Your friendly neighbourhood Professional Simp :D
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20s, 🇮🇳, mostly Tolkien related (currently finishing the Silm); occasionally other stuff. certified yapper. iwanderbeacuseimlost on ao3
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 1 hour ago
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Galadriel’s silver gambeson is finished!!
This is the result of six months of my free time and about 140 hours of patterning, testing, dyeing, quilting, and hand embroidery. I genuinely think this is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever made, and I need to give a huge shoutout to the Rings of Power costume team for providing such wonderful inspiration for us cosplayers!
I am so so proud of how much work I put into this and how careful and precise I was throughout all the stages of this piece. Taking my time really paid off and it’s pretty cool to know that I can make something like this!
This is only one piece of the whole costume, of course! Next up I’ll be working on the chainmail skirt, and then modifying boots and making bootcovers. Never a dull moment! ;)
wip tag
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 1 hour ago
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Valandil from September
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 1 hour ago
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I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though — I do not know the way.
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 1 hour ago
remember when sauron fucked a statue of melkor... that was fun
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 1 hour ago
I would love to hear about your Faramir head canons! :))
Thank you, @lady-of-ithilien, for sending in your ASK. 🥰
I can only agree with what you said about Faramir having an innate scholarly, academic nature and also being a naturalist. I also see him as a person who's very good with animals and I imagine that he had a dog or cat as a child that he looked after. He would also be good with horses and carry a little treat for his horse in his pocket.
As he learnt a lot from Gandalf and became interested in lore, I can imagine him becoming really good at writing. He's got a soft side and I see him writing poems for himself and Éowyn. I also think he's able to play a musical instrument because he is fascinated by music. My preferred instrument for him would be a small flute, something he can carry with him wherever he goes.
After the war, when he was made Prince of Ithilien and became the Lord of Emyn Arnen by settling there with Éowyn, he built the White House, and around it the families of the White Company, who had come with him, built their own homes. Over time several other people joined him to repopulated the devastated area and so he founded the little town Sarnnen which was named after the stream that flowed between the houses. It stood on a small, green hill protected by a high palisade and two watchtowers. There were beautiful gardens everywhere but the most beautiful one was the one in front of the White House. This is where I see Faramir and his family.
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 2 hours ago
Feanorian Week Day 5 - Curufin
This one was fun, but I was in a bad creative slump so it took a long time.
The fires gently crackled in the background, and the rhythmic banging of a hammer against metal punctuated the silence. Curufin paid no heed to these, though. He leaned on his desk, his fingers gripping the edge as though for dear life, watching its inhabitant with rapt attention.
On the desk sat a little baby - his baby. Celebrimbor. In Curufin's eyes, he looked as well as a little God, surrounded with forge tools that he handled like his toys, the forge's fires glowing behind him like a halo. The heat bothered neither of them.
Curufin watched, fascinated, as Celebrimbor lifted a small pair of tongs that lay on the desk. He didn't care that his wife might berate him for taking Tyelpe into the forge again. He watched Celebrimbor hold the tongs with both his hands and spread them like it was second nature. Curufin clapped gleefully, nearly falling over the desk in his excitement. Tyelpe gave him a toothless smile, realising he was making his father happy.
"You will make me so proud one day, Tyelpe" proclaimed Curufin, as he watched his son try to pick up some scraps of metal with his tongs.
When he did succeed, Curufin lost it completely, and lifted Tyelpe in his arms, and twirled him around. Joyous tears glistened in his eyes as he rushed out of the forge, eager to share the source of his euphoria with all.
He ran into his home, and well-nigh burst into his wife's room, breathlessly speaking, "Tyelpe used a pair of tongs to pick up scraps of metal! He will be the finest smith this world will see!"
He raised his son in the air again, and twirled him around once more, as Tyelpe babbled. His wife, although apprehensive of the safety of the forge for a baby, beamed at him, and rushed over, and pinched her son's cheeks.
Curufin and she looked at each other, and she kissed him, and he kissed her, and Tyelpe giggled, proud, and happy, and content.
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 5 hours ago
ohhh my god this is hilarious! Thanks for the tag, @dragon--ashes I've already answered mine 😁😁
Just fucking lie about the previous poster
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 5 hours ago
one of the greatest parts of the Tolkien legendarium is that the Moon is a flighty jock who desperately wants to be a malewife, but can’t because the Sun (ultimate girlboss) won’t have him.
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 5 hours ago
i’m going to hold your hands when i say this and i am only going to be kind about it once: ai does not belong in fandom spaces, ever. not in writing, not in art, not in video, not at all. it does not matter how bad you want to see your favourite characters kiss, or how much you need a bit of help finishing a chapter, or whatever.
make friends with artists. commission somebody. learn to draw yourself. ask for a beta read. try a writing partnership. fandom spaces are communities, so engage with them! it is about the journey and the fact that we all love something enough to create and build together about that thing.
spending 30 seconds to kill a tree and get an AI to push out some soulless empty piece of “content” is antithetical to the entire point of being engaged with fandom, and if you’ve taken to doing this you should really reconsider if you belong in these spaces with the rest of us.
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 5 hours ago
Is there really a difference here?
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Here to fuck up your day☑️
Haunts its the victim ☑️
Keeps coming back for some fucked up supernatural reason no matter how many times you banish the bitches☑️
Won't fucking stay dead! ☑️
Evil entities☑️
Puts their victim under mind warping hypnosis☑️
In a different form even Sauron had a similar hair color to Annabelle ☑️
Both Annabelle and Sauron have different forms and other names ☑️
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 5 hours ago
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People sometimes make the mistake of assuming her to be her husband's moral compass. In a sense, she is. It's the direction that they are mistaken about. Day five of @feanorianweek
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 5 hours ago
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SAM HAZELDINE as ADAR THE RINGS OF POWER 2.01 Elven Kings Under the Sky
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 6 hours ago
Oh my god Damrod is voiced by Ben Walker lol
@varda-star-queen once roundhouse kicked me in the face because I was hesitant at first to admit that I liked Adar.
No pressure tags: @wowstrawberrycow @gauntletgirlie @ghost-of-morrowbright @daughterofthesunlands @silme-lorien @frodosrings @cleftones
Just fucking lie about the previous poster
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 13 hours ago
well fuck I just started crying over Caranthir and my hc that Maglor used to sing to him to calm him down :(
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 15 hours ago
airpods are not enough, i need hozier to shoot me
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 15 hours ago
He was only in one episode but left a big impression 🔥
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iwanderbecauseimlost · 15 hours ago
The fact that we have to wait at least till summer/ autumn of 2026 for the 3rd season of the Rings of power is unbearable
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