#hawks lays an egg au
compsonn · 2 months
Most Well-Written Fics 2024
back at it again for the third year in a row!! personal favorites from this year across multiple fandoms!
no particular order, just based on the order of my bookmarks.
for reference i am sooo picky, i have read over 6000 fics according to ao3, and i've read 700 since the beginning of the year. i only have 53 bookmarks in total... but here are some bookmarked fics i read this year!!!
this year i got into some random shit, blah blah blah, honestly most of these are not faulkner levels of literature doing monuments for the english language but they were good and make me feel a sort of way, so, here you go
Harry Potter (Drarry)
This Year's Love by trishjames / drarry E, longfic. love it a lot. genuinely made me want to become an adult. they were meant to be cry emoji
Yes, But It'lll Cost You by mintaminta / drarry T, privated. this one had such a good vibe, reminds me of fun and school and calm darkness. very nice.
Bad Habits by No_One_Special_01289 / drarry E, lowkey porn, longfic. those last few chapters got me SO hard, they love each other omg cry emoji. poor harry. i think i skipped most of the smut when i read it but the plot was so good. literally star crossed lovers UGHHHHH LET THEM BE TOGETHER
Recursion by tessacrowley / drarry E, longfic. its written really well and it's witty, but i kind of think this author just self-inserts herself for draco in all her fics because... that boy was soo pathetic in canon. genius au basically. but i can forgive her bc the fics are good
House M.D. (Hilson)
yes Medical Malpractice Husbands whatever shut up i like the fics and they're probably in love so leave me BE. these fics are good.
Look, Don't Touch by ORiley42 / hilson E, voyeurism fic.... guys HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT OK that makes it sound SOOO bad but trust me i bookmarked this one because the author took such a horrible trope and made it genuinely not feel that creepy. like this fic is SO funny. it's really good. and the author is straight up just a good writer
the sea and the sky and you and i by thismagichour / hilson M, hanahaki angst. its really good because wilson just gives up and its soo heart wrenching bc he thinks house doesnt like him back and just wants to die. poor guy.
My Hero Academia (Dabihawks)
i have not given a Phuque about MHA for the past five years but i had this phase this year where i was briefly re-obsessed with dabihawks so here are some fics
planting trees (making shade) by nightquake / dabihawks T. basically hawks KHS for a good cause ..? really well written, has high tension and good allusions. loved this one. its the kind of fic u know is good by the summary
Hawks Lays an Egg by ButterflyApocalypse / dabihawks T. never in my entire Life 18 Years have i ever enjoyed mpreg except this fic, because he isnt even pregnant he just has this egg. it's such a good funny fic. i was asking myself why i had it bookmarked from like four years ago earlier this year so i reread it and i was like Yeah ok it deserves the bookmark. SOOO funny and ridiculous. crackiest fic.
MISC random fandoms (Battle Cats (????) and A Clockwork Orange)
nyankopalooza by Sanodigy / Battle Cats Game gen. No clue how i even found this. its so funny. ive never read a fic like this. its so funny. and weirdly well written, i like experimental / weirdly formatted fics. i used to play this game when i was a kid
Bitva Gruppa by VoidVesper / a clockwork orange X fight club, alex delarge X tyler durden E. its straight up a horrible plot, AKA CHILD GETS ASSAULTED. warning for underage and assault. it's not a morally good fic (clockwork orange is intentionally a morally wrong book). but holy shit the writing is great. like it reads like it's anthony burgess. just really good. probably one of the only fics here where i straight up bookmarked only because of the writing style
OK that wraps up this year's edition!! please give these fics a read, your life will be Fulfilled. byebyee
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sunsetcougar · 4 months
For the Hawk Feather Exorist AU I can’t help but constantly think that once all the angels in heaven have settled in Angel would get more comfortable messing with them all.
More specifically I imagine they all still nest together so one day he just leaves an egg laying around and cue chaos. “I didn’t know we could lay eggs?” “Can we lay eggs?” “Whose child is this??”
Nobody ever enters their nesting sanctum so they never suspect it to be a prank until it goes too far and he comes clean when they’re all mourning the death of this child who is now nothing more than a rotten egg.
I’d love your take on it though.
Pfff, haha! Angel would do something like that.
For all their intelligence and competence, when put together the exorcists can be fairly dense. They’re like orange cats and Lute is the only one who consistently holds the group brain cells.
Lute was at the hotel for a few days when this happens. She returns, sees this, and just has to take a moment so she doesn’t call them all idiots. They eat Hell chicken eggs routinely, that is obviously a Hell chicken egg. She wants to hit her head against the wall.
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lizzy-calaxio · 1 year
SO! I’ve been re-working a bit of Lizzy’s canonicity, cause things got a little hectic and I think I want to make things a bit more simple. (haha...)
I'm still thinking about Lizzy stuff to flesh out and round her out, so if you have any questions feel free to ask c:
The General Timeline:
- Lizzy is born, as a male au ra in the ruby sea - Lizzy gets launched off a ship while travelling with her birth parents in the Ruby Sea as a result of a pirate attack. This leads to Lizzy having a phobia of water, as well as a phobia of pirates. She gets rescued by Kojin and brought to an orphanage in Kugane (she becomes a female au ra at this point)
- She bounces between a couple orphanages as no one wants to adopt her, until she lands in Gridania, where she is adopted by Simon (hyur) and Amandine (deaf, duskwight elezen) Frizzle, she is given the name “Elizabeth Frizzle”
- She learns sign language, gardening stuff, she climbs trees, and aspires to be a white mage like Amandine
- Her parents go as field medics to help the gridanian soldiers while fighting the imperial army, they get killed during the calamity
- after spending one nameday alone (12 years old), Lizzy starts wandering the shroud, after a couple months she gets picked up by the sylphs, she adopts the name Lizzy Frizzixio
- after spending several years with the sylphs, she gets caught pickpocketing in new gridania and instead of given jail time, she’s forced to become an adventurer and help recovery efforts, eventually being forced to join the scions
- Lizzy vowing to be a pacifist, tries to spend most of her time adventuring as a scholar, though as a part of the scions, they utilized Lizzy’s sneaking skills that she gained from the sylphs to run covert operations, often being sent into enemy territory for information gathering
- Lizzy was not gifted the blessing of light, like the primary WoL, but during the ultima fight her scholar shielding was able to shield her and several others from the blast (though, everyone insisted it was Hydaelyn, causing her to lose a little bit of self esteem in her healing abilities)
- During the fight with Bahamut in the coils, Lizzy and the whole team in there, gets wiped out, Phoenix resurrects them using Lizzy as a conduit, resulting in Lizzy’s aether being tainted by Phoenix, permanently altering her limbal ring and hair color to be reddish-orange (Lizzy frequently dyes her hair tips back to blue, as their original state, but whenever she taps into the Phoenix aether, her hair burns the dye back to red)
- After the Banquet, Lizzy loses total faith in her healing abilities and becomes a ninja, she becomes an assassin for hire on the side in ishgard, and gets incredibly good at killing people, she starts going by Lizzy Calaxio at the suggestion of Shio
- After thordan is out of the picture, Lizzy lays an egg thanks to Taraine, and a dragon hatchling is born
- After ishgard opens up, Lizzy gets reunited with Brilliant Caladium, and they swiftly get married (Lizzy get pregnant with twins)
- Lizzy tries to spend as much time as she can with her new family, but the scions ever need their hero, and send Lizzy off to various locations, continuing her information gathering role
- After the Nhaadam, Lizzy gets pregnant again, with triplets, from a newer partner – Hawk
- Lizzy learns how to do black mage things from Suzaku
- Lizzy gets dragged on to the first alongside Shio, despite not being the intended target, while Shio absorbs most of the light from the lightwardens, Lizzy begins siphoning off small amounts to help ease the burden (this temporarily turns Lizzy's hair white with red tips)
- Before Mt Gulg, Lizzy and Sadu share an emergency wedding, resulting in Sadu becoming pregnant (with one kid)
- Lizzy gets assistance from Feo Ul to become a Dark Knight and helps guide Shio through the tempest+
- Lizzy stumbles upon Iremia’s apartment in Amaurot, and Iremia gifts Lizzy a portion of her aether, as well as her knowledge of Psychology, and (a small portion of) her ability to manipulate the emotions of nearby people, as a byproduct Lizzy also gains some memories of ancient times
- After travelling to Sharlayan, Lizzy starts studying there, and begins pioneering the field of Psychology, drowning her in paperwork
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sweetberry-roebuck · 4 years
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I'm back at it again
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
I've noticed fanfiction writers for Hawks often have varying ideas about how bird-like Keigo is, and some of these things I really like, and some of them I really do not.
So, because I am the self-imposed keeper of Bad Takes™️, I'm gonna rank Hawk's bird-trait headcanons into 3 categories:
Traits I like, Traits I'm Neutral About, and Traits I Dislike.
Why? Because I want to.
Keep in mind, these are only going over Hawks in the canon My Hero Academia universe and not any AUs writers create.
Harpy!Hawks can be as animalistic as you want. Go ham. CyberPunk!Hawks can be as crazy as you want. I tend to have more leeway in AUs in general. Hawks can be a dragon hybrid who simply looks like a bird in dragon-form and I'll still read and get enjoyment out of it.
Also, like, I'm just some person on the internet. My opinion means fuck-all. Don't take this too seriously.
Traits I like:
Hawks is hypnotized by shiny things
Hawks chirps, trills, coos, squawks, and just in general makes bird noises.
Hawks has bird-like pupils and can see further than the average person
bonus if the characters consider his stare unnerving
Torpor is a thing he has to deal with and must be careful in the winters so he doesn't end up forcefully hibernating in the Fukuoka streets
Hawks molts
Hawks is prideful and thrives on others' praise
Hawks preens his feathers
Hawks likes when those close to him preen his feathers
Bonus if it's considered an act of non-sexual intimacy
Hawks has a fast metabolism and needs to eat more than average
Hawks has hollow bones
Hawks' wings telegraph how he's feeling if you know how to interpret bird body language.
Hawks Stress-Grips things
Traits I'm Neutral About:
Hawks has talons
Hawks has bird feet
Hawks has a yearly mating cycle
Hawks has feathers that grow in other places other than his back
Places like at the crown of his hair, near his temple, trailing downwards his spine, on his arms or on the back of his hands
Hawks is carnivorous and/or needs a lot more meat in his diet than the average person
Hawks has fangs
Do actual hawks have fangs??? I don't know why people give canon!Hawks fangs except because fangs are sexy character-design
Hawks can lay eggs
depending on the story you're telling, this could be very funny
teeters on the edge of neutral and dislike for me
Traits I Dislike:
Hawks prefers and/or needs to eat strictly raw meat
I just get squicky about it, I guess
My personal headcanon about this is that he can eat raw meat if it's the only thing available. Otherwise, he prefers a good plate of fried chicken
Hawks is a cannibal
I don't mean the joking about him eating chicken. I mean, like, he eats people and/or wants to eat people
Again, makes me feel icky. I know that's the point, but... eh.
Hawks mates for life
I feel like this idea causes weird consent issues in stories and also just seems like a bad deal
Plus how would you even know?? Like, there'd be no way to test that out without fucking (heh) yourself over, right?
Even the things on this list I dislike won't turn me away from reading the story if it's good. It's just something I don't particularly enjoy seeing in a work.
And I understand the more animalistic stuff people make him out to be. I know, especially in stories with the league, it has the double intention of making the HPSC look extra evil and allows Hawks to realize him and the other mutant types "aren't so different." It's the idea made physical of who Hawks is vs. who Keigo is.
The more harsh traits just don't appeal to me as much. It's not bad writing. It's not annoying, and it's not a bad thing to write. It's just my opinion.
If you guys can think of any traits I missed, tell me and I'll add it to the list.
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dl4draws · 4 years
okay so here is my little bullet point story for the httyd au lol, hope you guys like it
love amongst the dragons
this is a zuko centered au but the story actually begins with how sokka got foof
sokka and hiccup are one no one can change my mind
the swt hunts dragons because dragons hunt them, same thing as httyd
so basically the httyd storyline isn’t zuko’s story but sokka’s
he shoots foof (sprinkle of saber tooth moose lion mixed with night fury, mostly changing the size and teeth – foof would look almost exactly the same as toothless but is taller, has bigger legs, is bigger in general and well the saber tooth of course – also night furies aren’t extinct!)), not because he cant actually participate in the hunting, he’s perfectly allowed, but he creates these machines and people are like just use a spear like the rest of us lol
he shoots the saber tooth night fury down and no one believes him so he’s like “okay fuck it im gonna go find it”
he does indeed find him, foof is too cute, sokka instantly loses the battle, he doesn’t wanna fight dragons anyway
he keeps foof a secret until katara one day sees sokka sneaking away while she’s practicing water bending (the war doesn’t exist, there’s just problems in the fire nation – so the SWT is full of people)
katara is like sokka what the fuck are you doing
sokka cant lie to katara, he can charm anyone else but not katara,, sisters are charm proof
anyways events of httyd proceed to happen
sokka learns how to fly, learns stuff in general about dragons
katara is kinda like the astrid but she’s like confused at the beginning bc sokka’s getting too good at handling dragons and she’s sus
they both get good with dragons after that
until they find another dragon when they were flying around
a Very Large tm dragon
basically a water dragon, inspired by the unagi but from the south pole, it can leave the water but it prefers to live in the deep ocean
katara loves her, she starts “practicing” water bending at a special spot so one can find her, only sokka and her know where it is since they found it while flying
blah blah blah the swt proceeds to have a happy ending and everyone gets a dragon
the swt starts a life with dragons this time and they believe they are the only ones doing this (aside from the air nomads) (there is no war so aang is born 100 years later)
Crown prince zuko and soon to be chief of the swt sokka are penpals, they’ve met eachother once or twice, sokka never tells him about the dragons
The fire nation has few dragons left
The fn is the birthplace of all dragons, but they have very little dragons now, they hunt them for fun
It is a ritual for the crown prince to kill a dragon and bring to the palace its heart
ozai is aware that there’s only one dragon left in their territory and the last dragon nest is weeks away
he sends zuko anyway and zuko goes, but he really doesn’t want to kill a dragon
he finds one, he goes through all that same stuff sokka (hiccup) went through with “he looked just as scared as I was” so he lets the dragon free, the dragon isn’t hurt so he can fly away but he doesn’t
he knows zuko won’t do anything to harm him so he stays with him
zuko doesn’t know wtf to do so he does what he knows always sets him in the right direction
he writes sokka a letter and tells him exactly what happens, about the dragon (his name is druk obviously) and how he doesn’t have any idea about what to do, he hopes sokka can reply as soon as possible and if he has time he can come to the fn and help him, he’s an engineer right? He can help him build stuff for druk, right??
He sends the hawk with the letter, knowing it’ll reach sokka in about week, since he’s farther south right now, so he expects sokka’s answer in two weeks
He most definitely is not expecting sokka to get there a week later riding a dragon the color of the night sky, you’d think the dragon was black if it wasn’t standing under the sunlight
Zuko hasn’t seen sokka in a few years, so he’s not exactly the same as he was back when they were still 19 (they’re 21 and 22 now)
Sokka isn’t expecting to see zuko with a supposedly extinct dragon when he gets there tho
He’s fascinated by druk (also zuko looks very pretty)
Sokka teaches zuko everything he knows about dragons, how to fly them, how to treat them, everything (they’re like little dates but they don’t mention that, they’re buddies tm)
Zuko comes back to the fn and he finds out that ozai is planning to wipe out the last nest, so zuko tries to stop him
And ozai lashes out so druk appears to protect him, and ozai is like oh bitch you’ve done it now and his little army is about to attack both zuko and druk when sokka and foof (both were hiding there in the palace) do a sneak attack and get them both out
Azula sees all of this from the shadows (this is important)
Zuko and sokka grab some stuff and leave the fn
They fly to the swt, zuko’s nervous about ozai’s plan but sokka knows that once they get home and set up a plan he’ll be okay
Once zuko lays eyes on the swt he goes holy fucking agni and sokka laughs so hard he almost falls off foof
The swt is built to house dragons and such, it really is a sight to see
They make a plan and basically go all out, the swt and the air nomads are good buddies, so aang is there with his cloud jumper (appa!!!!! Flying bisons exist but they’re like very important to the air nomads and people don’t ride them, they just vibe)
Aang is the avatar, so he has a deep connection with alpha dragons (the bewilderbeast)
They all make a plan, and they start flying to the fn, katara takes her big ass unagi like dragon, but she goes underwater with aang following her from the skies (they’re trying to find an alpha to ask for help)
They get to the nest before the troops, and stand their ground
It seems like they’re about to lose when katara appears with her dragon, the cloud jumper and aang in the avatar state on top of an alpha
The battle ends quickly after that and zuko and sokka are like !!! we did it and they share a sweet little kiss bc I say so (currently listening to coming back around and it’s making me emotional)
Azula appears after all this in sokka’s room (he’s staying at the fn palace for a bit to help the fn get adjusted to the new dragon rules) sokka hasn’t gotten the chance to talk to azula much, but he knows she isn’t opposed to dragons (or that is what it looks like)
His answer comes in the form of azula actually asking him for help, because she’s been hiding two dragon eggs for about two years
Sokka’s like!!!!!!!!!! Yes I can help!!!
She takes him to the eggs and he realizes that he hasn’t seen those types of eggs before but the coloring of the egg indicates that they are fire nation born dragons (they’re bright orange at the top and dark red at the bottom)
He asks if she found them near a volcano and azula’s like, hm yes but are you aware this palace is IN a volcano, and sokka’s like oh yeah right, and he tells her those are most likely dragons that live inside volcanoes and they like extremely hot temperatures so she should keep them near lava or with constant heat
Azula takes note of everything, and she starts going to sokka if she needs advice with her dragon eggs
Azula: how long until they hatch? Sokka: you gotta wait, depending on the dragon they can take from 2 to 5 years to hatch Azula: hm okay
Time passes, zukka dancing and singing to the dancing and the dreaming is all I need in life (will draw tomorrow)
Anyways yes sokka and zuko start living their best life riding their dragons under the moonlight and early in the mornings watching the sunset from between the clouds the end <3
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wri0thesley · 3 years
that one reblog “you’re one fic away—“ felt like an attack when it made me realize I accidentally gave myself an ovipositor kink when writing a joke Hawks egg laying fic to mess with some friends 😔
I— it’s been a year and the kink is still here— there are many regrets
YES i know that post was meant 'reading' but i've accidentally discovered so much stuff about myself via writing. and alas. ovipositing for me too (but for a naga au dio from jjba). really . . . hatched an egg in our brains >:3
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1-800-sunset · 4 years
Dabihawks Childhood sweethearts AU and Dabihawks lovechild AU
tw: mentions of teen pregnancy and eggpreg
Touya and Keigo were childhood best friends both being raised in a special program run by the Hero Commission. Keigo when he first entered the program at 7 really didn’t care much about socializing with the other kids. He mostly stayed quiet and kept to himself. That’s what helped him not get into trouble when he still lived with his mom. The Commission however needed him to get over that attitude and be charismatic. Just like a good hero. Sometimes it was hard to socialize but he wasn’t the only one the Commission had trouble to be more friendly. A boy with white spiked hair and turquoise eyes was always snapping back and filled with so much discontent towards the mentors. Keigo later learned his name was Touya and he was two years older than him. One day the two were paired up for a partner activity. Touya obviously hated the idea of working with someone else until he noticed Keigo’s wings. A part of him was mesmerized by their beautiful red color. He hated the color red for it reminded him of his father but this red was different. It’s vibrance reminded him of the roses in his mother’s garden, so full of life.Apparently the two of them had chemistry and they simply clicked together. The instructors for the activity noticed their fluid work ethic and made a note of it. After all Touya was a difficult child to work with but Keigo made it seem so easy. Touya and Keigo soon became friends, they knew everything about each other and nothing was ever between them. The Commission didn’t care much about their relationship hoping that any obedience Keigo demonstrated would rub off on the rebellious Touya. They were inseparable, never one without the other. 
As they grew older certain aspects of their relationship evolved. There was now a shyness whenever they held each other's hand or in the days they snuck into each other's rooms. There was now a flush on cheeks whenever one or the other looked at eachother simply admiring. The beating of hearts matching the racing of emotions. It was until Touya decided to kiss Keigo on his 13th birthday when things shifted. The older boy took the face of his best friend and scrunched his face as his lips met Keigo’s. It was a pretty awkward kiss if you could call it that but to them it was like electricity. Keigo’s wings fluffed out and a chirp rose in his throat. From that point on they began to date in secret. If the Commission found out they would surely be punished. After all they were trained to be ready to be open to quirk marriages. 
Keigo was 16 when the Commission told him Touya died. How could Touya have died just like that? It was not even three days since Touya’s 18th birthday. He of course didn’t tell them how they spent that night under the covers and the promises they made to each other. The Commission only told him that Touya pushed himself too far and his body burned, unable to handle his fire. Keigo felt sick to his stomach and his heart shattered. Touya was gone. The boy that his body decided was his mate for life was never coming back to him.
Keigo continued to feel nauseous for two months. Not knowing what was going on with his body and why he was just so tired all the time. Apart from the sad longing in his heart. So he made his way to the medical ward. It was there that he received news that would change his life forever. He was pregnant… His bird anatomy apparently also allowed him to carry children of his own in the form of eggs. Keigo knew he came from an egg at least that’s what his mother told him when he was younger so it kinda made a little sense. The Commission demanded to know who the father of this unborn child was but in a way that was stern cold and calculating. Keigo had to give them a direct answer. So Keigo told them it was Touya. Instead of the fury he was expecting they smiled in a way that Keigo wished they were mad with him. They still had a part of Touya with them, this child had potential. Keigo’s heart slightly warmed, because he too still had a piece of Touya with him.
 The Commission decided to tell Touya’s family. It was not long before the Todorokis’ came to visit him. Shoto was 9, Natsou was 14 and Fuyumi was 16 just like him. Enji refused to meet his eyes focusing only on his barely bulging stomach. But Keigo couldn’t care less about him, Touya had told him everything about his father’s abuse towards him, his mom, and siblings. He wanted to snarl and make him back away but stopped himself. He however was a little let down that Enji wouldn’t let Rei visit him. Keigo always wanted to meet Rei. Fuyumi was the most excited by the news and asked many questions that Keigo gladly answered. She looked at him with no judgment and he felt so at ease with her. He knew Natsou wanted to ask him about Touya but refrained from doing so which he was grateful for . Shoto was quiet not really knowing what was going on. Keigo didn’t know why he felt a certain protectiveness toward the young boy. The way he was so quiet and the deadpan face reminding him of Touya when they first met. Keigo blamed it on his pregnancy hormones. Everything was going smoothly until Enji opened his big mouth and criticized Touya’s recklessness for knocking Keigo up. Now Keigo would not let this man talk shit about Touya. In his fury he told Enji to shut up and get out. He did not miss the way Shoto looked at him with a sparkle in his eyes and Natsou holding in his laughter. It didn’t take much of Keigo’s yelling for Enji to leave. Fuyumi tried to calm him down knowing it was not good for him to be this stressed.
He laid the egg at 4 months, the medic estimated that the egg itself would hatch in 5 months. The Commission made him continue his training after laying his child after all his goals have not changed. Keigo weirdly missed the time he was allowed to relax because of the egg. All his free time went to watching over his little egg. Fuyumi visited him often and would talk to him about everything at home. He liked her company and they grew to become good friends after all they were technically brother and sister in law. On the very rare occasion that Enji was out of town Shoto even tagged along. The fondness Keigo felt for the boy only grew. Shoto looked at him in awe and Keigo was curious as to why. Shoto explained that he has never seen anyone stand up to his father the way he did and plus his wings were really pretty. Keigo flattered and ruffled Shoto’s hair earning a giggle. 
August 15th was the day he egg hatched. Keigo helped a little baby boy out of the egg. His heart soaring. The baby had Touya’s spiky hair but just like his uncle Shoto had his hair color split down the middle white on the left side and blonde on the right. The baby had his eyes gold matching his and eye marks prominent, tiny white wings with some golden feathers peppered in. He was a beautiful baby made of white and gold. As Keigo held him in his arms tears streamed down his face silently sobbing. This baby was the proof of their love and Keigo swore he would be there for his baby. He would try to be the best dad he could be. Keigo had spent all this time trying to pick the perfect name. So when the doctors asked what the baby’s name was going to be he answered; Yukihiro Takami.
The Commission let him take care of Yukihiro but when it came to training he had to hand him over to a hired sitter.Fuyumi was his constant supporter and would sometimes take care of Yukihiro when Keigo had to train. He had to work hard as he had a new motivation in life. In two years he would open his own agency as planned and get his own apartment for him and Yukihiro.
When Natsou and Shoto came to see them along with Fuyumi they couldn’t help but point out how it seems that Yukihiro inherited Shoto’s split hair. Shoto looked at the baby in amazement, he has never seen anyone with hair like his. Keigo couldn’t help but giggle and ask if Shoto wanted to hold him. With a shy nod, Keigo showed him how to properly hold a baby. A small smile spread across his face. God it this was too cute for Keigo to handle.
Two years went by fast, almost too fast. As planned his agency opened was doing extremely well. God his baby was now a toddler. Yukihiro certainly was a more observant toddler preferring to watch his dad over playing with watchever new toy his aunt Fuyumi brought him. The Todoroki siblings began to visit Keigo more often at his apartment making it a weekly thing. Every Friday they would come over to eat takeout, play board games, and watch movies. He threatened Enji never to come near him or his kid unless he wanted to wake up in a ditch somewhere on the other side of the world. To them he was still Keigo but to the rest of the public he was Hawks. 
When Keigo was 22, Yukihiro was 5. The dreaded time came of seeing if there was more to his quirk. But nothing. Yukihiro didn’t have Keigo’s ability to control his feathers. So when the Commission tried to see if maybe Yukihiro had Touya’s fire quirk the tests came back negative. They lit a single feather on fire and it burned. Sure Yukihiro could fly like his dad but that was it. The Commission had no use for him. This child hadn’t inherited any of the abilities that made his parents have potential. Keigo was relieved that the universe had finally thrown him a bone and saved his little boy from being raised the way he was. Yukihiro didn’t feel bad at all. To be honest he was most happy when he was looking at picture books his uncle Shoto would bring him or before bed when his daddy would tell him the best stories ever. Yukihiro would sometimes be the one telling the stories he imagined. With excited wings happily flapping, eyes shining chirps occasionally littered in his stories. Keigo could only look at his son with such pride. Since Hawks was doing so well going up the ranks the Commission allowed some of their best private tutors to teach Yukihiro. 
During his time of raising his son Keigo tried to date but nothing ever felt right. Sure some of his dates were very attractive but he just didn’t feel like there was a connection worth fighting for. Touya was the only one he has ever loved romantically but Yukihiro was the only one he loved as much even more than Touya. He did make a new friend though, the rabbit hero Miruko. She was the only person he let get close to him aside from the Todoroki siblings. She made him feel like his age. Not to mention she didn’t freak out when finding out about his son. Instead she opted to help out on the days Fuyumi couldn’t. Keigo was happy to have his own little flock. Shoto was growing up too and soon entered UA Highschool. Keigo could not believe it. And when it came to internships He obviously sent one Shoto’s way. Sure Hawks didn’t have a quirk that Shoto could learn from but he also had other skills. In the end Shoto chose to go with Endeavor to learn how to control his flames. Hawks understood why and knew that he would offer a work study at his agency to Shoto when the time came. Not to mention he was also going to keep an eye one that Tokoyami kid. He was glad Shoto reached out to his mom and Shoto invited him and Yukihiro to visit her with him. He was  definitely nervous to meet Rei but at the same time excited. Excited for his son to meet his grandma and to finally officially meet his mother in law. Rei was so sweet to him and she too was happy to finally meet him and Yukihiro. Rei must have made a good impression on Yukihiro because he saw how his little boy looked at her with wide eyes. Immediately after they left the hospital Yukihiro wanted to know when would they visit his grandma again.
The day he got his mission to infiltrate the league of villains, he knew he couldn’t refuse. He had to succeed, there was no other choice. His way into the League was Dabi. The villain infamous and known for helping out the attack on the Summer Camp Shoto attended. There was nothing more that Hawks wanted to do than punch Dabi’s stupid face. How dare he attack Shoto’s class. He had to keep himself under control. His gut however must be messed up because he felt this weird attraction to Dabi. The way he looked at Hawks with an intense blue gaze that reminded him too much of Touya. Of course the guy that made Hawks want to bone again was a fucking villain. It didn’t help that Dabi shamelessly flirted with him and would touch his wings teasing. When the time came for the High End Nomu to attack Hawks had the perfect candidate to test it. He scripted himself a story to feed Endeavor to get him to eat with him. Endeavor asked about Yukihiro which threw Keigo off a bit from his story but decided to indulge the old man this once. He adapted and talked about Yukihiro for a bit before switching to give him the information he got from Dabi about the Nomus .Then unexpectedly the building was under attack by what seemed like a Nomu. Dabi misled him, that motherfucker! 
Even after the mess after the High End attack Dab still flirted with him even though it irritated Hawks. Sometimes Dabi would purposely force him to stay longer just to continue to spite him. He would rather be at home in his pajamas and listen to Yukihiro’s day. 
Dabi one day decides to break into his favorite hero’s apartment. He climbs in through the balcony. The place looked cozy enough. None of the stuff looked too luxurious. The only thing that looked remotely expensive was the big tv in the living room connected to various consoles that he knew Shigaraki and Spinner would be jealous of. It looked like no one was home. He decided to look in one of the rooms only to find a small child with split blonde and white hair and white and gold wings sleeping peacefully in a comfy bed. Dabi was shocked, Hawks had a kid. No no no not the man he was in love with before becoming a villain. That can’t be right as far the public knew he has never had a partner. Which Dabi knew was a lie because it was 5 years ago that they were still together. Before he “died”. That could mean… no it’s not possible… or is it? The room looked whimsical and Dabi could not help but admire it. He heard a snarl and felt hands grip harshly against his skin and sharp feather blade pressed against his neck. Next thing he knew he was being dragged harshly by a furious Hawks. He has never even before the accident seen Hawks thing angry, almost looking feral. 
“Dabi what the fuck do you think you are doing here!” He whispers shouts with dripping venom trying not to wake the sleeping child.
“Is...that your kid?” Dabi questions mind not being to focus on anything other than the fact that Hawks has a child.
“....Yes. He’s my son…” Hawks doesn’t know what Dabi is trying to get at and he knows he shouldn’t give him any information about his personal life. But it felt weirdly ok to talk about this to him.
“What’s his name?”
“Well his dad and I were both born in winter. Plus his grandma has an ice quirk so I thought it was a nice name.”
“What happened to his dad?”
Hawks felt a lump in his throat, tears threatening to spill. No not in front of Dabi. He took a deep breath.
“He died... in an accident related to his quirk.” Hawks didn’t want to talk about this subject but the words just kept spilling out of his mouth with zero control. Why was his body going against common sense? His instincts were going against what a sane human being would be doing.
“What was his name?”
And like that Dabi felt his grasp on reality slip. He had a son. Somehow he and Hawks had a son. A little boy named Yukihiro named after the snow in winter and his mom...  Keigo thought about his mom when naming their child. A kid with split hair that reminded him of Shoto. He was apparently a dad. It’s been 5 or 6 years? How did this happen? Was the night of his 18th birthday that somehow brought a child into the world? His heart clenched tightly. This was going to be one big mess.
(I swore to myself I wasn't going to make a dabihawks lovechild. But then I thought imagine the heartache of A Keigo whose boyfriend supposedly died. And my brain went you know what would make it angstier... a child.)
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sweetberry-roebuck · 4 years
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I have- more sketches.
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dead-inside-cx · 4 years
Dabihawks au idea (also sorry for any mistakes I wrote this in my phone): Okay so taking the concept of Hawks being able to have his own kids right? He and Dabi fuck a couple times and Hawks being a dumb ass forgets he can ya know get pregnant/lay an egg. So they forget to use protection cause they would dont even try to change my mind.
So anyways a couple months later Hawks is showing signs of having a kid (or hes already layed an egg and is like keeping it a secret but for this we are going with the pregnancy route) and like Hawks kinda already knew but he big dumb and didnt get it checked out. So villain fight happens and Hawks gets attacked and takes a nasty blow to the stomach and ends up in hospital where its revealed he is pregnant.
The commission who had no clue he could have his own kids this way demands he gets an abortion and hes like say 8 or 9 weeks along so he could get one pretty safely. Hawks agrees and so the doctors prepare for him to get an abortion but then like 5 minutes before the doctors come to get him. He just casually yeets himself out a window right? Hes like: "FUCK YALL IM OUT!" And like rushes to the league base cause hes close with them now. Hes in pain but chooses to ignore it. Which is a bad idea.
Anyways he wants to tell Dabi hes pregnant but hes not there so hes gotta wait. The pain is getting worse and then oops he starts bleeding. The others see this and freak out and Hawks is like: "I think Im having a miscarriage?" Just causally cause hes probably like on some type of pain drugs or whatever (Im not a doctor I dont know what Im talking about) and so they rush him to their doctor cause even tho hes a hero, they still care for him.
Luckily the doctor saves the baby. Dabi returns and is instantly dragged to Hawks side and hes hella confused. He arrives and Hawks is just talking baby stuff with Toga which confuses Dabi even more and also unlocks his inner protective older brother instincts. He starts demanding who Toga slept with. Abd Toga is confused before she clicks. She laughs cause shes not sleeping with anyone and then Hawks has to explain actually hes pregnant and its his. Dabi faints.
Once he wakes up its explained to him again and like hes so confused but decides that he will step up. Hawks also reveals the truth bout him being a spy cause he dont wanna have no lies between them and so Dabi in turns tells him hes Touya. Hawks also tells Dabi the commission want hin to abort the baby and Hawks doesn't want to. Dabi then collects the rest of the league while Hawks is resting and they burn down the commission cause why not? But like to also give the commission a warning.
The league then decide Hawks is staying with them and like are all really helpful with Hawks pregnancy and Hawks is like kinda still a hero but not really anymore and like he decides he wants to actually help the league now especially cause he wants his baby to grow up in a better world than he did. And like the leagues cool with that and like are all really excited for the new addition to their group/family.
When Hawks finally gives birth its a scary time for everyone involved and like Toga is the only one who is able to get shit done while all the men panic. Hawks is just chill asf as well like his main concern is how hot he looks. Dabi thinks hes crazy but Hawks is like: "I gotta look good for our child Dabi. Just cause you enjoy looking like a raisin." Dabi wants to argue but a contraction hits so he leaves it.
Anyways eventually baby is born and is healthy which is all that matters and everything is just perfect in that moment. Like no one cares about what comes next in that moment theyll plan later for now everyones to busy celebrating the new addition to the family.
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feeling-uncomfy · 3 years
This is the second part to the WandaVision AU and I'm really excited to start!
Warnings are:
- blood/gore
Hope you enjoy!
Tokoyami woke up alone.
It wasn't an uncommon experience, but it still made him bolt up and look around wildly. The smell of food hit him and he sighed quietly. Shouji was always up early to make breakfast, but Tokoyami had been begging him to rest for a little longer for ages.
Tokoyami got up, putting on the first pair of sweats he saw and made his way downstairs. The smell getting stronger, it smelt like bacon, and eggs. Tokoyami smiled slightly and walked into the kitchen. "Good morning, Mezou." Shouji looked over with a tired smile.
"Morning Fumikage, did you sleep well?" Tokoyami sat up by the table, and nodded slightly, taking note of Shouji's overall tired demeanor. Shouji stopped any questions Tokoyami was about to shoot at him by sliding over a plate of food.
Tokoyami ate in silence, watching Shouji drag himself back and forth. It was obvious there was something wrong. "Hun?" Tokoyami had to force himself not to immediately jump at how Shouji almost fell over looking at him. Shouji hummed as a response and leaned on the counter.
"Have you been sleeping well..? You seem tired, I'm worried." Shouji blinked at Tokoyami before shrugging. "I've been sleeping fine. I'm not sure what's wrong," Tokoyami frowned. Shouji was never that honest when it came to these things, something was definitely wrong.
Tokoyami was put on edge immediately. "What do you mean?" He stood up and walked over, getting a good look at Shouji. Tokoyami saw a flash of colour in his eyes before Shouji was walking away. Tokoyami paused, he didn't do that. He would never- who was..?
Getting back on track, Shouji seemed to sway as he looked out the window. Ever since the bush incident, which he hadn't told Fumikage about yet, voices had been screaming at him to leave, and he didn't recognise any of them. He wanted, or needed, them to stop. They were keeping him up and telling him to leave the town.
But what was so important outside the town that he had to leave? That question had always been left unanswered, the screaming continuing as if he hadn't interrupted. It made his ears ring and the world turn. He couldn't get away from it, even in sleep.
A loud scream had him doubling over, one set on hands bracing himself on thr counter and another set clamping over his ears. It didn't stop, it wouldn't stop. Shouji could feel a headache as something touched his arm, making him flinch slightly.
"Mezou.." Tokoyami moved so he was in front of the taller male and Shouji hid his face in his shoulder instinctively. Tokoyami moved his hands from his ears and replaced them with his own, letting energy flow through to his hands so he could see what was happening inside Shouji's head.
He wasn't expecting the noise level, or to hear Ĥ̭̳̣͟ä̧̮̪̣̟́̃ͬẇ̵̙͎͍͙̘̦̟̦ͭḳ̹̀͛̅̈̕s̰͔̪͓͈̓͒̃͞ of all people yelling, among other voices. Tokoyami forced himself to not snap and go kill them where they stood, but instead blocked the voices out. Shouji blinked and looked up in confusion when it suddenly went quiet. Completely silent, actually.
Shouji couldn't hear the background music anymore.
Tokoyami smiled at him, seemingly calm as ever, but Shouji could see that he wasn't happy, he seemed really mad over something. Shouji froze thinking it was his fault for not saying anything sooner, but that thought was quickly lost when Tokoyami ran a hand through his hair.
"It's not your fault, hun, calm down." Tokoyami's voice was as soft as ever, conscious of Shouji's already growing headache. Shouji melted into the comfort like always, forgetting about the voices and what they said and relaxing into the familiar hold of Fumikage.
Tokoyami grabbed some headache tablets, keeping a constant hold on Mezou so the voices stayed quiet. Shouji took the pills and kept his head low. He didn't like how angry Fumikage seemed, thunder booming in the background as he paced the kitchen.
"Mezou?" Shouji looked up with a quiet hum, and Fumikage walked over, taking one of his hands and running his thumb along his knuckles. "I want you to forget about this, alright? Forget what you heard."
Normally, Shouji would nod and do his best to do what he was asked, but there was something different about this. There was something he was missing here, something that he wasn't being told. But that was ridiculous, Fumikage wouldn't lie or not tell him something important, right?
Shouji knew that what was said was important, so, even though he nodded and said he'd try, he spent the next few nights thinking about it, wondering what the importance of leaving could mean.
What if there was something wrong in the town? Something Fumikage didn't know about? That would be bad, but, it wasn't as if Fumikage knew everything going on around the town. Then again, Fumikage would've figured it out if there was something wrong, so it couldn't have been that bad, probably.
Shouji got a vague answer to all his questions a week later.
Fumikage was meeting the neighbor's for a game night, and Shouji was alone in the house. Originally Fumikage was going to cancel, the thought of his love alone being nerve wracking, but Shouji had managed to convince Fumikage that they would be alright apart for a while.
After around twenty minutes of being alone in the house, Shouji decided a walk wouldn't hurt. After all, he hadn't really had the chance to explore the area since they moved here, that was...
How long ago had they moved here? Another question Shouji didn't have an answer to, and he simply pushed it down and left the house, shrugging on a coat. He took the long route to the park, where Fumikage had taken him one day when the weather was perfect.
It was getting darker by the minute, and the atmosphere seemed die a little as he moved along, but Shouji was too lost in thought to notice these things as he went along. Before long, he had ended up on an empty street, in some random estate. Looking around, it was pitch black and the starts shone bright in the sky. Shouji figured he should head back, but a gleam of purple caught his eye.
It seemed to spread up to the sky, and Shouji walked over to it, curious as to why it was there. It looked like a barrier, like a blanket covering the area. Why was it there? Shouji reached out to it, noticing the wall reciprocating the action. Strange, it seems as drawn to him as he was to it.
Suddenly, contact was made and Shouji was pulled through it, getting thrown and landing with a yell. Pain immediately flooded his senses and he saw red before he was being turned to lay on his back, a light shown into his eyes.
"Shouji?! Shouji, can you hear me?!" Who was that? Why were they yelling at him? How did they—
The air felt tight, it didn't feel like the air he'd been breathing a few minutes ago. His whole being twitched and shook like he had been electrocuted. He felt like he was going to puke, and he did exactly that.
Forcing himself to sit up and turn, he emptied his guts onto the grass, chest heaving and lungs tightening. There were hands all over him, pulling and pushing him, voices yelling questions and for a medic.
Shouji shouldn't have done this, he should've gone back home. He didn't know who they were or why they were yelling, but it made his head spin and stomach turn.
"Shouji? Hey, look at me, you remember me?" Now that was a voice he recognised, the one who yelled at him to leave a few weeks ago. He turned to face them and saw blonde pushed back hair and red wings. Who was that? Shouji hadn't ever seen him.
"Who...?" Shouji's voice was quiet, almost weak with his throat scratching and brain kicking into fight-or-flight. Two hands stayed firmly on his shoulders, keeping him upright as his bones felt like dead weight.
His phone buzzed, making everything go quiet. Shouji barely had time to react before the phone was pulled from him, a small noise of protest leaving him, and the person answered. A muttered "This is a bad idea" hit his ears before he heard Fumikage yelling over the line.
"Mezou?! Where are you-?! It's been an hour and a half-" Fumikage's panicked voice yelled through the phone, and Shouji's head was too light to even begin to process where he was, and his slurred answer must've said as much. The blonde one from earlier said something about a medic being on the way.
Tokoyami heard Hawks speaking and froze. Judging by Mezou's poorly constructed answer and Hawks's reassurance of a medic, someone had done something. Tokoyami's blood boiled and he started walking towards the edge. He knew he should've investigated when he felt someone leave. Tokoyami was going to rein hell fire on those assholes for daring to put their hands on what was his.
As soon as he burst through, Hawks dropped Shouji, who feel limp on the floor, unmoving. Aziawa looked at his student, a small glare and a hand to the scratch on his arm. Hawks let out a nervous laugh.
"I know what it looks like—" Hawks started, trying to make it seem better than it was, and Tokoyami let Dark Shadow tell Hawks what he thought of that. Hawks gagged as the shadow entity grabbed his throat and squeezed the oxygen from his lungs. Aziawa was sent flying before he had a chance to erase Tokoyami's quirk.
Tokoyami knelt beside Shouji, gently putting a hand on his shoulder, who stirred and opened his eyes. Shouji made a pained noise in the back of his throat. "Mezou," Tokoyami said, voice soft. Shouji looked up at him and seemed relieved. Tokoyami smiled at him softly before turning a glare to Aziawa and Hawks again.
Dark Shadow threw Hawks on top of Aziawa with a hiss before curling around Shouji, lifting him and holding him, protecting him from the asshats Tokoyami was ready to kill. Aziawa sat up and glared at Tokoyami. "Tokoyami, you need to let him go! There are better ways to handle this!"
Hawks nodded, standing with his arms raised to show he meant no harm. "This is gonna hurt you and him more in the long-run, Tsukuyomi, think about the people you've got in there." He kept his voice as gentle as he could.
Tokoyami scoffed. "I'm not arguing about this with you. Stay away from us." Shouji looked at the two adults, clearly confused. "Kid, just let us talk to him, before he goes back under—" a flash of purple and the two were sent back again as Tokoyami walked back towards the barrier, Shouji having no choice but to go with him.
"I gave you your warnings. Next time I catch wind of either of you near me or what is mine, I won't hesitate to put you in your place." Tokoyami looked at them once more before turning back to the world he made. "That's a promise."
Hawks didn't have time to argue as they disappeared again.
Shouji was in and out the whole way back, almost too afraid of sleeping in case he was put on the receiving end of Dark Shadow's wrath. Fumikage was going to kill him for... whatever it is he did wrong. Shouji was probably to blame, though for what he still couldn't figure out, he had no idea what had just happened.
When they got back to the house, Tokoyami set Shouji down on the couch, Dark Shadow still curled around his shoulders, hissing at everything that moved. While it made Shouji feel grounded and secure, he was afraid of moving in case he made things worse. Fumikage was probably furious, and Shouji was afraid of what was coming next.
Tokoyami had his quirk bring Shouji up to the bath ten minutes later, and before he could ask questions or say anything, really, he was sat in the bath, too tired to question how his clothes disappeared into thin air. Tokoyami cleaned him off, whispering for Shouji to just relax and let Tokoyami take care of him. But Shouji had so many questions, too many to fully relax.
Eventually, exhaustion won over his curiosity and he slumped against Tokoyami, letting the feeling of his hands in his hair and the water around him flood him, his mind going hazy and surprisingly empty. It felt nice, to just relax and let go of his worries, but at the same time, Shouji knew he had to talk to Tokoyami about what he had seen.
As if he read his mind, Tokoyami tilted Shouji's face up by the chin and kissed him softly. "We'll talk about it tomorrow, alright my love?" Shouji couldn't tell if he was blushing because of the kiss or the newly added 'my' to Tokoyami's pet names, but his gentle tone made him relax more.
Tokoyami noticed his love falling asleep and gently washed the suds out of his hair before reaching over for a towel to dry him off. Afterwards, with the aid of Dark Shadow, they're settled in bed. Shouji curled around Tokoyami, face buried in his shoulder as he tried not to fall asleep. He knew Tokoyami said to wait, but he wanted to talk about it now.
Tokoyami yawned and hugged Shouji close, pulling a blanket over them both and rubbing a hand up and down his arm. "Goodnight, my love." Shouji hummed as a protest and Tokoyami chuckled before kissing his forehead. "Relax, darling, it'll be okay in the morning, just sleep for now, okay?"
Shouji hummed again, hugging Tokoyami closer and mumbled "Don't wanna..." even though his eyes wouldn't stay open anymore. Tokoyami laughed softly and gently rubbed Shouji's back. "I know, my love, but you have to, you're tired."
Shouji fought to stay awake anyway, and he knew Tokoyami didn't bother trying to sleep until long after Shouji's body gave up on him and forced him into a seemingly dreamless sleep.
Tokoyami looked over to make sure Shouji was alseep to try erase the parts of what had happened to keep him from asking too many questions, he hated it, but if it kept his treasured safe, it was well worth it.
When he tried, however, there was a flash of yellow and Tokoyami recoiled, hissing in pain as the magic settled around Shouji again, disappearing into him. Tokoyami frowned, and tried again only to have the same thing happen. Tokoyami sat up, worried about who's magic this was, and why those memories in particular he couldn't remove.
"Forget about the memories, what else could it be doing to him?" Tokoyami froze at Dark Shadow's question, thinking about the things it could potentially be doing to harm his light. It could be the reason Hawks was able to get into Shouji's head, or lead him out there.
What if it hurt him? Tokoyami didn't want to think about that, he knew he had to figure out who or what was doing this and get rid of it. This was his world. His home, and no one was going to get away with harming what was his. Ever.
Before he could get ahead of himself, Shouji shifted and looked for something to hold, and Tokoyami smiled to himself at his darlings sleepy habit before laying back down, letting himself fall victim to Shouji's affections.
It would be alright in the morning, Tokoyami hoped as he drifted off.
[Hey hey hey! :D]
[I hope you enjoyed, I'll have the next part of the mafia AU put as quick as i can, I'm just tryna keep myself motivated-]
[See u next time :>]
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lovespelt · 4 years
Okay au idea, Midoriya being DabiHawks baby. Like Hawks lay an egg and out comes green haired Midoriya. Turns out Hawks had a family member with a green sparrow quirk so that would explain the green hair and eyes. The Hero Commission wants Midoriya, but Hawks and Dabi wouldn't let them have their boy so they go about destroying HC and they do.
this au is so cool! i love wing/bird quirk izuku au’s (and with dabi’s fire quirk- he would b like a phoenix !!)
also love the angst potential of dabihawks trying to protect bb izuku from the hero commission 👀👀
i wonder if the HC would try and kidnap izuku from his parents? (cue hawks and dabi’s rescue mission)
or if dabi and hawks would have to live on the run for a while, before bring down the HC?
that would b hard on izuku, especially as a little kid.
either way, the number two hero and a villain bringing down the HC would definitely have a big ripple effect! on hero society especially
(i wonder what all might and the other top heroes would make of all of this...)
((also unrelated but the sentence ‘hawks lay an egg and out comes green haired midoriya’ ko’d me....just picturing hawks’s face..and dabi’s....rip 😭))
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dr-ladybird · 4 years
I have ANOTHER pet peeve about turian romance:
People uncritically using the tropes of romance novels written or set in the nineteenth century.
Nineteenth century Western world:
-fairly solid caste system, loosening up slightly as the century went on: not the strictest in the world, but social mobility quite limited unless you’re very very lucky. Some People Are Just Naturally Superior.
-women valued mainly as decoration and incubators, particularly mid-century and in the upper classes - again, nowhere near the worst ever, but bad
-you do not talk about sex in polite company, particularly not sex outside marriage, or women enjoying it
-very little social safety net
(And these tendencies are often exaggerated in historical romance novels.)
Turian Hierarchy:
-claims to be a meritocracy, and no one ever denounces them as a bunch of hypocrites. Clearly not a perfect meritocracy, but they mostly seem to be trying.
-all codex entries say they’re very gender-equal. To be fair, the actual writing didn’t live up to that till Andromeda and I know a lot of people don’t like Andromeda and would prefer to ignore it. I can see where the “turians lock up their women” thing is coming from. But... why would you write something so unpleasant when canon gives you “gender equality” as an equally defensible option? Why would Shepard want to marry into a “lock up your women” culture?
-very focussed on service and making yourself useful to society. Being pretty is not useful! Wrong values set!
-also, they have very nonhuman reproductive biology. Everyone seems to assume that they have much shorter and less inconvenient pregnancies than humans, or lay eggs. It’s physically impossible for them to produce milk the way humans do, and if they produce crop milk or something it’s probably both parents. The adult males are prettier and more dramatic-looking than the adult females. They’re vaguely hawk-inspired. Why would their sexism be anything like human sexism? (Maybe a little bit of “men are supposed to be pretty and decorative” for Garrus angst purposes? Could be fun!)
-seem to have free love tendencies? Certainly they don’t seem prudish or anti-sex in game.
-major “you serve the state and the state serves you” vibes. Free healthcare, free education and good pensions seem likely.
Sure, people can write what they want. But if you want to write all the nineteenth-century English aristocracy tropes, why not write about the nineteenth century English aristocracy?
It annoys me when a pairing that shouldn’t have to worry about misogyny suddenly has to deal with rampant misogyny, with no AU tag. It annoys me when a society that’s supposed to be mostly sympathetic and functional-ish suddenly has dramatically worse classism than modern America (particularly if the author seems to think that’s OK.) Some of the worst cases make me feel like the author doesn’t know it’s possible for women to be anything other than pretty incubators who all hate each other, or like the author can’t even imagine a society without a rigid caste system.
I would like to whinge about this!
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cyberrat · 3 years
54th Batch Masterpost
Aiiight let's get to it!
1-5 – Milky AU – Jesse's very last days in the facility, though we are not really staying with him for those 5 slots. We are, instead, looking at what happens when a cow turns out to still need more adjustment after all and has therefore to go back to the adjustment farm! Main chars will be Angelo, legendary cow Gabriel, and Schaefer.
6-9 – Minotaur AU – Still looking at the aftermath of the carnage, as well as do a small time jump to see what is going to happen with Hanzo and his minotaur as a direct result from it.
10 – Mermaid AU – continuation from last batch... Jesse realizing the boys are not necessarily sick but are ready to lay some eggies.
11 – Werewolf AU – Surprise, the last fill wasn't the last after all... this one is, though, probably. Gabriel gets to dominate Jack just like he's been fantasizing about the last time.
12 – Bruce/Jason – cont B53F11 – The fuck-or-die gets into the next round... this time Jason gets his revenge on Bruce.
13 – Egg AU – More in the life of two idiots; Enji keeps being super horny for 'pregnant' Hawks. It becomes more and more depraved... let's see if they can enjoy their day in peace.
14 – Farm AU – The desperation keeps growing on both sides... eventually it has to pop. But not this time.
15 – RAFFLE WINNER PROMPT – Hanzo/Cassidy – transmale Hanzo and werewolf Cassidy – Medieval or Western setting; consensual non consent or just non consent; watersports – Hanzo is a hunter and Cassidy is his prey... only that the tables turn quite dramatically one night.
16 – Reinhardt/Soldier/Doomfist – continuation of B41F14 – Talon!Reinhardt and other Talon bigwigs have a party with their servants...
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Not @ me making an entire Villain!Hawks/Villain!Reader/Vigilante!Dabi au that’s very detailed (for me) and makes me happy
I say xReader but it’s really just my fantasy in my head for me and Hot Wings but you can read this idea as Reader Insert
Hawks and I were partners at the hero commission and we realized it was garbage and ended up leaving so we could make actual change without worrying about laws. We start the LOV because of people we find who have been hurt by society and basically it’s a mob family (emphasis on family)
Hawks leads the LOV and he’s very sophisticated and acts the part of a mob boss (sophisticated and scary and classy)
New members don’t understand why I’m there because I’m soft and bake cookies and act all cutesy with Hawks (who tolerates it at work but is very soft in private or with the OG LOV gang (Shiggy, Toga, Etc)) but then someone betrays us or grabs my ass or insults me
And it’s like a switch. I get all quiet crazy with some giggling but mainly just stoicism of “I wonder what you’d look like if I cut your tongue off”
Eventually Dabi escapes his fathers grasp (it’s because Shoto was burned (in this au it’s because of Endeavor not Rei)) and becomes a vigilante, doing what’s right while working to support Shoto
Hawks approaches him and asks him to join and while initially not wanting to (we have a bad rep bc uhhhhh. Hero commission sucks and we’re awesome???) I also go and meet him at the coffee shop where he works and I share a box of brownies with him and ask about Shoto and we exchange pictures of Shoto and Toga and Shiggy (I am Mother To The Small Villains) and he realizes that Shoto will be protected by us and agrees to join
Eventually Dabi joins Hawks and my relationship and later down the line Hawks and I get pregnant at the same time(trans Hawks rights)
Hawks lays the egg first and I get bitchy at them throughout the pregnancy because it’s Dabi’s fault and Hawks doesn’t have to deal with pregnancy after the egg but at the same time Hawks and I sometimes make a nest of clothes in the bed and kick Dabi out and snuggle around the egg and speak to the egg and my belly
Anyways I have major baby fever bc my period but I like this AU
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kikatouka · 4 years
Its so funny to me when people say they don't get why some people like traitor kaminari or villain deku or just villain aus in general just bc it wouldn't make sense in canon like... My dude that's why its in an AU.
Like there's an AU out there with hawks laying eggs and y'all fine with it but once a hero turns bad y'all like "??this???doesn't make any sense???"
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