#hateno village theme
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linky-dinky-doo · 2 years ago
Yesterday I was listening to the Hateno Village soundtrack from BOTW with earbuds in. I thought it was quiet enough but these earbuds are kind of terrible so when I was in the car with my sister, she said she heard "accordion music" coming from somewhere. I didn't tell her I was listening to music but I think she knows it was my earbuds. IDK how to explain that I just go about my day listening to BOTW music constantly so I can feel like an NPC from BOTW who hasn't a care in the world except for some weirdly specific side quest that I'll give to a random stranger for no good reason whatsoever.
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radiosummons · 2 years ago
Of all the things to happen to Hateno Village, the last thing I expected was for it to be invaded by Project Runway pfffttt
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Octavinelle TotK Outfits
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Ta-da, it's Octavinelle! TotK has several water-themed sets of armor so I had a good amount to pick inspiration from.
Azul wears Zora armor and stealth leggings. He also has earrings to match the tweels, and one of them is actually his secret stone.
Jade and Floyd both wear froggy gear and stealth leggings, and I gave them more of their eel traits to make them fit in a bit more with the Zora people.
I chose stealth leggings for all three because I thought it'd add to their general sneakiness.
All three of them are from beyond the map boundary in Necluda Sea, but they've traveled to Zora's Domain for business. (Namely, checking out the Domain, Hateno Village, and Lurelin Village's restaurants for inspiration for their own.)
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l1ve-l4ugh-lov3craft · 3 months ago
playing the hateno village theme
doing my mundane lil tasks
pretending i'm just living my little life in my tiny hyrulian village with not a care in the world
vibes On Fleek
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ihatelink · 2 years ago
Trust Fall (Revali X Reader) - Part 1
Word Count: 2,780
Pairing: Revali X Reader (Female)
Fandom/Universe: Legend of Zelda (Breath of The Wild)
Themes/Content: Romance (Slow Burn), Fantasy, Action.
Warnings: None
Synopsis: You visit your friend in Rito Village in order to escape the sense of dread looming over your home of Castle Town as the prophesied doomsday slowly grows closer. It is here on your visit that you meet a Rito warrior who turns your world upside-down.
Authors Note: Finally got round to writing this! Since he's not mentioned in TOTK at all I just had to start a fanfic for him. I miss him so much. I'm uploading this from my laptop so if the formate is weird or there needs to be more paragraphs just let me know! I don't consider myself a pro on Zelda lore so I do apologise for any mistakes. Also, this fan fiction will have two endings! (One canon to BOTW and one canon to Hyrule Warriors) Other than that, I hope you enjoy! - I don't know what to call myself... should I go by my username? What about something stupid like Loafus?... I don't know... I'll work on it 🪶🤎
Rito Village was your second home. You felt so much comfort and associated the place with such a feeling of warmth, it was surprising you hadn't made it your permanent residence. When it came to Rito Village you only had positive memories.
This was mostly due to your best friend, Frita, being a rito. The two of you had met at a very young age and had been best friends ever since, visiting each other every couple of weeks or whenever you had spare time. She would teach you about the ways of the rito and you in turn would teach her about hylians. Frita truly was like a sister to you, and you loved her more than words could say.
"Daydreaming again?", her voice broke you from your thoughts, her bright blue eyes sparkling with joy. You blinked a few times, finally registering her words, and you couldn't help but giggle to yourself. "Yes, I guess I was". "What we're you daydreaming about?", she asked, turning her attention back to the salmon sizzling in the village's communal cooking pot, the aroma swirling through the air, making your mouth water in anticipation. Later in the night was the perfect time for cooking here as most ritos had gone to sleep; Their poor night vision meant that many would retire early in the evening. "Just thinking about flying", you confess sheepishly and Frita rolled her eyes playfully, responding with, "You're always thinking about flying". "I can't help it whenever I'm here. You all look so majestic and free", you gushed. "I would love to be able to experience what it's like to fly for myself instead of having to be on your back". "Perhaps if you pray to Hylia enough she'll allow you to become one of us", she chuckled and you couldn't help but laugh along with her. Frita eventually added the tebantha wheat to the pot and the goat butter as the two of you talked about everything under the stars. "Are you still planning on moving to Hateno Village?", she asked as she began to plate up your dinners. "Yes, unfortunately. It means I'll  be further away from you", you mumbled and Frita's face fell in disappointment. "It's the best option as, if this impending doom really is to show itself one day, the city centre is most likely one of the first places to be attacked. If I could, I'd love to live here with you". "Well, why don't you?". You shook your head. "You know I'd stick out like a sore thumb here. I wouldn't be able to pull my weight or help the village in any way. I'd be more of a burden than anything". "Perhaps not! If I could find a way for you to easily integrate into life here, would you move here?". The more Frita spoke, the more you felt a warmth spread through your entire being. "You'd have me, you'd be well protected- our warriors are exceptional, there's plenty of food and resources in the area… just don't make any final decisions to move just yet. Allow me a chance". You chuckled, taken aback by your friends willingness to help you and keep you by her side. "Okay, I'll give you a chance".
You cut yourself short when you noticed movement out of your peripheral vision. The gentle padding of talloned footsteps grew closer and bright emerald green eyes encased in bright red watched from the darkness. Finally a rito came into view. "Rather late to be cooking, don't you think?". His tone was sharp and precise, you couldn't tell if he was making small talk or if he was irritated with the fact that the two of you were occupying the cook pot. Did he usually use it at this time? "Oh! Revali! Sorry, did you want to use the cooking pot", Frita asked, a light quality to her voice as she politely addressed him, yet an awkward silence seemed to settle over the three of you as his eyes travelled from her to settle on you, staring down his beak right into your very soul. "Who is this hylian?", he asked bluntly. "This is my best friend. She's visiting for a short while", she informed him of your name and that you were from Castle Town. "Would you care to join us?", you then offered, cutting through the awkward pause in conversation. "We have plenty to go around". Frita cut you a glance, surprised by your sudden offer, but did not protest, adding "Yes, do join us! I'm assuming you've just finished practice? You must be famished". Revali opened his beak but quickly shut it, perhaps to reject the offer but thought better of it. He took a moment to smooth out the cream scarf around his neck. "Well, if you insist, I suppose I could join you", he hummed, making his way to sit across from you.
As he took his seat, he placed a beautifully crafted bow to his side, coated in vibrant colours and intricate designs, a scrap of teal fabric tied to one end. He held himself with pride, sitting tall, spine straight, shoulders squared. With the fact that he was taller than you, it was a little intimidating. "Have you visited our village before?", he asked, and it took you a second to realise his question was directed towards you. "Oh yes, plenty of times. I've been visiting since I was a child. That's how I met Frita", you explained, gesturing to your friend as dinner was being dished onto plates chiselled from stone. "Hmm, surely I would have met you by now if that were the case", he muttered as he was handed his food, "it's interesting how our paths have never crossed". You shrugged unsure of what else to say, other than, "Perhaps we weren't meant to meet yet. Us meeting now may be fate?", you laughed lightly, amused by the thought. Revali scoffed in response, "I believe we are in control of our own fate. For example; I didn't become one of the greatest rito warriors through fate and sheer dumb luck alone". "And so modest about it too", you joked which caused Frita to just about choke on her food. She tried to excuse herself as calmly as possible, covering her beak with her wing while still coughing her lungs up. Judging by her reaction, you considered how you may have overstepped a boundary. Not everyone knew when you were joking upon first meeting you. You often sounded more serious than you intended. "I'm only teasing", you clarified, playing with your food on the end of your fork absentmindedly. "I'm sure you're  more than deserving of the title", you tried for your most sincere smile you could conjure, yet Revali didn't seem convince.
Finally, Frita had caught her breath, tears in the corners of her eyes. "No no, Revali really is the greatest of our warriors. Our people gave him that title", she croaked, her throat sounding raw from coughing. "He's the pride of the rito", she insisted, dropping her voice to a more serious tone. Your face contorted in amused disbelief before you began to wrack your brain for any information that would help you deduct the truth. "So he is the rito that's won the annual archery competition for the past five years? He's that same-…", you began to trail off, recalling the conversation you had with your father.
You came from a wealthy family, both your parents working for the King and late Queen of Hyrule . Your mother was the royal gerudo correspondent and your father was the royal rito correspondent- this being the reason you spent so much time in Rito Village growing up, as well as Gerudo Town. You remembered the past few years you couldn't make the annual archery competition held in the village, since you were either accompanying your mother on business trips or doing your own work, but you father had come home stating how the rito 'Revali' had won again. He would then follow up by talking about his superb skills and how his talent for aerial combat were superior in comparison to his peers. Your father claimed that the rito was unmatched and unrivalled, as well as claiming that he may very soon be known as one of- if not the most skilled warrior in all of Hyrule. (Which was very high praise coming from your father, since he was rarely impressed by anyone).
It was like a shock wave was sent through your body. "In the name of Hylia! I didn't realise it was you! I am so sorry! Please forgive my rudeness", you blubbered, putting your half eaten dinner aside, stumbling over your words as you rushed out your apology. "So you have heard of me", he lulled before an amused smirk graced his features. "I suppose I can forgive you since your rudeness was more disbelief than pure ignorance". "Thank you”, you breathed a sigh of relief. “I have heard a lot about your skills and I-… well…", once again you had trailed off. You looked to Frita for reassurance, yet she seemed as nervous as you; her posture was stiff as she sat with a straight spine, her eyes glancing between you and the navy rito. "From what I've heard, you're an incredibly skilled archer", you approached the conversation cautiously, hoping this angle would amend any bitterness you may have caused. Revali looked a you and you felt your breath catch in your throat as you locked eyes before he let out a gruff chuckle. "I suppose you could say that".
You and Frita ate in a comfortable silence while listening to Revali drawl on about the countless competitions he's won along with his many talents regarding aerial combat. Before long, your mind began to wonder.
You couldn't help but think of home. How it was slowly being consumed by a festering anxiety. There was a heavy air across the whole of Castle Town as you all prepared for this prophesied impending doom. The army had began vigorously training since last month. Some of those warriors were your friends- people you had grown up with. It was terrifying to think how some of them you may never see again once the Calamity strikes. Some were beginning to research the ancient technology that had recently been unearthed to see if they could be used to defend Hyrule. These were called guardians, and then there were also the recently uncovered Divine Beasts. At times, it was all a bit much, being at the central hub of Hyrule where there is no escape from the looming sense of dread. Things were moving so quickly and it seemed as though you may never escape the ever present anxiety that hung in the air of Castle Town. But here, in Rito Village, people seemed more relaxed. Many ritos believed that their home would not be effected by the foreseen Calamity. This made the village a nice escape from daily life back home. Here, you weren't reminded of what was to come. You weren't reminded of your duties. You could just breathe easier here in the village nestled into the rocky pillar.
"I do love it here. Rito Village is such a beautiful place. I don't have a single bad memory while being here", you gushed, earning a raised brow from Revali at your comments about his home, his interest now piqued. "Is that so?". Before you could stop her, Frita spewed, "Yes, in fact, she might move here". You shot her a look, a signal to keep that information between the two of you, to which she sheepishly dipped her head in response. You didn't want others knowing of your plans to move just yet, especially since you hadn't even mentioned it to your parents. "A hylian living amongst ritos?", Revali questioned, an amused undertone laced within his words as his luminous eyes narrowed a fraction, as if trying to read your expressions for some sign of the truth. "Hylians aren't equipped for living here. You would struggle". "Yet so many visit and get by just fine", you bit back, sharp tongued yet it was all said with a simple smile across your lips. What he said was true, yet you disliked how he assumed you would struggle when Frita, a fellow rito, believed you could easily adapt to life in the village. "Visiting and residing are very different though", he then shot back, cocking his head to the side as he examined you and your heart began to pound slightly. You felt a pout develop on your features, brows furrowed. He made a point you couldn't argue against. It was the truth. "Well, I'm taking it upon myself to help her integrate into the village before she permanently moves here", Frita chipped in, sensing some tension settling in the air. "If you truly want to move here", Revali began, capturing your attention once more. He wore a smug smirk before he finished, "You'll have to prove yourself".
"Prove myself?", you parroted. "Yes. You'll have to learn our ways and prove to us that you belong here". Revali studied you for a moment, as if he hadn't been doing so all night already. "Firstly, the women of our village are know for being beautiful singers and us men are talented archers. Tell me, can you sing?".
Being from one of the wealthier families of Hyrule Kingdom, you did have the privilege of music lessons from a young age. Your parents wanted the best for you, so consequentially, you had many lessons in a multitude of subjects and areas; Geography, horse riding, music, dance, literature, cooking, etiquette, biology and more.
"I have had many singing lessons", you informed the feathered man matter-of-factly. "It's more a matter of personal taste weather you believe I sound good". "Perhaps you could sing for me tomorrow then. After my training, well meet at the flight range. You can showcase your voice there", he challenged, the smirk across his features growing as he stared down his beak at you. "After all, it would be rather nice to have something to help me relax after such strenuous training", he teased. "And if my voice is to your liking, what do I receive then?". There was a slight pause. "What do you mean?", he tilted his head slightly, perplexed by your response. "Well, if my voice is to your liking then that would mean I have somewhat proven myself worthy of living here amongst your kind", you began, Revali's attention honed in on you, "Which I believe would be worth a reward". "Your reward would be living amongst us", you ignored his comment, pressing on. "That being said, if I prove myself, then I would like to learn archery". "What good would that do you?", he asked. "It's always good for a woman to be able to defend herself, wouldn't you agree?". "But if you were living in Rito Village you wouldn't need to defend yourself", he argued. "I'd have to say it's always good for a woman to know how to use a bow", Frita affirmed your point, edging a little closer to you as she joined the conversation. "Especially a hylian. They are smaller than most races, so it's most likely that any threat they face will be larger than them and could over power them", Frita continued, delving more into her argument. "Exactly, Frita! Meaning wouldn't it be beneficial to have a long range weapon in that instance? Surely, with your knowledge on combat as one of the greatest warriors of our time, you'd agree, Revali". You couldn't help but notice how the feathers around his chest plate plumed in reaction to your words. You'd noticed many ritos would unintentionally do this when feeling prideful, being boastful or being frustrated or angry. Perhaps it was a subconscious way of asserting dominance? Like how a Hylian may square their shoulders to appear larger and more confident in front of others. "It would be an honour to have you teach me".
There was a pause.
"I suppose it would be beneficial for you to have the most skilled archer teach you…", he mused looking off into the night, as if he barely acknowledged your being , like you were nothing more than a speck on his radar.  A nuisance. "Alright, you have yourself a deal; continuously show your willingness and progression to integrate into our society, and in turn I will teach you how to use a bow". "And you swear not to go back on your word?", you quirked a brow in Revali's direction. "I swear".
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spicyicetea · 1 year ago
HIIII, I love your writing!!! Like your my source of my alone time when not crying or crafting, or gaming! ( We have stuff in common :D). SOOOOO, I have a recommendation!! It would be pretty cool to have you do this sooooo Like Yeah! But could you do a part two to the Link x Milf reader because I loved that one ( Cuz im like that ;) ). And could you do Totk Link x cuddly reader.
Ps. My computer dosnt let me write question Marks :l
LOVE UR WRITING :D -Madisu Kulina
Awww you’re legit so sweet! Eeee it’s messages like this that make me wanna keep posting. I’m actually already working on a pt 2 for the Milf!Y/N and I’ll make sure to tag you in it once it’s done. So for now I’ll do the other request. I assume you’d also like this to be yandere themed as it’s kinda my main thing at this point. I’ll split this into bullet points and then a short imagine.
Usual warnings: Yandere behaviour, NSFW topics mentioned but no actual smut. MDNI.
TOTK Link x Cuddly, Fem! Y/N
Link has always hit me as the type of Yandere who loves a physically affectionate reader. Being able to be near someone and protect them is a big deal, especially with all the crazy things happening in Hyrule.
If this is before Ganondorf was defeated, he takes you everywhere with him.
Each Sage he recruited knows you are his priority and to protect you with their lives or face him in a battle. None of them wanted that, they knew better.
You were a Hylian woman he bumped into while visiting Hateno village. Watching you man the fields awoke something in him. A gorgeous woman like you shouldn’t have to work day and nights just to get food and a roof over her head. She deserves to be pampered. And he can do that for you.
He practically swept you off your feet and proclaimed he would marry you once he defeated Ganondorf. He plans to keep that promise.
You ride sitting in front of him on Epona so he can make sure you’re comfortable. When he jumps off to fight or explore on foot, you stay on the saddle, Epona prepared to run for the hills as her master has instructed should danger even look your way.
He was fully prepared to be the “bad guy”. Making sure you would appreciate his generosity and gentle handling when he could be so rough. He needed you to need him.
But, he figured out he didn’t need to rather quickly.
It was a cold and he had left to handle a monster infestation near where you had been camping. The rain lashed at the ground outside the cave you and Epona were hunkered in for safety. The oversized tunic you wore as a makeshift dress club to your form, soaked with water. Flint sparks as you tried to start up the fire, having moved some spare sticks into the cave. It just wouldn’t work. With a heavy sigh, you hunkered over, shivering while fiddling with the flint in your hands.
“Y/N… you’re cold.” A familiar voice rang.
Link stood behind you, soaked by the rain. He tossed his pouch aside, prepared to strip you so he could dry your clothes. With a sigh, he took his gloves off but when he went to grab you, he jolted to a stop. Your arms wrapped around him, your cheek nuzzling his chin.
“Link! I was so worried, I missed you.” You pouted up at him.
His face flushed red and he hugged you tightly back, peppering your face with kisses. You truly were his adorable little wife. He couldn’t wait to have you back at his home where you’d stay safe for him to come home to each day.
His day dreaming was interrupted as you tugged at his shirt and trousers. Your greedy hands couldn’t get enough of him, maybe he’d have to give you what you wanted. He had planned for your first intimate experience to be on your wedding day but he’s more than willing to jump the gun. Oh how he would love to fold you and abuse that tight pretty c-
“Link! You need to dry your clothes!”
Yes… he couldn’t wait to marry you. His touchy little princess.
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capricorn-the-goat · 2 years ago
Got bored and started thinking about what the Chain’s minds would look like if they were physical structures / places.
SKY: A smash-bros esq platform floating up in the clouds, a nice chill breeze and bright sun. His memories are stored in clouds floating around, and his emotions are represented by the clouds’ colors.
FOUR: I like to imagine his mind is made of four minish-like houses that house the different colors. His memories are stored in different plants and plant life.
TIME: I like to imagine his mind is a mix between the lost woods and Lon-Lon ranch. His memories are stored in different floating fairies, while his emotions are represented in Lon-Lon ranch. He also tends to hear the different songs he hears on his journeys; the main themes are Epona’s song (which represents the new life and chance he got for himself), Saria’s song (which represents the life he lost), and Zelda’s lullaby and the song of time (which represents his feelings of duty and responsibility, as well as guilt).
WIND: I imagine his Mindspace would be a boat floating / sailing across endless seas. Occasionally, an island passes by, which represents a series of memories. You can tell his emotions by the way the wind blows.
TWILIGHT: His mindspace would be Ordon village, specifically the different pastures and enclosures. The area would be permeated by floating shadows, which house his memories, and shadows represent people he lost or people he misses.
LEGEND: …I hate myself for this, but koholint is perfect. His memories would be housed in different cracks / breaks in reality, but inside his mind space Legend has no idea anything is wrong, and he can relax. He also has a vivid mental image of people like Marin.
HYRULE: His mind space is hard to narrow down, but I like to think of it as a series of endless paths and clearings that stretch out forever. His memories would be stored in various caves, in glowing rocks or crystals.
WARRIORS: I have no idea, I’m taking suggestions :)
WILD: I like to imagine his mind is slightly broken or fragmented; you could be in his house at hateno one minute, and walk through a doorway and find yourself in the shrine of ressurection. I like to imagine that, by walking through a random doorway or path, you could find yourself inside one of Wild’s memories that he unlocked on his journey.
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pocketseizure · 8 months ago
fic prompt: epilogue botw-pre totk Link and Zelda starting a cooking show in front of a live audience
“Thank you for joining us once again on Hyrule Kitchen! We’ll close tonight’s episode with an elimination round.” Aurie Taamu flashed a smile at the cheering studio audience before returning his attention to the camera. “We’re jumping right back into the action with the grand reveal of our two chefs’ creations on the theme of ‘Cool Treats for a Hot Summer.’ Chef Link, what have you got for us on this sultry summer evening?”
“I’ve prepared curry rice, a summer favorite in my hometown,” Link announced as he lifted the lid from his dish to reveal a plate of smooth amber curry paired with glistening white rice. “I added fresh apples for sweetness, and it’s so spicy that the heat will be the last thing on your mind. I hope you enjoy this taste of Hateno Village.”
The first judge, a restaurant critic from the fashionable Riverside District named Gotter, sat behind a half-empty plate of Link’s curry. “The spice is lovely, and I can taste the freshness of the apples in the render,” he said, “but it’s evident that the dish was prepared with ready-made roux. It aims for a flavor that would more properly be brought out with time. I give it a six.”
The second judge, a bestselling travel writer named Beedle, hadn’t left a single grain of rice on his plate. “I appreciate the pumpkin you’ve added to the curry,” he said. “It’s a welcome bit of texture, but far from sufficient. After sweating all day, I want sustenance, not delicacy. Without carrots or potatoes, the curry feels meager. I give it a four.” 
“And with that, Chef Link receives a commendable ten points. For those watching at home, please check our website for Link’s apple and pumpkin curry recipe. Now we turn to Chef Zelda. What have you prepared for us?”
“Well, sir, I read your Notes on Cooking in the Wild when I was young, and it made a big impression. Inspired by your work, I’ve whipped up banana crêpes with chocolate, fresh cream, and a special ingredient – smotherwing butterflies!”
Zelda beamed as she extended a crêpe to the center camera, which zoomed in to capture the detail of a glistening black wing nestled next to the chocolate garnish.
“That’s certainly a surprise! And might I say, what a marvelous idea. Smotherwing butterfly essence is indeed a panacea for intense heat. What do our judges think?”  
Gotter’s face seemed somewhat green. “While I admire your choice of unusual ingredients,” he began, “a few drops of essence would have sufficed. I would never have guessed that anyone would mix actual insects into the cream. It’s not inedible, but the thought of eating bugs is difficult to stomach. I must regret that I’ll have to give this concoction a one.”
Beedle, on the other hand, was overjoyed. “Marvelous!” he cheered. “Wonderful! Fantastic! What a bold stroke of genius to dice the butterfly into the cream.The crunchy texture adds an evocative originality to a simple dish. I felt like I’d stopped on the road across the Akkala plains to watch the butterflies on the mountainside meadows. Delicious! I give it a nine.”
“What a surprise, folks!” Aurie Taamu crowed. “The elimination contest has ended in a draw. It looks like both Chef Link and Chef Zelda will continue to the next round. I know I speak for all of us when I say that I hope they’ll continue to learn from each other, and I can’t wait to see what they create in future episodes. As always, keep checking our website and socials for news and recipes! Who knows, perhaps we can persuade Chef Zelda to share some tips on unusual ways to use traditional ingredients!
“That’s all for tonight, but I’ll see you all again on the next episode of Hyrule Kitchen!”
“The live audience responded well to the tied score,” Aurie Taamu explained. He glanced at the executive producer, who frowned as he watched a replay of the footage. Being alone with the producer in the upstairs recording booth put him on edge, and he found himself losing his usual cool.
“No one wanted to eliminate either of them, of course,” he continued. “We think this initial confrontation will add a spark of drama to pairing them together later. But perhaps you had other plans? I realize now that I should have consulted you first.”
“No, you have the right of it,” Ganondorf replied. “Those children are our top audience draws, though I can’t for the life of me understand why. Their choice of dishes was uninspired, and their recipes are basic. Neither of them used seasonal ingredients, and their preparation was sloppy. They didn’t clean after themselves as they worked. I’d be surprised if they washed their hands. Their only talent is their enthusiasm.
“Regardless. I just made an arrangement with our Hebra affiliate. The next challenge needs to include salmon. Keep it subtle, but make it happen.”
“Understood.” In his relief to be dismissed, Aurie Taamu was struck by a bolt of inspiration. “You know, sir, the two of them should compete against you at the end of the season.”
A sinister grin spread across Ganondorf's face at the suggestion. “Maybe they will, one day. If they make it that far.”
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ibijau · 1 day ago
I fully respect people who like totk more than botw but honestly, couldn't be me.
It's a dozen small things that make me want to replay botw again and again while I can't be bothered with totk (I started one new save once and got annoyed before or shortly after the first temple)
first of all, I love the great plateau way, way more than the great island, and this for reasons that are true throughout both games. Mostly, the great plateau is easier to explore, with more freedom in the order you do things. One one save I started for a fanfic, I spent hours and hours figuring out everything that can be done on the plateau and I had a blast. I can't imagine doing that on the great island, I find it way too annoying to navigate. The great sky island is a place I visit once at the start, and then only return to because I know there's a quest happening there later, and for koroks.
I also don't like how much the story is like... mandatory in totk? Specifically, I hate that the glider is locked behind a stupid ass small quest that makes you walk all the way to hyrule castle, then walk back to lookout landing, just for the lols. That locks you out of a lot of stuff! (although you can still access the depth thanks to some wells at least). I think some people complained that they didn't know what to do next in botw, and totk overcorrected by making sure to hold your hand through a bunch of story moments.
I'm also like. Indifferent at best to ultrahand, so that doesn't help. I'd rather have had a less elaborate ability, and see the rest of the game more fleshed out. Like, maybe giving us more than ten new npcs would have been nice. Or more sky islands. Or more freaky stuff in the depth. Or doing something interesting with Hateno instead of those fuck ugly mushrooms.
I also feel like botw knew what it was about and how to implement it in a way that totk doesn't. The loneliness is botw is there as soon as you step out of a settlement. Nature is harsh and unforgiving, but beautiful as well. In totk... I think they were going more for a theme of teamwork? I think you're supposed to feel less lonely than in botw since you're working with the sages, but you're fundamentally still alone, and the sages can be more annoying than they're worth. The world has changed so little since botw, and what changes happened are... eh... (hateno mushrooms I hate you)
I think it'd have been cool if like... the castle was just a castle this time, and hylians were rebuilding the town around, and the Big Bad was located somewhere else. Maybe in the great plateau? I think that would have made for a very fun inversion compared to botw! It would have been really neat to have the most dangerous place turned safe, and the 'easy' area having become perilous! But that would have taken too much effort to implement, and they had to make sure the physics of ultra hand worked instead of, you know, thinking about themes and shit
I do like some stuff about totk (riding the dragons!!! the gloom hands are terrifying even if I liked fighting guardians more! the atmosphere of complete despair in rito village and gerudo town!!!!!) but eeeh overall I'm still now disappointed by it, and I wanna bitch about that, but I got nobody to bitch to, so I rant on tumblr I guess
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aikoiya · 1 year ago
LoZ - Hyrulean Cultural Aesthetics
Important to note, Hylians, Sheikah, Gerudo, & Lupáns are all considered human.
Those with pointed ears are referred to as Cuspan & those without are called Ovelian.
Overall Cultural Influences:
Central Hyrule & Hylians specifically = Medieval Germanic & Arthurian English with some variation depending on location. All Hylian towns will likely have a little bit of this in them.
Ovelians = Rural, small town, down home, farmer, tough as nails, survivor, rough around the edges, traditional, conservative, but still rebellious, & generally very good-hearted. That means they are the rednecks, the cowboys, the military men, the American Southerners, the Vikings, & the Celts kind of characters. You're salt of the earth types. At least in feel, though not necessarily in culture. It's because of this that humans generally get along well with Gorons. Either way, humans stick mostly to the agricultural & ranching settlements for the most part.
Zora = Hard to tell as they generally don't wear clothing, but they do wear a lot of jewelry. If I had to give them clothes, I'd definitely say they'd be something flowy. Possibly Roman or Greek in fashion to go with the water theme? As for sensibilities, maybe a bit of French Rococo. I also get the impression that the Zora's Domain is actually divided into 2 levels: the Upper Domain & the Lower Domain. The Upper Domain is what we see in the games & consists of the commercial district & palace. The Lower Domain is entirely underwater & is where the Zora actually live. The reason we don't see it is because Link can't dive.
Rito = Northern Native American. Aldean specifically. Maybe a bit of Latin American.
Goron = A mix of Maori (Polynesian), African, Dwarven, & maybe a bit of Old West mining town, though it's hard to tell for certain as they generally don't wear clothing. At the same time, their general architecture seems to have a Town of Bedrock-type feel to it. Definitely something with a decent source of friendly machismo (not what is considered "toxic masculinity;" actual machismo). Something masculine & tribal, but also community oriented & friendly.
Gerudo = Egyptian/Middle Eastern Amazons with some Orc influence. Possibly with some hints of Hindu too. At least as far as fashion goes.
Korok/Kokiri = If Peter Pan & the Lost Boys were Hobbits.
Twili = Possibly Scandanavian? Also Chinese with some Japanese influences.
Mogma = They seem to be Brooklyn-ish. Maybe even a bit of an Italian-American Mob feel, but more so in the "friendly gangster" way. So, I'm seeing some Bensonhurst influences, which is a specifically Italian-American borough within Brooklyn, I believe. Maybe even a bit of New York Jewish? Like, they come across as being Italian mafia adjacent, but only in so much as the accent, the attitude, & family-oriented organization. Sort of an "it takes a village" & "we take care of our own" type of mentality. Not in any way actually mafia though & certainly not in the romanticized view of gangsters as I don't actually see the Mogmas being the types to actually commit crimes on the reg. And despite being avid treasure-hunters, they seem to have a general culture of altruistic generosity. By that, I mean that their love language is gift-giving.
Yeti = Norse Viking.
Minish = Borrowers.
Anouki = Inuit.
Lokomo = Possibly Greek?
Zonai = Mesoamerican.
*Búralupán = Gaelic, Celtic, & Nordic. (This is a race I made up, if you wanna know more, go to Wolf Link & the Lupán Race.)
Smaller Settlements:
Hateno = I'm getting Gaelic Scottish farming town. Also maybe a bit of Spain, Italy, & Greece. Mostly inhabited by humans, both Cuspan & Ovelian.
Kakariko = Japanese with maybe a touch of American Old West. While primarily Japanese, there's also some definite South Korean influences. Especially in their cooking.
Mabe = Rustic dairy ranching town vibes because I'm putting Lon Lon Ranch there. Based on how AoC & LA's Mabe was designed, their roofing is colorful terracotta tile & generally has ivy & such growing on their homes, so maybe Colonial Spanish. Mostly inhabited by humans.
Goponga = I'm getting rural Luisiana Bayou vibes, most likely due to it being located in a swamp. So, primarily Cajun, French, & Colonial Spanish with some Zora inspiration maybe. Mostly inhabited by humans & Zora.
Deya = Not sure yet, but I'm giving them a vineyard, peach orchard, & making them use them to make moscato, so maybe an old Tuscany winery & fishing village? Mostly inhabited by humans. From what we see in the games, it was actually the biggest settlement in Hyrule besides Castle Town, so it could've been a full-on town or city.
Ordon = Has a rural ranching feel & might be inspired by a southern agricultural town in Italy called Ordona. So, maybe rural Italy with American South mannerisms & sensibilities. Culturally, though, I get Gaelic Irish vibes. It might be the smials… Also, maybe a little bit of Welsh too. Either way, it's mostly inhabited by Ovelians & Lupáns (more Ovelian than Lupáns) with the occasional Hylian, Sheikah, & 1 or 2 Gerudo. (For more of their overall culture, go to Ordonian Culture & Ordon Cooking Culture.)
Lurelin = Rural Hawaiian fishing village. Maybe a little bit of Caribbean & Okinawan? With a little bit of Mesoamerican mixed in due to Zonai influence from the nearby ruins.
Ealiyah = Tibetan-flavored Gerudo farming & brewing town. Maybe a little bit of Russian & hints of Norse too? Also, interior decoration is eclectic & cluttered but cozy & colorful in a vibrant, rustic Bohemian sort of way. There are also some influences from humans, including Ovelians, Hylians, Lupàns, & even Sheikah to a degree as several of each race lives there too (all men), but overall, the culture remains mostly that Tibetan-Gerudo sort of style. They do a lot of weaving & sewing as well as dying. (This is a town I made up, for more on its culture & history, go to Ealiyah Town & the Highlands Gerudo.)
- Hànmalàn Hamlet = A small majority Upper Middle Eastern/Southeast Asian-flavored Gerudo settlement in the Faron Jungle with some Lurelinites & a number of Sheikah living there as well. Located in Damel Forest.
Tabantha Village = Norse with Rito, Yeti, & Lupán inspiration. So, old Norse Viking, Aldean, Celtic, & Gaelic with a Russian & Welsh accent. They use a lot of furs in their clothing. Mostly inhabited by Ovelians, Hylians, Rito, Yeti, & Lupán.
Shadow Hamlet = Dwarven possibly, with Goron inspiration. So, very masculine. Maybe a bit of Old Western Mining Town. A mix of Gorons, Hylians, & Ovelians tend to live here.
Koholint Domain = This is on the Koholina Archipelago, which Eventide Island is the smallest island of & will eventually become a fishing & port town. In-world, it has influence from Zora, Rito, & Lurelin. But, from a real world perspective, it's mostly Polynesian, coastal Native American, & coastal Hindu with some ancient coastal Greco-Roman (even Atlantis-like) influence for the underwater sections of the settlement. As well as in their formal fashion. There would likely be a tiny bit of Carribean & Okinawan influence in there too. The population is made up of Euryhaline Zora (able to survive in both salt & fresh water), Coastal Rito, & Lurelin humans. And, much like with how I think the Zora's Domain is built, the settlement's commercial district is on land, while the Zora residential area is underwater. The Rito & human residences, as well as the Cheiftain's home, are also on land. (For more on the specifics of this, go to Euryhaline Zora & Coastal Rito Port Town.)
Gatepost, Outpost, & East Post = These are all a package deal. These are mostly military towns, so that'll definitely factor in. They are positioned in such a way as to protect Oldcastle. Mostly inhabited by Hyrulean Humans, but with smatterings of the other races too.
Oldcastle = The site of OoT's Castle Town, a.k.a. the Great Plateau, so there'll be some DEEP historical significance going on. As such, it's mostly Medieval Germanic & Arthurian English. Mostly inhabited by Hyrulean Humans.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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thefilmed2008 · 3 months ago
Characters and their theme songs, listed by power -part 1
Members of the chain-
Hyrule - Dancing Queen (ABBA) / Hyrule overworld theme (Nintendo)
Looper / Cycles - Separate Ways (Journey) / Don’t Stop Me Now (Queen)
Babble / Texts - Light Of Nibel (Gareth Coker & Aeralie Brighton) / Mary On A Cross (Ghost)
Wind - My Life (Billy Joel) / Dragon Roost Island (Nintendo)
Wild - Time in a Bottle (Jim Croce) / Hateno Village (Nintendo)
Legend - Pressure (Billy Joel) / Ballad of the Wind Fish (Nintendo)
Time - The Way Old Friends Do (ABBA) / Song of time (Nintendo)
Worlds - Ward (C418) / We Didn’t Start The Fire (Billy Joel)
Sky - Everybody Loves Somebody (Dean Martin)  / Ballad of the Goddess (Nintendo)
Twilight - Take Me Home Country Roads (John Denver) / Ordon Village (Nintendo)
Four - Me And I (ABBA) / Four Sword Sanctuary (Nintendo)
Warriors - Soldier Of Heaven (Sabaton) / Hyrule Warriors theme (Nintendo)
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tuliptiger · 1 year ago
If you LIKE TOTK that's fine I don't need to tell you that, you don't need me to tell you that. I don't care or mind if people like things I don't but I also know sometimes it's hard to see people giving criticism towards things you like. I digress.
As a fan of BOTW, having experienced it first, I will say it's obviously impacted how I view TOTK. If TOTK came out with no history of BOTW it might have been a different story I honestly don't know. There are a lot of things I like about TOTK but they're mostly flavor and don't actually like matter ie they could've not existed in favor of major changes to make TOTK and BOTW more cohesive.
Things I like about TOTK:
-More unique horses, upgrading horses, more horse colors
-More enemies and a variety of enemies.
-More outfits for Link. Super fun and super creative on these ones. Love em!
-The IDEA, and almost idea ALONE, the depths and the sky islands. Didn't love how they played out
-Monster raid battles, they are fun! Once again, don't love how they played out though. I feel mostly neutral about them if not somewhat positive about them. Wish they wouldn't have put one right in front of Fort Hateno.
-Intractable dragons! Love the elemental dragon upgrade.
-Idea of a customizable house and the variety of parts you can put into the house plot.
-The ability to grab almost everything although I truly did not mind that being limited to just metal objects. I liked the restriction and felt it appropriately challenging. It could've just been an upgrade later in the game of magnesis. Ultrahand is FINE like I said. Have the ability to move normal boulders is nice but ultimately unnecessary. They built a game when you can move a boulder through game mechanics and physics and it was FUN.
-Anyway, Ultrahand was fine. I liked being able to move the horse carts.
-THE HORSE CARRIAGES and towing stuff that was 💯🤌♥️ a beautiful addition
-The idea of repairing things in Hyrule but ultimately a lackluster use and follow through in this too. Repairing the bridge to the rito village was super fun to me.
-The flora and fauna additions that WERE THERE.
-Bulbul frogs
-How inventory items have use now but! Once again once again there is a common theme here, I don't love how they actually implemented it. Not EVERY item needed a use tbh. It didn't, we didn't need that ability. It is wild to go back to BOTW and notice you can't throw items but not having to navigate that item menu is a fucking blessing. Throwing items and attaching them to arrows etc is super fun though.
-Some of the new missions were super fun
-Monster hit list missions!!!! Personal taste maybe but I looooove most hunting missions.
-Zelda and Dragon Zelda ngl that shit was cool but like exclusively that fact and nothing else related to that. No story line stuff or the ending or anything else
-BOSSES AND BOSS FIGHTS! AND and and refightable boss fights because ngl they DID go off with the boss fights. Really cool use of how large the game is plus the physics of the game.
-Wellssssss loved the wells
Ok!!! Not a comprehensive list but! I DO like things about TOTK. Am I still a hater yes absolutely I fucking hate like 80% of that game and things surrounding it. I really really do but there were some really pleasant things about it too. Just not enough to appease me for the things that in my opinion sucked ass and were intentionally bad decisions.
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quibbs126 · 10 months ago
My brain’s now on the idea of making a honey based kingdom, I’m just struggling with their gimmick and real world basis
They probably have bee motifs, but that’s a given, and it’s somewhat my jumping off point
Time period wise, I’m debating between either a futuristic motif (since hexagons can be associated with futuristic technology), or medieval Europe (that’s when those old beekeeper suits are from and also swords could be a substitute for stingers), though that’s not to say I’m not open to any other options
I also don’t know how to incorporate the whole beehive thing in to how they structure their towns. Is the capital like this giant beehive they all live in? Do they make hexagonal shaped rooms that can attach to one another to create easy building, sort of like the cube buildings in Hateno Village? How far does the beehive/honeycomb thing extend, is it just the capital/castle or is this standard fare among the whole country?
And then there’s the gimmick. One idea is that they’re incredibly advanced in the medical field, and/or in housing, but that’s more tied in with the potential futuristic theming. If I go more medieval, I’m not sure what to do
One of the only things I do have is that I think I’ve figured out the other flavors that might live here, that being other syrup Cookies like maple syrup, as well as pancake based Cookies. Since I’m told you can put honey on pancakes and syrup does that as well. Tea based Cookies might also be an option, since I’ve also heard honey is a thing that can be put in tea
I also feel like this should be a very floral place, since flowers are generally how bees make honey. Might clash with a futuristic aesthetic though, since those tend to be very clean and sanitized
Oh also that this is a very female centric society, given how bees work. Maybe it’s not like 90% of the population is female, but they’re at least a matriarchal society
I don’t know, I guess I’m just listing my thoughts, in part because I haven’t actually written them down elsewhere. I have some vague ideas but nothing’s coming together as cleanly as I’d like and I wonder if I’m putting too much thought into it
On one hand, it feels like I shouldn’t ask for advice on this, because I’m trying to make this myself and if we’re being honest, I’m probably gonna forget about it soon anyways, but on the other hand I’m not sure what entirely I should do, and I also wouldn’t really mind getting thoughts on this whole thing
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karaloza · 8 months ago
Legend of Zelda Theme Park - Epona Ranch (UPDATED)
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Only a few Zelda titles include a ranch–by any name–as a noteworthy area in the game, but for those that do, it’s often a highlight, populated by endearing characters and animals. Because the names vary, it took me a while to settle on Epona Ranch for the theme park, named after Link’s beloved mare in several games, and I’ve taken inspiration not just from the ranches, but from various slow-paced rural towns and horse-centric scenarios across the franchise for the features in this area. Visually, however, it mostly takes after Lon Lon Ranch from Ocarina of Time, with an encircling wall (represented by a brick-patterned strip on the map), an entryway lined with farmhouse-style buildings, and then a large open area with more buildings on the far side. A large horse paddock occupies much of the central space. The area music loop references ranches, small towns, and assorted horse-centric scenarios from the games.
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Epona’s Ponies: Located in the barn on the right-hand side as one enters, this is a fairly typical live pony ride—one where the ponies are hitched to a carousel in order to minimize the risk of mishaps. There are two such carousels to cut down on wait times; one goes clockwise and the other counter-clockwise, and the ponies are regularly swapped between them and cycled in and out of active use for their own health and enrichment. Stringent height and weight limits are also in place to protect the animals, so this ride is limited to younger/smaller folks.
Petting Pens: An open-air pen next to the pony ride barn contains goats, sheep, and alpacas to interact with. Large chicken coops are also present, but the animals are not accessible to guests, as evidenced by signs reading “Please do not bother the Cuccos! Miss Malon takes no responsibility for the consequences!” Epona herself—a silver bay thoroughbred—is often on display in a side pen. For the safety of both guests and animals, hand-washing at the sinks provided is required upon entering and leaving the pen.
Malon Meet-and-Greet: Miss Malon herself makes scheduled appearances next to the petting pens, where she will pose for photos, sign autographs, and sing “Epona’s Song” to delight the guests.
Miss Malon’s Equestrian Extravaganza: Once or twice a day, the central horse paddock becomes the site of a live show in which experienced equestrians demonstrate trick riding, jumps, and other horseback stunts.
The Great Gallop: The main (mane?) attraction of Epona Ranch is located in the building complex opposite the entrance. In this screen-based motion-sim ride, guests mount “horses” and compete in a horse race! The screen provides a first-person view of the track, updated in real time as the “horse” runs and leaps (or fails to leap) over obstacles in accordance with the rider’s inputs. The winner of each race receives a special button to wear.
6. Sera’s Sundries: A souvenir and gift shop offering clothing, housewares, knick-knacks, and toys with a country style, named after the rural village shop in Twilight Princess.
7. The Stable Store: A shop for all the horse girls (and horse guys and horse enbies) out there, offering toys, figurines, books, and other items to delight the would-be (or actual) equestrian. The exterior design is inspired by the Stables of Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom.
8. Kochi Dye Shop: All-natural fiber garments and accessories are dyed on-site in a stunning variety of colors and patterns. Buy as-is or request a custom job for an extra fee. Named after a similar business in Breath of the Wild’s idyllic Hateno Village.
9. Chateau Romani Milk Bar & Grill: A family-style barbecue restaurant where the whole party can chow down on steak, ribs, chicken, and country-style side dishes. The name Chateau Romani comes from the “special” (alcoholic?) milk in Majora’s Mask, and the “Milk Bar” part of the name isn’t just cosmetic; this place has an unusually extensive milk and dairy menu, including goat’s milk, almond milk, soy milk, and a number of cheeses. Ample patio seating is available, and “live” entertainment is provided courtesy of a pay-to-play animatronic musical duo with a wide repertoire of familiar LoZ tunes!
10. The Apple Cart: The humble apple is a favorite snack for horses and humans alike, and this outdoor booth provides all you could want—whole or sliced apples on their own, dried apple treats, apple fritters, apple mini-pies, squeeze pouches of applesauce, bottled apple juice and (soft) cider…but not, ironically enough, horse apples!
Epona Ranch doesn’t have its own Spirit Train station but is served by the one located in the Lost Woods. Guests near the west side of the area have a clear view of the train as it passes through.
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theeloveofsolitude · 2 years ago
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the Hateno Village theme plays on repeat in my mind 🌾
even though i'm new to landscapes, i loved this spot in botw so much!! so i wedged link into a corner and took a screenshot
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junietuesday · 1 year ago
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