#hazardous area design training
The Crucial Contribution of Engineers in Hazardous Area Design and Planning
In the realm of industrial infrastructure, there exists a critical domain where precision, knowledge, and expertise converge to ensure safety amidst potential dangers – hazardous areas. These zones, fraught with risks ranging from explosive atmospheres to flammable gases, demand meticulous planning and design. At the heart of this endeavor lie engineers, armed with specialized training and certifications like those offered in courses such as the Certificate IV in Hazardous Areas (UEE42622), particularly sought after in places like Perth, where industrial activities thrive. In this blog, we'll delve into the pivotal role engineers play in hazardous area design and planning and the importance of rigorous training and certification in this field.
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Understanding Hazardous Areas:
Before delving into the role of engineers, it's essential to grasp the essence of hazardous areas. These zones are characterized by the presence of substances such as gases, vapors, dust, or liquids, which can pose significant risks if not handled with care. In such environments, even a minor spark can lead to catastrophic consequences, making it imperative to mitigate potential hazards through meticulous design and planning.
The Engineer's Expertise:
Engineers, particularly those specialized in Hazardous Areas Electrical, are the vanguards in ensuring the safety and integrity of industrial installations. Their expertise encompasses a broad spectrum of knowledge, including understanding explosive atmospheres, risk assessment, equipment selection, and compliance with regulatory standards. Through their proficiency, engineers can identify potential hazards, devise effective mitigation strategies, and implement robust safety measures.
Hazardous Area Training and Certification:
Central to an engineer's competence in hazardous area design is comprehensive training and certification. Courses like the Certificate IV in Hazardous Areas (UEE42622) provide aspiring engineers with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate these complex environments safely. In locations like Perth, where industrial activities are prevalent, such certifications are highly valued, as they demonstrate proficiency in ensuring compliance with stringent safety regulations.
Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
One of the primary responsibilities of engineers in hazardous area design is conducting thorough risk assessments. By identifying potential hazards and evaluating their likelihood and consequences, engineers can develop tailored mitigation strategies. This may involve selecting appropriate equipment, implementing safety protocols, and establishing zoning classifications to minimize risks effectively.
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Compliance with Regulatory Standards:
In the realm of hazardous areas, adherence to regulatory standards is non-negotiable. Engineers play a pivotal role in ensuring that industrial installations comply with relevant codes and regulations, such as the Australian standards for hazardous area classification and electrical installations. By staying abreast of evolving standards and guidelines, engineers can uphold the highest safety standards and mitigate legal and operational risks.
Integration of Technological Innovations:
As technology continues to advance, engineers are at the forefront of integrating innovative solutions into hazardous area design and planning. From advanced monitoring systems to smart sensors and automation, these technological advancements not only enhance safety but also optimize efficiency and productivity in hazardous environments. Engineers adept at leveraging these technologies can create safer and more sustainable industrial installations.
Continuous Improvement and Adaptation:
The landscape of hazardous area design is dynamic, with new challenges emerging and evolving regulatory frameworks. Therefore, engineers must embrace a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation. Through ongoing training, professional development, and collaboration with industry peers, engineers can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that their designs remain at the forefront of safety and innovation.
In the intricate tapestry of industrial infrastructure, hazardous areas stand as a testament to the delicate balance between risk and safety. Engineers, armed with specialized training and certifications like the Certificate IV in Hazardous Areas (UEE42622), Hazardous Areas Design and Planning or Hazardous Areas Classification and Design play a pivotal role in designing and planning these critical spaces. Through their expertise, dedication, and commitment to safety, engineers ensure that industrial installations not only operate efficiently but also safeguard lives and the environment. As hazardous area design continues to evolve, the role of engineers remains indispensable in shaping a safer and more resilient future.
v Read More:
What are the key components of nationally accredited training in hazardous area classification and design?
What are the primary challenges and opportunities associated with implementing stand-alone power systems?
What are the top 10 common mistakes that individuals should avoid when setting up solar grid-connected systems?
What are some common types of hazardous area equipment, and how are they typically utilized in industrial settings?
What are the key requirements and procedures for conducting an EEHA audit and ensuring compliance with AS/NZS 3000:2018 standards?
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enchantedanimal · 8 months
Introducing the M-V Headgear Technology System.
A Federation workers' muzzle and visor concept/headcanon (featuring Fred).
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More information can be found within the following document.
A Federation Handguide to the M-V Headgear Technology System (MVHTS)
The "M-V Headgear Technology System" is made up of two main components: "Muzzles" and "Visors".
Muzzles were implemented as a safety measure. Due to incidents in the past, muzzles started to be used to prevent cases of biting. Some more common cases involved circumstances of a sudden "Polar Bear Syndrome" instance or an agitated worker. Since muzzles were introduced, cases rapidly declined and ceased to exist, and thus it became the standard and requirement for all federation workers to wear them in their daily lives to prevent any future incidents or casualties.
Visors are important in assisting workers. A transparent electronic screen on the inside allows for an overlay to be applied in real time of what they see. This allows the user to get general identifying information, statuses, and Federation notes such as warrants or warnings when looking at residents, coworkers, threats, enemies, or the environment. This also helps with training new members, as the screen shows names of individuals as well as tasks. Physically, a thick uv resistent lens provides protection from hazards, stray particles, and the sun.
When muzzles are used in combination to the visor, this allows an additional barrier of separation between the workers and the residents. Both equipment hides any indication of emotional expression by the user and prevents unnecessary relations with others, especially island residents. This is intended for physical, emotional, and mental protection of employees, as well as keeping professionalism.
Removing the M-V Headgear Technology System
If the headgear needs to be taken off, employees can enter a break room. Upon entering, a sensor in the doorway allows the locking mechanism in the back to be unlocked. The lock can then be opened, and the headgear can be removed. An attempt to leave without the gear fassened or locked will alert a superior.
Note: in recent events of employing residents (such as W0039 or "Foolish"), all workers should be more cautious of their surroundings before removing their MVHTS, even if in a break room. It's recommended that no headgear should be removed if any resident is within the building or area.
In case of emergency without easy access to a break room, users should squeeze both top and bottom buttons located on the back lock in unison for a few seconds, allowing the straps be unlocked and the device to be removed. However this method should ONLY be used in absolute emergencies. When unlocked, the headset itself will make a loud beeping noise and notify a superior.
Employees seen without their M-V headgear outside of a break room that do not have the proper clearance should be reported immediately. It should also be reported if a resident sees an employee without their headgear. Attempts to avoid being around residents while not wearing a visor, especially a muzzle, should be made at all costs as it is strictly against the rules.
While these components are highly sturdy, should any of them become heavily damaged, you should notify your nearest supervisor immediately. A temporary backup should be provided as soon as possible.
Other MVHTS Details
- In regards to WA01, aka the Census Bureau, or "Cucurucho", their muzzle is different from the others due to it's modification. A voice mod and speakers are built into it, allowing for communication with residents and fellow workers. It's also fitted with a smile design (":]") to appear more friendly and recognizable when speaking to residents. Cucurucho is the only worker to not have a visor. Do not make any reference to the appearance of their eyes in front of them.
- The only other speaking worker currently around, WS01 or "Elena", also has a muzzle fitted with a speaker and voice mod. However unlike him, she does wear a visor.
- All muzzle and visor designs are usually very fairly to each other, but as they are specially made, some are different shapes mostly depending on the form of the users face. However requests for sharper/rounder headgear are considered and can be made.
- All M-V systems of Federation workers are primarily white/light grey.
- Only the front-most "mouth" mesh is flexible enough for a straw or liquid to permiate it, allowing for drinks on the job.
- Mesh designs can vary, especially depending on the rank of the employee.
- Each lock on the back is fitted with a dim light. The color of the light differs depending on the employee/rank. For example, WC construction workers have primarily orange or yellow lights, WB workers assigned to guarding and authority have white lights, and WA workers, such as WA02, have a blue light. The higher the rank, the more likely that they may have a more unique color. Elena has a pink light and Cucurucho is an exception as they do not have a light on theirs. Lights are never red as that is reserved for indicating that the headset is unlocked or unfastened. If any workers' lights not amitting light, they should be advised immediately or be reported to a supervisor.
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purplealmonds · 4 months
Observations about Mononoke Karakasa characters & relationships based on costuming & color palettes
Let's guess who these girls' parents are and see where this rabbit hole takes us!
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Analysis below the cut! This isn't spoilers as much as it is just going over publicly available information with a fine tooth comb but proceed with caution. Buckle in, this is gonna be a long one!
Based on the color palette of their outfits, these two girls featured in the second trailer at the 0:17 timestamp are the twin daughters of Hokuto Mizorogi (溝呂木北斗) as indicated on his bio on the official website.
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Given Mizorogi's status as priest of the "Omizu-sama" faith, it's entirely possibly he's given special privileges within the ooku to father a child.
According to Japanese geisha culture, their half-painted lips indicate that they are children. They partially shaved their heads is reminiscent of a nun's makes sense given their religious parentage. Two context clues combined, I believe they are priestesses-in-training - a position which is higher than even that of the most favored concubines.
Supporting this theory, these twins have a very high position of power in the Ooku despite their youth, as seen by them being at the front of the procession featured in the teaser trailer at the 0:07 timestamp. They also have uniquely colored umbrellas:
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As an aside – given how most of the spiral-masked women are visually identical, uniquely colored outfits are a visual shorthand for status (or narrative significance) in the ooku.
And I believe they are the gatekeepers for the, uhhhh, how do I put this delicately? The shogun's baby-making room? Take this with a grain of salt though; I could only see a sliver of the room they were opening in the first screenshot. The colors seem fairly similar though!
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But also consider: this babymaking room has a lot of eye motifs, which is reflected in the pit seen in the ceremonial area where I presume Mizorogi presumably performs his religious services:
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The third trailer introduces the theme of discarding essential parts of yourself. There is a shot of the comb falling into a pool of water in an unknown location:
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Paired with the visual of the comb lying amongst discarded valuables in the water in the second trailer, I'm going to hazard a guess this is a common "ritual" of sorts:
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I'm willing to bet Mizorogi enforces this "identity discarding" ceremony on behalf of the shogun. It says in his character bio he's a strong believer of "Omizu-sama". Did he discard his role as a father to step into the role as a the priest?
Their mother may be Kitagawa (北川), a high ranking maid within the Ooku.
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The twins' hair and eye colors look similar enough, but there's more meat to this theory. Kitagawa seems to be a narratively important character based on how heavily she's featured in the trailers in increasingly angsty/mysterious ways:
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Perhaps Kitagawa "gave away" her motherhood to the waters, which has religious baptism connotations. This hypothetical scenario feels rife with mononoke-formation potential.
Furthermore, from costume design standpoint, she also shares the blue and teal colors featured in Mizorogi's outfit.
As for her purple accents, I believe it is a color reserved for the higher-ranking women of the ooku.
I have a theory that the darker a color is, the higher the status is. Consider:
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Asa (Left), who is a new maid but has a lot of potential for upwards mobility.
Tokita Fuki (時田フキ) (Center)), a lowly commoner who caught the attention of the shogun. Because she's a commoner, the purple is faded despite her high status, perhaps representing that it will disappear once she loses the shogun's favor. But because the rose pattern is almost a one-to-one match to that of Mizorogi's, perhaps she is strongly favored by this man as well.
Awashima (Right), the subordinate of Utayama, who is falling out of favor as Asa rises in prominence. There are still pops of dark purple, but a washed out lavendar permeates her palette.
Both Tokita and Awashima also have highly saturated yellow/yellow-greens, which could represent potential danger of their power disappearing due to outside influences.
As for the deeper purple...
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Otomo Botan (大友ボタン) (Right) - a lady in waiting and daughter of a high-ranking senior councilor. Note that she also has pale purple in her palette because her high status was not earned. Because she borrows power from influences outside of the ooku, the black accents are represent that she has more power than even Utayama, the most powerful woman within the ooku.
Utayama (歌山) (Left) - the woman with the highest position of the Ooku,  "Odoshiyoroshi". She is also prominently garbed in red and white, which is a color seen in the shogun and a little bit of Mizorogi's outfit:
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Lighter shades of red (i.e. pink) also seem to indicate men of lower status that still have some position of power, like these guards:
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Note that Kame (カメ) (Left) and Mugiya (麦谷) (Right) also possess these "masculine" colors which may indicate that they have more forceful personalities compared to other women within the ooku:
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Their respective outfits also have analogous shades close to the blues prominent in Mizorogi's outfit. Assuming blue has religious connotations (akin to Virgin Mary), perhaps they are also strongly faithful to whoever this "Omizu-sama" entity is.
Meanwhile, Asa also wears pink, but does not feature any blue in her outfit. I think may represent her lack of faith. She does seem like a more levelheaded individual not easily swept away by more dazzling aspects of mysticism.
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This is the look of a woman who not only has a braincell or two, but has it on her person at all times.
Now let's look at our main protagonists!
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Kusu features red and purple color accents in his outfit, which makese sense for his gender ambiguous presentation. You could say that the other colors featured in his outfit represent how the influences he collects by interacting with humans. Black is also featured heavily as the canvas for these colors. As mentioned earlier, this represents influences outside of the ooku.
In contrast, Shingi while sports both the masculine red/white and feminine purple colors of power, the latter definitely eclipses the former which matches his masculine presentation. His outfit also has black, but because his influence in the world comes in bursts during exorcisms, it is featured less prominently than Kusu. His disheveled look may represent his discarding of these superficial societal norms. His power - symbolized by red - need not be worn. It is already tattooed onto his skin - literally.
The only other characters that have red tattooed onto their skin are the twins from the beginning of this post. Come to think of it, their partially shaved look may also be a nod to the shogun's power - indicating that their very existence is divinely approved by him. So we come full circle!
So, yeah! Although these twins don't have an official bio, there's a lot to learn about them and others from extrapolation and inference alone!
In summary:
Red/White = Masculine/Divine power
Blue = Religious power
Purple = feminine power
Yellow = danger of power loss
Light colors = weak influence
Dark colors = stronger influence
Thank you for coming with me on this long diatribe!
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Can it be fixed?
Most of us live in areas with a “throw-away culture”.  Single-use items are everywhere, and it is generally easier (and frequently cheaper) to replace an item than to fix it.  Unfortunately, many consumer items are actually designed to be difficult or impossible to repair.  Significant resources are used to create, transport, sell, and dispose of even simple items.  Once an item is thrown away, its component materials are no longer available and eventually, the earth’s resources will be used up.  And there is no “away” for our trash.  We just hide it in landfills, where it is out of sight but can still create significant problems for the earth.   Every time we repair an item and continue to use it, we are helping the earth.  A little research can help you repair many items (or find a business that can perform the repairs).  CAUTION: do not attempt to fix items that use electricity, natural gas, propane, or hazardous chemicals unless you have appropriate training.  If you make a mistake, you could start a fire or injure or kill yourself or others. And always unplug an electrical item before working on it.  Now that we’ve covered the safety concerns, let’s talk about repairs. The article at the link provides lots of links to information to help you repair many of your own items, including clothing and some electronics, appliances, and furniture.  Sometimes you can hire someone who can fix these items for a reasonable price. 
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The ORION team stumbled across a previously undiscovered planet during a routine atmospheric probe. Their spacecraft, equipped with advanced long-range scanners, detected unusual energy signatures emanating from an uncharted region of space. Initially, the readings were faint and erratic but as they drew closer, the signals grew stronger and more distinct, piquing their curiosity. That next morning, before the debriefing, each team member meticulously prepared for the mission. Jorlan started by running diagnostics on all their devices. While waiting, he delved into the latest data collected from their recent missions and analyzed the raw data streams in order to compile the data into a series of comprehensive reports, complete with visualizations to make the information more accessible for the team. Zerath began his day long before anyone else with a demanding training session. Afterward, he reviewed the latest intelligence reports with Zyri. He considered various scenarios they might encounter, from ambushes to environmental hazards, and outlined responses for each. Meanwhile, Zyri tried to decipher the energy signatures to no avail. Velana spent the morning in the laboratory where she conducted final analyses on biological samples collected from their latest expedition. Each observation was carefully documented, contributing to the growing body of knowledge about the new life forms they encountered. Despite extensive records, there was nothing that could prepare them for what was to come. As each team member entered the briefing room, they were greeted by a large, central table surrounded by ergonomic chairs, each equipped with individual data screens. The room’s walls were adorned with interactive displays showing real-time data feeds, star charts, and mission objectives. The central holographic projector hummed to life, displaying a rotating 3D model of the planet they were orbiting. The planet's surface appeared rugged, a vast expanse of reddish-brown terrain marked by deep canyons. Dust storms swept across the surface, creating an 3D render of swirling particles. Velana stood at the center of the room, her eyes scanning the holographic display that projected a detailed topographical map. "Preliminary scans indicate a complex network of underground caverns," she began, "These caverns may harbor unique alien life forms adapted to the harsh, subterranean environment." Zyri tapped her datapad and outlined a few zones of interest. "There are also unusual energy signatures emanating from deep within the caverns. If we can decipher their source, it may open new avenues." Zerath stepped forward, his expression serious. "While the scientific prospects are promising, we must proceed with extreme caution. The unstable terrain and frequent dust storms pose significant risks. We don't know what kind of creatures might be lurking in those dark caverns and any misstep could be deadly. Stay alert and stick to the safety protocols." Jorlan stepped up and tried to surpress a smile as he tapped his handheld device to project schematics on the center console. "Before we go, I’ve got a new piece of equipment that I’ve been dying to field-test: a helmet. It isn’t just about protection; it’s equipped with an integrated augmented reality display, advanced environmental sensors, and a real-time communication system.” He carefully pulled out a few high-tech masks, placing them on the table with a sense of pride. The masks were impressive, designed with a sleek, modern aesthetic that spoke of advanced engineering. The main body of each mask was made of a lightweight, durable material with a matte black finish, giving them a streamlined, almost futuristic look. Across the front, a curved transparent panel covered the mouth area, allowing for clear visibility of the wearer's facial expressions while still providing protection. As the debriefing came to an end, the ORION team geared up and prepared to descend to the planet's surface.
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Okay! So I have seem some people, understandably, critiquing the training exercise that Anakin assigns Ahsoka in Tales of the Jedi.
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This? It's dangerous. It's irresponsible. It's a sure way to give someone a concussion. Over. And over. And over. It's exactly the kind of harebrained and reckless idea Anakin would have.
But the test was not designed to help her eventually survive O66. It was designed because Anakin didn't like the standard exercises every Jedi has to do. He thought the test wasn't tough enough, so designed a similar test that was "tougher."
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And this standard test was likely designed for a couple reasons. The first and likely primary reason is that the simulation helps test a Jedi on their foot control and precision of saber movements. You can see that she doesn't have much area to jump or maneuver around. A secondary lesson might be that the practice could help prepare a Padawan in the event they're in the field and surrounded. The bots are designed to simulate battle droids, after all.
The exercise literally isn't designed with stamina and resourcefulness in mind.
Fortunately, TCW did illustrate, time and time again, that Ahsoka is resourceful in her fights. The Citadel Arc. The arc when she is kidnapped by Trandoshans. The arc in season 5 when pirates attack her and the younglings. And also the "Wrong Jedi" arc when Ahsoka must outrun and escape an entire Gar battalion. So, it was well established that she is able to hold her own and it was established that she had the ability to create the circumstances for her own survival in instances where the field was open and manipulatable and she had assistance. She had already learned how to create her own opportunity or means to escape a sticky situation and how to think in a way where once she had the means or opening to escape, she is able to do so effectively and smartly.
But did she have the stamina and blade skills to create said opening so she then had an opportunity to escape? Especially when surrounded or cornered and alone?
The point of O66 was to literally surround and corner the Jedi. As seen by these dialogue prompts in Jedi: Fallen Order.
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Jedi who found themselves with the opportunity to escape (like Kanan, Cal, and Ahsoka, Obi Wan, and Yoda, to name a few) would escape. And at that point, many of them were as good as gone.
And it has been illustrated over and over that when Jedi are cornered and surrounded:
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like with Minas Velti,
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Ima-Gun Di,
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Aayla Secura,
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Depa Billaba,
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and Jaro Tepal...
... that they can get far and that they have great saber movement and foot control and that they can use their skill to make time for others to get away or survive, but it also always marks the end. It's an impossible situation to get out of. And as much endurance and skill as they might have in many areas, this was never a situation they'd be prepared for or that they were trained to survive. And that was literally the point.
I'm going to hazard a guess that most Jedi did not have "practice" escaping being tracked and hunted (like in the "Wookie Hunt" arc), out running and out witting an entire GAR battalion (like in the "Wrong Jedi" arc), escaping high-security situations while surrounded by high levels of personnel (like in the Citadel arc), or to develop the physical endurance and agility to last long enough to create an out while literally surrounded or cornered (like with the reckless training exercise Anakin puts her through).
Anakin made the test about having no way out and being overwhelmed. He made a test likely about footwork into one about developing the endurance and skill to hold off until you can create the circumstances of your escape while being surrounded or cornered and alone.
Ahsoka said it herself that every Jedi had to take the standard test. And there are a lot of flaws with that it. It isn't designed with the idea of creating the means to escape being surrounded, but to just hold off and hold off until the end of the simulation. I have no doubt that primary purpose would be to practice foot work with blade movements. But in terms of the secondary lesson, it mostly trains them for a speedy defeat against battle droids while having no way out. But the fact that every Jedi has to take it goes to show that they were not really taught to get out of being surrounded outside a quick simulation. Because why would they need to be? Not like they knew O66 was coming.
I get that the reason Dave Felony wrote and produced this episode was just to parallel O66, but I do think that in terms of the test's secondary lesson (developing the skill and endurance and having the practice in the event you're surrounded with no immediate out), Anakin's was far more reckless yet likely more effective.
Because this:
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...was always going to be a near impossible situation to escape from. Without the endurance, foot work, or blade skill to hold off until there was a means and opportunity to escape, Ahsoka would not have survived.
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Hi! I'm new on Tumblr so sorry if I trapass any line asking this.😅
Recently I read an immagine about our Batchers and their numbers and I noticed that they're a squad no? But normal clone squads are composed by 5 clones not 4.
And then I realised that 99 is the number of the clone force. What if the missing clone from the Bad Batch was in fact clone 99? And something happened in his gene modification and he turned out like that.
(I know it's long but I need a lot of word to express myself. Also English isn't my first language so sorry if there are any mistakes. Love your work btw☺️)
Hi there! Welcome ~
So, as far as I understand, Commando squads, such as the batch, are generally made up of four men.
For example, Delta Squad. Which is made up of Boss, Fixer, Scorch, and Sev.
The Batch follows a similar makes with Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair. With the same specialties.
Hunter/Boss being the squad leader. Tech/Fixer being the tech expert. Wrecker/Scorch being explosive ordinances expert. Crosshair/Sev being snipers.
Regular squads, such as Domino Squad, are set up a bit differently, being made up of five parts rather than four. Why this is, I have no idea. I can hazard a guess, based off of what I remember if their personalities, that the squads would have the same basic make-up as delta, but with an additional "face" person. You know, the charming one who is naturally good at dealing with civilian.
Of course. I could just be pulling this out my ass. It's entirely possible that squads are always made up of four men and domino squad is just weird.
As for 99...if I remember correctly, his proper designation is Alpha-99, which would put him in the same area as Alpha-17. If I remember correctly there was a problem with the increased aging gene with 99 so he aged a lot faster than his brothers and the Kaminoans didn't bother to try and fix it.
Although, perhaps 99 was meant to be their trainer? Which would explain why they have designations CT-9901 to CT-9904.
But really, this is just me rambling at this point. Train of thought writing, ftw lol.
And no need to worry about the language thing! You probably speak English better than I do and I'm a native speaker!
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purplekoop · 1 month
So I haven't really talked about maps much because I'm much better at understanding characters (in visual, narrative, and gameplay design) than locations. Easy solution though: use the characters as a jumping off point for the maps. Not necessarily directly, these aren't all the characters' dedicated "home maps", but they're in some way thematically adjacent to the cast. I haven't had many super crazy ideas about modes yet, so if I don't mention a payload of some kind then assume it's some basic control point based map.
Wilderoad: Railroad Gorge. A payload map set in a dusty desert, where the objective is a train car that the attackers have to escort along the rail from one small town to another.
Calber: Held Line. A historic battleground being fought on once again, with ruined outposts and scraps of fallen soldiers dotting the landscape.
Poppett: Concrete Park. An urban region of back-alley skate parks and other gathering grounds for rebellious youth, with tight alleyways connecting the major open focal points.
Yanno: Boardwalk Festival. A scenic nighttime party, with the attackers tasked with riding a party boat down a river into the main event. The boat itself can be used as a more convenient means of crossing the river, changing what paths are available to some characters as the attackers advance.
Velenna: Hazard Plant. A haphazard chemical facility with pools of corrosive chemicals that can rapidly damage any bots who stand in it.
Lyonn: Bio Dome. An environmental research facility that's very recently fallen into disarray. Previously home to some of the highest biodiversity on the planet, many specimens have broken free into the outer environment, though the amount of plant life that isn't trying to kill you is appreciably high.
Formann: Construction Site. A section of in-progress buildings, with destructible structures and moving mechanisms making some areas tricky to navigate.
Navea: Stormy Beach. A beachside battlefront with barricades and military outposts dotting the shoreline. The ever present water makes for a unique sort of cover, though it will eb and flow with the tides as the match progresses.
Harmony: Abandoned Theater. A once-respected venue now fallen into ruin, with the main stage acting as the focal point of the fight.
??????: Ghost Town. A deserted desert town in Outlander territory, with its forsaken buildings forcing some close-quarters battles.
Xenir: Uphill Mine. A spiraling mine where one team has to push a cart full of precious resources up to the top, while the other tries to stop them from above.
Soriser: ...gonna be honest, a bit stumped on this one. Definitely not a Keeper facility outright, that feels a bit too "sacred" to fight in, but maybe something nearby?
Otto: North Street. A run-down city street where the attackers are hired help to safely escort a local politician across town in his everything-proof car, while the defenders intercept his ride.
Nekross: Not certain here yet either. Probably some sort of bot graveyard or something.
Burnett: Tempered Workshop. Fight inside and outside a set of factory buildings, with cauldrons of molten metal that can melt an unwary bot into nothingness with just one wrong step.
Ezela: Power Line. A service tunnel used by the Power Managers, where the attackers are tasked with transporting a power cell along the uneasy corridors. At some points in the path, the cart carrying the cell has to be delivered up elevators, requiring the attackers to ride alongside it. Some sections of the path will energize the battery, giving all attackers nearby a damage boost in addition to the standard passive healing.
Arber: ...another one I'm unsure of. Maybe somewhere in Plantoid territory, but that might be a bit much for a PvP map. If so, then maybe one of the gimmicks is neutral Spring Blooms acting as jump pads.
??????: Offshore Outpost. An ocean research facility with paths that weave between above and below the water, though the control points are all in the open air. Moving platforms act as paths over the water, while underwater bubble vents can launch you back up.
Honestly already way more confident in the prospects of maps now, tried to come up with ideas that are interesting to explain without having full-on layouts already, with many of them having some kind of defined unique gimmick or some kind of "narrative".
also there's a couple somewhat sneaky hints at a few more unrevealed bots here. Though to be clear: neither of the mystery names are Hyvera, because god she's such a pain to figure out the logistics of and the new 4th support is just better I promise.
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gravitycircuit · 9 months
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Patch 1.1.0 is out -- NOW ON STEAM! Just in time for the holidays! Other PC platforms (EGS, GOG, Stove) will follow in due time. However, due to various development circumstances, we could not get this new patch ready for console porting in time before the holidays. We will inform you more later when we are better aware of the release timeline for consoles - so we ask for your patience.
Without further ado though, here are the Patch Notes for Gravity Circuit 1.1.0:
New features
Boss Rush: Guardian Corps HQ now features Combat Memory Bank, a computer which lets you refight any of the game's bosses at your leisure. Good for practice, or for chasing record times!
Armor paints: Prim, a painter NPC that hangs around in the Guardian Corps HQ, now offers swappable armor paints, allowing further customization! These armor paints each bestow new abilities or effects, so give them all a try! Prim will explain to you how to unlock the paints to her shop.
Quality of life additions
Loadout swap: A dedicated button for quickly swapping loadouts on the fly. During gameplay any unset or empty loadouts are skipped when the button is pressed, so you can choose to use only two loadout slots, or all three.
Slide: A dedicated button has been added for sliding. Down and jump will still continue to work, but this button may be useful for those who need it.
Hookshot - vertical: A dedicated button that locks the hookshot's aim only to upwards vertical directions. This may help with any platforming involving the hookshot, for those who might need it.
Mouse control mapping: You can now map mouse buttons on PC, in addition to keyboard keys.
Effect Timer: An additional toggle setting has been added to the game's system options menu. This toggle adds on-screen visuals for certain effect durations, removing ambiguity. This setting is enabled by default, but can be toggled off at any time.
Burst techniques
Cycle Kick: In-game shop price reduced from 2000 to 1500.
Surface Render: In-game shop price reduced from 2000 to 1500.
Gravity Freeze: Affected area increased, damage slightly increased.
Piercing Drill: The chain portion now also damages enemies, not just the tip, making the technique easier to use effectively.
Flying Strike: Fixed an issue involving the Speedrun Mode, where it was possible to accidentally skip acquiring the technique by saving and quitting during the Opening Stage (Central Station). It was still possible to buy the technique, but Flying Strike is intended to be given to the player for free.
Pass-through platforms: Kai can now gain sprinting speed by holding the run button (or having "inverse" run button behavior enabled) when dropping through pass-through platforms.
Sprint jumping when hugging walls: Previously, if Kai was hugging a wall while grounded (holding left/right while up against a wall), Kai would be unable to gain sprinting speed when the run button was held (or having "inverse" run button behavior enabled) when jumping. This behavior has been fixed.
Hopkick: Kai's hopkick (up+attack while grounded) has been sped up by a few frames based on player feedback.
Telefragging: When Kai is struck by a hazard (lava, spikes, crushing), Kai will perform an Emergency Warp to last safe ground. Because this behavior could sometimes lead to Kai respawning inside an enemy, Kai now automatically defeats any enemy around him.
Data chips
"NPC" type data chips: Research cost reduced from 150 to 100.
Stage changes
Highway: Fixed an issue where it was possible to skip over the stage's checkpoints with certain actions.
Ore Mines: Fixed a certain area not having correct camera triggers when entering it in a specific way.
Guardian Corps HQ (visuals): Additional sign has been added to hint towards the location of the training facilities.
Guardian Corps HQ (design): Additional platforms added to make reaching the Training Room easier.
Guardian Corps HQ (training room): When Dave the Training Dummy is hit, the Training Room door will be inoperable for a few seconds. This is to prevent players from accidentally exiting the room while performing combos.
Guardian Corps HQ (NPCs): "Prim" and "Shock" NPCs have switched places. Their dialogue has been adjusted slightly to match these changes.
Final stage: Additional respawn points added in a certain section.
Chinese: A certain scene had an issue where the talking characters were accidentally reversed, and there were other issues involving few untranslated words. This has been fixed.
English: Fixed a slight typo in Pat's dialogue.
macOS: Loading times improved by changing some code, that made some of the game's threads run slower on systems with M1 chips.
Speedrun Mode: If the in-game timer is enabled from the game's system settings, Speedrun Mode is enabled by default when launching the game (if Speedrun Mode has been unlocked). This is so that speedrunners do not need to remember to toggle this setting every time they launch the game.
General code performance: Slight improvements across the board in various places, that cumulatively help the game run more smoothly on lower end hardware.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
"with the nature of her and Euros' relationship this often times results with the Inspectors yoinking her to play or cuddle with"
Imagining some inspectors hauling Sparrows into a zero-g section of his structure for cuddles and/or watching her spin futilely for their own amusement lol.
Speaking of - is there any particular mechanic equipment designed to help traverse the zero-g sections of an Iterator, or are the mechanics expected to stay Well Away from those areas for safety reasons and only enter when the gravity is enabled?
i imagine that like... 80% of the whole structure is constantly in 0g with the rest of 20% havin the low kind of gravity that we see In Pebs' labs for the sake of easier travel of the mobile components, so turning off the gravity disruptors wouldn't be beneficial for shite especially for long periods of time
the Mechanics get a LOT of training in 0g to figure out the best movement for themselves. the Ancients in general r better wired in the brains for the movement than slugcats thanks to being originally water animals (Rivulet in my heart can better traverse Pebbles than other slugcats too, after they figure out the differences between floating in water and floating in 0g)
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But! indeed there are some mechanical stuff that help them out. both Sparrows regular boots and the boots for the special suit have magnets in the soles (?)
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i don't REALLY have it figured out visually all that well, but one can turn those on n off
the Mechanic's watch is able to send out... not really a "distress" signal in this case, but like "hey help out here will ya" signal that mobile/capable components can n will answer. like an Inspector comin in to watch out for her just in case while working on the transform arrays (endlessly affectionate bout Inspectors savin the player's ass from hazards even though i haven't experienced it myself yet), or one of those red floaty noodle things twisting themselves that way and the other so she can grab on and right herself or propel herself forwards
i've also thought about possibly using the breathing mask equipment for movement in the sense that the tube that connects the face mask with the gill mask could be unscrewed and propel her forward with air but like........ there isn't exactly much of a strong airflow in there to cause such movement so 😔 guess nu
it's mostly about knowing the movement n being clever about it (+routing so you pop out from the tunnels closest to the goal) and the magnetic shoes
oh, but a fun thing for travel around the structure in general! i'll mention it here since it's at least a lil connected
to be able to get around the whole giant structure without needing to like. camp out in multiple spots and actually get shit done, there are specialized tunnels for fast transport of defensive components like for example the Inspectors again. they are comparable to lymphatic system in human body and inspired by the sea currents of the Ancients' original home. Mechanics and Admins, posing as something of a supreme white cells from the outside (antibiotics could work as a comparison too???) in the structure to human body comparison, can use these tunnels freely as much as they want to
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thenerdyindividual · 10 months
@ my fellow dog owners. Keep your dogs on the leash. I don’t care how sweet and friendly they are, being off leash in areas not designated for off leash is a hazard to them and others. I don’t care if they’re well trained. Cars are unpredictable, other dogs are unpredictable. Don’t put your dog in a position to get hurt. Especially don’t have them off leash if they are a breed perceived to have aggression issues. People can be assholes and will take your dog hanging out off leash as a sign of aggression. All it takes is one Karen losing her shit for your dog to be taken away. Keep. Your. Dog. On. Leash.
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pokemoncaretips · 2 years
The magnemite line.
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The magnemite line.
A strange yet no less loving pokemon.
General notes:
Many pokemon have unusual body plans. The magnemite line is one of the most well known. With its almost robotic design one could be fooled into thinking it isn’t alive and aware. This could not be further from the truth.
General care:The magnemite line is one that requires set up. As it is drawn to electrical sources, appliances in your house need to be surge-proofed. I’m told Devon corp sells devices specifically for magnemite owners to protect their appliances. However, you will need to leave at least one power socket free to allow them to feed. Though you save money on pokekibble, be prepared for a small spike in power bills. 
That said, they have been reliably observed to eat berries by crushing them with their bodies and appearing to absorb the juice, though it’s something of a mystery how that process works. Keep wet wipes handy. Though you may think them brainless, magnemite does require mental stimulation. Though they have no hands or means of manipulating things, they can do one thing.
They’ll stare at the TV. They’ll stare out the window. They’ll stare at any and all new things in the house. They’ll stare at you coming home. They’ll stare at you making dinner. And they’ll stare at you in your sleep until they power down ready to stare at things in the morning. With no hands or other senses like smell, they have powerful visual acuity. Why else are their eyes so proportionately large? All they really have to experience the world is vision. This makes them one of the few pokemon suited for those who often have to leave the house, such as office workers who might not be able to bring their pokemon to work. Flick your tv to the poke-documentary channel and they’ll be enraptured until you come home. That said, they’re no less affectionate than many other pokemon, and just because they don’t mind solitude that doesn’t mean you can simply ignore them. They get attached to their trainers and like to be included in your life. If one is truly concerned about them being alone, it’s not hard to catch another two magnemites and introduce them (following safe introductory methods) to get a magneton. Magneton are surprisingly vocal with each other. They’ll hum, buzz, vibrate and whirr at each other for hours. Many people reckon a magneton quietly talking to itself at night is better than any white noise machine for sleep aids. Magnezone are a little more interactive, and seem to be able to utilize certain fields to manipulate objects. This tends to manifest as them picking up an item, staring at it for a good while, then setting it down and selecting another. They very rarely break things in this way. It’s easier to just let them quietly fiddle. All members of the magnemite line benefit greatly from the occasional polish. They do sell magnemite formulated metal polish, but with their metallic biology no adverse effects have been seen from just buying some from the hardware store if it’s hard to source in your area.
Care rating: Green.
Training: Magnemite are simple enough to battle train, and with few messy or destructive habits, are easy to housetrain. Training rating: Green
Safety: All electric types carry the hazard of shocks, and these pokemon are no exception. Though less reactive than a number of other pokemon, they aren’t oblivious, and sudden noises or movement may prompt an instinctive jolt. If you have a pacemaker or any kind of heart condition, or conditions such as epilepsy that may be triggered by flashing lights, magnemite (or any electric type for that matter) is not the pokemon for you. Safety rating: Orange
Overall ranking.Chill little dudes that like their own company just as much as they like yours. Good for those who can’t always be home, but don’t forget to give them love and affection. However, they may incur some setup costs unless you’re willing to keep paying for new microwaves.
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lunimasafety00 · 2 months
industrial safety management
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Understanding Industrial Safety Management
Industrial safety management involves the systematic identification, evaluation, and mitigation of hazards in the workplace. This proactive approach aims to minimize the risk of accidents, injuries, and illnesses, thereby ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. Key components of industrial safety management include:
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment: Identifying potential hazards in the workplace and assessing the associated risks is the first step in creating a safe environment. This includes evaluating machinery, processes, materials, and working conditions.
Safety Policies and Procedures: Developing and implementing comprehensive safety policies and procedures is crucial for guiding employees on safe practices and emergency protocols.
Training and Education: Providing regular training and education to employees ensures they are aware of potential hazards and know how to respond appropriately in emergency situations.
Safety Inspections and Audits: Conducting regular safety inspections and audits helps identify areas of improvement and ensures compliance with safety regulations.
Incident Investigation and Reporting: Investigating and reporting incidents promptly allows for the identification of root causes and the implementation of corrective actions to prevent recurrence.
Lunima Safety Solution: Your Partner in Industrial Safety
Lunima Safety Solution is a leading provider of industrial safety management services, committed to helping organizations create safer work environments. With a team of experienced safety professionals, Lunima Safety Solution offers a range of services designed to meet the unique needs of various industries.
Comprehensive Safety Audits
Lunima Safety Solution conducts thorough safety audits to identify potential hazards and assess the effectiveness of existing safety measures. These audits provide valuable insights into areas that require improvement and help organizations achieve compliance with industry standards and regulations.
Customized Safety Training Programs
Recognizing that each industry has its own set of challenges, Lunima Safety Solution offers customized safety training programs tailored to the specific needs of your organization. These programs cover a wide range of topics, including hazard recognition, emergency response, and safe operating procedures.
Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
In the event of an accident or incident, Lunima Safety Solution provides expert investigation services to determine the root cause and recommend corrective actions. This helps prevent similar incidents in the future and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.
Development of Safety Policies and Procedures
Lunima Safety Solution assists organizations in developing and implementing comprehensive safety policies and procedures. These guidelines ensure that employees have clear instructions on safe practices and know how to respond in emergency situations.
Ongoing Support and Consultation
Lunima Safety Solution offers ongoing support and consultation to help organizations maintain a high standard of safety. Whether you need assistance with regulatory compliance, risk assessments, or safety training, Lunima Safety Solution is your trusted partner in industrial safety management.
Benefits of Robust Industrial Safety Management
Implementing robust industrial safety management practices offers numerous benefits for organizations, including:
Reduced Accidents and Injuries: Effective safety management practices significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries, ensuring the well-being of employees.
Increased Productivity: A safe work environment boosts employee morale and productivity, as workers can perform their tasks without fear of injury.
Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to safety regulations and standards helps organizations avoid fines and legal liabilities.
Cost Savings: Preventing accidents and injuries reduces costs associated with medical expenses, workers’ compensation claims, and downtime.
Enhanced Reputation: A strong commitment to safety enhances an organization’s reputation, attracting top talent and building trust with clients and stakeholders.
Industrial safety management is a critical aspect of running a successful and responsible business. By partnering with Lunima Safety Solution, organizations can benefit from expert guidance and comprehensive safety services tailored to their specific needs. Investing in industrial safety management not only protects employees but also enhances productivity, compliance, and overall business performance. Contact Lunima Safety Solution today to learn more about how they can help you create a safer work environment.
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snurtle · 2 years
idk if you're still doing these but i'd love if you do a character opinion bingo on orihime and/or renji. i saw your bleach red au art a few months ago when i was reading ahead before the anime premiere and i've been Rotating It In My Mind ever since, i just love your take on both characters
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First off, this is just such a nice comment! :D So nice, in fact, that I drew a doodle for it. I'm always surprised when other people engage with my silly AUs. Rotate away! Let's play in this space together! I've actually got a couple of short scene comics in the works for RED that will probably be done around January if I'm being honest with myself. (I’m busy, I’m slow, and comics take a long time!)
Originally, I wasn’t going to do the rest of the bingo memes that I still have asks for- (sorry!!!) it’s been a while and it felt like the general Vibe of things had moved on, but you’ve shot a friendly arrow into my ass about it so PERHAPS I will! 
I’m choosing to just do Orihime for this, because I ended up writing an Essay and Renji... I don’t know if I’m coherent enough about Renji to do a bingo on him without breaking down into garbled eldritch signs and scratched pictograms on cave walls. Orihime is the safer choice. Less of a cognito hazard. More legible. So under the cut she goes! I hope this suffices for you anon.
[Edit: 5/6/2023 cut removed by request for record keeping! <3 ]
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I’d like to preface this by saying Orihime was not one of my favorite characters the first time I read Bleach. What can I say? We are all a series of nesting dolls, and the things we relate to change as we add layers to our hearts. With age, experience, and another read, she is ABSOLUTELY one of my favorite characters in anything period. I have a lot of feelings about her, and a lot of them are “oh god why did you get married so young” and “while I understand where this narrative train is heading I want to get off!!!” So like any good AU fantasizer... complicated! :D 
So let’s just take the bullets in order, shall we?
they are soooooo cool looking:
Orihime (circa Soul Society Arc to a vague point somewhere in the Arrancar Arc) has a very unique facial structure! She’s got a large forehead and downturned eyes that make her seem a little mournful even when she’s smiling brightly. Honestly, it’s a VERY neat bit of character storytelling through design, and while I could never beef with an artist for style creep, I’m sad that her unique features seemed to even out and become more standardized as the manga grew loooooooonger and Kubo aged everyone up.
Beyond that, my girl is ADORABLE and I like her slightly off kilter fashion choices; they really speak to someone who both
- had few/strange/ill-equipped adult influences in her life to guide her early clothing choices
- has to tailor her own clothes to fit a body out of place.
It’s just.. I could just go on forever about this! Orihime’s design isn’t complicated, but it’s informative, and that’s not something I can take for granted in a visual medium. The choices Kubo made in those areas of her design give us a window into her personality.. Which is to say, a lonely, grieving teenager who’s had to teach herself to Person while hanging onto the razor wire of societal expectation and threat. (not unlike our other protagonists, no? Ha. Our poor Karakura kids.) You can tell something is a little off about her. Her hair is wrong, her face is wrong, her clothes are...wrong. Ish, if not skillfully amended. Like she’s not doing great at camouflaging, but she’s existing in the shadow of the benefit of the doubt and that will just have to do before her star really starts to shine.
wasted potential:
“I reject your version of reality and substitute my own!” -Orihime at some point, probably. 
That’s insane. That’s mindbreakingly, hand-twirlingly eye poppingly FUN. In a world full of near misses, sword skill expositions, and by-the-skin-of-your-teeth victories and losses, ONE imaginative girl can just go. “Uh. Y’know, I don’t like this very much. Nope. Nope nope nope.” And the world reorganizes itself to fit the shape of that NOPE. Her ability to reject the consequences of actions and events she wasn’t even there to witness is just.. Game breaking. But ultimately, those powers are the expression of a personality, and the personality belongs to a person who... really doesn’t care much about power at all- at least, not for its own sake. Orihime is a healer, a time bender, a bastion, a judge who can interact with the binary of the universe at large-- aaand that’s never really expanded on.
Everyone who sees her Do Her Thing universally goes “what in the bugfuck is this” because it Just Does Not Compute. It’s not supposed to be possible! And conveniently, no one ever has to dig into that because Orihime does less on-screen exploration of her abilities and more just... Yaknow. Standard heal-y forcefield-y stuff. Occasionally, resurrect-y stuff. Which is fine I guess because it serves the story’s focus, but for a person who is name twinsies with [VEGA]:
> Vega has been extensively studied by astronomers, leading it to be termed "arguably the next most important star in the sky after the Sun"
HMMMMMMM. The sun, you say? The sun, which serves an important symbolic role in Bleach, The Sun, and The Moon, and -The next most important STAR in the sky- HUH?? HUH???? YOU’RE TELLING ME THESE CELESTIAL SYMBOLS CAN TRIO? IN THIS ECONOMY?
and the mythological figure of “the daughter of the king of heaven”
Orihime (織姫, "Weaving Princess"), daughter of the Tentei (天帝, "Sky King", or the universe itself) [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanabata] 
they’re deeper than they seem:
Okay look this is a pet headcanon of mine, but I think Orihime isn’t actually a Fullbringer in the normal sense. Rather, I think she classes closer to Ywhach, Gerard Valkyrie, Ukitake, and Aura as in “bearer of [a] legacy of the Soul King.” As in a significant chunk to full-organ, or some kind of convoluted lineage/heir thing. It’s the only thing I can think of that makes Her THING make sense to me, unless her personality, her attachments, and the influence of Whatever Hollow Nyoomed by her in utero just... lined up perfectly to create a cosmic loophole big enough to string the Milky Way through. Which would also be cool! I love dark horses yanking the rug out from underneath “places where the cool powers are SUPPOSED to come from.” And we see that Nel, the Hollow most closely associated with Orihime, has healing powers via her ... uh. vomit, so it’s not as if there isn’t precedent for a healing-ish factor to come out of Hollow power, but STILL.
(I’m also not touching the whole ‘The Hyogoku and/or Ichigo gave them powers part of canon. I recognize it. I also think it’s intentional obfuscation of where her powers ACTUALLY come from because Bleach isn’t afraid to give characters conflicting sources of information.)
And also, Uh. I feel like this bingo square may have been referring to personality, perhaps, in which case I suppose I could have been talking about Orihime’s rampant trust issues. She feels so intensely the weight of mutual burden that the moments where she’s open about her problems are vanishingly rare, and then covered up by jokes, minimized. Sometimes- sometimes often- she performs cheerfulness like a thank-you card in exchange for that burden of care. (It’s expected. It’s all she can do. Isn’t it?) IIiii COULD talk about guilt, and envy simmering below the surface, or an aversion to conflict that is 75% moral pacifism, 25% fear (sometimes. percentages are as wiggly as hearts.). And all of that being under the hood of someone who looks like she’s daydreaming mid conversation, when she’s actually clocking 95mph on the Advanced Interpersonal Risk Calculus Highway.
 Or I could keep yelling about cool powers, because I think I’ve said this all before?
Unfortunately, Orihime’s proximity to Ichigo’s sun (especially in a romantic context) means that her fine details are sometimes blown out or overlooked in favor of making sure everyone knows that here’s a SEXY FEMALE TITS BIG ONES (urahara), but she’s also classical, she’s a moral center, she’s so powerful and tragic and accepts so much sacrifice so gracefully as is her duty and speaking of duty she gets married right out of highschool and has a kid almost immediately ayoo--
And yk. Some of those things are endemic to shounen manga, or are just kind of common in portrayals of Women Who Elevate Those Around Them (much like Masaki, or Kanae). It’s not like those things are inherently bad. But I don’t have to like them either. Weird Girls becoming Mature Women(tm) is something that will never interest me and actively repels me on most days because of the rote, tired way I’ve seen it written. I like messy women and disaster people and complicated, unusual lives. You can be happy without even the semblance of Destined Nuclear Family normalcy and frankly, I’m less interested in Punks And Weirdos becoming well-adjusted and accepted than I am in Punks and Weirdos clawing out a space for themselves and everyone being very uncomfortable but unable to coerce them otherwise. (This is a power fantasy.)
So while I’m (shrugs) on Orihime’s fairytale ending in canon, it’s not my bag, it gives me the heeby jeebies, and I don’t really want to work within the framework of that ending for my fan stuff!
I like them enough to project my own issues onto them:
Ah, to fear and envy those who can excel in the system designed around you all as if it’s as natural to them as breathing. Ahhh, to feel like the one bright blue piece in the milk puzzle. (Also, if anyone was going to get some of that good ol’ fashioned MORAL SCRUPULOSITY PANIC, it’s going to be Orihime. It has to be her.)
they got done DIRTY by fans:
Must I recite the old magic once again? The ancient curses? The shipping wars of yore? Those ancient battlegrounds of “girl-ed power” and “to be feminine is to err?” Nay, I wish it not upon anyone. The only dirt upon Orihime’s name was that of conflict between humans, for how could anyone say that another person’s work made in joy was wrong? I refuse to deride the work of my fellow fans... u_u ✨ ✨
(Which is to say in normal talk, what I hate most about Orihime Fan Zones isn’t any of the art or fic or headcanons people have of her! How could I possibly hate that? It’s just how much damn controversy she stirred up by existing in perceived conflict to Rukia. Waugh!)
i’m mentally ill about them:
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And I’m not even done yet!! If you’re still reading this, brava!
they work better as part of a dynamic:
This is a funny one. Orihime is actually one of a few characters that I think would stand perfectly well on her own- she’s not a bit character, she doesn’t really rely on any gimmicks for her place in the story- her personality is well-faceted and we’ve seen plenty of her internal workings. But the thing is, Orihime’s weirdness is more vibrant when she has someone next to her who has a more rigid sense of propriety. The same is true in the opposite scenario, in which, instead of a straight man to her comedy routine, she has a co conspirator to hype up her shenanigans.
they’ve never done anything wrong in their life <33:
This is derogatory.
I want to see Orihime fuck up, BAD. The bad things around her happen TO her, pretty much universally. Even her social flaws are both relatable and normal and don’t really cause any conflict that isn’t internal and localized to herself. If someone rallies her or rags ON her in a way she can’t relate to, she flinches or stonewalls. She’s harmless. I would like to see her bite. Or . Step on a bug. Or snap at someone. I’d like to see that fear response cause something to break, irreparably. SOMETHING. PLEASE!!! PLEASE.... But no one really blames her for anything, even avoidance. No one really beefs with her on anything besides propriety, that I remember. Her fighting is a silent resistance. Unfortunately I think this response puts me on a psychic wavelength with Ulquiorra, and now I’m going to go wander the desert about this while I try to recover. (Wait, was that slap she gave him the only time we see her snap?)
Which is mostly just to say, she’s a perfectly nice normal girl, and she’s lovely, but anything I write with her is probably going to explore the consequences of severe avoidance and silence, rather than the virtues of them. Because in a story about ghosts and supernatural powers, I don’t really need my gals to be blameless, and I like to think about how people deal with guilt when it’s actually warranted, rather than self inflicted. Ideally, I’d also like it to be more severe than a slap, but you know.
And that’s a bingo!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming to my mental illness ted talk about my 1# ANGEL ORIHIME INOUE, MS. STAR ABOVE THE WELL OF TRUTH, BEST GIRL 10,000 HOURS PLAYED!
Please remember that I treat all my favorite characters like chew toys, I enjoy shredding them, and don’t forget to grab your belongings on the way out! Thank you again for the nice comment and bout of motivation anon~
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supertechengineer · 1 year
The Super Sucker Machine is a heavy-duty industrial vacuum cleaner used to suck up large volumes of solids, liquids, and sludges from a variety of industrial settings. It is an extremely powerful and efficient machine that is used to clean up a range of substances, including oil spills, sewage, and hazardous waste. The machine is particularly useful in environments where traditional cleaning methods are not practical or effective.
The Super Sucker Machine is a self-contained unit that is mounted on a truck or trailer. It consists of a large vacuum pump, a high-pressure water pump, and a storage tank for the collected materials. The machine is typically operated by a crew of two or more people who are trained in the use of the equipment.
One of the key features of the Super Sucker Machine is its powerful vacuum pump. This pump is capable of creating a vacuum that is strong enough to lift heavy materials such as rocks and bricks. It is also capable of sucking up large volumes of liquids and sludges. The pump is driven by a powerful diesel engine that provides the necessary power to operate the machine.
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In addition to the vacuum pump, the Super Sucker Machine also has a high-pressure water pump. This pump is used to spray water onto surfaces to help loosen and remove stubborn materials such as grease and oil. The water pump is also used to clean up spills and to flush out pipes and tanks.
The collected materials are stored in a large tank on the Super Sucker Machine. The tank is designed to hold large volumes of solids, liquids, and sludges. Once the tank is full, the crew can transport it to a disposal site where the materials can be safely disposed of or recycled.
The Super Sucker Machine is used in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, mining, and construction. In the oil and gas industry, the machine is used to clean up oil spills and to remove solids and sludges from storage tanks and pipelines. In the mining industry, the machine is used to clean up tailings ponds and to remove solids and sludges from mining operations. In the construction industry, the machine is used to clean up construction sites and to remove debris from demolition projects.
If you have any query please free to ask:
Contact No:09910715032, 09311309436
Address: MORTA INDUSTRIAL AREA, MORTA GHAZIABAD, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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p-receh · 6 months
I'm baaaack!
Phew! I'm finally done this chapter!
It's only on the third chapter but—
I struggle to describe how Gugura works in English...like...
Anjir ini mo bikin tpa tapi udah keburu bikin konsep Wall-e teh kumaha????
Aaaaand somehow I write this chapter longer than I planned. With revision of my initial concept and stuff(that made my head exploded :/)
Aaaaaaaaand I was supposed to add images of my drawings for this chapter but I struggled hard since I had to prepare for the upcoming Ramadhan.
And yeah, my sudden whole week traveling broke my schedule. At first I was Intended to hiatus for a full month.
But then, I decided I will continue this au during ramadhan!
So anyway, Happy Ramadhan! May Allah bless you in this journey of the forgiving month!
319 AU
The view from the tower was… tragically deserted. Literally. The usual moving miniature of polluted people was noticeably decreased. The vast and vibrant colors filled with aesthetic buildings were replaced by convoluted monochrome colors.
There’s nothing enjoyable looking at the fen of debris miles away below for the young soldier. Especially when almost the whole dining area was made of glass. 
These residents liked to call it, The Observatory. The place where he finally saw the implementation of how the waste was manufactured he usually heard in Gur’latan. The land of Gugura was not as huge as Rimbara, but it was sectioned into three different designated areas. Organized into a grand triangle with the Atata Tiga Tower as its center. That man was not joking when he said there were no rivers circling the nation. Each sector was bridged by train rail for transporting those rummages and soldiers except criminals–or these soldiers called them ‘workers' –could never pass through it. Try to escape and you will be welcomed by the never-ending void below the cliff. The only way to escape is by increasing your ‘loyal work’ towards forces and you might be promoted to the next Sector. A rare chance that you could be free and occupied by the Cubulus forces to become one of them.
‘Tch, what a waste. You're just circling your never ending life at this point’ he mindly observed in disgust.
On his right, the first place of all scraps thrown from around the world was gathered. The Sektor-A or people here like to call it, ‘The Assortment.’ True to its title, he can see most of the extractions of filtering waste happening: the rough waste from buildings, food waste, and usage items compiled there. The place was divided between dry and wet waste. Wet waste was extracted inside a dome to prevent gas pollution, so they say. Whereas the drier one was organized in an open space. It is the place where most of the workers gather to filter mountains of trash. Iron, cement, stones, plastic, and even fabrics into the train. Sector-A might be the dirtiest place the teen ever witnessed. Looking up from the tower, all he could see was tons of dumps without seeing any real land to stand. He was informed that all of them lived on their own, yet he almost could not see any houses or even places for workers to rest.
Continued to look at his north side, the place of that thin teenager worked. ‘The Disintegration’ or Sector-B. It was less “flooded” than the previous one. In that Sector, the gathered materials were sent to another inspection whether the parts might be hazardous to the environment or not. Then, all the assorted materials that had gathered were crushed into pieces inside multiple giant shredders. Each material had its own secured area to disintegrate. Workers who did not do the heavy parts(delivering the content by excavators or by truck) worked in two shifts, the scavenging one and the moldering one. The scavenging workers usually help the excavators to swipe the materials into the giant shredder so there will be no left behind. The latter workers had to mold the shredded materials into a solid square form for easier storage on the train. It was the place where he found his target in the Iron area. Sometimes the soldier hoped that the teen worked in the next and the last Sector.
By the map, Sector-C or ‘The Recycle’ was on the east side. But looking from the Observatory, it was on his left side. Other than the Tower, It is the only tidiest place in Gugura’s land. Almost no scraps not yet been found as far as his eyes could see since all the scraps there were recycled into a renewable form for future constructions in the other nations. All areas were fully organized without scratching each other lines. It might be the place where the workers had more life advantages than the previous two. Not surprising when the Forces tend to describe Sector-C as ‘the place for dedicated workers’. Their houses were surely a bit proper(even though it's just an empty shelter he bet) and their foods were directly provided by the Forces. He might be insane if he thought this Sector was what he dreamed of, no. Gugura was still a dumpster deserted land and this place was no exception. He could tell they might give more or less a lease amount of percentage than the actual payment. 
But The soldier could barely stand the smell of Sector-B even after three days since his arrival. He cursed himself when will the boy get out of here? How long till the teen got promoted to this Sector? How did the teen seem too normal in this atmosphere? And a bunch of other complaints made him forget that he had a tray of food in his hand. 
He was supposed to find a table for him to eat but he was caught by the grand view of Gugura below him. And when he was finally awake, he realized …
He needed to take off his helmet.
Both eyes were fully wide and his grip tightened. He then started to regret his habit back in Gur’latan might have worked in this area. Delaying his eating time for the sake of secrecy eventually broke his facade when you were now at the driest land on the planet. He knew he could not depend on drinking water to survive in this state. 
He took a deep breath. Look side to side for alternatives. People were too busy watching news from the big screen at the center hall, gathering food, playing cards, or… whatever the hell they did in this place. There should be a command or button to only open the lower part of the helmet so he could eat normally without revealing his face... oh…
Why did he not think of that before?— 
His breath forcibly stopped when he quickly turned his sight to empty hands and the scattered food on the floor in front of him. 
“Oh, goody! Watch your step, needle!” The high mocking tone alarmed him behind his back. Waving hands while distancing further from him. 
He knew it was his fault when he saw the opponent’s hand purposely push his tray to the floor a few seconds slower than his action. Not wanting to add arguments, he deeply sighed and grabbed the tray—
In the next second, he was pushed by a force that was too heavy for his body to hold. The colliding sound between him and the solid metal floor almost echoed in the hallway. 
“What’s with that nasty helmet, eh needle? How can you eat if it's stuck on your head? HAHAHA!”
The sudden attention grabbed laughing audiences nearby after the man successfully smacked him without his sight. The culprit then walked back to his group and celebrated his victory with others as they continued to the hall. Leaving the said person alone surrounded by endless giggles. 
The soldier’s glad he was equipped with a full-face helmet. Everyone could never see his face and he also was not directly touched by scattered foods on the floor…aside from his clothes obviously.
Ignoring the snickering stare circling him, the soldier rose to his feet. Swipe any stain excess that had stuck on his clothes. Then continue wrapping up the tray back on the automatic tray washer near the kitchen.
“Was that the needle from Sector-B?” 
"He's finally going out to eat??"
"What a shocker, the infamous showmaker finally stepped out from his room."
“He thinks he could be in control after he pulled the act?”
“What a shame though. The needle dropped his first food. As expected from Gur'latans.”
“Is he truly from NTE? This year's NTE has not even been held yet!”
“Well, he passed from last year's event, according the data.”
“Nah, bet 20 bucks he's ditched from his family”
“Gur'latan will be in shambles if they find out there's a new generation thrown to this dumpster.”
Where was the applause moment from day one? The teen somehow missed that short paparazzi moment after that show. If he had to choose, he'd rather be surrounded by frightening stares from workers than this.
Did these people hate Gur'latan so much or because his presence here was absurd to them?
He decided to grab a loaf of bread and fastened his pace. Walked back to his room located a few floors below The Observatory. The process was full of silent laughs and whispers along the way. The disturbance noises eventually stopped interrupting his mind when he arrived at the door with a coded number to differentiate between him and others.
Opened up, there's not much to say about this single person 'flat' for him. Boring? With only a bed, a basin, a small shelf, and a small window to entertain? Definitely! But it was the most secure place out of surveying cameras.
After he made sure his empty arm loosened his tight grip, he let out a big breath as he unbuttoned his clothes. Revealing a white shirt with less stain beneath it. He then gave another inspection to see no more stains or any excess still left on it. He remembered there was a laundry section on the bottom floor. He might need it with how smelly this cloth would become if he kept it in here. But now was not the time.
He needed some explanation from that man, right now.
He turned on the switch. Damped the noticeable spots on his clothes with water and scrubbed them.
'Argh! This is harder than I thought! Who are you calling me 'needle' huh?! I rather stay away from this hell if not because of him! Why must he have to be here anyway?!'
The intense voice in his head also impacted his scrubbing pattern to be more violent. Did not much affect the result, but it got the job done since the stains were not dry yet so they still could be washed with only water. After a little squeeze, he hung it with a hanger near an opened window for faster drying.
Which was an opportunity to push the communicator button at his right 'ear' helmet. A buzzing sound confirmed the dialing call was working.
While waiting, The teen soldier took a chance to wear off his helmet. Revealing a sparkling night sky that reflected on his moonstone eyes. His single white stroke hair also matched the colors of his eyes. He felt a big relief when he could shake his black hair flawlessly without any weight strangling him.
"Finally you called Eh? How's your vacation?"
The static voice did not change the mocking tone the teen was very familiar with.
"You could've told me how nasty these guys here!"
The receiver responded with the most demonic laugh the teen ever encountered... So far.
"That's what you get being part of Cubulus Forces in Gugura land. It is the land of wanted people anyway. Isn't this what you ask for?"
The said teen massaged his forehead before replaying back, "Yet I did not expect my presence will be affected so horribly."
"Ooh Presence? What did you do?"
"More like, what did they do to me." He Corrected. He let his body collide on the rough bed beside the shelf and the helmet. "Cut to the point, I found him."
"Him? You mean--"
"My other self, yes. He works at Sector-B." He grabbed the helmet and slid its surface as if it were like a touchscreen device while the screen was inside his helmet. He tinkered with the selection of the screen and sent the picture of the same person he met on the first day to the person he was calling. "How he could withstand living in that dirty place for a long time, I have no idea."
The receiver was silent for a moment.
"...I can't believe your made-up stories are real. Didn't realize a false rumor about the poor teenager sent to Jail before turned out to be your...duplicate."
He hummed in agreement while putting his helmet back on top of the shelf. Of course, he was ecstatic to see the mirror image of him come to life. Watching blurry images from his dreams was absolutely different than seeing in reality. That was the reason why he pulled his act on his first day. Aside from how loud the man yelled at him, it was the quickest way to gather attention in one place so he could search for that teen more easily.
"Hold on, Sector B? Has he gotten promoted already? Awh your disgusted face is what I'm looking for, after all, Khehhehehehe."
The teen rolled his silver eyes. "I don't have time for this, I need you to send P.R.O.B.E drone to fix the watch."
"The watch? Aren't your watch--"
"Not mine... his." He rose from the bed to a sitting position so he could open the shelf and grabbed the broken watch that was identically twin object as its left one.
"Wait, he also has the watch too??"
Same size, same color pattern, and same blank screen with no number indication of it. "But it's broken so I looted it from him."
"Uh-Wow. You played this role very well I see."
"Oh Shut up or I'll blast you!" His sentence almost yelled towards the helmet. It would be lethal if people found out there were two different voices inside a single room.
"Your arrogance is ten times bigger ever since your watch got fixed. What a fortune I can sit in this comfy cushion while you're not!"
"Can you send it or not?!"
The teen heard an exasperated tone as if the person shrugged and raised his shoulders.
"Sadly I can't. This is a prison land, not a service land. And I thought you're a genius here."
He almost wanted to yank out his hair if not because of dizziness that disturbingly interrupted his head. He squeezed his eyes shut while thinking of other solutions before answering.
"Ugh... How about the guy you said from bargain store between the bridge? Ba... Baga Go? Bago Go? Can we trust him?"
"He's a dealer! Not a repairman! Also, mind I tell you again how many times I got scammed by him?"
"Well... I not asking him to find a repairman. I might ask if he had the tools to fix this." He voiced a bit lower while observing the broken closely. Searching if this one had the same problem as he had.
"You? You want to tinker it by yourself?"
"If it's more efficient for me to learn something new, why not? I don't want my genius brain to go dull the longer I'm here. Besides, I still remembered how you fixed mine, so might as well try it now. "
"...but you still can't turn it on unless powered by KoKoa radiator. Did you forget how long till it worked?"
"Proximately a month. I know that."
A silent buzz filled the room after he said it. There's a long minute pause for a while until the opponent only gave a static sigh in defeat.
"...Why are you doing this?"
"Haven't we already settled this before...? I'm not coming back until all my questions are answered."
"I know that... But even if it does. Why did you bring him along? You know there's a myth that we just stumble two percent of a chance to find a similar person in the middle of billions of people? He might not even know who you are!"
"And here I thought you hate deducting myths."
"You-Hey! I'm warning you here!"
The stuttered angry noises couldn't made his day any better than this.
"Argh! Fine! I must cut now. Do what you want while I find some information to get you out. I need you to stay alive for the next two weeks. "
"Loud and Clear, Sir Boss." For the first time in a while, the teen side lips went up, "Give my regards to P.R.O.B.E as well."
"Kheh, You take care...Solar."
And the buzzing noise stopped. The silent voice felt more dense than normal. An odd feeling erupted along the hollow sight from the moonstone eyes. Locking his object to the broken watch that he gripped tremorly.
'Solar Optical Shot!'
'Watch out--Solar!'
The disturbing migraine increased ever since he met that teen. So whenever he sleeps, the dreams somehow add a new clip for him to assemble. Before, He heard him shouting a spell toward an unknown enemy(thus how his called himself by that name). Now, there's a scene between him, that golden eyed teen and another person who he might believe was named, Fang, hiding from a massive blast from...who knows. The scene cutted shortly when he was almost got hit behind.
Yet, it's just filled with more questions than answers. How this thing worked? How he could do what he did in that vision? Is he lightening up a flash light in his hand? Why that golden eyed teen... Wearing two... giant stone hands?
He just did not get it. At all.
How could he remember the names yet still fail to decipher their facial reveal? he completely did not comprehend what he saw in clear view.
The look on that golden eyed teen after the sudden vision confirmed his suspicion. If he could remember his name by fixing his watch, it should be possible that person could do the same. The problem was the target person intentionally avoiding him several days after the meeting. He might not noticed but the teen hurriedly ran and hide whenever he arrived. It's like playing cat and mouse game which only made him harder to communicate with him. The final deep sighed escape as he looked the scattered stars across the night sky.
'Why am I doing this...?'
If he could find a way to fix this watch sooner, surely he could remember who's that kid was and both then could get out of this prison faster.
... No pressure, right?
See ya!
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