#is aoc wrong
hasanabiyoutube · 16 days
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noirandchocolate · 1 month
Master Kohga peels bananas the correct way (from the ‘bottom’) and when he sees Hylians doing it wrong and then complaining when there’s strings or the stem end is mushy from being yanked down too hard he is so mad. These losers. How do they not know this. Babies know it. How dare these fools disgrace the name of the mighty banana?
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autistic-sidon · 2 years
I want the mile long Prince Sidon Analysis on why you think he's autistic because I'm totally neurotypical and I love him a completely normal amount 👍👍👍
Prince Sidon is autistic and here's why
The most noticable symptoms I have observed in Sidon as an autistic person are observed in his relationships, body language, routine, and interactions with Link.
Let's start with relationships. Sidon is without a doubt an extrovert, but I have a maybe painful, maybe controversial observation to make here. Other than Link, Sidon doesn't have any observable friends. A common misconception about autistic people is that we are all introverts, but this is not the case. Often we want to make friends, but struggle with social cues to where we are alienated in conversation. In Sidon's case, he struggles with social ques, either implying something he does not mean, or misunderstanding a figure of speech. For, "Implying something he does not mean" a certain hylian serves as evidence for this, Douma.
Remember how Sidon introduced himself to Link? Well, not everyone took kindly to it. Douma can be found hiding before you meet Sidon at Inogo bridge. To paraphrase her, she says Sidon is "A freak (or creep? I can't remember which one)" and that he said he was, "watching her." Yeah, Sidon did say that to Link as well, but as the players we know that he did not have any stalker like implications, however as a lone traveler, it's not insane of Douma to assume that. This exemplifies the fact that Sidon, like many other autistic people, will give off unintentional implications due to wording. Sidon mistakenly came off as a stalker to Douma, and likely did not understand why she hid, as he says the same thing to Link after. I bold that because autistic people often do not understand neurotypical's social rules, we will not know why we have upset something 90% of the time.
Next is body language. I'm sure most already know but i will clarify anyway because I want to: a common trait in autistic people is stimming! This is a method of emotional regulation where we will move a part of our bodies in a repeated motion/action, or repeat words and phrases. Sidon's trademarked pose is very likely a stim! He does it when he is excited, whether it be from encouraging others or good news. This stim gives a lot of enjoyment and is very charming (plus he has done it since he was a child!) So he does this a lot due to positive reactions from others. This is not Sidon's only stim, as he noticeably bounces a lot when he talks. A more subtle stim can be observed in Age of Calamity, where he bounces his head a lot while talking! (My personal favorite, it's fucking adorable.)
Next is routine. This is a more simple observation, and more dismissible due to video game logic, but I thought to include it anyway. Sidon has a routine of: Staring at Mipha's statue by night, staring at Vah Ruta by day. Autistic people are known to have strict routines to follow, and Sidon's routine centers around Mipha. We also may be found getting upset when routine is disrupted, as Sidon does when Link overhears his grieving at night.
Last and most definitely not least, we have his interactions with Link. My personal favorite is at Inogo bridge. When Sidon asks you if you are going to help with Vah Ruta, one of the response options is, "I'll think on it." Sidon's response is, "You'll think on it? ... ... ... ... ... Was that sufficient time to think? Surely, let's go!" Holy FUCK I love this dialogue. Sidon does not catch what the implications of, "I'll think on it" are. Normally one would use this dismissively, (as it kinda serves as a no option...) But luckily Sidon has autism immunity! He couldn't read the social que that was being conveyed, one being dismissive, and instead gives Link maybe 10 seconds to "think on it." As a whole, when Sidon talks to Link his mannerisms are definitely different from the other Zora. He has is own way of wording things, for example, "Have I mentioned how incredible you are? And how thankful I am? Because you are, and I am!" Also... speaking of this line of dialogue, the first part is written in a larger font because our boy here is yelling. Like many other autistic people, Sidon seems to occasionally lack control with the volume of his voice. Other zora are not often found yelling as often as Sidon, and many of his behaviors are specific to him.
Another interaction I like is an alternative cutscene. Instead of meeting Sidon at Inogo bridge, you can pass him, and meet him at the throne room instead. Here you will see Sidon's more... bitchy side, which I love. Though Sidon did have some bitchy intent in this conversation, I doubt it was truly malicious. However, his tone definitely comes off very rude. I am unsure if this was intentional, because he apologizes immediately after. Another instance of Sidon's bluntness (autistic people are also known to be very blunt) is when he tried to recruit the Goron Reagah, who hangs out in the general store. Sidon says to Reagah, "I simply cannot carry you!" Which I really don't think he had any malicious intent behind, however Reagah feels it was rude of Sidon. I think this was an instance of Sidon showing that classic bluntness of autistic people (a bluntness that he apologizes for!!!) And, in his blunt honesty, he came off as offensive towards the Goron.
As a final note, Sidon constant apologizing gives off a subtle internalized ableism, and low self esteem. But these mile long paragraphs are my main reasons for headcanoning him as autistic. I addition, I think he may have ADHD as well, many symptoms of the two are shared, but they are also present together frequently. Here is a venn diagram I found where I highlighted symptoms Sidon shows.
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I wasn't sure about some, so I'll explain why.
Short attention span: This is something I quite frankly don't know how to catch in Sidon. He does tend to switch between subjects sometimes in conversation, but I am not confident enough to be sure if that indicates a short attention span.
Emotional dysregulation: Sidon has a few responses that don't seem traditional, most indicative in the alternative throne room cutscene and his interaction with Reagah. However I again do not have enough evidence to confidently identify it.
Rejection sensitive: I an actually pretty sure Sidon is rejection sensitive, as I feel his self esteem is dependent on how others perceive him. Then again, this may be an interpretation specific to me so it's debatable.
Anxiety from routine change: Sidon does have routines, but we simply don't get enough info to tell if he gets anxiety from change. He was anxious when Link heard his grieving, but that's all we have. Not enough to make a sure conclusion.
Not understanding social rules: This plays into social ques. Sidon didn't seem to understand why someone would think, "I've been watching you" sounds weird, so that indicates he doesn't understand social rules. I leave this up for debate because honestly I think I'm reading into things too much.
The ones that are fully highlighted should have been explained to some degree already. I would have provided screenshots instead of paraphrasing, but that required me to play through the entire beginning again just to get them, or get a YouTube video. My memory is fairly reliable when it comes to Zoras, especially Sidon, so I hope my explanation is enough. Again, thank you so kuch for asking this, I have wanted to yell about Autistic Sidon for so long.
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doomed-era · 6 months
tbh young robbie is such a scroingus. a scorngly. if you will
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lavender-0-menace · 11 months
insane that it’s canon in zelda lore that oot, twilight princess,skyward sword happened before botw/totk. imagine growing up hearing the stories of legend and one day pulling the sword. imagine all the ghosts of links past lives watching over him. imagine being 12 and breaking down because these amazing heroes did so many amazing things and you can barely kill a bokoblin. imagine pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion under the eyes of ghosts, all of them wishing to talk to you, to ease the pain of the burden hylia and demise have put on yet another child. imagine being one of the ghosts. imagine trying so,so, so hard to save hyrule, almost dying in the process. imagine going through that pain just to find out years later that it’s happening again. all the hardship you went through, all the friends and enemies you made, all the adventures you had meaning nothing in the grand scheme of things. you did your best, but in the end it only held off the apocalypse for maybe a century or so. the world is still ending, so what was even the point of it all?
just… fucking tloz lore
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mylonelydreaming · 2 years
My personal headcanon for king rhoam is that he secretly or deep down approves of Link as a future son-in-law, and even sees him as the son he never had in a way, but doesn’t outwardly show it. 
That is until Link wakes up on the great plateau, and he has to guide him during his first few days. Maybe the old man says something cryptic that Link doesn’t immediately understand, but falls into place as his memories return. 
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veggiecorner · 5 months
What are your thoughts on Age of Calamity Zelink!!?? I like that version a lot because champions are alive, and there's the longing and the added pressure on Link and his future if he decides to court Zelda
I'm gonna be honest I dont really think about it much. It's mostly cause 1) i haven't played Age of Calamity and 2) I just feel like...idk no matter how Nintendo sugar coats it Zelda and Link were NOTTT happy in that timeline. Yes they won, yes people are alive but idk!! Also I feel like AoC went against what BOTW established in terms of Zelda and Link's growth together so it was hard for me to really...get attached.
But AoC aside I used to think about a "what if they won, they're a little damaged but they won" scenario but it went EXACTLY how BOTW played out, instead of AoC's cutscenes. Then to me it has a good sense of longing. Zelda would have different motivations and ways to heal v.s. post-calamity Zelda. Hyrule Castle is messy but its still...there and so are many of the people. I feel that this version of Zelda would feel more motivated to rebuild the kingdom and take over her status of Queen (while post-calamity Zelda was like "nah actually. i'm not gonna re-establish a monarchy"). And Link...would still have that same closed off personality. Yeah he'd be more open to Zelda but he's still dealing with that anxiety of that social status given to him. Additionally he's unsure what he is now. He put away the master sword and now what?? who is he? Why doesn't he feel free from this burden? They won, right?
Overall I think theres definitely a different dynamic in their relationship, one that doesn't exist in post-calamity. Do they pursue it? Well its going to take a lot of time, and tbh more growth on Link's side.
Sorry for the long rant kJSBDAKSBJD I think i just lost the plot
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"The House Freedom Caucus comprises of - well, we see the hold-outs here - comprised of twenty-one members. That is a huge faction of your party to go into a vote day without negotiating with, without satisfying...for Kevin McCarthy to go into a Speakership vote while knowing that he does not have twenty-one people is almost unthinkable... Democrats do not have a flank of twenty-one that would do that. We do have groups of ten, twenty, thirty that do negotiate for things, but we do it before the actual floor vote. ...So when people say why don’t [Democrats negotiate publicly on the House floor], first of all, there is a lot of cost and dysfunction. Second of all, those people who were holding out right now...they may have made certain structural gains, but they have also made incredible reputational and relational harm within their caucus. ...if you are trying to get something done within your caucus moving forward, you still need members of your caucus...that at the core is an element of electoral politics that is simply inescapable. Even when you look at someone like Bernie Sanders' tenure in the House, where he was the Amendment king, you needed your party to pass your Amendments. You have this faction that is in a lot of trouble moving forward, despite having made certain structural gains.”
-  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on her Instagram live 1/6/2023
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tally-ace · 2 years
I hate writing a fic based on age of calamity because it means that i will be 80% through drafting a chapter and realize that the stupid egg thing exists and then I will have to go back through and awkwardly insert it in. You know, just like how the writers of aoc did it.
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Hello, fellas. I just decided to start a new segment where I tell the stories from creating character redesigns, drawing locations, etc. Today, I will tell the story of Robbie's hair redesign (click on the image to see it in better quality).
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You must have noticed that Robbie's hairstyle looks pretty atypical: like a huge bow behind his head. At first, I did not have any particular difficulties with drawing such hairstyle, but then I realized that it was getting harder and harder for me. And plus, my AU needs more character redesigns. This has already been done to Impa, Craig and Clyde, why not do the same to Rob?
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This collage contains my very first sketches with Robbie from the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021. Everything seems to be fine, but... This hairstyle seemed TERRIBLY UNREALISTIC to me! How does it keep its shape? Due to what? Hairpins? Electrical shocks? So I decided to experiment with the poor mechanic's hairstyle.
I decided to emulate the style of other artists such as @/ranger-kellyn or @/artisticzaati, but at the same time I tried to add something of my own. And on the very first picture you can see the results of these experiments.
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It turns out that Robbie looks best when he's not wearing goggles and his hair is down or messy. But of course, he can't appear at work in this form, so I still have to improve and improve his everyday image.
And if anything, I'm working so hard on the image of a young Robbie to illustrate fanfiction Hyrule Warriors: The Backstories (Wattpad) and Afterlife (Tumblr). In his eldery form, the mechanic will appear in the third chapter of the first season of the comic.
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lesbianlenas · 2 years
ok literally. having a conservative family was already frustrating now having a degree in poli sci & like. actually knowing abt politics makes it 1000x more frustrating i will explain smth SO easily abt why like. a conservative talking point is bad and they will b like i don’t believe u bc i don’t like that what u said goes against what i think. and i will b like but i can literally prove it and they’re like i don’t care.
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"Also, if you live in a blue area, when people say ‘go vote,’ that should include primary elections too," she told her followers. "Because, the thing that a lot of people don't like to talk about, is the fact that not every Democrat is pro-choice. Okay? So, the ones that aren't, we really need to reassess if it's appropriate for them to continue to serve in 2022 because people should have the right to control their own body. This is pretty basic."
Who does this twit think she is?
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I’m the ultimate George Lucas apologist apparently. Because I like all three Star Wars prequels as well as his critically panned 2015 animated movie Strange Magic.
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artisticzaati · 2 years
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And back to my main program. ❤️💙
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tehmiesh · 1 year
watching this dude play BotW and AoC (his videos are super entertaining) and god I love revali I will be so fucking excited if he returns for TotK but I am not expecting it in the slightest
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