#have you seen candy for you
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shivroy · 2 months ago
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 10 months ago
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king-candybug-backup · 2 months ago
People have injected so much motivation juice into my veins this past week or so that I might get chapter 7 of Kill Switch done by Monday honestly FHSDFGVHJ THANKS GUYS, I HAVE BEEN NOURISHED LIKE A HAPPY HOUSE PLANT LMAO
Here's a little scene for funsies in the meantime lol 😂 (probably will end up being more of a chapter 8 moment than a 7 one BUT OH WELL, WHO KNOWS, NOT ME LOL)
Snickering at that comment, King Candy spoke up. “Sounds like Gene’s still uptight as ever, hm?”  “Wait, you know Gene?” Vanellope asked. “Oh sure, Turbo used to come to some of the penthouse parties, way back in the day.” Felix explained, glancing King Candy’s way with a tentative chuckle. “Gene definitely wasn’t your biggest fan…” “He used to get so mad about me ‘tracking dirt everywhere’.” King Candy reminisced, glancing up and off to the side in thought. “You know, the first time wasn’t intentional, but after that ridiculous fuss he made, I had started taking detours through Ralph’s little mud pile on my way inside, just to spite him.” “A-ha, I always had a feeling that was the case!” Felix declared, a more genuine laugh accompanying his words this time. “Sure was odd timing how it would always ‘rain’ in your game whenever you were about to pop by.” “Goodness, was that the excuse I went with?” The Cy-bug let out some odd mix between a chitter and a giggle. “I’m shocked nobody caught on sooner. It doesn’t even rain in TurboTime.”
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lilycoris · 7 days ago
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no one loves shadow milk cookie more than ME !
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ponyboysponycake · 6 months ago
the outsiders fair hc
Ponyboy likes going to the animal exhibits, especially the duck exhibit it's his favorite.
Ponyboy and Sodapop beg Darry for the giant turkey legs. They never get them, they either leave before they can or Darry says they "have food at home".
Darry used to love going to the fair but after their parents died he had to skip going to it the first two years they passed since he didn't have enough money for it.
Dally's favorite part is the Demolition Derby but he never pays for his ticket so security chases him off around midday.
Sodapop and Steve do the couple rides together since evie and sandy left them(that's there names right?) it's there favorite rides in the park and they refused to give up their joy because they are single
Johnny doesn't pay to get in either but one of the curtis brothers usually pays for him a ticket so he doesn't get thrown out not that he's aware of it.
The only reason Johnny goes to the fair is because Dally brings him. Johnny doesn't actually like any of the rides or anything.
Two-bit absolutely loves the fair even though he usually gets kicked out for being too drunk in a "family fun zone".
Two-bit has also riden every ride there is in the fair and is constantly leaving letters in the recommendations box to get new rides
When the curtis family was all alive they went to the fair every year .
All of the curtis gang have at least one of those huge stuffed animals .
The tv in the curtis family house is from the fair their dad was really good at ring toss.
Johnny has a stuffed fox that dally won for him but he keeps it in ponyboy's room under his bed.
Darry's first ever date was at the fair and he tried to empress her with the ring toss like his dad,that was how he found out he sucked at ring toss but he did get a second date she thought it was sweet he kept trying to get her the stuffed animal.
Two-bit brings his sister every year it's there. It brings them closer.
The day Two-bit got out of rehab for his drinking his friends and sister took him to the fair on the last day it was there and it was the most fun he had in years even though everyone of them got thrown out.
After Dally and Johnny died no one went to the fair for a long time the next being when Two-bit got out.
Ponyboy thought about getting a job at the fair when he was young.
When Ponyboy was packing up for college he found Johnny's fox plush and had to finish packing the next morning having cried for not only the owner of the plush but the person that won it aswell.
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beclight · 9 months ago
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lil thing i did today :3 (i haven't caught up on cometcare in three days whoops-)
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samadhifired · 6 months ago
I just love those tiny fan art details that the fandom has came to accepted as (at least semi common) norms.
Like Wukong with teal eyeliner.
Or MK wearing the staff as an earring.
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ilovemesomevincentprice · 1 year ago
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Vincent Price reprises his "Pit and the Pendulum" role for the Comedy spoof "Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine" (1965)
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catofoldstones · 1 year ago
The Ashford Theory and my patience running thin
Welcome, welcome my guys, gals and non-binary pals, to another scream into the void that the Ashford theory is, in fact, very jonsa
On to the arguments!
1. The suitor has to have the correct last name, not family, look at Joffrey Baratheon, you stupid jonsa
Hypothesis - the suitor has to have the corresponding name, not family, and because Jon is a Snow he’s out of the running. The other prong is fAegon who is actually a Blackfyre and not Targeryen, who can also be the suitor.
Thesis - Joffrey is the only other suitor to have a different name. Joffrey and Jon have also been set up as foils from the start of AGOT. Joffrey is a bastard masquerading as the rightful king and Jon is the rightful king (thrice crowned) masquerading as a bastard. It makes sense that they are the only two suitors to have the wrong name as this establishes them as inverses in another way. The last suitor being the foil of the horrible first suitor thereby showing character growth, and plot progression and resolution? Count me in.
As for Young Griff being a Blackfyre, here’s a meta or two, maybe even an argument, for him being the real Aegon VI Targaryen but take my personal fav evidences of Tyrion figuring out that Young Griff is Aegon VI Targaryen and then, Varys literally telling a dying Kevan Lannister about the true Targaryen prince and why would you lie to a dying man? How does that serve your purpose?
This is literally grrm telling us who Young Griff actually is, though this does not count him I out of the contenders, it reduces the weight of him being the fifth suitor, due to story arcs and well, his doomed fate.
Conclusion - While Aegon VI is a strong contender, there is much, much more literary weight and nuance with Jon being the Targaryen suitor.
2. Lady Ashford was not crowned the Queen of Love and Beauty by any champion!!! Take that jonsas
Hypothesis - tQoLaB is a title analogous to a betrothal/love interest
Thesis - there have been no allusions to the title of tQoLaB while trying to foreshadow a relationship, except for a really, really bad one (r + l) that plunged the whole realm into a civil war and we should not take that as a good sign
Conclusion - we’re grasping at straws here besties
3. Dunk disrupted the Ashford Tourney, therefore Sxndxr will disrupt Sansa’s prospects and other things
Hypothesis - Dunk & Sxndxr are are analogous and since there was no conclusion to the Tourney we can safely assume that it’s sxnsxn foreshadowing
Thesis - Brienne is the Dunk asoiaf corollary, not Sxndxr. Brienne is theorized to be Dunk’s descendant. She even has her shield painted like Dunk’s, apart from their striking character parallels and being a true foil to all the other knights in the story. Mr. Gravedigger is just tall :/
“Your door reminded me of an old shield I once saw in my father’s armory.”
Brienne II, AFFC
Brienne has Dunk’s shield in her family home possibly because she’s a descendant of Dunk but then goes ahead and gets her shield painted exactly like this one
“[The painted shield] was more a picture than a proper coat of arms, and the sight of it took her back through the long years, to the cool dark of her father’s armory. She remembered how she’d run her fingertips across the cracked and fading paint, over the green leaves of the tree, and along the path of the falling star.”
Brienne II, AFFC
Secondly, just because the tourney did not have a (satisfactory) conclusion does not mean that the tourney did not exist to serve a purpose. I doubt grrm would likely give out his whole story as early as 1998.
Conclusion - BRIENSA 4eva!!!!!
4. Valarr Targaryen died of a sickness and Aegon VI is doomed to die and is connected to a sickness, are you looking at the nerves popping out of my thick, brainy skull
Thesis - the fifth suitor is 100% Aegon and there’s no one else
Hypothesis - there is a Targaryen.. currently dead.. in the books… (thnk u @istumpysk for ur galaxy brain). The plague in the story serves to connects Aegon more to Dany than to a northern girl he doesn’t know about and might not like since she’s a Stark and his mother is Elia Martell.
Conclusion - jonsa
5. This is all a coincidence & u jonsas are reaching as always
Hypothesis - though george is known to tie every deep end, every crack theory, even farfetched ones that the readers have not caught, this one thing completely skipped his notice because exceptions are always there
Thesis - yes, because this is acotar & not asoiaf and he’s not grrm, i am
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 11 months ago
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salpho · 1 year ago
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Style sheets work "wanders"
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 7 months ago
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aloekat · 1 year ago
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🍫 chancellor lapin cadbury 🐇
bulb above i think about this chocolate rabbit WAY TOO MUCH!!!
he's no riz gukgak or barry syx but there is just. something about him. he's so cool and interesting. as a random youtube comment i saw said, "zac oyama plays low intelligent/himbo characters as a blessing for brennan" and it SHOWS with lapin, it really does.
so yeah here's a fun little sketch of him! i think it turned out very silly :]
reblogs > likes but any interaction is greatly appreciated :D! tysm for seeing my art regardless :]
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mulders-too-large-shirt · 4 months ago
s4 episode 24 thoughts
season FINALE!!! whew, it has been an emotional time these last few months, let me tell you that. i’m wondering how or if this will be wrapped up. 
the episode description makes no mention of scully’s illness, just more aliens. we always end the seasons with aliens. i imagine that this will also be a cliffhanger, so i’m trying to brace myself for that now.
(author's note: there was nothing short of reaching enlightenment that could have prepared me for this, and even if i had ascended to nirvana, i might have been ripped back out by the sheer tragedy of this storyline)
but damn, with a title like gethsemane, i’m expecting even more tears than usual. 
(author's note: yeah)
let us no longer delay. 
we begin with some videos from 1972, including carl sagan! what’s he doing here? well, he’s doing alien things. are you surprised?
the man on the screen is speaking about the probability of contacting aliens. he says it is very high.
and then cut to scully in some very yellow lighting, politely trying to get to a crime scene to do some FBI business!
wait. is that mulder’s couch???
she just needed to make an ID on a body and BRO WHAT. DID SHE FIND MULDER DEAD??? IN HIS OWN APARTMENT?????
now she’s in a meeting room with a lot of important people…. 
she’s explaining how she was assigned to the x files four years ago…. and she’s explaining the mulder lore.
“i come here today, four years later, to report on the illegitimacy of agent mulder’s work” <- WOAH WHAT??? betrayal?????
“it is my scientific opinion that he became over the course of these years a victim- a victim of his own false hopes, and in his belief in the biggest of lies” <- that is so sad????!?!??
HELLO??? WHAT??? hey. what’s going on. is that really scully? or is it an alien?
well. they’ve gotten me both hooked and worried. 
is she lying to save him?? is he dead?? is she preserving his reputation in death?? because she said that stuff in the past tense… or maybe he was killed and she will be next if she doesn’t renounce everything???
scully i just publicly declared you my favorite, you can’t make me take that back…
(author's note: i should have never doubted her <3)
ohhhh fancy, the intro says “believe the lie”
helicopter over the yukon in canada. some guys say the stuff at camp is unbelievable. that's quite a jump in tone from before.
and now they’re marching up the hill, saying they’re very excited etc etc. it looks to be exhausting work. the score is very suspenseful.
they arrive in a cave and shake hands as the newcomers are introduced. and what is in there but…. a frozen alien???
i was hoping it would be a perfectly preserved mammoth :( but okay… whatever… (sadly kicks dirt around)
back to the meeting room with scully!!! she says there have been recent developments on the assumption that aliens exist… mulder was contacted by a man whose “pursuit of this evidence seemed to coincide with his own”, and she says he was duped!!!! fooled by scientific slight of hand!!! 
and she’s here to expose this lie… and to expose his work for what it is….
now a cut to some sort of scully family event!! she’s telling a story about her brother bill. will we finally get to see him!? yes!! here he is!!! like their father, he is also in the navy, and seems to be pretty decorated. 
and he says he sent her a birthday card, to which she says “thanks for remembering this year” LMAOOO get him again for me!!
(why does no one remember her birthday!!! i will cry!!!)
the priest arrives… and scully’s face falls…. why is she sad to see him? and why did he get invited??? i’m stressed. 
father mccue is talking to her about drifting from the church and feeling awkward, but her mom asked him to come tonight. he says turning back to faith is essential in times like this. she says she hasn’t felt a need to draw on faith for strength, that she has some. and she won’t coming running back now.
huh, i wonder if she thinks that “running back” to the church will be admitting defeat. she says she’d be lying to herself and to him if she did that.
maybe she has only lightly been dabbling in god-related affairs since revelations, but not enough to want to return to mass.
but a phone rings… it’s mulder!!!
he says he’s sorry to interrupt her dinner, (so at least there’s some self awareness there) but someone named arlinsky at the smithsonian contacted him about a mountain in canada.
he says she needs to meet him RIGHT AWAY. BRO???????? she looks SO sad when he said that. 
she would do ANYTHING for him. and tbh i see why she wants to expose him now. fuck that. 
she’s assuring him that it’s okay, and he’s trying to apologize, but i’m still mad at him, and scully should be too. and who the hell is this arlinsky guy? apparently he was involved in a ufo photo faking?? but he claims he’s innocent?? THAT is what disrupted her dinner??
he says he won’t tell her what she’s about to see….
he has pictures of an alien frozen in the mountain and she looks deeply unimpressed. girl me too! 
apparently the alien has been in the ice for 200 years. and babcock (arlinsky's colleague) was part of the team that found it.
arlinsky says it’s a very remote location for it to be a hoax, to which mulder once again displays some self awareness with his “well if you’re gonna go, why not go all the way?” but again, not enough to prevent himself from getting in this situation in the first place
arlinsky pulls out the ice core samples from each side of the body, and says he sincerely believes they have a full corpse of an alien. 
but family dinner. i care about that more.
mulder says no one will believe him, and the same people that hid the truth will be asked to authenticate it, so there will be no confirmation either. which is why arlinsky wants him to go and get the body, because he knows it means everything to mulder
ohhhh scully says she has no opinion… “this is your holy grail, mulder, not mine” <- i am glad she is admitting she has no horse in this race
OHHH “proving the existence of alien life is not my last dying wish” <-yeah remind him that you’re literally dying and you can’t waste time because he SEEMS TO HAVE FORGOTTEN!!!!
“this is not some selfish pet project of mine, scully” <- well if it’s for the sake of your sister, but you’re hurting the people around you for it, that is still selfish actually 
woah woah woah i had to write this next part out...
“you already believe, mulder, what difference will it make? i mean, what will proof change for you?”
“if someone could prove to you the existence of god, would it change you?”
“only if it has been disproven”
“then you accept the possibility that belief in god is a lie?” (where are you going with this…? this is a sensitive subject for her!)
“i don’t think about it, actually. and i don’t think it can be proven”
“but what if it could be? wouldn’t that knowledge be worth seeking? or is it easier to go on believing the lie?”
this exchange made me feel frustrated. i wish he would be less ahab-like all of the time. yes, it is a huge deal that someone found an alien. but i see no reason why he couldn't have gone to that meeting by himself. and bringing god into this when he knows that's something very personal to her is a low blow. i get the point he was trying to make about believing the lie and all that, but c'mon man.
mulder honey, i get that this is a big deal to you, but time and place.
she tells him that she cannot go with him, but then he says, well can you just look at the ice core samples please. and she nods her head reluctantly. 
cut back to the big meeting room with scully and other very important people
“what i couldn’t tell agent mulder, what i had only just learned myself, was that the cancer which had been diagnosed in me several months earlier had metastasized. and the doctors told me, short of a miracle, it would continue to aggressively invade my body, advancing faster each day towards the inevitable” <- OH MY GOD??? oh my god. 
but why wouldn't she tell him... did she think that telling him then would interrupt his alien quest?? and she didn't want to do that because she knows how important it is to him? or did she not want him to worry?
because i would have told him!!! i would have said it right then and there!! but she is very different from me...
the fact that she is aware that she has so little time left and STILL left her dinner to go deal with his nonsense… scully, i fear you give too much and need to do things for yourself, please please
back on the mountain, they’re cutting the ice with a chainsaw. feels a bit unscientific, but i mean i guess that’s how you get that stuff done.
one guy is loading a pistol??? saying he doesn’t know the men well. that’s suspicious. i don’t care for it. 
there’s something in the ice. maybe a bubble. or a casting hole!! of liquid poured!! could this be a fake?? but the angle wouldn’t make sense, says one guy. hmm... i'm not sure what to think.
did they put a fake alien all the way up here…? and why is gun guy looking around all shady like…?
back to the core samples in DC. the scientist says he found some hybrid cells in there, not plants nor animals, but chimera, and he wants to get them under a microscope. hmm… can we clone da alien :3
someone walks into the cave in the yukon with a shotgun!!! and kills all of the men!!!!! what the hell!!! is this a real alien then?????
this happens just as others begin the hike up the mountain, including the smithsonian guy arlinsky. and mulder!! i didn’t even recognize him under all those baggy coats and sunglasses. wow. i feel like a fake fan.
someone was supposed to meet them and guide them up the mountain, but there’s no one there, and all the supplies are frozen over. so they begin the hike on their own, following the tracks from the others.
oh! the find someone keeled over in the snow, to which mulder remarks “funny place to take a nap”. again with the inappropriate jokes as a coping mechanism. it’s the guide that was supposed to meet them!! and he was shot and killed!!!
well, the alien is starting to look more authentic as the bodies pile up. 
back at the lab, scully is looking for the scientist, but she doesn’t find him. what she does find is a guy stealing the core sample???
he shoves her down the stairs?????? what the HELL!!!!
see, i thought the alien was a lie at first, but now it’s starting to appear compelling.
mulder and smithsonian guy arlinsky have arrived at the cave, and he pulls out his gun. they find all of the bodies from the crew, and no alien!!! it has been carved out!!!
mulder hypothesizes that perhaps someone was listening to their radio comms and came to hide their alien knowledge, but they hear some groans. and babcock is still alive!!
he says that the alien body wasn’t taken, but that he buried it!! and sure enough, they find it beneath their feet. mulder looks at it with amazement. big moment for a guy like him.
but scully!!! her face is bruised and her pristine lab coat is covered in blood! bill comes in with a change of clothes. and he didn’t tell their mom what happened. 
“i was knocked down a flight of stairs… but i’m okay, luckily”
“you’re not okay, dana” <- OHHHH BILL. please tread carefully.
he says he knows about her cancer and she says mom wasn’t supposed to tell him!!!
she says she doesn’t want sympathy, and he accuses her of thinking she can cure herself. which feels like a terribly low blow.
OHHHH MY GOD. wait hold on. hold on.
“what are you doing at work getting knocked down and beaten up? what are you trying to prove? that you’re gonna go out fighting?”
“oh now, come on, bill”
“do you know what mom is going through? why do you think i didn’t tell her when they called?”
“what should i be doing?” (said with great frustration)
“we have a responsibility, not just to ourselves, but to the people in our lives”
“hey, look, just-just because i haven’t bared my soul to you or to father mccue or to god, it doesn’t mean that i’m not responsible to what’s important to me” (this was very defensive and exasperated in tone)
“to what? to who? this guy mulder? well, where is he, dana? where is he through all this?”
well…. i want to defend mulder, to say he doesn’t know, but just because he doesn’t know that her cancer is getting worse doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have been more sensitive. he actually has been very conscientious, which makes this whole alien thing all the more sudden and infuriating!!!
she is stunned into silence as bill looks at her with fury. and she doesn’t say anything more to him beyond “thank you for coming” <-god, what was she supposed to even say?? i get trying to shake her back to reality, but who did that cruelty help??
bill, i get what you were trying to do, but you pissed me off in the way that you did it. do you always show the people you care for that you love them by screaming at them? because if so. not a very effective tactic.
mulder is unboxing the alien, which is now in DC, and he’s trying to thaw it with the smithsonian guy arlinsky and babcock! who is doing better! despite taking a shotgun bullet.
babcock asks if it were a hoax, why would there be 6 men dead over it, which is a good question. 
ewwww, the alien looks so gross….
with the help of another FBI agent, she finds the guy who hurt her!!!! and he’s working for the government!!!! in the pentagon‘s research facility!!! his name is kritschgau. they should not hire people in the government who assault women in stairwells.
mulder and crew are getting x rays and scans of the alien. mulder is wearing a sweater, but i’m still mad at him so i will NOT make note of how cute it is. 
the alien body is gross as hell. they’re filming an autopsy. ohhh he’s cutting the eye membrane off. EWWWW. EWWW.
now the ribs…… ewww ewww ewwww EWW IT CRUNCHES. NASTY. he takes the ribs out and starts looking at the heart and lungs and some other white stuff in the chest. gag.
meanwhile, scully’s casing the joint looking for the dude kritschgau who assaulted her, and she finds him, tracks him down, and nearly hits him with her car!!! she has her gun and is going after him!!!! he is under arrest!!! 
she is NOT messing around. we see a level of scully fury here that is incredibly potent and shown to us infrequently. i enjoy it, but it also makes me sad, because it shows how much stress she is under.
it appears he has slipped away, but she catches him!!!!! yes ma'am!!!!
kritschgau says that if he gets arrested, they’ll kill him. “they” being the same people that gave her cancer!!! how tf does he know about that???”
meanwhile, the alien organs are being weighed.
then cutscene back to the big meeting with scully!!! she’s telling them about how they smuggled the corpse back, saying mulder was ready to believe it was an alien.
but kritschgau convinced her it was otherwise, and not a true alien… he explained how mulder and her had been deceived and used, and that it was part of their plan that led to missy’s death and her illness.
god, how she must have felt hearing that… that everything that had happened to her was a waste, that the only point in her suffering was to advance corruption... it must have been devastating
as mulder leaves the warehouse where the autopsy was occurring, it seems he’s being watched by a guy with a shotgun??? is the shotgun guy going from before after the alien people????
it IS shotgun guy from before!!!! he knows babcock?? and he kills smithsonian guy arlinsky!!!
now who tf is this babcock fellow?!?!?!?!?!?
kritschgau is now sitting in mulder's apartment, explaining the "everything is a lie" story to him. mulder asks why he'd do this now- a fair question- and kritschgau says he came to him because his son is very sick after serving in the gulf war. i suppose if in this universe that is also something that has been covered up by the government, it could spark some disillusionment in the whole process once it impacts him personally.
he says "they" invented mulder, the regression hypnosis, the story of his sister and what they told his dad, and that the alien body was made carefully in a lab. and it would never be carbon dated, it was only for him to see so he would go public with the news and discredit himself.
mulder declares kritschgau to be a liar, but he says the body is already long gone, so he leaves to check. and sure enough, when he goes back to the warehouse, it isn’t there, but arlinsky is dead, as is shotgun guy!!!
again, WHO TF IS BABCOCK??!?!?
the cellular materials were an exact match to what kritschgau described. 
and this brings us to scully and mulder really fighting, really really fighting
“after all i’ve seen and experienced, i refuse to believe it’s not true” “because it’s easier to believe the lie, isn’t it?” <- ohh callback to earlier....
and she reveals that he said she was given this sickness to make him believe… oh my god, if that’s true, and her life is just a prop in their sick game… 
he storms out. 
back to the video from the 70’s we began with. 
mulder is watching it and crying. oh no… the beginning is clicking into place for me…… oh no, i see what is coming…. 
back to the meeting room. she says she went to his apartment that morning to identify a body, and that mulder died of a self-inflicted gunshot 
WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK?????????????????
thus concludes the episode
she’s crying, she’s crying, all i can think about is her crying, what the hell, what the hell….
so he killed himself because he realized he was being used as a pawn and it was his fault scully was dying…
normally i would have more to say. but i’m not gonna lie to you, i don’t. this is just so fucking sad. i don’t even have the words. never in a million years did i see this happening. what the hell???? what the hell?
do i believe this kritschgau guy??? i think he’s probably telling 30% of the truth. but not the whole thing. why would all those men die for a fake alien? i think he’s being deployed as a cover story as mulder gets too close. and i think some of this is engineered, but not as much as he claims.
and i'm willing to bet that "believing the lie" actually refers to scully believing his cover story!!!
man. i’m sorry but i’m just so sad. i have been so sad this whole season!!!! 
mulder…… it was rude of you to interrupt her dinner…… but this was not the answer… 
how is sneaky mulder going to get out of the situation THIS time??? and how is scully going to get out of the hole she's dug by reporting all of their work as fraud?? is bill going to be happy now?? lowkey fuck bill, btw.
wow... this is just painful. and i don't even have to wait months to find out what happens next. had i seen this when it aired live i probably would have entered a state of mourning.
so that's the end, huh? of the season, i mean. just sucker punch after sucker punch. i hope this isn't the tone of everything else moving forward. can i get uhhhh one order of whimsy please. with a side of mutual pining. and a small hurt/comfort, emphasis on the comfort. thank you.
after waiting 24 hours from watching the episode initially, i am still torn between how to proceed next. part of me wants to compile all of my favorite moments from the season like always, but the other part of me wants to begin the next episode right away, just so i can move on from such horrible mental imagery as mulder dead from a self-inflicted gunshot. what a terrible thing i wouldn't even have expected from fanfiction!
but, i can also see that the next episode is a two parter, and to be left on ANOTHER cliffhanger would be horrible- but probably LESS horrible than being left with the sadness of dead mulder, right? i don't know what to do! i am filled with indecision!!!!
at least i can take away some fascinating analysis regarding scully's relationship to catholicism, and her idea that depending on any force outside of herself- be it family, friends, or god- is a sign of weakness. i mean, that is pretty telling about her character. and the fact that she believes this so strongly she tried to hide her cancer getting worse from her brother and succeeded in hiding it from mulder!!! to even voice the truth would make it real. maybe that's why she can't tell them, can't go to mass- because it would mean that the end is really near if she did so. i think it's about both the perceived ideas of weakness ingrained in her by her hardass parents and a refusal to let the situation she has found herself in be registered as real in her own mind. she knows it is. but maybe if she pushes it to the side, she can forget for a while.
wow. that sure is something to think over, and think it over i shall.
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celestialsky198 · 24 days ago
candy says most bittersweet comfort song of all time. candy says medicine in song form. candy says my love my life my everything!!!
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