AI: The Sickle Files
10 posts
A Blog for my reactions when playing AI:The Somnium Files
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Day 2 (Choice 2)
This route is me picking to free the ballons in Mizuki’s dream. I offically hate Shoko.  How she talks to her is just.... I want to hug Mizuki again. I want to hug Mizuki a lot right now, because after seeing her happy, her mute again is just really sad.  And Renju hasn’t died (yet).  I am really curious about Iris, I’m hoping this route gives me more information about her because she still confuses me lol. Also this route so far is 75% Aiba sass and I love it so much. 
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Ending 2!
I love Mayumi so much and was crying for a good part of her somunium.  I’m glad that this route ends happy, at least for them.
I still have no idea who the killer is, Iris being the one that took the knife is certainly a curve ball but I doubt she’s the killer cause then who was in the polar bear suit? I still know nothing about Iris or boss so they are def the most suspcious, So at this point can’t be working alone if he is directly involved sine he has now died twice.  Also.... RENJU SWALLOWED WHAT NOW???? I’M SORRY WHAT.  Ok time to free balloons in MIzuki’s dream
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Day 4 (1-1-1)
So not much to say other then I choose the forklift route in Ota’s somunium. There’s is def something going on with Mayumi I know, but as I’ve said before I really don’t think she did it.  The fact she is covering it up leads me to believe it could be Ota’s Dad??? I dont know tho.  That seems like a stretch.
It seems odd to me that So being the killer would cause Mayumi to act this way.  Unless she was blackmailed which I guess is possible.  Hmm.  So i guess it’s either So or the multi killer theory.  Still not sure
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Day 6 First Ending!
Just got Mizuki End and yea Mizuki is def my favorite.
Mikzuki calling Date a tsundere made my life.  That’s basically all i needed. I’m super glad that ended happy I don’t know if i could have handled it ending badly for them.  Anywho onto the next
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Day 5 (1-1-2)
This day was kinda short cause it was mainly Mizuki going into Date’s Somnium. But I love these two.  Like a lot.  I don’t have a lot to type here other then my eyes were definitely watering by the end.  (And I’m super glad Mizuki finally got that hug) So I take back what I wrote in my last post, Date’s Somnium is my favorite, sorry Ota.  Your somnium didn’t have me bawling by the end. Corina if your reading this, I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, you’ve done an amazing job with this game and this Somnium solidified Mizuki being my favorite.
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Day 3-4 (1-1-2)
I still have no idea if that’s the right way to define routes but we’ll see This post is coming a bit later then the others cause I didn’t really get a chance to play lately so i fused days.  To be perfectly honest I’m not sure I have days right but I reloaded the game from Tesa’s somunium and choose the other path which Oh boy do i have questions. It seems each of Tesa’s drawings might be a representation of each of the original cyclops victims.  I also have no idea what to make of Tesa kissing So.  My gut says it was one of those parties the yakuza mentioned but I sure hope not cause ew.  Anyway the next day was fairly similar to the last route I did but this time everyone lived instead of Mizuki being more sad which is a good thing.  I also learned about Ota’s Mom’s dementia which... god I want to hug her.  I gotta say, Ota’s somunium is so over the top that it is my favorite so far (and doesn’t break me like Tesa’s so), I picked the option that caused a crane to hit the polar bear. Which I noticed the polar bear seemed to be holding Mayumi’s knife.  Now I would have her as a suspect but I really don’t think she’d kill her son unless she is more delusioned then the game let on, but I really don’t see her as a killer and just a sad lady that deserves hugs. Speaking of characters that deserve hugs... The scene that had Mizuki crying at the carosel saying her parents died cause of her made me want to leap into the tv and comfort her omg.  I think Mizuki is my favorite character as of right now. As for the whole So is the killer..... that seems to obvious.  The evil politician being the killer? Nah.  Is he involved sure, but this session I was watching what Boss was saying more, and got really suspucious when she tried to pull Date out.  What I currently think is the New Cyclops Killer is multiple people.  Who those people are exactly I don’t know.  Boss is currently the top suspect because of what I saw last play session and my realization I know nothing about her, but I still have zero motives. So def seems like he is at least an accomplice, but the fact that he was killed means he can’t be the only killer. It is interesting it was his blood at the crime scene either way.  Basically the Funyarinpa could be the master mind for all I know.  This is rare situation for me which i can say I really am not sure what’s happening in mystery at all.  Time to find out what happens after I get shot with a dead So.
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Day 4
uhhhhhhhhh So let’s start this day.  early this day I thought you know maybe ota is the killer cause I thought you know he shocked me, so he is prob trying to cover something up.....  I guess Hitomi are date are the og Cyclops. and you know Ota is the most suspcious, and I guess that politican guy is a suspect too but he seems to obvious. 10 minutes later  (also massive spoilers now if you have not 100 percented AI stop reading like... NOW) Ok, are they gone??? FROM HERE ALMOST NOTHING IS REAL ANYMORE AHHHHHHHH So this rollercoaster starts with Ota and Tesa dead.  And in the fishery which is also where Tesa was killed during the arg and it looks the same minus Ota’s prescense.  Soooo I’m guessing the arg is some alt timeline??? I don’t know.  Also Hitmomi died maybe Renju was just cloning everyone i have no clue. ALSO POOR MIZUKI WHAT THE HELL THAT’S LIKE THE WORST 3 DAYS EVER (the only thing that could make it possibly worse is if Date dies. which you know that’s prob next..) Oh look we are calling 89 who according to Pewter is the og Cyclops.  at least one of them. AND BOSS IS I GUESS THE NEW ONE MAYBE IDFK WHY WOULD SHE DO IT THOUGH. and this is when i realize i know nothing about boss somehow and for all i know she is the killer.  So the Okiruas I can see because they are above the law, but what the hell did Tesa do??? The only thing I can see is she was getting to close to figuring out the truth, which... huh that i guess makes sense.  So is boss acting as a rogue agent against naixatloz? Either way this is like a fraction of the questions I have. I guess 89 is Tesa’s dad and perhaps that’s how she witnessed all the murders and poor 12 year old Tesa repressed it cause yea.  BUT HOW IS HITOMI ALIVE. I assume Date was the agent on the scene which is how he remembers Tesa, and maybe boss had his memory whiped cause Date would disagree with Boss’s actions. So stretch time, maybe Date and boss are somehow connected?  I don’t have much here, other then thinking, i just realized that 89 had Boss in his memory where Date remembered he was.  And replying 89 was in Date’s Somunium... So Date and Boss must have been at the crime scene.... omg wait aiba looks kinda like boss I don’t know what that means other then something is going on.  I am gonna choose different things in Tesa’s somunium I think next.  I also have no clue how im gonna differantiate these but i guess this is 1-2 and the next will be 1-1?? Idk Uchi i am very confused if you are reading this. 
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Day 3 of AI
Well then...... I’M SORRY WHAT IS HAPPENING ok cool i typed that NO SERIOUSLY I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT’S HAPPENING phew ok breathing in breathing out. So starting from the begining, since i realized I did not mention it in last post, in Mizuki’s dream I picked the cage with the photo.  Today I was just like huh, I honestly don’t know enough about characters to know who could be the cyclops.....  I guess according to investigation they have to be around 100 so a smaller person.. hmm alright gonna keep playing. I still think Date is probably Tesa’s dad cause it makes sense, and Renju was probably connected to Naix at this point considering gang connections and politicans.  And ya know I would have told you that the cyclops og killer was prob the politican cause Boss said that that case is a matter of national security.  Hell maybe Renju was the original. Then everything changed when the Tesa attacked I turned the dial on the tv if that means anything and I’m guess this is how the game does routes... so without further ado WHAT THE HELL IS IRIS SAGAN AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Also was that Date in the mirror.  DID DATE KILL I DON’T EVEN KNOW CAUSE I DIDN’T GET A GOOD LOOK BUT THAT’S WHO IT LOOKED LIKE
So right now, my guess is that Date or HItomi might have been the og killer, hitmoi is suspicious cause all the murderers in Iris’s dream showed someone standing next to the killer.  I think it makes more sense to me that Tesa just watched it all happen and her personallity fractured as a result.  Unless this is all B-Set which you know what why not. I don’t think the copy cat and the og are the same cause I’m thinking Date and Hitomi are og and i don’t think either are the current.   I don’t see Hitomi murdering Tesa assuming that the arg is the same timeline. Also as the game points out method is completely different so yea.  As for who is the killer I honestly have no idea other then maybe yakuza but that doesn’t seem impactful (inb4 it’s aiba) Date is most suspioous as the og killer.  It could be his memory was whiped and that’s what his “dossage” is that keeps getting mentioned off hand. Either way maybe i’ll do day 4 now.  I really want to know where this goes.
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Day 2 Complete
Hey since day 1 was so short I’m combining thoughts of both days on one post.  Starting now I’m planning to go day by day. Warning spoilers below So lots of things so far 1) off the bat I think Date is Tesa’s dad.  It explains why he has memories of Hitomi ‘dying’ and Tesa and why he remembers that room.  It also seems like Hitomi and Tesa don’t know what happened to the father as of now and Date does not have memories from 6 years ago so it’s possible?  That’s what my gut is saying at least.  Also maybe hitomi was some form of beta tester for A-Set since A-set has some weird thing going on?  2) Speaking of Tesa.... At the merry go round Aiba says that 8 years ago is when the park closed, but in the arg, Tesa says 6.  So either the arg happened 2 years ago, which I guess is possible but does not explain how ota remembers it, it’s another timeline which is probably the most likely scenario considering this is Uchikoshi or you know what time is relative cause it’s a dream and who the hell knows.  The boring (and the one i doubt) answer is it was a mistake but I don’t think Uchi would let numbers be his mistake if anything, but hey who knows.  If i’m right and this isn’t a mistake I’m sure this is somehow relevant. 2b) Tesa remembers less of the arg then i’d expect.  I would have thought she would have mentioned naixatloz during the merry go round scene but she just said cultists.  Considering how much she used to talk about Naix this seems kinda weird. 
3) SOMEONE FIND THE SOCK PUPPET OTA ACCOUNTS AHHHHH 4) I love Ota’s mother, even if she thinks our goddess is a succubus. 5) I really like Date and Aiba interacting.  Like a lot. 6) Me in first post:”renju is the villain I know it” Uchi: “I’m gonna ruin this man’s whole career”  In all seriousness, while Renju is dead which I did not see coming from miles away (good job Uchi).  I don’t think his story is done.  Sure maybe I’m not he’s a villain now, but I’m sure there’s gonna be some reveals coming.  Probably relating to Tesa somehow. 7) (probably the most important part of this post) I LOVE MIZUKI OMG I WANT TO PROTECT HER SHE NEEDS ALL THE HUGS.
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IT’S HERE!!!!!
AHHH Ok I wanted to write some thoughts down before hitting start but the music is echoing from my tv and it’s melencholic and sad and i’m not crying your crying ahhhhhh Ok so super quick then B-set I’m thinking is what happens when tesa “reboots” (later i’ll post the doc I made about that metal tweets that goes into that) I assume the polar bear is somehow linked to the dream world maybe as a “guardian” of sorts.  Renju I expect to be fighting naixatloz somehow but also to be the villian at some point.  Overall I think this game is a message Tesa is sending to the world.  Either it’s a simple don’t forget her or a warning about naixatloz.  That’s the super rundown of my thoughts rn before hitting start I just want to play maybe i’ll elaborate laterr idk
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