sliphater · 5 months
sloppy jackson
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321spongebolt · 2 months
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"Why does nobody love Spinel" meme by me. I can tell you why, Spinel. You planned on committing mass genocide! And for what? Pink abandoning you? That's still inexcusable!
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purpleowl666 · 4 months
If I see another post about ppl babyfying Azula/Zuko I'm going to loose it.
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selunite-emiri · 7 months
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I fucking hate this hat
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hcdonic · 1 year
the English don't deserve to have moorlands they don't deserve it
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timetobeaghost · 2 years
OMG, I finally looked and those people on twitter complaining about Byler being queerbait are just so fucking dumb. I wish a special reality for them in which Byler is not canon and no queer ship is ever canon again because they deserve being baited for being braindead idiots.
"No one would have taken Byler seriously if it wasn't for social media interns joking around" ... I'm fuming. Seriously, they don't deserve Byler or Stranger Things or anything.
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blackrefrigeration · 8 months
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This show is lame dawg. I jnow its gritdy and dark. its still rosemarybaby of Netflix and Marvel. I know the art is cool because the Artist roasted the op on Twitter go watch bojak horseman. moody derogatory
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man the recent chapters of JJK have fallen off such a steep cliff.
*explodes own brain* is such a lame Jojo-ass thing to happen in such a seemingly important fight. Two brain damaged idiots just fully hallucinating to each other.
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fruitsofhell · 1 year
Dumbest part of criticism of SU Future is when people say "Future is character assassination of Steven" and "The show trivializes/poorly represents mental illness" in the same breath. If you think a character whom has suffered immense interpersonal and physical trauma having breakdowns and snapping at people because of being triggered is mutually exclusive to a character being kind and empathetic, I don't think you have a right to speak on mental illness rep.
Seeing a character who is defined by kindness and compassion crack under that pressure of being there for everyone like that is crazy to see in a kids show. Personally I hadn't felt that seen by anything in a while, and it's just offensive as hell to me to say that a character acting traumatized in a way that isn't sad puppy dog eyes means they're mischaracterized or abusive now. That's half the point of Future that Steven didn't know how to express his problems within his role as precious angel.
He wasn't mischaracterized, he was recontextualized. It's like people can accept "this mean character was once nice but changed cause trauma", or "sweet character is now depressed cause trauma", but the reality that someone youre familiar with can change dramatically due to trauma - acting angry and abrasive instead of sad and demure - is blasphemous somehow.
Double points if they then say the gems or Greg were dumbed down to make Steven look better. Like, My Brother In Christ, they are exhibiting the exact lack of awareness you are thinking it's impossible for a person like Steven to have angry or vengeful trauma reactions.
EDIT: Actually not gonna leave this in the tags -
Something-something ableism, something-something not accepting dramatic and unpalatable expressions of mental illness in fiction and likely not for people IRL.
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izzystizzys · 22 days
it’s canon to me that anakin skywalker and marshall commander fox are archnemeses of a shakespearean nature to eachother
why? well, fox’ life is a tragedy of galactic proportions. he’s a slave at best and straight up non-sentient property at worst, caught at the crossroads of being the face of the republic’s most corrupt establishment to his brothers who resent him for being forced to bear an authority he has no actual control over, and being the closest and easiest target for that very authority’s ire. made to enforce the rigged and deeply unjust laws against his own oppressed peoples, and no one understands better than fox how much coruscant truly despises them. the chancellor at the heart of it all, and anakin, the favored pupil - taken in by the flattery and empty promises like all the rest of them, the jedi most intimately connected to the senate who yet cares so little to know the clones who shed their blood in it every day that he never sees beyond his own very nose. no one asks the guard what they think, and fox despises them all for it, but the jedi who play at caring more than anything. it’s an impersonal, distanced dislike for the most part, but with skywalker it burns all the brighter for how often fox sees him walk the halls of the senate and never think to ask.
also fox cut anakin off in traffic once and he never forgave him for it
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321spongebolt · 2 months
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"Spinel is the bad guy" meme by me.
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stardustbuck · 2 months
tommy drives either a big ass truck or a classic car. there's no in-between tim minear. you can't tell us tommy own's a car lift and then give him some fuckass honda civic. commit to the bit. i also need to see buck foaming at the mouth abt tommy being so into cars, watching him drive, watching him work on his car because buck never cared about anything like that until tommy. tim minear please. just this one thing.
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dykrophone · 9 months
the word karma needs to be taken away from white people and also from billionaires and climate criminals and people who can’t even fucking pronounce it correctly and ESPECIALLY from fucking taylor swift and anyone who ever plays that godAWFUL song
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flyingbuddiies · 24 days
i hope taco permadies in the finale. i hope she’s a victim of circumstance. i hope she dies convincing herself its for the better. that it’s her final punishment. that there was no other ending than this. that if her attempts to apologize for all the hurt she’s done didn’t work, she’s fully irredeemable. that there is no other fate best-suited for her other than death, and that in life there is no further point for her. i hope she dies believing she deserves it.
i hope she never gets the chance to tell microphone she loves her. i hope microphone is eternally left in the dark. i hope she never discovers the true extent of tacos remorse. her guilt. i hope she is left in silence to only ponder about how taco felt, hoping and praying that she meant anything to her. even a tiny bit. clinging onto any fraction of hope that taco could possibly feel the same way she does.
i hope microphone never finds out she’s dead. i hope she is led to believe that taco moved on from her. that she never meant anything to her. that she wasn’t enough again.
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forzaformulaone · 30 days
i will never understand people watching f1 who devote so much time and energy to HATINGGG a driver. is that really fun for you? is it? do you really enjoy that? what do you gain.
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darthpastry · 9 months
Insanity ending of Pizzeria Sim is actually pretty tragic when you think about it. I mean, the real ending as well, but that'll be a separate post because I just watched the insanity ending and want to talk about it. Endless tragedy of Michael Afton is on my brain as of late. Huzzah.
Chances are you know how the insanity ending plays out. Michael finds a hidden tape in Egg Baby, because apparently Henry has a secret audio diary he hides in weird places? I digress. The tape reveals Henry's plan, Michael gets told he messed up the plan, so what does Henry do? Surely if he just HAD to make a tape that could ruin the entire plan, he would've had a backup plan in case the tape was discovered, right? Right? NOPE! Dude just decides "oh wow, my irresponsible choices and Michael's curiosity led to my grand plan being ruined. Who could've anticipated this? Welp. I'll just ruin Michael's life forever. Lol."
Instead of making sure to have a backup plan for his painfully flimsy plan, he just makes sure EVERYONE thinks Michael is insane and the dude gets locked up in a mental hospital. Quite frankly, I think that if Michael hadn't already gone insane by that point, being told by probably the last person he trusts "you ruined everything on accident, so I'm convincing the whole world you're insane and replacing you." That's pretty brutal.
It's Henry's fault for MAKING that stupid tape, like what was even the logic for keeping that around. Yet Michael is the one having to pay the price? Also states that Michael didn't even know what was happening and just wanted to open a pizzeria and play arcade games and can you imagine how he felt when he started finding the crew outside the pizzeria?
Why exactly do people think Henry's so great when he has no issue treating Michael like this and is shown to be awful in TSE trilogy iirc?
I do want to go over the other endings and how Henry screws Michael over no matter what at some point, probably one dedicated to the true ending and then one for all the others, but that all seems too long for one post.
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