#have a wager when seven tries to take over the ship again
isagrimorie · 9 months
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Seven of Nine Hijacking a Federation Starship (Voyager)
Episodes: Scorpion 2, The Gift, The Raven, Bliss
I love this scene in Picard S3. (One of the reasons I love this season!)
Tuvok and Seven have had this conversation many, many, many times before. Seven even looked like the most Seven in the last gif -- listening to Tuvok reprimand her for hijacking a Federation Starship or a shuttlecraft again.
194 notes · View notes
sandsofoneiros · 3 years
To Capture a Heart.
Chapter Two: Cianna Calling
Disclaimer: Had this ready Friday evening but since I was going to be gone all weekend, I decided to queue it up for you all! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I’m sorry if the first month seems a little boring. I wrote it last and it was a bit rushed. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and I can’t wait to be back on Monday! Also! Kylo’s betrothed is actually @thembohux oc!
Warning: Mentions of death, some anxious moments, slight cursing and two brats not knowing how to talk. Sparring match (i can’t write fight scenes. my bad)
Word count:  11139
Tagging: @thembohux and @booksmusicteaandanimals. 
The First Month. Age: 15
     Cianna was genuinely a beautiful kingdom. Hidden away by thick forest and magnificent trees. There were two ways to enter the kingdom, take a small boat down the river, or hike through the woodland. Normally, Poe would have preferred the trek through the forest, but this time the boats looked to be more relaxing. Another summer was upon him, and he desperately wished to turn the little boat around to go home. Things had changed this year, and he wasn’t handling them so well. The biggest change was Ben or Kylo. It was just a name change to help him come more into his role as future King of Naboo. He preferred a stronger name. Kylo had grown more, and it wasn’t only physically. He was constantly telling Poe about what he would change about Naboo to make it better. How he and Lita were going to improve so many things. Poe tried to follow along when his friend talked, but he grew bored after a few minutes. He was fifteen and his head wasn’t in the mindset to run a kingdom. It was always elsewhere. Daydreaming about daring sword fights, on a ship that was sailing through perilous waters, and so many other things.
  The tips of his fingers skimmed across the top of the water as they made their way through the river. It was cool to the touch, and he followed the ripples travel through the water. He speculated about how this summer was going to go and how Ro would be. He wondered if she had received another braid. That had been one of things that he had found himself curious about each year. Her hair. It was something that he looked at each time they got to see each other. Poe recalled her having seven braids last summer. She had shared the tales about each of the new ones that she had gotten. However, this summer and from this point on, was going to be different. They had chaperones this time. Their parents had insisted on it because of their age. It was a dumb rule in Poe’s opinion, and he had argued that they didn’t do that in Naboo. That had been the moment that Kylo wanted to punch his friend.
    “Not too much longer, Poe.” Kes called back to him. Kes had given Poe his own boat. They hadn’t been on the best of terms throughout the year. Much more arguing and Kes trying his hardest to push Poe on the right path. The young prince had taken to going down into the city and meeting with not so wholesome people. He would hang onto every word of their tales and would often try to sneak away with them. One guard who was patrolling the city would grab Poe before he got too far. Kes and Poe had fallen into a routine from all of it. They would fight, Poe would sneak out, and Kes would punish him. It was always the same story. Allowing Poe to go to Naboo for a few weeks had helped some, but when Poe returned, they instantly put him in a sour mood. He would avoid his father and would go spar. Trying to get some of his anger out. There had been nights where Kes had found Poe curled up under the portrait of Shara. Those had been the nights that Kes prayed for answers and got met with none. 
    Silence remained between them before they reached the dock. It was at the base of the mountain that was surrounded by a few waterfalls. Mist blanketing the kingdom of Cianna. They had built the castle into the mountain while the town was below it. The walk was going to be the longest part, but the view was always remarkable. He enjoyed hearing the rushing water as they crossed over the bridge. It was unusual to only see Thalia and Queen Eirlys. Usually, the entire family was there to meet them. 
    Thalia was already rushing to embrace him, and he hugged her tightly. Their friendship had surprised everyone and occasionally they pulled little pranks with the help of Ro being their look out. He saw her as a little sister, and he knew it made Ro happy to include her in their games. They hugged for a little longer before he pulled back from the hug. Eirlys and Kes were catching up with each other.
    “Where’s Ro? She’s usually here to greet us.” Poe looked around for the older Citlali daughter and frowned when he couldn’t find her. King Jaqen was also absent as well.
    “Her and dad are having a sparring lesson. Would you like to watch?” 
    He had only seen Ro spar a few times over the last years, and her form was always different. She had told him that both of her parents had taught the girls their styles of fighting. Jaqen and Eirlys seemed like opposites, and it made sense for their styles to be the same as well. Eagerly Poe nodded and grabbed Kylo’s arm to drag him along to the castle. He was a little excited to see Ro again but he wasn’t going to let anyone know that.
    “Again, Aurora.” 
    Jaqen’s tone was calm as he circled the room, examining his daughter and sparring partner. Both of them were slightly panting as they got back into the fighting stances. The taller male had more braids than the princess, but she didn’t let that stop her. It didn’t trouble her. Without breaking eye contact, Ro dropped to the floor and swept her leg out to hook around her partner’s. It seemed to work better this time, and her opponent fell onto his back before he could recover. She had him pinned. A practice dagger held to his throat. Her chest heaving as she grinned down at the boy. A cheer erupted in the quiet room, followed by multiple hand claps from her little sister and her company. The company that Ro had actually forgotten about. 
    She whispered excitedly before tossing the dagger to the side and moving off her opponent, turning her back to him. That had been a mistake, given that Ignis had returned the favor to trip her. It wasn’t long before Ro fell on to her hands to break her fall and scowled back at him and then to her father. 
    “Never turn your back on your opponent, Ro. Too easy. Lesson is over for the day. Prince Poe, Prince Kylo. It’s good to see you.” Jaqen bowed his head to the young princes as he helped Ro to her feet. Checking her over for any injuries before fixing a piece of her hair that had loosened during the match. However, Poe was curious about sparring next. He hadn’t gotten the chance before. 
    Ro batted at her father’s hands before looking for Poe. The prince was looking at the practice weapons. His fingers curling around the spear before he took it off the rack and spun around. Ignis rolled his eyes at the prince while he dusted himself off. He wasn’t overly excited about Poe and Kylo being here. Recently Ro hadn’t stopped talking about the Yavin prince. It drove him mad, given that the other didn’t even give her the time of day.
    “Could I spar next, your highness?” 
    “I don’t see why not? Choose an opponent. Not Thalia considering she hasn’t been at her lessons.” Jaqen responded without even looking back at his younger daughter, who had been avoiding her sparring lessons for the week. Thalia merely stuck her tongue out.
    “Could I pick Ro?” 
    The question caught them all off guard, but Jaqen nodded his head. Kylo and Thalia were quietly taking bets on who would win. Poe was one of Yavin’s finest fighters and he took pride knowing that. Plus, not everybody has the chance to have a sparring match with their future spouse. 
    “Of course. Ignis, please move to the side.” Jaqen spoke as Ignis went to stand beside the king. Ro reached for the other spear and smirked at her opponent. She had only gotten to watch Poe fight against others and this was her chance to show off. The spear wasn’t her favorite to use, but she was competent with it. Poe was much like a serpent when he fought. His strike never missed its target, usually. They circled around each other. Each step planned. 
    “I won’t go easy on you, little princess.” Poe teased before performing spin that forced him a step closer. 
    “I wouldn’t assume so, prince perfect.” Ro attempted a strike to his middle, that he stopped quickly before sliding back a little. That little spark seemed to set everything in motion. They flowed like dancers even though their dances were different. Strike for strike. Determination shining brilliantly in their eyes. The others observed them in fascination. Both of them were well matched. Poe’s skills impressed Ignis. He kept Ro on her toes. It wasn’t often that she got challenged. The sound of the wood hitting together was filling the chamber, along with their grunts. Their knuckles paling as they tightened their clutches on the weapons. It wasn’t until Poe lost his footing that Ro seized her opportunity and swept his leg out from under him. Kicking his spear out of reach, she put the point of hers at his collar. 
    “Wow.” He peered up at her, not daring to move. His eyes roaming up her form and feeling his face burned. That had to be from the sparring match. However, he couldn’t stop noticing how strong she looked. How fierce. That fire that flickered in her eyes that made him gulp. He hadn’t seen her like this before, and it required him to do a double take when she reached her hand out to him. 
    “That was a brilliant match.” She grinned before helping him up. Their hands stayed conjoined for a moment before he gently drew his back. Jaqen clasped his daughter on the shoulder. While Thalia handed over a few coins to a smirking Kylo. It slightly hurt Poe that his best friend had wager against him but he figured they would share those coins later. Ignis had wrapped his arm around Ro’s shoulder, not caring about Poe’s existence at all. 
    “We’ve taught her well, your grace.” Ignis spoke as he ruffled Ro’s hair. Poe’s eyes narrowed at the gesture. Why was he touching her in such a friendly manner? Why did Poe care? Either way, he often wondered where he stood with Ignis recently. He never wanted to hang out with Kylo and Poe anymore. He preferred to be with Ro. It had been strange, and Kylo had implied that maybe he liked Ro, but Poe didn’t think that. Last summer they had butted heads more than he and Ro ever had. It was odd. 
    “I think the king trained her better than you, Iggy. She had you on the ground in less than a minute.” Poe teased before setting the practice spears back on the rack. Ignis growled at the nickname that the prince had given him upon their initial meeting. It had certainly lost its charm over the years, and Poe used it to annoy the guard in training. He had been training to be a part of the Royal Guard since Poe could remember. Ignis was taller than him, with long blond hair that followed the Cianna tradition of braids. He received his guard training. Despite Ignis receiving more braids than Ro, Poe thought hers were beautiful. She and Jaqen shared the same burgundy locks, and it was no mystery that Jaqen did all of his family’s hair. None of their braids were ever the same. Ro kept hers half up and down. He enjoyed the styles she wore her hair. 
    “Gentlemen, let’s not start that. However, I am having a scouting trip later this month. I was thinking Kylo, your father, and yourself might like to accompany us. It’s just to check the perimeter of our borders. What do you say? Of course, Ignis and a few other guards will join us.” Jaqen spoke. The scouting trip was mostly the men going out into the woodlands for a few nights just to camp and drink around the campfire. The older men would exchange stories, while some of the young lads would get their first sip of alcohol. 
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    “Gonna miss me while I’m away, Sweet Aurora?” Poe teased as he peered over the book that Ro was attempting to read. Her emerald hues peering up at him for a minute while her brow lifted. The princess was looking forward to getting some peace and quiet around the castle. Ever since Poe had arrived, Ro had been wrestling with new feelings that had arrived when he had. She wasn’t sure what was happening with her, and she wished it would stop. However, she couldn’t stop the blush when he called her some nickname, even if it was ridiculous. Ro had planned to speak with Thalia about this, once the men were all gone for the scouting trip.
    “I fear I have missed the silence more than I could ever miss you, Dameron.” She turned a page in her book before leaning back in her seat as Poe crossed his arms over his chest. They were waiting for her father to give the word that it was time to go. The horses were all ready, and everyone packed. Ro figured her parents were sharing a private goodbye. Not that she didn’t enjoy the extra time with Poe. 
    Sitting in the seat in front of hers, Poe lay one leg over the arm of the seat while the other stretched out a little in front of him. A hand running through his curls as he yawned. Poe had been wearing his robes differently. Some men in Yavin had gone without their undershirt. The robe revealing their chest to all. Poe had taken up that look for the summer. Ro thanked the maker that he couldn’t see her cheeks at the moment. Her eyes trailing up and down his body before she heard Ignis clear his throat and take her book from her. Fingers struggling to grasp it and pull it back to shield the rosy shade of red her face has turned into. 
    “Not going to say goodbye?” 
    “Don’t waste your breath, Iggy. She wants her peace.” 
    Ignis rolled his eyes before the sight of her dad coming down the stairs made her sit up and go to him. It was finally time for all the men to leave and enjoy their trip. The goodbyes didn’t take too long and they watched the men leave on horseback shortly after. 
    Later that night, Thalia sat on Aurora’s bed, running a comb through her sister’s hair. Ro had been struggling to find a way to bring up her feelings for Poe. It was certainly harder than she imagined. She chewed on the inside of her cheek and picked at a loose string on her nightgown. It was now or never. 
    “Thalia, I need to tell you something. Something that I’m a little surprised that I’m admitting.” 
  Thalia hummed as she placed the comb on the nightstand and waited for her sister to speak. Watching as Ro turned around to face her, the younger Citlali reached for her sister’s trembling hands to steady her. Taking a deep breath, she rounded up all of her courage and spoke so rapidly that Thalia didn’t understand a word that she spoke. 
    “Ro, slow down. I didn’t hear any of that.” 
    “I realize I have feelings for Poe. I see him so differently now. He’s still a conceited prince but I’m seeing so much more?” 
    Thalia smirked at her sister’s confession before squeezing her hands. Thalia was the first to discover how her sister looked at Poe differently. It had been small at first, but as the month passed, Thalia finally had caught on, and now it seemed her sister had as well. Now, the youngest, Citlali wondered about the prince’s feelings.
    That was going to be Thalia’s mission for the rest of the summer. Figure out if Poe felt the same for her sister. Poe was harder to read than her sister, and that gave her a fun challenge.
    They spent the rest of the night with Ro, telling Thalia all the little details about Poe that she had recently noticed and what she liked about him. Both of the girls were unaware of their mother listening outside the door. A smile on her face about her oldest daughter’s discovery. She would have much to tell their father when he returned from his trip, and she hoped he had news for her. 
The second month. 
    “I wish she wouldn’t spend so much time with him. He’s constantly flirting with her.” Poe spoke before placing a card on the table. His gaze never leaving the sight of Ro and Ignis. Ignis had been a constant since he had come to Cianna and they had gotten along when they were younger, but now that they were older, it was very different. Ignis was training to be one of the royal family’s personal guards. He had already claimed that he was Ro’s personal guard. Something that caused Poe to clench his jaw. He could protect her. Poe was one of the most skilled soldiers in all of Yavin. It was going to be his duty to protect her one day. She wouldn’t require Ignis. Kylo raised an eyebrow as he watched Poe’s gaze and shook his head. Poe was jealous.
    “I think you really sort of like her, fess up.” Kylo snorted before lying down his hand of cards, indicating to Poe that he had won once again. Tossing his cards to the middle to be shuffled again, he saw Ro turned to leave with Ignis. Not again. Ignis had been dragging her away from them all morning. 
    “I like her better if she would stop wasting time with him. Hey, Ro! Kylo and I are having a rousing card game, want us to deal you in?” Poe called out to her with a grin. He missed the way her eyes lit up at the question. Instead, he was scowling at Ignis, who was frowning right back.
    “The princess and I are going down to the lake.” Ignis smirked. He was a year older than them. He even had more braids than Ro. Although, Ro always wore her braids in such beautiful ways. No one else could rival that. However, he had one singular braid that was resting over his shoulder. His arms crossed as he just stared at the prince. The friendship that Poe once thought he had with Ignis was gone. He should have acknowledged the decline over the years, but this summer had been the worst. The Yavin prince didn’t like that he had answered for her. Ro wasn’t one to let someone speak for her. He had picked up on that over the years, and it turned into a trait that he liked about her.
    “Poe, you and Kylo could accompany us, if you wish. It’s a nice day to get out of the castle.” Ro gnawed at her cheek as she worked to include them all. She preferred to spend more time with Poe and was stunned when he offered for her to play cards with them. Normally, they spend some together before going their own ways. However, this summer and the previous summer, Ro and Poe had chaperones. They hadn't been allowed to be truly alone, and anyone could guess why. Kylo was often Poe’s chaperone, while Ignis or Thalia were Ro’s. It had become annoying rather quickly.
    “What do you say, Kylo? Wanna enjoy some sunshine?” Poe gave Kylo a look. A look that told him he had no say in the matter. Groaning, he ran a hand down his face before putting on a smile. A smile that Poe knew meant that he wasn’t delighted about this. 
    “Sure, why not?” Kylo shrugged before pushing away from the table and stretching his arms above his head. Kylo didn’t care for Ignis, but he was taking notice of the teenager’s shifty way. He had caught him lurking around Ro’s room and her parents’ room once, insisting it was on his rounds as a guard in training. That never rested well with Kylo, and he hadn’t mentioned it to Poe yet. He didn’t see any reason to yet, but it wasn’t something that he was just going to forget. 
    “Wonderful.” Ignis rolled his eyes before he went to offer his arm to Aurora, but paused when Poe had already seized the chance. Poe murmured something in her ear that made her to laugh and lightly pinched his arm. It was no mystery Poe Dameron did not impress Ignis. He had attempted to be friends with the prince when he first showed up all those years ago, but he never thoroughly wanted a friendship. It wasn’t any secret how Ignis felt for the princess. Anyone with eyes could see that he cared deeply for her, and within the last two years it had turned to more. Poe didn’t deserve Ro. He had observed the prince teasing her and watched as he tried to avoid the poor girl for so many years. It was until the last two summers that something had changed. Poe was actually trying more. That wasn’t what bother Ignis. No, what irritated him was noticing how Ro was acting around the prince. She would smile more, her cheeks would turn pink at something he might say to her, and she wanted to invite him to everything.
    “Couldn’t let the princess go somewhere without her charming prince.” Poe grinned before tucking a strand of Ro’s hair behind her ear. This was entirely to annoy Ignis. However, he wouldn’t lie if asked him about how much he liked Ro’s hair. He always took whatever chance he could to touch it. Ever since he was younger, it had fascinated him. How she styled it each morning, how many braids she earned, the care she put into it. Today’s style was much simpler than what he was used to seeing. Four strands of her hair had been braided back to join together and went into a single braid down her back. It was strange to think that one day he would see her without her braids in the privacy of their own chambers. That there would come a time when he would undo each braid and have his fingers run through her hair. Heat spread to his cheeks and up his neck at the mere thought of it. He hadn’t expected such a reaction at the thought of her hair down. That was unusual. 
    “Poe? Are you alright?” Ro squeezed his arm to get his attention. Her face revealed concern, and when he glanced around, he noted the others were waiting on him. He had practically forgotten about going to the lake with them. Nodding, he placed his hand over hers and led them out of the castle.
    The path to the lake wasn’t very long, and the shade from the trees protected them from the sun’s rays. There was a silence between them that no one will break. Poe wasn’t certain he needed to hear Ignis say anything. He often preferred the other to be silent as long as possible. The clearing for the lake was approaching, and Poe realized that this might not have been the best idea. He didn’t think swimming would be fun after they walked back to the palace in soggy garments. There was another option, but Aurora was here, and he knew that went against their rules. Suddenly a thought struck him, and he practically growled. Had Ignis wished to bring her for some other purpose? It wasn’t sitting well with him. It didn’t matter that Ro was his betrothed.
    “Are we going swimming?” Poe asked, watching as Ro sat down and untied her boots. Praying to the maker that she wouldn’t go any further than that. He would have to leave, and he wasn’t certain if he could leave her with Ignis. 
    “No, I don’t want to ruin my boots. We’re searching for stones, mostly.” She grinned before rolling up her trousers. Kylo looked over at Poe after hearing why Ignis and Ro were coming to the lake. “You’re welcome to go back. I don’t want to trouble you.”
   “No. I want to spend time with you.” 
    All went silent when the words escaped Poe’s lips. His own remarks took him by surprise. There wasn’t anything wrong with spending time with her. However, he had always put up a fight any other time. He told himself that this was to keep Ignis from doing anything bad.  
    “How many years have you had to spend time with her, Dameron?” Ignis snorted while he followed Ro into the water that stopped at their ankles. He settled his hand on her lower back to steady her as they wandered through the water. “Careful Poe, there are tales of a water dragon that devours bratty children. I’m positive it would devastate your father if something happened.”
    Poe’s fingers were in a tight fist as he stared at the two. No one had ever called him spoiled, at least not to his face. He had been the sole child of the King and Queen of Yavin. His mother had passed before they could continue their family. He had missed her more and more in recent months, but hadn’t shared that with anybody. His father and he had argued more. Kes had grown distant, like before, when Poe asked about the adventures that his parents went on together. Poe was also desperate to leave Yavin. To see more than their kingdom and the ones that he visited.
    Kylo had taken notice of Poe’s expression before he stepped in. Poe was doing his best not to lose his temper, but he was cracking. “Ignis, watch yourself. The dragon might confuse you for a prince because of how mighty you speak.” 
    Poe chuckled before stretching out his fingers from the tight fists that they had been in. His arms crossed over his chest as he puffed it out. Two could play it this way, and he just so had the Prince of Naboo on his side.
    “All three of you should be quieter, otherwise the dragon is going to devour all three of you.” All eyes glanced at the princess who was carrying a few rocks in her tunic. She had created a pouch to carry the stones as she continued on gathering them. “After the dragon has had its lunches, I would recognize it as a hero for saving me from three boys who are constantly squabbling.” 
    The smirk she wore made Poe smile. He was used to her remarks, and after sliding his own boots off, he moved to accompany her. His own hands scouting through the murky water to find some stones. They scoured the water together and would periodically steal glances at each other before their hands bumped together in the water. They had both reached for the same stone, and it caused them to giggle softly at each other. Gently, Poe threaded their fingers and settled the stone in the middle of their hands.
    “We can share this one.” 
    “I love that idea.” 
    They hadn’t looked at the stone, but they happily nestled it in their palms. Ro’s didn’t care about the rest of the rocks that were in her makeshift pouch. They hadn’t usually held hands like this, and it caused her to blush slightly. Poe could be affectionate, but she feared it was just for show. There was any reason to believe it was more than that. Appearance kept their parents and everybody around them pleased. That’s what they had accomplished over the years. Make everybody else happy.
    Ro wasn’t certain when her feelings changed for the prince. She had noticed how individuals were just drawn to him; he was pleasant to talk with. His laugh was contagious. It caused her heart to flutter when he would wink at her or hold her hand first. The small actions had led to her falling more each time. However, she realized Poe didn’t return those feelings. They would be married in law, but never by love. The love would be one sided, and Ro dreaded it. She was falling for him, but he was falling for adventure and freedom. He yearned for it. It had never been a secret, and it grew each year. It never passed, and she couldn’t drown the flames. She would never wish to. Ro simply longed to be a part of his world.
    “Aurora, you’re certainly quiet over there. Something wrong?” The squeeze to her hand drew her from her worries. It caught her off guard when he spoke her full name. It always grounded her. Brought her back from whatever had tried to take her away. 
    “Mhm. I’m just curious about the stone we found.” 
    It was a lie, but what else could she say? Was she supposed to confess her feelings for him while they scouted for stones? He wouldn’t believe her, even if she did. The result didn’t seem to be worth it. The lie was easier.
    “I wager it’s the loveliest stone.” 
    There was his radiant smile again. It could practically rival the sun with its warmth and brilliance. A good deal of people called her lucky and undeserving of such an arrangement, but they didn’t see the truth. 
    “Lovely like you, curls.”
    “One of us has to be the lovely one.” 
    “Hey, it’s time to leave lovebirds! Supper is going to be served shortly.” 
    Both of their heads popped up before they glanced down at their hands. Ro being the first to pull her away and pushing the stone into his palm as she started towards the shore. She would not bother about wearing her boot back through the woods. She didn’t mind her feet becoming dirty. Poe followed as she stepped through the water and exhaled. Finally, he looked down at the smooth stone in his hand. It was strange that there was a hole in the rock and he had never seen something like that before. The design gave him an idea.
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    Later that night, Kylo had roamed the halls once more. Sleep had fled him, and he didn’t need to disturb Poe either, given how the prince and Ignis had seized every chance to provoke the other. He needed some peace for the rest of the night. Although Kylo had another reason for choosing to be out later than usual. He could stumble upon something like before, and he might not. He would be prepared this time. As time passed, Kylo heard faint murmurs coming from the end of the hall. One sounded as if it was pleading, and the other seemed more peeved than anything else. Quietly he approached the owners of the muffled murmurs, hiding behind one of the pillars, Kylo peeked around. It was Ignis and King Jaqen. 
    “Your highness, please. I am urging you. Let me be Aurora’s betrothed! The Prince of Yavin doesn’t want her! It is an awful match!” Ignis pleaded, and his tone was growing with each word. 
    “Keep your voice down. I understand you have concerns for my daughter, but Poe is her intended. He is a young man who yearns for more like some men do. I thought the same before I wed the Queen. Time will help.” Jaqen kept his voice steady, despite how frustrated he really was.
    “Time? He is fifteen and acts like a spoiled prince! He can never make her happy! She will be alone if she marries him!” 
    “Ignis Malka! You dare raise your voice to your king? You dare tell me about my daughter’s happiness? I am her father. Do not tell me what makes her happy. I have watched her grow and learn. Taught her all that I know.”
    The discussion was getting heating, and Kylo was becoming more anxious by the second. Ignis wanted to marry Ro, and he was struggling to get Jaqen on his side. He wanted Jaqen to call off their arrangement. He had to tell Poe. He kept himself pressed to the pillar to listen more.
    “Your highness, he will only hurt her. He does each day and you are confining your daughter to a wretched life where she is alone and will die young. Let me take care of her and give her the life she deserves. I ask you.” 
    “Enough! I will not hear such comments about my daughter’s betrothed and her future. Back to your post Ignis. Do not let me hear you speaking like this again. We will change your guard assignment in the morning.”
    Ignis said nothing else as Jaqen spun around to leave. Kylo didn’t dare move from his spot until he heard Ignis depart. The only thought that he had was to go to Poe’s room. This couldn’t wait until the morning. This knowledge could lead to trouble, and Poe had a right to know. The sound of diminishing footsteps gave Kylo the chance to start towards his destination. The halls seemed longer and never ending, despite the brisk pace that Kylo had. He skidded to a stop upon seeing Poe’s door and didn’t bother to knock as he burst into the room. The yell that Poe let out made Kylo slam the door close before he spoke.
    “Stars, Kylo! Knock first!” He had shoved something under the blankets, hoping that Kylo wouldn’t notice. He had already noted it.
    “As if you’re busy! We need to talk. This is serious.” Kylo crossed the room and closed the window, just in case. He wasn’t depending on anything at this point. Poe had shuffled up to brace up against the engraved headboard and waited for Kylo to speak.
    “I heard Ignis talking to Jaqen. This is truly wrong, Poe,” Kylo was reluctant to tell him. The taller prince was concerned that Poe would use this to get out of the merger. Kylo felt that deep down Poe cared for Ro. “Ignis wants Jaqen to end the arrangement between you and Ro. He demands to wed her instead. Poe, he thinks you’re going to make her miserable and she’ll die of heartache. Jaqen wasn’t happy by any of it but this bothers me.”
    Poe observed his friend while he told him what he found out in the halls just minutes earlier. Something deep inside him was boiling and traveling through him. He might not be ready to wed Ro, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t his friend. He would not say that he might never fall in love with her. It could happen. The idea of Ignis thinking all these cruel ideas about him made his belly twist into tense knots. The lies he whispered about Poe. He was doing his best! He was still young and trying to understand himself. This wasn’t helping.
    “What if he tries something, Poe? You didn’t hear the bitterness in his voice. The king kept having to tell him to calm down.” 
    “He wouldn’t hurt Ro. He’s not that stupid, Kylo. He’ll just make some sarcastic remark about me at every chance that he gets.” Poe sat with his legs crossed under him and ran a hand through his curls. This wasn’t something that he had thought would happen. Ignis had normally been silent with his dislike of the arrangement. However, part of him feared Ignis had shared those words with Ro. What if Ro thought the same as Ignis but was too scared to say anything? “I need to tell Ro. I can’t keep this from her.”
    “Will she believe you? Ignis is her best friend, and this isn’t easy to hear.” 
    “It’s not, but she needs to know. What if he’s already told her and convinced her it’s true?” 
    That worry was picking away at him. He didn’t want Ro to think he would ever do that to her. It hurt to think that maybe she believed it. So many concerns were flowing through his mind, and all of them involved her. This was a chance for him to look at out of this, to explain to their parents that Ro deserved to be with Ignis. A joyful union and he would be free. He could leave Yavin and experience the world. This was the perfect chance. Yet the image of Ro being with Ignis upset him slightly. Ignis being the one to see her with her hair down and undone, his fingers working through, and so much more. That thought made his blood boil. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t like that thought. 
    “Kylo, I need to ask you a favor. This is important.” 
    “Well, you get one favor a year so make it good.” 
    “I need to speak with Ro alone about this. Is there any way you can keep him distracted?” 
    “It’s never easy with you, Poe. I’ll see what I can do but you need to make sure that if something goes wrong that she’s not in sight.” 
    “Of course. Thank you for all of this, my friend.” 
    Kylo rolled his eyes before grinning just a little. He would do his best to support Poe. He didn’t wish to waste the day with Ignis while Poe met with Ro, but Ignis had overstepped a boundary. Kylo wasn’t certain what would take place when the two discussed the events, but it was better than Ignis planning something much worse. His gut told him that this was simply the beginning, but he wished he was mistaken. Even if Poe was struggling with accepting the merger, he had been doing better with it all. He treated Ro like a friend now and hardly got upset with her. They had both come a long way since all those years ago. 
    “Kylo? Do you think she might be happier with Ignis? What if this is a chance for her and I to live the lives we want?”
    Kylo glared at his friend’s comments. He knew Poe would consider it a chance to escape, and he just shook his head. 
    “Either way, you need to talk to her. Choose together, not just deciding for her. She deserves to speak as well. She has a voice, and it’s pretty annoying that you and Ignis want to keep speaking for her.” 
    “I just -”
    “You’re looking for your way out. You’re being selfish.” 
    “You don’t understand!” 
    “I understand that you’re more concerned about your own feelings than hers. I’ll make sure Ignis is busy tomorrow but I swear Poe if you waste this chance then don’t count on me for anything else.”
    With that, Kylo left the room. Poe’s head slumped back against the headboard as he exhaled. His hands reached out to grasp what he had been covering from Kylo. His thumb stroked the flat stone, and he thought of how he had planned on giving it to Ro. A gift for her. He had used cords of leather to make it into a necklace. The stone had a perfect hole for him to knot the cord, and he made sure it wouldn’t come loose when Ro wore it. That was if she even liked it or wanted it after they talked. Poe wasn’t sure what he wanted anymore. He felt torn between continuing in this routine with Ro or having his own life. It was all so confusing. His fingers continued to stroke the stone, wishing that it would give him an answer. Nothing ever came.
    The next morning came and a half asleep Ro sat at her mirror as her father arranged her hair for the day. Her eyes opened when he tightened a section of the braid. She was used to her father braiding her hair for the day, but she detested the early morning. A yawn left her lips as she heard her father chuckle quietly. 
    “You have never been one for mornings, sunbeam.” 
    “Shouldn’t we decide what time we wake up? We are the noble family.” 
    “You had an extra five minutes this morning. Was that not enough?” 
    She shook her head as she rubbed the remains of sleep out of her eyes. Her hair fell in burgundy waves as her father pulled the rest up. Those braids starting at the sides of her head and moving back to coil around in a bun at the crown of her head. Some strands were left down to frame her face. Her fingers fumbled with ends of her hair. A habit she had gotten when she got nervous. The king lifted a brow as he watched her before adding the finishing touches to her hair. 
    “Something on your mind? Quit fumbling with your hair. . .” 
    “I just want to make sure it looks good.” 
    Jaqen lifted an eyebrow. He never doubted his techniques or skill with fixing their hair. It wasn’t like Ro to care how her hair was prepared for the day. She normally was happy with whatever her father did. He had even set out her clothes for the day as well, despite her preferring to do it herself. It made him wonder if she was doing all this to catch the prince’s eye. The exchange with Ignis from the previous night hovering in the back of his mind. 
    “Little star, if you’re worried about not catching the young prince’s eye, I assure you his eyes follow you.” 
    Ro couldn’t help but grin before she shifted around to hug her father tight. Her father wasn’t always one to talk about the arrangement, provided he was protective of his girls. It always troubled him they could do something that would fail later in life. His marriage was arranged, but Eirlys had been ready to put him in his place. They had learned and grew together. He cherishes his wife and their daughters. He simply wished the same would happen for Ro, but he was having doubts. Poe was still clinging to the dream of adventure, and he recalled that feeling. He still observed how the prince watched over Ro. The boy was conflicted more each day.
    The sudden knock on Ro’s door caused both of them to jump. Jaqen had crossed the room in long strides and opened the door to speak with the visitor. It was the guards, and neither of them looked pleased. They were a little out of breath from their trip to the princess’s room, but this couldn’t wait. 
    “Your highness! We require you immediately! The Prince of Naboo and Ignis are fighting in the courtyard.” 
    “Fighting? Pull them apart. Have you gotten King Kes to collect young Kylo?” 
    They shook their heads before he sighed. How difficult could it be to divide the two? He figured they didn’t wish to upset Kes when it came to Kylo. 
    “Go get Kes, and meet me at the courtyard. Aurora, stay here until this is all fixed.” 
    “Aurora, no. Let me deal with this.” 
    Ro watched as her father left her room before she finished getting ready. Slipping a silk dress over her trousers before she sat down on her bed. This wasn’t fair! She wasn’t even near the courtyard, and she doubted that Ignis and Kylo would even care if she were there. She still couldn’t fathom why the two would fight? Where was Poe? If Ignis was going to hit anyone, then she figured it would be Poe. The summer breeze filled the room before she heard what sounded like an injured creature. Heading to her balcony, she placed her hands on the rail and studied the ground below. A pair of hands reached out to shake her shoulders as she looked for the creature. The sudden touch caused her to scream before they swung her around. Glaring at the laughing face of none other than Poe Dameron. 
    “Poe! What the hell? You’re not supposed to be here!” She hissed softly before she shoved him into her room. Looking over their shoulders to make sure that no one had seen or heard them. This was extremely risky. 
    “I know, I know! I needed to talk to you. This is important.” 
    They sat on the end of the bed as Poe explained what Kylo had told him. Ro couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and part of her realized it was all true. Everyone had told her how Ignis looked at her and how he never cared for the advances of the other girls. Her fingers fidgeted, and she chewed the inside of her cheek. How long had her father been hearing Ignis say such things? Did her mother know about this? Why had no one came to her and told her? Ignis was constantly around her until now, when her father had finally changed his post. She hadn’t even known that until Poe told her. 
    “This could be our chance, Ro.” 
    Their chance? What did Poe mean? What did Ignis admit his feelings have to do with them? 
    “Our chance? Poe, I don’t see Ignis like that. I don’t want to marry him.” Frowning, she crossed her arms, waiting for the Yavin prince to explain himself. 
    “I just thought this could be a chance for us to get out of the marriage. We could lead our own lives!” 
    The smile he wore made her heart break. Poe didn’t want to marry her. He wanted to get out of it after all their years together. She struggled to hold back tears. Ro had always hoped that someday he would like her. That they would become more than friends. Yet any time growth created, something happened to where it was all crushed. 
    “What? Ro? We need to talk about this.” 
    Poe went to grab her hands, and she drew them back before wiping at her eyes. 
    “I said leave! I will call for the guards.” 
    Her voice was small and Poe could only frown before he bit back his own feelings. They hadn’t even discussed everything, but he had made it clear what he wanted. Had that made her upset? He didn’t want to fight with her, and quietly made his way to the balcony. However, the sight of her sitting on the edge of her bed wiping at her eyes made him feel guilty. Everything told him that needed to fix this, but she was telling him to go. 
    “Your braids look beautiful today.” 
    The minute his back turned and made his escape, Ro let out a sob. Another drawback, and she felt more hopeless than ever. What would it take for this to work?
The third month. 
    The kingdom of Cianna was bustling as they arranged for the approaching Moonlight Festival. It was one of the grandest parties that the Citlali household had. The castle was open for all to come and celebrate with them, and it took place outdoors. The night sky would dance across the waterfalls and the tops of the mountains on this night. The stars didn’t look so far away, and they went across the sky towards the end of the celebration. It was a brilliant night for all. Ro had ventured to the village below the castle and was helping set up. Making sure that all the lanterns and lamps were ready. Blue and silver decorated the entire kingdom and allowed her a sense of tranquility. 
    The argument between her and Poe still brewed at the back of her mind at odd times. She had wanted this summer to be the one where something would blossom, but it hadn’t. Part of her knew that she should have known better, but the other held onto some hope. Against her better judgement, she hadn’t spoken to Ignis about any of it or her parents. She had gone two weeks before she had even said something to Poe. She had apologized to him at breakfast one morning and that was it. No one around them knew what she was apologizing for. She would have given them some story instead of the truth if they had asked. She just preferred to forget all of it and move on. They had spent little time together after that, either. They would go on walks with their chaperones or play a game of cards, but once again that was simply for show. Poe and Kylo had taken to training with the Citlali Royal Guards, while Ro worked with her mother on some sparring lessons. It had shifted into something more awkward.
    “Beautiful Aurora, you almost dropped the lantern.” Thalia snickered at her sister before she took it out of Ro’s hands. Her thoughts had taken over again, and she practically broke something. Not that it would have been the first time. 
    “Apologies, I was elsewhere.” She laughed before choosing to hang up another banner. That seemed to be safer than trying to work with the delicate lamps and lanterns. This festival that she had been looking forward to all summer, but now it seemed bittersweet. Poe and she would share their traditional dance, but she realized that his heart wouldn’t be in it. She would feel guilty with each step that they took. Ignis would try to steal a dance from her, she would deny as much as she could. It would not be the night that she had dreamt of. 
    “Poe said he would be down to help soon. I told him I would stay to be the chaperone if he showed up. I’m certain Kylo and Ignis don’t want to be social.” She smirked. Thalia would occasionally let the two of them have moments alone, and it was something that both of them enjoyed. Thalia hated to babysit, especially when she was younger than her sister. She trusted both of them not to do anything wrong. This had been a little secret between them, and not even their parents had picked up about it. Yet. Ro couldn’t help the slight flutter of excitement that she felt at the thought of Poe coming. She still got nervous around him, despite all of it. He still made her smile when she didn’t want to.
    “That’s perfect. I know he really enjoys this and you’ll actually have a helper.”
    Both the girls giggled before a pair of arms draped around their shoulders, revealing the prince. His laughter chiming in as they jumped from him and wiggled out of his reach. All laughing together as the bystanders gave them all knowing smiles.
    “You can’t keep startling us like that, Poe! The next time, I might have a weapon on me!” Ro whispered as she held her palm to her heart, simply for Poe to take the other hand and pressed a small kiss to her knuckles.
    “I am your weapon, my princess.”
    She blushed as she glanced around to see the people of Cianna observing them. Her fingers threaded through his as she sighed. It was merely for show. She should have recognized. He wouldn’t ordinarily do such things unless there was someone watching. Her heart sank as she fell back into giving the people a show. Appearances were everything, and right now this was just another performance. These moments always lasted longer than she wanted and left her exhausted. Ro fell for Poe’s performance more and preferred to keep it going despite it all. She wished she could combine both sides of Poe and have one. That was nothing but a childish dream. A dream that she couldn’t have. It tormented her. 
    “I love this festival, Ro. The lights, dancing, and getting to watch the stars pass across the night sky. It’s just so fascinating.”
    Poe grinned as he helped the girls with the last minute decorations. Ro nodded her head as she worked in silence. She didn’t trust herself to speak, but smiled instead. Thalia and Poe chatted away cheerfully with each other. If Thalia wasn’t the mirror image of their mother, many would assume that Poe and Thalia were siblings. They simply clicked when Poe came to visit Cianna. 
    “Thalia, do you mind if I stroll around with Ro for a moment? Not too long.” 
    “You have ten minutes before I notice that you’re both gone.” 
    They shared a sly grin before the prince took her hand and turned down the alley. Ro eagerly followed behind him and felt a small rush at the thought of them being alone. Her hand squeezed his before they came to a stop, both of them smiling. It was just a slight moment that they were going to have to themselves, and she wondered what it was going to be about. She pressed her back against the stone wall and waited for him to speak. 
    “Everything alright?” She asked, before messing with the ends of her hair. 
    “I wanted to give you something? A gift for the festival. Something to wear to it?” He sounded uncertain of himself and he continued glancing down the alley to make sure that no one came searching for them. Poe retrieved something out of the pocket of his trousers. He held out something wrapped in a dark piece of cloth and he placed it in her hand so quickly that she almost dropped it. Carefully, Ro removed the cloth and smiled seeing the necklace. It was certainly beautiful and unlike any necklace that she had ever seen. The stone was smooth and grey. 
    “Is this the stone from the lake?” 
    “Mhm! I used some cords of leather to make it into a necklace for you. Do - Do you like it?” He asked as he shifted on his feet. He waited as she ran her fingers over the stone. What if she didn’t like it?
    “Will you put it on me?” 
    Poe nodded enthusiastically as he reached for the necklace and stood as she turned around. She lifted her hair up and waited patiently as he knotted the necklace for her. He secured it before she turned back around. Her hands immediately touched the stone again before wrapping her arms around him tightly. She couldn’t believe the gift that he had given her and it was the most beautiful stone that she had ever seen. It was the stone that they found together. Drawing back from their embrace, Ro pressed a tender kiss to his cheek before Thalia cleared her throat to draw their attention. Time was cut short, and they had to get back to getting everything ready for the festival. 
    However, Poe couldn’t stop grinning from the kiss that he got. It wasn’t like Ro at all to do that. They held hands and hugged, but kissing never happened. It wasn’t a proper kiss, but it was more than he had gotten before. His heart pounding in his chest, and couldn’t believe how soft her lips were on his cheek. Nothing could make his mood drop after that. She had accepted his gift, too! Poe was soaring, and he didn’t want to come down. This left him wondering how the festival might go. What if they actually kissed that night? It would be the perfect chance for them. The internal conflict seemed to be subdued for once, and Poe felt more excited to be with Ro.
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
    Music wandered throughout the kingdom of Cianna as people eagerly flowed under the moonlight. Everyone wore garments of blue, silver, and white. They had fixed their hair with gleaming stones, pieces of jewelry that created the illusion of sparkling starlight. Their outfits and jewelry made him believe they had found some way to use stones from the moon and light from the stars. It was breath-taking. Poe was impatiently waiting for the Ro to appear with her family. They had a tradition of devoting a part of the festival to visiting the catacombs of their family. They would light candles for them and leave little gifts in their memory. This was only for the Citlali family. The music had quieted down as some ate and drank. Poe’s eyes continued to search around the garden, but she wasn’t there yet. His leg bounced impatiently as he waited. Plenty of other girls continued asking him to dance, and he declined. 
    “Impatient?” Kes asked before taking a seat beside the young prince. Kes had been noting how impatient Poe was growing with each fleeting second, but it also warmed his heart to see Poe excited to just see Ro. He had noted that Poe was becoming a little closer to the princess and was finally warming up to the girl. Ro was a wonderful young lady, and it honored Kes that she would be a part of his family one day.
    “That obvious?” Poe laughed before bumping his shoulder with his father’s while rubbing his hands together. It hadn’t gone unseen by Poe that Ignis was looking for the princess just as much as him. Suddenly, everyone had paused and shifted their attention to the stairs that ran from the balcony. Thalia was the first one down the stairs in her silver dress that was made of silk. The King and Queen followed behind, both wearing white outfits that matched perfectly. Then came Ro, and the sight of her made Poe gasp. The top of her dress was a dark blue and as it went down, shifted into a lighter blue. Parts of it glittered like starlight. But when he saw the bottom of the dress, he couldn’t help but chuckle at discovering her bare feet. However, it looked as if she had little gems on the tops of her feet. 
Oh. Wow. 
    That was all Poe could think as she descended the stairs. They had woven silver through her burgundy braids, and Poe was speechless. He stayed frozen in place as she reached him, and Kylo nudged him forward after a moment. His hand out, waiting for her. The world around Poe no longer existed as he brought her to the center to dance. They hadn’t stopped looking at each other as they waltzed to the music.
    “You look beautiful. . .” 
    “You don’t look so bad yourself.” 
    The music had shifted into a more upbeat piece, and they hadn’t even considered taking a break. Poe continued to lead her around the floor while their laughs carried through the air. Twirling around, bumping into so many that merely laughed before waving them off. The sight wasn’t going unnoticed at all. Their parents observed from the top table. 
    “Look at them. I’ve never seen them this happy.” Eirlys smiled as Jaqen gave a brief smile. 
    “Her and Poe are quite the couple. He’s becoming a good man, Kes.” Jaqen admitted before taking a sip of his wine. 
    “Your daughter seems to bring out the best in him.” Kes watched as the teenagers continued to dance. It had been too long since he had seen that smile, and he wanted to thank Ro for that. To all around them, they were perfect for one another. That even in this garden full of people, they only saw each other. However, there was one pair of eyes that never left them. Those eyes darkened with envy. 
    Those eyes had watched the prince and princess disappear without a word. However, it wasn’t Poe that led them away. But Ro. The King and Queen were leading a dance and King Kes had even asked the Queen’s sister for a dance. Everyone seemed to be distracted. However, his biggest challenge was getting past the Prince of Naboo. Kylo. Ignis knew Kylo would make this impossible. 
    Ro led the way up the dirt path to the top of the waterfalls. This was her favorite spot in all of Cianna and she’s wanted to share it with Poe. As Poe followed her up the path, he did his best not to step on her dress and would occasionally make sure that it didn’t get caught on something. Both of their hearts were pounding in their chests at the little adventure. No one had stopped them, and this would be the perfect spot to see the stars move across the sky. It was perfect. They gripped each other’s hands before Ro brought them to a flat stone to sit upon. Her feet dipping into the cool water made her shiver slightly, but Poe took that as a chance to wrap an arm around her shoulders and bring her closer. He waited for her to push him away. Instead, she shuffled closer. 
    “I don’t want you to marry Ignis. . .” 
    “I don’t want to marry him either.” 
    Poe sighed as he struggled to gather his words. He didn’t know how to express his feelings without getting everything mixed up. There was so much that he wished to say, but he wasn’t sure if he could say it all. How could he tell her that the sheer thought of someone else seeing her with her hair down made his blood boil? How could he say that he wasn’t ready to settle down but wanted to settle down with her in due time? Why was all of this so hard on him? Her head had shifted to rest on his shoulder, and he held her closer. His heart raced once more. She wasn't a horrible pick for a betrothed. She could be fun, bold, and witty. Little by little, he had warmed up to her. Aurora had turned into a cherished friend, but he wasn’t sure if they could live their lives as mere friends. She didn’t deserve that. She deserved to be loved, cherished. He just didn’t want to make her wait for him.
    “I really am trying, and I know it doesn’t look like it. I just -”
    “You wish to go on daring adventures, experience the world, follow in your mother’s footsteps. I hear you when you think I’m not listening. I’ve known this since we were eight. I try not to push you. I try to let you come around.” 
    Her words took Poe back. He wasn’t expecting Ro to know the extent of his passions, but once more she had surprised him. Thankfully, the night was hiding his blushing cheeks from her gaze. Maybe he had been more than vocal about everything, and more than once. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to think of what to say next, but Ro had moved to turn towards him. Taking his arm from her shoulder and lacing both of their hands together. Her thumbs sliding over the tops of his hands. 
    “I would wait years for you. I would wait until my hair was streaked with gray if it meant that you would be my husband. We don’t have to be married right away and we have time. Poe, I would never refuse you anything. If you honestly wish to be out of this, then I will tell my parents. If you want your freedom, just say the word.” 
    Her emerald hues held more emotion than he could ever imagine and searched them for some type of deception, but found nothing. She will give this all up, if it meant that he was happy. She had once more put him before herself. Anyone would be lucky to have her as a partner. She was going to make her name known no matter what path she walked, and Poe wanted to be near her for whichever she picked. His eyes flicker from hers to her lips, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip. Everything for a split moment seemed so clear to him. Everything was right in front of him. They had missed the start of the stars shooting across the sky. Poe had gathered every ounce of courage in his body to move his face closer to hers. Their lips were mere inches apart, and he slowly leaned in. 
    “Aurora Citlali!”
    “Poe Dameron!” 
    The angry tones of their parents caused them to jump back. Their eyes were enormous, and they struggled to get off the rock and not look so suspicious in front of them. Kylo and Thalia pointed to Ignis, who was standing behind the King. Jaqen didn’t look too pleased by the sight that he had stumbled upon. This was more than embarrassing. Poe was bracing to take the blame, and waited. 
    “I am absolutely disappointed to see such behavior from you both. You both know the rules.” Eirlys spoke as Jaqen frowned. More upset that Ignis had been right. 
    “Poe, did you drag Ro into this?” Kes asked as he studied the teenagers. His arms crossed over his chest. 
    “I did. Poe can’t navigate the forest as well as I can. I led him up here. I wanted to show him the stars from here.” She admitted before Poe even said anything. All three of the adults looked startled at the confession. Ro was the good one between them. It was the truth that Ro could maneuver through the woods better than him and half of Cianna. 
    “Aurora, you aren’t supposed to be alone. I guess we can enjoy the rest of the view from here as well.” 
    Jaqen would not be too hard on his daughter, despite the glare he received from his wife. Poe wasn’t surprised that she had gotten off with only a few words from her father. Ignis scoffed at the lack of punishment and he wished that Poe had gotten blame. The guard had turned to leave and join his own family down at the gardens. The Citlali and Dameron family stood together, observing the stars. Poe had taken Ro’s hand once more and squeezed it as they looked at each other. Something had evolved between them tonight. Something that neither of them could place or name just yet, but it was there. It was warm. They knew come later or tomorrow, both Thalia and Kylo would question them continually about what had taken place before they were interrupted, but that would be their secret. They might not have experienced a proper kiss, but they had experienced something much more.
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alarriefantasy · 4 years
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                                              Pirates Fic Rec
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”Do you think I’m an idiot?” The captain repeated, putting emphasis on each word as though Louis couldn’t understand him otherwise.
”Of course not,” Louis said, shaking his head. He’d be a fool for thinking such a thing, and an even bigger fool for saying it out loud. ”Captain.”
Captain Styles nodded slowly, leaning back in his chair and folding his hands in his lap. ”Then why did you lie to me?”
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Swim In The Smoke by whoknows
Words: 101k
“What about this, Captain?” Liam asks, nudging the boy kneeling between their feet with the toe of his boot. The boy hisses and swipes at him, slurring out something unintelligible around the makeshift gag Niall had to stuff in his mouth. He misses by a mile and tries again, just as ineffectively.
Harry looks down at him, at the way the sun streams over his face and shoulders, at the way the gag stretches his mouth, lips pink and chapped. He’s lithe and pretty, smudged all over with dirt. They had found him tied up below deck, mostly unconscious, next to a barrel full of gold. He’s clearly a prisoner, but there’s something familiar about him, something that niggles at Harry’s brain. Something he can’t quite put his finger on.
“Put him in my cabin,” Harry decides, turning back to deal with the rest of the loot. The boys screams out jumbled curse words at Harry’s back, muffled by the gag, and Harry can’t understand any of it.
Pirate Louis
my treasure map was on your skin (you're my land ahoy) by ladililn
Words: 4k
Louis is a pirate. Harry has never been to sea, but he's eager to learn.
daisies & dying by xaz
Words: 14k
OR Hades!Louis and Persephone!Harry but make it pirates
Gentle Rogue by juliusschmidt
Words: 15k
Or Harry bets Nick a hundred pounds he can get Louis to sleep with him. He wins the wager and a thorough fucking.
Sail Across Me by iwillpaintasongforlou
Words: 21k
Harry is a prince that is about to be forced into marriage against his will and running away to sea seems like a much better option. Louis is the captain of the infamous pirate ship The Rogue and he has a thing for helping defenseless creatures. Especially when they're as pretty as this one.
Sail With You by AFangirlFantasy
Words: 35k
Against his wishes, Omega Prince Harry Styles is arranged to mate with someone he doesn’t love, much less knows. Though he pleaded to his parents incessantly, they not only refuse to comply but force him to depart on a ship days later. Harry prays for fate to step in, to change what’s to come, however, the answer he is given is not exactly in the form he had hoped.
Enter Will Tommo – deadliest pirate captain of all seven seas.
In Your Black Heart (Is Where You’ll Find Me) by graceling_in_a_suit
Words: 35k
Louis Tomlinson has been lying for five years. His crew sees him as a pirate, a Captain, and an alpha; only two of those are the truth. He was content to let the illusion go on forever, but an omega named Harry Styles just had to join his crew and get his warm-vanilla stink all over Louis’ best laid plans.
Or: the story of The Captain and The Carpenter.
Set Sail With No Compass by zarah5 
Words: 4k
Pirate AU. That's it; that's the summary.
throw me in the deep end by decadent
Words: 5k
Or, the one where Harry is a very ferocious pirate captain and Louis is a mighty scoundrel in need of some good dicking.
If you’ll be my star, I’ll be your sky by MANGAMANIAC666
Words: 42k
(Larry Stylinson version of To Catch a Pirate by Jade Parker)
Si Pudiera Volar by messofgorgeouschaos
Words: 68k
When Harry’s fiancé leaves him for his cousin, he looks the other way for the sake of his happiness. He’ll do anything to forget about him, including joining a monastery. It isn’t until his cousin’s former lover, a pirate, appears that he realizes everything is not as it appears, and an honest pirate might be the only person worthy of his heart.
Sodalite & Aventurine by forreveries
Words: 80k
The one where, in his travels to find Swan’s elusive treasure, Captain Louis Tomlinson of the Black Dagger discovers he has a stowaway onboard - a stowaway who is rather tall and pretty and pouty and can spout off Shakespearean poetry as though he had written it. A stowaway who is also, unfortunately, secretly Louis’ biggest threat. Captain Harry Styles.
♡ credit to the owner of the manip
♡ past themed recs here
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qt-caity · 4 years
Star Trek Secret Santa 2020
A fic for @saritaadam for @startreksecretsanta for the prompt of “TOS Sulu, Chekov, and Uhura on their own adventures.” Thanks to @that-one-curly-haired-chick and @wreckx for looking it over for me.
“I’m still not sure I get it, “Chekov whispered under the latest round of applause and laughter.
Sulu was already prying the Russian’s communicator out of his hand and sliding it towards the middle of the table. “Not much to ‘get’ here, pal. Just hope you aren’t unlucky.”
Moments ago, when Chekov had been hovering in the doorway of the recreation room to see a group of senior officers huddled around a ring of communicators on a table, his first impressions were those of a cult. The deck officer who glanced up and immediately asked “You in?” did little to assuage that. Yet Chekov was smart enough to know that you could hardly afford to alienate other crewmembers in the early days of your first assignment. If the four hundred something people on this ship were all members of some secret cult, well, it was time for him to learn its laws.
Luckily, Lieutenant Sulu had recognized him and immediately waved him over to sit by him, persuading the others to let him have one round to watch before joining in the fun.
Unfortunately, Chekov was still confused as to what this fun was.
“Is this something for all in Starfleet? A game everyone plays?”
Sulu smiled and shook his head. “Only we’ve got Uhura. It’s basically a free show, Pavel. The price is just—” His words faded as the bosun whistle on the wall panel sounded.
“Kirk to Sulu.”
“Shit.” Sulu groaned.
Uhura rose gracefully to a chorus of cheers and groans, which quieted as she reached the panel.
“Kirk to Sulu.”
“Nyota, be kind,” Sulu begged before he was promptly shushed by the rest of the table.
Uhura gave a wink before extending a graceful finger to the comm. “Sulu here.”
Chekov blinked. The last round that he’d witnessed, he’d assumed Uhura was just answering comms in silly voices for fun. Knowing that her voice was now a perfect impersonation of Sulu’s. . . well, apparently that was the price of the show.
“Sulu, regarding our course to Agaron PrimeI. If we were to make a stop at the Canopus  first, how much would that delay our arrival?”
The table exploded into a muted explosion of giggles as every eye turned expectantly towards Sulu, who had sprung into action. Two fingers, then six, then four. A jabbing finger. Eight fingers. His hands held close together, then spread far apart.
Chekov looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. Uhura kept her cool gaze. “Did you say Canopus, Captain?”
Two, six, then four fingers. Three jabbing motions. Eight fingers, A decidedly frustrated and sarcastic spreading of the arms.
“Yes, Canopus. How long, Sulu?”
A pause. “I’m sorry sir…I’ll need time to work that out.”
“Hmmm. I see. See that it doesn’t take you too long to find a calculator, Lieutenant. Kirk out.”
“Don’t tell her, laddie,” chuckled Scotty as the rest of the table burst into laughter. “Sounds to me like you’ve got a call to make.”
Sulu slumped in his chair and dejectedly sipped his drink. “One more round. The captain already thinks I can’t do warp equations at the ready. Five more minutes won’t damage my reputation any further.”
“I’d spend that time practicing your charades,” Uhura added lightly as she came behind Sulu’s chair. “No sun? No days? I’m not a mind reader, you know.”
“Just a life ruiner,” Sulu muttered darkly, but his mouth twitched as he brought his glass to his lips again.
“I do think that I’ve only one more round left in me, so before you all—" Uhura frowned as one of the communicators on the table buzzed with its whistle. “Is that…Pavel’s?”
Chekov’s heart sunk. “Da.” His shiny communicator stood out in the ring of dingy dull devices. “Yes, it’s mine.”
Everyone else reached out to pocket their device, murmuring in surprise as Uhura stayed put behind Sulu.
“That’s not fair to me, he’s only just got here!”
“You’ve had seven days, Nyota! You mastered Klingon barroom slang in half that time.”
“We do tell everyone you’re the best at this, you know.”
Uhura crossed her arms. “I’ll have you know Klingon barroom slang is quite easy to pick up once you’ve mastered one particular expletive. I’ve hardly gotten to spend any time with Pavel so far!”
“Yes, give the lady a break, please. It’s not like I have any noticeable accent to copy,” Chekov added helpfully, wondering why so many people broke out into snickers again.
“Sorry, Nyota. Your own rules, after all,” said Sulu firmly, gracefully reaching across and holding the communicator over his head towards Uhura.
“Sore loser,” Uhura muttered, but opened the communicator anyway and took a deep breath. “Chekov here.”
A mutter of approval circled the table at the reveal of Uhura’s first Russian accent. Not half bad, Chekov admitted to himself. She did sound like she came from St. Petersburg instead of Moscow, but he could take that up with her later.
“Ensign Chekov, this is Mister Spock.”
Whispers of excitement now. Sulu glanced over in time to see Chekov’s mouth beginning to open, and quickly slapped his hand across it. “Rules, Pavel.”
“Yes, Mister Spock.”
“Ensign, I am calling regarding our latest discussion that we had about the—”
Uhura’s eyes met Chekov’s, which were widened in shock. Hurriedly, she cut Spock off. “Da.”
“You know to what I’m referring?”
“And you are prepared?
A muffled scream came from behind Sulu’s hand, and other officers had to lean forward to keep Chekov from thrashing out of his chair. Uhura grimaced. “Vell, actually…”
“All can be arranged in more detail the next time we meet, Ensign. I look forward to seeing you at 1900 hours. Spock out.”
Sulu quickly withdrew his hand before it could be bitten off as the Russian threw himself out of his chair and gestured wildly towards the whole table. “CRAZY, ALL OF YOU. INSANE!”
“I tried to keep it neutral! I said ‘Da!” Uhura offered defensively.
“A WERY IMPORTANT ‘DA.’” Chekov broke down into a string of Russian which, if Uhura’s face was any clue, followed a drastic line of thought.
“Pavel, Pavel…” Sulu awkwardly stood next to the frantic ensign and grabbed his shoulder. “I know you just got here, and Mister Spock can seem…well, he’s a lot at first. But whatever you promised, Uhura can help you with it.” He looked up to meet Nyota’s glare. “Uhura and I can help you with it.”
    Sulu broke into what he hoped looked like a nonchalant jog as he followed Chekov down the hall. Uhura was keeping a much more leisurely pace behind, taking the time to greet every crewmember they passed. 
    “Pavel,” Sulu hissed after having to apologize to the fourth redshirt that Chekov nearly plowed into. “You said that you--Uhura--agreed to present your research to Mr. Spock tonight. We can help you finish, you’ve got plenty of time!”
    Chekov slowed in front of a laboratory door, nervously looking up and down the corridor, and even taking a peek into an adjacent Jeffries Tube. Uhura gracefully ducked her head to hide her smile. “Research is done, only....too much.”
    “Pavel, I don’t--” the door whooshed open and behind him, Sulu heard a particular Klingon expletive.
    “Pavel, you’ve only been here a few days!” Uhura cried in dismay, looking at the parts spread across the floor. “This looks like you spent months dismantling this!”
    “Well, I guess I can’t make fun of Riley for his lab accident anymore,” Sulu said lazily, picking up a piece of circuitry to inspect. “Remind me to never introduce you to him.”
    “This is serious!” Chekov was practically vibrating between the different corners of the room. “I was finishing my research and the machine was slow, so I try to improve it, but then it jammed, and I thought if I took it apart I could find problem--”
    “You know who would be best equipped to fix this?” Sulu murmured to Uhura. “One Mister Spock.”
    “Oh, hush,” Uhura scolded over Chekov’s wounded cry. “There’s always Mr. Scott. He was just with us, I can go--”
    “No, no, no!” Chekov pleaded, his eyes wide. “No senior officers. Nobody important. I cannot risk having the first thing on my record be a demerit!”
    “Or an invoice,” Uhura added lightly.
    “Thanks for the compliment, Pavel. But neither of us are engineers.”
    “Speak for yourself.” Uhura plucked the circuit out of Sulu’s hands. “I’ve done emergency surgery on my array to at least hide most of the damage here.”
    “Fix it enough so that some other poor soul will come and break it next. Sneaky.”
    Chekov looked as though he were about to faint. “It’s not my intention to--”
    “We’re just kidding, Pavel. Grab a hyperspanner. If we’re going to let Mr. Spock in here in time, we’d better hustle.”
    When Mr. Spock entered the environmental sciences lab at 18:58, he found a more sociable scene than he was anticipating. 
    “Lieutenant Uhura. Mr. Sulu,” he nodded. “What brings you to this part of the ship?”
    “Just getting to know the new Ensign, sir. We’ll be out of your way now. Uhura, would you like to join me for dinner?”
    “Of course, Hikaru.” Uhura grasped Chekov’s hand for a moment, before placing it firmly on the center of the console plate, giving it an extra press before leaving to follow Sulu. “STAY confident, Pavel, and good luck.”
    Sulu waited until they were a whole corridor away before letting his head roll back with a sigh. “He’s going to be trouble.”
    “All the good ones are.” Uhura and Sulu reentered the same rec room as before just as a bosun whistle sounded from the wall panel. 
    “Uhura! I’ll wager my Enolian spice wine that you can’t fool whoever’s on the other end of that one!”
    Uhura only paused for a moment before shrugging and making her way over. Sulu shook his head, dumbfounded. “You never learn, do you?”
    “Be a dear and fetch my dinner and I’ll share some of the wine with you.”
    “Yes, ma’am” Sulu saluted and made his way over to the replicators. He was about to punch in his order when he saw a figure duck behind a receptacle. Curious, he peeked around.
    Captain Kirk was hunched over his communicator. “Ensign, you sound unwell. Should I call Sickbay?” 
    Kirk looked up to glance across the room and immediately met Sulu’s gaze. He smirked, put a finger to his lips, and winked before speaking again. “You really sound congested, Ensign. Don’t make me make this an order.” He then leaned away from the communicator to whisper to Sulu, “Keep quiet about this and I’ll keep quiet about the spice wine.”
    “Aye, sir,” Sulu whispered back and turned back to the replicator. The new Ensign might be a handful, but he would fit right in on this captain’s ship.
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maddrmatt · 4 years
Kairi’s Epic Journey: The Quest for Sora
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Chapter 11: Hook’s New Grudge
Never Land
Anchored in the waters off the shores of Never Land was the dreaded pirate ship the Jolly Roger. Once the terror of the seas, it now sat collecting barnacles due to its captain’s obsession with getting revenge on the boy who cut off his hand.
The pirates had just returned to the ship.  Currently, they were disembarking the lifeboats and proceeding onto the main deck.
“Lash the prisoner to the mast!  And string up that mutt of hers as well,” ordered Hook as he climbed out of his lifeboat with his first mate by his side.
“Aye-aye captain,” said a big burly pirate covered in various tattoos as he reached into another lifeboat and picked up the still bound and gagged Kairi.  Slinging her over his shoulder, he proceeded toward the mainmast with several of his crewmates carrying Pluto behind him.
As the pirate carried her, Kairi squirmed and kicked while uttering several muffled threats from her gagged mouth.  But the pirate was unfazed and simply continued on.
Hook wore a look of absolute glee on his face.  “It certainly has been a red-letter day for us today, Smee.”
“Oh yes, Captain. Indeed, it is,” said Smee.
“Who would have thought that when we investigated that mysterious fireball that shot out from Mermaid Lagoon that we would learn that Never Land had a special visitor?  And who’d would’ve thought that it would turn out to be her of all people?”
Then a pirate dressed in a pink shirt, red shorts and wearing a red bandana named Mr. Starkey approached them.  “The prisoner’s been tied to the mast as you ordered, captain.”
“Very tightly I hope, Mr. Starkey?”
“Aye-aye, captain. She’s a feisty one and she tried to fight us off.  But she’s not going anywhere.”
“Excellent.  Now all of you attend to your duties while Smee and I extend a proper welcome to our guest,” said Hook.
With that, the other pirates spread over the deck and began to do various things while Hook and Smee travelled over to the mainmast.  Kairi was now tied to it and was currently glaring daggers at the two pirates.
Nearby, Pluto had been strung up, so he was dangling by his bound feet from a rope tied to one of the beams of the sails.  Though his mouth was still tied shut, he growled at the pirate captain.
With a cruel smile, Hook raised his hook and inched it toward Kairi.  Her defiant eyes became fearful as he reached under the gag and undid it.
“Well, Miss Kairi, it appears that I was wrong about you.  Why, the last time you were onboard me vessel, you had lost your heart and I was telling your friend Riku that reclaiming it was a lost cause.  I even said I’d stake me other hand it was lost forever.  How fortunate I never made that wager official.  But in any case, I bid you welcome aboard the Jolly Roger,” said Hook as he raised his hat and bowed to Kairi.
“Oh yes.  I feel so welcome.  Is this how you treat all your guests, Hook?” snarked Kairi.
“Only those who may prove troublesome.  You and your mangy cur best get used to your current situation.  You’re going to be with us for quite some time.”
“What do want with me, Hook?” asked Kairi.
“With you?  Oh, nothing in particular, girl.  I be having much bigger fish to fry and you’re simply the worm on the hook.”
Kairi gasped.  “I’m bait?  For what?  For Peter?”
“I’m afraid you are incorrect on that notion, my dear.  For once, that accursed boy is not in me sights.  Besides, why would he come for you?  Especially after what you said to him and those wretched friends of his. Although, I must commend you for calling out those boys on their notorious bad form.  It was high time someone recognized their behavior for what it was.”
If Kairi had any hopes of Peter and his crew coming to her rescue, Hook had definitely dashed them. ‘He’s right.  Why would they come for me after the way I yelled at them?’
“No, my dear.  Me true quarry is none other than your friend, Sora.”
Kairi gasped again. “Sora?  But why?”
“You didn’t think a self-respecting pirate such meself would let such humiliation go unpunished, do you?  Once he hears that I’ve got in you in me clutches, he’ll come right here faster than Pan can fly.  And that’s when he’ll meet his doom!” exclaimed Hook with an evil chuckle.
Kairi’s blood boiled as she listened to the captain.  ‘Not again!  How many more villains are going to use me to get to Sora?’
“Oh yes.  When he comes, he’ll find no mindless Heartless that he so valiantly defeated when he was here last.  Those creatures proved to be a great disappointment.  Instead, he’ll be facing the most blackhearted cutthroats that ever sailed the seven seas!” announced Hook eliciting a cheer from all the pirates on deck.
“Sora’s faced a lot worse than this bunch, Hook!” exclaimed Kairi.
“Well, should fortune smile on him and he manages to survive the crew, I happen to have a secondary plan.  Once he sees you at me mercy, I’m sure he’ll gladly leap off the plank to spare you any harm!  No matter what happens, he’ll finally meet his end!” said Hook with a maniacal laugh.
Kairi’s heart sank. ‘He’s right.  If Sora was here and saw me in danger, maybe he really would. It’s all happened before.  It seems all anyone has to do to get Sora is to get me first.  Why does this keep happening?’
“Quite a brilliant plan if I do say so meself.  Am I right, Smee?”
“Oh, yes sir.  It definitely won’t be a repeat of last time. I mean, tossing that boy into the hold seemed like a good idea at the time.  But he and his friends were more than a match for the Heartless.  They were even more than a match for you, Captain,” rambled Smee before he caught a glimpse of Hook threatening to clobber him with his namesake.  
“Of course, he probably just got lucky,” said Smee cowering before his boss.
“Of course, he got lucky, you idiot!  I could’ve easily defeated that boy if it weren’t for the interference of that blasted Peter Pan.  So, I’ll thank you not to bring that incident up unless you wish to walk the plank yourself. UNDERSTAND?!” shouted Hook with the intensity of a gale force wind that nearly knocked Smee off his feet.
“Y-yes sir! A-aye-aye sir!” stammered Smee with a salute.
“You’re wasting your time, Hook.  Sora won’t be coming for me,” muttered Kairi.
Hook chuckled.  “Don’t think you can pull the wool over this captain’s eyes, missy.  I remember how relentlessly he fought through me ship to get to you before Riku so rudely left with you.  He will come. I have no doubt.”
“He would come.  If he were still alive,” said Kairi as a tear dripped down her face.
“WHAT?!” exclaimed Hook and the rest of the pirate crew.
“You heard me, Hook. Sora’s already gone.”
Hook gazed at Kairi with anger.  “Don’t you lie to me, girl!” he shouted while waving his hook in her face.
Smee took a closer look into Kairi’s eyes.  He could see all the pain and sorrow reflected in them.  A twinge of pity shot through the first mate.  “Captain, I don’t think she’s lying.”
Hook himself then looked at Kairi.  Upon looking into her eyes, he realized that she was indeed telling the truth.  No person could fake that kind of genuine hurt. But instead of pity, all he felt was annoyance.
“Blast!  I was looking forward to ending that boy meself. But apparently somebody else beat me to the punch!”
Hook suddenly found himself surrounded by his crew.  They immediately started bombarding him with questions.
“So, what are we supposed to do with her then, captain?” asked Mr. Starkey.
“Yes.  If the boy she is to be bait for is already dead, then what good is she?” asked Damien Salt, a chubby pirate with a fez and a moustache.
“She’s useless!” exclaimed Bill Jukes, a short pirate with a peg leg.
As the pirates continued to debate her fate, Kairi sadly gazed at Pluto and reflected on what an utter disaster her quest had been up to now.  ‘Useless.  That’s the word that sums me up perfectly.  Nothing’s gone right for me on this quest.  I couldn’t fly.  I couldn’t stay friends with Peter, Tink and the boys.  And now I’m captured once again.  What is wrong with me?  Why can’t I do what Sora did when he was adventuring?’
“Why don’t we just let her go?”
Kairi’s head turned in the direction of whoever said that unusual phrase.  So did Hook and the pirates.  They were shocked to see that it was Smee.
“Let her go?” asked Hook incredulously looking at his first mate as if he had sprouted a second head.
“Well, captain, she really hasn’t done anything to you personally not like Pan or Sora and the poor girl seems so heartbroken.  Can’t we show a little mercy just this one time?” asked Smee nervously.
Hook grit his teeth in anger.  But then his frown vanished and was replaced by a smile.
“You’re right, Smee,” said Hook causing the rest of the crew to look shocked.  “The poor dear does look like she’s been through a lot. So, we’ll show some mercy and let her go.”
“Really, captain?” asked Smee.
“Yes.  We’ll let her go.  Right off the edge of the plank!” roared Hook causing the pirates to cheer and immediately set off to prepare their favourite method of execution.
“Since the opportunity to send the boy to Davy Jones’ Locker has passed us by, I supposed we’ll have to settle for doing it to his faithful friend.  That should make the day not a complete waste.  Smee, fetch one of the spare anchors so we can tie her to it before we make her walk the plank.  She may have failed at flying but let’s not take any chances, right?”
“Yes, captain.” Smee then gazed at Kairi who was shocked at the turn of events.  All he could do was shrug and then he left.
Hook approached Kairi and smiled at her.  “You’ll be reunited with your friend Sora very soon, my dear.  You should thank me for mercifully relieving you of your sorrow. But before we make you walk the plank, answer me this one question: who was the one responsible for Sora’s untimely demise?  I would love to shake their hand.”
Kairi lowered her head and, in a voice barely above a whisper, said, “It was me.”
“Speak up, girl!  What was that again?” Hook asked as he glared at her menacingly.
Kairi was about to repeat her answer.  But just then, a very familiar sound rang through the air around the ship.
Right before Kairi’s eyes, the menace left Hook’s expression.  It was replaced by a look of abject terror.
“Smee!” cried out the terrified captain.
“Yes captain?” asked Smee as he dragged a large anchor across the deck.
“Do you hear that? The crocodile is near!  Drop everything!  You and the crew chase it away!  I’ll be in me cabin hiding under me bed until it’s gone,” said Hook as he swiftly ran across the deck to a door.  He quickly opened it up, entered through it and slammed it shut.
“You heard the captain! Let’s find that crocodile and send him on his way,” said Smee as he dropped the anchor.
“But where he be?” asked Damien Salt.
“The ticking seems to be coming from the bow side,” said Mullins, a pirate wearing a bandana and an eyepatch.
Smee and the pirates quickly charged to the bow of the ship.  They immediately looked over the sides for any sign of their captain’s reptilian nemesis.
Kairi couldn’t believe how things had turned.  ‘Amazing how Hook can change from the most threatening man in Never Land to a screaming coward the moment he hears a ticking sound.  I suppose its lucky for me the crocodile showed up.  But it won’t matter if I can’t escape and I can’t see how to do it.  I’m tied too tightly so even if I could summon my Keyblade, I don’t think I’d be able to cut myself loose.’
“Psst!  Kairi!” whispered a familiar voice followed by a tinkling sound that seemed to be coming from the other side of the mast.
“Peter?  Tink?  Is that you?” she quietly asked.
“Yes, it’s us. Don’t worry.  We’re going to get you and your dog out of here,” said Peter as he began to cut through the ropes with his dagger.
Kairi glanced upward to where Pluto was and saw that Cubby, Nibs and Toodles had climbed onto the beam and were untying the rope.  Once they finished, they carefully lowered the dog to the deck.
As he continued to slice through Kairi’s ropes, Peter muttered, “Rotten old codfish.  I hate it when he does this.  I’m fine with him keeping it between me and him.  But capturing my friends to get at me? That’s when he goes too far!”
As Kairi listened to Peter’s quiet ramblings, she felt oddly touched.  ‘Peter may be a little off about why Hook captured me.  But after what I said to him and the boys, he still considers me a friend?’
Finally, Peter was finished.  The cut ropes fell to the deck and Kairi moved away from the mast.  Peter immediately flew over to Pluto and started to cut through his bonds.
“Peter, Tink, boys, I can’t believe you all came for us.”
“Well, of course we camed for you, Kairi,” said Cubby as he the other boys jumped down off the beam.
“You’re our friend,” said Nibs as Toodles nodded eagerly.
“Yeah and we’re certainly not going to leave a friend in Hook’s clutches,” said Peter.
“How did you know I was in trouble?”
“Tink followed you after you left.  When she saw the pirates ambush you, she flew back and told us what happened,” said Peter.
Kairi gazed toward the fairy, the one member of Peter’s crew who had made her dislike of her pretty clear.  To her surprise, Tink was smiling in the most genuine way.  The Princess of Heart gave her a grateful one in return.
“Lucky thing the crocodile showed up just now so you guys could rescue us.”
“Heh.  We make our own luck, Kairi.  The crocodile’s not even here.  Those ticking sounds are actually coming from Slightly and the Twins. We’ve actually been practicing our ticking sounds so we can really drive Hook crazy. And thanks to you, now we know they work,” said Peter.
“Uh, you’re welcome. You certainly convinced me,” said Kairi.
Peter finished freeing Pluto.  The dog got to his feet and immediately ran up to Kairi.  The Princess petted her companion.
“You’d better take Pluto and run for one of the lifeboats now, Kairi.  We’ll make sure that Hook pays for what he’s done,” said Peter as Tink and the boys nodded.
Kairi ran past Peter and toward one of the lifeboats with Pluto by her side.  But then she stopped.
“What was that, Kairi?” asked Peter.
Kairi turned around and gave Peter and his group a determined look.  “I’m not running away from this fight.  You were wrong about why he captured me, Peter.  It wasn’t to get at you.  It was to get at Sora.”
Peter, Tink and the Lost Boys’ jaws dropped in surprise.  It was likely that the thought of that notion hadn’t crossed their minds.
“Kind of surprising that your archnemesis is plotting revenge against someone else, isn’t it?  And Hook’s not the first villain to do something like this to me.  In fact, being captured by an evil villain who needed Sora to do what he wanted is what lead to him being lost.  Well, I won’t stand for it any longer.  This time, I’m going to make sure my captors get the message that they messed with the wrong girl!”
Peter, Tink and the boys were surprised by Kairi’s bold declaration.  Pluto however regarded his friend with admiration.
Peter smiled.  “Well, if it’s that important that you join us in the fight, Kairi, then we’d be glad to have you.  Let’s show Hook and his pirates once again why it’s not a good idea to capture and use friends as bait!” he declared as the small group gathered in a huddle to discuss a battle strategy.  
While Peter outlined the plan, Kairi gazed over to where Smee and the other pirates were still looking for the nonexistent crocodile.  Very soon, she would be engaging in battle with those cutthroats and in spite of her apparent confidence, she still felt a twinge of self-doubt.
‘I certainly hope that this battle goes better for me than the last one I was in,’ she thought with memories of the disaster at the Keyblade Graveyard running through her mind.  Hopefully, now that she had six months of better training and was fighting alongside allies who had experience in defeating the current enemies, the upcoming fight would end more favorably for her.
Onto the next chapter!
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I’ve Got My Eye On You
Charles will be the first to admit, he doesn't think much of Jack Rackham when he shows up, looking like a stray dog, trying to sign onto the Ranger. He looks like a fop and he talks like a fop and he seems like the kind of man to freeze in the face of a real fight. All in all, Rackham seems like a shit pirate.
Bonny is a different breed all together. Doesn't talk much - but Vane isn't after a conversational partner. And those knives he carries had obviously seen real use. Yeah, Bonny was exactly the type of man Charles was looking for.
Good enough for Charles to put up with Rackham’s shit.
Because the two of them had made it clear they came as a set. The word Rackham had used was partners. The word Bonny has used was married. But it all amounted to the same thing in the end - Charles didn’t get one without the other.
And it’s not like matelotages were uncommon. Charles has sailed with plenty of men bound to one another and he’s brought on crew that came as partners before, that isn’t the problem. The problem is that Charles can’t fucking figure out what someone like Bonny is doing with a useless load of ballast like Rackham tied to him.
But Charles brings them on, sticks Bonny in the vanguard where his knives and his bloodthirsty smile will strike the most terror into their prey, and puts Rackham with the navigator. Out of the way of the fighting and where he can’t cause any harm to the rest of the crew with his weakness. And as long as he doesn’t cause any trouble, and as long as Bonny proves the man Charles thinks he is, Rackham will be allowed to stay.
Turns out that Bonny’s just as bloodthirsty and skilled with a blade as Charles had thought, leading the vanguard to increasingly bloody victories over increasingly terrified prey. It also turns out that Bonny’s a woman. But by the time anyone figures it out she’s killed forty-seven people and no one on the crew is looking to be the forty-eighth. And by Charles’s reckoning, she’s brought him nothing but good luck. There’s no reason to ruin something good over superstition. And all the normal concerns with having a woman aboard aren’t a concern here - Anne knows how to take care of herself.
Which is good because Jack certainly can’t look after her that way. He can barely look after himself. The number of times Charles has had to give a crewman a look, a reprimand for taking things too far with Jack, he's almost more trouble than he's worth.
He makes one hell of a navigator, though. Jack’s gifted with strategy, there’s no denying that. Able to chase down prizes they’d never have any hope of catching without him. Charles finds himself warming to Jack slowly. He’s still a ponce and a chatterbox and weak in a way that Charles cannot fathom being. And he’s obviously had some sort of education - though Charles would wager he’d mostly done it to himself, for whatever reason - and he talks like he’s trying to impress somebody. It may even work on a different sort of man, but Charles much prefers Anne’s silence to Jack’s endless noise. Still, Charles finds himself taking books from their various prizes and giving them to Jack. Just as a way to get him to shut up for five damn minutes, of course. It doesn’t work, but at least he starts talking about different things - and some of the stories in those books aren’t half bad, once Jack’s gotten through embellishing them.
And then one of the prizes they've hunted turns on them. Someone on the vanguard got sloppy, got lazy with guarding the prisoners and now they're being pushed back to the Ranger. When Charles figures out what pathetic fuck-up let this happen, the two of them are going to have words – assuming that cowardly piece of shit is still alive after all of this. But right now, Charles is too busy fighting his way to the forecastle, which has been overrun and which is where Jack Rackham is standing, overwhelmed and holding a cutlass like he's afraid it'll bite him.
And fuck. Charles can't stand to lose him, not to the crew of some yellow-bellied Dutch motherfucker with a hold full of slaves.
 The next few minutes are filled with blood and screams and the pump of fight fight fight through his veins. No time to think of anything, there's just the pure instinct of how to fight, how to hurt, how to kill – how to  survive   - that'd been beaten into him since he can remember. That he'd taken and honed into something no man can stand against.
Charles stands in the center of the forecastle, surrounded by corpses, hair and clothing stuck to him with sweat and blood, chest heaving. They've won. The fight is over and they've won. Then Charles feels the hot splash of blood against the back of his neck.
He turns, sword raised, pistol aimed, to find Jack fucking Rackham standing over the corpse of some mealymouthed Dutch fuck who'd tried to attack Charles from behind. Jack's got blood on his toff coat and splashed across his face and dripping from his sword and he's got the kind of fire in his eyes that says he won't be taken without a fight. That he too will survive this.
Charles nods to him, one predator to another, and goes to finish off the rest of their prey.
 It's later, when they've killed the last of the Dutch crew and the former slaves are being fed and looked after by the quartermaster and Charles is directing the non-human part of the Dutch cargo into their hold, that Jack finds him again. He's still bloody, his eyes still holding the gleam of the fight in them, and it looks like he may have run at least one other man through. And as Charles makes him wait until he's finished instructing his men to burn the other ship to the waterline, he can't help glancing at Jack from the corner of his eye. He's seeing Jack in a new light, is all – finding him capable in a way he'd have never suspected.
There's no need for his voice to come out so rough when he finally turns to him and says, “What the hell do you want, Jack?”
“I just saved your life, Charles. I would think a thank you would be in order. Perhaps a public recognition of just how brave and dashing and heroic Jack Rackham was in coming to the defense of his captain.”
“Fuck you, Jack.”
“I’d accept that form of thanks as well.” Jack's grin is sly, his eyes are still wild, and he's covered in the blood of a man he slew to protect Charles.
He grips Jack by the back of the neck and pulls him close. “Wait for me in my cabin.”
Jack grins and Charles watches as he saunters away. Bringing Jack Rackham aboard the Ranger may have been a mistake. But it may also have been the smartest thing Charles has ever done.
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blueishfood · 4 years
Wind in our sails (Chapter 2)
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Fandom/Ship: Maraudrer era in a Pirates of the Caribbean au! Jily, Dobby x Winky, Alice x Frank,
“Lily Evans, a young Lady of El Puerto Del Rey, meets Lucius Malfoy for the first time as she is promised to him. Malfoy is one of the few counts of Slytherin Island, a persuasive and revolting man. Miss Evans sees no way out of the nightmare her parents has landed her in.
That is until the infamous Marauder, a known and feared pirate ship sailed by Captain James Potter, attacks The Serpent on their way to her wedding. Lily sees and escape and grabs on tight.
Set sail with Lily Evans as she joins Captain James Potter and his mates in swashbuckling adventures of romance, mystery and lionhearted bravery.”
Warning(s): Only a little bit of fighting, what is pirate life without it?
Words: 2,4 K
A/N: It has come to my attention that people might actually like this fic! Thank you for that, I will now proceed to post all the chapters I have already posted on my AO3 account plus a new one :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Lily was lying on her silk bed when the first servants carried in her suitcases. She tried not to let the tears fall, but couldn't stop them when she thought of her near future. She cried till her head was worn out and her eyes were red and puffy. Sometime in between; Winky came in to her room and tried to speak to her.
"M-miss, i must congratulate you on your engagement,", she flinched as Lily sobbed loudly. "M-Mister M-Malfoy is very rich, he will p-probably give you everything you w-want." Lily tried to sit, but settled for looking up at Winky from where she lay. She tried to force a small smile, but could not manage it.
"I hope you two find real love..." Winky whispered very quietly. Lily couldn't help but break back into tears. She already felt exhausted, but trying to stop herself from crying would drain her of even more energy.
"Oh! I-I am s-so sorry m-miss!" Winky was on the verge of tears; terrified that she had gotten her mistress to cry. She tried rubbing Lily's back carefully, but when the misses flung herself at tiny Winky and hugged her tightly, the maid had no idea what to do. Lily soaked both their dresses in tears, and did not recognize Winky's surprise nor her calming whispers.
"W-will you c-come with me?" Lily asked Winky between tears and hiccups. The maid's big eyes widened and she sat back a bit to see Lily's face.
"Oh miss! I do not know if I am allowed." Lily dried her tears with a fleak of the light pink sheets under her and smiled at her maid.
"If I had you with me, I'm sure this would be much less terrifying, and do call me Lily." Winky smiled back at Lily. She stood up from the bed and nodded.
"I will ask the mistress, L- Lily." Lily laughed, her eyes glimmering.
"Don't be afraid of saying my name! We are friends, are we not?" Winky's smile grew to the size of the moon. She had never had a real friend in El Puerto del Rey before.
"Yes! Of course we are friends!" Winky stuttered, her smile wider than Lily had ever seen it. Lily smiled back and hugged her new friend again.
"And do me a favor and ask dad, not mum?" Lily laughed when Winky nodded fast and hurried out of the room.
When Lily once again was left alone to think; she cried until nightfall, falling into a restless sleep in the bed dampened by her own tragedy.
Lily stood on the port, looking at the big ship owned by Malfoy. It was better to have Winky there, she had to admit, but she was still afraid that Malfoy was going to force her to bed her first day on the island. But he could not do that... could he?
Lily was seriously considering to run away then and there, but then Lucius saw her. He looked much older than her, she realized, maybe in his forties. Lily shuddered under his stare.
Lucius was standing on deck, looking down at her and Winky with a smirk. He shot them a wink. Lily ignored him, walking on board with her purse tightly gripped in her cold hands.
Every day from Lily was seven years old until she was twelve, she was on board her father's ships; learning everything, from tying ropes to standing at the wheel. She even learned how to use a sword. Her father believed she could do almost anything a man could do. She was surprised by the mere thought of him marrying her off to a random man. Either way, walking on board the ship, she felt more like herself than any other time during the last week.
Lily and Winky's room was not big. It was slightly crammed and much less exquisite than Lily was used to. Still, it was bigger than most rooms on the ship. It had two beds, one small closet, a window and a water bowl that was hammered to the wall. Lily was admiring the view of the ocean when Winky came down to their room and smiled at her.
"It is going to be okay, miss." Lily nodded and glanced at Winky.
"One would think so," she answered, and looked back out. Winky saw the sore spot and changed the subject. She walked over to Lily and glanced out at the glittering water.
"Do you know where we are going, miss?"
"I do. But I would rather go with a pirate than going where we are headed." Lily sighed and were not even amused when Winky staggered backwards. She had not thought of how her friend would react to the word pirate, not many dared say that word.
"I know where it is, yes.", Lily muttered, slowly sitting down on the bed. "He is a cruel man, he lives on an cruel island. We are sailing towards Slytherin island." Winky gasped.
She had heard of Slytherin island, everybody had. It was an island where even the noblest of women drank, and they served the most vile of kings; King Voldemort. They said that he was a king, but everybody knew he was a pirate.
There were good and bad pirates, Winky knew because she had worked on one of the better pirate ships once. King Voldemort was the worst pirate known to man, and Slytherin island was the worst pirate port.
After three days on board the ship; Lily was going mad. She could not hide anywhere! Every time she wanted to be alone, Malfoy would come and talk to her to get to know her better. Yeah, right, Lily thought, more like getting to know the underside of her skirt better.
The only way Lily could get away from Malfoy was by talking to the crew, or standing in the birds nest because he was afraid of heights. Lady Lily would stay up there for hours, waiting for the sun to go down and for Malfoy to retreat to his cabin. There was not much to entertain her in the birds nest except from the occasional sailor on duty. Lily often busied herself by singing a song she had heard on a pub she had visited with her father once. He realized his mistake when Vivida attacked him with her sandal the morning after, but Lily had still gotten to experience life outside her boring mansion.
"We're rascals, scoundrels, villains, and knaves Drink up me hearties, yo ho", Lily sang, giggling to herself quietly.
"We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs Drink up me hearties, yo ho Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. "
"Is bad luck singin' 'bout pirates." Lily pushed herself from the railing she had been standing on and looked at the man who talked to her. She had been able to retire back to the main deck after seeing Malfoy return to his quarters. She had figured she would be almost alone at this hour of the evening, but Lily had not been able to sense the man that was now standing before her.
He had a big crooked nose and long black hair, but that was not the most attention seeking detail about the man. He had lost one leg and an eye, in addition to the scars on his face. In short, the man looked like he had been in a sword-fight against ten people, and lost. He was Lily's imagination come to life. The picture perfect idea of an old pirate.
"They sail these waters, all of em. You wouldn't want him comin' after us, now would ye?" Lily shook her head fast, even though she did not know who he spoke of.
"Alastor Moody, pleasure to meet your acquaintance, miss." The man took her hand and shook it firmly.
"Lily Evans.", Lily said, and pulled her hand back to her side. Alastor grinned slightly and asked her if she still held on to her old name.
"I am an Evans until I officially marry Malfoy." She stated stubbornly. Looking back to the ocean bathing in sun, she sighed.
"Not a happy arrangement I wager?" He placed his arms on the railing beside her.
"Not my arrangement.", Lily countered, without taking her eyes off the waves.
Alastor would have given a witty reply as always, had it not been for the fact that he was no longer focused on the miss. He saw a ship in the horizon.
It was not big enough for the normal eye to see, but his eye had been trained for a long time, so he saw it. The Marauder. Filled with the phoenix order; he guessed. The best fighters in the known world, and pirates without qualms of killing. Moody already hated the captain of Serpent's Head, and the crew were terrible fighters. The Marauder would win easily.
But, hey, it would be fun to look at, and Moody would have a front row seat.
"Should we call for the captain?" Lily watched the ship with a careful eye. 'She has good eyes.' Moody thought.
With enough of a warning, the Serpent's Head might be able to out run the Marauder. Moody glanced at Lily, and realized she didn't seem more in favor of Malfoy winning than Moody was.
"Rather not..." he answered after a while. Lily lifted an eyebrow, but didn't call  down to any of the crew.
"I've always been Cap'n of this ship.", Moody explained, "I won't give that title away to some city kid with money." Lily's eyes widened, but she nodded and Moody thanked some foreign sea goddess he wouldn't have to knock her out. He rather liked this girl.
"That title is supposed to be earned.", Lily agreed, and turned back to look at the ever closing ship.
"They have hoisted their colors. It's a pirate ship.", she stated, seemingly not concerned of the fact. Moody nodded.
"Good eye.", he muttered. Glancing down to see if anyone had noticed the threat except from them. A few minutes passed, and now the ship was a threatening shadow on the horizon. A few of the men had picked up on the fact, but they all saw Malfoy and decided not to do anything about it.
"I'll wager they will be able to reach us no matter what now, don't you?" Moody pulled out his telescope and measured the speed of the Marauder. Finally he nodded his yes to the woman beside her.
"I won't bet against you, miss.", he said, as he headed for the quarterdeck. "Better lock up safe and sound, Evans. This is looking to be one hell of a fight." Lily saluted the former Captain with two fingers, and laughed as she heard his commandos echo behind her retreating form.
"Constant vigilance, men! N' give me that bottle o' rum, I'm going to need it."
"Winky!" Lily shouted for her maid as she ran down the slippery hallway. She felt her heart pound in her ears like the boots on the deck above her. She heard shouting and stepped out of the way as five armed soldiers marched past her on their way to the battle. The Marauder had yet to reach them as Lily did not hear any canons, but she figured she did not have much time.
"Winky!", Lily shouted again, more desperate this time than the last.
"Miss?" Lily did not have time to correct her on using her name, she just took Winky's elbow and dragged her towards Timmy's cabin.
Timmy was one of the crew members she had gotten to know better. There were many members, and Lily was certain she had yet to talk to all of them, that was why she figured her plan would work.
"What are we doing here, Miss?", Winky asked, hesitating before stepping into the cabin. Timmy was about 16, he was the youngest worker and therefore had the clothes that would fit Lily the most. He wouldn't be mad if she borrowed some clothes of him, would he? Probably not.
"Lily, what a-are you doing?" Lily sighed, did Winky really not understand?
"Borrowing some clothes from Timmy. Take these on." Lily said, throwing some black breeches and a plain white shirt at Winky. Then she threw on some for herself and sat course for the weapon storage.
"Miss? Why are we doing this?" Winky asked as she tied a belt around her waist and tried to keep up with her Lady.
"Because I want to fight and because we do not want to be kidnapped by pirates." Winky's eyes got big as plates. Thankfully she understood the situation and nodded.
"Right," she muttered, and looked at the closed door in front of them, "armory." Lily tried to open the door, but it was firmly shut. "Damn it," she growled, and tried smashing her shoulder to the piece of wood. Lily found out she did not weigh nearly enough.
Winky shoved her away rather forcefully, and picked a few needles out of her up-do. Lily watched Winky work with a surprised look on her face, but didn't ask. She knew Winky's earlier occupations had been less than honorable.
When Winky opened the door, Lily grabbed the first two swords she saw. She threw one of them to Winky who caught it with ease. Lily stopped only for a millisecond to allow a fraction of a frown to form on her face. She knew that all the workers in her dad's house were trained for emergencies, but she did not know that they were this good.
The two girls nodded to each other and with an excited smile, Lily sprinted up on deck. Winky f on followed on her heals. Cannon shots could be heard over their heads just before they arrived at the scene. Lily felt the ship rock from the force and she could only separate a single shout from the mayhem.
"Board the ship!"
When Lily finally stepped outside, the first thing she layed eyes on were the dead bodies sprawled around. The nauseating sight made her want to puke. Was it really smart to fight grown men? Lily knew she was good, but out here it was life or death. If she lost, she would not get a new chance like she did when she trained with her dad.
Lily snapped back to the reality when Winky elbowed her in the side. Her eyes calmed Lily. She knew then, Winky would be by her side.
Lily for a second wondered what was wrong with her. She knew how to fight, and fear had never stopped her before. She straightened her back and charged into battle. She picked up the hat of one of the few fallen pirates and put it on her own head. Pushing it down to hide her face, she smirked and drew her sword; "Let's fight."
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paigenotblank · 5 years
The Woman in the Fireplace
Pairing: Ten x Rose
Rating: General Audience
Tagging: @doctorroseprompts for a few prompt fills including angst and GitF fix-it from a while ago.
Pushing buttons and spinning knobs, the Doctor twirled around the console as he brought the TARDIS into the vortex. He glanced at Rose who had her arms crossed and her lips pressed tightly together.
She wouldn’t look at him.
“Can you show Reinette where the bedrooms are?”
Rose’s jaw dropped and if looks could kill he rather thought he’d be in the midst of a regeneration.
He snapped his eyes to Mickey and grinned. “Mickey? Once she’s settled we’ll go somewhere brilliant.”
“What? Me?” Mickey’s gaze slid to Rose. “Oh, erm, sure, Boss.” He gestured for Reinette to follow him.
She cleared her throat and dropped a meaningful glance at her bag.
Mickey rolled his eyes, but leaned over and picked up her things. “This way.”
The tapping of Reinette’s shoes on the grating couldn’t drown out the beginnings of the row starting in the control room.
“What? Why’re you looking at me like that?”
“Seriously? Not even an inkling, Doctor?”
“Just say what’s bothering you.”
“I thought I...I thought this was my home too.”
“What? Of course, it…”
Mickey sighed and walked Reinette farther into the ship. After a few twists and turns Mickey arrived a series of doors. “Guest rooms, pick the one you like best.”
“And which of these is the Doctor’s room?”
“The Doctor’s room?”
“My suite should be near his in case he has need of my service.”
“Erm, I don’t know where the Doctor’s room is, not even sure he has one. Rose’d probably know.”
Reinette tapped her chin. “Well, I normally prefer my privacy, but I suppose he could visit me in my room. Is that his arrangement with Rose?”
Mickey stammered. “I don’t...that’s...uh, I don’t know!”
“Very well, I’ll ask her later. It’s always better for everyone when the mistress and the advisor are on harmonious terms.”
“Erm. Just pick a room, then I’ll show you how to get back to the Doctor.”
The Doctor strode out of the TARDIS and turned back toward the door with a smile. He held out his hand and waited for daintily placed fingers to grasp his own. He steadied Reinette as she stepped through the TARDIS door and down onto alien terra firma for the first time. She stopped short and gasped at the light lavender sky, hands fluttering to her chest. Rose sighed and brushed passed the elegantly dressed Frenchwoman. Mickey followed quickly behind her.
The Doctor rocked back on his heels. “Welcome to Lupacund. Home of the Seven Waterfalls of Splendor. Each fall contains a different colored phosphorescent bacteria that creates a rainbow when they mix in the plunge pool.”
“Oh, but that sounds exquisite!”
The Doctor offered Reinette his arm, and with a smile she placed her hand at the crook of his elbow. Rose’s eyes narrowed at Reinette moving as close to the Doctor’s side as she could given her full skirts as they headed down the narrow path. Aware of Mickey’s smirk, Rose squared her shoulders and stalked after the Doctor and Reinette.
“Oh, ho.”
Rose glared at her friend who was biting his lip in glee. “Don’t say it, Micks. If you want to live, don't say it.”
“Who me? I ain't sayin’ nuffin’ ‘cept maybe, ‘I told ya so.’”
“Mickey!” Rose punched his arm.
“Nah, Rose. You need to hear it. He's a bloke like the rest of it. No better, even though he likes to act all smug and superior. Moved his mistress in right under your nose. You don’t deserve that, do ya?”
Rose pushed past Mickey with her head down and moved further down the path ahead of the Doctor and the Frenchwoman.
Mickey tried to catch up to Rose, but she just moved quicker.
“Babes! Come on! Don't be like that.”
Reinette turned to the Doctor. “Lover’s quarrel? I thought-”
“”What? No! They’re not...no!”
Her eyes darted between the two other humans. “Hmm.”
“What’s that mean? What ‘hmm?’”
Reinette watched as Mickey chased after Rose. “I’d wager he was once and that he’d like to be again.”
The Doctor’s voice squeaked, “No...just no. He...she…” He sighed. “I don’t know.”
Reinette slowed and studied the Doctor. “You’re jealous.”
“I most certainly am not.”
She patted the Doctor’s arm. “It’s okay, he may wish to be her lover, but I’ve seen the way she looks at you. You have nothing to worry about.”
“She doesn’t...I...we’re not like that.”
“She’s not your mistress?”
“What? No! She’s not interested in me like that.”
Reinette threw back her head with laughter. When she had quite recovered herself, she glanced slyly at the Time Lord. “Doctor, I’m the French Court’s foremost expert on matters of the heart. I, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, a woman of humble birth, secured for myself a marquessate and the most honored position as lady-in-waiting to my Queen. And if that wasn’t enough, I also hold the ear and the heart of the most powerful man in France. I accomplished all of that by using my faculty in reading others. I think I know of what I speak.”
“But I...that’s...that’s the French Court. Rose is different. She’s...she’s not for me.” He glanced longingly up the path. “She deserves better.”
Reinette once again placed her fingers upon the Doctor’s arm as they continued onward. “People are people, whether they’re at Court or the streets of Paris or traveling the stars in a little blue box. If you desire her, then I will help you get her between your sheets.”
“What? I don’t...I mean...but...why?” The Doctor tilted his head and wrinkled his forehead. “Why would you help me? I thought you fancied me with the way you kissed me earlier.”
Reinette looked at the Doctor in confusion. “Kissed you?” Her eyes widened. “Oh my! Doctor, that was more than 20 years ago. I was 16 and feeling my oats. Presented with the hero of my childhood, well, I couldn’t help myself. Granted you’re still a handsome and powerful man, but those days are behind me. I have not put the cutlery away for anyone in quite some time.”
“Sex. I thought you knew that? I stopped actively being the king’s mistress nearly a decade ago, though I still retain the title of maîtresse-en-titre. My health is simply not up to it, and Louis accepts that I find other women for him to share his bed with. At one time I made a very good, some might say, ‘excellent,’ bed partner, but these days I make an even better friend and advisor.”
“Ah. Erm, I’m sorry?”
“Sorry?” She rolled her eyes and huffed. “What a typical masculine response. What is there to be sorry for? I have a life many desire and it is of my own making. I am highly sought after for my guidance and valued for my cleverness. How many women can say that? No, I’m very happy to be where I am.”
“Right. Sorry.” He quickened his pace. “Come along, the falls are just ahead.”
Rose leaned over the railing and watched the different colors coalesce in the plunge pool. It was one of the most beautiful sights she’d ever seen, but she couldn’t enjoy it. Her mind was racing with thoughts of the woman who had captured the Doctor’s complete attention. Each astute observation, each brief touch on the arm, each tinkling laugh drew the Doctor’s eyes and fascination. Rose felt as though she was being swept away by the tide, moving further and further from the Doctor with no hope of ever surmounting the ground that was lost.
Reinette was one of the most accomplished women in history and what chance did Rose have in competing with that? It didn’t help that she was also brilliant and beautiful. She looked at the older woman, dressed in the most extravagant dress Rose had ever seen - all shimmering gold silk, edged in lace, and dripping with pearls. It even had a row of bows that ran from chest to waist, each dotted with tiny diamonds. It truly was a gown fit for a queen, uncrowned or not.
Rose looked down at her ratty trainers and hated herself just a bit for feeling bad about them. She squared her shoulders. She was Rose Tyler, best friend of the last Time Lord, and fine...he might never love her the same way she loved him, but at least if they had to run for their lives, she knew she’d be able to make it back to the TARDIS in one piece.
Rose was startled out of her musings by the Doctor’s question. She hadn’t even heard him approach and caught sight of Reinette speaking with Mickey out of the corner of her eye. “Sorry? What?”
The Doctor leaned back against the barrier and swept his arm toward the waterfall with a smug grin. “What do you think? Impressive, yeah? A great first trip for Reinette.”
“Yeah.” Rose tried to plaster a smile onto her lips, though she wasn’t sure how successful she was if the Doctor’s confused frown was anything to go by.
She pushed passed him and headed for the trail that would take her down the hill and away from the suffocating sorrow that threatened to overwhelm her.
She ignored his question and ran until her lungs burned.
Twenty minutes later, Rose heard a rustling and jumped up from her seat at the base of a large tree. She brushed the dirt from her trousers and stood expecting to see the trio she’d left behind. It was a few minutes later before they came bursting, laughing and smiling, into the clearing to where Rose waited. When they noticed her standing quietly, their laughter died down.
Rose’s face burned in mortification and her gaze dropped to the ground. “Hey.”
“Rose, is everything-”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Sorry, can we not talk about-”
Reinette screamed as a group of native Lupacundiens burst from the brush and surrounded her and Mickey with spears. The wolf-like humanoids stood upright and wore loincloths, but were covered head to toe with fur.
The Doctor tensed, his eyes darting between Rose and Reinette.
The largest of the Lupacundiens lifted the bottom edge of Reinette’s gown with his spear. “You’ve enough wealth here to feed our pack for years. Give it over or come with us.”
“Oi! Didn’t anyone ever teach you it’s rude to take what don’t belong to ya?”
All eyes turned to Rose at her outburst. When the members of the pack took notice of her, their eyes widened and they sniffed the air. Several of them stepped back and away from her, while others dropped to their knees.
The Doctor used their distraction to siddle closer to Reinette. His movements didn’t go completely unnoticed and the leader dragged his eyes away from Rose to pin the Doctor in place. He lifted his spear toward the Doctor’s throat, and Rose, brave and impulsive, pushed the Doctor back as she jumped in front of him. The spear’s tip punctured her shoulder, before the Lupacundien could draw it back. She looked down at the tiny bead of blood in shock. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she collapsed in a heap on the ground.
Everyone froze.
“Rose!” Mickey was the first to rush to Rose’s side.
The Doctor’s eyes filled with rage and gave everyone a glimpse of the oncoming storm. “She’s not the sort to faint at the sight of blood. What did you do to her?”
The leader of the pack stepped back and away, shaking his head. “Nothing!”
“You must’ve done something!”
“We rub the tips of our weapons with lybb, but it’s harmless. Just meant to bring luck to the tribe on our hunting trips.”
“Lybb? What’s that?”
He pointed to the plant that was scattered in abundance around the forest.
The Doctor plucked one from the vine and smelled it before touching it to his tongue. He mentally broke down the leaf’s chemical composition. “Barconitine. It’s poisonous to humans. If anything happens to her-” He took a step forward.
“Doctor!” Mickey sat cradling Rose’s head as she started convulsing.
The Doctor leaned down and felt for her pulse - it was beating erratically under his fingers.
The natives fled the moment he turned his back.
The Time Lord scooped her up into his arms and ran full tilt toward the TARDIS.
The Doctor had stopped the bleeding and healed the small puncture left behind by the spear tip. All he needed to do now was keep Rose hydrated and alive until he could find an antidote to the poison currently coursing through her system. The Doctor moved around the med bay looking for anything that would neutralize the effects of the barconitine.
He ran across the room to the long row of cabinets and, flinging open the doors, he pulled out row upon row of chemicals.
His eyes darted over all glass phials lined up on the counter. He ran his hands through his hair and spun around in a circle. “Where is it? Where is it? Where is it!”
The TARDIS monitor began blinking with a photo of plant found native to this world.
“Hey, Boss?”
“Mickey! I need to go back into the forest and look for that plant.” He pointed at the screen. “It should save Rose.”
The younger man warily eyed his listless friend. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea-”
He boggled. “Saving Rose?”
“Oi! That ain’t what I mean. It’s just...what if something happens while you’re gone? I don’t know how to use any of your fancy equipment in here. Let me go look for the plant, so you can watch after Rose.”
The Doctor scoffed. “I have an eidetic memory. How will you find the right one?”
Mickey crossed his arms and glared at the other man. “Fancy time and space ship an’ you’re tellin’ me this thing doesn’t have a printer?”
The lights flickered at the insult.
“Right! Fine! But you’ve gotta hurry. It’s a...a miracle she’s still alive as it is. The longer it’s in her system, the- Just hurry.”
“You got it.”
The Doctor dashed to the monitor, his fingers flying over the keyboard. In no time at all, a photo of the plant he needed Mickey to find was printing out. He pressed it into the other man’s chest. “Go. Please, and-”
“Hurry. I know. She’s my best mate. I won’t let ‘er down.��
The Doctor decided to use the time he had waiting to put together the rest of the serum. With one last glance at Rose, he moved to his work space and began mixing ingredients.
He turned at the sound of his name. Reinette stood from her place on the jumpseat. “Sorry, Can’t talk. I gotta go find this plant for the Doctor.”
“Let me come with you.”
“It’s not safe. You saw what happened to Rose.”
“She saved my life. Let me help save hers.” With Mickey prevaricating, she pushed the point. “It’ll be faster with us both looking.”
His shoulders drooped and he nodded. “Yeah, alright, fine. But you listen to me. If I say ‘run,’ you run.”
“Very well.” Reinette held out her hand to Mickey and he looked at it for a moment before shaking it.
Reinette tilted her head at the motion and when he released her hand she placed it on the crook of his arm.
The two made their way through the forest keeping their eyes open for the miracle plant.
They’d reached a clearing and the both of them were on their knees searching through the brush. A rustling noise had Mickey jumping to his feet and stepping in front of the Frenchwoman.
A little grey-furred, stoop-shouldered woman walked into the glade and stopped short at the sight of the two off worlders.
Reinette calmly got to her feet and curtsied to the elder. “Madame, our friend is in trouble and we desperately need to find this herb.” She grabbed the picture from Mickey and took a step toward the older woman.”Might you know wh-” Mickey grasped her upper arm, halting her. “Please, remove your hand from my person.”
“We don’t know if she’s dangerous.”
Reinette shook Mickey off of her arm and continued to the other woman’s side. “Forgive him. Our friend was attacked and he’s a little on guard.”
“Oi! What did I say about listening to me? This is me sayin’ ‘run.’”
The wolf woman turned her cloudy-blue eyes on the golden-haired foreigner. “You are friends of the Lupa-Ca?”
“Lupa-Ca? I don’t...I don’t know what that is. Mickey?”
He shook his head.
“Lupa-Ca is one touched by the Blessed Wolf Mother. Your friend has something of the wolf about her.”
A shiver ran through both Reinette and Mickey at the words.
“That’s real nice an’ all, but our friend, Rose, is lyin’ dyin’ on a metal table, unless we can find this plant.”
“Please, madame, is there anything you can do to help us? I can pay.” Reinette ran her hand over the bodice of her dress. “This gown is worth a king’s ransom. It’s what the pack was after when Rose was hurt. I’d gladly give it to you for your aid.”
The wolf’s eyes glinted. “I will help you, but only for the Lupa’s favor. The gown however you can give to the tribe for safe passage during your stay. Come along.”
The old woman began shuffling along a path headed further away from the TARDIS.
“Eh, grandma. Where’re you takin’ us?”
Reinette elbowed Mickey in the ribs and glared at him.
“I have what you seek in my home. We must go to the village. The Golden One can negotiate your safety with the pack leader.”
“We don’t have much time.”
“Then you’d best stop wasting it, eh? Either you come or you continue looking on your own. But I will tell you that plant only grows on one tiny patch of land sacred to our Goddess. It is land protected by the pack. I wish you the best of luck in acquiring it.”
Reinette hissed under her breath, “Mickey, apologize.”
The old woman’s ears twitched and she smirked.
Mickey flushed and mumbled. “Sorry. Lead the way.”
The Doctor jumped to his feet as every alarm in the medbay began screaming. He dashed to check Rose’s vitals on the monitor. Her heart rate and blood pressure were plummeting. He gazed frantically around the room eyes searching out something, anything, he could use to save her.
Her tugged at his hair. “Stupid, stupid, Doctor!”
He ran to the cupboard where he’d last seen a 31st century defibrillator and started digging through it.
While the Doctor’s back was turned, Rose back arched and a soft golden light began shimmering along her skin. Her mouth opened and with a gasp, glittering particles were expressed into the air and absorbed by the coral struts along the perimeter of the room.
She inhaled and crumpled back onto the table.
The sudden quiet of the alarms had the Doctor panicking.
He spun back around, the device clutched to his chest.
After sprinting back to Rose, he glanced at the monitor. “Please, please, please.” He held his breath as he pressed the device against her heart and shocked her.
The quiet of the medbay suddenly broke with a soft “beep beep” from the monitor. He collapsed onto his chair next to Rose.
He reached his shaking hand out and grasped hers. He brought it to his chest and tried to gain control of his breathing.
“Don’t you ever scare me like that again. Do you hear me, Rose? Never again. I don’t know what I’d do if-”
He kissed her fingers and clenched his eyes closed.
The tiny old woman was digging through a trunk in her sitting room, while Mickey was sprawled in a chair and tapping his fingers on the table top. Reinette stood dressed only in her undergarments with her head held high and the poise that one would expect of the Uncrowned Queen of France.
“Ah ha!” The old woman held up a small, blue bottle in triumph.
Mickey jumped out of his seat. “You found it?”
“Yes. We can get back to your friend now.”
“Finally!” Mickey headed for the door and held it open while waiting for the two women. He shifted impatiently.
“Mickey! You took your bloody time.”
The Doctor was dragging Mickey into the medbay before he’d even finished opening the door. He stopped short at the sight of the native woman and spared a quick glance for Reinette. If he thought it odd that she was wearing only her chemise, underskirts, corset, and panniers, he didn’t comment on it.
“Oi. It wasn’t as easy to find at you thought it was.” He gestured to the older woman. “Needed some help, but we’ve got it.”
The old woman handed the Doctor the glass bottle. “A tincture made from chur leaf.”
“Ah, thank you.” He took the bottle from her and tilted his head. “And, erm, you are?”
“Graillen. The village healer.”
“Brilliant! Thank you.”
The Doctor jumped into action and added the chur extract to the potion he had started earlier.
Graillen walked over and sniffed at the liquid. “You need more thralp oil.”
“I did the calculations myself.”
The old woman crossed her arms. “You need more thralp oil.”
The Doctor dipped a finger in solution and placed a drop on his tongue. He smacked it against the roof of his mouth and closed his eyes. His tongue darted out and licked his upper lip. His eyes shot open and he reached for a phial. He added three more drops of the liquid.
Graillen sniffed again and nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Now it’s perfect.” The healer walked over to where Rose was lying - pale and still. She pressed her paws to her chest and closed her eyes.
“Oi! Don’t touch her.”
The old woman ignored him and instead lifted her head toward the ceiling with a howl. Graillen took a few steps back before turning toward the Doctor. “Give the Lupa-Ca five drops under the tongue - morning and night - and she will be fine within the next several lunar cycles.”
“How could you possibly-”
“The Great Goddess decrees it so. Your mate doesn’t need the potion to live, but it will speed the awakening.”
“I- What? Awakening? What do you mean she doesn’t-”
“Do it now before I leave, so I can make sure you do it properly.”
“I’ll have you know-”
Graillen’s eyes narrowed to slits and she growled low in her throat.
The Doctor huffed, but walked over to Rose’s supine form. His expression softened as he glided his fingers over the smooth skin of her jaw. He gently cradled the back of her head and exerted the slightest pressure on the back of her neck to tilt her head backward. Using his free hand, he opened her mouth and ran his thumb along the fullness of her lower lip. He reached for the glass dropper and counted out each drop as they fell into the cavity under her tongue. With one last caress, he slowly withdrew his hand from under her head and made sure she was settled comfortably on the small pillow. He pressed his lips to her forehead, before turning to face the others in the room.
The old woman smirked. “I’ll be back tomorrow to check on her and make sure you are taking proper care of her.”
Her chuckle followed her out of the medbay door.
The Doctor gestured for Mickey to follow her. He nodded and sensing the Doctor’s mood tried to get Reinette to go with him. She shook her head and stepped closer to the Doctor. He grumbled under his breath, but left them alone to chase after Graillen.
The Doctor sighed and dropped into the chair next to Rose. “Can I help you, Reinette?” He watched as the other woman examined Rose. “Were you wearing that earlier?”
The Frenchwoman looked down at her undergarments and then back at the Doctor. “You really are alien aren’t you?”
“To me you’re the alien.”
She rolled her eyes. “At one time, I was the most desirable woman in France, but you didn’t even notice that I’ve been standing around in my undergarments.”
“Oh. And why’s that?”
“I gave my gown to the villagers so that Mickey and I could move freely while we were out looking for the chur leaf.”
The Doctor raised his eyes in surprise. “Thank you. For doing that for Mickey...and Rose.”
Reinette bit her lip. “Tell me about her...your Rose. If I’m to help you, I’d like to know a little about her. I can tell she’s courageous with the way she stood up to the warriors, but tell me of the woman...the woman who was able to win a Time Lord’s heart.”
“She didn’t-”
Reinette tilted her head and waited.
The Doctor sighed. “Hearts.”
“I’ve two hearts. And they’re both hers. I haven’t- We’ve always denied- She doesn’t even know.”
Her lips quirked. “That you have two?”
He huffed out a little laugh. “No, she knows that. She knows more about me than anyone else when it comes to things like that.”
“They why do you assume she doesn’t know you love her?”
“I’m not the easiest person to… I’ve never told her.”
“Doctor, the language of love is not confined to spoken words.”
The Doctor pondered Reinette’s statement and startled when she clapped her hands together.
“Now, tell me about her.”
“Rose. She’s my...my Rose.” His lips spread into a small smile. “Met her by accident. Was a different man back then, broken by a war that had gone on far too long. She changed me, made me better.”
The Doctor pulled up a chair for Reinette, and he spent the rest of the afternoon telling her of their adventures together all while holding Rose’s hand.
A few mornings later when Graillen was making her daily visit, Mickey escorted her into the medbay, while Reinette, hands on hips, argued with the Doctor. He sat next to the bed that had been moved into the medbay to make Rose more comfortable and gripped her hand like a lifeline.
“You need to eat something.” She gestured at the untouched tea tray on the counter. “Have you slept or even left this room in days? You can’t keep this up!”
He stuck his lip out in a pout. “Time Lord. Don’t need to sleep all the time like you apes. And I’ll eat when I’m hungry.”
The healer cleared her throat and when all eyes where on her, she made her way over to Rose. She checked Rose’s breathing and eyes, before sniffing along her body. She nodded at the Doctor. “She’s progressing nicely. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
She slipped from the room and Mickey started to follow her, but ducked his head back into the room.
“Hey, Boss.”
“Not you too, Mickey.”
“Nah. I don’t much care what you do. It’s just I was thinkin.’ What would Rose say if she could see you right now? My bet is that she wouldn’t be too happy that your not taking care of yourself.” He shrugged and left to walk Graillen out.
The Doctor squeezed Rose’s hand before releasing it and pushing to his feet. He quietly made his way over to the tray Reinette had prepared for him and spread jam over the cold toast. He shoved it into his mouth and washed it down with cold tea. He shuddered at the slightly bitter taste. Without turning around, he addressed Reinette. “I still don’t need sleep.”
She threw her hands up in the air and stormed out of the room.
Mickey snorted at the picture the Doctor made - seated in his chair, hair mussed, mouth ajar and drooling, his head pressed into the curve of Rose’s waist, clutching her hand, and sound asleep. He stepped aside, to allow the old woman entry into the medbay, and softly told her, “I’ll wait for you in the control room.”
She nodded and quietly made her way to Rose’s side. As the old woman began her examination, Rose’s eyes fluttered opened. She squeaked when she noticed the healer standing over her.
The old woman raised her paws and was quick to introduce herself. “Do not be frightened, Lupa-Ca. I am Graillen, the village healer. You had a bad reaction to one of our plants and have been in a healing coma for days.”
“A healing coma? I thought only Time Lords did that?” Rose glanced down at the pressure against her waist and a smile tugged her lips upward.
“Your mate created a potion to help your body work the toxin out faster.”
Rose ran her fingers through the Doctor’s hair. He hummed and pushed his head closer to her body.
The old woman smiled. “He hasn’t left your side once since I’ve been coming. It is unusual to see such devotion in a husband amongst my people. You are a very lucky woman.”
“Oh, he’s not my husband.”
“Consort then. The point still stands.”
Rose shook her head.
Graillen walked toward the exit. “I’ll let your friends know you’ve woken. Rest for the remainder of the day and I’ll check in with you one last time before you leave.”
“Thank you for your help. I’ll make sure we don’t leave until I’ve had a chance to say goodbye.”
The older woman bowed her head and then slipped from the room.
Rose reached down and gently shook the Doctor’s shoulder. “Doctor.”
His eyes sprung open and he sat up abruptly. His eyes scanned the room until they fell on her.
He lurched from his chair and embraced her in a hug so tight, she groaned.
“Sorry!” He released her immediately and sunk into his seat.
“‘S okay.”
“How do you feel?”
“Tired. A bit confused. Graillen, a sort of humany wolf, just left. Said she was a healer?”
He entwined their fingers and nodded. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
She stared down at their hands and her brow furrowed. “Hmm. Mickey called about some weird goings on at a school.” Her eyes light up as they met his. “Oh, and we ran into your old friend, Sarah Jane.” She looked down again. “Then Mickey came with us afterwards. Erm, we landed on an abandoned ship and met…” She pulled away from him and placed her hands in her lap. “We met Madame de Pompadour.”
The Doctor’s hearts were breaking at the loss of her hand in his. “Rose.”
“You invited her on a trip. An’ we ended up on a planet with this, er, waterfall? A waterfall that looked kinda like a rainbow?”
“Lupacund. That’s where we are right now. We were, uh, attacked. You jumped in front of me. Why would you do that?”
She started picking at her nails. “I...I don’t know. I just wanted you safe.”
“Rose, I can regenerate. You can’t. What if you’d…” He couldn’t even say the word.
Teary eyed she met his gaze. “Not much of a loss, yeah? You’ve got-”
“What?!” She sniffed back tears she refused to let fall. “You don’t really think that. Do you?” At her continued silence, he gaped. “You...I...I can’t lose you. You, Rose, you’re important to me.”
She choked out, “You’d manage. 900 years of experience. You don’t need me.”
“I always need you.”
“You...you have Reinette now. She...she’s a better fit for you, yeah?”
“How can you say that?”
“I’m not stupid. I can see the writing on the wall.”
“I know you’re not stupid, but I don’t know what you’re talking about? What’s Reinette got to do with you and me?”
“She’s brilliant, beautiful, and accomplished. She’ll probably be the best traveling companion you’ve ever had.”
“But Rose, you’re all of those things, too. And she could never be the best companion I’ve ever had.” Rose looked up at him. “Because you are. Well...” He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
“Erm, you’re more than just a companion to me.”
He gave her a lopsided smile. “Yeah.”
Rose started crying and the Doctor jumped up to embrace her. “I thought you wanted me gone an’ that you regretted telling me I could stay as long as I wanted an’ that she was going to replace me.”
“Never. I told you, you can stay with me forever and I meant it.” He buried his face against the crook of her neck. “My Rose.” He held as tightly as he dared. “She reminded me of you, and I hoped you’d see how amazing it is to share that with others. You brought me back to life with your awe whenever we go somewhere new and I wanted you to be on the other side of that. But it was just a one off! Just one trip.”
“You should have said.” Rose sighed, her warm breath tickling his ear. “Don’t see how I might get the wrong idea? Especially since you asked Mickey along, then Reinette, and I don’t know, I felt like everything was different. You were…different.”
“I…” The Doctor took a moment to try and see how the last week would seem from her perspective. His stomach sank when a little voice whispered in his mind that he knew he intentionally pushed her away. Because he was scared. Scared of his feelings for her, scared of her feelings for him, scared of the thought of losing her, scared of her finding out how how unworthy he is and leaving him. Of course, she would see right through him. He clung to her tighter. “Oh, Rose. I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, but then I did. I don’t deserve you.”
“Doctor you’ve gotta stop with that. Especially since it makes you do stupid things.” She pulled back from their embrace, but left her hands on his upper arms. “And if you want me to stay, really want me to stay with you, then you need to treat me like I live here too.”
He blinked in confusion. “But you do live here.”
“No, I mean, you can’t just be inviting people along whenever you feel like it.”
“But I let you bring Adam and Jack.”
“I asked you if they could come, I didn’t just invite them. I would never do that to you. You might not have been happy about it at first and, yeah, Adam turned out to be a plonker, but it was ultimately your decision to have them along.”
The Doctor snorted. “Well, it is my ship.”
Rose began chewing on her thumbnail. “I know, I do. And I’m not trying to change that. It’s just...is the TARDIS my home or am I just a guest here? When Mickey asked to come along, I know he kinda put us on the spot, and I know I said it was okay, but you didn’t even ask with Reinette. You just brought her back with you, an’ I felt like...like you took away my home. My security. Is this just a place where I’m allowed to sleep until I die or is this my home where I live?”
“We both know how this is gonna end. You said it yourself outside the chippy the other night. Humans wither and we die.”
“Stop it.”
“I’m sorry if it hurts, but you can’t keep pushing me away because of something I have no control over. You need to decide whether you want me here for as long as I have, because that’s how long I intend to stay, or if you don’t. I’m not gonna let you keep hurting me. I’ve been in a relationship like that and I’m not doing it again.”
“I’d never-”
“You did.”
He blew out a breath. “Rose, of course, I want you here. For...for as long…” He ran his hand down his face. “I’m so tired of fighting it. Fighting what I feel. You are...Rose, you are the most important...my best friend. More than my best friend. I mean you are my best friend, but you are also so much more than that to me. You’re my...my hearts. You have my hearts.”
Her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes filled with tears.
“What I’m trying to say is...Rose Tyler, I love you. I never want you to leave me. I...I’m absolute rubbish without you. Don’t know how I managed for as long as I have without you.” His mouth crooked up in a half grin.
Her smile wobbled. “I love you, too.”
“Aww, that’s no reason to cry.”
She laughed and pressed her face into his shoulder. He ran his hand lightly over her back.
Wiping her eyes, she pulled away. “I don’t mind traveling with others. I loved having Jack around, but I need to know that any future companions will be a joint decision?”
“Yeah. I can’t promise I won’t make mistakes...900 years of phone box travel where it was only me making the decisions, but I’m going to try. And if I hurt you again, tell me so I can fix it. I want to share a life with you, for as long as you’ll have me.”
She curled into his side. “Forever then.”
“Forever.” He brushed his lips over hers, once, twice, before the door banged open and Mickey rushed in.
“Rose! You’re okay!”
Hands clasped between them, the Doctor and Rose strolled to the village to thank the healer for her help. Mickey and Reinette followed behind, giving the two their privacy.
“Um, Boss?”
The Doctor glanced over his shoulder at the younger man. Mickey and Reinette has frozen in place as dozens of wolves began edging out of the forest and onto the path the group were traversing. These weren’t the native wolf-people, but animals similar to Earth’s wolves and seemed content to weave amongst the foursome.
Rose shifted closer to the Doctor. “What’re they doin’?”
“I...I’m not sure.”
“Are they dangerous?” She pressed herself into his side, her hand moving to rest on his collarbone.
He looked around at the silent yet curious creatures and shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
“Why’re they all watching me? It’s makin’ me nervous.”
At Rose’s pronouncement, the largest of the wolves began pushing others away from her. When they were some distance away, the animals sat and waited.
Mickey looked around to make sure no more wolves were in their way. “Okay, that was weird.”
The Doctor grabbed Rose’s hand. “Let’s get to the village.”
The wolves slowly followed after the friends, but made sure to stay back a distance.
Four off-worlders being trailed by the native wolf population attracted the attention of the villagers. As they made their way to Graillen’s home, many Lupacundiens joined the unusual procession.
After Reinette pointed out which door was the healer’s, the Doctor stepped forward and knocked.
“Graillen!” The Doctor grinned widely.
Rose reached out to take the old woman’s paws. “We just wanted to come and say ‘thank you’ and ‘goodbye.’”
Graillen bowed her head. “Lupa-Ca you’ve blessed us with your presence. It was my honor to serve you as I could.”
“I don’t...Lupa-Ca?”
“You hold the mark of our Blessed Wolf Mother. She visited us through you and with it came her blessings.”
Graillen grabbed the Doctor’s arm for support as she lowered herself to her knee. “My Goddess.”
One by one the other members of the tribe followed. The wolf pack yipped and howled.
Rose started shaking her head. “Oh, but-” She cut herself off when the Doctor, with love and affection in his gaze, dropped to one knee.
Reinette glanced around and tugged on Mickey’s sleeve. “Come on.” She swept into a curtsy so deep, she appeared to be almost seated.
“Oi! I’m not bowin’ to Rose. Known her since we were kids.”
Reinette sighed, her eyes darting to the Doctor. “Friends change.” She looked back up at Mickey. “And sometimes it is we who have changed, giving us a different perspective of our friend. Both are natural. We can’t let our limited perspectives blind us.”
“Blind us? Blind us to what?”
“That your childhood friend isn’t waiting around for you to grow up.” Reinette pointed to the ground next to her and Mickey grumbled, but ultimately dropped to one knee. Her smile lifted into a smirk. “Or that here your friend is a Goddess and deserves your respect.”
The Doctor patted the side of the TARDIS and turned to his human companions. “Home sweet home.”
Rose gave him a toothy grin and he beamed back at her.
Mickey pushed between them to enter the magnificent timeship.
Reinette cleared her throat and waited for the Doctor’s attention. “Speaking of home, Doctor, I'm ready to return to mine.”
“Oh, but I haven’t even taken you to-”
Reinette grasped his hands. “I think I'm meant to see the stars safely from my window. I was looking for something, but in the wrong place. I ran away from a good man to chase after a childhood fantasy.”
“Ah.” The doctor stuffed his hands in his pockets and nervously glanced at Rose.
She gave Reinette a cheeky smile. “King of France. Not too shabby.”
Reinette laughed. “Indeed. The best to be expected for a simple Frenchwoman-”
“Simple!” The Doctor choked.
“-like myself. But you, Doctor, Lord of Time, deserve a goddess.”
Rose blushed and Reinette cupped her jaw. “Many years ago, I thought him a lonely angel, come from the heavens to rescue me from a life of tediousness. The truth was he wasn’t alone, he was waiting. I mistook that stillness for solitude. Let him worship you as he so clearly desires.” Reinette leaned in and kissed first one cheek and then the other. Before pulling back, she whispered in Rose’s ear, “It’d be a sin not to take advantage of such long and agile fingers.”
Rose’s eyes widened and she couldn't stop a laugh from bubbling forth.
“Oi! What’d she say?”
Rose fluttered her eyelashes at him and smiled his favorite tongue touched smile. “Wouldn't you like to know?”
Reinette stepped up to the Doctor. “Thank you for this one incredible adventure you've taken me on. I'll never forget it, nor either of you.” She leaned in a kissed the Doctor once on each cheek. “And, Doctor, wouldn't it be a miracle befitting a goddess if Rose wasn't as fleeting as you seem to think?”
“Yes, but why-” He swallowed hard and licked his lips. “Why would you say that?”
“I was thinking of your tale of the Bad Wolf. It strikes me as strange that the power that could cause a Time Lord to change his face would have no effect whatsoever on a mere human. Perhaps the Lupacundiens recognize her for the goddess she actually is?”
The Doctor’s jaw dropped and he spun toward Rose.
Her eyes grew round. “What?”
“So many things should have killed you - the vortex, the Barconitine, the bite from the upyr fly last month - but you're still here with me and wonderfully alive. Oh, Rose.” He pulled her to him and dropped little kisses all over her face. “Give me this, Rose, just give me this one thing.”
Rose pulled back. “Doctor, don’t you know, I'd give you everything if I could.”
“I know. And for one shining moment you controlled the universe.”
She gasped. “Do you think?”
He wrapped her up in his embrace and smiled before tilting her head back and kissing her for all he was worth.
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distant-rose · 5 years
constellation: the brothers jones (are you sensing a theme)
constellation: what you said after all the pieces came together.
Okay, you all know how I pretend to live in a universe where Liam and Killian were adopted by Nemo and Shakespeare and everything turned out semi-okay for them? Well, I’m going to contribute more to that universe because there is literally only so much angst I can take. So here’s like 1,500+ words of the Jones Brothers meeting Shakespeare.
Silver’s ship is attacked in the late afternoon by the most bizarre looking sky ship that Liam has ever seen. Well, it’s the only one he’s ever seen, but he hadn’t realized they would look so peculiar. He doesn’t allow himself to ponder on this long however, considering the bombardment of canon fire hurtling towards them. Instead he grabs Killian’s arm and yanks him down below into the underbelly of the ship. It’s a coward’s move but Liam has no desire or will to defend the lives of the men who have enslaved him and his brother.
Killian’s eyes are as wide as saucers and he looks more terrified than he did the morning they discovered their father was gone. He hasn’t said a word since the attack started but his fingers shake violently under Liam’s as if his bones are trying rattle their way out from underneath his skin.
They hide in the hull behind the barrels of rum and beer, resting themselves against the crates of ill-gotten gains Silver has acquired over the past few weeks.
“We’re going to die today, aren’t we?” Killian asks quietly, eyes trained up at the ceiling as they listen to the fighting on the deck above them.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” he replies firmly. “I made a promise to Mum to look after you and I intend to keep it.”
“Papa made that promise too…” Tears trickle down Killian’s cheeks and the sight of them makes Liam furious for more reasons than one.
“Well, I’m not Papa, am I?” he snaps. “I’m going to keep you safe. Do you understand me?”
Killian nods, but his eyes avert from Liam’s gaze. It hurts far more than it should. Liam’s fingers curl into fists and he isn’t sure who he wants to hurt the most in the moment – his brother for not believing him or the men above for wanting to hurt them.
Both brothers flinch as the hatch bursts open above them and the ladder whines as bodies start to climb down it. They duck their heads in hopes of being undiscovered. Liam automatically places a hand over his younger brother’s mouth to keep him for whimpering too loudly.
“Best come out and face your fate like a man,” a voice calls out. “We can see your foot behind the rum.”
Liam draws a sharp before, glancing down at their feet. It’s then that he notices that Killian’s ratty shoe is visible. He taps down his frustration as tears start rolling down his little brother’s cheek, puddling onto Liam’s hand.
“Come out!” The voice commands again. “You don’t want me to come over there!”
Killian looks up at Liam with a resigned look on his face that belongs to a much older person and has no place on a seven-year old’s face. He shifts to move out from their failed hiding spot. 
“Don’t!” Liam whispers, shaking his head. “They could be buffing!”
For the first time in his life, Killian doesn’t listen to his older brother. He pushes his hands away and crawls out, shaking like a leaf and trying so hard to make a show of bravery he doesn’t have. Liam’s heart hammers in his chest and everything inside him screams as he turns to watch his little brother’s fate. He’s caught between wanting to save his brother from these invading pirates and wanting to save his own skin.
Pirates, unruly and menacing with their sharp swords and snarling faces, seem taken aback by the small child that appears in front of them. They don’t jeer at him like Liam expected, but stare at him with the same fascination Liam had seen on his schoolmates’ faces when they had discovered a litter of kitties newly born behind the schoolhouse. The one that seems to be in charge, a man with silver hair and wearing a brown long coat, sheaths his sword and looks at Killian with a puzzled expression.
“And who are you supposed to be?”
“Ah, Killian.” The man repeats his name as if he’s testing how it sounds. “A good name for a young man. How old are you, Killian?”
“I’m seven…and a half…”
“That’s quite a young to be at sea,” the man comments, stroking his chin. “And what brings you onto this ship?”
“I…” Killian looks overwhelmed by the question, squirming in his spot and looking down at his shoes. 
The man’s frown deepens, an indent forming between his brows as he regards Liam’s brother with a strange expression.
“Is your father on board, Killian?” he asks, changing tactics.
“No,” he answers immediately. “Papa sold me for a row boat.”
A buzzing of anger emits from the pirates who share looks of disgust. A trickle of fear runs down Liam’s spine and he shifts to get his feet out from underneath. He has a small butter knife in his shoe. It won’t be do much, but Liam wagers if they go for Killian, he could potentially cause some damage to one or two by taking out their eyes.
The man questioning Killian raises his hand to silence the men behind him. It’s quite clear he holds a lot of authority and Liam would wager the rest of his meager possessions that he’s the captain of the sky ship.
“So, you’re a slave?”
“An indentured servant,” Killian corrects hotly, his cheeks coloring as he speaks.
“Ah, sorry, an indentured servant. A rose by a different name,” the man says before digging a hand into one of the various pockets on his coat. “Do you like candy, Killian?”
Killian’s eyes light up as alarm bells go off in Liam’s brain. He’s seen this ploy before, even been at the end of it. It rarely goes well. Men don’t offer things out without wanting something in return; a cruel bit of reality that Liam has done his best to shield his little brother from. 
He can’t allow this to happen.
“No!” he shouts, revealing himself and leaping over the barrels. He takes a position in front of Killian, shoving his younger brother roughly behind him. He holds up the butter knife as it were a real one.
The man looks bewildered by him, eyes darting between Liam’s face and Killian’s.
“And who might you be?”
“That’s Liam!” Killian pipes up.
“Stop talking,” he hisses. 
“You’re brothers, aren’t you?” the man asks, face softening. 
Liam doesn’t respond, only raises the butter knife higher. He tries to keep a brave face despite the violent trembling of his arm.
“Do you really think you can take us all out with that, boy?” 
“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try. I would rather die than let you hurt him.”
“Who said anything about hurting anyone?” the man question in surprise, eyebrows raising to his hairline.
“We’re not idiots,” Liam responds. “We know you’ve killed most of the crew to get down here and you’re going to take the rest of our valuables and slaughter us all.”
“You have a very vivid imagination. Has anyone ever told you that?”
He doesn’t answer him, only narrows his eyes in response. He feels Killian move behind him and automatically throws back his arm to keep him from leaving the minute wall of safety offered by Liam’s body.
“You’re a brave young man,” the man says. “Braver than most men. And you’re smart too. It’s hard to find anyone who is both brave and smart these days. You either have brave morons or smart cowards.”
Liam bites back the smartass response he has dying in the back of his throat. 
“You’re smart enough to know there are only two ways out of this,” the man continues gently. “Either you stay here, stranded on a ship with no food and no provisions or you come aboard the Caspertine with us.”
“And be slaves again,” Liam mutters bitterly under his breath.
“No,” the man responds gruffly. “Not slaves. I have no interest in owning anyone.”
“Then what exactly do you want?” 
“To shape the future,” the man responds. “And you’re it.”
Liam doesn’t quite understand what he means by this, but Killian appears to be done with this entire conversation. He shifts out from behind his older brother’s body and eyes the old man questionably.
“Do you really have candy?”
The old man barks out a loud laugh, taking his hand out of his back and revealing small wrapped squares that look a lot like the taffy packages Liam’s seen in stores around various ports.
“Yes, my boy, I have lots of candy. Unfortunately, this old pirate has a sweet tooth that can’t be tamed.”
“Okay, I’ll go with you!”
“Killian! No!” Liam is half-frustrated, half-horrified.
“What? He’s right. It’s either be here with dead people or go with them. And they have candy,” he responds, popping the taffy into his mouth and smiling up at the old man. “What’s your name, mister?”
“Shakespeare. Captain Theodore Johannes Alberic Shakespeare, my boy.”
send me a word + a pairing and i’ll write you a short fic! 🌙
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douxreviews · 5 years
Game of Thrones - ‘Winterfell’ Review
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Six episodes over two months to close a story the author hasn't been able to finish in 20 years.
It could work.
As 'Winterfell' kicks off the show's ultimate season, I can't imagine I've been alone in a certain trepidation that Things Might Just Go To Hell. George Martin has only delivered "sporadic verses" pertaining to the saga over the last seven years, and I couldn't help but feel certain parts of last season uninspired, as if the showrunners were treading water through key parts of the storyline, hoping against hope that George might finally get his thumb out of his... ehm, and actually deliver.
Surely after one paltry episode it's too early to tell, but my feeling is that David and Daniel have given up that hope, and the show might be better for it. While hardly a perfect installment, sometimes even a bit clumsy in execution and dialogue, what I am left with is a true sense of urgency and a driving force set in motion.
By now it's painfully clear that George has painted himself into a corner – twisting not one but two dozen knots on himself and finding it impossible to reach the end in any graceful fashion. Fortunately, the producers have not. It's always been stated that safeguarding against a disaster (as in Martin relocating six feet under,) the producers were provided with an outline of how the show must end. Some people doubted this. I was mildly skeptical. Now I'm certain.
George may be tasked with his own impossible standards. While I'm certainly no world-class author, considering my own erratic output lately... I could relate.
The writing team of Benioff, Weiss, Sandhu, and Antonucci – the second pair both young and remarkably scoring their very first writing credits at this super-heavyweight event – are not similarly burdened. They are television writers and producers; their job is to write scripts and produce, and from what it seems they're hellbent on doing it. Also, their task is to work towards a known end, and that might be a rare luxury for people in the business. The whole essence of 'Winterfell' is purposeful setup, as they are dealing the hands for the final run.
This review won't talk about the great scenery, the music, the technical aspects of the direction or any of that. You've all seen that and I may not even be qualified to say much on some of it. The main reasons being I don't watch anything for technical aspects or to count the occasional missteps or insignificant blunders. I watch for content, and 'Winterfell' serves plenty, some not even quite that obvious.
Thus this review will just focus on a few key scenes of the episode.
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The first one would be the reunion of Jon and Arya. The show's been pouring these sentimental moments over us lately, to the point where there's gone inflation in the Stark hugfests, but even if they aren't really that important, this one had merit. For one, it's the one reunion scene all fans of the show have been rooting for since the very first episodes. For the other, this has to be the first time we get to see Arya smiling and happy, almost acting like a little girl again, since her father was decapitated. Even her look of awe as she first lays eyes on her brother again, heading the giant army marching into their home, is absolutely fantastic.
The second, less pleasant and more significant, involves Cersei's decision to task Bron with murdering both her brothers, veering dangerously close to putting her in comic book villain territory. Killing Tyrion? Sure, I can buy that, I'm wondering why she hasn't been harder at work on it for years.
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Jaime? No. True, they did not depart on the best of terms, but this is the closest thing Cersei's had to that "one true love" in all her life. Furthermore, I can't even think of an earlier time where Jaime openly defies her will, and his motive isn't even to spite her – it's to make good on his word. One could argue that an extension of their unofficial family motto. Making sense of her reaction, one could assume she isn't capable of entering any real emotional relationship where the counterpart isn't her slave and she isn't in total control of everything.
Crossing this line strips her of all redeeming qualities as a person, and her subsequent bored hookup with Euron – arrogant and self-assured like the Jaime of old, but also a perverted and sadistic thug with no moral stature or higher calling whatsoever, but a shade or two removed from Ramsay Bolton – feels both earned and appalling.
I don't know why the show takes this step. It could be a catalyst to bond the two feuding Lannister brothers together, or maybe the writers are prepared to sacrifice some of Cersei's believability as a character for some central purpose. That doesn't make it good, and I'm left on the fence on this one.
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The third scene is Jon and Dany's romantic getaway with the dragons. Like Jon and Arya, this is heavy fan-service – the kids want dragons, we got to give them dragons, and hey look, how cool, Jon's riding a dragon!
Reducing it to that would overlook the dramatic purpose of the scene, which is easy and something I've tried to hammer in for years when it comes to writing couples in conflict. Jon and Dany need a happy moment. The audience needs to be shown they're in love and know what they're fighting for as well as what they have to lose.
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...shipping it.
And this brings us to the fourth scene, namely, Dany's standoff with Sam over her murder of his father and brother. Now, this was truly heartbreaking, and its importance cannot be overstated, as this may mark the beginning of her undoing.
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It could be exaggerated or plain wrong as things play out – though I really don't think so – but I'd wager that dramatically, this is the episode where Daenerys the Protagonist dies. At the very least, the poison's in the wound. She started the victim, progressed the hero and is now found out the would-be tyrant.
It's true, other people considered both noble and worthy by the show have killed many men by the laws of their lands, but what Dany is guilty of is executing prisoners of war in order to scare her foes into submission, and that's hardly noble. Through this episode, circumstances cause the perfect storm to have her cruelty come back to bite her – in a rare occasion for Game of Thrones, this is the one bad deed that won't go unpunished.
Anyone who'd think this could go away – we've never seen Sam truly angry before, hurt to his very core and or using all his guns to hurt someone as he does Dany through the revelation of Jon's birthright. For such a gentle soul, this is quietly frightening. He's both clever, determined and arguably even righteous in his hatred. This will only solve through the destruction of the other party, and Sam's been Jon's best friend since the very first episodes.
Some people thought the show was sweeping Dany's flaws under the rug to keep her the shining figurehead. That was wrong. On the contrary, the way the scene plays out shows a nuanced understanding of the spirit of the source material on the part of the screenwriters. It doesn't even matter if it's the same understanding as the original author's, since it's now the show's ultimate job to succeed on its own merits.
While I guess nobody really cares, one month ago I developed a case of serious loathing of American television and cinema, their overused tropes and painting-by-numbers morality, to the point I could no longer stand to watch any.
Remarkably, Game of Thrones, the biggest American show of the decade, broke through, simply through the virtue of understanding and staying true to itself.
Thanks for that.
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Thomas Ijon Tichy
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the-desolated-quill · 6 years
Marco Polo - Doctor Who blog
(SPOILER WARNING: The following is an in-depth critical analysis. If you haven’t listened to this audio drama yet, you may want to before reading this review)
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Between 1967 and 1978, the BBC would routinely delete archive programmes due to lack of space. As a result, quite a few of the early Doctor Who episodes and serials were sadly lost, but the audio tapes do still remain and it’s this that we’re going to be looking at today. Marco Polo, written by John Lucarotti.
The TARDIS lands in the Himalayas during the 13th century where the Doctor and co encounter Italian explorer Marco Polo, played by Mark Eden. Fascinated by the Doctor’s ‘caravan’, as he calls it, he confiscates it from the Doctor in order to present it as a gift to the mighty Kublai Khan in the hopes that he’ll be released from the Emperor’s service and be allowed to return to Venice and be reunited with his family. The Doctor, naturally, takes exception to this idea, but whilst the TARDIS crew try desperately to appeal to Polo’s conscience, the war lord Teganna makes plans to steal the ship for himself.
In some ways being able to experience this story only through the audio is a blessing in disguise. The characters travel from the Himalayan mountains all the way to Peking over the course of the story and it’s hard to see how a small budget BBC children’s tv show made in 1964 could possibly have realised this grand vision Lucarotti had written. With help from narration provided by William Russell, your imagination is left to run wild as you see in your mind’s eye the Doctor and his companions crossing the Gobi desert, climb mountains, explore the cave of five hundred eyes and marvel at the decadence of Kublai Khan’s palace. The audio tapes allow Marco Polo to be more epic and grand than I suspect the actual televisual screening was. The other advantage of having only the audio tapes surviving is that it makes it easier to blank out the egregious whitewashing. Nearly every single Asian character, from Teganna to Kublai Khan himself, is played by a white guy speaking in over the top ‘ha so’ accents. I think the only Asian character that’s actually played by an Asian actor is Ping Cho, played by Burma born actor Zienia Merton. Yes we can chalk it up to it being a ‘product of the time’ all we want. Racism is still racism no matter what era it’s in.
So lets put aside the unfortunate racism and focus on the title character. Mark Eden does a really good job as Marco Polo. While you’re frustrated at the situation he’s placed the TARDIS team in, you never find yourself hating him. His motivations are entirely without malice and he does try to support the Doctor and co as best he can. It also helps that John Lucarotti knew a lot about Marco Polo as his previous writing credit was an eighteen part radio serial called The Three Journeys Of Marco Polo. It’s his historical knowledge that adds weight and dimension to both the character and the story.
The entire premise of Marco Polo explores what the Doctor was afraid of way back in the very first episode of An Unearthly Child. What happens if humans discover the secrets of the TARDIS? When Marco hears about the abilities of the TARDIS, his first thought is to seize it and use it to buy his freedom, reasoning that the Doctor can just build another one. The war lord Teganna, who has been secretly planning to assassinate Kublai Khan, also takes interest in the TARDIS and tries to find multiple ways of disposing of the caravan in order to obtain the TARDIS’ power. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen the Doctor in a position of weakness of course, but it is the first time we’ve seen him completely at the mercy of the human race. Utterly helpless in the face of their desires and greed. 
The Doctor is arguably the most engaging part of this whole story. His attempts to steal back the TARDIS and the pit he digs for himself as a result is thoroughly engrossing. William Hartnell is simply a joy to listen to, not just because of the stubbornness and determination, but also his wittiness and naughtiness. The scene where he and Kublai Khan play backgammon together, giggling like tall small children, was just utterly adorable.
Another part of the story I really liked was Susan’s relationship with Ping Cho. Not only is it really sweet and well written for the most part, Ping Cho’s situation also gives us an insight into the culture of the time. Ping Cho is to be married to an elderly man as part of political agreement. The TARDIS crew and Susan in particular are horrified by this and make their objections known throughout, causing a further rift between them and Marco Polo. (It’s tragic to think that over 50 years later, Steven Moffat would try to make light of the First Doctor’s ‘sexism’ when in reality both the character and the show were in fact very critical of sexism and have done more to explore feminist themes than Moffat ever has). As the serial goes on, we see Ping Cho start to become more defiant and independent thanks to Susan’s influence and it’s a really good character arc.
Marco Polo proves that you don’t need aliens to make a Doctor Who episode good. Just placing these characters in a historical setting and seeing how they respond to the customs and ethics of the era is enough to really make things interesting. However it’s not perfect and I do have a few problems. The first being the length. This serial did not need to be seven episodes long. While things start off really well, the story does drag its feet as it goes on. Apparently Lucarotti was having difficulty writing the serial’s fourth episode in particular and so consulted Marco Polo’s journal excerpts for inspiration. I think snipping a couple of episodes would have benefitted the story greatly and given it much tighter pacing. As it stands we see a lot of repetition of scenes, such as the Doctor getting caught trying to get back into the TARDIS and Marco Polo punishing him and his companions for lying, as well as some convoluted excuses to pad the story out further. There’s one moment where the TARDIS crew could have escaped, but then Susan had to go back to say goodbye to Ping Cho.
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Another issue I have is with Tegana. At first he’s quite an intimidating figure and provides a genuine threat, but as each of his schemes to kill Marco Polo’s caravan and steal the TARDIS fails, the threat diminishes. He becomes less like a scary war lord and more like the Mongol version of Dick Dastardly trying to stop the pigeon. Again, cutting a couple of episodes out would have helped this. Scenes like him abandoning Marco in the desert and dumping the oasis’ water supply whilst taunting the caravan is genuinely tense. It’s just his constant failure that undermines him and makes him look really pathetic and ineffectual by the end.
Finally there’s the last episode. I don’t know what happened exactly. It seemed like everyone was in a rush to end the story and move on. The Doctor wagering the TARDIS in a backgammon game with Kublai Khan should have been the prime focus. It would have made for a great climax as well as a very Doctorly solution to the problem. Instead the backgammon game gets pushed to the side rather quickly. Ian gets framed by Tegana only for that to fall apart when Tegana stupidly tries to kill Kublai Khan in broad daylight where everyone can see him before committing suicide, Ping Cho’s husband to be dies of old age, so we never get to see her utilise her newfound independence and everyone rushes back to the TARDIS and has it away on their toes before Marco Polo can even process the fact that he’s been miraculously freed from Khan’s service. It all just feels so rushed and lacks little impact, failing to provide effective closure to this long journey the characters have endured.
Marco Polo is a good, solid, historical story. Snip a couple of episodes out, rewrite the final episode and cast some actual Asian actors, and it could have been a great one.
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littleroma · 6 years
Exasperation Is Thy Name - Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty-One Chapter Twenty-Two Chapter Twenty-Three Chapter Twenty-Four Chapter Twenty-Five Chapter Twenty-SixChapter Twenty-Seven Chapter Twenty-Eight Chapter Twenty-Nine
Whee, one chapter left
Checking once again that she had the all-important goods securely fastened to her person near her waist, Dacia smiled when she saw that she had everything together and prepared to launch herself from the water. Faltering in her confident movements once, while she remembered to alert both Cassian and Jyn that she was momentarily going to emerge from the drink with a passenger.  Not wanting to slow herself down and wait to ensure that Cassian at the very least knew to expect her, she quickly bent towards her shoes and pressed a single button.
 Launching herself through the murky water, she tried not to allow herself to think overly of the kinds of things she was no doubt passing.  She told herself again that there was no doubt in her mind that whatever secrets the deep water held, would no doubt disgust her, resolutely shaking the thought from her head, she began the slow ascent.  She might not be certain if she could fall victim to a condition like the Bends, but even she was able to wager a guess that she would not like to follow that thought to its natural conclusion.
 Dacia tried to imagine herself as looking like something to a shooting silver bullet or star travelling up from the riverbed. Thinking that though, she tried to remind herself that it was unlikely that anyone was able to look too closely at her, the water was incredibly murky.  Shaking her head while she tried to remind herself that it would be in her best interests to get a shower before she started to get smelly.  She might not be able to smell herself now, but she could confidently and easily guess that she did not smell of a fresh bouquet of roses.
 Reminding herself that it was time for her to get back to work, she made her way from the water, cursing softly when she realised that she had come out a bit further from the shore than she had initially estimated. Glancing around her, she tried to work out in her head how much energy she would have to expend to get closer to the shore.  Ruefully thinking of the heavyweight hanging at her hips, she realised that she would likely have to expend twice the amount of energy, to travel a distance that normally would not trouble her.
Grumbling under her breath, while she thought of the amount of work that she was now about to have to follow up on, she cast her eyes around for any help.  Dacia was no fool, and she would easily confess that she did not see much point in putting herself even to harm if she did not have too.  If she could find somebody to help her, then so be it, much less strain on her already screaming muscles she reflected.  Hearing a strange sound had her whipping round in the water, wanting to make sure that she could pinpoint any potential threats.
 Feeling the relief course through her veins, when she realised that a small dinghy joined her, she prayed to all the lesser and greater Gods she could think of that they meant her no harm.  Dacia might have already felt a small measure of relief when she spotted the small lifeboat coming towards her, but a newer unsettling thought suddenly occurred to her.  She could not easily vouch for the intentions of the guys staring back at her from this dinghy.  Dacia hoped that these were not people she should be careful and wary of.
 Dacia thought that she had felt as if all of her energy had been sucked out of her while she was still fighting with the lazy lump at her hip. If these people mean her any harm, she would be hard pressed to attempt to defend herself.  With a start, she remembered to listen to her small earpiece again. Hopefully, Cassian or Jyn would be able to shed a little light on whether or not she could trust these people.
 It was with a great feeling of relief that she noted Jyn speak quietly to her through the small communication device in her ear;
 “Dacia, you can trust the people in the small speedboat approaching you, they will not bring you to further harm.  In the meantime though, keep a tight hand on our prisoner, I am going to go and make sure that we have the necessary security precautions in place on the spaceship.”
 Dacia tried not to nod visibly, she was not sure how much these people might know of her friend’s capabilities and call her selfish all you wanted, but she was not sure who she could trust.  It would not do for them to lose control, not when they were so close to the finish line. Peering over towards what Jyn had informed her was called a speedboat, Dacia wondered if she should ship over. She was not sure whether or not she could trust these men, so she resolved to simply play it by ear until she had learned even more.
 Taking in the sight of a few of the men leaning over the side of the boat, their hands outstretched while they reached for Dacia and her cargo.  In a split-second, she decided that it would be better for her if she simply gave her name as Darcy Lewis.  Dacia could easily and comfortably reckon that it would take too long for her to explain that it would take her too long to detail the split in her personality.
 With some amount of difficulty, she began to swim over towards the men, hoping that they would at least be able to help her.  Steeling her nerves even further when she drew closer, Dacia tried to prepare herself for the possibility of having to watch her words even closer.  Treading water as she waited for the people to approach her even closer, she could only hope that they would be near her quickly.  Her cargo was rapidly beginning to feel even heavier in her arms.  Dacia wondered if she should have left her captive conscious for a while longer, at the very least it might make this part a little bit easier.  Dismissing the idea as out of hand when she realised that it would not have mattered if the being was struggling to get away from her, it could take more energy if she were forced to keep the figure subdued without using a great amount of force.
 “Hello, Ma’am can we help you back to land?  Reach for my hand, and I can pull you into this little speedboat.” One of the men called out reaching for her.
 Dacia peered carefully at the man, before using his hands to bring herself over the side of the boat carefully.  Flopping down like a fish out of water, something which she now considered to be possibly quite apt, she heaved for breath.  Oxygen was slowly filling up her lungs again, the weak mid-afternoon sun shining down, attempting to warm the earth even in Autumn.  Gathering her thoughts to herself, while she tried to calm down her racing pulse, turns out that had been an even great strain than she had initially thought.
 It was just as she had feared – namely that she was more out of shape than she initially thought.  Dacia thought that it possibly had something to do with the fact that for now at least she was dealing with someone or something of similar enhancements from her Home Universe.  It worried her slightly that it had taken her longer to go in for the kill than it normally would, she wondered if it was possible that whatever had been following her, was newly arrived.  It had probably not arrived in a blaze of glory Dacia ruefully reflected, at least the fact that her foe had some energy left to parry with, the being was not fighting to improve its reactions.
 Dacia felt her stomach begin to clench underneath her while she considered the ramifications of what could have happened if she was not being played with like a doll.  If her foe had taken the thing a bit more seriously, then Dacia could have had an even greater problem on her hands and could have been caught far outside of her comfort zone.
 Considering that she suspected that she was simply being played with, she wondered just what her foe was capable of if they were not holding back.  Dacia sighed in disgust as she realised that she had been out of the game for too long to count on her luck holding.  If she came up against someone who was determined to put her down, then she could very well be helpless even to do so much as stymy their foes.
 Shaking her head to try and draw herself back to the present, she peered at some of the men, that she had now entrusted her safety too. For now, she could only hope that she had not put her eggs into the wrong basket, she would have to have a word with Jyn about how far they could trust these blokes.
 “Ma’am my name is Joe Cruz, do either you or your charge need medical assistance?” a man, Joe Cruz, asked.
 “No, we are good, never mind him, he is my charge, and I need to keep a close eye on him.  For now get us to shore and I can deal with him.” Dacia panted.
 While she was speaking, she carefully pulled her sodden cotton; woollen tunic tighter around her as if to ward off the chill.  Dacia thought that it would be a good idea if she were able to get some warmth into her as soon as possible.  Absently wishing that she had considered how poor an idea it could be if she entered into the water while wearing wool.  She should have tried to dig out her old wet.  Hopefully, that would have been able to keep the warmth in a bit better.
 Gingerly sniffing herself, she thought that at the very least she might not smell like something had died on her person. Resolving to take a shower as soon as she was able and scrub at her skin, Dacia now felt as if she would rather enjoy a good hot shower.  It was not as if she had forgotten what hot water could feel like, but she reflected that when one was covered in as much grime as her, a hot shower would feel akin to a minor miracle.  Looking down with a shudder, Dacia realised that Jyn might want to look over her, goodness knows that she looked like a walking petri dish, it would do for her to think of any diseases she may have picked up.  
 Dacia at least was able to comfort herself with the knowledge that thanks to her are feeling the Force again, may mean that some of the enhancements she had taken for granted for so long might be on their way back to her.  The Force had never been able to decimate any illness completely, but it had shored up her natural defences to such an extent that whispered at how difficult she could find it to get ill from a common bug.  Dacia hoped that it would work like this again, she did not particularly relish having to spend a great amount of time in bed, recovering from this filth. Chuckling to herself (and resolutely not noticing the alarmed looks she attracted) she thought of how little she had changed.  If some of her old friends from home could see her now, then they would very easily see that she had not changed a great deal. She may have gotten even more cautious and guarded from time to time, but she still felt a great distaste for time spent in bed.  Especially if it was time she could be used productively, something which she was determined to do for now.
 Dacia came back to herself, startled when she realised that she had so easily drifted away when she felt one of the men pressing a fluffy towel around her body.  Dacia tried to smile tremulously, the towel at least was warm and dry, it might not take away all of the disgusting filth on her person, but it was something.  Ducking her head slightly and shivering while she tried to refocus her attention back onto the matter at hand, she looked around her for the shore, relieved when she saw that it was coming closer.
 Jyn was stood on the shore of the river near Battalion Chief Boden, chewing at her bottom lip while she tried to work out what she should do next. Cautiously eyeing the ambulance parked near her, she wondered what she should do to distract them.  She might not have heard from Dacia in a while, but she had seen that her friend was in a small speedboat, she tried to rationalise that Dacia simply found it too awkward to speak.
 Understanding this desire from her friend, Jyn looked down at the small tablet held in her hand, smirking when she saw that Cassian was still paying attention to it.  She might not be able to speak aloud to him, at least not without a great deal of difficulty, but she could send him a message through this.  Jyn was aware that Dacia might need more help than usual, certainly, if she wanted to keep their foe quiet and malleable, so she sent a quiet message to Cassian to go and help out their friend.  It could be bad if Dacia were caught unawares, no doubt Dacia was beginning to feel the strain and Jyn did not want to increase the woman’s burdens.  Jyn might feel as if for now she could do little other than fret; she might be able to help hide her friend’s true mission, but now that their quarry had been captured Jyn could do little else than worry about what could go wrong at this particular juncture.
 Jyn was well aware that Cassian would no doubt point out that she was simply catastrophizing and that little of what she was doing now could truly help them.  She wondered how that particular little trait of hers had gotten so far out of hand; she had not always fallen prey to the voice of doom in her head.  Some days though she found it a struggle to ignore them. Who else would they bother if she wasn’t around to be their plaything?  Minutely shaking her head, Jyn knew that for now, her role might prove to be more important than she could have initially imagined.  For now, she would have to make sure that she played her role and kept Battalion Chief Boden from asking the kind of awkward questions that she was in a rush to answer.
 Cassian, get ready to help Dacia and her charge, for now, I have to make sure that Chief Boden does not get in the way too much.
 Casting her gaze over the deep water as she wondered what her next few steps should be.  She could easily recognise how she handled the man stood near her, could dictate how the next few hours could go; she was glad that Dacia had safely completed her mission, but it was time for Jyn to shine.  She would have to incredibly careful that she did not let on to Battalion Chief Boden how much her shit stunk, she had to hope that the man would allow them to pass him by.
 Carefully eying the man, she thought that it looked as if the man was not the type to suffer fools gladly.  Ordinarily, she thought that would not bother her, after all, she preferred when people did waste both her and their time.  Now that she would have to bullshit the man for all she was worth, she hoped that the man would not be paying so much careful attention to her words.
 She might not be able to work out how she could begin to hope to get the man to turn a blind eye on their mission, Jyn knew that Dacia would want to get her quarry onto their spaceship.  Dacia had probably knocked whoever their foe was unconscious to stop him from speaking until they were ready to listen to whatever lies he had to spill.  Jyn recognised that their task could become exponentially more difficult should someone overhear what the being had to say and started to ask questions.
 Looking upon Battalion Chief Boden once again, while she tried to work out what she should say next.  Unfortunately, due to the sounds of the squawking radio on his chest, Jyn could not think clearly.  The difficult decision, though, was taken out of her hands when Battalion Chief Boden cleared his throat and spoke to her;
 “We have got your woman in the dinghy, as you can see they are rapidly approaching the shore, we will have our ambulance team ready to look over the unconscious figure that she was travelling with.”
 Jyn looked at the man in some alarm, while she tried to work out exactly what she should say next.  She could not easily see any way out of the awkward discussion they were about to have. It might be difficult, but Dacia knew that she could easily run rings around the man if she were not aware that she had to take it carefully.  She did not need to think of how crucial this discussion could be with the man. Nevertheless, thoughts of failure plagued her mind.
 “Thank you, and that is fine we should be able to handle the figure. I do not point out that there are some things that you will not be able to run from, some that you will not be able to control.  This is one of those times, leave it with us to control the guy and his fate.” Jyn told the man, not wanting to threaten him. Not until she was sure that she had no other options left available.
 “And what am I supposed to put on the paperwork?  You know that I will not be able to hide this, do you not?” Battalion Chief Boden warned.
 “That is not our concern, not right now but you need to be able to accept your limits.  I am sure that your medical team is one of the better ones, but they will not be able to handle this.  Some things need to be handled with a firm hand; this is one of those times.  Do not pull your people further into a situation that they do not have all the facts at hands.” Jyn warned the guy, already circling the wagons.
 “That is not a very good answer; we need to make sure that we can close this issue as quickly as we can. Give me one good reason; we should wash our hands of this whole situation?” Battalion Chief Boden asked, his eyes glinting in warning.
 “If we do not skip past any unnecessary unpleasantness it could very well mean great danger not just for your City, but rather for your world.  Allow us to take the figure, do not run it up the flagpole and we may get out of this together.  Call further attention to us, and I can promise you that it will not end well for anyone involved.” Jyn flatly told the man.
 Jyn tried not to wince visibly; she had laid all of her cards on the table, now she had to see what Battalion Chief Boden would do with what he had been told.  Cassian might sometimes snort at Jyn’s ability to be incredibly blunt, sometimes hurtful, but he had confessed that he sometimes wished more people would simply speak what was on their minds than waste time speaking in circles.  Jyn had wondered if the man had started to feel like this because for so long he had worked as a spy, constantly having to extract meaning from people’s words and actions.  Dacia liked to joke that the man had no time for bullshit.  In any case, it would be a more reasonable way to live.
 “Very well, we shall take your prisoner, but we still need to have your woman seen too.  At the very least because we all saw her go into the river and it would soothe our nerves if she would accept some help.” Battalion Chief Boden quietly warned.
 Glancing over at Dacia, Jyn wanted to be sure what condition her friend was in before she agreed to allow her friend to be subjected to their medical attention.  Counting backwards from ten in her head did not make much of a difference, because she could only see it as her expertise being questioned.  She could tell herself that Battalion Chief Boden did not that Dacia’s (their) origin was not of this Earth, it would be different, they would no doubt notice small inconsistencies in their scans.  She would have to avoid them going over the top in their scanning; she made a mental note to have them avoid any probing.  For one thing, she was not sure how she could be expected to sell that to her friend, should she need too.  Nodding, slowly, knowing that she wanted nothing more than this ordeal to be over.
 “Very well, but passive, I am responsible for Darcy’s healthcare, if it should make you guys feel better about yourselves to do it.  I do not need to warn you though that if your people should go overboard, then we walk away.  You will not like trying to contain us; I can promise you that.” Jyn ominously warned, affixing Battalion Chief Boden with a grim look that promised hell.
 Without wanting to wait for the man to speak to her again, Jyn wandered off towards the shore; she would be ready to retrieve her friend.  Lifting out her little tablet as she walked, she quickly sent another message to Cassian.
 Cassian, Dacia is about to come over here again, be ready to take the Prisoner, I can not be sure whether or not I will be able to get us out this situation without a great deal of hassle.  Best be ready to move on command, yeah?
 Not want to spare a glance towards the corner where she knew Cassian would be coming from, she halted herself on the banks.  It was not so much as a standard bank, more concrete and stone, but for now it would serve its purpose, she idly thought.  It was not a bit of wonder that she could not hear Cassian approach her from behind, she thought that her friend was too good to be heard.  The man had been working for too long as a spy in their Home Universe to have a noisy tread; he would not have last particularly longer if he moved around too noisy.
 She looked at the woman and held her arms out for Dacia’s prone form, looking over the exhausted looking woman, Jyn realised that she would have to contain this situation hard. Glancing around her warily, she thanked her lucky stars that she had not spotted any television cameras, she knew how tricky it could be if someone got footage of them unawares.
 Taking Dacia into her arms with a small smile for the team still in the motorboat, Jyn looked around her and knew instantly what they wanted to do with Dacia.  Trying not to visibly roll her eyes in irritation, Jyn made her way over to the small ambulance. Affixing a stern look to her face, as she tried to think of how angry it could make her should Dacia be treated any more than strictly necessary, she was still the woman’s primary physician.
 “Hello, my name is Sylvie Brett, and this is Jimmy Borelli, all we want to do is make sure that your friend does not catch hypothermia,” Sylvie told the woman with a question in her eyes, no doubt wondering who exactly this woman was and why she was in a position to make demands.
 Jyn carefully eyed the two of them, not wanting to say a word, let her presence unnerve them enough not to ask them any pesky questions. Jyn briefly wondered to herself what her Papa would say if he knew that she made such a big deal over questions being asked.  She could tell herself all she wanted that her Papa would have understood the intense need for secrecy and the immense pressures of paranoia hanging at your neck.  But considering some of the shaky memories, she still had of her Mama and Papa; she thought that the two of them would disapprove of Jyn feeling like there was a lodestone hanging around her neck dragging her to the bottom of the cold river.
 Wanting to watch these people further to ensure that they did not see anything that should cause them further concern, Jyn crossed her arms and watched them silently daring them to take their time.
 Cassian rushed up to his friends and took the lone figure from Dacia and nodded silently at Jyn to indicate that he knew what his role was to be in this charade.  Smirking when he saw that the figure beside a barely alert Dacia was still knocked, he felt the satisfaction in knowing that his friend knew how to handle herself.  If Dacia did not want someone to wake up after a fight with her, then she knew damn well how to ensure that whoever her foe was should not wake up easily again.
 Taking the unconscious cargo into his arms and as Jyn was fond of pointing out, melted back into the shadows. Hitching the bundle further up in his arms, Cassian took a delicate sniff of the bundle in his arms. Screwing up his nose in distaste when he realised that the bundle smelled awful.  He would have to make sure that he could shower the man before Dacia began to speak to him.
 Cassian wondered whether or not Dacia would want the creature to know about the existence of both Cassian and Jyn.  So far, he knew that the creature had only seen Dacia, that might put them into a position of power.  Dacia could occasionally be cautious; if the woman wanted to keep all the cards and the ball firmly in her court, she might want to protect her two friends.  It looked like it would prove to be even more likely when he reminisced that Dacia could sometimes strike with an over-abundance of caution for her friends.  He wondered if Dacia knew how frustrating it was for a spy and a woman who was used to holding her safety in the palm of her hand, to be wrapped in bubble wrap?
 Something told him that Dacia was not aware, because for not all she wanted was to keep her friends safe, normally a practice that Cassian would approve of, but when it chafed at him with the restrictions he had had enough. Cassian could not claim to be completely sure, but he felt certain that Jyn felt the same way, to them it did not matter a great deal that it was done from a place of love, it still restricted their movements.  For now, though, Cassian was ready to take some movements for himself, he told himself that Dacia would not be too pissed off with him for taking the initiative.  Especially he gingerly thought, that this creature smelt quite so bad, it might make him smirk to think of it, but he was not interested in gassing Dacia while she tried to find some answers.  Ugh, the woman would no doubt thank him for ensuring that the being she was attempting to wring some answers from was not an affront to her nostrils.
 Satisfied that the woman would no doubt thank him, he nodded briefly to himself and altered his footsteps.  Making his way into the small medical lab, he eyed the creature and placed them delicately on the small cot bed before sealing the tube. Standing in front of the control panel, Cassian eyed it with some distaste.  Normally he would not want to perform this act, cleaning without water, but he was unsure what capabilities the creatures had.  He told himself that even Jyn frequently looked like a powerless and vulnerable person when she was asleep, there was no reason to suspect that this creature had been completely upfront with them.
 Shaking his head and deciding that he would rather not risk it, Cassian turned on the handy washer feature.  With some interest he cast an eye over the tube, watching as the small robots came out and got to work.  He may have watched this sight before, namely the robots beginning to clean without water or soap, he found it to be a distasteful occurrence.  Cassian may have been born in the far stars, running for his life constantly with the hope of gleaning just a tiny bit of information.  You could never get him to lie and say that water was not brilliant.
 He might struggle to find enough water when the girls were travelling, the frustrations of this Century meant that he would have to be incredibly careful how he filled up this spaceship with water.  For too long he had almost run the spaceship dry, only filling up halfway, unable to justify taking so much water without opening himself up for further questions.  As such, he and his friends had gotten used to rationing the water supply, following the old rules like ‘if it’s brown flush it down, if it’s yellow let it mellow’ wash your hair only when the itching gets unbearable.  More than anything else Cassian missed the times when he could simply luxuriate in a shower, scrubbing at his skin until his muscles screamed out for mercy.
 He missed being able to feel like he was once again clean, he missed being able to stand in the shower for hours and slowly clean.  It might seem a bit girly, but he took great delight in this Universe in stocking up on shower gels and bath bombs, to someone who even at home had been unable ever to feel completely clean it had seemed like a great luxury.  Cassian had loved when Dacia had been attending Culver University in Virginia; there he had been able to get longer showers.
 When Dacia had confessed to Jane who they were, he had been able to spend hours under the hot water, his skin going wrinkly in a desire to feel clean.  Jyn had been much the same; he guessed that possibly because the woman had spent so much time either in prisons or running from prisons, she shared a great love for showers.
 When a small beeping noise shook him from his heavy thoughts, he shook his head and refocused his attention on the small tube in front of him.  Upon seeing that the small robots had completed their tasks, he smirked to himself and pressed another button. Watching in some amusement as a small puff of air caressed the creature, Cassian felt that he had to wonder whether or not Dacia would find some amusement from his actions.  He hoped that when she smelt the fresh lemon scent in the interview room, she would find a small reason to smile.  Cassian was aware that his friend liked to surround herself with the scent of lemons in times of turmoil.  Hopefully, through doing this, the woman would be able to find a small amount of comfort (or even wry bemusement) when she caught a whiff of the creature.  
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konekochugirl-blog · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Lost Girl - Chapter Seven
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Chapter Six Chapter Five Chapter Four Chapter Three Chapter Two Chapter One Prologue 
Harry Potter and the Lost Girl Chapter Seven – The First Task By: Konekochu
It was Tuesday, the day of the first task. Alexa was walking down to the Great Hall from the secret room she had found. Being careful not to run into anyone as she didn’t want it discovered where she had been sleeping at night and be forced back on the ship. It had proven difficult to maneuver around unnoticed as the castle was a buzz with students from all three schools excited about the first task after lunch. She was nervous and excited about it as well, she didn’t know how she was going to compose herself while in Charms and Transfiguration that morning. She got through breakfast with small talk with some of the other students from her school on what the first task would entail. She not once let on that she actually knew that the first task involved dragons. Time that day was definitely going all wibbly wobbly as it seemed as though as soon as she was getting up to go to her first class she was sitting down eating lunch with Krum.
“Getting nervous yet?” Alexa asked Krum while playfully jabbing him in the side with her elbow when they finished up eating. Krum gave her a grim look, he was nervous but trying hard not to show it in front of the others. “I need to get down to the grounds now.” Krum said standing up, Alexa got up with him and gave him an encouraging smile. “I’ll walk with you.” Alexa offered Krum hesitated and nodded. “Lets go.” he replied. As they walked over to the doors of the great hall the weight of everyone watching them leave could be felt. Alexa knew they weren’t necessarily starting at her but at Krum but she couldn’t help feeling very exposed and uncomfortable in that moment. Alexa noticed Harry and the others sitting at their table as they passed by.  She couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him as he looked pale and quite nervous, she wondered if he had any clue about what he will face in the first task.   Harry looked up as she was about to look away and their eyes met for a brief moment. Alexa swallowed hard and nodded politely in his direction before walking with Krum out the door. Between the Great Hall and the grounds Krum was stopped quite a few times by fellow students to wish him luck and shot a few glares at her. When they got onto the grounds they finally got a chance to speak again. The wind was chilly, Alexa shivered and pulled her robes more tightly around her. “Have you considered the Conjunctivitus curse?” Alexa asked Krum who looked over to her and nodded.
“Yes, that is one of the options that the Highmaster and I have discussed.” Krum replied. Alexa’s body tensed involuntarily at the mention of Karkaroff. They reached the Champion’s tent beside the Quidditch pitch and walked inside so far only the Beauxbatons champion and their headmistress were there whispering quietly to each other in a far corner.  It wasn’t too long after that did that the Hogwarts champions showed up.  Alexa helped Krum into his first task robes and as she slid the robe over his shoulders Alexa was jerked back. She looked over her shoulder in terror as she noticed that Karkaroff had grabbed her hard by the shoulder.
“So this is where my little mouse has been hiding. You have been a very naughty little girl.” Karkaroff growled into Alexa’s ear. Krum not going to allow any more mistreatment of his friend stepped forward and pulled her back. He was about to talk back at the high master when there was blight flash and the sound of a camera going off. Which made them all turn around and notice Hermione had snuck into see Harry and they had been hugging. The flash had been from Rita Skeeter’s camera man taking a picture of the two of them.
“Young Love...” Rita started as she came strutting into the champion’s tent. “How… Stirring.” she continued while in thought then looked at Harry and Hermione. “If everything goes unfortunate, you may even make the front page.” said Rita. Krum pushed passes Karkaroff and gently pulled Alexa along over to to Rita. “You have no business here!” He stated firmly. “This tent is for Champions and friends!” Krum glared at her intimidatingly. Alexa looked up at him and held onto his arm in comfortingly, though she wasn’t sure if it was to comfort herself or him. She looked over Karkaroff who was glaring daggers at her before making his way over to the officials who were slowly making their way into the tent. Rita looked over Krum making note of the slight jealousy in his voice and that Alexa was holding onto his arm. Alexa turned her attention back to Rita and scowled at her. Diggory had also wondered over to see what was going on and looked like he would interject if need be.
“No matter… We got what what we wanted.” Rita said to Krum while her quick quotes quill feather flicked his cheek. She also shot a wink at Alexa. There was one last flash of the camera of the group of them before she and the camera man strutted off out of the tent. It was then when Dumbledore and the other officials and headmasters wondered over. “Good day champions!” Dumbledore greeted the champions. “Gather round please if you will!” he said point to the space around him and so they gathered around him. “You have waited and wondered and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only four of you will fully appreciate...” It was then he noticed that Hermione and Alexa were in the tent. “What are you two, Miss Granger, Miss… Karkaroff doing here?” He asked quickly.
“Oh! Just.. Leaving.” Said Hermione as she ducked out of the tent quickly to get out of the way. Alexa quckily let go of Krum’s arm and went to follow Hermione out. “Me too, sir.” Alexa said quickly making her way out. She was briefly stopped by Karkaroff. “You wait outside that tent girl if you know what’s good for you!” he whispered harshly in her ear as she passed. She went red and the face and clenched her fists in anger and left the tent. Once outside she stood there for a moment she looked around and saw Hermione making her way up into the stands. She  had two choices, to do as she was told or to not do as she was told. She wasn’t. The moment her mind was made up she was running up into the stands, she wanted to get as mixed in with the crowd as possible. She managed to get herself up near twin boys who looked about a year older then her asking people to place bets on the out come. It was when she got up close she realized she recognized them as the boys who tried to get passed the age line with an aging potion.
“Hey! I’d like to take a bet – I’d like to make a bet on the first task ending in a tie.” Alexa said waving over at them getting their attention. The pair had huge grins on their faces. Alexa handed them the gold she was placing down for her bet. “Ooo, what is your guess on the tie going to be?” One asked looking from Alexa to his brother.
“Durmstrang and Hogwarts tied for first in the first task.” Alexa said.
“That is a good wager, but which Hogwarts champion?” replied the other twin. “I’m Fred Weasley and this ugly bloke is George.” Fred introducing himself and his brother to Alexa to which she smiled. “Potter, I’ll bet on the underdog surprising everyone tie for first place with Krum. I’m Alexa... nice to meet you!” Alexa replied. She had decided in that moment that she wasn’t going to mention her last name anymore unless she had to. The twins looked at each other in surprise and smiled.
“Well that’s curious bet.” they twins said in unison closing their bet collection bin.
“Are you sure that’s the bet you want to place?” George asked Alexa. “Are you sure you’re not just going to bet for Krum?” Fred then asked leaning over and placing an arm on George’s shoulder. Alexa smirked and playfully put her hands on her hips.
“Yes.” She said confidently. “I have a knack for these things.” Just then the crowd started cheering after a cannon went off. Alexa turned to look towards the arena and Cedric Diggory could be seen coming out from the champion tent. She then quickly looked over where the staff were coming out of the tent. It was very clear that Karkaroff was not happy that she didn’t wait like she was told to. Alexa ducked down quickly as he turned to look in her direction which didn’t go unnoticed by the twins and without missing a beat helped conceal her from the Durmstrang Highmaster. She looked up at them in genuine appreciation mouthing the words ‘thank you’ and in reply they winked which made her blush. When the coast was clear the twins motioned her up by which point Cedric had been battling the dragon for about 5 minutes. He wasn’t doing too bad, he was holding his own. Some of his ideas to get pass the dragon were pretty good, she acknowledged.
“Someone been a naughty girl?” The twins asked Alexa in unison smiling at her. Alexa gave them a sheepish grin then looked back at Cedric who just got knocked back by the dragon.
“Clever move – pity it didn’t work!” Bagman could be heard commenting.
“You can say that, I’m trying so hard to stay out of trouble, but trouble has its way of getting me in trouble.” Alexa said darkly. “I don’t know what to do, I’m in trouble to matter what. There is always something.” Alexa wrapped her arms around herself while watching the events going on in the area. “We understand you a little on that one, we’re always getting into trouble.” Said Fred. “We must spend more time in detention than not.” Finished George. The twins moved so they were each standing on either side of Alexa. She shot a playful look over at George. “I can sort of see why… Aging potions and gambling…” Alexa said pointing to the collection bin. “Oh, you have seen nothing yet...” said Fred. The twins laughed, Cedric then managed to transfigure a boulder into a Labrador dog which successfully got the attention of the dragon giving him the time he needed to grab the golden egg. Just then the crowed burst into cheers as Cedric got the golden egg from the dragon. After the judges gave their scores he left the enclosure. The judges spoke briefly and then showed their scores which added to 38 points. A few minutes later the cannon blasted again and Fleur Delacour emerged from the tent. Alexa rolled her eyes as she saw that the Beauxbaton’s champion was trembling and clutching her wand. Alexa looked at the twins beside her. “I don’t doubt it, I will certainly need to get to know you two better.” Alexa said laughing a little. The twins playfully jabbed her in the arms with their elbows. They continued to watch as Fleur eventually managed to charm her dragon into a trance. Alexa couldn’t help but laugh when the dragon started to snore and flames came out of the dragon’s mouth setting her robes on fire. She got her golden egg at least. Alexa’s attention got claimed by the Dragon keepers when they showed their scored and missed what she got. Judging by some people’s reactions it wasn’t a high one. Alexa stood straighter up the next champion would either be Krum or Potter coming out of the tent next. There was another cannon blast.
“And here come Mr. Krum.” cried Mr. Bagman as Krum came slouching out. When he was in full view of everyone he put his fist up in the air making everyone cheer harder.  The Chinese Fireball emerged and crouched over her egg staring intensely at Krum. He lifted his wand and shot a spell at the dragon which made the dragon emit a horrible roaring shriek and everyone gasped.
“Oh, wow he actually used it.” Alexa thought out loud. “Kinda feel bad for the Dragon though...” She continued looking at the dragon sympathetically.  The twins looked at her curiously. “Oh, he used the Conjunctivitus Curse. It causes irritation in the target's eyes and causing them to swell shut. It’s very annoying and painful.” The twins made a pained expressions on their faces. “Ouch!” the boys said together, Alexa nodded in agreement. “Very Daring!” Bagman yelled as Krum was maneuvering around the thrashing dragon. The Chinese Fireball blasted fire towards Krum in fury but missed him as he ducked to the side. There was a definite crush as the dragon accidentally crushed a few of her eggs. Krum lunged for the eggs and grabbed the golden one before it also got crushed. “That’s some nerve he’s showing- and – yes, he’s got the egg!” Applause burst from the crowd.  Alexa then took a moment to look around the arena and who was around her. She was mostly surrounded by Hogwarts students and a bunch of Harry’s friends in the row below where she stood with Fred and George. On the opposite side of the circle enclosure she saw the section where the officials and teachers were sitting. She saw Karkaroff who was whispering back and forth in what looked like an augmentative manor with some of the officials. Must be cause they knocked some points from Krum due to the smashed eggs. Alexa thought to herself. If he had noticed her at any point she didn’t know. Everyone drew quiet as Dumbledore and the other officials stood up and relieved their scores it all added up to 40 points. The highest score so far.
“Three of the Champions have now faced their dragons and will now proceed to the next task. Now our fourth and final contestant. Harry Potter” Dumbledore announced as the final canon blast went off. Everyone watched the entrance of the arena intently as Harry made his way out of the tent and into the enclosure, he tried to make a quick grabbed for the egg but the Hungarian Horn-Tail emerged quickly from where it was hiding behind a pile of boulders. It was quick to start thrashing it’s tail at Harry sending dodging it about trying to avoid it. “YOUR WAND HARRY, YOUR WAND!” Alexa heard Hermione shout from the row below hers. “Accio Firebolt” Harry said which wasn’t heard by many by the cheering. It was several intense moments waiting to see if his summoning charm had works as he tried to avoid getting hit by the dragon’s tail and the blasts of fire from the dragon.  The broom flew over and Harry jumped on it flying up into the air. The crowd gasped with shock and fear as the dragon broke free of the chain around it’s neck keeping it in the enclosure.
“Well, I don’t think that was supposed to happen…” George said in surprise, Fred laughed nervously.
“Makes for a better show at least?” Alexa replied a little uneasy as well. They watched as the dragon and Harry flew around in circles around the arena before Harry shot flying in the direction of the officials section. Where the dragon proceeded to smash through it with it’s horned tail making several of the professors jump out of the way and fall over. Several students especially Fred and George burst out laughing at this and she couldn’t help but laugh as well due to the look of terror on Karkaroff’s face.
“Woohoo! Well done Dragon!” The twins cheered. Harry was dodging the dragon and skillfully flying around impressing the officials, he was impressing her. Almost, as good as Krum… Alexa thought. “Great Scott, He can fly! Are you watching this Krum?” Yelled Mr. Bagman. Alexa shot a look in Bagman’s direction not that he could see her. Harry dove down and managed to avoid another blast of fire from the dragon but then got knocked in the shoulder by the dragon’s tail and was nearly knocked off his broom. A few more spectacular maneuvers to confuse the dragon and finally he managed to dive down and grab his golden egg. The crowd burst out cheering the loudest it had yet. “Look at that!” Bagman yelled “Our youngest champion was the quickest to get his egg! That’s going to go in his favor!” Harry left the enclosure as the dragon keepers emerged and subdued the Horntail. She noticed then Hermione and Ron made their way through the stands and back down towards the Champion tent, off to meet up with Harry she assumed. Alexa looked over at the judges expectantly as they announced their score’s on Harry’s performance… 40 points! Alexa gasped and her hands shot up to cover her mouth.
“Bloody Hell!” She yelled behind her hands. Krum and Potter actually tied for first place. Fred and George were in shock as well as none of them really actually think that was going to happen.   “Wow, ‘Lex looks like you take the pot… You were the only one to bet that outcome.” Fred said. George handed her her winnings. Who looked at it shocked it was more than she was expecting, she also had no idea what she was going to do with it as she has never had any gold of her own to spend before. Let alone allowed to go shopping for anything other then her school robes which she needed to be measured for. Her face turned sad one at that thought.
“What do you think you will do with your knew found fortune?” George joked.
“Buy my freedom?” Alexa joked. “I’m probably just going to keep it aside till the need arises for it. I know boring. Haha.” With the task over everyone started to make their way back to the castle for some free time and dinner.  Alexa walked back to the castle with Fred and George who kept pitching fun and silly ideas on what she should spend her winnings on. A few of them she found quite tempting. Every few minutes or so she couldn’t help looking over her shoulder. Afraid of Karkaroff catching up to her. She didn’t like the fact she felts as if someone was watching her. No one was paying any particular attention to her as far as she could tell. She was being paranoid, she kept telling herself. She wouldn’t let herself completely dismiss the feeling, if her life up till this point has taught her, it’s if something feels wrong it, something is usually up. “Well, it was nice to meet you ‘Lex!” George said as they got into the castle Alexa smiled. “Yeah, it was very nice to meet you, we should hang out again. Now though we need to go be sneaky” Fred continued. “Don’t get caught!” Alexa said giggling. The twins feigned innocence. “That would ruin Harry’s surprise party, so that’s can’t happen!” Laughed George. They made a dramatic bow and then headed off towards the kitchens. Alexa then began her own sneaky journey through the castle to her secret room.
Harry, Ron and Hermione went up to the Owlery that evening to update Sirius on what happened during the first task. Harry and Ron managed to make up from their brief falling out over Harry getting picked as a Champion. Harry also filled them in on the conversation that he had with Sirius about Karkaroff.
“Fits, doesn’t it” Ron said. “What Malfoy was saying on the train, about his dad being friends with Karkaroff? Now we know where they knew each other. Bet they were among the masked men at the World Cup burning everything down and tormenting the muggles. I bet Karkaroff feels stupid right now if he was the one who put your name in the cup. I hope the other two tasks are not as dangerous as this first one was.” Ron went on as he tied Harry’s letting to his owl’s leg and sent him on his way through the window. “I reckon you could win this Tournament, I’m serious!” Harry smiled he was happy to have his friend back he missed him. He knew he was saying most of what he was to make him feel better, it was kinda working.
“Though Harry, that brings up another thing.” Hermione started. Harry and Ron turned to look at her. “Alexa Karkaroff, the Durmstrang girl we spoke to a few times. She’s Karkaroff’s niece. We are going to need to be weary of her in case she is in on it. She was with Malfoy alone at The Three Broom sticks as you know Harry. She could be just as bad as him.” she expressed. Harry thought for a moment going through his encounters with her in his mind. “I guess. Sirius was going to look into her cause as far as he knew Karkaroff doesn’t have a niece.” Harry said thinking. Ron gave Harry a weird and Hermione also looked puzzled. “I guess the next thing we do while we wait for Sirius to get back to us is obvious.” Ron expressed. The other two looked at him confused. “Take matters into our own hands?” Ron finished not as confidently as he started. Harry and Hermione laughed. “I guess it couldn’t hurt to see what we can find out on our own. There may be some information from old copies of the daily prophet in the Library. Though we need to make preparing for the second task first priority.” Hermione thought out loud and expressed. “Sounds reasonable to me.” Harry replied. The trio watched as Ron’s owl disappeared into the darkness as it flew away. Ron then suddenly grabbed Harry and Hermione by their arms pulling them towards the door heading back to the castle.
“Come on, Fred and George have probably stolen enough food from the kitchens by now. Time for your First Task after party!” Harry went wide eyed and stopped just outside the door. “Wait, what?!” Harry said in shock. Ron rolled his eye and pulled him to hurry up. “If you didn’t think we weren’t going to celebrate your survival of you near brush with death you are bonkers.” Ron answered Harry rolled his eyes back at Ron. They were most of the way back to the castle when they noticed Karkaroff wandering around looking pretty annoyed.
“Where the bloody hell does that worthless girl keep disappearing to?!” they heard him mutter to himself. He suddenly stopped and started looking around as if he felt them looking at him. They managed to duck behind some bushes. He started rubbing is lower left arm before continuing on into the castle. The trio looked at each other and waited a few minutes then Hermione started off.
“Come on you two, the coast is clear.” Hermione called from a few paces a head of the other two. They  made their way back into the castle without anymore weird encounters and they all agreed that what the saw was indeed strange. Sure enough when they got back to the Gryffindor common room it was decorated and filled with food. Everyone burst out cheering and clapping for Harry as he walked into main area. He couldn’t help but to be touched by everyone’s kindness. He also blushed a bit from the bit of embarrassment of the situation. After filling up on food and joking around about the task did people start demanding Harry open the egg. So he did, a horrible noise emitted from the core of the egg which was painful to the ears.
“Shut it!” Fred bellowed. Harry quickly obliged and shut the egg as fast as he could.
“What the bloody hell was that?” George asked. “Kinda sounded like a banshee, maybe that’s what you face?” “It sounded more like someone being tortured” a white faced Neville expressed. “Maybe you have to fight the Cruciatus Curse!”
“Don’t be a prat, Neville, that’s illegal,” said Fred. “They wouldn’t use it on the Champions. I thought it sounded a bit like Percy’s singing… maybe you’ve got to attack him while he’s in the shower, Harry.” They all burst out laughing at the thought.
“That task may be a little too deadly for students to contend with.” Harry jokingly replied making the others laugh harder. “We just might fall down dead the moment he starts to sing.” “Oh! Harry, you are never going to guess who ended up winning the all the gold from the bets that were being made on the outcome.” Fred said leaning over to Harry slightly. “It was kinda brilliant, she was the only one to bet you and Krum would tie for first.” Harry stared at the twins in brief disbelief. “You guys were taking bets on the outcome of the task?” Harry asked. “Never mind, who was it?” Harry decided not to be bothered by the twins taking bets as it was something that they would do and if he thought about it, he was okay with that. “A Durmstrang girl, named Alexa.” George answered. Harry, Ron and Hermione stared at the twins in disbelief before looking at each other thoughtfully. “That certainly is strange.” replied Harry. They celebrated until quite late before they all slowly began to turn into bed. There were still classes to be held the next day. Harry climbed into bed and he lay there staring at the ceiling. Ron had fallen asleep as fast as his head hit the pillow and was already snoring way. He couldn’t help but wonder what was going on, he couldn’t keep that girl off his mind. There was something familiar about her but he couldn’t put his finger on why. It bothered him. He wanted to follow the plan to avoid her till he knew more but his curiosity was killing him now. He knew he was going to have to speak to her again sometime soon.
End of Chapter.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story so far, it will get better, I promise. ;)
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jestbee · 7 years
Ships that pass in the night (Chapter Fourteen)
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rhegar · 7 years
Dearly Beloved, Chapter 6
Fic Summary: Elia Martell passes away after giving birth to Aegon from complications. Rhaegar Targaryen, now widowed, realizes how fatal his mistakes were to his family.
Chapter Summary: Rhaegar judges Doran’s gift and travels to King’s Landing to deal with his father, while his relationship with Arthur is blossoming.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: TW for rape
This is Chapter six. Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 or Read on Ao3 here
If I were a real dragon that breathed fire and feasted on the cooked flesh of its enemies, Rhaegar thought, he wouldn't have been so scared of me.
Lord Varys was huddled on the floor, dirty and stinking and afraid, his clothes and gag were soiled, and his hands were bound behind his back with a rope so right it must have chafed his wrists. All of this gave Rhaegar as much joy as he had felt since Elia's death.
"Sit him down," he said in a tone so cold it surprised him. "Don't unbind him."
The mute man grabbed the eunuch by the wrists and pulled him, so that he could seat himself. He did. Behind Rhaegar, Arthur was moving nervously. His knight then moved and stood between him and Varys, not blocking either from the other's sight, but still close enough to intervene should the little man try to hurt Rhaegar, who was almost twice as tall as him, and a knight with his sword and dagger hung on his belt. Oh, Arthur, he thought, you worry too much. He watched and almost chuckled when Arthur put his hand on Dawn's pommel. Then his eyes went back to the pathetic-looking master of whisperers.
"You know, lord Varys… in your own way, you command respect. Or used to. Whispers about how you're a eunuch or how you're a foreigner who should have no place on the king's small council… you heard them all, did you not? And you cared none. Neither do I. I think you did an excellent job as a master of whisperers."
The prince of Dragonstone was pacing up and down the space between the map table and the balcony. He stopped and smiled at Varys. "An excellent job. You succeeded at keeping a madman on a throne he doesn't deserve for far longer than he should sit it. He threatened to kill my mother, did you know that? He threatened to kill his own queen, his own sister. A kinslayer on the Iron Throne. But how silly of me, of course you know. You were the one telling him that Prince Doran and I were planning to depose him, after all. Why?"
The man looked at him silently in horror. "Why did you help him plant a man at the Water Gardens to murder my children? Why did you tell him about the great council at Harrenhal?" Rhaegar looked to the mute man. "Ungag him. Let us hear an answer to that." He knew that there were none that could convince him.
When the dirty gag was off Varys' mouth, Rhaegar heard him take a big gulp of air into it. He's going to keep breathing through his mouth to avoid his own stench, I wager.
"Your father's rule is the lawful rule, your grace," Varys said in a voice that he was trying to keep stable. "I did what was my duty to protect the lawful king from attempts of usurping. I did it for the realm."
"The realm?" Rhaegar said, and snickered. "Yes, I'm sure the realm would prosper under my father. After he was done raping his wife, burning lords, killing his own grandchildren and sending his own son to the wall where he would be forbidden from furthering the Targaryen line, thus thinning our blood more and more and opening the gates to a civil war and a destabilized realm should any ill befall my brother and he is unable to obtain any more heirs. It is a barrel of wildfire waiting for some idiot to light a candle under it. And you know who would have lit the candle? You. Telling my father that this lord or that is conspiring against him, all lies to further your own power and influence over him, of course. He burns the wrong lord, and we have a rebellion on hand. You would have happily set this realm you claim to care for on fire, Lord Varys. My own country that I'm set to inherit, that I was born in and lived my entire life wanting to protect, which you claim to love so much and try to protect from me by protecting the rule of my dangerous father. No, Lord Varys, you were not doing it for this realm or any that I care for. Pray, my lord… why should I keep you alive?"
A mad look flashed in the eunuch's eyes, and then a look of horror so pitiful it almost made Rhaegar feel mercy. "Your grace, I was wrong. Your father is no longer fit to rule. He is too dangerous, he almost killed his own family. I proclaim you King Rhaegar the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men and the Rhoynar, Lord of all Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. I will give you information, valuable information. I will serve you better than I have served your father. I will serve the realm well and right, this time."
Rhaegar laughed. "And on what grounds have you changed your mind, Lord Varys? Because I have you? You have known for as long as you have serviced my lord father what he is like, what I am like, and what you should have done. They say you know everything, after all. And yet it has been only days since you and him tried to murder my own children. I have just received the news, did you know that? Surely not, you were tied up in a box, far from the reach of your little birds. So, you see… you're unlucky, you have arrived at my presence in a time when I'm not in the mood for mercy. I'm sorry, my lord… but whoever it is you serve or plan to serve is only yourself. And, I simply don't trust you."
The look of fright on Varys' face worsened, but this time, it inspired no mercy. Rhaegar knew that his body had been tense for a long while; prepared to do what he had to do, like a cat prepared for a leap. In a second, he had unsheathed his dagger, crossed the room, and slit the eunuch's throat.
That night, when Arthur entered Rhaegar's room, the prince proved that the events from earlier that day had affected him more than he thought they would.
He did not even say a word before grabbing the knight by the neck and kissing him. His body was in a feverish state, so nervous and shaky that he had sometimes touched Arthur too harshly, and sometimes too feebly. When they had taken their clothes off, he had almost torn every piece that he touched. His heart was still beating like a drum and his hands were still shaking.
When they were done, all that was left in him was sadness. He looked at Arthur's golden skin as it shone under the moonlight with sweat. It was lighter than Elia's, but darker than his. His fingers brushed the dark hairs on Arthur's chest absent-mindedly.
"That was my first kill. First time I killed someone was not as a knight, but as an executioner. Not a fierce warrior in battle that I killed, but an unarmed and tied up little man so weak and pathetic you could almost feel sorry for him," his voice sounded sad even to him.
He remembered what had happened after he had killed Varys. Cold sweat had covered him, and his voice, which used to be confident and menacing, was weak and shaking when he ordered his guards to take the body away and burn it out of sight. He had felt the breakfast that he had had on the ship rise to his throat, and kept it down with difficulty.
Arthur looked at him in sympathy. "You should have ordered me to do it," he said. "I have killed people before, I wouldn't have minded. He deserved it."
Rhaegar recoiled at the idea. "No. You are Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. You are not an executioner, you are a knight, and I value your honor above mine. I am going to become king, I have to get accustomed to doing dirty work for my reign."
Arthur sighed. "Speaking of your reign… when are we sailing to King's Landing?"
Rhaegar answered the question with another. "Has the message that we talked about been sent to Oswell?"
"Yes," Arthur replied.
Rhaegar answered him with a sad smile. "Then, I hope you have not yet unpacked. In the morning, we sail. I have to ensure that I submit to him before he harms my mother. I don't know how he would react to Varys' disappearance. Surely he doesn't know who's behind it, still… a madman does what he does and you can't predict it."
"Then," Arthur replied, "You will need every instant of sleep you can get, your grace," he said and his hand brushed Rhaegar's hair, then he got closer to him and kissed him, a kiss so soft he felt his heart beat a bit slower. "I love you, my prince."
The prince's knuckles brushes under Arthur's chin and felt the light stubble there scratch his skin, ever so lightly. "I love you too, my knight."
Arthur was still in bed when Rhaegar woke, and the sun had barely risen.
The prince donned his black cape, black breeches and dark grey tonic and surcoat with a three-headed dragon embroidered on it with garnets and cloth of silver. When he looked at his mirror, he noticed pale stubble had grown above his mouth and on his chin again. Good, he told himself. Let it grow into a beard and mustache, like Ser Barristan's.
In the past months, the prince had grown nigh on unrecognizable. He had remembered to shave less and less. His luscious silver hair was cropped short in the same fashion as Arthur's brown hair. Where he had always been tall and lithe but lean, he had now dropped considerable weight and the bones on his face had become more prominent, and he had now become willowy and his muscles had almost disappeared. When he looked at Arthur's perfect form on the bed, he felt embarrassed that he had forgotten to train and eat well. I will, once this is over. I still have to be a warrior; I still have to protect my children and my mother and brother. I can't only count on the Kingsguard to do so. They have not protected my mother from him.
But how different he had become from his old self was going to be something he would use to his advantage.
When Rhaegar finally made it to the raven tower, he had with him a quill, ink and paper. He sat down at the maester's table and wrote.
"Dear mother,
I have only a day ago made it to Tarth where I am a guest of Lord Selwyn for days because of troubles at sea. The winds were not our friend, and I am very late. I hope no harm has come to you because of my tardiness. I have obeyed my lord father's order to sail within the week of his letter, and sailed within days, as I'm sure Lord Varys has informed him.
I expect to see you in fourteen days, twenty if I'm unlucky. Until then, tell father not to harm you, for I am coming to do what he asked of me. Lord Varys will assure father that I have been obedient and discreet and that I have sailed as soon as I could. I hope the gods forgive him his slights and misjudgments of me, and I hope that you and my dear little brother will be safe and happy.
Your loving son, Rhaegar"
He was not foolish enough to think that his mother will be the one this letter would be delivered to. He wanted his father to think that he would arrive days later than he actually would. He would have no way of knowing otherwise; the spider was dead and cremated. He tied the parchment to a King's Landing raven's leg, and watched it fly away west.
He took up another parchment, this one to Prince Doran, and wrote down a promise and an invitation. When he was done sending it, he descended the raven tower and went about to find the men that would sail with him.  
The Prince of Dragonstone hated King's Landing as much as he loved its smallfolk.
The city stank of fish and piss and horse manure (and all sorts of manure, in fact.) It was too noisy for him, and too stinky, and too crowded. The city watch had worked day and night to limit thievery, treachery, murder and rape, but he had no doubt that some of them partook in them, themselves. Atop Visenya's hill, stood the Sept of Baelor, and right under its nose, the alleys of the street of silk sprawled like serpents, and the street of a thousand whores mocked Baelor and his gods and their sept.
But Rhaegar reminded himself that, for centuries, House Targaryen had allowed the castle on Aegon's High Hill to be an even bigger mockery.
For centuries, House Targaryen had married brother to sister, snobbishly passing on useful alliances with the lords of Westeros. For centuries, one feeble king came after one foolish king after one mad king. The kings of Westeros had allowed their heirs their debaucheries and misdeeds and neglected to teach them what true kingship was, and the results were the likes of Aegon the Unworthy, Baelor the Blessed and Aerion Brightflame.
But Rhaegar intended to change that. From now on, House Targaryen will be what true kings should be.
When his ship landed in the port of King's Landing, it no longer bore the three-headed dragon mast. Instead of his luxurious ship, Rhaegar had taken an old ship that had just been repaired from the Targaryen fleet, smaller than the newer and faster ones. When he, Arthur and the men landed, they wore hooded robes and looked like monks. Beneath the robes, they all had their smallclothes, breeches, shirts and chainmail on. The robes were big enough to hide their weapon belts and their swords hung beneath them.
"Begging brothers," Rhaegar said to the city watchman guarding the port when he asked where they came from and their purpose. "From Maidenpool. Lord Mooton is a godly man, he gave us this ship so that we could come to King's Landing and preach."
The officer snickered. "To whom, the whores?"
Arthur smiled. "And the men who frequent them."
"I hope the lot of you have begged enough. A silver stag from each of you to enter the capital."
Rhaegar paid up in a pouch made of a dirty and rough cloth; perhaps the only that a begging brother could afford. The officer counted the coins and nodded. "Off you go," he said, and in seconds, Rhaegar and his men were out of sight.
It was only an hour before dusk, and the light of day was already beginning to thin. Hours separated them from the time they would enter the castle; hours they had to waste. In the crowded and stinky streets, the prince found himself desiring solitude, with only him and Arthur. He gave each of his loyal men two golden dragons to do with as they pleased. "Go," he said. "Preach to those whores, and be back in a timely manner at the place we discussed. But be discreet while you're at it. You never know what a whore does in her spare time." The men laughed and went about their business.
"And we," Arthur said, "What do we do?"
"We head to the market and hear the gossip. It will be telling."
The market was even more crowded and stunk worse. The merchants sought to sell the last bits for the day before the sun was fully down, and so they were louder and even more demanding. But what he and Arthur observed amidst them was telling.
One man whispered to his friend (quite loudly) that the city watch has been more aggressive since the eunuch disappeared, as King Aerys has been demanding more arrests and seeing traitors everywhere, and was offering gold for the head of his kidnapper. An old woman who sold fish and was chatting with her customer said angrily that more and more people have been being burned, including two guards and a maiden of Viserys who was accused of trying to murder him because she was seen chatting with a stranger. "The poor girl," the old woman said. "He was only her lover, I know the lad. He is not a traitor nor a murderer of princes, he cried all day when it happened."
Another conversation was between an old man selling fruits and a customer.
"Where is Rhaegar in all this?" The customer asked. "His father is…" the man turned left and right to ensure he wasn't being listened to by any gold cloaks, and only saw two begging brothers. "Well, the man is insane. If he can rule, then I can go around all of Westeros in one night."
"Do you think that if Rhaegar came from Dragonstone, he would be a better king than Aerys?" Arthur asked, entering the conversation.
"Why, of course," the merchant replied instead of his customer. "I have dealt with the prince when he was younger. He came to the market and bought apples for his men. When he paid me, he gave me three dragons too many. I once spoke to a septa who works at an orphanage, and she said he frequently gave her money for the babes too." Rhaegar could remember such instances, but not this man nor that septa in particular. "He looked so strong and fierce, like Aemon the Dragonknight must have looked. A true warrior king. He is generous and wise. He will keep us fed in the winter, if only he drags his arse out of Dragonstone."
"And have you not heard anything about him recently?" Rhaegar asked.
"I heard he parted to Dorne to deliver his wife's bones to the Martells, and they say he is sailing back north." the customer said. "Last we heard of him, he was still in mourning. But seven hells, grief can only last for so long, his father is about to set the whole country afire and dance and laugh like a madman. I heard he laughs bawdily when he burns those poor people. He is a madman, I tell you."
Soon after, Arthur advised, in a low voice, that they leave the market, since some of the smallfolk there seemed to have met Rhaegar before and could recognize him.
It was less than an hour before the time of meeting with the men at the designated spot of one secret entrance to the Red Keep, and so, the prince and his knight found the place, stood there and waited.
The spot was an alley near Rhaenys' Hill that was almost deserted, and a wooden door of a certain building there was that of a passageway to the inside of the Red Keep. Rhaegar and Arthur sat on the floor by the door's side like the beggars they were dressed as.
I have the smallfolk, he thought to himself. I have the lords of Westeros. I have more than half the kingsguard, and I have the spider's ashes. What do you have, father? And why am I still trembling?
He felt Arthur take his hand in reassurance, and only then did he notice that his hands had been balled into fists so hard that his nails had dug into his palms. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. Then their men showed up, and Arthur let go of his hand. They got up.
"Did you convert the whores into septas, lads?" Arthur asked, and the men laughed.
"I hope you have not blabbed." Rhaegar said. They all spoke all at the same time to confirm that they did not. Under the chainmail on his wrists, Rhaegar had hidden a slim key, he took it out and opened the wooden door.
"You still won't tell me how you acquired that?" Arthur asked.
"That's a story for another time," Rhaegar answered.
When the door opened, it revealed a small room with bare stone walls, with no furnishing anywhere. The pale light streaming in from the alleyway allowed them to see inside; a small patch darker than the rest of the floor was visible. Rhaegar entered the house and approached it, followed by Arthur. He knelt and felt the little patch with his hand until he felt it: a keyhole. He inserted that same key and spun it, and then slipped his fingers between the little door and the stony floor to raise it up. Before he jumped in, he gave the key to the nearest men to lock the door to the house. After he did, he looked around: It was a passage lined with candles on one of its walls. The ceiling was not very high; when he raised his hand, he could reach above the wooden door of the passage; it was built that way so that the door could be locked from the inside. Arthur jumped after him, and then came the rest of the men. When the last of them jumped in, Rhaegar ordered him to reach up and lock the door. He did, and passed the key to the prince.
The fourteen men walked for what seemed like little less than an hour. The passage twisted and turned; they sometimes had to climb up, or descend steep slopes. They would sometimes stop to pick their strength back, especially after climbs. And by the time they made it to the end, they had been covered in sweat and their hearts almost jumped out of their chests. That's when they saw more light.
Two men stood at the end of the passage with a torch, all in white and pale armor. One of them was plainly taller and broader, with black hair and stubble, and the other one was shorter, with golden hair and a face as soft as a maiden's.
"Brothers!" Arthur almost shouted at them. He ran and embraced Ser Oswell, laughing, and then shook the hand of young Jaime Lannister who looked at him like he was The Warrior himself. When the two knights recognized Rhaegar, whose stubble had grown into a beard and mustache (not as luscious as Ser Barristan's, but still very different from how soft his face used to be) and whose appearance had generally much changed, they knelt. Rhaegar took Oswell's hand and stood him up first, and they embraced. Then he took Jaime's hand and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Ser Jaime," he said. Jaime looked at him like… well, not as adoringly as he had looked at Arthur, but still with enough admiration. "Your grace, my king," the golden-headed boy said. His wide green eyes glimmered in the torchlight like a cat's.
"You are our king now," Oswell repeated. "The castle is yours, your grace. The guard are yours. Your father eased our task with how he treated the guard and servants after Varys disappeared. They have been waiting for you."
"Who in the castle isn't ours yet?" Rhaegar asked.
"All of the small council men who are here," Oswell replied. "Merryweather the hand, Velaryon, Staunton, Chelsted, Pycelle… The pyromancer too. And Barristan and Jon Darry."
Rhaegar was surprised. "We have Ser Gerold?"
"We do. I spoke to him."
"And who is with him in the throne room now?" Arthur asked.
"Barristan, of course, and Darry. Pycelle too. The pyromancer, and the Queen."
Rhaegar felt his heart skip at the word. Mother. "When it starts, you two are to take her to Maegor's holdfast. Keep her and Viserys in a room and shut the door, stay by their side at all times until I or Arthur come to you and say it's safe. Understood?"
Oswell nodded, and Jaime muttered "Yes, your grace."
"Good. Now, take me to my father. Let us put an end to this."
The passages of the Red Keep were better lit than that twisting secret passage that they had just come out of, of course, and much less steep.
"Your grace," he heard Jaime Lannister's voice from behind him while they walked. "Yes, Ser Jaime," Rhaegar answered him.
"I want you to know I… I wanted to stop the king from hurting her. Your lady mother. I heard her…" the boy choked on his words. Rhaegar's hands were balled into fists.
"There was nothing you could do, Jaime. No one could do anything to him. No one but me. It's my fault that he has been allowed to hurt people for so long. But, I'm here to put an end to it, now."
When they arrived at the throne room's gate, the guards posted outside turned their heads towards them, and only then, did they all remove their robes. The hood revealed Rhaegar's pale hair and the purple gleam of his eyes, and the robe revealed his clothing, embroidered with scales and garnets and three-headed dragons. Even with how much he had changed, there was no mistaking him. The guards knelt. "The castle is yours, my king," one of them said.
"Stand," he ordered them. "Open the gate."
In seconds, the guards were pulling the heavy wooden gate open for Rhaegar and his men.
The gaping eye sockets of dragons stared back at Rhaegar from where they were placed, adorning the walls. A crimson carpet stretched between Rhaegar and his father. The prince approached, his men close behind him.
As he was approaching, he got a better view of the audience in the room. The first to catch his eyes was his father. Atop the thorny chair and its steep stairs, the man sat, and had a look of fright on his face as bad as Varys' right before Rhaegar had slit his throat. A lock of his long her was hanging beside his face, matted and unwashed. The more details he caught of the man, the more he wanted to wretch. Pycelle looked like a fool, as he always did. By the look on his face, he had not yet recognized Rhaegar. The pyromancer stood farther from the throne and looked like a madman; afraid and ecstatic, both at once. Ser Barristan and Ser Jonothor stood right by the stairs, and they only looked surprised. But after he was done looking at them all…
Oh, how beautiful she was, and how hurt.
Queen Rhaella was seated in a chair beside the steps of the iron throne. When she recognized her son, she looked like she had been walking the deserts of Dorne for years and found a spring of cool water. Her eyes teared up, and she was smiling. Before anyone could prevent her, she yelled his name, and in a second, she had left her chair and they were in each other's arms.
"Mother…" he mumbled, and buried his face in her hair. He felt her cry in his arms. "It's over," he whispered. "He will never hurt you again. I promise on my life."
She did not speak, only cried. He had to pull her out of his arms; not because he wanted it, but because she could not be there when it started. He would not have her harmed. When he looked at her face, he noticed that she was emaciated, and had a faded bruise beneath her eye and a scratch on her neck. He felt a fire in his chest. His voice was so cold when he said, "Ser Oswell, Ser Jaime, escort the queen to the safe location that we discussed."
The two knights came to stand behind their queen, waiting to take her. But she was holding on to her son. "Rhae, don't. Don't let him hurt you."
"I won't. I promise. But you have to go. Keep Viserys and yourself safe. Go."
She stood and looked at him with tears still in her eyes. Rhaegar filled his voice with as much sweetness as he could and whispered, "By order of your king." She smiled a sad smile between her tears, picked up his hand to kiss it, and walked towards the door with the two knights behind her, her eyes still locked on him, even turning her neck to look at him until she left the room. Only then, did he turn his gaze to his father.
"You…" Aerys said with a shaky voice. "Whelp. You traitorous dog."
Rhaegar turned to Ser Barristan Selmy. "Ser Barristan," he said, and took a scroll out of his pocket. "Come and read this."
The old knight approached Rhaegar and took the scroll from him. He unscrolled it and began to read the letter that Aerys had sent to Rhaegar in Dorne. When it came to the part where Aerys had threatened to kill Rhaella, Ser Barristan stopped in shock for a second and continued reading.
When he was finished, Rhaegar said, "This man has threatened to kill his own queen, his own sister. After I left Dorne, I received news that he has also tried to kill my children, his own grandchildren. He is a madman and a kinslayer, but I am not. The castle is mine. I have the guards, over half of the kingsguard, and when the extent of his madness reached the lords of Westeros, they reached an agreement with me to establish a regency. As Lord Protector of the realm, I hereby command you to seize the king and transport him to a chamber in Maegor's holdfast, as far from the queen and Prince Viserys as possible, for he has proven a threat to their safety. Ser Barristan, Ser Jonothor, I command you to stand down."
Rhaegar could see that Jonothor had given up while Barristan was still torn. But in the time it took Barristan to sort his options, three of Rhaegar's men had climbed the steps and seized the king.
"Gently," Rhaegar ordered.
When Aerys was in front of him, the mad king started laughing. Laughing, like he was seeing a man burn. "It is too late, traitor," he said.
"Too late?"
"Where is Rossart? Don't you wonder?" his father asked between laughs.
Rossart? Rhaegar looked around him. The pyromancer was nowhere to be seen.
"While you were busy ordering the capture of your own father, Rossart left. The last loyal one. He has left to give my last order to the guild of pyromancers."
Rhaegar stood and stared at his father. "Oh, you thought you were going to come here, arrest me, and have an easy kingdom?" he had stopped laughing now, but was still grinning. "You will rule over ashes, and you will become ashes yourself. I am the dragon. The only true dragon, the last true dragon, and I will be reborn from the ashes, and you will perish. You and all those traitors will perish between the green tongues of wildfire within the hour, and this entire treacherous city too. The wildfire is under every house, every tavern, every brothel, even the Sept of Baelor and the Red Keep. I will watch all of you burn."
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piduai · 5 years
top 10 asoiaf relationships/dynamics?
never thought about it actually but i will now! i don’t have any ships besides daensa and they haven’t met in canon and i usually enjoy characters individually but let’s give it a shot.
1. sansa & lady, however short-lived that relationship was. “Lady,” he said, tasting the name. He had never paid much attention to the names the children had picked, but looking at her now, he knew that Sansa had chosen well. She was the smallest of the litter, the prettiest, the most gentle and trusting. She looked at him with bright golden eyes, and he ruffled her thick grey fur.”it is implied that all the stark children are wargs, and they have a special bond to their wolves. it’s especially obvious in bran and jon’s case because they’re the only povs with their wolves alive and nearby, but the strong bond between robb and grey wind and rickon and shaggydog suggests that, as well as the wolf dreams arya has while being half a world away from nymeria. sansa, though. her wolf, a literal part of her soul, was murdered. and that in what, the 4th or 5th chapter? sansa’s suffering started THAT early. i think that because lady was killed sansa’s abilities as a warg died with her, which singles her out from her own family. i’ve always found lady’s death the saddest in the whole story.
2. sansa & arya because i’m basic like this. grrm said that he created sansa specifically to be arya’s foil and them being the opposite of each other is brought up in the narrative a good couple of time, and who am i to say that it doesn’t work. arya is shown to be extremely extroverted, empathetic and brass, while sansa falls on the low empathy side and is rather introverted and introspective in her povs, besides her impeccable manners. when i read arya’s povs, i read about her story and surrounding. when i read sansa’s povs, i read about sansa. “when the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives”, ned tells arya, who is then obsessed with the idea of finding her “pack”, while sansa is left to tend to herself after ned’s decapitation, being resilient as a lone wolf and surviving. the times they think about each other in their povs are truly touching as well, “she wanted king’s landing to drown, but sansa was there”, “she dreamed that she had a daughter that looked a little like arya”, “a thousand years ago, she had known a girl who loved lemon cakes”. they sometimes remember each other with such melancholy.
3. sansa & cersei, “you are stronger than you seem. i expect you’ll survive a little humiliation. i did”“Once she had loved Prince Joffrey with all her heart, and admired and trusted her his mother, the queen. They had repaid that love and trust with her father’s head. Sansa would never make that mistake again.”“I ought to have shown her to the black cells as the daughter of a traitor, but instead I made her part of mine own household. She shared my hearth and hall, played with my own children. I fed her, dressed her, tried to make her a little less ignorant about the world, and how did she repay me for my kindness? She helped murder my son.”  i think cersei resents sansa from the very beginning even though she has made good use of her. she’s genuinely disgusted by her innocence and naivete, and i think she both sees her own younger self in her, which she hates, and competition - the book IS written by a man after all, and they always think that all women are at odds with each other. first of all she resents her based on the prophecy that has been consuming cersei since she was sansa’s age, and she hates sansa for being “younger and more beautiful” and the potential “to tear everything she holds dear and take her place”. then another reason is joffrey. cersei is bound to hate any prospective betrothal to her children, because she’s a narcissist and she thinks of her children as continuation of herself - and narcissists don’t take well at anyone trying to take away their narcissistic supply. then she’s also a narcissistic parent (it’s another thing from narcissism per se), and joffrey is her favorite child, so it’s natural that she would hate his bride-to-be. we don’t have any introspection into cersei’s mind when sansa was still betrothed to joffrey, but i wager she held the same distaste towards her that she holds against margaery in her actual povs.
sansa on the other hand, initially of course, loves cersei, adores cersei and is desperate for her approval and her company she considers the highest honor. of course later she grows a healthy fear and disgust towards cersei but their interactions, scarce as they are, are always a delight to read. i find it funny that sansa has been deeply traumatized by cersei’s actions, while cersei thinks that she’s done sansa nothing but good. the PERSPECTIVE of all of that is just hilarious.
4. cersei & margaery, i think it’s supposed to mirror the previous one but margaery is made of an ENTIRELY different cloth than sansa. unlike sansa she was clearly prepared to come into the nest of snakes that is king’s landing and was plainly trained for it, becoming a huge snake herself. margaery is fake through and through, reason for which i love her, and, unlike sansa, who doesn’t have any protection at court and is a war prisoner, is surrounded by her people so cersei can’t do her any harm. besides she’s the actual threat that cersei thinks as “younger and more beautiful” tho i think margaery will not have a kind fate. in the chapter where she’s imprisoned and cersei comes to visit her, margaery shows her true colors for the first and only time: “will you make me call my gaolers and have you dragged away, you vile, scheming, evil bitch?”.
cersei and margaery are both intelligent and cunning but in different ways and they can’t stand each other and it’s somehow delightful to follow.
5. cersei & jaime, it was actually the reason i started watching the show in 2013 and swiftly changed to the books, saw a meme on 9gag that was like “can have any woman in seven kingdoms - fucks his own sister” over a pic of jaime and i got curious. i generally find twincest boring and tasteless but it never fails to intrigue me. a couple of years ago there was a huge ass post with thousands of notes that highlighted some moments from the books and the op was like “besides the incestuous side, cersei and jaime are the healthiest romantic relationship in the story” and i laughed out LOUD because BOY was that person wrong. their relationship is of consuming each other, hating each other,hurting each other, loving each other, lying to each other, idolizing each other, demonizing each other. it’s as unhealthy and toxic as it can get.
6. tywin & all his children, it’s hilarious how he managed to fuck up all of his kids in entirely different ways. all three of them idolize him and demonize him simultaneously, and none of them he has ever loved, using them, lying to them, dismissing their existence as it goes. he’s obsessed with the reputation of his house but he’s utterly ruthless and neglectful towards his family, which cracks me up.
7. brienne and podrick, they’re both awkward yet underestimated teenagers who have no idea what to do with themselves. the sense of camaraderie and bonding they share based on this is funny. pod is the only man brienne has shown to trust throughout her journey, and was worried for him when they got abducted.
8. ramsay and theon, theon deserved all that came upon him and imo ramsay was merciful on him, if i was him i’d skin theon’s face and take out an eye just for sport.
9. jon connington and rhaegar, i have a soft spot for a character remaining faithful to their dead lover years and years later. everything connington does he does out of love for rhaegar, and i can respect that. actually this is the only aspect for the other jon for me as well, the way he thinks about ygritte now and then is somehow touching.
10. varys and littlefinger, i’m sure varys can read littlefinger for shit, and while littlefinger does have his info on varys i’m sure it doesn’t cover even a quarter. who is varys? where do his loyalties lie? what are his goals? with littlefinger every question has an answer, varys though… but the two of them, plus doran martell, are the main players in the game so it’s interesting how things go under the covers.
also dany & missandei! it’s really sweet
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