#he absolutely deserves the world and i will support him wherever he ends up with
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astonmartingf · 3 months ago
doesn't matter who wins, at the end of the day i want what's best for yuki tsunoda 😭
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glossdebut · 19 days ago
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✧ PAIRING: yoongi x fem!reader
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✧ SUMMARY: You were about ready to give up, your career nowhere near what you dreamed it’d be when you started at eighteen, bright-eyed and naive. Reality for you these past few years has consisted of pouting at a camera, ignoring whispers of your name at company events, and ensuring that the stupid, tiny designer purses they keep forcing on you can at least carry a flask. But now, you’re helping a friend in need. For the first time in a long time, it feels like you’re doing something worthwhile with your life. Too bad Min Yoongi, the newest thorn in your side, seems insistent on stopping you. 『 series masterlist 』
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✧ AUTHOR’S NOTE: this chapter is kicking my ass, y'all. that's all.
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✧ STATUS: ongoing
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When you make it back to the house, you can’t break off from the group fast enough. You don’t mean to be rude, but fuck. You need a minute to process the events of the day.
In an ideal world, said processing would be done with the assistance of your best friend. That’s what Yoongi and Yijeong do, right?
Once you make it inside the house, you make a beeline for the swing out back, phone already tucked between your ear and your shoulder as you slide the patio door open. It rings once, twice, before the call is declined altogether.
SuckJin: You’re joking right?
Too bad your best friend is a traitorous snake who prioritizes his medical career over being at your constant beck and call.
You: i need to talk to you!!!!!!!!!!!
SuckJin: Are you dying
You: no?????
SuckJin: Great
SuckJin: Nothing I can’t help with over text then
You: in case i don’t tell you enough, you are the fucking worst
You: just so you know
With a groan, you plop onto the swing, thumbs tapping wildly at your phone screen as you try your best to put words to what exactly you’re feeling right now. A task that proves impossible, since you’re not really sure yourself.
You: your worst mistake as my best friend is sitting idly by and allowing me to remain celibate since kihyun and i broke up. what’s happening right now is all your fault actually
You: because now that my JK-related feelings are waning i’m convinced i would fuck absolutely anyone in my current state. that HAS to be what’s going on because there is NO other explanation for my behavior these past few days
SuckJin: LOL
SuckJin: How was it
Why does the universe hate you so? What could you have possibly done in your past life to deserve a best friend so devoid of empathy? You should’ve listened to your gut back in middle school, when it told you to steer clear of the weird, egotistical theatre kid with the bowl cut.
You: NOT the point you freak
SuckJin: What is in the air in Jeju lol
SuckJin: Maybe u two just need to bang it out
What the fuck!
You feel the heat flood your cheeks in an instant, indignantly typing what is sure to be a complete disembowelment of your best friend, but the sound of the sliding glass door opening stops you in your tracks.
It’s Yoongi. Of course it is.
Cigarettes in hand, he crosses the garden until he reaches the swing. Instead of joining you, though, he leans against one of the supports, holding the opened pack out to you in offering.
“No, thanks,” you cheep, stuffing your phone in the pocket of your sweatshirt as you will the flush in your cheeks to die. Seokjin deserves to be left on read for his crimes.
Yoongi shrugs, patting his pockets in search of a lighter. When he finds it, you watch the warm glow illuminate his face as he brings it to the end of his cigarette and inhales deeply.
You feel so far out of your depth here. It’s Yoongi’s house, Yoongi’s garden—even if you’ve staked your claim on this swing since the night you arrived, everything you’ve helped yourself to here belongs to him. Jeongguk included.
Yoongi is well within his rights to have a cigarette wherever he pleases. You just didn’t think he’d prefer to have one here, with you.
“You looked like you had fun today,” Yoongi says, the low hum of his voice effectively breaking you out of your thoughts.
“I did
” You shift positions on the swing restlessly, unfolding your legs and wincing as you stretch them out in front of you. “You looked like you had fun, too,” you offer.
Talkative as ever, this guy. You guess it’s up to you to keep the conversation going.
“You looked goofy in that hat, though,” you add, your lips quirking up at the corners faster than you can stop it.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow at that. “Yeah? Maybe I should give it to you, then, dollface. You’re the model, after all.”
He keeps calling you that, doesn’t he? He called you that the first night you met. He must mean it as an insult, an implication that your looks are all you have going for you. That’s how it felt the first few times, at least.
Still, you can’t help but notice that this is the longest conversation you and Yoongi have had since your fight last week. You’re both being so shockingly peaceable, you can’t help but comment on it.
 I had fun, you had fun,” you mumble, lazily kicking your feet to push the swing back and forth. “Crazy concept that you and I can have fun in the presence of each other.”
“You can admit the truce was a good idea. It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone you were wrong.”
Yoongi’s eyes meet yours. For a moment, he doesn’t say anything, just takes a slow drag of his cigarette as he considers you. You shrink, pinned as his eyes scan over your face for so long it feels unbearable.
And then he’s moving, cigarette tumbling to the ground as his shoe stubs out the orange glow. Hands swiping ash off of denim. Your eyes track each movement against your will, until you shake yourself out of it and stare at your shoes instead.
“We’ll see.”
There’s the squeak of the sliding door, and then your only company is the smell of smoke and your phone buzzing in your pocket.
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angie-baebii · 2 years ago
I know very well how it feels to be absolutely crushed by the weight of your own world, your own life, to feel like there is just nothing that can help you in this world because it can truly feel like that sometimes or for me and a lot of others, most of the time. Moonbin must have been going through a lot that he kept to himself which is completely normal because I keep most of my hardships to myself, it’s not healthy and it most likely makes everything worst but sometimes that’s all we know to do.
I don’t know what caused Binnie to eventually leave us so early but I won’t judge him because I’ve been there, Lord, have I been there many, many times, a lot of them as a kid. I was a kid that didn’t know how to handle why her emotions were so up and down and why her thoughts were so dark, I was a kid that needed help and although I was surrounded by tons of family, I felt completely alone. Binnie has so many fans that love him with all their hearts and he has members and family that knew him and loved him but loneliness can be a part of anyone’s life no matter how much people love them.
That darkness screams in your mind and tells you everyone is faking and tells you that something that may be small to others is the worst thing in the world and you should just end it all, what are you supposed to do when your mind is just screaming? You can’t hear anything else and you just want it to stop so bad so sometimes you do something that’ll hurt the people that love you but at least the screaming has stopped, at least it’s finally quiet.
Dear, Moonbin, I understand that it was hard, I understand that you just wanted to be free, I understand you in ways people who see it as selfish wouldn’t. Yes, your family and friends will hurt, they’ll hurt so bad, and yes, your fans will hurt and they’ll miss you dearly, me included but sometimes the noise just gets too loud and it wins. Binnie you bought so much sunshine into my life, whenever you’d smile I’d smile, your happiness was contagious and it made me happy. Your existence was an energy booster for me and I’ll forever be thankful and I’ll remember those moments and your smile. Thank you for making Aroha happy and for caring about us so much. I wish we could have saved you, I wish we could have made you happy the way you did us but sometimes happiness is just not reachable sometimes a rainbow can look like a tornado, your mind can completely rip apart everything that should make you happy and you just feel like giving up. I hope that wherever you are that it’s filled with lots of sunshine, rainbows, flowers, and the sweetest of treats and that you never go a day without that beautiful sunshine-filled smile ever again. You were my sunshine on my cloudy days, whenever my mind starts to get dark as it usually does I’ll think of your smile. Binnie, I could never manage to thank you enough, rest well my angel I’ll miss you dearly 💜
Dear, anyone reading this please if you’re thinking about ending it all, please reach out to your family and friends, and if you don’t have either please reach out to me because I understand you so much and I promise I’ll be there. I struggle with Insomnia and am literally always up so, please I swear I’m not one of those people being like “talk to me” I mean it with all of my heart. Please let me talk you out of your darkness I swear you don’t have to go. Let me give you one of my shoulders to hold up the world when it’s pushing down on both of yours. You are important, loved, and needed even when you feel like you aren’t. I may not know you but I love you, just breathe and please go outside and get sunshine and treat yourself, you deserve it even when you feel like you don’t
And if you don’t want to talk to me specifically here is the link to speak to at least someone else go to this link for any help you may need :) please keep fighting
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melodyplucked · 2 years ago
   ❝    well i like being up with you... plus i think it's good for you to be selfish, baby. you deserve to be selfish sometimes. especially with me, okay? i'd do anything for you   ❞    given everything she's been through, and even before... ricky would do just about anything for nini. and well- she deserves to make her own needs and desires her priority. plus, coming home to one another feels so nice. having a home together is nice...   ❝    i never want you to feel like i don't know you can handle yourself, but you shouldn't always have to... and you take wonderful care of me too, nini girl... i love you...   ❞    and it's so clear as he says it, that he really means every word. she's having to relearn a lot, and all he can do is be patient and love her through it, but he's proud of her, and he really loves seeing her accept his love in these small ways too.
he beams as she asks if he'd like to come into the studio with her, listening to her explain her plans, her thoughts.   ❝    i would love to join you, angel. our voices coming together at the end, someone else giving you that supporting harmony, you're not feeling alone anymore sort of thing...   ❞    they really were meant to be together, and being a part of such an important, meaningful song to her... that would mean the absolute world to ricky, honestly.   ❝    i would be honored to sing with you for your album. wherever you'd like me to.   ❞    
   ❝    whatever you like, baby   ❞    he tells her with a smile. they may very well fall asleep here cuddled up on the couch, her body laying against his, his arm around her and holding her close, but that's okay. if they do, when he wakes up he'll just carry her to bed. he loves the way she moves as close as she can get, and he beams all the more, laying a soft kiss on her temple after he puts on a movie, a scary movie as she's requested. honestly it doesn't matter to him what they're watching, this is about being together a while longer. he really enjoys her soft touch, the way her hands smooth over his chest and then slip under his t-shirt. touch is so grounding, so comforting for him, for both of them.   ❝    you want me to take that off? so you can really feel my skin on yours?   ❞    he asks softly, all caught up in her and not the movie that's started on screen.
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❝    i    do    selfishly    like    it    when    you're    still    up    when    i    get    home    if    i'm    out    later    than    usual.    ❞    she's    so    in    love.    it    feels    so    good    to    be    able    to    just    come    home    and    be    with    someone    who    loves    her.    she    hasn't    felt    loved    in    so    long,    and    now    she    and    ricky    are    back    together,    and    she's    remembering    how    it    feels    to    be    cared     for.    ❝    i    can    take    care    of    myself,    but    i    like    that    you    want    to    take    care    of    me.    i    want    to    take    care    of    you,    too,    when    i    can.    ❞    she    had    spent    so    long    being    told    that    she    wasn't    deserving    of    the    love    and    care    that    ricky    showed    her.    brody    had    done    everything    he    could    to    beat    her    down    and    make    her    so    dependent    on    him    that    she    was    still    having    a    hard    time    unlearning    the    behaviors    she'd    had    to    adapt    to    when    she    was    with    him.    ricky    was    helping    her    to    untangle    those    horrible    thought    patterns,    though.    he    was    so    good    to    her.    he    had    always    loved    her,    she    knew    that,    but    the    way    he    showed    it    now    was    more    than    she    thought    she    deserved.    
❝    i,    uh...    if    you're    interested,    i    was    kind    of    thinking    about    getting    you    in    the    studio    with    me.    have    you    on    the    track.    i    mean,    it's    from    my    point    of    view,    it's    very    much    a    retelling    of    the    past    few    years,    but    i    was    thinking    it    would    sound    really    cool    if    you    came    in    at    the    end    and    it    was    like    this    moment    of    us    coming    back    together    and    just    really    driving    home    the    point    that    we're    a    team    and    we're    meant    to    be    together.    ❞    she    says,    and    her    voice    sounds    so    shy    as    she    explains    what    she'd    been    thinking    about    for    the    song.    she'd    always    wanted    to    make    music    with    him,    and    she    was    hoping    that    soon    enough    they    could    start    recording    some    of    the    songs    that    they'd    written    together,    but    this    song...    it    was    so    special    to    her,    and    she    couldn't    think    of    anything    better    than    having    him    on    it    with    her.    
she's    so    comfortable,    laying    against    him,    as    they    cuddle    on    the    couch,    but    she's    not    ready    to    fall    asleep.    ❝    put    on    something    scary.    ❞    she    says    softly,    shifting    against    him    to    wiggle    that    much    closer,    wedging    herself    between    him    and    the    couch,    getting    as    cosy    and    cuddly    as    she    possibly    could.    she    let    her    hands    wander    down    his    chest    until    they    rested    on    the    hem    of    his    shirt,    and    she    slid    them    under    the    material,    seeking    the    warmth    of    body    heat.    it    wasn't    that    cold    outside,    but    the    skin-on-skin    contact    was    so    grounding    to    her.    she    loved    it    so    much.
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radiant-reid · 3 years ago
What CM characters do you ship ? Because I think that the only compatible ship would be Spencer and Elle
ohh, i love this ask !
So, let's chat about Spencelle/Reidaway. I adore them, I feel like their personalities really would have been a good match since Spencer's so book smart, and we learn that Elle is street smart. I absolutely believe something happened between them in that hotel room.
So why didn't the writers ever make them officially involved?
They love to put Spencer through a boatload of trauma. Let's imagine this;
Spencer admits to her that he's never had a girlfriend, so they go out on a date as 'practice,' and it ends in a kiss for 'practice'
then she ends up in hospital after Fisher King II, and Spencer realizes that he cannot lose her, so they start dating
it's shown to be very clear that she's his first girlfriend
he's so scared because he knows something bad is happening to her, but he doesn't want to say anything and ruin their relationship
then everything goes incredibly badly. Elle leaves, ghosts the team but also Spencer, and he's so upset about it (maybe the team know they're together, but maybe they don't- which is sadder)
and when she gets to wherever she's going, she sends him a letter... just like his dad did.
that definitely would have given him an added layer of trauma
there's more under the cut
my other favs
Emily x Aaron I'm not sure whether people like this one or if it's controversial. I've just always seen some chemistry between them and it's an enemies-to-lovers plot... like Hotch is flipping out at her for doing something minor, and she just has this feeling that something more is happening behind the scenes, so she calmly asks him if he wants to talk because he has no one else to talk to (sorry, Gideon) and he reluctantly agrees, and they just talk about their trauma for a whole night. of course, he's really embarrassed the next morning but he admits he likes talking to her so they very slowly get into a relationship
Emily x JJ This isn't a long-term one, but I think something happened before Will turned up, and they still think about it sometimes, but Emily had to watch someone she loved fall in love with someone else (even worse if no one knew about it)
Emily x Tara I don't know, I feel like there were a few flirty moments between the two of them. i love tara with my whole heart. they're both girl-bossing it up in the FBI, and they would be the ultimate power couple
Emily x Derek This was never a thing for me, not until that deleted scene where Morgan mentions to Spencer that he likes her... and i think about it a lot
Spencer x Luke Something happened... I love Luke with Penelope, and I don't want to give Spencer any more trauma, so I'm choosing to believe it ended mutually.
Spencer x Ethan (not both on the team so idk if this counts) Obviously. If anyone tries to debate this, have you seen the New Orleans scene from Jones 2x18? something went down both then and after, which contradicts me thinking Spencer hasn't been in a relationship but shh
Matt x Kristen Literally my favorite couple on the whole show. she totally accepted his job and was the most supportive. Their kids are freaking adorable and all of them deserve the world
Jeid I'M JOKING. I literally hate this ship, it was the cheapest plot ever. I love JJ but Will never deserved that shit
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plush-rabbit · 3 years ago
Coping with Homelessness
Request: So I'm homeless now aaaaaand to cope, can I get request Shigaraki, Dabi, and Mr Compress finding out their boyfriend is homeless?
A/N: Please take care of yourself! Im sure there are places you can go and people you can ask for help! Agencies, family, friends, just take care of yourself and one step at a time! (this is written before they met the league (dabi and compress) and shig’s is written after the kamino since thats when they lost their main base/house
A big part of his life was shaped from how he survived for so long. Dabi has faced homelessness and he knows about all the little things that could prove to be helpful. Being homeless isn’t easy- especially in a country where it’s looked down upon and isn’t like in other countries. There is no begging for money, there is no sleeping under a highway or behind a building; it’s sleeping by the river, staying hidden and trying to not inconvenience the working class. He faced homelessness when he had absolutely nothing and no one on his side, and because he cares for you, he’ll help you out.
There’s a big shift that comes from having a home and knowing that you’ll have a roof over your head, to nothing, to the fear of not knowing where you’ll sleep, the shame that fills one in having to know that wealth can be so easily taken away. He understands coming from wealth and having it burn at your fingertips. He understands your first few days of panic and dread and will be by your side a large majority of the time, not wanting you to be alone if this is your first time. He’s done this all before and he’ll help you out. He’ll find places for the both of you to crash where you can sleep without the worry of school children throwing rocks or the elements from the outdoors. Finding a place first, is the most important step in his eyes.
Due to quirks and the arise of people using them for bad, it’s common to find a few places that don’t discriminate based on who you are. Of course, it can only go so far, so when you bring in a man who has a body count, he has to stay behind or hide his appearance the best he can. He knows quite a few places where the food is edible, and the people are nice. You can’t be picky when you don’t have a home and it might take a bit of getting used to, but it’s manageable for the most part.
You’re his partner, he’s going to keep you around and take care of you. It hinders his ideals a bit to make sure that you’re safe, but he doesn’t mind. You both stick together and that’s what matters. Joining the League is a new home and with the promise of knowing that you all protect each other and handle difficulties together, it’s easier to handle the weight and shift of becoming homeless. He doesn’t want you to go through it alone, not like when he had to at such a young age. Plus, you’re young, and you know more than he did when he first left his home, you’ll have an easy time getting back on your feet. He’ll support you from the sidelines and make sure that you have everything that you need- or at least most of it.
It isn’t easy, and it’s all so new to you, but Dabi is there. He can act like he’s indifferent to the entire situation, but he cares. Your needs will always be met before his. He’ll let you sleep for a long time, not wanting for you to wake up and protect your stuff from going missing. He’ll let you take the bigger portion of a meal, and get in line before him when you go to gather supplies from social workers. He can go a day without eating if it means that you get to eat most things. There’s a bright side to a lot of things, and being with him, is a bright side of its own. He’s ruthless and has a flame quirk that will keep you both warm and provide light. There’s hardly any attack from the others that you do run across, but just in case, he’s there.
Sako Atsuhiro:
There’s always a plus side to keeping your identity hidden from the public for so long, and one of those is that you’re harder to find. The world can know his name, but his face remains a mystery and because of that, it’s easy to find places to keep the both of you safe. He’s been homeless before, had his few run-ins where he kept having to move. He knows what to do, and where it's safest to go. Atsuhiro knows that it isn’t easy and that it can be scary, but you aren’t alone in the affair, you have him and he just happens to be a showman whose quirk is helpful in gathering items that you need. There may be a whole security system to prevent people from stealing, but he isn’t like the others. If you ever need something, he’ll go into any store and leave with marbles in his pockets. You won’t go without anything when you’re with him.
He’s been homeless before and certainly knows what it's like, but once more, his quirk proves to be useful. It’s easy for him to blend in and hide you with him. He can sneak somewhere without being caught and will gladly bring you along with him. People don’t know his face, and as far as he’s concerned, you haven’t committed any type of crime, so it’s easy for the both of you to still go out and receive supplies from people who work at shelters or even spend a night there.
It’s no surprise that people can be cruel, and in the community of those that are homeless, there are a few bad seeds, but most people are trying to survive and be kind. It’s the citizens that believe they are better than others that you have to watch for. He’ll do his best to protect you and oftentimes, it means having to marble you away to avoid you getting mugged or at least protecting your things.
When the weather gets colder, he’ll offer to marble you for a bit so you aren’t exposed to the cold. Worry will consume him when you’re tucked away in his pocket, your marble pinched between his index and thumb as he stays up. He’s careful with you, so delicate as to not accidentally break you or release you from your glass entrapment. When you’re in there, it’s harder to protect you, but at least you aren’t in any danger from the outside and he already protects you when you’re so big, so this is nothing. He doesn’t want you to be out here, to worry and panic when you don’t know when your next meal will be, he’s got you right here, in his fingertips.
If you rather not be trapped inside of a marble, he only shrugs. He has a smug grin on his face and he acts hurt, but he understands. However, it’s still cold and you need to be protected before him. He’ll pull you close and wrap his coat around your shoulders and give you his gloves. The cold affects Atsuhiro a bit worse given his injury, but he won’t say anything about it; his main goal is to protect you. He’ll hold your hands in his and breathe war air against your palms as you try to fall asleep. It’s difficult, but you’re with him and he’s going to protect you for as long as he can. He doesn’t want this life for you, and he’ll always encourage you to take any opportunity that falls on your lap. He can be damned, but you deserve to have a home and a life.
Shigaraki Tomura:
Surprisingly, it’s Tomura that knows very little about being homeless. There was a point where as a child he wandered the streets, but that is such a distant memory that he can barely recall it. It’s only after the Kamino Incident, that he experiences being homeless. It’s new to him, and he doesn’t know what to do, but he’s a fighter, and he’s survived it. He had the League with him, and you not only have him, but you also have the League. He’s going to take care of you and try to give you what you need.
It’s a lot more difficult for him to blend into society given his quirk and appearance, but you aren’t like him. In his free time- before any of the League activities happened- he would frequent internet cafĂ©s where it was common to find people sleeping on the couches for a low fee. It might be scary, but you just have to hold onto your possessions as tight as you can. It’s warm and safe from the elements, and it’s better than what he can provide. He has run down buildings, but you can at least have air conditioning where you aren’t dying from the heat. If you rather not, then he understands, He won’t push for you to sleep or stay where you don’t want to. He’ll take care of you and will keep you with him at that point.
He tries to not care, to be apathetic to you, but he cares so much. He’ll tell you that being homeless isn’t rare, and that it is a very real possibility that people rather not think about, but he never expected it to happen to you. He understands that it’s difficult to not have the things that you normally had at your touch, after the incident he lost a lot of his belongings, so he gets it. It takes him a bit of getting used to learning how to be nice and empathetic rather than telling you to get over it, but he learns, and he’ll nod and offer some words of encouragement that when everything is done, he’ll get you better versions of what you had before. At the end of he say, he cares, and he'll show his true colors after a sad look.
You will come first for him- always. He’ll give you a share of his rations, will make sure that when you two go and look for food, it’s you who gets the biggest cut. He’ll do his best to put you first for whatever he can get a hold of. Food is difficult to come by after a while and with his notoriety, you can’t really be picky. However, the amount of effort he will put in for you to look for food that he knows that you like or can stomach, is outstanding. He wants what is best for you and will always give you that. Whatever he can get a hold of, will be yours before it can be anyone else’s.
With you being one of the few people that he cares for in the world, he tries to do a lot for you. There is hardly a time where he will not fight with and for you. It’s you that he puts first, even before himself, and he’ll always make that wherever you sleep for the night, you have the soft side of the bed, or the softest couch, or the one with less springs. Tomura isn’t a romantic by any means, but he really does care a lot for you. He won’t show it in the traditional sense with flowers or sweets, but he will show it by giving you what he can. Once he has the Paranormal Liberation Front, he gives you so much. It’s almost as if he’s trying to make up for the time where he couldn’t give you everything.
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sortasirius · 4 years ago
“Inherit the Earth” and the Fakeout
Absolutely genius.  Amazing, iconic, legendary, something only our showrunner Andrew Dabb can pull off.
"But Lilly, the episode was so bad!  It was just the brothers, they didn’t look for Cas and Eileen!”
Let’s get into it.
An empty world.  No one left but Sam, Dean, and Jack.
So Dean ran, he somehow managed to pick himself up off the floor of the dungeon and meet up with Sam and Jack.  That jacket was this silent reminder.  Remember what I’ve been saying, Cas has occupied the negative space all season, this is no exception.
Dean can’t look either of them in the face, he’s doing that thing, where his eyes move everywhere BUT where he should look. 
“I couldn’t save anybody.”
Sam couldn’t save the world and Dean couldn’t save the one person that means the world to him.
“Where’s Cas?”
I think it’s there, in that pause where Dean tries to push down the emotions, continue the fight, not think about the memories he left in the bunker, that Jack realizes what must have happened. Jack is the only one that knows about the deal, he has to know what Cas not being there must mean.
“He saved me.  Billie was coming after us.  Cas summoned the Empty.  It took her...and took him.  Cas is gone.”
This may shock you, but I am GLAD they didn’t talk about Cas, especially with what happens at the end of the episode.  Cas is allowed to just take up unsaid space.  It’s obvious he’s missing with the way they blocked things, obvious he’s missing here.  This whole “oh well they don’t care about Cas because they didn’t talk about him”?  Malarkey.
“Jack I’m sorry.”
Guilt.  Regret.  Pain.  Dean will carry this with him for the rest of his life.  Not only that he lost Cas, but that Sam lost Cas, that Jack lost Cas.
That SHOT, with the distance between Jack and Sam where Cas is SUPPOSED TO BE, and then a zoom out to...THE WORLD.
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Okay, as usual, Bucklemming has the subtlety of a sledgehammer lmao.
Jack crying???  Praying to Cas????  Bruh?????
Also it’s just straight-up frightening for everything around my boy to die he is my baby son.
Also not to point out the incredibly obvious, but Dean starts drinking immediately, and continues drinking throughout the whole episode.  Grief arc 2.0 babey.
“We can what, Dean?  There’s no one left to save!  Everybody’s gone!”
“You can’t just give up.”
“What other choice do we have!”
Idk why, but for Sam, who’s the constant, the one who’s always had hope, through everything, through all these years, when he finally says this, when he finally loses his hope?  It hits the hardest.  Sam is the leader, so not only is he grieving the loss of Eileen, he is a general grieving the loss of his soldiers, his friends, the world that he feels the duty to save.
When they go to meet Chuck, I just can’t get that image of Dean, leaning against the car, handprint still on his jacket, staring at the ground out of my head.  It takes him a few seconds to catch up to Sam, like he’s pulled out of thoughts like deep dark water.  Remember friends, it doesn’t have to be loud to be powerful.
Chuck wearing BLACK?  FEAR.
“That’s right, the whole Cain and Abel thing.  Us dead, whatever.  I’ll kill Sam, Sam’ll kill me, we’ll kill each other.  Okay, you pick.  But first?  You gotta put everything back the way it was.  The people, the birds...Cas.  You gotta bring him back.”
Willing to kill his brother.  Willing to die.  Tears in his eyes, begging God to bring Cas back.
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And Chuck?  Chuck doesn’t care about their surrender, he knows he’s already got them beaten.  He cares about their pain, he cares about them suffering, because to him?  That’s the entertainment.  He’s not entertained by their found family, by their happiness, by their joy.  He wants them to suffer, all of them.
“Eternal shame.  Suffering.  And loneliness.”
And he leaves them with just that.  No hope, no family, just the three of them, broken, alone.  Jack locked in his bedroom, Sam trying desperately to make life “normal” again.  And Dean.  Dean who drank so much he passed out on the floor.
He doesn’t feel terrific, he feels like shit, because not only is he dealing with the shame of an empty planet, he’s dealing with the guilt of being back in the place where the Empty took Cas.
This whole thing with the dog was just absolutely heartwrenching shit and if I didn’t hate Chuck before, him snapping Miracle right in front of an already fragile Dean would seal that deal.
I just want everyone to know that this is a Jake Abel stan account.
“Daddy’s boy” is a big insult for my boy Dean to use considering his own past with his trash abusive father but I’ll allow it.
I do think it’s interesting, ending of his arc aside, that Michael is willing to help them now.  What changed?  Sure, he ended up trying to help Chuck, running back to his father, but why get back in the game?  I wonder if it has anything to do with the loss of Adam.  It’s an interesting parallel, a man loses his angel while an angel loses his human.
Everything is so DARK in the Bunker now too, even the lighting is loud.
When I tell you I lost my shit when I saw Cas was calling Dean, when I heard Misha’s voice??  I knew it didn’t make any sense but I didn’t care, I would’ve been one step behind Dean as he sprinted towards the door.
Fuck you, Eugenie.
I mean it’s torture not only to Dean, who looks beyond fucking crushed when it’s damn Lucifer at the door, but for us too.  Who the FUCK wanted Lucifer back?  And to tease Cas???  Garbage.
I mean...fam.  Listen, we know who’s writing this episode, this whole Betty thing is just like blatantly unnecessary but again, Eugenie loves Lucifer, gotta distract her with a shiny toy lmao.
It was cool to see Michael and Lucifer onscreen together.  It was a cool dynamic that we rarely got to see.
The whole episode is just twist after twist.  Listen, it’s their last episode so I guess they needed to fit in a season worth of twists in one episode.
Bye Lucifer.  We know Eugenie can’t bring him back.  Blessings to all.
This scene with Adam is the FOURTH scene where Dean is drinking...big yikes to my guy’s liver.
Here’s the thing about Michael.  He’s a mirror for Dean in season 5.  Loyal to an absent father.  He has never changed, but Dean has.  Dean is able to acknowledge now, the trauma that his father put him through, he was able to move past the need for pleasing him at any cost.  Michael and Chuck?  Are John and Dean, if Dean had never been allowed to grow.  And Chuck proves, like John did, that he would always put his wants (in John’s case “the mission”) over his children.
Also not to beat a dead horse but Michael’s death was also peak Eugenie.
Sam getting to punch Chuck in the face?  Thank you, he deserves that.
Obviously I don’t love any scene of my boys getting brutally beaten.  But what I love, what I will always love about them, is what Chuck hates about them:  they won’t ever give up.  They know they won’t win against him, they don’t even land any hits, but that’s not what matters.  What matters is their controller doesn’t control them anymore, that they really are free.  No matter how hard they get hit, the get back up.  It is their choice to stand up to him, no matter the cost.
The moment where Sam and Dean are supporting each other, covered in blood, and they look God in the face, and they laugh.  That is why I will love them unconditionally for the rest of my life.  That is who they are, they will never cow to the villain, whether that’s Azazel or Alastair or Zachariah or Lucifer or Amara or Death or Metatron or Cain or God.  They will always choose to stand up.
“Why are you smiling?”
“Because.  You lose.”
Chills.  What a line.
And Chuck is left, small, human, no longer a villain, no longer anything.
Gotta be real, woulda been nice to, idk, not see all this essential plot in a flashback, but I know I can only ask so much of Bucklemming.
For Dean to walk away from killing Chuck, right after he’s called him “the ultimate killer” is quite simply the most beautifully heartwrenching thing I could ever ask for.  Because that’s who Dean was under Chuck, that’s who Chuck wanted him to be.
And he would have before:
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But he’s heard some things since then, heard some things about how others see him.  Not as the killer, not as a monster, not as angry and broken or his daddy’s blunt instrument:
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I’m not saying that Dean doesn’t kill Chuck for Cas.  He doesn’t kill Chuck because he doesn’t think he has to anymore, he doesn’t kill Chuck because he listened to Cas, he took Cas’ words to heart.  He made the choice not to be the killer.
“See that’s not who I am, that’s not who we are.”
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And Chuck is angry, because he thought, after everything, even after losing, that he would still know Dean well enough to know that he would kill him.  But Chuck has never really known Dean, he has never understood where he’s really come from.  Cas understood, Sam and Jack understand, but Chuck never did, and writing off Dean as angry and broken is his biggest mistake, because that’s never been Dean.
“It’s not his power anymore.”
And it’s not just his physical power, it’s his power over the story, over the boys that’s the real power taken from him.
For Jack to be the one to bring everyone back, for him to be the hero of the story?  That’s poetic right there.  Now, I will say, I don’t think this story ends with him as God, because for him, the child, to take on this burden, it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me for his arc, but we shall see next week.  It felt pretty tied up, but there’s one major loose end: and that’s Jack seeing Cas again.
“Just you and me, going wherever the story takes us.  Just us.”
“Finally free.”
This doesn’t feel triumphant to me, it doesn’t feel like relief.  It feels like they’ve settled, like this is the best they’re going to get, so they might as well make the best of it, at least they have each other.
For Cas and Jack to be carved into the table?  I cry.
And for the montage, very similar to “Swan Song” to be set to “Runnin on Empty”?  Sorry but that’s just too sus to be ignored.
They packaged this episode as an ending, because for many, it might be.  The season’s story, the season about fighting Chuck is over.  So, you might be asking (or, well, screaming, judging by my replies lol), what’s left?  And that’s a good question, Chuck has been defeated, so what is left?  What’s left is what’s really mattered all season: the relationships that have been crafted over the years.  Dean and Sam’s unhappiness at the end of the episode, where “just you and me” sounded more of a grudging acceptance than anything else, is one of the clues that has to be looked at.  Why didn’t Sam find Eileen, why didn’t Jack bring back Cas?  Those two characters specifically are the ones we need to watch out for.  As I’ve said over and over again, peace, contentment, satisfaction, those don’t come from Sam and Dean on the open road together anymore.  They have a family, more of a family than they did when they started hunting together all those years ago, and that family is what holds them together.  They need each other, of course, but each other isn’t enough anymore.  Sam needs Eileen, Dean needs Cas.  That is where they will find their peace.
This episode, as many written by Bucklemming was sloppy, rushed, packed full of shit, and had little gems that we can talk about forever, but that was the end of the season, and next week?  Andrew Dabb brings us home, where Dean and Sam will finally be able to choose what they want for themselves, and that, my friends, is Eileen and Cas.
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royallyprincesslilly · 4 years ago
Title: Rumor Has It {Epilogue}
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Chris Evans x Famous Reader Uriah “Riah” Tyler
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Fluff, 
Words: 2.2k
Summary: You and Chris have been married for four years after a whirlwind romance. You are both happy and trying to navigate marriage in the public eye while balancing your successful careers. In the entertainment industry, not everything is as it seems, the flash of a camera lens impairs vision. As scandal and flashing lights put a strain on your once fairytale marriage is it possible your Hollywood marriage can stand the test of the rumor mill?
**Inspired by a video seen of Chris and his co-star Ana De Armas on their press tour for Knives Out at TIFF where she kept touching his chest and face standing about five inches apart.
**Loosely Edited/Proofread**
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If the public ripped Chris a new asshole when the odds seemed ever not in his favor, they massacred Ana once the facts were revealed. When it came out just how low Ana had gone in her efforts to get your husband, the world turned into a colder place. The tabloids ran endless pieces on what a horrible person she was. They were relentless when it came to nitpicking not just her behavior and actions, but they even went in on her acting. You could have said you felt bad for her, but you didn’t. Not one bit.
 The support that came out for you and Chris was heartwarming. Everyone seemed to want to wrap the two of you in a cocoon of support and love. You received well-wishes from fans and supporters, and even celebs sent floral arrangements, all expressing their support for you. The narrative that was spun was the diabolical plot of Ana and jilted ex Christiano who concocted a plot that was to end with Ana getting Chris and Christiano kidnapping you. Most of the details were released to the press, though you and Chris had both tried to keep as much of it under wraps as possible. Neither one of you wanted to continue dealing with it. You just wanted to move forward and focus on better things—happier things.
 Because Christiano had broken into your home and attempted to cause harm to its residents, Chris’s actions were seen as self-defense, and Chrisnao’s death ruled an accidental result of self-defense. Though the White family were distraught once they were faced with the severity of Christiano’s actions and continued plans, they didn’t have the heart to put you through any further trauma. You’d suspected it was Christina’s doing, and a floral arrangement from her a few weeks after the incident proved your suspicions.
 You’d been friends with her first, and it was a friendship that survived the end of your relationship with Christiano. This was her way of letting it be known that her brother did wrong. A month after the incident, her statement shed light on Christiano’s mental health and revealed he’d been struggling for several years since the break-up. She made no apologies for his actions and didn’t try to make him seem like a victim. She was adamant about letting the full truth be seen. She did offer an apology to you, Chris, your families, and your children.
 For her part in the plot, her actions of physically trying to kill you, not knowing you pregnant at the time, was what sealed Ana’s fate. She was sentenced to jail, and it wasn’t entirely the sentence of a privileged woman. It was one of a criminal who showed no remorse for their actions. She was given nine years behind bars, and because she was living and working in the US on a visa rather than citizenship, after the completion of her sentence, she would be deported to Spain. 
Even film studios were distancing themselves from her at record speed. All the roles she had been considered for quickly changed their views and voiced wanting you to have the roles. It was sort of poetic to you. She hated you because you were black, and you didn’t deserve all you had, including your career and husband. In the end, she was the absolute furthest from your husband, and now everything that was hers would be yours.
 You and Chris were on a flight to Massachusetts two days after the incident. Neither of you were suspects; there was no reason for you to remain in LA, so you quietly packed up what you wanted and made arrangements to pack up the house for the foreseeable future, then went where both of you felt like you belonged. You left any details about your career plans to your manager to close. Everyone seemed to understand the want you had to step back from work and Hollywood, especially when the news was out that you were going to be parents.
 That was the only thing Chris seemed to care about. He was on a mission to keep you comfortable, happy, and taken care of. From the minute he carried you over the threshold of the home he’d built for you, it felt like a fresh start, a new beginning meant just for the five of you.
 He was there beside you every morning, patting your back as you vomited because of your morning sickness until you were four and a half months along. He was there for every single appointment. He read every book you did to prepare for the remainder of your pregnancy and life with twins. He was there preparing you lunch every afternoon, there massaging your feet and back at the end of every night. He was there to lather on the cocoa and shea butter to your growing belly. He was there to compliment every stretch mark you received because of your quickly stretching skin. He was there to kiss each of them while telling you how much he loved each and every tiger stripe, as he called them. He was even there for you when none of your clothes fit you, and he offered you all his cable-knit sweaters, hoodies, sweatpants, and button-downs.
 When your belly became so big you couldn’t see your feet; he put your shoes on for you. When you couldn’t get up without looking like a beached whale, Chris was there to carry you wherever you wanted to go. There rarely went an hour that went by where he didn’t strip you to worship your body as if you were his scripture, and he worshiped you and you alone. Not a day passed where you didn’t feel loved, desired, and protected.
 Through it all, you decided that therapy was beneficial and a powerful enough tool to bring you back together that you wanted to continue. Dr. Danquah was thrilled having the two of you as clients again and, because of your progress, saw no need for you to see her more than twice a month to keep the lines of communication and the roots of love and passion ever strong. The love you felt for Chris and the connection you felt to each other only deepened throughout your pregnancy.
 Just when you thought you couldn’t love him anymore, he did something to prove you wrong. Every day you found something more to love. If it wasn’t his fun-loving nature that was on display every time he played with Dodger, it was his outdoorsy adventurism with the way he bounded from the bed once the sun rose to drag you on another of his nature walks so he could photograph the trees or the hills. If it wasn’t his romantic side with how he prepared candlelit baths every night that posed as a prequel to dinner by candlelight and the most passionate session of lovemaking, it was his undercover, not so undercover freak antics with him wanting to christen every single room in the house and a few spots outdoors with your lovemaking. At nights when he thought you were sleeping, you heard him talking to the babies as he caressed your stomach. That was what you loved most. His sheer love, devotion, and adoration for his children and the strong protector that resided in him. he was the only one for you.
 “Push Riah.”
 “Don’t fucking tell me to push. You push!”
 Chris snorted, and you wanted to kill him. His hands rubbed your belly before he kissed your jaw from his position behind you in the tub in your bathroom.
 “I can push with you, but you have the babies in you. You have to show them the way.”
 You groaned, and it echoed in the hallowed bathroom.
 “You can do this, Uriah,” Lisa encouraged, giving your shoulder a firm squeeze.
 You looked across to your mother, who nodded, hoping to steel your nerve. Chris kissed your ear.
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“Come on, dragonfly. You got this. Bring our babies into the world so we can spoil them.”
 And you can change all the poop diapers?”
 Chris snorted again. “I don’t recall making any such promise.”
 You squeezed his hand with everything you had. He groaned and hissed from the pain.
 “Ah, ah, wow. Okay, I see my error. Yes, all poop diapers that you don’t want.” You released his hand, letting him relax somewhat.
 “Use that, baby. I know it’s hard. I know it hurts, and I’m sorry.”
 “This is your fault,” you pointedly accused.
 “Yes. My fault. I take full blame. I’m sorry.”
 “You owe me so big for this, Evans.”
 He nodded, agreeing with you. that was when the pain intensified at levels that made you regret choosing a natural birth at home.
 “Oh fuckity, fuck. So big, Evans!”
 “You’re crowning. Do you want to come over here and catch your baby, dad?”
 Chris moved from behind you and got into position between your legs. His eyes widened, clearly seeing the baby’s head. The excitement around you was palpable, and it gave you a burst of energy to get the baby out. You grabbed your knees, hunkered down, and pushed because whether you were supposed to or not. Your scream was loud, and the screams of those around you picked up. They shouted to you, encouraging you to keep going and not to stop. The look on Chris's face suddenly changed, and you saw the tears in his eyes.
 “Oh my god, Riah, I can—I can see—oh baby, I can see a face. come on, Dragonfly, one more push.”
 You screeched out and fought through the intense burning you felt, and in seconds the crying of a baby echoed in the bathroom.
 “Aah, oh my god, Riah, it’s a girl. She’s here,” Chris elated as tears rolled down his cheeks.
 You smiled widely as Chris held your daughter and cut her umbilical cord before he placed her on your chest.
 “Oh my god!”
 She was perfect, with a full head of hair that was the color of Chris’s and cheeks so plump you were tempted to pinch them. You only had a moment to place a kiss on her forehead before you felt another stab of pain that made you shout again. The second midwife took the baby from you so you could focus on pushing out her sister.
 “She’s right there, Uriah. You’re doing incredible, baby,” your mother informed.
 “I’m thinking three good pushes, Uriah.  When you feel the urge, push.
 You instantly felt the urge to push and returned to your previous position and pushed as hard as you could. This push was just as painful as the first one, but you felt this push accomplished more.
 “Good push, her head is out. One more, and she’ll be out,” your first midwife said.
 The look on everyone's face was one of anxiety and excitement. The sounds of your first daughter’s cries had died down, and the only thing that could be heard in the room was your panting, screeching, and grunting.
 You managed to push your daughter out, and her cries filled the bathroom. Soon, it was not one baby crying but both of them.
 “You did it!”
 Lisa and your mother both kissed your cheeks and forehead, happily congratulating you and telling you how well you’d done while the midwives cleaned the babies to bring them to you. When Chris came up beside you, your mothers backed away, giving you a few moments together. Chris kissed your forehead.
 “You’re incredible. You did so good, dragonfly. I’m so proud of you.” He kissed you once, then twice, and nuzzled his nose against yours.
 “I love you so much.”
 “Did someone order two perfect babies?”
 The midwives placed your daughters in your arms.
 “This is baby A; she was born first and her sister.”
 Your tears flowed freely as so much emotion filled you. Love in it’s purest form washed over you.
 “Chris. They’re beautiful.”
 “Of course they are. They look just like you,” Chris said, kissing your temple.
 A comfortable silence fell between you as you admired your newborn daughters.
 “Any decision on names?”
 You smiled and ran your thumb across the baby’s brow in your arm.
 “Yeah. How do you feel about Nova and Rae?”
 Chris’s face lit up as his smile spread so wide that you wondered if his face would split in two.
 “I love them. Nova and Rae Evans,” he uttered. You nodded and couldn’t help but choke up, seeing the emotion on his face.
 “Chasing dragonflies,” he whispered the meanings of the names you’d discussed weeks ago before his lips met yours for a tender kiss.
 With his forehead pressed to yours, he whispered again. “Rumor has it you’re going to be an amazing mom.”
 You smiled and looked at him before pressing your lips to his for a quick kiss. “Rumor has it you’re a DILF.”
 Chris laughed so loud it startled your babies, making them stir and cry. You joined in laughing with him, unable to keep your sublime happiness under wraps any longer.
 “Rumor has it you two will have siblings in record time,” Lisa said slightly above a whisper.
 Everyone in the room laughed, not knowing how true those were most likely were. You and Chris gazed at each other with longing and love in your eyes. When Chris kissed you again, this time taking his time to do it properly, completely and heartily, you knew his mother’s words would be the truest spoken.  
                                             The End!!!!!
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@unknownmystery22 @thatcrazymarvelfan @mizcaptainwidow @angrybirdcr @cherrystainedlipsbaby @marvelfansworld @fanfictionaffair @kemkem101 @blowmymbackout @almostpurelysmut @blackgurlkillinit @simply-heaven @impossiblegiantrebelbasketball @renfrewscorner @choices97 @phreshouttherunwaaayy @heladoom @alyxkbrl @evemej @queensevansackles @rosey1981 @laketaj24 @munteanhore @minton131 @trillistb @night-of-the-living-shred @chrisevansfanfic @scoop93535 @miss-jackson500 @purplehairgawdess @ollieveracity @maddeningmayhem @what-is-your-plan-today @tantricevans @evermcfearless @richonne4life @dumbchick @toni9 @briellableu @amennariee @rynabarnesrogers-reading @chrissbabybunny @brwnsugababe @queenshikongo3 @sadishdelray @what-is-your-plan-today @islanddgal @reignandrain @liquorlaughslove @thefuckingluxury @surmya1907 @maeleeme @queenoftheworldisdead @coolbakeryprunetoad @naturalthrone22 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @starlite-starbrite @offrostandstarlight @zeedaye @partypoison00 @thejeneralvicinity  @littlepreciousangel @doublesidedscoobysnacks
@imthatbitchsworld @soul–notforsale @toni9 @someone-really-bored @venustrap04 @chrisevansdaddycap @kittykatlow @live-laugh-love-ki @asiaaisa77 @melanicia @fistmetonystark @livinglifeformemyselfandi @crowngold @allnamesicouldthinkofweretaken @lost- ssoull @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls​ @shar74nett @cltex84 @badbitchhtown @petty-bitch-akira​ @unknownmystery22​ @raveviolet @madixii @almosttherebutnot @rainbowkisses31​​ @smediumsmeatbae @bernie-k @nina1800 @nervousninjatheorist @lo-cheu @creole-mami @acciolove724 @shipatheart @captainchrisstan @ramp-it-up @bforbbgirl @brownskinafro @jhayes6984 @badbo1-evans @msblkfire84 @jovanaprime @poshgirl2 @marvelatthis30 @littlepreciousangel @youremysuperstar @alookintohersoul @cleopatra-knowles​ @xsweetdellzx @cxmfort​ @i-just-like-fanfics @storiestoldbyjazz @jennmurawski13 @imthewarmpenguininthemiddle @ak329​
@koko-michelle @sophiasotherdaughter @maeleeme  @mauvecherie​ @jbrizzywrites​
***There are a few that are bold that I tried to tag but your @ wasn’t coming up. I’m not sure why. Please check that you are taggable. I’m sorry.***
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lizbotw · 4 years ago
Hawks, Bakugou, and Kirishima With a S/O That Has a Kitsune Quirk
Anonymous said:
hello hello !! Can I request some headcannons on how hawks, bakugou, and kirishima would be in a relationship with a fem!s/o that has a Kitsune quirk and fox like traits please? i couldn’t find the rules post so sorry ahead of time if this is anything you’re against doing. 💞
hi! hope you like them ♡ and dw this is something i’m fine with doing!! also, i know you said fem!reader but it came out more so gender neutral so i hope that’s alright!
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Takami Keigo (Hawks)
He loves stroking your fur all the time. Even if you try to swat his hand away, he just grabs your arms to stop you so he can go back to doing it.
He just loves teasing you in general and he always has a little smirk on whenever he does it, but he also knows you like it and obviously if you weren’t in the mood he’d know to stop right away—he can read you well so it wouldn’t take him long to realize he should switch into cuddly, comforting boyfriend mode (he especially likes the cuddly part because you’re just so soft).
If he sees any fox plushies in stores when he’s out and about, he’ll show it you and tell you how it looks just like you (he’ll even hold it up next to your face and pretend to do a comparison with a cheeky grin while you try and fail to look annoyed, unable to fight off a smile every time). If you’re not with him, he’ll send you a picture of it and tell you it reminded him of you (he’s always thinking about you honestly), or sometimes he’ll just straight up buy it for you (or do both). Yes, you have way too many fox plushies at home now. (But you also do the same to him so you have way too many bird plushies as well.)
Let him leave the house unsupervised and left up to his own devices and expect quite a few text spams of:
[Keigo sent an image.]
[Keigo sent an image.]
[Keigo sent an image.]
[Almost as cute as you 💕]
And once you think it’s finally over and your phone will stop torturing you with its constant buzzing, a few minutes later he’ll text you again. [Babe
 don’t be mad but HYPOTHETICALLY how would you feel about sleeping next to five new fox plushies tonight? Once again, HYPOTHETICALLY.]
Reading that, you can literally imagine him saying it as though he was right in front of you with a playful smile on his face, not even the least bit bashful, and badly concealing a shopping bag overflowing with stuffed animals behind his back.
Knowing he already bought them anyway, you have no choice but to agree to the inanimate newcomers that will now be joining in on your cuddle sessions with your boyfriend.
You shake your head in defeat as you text him back that no, you totally wouldn’t mind, and then glance over at the rapidly growing stack of stuffed animals you two already have.
He likes to talk about how you’re perfect for each other because of your quirks and how you make such an amazing “animal duo” or whatever silly name he comes up with that time.
“Please stop googling new nickname ideas, none of are going to catch on.”
Cue camera pan to Keigo typing away on his laptop, furiously searching for an even catchier duo name, tongue slightly sticking out of the side of his mouth in concentration. He doesn’t even look up when you speak, eyes instead lighting up as he reads something. “Okay, so what I’m hearing you say is that you want to see the brand new one I found.”
You’ll probably groan because please, someone help.
“Hey! Don’t give me that look, I know you want to see it.” Aaaaand now he’s pouting which is stupidly cute on someone like him—a pro hero high up on the rankings—and you have to admit you are a little curious. And that’s how you end up giving in and leaning over his shoulder to see what in the world he’s found this time.
(He may also take advantage of the position you two are in now to quickly turn his head to the side and plant a wet kiss on your cheek, lips, jaw—wherever his lips end up really before you can go reeling back from his sneak attack and scolding him while he’s laughing at your expense. Don’t put it past him to cheekily ask for more even after pulling that stunt—spoiler alert: you sigh and agree once again when he pulls out the pouty look for the second time in the last five minutes.)
He loves cuddling with you on the couch when watching a movie, or in bed right before you fall asleep, because your fur is really warm and soft. You should get used to this because even if you manage to roll him off of you, he’ll somehow end up right where he was before. Each and every time.
Buys you cute outfits!!! He goes out of his way to make sure whatever he buys you doesn’t get in the way of you using your quirk while still making sure you look stylish.
(“My baby deserves to look good!”)
Keigo, please, my closet is already overflowing.”)
Tons of gifts related to your quirk. He just thinks it’s so cute. Somehow simultaneouslyïżŒ finds both the tackiest and the nicest things ever to give you. The duality means that any time he hands you a gift bag it’s always a gamble as to what’s inside. (“What? I’m just keeping you on your toes! Plus, I thought the fox-themed crocs were pretty cute, I don’t know why you didn’t appreciate them more.)
Overall, he just loves being by your side constantly and always having an arm around you or touching you in some way because you’re soft and fuzzy and he loves showing you off, and he spoils you a lot as well, even if you tell him you already have way more things than you’d ever need.
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Bakugou Katsuki
He pretends he doesn’t care about your quirk all that much, but he actually thinks it’s pretty cute and will sometimes absentmindedly stroke your head or play with your fur when you’re just lounging around in his room. If you catch him in the act and ask him about it, he’ll quickly pull his hand away and tell you you were just imagining things.
You know he secretly loves being close to you though, so you’re not afraid to just climb right on top of him when he’s laying down and snuggle into his chest. He’ll probably curse and tell you to get off, but there’s an interesting dilemma that’s always presented:
“Kat, if you want me to get up, you have to stop hugging me first.”
fuck no.”
If you’re feeling insecure about your quirk, he’ll be confused because why? You got into U.A. didn’t you? So it’s not like your quirk is terrible or anything.
Yeah, he’s not that great at motivational speeches. But through a lot of cursing and fumbling over his words, he’ll eventually find some way to get it out that he loves your quirk and that you shouldn’t be ashamed of it. Plus, he wouldn’t date a weakling would he? You hit him playfully on the arm when he says that and then he quickly tries to reword it so it doesn’t sound so mean. Please give him a chance.
He loves to intimidate people with his power, but if it’s a class training exercise and he can’t fight whoever you’re up against personally, he’s definitely supporting you because he refuses to lose, even if it’s through you. Cue him screaming words of support from the sidelines and everyone barely containing him from jumping in there and finishing the fight himself because he’s so pumped up.
He also has a lot of respect for your abilities though and has faith in you, so even if you get hit, while he’s still concerned for you, he knows you can take it and will get right back up.
Now, if you get really hurt, he’s the first one to rush to Recovery Girl’s room to check up on you (after first beating up the person who did that to you, of course).
Speaking of this protective side, if anyone makes fun of you their ass is absolutely getting beat!!!
You’ve actually had to stop him a few times from getting into a fight with a group of students he thought were looking at you the wrong way, but you know he’s just looking out for you and find it all pretty funny and endearing.
His rough personality is a perfect contrast to your soft persona (it’s the fur honestly) and everyone at U.A. likes the play on the “opposites attract” trope you two have going on.
Best couple ever honestly because of the pure balance.
Katsuki may not be the best with traditional sweet and caring words, but you understand him better than anyone and anything he does for you you can tell comes from a place of love.
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Kirishima Eijirou
#1 fan right here!!!
He thinks it’s cute how you’re so soft and cuddly due to your fox traits while his quirk is all about hardening.
It’s a funny contrast to him but it just makes him want to protect you even more (although he also knows you’re definitely not fragile and can stand up for yourself as well).
If you ever feel insecure about your quirk, you better be prepared to be bombarded with love. He can tell when you’re feeling down and in a school filled with people with so many amazing quirks, he knows what it’s like to sometimes not like yours.
(If he ever falls into a self-loathing spiral, lamenting about how his quirk isn’t as flashy as others, you always know exactly what to say to cheer him up. You’re both each other’s rocks and it strengths your relationship greatly to be so effortlessly open with one another.)
He’s also good with understanding people, no matter what hard exterior they put up (as seen by his friendship with Bakugou), so he makes sure that you feel comfortable around him and are able to talk about any insecurities you’re feeling.
He asks tons of questions about your quirk sometimes because he’s just in awe whenever he watches you, and when you’re cuddling in bed, he likes to stroke your fur (also it feels really comforting so you can’t really complain).
He’s just so interested and in love with you that he’s constantly talking with you.
“Tell me the kitsune legend again,” he’d request, resting his chin in his palm, elbow propped up on the table, and staring at you with pure adoration in his eyes.
“No, this is the third time and we’re supposed to be studying math. How did we even end up talking about Japanese folklore and mythology?”
“Don’t make me tell Bakugou you’re slacking off again,” you threaten with a mischievous grin and a dangerous glint in your eye. The clash of your sweet expression with the warning undertone makes him unsure if you’re joking or not but he decides not to take any chances or push his luck.
That usually clams him up and he looks absolutely adorable as he scrunches up his face when he goes back to trying to work out the difficult math problem.
Anyone who makes you feel bad about your quirk is catching these hands, he does not care!!! Well, maybe he’ll try to be civil at first, but once he sees they’re not backing down, oh boy, he’s going full scary boyfriend mode.
He’s so protective of you, but when you do fight and stand up for yourself, he’s hyping you up so much and supporting you 100%. Expect lots of kisses and hugs and words of praise as he tells you you did great out there.
“Babe, you’re so amazing! I love you so much,” he’d say as he squishes you to his chest (you’re pretty sure he’s about to suffocate you), peppering kisses all over your forehead, temples, and the top of your head after a particularly intense training exercise fight. Everyone has to agree that you two are adorable together, even though some of them pretend to be grossed out with your PDA and stick their tongue out in disgust, turning anyway dramatically.
You two are such a sweet couple. Between all the affection you show each other and your unconditional support for the other person, but also the way you have each other’s backs and won’t hesitate to protect one another, you two just work so well together.
(There’s also a joke going around U.A. about how while Eijirou is soft on the inside because he’s just so supportive, you’re soft on the outside because of your fur. It’s a really stupid saying but you two love it all the same because honestly it’s true.)
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slythergirlimagines · 4 years ago
I Suppose That Would Be Alright- Draco x Reader
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Request: Hello!! May I request prompt 4 with Draco Malfoy where the reader saw Draco cheating on her and they broke up? & He tries everything he could to get her back but she doesn’t give in easily. This could be a little angsty. xD
Summary: Reader catches Draco cheating and breaks up with him. He desperately wants her back. Angsty with a little fluff at the end! (gif not mine!) masterlist 
Words:   3,681                      Requested: Yes
For reference, L/n refers to “your last name”
          I Suppose That Would Be Alright
 Draco meant everything to you. You had been dating for almost two years now, and you were happier than you had ever been.
 There was a different side to Draco that you got to see. To the world he may be tough and snarky, but to you he was sweet and caring. He was also overly indulgent, and you knew he would do literally anything for you. He always told you how much you meant to him, and you had always believed him. Until this very second.
  Draco stands in front of you in the corridor, being snogged within an inch of his life by Pansy Parkinson. You stand there, frozen in shock as time grinds to a halt. The other students in the hallway dart their eyes between you and Draco, and start whispering. You whirl around as quickly as you can, unable to take anymore of their pitying looks or Draco’s snogging session.
    As you run, you hear Draco calling your name, but continue to push through the throng of students. You tell yourself that you just have to get away. As you run, memories swirl through your mind.
       The words swim in front of your eyes, blurring into nonsense. How were you ever going to succeed in potions, when absolutely nothing made sense? Tears gather on your lashes, further obscuring what little you could make out. With a sigh, you let your head slam onto the heavy potions book.
   “L/N? What are you on about?” A snide voice rings out in the quiet of the library.
   You whip your head up, and blink back the moisture in your eyes. In front of you stands a scowling Draco Malfoy. His silver eyes penetrate yours, and it makes you uncomfortable. You know what he’s like, and he so obviously is going to use this against you somehow.  
   “Shove off Malfoy.” You mutter angrily, swiping at your eyes with vigor.
   Draco eyes you for a second, then takes the seat opposite of you. He reaches out a pale hand and slides the book out from under you, turning it to examine its contents.
  “Potions, huh?” He says. He looks back at you, and some how his face is a little softer than before.
  “I’m pretty good at potions, if I do say so myself.” He brags. “I bet I could whip you into shape L/N.”
  “Why would you help me?” You question. His actions go against everything you’ve ever heard about him, and everything you’ve ever seen him do.
   Draco shrugs, and juts his pointy chin.
   “Beats having to help Crabbe and Goyle. At least you can read.” He says.
    You catch yourself laughing, and it surprises you. Draco Malfoy is funny?
   “Y/N.” You say, extending your hand across the table. Draco considers it for a moment, and then takes your hand in his cool one.
   The tears stream down your face, as the memories keep hitting you full force.
 “Y/n?” Draco asks, sprawled out in the grass. “Would you call us friends?”
    You look up from the book you’re reading and mark the page. You’ve been Draco’s friend for several years now, and you know his moods like the back of your hand. If you don’t give him your undivided attention he’ll pout for the next week.
   “I certainly hope so. I don’t spend this much time with just anyone you know.” You say gently.
   You always try to be gentle around Draco. He’s been horribly belittled and mistreated by his father, and though he will never willingly admit it, he craves the support he didn’t have growing up. You never want to treat him the way his father does.
   Draco sighs, and then locks his eyes on yours. He scoots his head into your lap, and then sets his gaze on the tepid lake. It’s a cozy afternoon, and the soft light makes Draco’s blonde hair look even lighter.
  “But friends can take each other to dances and things right?” He says. His voice is uncharacteristically timid, and it makes you smile. Draco is always softer around you than he is with others, but he is still usually cocky and confident. Now he is nervous, and it makes your stomach flutter.
   “What do you mean?” You ask, smirking. Of course you understand what he’s getting at, but you’ll take any opportunity to mess with him.
   He looks up at you then, grey eyes narrowing when he catches the expression on your face. Draco sits himself up and turns to face you. He’s much closer than you anticipated, and you feel a blush rising to your cheeks.
   “You’re messing with me.” He says, voice low.
   “Maybe.” You agree. You aren’t quite successful at keeping the breathiness out of your voice.
   “Go to the ball with me?” He asks. You pretend to think about it for a minute.
   “I suppose that would be alright.” You grin. “Poor Goyle, though. I think he already had his dress picked out.”
   Draco rolls his eyes, but smiles back at you anyways. You can’t keep the blush off of your face the rest of the day.
     The most important memory hits you last.
         “That was so much fun, Draco.” You say as he walks you through the abandoned corridors to your dormitory. If you listen closely enough, you can still hear the faint sounds of the music. The night has a dreamy haze to it, and you practically feel like you’re floating.
    “It was, wasn’t it? Doesn’t help that you had the greatest date.” He adds.
   You laugh, happy and carefree.
   “Y/n.” Draco says, catching your hand and stopping you.
   “Yes, Draco?” You ask, blinking at him. The moonlight filters in through the hallway, and Draco’s hair and eyes are gleaming. He’s never looked more beautiful to you.
   “I don’t want to be friends anymore.” He says.
   Your face falls as you take in his words, and then he’s kissing you in the moonlight.
   “I love you.” He says when he pulls away. It’s all too easy for you to stand on your tip toes, and press another hungry kiss to his mouth.
   “I love you too.”
    How could he do this to you? You loved him, and until now you had never doubted that he’d loved you just as much. You had been so blind.
   Draco catches you before you can get away from him.
  “Y/n, wait!” He says, griping your elbow to pull you back to him.
  “Don’t touch me!” You shout, venom dripping from every word.
  “It’s not what you think!” He starts.
  “Not what I think? What I think is that you and Parkinson were just having a nice song. Don’t let me interrupt!” You snarl. You itch to whip out your wand and curse him.
  “Y/n...” he says, giving you the wounded puppy eyes. They usually work, but not this time.
  “I’m done!” You snap. “There are a lot of people in your life that let you toy with them, Draco. They let you move them around like chess pieces, but guess what? I’m not one of those people.”
  “I know you aren’t!” Draco defends.
  “I won’t let you treat me like one any longer. I loved you!” You say, tears streaming freely down your face. “I loved you for years and you were just using me.”
   “No I wasn’t! That’s not true.” Draco pleads. “Y/n, I’m telling you nothing happened!”
   “If that’s nothing then I’d hate to see your definition of something!” You wrench your arm out of his grasp and move away.
   “Y/n, please...”
   “I’m done, Draco. I’m done.” You say, and walk away. Even though you want to, you don’t turn around once. You know your worth, and you deserve more than to be treated like rubbish.
    The next few days are incredibly hard. The entire school learns about your breakup, and there’s a flood of sympathetic faces wherever you go. People whisper when you walk into a room, and grow quiet when you come near. It’s humiliating and annoying, and all you want is some damn privacy to mourn.
   It doesn’t help that Draco refuses to take the hint and leave you alone. He’s already tried to approach you a few times, and it’s getting harder and harder to avoid him.
   Today you all share a class, ironically potions, and you usually share a table. You know that it will be impossible to get any learning done with him next to you. Maybe you could find someone to switch with you. Draco was still astoundingly good at potions, and there had to be someone who would want to reap the benefits of being his partner.
   Finding that someone, however, was proving to be impossible. You weren’t really that close with anyone in your class, and after the second no, you were starting to get the feeling that everyone wanted to see the drama play out. You decide that if you had to sit next to Draco, then the best thing to do would be to get there last and leave first.
   You walk into potions with your head held high, seconds before class begins. Professor Snape narrows his dark eyes as you walk in, but doesn’t say anything to you about it. Draco is in his usual seat, sitting stiff as a board.
  He is paler than usual, you note as you take your seat. Dark purple rings his eyes, and betrays his lack of sleep. Your heart stutters being this close to him, but you are strong and you will ignore all of this.
   Snape begins his lecture, and you hang onto every word. You’ve never been so focused on a lecture in your life. You’re busy noting every word that Snape says, when a note pops up on your parchment.
  “I really need to talk to you.” It reads. It’s in Draco’s neat and proper handwriting, and you have the violent urge to destroy the loops with your quill.
  You lock your jaw, and then continue taking notes as if you’ve never seen Draco’s message.
  “Y/n, please. I’d just like to explain.” Another note says.
   Again you ignore it, and you can feel the tension in Draco increase as he scribbles another hasty note.
  “Y/n, please..” the words start.
   “Enough!” You snap at Draco, loud enough to draw the attention of the rest of the class.
   “L/n, I didn’t know that you were so educated about Acromantula Venom that you didn’t need my lecture.” Snape says in his slow drawl. “Please enlighten the rest of the class with your expansive knowledge.”
   “I-I’m sorry professor, it won’t happen again.” You say. Snape looks more sour than ever as he turns his attention back to the lecture.
   You feel the familiar pressure of tears behind your eyes. This time, they are angry tears. Draco couldn’t settle for humiliating you in front of everyone in the corridor, he had to also humiliate you in class too.
   The second Snape dismisses you, you are running from the class. You give Draco no time to catch up with you, as you hastily make your way back to your dormitory. Maybe you’ll just have to hide out here forever.
  Draco tries again during dinner. You knew you should have just had one of your housemates bring you a plate, but you hate feeling like a coward. You’re not going to starve to death because Draco couldn’t keep his tongue in his mouth. You refuse to let him have that much power over you.
   You’re in the middle of forced conversation with your housemates when Draco makes his way over and sits down. Instantly, you feel a multitude of prying eyes on you, and you again have the urge to run.
  “Y/n.” Draco says firmly. “I need to talk to you.”
  “Leave me alone, Malfoy.” You say coldly. Draco flinches at your use of his last name. You’ve never called him Malfoy, not since the day you became friends.
  “Y/n, nothing happened with Pansy. I love you!” He says as quietly as he can. It irks you that he’s being so quiet about it. If he really loved you, why was he acting like it was such a shameful secret.
  “Right.” You say. “I’ll believe that when I see it Draco.”
   You didn’t mean it as a challenge. Draco’s actions had already proven to you what he felt. However, his face brightens at your words and warmth blooms in your chest. You quickly stamp it out, and ignore the feelings. You’ll get over that soon enough.
  “I’ll prove it to you! I swear I will.” He says, and then he swings his legs over the bench and walks out of the Great Hall. You have the sinking feeling that disaster is looming.
   Draco’s first attempt to win you back involves flowers. Somehow, he manages to jinx a vase in your room to procure a new flower for you every morning. Of course, they are your favorite kind of flower, and the vase magically expands to include them all.
   The flowers anger you because they are a sweet gesture and an impressive bit of magic. Why couldn’t his attempts be weak and pathetic so you didn’t consider taking him back? Draco was too good at wooing and schmoozing. You have to remind yourself multiple times a day that you caught him kissing Pansy.
    To his credit, Draco leaves you alone for a while. He doesn’t try to contact you or force you to talk to him. That doesn’t mean you can’t feel his eyes on you all the time, and that potions isn’t the most intense class you have. But at least it’s something.
  You have five flowers when Draco makes another attempt. Your favorite candy from Honeydukes now appears underneath the flowers. You carefully unwrap the package, and put the delicacy in your mouth. It’s delicious, as always, but it makes you sad too. You miss Draco more than anything, but your trust has been broken. Some chocolate and flowers won’t fix that by themselves.
  You miss him, and you really should stop hiding from him and just talk. He was trying, and that’s at least enough reason to let him speak. You didn’t have to forgive him.
  You go down to the Great Hall with determination. You’re going to get this resolved today, regardless of the outcome.
   You walk into the hall, eyes searching for blonde hair and silver eyes. You find Draco at his normal table, and then your heart sinks. Next to him sits Pansy, who is staring at him with obvious heart eyes. Your anger reaches its boiling point as you stomp over.
  “Draco.” You say, tone stormy. “We need to talk.”
  Draco looks eager as he jumps from the table and follows you outside.
  “What are you doing?” You hiss. “You can’t send me flowers and candy every morning and then still be hanging around Pansy whenever I see you! It doesn’t work that way.”
   “Oh I’m sorry.” He says, voice haughty. He sounds like the Draco everyone else knows. “I’m just a little confused because I try everything to reach out to you, and you ignore me and all my effort and then get mad when someone else acts interested in me!”
   “I’m not allowed to be mad that you’re with the person you cheated on me with?!” You snap.
    Draco’s grey eyes narrow dangerously, and his body shakes with anger.
   “You never listen to what I say.” He snaps.
   “You know what? I was coming down here this morning to talk to you. I was hoping we could talk about everything, get it resolved, but I can see that I have my answer!” You cross your arms, and lock your jaw. You desperately try to stop your tears, but they spill over your lashes anyways. You collect yourself for a minute.
     “If you’re going to be with Pansy, Draco, just let me move on.” You say quietly, voice watery.
     Draco doesn’t say anything to you as you leave. As soon as you make it to your dorm, you smash the vase of flowers to pieces.
   Weeks go by, and you are more miserable then you have ever been. You spend all your free time in the library, avoiding crowds and Draco. You don’t want to see him any more than you can help. Every time you have to sit next to him in potions it hurts. You don’t even go to Quidditch matches anymore to avoid seeing him. If he’s with Pansy then you’d rather not know.
  One particularly rainy afternoon finds you in the library, potions book on your lap. You aren’t doing much studying, instead your eyes trace raindrops as they roll down the window. Your melancholy is broken by someone stomping up to you.
   “I’m not with Draco.” A nasally voice says. Pansy stands in front of you, one hand on her hip.
   “Ok.” Is all you say. You don’t want to so much as look at Pansy. All you see is Draco’s lips on hers when you do.
   “Ok, so stop moping and just make up!” She says annoyingly. Even this doesn’t spark your anger like it should. You just feel numb and empty.
  You don’t give her a response. Instead, you shift your potions book from your lap, and tuck your knees under your chin. Once settled, you turn your attention back to the rainy window, and ignore Pansy.
  “Fine.” She says, storming off. “Keep being miserable.”
    It’s only when she’s gone that you let yourself become a reflection of the window.
   Draco tries again for a final time when he catches you in the library. Today, you are actually trying to study. Ever since you and Draco broke up, you had lost not only a boyfriend but your potions tutor. Now you were desperately trying to teach yourself, and it just wasn’t working out.
  Draco finds you in much the same position that you were when you first became friends. You’re all but banging your head against the table when he speaks.
   “Y/n.” You look up and find he looks as miserable as you do.
   “Draco.” You say. Your heart still thunders when he’s near. You hate that he still has any effect on you.
   “Listen. Just let me say this once and I’ll never bother you again.” He says, his grey eyes imploring you to hear him out.
   You sit silently, waiting for him to proceed.
   “I never kissed Pansy. She kissed me. I admit, I let it go on for too long. I should’ve pushed her off the moment she touched me, but I was so shocked and I froze. Then when I finally realized I pushed her away and you were already leaving. I never had feelings for her, nor did I ever want to cheat on you. You’re the only one I want.” He says.
  “I know I hurt you, and that I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I would never hurt you like that. I love you and it’s killing me to be apart from you like this, to think that you hate me. You’re the best part of my life, y/n, the only good part.” Draco takes a deep breath and continues.
  “After this, if you still don’t want to be with me, then I’ll back off. I just wanted you to know the truth. I love you, and it’s only ever been you for me, never anyone else.”
   You are in shock as he finishes his speech. Draco watches you process his confession with patience, and it takes you a few minutes to really understand what he’s saying.
  You feel stupid when tears well up in your eyes again. You’re so sick of crying and feeling pathetic.
   “It really didn’t mean anything?” You find yourself asking. “She kissed you?”
   “Yes!” He exclaims. “It was 100% one-sided on her part.”
    You sniff, thinking about it for a minute.
   “Ok.” You finally say. “I believe you.”
   Draco eases his tense posture and death grip on the chair he’s leaning on. He looks at you warily, trying to decipher where he stands with you now.
   You look down at the table and your useless potions book. How funny that your relationship would come full circle. You know how you feel about him, how you‘be always felt. Even when you were broken up you still loved him.
  “I’m sorry.” You say. “You tried to tell me and I didn’t listen.”
   “Its not your fault!” Draco assures you. “It was me, I was being a right git.”
    You shake your head, but for the first time in weeks you smile. When you look back up, Draco is smiling too.
   “So, could I have a second chance?” He pleads.
   You pretend to think about it for a minute.
   “I suppose that would be alright.” You grin. Draco gives you a glowing look and matches your grin.
    “On one condition.” You tell him, suddenly serious.
   “Anything.” He tells you with sincerity. He walks over to your side of the table, and crouches down in front of you.
   “I really need help with Potions.” Draco laughs and pulls you in for a bruising kiss.
   It’s needy and passionate, and you let your mouth express to him everything you can’t yet put into words.
  When he pulls away, Draco lets his forehead rest against yours. You relish this closeness with him in a way you never have before.
  “I suppose that would be alright.” He whispers with a smirk.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed:) I am currently working on part 2 of “Don’t Call Me Princess” and that will hopefully be up in the next few days! Please don’t hesitate to request something, I write for several fandoms. I’m lowkey desperate for someone to request something Marvel. 
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life-rewritten · 4 years ago
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It's starting to get exhausting dealing with the discourse in Start-up, especially when revolving around the love triangle that refused to be ceased. Heads up, whilst I'm on here analysing mostly about the relationship with Dosan and Dalmi.  I didn't have a side for a long time, I also liked Jipyeong because he was based on Cyrano, he was the guy who wrote to her soul or whatever, but the thing is, as much as I've tried to follow where the show leads me, what clues the show leaves, which Fate is supporting (Fate represents the writer's opinion as well) and why a couple deserves to be together, whilst I've tried to be unbiased, I can't help but now shift the other way to Dosan 100%. I will be infuriated and disappointed if Dalmi ends up Han Ji Pyeong, there I said it, irrationally, possessively, and harshly. And I know this won't get a lot of notes and support but who cares. This is my voice and my opinion. I have come to dislike Jipyeong a lot, fear not this is not a Jipyeong hate post, I don't have it in me to make lists of reasons for why I dislike him, but this is about episode 11-12,  our characters breakdowns from their dreams and destiny.
 All of our main characters in start-up have a dream that yes again, Fate is trying to lead them to, but sometimes their goals don't align with what Fate has for them. The characters experiences; have shaped them to see the future in one way, to want things in another, and to also feel stopped cruelly by Fate and Luck each time it's near them, however, like with Destiny and Purpose, these characters are guided by Fate with good intentions, all the plans for Fate for them are to get to them to their most significant potential and success, even if it seems like it's not for them. Everyone is guided and pushed by Fate, almost forced even, if you try to do something that isn't for you Fate harshly stops you, if you try to run away from something that is for your benefit Fate forces you to go there. 
So our 4 main characters have a destined path for them designed by Fate, its to ensure their skills, growth and talents are utilised in every way possible. This episode it seemed like everything was crashing down for our babies but really, although everyone feels defeated this storm was a push in the right direction. Here's why;
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Dosan, my Dosan, no words to explain the hurt he went through this episode. The way his dreams came crashing right in front of him, the way that the only way for him to move forward was to be on pause for a while and fulfil what the world wanted for him, to be a genius. I've written so many posts about Dosan being the person who's the most needed, used and wanted in the world of Start-Up. He's the key man remember, he's the person who everyone falls apart without him there. This episode Dosan was forced to go to the next part of his destiny, somewhere where he'd be utilised more and needed. Dosan was born to code, he was born to be a genius, not even metaphorically, or jokingly, the boy was given coding as his strength, it's automatic to him, authentic to him and is the thing that he's the most accurate at. 
Except for so long because of this Dosan resented himself, he found it useless when he couldn't make friendships or connect with people correctly, he found it useless when it came to being loved for who he was, he found it useless when it came to him trying to find meaning for why he was such a loser. For him, coding was his comfort, his tool to help wherever he can (because that's just him helpful) and the only thing he could rely on. But because of this Dosan never saw how vital his coding was, he's humble, modest and just using it to help wherever he can, he didn't notice all that coding has done for other people. 
First, it provided his friends job they were happy in; Their potential was seen (CODA and 2STO. 
It led to an accurate handwriting forgery test to detect forgery other businesses. 
It led to success with Noongil for both Dalmi's grandma and so many other people,
 It led to him also accurately helping Dalmi code for her drug recognition app, which is also crucial for everyone to use. 
Dosan is incredible, and the fact that he didn't understand why Alex would spend billions and billions to just get him is so sad, but it's good because it means he's not going to go bad. I just love him (that's me being biased). Everyone can see (apart from Jipyeong who I'll explain later), how great he is, how important he is but Dosan only wants his dreams, to be loved. 
It's like he views his coding/geniusness like a curse? It makes him awkward and struggles with everything else, and it makes him feel worthless. All he's ever wanted was to be loved for who he really is (even though being a genius is also who he is);
He wanted his dad to love him without the idea of being a genius, 
He wanted his friends to be by his side just for him, 
He wanted Dalmi to love him only as his awkward, weird and stupid Dosan self. 
His dreams from the start felt blocked because everyone tried to push him to see being a genius as his dream. His father interrupted his speech to Park Changho about what he wanted to say the obvious; winning awards etc. Dosan saw it as a  burden, guilt, and just a barrier to actually loving himself for who he is. 
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Thing is yes I get it, I get why he just thinks being loved and being happy is enough for him. But I agree with Fate as we've seen Dosan is so needed by the world for all that he can do, he's automatically the most selfless and inventive person around him, he takes dreams, ideas, and illusions and makes them real. Heck, he's a real-life manifestation of dreams (Dalmi's own dream guy). He's so incredible the way he just is, the symbol for everyone's hopes and dreams to come through; this isn't me being biased! 
 In episode 12 alone we see it; 
He brings hope as a symbol for  Youngsan's dreams; to not be seen as a failure. 
He brings the solution for Dalmi's ideas to come through because he fixes and solves the coding issue for her on the plane.
 He brings proof for Chulsan who always wanted to be seen and noticed for his skills and be recognised by going to 2STO.
He also brought ease for Dalmi's grandmum to still live comfortable although she may not be able to see. Still, he also made her dreams for granddaughter come through because he is a real-life manifestation of the guy she wanted for her. 
 He also made wishes come through for Jipyeong despite him not seeing it: he's the real-life representation which helps repay Jipyeong's debt to the grandma.  
Dosan is so needed by everyone and also the world, so he couldn't stay stuck in the sandbox with Dalmi, he had to be forced to move on for now. So his dreams (to be loved) and her dreams (her dream guy) can come true. 
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Fate forces Dosan to become great and self-confident and see he's worthy.
That's where Alex comes through because Alex for everyone is actually the representation of Fate/Purpose, he's here to be the storm that forces them to grow. Like Dalmi said it's Fall; she's falling before she blossoms. Alex is the falling step, he's the hurt, the betrayals, the challenges before the beauty/truth is seen and appreciated. He's the fire/heat used to make the diamonds. And he did it, he pushed everyone by force to their next destinations. And he chose Dosan because he saw what we've seen, he knows how desperately the world needed Dosan's skills, how much his headquarters needed Dosan. He saw it all, and harshly had to cause reality to come so everyone grows up and pushes forward to where they need to go. 
Symbols for Dosan's conflict with his dreams, vs destiny
Follow your dreams baseball: Dosan says he doesn't want the results and the awards Fate intends to bestow on him its led him to feel lonely with no one by his side. Fate doesn't stop his dreams as he thinks but also makes him viable for them without him knowing. Yes Dalmi broke his heart, but actually, it confirmed to us pretty much he's the one she wants, she selflessly chose to let him go because of how much she loves him, and he'll keep being in her heart until he returns. It also made her realise he is the guy of her dreams (despite the fact she said he wasn't) she was lying; everything she said was the opposite, he was the guy from her dreams, but at that moment life was making her think it was an illusion. 
But in a show that is so supportive of dreams it literally is named after a place to prevent dreams from being ruined, Dalmi and Dosan will get back their dreams; its already in motion. 
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 Dalmi is someone who I absolutely love, she's determined, resilient and she's actually so bright. The thing with her so far is that we see her potential, her ideas are genius, and she also represents dreams becoming a reality that is useful and helpful for people; 
She's the one who poked Dosan in the right direction for the handwriting forgery test,
 she's the one who brought up the idea of the self relying car
 The person who brought up the idea for the drug recognition device. 
She's great. But also she has her own dreams, Dalmi's dream whilst Dosan's is to be loved, is to be chosen/wanted. From a young age, she felt slighted that her sister and her mother did not pick her and her dad, and the fact the world seemed to make fun of her choices made by her heart. She had dreams to prove to everyone that she made the right choice, that she was on the right path, but also she wanted to continue her father's legacy and dreams. She wanted to be successful with her choices. 
Her choices so far are: Her father, Dosan and being CEO of samsan tech. Each time she's been mocked, rejected by the world and hurt for her choices; 
She's mocked by her sister for staying with her dad when he was going to die, and leave her alone, and force her to be behind.
 She was rejected by the world as CEO of Samsan Tech when Alex didn't view her as useful or important, 
and she was hurt because she chose Dosan as her love interest, she was hurt because she had to let him go cruelly to be who he was supposed to be, she was meant to be left alone by him if he was to grow and become prosperous. 
In each of these, something great came out of it; her father inspired sandbox to be created, Samsan Tech was chosen by 2STO and won demo day, and Dosan was her dream guy manifested. 
 But she was the leftover, the discarded and the failure in each one. It's sad to see how much her dreams felt like disillusions, she was not the person winning from those dreams but the person those dreams did not belong to. Dalmi struggled this episode to see her self as worthy or needed. And that hurt. 
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Thing is Dalmi is needed. Her destiny is to be the very face of the Sandbox company. She's the original source of the inspiration of this company used to make sure everyone's dream doesn't get hurt or ruined. She's meant to represent, innovation, comfort and success. She's meant to be great, and Fate wants her to be great. She's a leader, a spark of ideas, and a catalyst to winning. She is important. And she's destined to become a great source of help to people. 
Notice the things she thinks of; its all to do with ease and helping people (like Dosan), whilst Dosan is application and manifestation, she's the innovation and inspiration to everything; 
She is the person who makes him find a way to sort out the handwriting test, 
She's the person who makes him realise how to sort out Noongil with VR and the voice activation,
 She's the person who comes up with the self relying car, 
She's the person who comes up with the drug recognition system. 
See she's already the source of creation for helping the world and making life easier for people and companies. We see what she's good at in episode 1 with her father (she comes up with ideas for him, and she stays by his side as a helping hand). In episode 2 before she quits, she was able to get her company the money needed for buying the products she knew what fangirls wanted, and she catalysed sales. She's a catalyst. So why is she being deserted by Fate?
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Fate forces Dalmi to become self-reliant and determined, she's been given the tools, experience, the location, dream, and the people by her side she just needs to see it.
 Also, she was forced to reset, she was forced to go back and learn from her scars, remember she felt discarded by so many people, it wounded her pride and slowed her down, she was petty to her sister, and that always stopped her growth, Fate came in to force her to heal from that, to grow from that and work with her sister. Because they're both meant to fulfil her father's dream. Fate gave her the right people to use, and learn from (Dosan, Injae, Jipyeong, Sandbox owner, her father) to become who she's also meant to be. So it felt like Fall, but actually, it was for her to bloom into who she was meant to be.
If you noticed in episode 13 trailer: she has her own start up named after her father (fulfilling his legacy) she has the prototype for the car named after Dosan’s teachings (Tarzan) and she also works with Injae as well. She’s on her way to fulfilling her destiny, and Dosan needed to go for her to do so.
Self relying car: Because those dreams aren't hers, see she's the catalyst in all of I've mentioned before, those scenarios where she's left, she's always helping others, but like her self reliant car, she needs to become self-reliant. Dosan is excellent to her he's her help, her inspiration, her guide, but she needs to grow and rely on her self, she needs to find out what her strengths are and not just rely on fantasies. Instead of dreaming it up, she needs to manifest it her self. She's now been given an opportunity without Dosan and JP input to find her own voice, where she's actually in charge and confident of what she knows.
Dosan's baseball: it was telling her to follow her dreams, not his, not JP, but hers. To do so, she needed to reset, return back to deal with her feelings, and pride and reunite with her scars and learn about her self. Dosan being there wouldn't help her at that moment. But also she returned the ball back to him: because he also needs to follow his path although he doesn't see it as his dreams; in doing what he was forced to, he'd return back to her and actually keep his promise/dream for her in episode 7 (to be wealthy and successful). 
In a way, disappearing is fulfilling both their dreams/ideas Dalmis dream guy comes back to her the way she asked him to in episode 10 (the suit), and He becomes a dream version of himself for her. She still is his dream, and he still is hers. 
It's funny how life works, it makes you face reality, but love brings fulfilment of dreams in a way you never expected it to, it's still going to get there, but you just have to climb up the mountain first before you see the view, a few obstacles to help you get to the top. 
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Jipyeong is an interesting case, he starts off alone, all he dreams of when he's young is to be successful and wealthy. But I also think his dreams are similar to Dalmi's; to be chosen/wanted. He's been without anyone for so long, deserted by Fate to be alone; he's an orphan. He doesn't trust anyone because he's never known how to, everything felt difficult, and he had to fight his way out on his own. For him, clinging to logic and controlling the real world is how he survives and is successful. In fact, controlling/investing in numbers is how he got his first success, that brought him here. He's always wanted to be wanted and chosen. But he also sees success as being above others as well, because he's been looked down on so long when he was younger, he wanted a chance to be seen as important. 
In this episode everything comes crashing down for him 
He realises he's not essential; He didn't even know details about someone he claimed he cared about the grandmum and her blindness. He noticed Dosan already helped her with that not him.
He realises he's not wanted; Dalmi already wanted and was in a relationship with Dosan who he looked down on; who just proved to everyone he's wanted and actually destined for greatness and success. 
He realises he's not chosen; he stopped being seen as Samsan's Techs mentor by Yong San and everyone due to how much he belittles them and put them down. Because of this, they refused to listen to him when he tried to warn them and then he didn't try to help. He wasn't chosen by Dalmi although she thanked him for his words of advice. He wasn't chosen either by grandma because she already rejected him as Dalmi's love interest in episode 9. 
So basically everything was falling apart for him, and he also realised he wasn't a good person. Although fangirls will keep on saying the opposite, he's not a good person, he's selfish and always so focused on the surface that he doesn't look deeper or take a chance on things. It makes him an awful mentor; all he does is break people down instead of offering advice on how to move forward—a pessimistic presence. 
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But the thing is like Jipyeong's strength has always been to do with Dalmi's grandmum. In fact, I wanted to say with Dalmi as well but not really cause he keeps crossing that line. His destiny has led him to finding someone who will choose and want him. Fate led him to Dalmi's grandmum in episode 1, it's why he was first shown, he also is being pushed by destiny to find the family he never had. It's about found family. Dalmi isn't meant to be his soulmate, she's meant to be family, just like the grandmum is like a mother figure to him. Jipyeong is meant to be loved, chosen and wanted as an older brother figure. I keep saying this, but you'll notice that's what the show has been showing, his advice only works when he's a mentor/ guidance to the group, it's like an older brother, he's meant to show them reality and berate them, but he's not meant to be the hero or the prince charming to Dalmi's rescue. 
His advice works especially for Dalmi, who needs guidance on reality. But it's for a family relationship; he's been like an older brother to Dalmi for a long time, despite the fact that he was her fantasy Dosan on paper (Dosan is the manifestation of that), but as an older brother, he's protective, caring and looks out for her in the right way, he guides her and becomes another male figure in her life that is comfort and advice after her father died. 
Jipyeong is meant to be a family member, that's why in the promo you see him finally getting his found family dream come true. He also said this was his dream/wish for his birthday he wanted a family to play go stop with; with Dalmi in his life, he's gotten a grandma, a mother figure (probably Dalmi's mum) and a sister (Dalmi). The fact that people don't see why this is what he was meant to be aiming for is funny to me. 
It's not just to Dalmi he's meant to be destined for. Its Dosan, Dosan and him are destined to form a brother bond its why Fate pushed him to Dosan from the beginning, he was meant to guide and teach Dosan how to fulfil his destiny, but he let jealousy and pettiness prevent him from being a good mentor to Dosan, he looked down on him and refused Fates call to invest and trust in Dosan. It was a mistake, and he knew it this episode. Also, he had a found family with Samsan tech, he had three people who would have been friends to him if he didn't berate them and put them down in a disrespectful manner, even Yong San is there to teach Jipyeong to humble himself. But also its Dosan and his crew who help him achieve what he wanted the most to repay his debt to grandma; they make noongil, they use his AI to make noongil, for grandma. He was just too prideful to see it. 
So Jipyeong is destined to become a good boy just like Grandma says he is like he's meant to grow to trust, and love and be chosen as a family member/ mentor. Its what he's been starved of for so long and where he's the most useful and needed.
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Hence why his storm was exactly showing him all the ways, he failed though people didn't notice; it showed he was a horrible mentor because he didn't gain the trust and respect from his group, it showed he was an awful love interest because he was too focused on money and success to realise the girl he loved's grandma was going blind. He was against the source that was helping her, it showed he was always late, he was forced to be a second lead because Dosan has always been by her side helping and thinking of her first and foremost. Did he learn from his lesson? 
Fate forces Jipyeong to become humble, selfless, and reflective. He still isn't even close to doing so, but also to understand the value of money and greed to not look on the surface
From the trailer it seems like he still doesn't get it, he's still trying to cross that line, maybe I'm a fool, but even after three years I'm sure Dalmi brother zoned him, we'll see, but I think he's still prideful and didn't get what Fate was doing when it gave him three years to spend time with his found family. He still has a long way to go, but I'm sure he'll grow, and I'm his final fulfilment for his destiny in being a good boy would be choosing selflessly to bring Dalmi to Dosan. Because I still think that's how Fate has been using him this whole time. 
So these are the ways Fate pushed our characters to achieve their growth and become who they’re meant to be. In Jae also has her own story to tell but this was already too long and not connected to the love triangle. I’ll make her own post a review later on. But yeh I love this show, a lot of people like to call it useless, or failure to show its message, but this has always been an inpirational message about fulfilling your dreams and becoming the person you’re meant to be, how love helps that, but also how reality needs to happen for that as well. Life isn’t a bed of roses but we can always manifest and get our goals if we put enough effort and hard work into it. These characters all do that, and they all help each other grow. The love triangle may seem useless but it’s a learning point for all our character’s its a way for them to learn and change, and so I’m grateful for it. Just hopeful the writer doesn’t change her direction just because fangirls are threatning for her to make someone endgame who doesn’t deserve it. Okay that’s it. that’s the analysis for this week. Bye <3
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my-writings-and-musings · 4 years ago
For the bot reader sparkling prompt what about Swerve and or Whirl? (I’m especially curious about Whirl’s reaction if the (or one) of the sparkling(s) resembles him pre-empurata) I would toss a possible Misfire in there too but I don’t think he’s a bot you usually do.
Hope you're ready for FEELS and CUTE SPARKLINGS because that's absolutely my favorite combo anon! Plus I'd always liked the Scavengers but never really looked into their appearance in the comic until now, and thank you for giving me the impetus to learn about the chaotic but still lovable gaggle of misfits.
·He's admittedly been on a whole new level of euphoria since the two of you started dating, but the moment he found out you were gonna be Creators he more or less ascended. Every scan nearly brings him to tears and he keeps all the pictures on him wherever he goes, so any bot that comes near will be ambushed by a flood of bragging and a veritable album of a bitlet that hasn't even been born yet. Suffice to say that when it was finally time to meet your little bundle, he was emotional, though for your sake he remained a surprisingly steadfast and supportive partner through the entire emergence. But the moment he laid his visor on that squawling little bitlet...
·"Tears" aren't quite sufficient to describe the waterfall that poured from his visor, but thankfully the staff was quite accustomed to such reactions and smoothly checked over the newborn before handing them back to their new parents. As a metallurgist for a species made of metal that's at it's most vulnerable after birth, he's actually been present for a few sparklings entering the world to provide potential care for those considered high risk, but nothing could have prepared him for seeing your beautiful new bitlet in person.
·Between praising you and the beeb he can hardly get a coherent word out through the blubbering, but his awe and adoration is still clear as day. You made a whole new bot, and now they're here, and they're the most amazing little sparkling the planet has ever seen! Every feature of yours or his that he sees gets him crying anew, and he can't possibly fathom what he's done to deserve any of these blessings. Countless photos of their first few hours are accumulated to join his collection in addition to being shared via intergalactic Wi-Fi to every friend you have.
·When your chosen visitors arrive he's absolutely effusive with his praise of you and the beeb. Do they see this bitlet? Have any of them ever seen anything this precious in all of history?! His Conjunx made them isn't that the most amazing thing in the entire galaxy like how did they even do that?! Even bots who know him well are amazed by how genuinely tender and affectionate he is, as there's not a joke to be heard from him even once. Truthfully he can't think of anything funny about this at all, except maybe how even the tougher bots that visit absolutely melt when they see the sweet little face of a newborn amidst a bundle of blankets, but he can't really blame them now can he?
·Despite all of his joy for the two of you being Creators, when it's just you and him and the sparkling again, he's quite hesitant to ask if he can hold them. He's held them before in the rush of the moment, but here in the still and calm... It worries him. There's so much caution in his grip when he takes them into a gentle cradle, his bulky arms easily supporting the tiny weight despite how unnaturally heavy they feel. There's a flash of worry for all the chances he'll have to mess up, but that disappears when a little fist pops free of the blanket and into the bitlets mouth, where they contentedly suckle on it in the most adorable display he's ever beheld. Somehow he knows it will be okay in that moment, because he'll never let anything happen to you or your new little addition.
·His reaction to his own prospective sirehood was a near perfect example of internal screaming beneath a veneer of calm. Of course he wasn't necessarily surprised, and he loved you more than anything in any universe, but... you've met him, right? Sure, you fragged him, but have you paid attention to the kind of bot he is? Do you really want any of this around a sparkling, or remixed into one? Admittedly he hadn't had an argument for your simple "yes" in reply, and to the day your little bitlet arrives he still can't think of a rebuttal, beyond how his claws don't give you much of a hand to hold or provide good massages.
·Somehow the entire process manages to be Unicron levels of unthinkable horror and awe inspiring beautiful wonder at the exact same time, and his attitude is even more varied as a result. There are moments he's the calm partner whispering sweet nothings, the aggressive coach shouting for you to kick labor's ass, the panicking wimp who refuses to believe the body parts he's seeing belong where they are, and the petrified but dutiful sire-to-be frozen in horror while you hold onto him for dear life. Thankfully he manages to reign it all in once the two of you have a newly minted bitlet wailing in the real world.
·He'd expected to be awed, but also knew to brace for seeing a bundle that... didn't much resemble his current self, due to Empurata not affecting genetics, but he never could have prepared himself for the reality. One look at this tiny and flawless little accident and he comes embarrassingly close to fainting, his long legs folding into a chair some brilliant medic was smart enough to push beside the bed, and his optic growing misty as he beholds you and the whole new person you made. There's awe at the fact he contributed to making something unbelievably perfect, happiness for a million reasons he doesn't care to comprehend, but also... sadness. A face he'd never thought he would see again is looking up at him with the biggest and most innocent pair of optics, all while a tiny mouth nibbles on a pair of servos so like the ones he had taken from him.
·He should be... angry, maybe? Old Whirl would have been angry, furious at the Functionists for ruining so much, but he just doesn't feel it. The sadness in his spark isn't even for him, it's for this little one who will grow up and eventually figure out why his sire looks the way he does, and all the pain that may cause a bot who never did anything to anyone... But that feeling is so small it's quickly swept away so he can feel what he actually wants to feel, and he wants to feel happy damn it! You and he have a bitlet, and a pretty good one as far as bitlets go! Heavy stuff can be addressed later, the two of you get to enjoy this with friends! There's precious few bots he trusts enough to visit, but those that make the cut are welcomed and invited to pay respects to the cutest sparkling ever born and the bot who squeezed them out. He has to fight incredibly hard to keep from shedding happy tears, but seeing so many of his friends coo over this tiny miracle strains his emotional reservation to the limits.
·For all the love he has for the little one, and all his progress in accepting himself, he still hasn't held them by the time night is settling and you're in need of rest. Only your obvious exhaustion and his protective nature compels him to finally accept the sleeping sparkling, and even then he's a wreck on the inside, his spark all but crackling with anxiety as the delicate beeb is laid in his arms while he stays carefully seated. Nothing could have made him understand just how tiny this little guy was until this moment. As you drift off, he tempts fate and holds out the tip of a careful claw, not daring to ventilate as he gently adjusts some blankets for a better look. Something like abject terror shoots through him as a stubby hand takes hold of him, but he doesn't move, and the little one only coos and keeps his solid little grip. At that he lets himself cry just a little. Nothing will ever hurt you or this tiny gift so long as he lives, and he won't let anything past present or future ruin the happiness you've made together.
·His whole life he's had a soft spot for things that need caring for, but every time he's found something or someone to take care of he's told himself all he really cares about is the potential benefit for him. Recent events have forced him to admit that there's a soft spark under his... business savvy ways. Finding out he'd be a sire though? That was an entirely new level of self discovery, because he's absolutely thrilled and has no logical reason why. He quickly has to tell the rest of the Scavengers, which becomes daily updates on everything sparkling related, so even his close collection of friends is admittedly a little relieved when the bitlet finally arrives and they can meet them. Thankfully none of them were there to see him faint on more than one occasion during the delivery, but he does have to make up a story about the dents on his head when he calls to give the announcement that their newest Scavenger has arrived, claiming that he got them in a heroic dive to save the bitlet when they were still slippery and dropped by a medic.
·While never one to be too mushy, he's made incredibly sappy just by the sight of the new little bitlet when they finally end up clean and swaddled in your arms. All across the little one's features are pieces of him that he recognizes on the spot. Blended perfectly with those are obvious signs of you, creating a whole new being who's got some of you both while still existing as their own unique little wonder. It defies all logic and yet he's so happy he can't really bring himself to care. From their optics to their stubby hands to their impossibly cute little pedes they're already the most perfect being to ever come into existence, making them tied with his Creators for perfection, and no bot is ever going to be able to convince him otherwise on that undeniable fact. But, for the sake of the moment he does have to wonder; does this sparkling yet realize how attractive they're going to be?
·The group is getting a million messages a minute from the new sire as they head over to see the newest addition, and when they finally arrive he does everything he can to present the little beeb with a proper introduction but can't stop getting misty optics and sniffling the whole time. Thankfully the Scavengers are an understanding bunch. Every one of them welcomes their new teammate with a carefully observant Misfire there to ensure they don't risk any kind of damage to the bitlet. Not that he doesn't trust them, but he does know them, so... None of them take it personally. Nickel is spared this oversight, of course, being a responsible bot and a medic more than capable of holding even a proportionally sizable sparkling. One she informs the new Creators is very cute in her proffesional opinion.
·Grimlock gets a special little moment with the new Sire, specifically one in which he gets to truly see how far he's come with his little adopted family now that it's started to grow. Misfire is fully trusting as he hands over the snoozing bitlet, and while the Dinobot is beyond touched, he does indeed hesitate just the tiniest bit. Gigantic servos absolutely dwarf the sparkling when they're settled within. Despite what any bot walking into the room might think, Misfire knows that at this very moment his bitlet is more or less in the safest place in the universe. They seem to be at least somewhat aware of this, as their little tubby cheeks lift up in a smile when they behold the gigantic bot looking down on them, a sight so unimaginably adorable it makes every bot present shed at least a single tear.
·When the rest of the group heads out after leaving a mountain of gifts in their wake, Misfire happily takes the beeb so you can get some sleep, because he at least got some rest when he passed out during emergence. Holding his little one with just the tiniest hint of uncertainty, he spends the night mostly chatting with them in a fully one sided whisper conversation, though he does occasionally get a tiny sound from the sparkling he'll swear is a coherent reply. Understandably, this little one has a lot to catch up on though. He can't help smiling at the thought of all the adventures he's going to be able to brag about to them, and how many you'll all have together once this little one is up and finally walking. There's so much he'll have to teach them too, and somehow that excites him more, knowing you and he will get to help shape this little wonder into the most amazing bot that's ever lived...
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muertawrites · 5 years ago
Take Care of Him (Sokka x Reader)
Summary: When you first start dating Sokka, Katara tells you to take care of him - little does she know how wrong that suggestion is.
Word Count: 1,500
Author’s Note: This is sorta dumb and disjointed and reads more like an imagine than anything, but Sokka is my quiet, comfortable, domestic fantasy and he genuinely deserves more love, so đŸ€·â€â™€ïž. The guy is made of 100% organic husband material and I stand by that statement (there’s a reason every girl in the four nations wanted him).
~ Muerta
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“Take care of him.”
That’s what Katara told you when she found out you were dating her brother. You knew that, despite being younger, she felt very responsible for him - she was the only parental figure he had after Hakoda left to fight against the Fire Nation in the war, and spent most of their teenage years looking after him. But what you chose not to tell her was that, because they both grew up faster than they needed to, it was Sokka who often took care of you.
You noticed it first not long after you’d met. He was on Kyoshi Island helping his father form alliances with the warriors, and (oddly enough) his ex-girlfriend and your friend Suki introduced the two of you. Being the daughter of the mayor, you spent much of the next few days together, becoming fast friends and enjoying each other’s company. You took a walk along an ocean cliff with him one afternoon, and he made sure that he was the one walking closest to the edge, putting himself between you and any danger that might come to you. Even then, it took a while longer for you to realize he had a crush on you.
The next few times he visited, Sokka was much more attentive. If you ever looked or acted out of character, he immediately asked you a million questions - had you eaten today? Had you drank enough water? How did you sleep last night? Here, let him put his hand on your forehead and make sure it wasn’t a fever. Was something wrong? Did you want to talk about it? The interrogation should have been annoying, but it only made him more endearing to you. You were always honest with him, allowing him to care for you when you needed it and assuring him of your safety when he worried himself into a frenzy.
When he came to Kyoshi Island a fifth time, he asked you to come with him on his travels as an ambassador for the Southern Water Tribe. You sat with him on the beach one night, comfortable around the low flames of what had once been a bonfire, and he took both your hands and told you that he loved you.
“I want you with me,” he said, “and I think you could be a strong voice for Kyoshi Island among other global leaders. I don’t want to keep missing you like I do.”
You didn’t know what you wanted to do; all you knew was that your heart was with him. So, when it came time for him to leave once again, you bid your friends and family goodbye, following Sokka wherever the need took him and finally seeing the amazing places he told you about for yourself.
Of course, Sokka being Sokka, he barely let you out of his sight for the first few weeks you were together - even getting you comfortable on the ship was a process.
“You should room near the center of the ship,” Sokka told you, “and I don’t want my room to be too far; you’ve never sailed before so if you get sick I want to be able to be there for you.”
You laughed at him, taking his face in your hands and pecking his lips.
“Sokka, I’ll be fine,” you assured him. “We won’t be at sea for too long between stops. I’ll be okay.”
(You did end up getting sick the first part of the trip, and he did end up sleeping in your room most nights because of it, but he never once said a single “I told you so” - he was too busy fussing over how much food you were able to keep down.)
In foreign cities, Sokka kept you as close as possible. He always took you to all his favorite places, sharing in your excitement of seeing the world for the first time, but made sure that if he wasn’t there to watch out for you, somebody else he trusted was. You didn’t mind it, since you never went anywhere alone for safety’s sake anyway and, if worse came to worst, you knew how to handle yourself, but there were times when his hovering and worrying did get the best of you.
(“Sokka, I’m literally going down the street to the Jasmine Dragon. I don’t need a chaperone.”
“Not everyone in the Fire Nation is kind to outsiders! They still have a lot of hang ups!”
“I’m dressed in Fire Nation clothes, and General Iroh owns the place. I have as much protection as I need.”
“No, it doesn’t feel safe. Let me ask one of the guards to take you, it’s too far.”
“Sokka, it’s three blocks!!”)
Despite his tendency to be smothering, one of your favorite things about him was his willingness and ferocity to stand up for you when certain dignitaries didn’t take you seriously. You ran into this most often in the Northern Water Tribe, where many members of the government still didn’t believe a woman could speak to the needs of her people, let alone make up a group of elite warriors far more skilled than even some of the world’s bending-based armies. Most of these conflicts ended fairly quickly, as you took no time nor were you timid in securing your place as a leader for the island of Kyoshi, but one incident in which a Water Tribe advisor made the mistake of belittling you in front of your beloved didn’t end well.
“At the end of the day, you and the Kyoshi Warriors are just a group of little girls,” the man sneered. “I’m surprised your father would even let his daughter leave with a man who didn’t know how to properly control his woman.”
“Don’t speak to her like she’s a slave,” Sokka snarled, standing up out of his seat. “She isn’t mine to control - I asked her to come with me because she’s intelligent, and strong enough to overcome the ignorance of people like you. I’m surprised your mother never taught you how to properly control yourself, but that probably explains why you’re in your sixties and still unmarried.”
The entire meeting hall fell into a silent shock, the only sound being that of the single woman among the advisors trying to swallow her laughter. You later apologized to the man on Sokka’s behalf, but made sure to grind in your heels by being as dignified as possible; you made it very clear that you were apologizing for his outburst, and not for any of the criticism he dealt in your defense. If your reputation weren’t on the line, it would’ve been very evident just how worked up Sokka’s heated, angry chivalry in the face of assholes like the Northern men got you.
All of that being said, it didn’t surprise you that Sokka was extremely careful about having sex with you. He was experienced (if only a little) and was very aware that he would be your first, and was therefore cautious about your comfort in every aspect of your physical relationship. Even before your first actual romp with him, he asked your permission for anything new that happened between you; by the time you finally did get around to having sex, you were kind of over the consideration, even though you appreciated it.
You were both completely naked, sprawled out on the floor of your shared bedroom, his hands at your hips and your arms wrapped around his neck in a wanton, passionate embrace, and he still wanted absolute confirmation that you were okay with what was unfolding.
“You’re sure about this?” he asked.
“Yes,” you told him. “Absolutely sure.”
“You know there’s no going back once we do this? And you’re okay with that?”
“Yes. One hundred percent.”
He gently pushed your thighs apart, completely exposing you as he peppered kisses across your neck and chin.
“Still good?” he asked.
“Yes. Still good.”
“Okay. I’m just going to do this really, really slowly-”
“Sokka just fuck me already!!”
When you were alone, Sokka would sometimes apologize for his protective behavior; most often at night, when you were curled in each other’s arms, laying on the fringes of a deep, peaceful sleep.
“I’m sorry I act the way I do,” he would whisper. “I’m just so afraid of something happening to you.”
“I know,” you whispered back, lips pressed to his neck or collarbone. “Nothing will happen to me, though. I love you for caring so much about me; nobody’s ever bothered to do that before.”
You were reminded of Katara’s comment any time Sokka did what he did best. She seemed so concerned, like she could tell that her brother was serious about his feelings for you but unable to support you the way a good lover should. Sometimes you wanted to tell her how wrong she was, but you knew it was obvious just from the way Sokka looked at you. He didn’t need you to take care of him - his heart was set on taking care of you.
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tinyboxxtink · 4 years ago
"Doppelganger" *Part 24*
Alright I REFUSE to make this story any longer, so the next chapter IS the finale, I swear to you.
This is just one more little loose end I wanted to throw in, maybe it'll come back around the epilogue. Who knows?! I know.
I would have started the "Wedding Day" here but I really wanted it to be it's own chapter, so this is kinda short and I'm not gonna lie if I have to I will make the last chapter 20 pages long to fit the ending in. That being said I have some stuff to do tomorrow night and work the next night so I may or may not split up writing the last chapter between those and post it late Sunday or Monday.
It's worth it I promise! I'll make it worth it.
Part 23
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The next day Rafael asked you to come by his office once again, making you nervous. Especially when you showed up to the Mayor and a Lawyer to greet you along with Rafael.
“Pinguino,” Rafael smiled as he met you at the door with his arms open wide pulling you into a kiss.
“....More interviews?” You whispered as you eyed the two other men.
“Actually, they haven’t told me what they’re doing here yet,” Rafael whispered back as you both walked over to the men sitting at Rafael’s desk. Rafael pulled another chair around to his side so you could sit next to him. He had a feeling this would take a while.
“So...gentlemen,” Rafael cleared his throat. “What’s this about?”
“Well Barba it’s about your wedding,” The mayor replied.
“...Why am I not surprised..?” He shook his head with a laugh.
“Actually Mr. Barba I think you’ll find this visit different from others the mayor here has sprung on you thus far,” His lawyer answered.
“...And that would be because
?” Rafael raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Because Mr. Fenkell here says that I owe you financial compensation for all you’ve been doing for me,” The mayor replied rather gruffly as he crossed his arms like a petulant child being called into the principal’s office.
“...Excuse me?” Rafael looked at both of them with confusion.
“Well Mr. Barba, I’m surprised you haven’t either realized or brought up the fact that the situation that you’re in is called ‘quid pro quo’,” The lawyer explained.
“Yes I know what ‘quid pro quo’ is counselor, we went to the same law school,” Rafael snarked. “And I graduated with higher honors than you,”
“Barba I’m here trying to help you out, I don’t know why you’re lashing out at me,” The lawyer now crossed his arms.
“Baby,” You put a hand on his. “Just let the man talk,”
“Right,” He nodded reluctantly. “Go on,”
“Like I was saying,” Mr. Fenkell pulled out papers from his briefcase. “I assume you and your fiancĂ©e here have been going along with the Mayor’s requests for fear of losing your job, correct?”
“I mean, not mine per say,” Rafael shrugged. “THAT would be illegal,”
“Right,” Mr. Fenkell nodded. “But everything he’s done thus far involving you and your fiancĂ©'s likeness entitles you to royalties, and dues for services,”
“Well, that is true,” Rafael nodded. “I’ve been so preoccupied with everything else I haven’t even stopped to think--”
“Which is exactly why I’m here,” Mr. Fenkell cut him off. “I figured a competent lawyer like yourself would realize when all the dust settles, that you were indeed entitled to a sum of money, and would therefore sue the Mayor after the fact,”
“Wow, that’s a lot of assuming on your part sir,” You laughed softly. “You really think Rafael is that shit of a--”
“I mean he is right,” Rafael finished for you.
“...Or I’m just an idiot,” You muttered.
“No, baby you’re not an idiot,” Rafael took your hand. “But we are entitled--YOU are entitled for some kind of compensation for all that you’ve done for the mayor--for me,”
“I thought my compensation was getting to marry you,” You smiled sweetly.
“Aww,” Mr. Fenkell remarked, causing an eye roll from the mayor.
“Right so--” Mr. Fenkell began laying papers filled with legal jargon on the desk in front of you and Rafael.
“This contract states that once we settle on a number, you won’t try and collect more from the mayor with some random claim like ‘emotional distress’ during your wedding, or events thereafter due to all of this,”
“...Trauma?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “You think that after everything I went through, I would classify this as trauma?”
“I mean theoretically you could, Ms. Y/L/N,” He nodded. “The emotional stress of reliving your trauma and trying to plan a wedding while on display for the whole city must be taking a toll on you right now, is it not?”
“...Well it wasn’t until you said it like that,” You muttered.
“Dammit Maxwell I told you, they were perfectly fine with--” The mayor began to pitch a fit.
“Oh no no no,” Rafael wagged a finger at the mayor. “Just because she’s ignorant of the--”
“Excuse you?” You crossed your arms at Rafael’s condescending tone.
“I mean, just because she doesn’t realize or recognize the emotional stress she’s under doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have it, and doesn’t deserve compensation” He looked to you apologetically while he re-worded the statement. You gave him an approving nod.
“Right well this is what this is for--”
“And what kind of price tag have you put on my fiance's feelings, counselor?”
“Well if you’ll peruse the contract, counselor
” Mr. Fenkell pointed to the bottom of the paper.
“This contract blah blah blah, no further seeking monetary blah blah blah
” Rafael spoke out loud as he scanned the document. Then suddenly, his eyes widened and he stopped reading, looking at you then Mr. Fenkell then the Mayor.
“...A million dollars?” He raised his eyebrow, skeptical.
“...What?” You gasped.
“....Each,” He added with a smile as he handed you the paper. You didn’t know a lot of the words, but in plain black and white you read: “...In the form of one million dollars per plaintiff,”
“I’m sorry, WHAT?” You said louder than you intended, but that was insane.
“That’s insane,” You said out loud. “I don’t need that kind--”
“Baby,” Rafael stopped you and pulled you slightly away from the mayor and his lawyer. “I know that you get antsy when good things happen to you, but you deserve this,”
“For what?!” You hissed. “For taking a few photos? For letting a camera crew in a church? Rafael I just--”
“...But think of everything before that, carino,”
“What, Nevada? That--” You shook your head.
“Wasn’t your fault,” Rafael finished.
“...Well it wasn’t the mayor’s fault either, Raffi,” You nodded at the mayor.
“But he is exploiting you for it,” Rafael pointed out.
“....True,” You nodded.
“Excuse you two, but I--” The mayor began to rant again.
“And if I may add,” Mr. Fenkell jumped in. “While Mr. Barba was worried about his job, you also had reason to be worried about it as well. Being as he is your only means of support,”
“Right now,” You quickly added.
“....Right,” Mr. Fenkell gave you a side eye. “Currently,”
Clearly this douchebag thought what everyone else must be thinking. That you were just marrying Rafael for his money. So that you could be a ‘kept’ woman. Well, he was about to learn that was the furthest thing from the truth.
“Alright then,” You finally said. “Then I want my share to go to Rafael, if we’re going to be married it’s his anyway,”
“No no no no, Nuh-uh,” Rafael shook his head. “Your share is your share,”
“...But I don’t want you to think that I’ve got some... ‘escape money’,” You gave him a sad look.
“Escape money?” He laughed. “Baby I told you, I think the last thing I should be worried about is you leaving me,”
“....Also true,” You nodded with a soft smile. You sure as hell had not gotten this far working this hard to ‘get’ Rafael to just give him up. Ever.
“Okay then, do I tell you where I want the money to go or do I do it myself?” You asked Mr. Fenkell.
“...You already have plans for it?” Mr. Fenkell asked you. “...Didn’t you just say you didn’t want it? Why would you--”
“Just answer the question,” You said flatly.
“I mean Mr. Barba could just draw up the contracts and paperwork for you to transfer your funds wherever you--”
“But Mr. Barba is my husband, not my lawyer,” You cut him off. “...And I’d like to keep that way,” You looked over at who Rafael looked at you in confusion.
"Not Mixing business and pleasure," You smirked.
“Right,” Mr. Fenkell nodded as pulled out a legal pad and a pen. “Well I can make a list of where you want to divert the funds and we’ll go from there,”
“Okay,” You took a deep breath. “Well, first of all-- obviously,” You took Rafael’s hand. “I want to pay off the rest of my time at Julliard,”
“That’s unnecessary, carino--”
“Yeah I know you say that Rafael, but I was going there before I met you and it’s not your respon--”
“It’s already paid for, in full,” He spoke over you.
“...What?” You asked him with a breathy voice. When did he have time to do that?! WHY-wait.
“But I’m going to need an extra semester since I’m taking the rest of this one off,” You said softly as you glanced at the other two in shame. You still felt guilty about Rafael having to basically babysit you for the past few weeks.
“Yeah I figured that.” He nodded with a smile, stroking your cheek. “It’s all taken care of, carino,”
“...Alright fine then I want to pay it back,” You insisted.
“No,” He shook his head. “Absolutely not,”
“Rafael come on--”
“NO,” He repeated sternly. “I won’t take it,”
“....Alright, fine,” You rolled your eyes. “Then I want a chunk to go to abuela--”
“No I have them covered too,” He shook his head. “And they are definitely NOT your responsibility. And before you say next that you want it to go to Maria, she will never accept it. We're too proud of a people," He smiled teasingly.
“...Fine,” You sighed in frustration. “THEN I want a chunk of it to go to opening a drama center,” You crossed your arms and looked at Rafael. “Any objections to that, counselor?”
“...A drama center?” He looked at you curiously.
“Look,” You took both of his hands. “I know you couldn’t-- your mom didn’t want you---” You took another breath, trying to figure out exactly what to say. “...You had to give up your dream to take care of your family,”
” He took your hand.
“And my parents, they spent all the money we had on dance lessons, acting lessons, all of it. On ME. Just so that I could live my dream,” You continued. “Kids should be able to dream their dreams without their parents having to worry about money to do so,”
“But...your dream, Y/N. You want to be on Broadway. How are you gonna fit--” He started to speak but you were nowhere near done with your speech.
“Baby my dream was selfish,” You shook your head. “I wanted to be famous for the wrong reasons. To be adored by the world, to be loved by everyone. But, now I know the only person’s love I care about, is yours,” You stroked his face.
“If I open this place then I can still use my talents as a teacher, helping kids like us. I told your mom that when I met you, you made me a better person, that you made me want to be better. I want that to be true. I need that to be true,” You finally finished with a small smile, tears lined Rafael’s eyes.
“You are the best person I know, mi amor,” He pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “I think the center is a great idea,”
“Good,” You smiled. “And
.I want to name it the Y/L/N-Barba Drama Center,”
“....Well obviously after you,” He nodded.
“No,” You shook your head. “After you. And my parents. Because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have found you, and you gave me everything I’ve ever wanted,”
“I love you,” He beamed at you as he kissed you deeply.
“...And on that note,” You turned back to Mr. Fenkell who looked wildly uncomfortable by your little cutesy side conversation.
“I want the rest to be split between a savings account for me, and the other half into a trust,”
“A trust?” Mr. Fenkell asked as he wrote down your wishes.
“A trust for our children,” You smiled at Rafael. “My parents spent so much money so that I could live my dream. I think it’s only fair I do the same for them; especially when I have the means to do it,”
“See those redneck shithead Jersians have no idea what they’re talking about,” He pressed his forehead against yours. “You are not selfish, not at all,”
“Thanks to you,” You pressed your own forehead against his like a love head butt.
“....Okay, so is there anywhere else you’d like it to go, Ms. Y/N?” Mr. Fenkell said rather loudly, trying once again to remind you there were other people in the room. People who were not amused with your disgustingly cute conversations.
“Um, no I think that’s good,” You nodded.
“Split up mine the same way, Max,” Rafael added.
“Rafael you don’t need to--” You started to protest but he put a finger to your mouth.
“I have money,” He assured you. “I have enough money to take care of us for the rest of our lives. This money should go somewhere that represents the both of us, and our love,”
“Can we please for the love of God just end this, please?” The mayor groaned. “If I have to sit here and watch you word vomit your love all over this office, I might actually vomit,”
“Right,” Rafael rolled his eyes. “Well gentlemen you know where to find us,” He grabbed the pen and signed one of the contracts then handed it to you and you did the same.
“Now if you’ll excuse us we’re going to ‘love vomit’ all over each other now,” He smirked as he handed back the papers. Mr. Fenkell and The mayor nodded as they walked out.
“Well, what do you want to do now?” Rafael wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“As tempting as that sounds, I have another request mi amor,” You played with the hair on the back of his knuckles with a soft voice.
“Anything for you pinguino,”
“Well I mean, you have some pull over there,” You nodded outside towards the courthouse that was attached to the DA's office by a hallway.
“...Why, do you need parking tickets dismissed or something? Did I agree to marry a felon?” He teased you.
“No,” You giggled. “But I would like to skip the ‘name changing’ line,” You pulled him closer as his smile grew bigger.
“I don’t think that’s what they call it, but I appreciate the sentiment,” He kissed you as you both walked towards the door of his office and out into the lobby.
“We’ll be back, Tommy,” He told his assistant.
“Right sir,” He nodded.
“This way to the ‘name changing line’, pinguino,” He smirked as you walked down the hall towards the courthouse.
--An Hour Later--
You and Rafael walked out of the courthouse and down the steps hand in hand as you pulled the two papers from his hands. One was a marriage license, and one was a form that was filled with boring legal jargon but at the bottom was printed: “Legal Name: Mrs. Y/F/N Barba,” with your new signature on the dotted line.
“Mrs. Rafael Barba,” You smiled as you looked at the paper.
“Oh no no no,” Rafael shook his head with a laugh. “That sounds like you’re my property, pinguino,”
“True,” You nodded with a teasing smile.
“...So why the sudden urgency to change your name, carino?” He asked as you walked down the street hand in hand. “Not that I’m complaining. I'd be lying if I said just looking at your name with my last name makes me giddy,”
“Giddy?” You gave him a look.
“Yeah, I said it. Giddy,” He laughed.
“...I don’t know, it was something that my therapist said,” You shrugged.
“...And what did she say?” He asked you skeptically.
“She said,” You sighed and pulled Rafael out of the flow of traffic of people.
“She said that women who don’t take their husband's last names had one foot out the door of the marriage before even going in,” You looked up at him with soft eyes. “And I don’t want you to think that I am any less than 100% sure of my love for you, and the rest of our lives together,”
“Well, first of all I’d like to see her marriage to divorce ratios based on that assumption,” He rolled his eyes. “And second-- I appreciate the sentiment baby, I really do. Just as long as you did it for you, and not because your therapist guilted you into it,”
“She didn’t,” You assured him. “I did this for me. For us,”
“Well then Mrs. Barba,” He took your hand once again with a huge smile. “Let’s grab some dinner, shall we?” He asked in a melodramatic, fancy tone.
“We shall, Mr. Barba,” You answered in the same tone, making both of you giggle like school kids.
Now all that was left to do was actually get married!
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infinitegalahad · 4 years ago
Borhap Boys As Sugar Daddies
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(reposted bc it was disappearing from the tags😭)
hey guys!! I wanna apolgoize for the disappearance, school is ✹madness✹ luv. so I've decided to try something new. But I promise I'm working on requests (and a bunch of new ideas). I love all of the borhap boys (bc they are babiesđŸ„ș) so this might become a little series of head canons! no major warnings, just lots of fluff and some suggestive material. also reader is gender neutral (boy, girl, whatever you what it my dudes!) why not mix my fav trope and boys all in...one fic😳😳 anyways hope you guys enjoy!! I would love some feedback for future reference
Masterlist (requests are welcomed!)
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Rami Malek-
Number one that gif of him...need I say more? đŸ„°
I’m sick of how ya’ll sleep on Rami!! I’m gonna give him tons of love
He would be one of the most affectionate sugar daddy’s tbh
Certainly would spoil the HECK out of you
Whether it be paying off your bills or lavish trips to Greece, Rami always has your back
You never had to pay a SINGLE PENNY when you were around him
Being with Rami, you were a changed person
Your fashion game went UPPPP
Like chanel perfume, all designer clothes, nice handbags, you NAME IT
”Rami, I’m not buying a five hundred dollar shirt from Theory.” ”What do you mean? It would look so good on you, sweetheart.”
Yes, Rami bought you the shirt
You two were at a vinyl place and you saw a limited edition queen vinyl
He buys it (and basically 10+ vinyls you love)
This man is omfg i loveee himâŁïž
Little sneak kisses to your forehead
Seeing you smile as you shop and blush at his complaints makes him so freaking happy HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH
He would take you shopping at the best stores
“I would be fine at a target, y’know” as you look around a Gucci store
Rami would snake an arm around your waist as he cooed into your ear, “My baby deserves the best, and nothing but the best
What started out as an arrangement turned into a genuine relationship
When looking for a sugarbaby, Rami was simply looking for company (and someone to spoil the heck out of)
In all truth, he was simply a lonely guy who simply wanted someone to make happy, and made himself happy in the process
Wherever you guys would go, he would always wanna hold your hand and be close to you bc he’s scared of loosing someone he’s made a connection with
And i’m totally not crying as I write this
Both of you were in dark places when you first met
Rami showed how much he truly cared about you
If you called him all upset, he would SPEED over with whatever you needed whether it be pizza or emotional support
Sitting on your couch, his arm wrapped around yours as you vented about your problems
Rami had convinced you to drop your job and come live with him because he’s a KING!!
”Angel, you’re not gonna have to worry about anymore.” ”What do you mean?”
You ended up quitting your job and moving in with him
What turned into an arrangement became an intimate relationship
The sex between you to was AMAZING
it was VERY intimate
It started off slow but would get increasingly rougher god I hate what I said
Rami would always check up and you and NEVER go past your limits
It would end with the two of you cuddling in bed
Let’s just say you never had to worry about your bills ever again😎😎
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Gwilym Lee-
my love for this man? ENDLESS
Seriosuly gwilym lee HAVE MY CHILDERN
anyways to the pLOT
Gwilym is the sexiest and cutest man alive
The sugar daddy that will bring you EVERYWHERE HE GOES
He’s such a gentlemen
Like all relationships start, it was more of an arrangement then a relationship
Your job was to escort Gwilym at all these events as “company”
Gwilym would send a bunch of nice items and a driver to bring you to the location
”Hope you like this ❀ xxx”   “Treat yourself! 😘xxx”
Like mister I-😳😳
Gwilym is literally such a sweet person
Whenever you were spotted with him, you would get thousands of compliemnts/questions
”You’re with Gwilym! So lucky!”
”That necklace is to kill for! Did Gwilym give it to you?”
”Teach my your ways!”
Whenever you’re at these events all these people give you evil stares
Your like👁👄👁 “is Gwilym a playboy??”
Gwilym is all like “what do you mean?? đŸ„șOf course not! Your the only one that matters to me right now”
He’s such a king we LOVE HIM
Spontaneous trips to France and Italy
Gwilym and you grow super close
Also your dates would range from fancy galas for Gwilym’s works or peaceful book/poetry readings
He LOVES books and always takes you to bookstores and gives his best recommendations
He literally turns into an english teacher while overanalyzing books
”The greenlight in Green Gatbsy is such a crucial symbol”
”Jane Austen is one of the best feminist writers, she was so ahead of her time!”
You wanna be annoyed but can’t
The two of you would lie in bed together
You would be slouched against his body as he stroked your hair, reading to you in that accent
As much as you love your gentlemen, you get him into the wacky world of ninety day fiance
”This looks like trash...I’m going to watch every minute of it!”
You guys order chinese food and watch this obsessviely for six hours
I know this is meant to be fluffy but why not add some đŸŒ¶
Sex with you and Gwil is like ✹fireworks✹
He would make sure you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day let’s just say😉
He would have to carry you around and kiss your head, saying “You're so adorable, poppet” or “Don’t strain your legs, Cariad!”
”My anwylyd” (Welsh for dearest)
Would 100% write you romantic poems (over text and in paper)
And yes he WOULD dramatically read them to youđŸ˜€đŸ˜€âœŒđŸœ
He would always greet you with the most over the top nicknames like “Good morning cariad!” or “Sit there and act pretty, my beloved”
hi mr lee please make me your sugar baby
Gwilym is your sugar daddy but also your sweet, book loving man
He loves seeing you happy so in return, you make him happy💓💓
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Joe Mazzello-
This one is a wildcard ladies and gays!! 😌😌
Joe definitely does not strike you as a sugar daddy
He seems more like your boyfriend than anything else
The two of you were inseparable
After dinner Joe would take you to a karaoke bar or for ice cream
After the first date you started calling him Joey
Drunken duets to cheesy 80’s romance songs
The two of you would sing your hearts out before vomiting from the copious ammouts of ice cream and vodka
With Joe it’s eithier mcdonalds or Nobu in TriBeCa
Mr.Mazello has range😌✹
This dude is the ceo of cheesy nicknames
”Yes my little lover muffin!”
”What is it cutie patootie?”
”You look amazing buttercup!”
“What’s up, hot stuff?”
In public he calls you “baby” or “lover” dw he saves you from public embarrassment 
You know that meme of will smith and his wife? That is basically you and Joe
My love for his man is infinite
Joe is super clingy
Hand holding and lots of PDA
He wants people to know that your his sugar babyđŸ˜€đŸ˜€đŸ’“
he will always send texts like
”miss you baby💓💗💓💗!”
”can you grab milk from the store pls??”
”Joe, it’s been a day.”
He has so many photos of you in his camera roll
You are his lockscreen😔💓
The ceo’s of amazing instagram photos, whether it be you wearing a burger king crown at Burger King or You guys kissing on a boat with the Italian sunset on a private boat
Captions would be could “my favorite fairytale is our love story” or “yasss queen slay it!”
It’s cringey but god Joe is so adorable
A combination of a child and gentleman ALL IN ONE
All of his friends are like “you guys HAVE to be dating!’
It’s suppose to be nothing more than an arrangement right?
I mean the two of you were living with eachother and he dropped all of this other sugar babies for you
The two of you are master chefs minus the one time Joe burned mac and cheese and set the stove on fire
Also not to get smutty but the sex between you two? Like
Straight up RAMMING to sweet pillowtalk
Anyways Joe being your sugar daddy would definitely not be a bad thing at all😘
Always exchange those “I love you’s” 💕✹
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Ben Hardy-
When first seeing Ben on your sugar daddy app, you were 100% intimidated
But upon meeting him, this tough dude was a PUPPYđŸ„șâŁïž
On the first date he bought you flowers and gave you a hug
“Y/n, right?”
“That’s me!”
“I just wanted to say you look stunning, love.”
You were wearing jeans and literally smiled so much
You know this date was going to go VERY WELL NOWđŸ˜©âœŒđŸœâœš
Instead of a fancy restaurant, Ben took you to a stroll around London
Whatever clothes you wanted? He got it
Whatever cafe you wanted to stop at? Buy all the tea/coffee and pastries you want
Hotel? Trivago
The two of you walked around the city, hand and hand as you got to know eachother
You ended up walking around the city for five hours up until midnight
You laughed and talked about thousands of things
In confusion, you had to see Ben again
As Ben walked you back to your place, you smiled at him,
”I’d like to do that again.”
”Call me when you want, y/n.”
So your “dates” became more frequent
Ben had the best ideas for dates
Dinners at small Italian places, walking around a museum, or just sitting in his place and watching mindless television
He made sure to spoil you
With gifts, literally and figurreitly
Sex was a large piece in your arrangeemnt
But it was not the only thing in your relationship
And it was!! Amazing!!
”You’re so fucking beautiful” as he would kiss your forehead and dive straight into it đŸ„ș😳
Not only could that man be A BEAST but an absolute sweetheart
Everyday you looked forward to not only getting paid by him, but just talking to him for hours on end
He would stay up for hours just to talk to you, whether it be about your lives or anything
and that ladies and gays is a dedicated MAN
No matter what, Ben always found a way to touch you
He always had his hand on the chair behind you or your thigh
You guys would have pillowforts and nerf fun battles together
It would always end with a cuddle session
Frankie would be skeptcial but love you!!
You guys got so close that he took you on a trip to the greek islands AND PROPOSED!! LIKE!! YES!!😌😌😌
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r3almellow · 5 years ago
MLQC Boys And The Domestic Life
I kept this as PG-13 as possible.  You guys know I can be a little...naughty with my HC’s but I know that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I try not to do too much. I apologize if you were hoping something else! Apologies for the typos and such! 
Warning: Slight Spoilers for those who know nothing about their backstories or current events!
Kiro’s life is crazy enough as it is, so coming home to you is a nice change of pace. No cameras flashing in his face, no overly excited fans, and no manager to hound him about what he can and can’t eat. It’s just you and him just the way he likes it.
Your boy is a gamer and will always try to pull you into whatever he’s playing. 
He will buy a lot of two player games just so you can play with him. 
If its a single player game you enjoy watching him play! He’ll even offer to teach you how to play!
Since he’s also a huge fan of comics he’ll talk your ear off about them! 
Bonus points if you’re a comic book lover and/or a gamer too! 
Will fall even more in love with you if you go out of your way to buy things he’s interested in. 
“I got you this limited edition Iron Man statue! Like it?” 
He’ll marry you right then and there! 
Kiro is very playful so expect tons of play fights! Tickle fights, pillow fights, and wrestling which...turns into....you know....
Kiro enjoys going grocery shopping with you. Of course he has to be in disguise in order to shop with you in peace, but he enjoys the company while he buys things that would get him into trouble with Savin. 
However, Savin has nothing to worry about when it comes to Kiro’s eating habits, because while you’re pretty lenient with Kiro and often him join his mischievous activities, you do a great job with following his diet routine. 
You’ll sometimes join him on his diets to support him. Its hard on you, especially when the sight of french fries makes your mouth water. 
“See, honey, drinking a protein shake isn’t so bad!” 
“But I want a milkshake, barbecued ribs and a nice juicy burger!!!!” Poor baby just wants to eat!
You’re normally the one that cooks mainly because Kiro never has time to do it himself and almost always settles for something quick or whatever his nutritionist shoves down his throat.  If he does have time off you both cook together. 
If Kiro ends up breaking his diet you join him on his workouts. Kiro doesn’t mind because there’s something about you being all sweaty and panting heavily that really gets him going. 
 “I’m sweaty and gross...” 
“What a coincidence?! I’m all sweaty and gross too! Lets take a shower together.” 
In the bedroom, Kiro is definitely a cuddler and it doesn’t matter who cuddles first as long as he can feel you against him. 
Because of his busy schedule Kiro becomes extremely needy. Both in the sexual and non-sexual sense. He hates being away from you for too long and calls you almost everyday while he’s away. 
He’ll be in the middle of rehearsals while FaceTiming you and Savin is like “BOY IF YOU DON’T STOP WITH THAT PUPPY LOVE BS AND FINISH THIS DANCE NUMBER I’LL...” 
If your relationship isn’t public yet, Kiro won’t do too much, but he will steal kisses when he thinks no one is looking. You two have been caught fooling around by Savin a few times, which always ends with him scolding you both. 
He wants the world to know how much he loves you and will continue to broadcast it until hell freezes over. 
Will put his fans in their place if they try anything with you. Your sunshine ain’t afraid to lay down the law!
Top 3 Pet Names: Miss Chips, Honey, and Cutie. Honorable Mention: Cookie
As you know, Gavin’s upbringing wasn’t exactly the best and seeing what his mom went through, he never wants to put you through that. 
This man practically worships you! You’re everything he’s ever wanted in a partner so he’ll do anything to keep you in his life and happy. 
Casual dates. Nothing too fancy unless its a special occasion like a birthday or maybe....a wedding proposal?! 
Aside from that, Gavin’s pretty simple and often lets you take the lead which you find infuriating since you want him to have some sort of input in decision making when it comes to little things.
Gavin is the cook of the household mainly because you think he’s the better cook. If you make such claims, Gavin will always say that he prefers to eat whatever you make.
In bed, Gavin likes to hold you tightly from behind with his faced buried in your hair. His favorite position is where you’re hugging him and he has his head pressed against your chest. Its easier to hear your heartbeat that way. 
If you stroke his hair while holding him then he’s a goner. He’ll be out like a light and you’ll just watch how adorable he looks sleeping against you.
Days where you’re both home are referred to as “Lazy Days.” You’ll sit around, do absolutely nothing, and enjoy each other’s company. You may wash Sparky after its gone through a full week of riding through the city, but sometimes the laziness is just too strong. 
Doesn’t help when Gavin has you in his arms. The entire day can escape you when you’re in such a comfortable position. 
As for PDA, this man doesn’t care who’s watching! If he feels like kissing you then he’ll kiss you and he’s all about hand holding. If you’re uncomfortable with such gestures then he’ll refrain from doing so.
Until you say otherwise, you will be getting a lot of affection out in the open! If people glare, then he’ll just glare right back and go back to loving on you. 
Being in love with you and not caring what people think isn’t a crime, right?! 
Obviously, he won’t do anything too wild, but Gavin can be a bit mischievous when he wants to be. 
He’s not as bad as Kiro in the cheeky department, but a lot of the “accidental” touches aren’t accidents at all! 
Always your protector. Is always up for kicking someone’s ass if they look at you funny. He’d go to jail for you or...at least make whatever he’s about to do look like an accident.
Clingy Baby #2!
When he’s gone for long periods of time, he clings on to you and never lets you go once he returns. 
Holding you in his arms while you’re trying to cook, casually playing with your hands as the two of you watch TV, and heated make out sessions that often end in a night of passion. 
No one would have guessed Gavin could turn into a touch starved crazy man. But could you blame him? The things he has to go through on missions really puts him in a mood. He needs your love and affection after a long mission. 
Prefers to spoil you instead of the other way around, but let’s you pamper him. He hasn’t been shown any form of affection since his mother died, so bare with him! 
Gavin has never told you this outright, but you’re the closest thing to a home he has ever had in a very long time. Wherever you are, he wants to be right by your side. 
Top 3 Pet Names:  Babe/Baby, Beautiful, and Angel
Victor loves taking you out whether its to nice restaurants or out of the country. 
Has no problem dropping thousands on you because you deserve the world. You’ll have to tell him to calm down with how much he spoils you, but he most likely won’t listen. 
Of course he’s not completely insane and has some level of restraint. 
Ever the professional, there is a difference between how Victor treats you at work compared to when you’re home. 
He always wants you to be at your best and doesn’t want you slacking off just because you’re with him.  
At home, Victor is a way more affectionate with you. The first few times he pulled you in for a loving embrace or a kiss, you had to do a double take. This isn’t the cold-hearted CEO who picked a part your report and verbally ripped it to shreds just hours before!
Victor does most of the cooking, but if you want to help him he won’t complain. Just listen to the directions he gives you and he won’t critique you.
He does appreciate it when you cook for him. Sometimes you’ll wake up before him just to prepare a nice breakfast and his heart just swells at the sight of you doing your best to make scrambled eggs. 
“Its a little runny, but edible.” Wow...thank’s, honey. 
Victor loves taking you to Souvenir so he can cook for you. Lunch dates and dinner dates are sometimes had there. 
Sleeping wise, Victor will entwine his fingers with yours and hold your hand over his chest as he sleeps on his back and you sleep on your side. He will never admit it, but he’s a big fan of being the big spoon especially after a night of intimacy. 
Will teach you French if you ask! Will sometimes tease you by throwing out random French phrases and if you figure out what he says he’ll give you a reward!
Your man is a workaholic! You sometimes have to convince him to sleep after he spends countless hours working. Even on his days off his eyes are either glued to his phone or his computer. 
He’ll be reluctant, but he’ll drop whatever he’s doing if you’re adamant about him getting rest or spending time with you.  
If he’s already in bed looking over paperwork you can just snuggle up to him to distract him from what he’s doing. Of course he’ll complain, but all of that stops the minute he wraps his arms around you. 
Victor isn’t one for too much PDA, but he will do small things. 
For example, you’ll be at a company event, he’ll squeeze your hand gently and kiss the back of it just to see you blush.
Speaking of events, you attend all of the banquets with him. Everyone knows who you are and who you’re with. They won’t dare try any funny business with you.
 There is a big part of him that likes to brag about you to his business associates. 
“They saved a dying company through hard work and determination, has to deal with me on a daily basis, and continues to persevere even when the odds are against them. They’re one of a kind.” 
Top 3 Pet Names: Idiot/Dummy, Dear and Darling(Victor normally uses nicknames when you’re in an intimate setting and very rarely) 
Ever since he was young Lucien has known nothing but hardships and just how cruel and twisted the world was. 
Having you in his life really changes his perspective on the world. Who would have thought that a man like him would have someone as precious as you in his life?
Your dates consist of art exhibits, aquariums, and picnics in the park. Honestly Lucien prefers private and more intimate dates with you. It gives him a chance to learn more about you and to really focus on you without the distraction of the outside world. 
You cook together and its pretty much a perfect balance. You learn different recipes together and think of it as a bonding experience.
You often visit him on campus for lunch dates and to work on whatever project you’ve roped him into. 
You’re not sure why, but his students practically adore you. You’ve heard them whisper about your future with the popular professor. Talks of marriage often fills the room whenever they catch wind of you being on campus for the day. 
You find it embarrassing, but Lucien only laughs off the murmurs of his students. 
They have active imaginations, but he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t think of spending the rest of his life with you.
Lucien is fine with PDA. He’ll hold your hand and give you gentle kisses. He’ll tease you a lot!! There’s never a time where he doesn’t have you blushing. 
He enjoys catching you off guard! Lucien will even go as far as to steal a quick kiss while you’re rambling about how much stress you’re under with work. 
Lucien’s favorite thing to do with you is to relax in a nice warm bubble bath. It only turns steamy 70% of the time but Lucien truly enjoys little intimate moments like that with you. 
When it comes to sleeping, Lucien really likes it when you’re sleeping against him with your head on his chest and he has an arm around your torso.
He also likes listening to your steady breaths as you sleep. There’s something soothing about how calm you sound in your most vulnerable state. He sleeps a thousand times better when you’re with him.  
Lucien appreciates how accepting you are of him despite the fact that he’s done a lot of harm in the past. 
You trust that Lucien will never hurt you and while he knows this, he sometimes feels like he has a lot to prove. 
Deceiving you is his biggest regret and if you continue to love him, Lucien will devote his life to making you happy.
Top 3 Pet Names: My Little Fool, Love, and Silly
Done! I really hope you like it! Want to read more of my stuff?! Please go to my MLQC masterlist here!
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