'm kidding, but i'm not!!!!
in the red corner, we've got steve basically telling bucky: "i know that you remember me, i know that you saved me because you still love me, please will you just say it out loud babe"
and in the blue corner there's bucky, extremely conflicted because YES, of course he loves steve, but he also knows he's putting steve in danger just by standing in the same room as him, and steve shouldn't even be here in the first place, and anyways STEVE NOW'S NOT THE TIME PLS FUCK
so he's just (unsuccessfully) trying to deny everything, you know?? "fuck no i don't know you, just know your name from a museum, what do you mEAN i saved your ass because i love you more than life itself and that's literally the first thing i remembered when i got my memory back"
(a quick reenactment:)
but really, you'll see the love in bucky's eyes if you just look hard enough.
n- no, look harder
a bit harder?
see, i told you
so here they are, just about to slam each other into the nearest wall and make out like it's brokeback mountain and they're just two guys coming from a time where their love had to be kept a secret and they miss what little privacy they used to have in their own little bubble when they were younger and living together and then life tore them apart and they haven't seen each other in ages and they've been yearning all the while and now that they're finally standing before each other again the air feels electric between them and they just can't help but- wait. uh. that, uh. that sounds familiar. uh.
OKAY so they're totally about to snog the living daylights out of each other, but time is running out. the bad guys are here!! and- and also a bunch of other people! because apparently everybody wants bucky either dead or locked up for one reason or another!! MY BOY CAN'T CATCH A FUCKING BREAK!!
so bucky is apprehended. but before anyone can do much about it, this other guy - this movie's Official Antagonist™ - gets bucky alone and triggers bucky's brainwashed assassin persona into taking over.
no longer conscious of his own actions, bucky wreaks havoc in the building, knocking people down in his wake like a sexy buff steamroller, and tries to escape; but steve, desperate not to lose him again, goes after him and stops him.
by grabbing onto a fucking helicopter, as one does
one extremely romantic, freaking insane stunt later, steve manages to get bucky to safety. next thing you know, bucky's waking up and back to himself, and they finally have a bit longer than 20 seconds to talk. you think they're gonna be normal about this? you think they're gonna share a standard heart to heart conversation? oh hell no, babes. WHIP OUT THE BEDROOM EYES, TURN THAT SOFTNESS UP TO ELEVEN, WE'RE UNLOCKING A BRAND NEW LEVEL OF EMOTIONS HERE
seriously. you don't know what true tenderness is, until you've heard james buchanan barnes softly say, in his sweet, gruff, velvety drawl, barely holding back a smile, "your mom's name was sarah. you used to wear newspapers in your shoes."
also the two of them just. spend half the scene making INTENSE heart eyes at each other, gazing deeply and intimately in each other's eyes, just bypassing the flirting zone to move straight to eye-lovemaking lane, while sam is in the room, because they've got no chill whatsoever.
unfortunately, sam cockblocks reminds them that they don't have time for this shit (dammit, sam) as they kinda have more pressing matters at hand, being on the run from like every government in the world (and then some). also they must neutralize The Antagonist™ before he can act on his Evil Plan™, so, you know. put the eyesex on hold, guys!
(to be continued in part 4)
#stucky#stevebucky#the silly stucky recap you didn't ask for#part 3 :D#so this got too long and i thought it'd be best to split it in two parts#hence the change from 3/3 to 3/4#rillers scribbles#i'm still not 100% sure how to tag it in the first place tbh xD#but here#have some silliness in your day#cacw
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rating stobin halloween costume options that u guys submitted!
doc brown (robin) and marty mcfly (steve): 7/10 using back to the future for them is very fun but it's a bit expected... a bit normie.... also steve would just look like himself i think like it would just look like robin was an old guy and steve didn't wear a costume.
kurt russell (steve) and the thing (robin): 9/10 the thought of robin constructing some horrific sfx costume to be the thing is fucking incredible and i think steve would enjoy being sexy kurt russell. also he would definitely tell people he was kurt russell and if they said you mean rj macready? he'd be like who?
snoopy (steve) and woodstock (robin): 5/10 ok i know i KNOW it's cute in theory but think about it in practice. how would they actually do these costumes. we know they're diy'ing this. i fear this would just be like t-shirts with some marker on them and perhaps scary-looking face paint. maybe it could be cute but idk i don't have faith in them </3
bert and ernie: 10/10 this would be absolutely iconic and i think they would slay. no notes.
cagney and lacey: 6/10 i must admit this one was my idea. i think it's not recognizable enough and they'd be explaining it all night but i just love the thought of them having such a dykey couple costume.
bonnie and clyde: 7/10 once again i fear this might not be super recognizable but it is a fun idea and they'd look so hot.
ripley and the alien: 9/10 i worry about how they're gonna pull off the alien but i like to imagine that steve is wearing the panties + tank top combo and that is worth enough for me to set aside practicality.
the blues brothers: 9/10 they would look so sexy and have so much fun in their little matching suits <3
batman (robin) and robin (steve): 10/10 this would be so fucking cute and i Know they would spend the entire night waiting for somebody to say robin's name so they could both go "yes?" at the same time and then giggle like little children.
hammer and sickle: 7/10 idk how they would do this one but i thought of it weeks ago and haven't stopped laughing at my own idea since.
merry and pippin: 9/10 because when i got the ask suggesting this costume i almost cried bc it is just so precious to imagine HOWEVER if they went to a halloween party barefoot i'd have to kill myself.
shaggy and fred: 8/10 very cute but i feel like they need a scooby...
twins from the parent trap (1961): 9/10 this one is so funny to me like it's such a funny reference to make and it also implies that either they get wigs or they get the same haircut which is just an incredible visual.
princess leia (steve) and han solo (robin): 7/10 ok listen. listen hear me out. i love the gender fuckery we know this BUT i truly believe that steve would refuse to do a star wars costume if he couldn't be han solo. like i just don't think he would do it. however if she could convince him then robin would absolutely eat! it would be so sexy she would be absolutely crushing it with the ladies.
miracle max and valerie: 7/10 ok listen i support this one but it's just not my favorite. like it's funny it's unique it's original but i think steve wants to be sexy on halloween and i also suspect they would have to explain this one a lot.
salt and pepper shakers: 8/10 it's giving blues clues and i love it. very much classic couples costume but the classics are classics for a reason!
wesley (steve) and inigo montoya (robin): 10/10 hot. imagine robin doing the little monologue. steve wearing the mask. them fencing with like toy lightsabers or something. this one fucking rules.
ok that's it thank you for attending my presentation <3 love u all xoxo bye
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🐈⬛️🎩🃏 Caregiver! Husk Headcanons 🃏🎩🐈⬛️
Angel calls Husk "Kitty," "Bubba," "Baba," or "Papa"
Husk will watch Blue's Clues with Angel (or any of Angel's favorite programs (listed in my Regressor! Angel Dust Headcanons)
He admits that his favorite characters from the Blue's Clues shows are Periwinkle (they both do magic) and the hosts (Steve, Joe, and Josh)
He learned how to make homemade orange juice pops from Blue's Clues and Angel loves them

He made Angel a plushie version of Twinkle (Rainbow Puppy's piglet friend) and he loved it
He also admits to liking Bluey and Bear in the Big Blue House for the calming aesthetics
He did cry after watching some of the Bluey episodes 🥺
He sings "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to Angel a lot when the latter is in his younger headspace (idea from @nottapossum and Captainteering's story, No Words, on Ao3)
Husk makes the best pillow forts for Angel to hide in during thunderstorms or if he is having big feelings or traumatic flashbacks
Not only does Husk like to put on magic shows for Angel, but he also puts on puppet shows. Sometimes, he does both at the same time; he can make the puppets come to life with his magic ✨️🪄
Husk is one of the most patient caregivers out there. But sometimes, he needs twenty minutes and gets Fat Nuggets, Charlie, or Cherri Bomb to look after Angel. The little spider doesn't understand this but is reassured that it's nothing that he did and that Husk will always love him (inspired by the Bluey episode, Sheepdog)
Husk always tells Angel these quotes from Bluey: "Remember, I'm always here if you need me," "You're doing great," "I promise I'll always love you," and "Remember, I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you." 🥹🥺
Husk has a full-sized side crib next to his bed in case Angel has a nightmare and wants to sleep with him

#age regression#sfw agere#agere#age regressor#sfw age regression#agere blog#age dreaming#agere community#agere hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel agere#hazbin hotel#hazbin husk#husker hazbin hotel#husk hazbin hotel#headcanons#headcanon#agere headcanons
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0129: Doctor Strange (vol. 2) #5
Cover Date: December 1974 On-Sale Date: September 10, 1974
And we come to the end of the first arc of our new Doc solo series. Sadly this is Frank Brunner's swan song as he leaves Doc, never to return. It's sad. Fortunately Gene Colan returns to art chores next issue. Doc died last issue and returned to life in the last few panels. Let's see what he does with it and what he does to Silver Dagger.
Clea is still a prisoner of Silver Dagger who is still attempting to break and "reform" her from the teachings of her demonic former instructor. Clea calls him mad and he replies he's as sane as anyone, proving it by comparing himself to Cotton Mather and members of the Inquisition. Yeah, that proves your sanity! Because it's what villains do and maybe Steve needed to burn a few pages of real estate, Dagger expounds on his origin!
In a nutshell: Dagger-to-be was a priest in the Catholic Church who worked his way up to cardinal. He expected to become pope but someone else was elected. For reason this makes Dagger-to-be in his own words "comprehend the power of evil." It sounds to me more like he's the ultimate sore loser. Brunner has some odd ideas about clergy vestments. Here's Dagger-to-be as a cardinal.
Here's the pope that's about to die wearing I don't know what.
Dagger-to-be goes wandering around in a fog until he stumbles into the Vatican forbidden library. He reads and reads and believes God has a new mission for him. To stamp out black magic with black magic. To me this is like fighting pornography by making hardcode blue movies, but what do I know? By the way, Brunner's Vatican Library has some cool books.
H. P. Lovecraft would be amused in-between his thoughts about European superiority. Dagger-to-be searches out mystic practitioners, learns all he can from them and murders them. He went to find the Ancient One but the old dude was already dead. For some reason Brunner draws the crypts of Kaa-U instead of the lamasery at Kamer-Taj. Did Dagger-to-be get his addresses mixed up?
Clea has now fainted. We don't know if she heard Dagger's entire story, but it doesn't really matter. While Dagger is distracted by Clea's current state, something slips out of the nearby All-Purpose Amulet of Agamotto. It's Doc! In through the Orb, out through the Amulet. Hey, maybe Dagger stealing it was a good thing! Doc doesn't have to travel.
Doc's senses have expanded and he's having one gnarly trip and it's without the aid of LSD!
This is definitely one time where eccentric panels work like a charm! Doc tries to find his body, but instead finds the wax figure Dagger decapitated a few of issues ago. He's confused and enters it anyway. He actually manages to get it going, despite like things like muscles.
Kicking the head is a nice touch. Doc-figure creeps up on Dagger and this is a truly marvelous image.
Dagger cuts the wax-figure to pieces, but Clea suspects more is at work here.
Doc "surges" into Clea. I think Englehart was perfectly aware of the double entendre he wrote! Together the two escape Dagger and flee back to the Sanctum Sanctorum. Steve and Frank even give us bystanders gawking at Clea's kooky outfit!
Clea/Stephen arrives back at the Sanctum and they ask Wong if Doc's body is still there. He answers in the affirmative while we look in on Dagger in hot pursuit. Dagger is not exactly thrilled about being mugged along the way.
Back at the Sanctum, Clea/Stephen asks why the body is still here and Wong says he couldn't bring himself to make the journey to Kaa-U. He probably dreads having to dig the place out with he bare hands after the place collapse in Marvel Premiere #10. He also mentions, that Doc doesn't have the usual dead body smell. Doc rejoins his body which, fortunately isn't really dead.
Dagger has arrived and he is so focused on Clea he hasn't put the clues together that Doc might still be alive. Dagger burst into the study with Doc and Clea. Frank gives us some great, cinematic panels.
After his poor aim, Dagger uses the Amulet to attack Doc and Clea. The pair manage to take over the eye. Clea remarks that she's able to to this much easier now. Doc "surging" into her appears to have increased her power. The pair point the Eye at Dagger who is suddenly filled with wisdom (or something) and jumps into the Eye!
The ordeal over, Doc and Clea share a tender moment. Guess where Dagger is?
The caterpillar has an eternal conversation partner!
And those we close the arc! Sadly it's Frank's final turn on Doc except for a one-shot in 2010. He has really been spectacular. Next issue Gene Colan restarts his long association with Doc. He will have a pair of runs that will end with issue #47. He returns for one more issue in the successor series.
This is a charming finale. There's so much at stake, but as in previous stories, these high stakes are told in an intimate tale with a small cast. Steve manages to communicate Dagger's insanity both through his origin and his actions. The man is loony! Doc hangs onto Dagger's dagger and Chris Claremont even remembers it, although it functions a bit differently. I'll get to that one in a couple of months.
Doc shows why he is sorcerer supreme. He approaches Dagger after he invades the Sanctum with a combination of caution and confidence. His absolute faith in Clea is on display here as well. There are some minor glitches I pointed out above but they don't distract from the larger story. A well done finale from one of my favorite creative teams.
#doctor strange#doctor strange reviews#stephen strange#clea#wong#silver dagger#agamotto#steve englehart#frank brunner
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hcs for Victorian goth Ponyboy?
No pressure :)
lowkey projecting my want to dress like that onto Ponyboy lol
this was so real of u anon
•he loves vampires!! he thinks about being a vampire a lot but wont admit it bc to him thats SOOOOOO embarrassing, but he writes a lot about it!! bonus points if its a medieval OR victorian vampire hes imagining being
•huge love for gothic castles, i can feel it, he dreamed about living in one once and never forgot it he wants to have that dream again
•as longgggg as he lives in the south let alone in TULSA w how broke he is???? hes not dressing up i fear💔💔its too hot and he doesnt wanna b bullied or stared at by religious fanatics who swear hes going to hell, he cant put up w that he already goes through enough
•the way he would wanna dress isnt even THAT crazy, the most he wants is a white button down ruffle collard shirt, black pants, maybe SOME red jewelry and thats it, no makeup he doesn’t like it and he doesnt even trust himself w it enough. hiwever ponys already pale as shit all he has to do is not sleep for a few days and he doesnt even have to bother w make up, the eyebags r his eye shadow!!!
•southern gothic literature keeps him going in these trying times, he romanticizes the HELL out of his life when its foggy/humid out, its ok king we get it🙏🏽🙏🏽
•he DOES have a fascination w the victorian era as a whole and imagines himself there quite a bit, but bc hes him i imagine ppl (steve and curly) joke that he would b an orphaned chimney cleaner w fingerless gloves and half eaten loaf of bread he found in the trash, LET HIM LIVE
•dare i say hes a bit jealous of women bc they have more range when it comes to dressing up, men get the same few articles of clothing and just gotta live off that
•ohhhhh victorian gothic pony how u would love the style of tim burton movies, he would mostly rewatch them for the looks than the plot but the plot is totally a plus!! the corpse bride????? VINCENT????? ohhhhh pony u would feel envy like u never have before
•if goths have taught me one thing its that they only REALLLYYY dress up like once every blue moon, and that totally rings the same as pony. mind u he would still have to handwash the clothes and he already struggles doing that w his regular clothes😭
•this pertains more to gothIC pony than GOTH pony but i just think it would b funny if u saw this dark and gloomy dressed guy and his playlist is filled w things that do NOT match his apperance, hes just listening to like idfk jailhouse rock or somethin, the beatles can b his occasionally guilty pleasure
•curly pierced ponys ears so secretly, pony wears his moms pearl earrings to make him have that look he wants, he also has some of his moms red jewelry, they dont fit!!! but he could use em as a necklace charm
•nooobody knows be feels this way, he keeps this secret underlock and key!! but he can spot who else may b goth and u know who is??? angela,,,pony can tell by the hair and makeup. they dont like each other so nothing comes from this 💔💔💔when curly talks about angelas “stupid makeup” tho pony feels both proud, scared that curly gonna find out about him too, and a lil jealous she just does what she wants and doesnt care. and yes angela kinnndaaaa has a clue pony could b goth
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is it ok if i request a postal match up?
my name's Charlie, i'm pretty short, transmasc, recently got my brown hair cut to be short, i have a fast metabolism so i tend to stay skinny, i'm autistic, i have a lot of anxiety and self-esteem issues, my emotions are largely out of my control, sometimes i age regress to try and heal from my trauma, my eyes are hazel/green, i have some freckles along the bridge of my nose (and my arms), i have a lot of interests in older media, and i really like the color green!
I match you with:
Movie Dude
You deserve someone who’s able to give you compassion and consistent attentiveness. Movie Dude has got you covered.
He knows how it feels to feel like everything gets overwhelming. On a good day, he’ll know how to help you stay grounded by his guidance. His voice when he softens it can really make you feel butterflies, an interesting contrast to the direct instructions he is giving you. On a bad day, he immediately believes someone else gave you a hard time and will be fiercely protective if anyone tries to give you a hard time. This Dude’s only flaw is his neurotic behavior when he’s upset
The Dude never knew about age regression until he met you. After a decent amount of looking into it, he took it upon himself to do what he can to be a safe space when you enter that mindset. Forgive me if this sounds weird, but I can see him talking to agere you the way Steve from Blue’s Clues would to the viewer at home.
It kills him what you went through. He hopes to be the best boyfriend he can be for his beloved Charlie.
He mostly indulges in media from the 80s and 90s. If there is a decade from the past you like, he’d want to hear you infodump him about it. He smiles just listening to you gush on about it/ show him said content.
Also, I firmly believe he would be a huge fan of Homestar Runner when his crappy computer isn’t frozen.
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