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Hasta la victoria siempre, Rafael Britez

Uno de los primeros vecinos que soñaron, trabajaron y planificaron una universidad en Florencio Varela, ha partido. Padre, docente y amigo, “El Rafa” se hizo eterno. Hoy le queda a Florencio Varela un cúmulo de producciones donde plasmó su sueño de construir saber para hacer, de este, un pueblo más justo. De ahora en más, cada vez que en un aula, una entidad barrial o cualquier rincón del planeta donde se lea “Los pibes del Santa. Represión estudiantil en Florencio Varela”, habrá un sonrisa, un lagrimón, una brisa cálida que nos recuerde a él. Gabino Rafael Britez , “El Rafa”, el periodista, el profe, el licenciado, el miembro de la Comisión por la Memoria, la Verdad y la Justicia del Centro de Participación Popular Enrique Angelelli, el miembro de la c𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐢ó𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐚 𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐝𝐞 𝐥𝐚 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐍𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐨 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚, hoy se hizo eterno.

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The romantic and the revolutionary
DISCLAIMER! I do not believe (at least as of now) in Marxism as an effective way for ridding the world of the problems that ail it, nor do I believe in Communism of any kind. All I do believe in is standing up for one’s rights and one’s freedom and in the principle of Vasudaiva Kutumbakam.
Today is the 9th of October, 2020. 53 years ago on this very day, a great revolutionary left this mortal world. He was barely even 40 years old. Yet, more than half a century later his legacy lives on, not just in Cuba where he lived or Argentina where he was born or even Bolivia where he was assassinated (but where he has now been apotheosized), but in every such part of this planet where people decide to rise in indignation against the tyranny of the powers that be. He has, today, become a symbol of the never-ending revolution, of the ceaseless fight against oppression, against status quo, of INQUILAB.
Ernesto 'Che' Guevara was a Cuban revolutionary and guerrilla warfare exponent who along with his 'comrade' Fidel Castro successfully led a rebellion against the despotic rule of Fulgencio Batista in the tiny North American island of Cuba in the 1950s and also against the wider exploitative capitalist force which he believed was the main reason why Latin America was plagued by widespread poverty in those days.
But to speak of Che just in terms of his political exploits is to paint only half the picture of the doctor-turned-revolutionary who, unlike many of his ilk, was also a romantic.
Hidden behind his demeanour of an alpha was an idyllic heart of a charismatic young lad who, staring at the future that lay in front of him with rose-tinted glasses, had declared that his "destiny was to travel" as he embarked on an epiphanic odyssey traversing an entire continent by straddling a rickety La Poderosa II along with his dear friend Alberto Granado, chronicles of which have been revived today in the form of the best seller "The Motorcycle Diaries" And travel, he did, as his revolution and faith in guerrilla warfare took him places- both metaphorically and literally. After having worked towards emancipating Cuba, Guevara took upon himself, the responsibility of liberating people suffering under similar repressive regimes in other parts of the world. It was on one such mission in Bolivia that Che rode off, for one last time, into sunset. After having returned from an unsuccessful mission in Congo, he travelled to Bolivia hoping to replicate the success of his guerrilla warfare led coup in Cuba there. The circumstances to support his mutiny were far from ideal but he was too resolute to bog down before the vagaries of kismet and there on the 9th of October, 1967 Che left for his final voyage.
To me, Che was an ordinary person with extraordinary conviction in his principles and himself. His legacy continues to inspire people to fight unto death, if it so requires, defending whatever it is that they believe in and to him I say 'Hasta la victoria siempre comrade!'.
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👉 Da se razumemo, iako sam firmu osnovao 2008. godine, u sred prethodne krize, ova situacija je potpuno nova za mene. . . ➡️ Imam li plan kako da nastavimo dalje? ▶️ Imam. . . ➡️ Imam li alternativni plan? ▶️ Imam. . . ➡️ Da li se pridržavam svojih dnevnih rutina? ▶️ Da. . . ➡️ Da li sam spreman da rizikujem? ▶️ Da. . . ➡️ Da li sam siguran u da ćemo pobediti? ▶️ Ne, ali sam siguran da ću dati svoj maksimum pa kako bude. . . ➡️ Da li bi se kladio na sebe i naš tim? ▶️ Naravno! . . . 😎 Pa da krenemo! . . . . #dreambigactsmart #pedjajovanovic #strategija #kriza #idemodalje #dopobede #hastalavictoriasiempre #izvršenje #plan #rezervniplan (at As, Karlovarský Kraj, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAdtFeRJR-3/?igshid=1bafz5yhgcfoo
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"Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Patria o muerte."
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Bernie and AOC are gonna be in this room TOMORROW! So I left them a little note. #vivalarevolución #hastalavictoriasiempre #noyonosotros #naoeunos #unidosconbernie #unidoscombernie (at Fort Dodge, Iowa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7wzjqfJuN2/?igshid=1os61gks3gtku
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Buenas las tengas y mejor las pases en este día ... Dia 23 🚩🏴 #Dia23 #AtenciónNayarit #AtenciónMéxico #HuelgaUAN #FuerzaUAN #SoyTrabajadorAdministrativo #YoApoyoALaEducaciónPública #NoDesmayesSETUAN #NoDesmayesSPAUAN #NoDesmayesUAN #LaUANNoPara #NiUnPasoAtras #NoSoyUnAviador #TodosSomosUAN #OrgullosamenteSETUAN #OrgullosamenteSPAUAN #PorLaUANHastaLaVida #HastaLaVictoriaSiempre #OrgullosamenteUAN #NoSoyUnSinVergüenza #DSU #RedDeVoz #SETUAN #SPAUAN #UnidosVenceremos #UAN #PorLoNuestroALoUniversal #HeDicho @ Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit @ Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit @ Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit @ Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit @ Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit @ Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit @ Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit @ Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit @ Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit (en Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5-bGD5h1-IhSz22Uam1UB2LgK-OJFRR6pEhMA0/?igshid=inj1fd797wpi
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Reposted from @joeconzo (@get_regrann) - 2 years today since your passing, so many unanswered questions on “WHY”. You always told me that “No hay mal que por buen no venga” There isn’t any bad that happens that good does not come”. The good is that you made me strong to deal with anything in life and I thank you my mother for that. I love you and miss you dearly! #MujerValiente #ValientWoman #StrongWoman #Pioneer #CommunityActivist #Mother #HastaLaVictoriaSiempre #PuertoRicoLibre! @puertoricanflagsup - #regrann #PrFlagsUp #puertoricanflagsup #boricua #NuyoRican #puertorico #pr #isladelencanto #thegoodlifepr #puertoriqueño #bronx #aguadilla #sanjuan #bayamon #Utuado #yabucoa #ponce #PuertoRicoselevanta #puertoricoselevanta_official https://www.instagram.com/p/B3GUrbHHCyQ/?igshid=4vejw3htfpmu
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Las imágenes no alcanzan para recordar y conmemorar todo lo que una persona llegó a hacer. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna fue más congruente que muchos en la historia, participando políticamente y ligando la labor intelectual a la manual en cada trabajo y lucha en la que decidía participar. Y bueno, como siempre hay y habrá entre dichos hacia su persona de todo lo que hizo bien o mal, pero hoy a 50 años de tu asesinato sólo podemos decir, la historia te hará justicia... Les comparto con cariño la primer pinta que hice hace poco más de 10 años en mi habitación en Campeche, en ese entonces no conocia nada de dibujo, artes o diseño. Hasta la victoria siempre... #pintura #lucha #50años #che #arte #dibujo #pinta #hastalavictoriasiempre #campeche #mexico https://www.instagram.com/p/B3bHfo9DV0N/?igshid=tdexo7q5gqmk
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#red#flag#revolution#marx#fidel castro#che#cheguavera#socialism#hugo#hugo chavez#gandhi#hastalavictoriasiempre#lavittoriasaranostra#devrim#kızıl#mahir çayan#deniz gezmiş#türkiye#küba
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#porsiempre #forever #hastalavictoriasiempre https://www.instagram.com/p/CoctDU7LXiz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hasta acrylic on canvas 187x187cm Jan 2023 #kostaslavdas #painting #art #artnow #contemporaryart #byzantineart #contemporarybyzantinepainting #popart #neuesachlichkeit #hastalavictoriasiempre #hastanapane #fire #cops #photoreporter #hittheroadjack #revolution #run https://www.instagram.com/p/CnxY3qrrNMu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#LuisaToledo #Hastalavictoriasiempre!!! (en Santiago Metropolitan Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfpotO-umKzvPnHcjSmw5HbFIogloAYx07-F-s0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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17 años en Europa. Camino en el Jardín... En el purgatorio de Dante. 17 años en Europa, viendo cómo se repite la historia, con rostros, marketing, ropas, tecnologías más nuevas y más nocivas... Ser historia no escrita, éxodo de éxodos. Abrazo el mundo. Le sonrío al sol, bailo con los árboles siendo una con la vida, con la Tierra. Le agradezco su canto, escucho sus secretos ocultos y misterios. Gracias, aquí continuo de pie, a pesar de todo. ¡Y no se engañen! El verdadero caos no hace ruido. Bella Ciao et Vive la Résistance! . . . . . #hastalavictoriasiempre #vivelaresistance #resistenzapartigiana #gaia #vidareal #vidacomunitaria #descolonizacion #freeassange #noalaotan #societédelespectacle #laguerradeladesinformacion #elverdaderocaosnohaceruido #bellaciaociaociao (en Bordeaux, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcxzJdhqEJH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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世界の船頭より⛵️キューバ🇨🇺 〝Hasta la victoria siempre〟 家族に宛てた「勝つまでキューバに帰らない」 というメッセージが縮められ「常に勝利を」に 繋がりがより大切だと感じられるこのご時世で 熱い思いを胸に秘めて「常に笑顔を」を続けられるよう僕の首にはチェ・ゲバラの顔が入ったコインが常に掛かっています。 来年のチャレンジに繋げられる様な現在になって本当に良かった。良いお年をお迎えください #ルートゼロ #cuba #his #funtotrip #cheguevara #cubatravel #havanacuba #hastalavictoriasiempre #retrip_global #タビイク #世界一周 #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #キューバ #旅行好きな人と繋がりたい #routezero #ルートゼロオーナーの世界一周写真集📷 #旅したくなるフォト #マイトリ #genic_travel #genic_mag #cuba🇨🇺 #夢追い人 #チェゲバラ #革命家 #travelgram #travelphotography #旅 #旅ダイニングルートゼロ #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #旅スタグラム #世界旅行 (Plaza de la Revolución) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYGkrFQvHGe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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