#have his hair changing colors or smth?
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lyculuscaelus · 5 months ago
Day 6941 of pondering over Odysseus’s hair color again. Dark will forever live rent free in my head but red is gorgeous and brown is so commonly accepted and auburn as a mixture is beloved but then dark is still living rent free in my head…
Basically, depending on how you interpret the color of ξανθός (xanthos, for his hair) and κυάνεος (kyaneos, for his beard) to be
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boom-bada-boom · 4 months ago
shawn spencer, through a series of comedic should-be-impossible hijinks, gets turned into a cat without anyone knowing its him. he elects to hang around the station and help out however much his four paws can.
hilariously, it doesn’t change that much.
some notes:
hes brownish-orange (kinda like henry’s hair in flashbacks??) which means he is close enough that he has the orange cat curse™
trying to decide on what breed he is. obviously mixed but what is in the mix?? main thoughts are havana, bengal, and siamese
okay final thoughts: bengal-siamese mix with a havana-like coloring for both eyes and coat.
hes a chatty cattyyyyyyyyyy,,,,,,,, yapper frfr
dog-person lassie and cat-person jules (she canonically has two cats)
he is so indecisive on if he should try and communicate that he is shawn to the station. on one hand theyd know hes safe and maybe be able to help him fix this. on the other jules has literally played fetch with him. a few officers have hand fed him. several cat things occurred. he would never live this all down (human shawn after hes asked where he was for like two months: (heavy sweating) i dont remember)
shawn sleeping in lassie’s chair and on his lap. he started doing it for the laughs but now he has realized that oh no this is actually comfy. tragedy.
half the station supports shawn’s cat shenanigans. a third just take videos. the remaining sixth try to call animal control on shawn but he always gets away and hes back in the station like two hours later so eventually they give up lmao
while all this is happening the station is also stressing because of shawn’s disappearance. they cant find any evidence for what happened. shawn went out to pursue a lead and just vanished. consequently, shawn is trying to make them all feel better with cat shenanigans
he refuses to use a litter box. it does not matter that he is so so small now he is using the fucking toilet. (the officers start leaving the bathroom door open a crack so he can slip in lmao)
shawn reading over case files while sitting on them. hes participating (and solving them)
shawn as a human accidentally left a pineapple stress toy in the station (maybe on some forgotten corner of lassie’s desk or smth lmao) and as a cat he rediscovers it and decides to play ball using it. all this to say that people start calling him pineapple because of it. honestly hes quite happy with that name over some other possibilities
jules is the only one allowed to touch the pineapple toy. he doesnt trust lassie not to try and dump it or something like the spiteful person he is and he certainly doesnt want anyone else touching it. (he would allow lassie to touch the pineapple toy if it werent for that fact though)
(shawn very carefully putting the pineapple toy down in front of lassie for the first timeand staring up with his big ole eyes and lassie stares back and externally his expression is hella flat but internally hes like oh no. oh no its growing on me)
BIG NEWS: cats can in fact eat pineapple, just not a lot since as a fruit it has a lot of sugar (not good for cats), HOWEVER… “It’s hard to see why because cats don’t have the taste buds that let them enjoy sweet flavors. The strong sweet and tangy taste of pineapple is mostly lost on them.”
shawn finally managing to get someone (probably buzz) to give him some pineapple only to be utterly HEARTBROKEN bc it DOESNT TASTE LIKE PINEAPPLE ANYMORE !!!!!!!!!
juliet holding him like a little baby as he is purring like a freight train
literallyyyyyy thisss,,,,
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he breaks into the chief’s office to lounge on her desk and she gives him hardcore side eye before, after a while, just sighing and starting to pet him. “this station doesn’t exactly need a mascot, you know,” she tells him, to a reply of mrrp, “but i suppose a little bit of cheering up wouldn’t be too bad.” very carefully, she taps him on the nose. “but not too much. this is a serious line of work—no making a mockery of my station.” the dull thunking of a tail smacking repeatedly into solid wood made no promises.
inconceivable amounts of cat fur everywhere and on everyone. no one can brush him because he wriggles away like an eel and dramatically grooms his fur out of their reach. so he just sheds everywhere. hes got a thick coat there is so. much. fur.
he keeps sneaking into crime scenes. no one is sure how but they suspect he is hitchhiking in lassiter’s car. no one can prove it tho bc they cant fucking find him. the crazy thing is that he leads them to evidence sometimes like a narcotics detection dog but with completely random items that usually seem nonsensical at first. until they prove otherwise. consistently.
lassie to himself: man this feels just like dealing with spencer’s psychic shit. weird.
GUS FIGURES IT OUT FIRST. not because he saw anything but he just saw a newspaper about this cat solving crime with the cops and he was like “oh my fucking god. it can’t be.” and then he pulled up to the station yoinked said cat and went to an isolated corner to freak the fuck out with it. “shawn what the hell happened” he goes, and shawn meows with feeling
juliet watching gus talk to pineapple the station cat in the corner of the bullpen: ???????
several cops having the all-important conversation of what to label him as. theres no snappy cat version of K9 they can use. K9 is supposed to sound like “canine” but there’s no letter to cover the fel in“feline”
some say F9 and some say L9 and a few say FL9 or just straight up FEL9
BY THE WAY!!!!! “Police cats are becoming an increasingly popular addition to law enforcement teams around the world. These feline officers are being trained to assist their human counterparts in various aspects of police work, from sniffing out drugs and explosives to providing comfort and emotional support to officers on duty” SND ALSO “Because they are uncommon, police cats receive a lot of press. Many show up regularly in media posts. If your local department has a police cat, don’t be surprised if you see stories about them on the news”
police cats are a real thing!! shawn is not an official police cat but he is at this point an unofficial one. on rare occasions he might even listen to an order or two (the station thinks he may have been specially trained by some probably-illegal group or smth, escaped, and decided to imprint on the station) (btw this is an actual issue with some police cats. as independent creatures theyre not as predictable as dogs and might not follow orders, which is an issue in high stakes situations n shit)
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a-little-lostmoon · 7 months ago
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some LU headshots in my style for personal reference. subject to change bc drawing consistently is a bitch but overall i think i’m happy w them! (ignore the comic/writing idea in the upper right corner it may or may not be made into a full think idk yet—)
typed notes for each lu member + a little extra below cut
oval eyes
rounder oval ((ish)) face
amber earrings
healed scarring
i tried to reference the boys’ canonical character models to individualize their features more. i love botw and totk sm but personally i’m not the hugest fan of the way the characters look for it? even so, i think the rounder sort of eye shape works really well for my wild
his colors specifically i drew to be a bit more sunset kissed/orangeish bc i was referencing a wild photo in which the time was sunset. thats abt it. but i think it’s really pretty on him so i’m probably just keeping that whenever i draw wild
cheek bones/jawline
rounder ears
pointy eyes ((eyeliner that could stab a person))
cheek scar bc i felt like it
i stole away some of wars’ side fringes, forgive me i couldn’t decide whether i wanted them to cover up his jawline and chickened out. if anyone actually read the comic thing you’ll see smth abt the old man and wars talking abt how his hair parted to the other side of his face during the war. i made it to ‘vent my frustrations’ bc i drew his hair part referencing HW photos of link instead of LU wars and it’s now become my headcanon.
his hair color is vivid bc HW color pallet is pretty damn vivid and his eyes & earrings are a deeper blue to match his scarf. color coordination!
anw he’s a pretty boy so i made him pretty — that’s pretty much the rest i have to say abt that
tired eyes
longest ears
(slight) rbf
both time & legend have half circle/oval eyes ((kind of. at least that’s what i tried to go for to give them a more worn/serious look))
i’m not the best with differentiating ages. i tried to make him look a bit more worn/oldest but i also wanted all of them to still carry some of that classic pretty boy link look. don’t have much else to say but he has the longest/angular ears bc fairy boy. let’s pretend four’s don’t look longer than his i drew him later and forgot
<-takes more features from malon ((who i haven’t drawn yet so you don’t have any reference on that))
pretty boy face (wasn’t intentional but it is what it is)
twilight princess link is v pretty. twilights usually one of the more rugged (for lack of a better term) looking ones bc he’s among the taller ones/apart of the “adult” squad but i accidentally made him very pretty looking. oops. don’t know if that will remain consistent for him if i draw him more so we shall see
him and time share less features than i might’ve wanted? you can see a bit of time’s jaw in the way his face curves but overall they don’t share many features. again, he takes more after malon. but their hair textures are incredibly similar if that means anything
gave him jade studs bc they reminded him of midna and are practical enough that he can just keep them in the whole time (bc he will lose them or forget abt them if he takes them off)
rounder face
big eyes
big ears
his hair color was a bitch to get right im not sorry i had to say it color is so hard to work with. in any case! skyward sword link has bigger looking eyes cus of the style and i just ran w that. his earrings are magenta to match sun’s dress but look red when the light catches them right (or wrong ig bc they look red in dim light too) just bc i realized his earrings were red to match his outfit/crimson.
sky and the next three (everyone sans wind) probly look the least off their character models
oval iris
full rbf
multiple piercings ((this is important for u to know))
longer narrow face & features
boy’s a strawberry blond bc i said so. and also legend purple eyes propaganda. i don’t know where exactly that originated but like i love it and im on board. he also has purple stud earrings he always keeps in — curious, isn’t it. he probably has more than i gave him but well, thats all i gave him. it gets the picture across. hc that legend realized he couldn’t get more fingers for his rings but he could get more piercings that could handle jewelry that did almost exactly the same thing. practicality!
also i couldn’t decide on legend’s hair length. its all hidden by that hat of his so i just… didn’t draw the back half portion of his hair. does that make my legend bald at the back of his head? you decide.
wide face narrow chin
bigger earlobes
the earlobes is me projecting /hj but i tried to reference the og link’s face shape for him which idk if i like yet. he has freckles and more accent colors in his hair and eyes which is a subtle thing but a sorta maybe reference to his fairy magic. no piercings for him! i forgot them/didnt see them on og link and can’t really imagine when hyrule would ever get the time to pierce them so he and wind can do that together eventually to bond. legend will do it probly — he obviously has the experience and wild can’t be trusted (offered to pierce winds ears with a knife canonically)
big eyes
void eyes
big ears but rounder than skys
soft face
fluffy hair
wind’s 100 yard stare *does* things to the chain but none of them tell him that because he’d definitely use it to freak people out. i couldnt decide between going lighter sun bleached hair wind or bright blinding yellow toon link hair so i kind of meshed them together to create that. tried to make him the youngest looking
symmetrical angles ((and then i drew a polygon quadrilateral bc thats the shape i used as a reference)) for cheeks and eyes
minish feather ((earring))
minish ears & nose
hime bangs
yk the picture of a minish that comes up when googled? thats what i used as a reference for his features. ears specifically, nose somewhat. four’s eyes are usually the greyish hazel color you get from mixing all of their colors together but i liked the split look for this piece more. his hair color is also wind’s but inverted so wind’s lights are four’s highlights and his darks make up the brunt of the base color as a slight reference to how it’s occasionally theorized/hc that wind is four’s descendant.
and the hime bangs were bc i wanted a little more “link side fringe” variation and i thought the sort of straight cut looked nice. hime bangs are not the right term tho bc he parts them to the side and doesn’t have that straight cut on his forehead but i’m too lazy to fight the correct term
— thank u for reading, go hydrate and eat if you have not <3
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nrcsfavoriteshrimps · 6 months ago
“…huh. Well, that could have been a lot worse. I can do some research on that potion to figure out some side effects…” [Yuume takes out his phone and starts typing, most likely looking stuff up.]
[Chase, however, perks up.] “Oh, that potion! I remember reading something about it before, the side effects are really weird!” [Chase shrugs before continuing.] “It’s partially connected to emotions for some reason, so its side effects influence those one feels strongly towards! Basically, it’s a two-in-one! Part genderbend—unless you’re some flavor of enby—and part…well, depends on the person! It’s sort of like a personality swap? Grumpy people can become more affectionate and bubbly, shy people can become uncharacteristically confident and talkative, et cetera et cetera!”
“…that was a lot to drop at once.”
“Meh, the creators wanted some silly stuff to happen.”
“Huh, whaddid I say?”
“O-Okay, I found an antidote, but…” [Yuume puts his phone down for a moment.] “I-It’ll take an hour or so to make, because you have to let it sit for a while…otherwise there’ll be negative side effects…”
“Well…I don’t feel any different!” [Chase says, spinning in place.]
“Neither do I, but that’s probably because we met Lewis and the others yesterday…”
“Oh, right! Hehe!”
[Shiyuu runs up to your party.] “Aaah! Finally, someone stable!” [they dust off their clothes before continuing.] “Mind if I uh…join you guys? I don’t have much, but…but I can fight!”
[They show the satchel of small rocks with a slingshot, and the broom on their back.] “I also have supplies if you guys need some…O-Oh, and I’m Shiyuu by the way! I-In case you didn’t know that…”
(not forced ofc :3 -mod!yuu)
*Lewis looks a bit alarmed, but James and Yuna seem relieved*
Thank the Seven there's someone else around here who's normal-
JAMES? How do we know we can trust- wait a minute... Your eyes!!! They're... Not totally loopy...
*Lewis relaxes a bit and Yuna rolls her eyes*
Don't mind them, they're a bit on edge from this whole.... *She gestures around here* situation...
You're more than welcome to hang with us. Even if you couldn't fight, I can't really leave someone to fend for themselves in this kinda situation, y'know?
Anyways. The name's Yuna. The frantic guy in the beanie is Lewis and the guy with the fancy tie is-
And I can introduce myself, thank you very much. James Ratt. It's a pleasure, although I do wish we were introduced during better circumstances
*James presses forward and extends a hand before Yuna sighs*
James, we don't have time for this.
Anyways, he is right that it's a pleasure to meet you but... Also there are way better ways we could've gotten acquainted.
Eh. But there's no use thinking about it. Pleasure to have you with us, Shiyuu.
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phas3d · 1 year ago
Ideal Type || Slytherin Boys
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note :: just what i think, but they could honestly be with anyone
members :: mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
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Mattheo Riddle
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Sharp eyes that could kill him, eye color doesn’t matter to him
Likes people with more meat on them
Goes crazy if he sees you wearing thigh highs or tight underwear so that you have a little bit of a muffin top, he loves that stuff
Loves dark hair, all of his celebrity crushes are brunettes or have black hair
Likes the y2k style and clean girl, he doesn’t know it’s called that but he likes it lmao
Loves long hair but will make an exception for a short black bob
Low rise jeans are his favorite thing ever
Pretty nails are also a pro in his eyes, shows that you’re hygienic - likes longer nails
Plump lips are a major plus
Likes outfits that show skin in some way, so crop tops, dresses, etc
Slightly toxic, which is perfect for him since he’s ultra toxic 😍
He’s not willing to change his lifestyle just for a girl, so he needs someone who’s down to party and do the bad stuff he does
Loves confidence, wouldn’t date a girl who’s insecure
People with the wonyongism mindset are literally his dream type, makes him weak in the knees
If you yell back at him or call him out on his shit, oml he’s already planning your wedding
Loves to annoy you just to get a reaction, smth about you being angry draws him in
He likes social people who get along with others easily
A little bit cocky, but if you laugh at his jokes he instantly finds you more attractive
Dedicated and driven people, like not failing classes, having internships, having a job, all of that is so attractive to him
If you listen to: Kali Uchis, Tyler the Creator, Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, The Neighborhood, The Smiths, The Weeknd, BlackPink, Aespa, Beyoncé, you get so many extra points
Theodore Nott
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Likes shorter people, which is easy for him since he’s 6’0 (183 cm)
Has a thing for people that are flatter, likes rectangle body types
Long hair is his ideal type but loves curly short hairstyles
Gets flustered when he sees you with your hair up, something about it is so appealing to him
Long lashes and falsies are so pretty in his eyes, loves it
Ballet-core, old-money, and minimalist are what styles he likes best on someone
Lovessss skirts and headbands
Likes people with glasses, but specifically people who wear contacts in public but glasses at home
People with the resting sad face are so beautiful to him
Likes introverts or shy people, he likes knowing that you’re a homebody so he doesn’t have to worry about cheating
Nerds omg They’re his secret weakness
He loves book smart-street dumb people, it’s a sense of comfort knowing that you’re not involved in his life style
He’s a fuckboy who smokes and drinks, so you become a safe space for him
Quiet and soft voices are one of his biggest weaknesses
Elegance is also something he needs in a partner, someone who’s aware of their words and their actions
When someone covers their mouth when they laugh - So attractive to him
Caring and nurturing people make him want to cry, please comfort this man
If you listen to: Lana Del Rey, Billie Eilish, Mitski, SZA, Her, Adele, Yerin Baek, Matt Maltese, Radiohead, you get an extra point
Lorenzo Berkshire
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Downtown girl, athletic wear, coquette, and other cutesy yet comfortable styles are his idea type
Really loves when someone can dress up in a nice ass outfit and then show up the next day in just a hoodie and bagggyyyy pants
Doesn’t really like tight clothes on his s/o, likes baggy or flowy clothes
Doesn’t care for body type, has dated people on the bigger size and people that were super thin
Loves any facial markings - moles, acne scars, freckles, but esp ance scars
Loves curly and wavy hair, doesn’t care for hair color but does prefer light colors like brown and blonde
Likes girls that look kinda intimidating because of how pretty they are, but are secretly a softie (basically him)
For example, people with a resting bitch face but the second they see something cute they light up
Being shorter than him is fine, but if he’s dead honest he’s always wanted to date a girl taller than him (185 cm+)
Bubbly people make him fall so hard
People who are happy almost 24/7 and a little bit stupid and naive is what he loves
Doesn’t care about intelligence much, but doesn’t like people who are failing school
When you’re oblivious to flirting??? Omg he’s done
Wants to feel needed, so you being slightly air headed helps him a lot
Smiling makes him attracted to someone instantly, so constantly smiling and laughing makes him feel the same way
Loves people with a tad bit of sass to them, like eye rolls and stuff
Playful people who agree to do dumb shit with him suits his ideal lifestyle
Someone’s who funny, cause if I’m fr this man is not that funny. He def gets with someone who’s funny
He def had way too many crushes on manic pixie dream girls, so he kinda likes the chase
Likes people who are so free spirited that it’s hard to tie to them
If you listen to: Wave2Earth, Kpop, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Beabadoobee, Sarah Kinsley, Faye Webster, it’s an extra plus for him
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sandraharissa · 11 months ago
Some cool Powder/Jinx design details:
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1) The very noticeable, very badly cut bang that highlights that her/Vi/someone else (likely Powder herself) cuts her hair to prevent it from covering up her eye. Which then ends up growing out fully and covers up her right eye completely, making her resemble Silco. I love this implication that there’s clumsy but determined attempts at preventing the bang from growing, like it represents that there’s clumsy but determined attempts at preventing insanity from seeping in.
2) The changing eye color. It goes from this grey color when she’s ‘unremarkable’ to blue and then pink, both colors representing her trauma and how it colors her view of the world/life. Blue for the explosion and pink for the pink bullets. As a person grows older it’s possible that their eye color could change slightly like going from grey to blue but the color still represents hextech/arcane and its impact on her life. The pink is directly caused by shimmer and also represents its impact on her life. It also alludes to Silco who’s the shimmer dealer and who’s got a glowing red eye that’s very close to the pink eye that Jinx gets.
3) The tattoos and their colors also represent the trauma. Blue clouds for the arcane explosion and in s2 likely pink bullets for her minigun ammunition. To me it’s also reminiscent of Silco’s scar, it’s wearing your trauma on display.
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4) Braids reflecting her mental state. Again, as Powder she had a simple, relatively short and straight braid. Based on the reddit QnA she’d have this poorly done, skewed to one side braid as little Jinx, cos Silco didn’t know how to braid hair. With her later in life taking the look of the skewed braid and making it intentionally her hairstyle, making it symmetrical and also longer, nicer. More polished with more jewelry/bolts in there. Kinda highlighting that immediately after the trauma she’d be at her lowest but that later in life she attempts to keep her life together.
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5) I love that Silco braiding Jinx’s hair is semi-canon now cos I always loved the image, braiding these long-ass braids really conveys visually how effort and time consuming taking care of Jinx is. It also indirectly confirms that Vi must have braided her hair before, keeping it straight and by implication keeping her sane.
6) I also wonder what’s the motivation for the hairstyle. What would make sense to me is that if for Silco’s character it represents how much he has to take care of her then for Jinx it would represent how attention seeking and love-starved she is, right? So maybe she splits the braid in two and starts growing it out as much as she can in order to get more time/attention from Silco? It strikes me as smth little Powder/Jinx would absolutely do. Maybe it’s wishful thinking but I also used to think that about the concept of Silco braiding her hair in general.
7) They changed Jinx’s design to look more punk-like, which makes her fit the world more. Zaun’s aesthetics/fashion are partially borrowed from the 80s working class punk subculture.
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8) An X on her outfit for jinX, similarly to how Mylo had an M with a crown in 'Mylo' on his outfit. Both of them also already had X's on their outfits as kids. Kinda how s2 will likely have Vi wearing Claggor’s glasses. Each sister somewhere on their outfit having a reference to the brother who was more like them.
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ventismacchiato · 3 months ago
i have a question to feed my fertile imagination... would yn be the type to dye their hair for different eras (like heeseung or yeonjun ,,), the type to have dyed their hair once and regretted it then never again, OR the type who wouldn't touch their hair. ever.
i've been imagining it bc it would be so damn funny if scara saw yn with pink hair for two months then he's casually walking through the sakura hallways and suddenly yn has their hair blue or something 😭
i was lowk waiting for someone to ask this cus i have been thinking about how idols always have different hair colors so thank u anon let me brainrot with u
u guys know that bts meme where jungkooks dye options r always different shades of brown and then there’s jimin who gets every color under the rainbow? personally i have black hair so the amount of BLEACH i would need to get bright pink hair good lord
i do think they’d give yn fun colors in early comebacks to get more attention and then never again
as for everyone else, i think childe would love to get his hair dyed but they don’t think he could pull anything off other than ginger so they give him highlights maybe. scara would always have black or dark purple hair, i imagine once they tricked him into getting his hair dyed blonde and he didn’t leave his dorms for a week. kazuha has a little red strip in his hair so i imagine they’d change that color out every comeback and just give him highlights. lumine, yoimiya, fischl, and aether are all blonde so i think they’d get their hair dyed frequently or at least the bottom half or smth. i def think fischl wud love getting her hair dyed. venti has the ends of his hair green so i think they’d switch that out every comeback. i can only see xiao getting highlights or keeping his hair black for most comebacks.
scara: *walking thru the halls and sees a pink glob in the distance*
scara: what the fuck-
yn: don’t. say. anything.
scara: …
scara: why do u look like that—
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oceanofsinners · 1 year ago
“They love me, they love me not.”
Yan!Pervy cupid x gn innocent succubi/incubi reader ♥︎
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[mdni, or do, i don't care enough to block y'all tbh. NSFW, first time in a while writing it so apologies ack. tw/cw: mentions of violence, blood, religious stuff kinda. lmk if i have to add smth else too! also?? sorry for disappearing i got stuck in the hospital, ouchies!! also holy fuck this is 2.k words ive never wrote that much...]
Nova wasn't...normal. Well, to be fair, it wasn't their fault he was created this way. It was Father’s fault.
Being born a Cupid, but being unable to feel most emotions, or even love. How ridiculous. Pathetic, even. Compared to their brothers and sisters, he was useless.
They grew up alone and isolated, no one wanted a Cherub whose expression was always bored. No one wanted a Cherub who never wanted to play with the others or found joy in small things. 
He grew up in one of the few orphanages in Paradise, some human souls for foster parents who weren't able to have kids themselves, happy to have any.
Angels were meant to be cheerful and optimistic, they were neither. Many thought he'd grow up to be a Guardian Angel or an Archangel. 
Never a Cupid. Especially a Love Cupid. Maybe a Heartbreak Cupid, even Erotic Love Cupid, but Love? They didn't even truly understand what the word meant. Or so everyone thought. 
Angels were meant to be non-judgemental. Meant to be “kind” and believe in everyone. Angel’s are not. Angels are just as judgemental, perhaps even more than humans. 
The other Cupids always watched him in disdain when they were training, he always dragged their class down, being worse at it than most of the others.
But then, in high school, something changed. See, Angels and Demons typically don't like each other. 
Angels hate Demons for falling, and Demons hate the lies Angels say. But in the end, they are one and the same. 
Only one’s halo is broken, the other’s is perfectly fine. No, not halo, horns. If there was one thing special about Nova, it was their “halo“, or horns. 
They were a beautiful baby pink color that matched the pearly white hair that reached his shoulders, with pretty gold and bright pink streaks, that made their purple eyes pop. 
Even though Nova couldn't feel anything, he was beautiful. Freckles were made in the forms of constellations scattered over brown skin, and white eyelashes that looked like snowflakes. 
They were beautiful. Ethereal. An Angel, through and through. He never imagined they'd fall willingly, even hating the thought. 
But, maybe for one person, he would. That person is YOU. 
The Demons and Angels made an agreement, there was an academy built, for both Angels and Demons of all ranks and backgrounds, a sort of truce.
Nova was one of the angels chosen, amongst many others. They didn't care about it, just wanting it to be done already. To get the embarrassment over. 
Days turned into weeks of staying in the shadows, going to boring classes, eating lunch in empty classrooms, studying all night, and repeat. 
It was boring, but it's not like Nova had anything he could do about it. Another day of stupid school, of stupid wars between haughty Angels and Demons who liked fighting. 
Except this time, Nova got caught in the crossfire. Cuts covered their skin, golden blood leaking down and ruining his beautiful clothes.
One of the Demons had them pushed up against a wall, claws to his throat, and they stood there blank gaze. Nova raised a brow as the Demon got pushed, and went to walk away. 
Then YOU came. You seemed confused at the fight, trying to make peace despite it being fruitless. You paused at the sight of him, before gasping and quickly running over. 
“Ah, you're bleeding! Gosh, I told these dummies to stop fighting, they just don't listen!” You frowned, trying to appear upset but you just looked like a kicked puppy with a pout. 
You pulled them off to the side, reaching inside a black messenger back absolutely covered in cutesy stickers and pins from different bands. 
Nova took the time to look at you, really look at you. It was strange. Why was his heart beating so fast? Wings fluffing up? You were beautiful. One of the prettiest Demons they’d ever seen. 
That's what clued him into what you were, an Incubus or Succubus. Really, there was no difference between the two except for their behavior. Incubus tended to be more assertive, and Succubus more passive. 
Before Nova could think about anything else, you pulled a first aid kit out, opened it up, and pulled a pack of bandaids out. 
You started disinfecting their wounds, before putting those cute, colored bandaids on each wound.
Nova looks silly like this, mostly black, Gothic ensemble, even with his pastel eyes and horns, they still looked less like an Angel and more like a Demon. 
And there you were, broken halo turned into a pair of horns, dressed in cutesy clothes, putting brightly colored bandaids on the mean-looking Cupid. 
With every fleeting touch, Nova felt embers light under his skin, his cheeks warming even further. ‘...What...What is this feeling? I don't...’
Before Nova even realized it, they were leaning even further into your cold, almost dead touch. You paused, before giggling and roping your arms around his shoulders. 
“Wow! You're super friendly, I like you, your hair too, it's super duper long! What's your name?” You asked, playing with his long hair, curling it around your fingers.
“Casanova. But people call me Nova, usually. What's yours?” Nova looked up at you, a lovesick hazy look in his purple eyes, heart pupils. How amusing. A Cupid falling for an Incubi/Succubi. What are the odds? 
“Oh! Right! It's—” Before you can finish, a teacher begins herding everyone to their classes. Nova’s pissed —‘How...Why do I feel so angry?’— but goes along with it, delighted to see you wave with a sheepish grin, fangs showing. 
Nova doesn't know your name. But he doesn't need to. You're his angel in their mind, the one and only made for him. 
Very quickly you become a prominent part of his life, their parents even allowing you to stay at their house while the program goes on, happy to see their child so happy for once. 
With so many emotions suddenly hitting him all at once, it's no shock they fall harder than he should, becoming obsessed fast and hard. 
Nova begins realizing things they'd never realized before. The curves of your body. Those soft eyes he wants to see sobbing from pleasure. Those lips open, gasping their name—
But it ends far too soon. The program is forced to close, and you're gone just as fast as you came. Nova hates how empty he feels when you're gone, wondering how he ever lived without you.
He feels cold inside, a part of him disappearing with you. Something they can NEVER get back. He tries to be normal, smiling when he should, crying when he should, just be normal. 
It's easy for a while. To pretend. No, BE normal. Far too soon, or maybe far too late, he graduates high school. Then college. 
Years fly by, “friends” come and go, lovers he didn't give a shit about disappear after they get bored, and more and more blood then just his is on their hands. 
But you weren't always gone. You'd sneak out of hell and sneak onto paradise sometimes, and hang out with them. But it wasn't enough. He wanted all of your time and attention on him. Just once, they want someone to be there as a constant. 
Eventually he lands a job at Soulmates Corp. A Cupid work place, and he starts working. It's actually pretty simple and interesting. Sure, they don't use bow and arrows — usually. But being able to look through humans lives, to choose who they fall for. It's interesting. 
And then, one night, you innocently invite him to a club in hell. They instantly agree, after all, it's YOU. His angel, their savior, his LIFE LINE. Their EVERYTHING. 
Funnily enough, over the years the two swapped clothing styles. Nova wore more cutesy, sweet, pastel color clothes, and you wore darker, more “sexy” clothes. 
Nova arrived at the club, absentmindedly toying with the pockets of his pastel blue cardigan. Tonight would be the last night of your freedom - independance, after all! 
Nova walks in, you on his side, some of your friends accompanying the two of you. He could care less about these bastards, and soon makes sure to seperate you from your “friends”.
He watches you with loving eyes the entire night, making sure you get drunk so bad you can't stand. It's easy, you're too trusting. Too innocent for this world. 
He'll save you, just like you saved them! Eventually they take you to their place. At first it's tame. Friendly. 
“N—Novaaahhhh...C’mere, I hic! wanna see yer pretty faceeee...” Your voice is whiny, the alcohol really hitting you hard. Nova coos, walking over. 
They yelp, quite loudly, as you drag them onto the bed, curling into his side. It's innocent. His thoughts should be too. 
But all they can think about is your chest pressed against their arms, how easy it would be to just slip your shirt to the side, and touch. Feel.
He shakes his head, even if you're both drunk, he can't take advantage of you like that. They refuse to taint you, and that pretty little head of yours. 
Stuck in their own thoughts, Nova doesn't even realize you straddle him until it's too late. Your eyes are hazy with lust and alcohol, and he can't help but gulp nervously. 
“Angel, really, you...you need to sleep.” Nova tries to reason with you, but reasoning with a horny, drunk Demon, much less an Incubi or Succubi is like arguing with a wall. 
You whine, lips lazily smashing against his. Nova can't help but melt into it, and they hate how hard they are from just a touch, a single kiss. 
This is wrong. Both of you know this. Yet neither of you can stop it. One kiss turns into two, into three. 
“An-Angel!” Nova gasps out as you nip at his collarbone, their neck already covered in love bites and pretty blue and purple bruises. 
“Mmph..Wan’ more...Need more, Nova...” You growled out, one hand playing with his chest the other curled in their hair. 
More marks. More bites. So many. He looked so pretty like this, a crying mess under their ‘innocent’ friend. 
Still, he held enough restraint to stop you, not wanting to ruin your first times together. But, due to your insistence, they do give you some pleasure~
Nova sits on his knees, you splayed out on their silk sheets, your slick dripping onto the bed as you whined. Hips jerking up to meet his tongue, hands curled around their halo. 
Nova’s tongue swirls against your sex, whining from the taste of your juices against his tongue. It was better then he imagined all those nights, hand playing with their cock, desperate for some relief. 
With every swipe and sucking of his mouth, you get closer and closer to that sweet relief you desperately need. With one last gasp, your eyes roll back and hips buck against Nova’s mouth. 
Nova laps up every bit of your sweet essence, fucking you through your orgasm. He's gentle after you finish, murmuring praises into your ears as they carry you to their bathroom. 
During the bath you end up falling asleep, Nova carries you to bed and the two fall asleep, intangled in each other. 
It's morning. Your eyes flutter open, yawning softly as you groaned. Fuck, that's a horrible headache. You glance around, pausing as you feel a weight beside you. What the...
Your eyes glide to the person laying beside you, and you pause, your cheeks warming. Nova. You're in Nova’s bed. 
Nova, the Cupid boy you met as a kid. Nova, the Cupid you fell for, hard. Nova, the Cupid who always seemed so clueless and innocent. 
And they truly look like an Angel right now. The sun shines against against his white hair and skin beautifully, wings folded behind them. 
Your face feels even warmer as embarrassment fills you as you see bite marks all over their neck. Bite’s are how Demon’s mark their claim, usually on their mates. Angel’s too. 
He let you bite them. And yet, you can't find yourself to be mad over it. Nova’s eyes flutter open, glancing up at you. A soft smile appears on their face, as they lean up and kiss you. 
The Angel traps you in his wings and you giggle, curling into them. He's yours, and your his even if you don't know yet. 
You took their heart a long time ago. It's time he takes yours too. ♥︎
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shakirawastaken · 2 years ago
dsmp if... they were spiderman
i love spiderman just like every other bitch out there
dream: - do not be surprised if he comes out one day and claims hes a demigod and superhero and a wizard - cause if its anybody its this guy fr - if he was spiderman he wouldnt have the main and basic color scheme - hed go green like everything - green is the main color like the evermore green and black/white as the accent colors - his string also wouldnt be normal spider string i feel like itd be neon ish like miguels from the movie - he would also avoid telling you that he was spiderman till the very last moment - he would wanna keep you safe the best he can - would nEVER swing by your house - but he keeps an eye out on you when he knows ur out and about walking - but when you eventually figure it out? boy oh boy - cornering you in the street and pushing you into an alleyway - spiderman poses in front of you, hanging from his web - gives you upside down kisses???? sign me tf up - hed also get himself just the right amount involved in the crime he fought - he knows how to balance his life out, and he knows how important it is to be able to balance his life out like that - hot as spiderman  sapnap: - a reckless spiderman - leans vigilante  - out of all of them he would be the one with the suit closest to the spiderman - but im not feeling the blue - marroon and black or some other brighter color - a rash spiderman - fights crime like no business, but kinda makes a mess along the way - its okay bc the people love him - loves loves LOVES arguing with cops - tells you almost immediately after becoming spiderman bc he has to tell someone - breaks every canon event - trash talks every criminal out there - but is nice to every citizen he sees - likes webshooting your wrist to the counter or something so you cant leave or go out or smth - forces you to spend time with him :) - likes to keep out of interacting with people as spiderman  - but will use it as argument bait in day to day life - makes a hammock out of webs and lays there between two buildings - overall 7/10 spiderman
george: - is barely spiderman but when he is hes darn good at it - he leaves a lot of the petty crime to the cops - only goes out for the big stuff - dark navy blue suit with black accents - stays in the shadows/on top of buildings - doesnt interact with anyone if he can help it - the more secretive he can keep the better - he told you a fair amount of time after he went out as everyones crime fighting superhero - but he doesnt like to talk about being spiderman  - and youre fine with that, as long as he stays safe - he swings to your window every night after hes done being spiderman - hed rather be with you than someone else after the hard night hes probably had - has a habit opening your window without knowing and jumpscaring you accidentally LMFAO
karl: - oh he LOVES BEING SPIDERMAN - hes the spiderman to be on every cereal box and phone cover and talk show - loves taking pictures especially with little children in their own spiderman costumes - after he captures and ties up every criminal he leaves a little goofy aah note for the cops to laugh at - unlike sapnap he has a great rep w the cops  - he told you after he “test” ran it - actually he just showed up with the mask on and you were like “SPIDERMAN OMG LET ME CAL MY BF” - and then spidermans phone was ringing and you were like - “what” - “im spiderman!” - “WHAT” - his suits like - i feel like it changes color in the sun - its one of those suits - and hes the only one out of all to have an assistant ai thing in his suit to lead him through crime - he might be a more light hearted spiderman but he still deals with the same dangerous crime
quackity: - this guy loves to swing - he will put his headphones on and jump off the nearest building - mona lisa by dominic fike - soars to the ground and then swings up at the last moment - swings to the beat of the music to relax - he has the normal suit i think - but he has his hair comin out of the suit like pavitr  - loves to take you swinging - even if you may find it terrifying - he likes the feeling of sharing with you his favorite activity - fights crime like no ones business - he told you like a few months after being spiderman - he just jumped down from the ceiling  - “? what” - “spiderman!” - “...what” - yeah  - idk all i can think of is that quackity likes to swing around the city just for the heck of it - “WOAH ITS SPIDERMAN” “YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” 
wilbur: - has a black suit like miles - tommy is his guy in the chair LMFAO - in his ear like “SWING LEFT I MEAN RIGHT I MEAN LEFT” - mutes tommy half the time - leaves you little messages in web on the walls of the house - “love you!” but its in spider web - actively holds a conversation with the people hes fighting - “so hows your day?” *PUNCH* “hows ur kid doing?” *OBLITERATES* - uses physics and shit to his advantage cause hes not that built - another one whos hot as spiderman - never EVER brings you out as spiderman - EVER - will bring tommy tho - cause tommy annoys him into doing - “BIG UPS WILBUR!!” “SHH TOMMY” - is spidermans biggest fan even though hes spiderman - “they will never suspect spidermans biggest fan as spiderman!” - smart ngl 
guys all i can think about is spiderman its a dilemma an issue a problem  sorry for the short headcanons i had to get my thoughts out of the way!
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princesslufiteab · 25 days ago
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1st this is not my photo here is the link!
2nd. Some PunkFlower Headcanon
These Headcanon's are always under the impression that these two are at most 1-2 years apart and no more. if ppl add smth to these notes abt them fuck off.
I'm a relatively late comer to Across the Spider verse, the movies came out ages ago and I hadn't watched them. Finally watched them with some friends hardly like 2-3 weeks ago. We watched the 1st movie one week and the 2nd one the week after and I was in love. Miles is adorable, i thought his friendship with Gwen was nice. it was a good change of pace from the Gwen/Peter Parker romance Canon Event. All the spiders you see are so good! But Hobie holds a special ass place in my heart frfr anyway
Headcanon's under the cut!
Hobie would be so soft with Miles. Im talking about petting literally any part of Miles that he can get his hands on in such a non-sexual way. Wanting to be in constant contact with him. Leaning on him. Having their hands or thighs or feet touching. Constant cuddling. Like ppl think Miles is starting the cuddles sessions. Nope. Hobie. That man wants to be on top of Miles in a non-sexual way.
fr like
"Miles, luv, come 'ere," Hobie whined from where he was sprawled against the headboard of Miles' bed. He wanted some cuddles from his Sunflower before he had to pop back over to his place for a while. Can't stop governmental regimes when your too busy getting busy with your partner. Miles would sigh and stand up from where he was hunched over his desk like gremlin. Stretching as he went before he flopped onto Hobie's lap. The taller man let out a slight oof at the sudden weight, flashing a dull pink color before humming happily. His hand going right to Miles' back, running a gentle fingers up and down the other's back. Making Miles' shiver always made a smirk fill out Hobie's face, but the sudden stream of sunflower, mine, I love yous, and all showing up on his jaw and curling round Hobie's ear betrayed him.
They'd do each others hair on wash days. Like Miles would help Hobie clean his wicks and fix 'em up when his hair grows out. Obv Hobie would return the favor with Miles, help him with his edges and over all Maintenance of his hair.
Just the two sitting down in the middle of the month on a random weekday to wash down Hobie's hair.
Hobie's hair was a lot he knew it anybody who saw him knew it. His wicks was mint. So of course he took care of 'em. Miles sets up the bathroom with the wash basin and Hobie sets up the old hair dryer that he and Riri fixed up. Then finally, Hobie lays back so that Miles can massage the shampoo into each wick and then scrub his scalp. A real, honest pampering of this tall lanky ass punk. After the wash Miles makes Hobie sit under the dryer for around, "five, six, seve- sit yo happy ass in that chair Hobs, I wanna get your wicks done today, papi." It was always said with such fondness that Hobie would only huff before he slouched down into the chair.
Or Hobie, just setting up the basin and dryer to give Miles a proper pampering.
"Sunflower, sit." Hobie nearly purred as Miles' stepped through the door. Quirking an eyebrow as he looked around the room noticing all the hair stuff littering the room. He rolled his eyes fondly picking his way through the room taking the headphones from around his neck and putting them on the table he threw his oversized jacket; that was probably Hobie's on to the back of a chair. Finally he sat down, "what's the occasion?" he said nodding to the all the hair shit. "Its ya wash day, luv, gotta pamper and spoil my sunflower," Hobie said in his low rasping voice. As he got to rubbing in the water into Miles' hair.
Hobie constantly writes songs that reference or refer to Miles' in some way shape or form! He still writes and makes punk music, he just also writes some soft shit for sunflower's ears only.
I literally cant come up with more rn but I know for a fact I have some more but its late and i wanna go to bed lmao
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brotherwtf · 4 months ago
more of the same but now with some content associated with it bcs I am.... OOOOOOOO
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this but it's age gap and it's so horny it's not even funny because someone needs to wreck this man and it might as well be John Egan so it's gonna be I fear
Gale who just turned 24 y/o, he and John, who just turned 43, are celebrating almost five years together and they've been so stupidly happy it's not even funny, good romance and good sex will make any man happy, and Gale and John have been perfectly content with how their relationship is going
Gale's PTSD episodes have started to become less extreme, and so have John's, all in all they've been kinda cruising heading into their five years together. Gale graduated college and started working, finally forcing John to let him pay his part of the bills, and John begrudgingly let him, not happy that he can't just always take care of Gale
but of course Marge is the little devil on Gale's shoulder and when she dyes her hair bright red and she starts wearing a stiff black line of eyeliner, a phase she really should have gone through in college, but she grins at Gale one night when they spend time together and holds out boxed hair dye, a deep obsidian color, and Gale agrees to let Marge dye his hair, he's been wanting a change for a while now
and when Marge pairs his new, raven hair with a smudge of black eyeliner, Gale can't take his eyes off of himself, and he smiles because he knows John won't be able to either
he makes sure to do it when John has like a day or two away, just so the dye had time to set and he had time to buy a couple of slutty tops and bottoms to perfect the look and oh God, John's gonna go fucking bonkers I fear
but picture this: Gale with black hair and eyeliner, a slutty little top that shows off his chest and neck and waist and Johns just supposed to be okay with that? as if
when he gets home he's instantly floored, Gales just in the kitchen or the living room or smth, just existing and John almost gasps when he sees Gale all dressed up and slutty, new hair color and everything, and you best believe that John has his hands on him in minutes, arm instantly finding his waist and lips finding Gales, kissing him hotly and Gale can barely breath, arms coming up to clutch John's arm to try and get his feet back under him
John can't stop muttering about how damn pretty Gale is, can't believe that he's all his, can't believe he gets this all to himself and Gales so hot under the collar that he's dragging John to bed..... God it's so fucking hot I fear
part two probably coming tomorrow night so look out for more smut lmao (is this like a fic I've written? definitely, damn)
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shinymoonbraixen · 8 days ago
So apparently this
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Was Deku's original design.
This honestly looks really cool. Imagine how much of a different dynamic we'd get.
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Uraraka looks pretty much the same. I remember reading somewhere that she was Mt. Lady and Mt. Lady was her originally if you get what I mean.
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Wait he used to be like what-
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Evil Denki concept design. Okay, he may have not intended to be evil but he looks more unhinged than most LoV members. + He looks less like a Pikachu here.
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Kirishima looks like she hasn't changed much. Other than maybe, HOW HIS CUT LOOKS LIKE ITS A ROCK.
Naw, nevermind I think that was just my mind.
Long post. Select continue reading to continue. Also, sensualized costume for Midnight warning. Also, some things might actually be scary. Like original Shigaraki 😣
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Idk if this was before or after he LoV. Wait, IS THIS DALMA DUDE GARAKI OR GIRAN?!?!?!
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I miss ten seconds ago before I knew this existed. Although, I like how Horikoshi gave a proper reason why HIS FACE SHOULD BE COVERED AT ALL COSTS.
Honestly, this looks much more creepier than the other original design.
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Hair changed a bit. Too lazy to read it all but she basically seems the same with a different hair style.
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Mina with normal eyes? Noice. Plus, nothing has seemed to change other than that and maybe her skin color.
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Idk. If you ask me, original Stain looks like a genderbent of current Stain. Lankier than Waluigi.
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Her name makes so much since now. ANDDDD I'm glad her outfit was definitely censored out. The fandom would definitely be fandoming over it.
AND it would make this an 18+ show.
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I'll name you Marvel Might.
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Everything makes so much sense now...
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Na bro, this version of Yaomomo is better. She still looks ✨ perfect ✨, which is something I'm happy about. She looks familiar tho but I can't put a finger on it 🤔
Oh wait, FROPPY-
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Tsuyu shall never change because she's always the cutest 1-A character. But Iida, bro, YOU LOOK LIKE A LITERAL DINOSAUR FOSSIL!! RATHER YET, SOME SORT OF EXTINCT CANINE. I'm so glad they changed this.
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Endeavor looks the same. But am I just noticing now, or how did he get fire resistant shoe laces?
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Actually, never mind about Mina. She looks like a fake animal I made when I was five.
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That Sero smile tho.... other than that, she looks the same. Maybe Japanese texts decipher how she used to act. Because that Sero smile threw me off.
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Excuse me? I can't tell who this is but I think it might be Overhaul or smth. That would mean VARIOUS CHANGE IN DESIGN.
Looking back he actually looks a lot like Nine.
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I swear some of these designs are going to jump scare me in my nightmares. Hagakure TAKE OFF THE MASK, NOW.
I feel like Horikoshi was going for horry theme with some of these.
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We can't forget about Jack Midoriya now can we?
He looks like Deku but he has insomnia and depression.
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Who says concept characters aren't reused-
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The translated Kiri version.
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Hold up. Let me use my brain juices here *internally screeching*
Hey hey hey, canon genderbent Shinsou 😃😃😃👆🏽
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This outfit seems like there was much more detail put into the gloves than anything else. Besides, his hair needs to be pointier.
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Original size chart. But Marvel Might, why do you look so.... OLD. How you gonna go around like "age: unknown" if you literally look like someone who should be in retirement.
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I mean, I know to the right is fossil Iida, but who is to the left? We already looked up Kaminari, Aizawa didn't come up, then who IS this...?
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Wow, wait a minute. Izuku's original costume is COOL. Not vigilante cool tho, that was fire. This? Medium heat.
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N-no... NO. I thought Monoma was recolor Tamaki Suoh but I WAS WRONGGGGG.
He reminds me of joker here, don't ask why.
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scekrex · 10 months ago
hello sinner!Adam request here, thank you for writing it, I love how you depict Adam’s personality (and Niffty’s cameo) so could we see more of his way of flirting please?? Maybe being able to get that date with a dragon winged male!reader? Maybe they have both wings and fly together or maybe Adam ones don’t work anymore after resuscitating in Hell and they just go walking somewhere? Idk I just love seeing this dumbass being all awkward and shit, especially if the reader is like sceptical about dating or doesn’t understand his weird way of flirting or smth. thank you
Okay this one's a lil less awkward and more straight forward - the date is mentioned but not properly written I hope ya don't mind though :3
Part 1
Would it kill you to show a little soft side?
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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“Y’know,” Adam mumbled as he was petting your soft hair, watching you with loving eyes as you laid on his chest, thinking about only you knew what. You lifted your head to look at the taller man with curious eyes, wordlessly telling him to go on as your wings twitched in interest what he had to say. “The fucking cinema that opened next door? Yeah that shitty place plays your fucking favorite movie tonight - if ya wanna go see it?”
And while his words sounded tempting, you were not feeling like going out tonight, not when you knew people would be there. You would rather stay inside the hotel, cuddling with Adam and doing nothing. But the first man seemed so eager to do something with you - anything at this point. Your head felt too heavy to hold it up any longer so you simply put it down on Adam’s chest again, humming in disagreement, “I don’t feel like anything.” And how were you supposed to feel like something when hell was so energy draining?
The colors were tiring, the people were ready to kill you for simply looking at them the wrong way, this hotel felt like a golden cage and Charlie and her exercises weren’ t helping. Well, not entirely correct. Her exercises were helping the other residents - including Adam - they just weren’t helping you. So you were the problem once again. You had always been the problem, it had always been that way so why did you expect things to change when you were casted down to hell? Why did you expect things to change with Adam by your side when you weren’t even able to tell the man how you were feeling?
His constant flirting wasn’t helping you to deal with that either. You knew Adam, had heard all the stories of who he was in heaven and with how many people he had flirted with just to get in their pants. You tried your very best to not end up like them, to not end up as ‘one of Adam’s hook-ups’. And so far it was going okay - though you wanted nothing more than to enjoy the loving words he offered you, you wanted to embrace the compliments and flirts, you wanted to flirt back and not act like you weren’t understanding what the first man was implying. You wanted to wrap yourself up in his blanket of love and equally wanted to wrap him in your blanket of love. But with Adam being Adam you doubted that that would ever happen.
You shrieked when Adam moved underneath you. Your thoughts had been consuming you so much that Adam’s words were not able to get through to you, but when the first man wrapped his arms around your body as he sat up straight, you looked at him in confusion. “You, me, night flight. Right fucking now, I’m not taking no for an fucking answer,” and while his words sounded harsh, the tone of his voice sounded quite soft, like he just wanted to make sure you leave the hotel regularly - and maybe that was his intention, you weren’t sure.
With a grunt you got up to not only stretch your body but also your wings. It had been a while since you used them and the leather stretching from bone to bone felt tense.
Before the brunette had arrived at the hotel you had used them regularly - mainly because it was faster than walking. But then the first man stumbled through the hotel’s front door and the two of you clicked immediately - maybe that was because almost everyone in that hotel wanted him dead, maybe it was because the two simply understood each other to a level the others didn’t. And with getting along there came getting carried around and therefore your wings became sorta useless. Not that Adam would’ve actually let that happen though, that’s why he took you out for night flights from time to time. That, and because he liked the quiet that came with just the two of you flying over Hell’s pride ring.
“Oh dear god it’s so hot when you do that,” you heard the first man mumble to which you simply rolled your eyes. The comment made your stomach feel all fuzzy and warm and a part of you embraced the flirt for what it was - an honestly seeming flirt. The other part of you - the one that spoke so much louder - told you that he didn’t mean it, that those words were nothing but empty, meaningless things he used as a way to get in your pants. Why? You didn’t know, maybe a bet with Husk? The brunette seemed to get along quite well with the bartender after all.
“The sooner we leave, the sooner I can go back to cuddling with you, so move your ass,” you grumbled, not commenting on Adam’s little flirt at all. “Sometimes I feel like you’d rather do whatever the fuck else than to actually fucking hang out with me,” and that comment made by Adam caused you to turn around so that you were able to face him, because what? There was nothing you were rather doing, not a single thing brought you as much joy and comfort as being around the bitchy first man you had grown to love so dearly - a little too dearly.
“What the fuck makes you-” you weren’t able to finish your sentence due to Adam interrupting you. “You never fucking respond to my flirting and when you do, it’s in a negative way. You never wanna fucking go out - like the amounts of dates I asked you-” “Those were dates?”
Adam blinked at you, visibly processing if the question you had just asked was a serious one. Because to him it was so obvious that those had been dates, had he not made that clear enough? You raised an eyebrow at the first man in confusion before you shook your head and summarized, “So all those times you asked me if I wanna do this or that with you, you were inviting me out on a date?” The brunette nodded, his hands were folded in his lap and he looked sort of uncomfortable talking about the topic so directly. He picked on his nails and his wings twitched in a way that visibly showed how nervous he was. It was kinda cute - that you had to give him. “And despite me telling you ‘no’ all over again, you never backed down?”
Adam simply shrugged because what was he supposed to say? ‘Yes because I love you with all of my heart’? Fucking cringe, he would rather cut off his own hand than to say those thoughts out loud. He never gave up because he hoped that one day you would stop showing him your cold shoulder and just agree. Now that he understood that you had never seen it as invitations to dates, it all made much more sense - not only to him but also to you.
“So,” you quietly hummed, looking down at the first man who was still sitting on the couch. “You still wanna go for a flight? As a date?” The brunette’s eyes widened in surprise at your words, he had not been expecting you to ask him out, he had been sure you would reject him yet again, that he had to try even harder, to show you how willing he was to commit himself to you and only you. “Yes- fuck I-” before he was able to fully agree to your question, you added, “But only if you promise me that this won’t end up in just one hook-up.”
The first man jumped up from the couch, his hands on your hips in an instant, as he mumbled, “It fucking won’t, there ain’t not fucking way I’m gonna fuck you just once.” You chuckled at his words, playfully poking his chest as you did. With a smirk on your lips you responded, “Who’s to say you’ll be the one fucking me?” Adam turned his head to face the wall to his right, trying his very best to hide the slight blush that your words had caused to appear on his cheeks - he hid it very poorly.
“Now c’mon, you can look all flustered when we’re back,” and with those words you wiggled yourself out of Adam’s soft grip, grabbed the first man’s wrist and dragged him through the front door. Before said door fell fully shut you heard Husk’s voice mumbling, “Fucking finally.”
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whyoneartheven · 11 months ago
What head canons do you have for the LU boys? (Yes, this is a request for you to ramble about them)
aaaahhh hello! Thanks for asking, but wow, goodness me
this will take some thinking XD
ok a lot of these are a lil generic or just other people’s ideas I kinda adopted but here goes!
also I didn’t expect it when I started but this got long…
for Legend, I really like the idea of him drinking tea and still having an apple orchard. And also having honey bees! (These aren’t mine originally lol) Also I feel like post LU (this ofc may change depending on the ending) he fell into depression a little bit before digging himself out with Ravio and Zelda’s help… he cut his hair during this time. idk I just feel like that would happen. I like the idea of him having a good singing voice. (merperson stuff but also even beforehand. He definitely sang lovely duets with Marin once she taught him how) Also I feel like he’s one of those people that’s always cold! So he secretly likes to cuddle :)
with Wild, I feel like… he definitely doesn’t use recipes! This is based off how I am in his game and irl, as I just throw things together and never go back to see how I made things before, but also I feel like it just fits his personality! I think it would be hilarious if he named his horses at first after anything that had an impact on him so like, one horse is named Zelda and another is Stir Fry. Or smth XDDD Also based on my experiences in game (to an extent), I feel like he doesn’t actually care about legitimately looking fashionable… it’s more that he likes wearing things that looks crazy XD
on to Hyrule! Ok this isn’t as much a headcanon as a ship but I really ship him and Aurora; I feel like they’d be absolutely adorable together but he’s really private about it! I like to think Hyrule can sew? And I think he’d love to run around barefoot on fresh grass! And just, be in love with nature in general! And maybe he doesn’t have an eye for color; he can’t tell if colors clash or actually match. Also is it just me or does he feel like out of the entire chain he could easily be a Studio Ghibli protagonist? Just me? Idk lol
Time! I like the idea of Time and Malon having a running joke that the other is color blind, and the chain eventually picks it up! And then Time keeps mistaking one color for another (on purpose or not? We’ll never know), and every time the others go wild XD (this may or may not be based on a joke my parents have irl hehe). When Time first met Malon he was very very lactose intolerant. And drank it anyway, of course! also I feel like Time really likes flowers? Idk why! And finally, if Time was in the modern world he’d be the guy who’d be eating food months to years past the expiration date…
Four, my beloved! Umm this is kinda a design idea more than anything but I like the idea of him growing his hair out and wearing it in a ponytail post LU! (provided he doesn’t die…) I don’t think of him as having voices in his head or being a system but I still like the idea of him talking to himself sometimes XD! Also this is just something canon I don’t see talked abt a lot but I love he and Twi’s relationship sm! Four totally has RBF and definitely stares at people accidentally when he’s thinking… also I saw a crack fic somewhere where Four was already married to Dot and had children and the chain were shocked; it was hilarious, and while I don’t think he would actually have kids yet, I think it’d be hilarious if he and his Zelda are already quite far along in their relationship (as I ship them lol)
the man, the myth, the legend, WIND, is next! This man has Opinions. I feel like he’s the kind of person so have opinions on things he’s only heard of two seconds before, like automatically deciding he will like a food or deciding the other way round. (And yeahhhh I’m basing him on my brother lol) I’m definitely not the one to come up with this but Wind is probably the one with the best (and most opinionated) fashion sense (most of the others are just hopeless in varying degrees so it isn’t hard)! Maybe older him bonded with young Wars in the War of Eras over this (bc I love the idea of older wind being there), Idk XD! Also he definitely braids Aryll’s hair and is generally very responsible (I mean he’s a big brother he’s gotta be XD); he starts off almost treating LU as a bit of a vacation! Nothing will go wrong, his family is safe, and he gets new friends :D
Warriors, the wonderful man, is next! I feel like he’s very nostalgic and a little sappy. Like, just in general. He likes to look back on his happy memories! Also (once again not my idea) but I like the idea of Warriors growing up either orphaned or really poor, and living in the less palatable portion of Castle Town. (Therefore he played pickup soccer as a kid; he just feels like he would lol) I definitely ship him and his Zelda (ok tbh I ship ALL the Links with their Zeldas lol). I feel like at the point of LU they’ve talked abt it but Warriors isn’t ready (thanks to Cia and maybe just all the barriers in his mind about being inferior to her or smth) Also, give this man the craziest accent you can find and I am here for it; whoever first came up with that is a genius. Ok yeah you can probably tell I love Warriors angst
XD Sky!!! My bestieeee!! If Sky was in modern times he’d be one of those people who gets sleepy when they drink coffee, fs! He is definitely the artistic one, and maybe during LU he discovers a bunch of mediums besides woodworking that he loves (and maybe he makes a bunch of art for Sun, who knows!) This next one is based off @margindoodles2407’s Forger from her loz AU but the idea that his parents died in a house fire and he lived with Gaepora and Zelda until he was older is so cool to me! And bc of this I feel like he’d really hate being around fire (to the point of panic attacks? Maybe, maybe not). Finally, hopeless bird lover Sky is a beautiful thing. As a bird watcher myself, I cannot blame him.
Last but not least is Twilight!! This guy totally holds conversations with animals all the time and it freaks people out (they can never tell if he actually understands them)! Twi definitely has a lot of respect for kids too and talks to them like they’re adults (by using the same vocabulary and tone, not by talking about things that aren’t good for kids to hear XD) and I feel like he would write painfully cheesy love poems? Twi definitely can’t cook but I feel l Ike he also cares the most about food? Idk? ALSO LET THIS MAN QUILT. IDK I THINK HE’D BE TERRIBLE AT IT BUT STILL TRY AND IT WOULD BE FUNNY
ok, and that’s it!!! Wow, that was a lot…
and I could definitely come up with more lol
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strawberry-spectre · 5 months ago
HI!!! I'll share a hc that I've had in mind for a while now.
If you noticed. Valentine's hair is different in the Pride comic than in the beginning. I have the HC where Valentine straightened his hair and changed the color from pink to red to fit in with the other vampires. Now that he wants to be himself, Val stopped straightening and dyeing his hair but this process was hard for him to stop. He couldn't help but feel weird or bad about this
bro thats so fr bc he would def think that pink was a 'fem' colour or smth and changed it to red and ngl im lowkey glad that his hair was black and red at first or else i def would've thought drac and Val were siblings lmao but i love ur hc it suits him sm :DDD
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kowwpow · 7 months ago
going on a chuuya rant because I can, and because he might have just overtaken akutagawa as my favorite character and because a certain someone has hated so much it has inspired me to love <3
(Lol I think these turned into headcanons halfway through)
UGH I love him so much, where do I START.
First of all, that man is gorgeous. He could have totally been a model as a side hustle, and I’m not entirely convinced he isn’t.
His hair is so so so pretty. I don’t draw it bright orange like in the anime, I do a more peach-y or coral-y color, but it’s still just so pretty. I love his bangs especially, because I just love how swoopy and fun they are to draw, they look elegant in a way.
I bet his hair is so soft too, he’s rich, so ofc he’s got all the best hair care products. Bro smells wonderful 24/7 too, has a really nice cologne that isn’t too overwhelmingly potent.
I think my favorite Chuuya headcanons are his freckles, and his corruption scars. I love me a pale, ginger boy with freckles, okay, leave me alone. I like the muscular Chuuya headcanon too, because there is no way that man is scrawny, leave the stick figure to Dazai.
I love his personality too, I like his loyalty, and how Dazai pisses him off all the time, it’s funny. He’s also so sassy, like when Dazai said “I guess that’s what makes me love you” (or smth, I can’t remember exactly what it was) he just goes “EW, WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT”
like pop off king, you tell him
I love his wardrobe and his sense of fashion too. And the fact he got so many outfit changes throughout the show/manga. And he slayed every single one of them 🙌
He is also incredibly smart, and I hate when he’s characterized as stupid when that just isn’t true. Yes, he is not as smart as Dazai, but he is not dumb. He is incredibly intelligent on his own, and he found out Rimbaud’s intentions just as quickly as Dazai did, if not, faster
His ability is so fascinating too, like gravity control on its own is awesome, BUT CORRUPTION?? Baby, I agree with Dazai, you do look magnificent 😌
I love his relationship with Kouyou, and how they obviously really care for each other, I’m glad he has someone like that
I also love his relationship with Akutagawa, whether that be father and son, or brothers (I like both) but I 100% headcanon that Chuuya helped train Akutagawa after Dazai left (and he would’ve obviously been infinitely better at it)
I love how he shows concern for his subordinates, and how he was upset at how many of his men had died during the guild conflict.
I love Chuuya guys
Chuuya is generally just an amazing character all around :3
He needs more screen time/manga panels fr
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