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He/it || I love The Outsiders (and Spencer Reid) || 16
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sealixp · 9 days ago
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Ponyboy. ..
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sealixp · 9 days ago
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Ponyboy. ..
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sealixp · 13 days ago
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weren’t we the stars in heaven? weren’t we the salt in the sea? . . 💫🌊 [SMOKEYSUN]
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sealixp · 14 days ago
Chimera Two-Bit ref 😼
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sealixp · 15 days ago
Chimera Two-Bit ref 😼
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sealixp · 15 days ago
I stumbled onto your blog and THANK the dash because oh my god!!!! Your art is so yummy it tastes like the mango yogurt i loved as a child
please yap to me about your centaur/fantasy creature au it’s a need (and if you’re cool with it i can yap about mine in return??)
Tysm!! No bc mango yogurt is so good I'm so glad you like it, Idk how long this is gonna be so it'll be under the cut!! Just general details about each design/character (Paul left out bc I don't have anything figured out for him yet)
.Faun (only non-horse of his family)
.Highened hearing (big deer ears)
.Kicks his hooves on the ground when he's frustrated
.Struggles to find good pants (deer legs + tail get in the way)
.Antlers grow very slowly, one is shorter than the other from an incident when he was younger (more in Curly's info)
.His horse half is based on a lusitano
.Generally just normal Darry but horse
.He used to give Ponyboy rides on his back when he was younger
.His horse half is based on an appaloosa mustang
.Wings are very loosely based on dove wings (looking for a better fit for them tbh)
.He has trouble flying a lot of the time due to his wingspan being a bit small
.He also used to let baby Pony ride on his back but had to quit because Pony kept pulling on his feathers
.Cyclops was so fitting for him
.Scarily good as taking apart and repairing things (especially mechanical things)
.He does get a little self conscious about his appearance sometimes, puts more effort into how he looks to try and combat that
.Siren Dallas was my moment of genius (fun fact that idea kickstarted the au)
.His skin is like snake skin
.Scales on his face, hands, forearms, calves, and neck
.Uses his siren song to get away with stuff (he doesn't practice it enough so it doesn't work all the time)
.Primarily eats fish, he doesn't eat any kind of vegetables or fruit often (they make him sick)
.Bird legs (sirens were originally birds)
.Such a mix of different animals
.He bleats like a goat when he laughs really hard
.Can move quietly (he doesn't do it much, but the pads on his feet let him be a little quieter)
.Gets his shirt stuck on his horns and wings a lot
.Very large wingspan
.Hair grows extremely fast, he chops it off himself most of the time (its very uneven), it will form a mane if left uncut
.Snake tail is controlled by him, it has venom but it isnt very strong (mostly just causes nausea)
.Can sometimes control transformations, its mostly emotion based though
.The full moon doesn't force a change but it amplifies his emotions and makes it more likely to happen (Bobs death was on a full moon in this au😼)
.Retains some wolf traits (ears, tail, claws and some fur patches) in 'human' form
.Still carries a blade but it isnt what killed Bob in this
.Carries himself on his hind legs despite naturally being on all fours (I forgot the word for it)
.Insanely large wingspan
.Lowkey dont have much for him for hcs I fear
.Tried copying Tim by walking on two legs but he doesn't have that kind of balance + he's still young
.One of his horns is shorter than the other because he and Ponyboy used to headbut each other and get their horns/antlers stuck together, they have matching chips in them still
.Mane is very unkempt and the curls get matted easily
.I don't have much for her hcs either, she's relatively the same so far
.Mermaid (merman?)
.Moves like a snake on land (drags his tail)
.Fully covered in scales, but his upper body is tan until submerged in water (turns blue to camouflage in water)
.Silently prides himself on appearance
.Lowk had no clue for him, unicorn just felt right
.Used to dye his horse-half a neuterla color (like brown) but stopped since it was difficult to keep up with
.Shorter than pegusi and centaurs
.Hair is made up of normal hair and fire, the fire doesnt spread to anything though
.Clothes are specially made fire-proof just in case though
.Feathered ears + patches of feathers on her upper back above her wings and on her elbows
.Doesn't bleed, injuries instead release ash until they heal (has to wrap small cuts up to prevent getting ashes everywhere)
.Friendship with Cherry was unlikely (plant + fire)
.Grows leaves in her hair, she removes them frequently
.Blush is green, same with her blood (chlorophyl)
.Lowk the same too, I dont have much on her either
Sorry this took so long, I was stuck on what to talk about on this! @echxingmelody (tagging since this took me awhile, idk how asks work😭)
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sealixp · 15 days ago
I stumbled onto your blog and THANK the dash because oh my god!!!! Your art is so yummy it tastes like the mango yogurt i loved as a child
please yap to me about your centaur/fantasy creature au it’s a need (and if you’re cool with it i can yap about mine in return??)
Tysm!! No bc mango yogurt is so good I'm so glad you like it, Idk how long this is gonna be so it'll be under the cut!! Just general details about each design/character (Paul left out bc I don't have anything figured out for him yet)
.Faun (only non-horse of his family)
.Highened hearing (big deer ears)
.Kicks his hooves on the ground when he's frustrated
.Struggles to find good pants (deer legs + tail get in the way)
.Antlers grow very slowly, one is shorter than the other from an incident when he was younger (more in Curly's info)
.His horse half is based on a lusitano
.Generally just normal Darry but horse
.He used to give Ponyboy rides on his back when he was younger
.His horse half is based on an appaloosa mustang
.Wings are very loosely based on dove wings (looking for a better fit for them tbh)
.He has trouble flying a lot of the time due to his wingspan being a bit small
.He also used to let baby Pony ride on his back but had to quit because Pony kept pulling on his feathers
.Cyclops was so fitting for him
.Scarily good as taking apart and repairing things (especially mechanical things)
.He does get a little self conscious about his appearance sometimes, puts more effort into how he looks to try and combat that
.Siren Dallas was my moment of genius (fun fact that idea kickstarted the au)
.His skin is like snake skin
.Scales on his face, hands, forearms, calves, and neck
.Uses his siren song to get away with stuff (he doesn't practice it enough so it doesn't work all the time)
.Primarily eats fish, he doesn't eat any kind of vegetables or fruit often (they make him sick)
.Bird legs (sirens were originally birds)
.Such a mix of different animals
.He bleats like a goat when he laughs really hard
.Can move quietly (he doesn't do it much, but the pads on his feet let him be a little quieter)
.Gets his shirt stuck on his horns and wings a lot
.Very large wingspan
.Hair grows extremely fast, he chops it off himself most of the time (its very uneven), it will form a mane if left uncut
.Snake tail is controlled by him, it has venom but it isnt very strong (mostly just causes nausea)
.Can sometimes control transformations, its mostly emotion based though
.The full moon doesn't force a change but it amplifies his emotions and makes it more likely to happen (Bobs death was on a full moon in this au😼)
.Retains some wolf traits (ears, tail, claws and some fur patches) in 'human' form
.Still carries a blade but it isnt what killed Bob in this
.Carries himself on his hind legs despite naturally being on all fours (I forgot the word for it)
.Insanely large wingspan
.Lowkey dont have much for him for hcs I fear
.Tried copying Tim by walking on two legs but he doesn't have that kind of balance + he's still young
.One of his horns is shorter than the other because he and Ponyboy used to headbut each other and get their horns/antlers stuck together, they have matching chips in them still
.Mane is very unkempt and the curls get matted easily
.I don't have much for her hcs either, she's relatively the same so far
.Mermaid (merman?)
.Moves like a snake on land (drags his tail)
.Fully covered in scales, but his upper body is tan until submerged in water (turns blue to camouflage in water)
.Silently prides himself on appearance
.Lowk had no clue for him, unicorn just felt right
.Used to dye his horse-half a neuterla color (like brown) but stopped since it was difficult to keep up with
.Shorter than pegusi and centaurs
.Hair is made up of normal hair and fire, the fire doesnt spread to anything though
.Clothes are specially made fire-proof just in case though
.Feathered ears + patches of feathers on her upper back above her wings and on her elbows
.Doesn't bleed, injuries instead release ash until they heal (has to wrap small cuts up to prevent getting ashes everywhere)
.Friendship with Cherry was unlikely (plant + fire)
.Grows leaves in her hair, she removes them frequently
.Blush is green, same with her blood (chlorophyl)
.Lowk the same too, I dont have much on her either
Sorry this took so long, I was stuck on what to talk about on this! @echxingmelody (tagging since this took me awhile, idk how asks work😭)
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sealixp · 16 days ago
Redid my criosphnix Curly design
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sealixp · 16 days ago
Redid my criosphnix Curly design
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sealixp · 18 days ago
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alessio reference sheet and redesign!
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sealixp · 18 days ago
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sealixp · 19 days ago
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finally a bailey reference sheet ! below is a closeup and some other arts of him (and alain)
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sealixp · 19 days ago
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first and last art of allie cheesin 🤥 (not really)
he has a toof gap because i said so boom
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sealixp · 19 days ago
I am Alain #1 fan
eat up alain #TWO fan……..
( im his number one fan NERD!)
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sealixp · 19 days ago
introduction / pinned
my name is boycherry . my real life name is johnny , you can call me this aswell . you can call me any nickname based off them i dont care
im a boy and he/him is chill . im also queer
im an artist , writer and photographer . i will only post my OCs on here , whether it is writing or art or miscellaneous things
i have 5+ OCs , i don’t have many but i occasionally make new ones . any questions are welcomed and you can either DM me them or send them through anomynous AMA if youre shy or dont want to DM
^ this being said im a minor , i am not welcome to sexual questions or comments regarding my OCs
i am working on my OCs lores and stories . i have google documents for each of them explaining their interests , features , facts about them and basic lore . message me if you would like the links ( otherwise i may post them sometime )
i will try to post equally about all of my ocs , but please understand i hyperfixate easily and may hyperfixate on a specific OC of mine and not post about the others as much . please note i am *bad with tone and may seem like im not interested , this most likely isn’t true*
i follow back since i am trying to grow my account more . my discord is b0ycherry if you have any questions , suggestions , want to talk , etc.
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sealixp · 23 days ago
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sealixp · 23 days ago
hi this is my introduction
my name is boycherry , i have people call me boy or cherry or the full thing, i dont really mind whichever
im a male and i only go by he him
i will only post my ocs on here . im in a few fandoms such as the outsiders and karate kid but i will not post content of that on here unless its an insert oc :-)
here are some of my ocs and their very basic information their photos are above
(order from first to last)
clementine - he / him
my newest oc currently . he is 23 and hes an artist and an author . he likes ‘weird’ fashion and enjoys calm environments . hes very friendly and easy to get along with
delilah - she / her
delilah is a teenage girl (around fifteen-sixteen) and lives in california . she is an italian immigrant and moved to the USA when she was eleven . she doesnt speak much english and doesnt have many friends but shes very sweet and caring
Bailey - he / him
he is alains boyfriend . they met a few years prior to the current time in their story and starting dating a year ago (in their time .) hes a closeted transmasculine sixteen year old . hes kind of loud and outgoing and sometimes accidentally rude but in a lighthearted way
alessio - he / she
alessio is a nineteen year old who has been traveling around small towns in italy since he was sixteen . he got kicked out by his parents and has been traveling around since . he used to be hotheaded and get in many fights but he now is a lot calmed and kind of an ‘old soul’
alain - they / he
alain is seventeen years old and grew up in a poor shitty part of california . he moved to oklahoma when he was fourteen and met bailey ( his boyfriend ) there . hes very standoffish since how he grew up but hes fun once you know him . he has a Lot of lore im continuously working on…
i may redo this a lot to add ocs but If you have questions about my ocs feel free to ask with the anonymous submissions ok Bye
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