#hate that in the pics you can't see my use of different golds or the cool purple tones in the shadowfell rocks or anything... oh well
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oathkeeper-of-tarth Β· 2 months ago
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Decided to start the new year off right. So here she is, and here I am, manifesting for 2025:
a bounty of successfully finished projects
a wealth of awesome knight ladies in knight/lady relationships
In any case, painting this sure was a trip, especially since I'd never really seriously done anything like it before, and have only dabbled in ruining minis. Nothing here photographs well at all, sadly, so you'll have to just take my word on it that it all turned out pretty damn cool.
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And now she can chill and guard my plants in her full resplendent glory.
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She is... huge. But this is only right and appropriate. The level of tiny detail on her still meant I had to resort to toothpicks and needles (with the occasional Gundam marker assist).
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And still I spent hours becoming intimately familiar with her elaborate... coccyx armour or whatever that is there. Also, getting her weird pseudo-marble statue skin colour right was very much a challenge.
The next thing I do, I think, will not be painting Isobel just yet (sorry). Instead, I might reach into the depths of my gunpla stack and build Aylin a fancy flying buddy.
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And then pose them so they're doing a wing high five or something equally silly.
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arn359 Β· 4 months ago
Wine is waaaay to worse than i imagined😭😭😭. I will blame all the fic that i read about him and make like he was a nice guy. The fact that i will immediatly shoot the other au without question if he meet them is insane. And the way he always want more power and he will always try to manipulate the king . Also poor coffeeπŸ˜“.
Anon, I’m using your ask to ramble about Wine. And it’s too long…. So i think i will put the rest under the cut. After the pic.
I haven’t read much of fics that have Wine in it. But with so little information about him, the way it scattered around and languages barrier. I understand that ppl may have different view of him, also is the setting of the fic. If it’s on the surface, i guess he could be better???
But there’s a thing about FSG(Fellswap-Gold) being set in communist theme , Wine being the head of the royal guard, AKA he the head government. Idk about you guys, but for me. Any head government of a dictatorship system could never be a nice guy. NEVER. IT’S UNACCEPTABLE.
Though, you guys can have fun, just don’t forget it exists in real world. And even thought it’s not real. Propaganda exists, so is the media effects.
I summarized some of the timeline in the second pic (The art is based from the creator)
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I hate Wine so much, but here i am defending him(?) nope just explaining my insight. (i still haven’t read the setting with proper translation , so this is my headcanon from what i understand)
Wine will immediately shoot other AU.
It’s both Gaster and the system that made him that way. He’s born to be the best solider. He trained hard, deem to be love by Gaster but Gaster only see him and Coffee as tools. After Wine feelings toward Coffee became β€˜his only family’ Wine wants to protect Coffee. Wine changed to rely on Coffee being relied to him. Wine betrayed Gaster cuz Gaster want to get rid of Coffee.
Wine is a conservative, because that what the system always is.
So Wine will shoot other AU immediately because for the system. AU is see as threat. The AU would bring new possibilities and that’s against the conservative view that is to continue the old/current system.
(The dictatorship and conservative control the knowledge of their citizens. Keep their knowledge low so it makes them easier to control. Risks of having the AU be seen by citizens is not good. Citizens can’t see new things, can’t have more knowledge of other AU, can’t know that world with freedom exist. So the AU is see as threat)
But of course, Wine is not really a full conservative as we seen in some settings about him, like Wine doesn’t discriminate toward Undyne&Alphys, Wine support Grillby and Muffet interracial wedding. But the system, the time(their au set in old period), and social. Also is the way he grow up, the way he need to be β€˜the best’. It rooted too deep into his mind. And it show with what he said toward Coffee.
Yes Wine always seek power.
Because he’s a coward. Wine felt loved when Coffee relied on him as a child. But when they grow up, Wine still think that way to the point of unhealthy. Because he feared of being alone and lost his only family. And because of the system in underground is like that, he needs power to stay safe. To stay alive and hope that the thing he fears the most never come true. So it lead to seeking powers.
Wine for me, he’s a coward, he fears and the only way he knows how to ease those fears is to have more power.
Kinda words these badly, cycling nonstop. But it’s really just the way it is. Cycle. The system can't be changed. It needs to be perished.
Yes…. Poor Coffee…he also has a problem… but that’s for another time. Another post… the bairnrot hitting me bad…
These information are from @/fsg-settings go check it or you can see my post and a link to my doc i collected all the information in one doc and used google translated on them. So you can just read there. Or maybe opening the web would be easier?
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xeno828 Β· 8 months ago
I would normally say I'm late to the party but I've been researching for far too long and realized barely ANYONE has noticed this!!
So looking at the season 2 trailer for Arcane, everyone seemed to focus on the fact Vi has become an enforcer. But look at this badge that the camera focuses on...
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Call me mad, but that isn't just an enforcer badge, that's the SHERIFF'S BADGE!!!!
If you compare the regular enforcer uniform (which ngl is annoying to do cus there seem to be SO many different versions!) they do all have 1 thing in common, the lack of this badge. Some do have a symbol on their belts but it's different from this one, a lot simpler and seems to be a belt decoration/buckle more than an official badge.
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But guess which uniforms we DO see with this badge, Grayson and Marcus, both only wearing it while holding the title of Sheriff!
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Seriously, compare Grayson and Marcus's badge to the other enforcers!
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I'll concede, you could argue that since this is the symbol for Piltover as a whole that it is just to represent the Enforcers in general. But then my question is, why are Grayson and Marcus the only ones wearing this symbol if that is the case?
The only other time we see an enforcer with this specific badge design is when Caitlyn is crossing the bridge back into Piltover and gets stopped by the barricade. But notice this badge is silver, whereas Grayson, Marcus, and Vi, all have gold badges. Looks an indication of status. Regular enforcers carry silver badges while the higher ups have gold ones on display 24/7.
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Honestly, the way these badges are presented on each character can also line up with the individual person. If this is true it's a really cool snippet of storytelling through character design.
Looking at Grayson, her badge is big, front and center, she's showing it off. Grayson is proud of what she does and of her status, she earned her title through her own hard work and desire to protect the city.
Marcus's badge is slightly smaller and a bit more off to the side. He is the Sheriff and wants that to be known so, he will use that to his advantage so he doesn't hide his badge. But he is ashamed of how he got the title and is ashamed of himself. He's got what he wanted but has dug a hole for himself so deep that he can't crawl out of it, the only thing he has to show for his efforts is a badge won through blood shed and lies.
Vi's is WAY smaller than both and nearly unnoticeable on her belt to the left side. She has hated the Enforcers and topside her whole life, and now shes found herself becoming one. Oh the misery!! (Sorry!) She doesn't want to be here but feels she has too due to everything that is going on; Jinx, Zaun, Caitlyn, etc. She ended up with this position out of necessity rather than ambition or desire. Her hiding the badge away, the evidence of her 'betrayal' to the Under City, shows how reluctant she is to be doing this. She is only wearing that badge out of needing to comply with the rules that come with being Sheriff. And probably as soon as the job is done she'll toss the thing aside (which also works with the cannon cus that'll probs be how Caitlyn ends up being Sheriff like she is in game).
This entire concept is just SO fascinating to me, all the signs are there but the trailer made us so focused on Vi becoming an enforcer AT ALL that we all missed the other clues. It's a perfect example of misdirection and hiding the truth right under your nose. In the trailer we hear Caitlyn planning a strike team, sounding very in charge. When she is standing by Vi and their team she holds herself high, looking very much like a leader compared to Vi's resigned look and slightly deflated stance. Easily making us think she is the new Sheriff already - notice as well in this picture that neither Cair nor the rest of this team have any badges at all on display with their uniforms (would include a pic but I've reached the limit for this post!!!).
A good chunk of people already know that in game Vi is an enforcer and partner to Sheriff Caitlyn, the show makers know this is the assumption people will be making for season 2 and so went to imply this in the trailer without specifically stating it. Only leaving a few breadcrumbs suggesting we're all looking the wrong way.
I could be stretching here and be completely wrong, but if so PLEASE explain to me why only these 3 people are seen with this damn badge!!!!!
If this is true it's a pretty damn cool way to misdirect and subverse expectations to start off season 2.
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fourseasonsfigs Β· 2 years ago
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Han Ye and Ji Fa Hidden Knife
We're following up yesterday's Junzhe Extended Universe post (Han Ye and Xu Jin, you can read it here), with my personal favorite JZEU ship!
The two characters here are Gong Jun's Prince Han Ye (ιŸ©ηƒ¨) from An Le Zhuan (to be aired in 2023), and Zhang Zhehan's King Ji Fa (姬发) from the unaired Zhao Ge.
This ship is known as YΓ¨ Yǐ JΔ« RΓ¬, or 烨δ»₯姬ζ—₯, which is a play on their names with the phrase, 倜δ»₯继ζ—₯ - yΓ¨ yǐ jΓ¬ rΓ¬ (day and night, unceasing).
I'll be honest here - I thought these figs were beautiful when I saw them, and Ji Fa in particular has some incredibly ornate costumes, but what really got me with this pair was this incredible piece of fanfiction: flowers at dusk, fallen splendor
Thanks to this fic, I'm officially obsessed with this pairing.
The costume inspiration for Han Ye is his golden robes here:
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However, I can't find this particular outfit with his hair up with this hat. Here's a good shot of him in a hat, although with a different costume.
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That's ok, any excuse to have more pics of Han Ye works for me.
Side note, you'll notice his ring in these promo pics - Han Ye seems to wear a lot of rings. I love them all. I'm absolutely here for the An Le Zhuan ring merch to follow this show!
Right, moving on! The inspiration for Ji Fa's outfit is from this incredible costume:
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A little closer detail on the headdress:
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Just incredible. No other words for it.
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The costumes here are rendered gorgeously. I love Ji Fa's fancy headdress and the long golden tails! He's holding his palm out, maybe to take Han Ye's hand.
Are those tears in Ji Fa's beautiful grey eyes? They are! How terrible, I hate to see a fig cry...
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*gasp* And now we see why! He's got a knife hiding behind his back...
I don't know what's going on here, but I am positive it's all simply a terrible misunderstanding! Just talk it out, figs. Use your words. Violence is never the answer! You are both TOO pretty and TOO fancy to be at odds.
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Ooh, good shot of the hidden knife here. Of course, any drama needs, well, some drama to it, or where would the suspense be?
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No matter what side I turn these figs to, my eyes go immediately to Ji Fa's toweringly ornate headdress. The tails move freely around, so you can position them to the back, front, or side, however you like.
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Speaking off, here's a better view of the detail on the hat and headdress. I took this particular pic at night so you can see the gold on the headdress really shine.
Here's an extreme closeup so you can see the design on Han Ye's robes.
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Very nice. And a matching extreme closeup for more detail on Ji Fa:
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A little more detail of their shoes and robes:
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The box cards got a little bit bent in shipping, but they're alright! They'll slowly flatten out over time.
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And here we have the box. You'll notice the figs in the box are blushed (very much so!), but the actual fig face design isn't.
I saw some reviews of these figs on the seller's site that mentioned they find Han Ye in particular too pale, so they blush the face and ears of the figs for a rosier effect. I also like a little color in my fig's faces, and I have doll blush that was included in some of my doll purchases, but I've never used it before - either on dolls or figs. So I guess better late than never to give it a go!
The reviewers were right - Han Ye, in particular, is looking a little wan. Not as pale as he'd be if Ji Fa actually stuck that knife in him, but of course, that's not happening.
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Here's the doll blush, a couple unused extra makeup brushes, and a very monochromatic little prince.
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I started going and I just didn't stop! Ji Fa was right there, so I put a little color in his cheeks, nose, and across his ears too. Pretty cute, I think.
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 124
Diorama Count: 7
Snowglobe Count: 1
Rating: Blushy and beautiful!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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yabai-korra Β· 4 years ago
Eris getting some of Nesta's powers and his importance in the future
Y'all I'm 90% sure some of Nesta's power has been transferred to Eris, at first it occurred to me in a sort of "ha, could be" way but I'm pretty certain, hear me out! Also going to touch on the subject of Nesta not losing her powers completely.
The power in the dagger
Nesta Made the dagger and put some of her own power into it, and then Eris got that dagger as a present by Inner Circle, which wasn't really a necessary scene nor plot point unless you read between the lines.
We have seen the exact same thing in Kingdom Ash, Aelin lost all of her power but an ember, but beforehand put it in her sword Goldryn and whooped Maeve's ass, actually head lol, with it. Having power shoot out of her hands and her sword felt pretty much the same so I'm sure Nesta will be equally powerful in the next book! Not only does she have a bit of her power left, three weapons filled with her power, and the Dread Trove. Nesta is still the most powerful character 😎
If Nesta can put some of her power into a weapon, it doesn't seem like a stretch at all for the power in the weapon to get out and into a person.
Eris only pretended to be influenced by Koschei
This one was kinda obvious to me from the moment I read it, no psychoanalyzing needed.
Nesta and her weapons were said to "probably" grant immunity from Koschei's power because they were both Made, and Eris had the dagger while he when he was captured.
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Every person that has been possessed by Koschei has been said to have glassy eyes, EVERYONE except Eris!
Eris's soldiers had glassy eyes.
Bellius had glassy eyes.
Cassian had glassy eyes.
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Eris is the only "possessed" person to get "accidentally" caught.
Eri's soldiers said nothing, and it was Briallyn who reveal that Bellius and Cassian were possessed.
Out of Cassian, Bellius, Eris, and his soldiers, Eris is undoubtedly the slickest and most cunning one. Comparison between him and Cassian has been dragged throughout the whole book, while Cassin is the muscle, Eris plays mind games and politics.
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ERIS IS THE MASTER AT WORD GAMES! How did Cass and Az realize he was possessed and therefore Koschei being there? THROUGH ERIS USING A WORD GAME he knew only Cass and Az will pick up on.
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Are y'all trying to tell me that Eris, who supposedly had immunity from the Koschei's power, didn't show the only sign of being possessed which is glassy eyes, had accidentally said something that will let Cass and Az know he's "possessed"?
Golden flames
The word "flame" has been used in 4 different contexts throughout the book
a) actual fire in the fireplace
b) silver flames in Nesta's eyes
c) flames in Lucien's eyes
d) flames in Eris's eyes
We know that Autumn Court's power is fire, both Lucien and Eris were described to have red flames in their eyes, which is completely expected right?
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Eris was said to have flame/red flame multiple times, but I'm only allowed ten pics per post, and obviously not gonna put quotes of Nesta's silver flames cause it's literally the title lol.
Then, when Eris was "possessed" and held a dagger to Cassian's chest, it was said that flame rippled from it, and Cass didn't know if it came from the dagger itself or from Eris.
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My guess? Both or combined! When Eris received the dagger, he said that it has flame in it, and Eris is said to have had flames in his eyes previously.
Last but not least, AFTER Eris had been "possessed" and AFTER the dagger was returned to the Night Court, ERIS NOT LONGER HAS RED FLAME IN HIS EYES, BUT GOLD.
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This was in the penultimate chapter! Aka the chapter before the last. SJM always takes great care to put something important or foreshadowish at the end of each book. The last chapter was obviously Nessian and Archeron sisters, since it was the Nessian book and the three sisters are all finally happy together (plus announcing the next book as Elain's) but chapter before that... about Eris? Interesting.
There was so much about him there I for a second thought the next book is going to be about him lol. So much to unpack in that chapter:
Eris was tortured by his father for information (which I think is the hint for Eris not being possessed).
Eris still insists there are some things about him and Mor that Mor hasn't told the Inner Circle.
He wants to explain something to Mor.
He obviously just wants to be friends with the Inner Circle (but that's a discussion for another post).
Cassian, who hates Eris with burning passion throughout the whole book, says he thinks Eris is a good guy, but is too much of a coward to act like it.
It was hinted that Beron did much worse things to Eris during his life, "The male had been raised with every luxury and privilege - on paper. But who knew what terrors Beron had inflicted upon him? Cassin knew Beron had murdered Lucien's lover. If the High Lord of Autumn had been willing to do that, what wouldn't he do?" If you ever read any SJM serials you would know that this wasn't put here just because, it's always foreshadowing with her.
"Because it doesn't add up. You know what a monster your father is and want to usurp him; you act against him in the best interests of not only the Autumn Court but all of the faerie lands; you risk your life to ally with us... and yet you left her in the woods." - Cassian. Do you see all the material for the future book?
"Eris crossed his arms, then winced. As if whatever injuries lay beneath his immaculate clothes ached." I THINK THIS IS A DESCRIPTION OF NOT ONLY ERIS'S CURRENT SITUATION, BUT HIS WHOLE LIFE. As Cass said, born in luxury, raised by a monster.
Eris is generally very fucked up? Not only was it in this last chapter, but it was stated multiple times that his upbringing really damaged him. When Cassian was surprised by the fact Beron tortured him, Eris responded with: "Get that pitying look off your face. I know what sort of creature my father is. I don't need your sympathy." That is an extremely fucked up way to respond to being tortured by one's father, and implicates he was subjected to similar misery earlier in his life.
"Nesta could see he didn't believe them - that he was so used to twisted politics and scheming of his court that even when the simple, easy truth was offered, he could not see it." Again, very messed up mindset, which in the author's language means writing material.
The last line said to Eris in the book is: "Eris was still their ally. Was willing to be tortured to keep their secrets. And Cassian didn't need to be a courtier to know his next words would slice deep, but it would be a necessary wound. Perhaps it would be enough to push him in the right direction. "You know, Eris, I think you might be a decent male, deep down, trapped in a horrible situation." He looked over his shoulder to find Eris's gaze blazing again. But only pity stirred in his chest, pity for a male who has been born into riches, but had been destitute in every way that truly mattered. In every way Cassian had been blessed - blessings that were now overflowing. So Cassian said; "I grew up surrounded by monsters. I've spent my existence fighting them. And I see you, Eris. You're not one of them. Not even close. I think you might even be a good male. You're just too much of a coward to act like it." This was said by Cassian, whom Eris insulted every time they interacted, who hurt his sister, who wanted to steal his mate, whom Cassian said he wanted to kill or leave to die on so so many occasions, who made Cassian feel stupid and insecure every chance he had, and yet Cass of all people found it in his big good heart to see the good in Eris and try to push him to be good.
And now, his eyes burn with golden flames.
There is so so much to unpack and reveal about Eris's character, and SJM couldn't be more obvious with pointing it out. He is definitely going to play a huge role in the next book(s). With his possible new powers, overthrowing Beron, healing from all the emotional and physical trauma inflicted upon him, revealing a lot of secrets he's been keeping, and finding a way to show his true colors.
Also I think Nesta might be the one to help him with it because she at some point says that she deserves to marry him because "she is just like him", and not only in a way that they both insulted Cassian. They both had/had demanding parents which made them cold and unfeeling, preferring to appear as assholes because they don't want and don't know how to be their true kind selves. I think she would a great friend and the best person to help him deal with everything.
And the way Eris obviously likes her which we've seen when they were dancing. How he saw that she really liked spinning around so he went out of his way to spin her on multiple occasions even though it wasn't in the dance protocol. I'm pretty sure that was his way of getting closer to her because he obviously can't do it with words.
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punkscowardschampions Β· 5 years ago
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: never seen a kid 😒 at a haircut Jimmy: before you say owt, it ain't even done yet so it don't look shit Janis: Poor Bobs Janis: bribe him with sweets after like it's the dentist Janis: I can get some on my way back Jimmy: throw him at your family pinging and well mad fer the party πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: tah for the invite lads Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: you know Janis: can't get him on the pre drinks so Jimmy: I'll set him up with a shot glass full of fizzy pop Jimmy: sorted Janis: πŸ™Œ Janis: party don't stop Janis: what about Twix Janis: she'll feel left out Jimmy: 🎢 or start til you walk in, babe #obvs Jimmy: πŸ’”πŸΆπŸŽ» Jimmy: I'd reckon on letting her trash the place but that's any day she's left alone for 1 sec Janis: Naturally Janis: why else would I need to be there so bad Janis: she's just bored #relatable Jimmy: life and soul, my dear Jimmy: you and your true love wasted on this place Janis: sad but #truthbomb Janis: [sends him socials of the decor that are already up] Janis: I know I've been telling you but seriously Janis: see and believe and prepare Jimmy: fucking hell Jimmy: too late to ask πŸ’€πŸ‘‘ to be your date instead or what? Janis: hmm Janis: would probably be my easy ticket out Janis: and she'd be thrilled for so many reasons Jimmy: crack on then Janis: πŸ˜’ Jimmy: come on, no challenge in it Janis: only a further challenge on my sanity, like Jimmy: turn round, I've sent the orchestra after you Jimmy: Bob's gonna save you a tissue an' all Janis: lovely Janis: just one he's not blown his nose in, tah Jimmy: πŸ‘Œ Jimmy: buy us 🚬 when you're at the shop Jimmy: πŸ€žπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ Janis: sure Janis: death pact sounds good rn Jimmy: right there next to you, Juliet Jimmy: headfirst off the balcony if nowt else Janis: honestly Janis: love to fuck up their marble floor Jimmy: least if you play up enough you might get a new pony out of it Jimmy: fuck knows where we'll put it but the kids will be #buzzing Janis: piss off Janis: don't even like horses Janis: or you Jimmy: I know that's bollocks, rich girl Janis: glue factory, both of yous Jimmy: πŸ’•πŸ΄ Jimmy: πŸ’•πŸ˜Ž Jimmy: I'll buy you a heart shaped locket when our #truelove turns 1 Jimmy: space with pics for all your faves Janis: πŸ˜’ Janis: I'll throw it into the ocean Jimmy: πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” Jimmy: gonna make me 😒😒 too Janis: s'alright, draw a masterpiece and I'll share the door Janis: don't hate you either, not completely Jimmy: every bit's a masterpiece with you as my muse, baby Jimmy: πŸ₯‡πŸŽ¨ Janis: gonna get whiplash if you keep doing these 180s boy Jimmy: get you out of this party, won't it? 😘 Janis: your plan all along Janis: πŸ’” me so I've got a get out of jail free card Janis: not worked for Gracie, like Jimmy: gotta be πŸ’• to get πŸ’” Janis: she was Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: our fake was realer than that Janis: not with him, obviously Janis: πŸ’€πŸ‘‘πŸ’• Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Janis: you know it's real Janis: as real as she gets Jimmy: a love story to rival me and my ex that one Jimmy: bout as many break and make ups as we had too, like Janis: I wouldn't try and console her Janis: never get away Janis: more 😭 than the kid Jimmy: I can't πŸ’ͺ and 🀐 you said Jimmy: I ain't cuddling her Janis: better not Jimmy: not in my πŸ’°πŸ’° party clothes, tah Jimmy: wouldn't be πŸ’‹ on my collar, it'd be half her face Janis: πŸ˜‚ Janis: you have no idea Jimmy: I'm not trying to find out what she #wakesuplike or owt else Jimmy: πŸ’” Gracie I know Janis: 😏 reckon she's over it, babe Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: πŸ’” I know Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: [sends selfies that Bobby has taken of himself post haircut] Jimmy: heartbreaker not heartbroken now he is Jimmy: he needed you to see ALL 23 of them identical pics so he reckoned Janis: He looks so good Janis: very 😎 Jimmy: using every bit of my πŸ’ͺ to stop him taking my phone to give you a bell Janis: n'awh he can if he wants Janis: am at the shop so get your order in Jimmy: [cute little phone call moment including Jimmy telling Bobby to ask her to buy all kinds of silly stuff cos nerd] Janis: [so cute, when they'd all be used to each other now and like a mini fam soz ian not soz] Jimmy: [even Cass would like Janis by now, such a squad, fuck off Ian] Janis: [get her something for dinner just in case 'cos too cool for this party obvs] Jimmy: [and we know Ian ain't gonna give a shit as long as he's okay himself so] Janis: actually 😍 Jimmy: how soon can we palm him off though? Jimmy: doing my head in if he ain't yours Janis: so mean, you Janis: go 'head and wish for this party to start tho Jimmy: you're alright Janis: mhmm Janis: this is gonna be a disaster, not even a funny one Jimmy: what's the scale? Janis: you wanna hear about the worst party this family has ever, like? Janis: 'cos you need to give me like 3-5 working days to work that out Jimmy: just working out if today's the day for us to say yeah to drugs instead of nah or if decimating Ian's drink supply before he gets back will do Janis: no doubt they'll have it out like hors d'oeuvres Janis: rich people Jimmy: what the fuck are them? Jimmy: I know that weren't paddy lingo but you still lost me Janis: party food Janis: pineapple and cheese on a stick but make it πŸ’Έ Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: brush some edible gold leaf on it Janis: exactly Janis: make some poor cunt in a tux hand it out Janis: they aren't quite that level, well Janis: I don't think they'll have 'staff' anyway or 🀒 Jimmy: could've had a word for me, babe Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: missing out on a lot of tips to be there Janis: if you really wanna make it weird, I'll pay you myself Janis: idiot Jimmy: I've been waiting ages to unlock that final kink of yours Jimmy: πŸ’ͺπŸ† Janis: There you go then Janis: all comes out Janis: πŸ™„ Jimmy: πŸ₯‡ Jimmy: really cheered me that has Janis: you'll forgive me for the hors d'oeuvres then Janis: so glad Jimmy: put a bit more work in and I might Janis: you work, I pay Janis: silly Jimmy: 🀀🀀🀀 Jimmy: keep giving them orders, girl Janis: 😏 Janis: if we didn't have somewhere to be Jimmy: we don't yet Janis: no, but you can't actually ditch bobs Jimmy: I'll throw him at Cass for a bit when we get back, she's getting time off later Janis: True Janis: not above it but not ideal getting drunk enough to deal in front of him, like Jimmy: I'm texting her now Jimmy: and we're on the bus Jimmy: be home well soon Janis: πŸ‘ Janis: race you there Jimmy: piss off I ain't driving the bus Jimmy: that ain't fair Janis: if you ain't up to the challenge Janis: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: leave it out or you ain't getting your present Janis: locket? Jimmy: not what I've got in my pocket right now but I love that you're thinking long term Jimmy: very keen you Janis: πŸ€”πŸ‘€ Jimmy: you gonna guess or what? Janis: 🍾 Janis: umm Janis: did you get some shampoo Janis: idk Jimmy: my subtle hint that you need to sort yourself out, like Jimmy: not that much of a dickhead Janis: I've got no clue Jimmy: Are you telling me you wanna shower with me? 'Cause not fuming about it Janis: I was thinking where you was last but you know Janis: can't show up stinking can we Jimmy: If getting kicked out is the goal, probably should Jimmy: but I Janis: wanna give me my present Janis: I get it Jimmy: and you want it off me Janis: yeah Janis: I do Jimmy: you're so Janis: you Jimmy: [sends her a fire sext because always and any opportunity] Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: what? Janis: just Janis: be here now Jimmy: just wait for me Jimmy: won't be as long as it feels Janis: I miss you Jimmy: I want you Janis: as soon as you're back Janis: 'til the last possible minute Jimmy: Yeah Janis: didn't want to go but now I really, really don't wanna go anywhere but the shower, like Jimmy: Ian ain't there to bang on the door, it's alright Janis: 😏 maybe he's just trying to keep us in time Janis: helpful, really Jimmy: sounds proper fake that Janis: probably Janis: just tryna spread those posi vibes Janis: you know me, babe Jimmy: such a ray of sunshine you Jimmy: what I'm always telling people that is Janis: awh, who you talkin' 'bout me to, boy? Jimmy: the 🌏 babe Janis: 😍 #thatdemotho Janis: you spoil me Janis: that my gift, yeah? #freepromo Jimmy: you got me Jimmy: know the way to your πŸ’˜ Janis: just can't quit being goals, can you Jimmy: πŸ’• Janis: be here now Janis: I'm done waiting Jimmy: Hang on, I'll throw the driver off Jimmy: only a few stops Janis: probably distracted with his 😍 Jimmy: if the kid weren't here everyone on this bus would be Janis: πŸ’” that Janis: actually Jimmy: has Cass shown up at ours yet? Jimmy: I told her to take him out Janis: yeah Janis: her mates here too they're raiding the cupboards Jimmy: that lad again? πŸ™„ Janis: alright, dad Janis: nice of you to pop in πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: piss off Janis: you're so cute Jimmy: you're a dickhead Janis: don't get aggy with me Janis: I ain't got my mans over Jimmy: Mia be round any sec though, will she? Jimmy: make myself scarce for a bit then Janis: πŸ–• Janis: so funny, you Jimmy: save that for her Jimmy: πŸ’• Janis: the fakery? Janis: sure Janis: I'm a pro now Jimmy: that and the hand gestures Janis: easy now Janis: not tossing her off Janis: and it's a different gesture, anyway Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: trying to tell me I've been doing it wrong, are you? Jimmy: first I've heard Jimmy: and very subtle of you, mate Janis: πŸ˜‚ Janis: you know Janis: been thinking how to bring it up and now seemed like the perfect opportunity tbh Jimmy: you'll have a perfect opportunity to show me how I can do better in a bit Janis: it's a date, loser Jimmy: πŸ‘Œ Jimmy: [showing up cos why not do a lil skip lol] Janis: just chilling in the kitchen with cass and her mate like hey] Jimmy: [100% her mate is the Tyler kid in my head lol but yeah don't be rude and kick them out immediately, do pass the sweets Janis got round tho shameless bribe which reminds me her gift was a lollipop he swiped from the hairdresser for well behaved kids cos drunken throwback they don't remember but we do so he can give her that too like] Jimmy: [Bobby showing everyone his hair and loving life P.S] Janis: [love that, being shamelessly buzzing 'cos about those nerdy gestures forever and you get to be #seductive on the low] Janis: [get it bab, you look fresh] Jimmy: [could not resist and never will bye] Jimmy: [that little kiddo being less shy fuck me up] Janis: [get your confidence live your life bb] Jimmy: [making everyone a cuppa even though you want them to fuck off #northern] Janis: [when you're rood (but not really) so you're like we've got to get ready bye] Jimmy: [only so much eye fucking and accidental touching and seduction via lolly you can handle before you g2g] Janis: [truly, in that shower boys] Jimmy: [casually really long shower soz not soz Ian] Janis: enjoy that waterbill] Jimmy: [then actually get dressed and get drinking but it's obvs still flirty af] Janis: [the vibe, 'cos don't need to dwell on what a non mood this party is] Jimmy: [literally he'd be distracting her so hard, so many kisses it'd be a miracle that anything else gets done, lowkey helping each other dress just so you can keep touching and being soft] Janis: ['you look good' 'cos he did despite the dresscode] Jimmy: [does a drinks cheers because thanks and also she does too we know it] Janis: [cheersing with glee 'cos a few drinks in and being with the bae you don't feel completely like kms] Janis: ['not as good as Bobby but you know, you'll do'] Jimmy: [runs his hands through his hair dramatically cos got a lil trim but nothing worth mentioning and doing a pouty face for the pisstake 'take him then, I'll stay here'] Janis: [hugging him tight like no] Jimmy: [hugging her back as tight just because and hands in her hair likewise and more kisses just because] Janis: ['I promise I'll make it fun' 'cos sorry to be dragging him into this mess but gotta lol] Jimmy: ['If I'm with you, I'm having a good one' cos true even in this instance ultimately] Janis: [literal sincere hearteyes] Jimmy: [give them right back so its a moment] Janis: [just snuggling like 'let's run away okay'] Jimmy: ['alright, we're decently dressed for life on the run' but being soft with your touches cos you want to as well] Janis: [sniffs, 'yeah, new identity ready, like'] Jimmy: ['forgot your former name already, me'] Janis: [lols 'be more believable if you hadn't been saying it so much in the shower, boy' 😏] Jimmy: ['soz, I thought you only wanted me mute at the party, like' 😏 Janis: [makes face like no and a 'n'awh' sound 'I don't want you like that, you just ain't gonna have nothing to say to 'em, me either, like'] Jimmy: ['I don't wanna say nowt to 'em, just you' no offense fam but that's the tea] Janis: [nods 'cos same and not like she's that bitch to say you must lmao] Jimmy: [tops both their drinks up because that speaks for itself] Janis: [drinking and snuggling] Jimmy: [enjoy the alone time while you can kids] Janis: [just telling him about the 'decent' (bit rude) kids that'll be there for bobby to play with] Jimmy: [he'll be having a lovely time at least] Janis: [and at least as bouj as they are it's not like they're most fancy house 'cos he's still in school so can't be living fully lavish] Jimmy: [makes me lol god bless those extra bitches] Jimmy: [let's say he puts music on for them cos kids could be back any time and wanna stay in their own bubble as long as they can] Janis: [throwback to all those times, appreciated] Jimmy: [casual playlist of all those van hook ups lol] Janis: [if anything is gonna get you in the mood tbh] Jimmy: [enjoy it kids] Janis: [in your new bed bowchicka] Jimmy: [that for once isn't full of a pup and a kid so it still feels as small as a single usually #rude] Janis: [hope you've not put your fancy clothes on yet lol] Jimmy: [dressed and undressed haha priorities] Jimmy: [Jimmy'd be like me and not put them on til the last min in case they get messed up] Janis: [sensible, better than turning up all awry like what you been up to 😏] Jimmy: [they don't need the pisstaking today fam they're trying to stay in a good mood] Janis: [just like 'fucking obvs wbu'] Jimmy: [don't ask if you don't wanna know tbh] Janis: [truly, how long are we giving you lads before Ian's back being a hoe] Jimmy: [give 'em long enough to enjoy that new bed and be a few more drinks in but yeah he should probably appear soon to give him the most time to be a knob before they get be like oh bye Ian lowkey maybe they think it's the kids coming back so they're like alright cool they're earlier than we expected so loads of time to get Bobs ready but then no, it's that fool Janis: [when you're lowkey like should I stay in here 'til we're ready to go 'cos Ian hates you lol] Jimmy: [she should if only so they can type to each other for a bit] Jimmy: πŸ™„πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ™„ Janis: real life and soul has arrived Jimmy: can you hear us celebrating down here? Jimmy: πŸŽ‰ keep it down, knobhead 🍾 Janis: been to plenty parties like that Janis: but Ian, the vibe is πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŽ€ Janis: get with it Jimmy: πŸ€ standard fare that, be why he fits right in on this street Jimmy: you don't wanna take him in my place then? Jimmy: πŸ’€πŸ‘‘ gonna be thrilled to still be πŸ₯‡ like Janis: they should date Janis: start an anti-fan club for me Janis: cute πŸ’• Jimmy: stop trying to make me vom Jimmy: so kinky you Janis: tryna save you, babe Janis: sure she's dead distracting Janis: soz sue or whoever it is rn Jimmy: I'll take her over Mia as my new mum tah Janis: she will find her in Janis: stop fighting it, boy Jimmy: Take your own advice before you hand it out to me, mate Janis: 🀐 shh Jimmy: πŸ’• Janis: she's coming for his πŸ‘‘ in the dickhead stakes though so maybe it won't work Janis: too much competition πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Ž Jimmy: what like there can only be 1? πŸ€ town's full of twats Janis: ask her, she'd tell you Janis: don't share the throne, babes Jimmy: hang on, I'll slide in her DMs for a change Jimmy: shock might πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ’€πŸ‘» Janis: 🀞 Janis: needs distracting from her story rampage Jimmy: ? Janis: ugh, usual Janis: now her and gracie aren't bffs forever she don't have to hold back with slaggin on her and spilling all that tea, sis Jimmy: πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ Jimmy: rather have this twat in my πŸ‘‚ than eyes on that bollocks Jimmy: tah Ian Janis: tell him it's his turn to say something nice now Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: πŸ”Š I'm waiting Jimmy: take your turn, he's skipping his Janis: About Ian? Janis: Hmm Janis: he makes cute kids Janis: I guess Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: come and get the little one, he needs to get ready not hear this shit Janis: πŸ‘ Janis: [does and gives him a subtle shoulder squeeze as she goes] Jimmy: [runs away as soon as he can cos you know Cass is good for making Ian kick off/taking his full attention so they could just get Bobby ready and be cute though you can tell Jimothy is forlorn]] Janis: [not saying anything but keeping Bobby chatting and hyped about this party and showing him pics of relevant kids so he won't be as shy to meet them] Jimmy: [just 😍 cos that's so nice and so cute and he is full of love] Janis: [just smiling at him and doing lots of subtle small reassuring touches] Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you Janis: fuck the rest, yeah? Jimmy: yeah Janis: [gives him a sneaky kiss 'cos kids be like ewwww lol] Jimmy: let's just go Jimmy: if not to the party yet just Janis: 'course, all dressed up like Janis: kid needs an audience rn 😎 Jimmy: bit rude if our kid's just taken 1000s of pics of you on that old camera I let him have Jimmy: my muse not his Janis: there's enough inspo to go around baby Jimmy: weren't a challenge but take it as one any time you like, girl Janis: [posing for Bobby and pulling all kinds of faces whilst getting one of his jackets on like let's ride] Janis: what challenge Jimmy: [counts how many poses/faces she's doing casually] Jimmy: you owe me a photoshoot later Jimmy: see what you reckon then Janis: see what you reckon when I hit you with my hourly rate Janis: owes me so many sweets, that one Jimmy: Nah, rich girl, I work and you pay Jimmy: your words them Jimmy: [we on the move though fuck you Ian and good luck being stuck with that Cass] Janis: [seriously that'll be fun for you both lowkey] Janis: you think I'm gonna pay for the pleasure? Jimmy: as long as you feel it I don't give a fuck if you don't get the cash out Jimmy: but we can keep that between us Jimmy: #golddigger if anyone asks obvs Janis: 'course Janis: why else would you be with me Janis: just keep that off the 'gram, naturally Janis: [walking and talking with Bobs, obvs, sneaky convos ftw] Jimmy: I'll put the list on the 'gram in a bit Jimmy: let you know, like Janis: how very goals of you Janis: even if you're gonna have to ignore me to write it, like 😏 Jimmy: fuck that, it basically writes itself Jimmy: [a look cos so in love bitch] Janis: you look good Janis: did I tell you Jimmy: might've done Jimmy: I need to tell you Jimmy: come here Janis: [moves closer like hello] Jimmy: [whispering all these compliments and generally hot af things in her ear like] Janis: [when you nudge him like excuse me but it's just an excuse to snuggle into his side, we see you] Jimmy: [soz baby bobs but we gotta do another sneaky kiss here that may or may not be that sneaky soz again] Janis: [he'd be less grossed than cass and we all know it] Jimmy: [yeah and he's probs using his camera on himself/the scenery as they walk along anyways so] Janis: ['how's it feel having a mini-me?'] Jimmy: [shrugs cos used to it 'better than it'd feel Ian having one' cos that's the tea] Janis: [nods like ain't that the truth] Jimmy: [when you openly snuggle into her side without any excuse cos ugh he's the worst and you know he's been saying shit as standard] Janis: [taking your hand out of the pocket to hold his 'another pro of Mia, she's definitely infertile, no more Ians ever'] Jimmy: [little lol because you can't even help it] Jimmy: ['imagine the school lunch she'd pack, tah mum'] Janis: ['those appetite-suppressing lollipops are well kid-friendly'] Jimmy: ['do need this kid off my hands to have a smoke though so if you could give her a bell now that'd be decent'] Janis: ['um, cigarettes are the OG appetite-supressors, HELLO!' taps his head like think on but gestures like, you want me to go ahead with him or] Jimmy: [pulls her closer to him and holds onto her dramatically because no #bantsbutalsotherealest] Janis: [doing that half walk half dance you have to do when you're holding onto each other and still moving for a while 'cos not going] Jimmy: [giving her the realest intense don't leave me look before you can stop yourself because the neediest softest boy ever bye] Janis: [just looking back not faltering 'I ain't gonna leave you alone with 'em, if only for the purely selfish reason I don't wanna be alone with 'em either'] Jimmy: [a hug moment that he really needs and is made cuter by Bobby joining in cos they a lil fam] Janis: [love a group hug moment, live your best life, ain't no one stop you, especially not Ian bye] Jimmy: [shakes his head at himself like get your shit together now boy] Janis: [puts Bobby's shades down for him 'cos cool kid and mimics the same at him like you got this babe] Jimmy: [a wonderful hand squeeze of thanks and hand holding the rest of the way] Janis: [squad roll up honey] Jimmy: [let's do this lads, take a deep breath before the pink hits you but] Janis: [literal deep breath as if you're not gonna do your best to do the bare minimum of socializing before finding a cosy corner] Jimmy: [god bless, can't even shade you two cos its gonna be so awks, I can so clearly hear and see Venus' dad's extraness like] Janis: [as much as she's πŸ˜’ at least he's met cali enough for that to not be unbearable just keep rio away lowkey lol] Jimmy: [we all know they are gonna take a smoke break the first chance they get full offense everybody but could be worse cos grace is lowkey tipsy af already so] Janis: [just exchanging a look but not a sexy look with him like okay and we were pre-drinking] Jimmy: #whitegirlwasted Jimmy: you might've taught me that but she's reminding me Janis: πŸ˜‚ Janis: she's an education in all things white alright Jimmy: πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ Jimmy: [okay but Jimmy chatting to Indie cos she's brought Astrid and he's got Bobs and remember when he was like 10/10 would bang lol] Janis: [just off securing that bitch vodka] Jimmy: [take it girl you're gonna want it] Janis: [talking to Rio (and Buster and Venus' dad etc) without him 'cos you wanna keep her away 'cos embarrassing] Jimmy: [he's just settling Bobs in but he's got loads of kids and hippie brother so he's buzzing unlike most of these guests] Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: all good? Jimmy: you alright? Janis: you know Jimmy: πŸ’ͺπŸ† Janis: that's about the gist of it, yeah Jimmy: what are you drinking, girl? Janis: that's a poor excuse for chat, boy Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: do you want one or what? Janis: obviously Jimmy: πŸƒ me Jimmy: hang on Janis: you offered Jimmy: [brings her that beverage and knocks their glasses together] Janis: ['careful, wouldn't wanna spill anything'] Jimmy: [gives her a look because she wanted to spill their blood on the marble not that long ago lol] Janis: [shrugs like what] Jimmy: [shrugs back like what cos always] Janis: [πŸ™„ and dranking] Jimmy: [we all drinking] Janis: this is so ugly Jimmy: it's πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŽ€ Jimmy: get it right babes Janis: my point still stands Jimmy: smack me, I'll get a clashing colour nosebleed and we'll have to leave Janis: alright, sounds fun Jimmy: #kinkunlocked Janis: you wish Jimmy: when I blow out the kid's candles in a bit you'll have to do it πŸ‘Έ Janis: [does mini lol] Jimmy: 🚬? Janis: [starts heading out in response] Jimmy: [following the bae] Janis: ['we shoulda got another pack' as she's tapping two out, like no time for sharing] Jimmy: [gives her a playful look like literally you had one job 'I'll go in a bit' but obvs he means on the way back he's not just gonna leave her lol] Janis: ['I'm an optimist, I didn't think it'd be this bad, sue me' 😏] Jimmy: [little lol 'why we're such a good match, duh'] Janis: ['for now, anyway'] Jimmy: [πŸ’” with his hands] Janis: ['believable'] Janis: [does πŸ‘Ž] Jimmy: [does OTT sad face and fake crying like is that better?] Janis: ['if you want sympathy you gotta aim it at your new, not your old' taps her head, like Jimmy: [πŸ‘ IRL like tah for that] Janis: ['in you go' shoos 'cos so polite] Jimmy: [playfight moment cos oi] Janis: ['stop it' but a LOOk obvs] Jimmy: [a look back like make me cos distract yourselves with being flirty af kids] Janis: [shakes her head 'I'm busy' takes pause to inhale to prove point then exhales 'ask your friend instead'] Jimmy: ['which one, got so many friends, me'] Janis: [just makes face like you know] Jimmy: [makes a face back like no I don't] Janis: [rolls her eyes but not agressively so add the smirky face, like, 'good job you're pretty, babe'] Jimmy: [bats his eyelashes at her in an OTT way and makes a kissy face, it's almost like Grace is in the room lol] Janis: [makes a vom face and pushes him away 'no, you're dumped, get out'] Jimmy: [hair flip and walk away but not far away thanks] Janis: ['technically, half of these are yours' and shakes the cigs at him] Jimmy: ['not til you say yeah to tying the knot, babe, today the day?'] Janis: ['obviously, this-' gestures around '-is all I really want'] Jimmy: ['obviously'] Janis: [shakes head and sighs, 'least bobby's having fun, like'] Jimmy: [nods because that's the best he could expect as an outcome tbh] Janis: [kicks at his shins but softly not actual 'cheer up'] Jimmy: [is all like oi cos fancy clothes but not actually mad obvs 'alright, challenge accepted'] Janis: [looks at him expectantly] Jimmy: [hits her with a 'what?' as standard] Janis: ['come here, idiot'] Jimmy: [does of course] Janis: [sneaky garden makeouts forever] Jimmy: [take what you can get kids, probably gonna have to go back in before too long] Janis: [Astrid probably having a meltdown so you gotta go in to check on the kid you brought lol] Jimmy: [Indie just gotta leave with her so the numbers are dwindling #awks] Janis: πŸ’” Jimmy: πŸŽ»πŸŽ»πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸŽ»πŸŽ» Janis: really should've scaled this back, all things considered Jimmy: but the πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’‹πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŽ€ Jimmy: actually would be πŸ’” Jimmy: it's a 3 πŸ’Ž event, girl Janis: for who Jimmy: everyone #obvs Janis: I repeat Janis: who Jimmy: your horse would be feeling it if you'd brought her along πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘‘πŸ΄πŸ’• Janis: can't bring a horse for a date Janis: not that kind of horse girl Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Janis: gutting, I know Janis: not even afer the honeymoon Jimmy: might be a challenge too far competing with πŸ΄πŸ†like, πŸ’ͺπŸ† as I am Jimmy: so you're alright Janis: πŸ˜‚ Janis: no amount of πŸ€ gonna help you Janis: 🀷 soz Jimmy: πŸ’• meant to help me, Juliet Jimmy: choose me πŸ˜πŸ’˜ Janis: you've always said how much I love horses so Janis: how could I Jimmy: πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ Jimmy: on you go then Jimmy: πŸ‘‹ Janis: Missed a perfect opportunity to go with fuck you and the horse you rode in on Janis: which is why I already dumped you so Jimmy: missed a perfect opportunity to leave with Indie an' all but I've still got the orchestra to see me out Janis: 🎺 'cos you're not funny Jimmy: bit rude Janis: have we met Jimmy: dunno, my mrs does have a very different #aesthetic Janis: lucky her Jimmy: she's going out with me, she's well lucky #duh Janis: mhmm Janis: I'm gonna politely smile 'til you go away now Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: can I trust you not to spike my drink, creeper Janis: too many of my family members are congregating and I can't Jimmy: no need, give it a bit and you'll do the work of being gone yourself, lightweight Janis: fuck off Janis: how you gonna say that when she's stood right there Janis: barely Jimmy: you want me to start comparing you and her? Jimmy: not that thick or ready to πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ tah Janis: Changed your tune Jimmy: so fickle me Janis: clearly Jimmy: keeping up with you, I reckon Jimmy: am I dumped or your #goals boyfriend bringing you drinks and whatever else your heart desires? Janis: you wanted the gig Janis: tux sadly not included Jimmy: [obvs brings her drinks tho cos needs them himself anyway] Janis: ['cheers'] Jimmy: slΓ‘inte pisshead πŸ’• Janis: be nice Jimmy: you Janis: I am Janis: so nice Jimmy: πŸ‘Œ Jimmy: where? Janis: [πŸ˜’] Jimmy: go on, get your #receipts out Janis: why are you being a dick for Jimmy: what are you on about? Janis: [πŸ˜’ and an actual pout not the emoji kind] Jimmy: [gotta kiss that pout soz fam] Janis: [not soz, claim this corner lads] Jimmy: [being really nice to her rn like come back to meeeeeeeee and be my friend again] Jimmy: [I like to imagine Grace being a salty single from afar] Janis: [when you're so over this whole mood you ain't even arsed about the attention your PDA will get either way] Jimmy: [likewise only care about the bae and making this more bearable for her so soz but not soz at all actually] Janis: ['sorry' when you take a sec 'cos actual] Jimmy: ['it's alright' cos it is and not just saying it] Janis: ['it's stupid but' shrugs 'cos what can you do 'soon as they cut the cake, I swear'] Jimmy: [just snuggling her cos he'll be here as long as it takes and so much love] Janis: [just forgetting your rep and being soft for a sec] Jimmy: [#ultimategoals 5eva nobody else exists bye] Janis: ['I actually fucking love you, you know'] Jimmy: [when you're kissing her but you can't stop smiling the whole time because always gonna get you when she says that] Janis: ['I mean it' not like she doesn't think he believes her but 'cos she do and that's crazy if you ever stop and think about it which they clearly don't #nochill] Jimmy: [giving her the most intense heart eyes cos he knows and it's so mutual] Janis: [just snuggling] Jimmy: [let them have all the moments I am unrepentant af] Jimmy: [just whispering all the nice things to her like how much he loves her and how important all of this is to him etc because he could be saying anything fam its not for you] Janis: [when your face probably looks like you're #scandalized but really it's 'cos it's not saucy and that gets you harder] Jimmy: [if you didn't wanna leave before you really do now so you can just be properly alone gdi] Janis: [gonna have someone cockblock, probably one of your parents trying to talk to you like now lads okay lol] Jimmy: [rude but real] Jimmy: do you wanna just fuck off for a bit after this? Jimmy: catch a train or a lift like Janis: yes Janis: always, like Jimmy: nobody'll be at the caravan if they've all had to come here Jimmy: don't have to be there though Janis: a good base if nothing else Janis: but we can go anywhere Jimmy: πŸ‘ Jimmy: have to drop the kid back first, change out of this shit Jimmy: can grab the dog if you're both gonna be πŸ’”πŸ’” Janis: can't you bring the braces 😏 Janis: hmm, maybe Janis: the less responsibilities we leave for Cass/Ian, the less arsed everyone will be Jimmy: depends, are you taking the piss or what? Jimmy: and yeah but that don't mean I'm taking the kids meaning he'll still need me to leave classic FM blasting for him Janis: Would I do a thing like that Janis: you know you still look fit Janis: 🎻 obvs Janis: don't want him to enjoy himself ever Janis: just not ban me and πŸ’€you Jimmy: stop looking at me like that or you'll πŸ’€ me Janis: I can't help it Janis: not my fault everything else in here is offensively πŸŽ€πŸŒΊπŸŒΈπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’‹ Jimmy: πŸ’• Jimmy: love you too Jimmy: and how impressively you backhand them compliments Janis: gotta keep you grounded, babe Jimmy: then, as I said, stop looking at me like that, babe Jimmy: #groundednotintheground Janis: you're so Janis: make everyone go away Jimmy: how many bathrooms does this place have? Jimmy: let's hide in one for a bit Janis: more than one Janis: and there ain't enough guests here that they need to be queuing Janis: come interrupt so I can show you Jimmy: [does and can because has never been here before so legit wouldn't know where to go] Janis: [off you run children] Jimmy: [someone'll come find you if they need you for birthday things and you aren't back so take all the moments] Janis: [also none of you are stupid you know what's happening so leave 'em for a hot sec tbh] Jimmy: [mhmm all of y'all have pull these same tricks at some point and we know it] Janis: [exactly dr phil] Jimmy: [do we want skerries again or somewhere different?] Janis: [should go somewhere different why not] Jimmy: [yeah I'm thinking get the train/hitchhike until they are fed up and then just get out cos destination ain't the important bit] Janis: [a mood] Jimmy: [feels real even they come back tomorrow, being gone long isn't the point either really] Janis: [exactly, it's just about leaving]
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lady-loser-of-asgard Β· 7 years ago
The Devil is a Woman Pt. 2
Summary: A Valkyrie betrays the throne after the war with Hela. She creates an alliance with the she-devil, but just after being released from the banishment along with Hela, she is thrown into another one with a raven haired mischievous god known as Loki.
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Warnings: Thor Ragnarok spoilers, lots of death, self hate, betrayal, should be it I think :)
Please Read Part 1
[Not my pics again]
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It is to be understood that there is a big difference between having an interest in someone rather than being in love, and at this moment as Loki and (Y/N) stomped their way through the rubble of trash of what would soon be announced to them as Sakaar, he was definitely nowhere near feeling in love.
"Darling although I must say you have such a wonderful voice, would you please shut the hell up!" Loki's voice suddenly boomed.
You stepped back in shock. Obviously offended by the command, you pushed past him and tredded up the last mountain of trash before your destination.
"'Shut the hell up'," you repeated mockingly, "you're such a snob and a bore, you know that?"
Loki rolled his eyes. After listening to you complaining about the stench and the trash and the strange slime climbing up your boot, he was just grateful to finally get you to shut up for a few seconds.
"You are quite possibly the most annoying woman I have ever met." Loki spat as he too began climbing the mountain, quickly catching up to your own pace.
You didn't answer him. You had just managed to raise yourself on the top of the trash mountain, quickly seeing the large city in front of you. Before Loki could even capture the view of the city himself, you sprinted down the mountain and into the city in a desperate attempt to free yourself from the stuck up prince. Loki was at a loss of words for the first time in his life. You had just tricked the trickster, and Loki could not bring himself to believe it.
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If it weren't for the predicament you currently put yourself in, you would have patted yourself on the back. However knowing full well it wouldn't be that easy to be rid of Loki, you continued your run at top speed.
Pushing through hordes of people full of jabbing elbows and of course a stench worse than the trash you just left, you hurried into the innermost part of the city. Due to the crowd, it was only a matter of time before you were rammed into and forced onto the floor accidently (or purposefully, you would never know). Landing in front of two feet, you slowly eyed the character, praying it wasn't the prince you just left. When your eyes finally landed on the face of the man in front of you, you suddenly found yourself wishing it was Loki afterall.
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"My, my, who might you be?" The man bent down and took hold of your forearm, helping you off the ground.
Immediately, two guards stood beside you ready to charge, but the man before you swatted them away.
"I am the Grandmaster. Who might you be?" He asked again.
Just as you were about to answer, an arm wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you close. "She is my wife, (Y/N)."
Wide eyed, you slowly moved your head from the hand on your shoulder to the raven haired idiot beside you.
"Oh, hell no!" You whispered to Loki as you both trailed behind the Grandmaster and his guards.
"For once in your life, shut up, or you'll get us both killed!" Loki muttered back.
You were sure that being married to Loki was more out of spite than cleverness in his plan. You took in your surroundings as you walked. It was explained to you both that the Grandmaster was parading around the city, advertising for a certain competition that was to be held when you had happened to bump into him. According to Loki by claiming you as his wife and declaring himself a prince, you would both be safe.
"You know, I have yet to see a princess in armor such as your wife," The grandmaster mused, radiating suspicion.
"She was a captain of a specialised military group before we met. Her father and mine, the king, got along well, so he promised her to me." The grandmaster seemed oddly satisfied with the answer as he turned to meet your gaze.
"Well then, she certainly isn't just a trophy wife." He laughed as he led us through a tall building.
You bit your lip as a rush of anger flushed into you. If it weren't for Loki suddenly pushing you behind him, you would have struck the man in the face. "I am sorry to say that my wife and I need to cut our introduction short. You see, we took a great fall on our way here and need rest. If it suits your fancy, we would like to take our leave now," Loki excused. The Grandmaster had no problem and allowed his servants to lead both of you to your room. However, Loki knew being alone with (Y/N) would be the biggest headache he would ever have. Before he could even close the door to your beautiful gold room, you had already bombarded him with question after question. Loki was barely allowed to utter a single word, so he simply pushed past you and towards a bar in the lavish living room.
"What are you doing? I'm speaking with you" You inquired.
"If we are going to talk, then I need a drink." He stated simply as he poured himself a suspicious looking beverage. You were awestruck to say the least. This man had just declared you as his wife, and you were somehow promised to him. You were beyond mad. Part of being a Valkyrie was that it was forbidden to ever be in any kind of relationship, whether it be with a man or with one of your sisters. Even a matter of joking about it was taboo, so being Loki's wife made you feel terrible.
"Look if you had told him you were an assassin to the goddess of death, then you and all other Asgardians would be a threat. If I have any chance of surviving here, then you have to be kept an eye one." He explained as he massaged his forehead. He took a long swig of his drink. You hated to admit it, but he was right. In that situation, you would have definitely exposed your identity; however, he had stopped you back there.
Loki looked at you and noticed the obvious understanding but reluctant expression on your face. He smugly stepped away from the bar and positioned himself in front of you. He quickly wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close as he whispered in your ear, "Besides, being my wife should be an added bonus-" you cut him off by pulling a sword to his neck. "I would hardly call being with you a bonus. If you ever touch me again, I will cut your hand off." Again your threat failed, he saw right through it but still removed his hand. He would make sure you suffered just as much as him in this situation.
"You are still quite possibly the worst woman I have met, Love."
"What do you even mean by that?"
"Wh-What do I mean? Look at all this mess!"
You looked around the shared room of yours and Loki's. You and Loki had both settled into your lives of fake marriage. To be frank, you both still found a way to bicker every chance you got, but you both had stopped the small attempts to kill each other during the first week of your stay on Sakaar. Today, it would seem that Loki wanted to argue about your living space on the couch. He had offered to take the spot on your first night together, but you weren't accustomed to the coldness the master bedroom offered.
"It's not even that bad, Loki! You are just being picky."
You never really had many things before your stay on Sakaar. Banishment offered little things to own and life as a Valkyrie did not require many necessities. However as soon as you and Loki presented yourselves to the Grandmaster's guest, you were showered with gifts and offerings such as dresses and lavish jewelry. You usually just dumped them on the couch with the intention of putting it away later, but after a long day of drinks and dancing, you just push them off the couch and fall asleep.
Loki rolled his eyes and helped you pick up the unwanted presents. He secretly hated the attention you were receiving recently. It didn't bother him at first, but after he started to become accustomed to your stubborn attitude and hidden insecure nature, he despised the gifts. As if on cue, you noticed the obvious disdain in Loki's mood recently, but you always assumed it was your fault. You hated to admit how bother it made you. Being in close proximity with Loki at all times made you begin to like your little marriage routine. In fact, anytime you weren't with Loki was quite possible the most dull in your book.
"If you are going to have such a sour attitude, then you don't need to help." You muttered. He scoffed but continued with the cleaning. "I don't understand why you even bother accepting all these gifts." You ignored the comment as you picked up the last article of clothing left. The tension in the room was unbearable. Gossebumps rose up your arm as you tossed the clothes inside a closet. "I fail to see how It's any of your business, Loki! Last time I checked we aren't really married!" As I made my way back into the living room where Loki was, you noticed he was already gone.
Of course, it was your fault again. You rolled your eyes and made your way to the commotion down the hall. The grandmaster was holding another banquet today, so that could be the only place Loki had went to. When you made your way through the party, you couldn't find Loki at his usual spot. After searching more, you found him at the side of Thor in a clear argument. Before you had a chance to hide, Thor had already caught you in his piercing gaze.
You straightened yourself out and confidently walked over towards the idiot brothers. Loki refused to acknowledge your presence while his brother was soaking it all in. "Another betrayal, brother? I must say you work fast." The comment was far deadlier as it rolled off Thor's tounge. Loki, however, was unfazed. "Relax, it is only a facade for the Grandmaster. She is nothing more than a wench I'm using." You glared into the green eyed monster in front of you and smiled stunningly. "I can't wait to slaughter both of you and feed you to Hela." From afar, it would look like a beautiful wife smiling at her equally beautiful husband, but that smile was the biggest lie here. You pushed past Loki and walked towards your room. There was a hidden knife that pierced the peace you and Loki had finally created the moment Thor had landed. The war had begun again, and you refused to let any other distractions find its way to you. This was it. The demon is returning to her devil. As you changed into your armor and prepared for your escape. A terrifying thought came to you from your earlier conversationwith Loki and Thor.
You did not refer to Hela as your queen.
Alright, I aimed for a more lighter feel for this part. I decided not to make this part too long, so I will be making a third part to this. It will be the last, so I hope you are looking forward to it! Please let me know what you think!
Also, I have some shorter one shots in the making, and I would love to add more. Therefore, please sent in some request you are hoping for. The requests will have priority over my writing, so I will try to get those done before my own imagines on Sundays. Anyways thanks for reading!!
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pokefanbri Β· 5 years ago
1st I have to say this b4 I repeat the post from fb. This is a place where I can speak my mind freely without judgement, speak my peace even. Which is exactly what im gonna do so prepare for a read. So think what u want idc, but the last thing I wanna do is tick some1 I know off cause on some level there's a mutual appreciation & respect regardless of my impression. And anyone that reads this isn't obligated to understand my opinion & I dont expect u to. With my brain its my thought process to let information out of my head so I can put things aside, observe & absorb more lol. Writing is another tool or coping mechanism for my anxieties & other psych ailments, treatment for my mental health depends on it & other hobbies in other words, especially during shutdown, something to focus on. Heck even youtube is recommended by my doctor if it keeps me happy lol. But because ill be working again, I may not have time to do alot of things I like sadly..idk i just wouldnt want to be burnt out & focus on more important things. I have a high respect for anyone working around people during this time & it must worrisome for u too, means I have to keep on my toes as well soon..its a scary world out there for an introvert but I was killin it in NY too. It was just a slow steady process with all the limitations & moving my life up there wasn't easy to begin with but I pulled through & did it all...only for it to be taken away.
So, I'm an Irish, German, Canadian,British Mut from tucson. Maternal & paternal immidiate families lineage mixed made me, including my NY blood from my bio dad. The rest is all over Europe but u get the idea. Tucson may be where i was born & my 1st home without a father & raised not knowing (were mardi gras babies btw πŸ˜’)
But NY is & will forever be my 2nd home i dont care what any1 says, I felt I belonged there. Its the other half of me quite literally.Theres a memory that's really been bugging me. Last day b4 i left it, a bald eagle flew across my path in the sky no joke going NE & I was departing back to the SW. I chose the eagle years ago cause I identify with it. including the background symbolism in different phases of my life that included them lol, but to actually see one was just amazing.
They symbolize strength+freedom in general despite it standing for the country from sea to shining sea lol. Also Braviary was always in my pokemon team besides pikachu since its gen came out lol. I've always been strong, whether some believe it to be true or not is their problem, only I know the things I've gone through. Point is different ends of the spectrum its always been with me throughout in some way & im glad i got to share it with someone that gave me the freedom I needed.
But yea I experienced what its like to be there & got to know that part of me even if I didn't find him & maybe didnt care...I feel I was meant to be there. I was in touch with my roots, lower Temps & above sea level rather than high temps & below sea level 🀣 I loved everything about my time up there. It'll always be a part of me, & I hope to see it again. But I digress.
But in regards to the relationship itself, emphasizing on what i said b4. Just as it i got "settled" in it was gone & I had no clue what was happening without my knowledge, the whole plan to bring me back, all of it, the whole chain of events that unfolded the way it did starting with leaving a marriage in the 1st place to be with him i mean come on lol. Chasing a dream that didn't play out the way we had hoped. I took leap of faith & I ended up starting over twice in 1 year with no benefit of the doubt. I still have my ny health insurance for the rest of the yr, I have to add it to my list to apply again in az. Ive been wearing the wrong prescription glasses for 6 months under quarantine & they're just now getting to stage 4 of opening lol. Just understand how frustrating that actually is for someone like me & u totally get it πŸ˜… U want to take care of business but sometimes you're limited & gotta work around it. had all that covered there & then was told I settled, wrong thing to say & its no wonder I didn't blow up in his face right there & then πŸ˜’. But I have retraint & can control myself. Though it was out of my hands the new relationship didn't have to go sour, been just as long if not more, could've actually thrived given the proper balance with room to grow. Idk, Sometimes I honestly don't think anyone believed in me. I mean I have no debt, no record, no kids, im a clean slate type of girl lol. Yes I did end up feeling unappreciated, underestimated, a bit neglected, insecure about my body, ashamed for being myself, & I shouldn't have to feel that way at all & if that happens there obviously something off. I just didnt know what it is he wanted & needed, i wanted to help & be a good partner to this dude but why is it bad to ask the same in return? I shouldn't have to drastically change myself to fit someones standard i know, but...i needed the old him back, I missed the old us & wanted to get back to that.. Was always so closed off & probably ended up in his own head who knows, maybe there was guilt for some of the things he did & didnt want to hurt me anymore, spare my feelings any more than it did b4 it was too late.idk whatever the excuse i still don't know what triggered it all to fail so easily & i don't think i ever will. But ending up with the conclusion that I was the problem, its narcissistic to even believe that & i won't accept it. Not when he can't confront his own issuse & put blame onto himself too.. it was a low blow & literally felt like my heart was pierced at the sound of it. If im to blame its the other way around as well. My point of view wasn't acknowledged so this is my take & experiences of happened so plz dont hate me for speaking my truth.
But yea I can tell when somethings not right & feel strong empathy for others emotions. I knew something was different, there were signs everywhere since the mistrust started & during the last half of that time with him I questioned everything but sat in my own headspace as well as he did just thinking about it. If anything we failed eachother, the blame is on us both but idk what else i could've done to get through to him. That's the stubbornness, he wouldn't budge. Despite how things went down..Leaves me to think, what was the point of having me there in the 1st place, to not follow through with our shared hopes & dreams but instead spiral into such resentment for me that the interest faded. But at the at the same time...even if it ended early for him, I didn't give up & I fought to keep us okay which it was for the most part. Hindsight is 20/20, it definitely wasn't negative all the time. In fact things were great between us & acted like goofballs together, that right there is a friend despite if the stronger feelings weren't mutual. Nobody with hate in their heart acts like that, he was good, the best, cheered me up when I was down, shared interests & did things for eachother. But that alone makes me question what was truth & what was fiction sometimes ever since the trust between us started to fade. Am I in the right to feel what im feeling right now? Im angry & upset yes very, but the kindness he had throughout..he did care in his own way...which makes things so much harder.
Tripadoodle if some way you're listening, I hope u know now where im coming from. For your own benefit & quest to be a better man like you always wanted...actually try. Head my advice. Making yourself better shouldn't be put on a womans shoulders to do for u without her getting lifted in return...its alot of weight to handle for 1 person to carry lol. Get off your ass & build on yourself, learn from everything that happened & become better for yourself & the sake of others, Because it starts with u. Go to church if possible or watch them, it really does help. Even from across the country I still want u to do just as good & help u as a friend. You promised we could remain friends & im holding my end of the bargain whether u like it or not lol it was your idea during the ride here. All I wanted in the end was to not lose u in my life completely...but i should be patient i know.. Theres more space, im not contacting u directly & respecting that, eventually ill stfu lol but I feel I need this rn. I should hate u,but I cant hate u, I do still care, u had that affect on me so much that I can't really listen to others when they say ur a douchbag lol, u were still my rock the whole time even if u didn't feel the same after a while & u did help me alot as well. I see the good in people & u are good, with well balanced snarkiness & humorous sass to boot. light a fire under ur own ass & ull be okay lol. Never stopped believing in u. Ive seen what you can do, you're very smart & know your sh*t, u will go far lol. And as a friend I'd lend u my strength if I could but the most I can do is pray for things like safety/protection, healing, forgiveness, guidance, etc. Leave it to God if u feel compelled to. Give zanabell a hug for me.
God i talk way too much πŸ˜… No im not doing any of this for attention, I want my voice to be heard as well as a possible learning experience if it had that effect on anyone. The things we learn build character & help us understand a little more about ourselves. Probably shouldn't share cuz its nobody's business, yea ive thought of that too.. But its a blog lol, Tumblr allowed it to be that space, opinions and rants are allowed & encouraged. Nothing wrong with that πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ so who gives a crap.
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These are pictures of the NY sunrise & AZ sunset. Clouds always get me cuz of the shapes, used to to take pics of them all the time. once saw mario holding a hammer when I was a kid πŸ˜‚ 3rd & 4th pic is a split rainbow, never seen that b4...either someone found the gold or its deciding whether or not to connect. Probably was connected but I missed it lol. But then I looked behind me after the split 1 disappeared & a double rainbow was forming. Nature can be scary but also beautiful
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punkscowardschampions Β· 6 years ago
Rio & Buster
Rio: It was so good having you back Rio: everything smells like you again Buster: I feel that Buster: If I could've taken back half your wardrobe with me to miss you less I would've Rio: Never gonna be Brazil levels of hot here so sadly I need them or I'd let you Buster: I'll take what I can get Buster: It's so quiet here Buster: I could hear your every breath right now if you were here too Rio: That'd be nice Rio: I like you being the only thing I hear and see Rio: but selfishly glad Indie isn't in School right now for the same reason Buster: Admittedly I didn't see much of her but she seemed better than I expected Buster: Or better at pretending to be anyway Rio: Yeah, she's really trying to be alright Rio: she don't want him to fuck her up and I don't blame her Buster: Me either Buster: He ain't worth any of that Rio: Just wish it was the same for Edie Rio: but there we go Buster: Yeah Rio: It'd be so scary having to do this alone Rio: having a baby, I mean Rio: or with a useless father fucking shit up, even worse Buster: I was gonna say Buster: I don't wanna but I keep thinking about Chlo and James 'cause like what the fuck Rio: She's probably as much use as him though Rio: if not less so Rio: I don't know, can't picture her worrying about anything real Buster: Still, he's flirting with a girl at school every time I see him, I swear Buster: As much as I hate her, that's uncalled for Buster: And it's a car crash Rio: Yeah, again unsurprised Rio: Nance reckoned it wouldn't be long before they were cheating on each other Buster: There's no love lost between Nance and him either but she's right nonetheless Buster: I should've gone to see Astrid, speaking of, but since that means a high chance of also seeing my aunt Buster: Next time, I'll get Nance or Indie to sneak her out Rio: It is sad though, like, not gonna shed a tear but I doubt she's getting any herself in her state Rio: I think we're gonna take her to the park later, Indie's going stir-crazy Rio: I'll take pictures and stuff Buster: She was never gonna be a MILF like you, babe Buster: But yeah Buster: How are you feeling, besides missing me, obviously? Rio: Obviously Rio: I'm feeling pretty good though, revamped all my socials and cam pages so they look more professional Rio: Productive to keep myself from missing you too much Buster: I'm proud of you Buster: Do you reckon you'll have to take a break when my boy starts showing or is anyone gonna think you look hot like I do? Rio: Hmm, I don't know Rio: Like, it's a fetish because everything is but maybe I won't be feeling hot regardless of how viewers feel Buster: True Buster: You don't know how you're gonna feel yet Buster: You might want the time off Rio: Also depends how much we need the money Rio: 'cos we will when he's here Rio: maybe I'll work 'til I drop, Ma always did Buster: Don't worry about that Buster: I'll make sure he has everything he needs and wants Rio: Not if you get cut off for him, babe Buster: That's not gonna happen Rio: I hope not Rio: I'm just considering every outcome Buster: Baby, trust me Buster: It's gonna be fine Rio: I do trust you, baby Buster: I'm gonna look after you both Buster: If I have to beg my parents for anything or whatever else, I'll do it Rio: I know Rio: but I'm prepared to do whatever I have to too, you know Buster: That's why I love you and I know you're gonna be the perfect mum Rio: I love you so much Buster: I love you too Buster: Both of you Rio: You're so fucking perfect, you know that Buster: We are Rio: How are you, I haven't even asked, rude Buster: I'm good, don't worry Rio: I won't even ask what you're up to today though 'cos I know Buster: Yeah, same shit, different day Rio: You're doing so good though Rio: you're gonna be top of your whole year Buster: That's my plan Buster: Not only 'cause then my mum won't be able to refuse me anything, like Rio: Hot Rio: I'm not gonna refuse you anything either, just FYI Buster: Damn Buster: Is that how it is? Rio: Of course Rio: You're gonna earn so much more than A*s baby Buster: Now I'm distracted Rio: Whoops Rio: meant to be incentive Buster: I don't have to be there and see your face to know you aren't that sorry Rio: πŸ˜‹ Buster: I miss you Buster: Take some pics just for me before you get to the park, yeah? Rio: Of course Buster: [Sends some pics of his own 'cause only fair] Buster: For incentive or distraction, whichever Rio: Inspiration, I think Rio: Gotta up my game Rio: 😩 Buster: I don't believe you Buster: You're so fucking beautiful Rio: I swear, I'm knackered still Rio: got no makeup on Buster: Nothing you've said changes what I said Rio: You really love me, don't you? Buster: You know it Buster: You should go rest if you're tired though Rio: No 😠 Rio: Don't make me Buster: Come on Buster: Be good Rio: I wanna be with you Buster: Talk to me from our bed then Buster: Go lie down Rio: Are you telling me? Buster: Do it Rio: 🀀 Rio: I'll do it but I'll miss you Buster: I've left enough clothes there, put something on Buster: It'll help Rio: Imma wear this hoodie out Rio: it's like a dress and I don't want anything between my skin and your clothes Buster: Well now I definitely need pics Rio: Oh no I just had such a sad realisation Buster: What? Rio: I'm gonna have to take my nip piercing out to breastfeed 😞 Rio: Acc gutted, like Buster: Me too Buster: I didn't think about that Rio: I was looking and people say you can keep it in but I'm not shoving tiny metal choking hazards in my baby's mouth like drink up kid, you selfish hoes πŸ˜‚ Buster: We could bottle feed him? Or is that more selfish, like? Rio: Nah, breast milk is liquid gold babe Buster: I know you're right Buster: But very unfair of you, son πŸ˜‚ Rio: I know, he ain't the only one benefitting from these titties, like Buster: Maybe we won't have 11 kids 'cause πŸ˜’ Rio: Aww, is daddy jealous already? 😏 Buster: I am now Buster: Gonna have to make the most of these next few months, aren't I? Rio: Oh yeah Rio: Shit, when are you not meant to fly when you're pregnant, how many months Rio: I won't be for the summer will I? Buster: Hold on, I'll look Buster: After 37 weeks or 32 if it's twins Rio: Phew Rio: We're fine Rio: I didn't think it was too early Buster: I'd have to have words with my boy if he was being that much of a troublemaker, like Rio: 😍 Rio: go off daddy Rio: gonna clue him in you a soft touch though Buster: Shh Buster: I am not Rio: Oh yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: You know how strict I am Rio: I do have the reminders on me Rio: but that side of daddy is just for me Buster: Can you still feel them all or do I need to be more strict next time? Rio: I can Rio: but I still want more Rio: and harder Buster: Good Buster: I know you'll earn every one Rio: Working on it already Buster: I bet you are Rio: Just letting everyone know how much I miss you right now Buster: Yeah? Rio: Mhmm, check your snaps Buster: Baby Buster: Fuck Rio: You look so pretty between my thighs Buster: When did you even take that? Buster: So sneaky Rio: You were very focused, I couldn't resist Buster: All I wanna do now is recreate that Buster: I'm so mad you aren't here Rio: Me too Rio: I'm so fucking horny today I blame hormones entirely Buster: I blame you for giving me everything I want except coming back to London with me Buster: I just get used to having you whenever I want and I have to go back to missing you Rio: 😩 Don't Rio: I wanna be there so badly Buster: Come here then Buster: Bring Indie with you, you've done it before Rio: I don't doubt she'd jump at the chance to get away from here Rio: It's your parents too though, I'm not trying to give them all the reasons to hate me Buster: Just give me until my exams start Buster: At least Rio: Tell me it'll help you focus or something Buster: It would Buster: That's not a lie Buster: I'm so horny right now I can't concentrate on anything Rio: And only I can fix that, yeah? Rio: In person, has to be Buster: I need you, babe Buster: It's an actual plea Rio: Baby Rio: Okay, I'm coming Rio: I'll see when the next flights are Buster: Do whatever you need to do first Buster: But also, like, hurry up Rio: I will, I need you now Rio: Indie's off School for this whole week so she's good Rio: It'll be tonight Rio: Give us time to take Astrid out still as we promised Buster: 'Course Buster: I wanna know how she is, I mean that Rio: You're so good Rio: I think Ro was going to get her hair done whilst we're out so that's good Rio: sign of normality returning Buster: Yeah, she's not being a total recluse, like Rio: She's said a few civil words to me and actually let me in when me and Indie have brought her back so Rio: Never gonna be my biggest fan but I'll take it Buster: That's like huge progress in terms of her Buster: Maybe our son can actually be friends with Astrid one day Rio: Aww Rio: that's so cute Buster: Hopefully they won't fall in love like we did but you know Buster: I'll send you money for your flights, yeah? Rio: Lord, don't Rio: You just paid for your own Rio: Not to mention spoiled me Rio: I got this, babe Buster: You sure? Rio: I'm sure Rio: Focus on all the other ways you're gonna treat me when I get there Buster: Already done Buster: I'm so focused Rio: Care to share with the class, McKenna? Buster: Not yet Buster: It'll be better when I just show you Rio: But I'm already desperate Rio: This is gonna be a long day Buster: Poor baby Buster: Let me help you Buster: [Sends more pics] Rio: Are you tryna help or hurt Rio: I'm trying to get ready here and now Buster: Do you want me to stop? Buster: Just say the word Rio: NO Rio: Never Buster: So tell me what you need, babe Buster: We have time Rio: You'll play with me? Buster: Always Rio: That's why you're the best daddy Rio: I need you to tell me how bad you want it to be tonight already Buster: You know I'm aching for you, don't you? Buster: I need you so bad, Rio Rio: Are you gonna eat my pussy again, baby? Make me so wet and ready before you fuck me? Buster: I'm gonna make you beg me to fuck you Buster: You know I love that Buster: How sensitive you are when you've already cum so hard for me Rio: It feels too good I can't handle it but I want more and you know it Rio: You never stop Buster: I'm not gonna stop tonight either Rio: I wanna lose track of how many times you make me cum Buster: Good 'cause I'm planning on turning that maths brain off for you Rio: Fuck me 'til the only thing I can think about is your cock making me feel so good Rio: 'Til I forget my name but all I can say is yours Rio: Please please please baby please Buster: I'll fuck you until you pass out. You're gonna rest one way or another, baby Rio: I'm whimpering like a little bitch right now, I'm so fucking weak for you daddy Rio: Cum on my belly again, it was so hot Buster: You're so hot Buster: I'll do anything you want Rio: I want anal Rio: Didn't it feel so good Rio: so tight Buster: I was hoping you'd say that Rio: I'll put a plug in now, get stretched for you Rio: I'm already so distracted so Buster: Jesus, I'm gonna be thinking about that until I can take it out of you Rio: I'll put the toy in my cunt on the plane too, both holes ready for daddy Rio: make me cum before I even get to you Buster: Oh god Buster: You're really spoiling me Buster: This was meant to be about you Rio: It's all about you Rio: you've been working so hard, you need this, don't you baby? Rio: take out all that frustration on your little girl, she wants to help you Buster: You're gonna take it all for me, aren't you? Rio: Yes daddy, every drop, every inch and every worry, all of it Rio: You're gonna feel like the God you are when we're done Buster: You're so good at making me feel like that Rio: Good, I want you to always feel like that Rio: You're King and I'm Queen and we worship each other Buster: I fucking love you Rio: I love you Buster Rio: I can't wait to show you just how much with my tongue, like Buster: Me too Buster: You think you can get ready for me, but you just can't, baby Rio: Jesus Rio: I want you to do it 'til I'm in tears Buster: I told you, I'm not stopping Rio: Can I touch myself now Buster: How much do you need it? Buster: Tell me Rio: I've been bad Buster: Yeah? Rio: Everything you said was making me so squirmy so I put your pillow between my legs Rio: now it's all wet and I just wanna make it wetter Buster: You better do it then Buster: It's too late to be good now Rio: Have I earnt my first spanking, daddy? Buster: We do have to make sure you learn a lesson, yeah Rio: Oh fuck yes Buster: You've gotta do it properly though, 'cause I'll be checking when you get here Rio: Yes sir Rio: I'll make you proud again but I want to enjoy you being mad at me first Buster: Show me my pillow then Buster: We'll see how mad I am Rio: Okay, but I'm not moving it, it's in just the right spot right now Rio: so I'll have to be in the picture too Rio: [Pic] Buster: Fuck Buster: You were really grinding, weren't you, babe Rio: I told you, it still smells of you Rio: me too now Buster: Well, you better not stop Buster: I want you to smell of me all day long Rio: I won't, not 'til you tell me too Rio: I'm being good again, promise Rio: I'm gonna be wearing your hoodie all day, 'til I see you again and you take it off Buster: You're so good Buster: And you look even better Rio: I feel it Rio: How am I this close already holy shit Buster: 'Cause you want to please me and I want you to cum Rio: You do? Buster: You have to Rio: Yes, tell me what to do Buster: Ruin that pillow so I have to rest my head on your stomach whenever I'm tired Rio: Oh my God Rio: My two boys Buster: I don't ever wanna sleep anywhere else Rio: You never have to, I want you with me and on me always Buster: You make me so happy Buster: I need you to feel this good so go harder, okay Rio: Yes baby Rio: I'm trying to do it how you would Buster: Good girl Rio: Tell me how hard I've made you Buster: I'll show you Buster: [Pics] Buster: Look what you did Rio: I swear I can fucking taste it Rio: You need to cum with me and show me how big a load you shoot Buster: How could I refuse? Buster: God, it's like I can feel you, everything you'd do Rio: Please don't, I'll work harder for it but mamΓ£e need daddy's cum Rio: You're just really good at all sex, I swear Rio: even online Rio: it's better than actual sex I've had with people that aren't you Buster: I feel that Buster: And I've fucked a lot of girls so you can take the compliment Buster: You're just the best Rio: Because you're mine Rio: I own that dick, always have, you know it Buster: You own all of me Buster: Always have and always will Rio: No girl has ever made you feel like this, have they? Buster: No Buster: Only you Rio: Right answer Buster: It's the honest answer Buster: You're so special, Rio Rio: Shit Indie and her friends are back but I'm so fucking close Buster: You can be quiet Buster: Prove it Rio: But Rio: I wanted to moan for you Buster: There's plenty of time for that later Rio: Okay Rio: but I'm gonna have an attitude all day now Rio: and they're gonna have to deal 'cos it's their fault Buster: I'll make you feel better Buster: I promise Rio: how daddy Rio: i'm listening πŸ˜‹ Buster: I'll make twice as much noise Rio: Make sure you say my name Rio: Lots Buster: I'm saying it right now Buster: Really loud for you Rio: Oh baby boy Rio: How do you know exactly what I like Buster: 'Cause I know you Buster: I always have Buster: And you know me Rio: Yeah Rio: I wish I'd known we'd end up here together Rio: I loved you so much Rio: More now but I mean Rio: as a kid, I really did Buster: Everything that you've ever wanted to do with me, I've imagined us doing it so many times 'cause I loved you too Buster: We have forever to make up for lost time Rio: We do Rio: Plus we probably would've beaten my parents record and had so many babies by now so good thing really Buster: There was shit we both had to do first Buster: But I'm all yours now Rio: Growing the fuck up, namely Rio: Mine forever Buster: Exactly, I wasn't ready for you then Rio: and we got each other's best first, no matter what Buster: Yeah Buster: You know, I think you can make some noise, babe. I bet they're being really loud themselves Rio: πŸ™„ Honestly Rio: I think I will Rio: 'cos now I'm shamelessly daydreaming how much better my first time with you would've been than what I had Buster: Fuck Buster: Cum for me like you would've Rio: I'd be telling you how long I'd wanted this Rio: how I'd waited for you and you were better than all my wet dreams had told me you'd be Buster: Thank god there's nobody here 'cause I'm being louder than I promised Rio: It's such a good fantasy Rio: You'd cum so quick and you'd blush so pretty and be so adorable but I'd just kiss you and play with you until you got hard again for me Buster: You know you wouldn't have to wait long I used to cum so many times a day just thinking about you Buster: But you are gonna need something harder than that pillow if you're imagining me Rio: Would you tell me? Probably not, maybe after we've done it a few times and you can see how much you turn me on and I think about you too Rio: You want me to fuck myself now daddy Buster: I'd have to tell you, I've never been able to keep shit from you Buster: You always know Buster: You'd love it though Rio: I seriously would, I'd be even more distracted in School, thinking about you and when the next family party was so we could sneak off alone and play Buster: We'd be expecting everyone to walk in on us every minute but that'd just make it hotter Rio: And we'd find out how loud we are Rio: like we want to get caught Buster: And how hard and fast we'd have to fuck Rio: We'd come back in all sweaty and red-faced Rio: our hair so crazy Rio: and no one would ever guess Buster: You'd look so beautiful it'd just make me want you more Buster: You'd have to stop me from ripping your dress Rio: And if I was wearing a dress, which I would be, hitched up even shorter so you could see I wasn't wearing any knickers for you, I'd have to make sure you got every last drop of cum before we went back in to the party Buster: You'd have to cover every mark the next day but you'd get too distracted touching each one and remembering how I did it Rio: I'd always be late to School because I'd have to fuck myself in the makeup mirror looking at what you'd done Buster: And I'd be late too 'cause I'd spend too long in the shower fucking myself to the vivid flashbacks Rio: We'd get into so much trouble, baby Rio: our parents wouldn't know what was going on Buster: Yeah we would Buster: You know none of it would be enough and we'd have to touch ourselves at school too, any chance we could get Rio: Yeah, all the time and so much texting and sending pictures in lessons Rio: and we'd get our phones taken off us and we'd have to pray the teacher's didn't see anything Buster: I'd get so many detentions for you Rio: I'd make it up to you Buster: 'Course Buster: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Rio: Back at you, Buster McKenna Rio: I like saying your name Buster: Half of it's yours now Rio: Yeah it is Rio: I've changed all my bank and bills and shit and it felt so good Buster: It's his too Buster: We just need the other half Rio: It'll come to us Rio: we've got time Buster: It's gotta be perfect Rio: Like him Rio: We'll brainstorm Rio: fucking gives me the best ideas Buster: Tell me something I don't know Buster: You get so focused, babe Buster: It's fucking hot Rio: You love a πŸ€“ Buster: Just you Buster: If you were any sexier, forget my promise for later, I'd be the one passing out right now, like Rio: You're so fucking cute Rio: it's rude, how are cute and hot, pick a lane Rio: 'cept don't Buster: I'll pick one when you do Buster: But you can't 'cause you're everything Rio: If I wasn't part of us I'd find us sickening Buster: If I wasn't with you, I'd have to kill whatever cunt was in my place Rio: And there you go, being hot again Rio: Jealousy is such a turn-on I don't care what anyone says Rio: it was so hot when we knew we wanted each other but we hadn't admitted it yet, never mind done anything about it so we got with each other's friends Buster: Sorry I didn't have hotter friends for you, babe, but not that sorry Rio: Made it easier to think about you so Rio: not that mad Buster: Who was the best, other than me? Rio: Oh what was his name Rio: Think he was Italian or Swiss or something Rio: The one you made me go on a double date with you with Buster: Laurent, yeah he's very Swiss Rio: What does that even mean? πŸ˜‚ Buster: I mean, the level of European where the gay jokes write themselves as far as the rest of the lads are concerned Rio: Gotcha Rio: Well if he is gay he's very convincing to the contrary Buster: He obviously ain't Buster: He never declared his love for me Buster: Do you wanna go marry him or? Rio: That settles it then Rio: Shame he ain't even bicurious, we could thruple Buster: Don't sound so enthusiastic about it, damn Rio: See πŸ˜‹ so hot Rio: and so easy Buster: Calling me a slag as well now Buster: Rude Rio: Poor boy Rio: What have you married, huh Buster: Go marry your real love, I'll get you off the bigamy charges as a final favor, like Rio: Giving to the end Rio: I'll give you a good reference Buster: Enjoy Switzerland 'cause he splits the year between there and here Rio: Ooh Rio: I'll have to learn how to ski Buster: I'll be back for my kid when he's ready Rio: Damn, forgot about that Rio: Better stick with you then Rio: not up for the custody battle tbh Buster: You never know, Laurie might have the fetish Buster: Or his dad might Buster: If you wanna trade up worthy of leaving me, like Rio: If he did, he'd surely be piping Chlo by now, but that aside 'cos you've got my attention Rio: is he heir to the Hublot fortune or? Clue me in, babe Buster: He could well be fucking her for all I'd know Buster: Either of them could Buster: Oh, you wish, babe Rio: How dare he not be pining for me forever, I'm fuming Buster: I can tell Rio: Where's the loyalty? Rio: Honestly Buster: You gotta give him a repeat at least first Buster: And probably remember his name that time so you can moan it out, like Rio: Can you remember the name of your double date then? Buster: I'm not claiming she was good enough Rio: Yeah, you were not feeling it, I recall Buster: How could I when you showed up looking like that? Buster: Not that it stopped you, apparently Rio: I know you can't remember what I was wearing boy, 'cos I can't so 😜 Rio: I felt pretty bad actually, 'cos he was alright unlike most of your friends and I could barely keep the conversation going 'cos I kept looking over at yous Buster: Fuck you, I can Buster: I've got a great memory Rio: Oh yeah? Buster: You look especially good in red so yeah Buster: It really clung to you, being silky, which of course was intentional as hell Rio: Oh Rio: That's right, actually Rio: As if you remembered that Buster: I know it's right, I can see it in my head right now Rio: Why you even studying, babe? Rio: You're gonna ace these tests so easy Buster: 'Cause how fucking stunning you are isn't on any of my A-levels, sadly Rio: You should complain Buster: Call the exam board for me, babe, they'd do anything you say with that voice Rio: Too smooth for your own good, you Buster: It's all true Buster: Speaking of, you are really coming tonight, right? Rio: Yes baby Rio: [Shows booking] Buster: Okay Buster: Good Rio: You want us still, yeah? Buster: More than anything Buster: That's why I asked, it's hard to believe I keep getting everything I want Rio: Surely not, par for the course, golden boy πŸ˜‰ Rio: but no Rio: I know Buster: Stay with me, yeah? Buster: Even if I am a moody prick about exams Buster: I actually do need you Rio: Of course Rio: I know you do Rio: I'm not just coming to fuck you Rio: though obviously, not that much of a pricktease Buster: Good to know Buster: But obviously, I'm glad 'cause you do need rest too, I'm serious Buster: And I need my boy for good luck Rio: We're coming Rio: πŸ€ in tow Buster: I can't wait until he can properly hear what we're saying to him Rio: They can first hear around 18 weeks Rio: so if you've got anything really fucked you wanna say, get it in now, like 😏 Buster: Will do Rio: Right, she's finally ready for the park πŸ™„ Rio: Said as if I haven't been happily entertaining myself but you know Buster: 😏 Buster: Did she hear you or not? That's my only question Rio: Did she hear us or not, that's my question Rio: awkward way to find out I'm pregnant Buster: It would say you a convo though Buster: save* Buster: Seriously, I know I need to be more careful about what I say but like, I can't help myself Buster: You're just so Rio: I don't care Rio: I wanna be happy about this Buster: Do you mean that? Rio: Yeah Rio: Seriously Rio: Heaven forbid anything happens, you're not just seamlessly moving on without anyone noticing so Rio: if people find out, they do, we get to be as excited as we want and talk about it how we wanna, it's our baby Buster: Yeah Buster: Fuck it Buster: We made him, we can talk about him as much as we want, whenever we want Rio: Exactly Rio: and we wanted him, we're not ashamed Buster: I'm not scared either Rio: We've got each other Rio: All 3 of us Rio: everyone else can like it or leave Buster: Agreed Rio: Good Rio: I love you Buster: I love you too Buster: Go have fun at the park, like Rio: I will Rio: Send you all the snaps like promised πŸ’• Buster: I know Buster: It won't be that long until we can take him for all kinds of family outings, even if it feels like too long to wait at the moment Buster: Think about that, babe
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