#hasn't ever stopped me from resenting being in it.
fooltofancy · 2 months
not an enjoyable thing, being in a body. if we're honest.
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senblades · 6 months
Just realized that Crow and Violet enter the Phantom thieves group with the same condition, though not the same circumstances.
They both first Joined as a fake of themselves, fooling everyone. Then they were a 2-phase boss fight, where the true self gets revealed. Then they join the team, for good and for real.
I'll always be a little sad that Atlus never went all-in on the SumiGoro friendship/parallels potential... o7 another fallen dynamic for the pit
in all seriousness, though: many people have talked about the Akechi and Sumire parallels far better than I ever could, but I'll talk some more anyway!
I think the most obvious parallel is in who they admire/resent. Sumire, obviously, admires Kasumi in every way- undercut with resentment that she's scared to ackowledge. Akechi, meanwhile, resents Joker to hell and back, undercut with layers of admiration that he refuses to admit to (+ uh. shauke angst HAHA)
Both are lying to themselves about their other halves, but even more interestingly: Both Kasumi and Joker see Sumire and Akechi respectively as their equals/rivals, despite everything, and even though it may seem that one half is clearly better than the other at first glance.
Sumire's coach, during the Faith confidant, tells Sumire how Kasumi had worked so hard because she knew if she didn't, Sumire would catch up to her- that Kasumi was jealous of Sumire's grace (Ironic, as meanwhile Sumire was desperate to emulate Kasumi's boldness)
Joker's a bit different -silent protag, and all- but, even still: "I'll hold onto you're glove", "I won't lose"- so much of Joker's dialogue about Akechi makes it clear that he takes the other seriously. Plus, the consistent reminders that the promise for a rematch hasn't been fulfilled: clearly, Joker doesn't consider the interrogation room nor the engine room 'fair fights', or true indicators of either's skill (stop me before I go on a tangent)
It's not just Joker=Kasumi and Sumire=Akechi, though. The fact that both sides of each equation are equals means that some lines get crossed. I'm thinking Kasumi's "Because that's my right, as the elder sister!" vs. Akechi's "Going all out against a junior seems a bit gauche, don't you think?"- both Kasumi and Akechi seem to have this idea that they have to be better (a bit of speculation on my part, for Kasumi)- they have no excuse to lose; it's only natural if they win, and incredibly dissapointing otherwise.
back to crow/violet parallels, they also act as excellent foils for each other in the royal trio dynamic: Sumire, when faced with low self-esteem and terrible circumstances, latches onto people that she considers "better"- imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all! And Sumire has imitation in spades.
Akechi, meanwhile, distances himself from pretty much everyone. He seems to value shallow praise of people that don't really see, rather than experience the mortifying ordeal of being known, and whatnot.
but even then, Akechi does have some similar tendencies to Sumire- he just hides it under layers of deflection and lying to himself. He claims to absolutely hate Shido and Joker, and while I don't doubt that, necessarily, it's clearly far more complicated than that. Akechi, no matter how he feels about them, lives and dies by the will of his obsessions- and by the time of the third semster, he's had enough. (while, conversely, Sumire hasn't quite learned to stand on her own)
Actually, speaking of the third semester; Maruki's reality also highlights some similarities between the two, as the two people most egregiously edited by the false reality: Sumire, back to believing she's Kasumi, and Akechi as "I've never had a violent thought in my life!" pleasant boy. Those two are the only members of the PT where Maruki goes straight for the personality.
whoops. long post HAHA
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seungsuki · 14 days
chalked hearts - gifting your favourite professor a memoriable present (gn!reader) warning: none note: been a while hasn't it? also thank you @alkaisen for being my so called 'inspiration'. hope you liked it, i was inspired by a scene in nice to meet you (cool webtoon btw- season one was fire)
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if you ever had to give a mathematician a gift, a set of hagoromo chalk would be the perfect choice. known as the "rolls royce" of chalks, the "steinway" of writing tools, hagoromo is a luxury that many would go to great lengths to obtain. the same chalks that turn every mastermind into old folks fighting for the last fish. it's feather-smooth writing, even a mathematician transforms into an artist, the blackboard becoming their canvas.
that was exactly what you were planning on buying for your professor. you’d often notice how he relied on the university’s cheap chalk, constantly wiping his hands to rid them of chalk dust. you’d watch his expensive vest get coated by the fine powder, almost resembling a sugar doughnut.
you’d even gone as far as offering to clean the board after class—it just didn’t seem fair for your professor to teach for hours and then clean up the mess. determined to make a change, you resolved to buy him a set of hagoromo chalks. you spent months saving up every bit of your pocket money, but even the smallest set was beyond your budget.
“why are we in the market in this blazing heat?” your best friend alvin leroy groaned
“it will be quick! i just need to buy a nice cloth and some hagoromo chalks!”, you replied, pulling him closer to avoid losing him in the crowd.
“wait hold on- did i hear you say hagoromo chalks? why on earth would you need that?” alvin stopped dead in his tracks.
you looked back at your friend’s confused face. he proceeds to drag you both away from the bustling crowd, into a quieter corner of the market. you looked up to alvin who stood firm as a statue, clearly not planning to move until you confessed. with a sigh, you lowered your head, finding comfort in staring at your shoes.
“i want to buy it for.. professor….. william”, you muttered under your breath 
“professor william?!” alvin nearly shouted before you clapped a hand over his mouth in panic.
“don’t shout it out loud! urgh why did i bring you?”, you retracted back your hand 
wait... don’t tell me you have a crush on professor william? no way, [name]! you? crushing on professor will—hey, wait up!”
you bolted away, your face flushed as you tried to hide your embarrassment. for the rest of the day, alvin declared himself the “captain” of his newfound ship, teasing you relentlessly until you finally parted ways. the next day, he was waiting for you with a... board?
“alvin what are you doing??”, you shouted as you ran over and pushed the board down.
“i’m having a voting poll on my ship name! i’m debating between will[name] and [name]liam!”, alvin grinned, folding the board back into his bag. 
“i don’t like him that way”, you grumbled, throwing the nastiest side eye on him 
despite this antics, alvin's smile didn’t hold the same meaning. there was a hint of something else behind it. deep in his heart, resentment began to spread as he let you drag him into the classroom.
even during your maths class, you weren’t left in peace. your professor walked in with his neatly pressed coat draped casually over his arm, which he placed on his chair. he looked around the empty hall, spotting you and alvin seated at the front.
“i never thought i’d see mr. leroy arrive on time," william joked, pulling down the extra blackboard.
“hey!- oh professor, [name] has something”, alvin nudged you with a not-so-subtle grin
“[last name]? how can i assist you? having trouble with yesterday’s theorem?” william asked, setting his board at last 
he turned to face you both, his expression patient but with a hint of curiosity. he slowly walked closer to your seat, standing not too far from you. alvin gently pulled your chair back and gave you a small pat. you turned over to the boy and wished to slap off the wide smirk he showed 
“professor moriarty... i’ve noticed how you often leave with a rather... dusty coat,” you began softly as you stood up 
“i thought it was unfair for you to put in so much time to teach us- especially alvin”, you snickered remembering his test score 
“i decided to buy some new chalks for you! it’s pretty popular amongst mathematicians”, you continued 
taking a closer step, you could smell his woody perfume, tinged with a hint of citrus. never in a million years did you expect to stand this close. alvin’s voice died down, watching the subtle tension and nerve you held to yourself 
you presented your professor a neatly wrapped cloth with his name engraved. william’s usually sharp and calculating eyes soften by the gesture. he took the gift from your hand to carefully feel the soft cloth. 
“thank you [last name]. it was rather unexpected but i am flattered”, william’s voice portrayed his genuine gratitude 
the rest of the day went on as normal. students rush into the class feeling dreadful but are left with joy after william promises not to give any homework. later that evening, william walks back to the moriarty estate feeling happier than before 
“you look like you outwitted sherlock holmes” albert welcomed his brother with a sip from his glass 
louis glanced up to see his brother indeed looked in a good mood. he watches william settle his satchel down on a nearby sofa before he sits himself. his lips created a small smile as he looked back at albert. he pulls out the small present he receives, letting it rest on the table in front 
“one of my students gave me a set of chalks as a gift for always coming home like a baker” " william replied with his rare gentle humour 
“that is rather…” 
“considerate. you don’t often see students go out of their way like that” " albert finished louis’s hanging sentence 
louis leaned forward, wanting to see more of the chalk. adding a small comment on the expensive gift, he questioned his brother about the owner. even albert expressed a wide-eyed smile, listening to william refusing to reveal your name 
while on the other hand, alvin stared at the ceiling of his dorm, replaying the events of the day. a heavy heart is what he would describe his feelings. he tried brushing off his obvious feelings of jealousy. he needed to ensure his ‘ship’ wasn’t sailing too fast, even if he was the ‘captain’. 
© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator. all images are from pinterest
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killianthebee · 8 months
I love the idea of a DC/Marvel crossover where Bruce Wayne adopts a young Tony Stark.
I like to think he would be the second youngest, Damian being the youngest. The Wayne family had only met him briefly at galas and they're only made aware of Tony again when there is an article about the death of his parents in a tragic car accident. Something tugs at Bruce's heart strings and he ends up adopting Tony. Luckily before Obadiah could get to him.
Tony would be around 10-12. But he is still amazingly smart. Howard Stark was already talking about signing him up for college. Though, Maria Stark interfered before it could actually happen.
Imagine Jarvis comes to live with them at Wayne Manor and becomes a butler alongside Alfred. They would probably be good friends. They both just want to care and serve their wards. Ana comes too and everyone loves her food, it's second best to Alfred's...maybe even better.
Stark Industries go to Obadiah Stane. Tony keeps an eye on it...until he gets kidnapped. Yep, Obadiah still felt the need to do that. He can't mold Tony to his standards now that he's with the Wayne's (and the company will go to Tony when he's of age) so the next best thing is to have him eliminated. But that fails and Tony basically has the same kidnapping as the movie with arc reactor and all.
The Wayne's are so relieved when Tony makes it home. Bruce freaks out when he discovers the arc reactor. I think they would probably be much faster at finding a solution to the palladium problem.
Tony knows he need to stop the weapons manufacturing but Stane won't listen to him. He and the Bats figure out that Stane was the one behind the kidnapping.
I think Tony would definitely try to build a suit and stop Stane himself but the Bats stop him and then go handle Stane themselves.
The Bats then work to collect and destroy all the weapons that got out.
The company is put into the hands of Pepper Potts.
As for the relationships...
Bruce and Tony have an okay relationship, probably better than the other kids. Tony thinks Bruce mostly pities him and that's why he was adopted. He also resents Bruce for not letting him be a vigilante. He just wants to be like the rest of the family! But Bruce FINALLY realized that maybe he should stop making child soldiers. Bruce loves that Tony can challenge him so much with his intellect. Bruce doesn't even fathom the idea of sending Tony to college, which Tony greatly appreciates.
Alfred and Tony. Tony loves Alfred, honestly. He thinks he's the third best person in the world (Jarvis and Ana are before him). They have routine chess matches and Tony always wins. Alfred teaches him how to do laundry and cook because there's no one way anyone taught him that stuff.
Tony thinks Dick is cool but a bit dorky. Dick thinks Tony is like a little miniature Tim but a lot smarter. Dick teaches him flips that Tony actually kinda sucks at it but it's fun and great bonding for them.
Tony and Jason. Tony is a little iffy about Jason. He does think he's super cool, he's all tough and stuff. But...he's a little weird about the killing. He's a little wary around him as a result. Jason eventually explains to him the ins and outs of his whole operation and how he only kills bad people. Tony comes around a little after that and even offers advice for his organization.
Tim kinda resents Tony because he's like wtf that's literally me. But then he realized how cool and sweet Tony is. He also finds out Tony is even smarter than he is. Tony loves that Tim can almost match his intellect, he doesn't get that a lot and it can be pretty boring.
Duke likes Tony solely cause he helps Duke with his homework. Tony also has pretty good pranks and so far they haven't gotten caught.
Tony thinks Cass is probably the most epic person ever. He likes to try and sneak up on her but he hasn't succeeded yet. Doesn't stop him from trying and inventing new tech.
Tony does not like Damian and Damian does not like Tony. Tony thinks Damian is a brat and Damian thinks Tony is stealing all the attention. In reality, Tony just lost his parents and is going through a hard time and needs love. Damian hasn't grown up with a lot of love and now that he had it and he feels it was stripped away, he becomes defensive and angry. They get along...eventually.
Barbara thinks Tony is a brat. Tony likes to hack into her computer and he is GOOD. Though, she comes to like it as she realizes it is kind of helping her get better and it can be fun.
Steph likes Tony's spitefulness and sometimes they team up to tease the others. Tony thinks Steph is pretty cool.
I love this idea so much but I don't have the time to write it 😞😞
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paper-sunflower-lane · 2 months
Bill Twin Theory 2024 (This is messy since I tend to ramble.)
A theory that I've always really liked is that Bill had a twin too so I wanted to point out some things that made me rethink this theory since I've gotten back into Gravity Falls.
(Note: I know Bill probably doesn't have a twin because we never know what Alex will pull, but I'm just rambling at this point)
It always just made perfect sense to me, and yes, I know he didn't target the Pines because they were twins, he targeted them because Ford was exactly what he needed, but just the thought of him being a twin himself.
It made all those snide remarks he made about the Pines siblings even better.
Especially the comment he made to Mabel during Sock Opera…
"Who would sacrifice everything they've worked for just for their dumb sibling?"
We know Alex has said that Bill thinks Mabel is just like him a perfect agent of chaos.
Then there's his constant resentment of Stan even though Mabel and Stan are a lot alike in some instances and that means that in Bill's way of viewing things, Stan is just like him, they are both con artists after all.
In "The Book of Bill" the first time he sees Stan is on the TV and Ford is complaining about him. He calls Stan an inferior clone and suggests that Ford should have eaten him to gain his power.
He calls Stan while possessing Ford to tell him that Ford never loved him when Stan hasn't had contact with Ford for years at this point and he has absolutely nothing to do with this. (That doesn't matter, of course, since Bill just wanted to hurt Ford.)
He then blames Stan for everything, every little thing, not just his plan going up in flames, but for little things as well, even though Stan didn't do it alone… almost like it's not really Stan he's talking about.
If he sees Stan as a better version of himself, someone who got everything he ever wanted even though in Bill's opinion he screwed up everything, then I can see why he resents him so much.
If Bill had a twin, I don't think he ate them, what I do think though is that when he wanted to show everyone in his dimension the stars that his twin told him not to, his twin warned him something bad would happen, and he didn't listen which cost him everything.
And maybe he resents them even though he was the one who did it, maybe he thinks that they should have tried harder to stop him to talk him out of it.
So we're gonna look at this from an outsider's point of view really quick, and see things on a two-dimensional scale like Bill does, stripping the characters down to their bases.
Bill, Stan, and Mabel are all chaotic which is their core.
Ford and Dipper are both logical which is their core.
Stan has Ford.
Mabel has Dipper.
And Bill has…?
Chaos and order are huge underlining themes in Gravity Falls, these forces are always pushing and pulling against one another.
You can say that the Time Baby was Bill's order in this mess, but was he really?
Bill took out the time baby not once but according to his journal twice.
When Stan and Ford go up against one another they are evenly matched in different ways.
When Mabel and Dipper go up against one another they are evenly matched in different ways.
And when they all go up against a common enemy that enemy loses nearly every single time.
They're their own people, but they complement each other.
Bill doesn't have that.
We don't know everything Bill lost when he destroyed his home, we just know it was his fault, and he knows it's his fault.
Bill doesn't want to be alone in that guilt so he tries to make people just like him.
So if we're going with the twin theory which are, let's go back to the comment he made to Mabel during Sock Opera.
"Who would sacrifice everything they've worked for just for their dumb sibling?"
Mabel would and did, Dipper would and did, Ford would and did, and Stan absolutely would and absolutely did.
Bill is the only one who didn't and he lost everything because of it.
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leonidele · 1 year
Oh! you're new to MXTX?
Here are the rules to understanding what the heck is literally going on in the novels: 1. never, Ever, believe what a character says about themselves or their perception of the world.
Shen Yuan: "I'm an easygoing person!" no you're not. you spent every single day since transmigration fixing and plotting and stressing over a hundred things at once, stop lying Mu Qing: "I rlly think we should just let them die." proceeds to save them. LBH: "An eye for an eye, Shizun hurt me I will repay" proceeds to only save, cure and worry for SQQ and keep him close to him.
2. no difficulty in the world hasn't been made because of another person. be it misunderstandings, miscommunication, resentment, ill intents, character personality, etc, the only thing that pushes a plot point (backward or forward) are singular people who are more often than not working against their own favor. (someone pls give MXTX a sociology book) if you like that sort of thing, good for you! if you're a person who gets frustrated by miscommunication... *screams into a pillow. incoherently ranting about specific moments in the novels* 3. nobody knows what actually happened. (no one else was in the room where it happened~) all three (and possibly other) books of MXTX have been filled to the brim with gossip, fangirling, and gossip. if a random character is saying it, that is definitely not what happened. if someone explaining second hand is saying it, you are being intentionally put so off track you can't even see the road. if the subject of the conversation is saying what happened, look at the company, the character, and the subject, and resolutely understand that you will never get the actual story of what happened from anyone. because clearly, the man himself is delusional.
and that's all for now! tell me if you want more tips (or if you think I should correct anything)
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thebrokenpapergirl · 4 months
S2E4 - Louis' Plan
This episode had me on the ropes, I'm not gonna lie. I need time to process all the other things that happened before I can attempt to talk about them.
That being said: Louis' plan to get the coven in line has been doing somersaults in my brain.
Louis decides to step up to the game in the last 15 minutes of the match and the thing is... the thing is... HE COULD HAVE WON.
Louis should have stepped up to the game much, much earlier. Two years prior, to be exact. The second he realized Armand almost killed him, but chose not to, because he cared for him. Louis should have started to pay more attention to this damned coven seeing as it almost got him killed once already. Yet, he doesn't.
A year into his relationship with Armand, and the plan he suggested of letting Santiago have enough rope to hang himself could have worked.
Not now.
The first words out of Louis mouth should have been: "We have to kill Santiago."
(Listen... I love Santiago, but in order for Louis and Claudia to have a chance... my man needed to perish.)
Killing Santiago would've been a clear message to the coven and it would've put into question all the manipulation he has been doing behind the scenes. Because Santiago is not targeting Armand. He is targeting Louis. Louis was the change in the status quo.
He will hurt Claudia, not because he dislikes her or resents her, but because he knows it is the easiest way to hurt Louis, and in so doing punish Armand for his "abandonment" of the coven.
Louis decides to take the reins, but because he hasn't done this in a long time, he shies away from the brutality. He needed to handle this situation with the same ruthlessness he handled Paul in the first episode of season 1.
Louis will also feel more emboldened to give Claudia the companion she wants, Madeleine, breaking more rules and giving Santiago the perfect ammunition. (All of this adding to the wreck of Lestat's return from the "dead".)
Now his plan will have Santiago assume more power than he should ever be allowed, which will culminate in the trial. The problem is that Louis doesn't have a clear grasp on Santiago, he is severely underestimating him, because, as Armand has stated this entire fucking episode, Louis does not pay the coven any mind. Santiago has been stacking the cards in his favour ever since Louis showed up.
Louis has now, once more, indirectly been the cause of Claudia's life being forfeit due to his not very well thought-out plan. The fire that ends Claudia's human life = the trial that ends her immortal one.
So even if Louis' memories of Claudia's death are intact. It makes sense why he stays with Armand. Louis has to stand by the choices he has made or the guilt will eat him from the inside out and leave nothing behind.
Louis loves Armand. Armand loves Louis. The tragedy was inescapable.
Armand could have stopped it, but he thought Claudia's fate was inevitable. Louis intervention made Claudia's fate inevitable.
They are the only two people who will ever, truly understand the calamity of what unfolded.
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thehollowwriter · 5 months
(Idk if I send a lot of asks but)
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Leoruggie and jamikali. It's a tie.
Leona is 20+. Ruggie is 17. Ruggie is in a servant role and far less privileged than Leona, who is a prince. This ship just frustrates me so much, and so many fics involve Leona treating Ruggie even worse than he does in game so it's just... bleh.
Jamil is the Asim family's slave. He is a slave. "Servant", "caretaker", "bodyguard", etc are are all nice ways of putting it. Jamil's entire being revolves around Kalim. He cannot exist outside of Kalim. He takes the subjects Kalim takes, thinks of Kalik at all times, and can never truly enjoy himself. His life from the start is deemed as lesser than Kalim's, as he's his poison tester as well. He resents Kalim for this.
Kalim essentially owns Jamil. He is a kind boy but so awfully unaware of the harm he himself is causing Jamil. In his vignettes, in the events, etc, whenever he's faced with a problem or wants something done, he tells people, "Jamil will handle it!" And carries on with no regard to Jamil's feelings or if it's even possible to do such things.
When Jamil tells him to stop doing something, or that he can't get this thing done in time, Kalim ignores him and says "I can count on you Jamil!" Why? Because Kalim is spoiled and even he is sweet, doesn't really understand the word no. Obviously, he's not doing this maliciously, but it's still very harmful and does nothing but contribute to Jamil's stress and suffering.
Idk, this whole ship doesn't sit right with me because it just feels like romance is a bandaid slapped onto a gaping chasm of a problem. Not to mention, no matter how kind Kalim is, it's very toxic and dangerous for Jamil to be dating someone with complete and unquestionable control over his autonomy like Kalim.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Azul beats out the tweels by 0.0000000001% so...
People either make him too much of a soft hearted crybaby, or too much of an evil capitalist.
Azul was hurt deeply as a child. The emotional scars left will take a very long time to fade. To cope he strived to make himself better, stronger, more desirable, and so on. In doing so, he's hardened his heart and it's a lot more difficult to get him now. It's literally stated in game that he hasn't cried in years. So no, reader giving him some affection won't make him burst into tears. He's not emotionless, but he's not going to turn into Season 1 Deku 2.0.
Then there's the other end of the scale. Some of ya'll make Azul way worse than he actually is. No, he's not going to force someone to date him. No, he's not going to make a potion to fucking... drug the reader??? Idk so many fics make him so overbearing and aggressive it's just... not like him.
And, let's not forget, he's a restaurateur's son and is literally just... a guy who owns a restaurant and wants to expand it. Sometimes people treat him like he's going to be the next CEO of Amazon or something. Azul is not ever going to be as viciously awful as most if not all CEOs are. Remember those guys are also sexist, homophobic, and racist and often fund bigoted organisations. Which... Azul would not do?
I know Azul can be a difficult character to write. It's hard to get a good balance when he's so morally grey. He's not an angel, but he's definitely not a complete monster either.
Sorry this is so long Elena, I got excited 😭
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iris-sistibly · 6 months
So we are officially half-way through this whole series, this isn't as intense as the previous episodes and I just generally enjoy seeing the Hong family having a taste of a simpler life.
📍Though I wanna slap Hae-in's mom so hard for still being such a bitch at the family who took them in when they have nowhere else to go, and the way that she resents Hae-in for having a REAL mother and daughter bond with Hyun-woo's mom instead of her? The audacity! Like she constantly treats Hae-in like crap, she didn't care when Hae-in fainted and worried more about her son being uncomfortable in their current situation, it's kinda confusing to me that she wonders why Hae-in never treated her the way she treats her MIL. But then again, she's a narcissist and a gaslighter, what am I expecting? The Baek family are much better people than me, because if I were them and someone disrespects MY family in my OWN home, I would have kicked her out this instant and let her sleep with the cows. Shout-out to Aunt Beom-ja for calling her out for the nth time.
Edit: I just remembered this now but I'm disappointed in Hae-in's dad. He cared so much about his daughter when they found out about the divorce, but couldn't even defend her when his wife was bad-mouthing her. I'm not expecting anything from mama's boy Soo-cheol, and I get that the irony of his character is him being the head of the family only by name but in reality, he doesn't have a spine, but he could have at least tried for Hae-in. Then again, the only people who defended Hae-in were Hyun-woo and Aunt Beom-ja. 🤷
📍Hae-in is basically the only person who can put Soo-cheol in his place, but she also has a soft spot for him. The way she almost patted her brother's back to comfort her and then stopped herself because she probably found it cheesy (I mean, they're asian siblings iykyk), but stays beside him without saying anything and just letting him cry was actually heartwarming.
📍Hae-in realizing that the mp3 player in Hyun-woo was actually hers and they've already met when they were teenagers 😭 how I wish Hae-in just told him straight that it was hers so poor Hyun-woo didn't have to make some random excuses so she wouldn't feel jealous or upset (he knows a jealous Hae-in is terrifying). Speaking of which, the text message scene was killing me, the way they messaged each other (even though they didn't actually send it) was so husband and wife coded y'all can't convince me that they're divorced. I wish they'd truly reconcile already and become lovey-dovey once more!
📍While it's pretty clear that they're still very much in-love with each other, part of me feels like Hae-in is pushing Hyun-woo away so she could free him from all of these burdens and when the inevitable happens, Hyun-woo could move on. While it's true that she's still hurting with everything that happened between them, I also sense some guilt in her, I mean she's not stupid, she knows what kind of crap he'd been through while living with her family. Meanwhile, Hyun-woo willingly stayed by her side, accompanying her in medical check-ups, helping her entire family to regain what had been stolen from them, protecting Hae-in without ever asking for anything in return (not even asking her to take him back) is just...ugh! It pains me, but their current situation will surely bring them closer to each other and I would love them to have that moment where they'd just talk about them.
📍I'm not surprised that Soo-cheol is not Geon-u's father, but aren't y'all curious to know who is? And I do have the feeling that Da-hye loves Soo-cheol for real, but she hasn't realized it yet. Still faithfully waiting for that day when she'll finally help the Hong family and get rid of that witch and her walking red flag of a son. Also, I feel like Grace would also testify once these scumbags go into trial, and I hope that happens soon.
📍Speaking of the devil's child, now that the show is slowly revealing the back story of Seul-hee and Eun-seong, basically they're saying that the latter is only acting under his mom's orders who by the way he resents so much but still works with her anyway? I thought he was cunning, turns out he's actually a stupid cunt. I mean, imagine going through all of this bullshit only for us to find out that his ultimate goal wasn't to take the entire Hong family's wealth like her greedy birth giver but to take Hae-in for himself as if she's some kind of a prize or trophy that he could get after ruining her and her entire family? If that's so, then he is really an idiot. If he thinks that Hae-in would desperately crawl to him because they're poor now then he can continue to dream. Hae-in would die without Hyun-woo but would rather die than be with Eun-seong. I do have the feeling that this bitch will use grandpa Hong to black mail/negotiate with the family and god forbid bring them back to the mansion (again, wtf), perhaps the only person who would be dumb enough to take the bait is probably Mama Hong because she's well...dumb too. And no, I don't care if he cares about Hae-in being sick, he's disgusting.
📍The thing that sets him and Hyun-woo apart is how they treat Hae-in, Eun-seong sees her as some kind of an object that he could snatch even if she's already married to someone else, he doesn't take no for an answer, has crossed her boundaries multiple times and only cares about getting her. While Hyun-woo treats Hae-in like an actual human being, yes he made mistakes and hurt Hae-in in the past but he sucked it all up and is constantly doing right by her. He respects her boundaries, never makes her feel uncomfortable, and cares about her well-being. Hyun-woo would be willing to let Hae-in go if it would make her happy, while Eun-seong would gladly make her miserable if it meant being with her. These two characters my friends, are love and selfishness defined.
📍Papa Baek and Papa Hong becoming drinking buddies will never not be cute.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Do you think there's a reason why Mr Darcy is so popular?
Yes! Many reasons.
Firstly, this is something that I think the Reading Jane Austen podcast brought up and I think it's very insightful. Darcy, though I don't think he's shy, is very much an unsocial clam; he's reserved. Elizabeth is one of the very few people he opens up to, especially at the end of the novel. That sort of exclusivity is very sexy to some people, as stated in Emma:
“It is a most repulsive quality, indeed,” said he [Mr. Knightley]. “Oftentimes very convenient, no doubt, but never pleasing. There is safety in reserve, but no attraction. One cannot love a reserved person.” “Not till the reserve ceases towards oneself; and then the attraction may be the greater." [Emma]
Secondly, Darcy is portrayed as a Byronic hero in P&P 1995 and a lot of JAFF (think dark, brooding, and mysterious) so I think many people consider him one. I'm not an expert on what women like, but I know during Byron's lifetime a lot of women just ate up these sort of men with a spoon. Here is a description from Wikipedia of a Byronic hero:
Historian and critic Lord Macaulay described the character as "a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection"
I don't think Darcy is a Byronic hero, if anything he's a subversion of Byronic. While he is proud, cynical, and capable of strong affection, he turns out not to be vengeful. Darcy's implacable resentment towards Wickham is built on a firm foundation and he hasn't acted on it! I think Byronic!Darcy would have hunted Wickham down and killed him. (Willoughby is also totally a fake Byronic hero, his "deep and strong affection" is false).
Side Note: A lot of JAFF has Darcy hunt Wickham down and duel him.
Third, I think a lot of people love the idea of someone being so overcome with irrepressible passions that they propose despite their better judgement. This might be why Darcy "compromises" Elizabeth so much in JAFF. While I'm onboard for passion leading to proposals, I'm not wild about passion leading to unwanted kissing.
Fourth, Darcy does some very sexy things, like listening to what women say and offering to stop going after a woman. These traits are so freaking rare that they make women swoon. It's honestly pitiful that we still are just looking for a man who will take no for an answer with grace! Like listen to this: "If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged; but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever.”
"If you don't like me, I'll leave you alone." HAWT. SEXY. Makes me feel safer walking at home in the dark. GIVE ME MORE!
Lastly, I think people really love the enemies to lovers trope and Darcy is one half of that in Pride & Prejudice.
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Random thoughts about Sand/Ray (Only Friends ep 1)
Rewatched the first episode of Only Friends and I have a few (many) random thoughts, here are just the ones about Ray and Sand because they deserved a whole post (everyone else is in this other post) :
Ray mentions his dad in the first scene we ever see him in, getting mad at Sand who told him not to be a burden on other people and replying "are you my father ?"... Foreshadowing much ?
The first interaction between Ray and Sand ends with Sand telling Mew to take care of his friend, and you believe that's what Mew is doing but then next party he abandons him
Ray throwing up and his friends immediately letting him go and pushing him away is... funny in the context of the scene but again I think telling us something about how they're all going to treat him
(Sand/First opening and closing the intro is *chef's kiss*, he's not the main character clearly but as an outsider and a "morally straight" guy he's going to be a force to shake things up I'm sure)
Sand and Ray's second interaction immediately revolves around once again Ray being a burden but also Ray's friends not being present enough for him and Sand disapproves of both
Did Ray already drink and drive before this ? Did anyone stop him before?
Ray's throw up sound in this episode are truly awful and make me quite uncomfortable. Good acting though
Him immediately passing out on a random man's shoulder after being taken to this stranger's place does imply a worrying lack of survival instinct. Baby he could steal your livers ! or what's left of it
(The owner of YOLO bar is Yo, as reiterated many times by Ray and Sand, and given how often he's mentioned he must have a role in the story, but he's hasn't shown up yet ?) (Edit : didn't know Yo was played by Jennie so we have actually seen her around, just haven't gotten a proper scene with her, looking forward to really meeting her !)
Ray becoming aggressive and accusing Sand of stealing his stuff only after Sand says he didn't sleep with him and didn't even consider it seems to indicate that Ray truly thinks people can only take an interest in him for sex or for money. Arf this continues to get more sad
The fact that Ray actually checks his pockets when Sand gives him back his clothes is so indicative of what's actually important to him : not his safety or consent but his material possessions and external signs of wealth
Ray complaining to Mew that he got kicked out by Sand for no reasons is so rich, but again I think Ray truly doesn't realise how what he said was offensive because he's so closed in his own bubble
But Mew saying he thought Boston was taking care of Ray when he literally just asked Ray how he got home last night and knew that Boston refused to take care of Ray is so hypocritical ?! And goes to show he wasn't really bothered to make sure Ray had a way to go home safely. He assumed he'd be fine on his own and didn't care that much
Ray sad that his crush is talking to someone else and driving home alone in his fancy car in a tee shirt that says "Poor Boy" is High Comedy
Boston asking Ray why doesn't he just become Mew's boyfriend was such a dick move, but also Ray is so convincing at denying he would be ? Is it because he's so used to lying about this, or because he doesn't think he's worth Mew's affection so he doesn't even dream of being his boyfriend ?
Ray does have a habit of just exiting the situation for something that his friend all excuse as being one of his addictions (drinking, smoking) and they don't even try to stop him
Sand tells Ray he has his lighter because he got him drunk and stole from him with such confidence I don't care that he's joking he could be telling the truth and I'd find it hot
The moment Sand actually gets visibly angry is when Ray tells him that Sand caring is "boyfriend behaviors" and that's telling on how Sand is disgusted with the idea of being his boyfriend but also resents the fact that caring about being respected is something only boyfriends do... when in fact people who are only friends can too ! (see what I did there)
That dialogue between them does illustrate the power of not just saying sorry, but saying thank you. Which is an actual thing I try to apply in my own life so I thank the show for reminding me haha
the softness in the voice of Sand when he then says "obviously" and agrees to give his lighter to Ray made me melt
Ray's eyes during the whole scene are truly so seductive, Khao does know his fuck me eyes very well
There's no conclusion except to say Sand is going to get fucked by Ray in more ways than one and I'm looking forward to it
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Let's talk about Ray's dad
So by the time we meet Ray's dad, the only parents we've met are Sand's mom and Boston's dad; a "good" parent, who has a good relationship with her kid and is affectionate, and a "bad" parent, who literally calls his kid a jackass and is generally obnoxious and doesn't seem to be super involved in his life.
Enter Ray's dad.
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He's immediately combative and angry, doesn't open with asking after Ray's health, just right to scolding.
And it isn't worried parent scolding. It's just angry.
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He's mad because he had to deal with the cops, because he had to disrupt his evening.
(Sand is the best boy, because he is staying close to Ray, he isn't abandoning him with his father, who he knows Ray doesn't have a great relationship with. He's still worried about Ray, even if he's also rightfully mad)
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He's mad because the car is damaged, and it was expensive.
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Ray is disappointed, he's hurt, but he's not surprised that his dad still hasn't asked about his injuries.
And his dad just tells him to stop being sarcastic, and doubles down on all the ways Ray could have messed up his life and inconvenience him.
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And Sand, witnessing all of this, realizing how much of who Ray is is about this interaction that he's witnessing. How much of Ray's damage is because he doesn't have a parent in his corner.
All Ray's dad can talk about is the social fallout associated with drunk driving, social consequences that will affect him.
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And onto making threats.
He mentions Ray getting sober, but it's not out of concern for Ray's health, or his future:
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It's because he doesn't want to take the time to have to clean up after him. To care about Ray's life.
And Ray is clearly used to hearing these things from his dad. He looks so resigned, like his dad has been telling him "I don't have time to care about you" his whole life.
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And, the kill shot. (It's me, it killed me.)
Confirmation that the neglect and the resentment are a pattern. That they're just how Ray's dad speaks to him, how he thinks about him.
How Ray learned that he is a burden.
And Sand realizes it when we do.
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We have all seen how unconcerned with his drinking Ray's friends all are. Mew made one single sincere comment about Ray's health, and it was in a flashback. All other mentions of Ray drinking to much are framed as Ray is the problem, not that Ray's drinking is the problem. And they all still encourage and enable his addiction: they don't find places to hang out that don't involve alcohol, they laugh off his neediness, etc.
And here, his dad can't even be bothered to ask about how he's feeling. His own father can't manage to frame his concern about Ray's drinking as concern about Ray as a person. And going by Ray's words, he hasn't ever really bothered to, and he didn't care much for his wife.
The cruelty of having watched your wife drink herself to death and do nothing, and then watch your son spiral into addiction, and do nothing but berate him is next level, and it breaks my heart.
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inkblot22 · 2 years
Crazy sickening thought but what if there’s a scenario where azul takes advantage of reader? Like imagine reader not having anywhere to after four years and crowley giving up/deciding reader is too expensive and a burden to take care of since they are a grownup and haven’t been useful. They decide to desperate to find a way so they and grim dont end up on the streets look for azul for a place to stay and azul agrees only if they agree to be azuls spouse and meet conditions of his like never leaving him, cooking for him, kissing him times throughout the day. Whats your thoughts on this? Do you think azul would add more terms?
Hello! This is excellent and you caught me on an Azul day. I apologize in advance because this is honestly a bit long.
TW controlling behavior, abuse, captivity, coerced marriage, Crowley being a deadbeat, non-consensual kissing/touch, isolation and being in the ocean at night, my best attempt at legalese, Jade and Floyd because these three are the scariest package deal ever conceived. Misogyny, if you squint, as well as house-spousification. That is a word now.
Grim is way too calm about this. It's not that you could really resent him for being oblivious, but sometimes you indulge your irritation with one thought, "Grim is lucky that I love him."
And he is. He's lucky that you're here, lucky that you're willing to sell your body to a certain silver-haired asshole just so he can indulge on various seafoods, including fresh-caught tuna.
Well, that's not really fair. Azul hasn't gotten more physical than a few hugs and kisses, sharing the same bed, that type of thing. You can tell he's considered doing more, you see it in his eyes when you lay down to go to sleep or wear certain colors, usually dark blues and violets. Not that you've worn much else in...
Seven, how long has it been? Let's see... On your fourth year at NRC, Dire Crowley invited you to his office for tea. Not in so many words, he said that your time at NRC was reaching the end of it's stay. He'd send for you upon discovering a way for you to return home, but until then, you and Grim needed to begin your internship within the week. You hid your unease as best as you could, but when you got back to Ramshackle, you could barely breathe. Grim wasn't present for the meeting, so when he saw your obvious despair he immediately threatened to burn whoever had hurt you. You had laughed it off, promising him that everything would be okay.
You should have known, honestly. You sent messages to both Ace and Deuce, letting them know what happened, and they both felt awful, but were in no position to have you come stay with them. Although any of your former upperclassmen would have probably accepted you, but right when you were wondering how you were supposed to get a job without any form of identification past your very own person, much less a place to stay, you received a message in a group chat you had long forgotten about.
Underneath the all caps title of the chat, "THE FISH MAFIA," Jade had simply invited you to the Coral Sea with Grim for a dinner. Of course you had accepted. Perhaps you could ask Azul for a job in his mother's restaurant, and subsequently, move to whatever land mass was near the Coral Sea. That way you and Grim wouldn't be homeless.
You let Crowley know and he set up the mirror for your departure, even going so far as to give you a pair of potions so you wouldn't drown and wishing you well. You tried not to dislike him even more for that, tried being the key word.
Jade and Floyd were waiting for you on the other side. They looked about the same as the last time you'd seen them, perhaps a little longer than before. Floyd grabbed both you and Grim and darted through the water, stopping in front of an elegant building that seemed to be made out of shells. You were guided in, all the way to the back, where Azul was waiting, in human form.
"Hello, Prefect... or shall I just use your name? From what I've heard, you won't be living in Ramshackle for much longer."
You had forgotten about that. Your memories, up until that point, were relatively positive when it came to Azul, so of course you overlooked his harsh comments, forgotten by the haze of happy memories you had with him. But Azul had always been somewhat mean.
"Regardless, take a seat. We have all the foods you like on the land, and then some." He offered you a somewhat wan smile, "No drinks, though. Sorry. Perhaps we can go to a cafe after this business is finished."
You took a seat and one of the servers placed a large, flat rock on your lap.
"It's to keep you from floating away." Azul had said.
You thought that was kind of fun. That was probably the last time you had that thought connected to Azul. Grim didn't bat an eye and began scarfing down the contents of the table, and you met Azul's staring eye.
"Yes, my darling, business. I take it that you don't have a large window of opportunity, so please believe me when I say I want the best for you and your familiar. I am offering you a place to stay, food, drinks, and clothing. All you have to do is sign this teensy little document."
"Wait, what's goin' on?" Grim paused his eating to give you a confused look.
"Oh... It'll all work out, Grim," You began.
"Dire Crowley has given our little human here a week to move out of Ramshackle house." Azul interrupted.
"Good! That place was run-down anyway!" He went back to eating.
You couldn't blame him for his shortsightedness then. You simply sighed and Azul addressed you again.
"So, my dear, knowing that I will provide for you and your familiar, and knowing that you'll be homeless in a week's time with no real way to regain a home, I believe you can understand how signing this is in your best interest."
You nod, once, slightly hesitantly, and Azul smiles, passing a document to you. It's dry to the touch, but a quick scan and you decided it was better to just sign and get it over with.
Presently, tucked neatly under Azul's arm as dawn breaks over the beachside, you really wish that you'd read the entire contract earlier.
It wasn't so bad at first, he set you and Grim up on the top floor of one of the land-based establishments that his mother owned and had passed down to him. He said it was something of a side hobby, but you read it more as a front for his other business. Regardless, for a long while, things were fine. What little you had was already in the room he'd set up for you and Grim. But then the stipulations of the contract began coming into effect.
Within three months of the signing date, the signor will be legally wed to the signee.
That wasn't so bad. The wedding was ridiculously extravagant, but you managed to wrangle Grim into a bow tie and that was cute enough. Azul was all smiles, but every time you wanted to run, you remembered that it was all for your and Grim's wellbeing.
The first night you went home as spouses, Azul talked at length about a possible honeymoon. You nodded along, too tired from the day's events, and went to open the door to the room you'd been sharing until now with Grim. Azul grabbed you by your arm, hard enough to leave a mark, and pulled you into the master suite.
"Married couples should sleep together, shouldn't they?"
2. Both parties are required to show the other affection, physical and otherwise. The consequence of withholding such results in a loss of privileges.
This was a bit less okay. Azul wasn't overly touchy, but you found that he didn't care who saw what. You weren't opposed to most of it, seeing as his hand was usually on your shoulder or back, somewhere not at all concerning, but he also would occasionally turn and kiss you without warning or permission.
It made your head spin. In every other way, he was very reserved, but every time he kissed you was so random. It wasn't that he smelled bad or tasted bad, unless he had just returned from a meeting, wherein he would generally smell like alcohol-free bourbon or something adjacent. You'd always try harder than usual to pull away when he smelled like that.
"It's just a gentleman's drink, my angel... My goodness, I didn't know you were this shy!"
3. If the signatory is otherwise unoccupied around noon, they will prepare lunch for their spouse and bring it to him. A breach of this term will result in the signatory's familiar being put outside for a night. *See addendum A.
Every day, for the last year, you have walked in, regardless of Azul being in the middle of a meeting or not, and served him a lunch that you threw together.
At this point, you're pretty certain that you could bring him a banana peel coated in mayo and ketchup on a dirty plate and he'd eat it like it was the best thing in the world. Every time you put lunch in front of him, he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close, pressing a kiss against your ribs and looking up at you as if you've hung the moon.
"This looks delicious, my angel. Thank you."
4. Privileges such as allowance, certain articles of clothing, certain food items, will be withheld in the case of a breach of contract.
This one wasn't really observed by Azul. As far as you could recall, every time you messed up, he would become inconsolable, then really cold.
If you did something he really, really didn't like, he'd "invite" you for a midnight swim, then lock you in the bathroom while you were still wet. This is why an addendum was added, since getting sopping wet and locked in a cold bathroom resulted in you getting sick and unable to make lunch.
"I'm doing this because I love you so much."
5. The signatory shall adopt the moniker of a stay-at-home spouse. They will be allowed days to go out and shop for both necessary groceries and personal effects.
Your "going out" days were Wednesdays and Saturdays, partially because that gave Azul an excuse to tag along on at least one of those days and also because he could send one of his lackeys to follow you and Grim around.
Everything you purchased was looked over by him, and when you got home, he'd ask you about various items you purchased while trying to coax you to sit with him.
"Angel, why in the world do you need... five packages of... 'dino gro capsules'?"
6. Azul Ashengrotto may exercise his discretion to determine whether or not his spouse is following the contract to the best of their ability.
Azul was not a fair or reliable judge. At best, he wanted you to be by his side as often as possible, but at worst, he'd be irritated by Grim's very presence in the house. You weren't afforded much mercy. If the twins were visiting on land, which they did way more often than you liked, and you happened to have really done it that day, they'd sneak in and drape blankets over you.
Azul didn't care if he noticed, and it felt like every day it got worse. Every day you'd find out about another rule of the contract, every day you'd have to lie and tell Grim that everything was okay.
But you could feel it, this pressure, building up within you. One of these days, you'd snap, and hopefully Grim wouldn't be there to see it.
Because you didn't want him to think you resented him.
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ccaptain · 1 day
Things that have helped me with anxiety aside from removing Tumblr at night:
- By not having the app on, I can't browse. If I can't browse, I can avoid making/reblogging headcanons, because I realized that around these hours I was making some in hope to have them be seen and talked about- and, while this is normal, sometimes this is just not going to happen due to partners being busy/not in that headspace, and that's fine. It doesn't mean those aren't good ideas/HCS, but it did gave me a pretty bad anxiety spike regarding my trauma with the person who sent me back to therapy, where I was forced to produce ideas/plots 24/7 in hope that one would have stuck and inspired them to regain muse for the ship we had. It almost never happened, and burned me out so badly in terms of angsty/action rps and creativity that I started to doubt if my writing was ever good/interesting. It was. It still is, and I know this. I make sure that it is.
- I stopped reblogging a meme multiple times, as doing so and not receiving any was becoming stressful. While this might be a disservice to my partners in other timezones, there's always the possibility of scrolling back on the dash/on my blog to find and send it, navigate my ask memes tag in my pinned post- or simply ask me to link them the prompt. If we have a server, I can link it over here, but I realize that unless I'm sometimes asked to do things, then I don't need to do said things. Not to mention that the expectance to be sent memes could build up resentment and anxiety because it can turn into an obligation to both send and receive. Don't take things for granted even with your roleplay partners in these terms, and build around that.
Overall, it hasn't even been a week and I'm feeling much more relaxed with this approach.
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creatorbiaze · 4 months
Clara and the Ancients / Clara's Truth
semi-darker short story
Clara stood in front of the six Ancient Deities, her blind gaze staring coldly up at them.
Nocte stepped forward, "you probably know by now, your reincarnation cycle has gone on for two hundred thousand years. I believe it's been long enough for you to have changed, Eclipse. Do you believe you-"
Nocte is cut off, Clara glaring at the Ancient Deity of Darkness, "I am not Eclipse." Her soft, calm voice held more venom than her own fangs, and was more freezing than her glare.
Nocte hesitated at the Draconic's anger, "...then who are you?"
"I don't even know, because of you. You all know exactly what your stars-forsaken Reincarnation Cycle does, and you know exactly who I used to be, There's been two hundred and eighty-five LifeTimes now. I have lived two hundred and eighty-five times, and for nothing." Clara hisses, taking an almost shaky step forward. She's felt bitter towards the Ancients since she regained her memories, and her eternal resentment towards the six had reemerged as well. "what did you expect to happen, other than giving her- me- another chance to grow?"
"It seems Eclipse hasn't changed," Mores says, almost glaring at Clara while Mores walks closer to Nocte.
"Are you sure you should have chosen a LifeTime as your Decendant, Tempes?" Omnia asks Omnia's counterpart quietly.
Clara doesn't know how Tempes responded, nor does she care, "That reminds me, Omnia. I'm sure you know what happened to Vizerxa? Your 'rejected Decendant'? Was that not the second time you six hurt her, more than she could ever deserve?"
Omnia stays silent for a few moments, frowning, seeming... almost sad as Omnia finally responds, "But Zenza had warned me of Trae's future..."
"Use her name! And you chose to trust an obvious TimeWalker!?" Clara glares, the anger clashing with her naturally calm voice, making her tone just a terrifying, freezing fury.
"You're speaking out of turn, Ecl-"
"SILENCE!" Clara snaps, for the first time in centuries raising her voice as she cuts off Mores, sounding more authoritative and regal than she had since Eclipse's lifetime, "I am speaking because this needs to be said. I am speaking because no one else noticed. Because they all trust you six. Even after you abandoned us all. Even after you turned away from our suffering. Not a single one of you has done anything good; you didn't even make our Realms. And I am not Eclipse anymore."
Even though she has fallen back to her quiet tone, her voice was clear through the silence.
The Ancients stayed silent, shocked by Clara's words, before Nocte steps forward once more. Clara hears the near-silent crackle and metal clinking as Nocte summons Nocte's sword. She continued to glare defiantly at the Deities, her fury drowning out any fear she could have, "It's time someone spoke the truth."
"...I believe you've shown me this punishment is wrongful," Nocte murmurs. Clara knew Nocte was raising Nocte's sword, aiming, before she felt a new presence, more powerful than even the Ancients. A loud, shrill, almost static-like shriek deafened Clara before she could process the presence. She fell, hands over her ears in pain, before it suddenly stopped. She could feel blood trickle out of her ears after a moment, and everything was muffled.
"Her life is not yours to control, nor yours to end, Nocte," a calm but clearly angry voice says. It almost sounded like it was in Clara's head, yet it seemed to be spoken out loud... that didn't make any sense...
"Merivu!?" Omnia sounded shocked, and fearful of whoever just appeared.
"That goes for all of you," the unfamiliar being (Merivu?) was clearly disappointed and unhappy with the Ancients, "you don't have the right to control their lives like this. Especially when you refuse to help them in times of need. There are far more important things than someone you wrongfully punished. Your abandoned Realms, for example. Your Draconics still hope you help them, still pray for you to save them, as their Realms fall deeper and deeper into destruction and pain. Yet you do nothing. You don't deserve to be gods."
Clara feels herself get picked up by... two sets of arms? by a tall being, before everything faded away, her senses becoming fuzzy before vanishing entirely as she fell unconscious.
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forcebookish · 1 year
ok so I feel like we still have a lot of loose ends to be tied up in just 3 eps but my biggest concern is do you think mew will ever find out exactly what boston did to top and whatever vid he showed him? i was really hoping it would be a big reveal later on but the more time passes the more i feel like it's gonna get glossed over 😩 on another point i know we don't technically know that boeing is THE ex but they made way too big of a deal with the top/sand thing for it not to be and everyone thinks he's gonna mess with topmew (it's obvious to me we are being set up and there is nothing romantic/sexual going on there) but it's really gonna be sandray. we know those 2 are due for one more big blowup and i think he will be the cause. and also i know other people have brought this up but it looks like topmew and boeing are at trivia night and i wonder if mew is feeling extra competitive/insecure and top notices and reassures him and we finally get a kiss <333 (i can dream) i mean mew told cheum how badly all of this effected his confidence and i can imagine that having top's ex there is doing horrible things to his mindset even if there's nothing going on.
the longer it goes the more i fear the "video clip" boston had is just going to be dropped/glossed over😩 or it really is just supposed to be a video of them kissing that night😩 and i thought that there was going to be a follow-up to the video that mew stole from gap too, since he still has it on his phone, but after these last two episodes i don't know what to believe 😩
and yeah, i think if boeing is a threat to topmew at all it's going to be a relatively harmless one. throughout the drama, top has only ever been interested in mew and mew has only ever been interested in top. it's clear that he's only there so that top can sleep without medication, and it seems a little too boring/obvious for these writers for boeing to try to get back together with top. i think if he's going to try to get with anyone it's going to be mew.
or sand? knowing they're at yolo does make me suspect that boeing is indeed sand's ex and it's gonna be a whole thing seeing him there. i would love to see sand see red again about it and think he's doing something by "stealing" him from top only to ruin his own life. (evil laughter) i'm still annoyed that he's gotten barely any comeuppance for stealing the audio tbh - even nick hasn't brought it up? during that scene where nick brings up the topic of them kissing/getting together, i first thought that he was going to ask about the audio🤷‍♀️
no matter what, though, i think you're right about boeing's presence shaking mew's confidence. for a long time, mew's felt like he's had to compete with others for top and boeing is only going to aggravate that when he's already extra sensitive about it. and i am sooooooo curious about how they end up at trivia together. is it after or before topmew get back together? because it seems like they really do get back together after mew goes to the rage room.
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(which, btw, is such a cool thing for top to suggest he do; like, not only is he being conscientious of mew's feelings and giving him a healthy outlet for them, he's helping to make sure that mew doesn't just take it out on top and he's not just stewing in resentment. like, as much as top has been taking all of mew's frustrations, he knows that that can't continue through their relationship.) (also i'm jealous😭 i wanna go to a rage room😭😭)
here's hoping all the loose ends get tied up, but with so little left of the series, i don't know what to expect! 🙏 take care, anon! thanks for stopping by!
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