#hasan antisemitism
hasanabiyoutube · 16 days
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treasureplcnet · 7 months
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assorted bodies doodles (transcript of that messy relationship square under the cut due to my handwriting/incoherency)
TAKE THESE W A GRAIN OF SALT i am like 90% joking:
hillinghead -> hasan, and vice versa: immediate mutual respect
hillinghead -> whiteman: he's incredibly smart, deceptively cunning but very kind. but he is also so annoying oh my god--
hillinghead -> maplewood: "please someone explain science fiction to me"
whiteman -> iris, and vice versa: two friends secretly think of the other as the sidekick
whiteman -> hillinghead: annoying him is quickly becoming a favorite pasttime
whiteman -> hasan: will not admit it but he wants parenting tips from her
hasan -> whiteman: has slipped a parenting book to him
hasan -> maplewood: deja vu about their future weirds her out a little, but she trusts her
iris -> hillinghead: fond of him from the time they spoke in the prison. enjoys fucking with him
iris -> hasan: SHE'S THE GOAT
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hilacopter · 2 months
So I'm assuming a lot of us have seen the "Creators for Palestine" thing plastered on our YouTube homepage. I'd be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if A. it wasn't giving to PCRF, which isn't a reputable charity and donations to it go into Hamas's pockets B. the literal first person on the list wasn't antisemitic tankie piece of shit Hasan Piker. I'm so heartbroken over so many of my favorite YouTubers on the list.
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bunnyhugs22 · 8 months
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kick-a-long · 10 days
SO !!!! Hasan Piker… HASANABI from Twitch was in a media group named the Young Turks …
The Young Turks being the government that ordered and executed THE FUCKING ARMENIAN GENOCIDE???
And people think he’s not a bigot grifter why???
It’s like naming your YouTube channel “the national socialists of Germany” except it’s worse because the young Turks were just their official name?!?!?
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xclowniex · 4 months
have you seen this video talking about why Hasan is bad?
Thank you so much for sharing anon. I have just watched the video and holy shit it worded every critique i have with hasan amazingly.
I recommend everyone to watch the video even if you don't care about Hasan as a lot of the criticisms made about him is very indicative of the extreme anti zionists crowd as a whole and not just Hasan even though the creator was focusing on Hasan solely.
There is also a longer video referenced in the video sent by the anon (here) which I recommend people watch as well.
The video from anon linked here, is by Tom Dark and goes into why Hasan's debating, journalism and overall political streams are dogshit and how he is problematic.
To summarize both videos, they go into how he can't debate for shit, automatically jumps to insults, is transphobic and a rape apologist and how he can't report for shit.
Again, I highly encourage everyone to watch both videos. They are amazing and very well done.
Something which wasn't super touched on in either video which I want to talk about it how he interjects himself into intra-community discussions as an authority and throws a tanty when called out.
This was mentioned in both videos about a trans person calling him out and he then is transphobic, but recently (after both videos were made so obviously weren't touched on in either video) is that he makes himself an authority on jew being white.
Which is like crazy to me since he's Turkish and used to live in Turkey. Some Turkish folk consider themselves to be arab and some consider themselves to be white. I'm not Turkish so I'm not going to make a decision for every Turkish person on if they're arab or European. I'm gonna recognize how there are multiple opinions and leave it up to individual Turkish folk to make that decision for themselves. Same with Egypt! Some Egyptians consider themselves arab and some African. I'm not gonna weigh in on that. I'm gonna leave it to the individual Egyptian person to make that decision for themselves as it's not my place.
I guess the main point of that is Hasan never knows his place! Despite telling people who disagree with him that "they need to know their place"
Hasan also refuses to acknowledge Jewish history when pointed out to him and considering that and his attempt at claiming jews are white, he is properly antisemitic.
I 100% think that his antisemitism influences his opinion on Israel and the war. There is no way that it's not.
Hasan is not a good person and needs to address all of his bad behavior.
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i think you’d find life to be much more enjoyable if you stopped consuming content that makes you write rants that have several paragraphs. maybe you should stop being on the internet actually and find some hobbies that bring you joy…..hope you have a nice life
I still don’t know why people think I don’t have irl friends, or something. that I go out and do stuff with. (Dude I’m actually super happy and have a strong support system of people I love. And I go out and do stuff more than twice a week lol. You guys assume I’m some basement dwelling freak who’s- I don’t even know.- I’m just a completely normal ass guy)
Like, yeah I spend like 4-5hrs online these days but like again it’s a much healthier balance than it used to be.
I’m 100% sure this is about the Hasanabi post, which honestly I was being quite kind with my remarks.
like I wrote 11,000 words worth of stories in just this month alone, a couple paragraphs on tumblr is not even half the in-depth critiques I have.
I just didn’t wanna spend time pulling up all the clips, and hateful vitriol that man spews.
yeah I say it. he’s not very cool headed or a civil man, he yells and screams at polite questions and well meaning people.
I may be snarky and mean spirited but the violent vitriol that man has spewed to people is just not okay and is against everything I stand for in this life.
I’m not “nice” but being kind to others is what matters to me, and if someone is pushing hateful rhetoric or just being an asshole I don’t think it’s wrong to call it out. Honestly I’d @ him on YouTube and ask many questions, which he’d probably yell at me for and call me horrible things and say I should die.
because that’s just how some people are, they’d rather people be hurt and dying than reform or be helped.
again, a kindness is not a niceness.
Many people before me have been nice and also extremely civil when asking well meaning questions and he blew up and said horrible horrible things about them.
and also I do think Hasan is the worst introduction to leftist ideals and theory.
like, fucking anyone else. Like I can pull up some amazing people who encapsulate everything that I want to see in the future, and so much more.
(Crippled-peeper on tumblr, spot-the-antisemitism on tumblr, aloeverawrites on tumblr, valcaira on tumblr, god so many more.)
but again I do not think it is mean nor unkind to have pointed this out to people.
Hasanabi has cultivated a community of ravenous people who at the smell of blood will swarm.
he is not a kind man, he’s actually an asshole, and people who keep saying otherwise have not been DEATH THREATENED by these types of people and fans and these types of leftists.
again this comes from experience and me learning the hard, hard way that people would rather defend someone who’d like to see people like me dead. Then help people towards a better future.
genuinely, again this is a long post wow look.
I’ve been so grossed out by the way Hasanabi talks to people and about people for YEARS now, it’s nice to see I’m not alone about it.
again, he’s not a good guy. He’s an asshole who platforms the wrong types of people and hurts the ones he says he wants to protect.
he uses his fans, the people he says he wants to protect and help, and the people around him. And for what? Vanity?
I’m no idiot, I’m not stupid.
I can read people and despite being autistic as fuck, I’m not fucking stupid.
it’s there in neon signage, and it’s so utterly performative.
again, why are you calling out me?
Who literally just said “he’s an asshole and has literally platformed terrorists”
which is the truth???
why is that so mean or unjust a thing to call out?
you’d do it too i hope.
but just, why do people come out of the woodwork to say “oh this guy who in 4K LITERALLY tells people to kill themselves, and voiced his support for TERRORISTS. Is just a little baby, he’s my blorbo, he’s not an asshole for that. you’re being mean and awful”
like, no. I’m not?
my god, how thin are people’s skin. If I have had to suffer through 100+ people over my lifetime telling me to off myself.
I should get a say in how that is an inhumane and cruel thing to do to people.
like, he’s a dick. He’s not kind, he’s an asshole and I do genuinely hope his twitch and YouTube get banned rightfully for spreading terrorism.
I regret nothing in this life, the people who I’ve helped and the people who I love and value deeply have given me more than enough to keep going.
and I will continue to fight with them and for them.
and yeah Hasanabi is the antithesis of my values, and he should get more shit and more flack for being genuinely just awful.
and I’m not afraid to say it, because I’m a tough motherfucker who’s been through hell already and there’s nothing left of me to feel fear anymore for bully’s and assholes.
they are all bark no bite, they are just sucky.
and honestly I love people and I don’t think Hasan is whatever.
he’s just a big ass asshole who needs to change his tune.
Actually show us he means to help and care for people, I hope he turns a new leaf and realises he’s been awful.
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femmesandhoney · 7 months
i hope leftovers is done so i never have to deal w hasan's face in my youtube feed ever again
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
Also interesting is what doesn't get reported. The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) requires any country that spends money to influence Americans politically (or even to encourage tourism) to report how much it is spending. In 2018, the State of Israel was the top spender of any government, spending $35 million directly in the US according to FARA filings with another $15 million from the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency for Israel. That number has plummeted to practically nothing - $16 million in 2019, $2 million in 2020, $600,000 in 2021 and a mere $263,000 so far this year from the government of Israel. The literal Israel lobby spending has gone practically to zero. But the media won't report that, because it doesn't fit the narrative of Israel controlling the US. Now, how much do you hear about how much these countries spend to influence US policies last year?
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The obsession we are seeing with the Israel lobby cannot be explained by its actual influence. It can only be explained by wanting to convince people that powerful Jews are controlling American politics. There's a name for that.
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wanderingbards · 1 year
Love when people think that all a boycott does is bring more attention to the item being boycotted. Like if people are buying the shit wizard game because it's being boycotted, that's saying so much more about the people playing it than anything.
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hasanabi24seven · 3 months
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hasanabiyoutube · 1 month
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hasanabiouttakes · 4 months
The story of Jewish suffering means there is a moral necessity to fight oppression everywhere
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hilacopter · 1 month
ugh youtube keeps recommending me videos from the cfp youtubers. I really wanna watch them they look fun but I know I'll just be miserable and uncomfortable.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Mehdi Hasan on the right's dog-whistling over DA Alvin Bragg and George Soros Republicans didn't miss a beat, insisting that Democratic sugar daddy George Soros is the grand puppeteer behind Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's pursuit of the justice in the Donald Trump hush-money case. Never mind that Soros hasn't donated a single penny to Bragg or even exchanged pleasantries with him. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/03/24/mehdi-hasan-on-the-rights-dog-whistling-over-da-alvin-bragg-and-george-soros.html
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mariacallous · 1 month
AOC saying that 10/7 was the result of the Abraham Accords is dumb enough, but saying this during an interview with Hasan Piker, the guy who said Americans deserved 9/11 and who recently interviewed a Houthi terrorist is just insanity. Matched only by Rashida Tlaib speaking alongside the wife of an actual convicted terrorist while they call for Intifada.
I know the Squad has a long, checkered history with antisemitism, but buddying up with terrorist-sympathizers seems next-level stupid, even for them. If the DCCC is smart, they'll cut off their funding ASAP.
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