#he also can teleport and has gravity powers <- interesting
shshshshshowrunner · 1 year
[invisible to xigbar]
like listen i'm aroaceflux but like even when im not feeling any attraction he is literally so visually interesting i end up looking at him anyway. like come on that is such good character design metaphorically speaking
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Within the chamber, there are remnants of rituals and spells that have been "abandoned."
"You are intruders within my domain." The air instantly gets colder. "Hevestro is not available... I am Evothorir, and you are in my home uninvited." The air grows colder and the lights dim slightly as shadows cascade from the ceiling. "Hevestro is mine. Omadua is mine. This valley belongs to me." A pale gray, pointed face emerges from the cascading shadow, the eyes a faint blue with a smile of crooked, cracked, elongated teeth. With an arcana check, Prism identifies that there is a fey energy to this thing.
Prism says they have nothing invested in Hevestro, that they can get the power they want then leave.
"You smell of... potential." Orym sees some little whips of red light in the shadow.
"Whatever happened, it freed me. I have no interest, for now, in leaving. I am home, and you are intruding... I know how you can help me. You can join Hevestro. You have potential — I want it."
This thing has legendary actions and resistances, and is able to cast at least 6th level spells. As a bonus action, it manifests one of the two glowing red orbs Orym saw, which turns everything in a radius grayscale.
As Orym strikes it, he sees that there's some kind of corporeal form inside the shadow, and assumes that it's Hevestro. When Prism hits it with force damage, the shadow dissipates for a moment and she sees a shriveled elven figure within that also takes the damage.
Ashton rage build update: When Ashton's gravity rage build is active and a creature within the gravity well tries to move away, that creature loses 10 feet of movement and has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures that aren't Ashton.
With Seedling, Orym dissipates the shadow and uses the grappling vine, which wraps around the shoulder of the humanoid within. With a successful strength check, the body is pulled onto the ground next to Orym, and the shadow shrieks. Then Prism sends Dynios to cast dimension door on the body and teleports it next to Ashton. Now that's what I call teamwork!
Bor'dor does have sorcery points, and uses them to regain a spell slot.
Deni$e gives the elf a healing potion, and he wakes up. He's a middle-aged elf with matted black hair, tanned skin covered in tattoos, and lavender eyes. He's wearing metal bracelets, leather vestments over green robes.
With a quickened eldritch blast, Laudna gets the HDYWTDT! The shadow reduces into a tiny slug-like thing that pulls itself forward before Laudna squishes it. The red orbs fall to the ground and shatter.
(Have I mentioned? Socerer/warlock is one of my favorite multiclass combos because of the quickened spell eldritch blast.)
Bor'dor uses mass cure wounds and heals everyone up, including the elf. The spell looks like little puffs of blue cotton candy. (How/why does he have this spell?)
Hevestro sits up and says that he's responsible for protecting "her," gesturing to the obelisk. "Any solstice is a strange time, and in preparation, we were hoping to reinforce the protective wards here. I don't know how, but Evithirir, the Taker, seems to have escaped and come back." An ancient Gau Drashari named Omadua rooted here long ago, but Evithirir was drawn to the immense power of Omadua and they fought, which diminished him; he was sealed for centuries, broke free during the solstice, and slaughtered the rest of the people in the shrine. However, the battle left Omadua mortally wounded, and she spent her final years implanting her power and spirit as a fane of protection for the region, which has since become the Emerald Tree.
Even Evithirir didn't know why or how they were freed.
Hevestro doesn't know who Ludinus is, and doesn't know what happened to the bodies of his fellows.
"Gau Drashari... not Hishari. Definitely not Hishari." "What do you know of the Hishari?" "Not a terrible amount, just what the locals are aware of... there was a humble village of farmers and crafters called Tumilo — nice folk. But 50 years ago, a charismatic figure arose named Efterin. He was traveling from town to town displaying abilities and giving sermons about the need to reinstall the primordial powers within our world — a task that is foolish, as the gods scattered them long ago. Even so, he drew many to follow him, eventually settling in Tumilo and taking control of the town. Last I heard, the source of Efterin's power was likely his downfall, leading to the destruction of the village. The survivors scattered." The town was far west of where they are now, not terribly far from the base of the Udeespire Mountains.
Ahhh. Abadena was a survivor of the Hishari village, and has "seen the error of their ways," allegedly. Hevestro hopes that she isn't being "re-radicalized" by Ludinus, but she clearly has been, with her talk about a new rise of the Primordials. It explains so much that her beliefs were sourced from the Hishari cult and from her failure to learn from its destruction.
The Hishari were attempting to channel an extremely powerful source of elemental magic, an artifact or something that became a centerpiece to their cult. In not knowing what it was they toyed with, they couldn't control it, and it left a curse upon the land. Hevestro doesn't know for sure, but imagines that the power they were trying to access was sourced from the Primordial Titans themselves. But if this took place 50 years ago, then Ashton definitely experienced some kind of temporal displacement — so my money is on this artifact being a Luxon beacon.
"In the conflict between the gods and the primordials, it was proven that perhaps, such power should not be focused in only a handful of individuals. With their destruction and eventual dispersal in the presence of the gods, the lands were left to largely live for themselves, outside of the influence of the temples and the local governments. That's where eidolons thrive — that's where we thrive, and that's why this valley is sacred, why we keep such strong mind to keeping it as it always has been."
Hevestro is happy to teleport the Bells Hells (and the group seems ready to split up at the drop of a hat), but he needs to recover his spells first.
Prism asks what he knows of the githzerai — he's heard of them, but doesn't know much, only that they are from the Astral Sea (which he describes as an ocean connecting the disparate shores of the planes).
Off in a corner, Deni$e grabs Bor'dor, twists his arm behind his back, and says, "I feel like you're not telling us everything."
Yessssss Laudna brings up the mass healing word. That isn't on the divine soul sorcerer list, and it's too high level to get from a feat. It seems like that question gets Bor'dor to tell the truth.
He grew up in "Menagerie, not far from Demali." His mother, Demandra, was blessed by the Wildmother, and taught him her ways in secret. They moved to the city, and under the guise of being leatherworkers, stayed away from the eyes of the people of the city and the church. Once, when he went into town to get some tools, some rich kids started a fight with him and he hurt them with a spell, nearly killing one. It was an accident, but his mother knew they wouldn't let Bor'dor live, so she took responsibility. She believed in the gods, and accepted her fate because of that; but Bor'dor's brother and father fought against an entire army for her freedom. Demandra's faith, on seeing them fall, shattered, believing that the gods had let her down. So she handed Bor'dor her dagger and told him to run, as the last thing he saw was Demandra engulfing both herself and the guards in a vitriolic sphere. This was years ago. He fled to the Cyrios Mountains, used his magic to make money, stole and tricked, developed a reputation. Soon, he caught attention, and was asked to join a community, and was asked a question. "Do you believe in the gods, and what they do is good?" He said no.
"What community?"
He drops his guise. Eyes full of sadness. A pain that only Orym recognizes -- indescribable grief. He's 6'4, the gold of his skin is cracked and gray.
Bor'dor fires a vitriolic sphere at a little crystal he had left on the ground.
"I saw you, you killed my friends in Marquet, you were there!"
HE'S PART OF THE RUBY VANGUARD. y'all fucking called it.
"You cast inflict wounds on an angel!" "It felt good."
Two initiatives in one episode!
Ashton rage build update: While the gravity build is active, when Ashton hits with an attack, he can use "gravity well" to force the target to make a STR save. On a fail, the target falls prone.
"Just get it over with, just end it -- end it, Laudna." Bor'dor is a bloody mess, crying, and Laudna is in a "bad spot." She goes into her form of dread, branches erupt, her eyes go dark -- and a faint purplish hue emanates from her pupils, a hue that hasn't been seen in a long time. Shaking. "I'm really sorry, Bor'dor. I just can't stand having anyone else betray me." She takes him by the throat and uses hunger of the shadow.
It's an ability (Marisha has never said "cast" in regards to this, she's always said "use") with an attack roll that seems to deal necrotic damage proportional to Laudna's level (in d6s or d8s, I think).
Bor'dor feels his blood turn to ice as he fades to unconsciousness, and Laudna feels good. She almost revels in the delicious revenge, and just hears a heartbeat in the back of her head as she dissociates.
Prism takes more damage from the acid, and she gets angry. She had been given so much hope and fun from the idea that they were learning together, and it was all a lie. She clocks him across the jaw, intending to deal damage in the stupor, and Bor'dor takes 2 death saves from the fist of a wizard with -2 STR.
As Bor'dor's life essence feeds into Laudna's mouth, a mourning veil begins to form over her face. Orym stands, watching, saying and doing nothing. Ashton takes Prism by the shoulders and turns her away. Deni$e doesn't often feel bad, but she does, and unbinds him.
"Laudna. At the threshold of death, Bor'dor is in your grasp, broken and at your mercy. What do you do?" 15 feet away, she sees Orym in her periphery, and he gives a tiny nod. Laudna is barely present, the only thing that's going through her head is Bor'dor's words about the look of someone who knows true pain. It's as if her life is flashing before her eyes, but it's trauma -- "losing Imogen, the solstice, losing her friends, watching so many die, being hung on the tree, death upon death upon death, so helpless, so out of control. In this moment, she has control, and nothing is going to stand in her way." She uses wither and bloom to take whatever lifeforce remains in Bor'dor, and it's not Laudna standing there anymore -- it's everything she hoped she wouldn't be, hoped wouldn't resurface, but the world has broken her. She gives in to the darkness. She can't control it anymore. "A familiar purple flame runs down her arm, not seen since the journey to retrieve her soul. From the ground, the roots and fried brush that has been gathered begins to sprout vibrant green and flowers of white petals, blue roses, a beautiful circle of life surrounds the two of them as Bor'dor's skin pales and cracks. His body thins. In that moment, the apex of natural beauty rising with life, alongside the balance of death, you watch the troubled life of Bor'dor Dog'son reduce to ash and memory."
Ashton walks over, and Laudna instincually lashes out. "It's okay." "Ashton?" "It's okay. It's gonna be okay. Come on, let's go sit down." They gently lead her away.
Orym lingers by the body, reaches into his belt, and pulls out the locket he took from the dead guard by the Malleus Key. He took it as a reminder because he felt bad for them, and leaves it now with Bor'dor. "We're at war." He goes, sits in the dark, and stares at the remains of a Gau Drashari.
"Ashton -- what have I done?" "Nothing that I haven't. Nothing that... I think we're all gonna have some nightmares before this is over." "I'm weak." "No, you're just hurt. It's okay." Laudna just cries into Ashton's shoulder, and he holds her close with no hesitation.
On the body, Deni$e finds a crossbow, an envenomed dagger ("I didn't get to use it, I would have, I would've stabbed each and every one of you"), leatherworkers' tools, a ring and cloak of protection, an immovable rod, and a hat of disguise. Deni$e takes the dagger with every intent of burying it with him. There is nothing tied to the Ruby Vanguard, and everything that would've tied him to the cult was likely discarded intentionally -- implying that he knew who the Bells Hells were from the get-go.
Bor'dor's body turned to ash in the wither and bloom spell. Deni$e scoops up the ashes, digs a hole, puts them in, fills it up with dirt, and puts a rock on top.
This is the first betrayal of Prism's life. She feels bad for punching him, but she's also seeing Laudna and what she did. To Prism, when Laudna did that, it wasn't something to be ashamed of. She's angry at being hoodwinked, she wonders if the feeling of learning and growth alongside Bor'dor was fake, she feels the literal and figurative acid that Bor'dor through. She's standing in the corner with a broken fist, afraid to start a conversation, but Deni$e comes over and puts a hand on her shoulder.
Deni$e has all of Bor'dor's stuff and offers the first pick to Prism. She opts for last pick instead, and she goes to shout at his grave. "We were supposed to be friends! This was supposed to work out differently!"
Eventually, Hevestro returns, after his own walk of grief. He immediately notices the change. "It seems that these days bring quite a bit of loss in so short a time. I am sorry for what has brought you here, and what has happened since. But do not let this weigh you down -- not entirely. Carry these memories with you; they hurt, but they are a strength as well. At least, I have to believe that. You are capable, or you wouldn't have been able to save me from a fate that even my focus prevented me from seeing approach. And I have a sense... just in the trust the eidolons of this land have already placed in you, that you walk a fateful path. But you do not know me from your families, and I do not wish to pry. Let us all take a night of rest. In the morning, I will usher you to your destinations, out of gratitude for the kindness you've done me."
I don't know about you, but my favorite kind of DM monologue is when the DM is so clearly communicating their own feelings toward the party through an NPC.
Laudna is afraid -- terrified that killing Bor'dor has hurt more than just him. She fears that, as hard as the Bells Hells have tried to cut her off from Delilah, she has opened that door again. But Prism comforts her. "If you closed that door once, you can close it again... I just don't want you to feel bad because it made sense, what you were doing. At least emotionally, I understand it." "I feel like control is a fallacy. We've talked so much about it here lately. We've tried to control our concurrent destinies... I'm just confused." "Well, confusion is just knowing you don't have control... so maybe surrendering to the confusion will be some medicine for that." "You're very smart, Prism -- very capable." "Thank you. You're an incredible magic user, and I think that someday you'll be strong enough to beat this bitch (Delilah) back to where she came from."
"Anger and pity don't have to be mutually exclusive." Y'know, I am absolutely living for the way the entire cast has become so good at these one-liners.
Orym can hear most of these conversations echoing, and he's meditating on how complex and broken the centuries of history are between his being held here and all of them being there, and how complicated this conflict is, how so many people have different reasons for their choices. In the end, all he can think about is what was taken from him: the people that he holds most dear, in the name of philosophy or ideology or whatever you wanna call it. "In the last few days, I've lost my footing, and I'm struggling with it. Sitting here on the stone, I know that we're going to try to kill the people who took from me, who didn't care who died to get what they wanted. And I'll just fucking die trying if I have to."
A little ways off, there's a sketch of Bor'dor's family. Deni$e finds it, then she digs another hole next to the first one. In it, she puts the dagger and the photo, before burying it and putting another rock on top.
In the morning, Hevestro offers to take them where they need to go. Before they leave, Ashton asks to take a bit of the crystal, and Hevestro gives them -- and Prism -- permission. When they're alone, Prism tells Ashton and Dynios how she doesn't want to go back, and suggests that she and Dynios could just disappear without anyone ever knowing. "Sometimes, books don't get returned to the repository what a shame." Dynios approves, and Prism acknowledges that she's asking the wrong person -- Ashton -- on purpose. But Ashton notes that "the thing you felt last night, you will feel again, and it will not feel better. Most adventures will end that way, not the other way. You're pretty fucking good at this, and I think, maybe, if you try not as hard to be someone else... just be a criminal nerd. You are clearly good at being a criminal, and you're a nerd. You're asking me? I'd do it. I've done worse. And, yeah, I think you'd be pretty good at it." Dynios pipes up and asks where she wants to go, and Prism would go anywhere there are scripts that need decoding, knowledge that's being hoarded. "Actually, we just got back from Whitestone -- they have a massive library, and the lord of Whitestone is a dick, so if a couple books go missing..." talisien jaffe you fucking genius--
Also, there's certainly something to be said about the character development of Dynios specifically.
"You said don't run from yourself -- but right now, I think I'm running toward myself." Changing Exandria for the better, one hubristic wizard apprentice at a time.
Meanwhile, Deni$e is going to go back to Emon to find Dariax. Prism offers to scry on him. (I can't believe there was a whole-ass exchange about "messing up your slots" without a single fucking giggle--)
Orym takes out his sending stone to Dorian. "Dorian -- still alive, by the skin of our teeth. Want to talk more. You know where Dariax is?" Another d100, another failed sending.
Deni$e and Prism give their goodbyes, and both are thankful for the rest of them not lying to or betraying them.
They distribute Bor'dor's items. (Ashton wholeheartedly agrees with Deni$e leaving the dagger in the grave, which is, IIRC, a huge change from the start of C3.) Laudna takes his slingshot; Ashton takes the immovable rod; Orym takes the cloak of protection; and Prism takes the hat of disguise (which looks more like a bandana).
Hevestro goes up to a tree and teleports the group away. Deni$e goes to Westruun to find Dariax; then, Prism and the Bells Hells (after having Prism scry on the other half of Bells Hells' current location, narrowly missing the werewolf threesome) return to Jrusar. (Ashton remarks, "come on, family. Let's get the rest of the kids.")
In his final words, echoing across Issylra, Bor'dor "is at peace. I'm with my family again." He's put to his rest, here, in the mountain, away from the gods. Under the watch of the guardian spirits who first crafted this world."
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silvercaptain24 · 2 years
okay nope now I'm thinking about this and now I want to figure out what everyone's powers are. XD Welcome to my brain, people.
Time: Not quite shifting, but he can shift into the Fierce Deity? Which is why that's what he's known as.
Twilight: Shadow powers- he can shift into Wolfie when he's in a shadow, and can also teleport when he's touching a shadow.
Sky- gravity manipulation! He can't quite fly, but he can sort of walk in the air, and make things float or get heavier.
Warriors- Stealth, and its opposite! His powers allow him to have everyone's eyes on him (great for distractions and letting little brothers sneak away), but if he doesn't want you to see him, you won't.
Legend- Wild Card! No literally, he has a deck of cards, and whatever's on the one he pulls out is his power. He can't switch for an hour minimum, but sometimes it takes up to two days.
Hyrule- he can't heal, necessarily, but he can erase wounds. However, those wounds always have to go somewhere- usually to himself. This makes things interesting for the others.
Four- can split into four (obvs.) but each of those four have their own elemental powers, and when he's whole he can access any of them.
Wild- You know all the runes on the Sheikah Slate? That's what he can do, except without the Slate. (he still keeps it to keep up appearances, though.)
Wind- his powers are still coming in, so what they actually are isn't known yet, but he uses the Wind Waker as a focus point for them!
The Hero (but the antagonist of our story) Ganondorf: Besides political connections and money? Malice. He can create it, destroy it, make poison out of it use it in any way possible. Which makes things... interesting.
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anime-fan-05 · 1 year
Hello my friend; For my first request, I wanted to see if you could do a headcanon with the Attack on Titan with a black s/o or my Oc Leah but with a cosmic universal spiritual power(she’s younger than Eren and she's 5'2) and She has the power of the Zodiac Sign Taurus (Since her birthday is April 23rd and she is younger than Eren by a few months) which is known as earth, give life and death with the power of Emotion Empowerment and Spiritual Gateways/Tears(she can open portals to different places) with glowing stars/ balls of light (which can channel their emotions into powers) and a variety of magical powers such as Flight, Telekinesis, Force fields, Teleporting, and Telepathy, Creation of Shooting Star Showers, Levitation, Gravity Manipulation, Hologram-Like Projections.❤️😊❤️😊
Attack on Titan ~Characters with a black reader with cosmic goddess powers~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the manga
I wrote as if the reader was your OC, I hope you don't mind!
Eren probably has an interest in you, after all, you both have supernatural powers. He really likes your manners, especially your thoughtfulness towards those you care about. He has a crush on you and, the more the years pass, the more he will love you. When he's stuck in Marley, he'll always be thinking of you, praying that you're okay; when he's locked up in the Survey Corps prison and you come to talk to him, he'll treat you with indifference, but in his mind he'll apologize to you a thousand times. He'll always think of you, even when Mikasa kills him.
Armin loves your intelligence and your thirst for knowledge. You two talk a lot, especially about your powers and the outside world. What struck him most was your taking care of your loved ones. Every time you take care of him, he blushes a lot and stammers all the time. He probably has a little crush on you, but I think your relationship will become more that of a brother-sister as the years go by.
Since Eren likes you, Mikasa will be like your big sister and, after everyone discovers your powers, she will be your "bodyguard". Does anyone make fun of you about your height or age or your powers? She will look at him with her murderous gaze. You two take care of Armin and Eren together, and you two support and console each other.
Jean is your great friend, even if sometimes he flirts and jokes with you just to make Eren mad. However, he never actually does it seriously. Sometimes you two think about how to get him and Mikasa together, although many times they don't work out. He thinks of you as a little sister, and he'll always try to defend you.
Sasha adores you. When you two are together, you only talk about food; sometimes you compete to see who can eat the greatest number of dishes (these contests often end in a draw and with your superiors angry). She understands you, because she too is sometimes labeled as different because she eats a lot. You, Sasha and Connie are the joke trio in the entire Survey Corps.
Like Sasha, Connie adores you. You two do a lot of stupid things together! Like Sasha, he also understands you: due to some of your attitudes you're often described as stupid, like him, and he won't think twice about defending you from those who have offended you. When Sasha dies, you'll console each other.
Ymir admires you for your strength, but she doesn't like you: since Historia likes you and you has a very lovable nature, she fears you might take her away from her. However, when she understands you and Eren love each other, she'll behave better towards you. When she's about to die, she will entrust Historia to you.
You are Historia's royal advisor and lady-in-waiting, although you also fight in the Survey Corps. She always liked you (not in the romantic sense), but she's adored you even more since you consoled her for Ymir's death. She even calls you Star Princess because of your powers! When she has her baby, she will make you her godmother.
Annie doesn't like your manners. The only thing she appreciates you for is that you never forced her to fight you when you were paired up for close combat matches when you were training. However, when you Eldians ally with Marley's warriors and Magath against Eren, she will appreciate you also for your determination to kill the one you love, and, before boarding the ship, she will ask you to protect Armin.
At first Reiner was only interested in your powers. However, as time goes by he's more and more conflicted: he's become very fond of you, but he knows he must also kidnap you to take you to Marley to study your powers; when the Survey Corps saves you, he'll be both relieved and dejected. When you Eldians ally with the Marleyans against Eren, he'll beg you to forgive him for everything he has done.
Like Reiner, at first Bertholdt was only interested in your powers and he appreciates you too the more time passes. He feels very comfortable talking to you and, in the end, he'll no longer want to kidnap you, but he'll be forced to do so. In fact, when you are their prisoner, he'll take you aside and apologize to you. When he's about to die, he'll beg you to save him.
For your nature you remind Levi Furlan and for your way of acting you remind him of Isabel. He is very overprotective, respectful, affectionate and loving, although he demonstrates these in his own way, for example staying close to you during expeditions. He treats you and will always treat you like his little sister. If you call him "nii-san" (big brother), he might be moved because he'll think of Isabel.
Hange is like your crazy uncle/aunt. Although, actually, when they learned about your powers, they thought you were a titan and wanted to analyze you. They try to help you with your heart murmur, attempting to come up with something that can relieve the pain, and in exchange you help them with his titan experiments. When they die, they will regret they couldn't help you with your problem.
Erwin really likes your mind and how you think, so he's very protective of you, almost like a father. He wanted to make you Commander of the Survey Corps, but when he told you, you refused in favor of Armin. However, you'll always be one of the main points of his plans: for example, he was the one who advised you to become Historia's advisor, in order to act as an intermediary between her and the Corps.
When people see you and Onyankopon, they think you're father and daughter. In fact, they don't even think badly, because he really treats you like a daughter. The first thing that struck him was your skin: he was very surprised you also had dark skin like him; if someone tries to offend you because of this, they'll have to face their wrath. When you kill Eren, he'll ask you to live with him as his daughter.
The first time you and Yelena met, she wasn't surprised about your powers: Eren told her about you, reiterating the fact that no one should have ever hurt you. She talks to you a lot and tells you about Marley, thus becoming almost like a mother or an aunt to you. When you're in Odiha, you'll console her about the failure of Zeke's plan and she will beg you to stop Eren. When you kill Eren, she'll ask you to live with her too.
Niccolò loves your love for his food and he's very surprised that you eat so much without gaining weight or feeling sick. He really enjoys cooking all of Marley's dishes for you and loves it when you teach him the Island ones. When Sasha dies, he'll come to you for comfort. After Eren's death, he'll continue to cook for you.
At first Gabi hated you: for her you were just one of the Devils of Paradis. However, now she adores you since you saved her and Falco from Niccolò's fury and she will try to console you after Eren treats you badly. After Eren dies, she will introduce you to her family and will come to visit you periodically with them.
Unlike Gabi, Falco immediately appreciated you. The first time you met was at the Blouse house: you had gone to visit Sasha's parents and you recognized him and Gabi, but you didn't unmask them. In fact, you asked them how they were and what they were doing there. He almost sees you as his big sister and calls you "nee-san" (big sister). After you kill Eren, he'll come to visit you very often.
Porko doesn't like you, because you're his enemy and because you and the other Eldian soldiers attacked his house. He doesn't know how to react when, after infiltrating Paradis' army, you realize he's a warrior but you don't say anything: he's a mixture of surprise, recognition and anger. He also won't know how to react when you try to save him just before Falco devours him.
From the first time she saw you, Pieck knew you were a special person, but not because of your powers: more because you made Reiner's will waver. Anyway, she didn't like you at first, since you were an enemy. You fought twice, and she admits that you were stronger than her. When you team up together, she will be kind to you, and after you kill Eren, you'll be great friend.
Zeke learnt about you and about your powers from Reiner and Bertholdt. In your first meeting, he was both amazed and softened by your and Eren's relationship, emotions heightened when Eren told him he would abandon the euthanasia plan if anyone hurt you. You'll talk to each other in the Paths for the last time and you and Armin will convince him to let Levi kill him to stop Eren.
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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charmixpower · 2 years
That drawing of the specialist as faries, that had Sky and Helia with hearts and Timmy with electricity and Brandon with stars got me thinking
You know how in s6, Bloomix happens? Those drawing made me imagine the girls sharing their powers with their boyfriends to make them faries! Or witches, depending on their magical inclinations, and what I personally think is cooler XD
So Sky would get fire and dragon powers, Brandon stellar powers, Helia plant powers, Timmy electronic powers, Riven sound powers, and Nabu is already a fairy so he doesn't get any :)
Nabu is their chaperone. Magical tutor, if you will. Baby sitter so they don't blow themselves up one might say
(I know Helia already has magic but shhhh Helia and Flora are form different planets so it get to mix them >:D more fun like this)
I think it would be interesting if this mixed with their own natural magic from their planets. So Eraklyon has the core of gravity, Timmy's planet has the core of metal, Helia's planet has the core of law/order or something similar (Saladin canonically has justice powers so it has to be something that can produce a magic user of Justice), and Riven's planet....I haven't actually decided yet. I'll just do a couple for him then :) for variety
Fire + Gravity = Fairy of Plasma
Stars, which is essentially space fire, are made of plasma that's held together by gravity sooo it fits me thinks. I didn't want to make him the fairy of Stars XD
Dragon + Gravity = Fairy of Honor
A lot of Bloom's dragon powers are more....symbolic effects so I leaned into that. Valor with more gravity applied to the concept would be honor I think? Because valor is only having honor, courage, ect in battle, so if the term has more weight, you'd be like that all the time, therefore honor...be nice, I'm trying my best over here. It's all very symbolic, and I think it matches Sky's good boy enegry perfectly bc it would force him to act with in the confines he seems to always act within. I think his powers would be like summoning weapons to battle with, being able to send sword beams, the Sirenix punching and kicking, and more importantly being able to force people into fair fights by using his magic to make people honorable. I think it would be majorly dope
Sun + Gravity = Fairy of Blackholes
What do you get when you take a star and add a fuck ton of gravity?? You get blackholes! Damn Brandon, who said you got to be so powerful? Me, I did. He and Stella can have a little darkness and light thing going on, it's cute okay?? He'd also be able to teleport like Stella!! And there'd be some time manipulation powers there too!! Very powerful skill set
Moon + Gravity = Fairy of Orbits
I think this would be an actually really fucking dope power. It would be like free redirection of any attack. I don't think it would be possible to attack or defend directly, which is why it would be so cool to watch/write because you'd really have to think about it. Very dope, I love
Sun + Moon + Gravity = Fairy of Tides
Yeah the sun and the moons gravitational pull on earth really only seems to both do one thing, control the tides. Brandon has Aisha's Nick dub powers now lol
Nature + Justice = Witch of Comeuppance/Karma
This is just for if Helia inherented Saladin's magic, cuz Saladin is the only living and magical relative of Helia we see so I wanted to just entertain the idea, but this wouldn't be Helia's powers
I'm thinking his powers would work like Jinx form teen titans, basically instilling bad luck on people or pulling a sans during the Geno run (his magic only hurts as much as the person he's attacking has hurt others). His attacks would be pretty boring looking as they'd just look like pure magic but I imagine he mostly uses his powers to make people fall out of chairs, make vending machines give out multiple cans of soda, help cats get out of trees, banal luck based stuff
Nature + Law = Witch of Natural Laws
Wow that's such a basic name form the combination nooo T-T but Helia would have magic of Gravitation, Electromagnetism, Strong Interactions, and Weak Interactions. He wouldn't be able to control them. Like Samara is the fairy of Gravity and she can make gravity happen from anywhere, in any direction, however powerful she can manage. Helia can't do that, he can only strengthen and weaken already present gravitational forces. So he can pull someone to the ground, or make them float, but he can't pull them up essentially
I think Helia would have a lot of fun working with this. Helia up at 3:00 a.m. researching the four things he has power over to see if he can do any sick combos
Metal + Tecnomagic = Witch of Conductivity
Timmy just gets all the electrical parts of Tecna's powers but a little more niche. Not the one I would go with, but the first thing that came to mind
Metal + Tecnomagic = Witch of Electrical Currents
This is what would likely be his powers, this is dope and I imagine he knows a lot about this stuff so he'd very likely be able to pull off some dope ass spells based off of technical magic. Likely turns himself into a living taser. Buzz buzz bitch
When I imagine Riven with magic I usually imagine him being able to create giant cracks in walls, knocking down ceiling, and stuff like that so that's the direction imma take these in
Sound + Something Solid (like earth) = Fairy/Witch of Earthquakes
This is most similar to what I usually imagine his magic to be like so I'm very partial to it. Mostly because it's primarily environmental, and that opens up a lot of cool fight scenes that rely heavily on surrounding and incorporating them into the fight :)) just very cool stuff if your into fight choreography
Sound + Anything Abrupt or Sharp = Fairy of Shockwaves
This one is the one he's more likely to have because it can actually be used in a fight XD. Shock waves are faster than soundwaves, but are required to be abrupt, so you can't have continuous shock waves. Which I think is an interesting difference and limitation. There both a type of wave so I was worried about them being too different but this supplies a whole new set of tactics. Like shock waves also don't travel as far as sounds waves (i think). So shock waves are better for close range combat, while sound waves are more suited for support. Very fun all around
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dadumtss · 2 years
Slenderman Headcanons: Combat Skills
Who would win in a fight? 
From most powerful to least powerful and excluding my OCs:
Between his extensive knowledge of combat magic and his fighting prowess he’s easily the strongest of the family. 
He also can’t pull a punch to save his life so every fight with his brothers growing up or even now are basically to the death, even if he doesn’t mean to. 
Fights very ‘traditionally’ for a slenderbeing; feet on the ground to teleport more easily while protecting his weak points. 
He uses his tendrils more but will absolutely use his arms. 
He rarely if ever uses his legs to kick anything. That’s just asking for trouble because he won’t be able to teleport and his center of gravity is fucked because of his height.
His knowledge of combat magics isn’t very extensive but he more than makes up for it in pure fighting prowess. 
Tradition? What’s that? He’ll headbutt things, kick, jump and do whatever he can to throw his opponent off and win. 
If he’s fighting for a crowd he can be flashy and pull punches for a good show and to have fun. But catch him in the wrong mood and he can finish you off quickly and efficiently will very little pomp. 
Likes to fight and will absolutely instigate fights with others and his brothers. He’s also a regular at several fight clubs.
He’s a very physical fighter, using his tendrils less often than his body and teleporting only rarely. 
He hates fighting but only because he doesn’t want to get his clothes dirty or rumpled or torn. 
Quickest way to get him into a fight? Ruin whatever he’s wearing. It’s already dirty so there’s no reason not to engage. 
He’s absolutely feral in a fight. 
There’s not much rhyme or reason to it. He’s running off instinct and his desire to see you hurt or dead. 
His unpredictability makes it harder to fight him, and he’d come out on top against most cryptids but against his brothers he’d rarely see a victory. 
He just doesn’t have the same strength as his brothers and he’s not much interested in learning techniques or combat magic to make up for it. 
He disliked playfighting with his brothers as kids but he was easy enough to rile up and get him to join the fray.   
When he wanted to get back at his brothers for something he wouldn’t start a fight, he’d do something sly and sneaky to get them hurt, in trouble or unhappy. 
Father / Cabadath
When his sons were very young he lost his tendrils in the same battle that killed their mother. Usually they would grow back but the entity he was fighting prevented his healing. He still has other scars from that day.
Nevertheless, when his children were growing up he could beat them all easily, even into their ‘teenage’ years he was still the best fighter in the family.
But once his children reached Maturity that changed. 
Because he doesn’t have his tendrils and because he was never the best fighter, his sons can now best him in combat if they wanted to. They’re all aware of it but no one brings it up. 
If he ever has to fight he relies on magic and weaponry, the latter of which he developed a renewed interest in after losing his tendrils. Sometimes he combines the two. 
However, keeping up with his sons would require a lot of magic, and he’s already putting most of his magic into maintaining The Forest and Mansion which means he can’t put his all into a fight unless he wants to sacrifice the pocket dimension he calls home, but he’d rather die than do that because it means so much to him. 
Pacifist. Chooses not to fight. However, he doesn’t count defending himself as fighting so long as the other person doesn’t get hurt. 
He hates even playfighting, even as a child he would just look on in worry as his brothers battled, worried that one of them would get hurt (which they often did). 
He can hold off Trender with his magic in a fight but he’d sustain pretty considerable injuries since he refuses to do anything that could hurt his brother.
However... he can have...episodes. They’re very rare but they do happen. 
Whenever he has one of these episodes he can go toe-to-toe with Slender. He’s just as feral as Trender but he has the strength to back it up as well as extensive magic abilities.
Or he used to. These days his refusing to eat has left him weak. Even in one of his episodes Slender could get the better of him easily. 
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curioussatoru · 2 months
oh and btw
I wrote this shit (took me long enough)
Many people would say that Satoru Gojo easily beats Sans. The two are funny, laid-back, look weak but are powerful. Yes, on first aspects, Gojo obliterates the pile of bones. But why is that way more complicated than it looks?
Well, for starters, let's recap Sans' and Gojo's respective abilities. Gojo's main defense is his infinity, a barrier that slows projectiles so that they have an infinite distance between them and him. His attacks are basically huge ass kamehameha balls, or domain expansion which leads him to touch every time he attacks his target. Meanwhile, Sans can control his opponent's gravity at his will, teleport, use Gaster Blasters which are basically kamehameha machines and most importantly, hit the soul of his opponent.
Before even delving on how their fight will go, we have to start with : how would they even fight? You see, in JJK's worldbuilding, there are two essential rules that we'll exploit in this debate : the damage done to the soul in un-healable unless the person knows which shape their soul has, and opponents can attack accordingly to their free will, defend, attack at the same time, etc. In Undertale, it's turn by turn. Which means that the opponent of any monster in Undertale has to wait for their turn to attack, then to be attacked, and so goes on.
Now that I said everything let's go to the weaknesses and advantages of Sans and Gojo against eachother.
Gojo has infinity, which protects him from any attack to himself. Not his soul. Keep that in mind, we'll come back to it. So that means that Sans cannot just throw a bone at Gojo and expect him to die from emotional damage. Meanwhile, Sans has 1ATK, 1DEF. He is extremely weak against an opponent like Gojo if they fight within the metaphysic rules of Jujutsu Kaisen. But if they fight within the metaphysic rules of Undertale, Sans will win. Why, you ask? Because Sans damages our SOUL in the Undertale genocide run. And that is the only weakness of Satoru Gojo, which would lead him to a quite fast death.
Just a few moments ago, I said that Sans would be very weak against Gojo in the world and metaphysic laws of JJK. But would he really lose? Well, that is a great question. We all know how Sans is good at dodging, and can teleport to his will to dodge enemy attacks. But that alone is not enough. Since we are in JJK here, Sans cannot manipulate Gojo's soul, neither his gravity, so that would lead to his ultimate defeat.
But what if we take a neutral space where they both have their respective abilities from their worlds? And that is where it gets interesting.
See, if we imagine that Sans will fight like in all these fanon cool animation and not just ooga booga throwing bones, and imply that he damages Gojo's soul (which is basically irreversible damage), given that he also can manipulate his gravity, Sans takes the win.
And this is the reason why Sans vs Satoru Gojo is NOT a debate anymore.
no I did not write this w/ ChatGPT, I brainstormed shit and wrote it down :)
sorry but THE tumblr sexyman obliterates you in a fight man 😔😔
close enough welcome back iron man
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pullakori · 1 year
Febuwhump 2023
Day 14. Captivity
TW: Threats of non-con, Shaw being a creep
Also, a/b/o
Prequel for days 11 and 13
When Charles had been teleported from the CIA base to, what he had later found out was Shaw's submarine, his telepathy had been weakened from his heat along with his body. And as he was left to a room with walls covered completely in mirrors, he was completely cut off of his power. Or more accurately, he was cut out of the outside world.
It was few hours later when Shaw came back to the room. He seemed displeased, his expression hiding a storm inside. At least that was what Charles thought, as the man was wearing the helmet that blocked his power and without his telepathy, it was hard for him to read people.
"I've just gotten a message that Ms. Frost has been captured by the CIA." Shaw informed him.
"Oh?" Charles did his best to hide his interest. Were Erik, Moira and Darwin alright? He truly hoped so.
"Indeed." Shaw walked closer in leisurely pace and Charles moved to keep some space between them. "But I guess that is fair, a telepath for a telepath." Shaw mused, looking the omega up and down.
"I'm not going to do your dirty work." Charles spat. He was still tired and did not have patience to entertain the megalomaniac alpha. But to his annoyance, Shaw only seemed amused by his outburst.
"No, not yet, I assume." He spoke softly, sending creeps down Charles' back. He suddenly remembered Shaw's words from the CIA base when Azazel had found Charles and teleported him to the same room as the children. "Well this changes everything".
Shaw took a step forward, Charles took one back.
"I was surprised to learn that an omega could wield such a strong power." Shaw continued, his eyes shining with something akin to hunger. "Power like that deserves someone who can use it to its full potential."
"You doubt that I can't? Take that helmet off and I am more than happy to demostrate." Charles dared the other man, but he didn't rise to the bait.
"You would use your powers to stop me. I will use it to bring the world to its knees before its rightful rulers." Shaw's voice got that powerhungry tint again that it had had in the CIA base.
"You will never use it! I wont let you!" Charles stared the other man down. He would rather die than let Shaw use him like that. But Shaw wasn't impressed.
"Oh you will. After all..." Shaw moved closer with much more certain steps and backed Charles against the wall, stopping right in front of him. "Omegas must listen to their alphas." Shaw growled the words and Charles' eyes widened. Shaw wanted to mate with him. And after that, to break him. Make him into a shell of a person that he could use like a puppet.
But Charles would not make it easy for him.
"You'll need to wait for a long time for that opportunity." He hissed. He had just been in heat, and his next one wouldn't happen for months. Enough time for him to figure out how to escape or for the others to find him. But instead of looking infuriated, Shaw seemed pleased about something.
"Not that long, my dear." Shaw purred. "There are ways to make you ready for me much faster." He gripped Charles' chin so hard the telepath was sure it would leave bruices and forced him to bare his throat to the alpha, who then bent down to inhale his scent. "You'll be begging for my knot soon enough." He whispered, before licking at the omega's scent glands. Charles felt so sick he thought he was about to vomit.
But abrutly, Charles was let go and Shaw stepped back, turning around. The relief was so strong that Charles almost lost his balance and he had to support himself on the wall.
He didn't dare to look up, but he could hear Shaw stop.
"And as a scientist, you must be at least slightly curious. With two powerful mutants like us, what amazing gifts our children will have?" With that, the alpha left the room and locked the door behind him.
Charles let the gravity to bring him down, his legs too shaky to hold him up and his head spinning. He had to get out of here. And soon.
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dragongirltongue · 2 years
Whats that super hero comic your working on?????? Im interested! :3
Working title: Heroics! (spelled with the exclamation mark)
It's set on a furry version of earth and mostly follows a group of superheroes known as Safeguard who are more of a rescue group 6ecause I'm fucking tired of superheroes as cops/soldiers and legitimately 6elieve we can and should do 6etter.
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Mem6ers of the team are listed 6elow the read more.
Leading the group is Weightless, she started out as a fursona 6ut kinda evolved away from me 6ut kept her looks. She has powerful telekinesis and a few other weaker psychic powers, 6ut her physical 6ody is on the weaker side, she also has a ha6it of overworking which leaves her tired a lot of the time.
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Next is the other founding mem6er, Tectonic. A construction worker who after nearly getting 6uried in cement discovered she has the power to manipulate stone as long as she can maintain contact with it. At first she didn't trust Weightless 6ut after some time they joined forces and 6egan a relationship.
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Next is the first mem6er to join after they esta6lished themselves, Upright, cursed with gravity that always stays in line with her position she learned to manage it and decided that having to sleep standing up is a small price to pay for 6eing a6le to walk up walls. She's a superhero for fun 6ut she can get serious when the time comes.
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Breakout is next, Weightless mistook him for a superhero and offered him a place on the team when they first met and after realizing that his mutation can 6e used for good he joined the team. His a6ility is that unless exposed to a certain usually harmless form of radiation his 6ody will rapidly expand and mutate into a super strong monster form. If left unchecked the transformation will 6ecome too heavy to maintain. He's a runaway test su6ject from a supersoldier project 6ut he grows to like using his powers to help people.
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And finally, in the starting line up is Glitch, she once had the power to instantaneously teleport anywhere within a few miles, a6le to push it further if she knew exactly where she wanted to end up. Upon trying to use her powers to help for once she got caught 6y another 6ranch of the group that gave Breakout his powers. After trying to push her powers to evolve faster they destroyed her 6ody while she escaped into cy6erspace, from here she discovered she could control the la6 and wiped the place out, later joining Safeguard to help manage operations in secret and help keep others from her fate.
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There are other mem6ers 6ut I don't want to spoil events they're involved this early into the process.
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catgirlthecrazy · 2 years
Let's play a game folks: Which Orders of the Knights Radiant Would Each Member of the Mighty Nein Belong to?
(Aka: the Stormlight Archive equivalent of sorting your favorite characters into Hogwarts Houses).
This is something that's been bouncing around in my head off and on for literal years. It's a little tricky, because a few of the Orders (Elsecallers, Stonewards, and Dustbringers especially) have received very little screentime so far; for those who need a refresher on what each of the orders is about, I'm mostly relying on the information on this webpage; it's also a decent primer on the Radiants for Critical Role fans who haven't read the Stormlight Archive and want to know WTF I'm talking about. I suspect the audience for this post is going to be small, but fuck it, I'm doing it anyways.
In descending order of certainty.
Jester: Lightweaver, easy. She's an artist, she deals in subterfuge and illusions a lot, and her speech to Caleb about how "we all lie sometimes" fits really well with their ideals. Lightweavers are also known for bringing joy to others through art and entertainment, and for helping others see the best in themselves. Both of those describe Jester to a T
(trying to imagine Artagan as her Cryptic, though, makes my brain segfault)
Beau: also easy, Truthwatcher. This order is very concerned with discovering and spreading knowledge, with a significant minority specifically interested in making sure those in power are being honest with the ones they lead. That's the entire guiding philosophy of the Cobalt Soul.
Yasha: Windrunner. For a long time I was really unsure about where she'd fit. Then I watched the episode where the Stormlord asked her why she fights, and her answer was "to protect." That's what the Windrunners are all about. Though I can't see her being part of a formal military hierarchy like Kaladin's Windrunners have; I think she'd operate independently or as part of a loosely organized group.
Also, they can fly.
Fjord: Willshaper. This order is all about freedom and exploration, and that's a perfect fit for a paladin who swore the Oath of the Open Sea. Willshapers are also one of the two Orders that can teleport, and Fjord has a shit ton of teleportation spells. Bonus: his pact weapon and Armor of Agathys already function like a Shardblade and Shardplate
Caleb: my gut says Elsecaller, though we don't know a ton about them. That order is described as thoughtful and wise, their oaths are themed around reaching your potential, and they tend to attract a lot of scholars. Much of Caleb's arc involved him trying to reach his fullest potential as a wizard. Plus, their Soulcasting abilities are a good match for Transmutation. However, I think you could also make a case for Dustbringer: their oaths are all about mastering yourself and the destructive abilities you wield. Plus they're the order most known for burning stuff.
Molly/Kingsley: Willshaper again. The description in the link provided literally says: "The Willshapers contain many gregarious and even flamboyant characters who make their own way, taking the path they choose." And doesn't that describe him to a T?
Essek: for a while I wanted to say Truthwatcher, because he's very keen on discovering knowledge and unlocking the secrets of dunamancy. And I do love the poignancy of him getting healing powers. But given that his entire arc is all about him realizing that he wants to be a better person, and struggling to figure out how to do that, I'm more inclined to put him with the Elsecallers. And it would be fitting for him to be in the same order as Caleb.
(it's a shame, though, that neither of the orders with gravity powers fit him at all)
Veth: Stoneward. This might seem odd at first glance, given that that order is known for attracting jocks and soldier types. But if Veth had one guiding principle, it's that once she's adopted you, she'll do just about anything for you. She's the one who gave us "the only choice we've consistently made is to take care of our friends." That fits the "I will be there when I am needed" ideal pretty well.
Caduceus: Him I'm least sure of. On a thematic level, Edgedancers are the best fit, since they're the order most known for healing, they attract a lot of clergy, and their spren are sapient plant people. On the other hand, the Edgedancer ideals are all about remembering the forgotten little people of society, and that's not really a Caduceus thing.
Edit: multiple commenters have convinced me that Caduceus, who devotes his life to tending the graves and remembering the stories of the dead, is in fact a perfect fit for the Edgedancers, so I stand corrected about that.
The one thing I can be absolutely sure of is that absolutely none of these chaotic, rule-breaking chucklefucks are Skybreakers.
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allisoooon · 3 years
How do you think their individual powers influenced the siblings as people? Love your meta.
Thanks! I’m glad someone out there reads my walls of text.
I’m gonna skip Vanya because the answer to this question for her is like…literally the plot of season one. Though I do think her power influenced her interest in music.
There’s a bit of fanon out there about Ben’s relationship with his own powers that does have some basis in canon. According to Hargreeves’ notes, he used to cry in his sleep. Fans assume this is about how frightened he is of his own power, and that might be true—but we don’t see him afraid of his power as an adult. In the bank robbery flashback, he is very unenthused about being the team’s crowd controller, and his voice trembles when he’s done, but I’d assumed that was because he was basically an infant being forced to commit mass murder, something that went completely against his mild nature. For some reason, he’s also screaming when using his power in the theatre, almost as if in pain. I think his death, while not a good thing, at least allowed him to take a step back from being forced to hurt, maim, and kill, and we only really see him tormented by what he’s doing when he’s a child. So I do think the brutal nature of his power was what was making him miserable. We might see the ultimate result of the influence Ben’s power had over him with Sparrow!Ben, since this is a Ben who never escaped his abuser.
I personally like the idea that Five’s impatience and speed is partially based in his power. He can jump from place to place and be there quickly, but then he has to wait for everyone else to catch up. Like, wayyyyyy back in the day when we had dial-up internet, we had to be careful which websites we went to because image-heavy ones could take forrrreeeevvveeeer to load. Like, minutes to a half an hour, depending. Now, I get impatient if a page takes ten seconds to load. I think it would make sense for Five’s power to have that effect on him, where he’s frustrated by how slow some tasks are when you can’t teleport.
Klaus’ powers have made death cheap for him. I mean, he’d be self-destructive anyway, but he’s also keenly aware that death isn’t the end, but almost a part of life in itself. He gets revived after an overdose and it’s just another rush to him; he wakes up after briefly dying and just goes about his business. When facing the end of the world, he just takes hold of Dave’s dog tags and smiles wistfully. Death just doesn’t have the gravity or finality to him that it has for everyone else.
Allison more than anyone gets a power rush when she uses her ability, and that has led to her entire life, essentially. I wonder if she would even have gone for acting if she didn’t have her power, or if her power just encouraged her to reach for the loftiest ambitions she could think of. One day, in her childhood, she realized she could have anything she wanted, so her imagination ran wild. I like this idea because if you notice, any time she’s recognized in public, she’s a bit uncomfortable. Then, the happiest she has ever been in her life is when she wasn’t acting, but working alongside her husband to help people. So I wonder if she ever actually wanted the life her power gave her.
Diego’s roguelike power makes him the DPS guy, so to speak, but I think it also influenced the style of vigilantism he chose. His power is swift and quiet, so that’s what he is. We first see him sneakily Batmanning into someone else’s house and taking out the bad guys before they have time to react, and that tells us what we need to know about how he approaches the world. He can be very methodical—it’s just that sometimes, his methods are, um, not great. Occasionally they’re pretty dumb (cutting off Lee Harvey Oswald’s TRIGGER FINGER?). But whether he’s being competent or not, he always seems to have a specific idea for how he’ll approach.
Luther is the tank, and like all tanks, his chief purpose is defense. The scene that always plays in my head when I think about how Luther’s power influences his life and relationships is in the nuclear apocalypse scene in 2.01, when he takes a fucking rocket to the back to protect Klaus. This actually contrasts with the bank robbery flashback in 1.01, where his power is shown when he clonks a guy’s head before throwing him out the window across the building. In season one, he was a tank attempting to be DPS. In season two, he’s finding his place as the family’s guardian rather than the family’s heavy-hitter. Which he seems to be so much happier with.
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luckthebard · 4 years
Do you think Essek will be a Wizard who can cast 8th level spells on par with those like Allura and Gilmore or that he might be able to cast 9th level ones?
I’m Not sure if that would make him “too good”. Idk I thought how interesting would it be if someone idk died and he cast wish to force a reroll of the killing blow or idk whatever else Lucien has on him.
I guess that brings up a second question, what kind of spells do you think he’ll have and what would you give him?
I definitely don’t think he’ll be able to cast 9th level spells. Essek was extremely overpowered for the Mighty Nein when they met him (he’s probably the NPC equivalent of a level 15 wizard) but part of showing party growth can be juxtaposing them to their allies and showing how the relative power levels shift as the PCs gain strength. 
This is actually what Matt did with Allura in campaign 1 - she started out as an incredibly overpowered advisor and aid, and eventually joined them in a battle when they were at roughly equivalent levels. By the end of the campaign, Vox Machina had surpassed her. NPCs being static in their power levels can make a good narrative contrast to the changes the party experiences through a campaign.
That being said, we know Essek can cast an 8th level spell, because he once used “Teleport” twice in one day, which can be done if cast at 7th and then upcast at 8th (or if the character is level 20, but there’s no way Matt would design a level 20 NPC, and Essek keeps clearly stating he’s not that much more powerful than the Mighty Nein).  
But if/when we are blessed with Essek in battle, spells I’d like to see - SO MANY DUNAMANCY SPELLS FROM THE EXPLORER’S GUIDE! There’s a great 8th level spell called “Dark Star” which is just as badass as it sounds and essentially creates a black hole on the battlefield. I want Matt to be able to finally go apeshit with all the cool metaphysical gravity spells he created. He deserves it.
In terms of running Essek as an NPC as a DM, however, I personally would mostly stack him with support and crowd control spells. This makes sense from a narrative standpoint, as Essek is explicitly not a warrior, and also from a gameplay standpoint. As I’ve stated before, when you’re running an NPC fighting alongside the party, the point is to aid them more than draw focus or outshine the PCs. You can actually watch Matt do this with characters like Kima, for instance, when she joined Vox Machina in battle - she cast a lot more aura of protection type spells for her actions than you might typically see from a PC-run paladin.
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x19 The Black Fairy
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Peter Pan! So weird to think they were married but I mean they’re both kinda obsessed with collecting children that aren’t their son which is a weird coincidence.
Aww baby Rumple!
Malcolm looks so happy to have a baby. It seems it was the loss of Fiona that made him resent Rumple. Perhaps he could have been a father with her support but he just couldn’t handle being a single father. 
I wish we got to know more about fairy lore
Rumple was born in winter. He’s totally a Capricorn!
Aren’t Saviors meant to save realms from dark curses? But the dark curse wasn’t created yet. Maybe they retconned it and they’re just meant to save people.
That dragon egg is awfully convenient. What happened to the characters going on quests to find things like this? It’s too easy to wake Blue up.
Snow straight up strangling the Blue Fairy. I know it’s not her but I think Snow deserves that opportunity. 
Quick thinking Rumple with that cuff! 
Why does Emma have to have sleepy time too?
Is the shack Rumple was born in the same place he and Milah lived in? Probably not.
Yep. Really shouldn’t have given her that book of prophecies. What did they expect? Fiona to be overjoyed her son would die at the hands of a great evil?
Wait. It’s not possible for someone to turn themselves into a fairy? There must be something about Fiona. There’s something about that family, I swear. It seems they were all destined for great power and great evil.
Regina teaching Zelena to drive is the best thing ever but she totally could have escaped with Henry on her broom if things went wrong. If people in New York saw her and Henry flying high defying gravity they���d just think it was promo for Broadway’s Wicked.
Lmao! Omg Zelena! This scene is glorious!
Oh yeah, baby Robin could fit on the broom too. They’d make it work!
Regina: “I trust him to raise you.” Lol. So true but now I need all the fics with Henry raising his little cousin and Auntie in New York. 
The Black Fairy is so freaking creepy singing a lullaby to Blue.
The hatred emanating from the Black Fairy for Blue gives me shivers. 
And then she’s like “I’m so happy we get a chance to play,” and sits down like a child. Chills, I tell you! Like, Blue has completely destroyed who she used to be.
What was she going to do to the child if she’d found one with the crescent mark? 
Aww. Rumple breaking down and saying “I would do anything for you, son.” This man freaking loves his children. 
How did they end up in Rumple’s dream when Gideon was the first to be sprinkled with the night night sand?
Hook: “How do we know you are actually you.” Regina: “Because it’s me!” Sounds legit.
Aww, Hook just called Regina “love”. Are they getting along again, now? I saw a meta the other day that noted how Regina only started to dislike Hook when he got serious with Emma and I’m pretty sure that’s true. Interesting!
I wanted to see a proper witch fight dammit! For a show with so many sorcerers, we deserved more magical duels.
But omg Zelena suddenly running the Black Fairy over and her flipping over the car is the best thing in existence! 
Aww the sisters’ little smiles to each other. 
The sacred vault of the fairies? Are they, like, religious? 
This poor woman. I feel so sorry for her. She’s just desperately and feverishly trying to protect her baby. What did they expect from her? Most mothers would go to those lengths if they were told their child would suffer such a horrible fate. That would bring anyone to the end of their tether.
Omg wtf. “He’s destined to die so that other children may live.” That is a beyond cruel thing to say to the face of a mother. What the hell? Omg the pain on Fiona’s face. No child should be sacrificed for another. How heartless of the fairies.
So did Emma replace Rumple as the EF’s Savior or can their be multiple Saviors? 
Agggh this is so horrific. Poor Fiona finding out she is destined to kill her own child. She’s devastated. 
Oh, did she get the crescent scar when she was disarmed? 
Oh cool, the Black Fairy can project memories! That’s quite a unique power.
Blue could have saved a lot of people by remotely teleporting their hearts into her hands from the EQ’s or Cora’s and yet she didn’t.
She has a point. Even if she severed her destiny so she wouldn’t be the one to kill him, he could still be in danger from some other threat.
Blue, what the hell! Summoning a portal was absolutely uncalled for. What because she dared to upset you as you were so desperate for him to become the Savior for some reason? Probably part of her long-game evil plan. So what if he didn’t become a Savior?! Blue’s going on like that was the worst crime. She was just trying to protect him and you separated a doting mother who was no longer a danger to him from her child! You had no right! She is so self-righteous, I swear to god. It’s nothing to do with her. Who does she think she is?! Blue has ruined so many lives and gotten away with it because she believes she’s all high and mighty. She’s just as much of a villain as any other on this show. It makes me so mad. Poor Fiona. No wonder she hates Blue. 
Fiona: “I promise you son, I will spend every moment of every day trying to find my way back to you!”
I think she let Rumple hate her because it was too painful and she didn’t think she deserved his love. 
There are a lot of parallels between Rumple and his mother’s stories. They are much alike. 
Malcolm genuinely loved Fiona. He said she was the love of his life. Gosh I needed backstory with those two! After her he felt the only way he could be happy again was to return to childhood and Neverland so he didn’t have to think about Fiona. It was too painful. Easier to pretend he’d never loved. 
Malcolm must have lied to Rumple and told him his mother had abandoned him.
The fairies imply Fiona is dead to cover their own asses. They won’t say they banished her because they damn well know he’d fight them to get the love of his life back.
Lol. Sorry but calling your child Rumplestiltskin just to spite him is hilarious. What does it mean? Oh! It means “Little Rattle Stilt.” I mean it could have been worse it could have been “Little Sh*thead.” 
Also the Fairies hearing him blame the baby for his wife’s death should have rung alarm bells. They should have put him in a home where he’d be loved and cared for. Nope, just leave him with this guy who hates him.
Eww. They put a heart on the dinner table.
Giddy Up’s got his heart back! Yehaaaw!
“A seafaring man does not take superstitions likely.” So he is superstitious! He allowed a woman on his ship for years so maybe superstitions are different in the EF.
Oh my God, next week’s the musical episode!!!! I can’t wait!!!!
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yanderepuck · 3 years
Okay, so, you know Odalia? They're listed as a dark mage and I wish to know what kinds of magic they practice and how they got into magic.
Also, how magic works in that universe. Like, is it passed down, is it taught, is it transferred, do you have to do something to get it???
Another also! How does it affect different species? That magic, that is. Like, how well would it work on a pureblood like Radu (the beloved himbo king) or Nicoleta and then on demons like Abigor and kitsune like Yuki?
First thought: yes I know Odalia, she's my OC.
So with how magic works is that it can be learned by someone who does not have a background of magic. For instance, Nicoleta has basically maxed out her vampire abilities because she's always pushing herself, so she got to the point where she started to teach herself magic to enhance herself even more. Ambrosia grew up around mages and always had mages around her, and being the woman that she is, she insisted on learning a bit of magic. Neither of them are by no means great at it. They are basically at the intro stage, they aren't able to gather as much "mana" to keep spells going. Ambrosia did manage to get herself to grow about 3 inches in height and that's all she cared about.
Abigor tho? The bitch is an angel demon, he himself knows magic to a certain point. Entry level mage wouldn't stand a change against him, even intermediate wouldn't have an easy time.
Radu barely knows what his vampire abilities are and how to control them, magic will kick his ass.
Yuki? he's better at defense than attack, so he can manage someone with magic attacking him, but he won't be able to attack back. But he might hit you over the head with a large stick of bamboo.
Odalia is from a line of mages, so she was already born with some magical power, she just needed to learn how to control it., which was basically all of her schooling. Simple gravity tasks like moving things without touching them, even being able to throw them, have an object follow her has she walks. When first learning it, it takes a lot of concentration, but as you get the hang of it, it's like you're barely using any power to be able to do it, making it easy. She found herself getting interested in dark magic at a fairly young age.
She started to learn things like shadow manipulation, being able to move with shadows, even being able to teleport in the shadows things like that. She also learned some ice magic, thinking that it went along fairly well with dark magic.
She knows a few spells here and there of other elements. She even figured out how to freeze time for about two minutes, but she hasn't figured out how to stay conscious once she unfreezes.
Odalia is also good friends with Thallo, Siora, and Karid
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A Summary On Chronal Disassociation and Gravitic Fluxes
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Athena suggested that I try to write out my line of thinking in simpler language, as to get the basics down before I get into the “nitty-gritty” of the matter. It reminded me of something that Dr. Winston said to one of his co-workers back on Horizon, something along the lines of “if you can’t explain it to a five year-old, you don’t understand what you’re talking about”. Wise advice indeed! While I don’t have any five year-olds around, and anyone I would show this to certainly wouldn’t be five, haha, I figured it was worth a shot just to get my ideas straight.
So, where to start?
Let’s start with Lena. It’s always good to start with what one knows rather than what one doesn’t. Anyway.
Lena has acute chronal disassociation. Chronal disassociation is a condition where the particles that make up the body spontaneously detach themselves from their current time and place and reappear in a different time and place. To the extent of Lena and I’s observations, this does not include inter-dimensional or alter-dimensional travel. Even if there were such things as alternate timelines, her disassociation through space and time would not create them due to the transient nature of her travel, but that’s getting beside the point.
My chronal accelerator design (it’s not really an accelerator, per say, more of a harness, but the name seemed to stick) keeps Lena in this current timeline by. . . hmm, keeping it simple simple. . .  kind of in a way that a quantum computer works. (No, that’s not simple! Think, think. . .) Quantum computers work by having infinite states of existence, which the computer infrastructure is able to control what state is active at which time. The chronal accelerator uses very much the same principle- it essentially “tells” Lena’s particles where to exist and in what state.
Now, that status is programmable, allowing Lena to alter her state at will (within certain safety parameters, of course!). With the aid of the accelerator, she can manipulate when her particles exist (such as restoring herself to a younger and undamaged time) and where her particles exist (such as moving herself on the X and Y axes, although it must be someplace she could reasonably get to using her own two feet. She cannot fly, for example.)
Now. . . here’s where things get. . . interesting. Lena, I hope you’re not reading this without me.
Chronal Disassociation is transferable. Not contagious! Lena is not dangerous to herself or anyone around her, even without the accelerator! But it is transferable. She does have the ability, with familiarity and practice, to disassociate other particles and reassemble them in another location. This idea is obvious to anyone who thinks to ask the question of why her clothing and weapons travel with her whenever she blinks or recalls. In the early days, in fact, we ran several experiments with the accelerator to make sure that she wouldn’t teleport the oxygen molecules out of her lungs, since the air she breathed wasn’t the same air that was involved with the Slipstream incident. I was genuinely concerned that she might suffocate should she ever try to blink!
I digress. The fact of the matter is, Lena can control the timeline of particles around her. Not just her own bodily particles, but the particles around her. While she herself is hesitant to acknowledge it, her condition isn’t just a condition- it’s a power.
Which leads me to the next, far less pleasant topic, and the real reason why I’m typing all this out.
Dr. Siebren de Kuiper underwent an unknown procedure of events and has now arrived under my study with the power to control gravity. To make matters worse, in between that unknown event and now, Talon got to him first and already constructed a kind of “harness” for him. A “harness” that’s highly invasive and shoddily built compared to my inventions (and that’s saying something, my chronal accelerator notwithstanding!) I’ve been working night and day not only to understand the basics of how his power works, but also how that harness is supposed to function in relation to that.
What I’ve got so far is pretty crude. I think Dr. de Kuiper has some kind of control over quantum gravitons, aka the particles that transmit the force we all know as gravity. The more gravitons he creates or gathers on an object, the more gravity exerted. Similarly, he has the ability to destroy or scatter Earth’s normal gravitons, which reduces the amount of gravity exerted on an object. On the large scale, it functions almost as a kind of basic telekinesis from a superhero movie.
If that theory is correct, de Kuiper must have an astounding amount of control. We’re talking septillions, octillions, maybe even nonillions or decillions (stupid huge numbers, forgot to keep it simple) of individual graviton particles that he’s manipulating here. The crude “harness” that Talon strapped into him (I mean literally INTO him, into his brain) must help him with that in some regard. Whether the technology controls the particles for him or if it simply helps him “feel” or “visualize” them better, I have no idea.
According to de Kuiper himself, aboard the ISS, he experienced what he called a “singularity”. Now, his language was very. . . flowery and unscientific, but given the subject matter he’s trying to describe I don’t blame him. Most disturbingly, however, it matches Lena’s description of the Slipstream incident almost perfectly. Lena (the much more reliable narrator of the two,) described the sensation as being “everywhere at once, “not knowing which way was up or down”, and “feeling incredibly old yet only lasting a few seconds”.
Lena doesn’t talk about the Slipstream accident. I highly, highly doubt she said anything about it to de Kuiper before he recounted his story for me. While his testimony is dubious, the events he described were too close to hers for me to dismiss them as coincidental storytelling.
As a result of this seemingly identical incident, he now has control over his own particles and the particles around him.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though! Lena’s powers and de Kuiper’s powers are two fundamentally different things. De Kuiper exhibits no control over any other subatomic particle, only the gravitons, which is an important distinction. Lena’s power is indiscriminate- the reason she can’t “fly” like he can is that she takes the gravitons in her body with her when she teleports and can’t separate them out. She certainly doesn’t have individual molecular control, whereas de Kuiper might, but only for gravitons as I mentioned. And then there’s his “melody”, which he claims is related to the fluctuations of his power, but that’s likely just to be how his psyche deals with the associated trauma. I mean, Lena isn’t crazy enough to report hearing music.
But. . . it is important to remember that time and gravity are related quantities. I haven’t been able to tell de Kuiper’s physical age in the very same way that it’s impossible to tell Lena’s based on DNA testing. It’s common knowledge that the greater the gravitational field, the slower time passes within that field. I suspect that de Kuiper is physically younger than the amount of time that has passed since his supposed death.
Does this mean that de Kuiper could have control over time? Does this mean that Lena could be unwittingly manipulating gravity? I have my doubts. There’s a lot of caveats with this “theory” that are only visible when talking about the more complex science. 
Regardless, I’ve cautioned Lena over and over again not to let de Kuiper use his powers on her, just in case. Even if their powers aren’t connected, I don’t want to discover any sort of strange reaction that could cause Lena to disassociate for good. I just hope she listens. 
Alright. Let’s get back to work now on the real science of it. I’m not sure how useful this exercise really was, but I suppose I can use it as a quick reference or something.
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drazzilder · 3 years
A Winter’s Flight
By Drazzzilder 
Chapter 8: Snow
Winter has taken over Japan this year. Almost the whole country is covered in a fresh blanket of white powder. Shoto and Natsuo are home for winter break and Fuyumi is visiting as well. You and Enji took the initiative to plan a vacation at a ski resort for the whole family, even managing to convince Enji to let Keigo come as well. You could practically hear Keigo yelling in excitement when you texted him the news.
E: “Is everyone ready? We need to leave soon so we don’t miss the Shinkansen.” He yells from the first floor.
F: “Almost! I’m just closing my suit case now!”
N: Coming down the stairs followed by Shoto “I don’t know what’s the big rush, we can just teleport there if we miss the train.”
S: “We used his powers before.”
Z: “You can’t rely on us for everything. You need to learn how to time manage.”  
K: “I might be a mess according to your father but at least I’m on time. You all have been spoiled by Hellboy’s quirk.”
(Y/N): “I know I spoil them; I can’t help it. But we really need to leaving soon.”
F: “Coming!” She says running down the stairs. She trips over her feet and is about to tumble down but a few feathers quickly catch her and her suitcase.
K: “Careful!” He slowly lowers her back to the ground. He looks at her face which is flush with embarrassment.
F: “Thank you. I was in a rush and I guess I tripped over myself.”
Z: “Please be careful, we don’t want you to get hurt before you even get to the resort.”
E: “Now that everyone is ready, let’s go.”
You all leave the house and manage to just make the train. You and Enji are sitting right next to each other while Zaheer is facing you both, taking up 2 seats. Shoto and Natsuo are sitting next to each-other on the other side of the train while Fuyumi and Keigo are sitting behind them. You put Enji near the window to prevent him from turning back to look at the two constantly.
F: “I’m really excited you are coming with us.”
K: “I am too! I don’t know how (Y/N) managed to convince your father to let me come. He must have used some of that demonic power on him.”
F: “No need. My father loves him so much that if (Y/N) ask for something, he would make it happen no matter what.”
K: “I think it’s strange seeing him in love. I mean, look at them up there.” At this point Keigo is looking and you and Enji. Enji has wrapped his arm around you while you hold his other hand in his lap. Your free hand is holding your phone, watching a video together. “It’s kind of adorable when you see it. Such a large, imposing man absolutely in love with someone. It is nice to see him happy. When I was a kid, he was just grumpy looking all the time.”
F: “He has a tendency to be private about his personal life. They are definitely more open about their relationship now but for a while it was hidden. He was afraid of what the public would think; being married to a woman then a man. But, I am happy (Y/N) came into our life. Without him, my father might not be here.”
K: “What do you mean?”
F: “All that stuff I told you, he regretted it so much it was eating him alive. (Y/N) was there to help him process it. It was strange seeing him with a man at first but after a while we saw what he was doing for dad, we know why they fell in love. Now I can’t imagine the two not together.”
K: “I’m glad to hear everything worked out. I did want to know, what is it like living with a demon?”
F: “Hmmm, other than he looks different, Zaheer acts just like us. He is just another member of the family.”
K: “That’s boring…” he pouts. “Wait, I just realized. He has a wedding ring on too?”
F: “Technically only Dad and (Y/N) are married but my father gave Zaheer a ring as a symbolic gesture. He does live inside of (Y/N) after all.”
K: “Awww, does he like Endeavor too?”
F: “Yes. It might be strange, but this is our family.”
K: “Anything else about the big guy?”
F: “He does break things but that’s just because he is so big. He is really fun when you get to know him. Even Natsuo likes him, which I can’t say about a lot of people.”
K: “Kinda wanna see him at home being all silly. I only see him when he is being a hero.”
F: “You will probably see that on this trip. Why are you so interested in Zaheer?”
K: “I just think it’s strange that a demon acts like he does.”
F: “He loves (Y/N) and Enji so much, he would never hurt them.”
K: “Eh… I guess that makes sense.”
F: “That doesn’t mean he won’t come after you if you make him mad. He is quite a force to reckoned with.”
(Y/N): “Don’t worry so much. They are fine.”
E: “I can’t believe I said yes to him coming.” He gruffs.
Z: “I can. You always say yes to (Y/N).”
E: “I know… I can’t help it.”
(Y/N): “I didn’t ask him to come just for Fuyumi. I wanted Keigo and you to try to get along.”
E: “What?!” His glasses begin to fog.
Z: “Calm down. We don’t want the whole train to hear you.”
(Y/N): “You don’t have to hang out but just see what he does for her. Maybe you can see why she likes him. Come on, give him a chance. For me?” You bat your eyes at him, all goofy like.
E: “Fine…. But only for you.” He kisses you on the lips.
It isn’t long till everyone arrives at the ski resort. It is high in the mountains, fresh snow everywhere. Everyone wastes no time getting onto the slopes. Shoto and Natsuo had no problem getting up the mountain but down was another story for Natsuo where Shoto was a natural at the snowboard. Zaheer had the hardest time trying to find equipment to rend but they eventually found something that fits his size, hopefully he doesn’t break the skis. You and Enji just skied down some smaller slopes, keeping things calm. You had to, on more than one occasion, remind Enji not to use his fire on the mountain. Keigo and Fuyumi went all the way to the top to try the black diamond slope. She was a little afraid but Keigo wasn’t. The fresh powder made for a great ski down the mountain. She did fall twice but he was there to help her up. Everyone met for lunch in the cabin Enji rented. Afterwards, they went back to the mountain again.
F: “I’m having a lot of fun, Keigo. I never have skied before.”
K: “You’re a natural! I knew it would be a good time with you.”
F: “Maybe my dad will lighten up seeing how much fun we are having together.”
K: “Eh… we can hope. Come on, we got time for one more run, want to try the triple black diamond?”
F: “I don’t know….”
K: Opening his wings “Don’t worry, I got you.”
F: “Alright. Why not.”
Once at the top, the two stand looking down the intense slope. Fuyumi is having second thoughts but Keigo holds her hand to help her. They slowly start moving forward and let gravity take them down the mountain. The two are going down at a good pace when something seems off. There is a rumbling coming from behind them. It is an avalanche! The snow is approaching so fast the two don’t have any time to react other than Keigo flying to Fuyumi and wrapping his wings around the two. The two are engulf in a mountain of snow as they tumble down the slope. Keigo is ok but Fuyumi starts to feel a little sick from all of the tumbling and falling they are doing in the snow. Soon there is no sign of light anymore as the they fall deeper into the powder. Almost as fast as the snow started moving, it stopped and everything is silent and dark.
K: “Are you ok?”
F: “I think I’m ok. How are we going to get out of here?”
K: “My feathers should do the trick…” He tries to move but is completely still. The snow has compacted so tightly around the two that he can’t even move his feathers. “Um… I guess we are stuck. Any ideas?”
F: “I have one…. Zaheer, can you hear me? Please? We are trapped.”
K: “What? He can’t hear you?”
F: “Remember, we are marked. Maybe he can sense something is wrong.”
In the cold silence, the two wait. They are scared but at least they have each other for comfort. Not much time passes and they start to hear rumbling again. This time, it is coming from right above them as they hear what sounds like digging and yelling. Soon, the darkness is broken with a bright light. A large red hand reaches for the two and pulls them out.
Z: Pulling the both of them close to warm them: “Are you ok!?”
F: “A little shaken up but we are fine.”
K: “Wait, how did you know we were here?”
F: “Like I said, we are marked, he can find us anywhere.”
Z: Now fully hugging the both tight while crying “When I sensed you under the snow, I panicked. I was afraid I wasn’t going to make it in time. Please don’t do that again. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t make it in time. I know I might not be your parent but I care for you too, Fuyumi.”
K: “Calm down big guy, we are ok. I managed to protect us with my wings. I think we are done with skiing today.”
F: “Yeah. Do you mind teleporting us back to the cabin?”
Z: “Not at all. You know I am going to have to tell your fathers about this, right?” He says after he manages to calm down.
F: “I know, just try to ease it on them.”
E: “YOU WERE IN AN AVALACHE?!” Enji is practically about to break Fuyuimi in half with how tight he is hugging her.
(Y/N): “Normally I would say Enji is overreacting but this is serious. You could have died!”
K: “I was there. I used my wings to protect us.”
E: He releases Fuyumi from his titan grip and starts hugging Keigo “Thank you, thank you for protecting her.”
N: “Wow! Dad, are you ok? This is a little out of the norm with for you.”
(Y/N): “He is still processing the car accident and this isn’t helping. His emotions are raw right now, give him some time. Also thank you Zaheer for rescuing them.”
Z: “Of course.”
E: Regaining his composer “Yes. Thank you Zaheer. I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to get that emotional.”
F: “Its ok, we understand. Hearing that news would be jarring for any parent.”
(Y/N): “Why don’t we all relax in the hot tub for the evening.”
K: “Sounds good to me.”
The rest of the trip is much more relaxing. No one went down the mountain the rest of the trip out of fear for how Enji might react. They relaxing in the cabin, went to the spa, and even had karaoke night. The children didn’t know who was funnier to watch singing, Keigo or Zaheer. At the end of the week, everyone was ready to go back home. The train ride home was quiet and Keigo finally left to go home himself.
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