Pedja Jovanović
29 posts
Dream Big Act Smart
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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👨‍🏫 Pre par dana, u okviru @orgnlmagazine Škole preduzetništva, održao sam predavanje sa temom "6 načina da nastavite napred u svakoj situaciji". Mojih 13 godina preduzetništva povezao sam sa PCM modelom i isplanirao da kroz grafičku fasilitaciju napravim interaktivnu radionicu. . . . ✨ Verovatno bio ovo bilo jedno od uobičajenih predavanja da se nije desio splet nepredviđenih okolnosti ili da retorogradni merkur nije umešao svoje prste 😁 . . . 😎 Tog popodneva je krenulo naopako sve sto je moglo da krene naopako: . - Moja kolegenica Boba i ja se nismo dobro razumeli u vezi sa linkom za predavanje . - Umesto da radionicu radim iz firme, ja sam došao kući... a tamo haos 😂 . - Grafička tabla i Zoom se nisu složili 😂, svi učesnici webinara su mogli da pišu po njoj osim mene. . - Slušalice su malo radile, pa malo nisu 🤣 . - Jedva sam nasao prostor u kome mogu da budem sam i počeo predavanje sa cca 10tak minuta zakašnjenja. . . . 🤯 Sve je bilo spremno za katastrofu. Ona bi se verovatno i desila da sam se tvrdoglavo držao osnovnog koncepta. Obzirom da je tema mog predavanja bila "6 načina da nastavite napred u svakoj situaciji" trebalo je samo da prebacim na neki od preostalih 5 😁 . . . 🤗 To sam i uradio. Na kraju smo imali zadovoljnog trenera, organizatora a i dobar deo učesnika je bio baš zadovoljan. . . . ➡️ Šta god da predajemo, prodajemo ili provedamo najvažnije je da to pre svega primenimo na sebi! . . . @atria.group @nlpcentar . . . #atriagroup #originalmagazin #dreambigactsmart #pcmworks #fleksibilnost #predavanje #retrogradnimerkur #priča #školapreduzetništva https://www.instagram.com/p/CLPMEb3pQWR/?igshid=1vs0jvxjouche
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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Good morning world 😃 Its a perfect morning for personal development! #justgoforit #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #dreambigactsmart #pedjajovanovic #nlpcentar #nlppractitioner (at NLP Centar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK-8q1AJght/?igshid=zno2bxd8pkdd
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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👫 A person asked me yesterday how do I know if it is still possible to work on relationship, or if it is better to end it? . . . 💁‍♂️ You can't work on relationship. You can only work on yourself. . . . 🤔 Sometimes working on yourself will take you from the relationship, sometimes in will keep you in it. . . . 👉 General rule is: Relationship problems are best selfdevelopment indicators. . . . . #relationship #dreambigactsmart #pedjajovanovic #selfdevelopment https://www.instagram.com/p/CKGZOjDpN5i/?igshid=6dleobkqgdae
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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😎 Including PCM webinar that has just ended, this December we delivered 154 webinars, training, mentoring and coaching sessions, from 1 to 8 hours long! 🏆 Big congratulations to our support and delivery team! @atria.group #closure #atriagroup #proudofyou #dreambigactsmart https://www.instagram.com/p/CJZI6dmpHhn/?igshid=1v1w1dq2q8pqm
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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Here we are, at the very end of one of the most interesting years of our time. It came and gone, like a big roller-coaster, moving quickly from one extreme to the other. If I don't put attention on things that were not under my control, personally and professionally 2020 was a good year overall. I would like to thank to my colleagues at @atria.group for their contribution as well as our clients and partners. After the time of recharge and reflection, we will be back with new ideas and new approaches. I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy 2021! #merrychristmas #happynewyear #atriagroup https://www.instagram.com/p/CJJaiPWJzw1/?igshid=1u69qs8b7127r
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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😎 See you tomorrow @hrweek2020 #hrweek2020 #dreambigactsmart https://www.instagram.com/p/CIBt4iPpjxq/?igshid=jm01gx90ndbi
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
😎 "Everybody falls the first time" Cypher #sowhat #firsttry #dontgiveup #keepgoing #firststeps #dreambigactsmart https://www.instagram.com/p/CH2EZQVpgXh/?igshid=1on8soexuagbq
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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🎥 In one of my favoruite movies "Fight Club" there is a scene in which Tyler (Brad Pitt) talks to his followers: . . . 🎬 "We are the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depresion. Our Great War is spirtual war. Our Great Depresion is our lives." . . . 🤔 What we experience today is a global event that can help humanity to reshape and reinvent (thank you @budan.ba 😉 ) our musculine and feminen identities that are in crisis for minimum last 20 years. . . . 🤔 We can accept this challenge and grow through the crisis or ... . . . 🤗 We can ignor it, hope that things will get better and that we will continue to live our lives as boys and girls trapped in a body of adult person. . . . 👉 Choice is ours. . . . . #fightclub #ignorance #stragety #reinvention #musculine #femine #crisis #society #dreambigactsmart #pedjajovanovic https://www.instagram.com/p/CHpbRaxJXva/?igshid=11okfb69ra5yq
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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📸 I took this photo in 2014 in Copenhagen during @personaglobal yearly conference. . . . 👥 Two man with their instruments on the different side of the bars. Both perform and both prisoners of their own perception. . . . #perception #tbt #copenhagen #streetperformer #2014 #conference #dreambigactsmart (at Copenhagen, Dennmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHgkOgEJFW9/?igshid=1krbus0n493ua
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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🤔 One day, in near future, 40% of us will be, professionally, completely obsolate. . . . 🏃‍♂️ There is still time to do something about it. . . . #learning #development #training #knowledge #dreambigactsmart #weforum https://www.instagram.com/p/CHXkxpqpwhS/?igshid=vcxgylycx8xy
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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🤓 The bigger the mess is, the more opportunities are arrround. . . 👉 Sharpenn your sences. . . . . #dreambigactsmart #opportunities #mess #sences #thoughts #pedjajovanovic https://www.instagram.com/p/CHS57iepvj8/?igshid=1fayiwi9rlyc0
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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🤔 I assume that I would be able to really appreciate a warmth of summer, without experiencing the cold of winter? #winteriscoming #morning #seasons #november https://www.instagram.com/p/CHPhP_hp3C-/?igshid=9o76w257azo0
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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🎨Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter. . . . Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray . . . #portrait #dreambigactsmart #pedjajovanovic #momentintime #experienceofmyself https://www.instagram.com/p/CGX9tSAJF0B/?igshid=1vjp1lxotg8sz
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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🙄 Last quarter of 2020 has just started. Three months to the end of one of top 5 crazy years of my life. As I am again in Prague with my family and I am reflecting on last 9 months and preparing myself for the final run in 2020. . . . ❓ Few days ago my friend @borkokikic posted a question on Facebook a question if we should reset 2020 (of course if we could 😊 )? I understood that question was just for fun, but it really made me think. . . . 👉 Personally, this year is way more difficult than many previous years... I can't commute easily between Belgrade and Prague, part of the business that includes traveling to different countries is cut off, there is pressure on results in almost every industry, many people around me are really affectes by crazy main-stream media stories, health issues, wars... . . . 🤔 So... was this good or bad year so far? . . Really good question . . ➡️ If I don't count things that are not under my control, this was one of the best years so far! . . ▶️ I reacted quickly to all external difficulties ▶️ I did my best to take care of my mental and physical health ▶️ I supported my family the best I could ▶️ I continued to learn and grow . . . 🦉 It wasn't and it isn't easy. Growth and ease don't go together. Actually it is quite difficult. Although I am looking forward to stability, I'm happy with everything I did so far in this crazy period. . . . #happiness #growth #ease #dreambigactsmart #pedjajovanovic #stroytelling #story #pleasure #jimrohn #happinessisnotpleasure #goodyear (at Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF3s5cVJIie/?igshid=1cv8wt5wia7xd
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
🙋‍♂️ Kids have unlimited learning capacity. Few days ago Nikola has learned to swim and today he learned to jump in water. . . . 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Parents job is to direct kid's attention, make sure that kids have right learning environment and give them unlimitted support. . . . 🤸‍♂️ Be aware that kids will learn anyway, whatever they put in, it will latter come out. . . . #parenting #coaching #learning #parentasacoach #newskills #growth #childhood #swimming https://www.instagram.com/p/CEBt8TEpr9M/?igshid=1acfk95egim2i
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
😎 Pomozite deci da izgrade koristan stav za dati kontekst i oni će sami naći način da ga materijalizuju. #roditeljstvo #roditeljkaokouč #koučing https://www.instagram.com/p/CEAQzDXp9QC/?igshid=cnw5mx93xgi0
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dreambigactsmart · 4 years ago
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🤨 If you don't like something about system you belong, either change the system (step out of it) or change yourself. . . . 😕 The more you complain about things that are not under your control (other people, crisis, country, your friends etc.) the more powerless you get. If you repeat this for a long period you might end up as sick, broke and bitter old man. . . . 👨‍�� Accept the responsibility and take the ownership for your life and lives of your kids (if you have them) today! . . . . #responsibility #ownership #mylife #dreambigactsmart #pedjajovanovic #nocomplaints #system #powerless #powerfull https://www.instagram.com/p/CDhYeQHJhJB/?igshid=1aa76bc2bosx5
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