#harry x drago
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honeymoon2011 · 2 years ago
I will never tolerate this😭
hi guys 😭 I don't understand why sebastian flirts with other girls in class, you know 😭 when you see the npc whispering to each other and there it's the same for Seb with a Huffleppuf or an another girl !!! 😒
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But sometimes there are false joys, sometimes I have the impression that Sebastian says weird or confusing sentences, I hope there will be a next game or a dlc to crush you know 😎😏
Just for this moments , I fall in love with him ❤️😭😂
This is a YouTube video -> account of this video : AFGuidesHD
Yes I know I'm in excess, just because he puts the book on the table out of politeness to talk with us, it becomes my crush 😅 Its true no ? he's a gentleman …
Have a magic day guys ! 💚🧙🏻‍♀️🐍
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noxentra · 3 months ago
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A la bibliothèque. Original
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oneiric-misfit · 1 year ago
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Mots : 614
TW : Traumatismes
Résumé : Jesse Lewis revient en cours à Poudlard après des vacances scolaires compliquées.
Musique : Feeling good, Muse.
Un coup de poignard. En plein cœur. La jeune femme sentit son palpitant exploser au contact de la lame métaphorique, glacée et mal aiguisée. Un enchainement de mot sans logique se bousculèrent dans sa tête. "Nouvelle, facile, parents, ténèbres". La logique était pourtant bien présente, mais elle se refusa à son esprit. La douleur inonda son poitrail, l'empêchant de respirer, essayant de l'étouffer. Elle senti le sol se dérober sous ses pieds, puis, arrêtant de se battre, elle se laissa glisser dans les abysses matérialisés par son esprit.
La voie 9¾ était bondée, les gens s'y bousculaient. Quand le Poudlard Express entra en gare, les élèves et futurs élèves commencèrent à y prendre place. Du bout de l'épaisse semelle de ses rangers mal lassées, une jeune femme monta la marche d'un wagon.
Entrant dans le train, elle prit soin de choisir un compartiment vide. À l'aide d'un Wingardium Leviosa, elle plaça sa valise dans le porte bagage, avant de s'assoir sur la banquette de cuir marron. Un chaton sauta de son épaule jusqu'à la table et se retourna pour la fixer de ses yeux ambrés, un air de reproche dans le regard.
- Je sais Wink, tu n'aimes pas les trains. Dit-elle d'une voix douce, avant de prendre l'animal dans ses bras. Ne t'en fais pas, tu ne verras pas le temps passer.
Elle le caressa doucement jusqu'à ce qu'il s'endorme, enfin rassuré, et ferma les yeux à son tour. Elle revit le visage de ses parents, la cour de la maison, le lac magique bordé de bouleaux, scintillant de poissons doré. Le soleil laissant apparaitre des reflets violets dans les cheveux de sa mère. Elle sourit et céda au sommeil. Jesse se retrouva seule, le ciel devenu noir, des rafales de vent se faisant sentir dans ses cheveux, la poussant jusqu'à ce qu'elle en perde presque l'équilibre. L'eau, ternie par l'orage, laissait apparaitre des poissons flottant à sa surface. Terrorisé, la jeune femme chercha ses parents du regard, elle pivota vers la maison, et se glaça d'effroi. Elle aperçut la porte, ouverte, battant au vent. Elle se mit à courir, manqua de trébucher, et s'arrêta à l'encadrement de la porte, le souffle court. Elle inspira, terrifiée, et franchit le seuil tant redouté.
Jesse fut réveillée par un arrêt assez brutal du train, qui lui signifia qu'il était arrivé en gare. Elle se sentit prise dans l'univers de son cauchemar, quand Wink sauta sur la table, le poil hérissé, ses petites canines sortis, ce qui la fit presque rire, et lui permit de penser à autre chose. Elle attrapa la boule de poil et la posa sur son épaule.
Enfilant rapidement sa robe de sorcière par-dessus ses vêtements, elle sortie du train. Ses pas suivirent la masse d'élèves vers les grilles de l'entrée, la foule ralentie par un contrôle inhabituelle. Arrivant au niveau du professeur Flitwick, elle se stoppa.
- Nom, prénom, année. Siffla machinalement le professeur
- Jesse Lewis, sixième année.
En entendant le nom de la jeune femme, le professeur leva la tête de son parchemin.
- Hé bien, Mademoiselle Lewis, nous ne pensions pas vous revoir. Je suis heureux que vous soyez présente cette année.
- Merci. Répondit simplement la jeune femme en prenant sa valise pour la mettre dans la carriole.
Elle monta dans la calèche, tirée par deux sombrals, et soupira. Elle ne savait pas ce que cette année allait lui réserver, mais au vu de la réaction du professeur Flitwick, cela n'annonçait rien de bon.
Une fois arrivée devant le château, elle suivit la meute mais eu un temps d'arrêt en voyant la porte de la grande salle. Elle peinait à la reconnaitre, c'était étrange comme sensation. Comme s'il s'agissait d'un souvenir embrumé. Elle soupira, et franchi le seuil tant redouté.
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spiritgamer26 · 3 months ago
[CP] Trailer officiel de Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch
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Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch
Dans cette nouvelle vidéo, les fans peuvent en apprendre davantage sur ce sport magique au rythme effréné, qui a déjà captivé le public dans les livres et les films Harry Potter. Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch permet aux joueurs de personnaliser leur propre avatar ou d'incarner des personnages célèbres dans le monde des sorciers, notamment Harry Potter, les jumeaux Weasley ou Sebastian Pallow, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns, alors qu'ils s'envolent pour représenter la fierté de leur maison sur le terrain.https://youtu.be/n21Bf895viAEn prévision du lancement du jeu, les joueurs peuvent relier leurs comptes Warner Bros. Games et Harry Potter Fan Club pour recevoir des récompenses exclusives dans le jeu. Pour plus de détails, les fans peuvent se rendre sur le site : https://www.wizardingworld.com/quidditch-connectProposant des lieux, des personnages et des références emblématiques du monde des sorciers, Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch permet de goûter au frisson du vol en balai dans des arènes légendaires en tant que batteur, poursuiveur, gardien ou attrapeur dans une variété de modes, dont le mode carrière solo, multijoueur compétitif ou coop en ligne.  Des matchs au Terrier des Weasley aux affrontements de haut niveau de la Coupe du Monde de Quidditch, les joueurs prendront leur envol dans des arènes légendaires en incarnant - ou en affrontant - des personnages emblématiques tels que Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Drago Malefoy, Cho Chang et bien d'autres encore. Et en cadeau spécial, les joueurs qui possèdent Hogwarts Legacy : L’Héritage de Poudlard recevront le Pack Legacy bonus* lorsqu'ils téléchargeront Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch, en plus de se connecter à leur compte WB Games.Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch sortira sur PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, et PC (Steam et Epic Games Store) le 3 septembre 2024 en éditions numériques Standard et Deluxe. L'édition physique Deluxe sera disponible sur PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X et Xbox One le 8 novembre 2024. L'édition pour la console Nintendo Switch™ sortira en fin d’année 2024. Les joueurs peuvent vérifier auprès de leurs revendeurs la disponibilité des pré-commandes pour les éditions Deluxe physiques. De plus, l'édition Standard de Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch sera disponible gratuitement pour les abonnés PlayStation®Plus du 3 au 30 septembre 2024.** Le skin de balai Éclair de feu Suprême sera aussi disponible en tant que pack téléchargeable, disponible au cours de cette période pour les abonnés PlayStation®Plus. Les abonnés PlayStation®Plus qui téléchargent le jeu à cette période auront accès au jeu tant qu'ils resteront abonnés.Pour en savoir plus au sujet de Harry Potter : Champions de Quidditch (https://www.quidditchchampions.com/), rejoignez la conversation sur Twitter (@Warner Bros. Games France), Instagram (wbgamesfr), YouTube (Warner Bros. Games France), TikTok (WarnerBrosGames) et Discord ( Read the full article
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t-marveland · 5 months ago
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | draco malfoy
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings : spoil
Mots : 103
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Vous vous étiez fait capturer par Greyback et son groupe de rafleurs. Dans le but d'avoir une récompense pour avoir capturé Harry Potter, ils vous amèrement alors au quartier général des Mangemorts, le manoir des Malefoy. Une fois là-bas, Drago fut appelé par ses parents pour identifier Harry. Quand il rentra dans la pièce, il croisa ton regard et baissa directement les yeux.
❝━ Qu'est ce qu'elle fait ici ? Demanda-t-il à son père.
━ Peu importe. Dis nous si tu le reconnais.❞
Il se pencha vers Harry et te lança un regard.
❝━ Ce n'est pas lui... Dit-il.❞
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years ago
The Space Academy Saga
[All images are owned by Filmation. Please don’t sue me]
(Thanks to Bionic Disco)
As I have mentioned before, Star Wars (AKA Episode IV: A New Hope) changed the face of sci-fi to the point that everyone was trying to capitalize on its success. Saturday morning programming was no different, with Filmation introducing Space Academy, a mobile space station built on an asteroid, to CBS audiences. It boasted the finest youths with special abilities (much like Space X-Men, I suppose) to train them to deal with the dangers of life in space (what about the poor schlubs without abilities? Do they have to stay at home?)
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Leading the Academy is Commander Gampu (played by Lost in Space alum Jonathan Harris, who often had a look that said “The things I do for a paycheck...”) Rather than have an experienced command crew for the youth to learn from (like most sensible institutes of learning would have), Gampu is the only person with any real experience, leaving the running of the station to his pupils...
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Chris is the head of the Academy’s primary team (when Gampu doesn’t pull a Captain Kirk and lead the mission himself instead of sending people more expendable knowledgeable) and shares a psychic link with...
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...his sister Laura, whose primary duty seems to be getting herself into trouble.
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Paul is the token black person science officer for the team, and is determined to prove himself just as capable as the rest of the crew (Yeah...this character didn’t age very well)
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Adrian is the team’s head of communications. She and Chris have an awkward relationship (as in they are awkwardly trying to start one)
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Tee Gar (played by Brian Tochi, best know as Takashi in Revenge of the Nerds and the voice of Leonardo in the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film) is the team’s medic.
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Loki is a boy the crew found on a planet and adopted. He has the ability to teleport and has clairvoyance. He mainly serves as the comic relief.
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The token robot on the crew is Peebo (voiced by Erika Scheimer, the daughter of one of Filmation’s founders. She did a number of supporting voices for several Filmation shows. Now, I’m not saying nepotism was involved, but...)
The series was definitely more Star Trek that Star Wars, with no violent scenes and, this being a Filmation production, there’s a moral in most episodes (though much less heavy-handed than most Filmation productions)
The series only ran for one season, but was popular enough for a spin-off series that gave kids the Star Wars action they craved (at least as much as Saturday mornings could supply)
(Thanks to TheorinEdhel)
Star Command is the military arm of Space Academy (but since no one in Space Academy ever mentioned Star Command, it’s obviously a “secret division”). Peepo was the only member of Space Academy to appear in the series.
There are space battles, but (since this is kids’ TV) all ships destroyed are drones with no living pilots (this fact is frequently repeated so the parents’ groups didn’t write angry letters to CBS)
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The hero of the series is Jason, a mercenary who, for whatever reason, is working with Star Command.
Jonathan Harris was supposed to reprise his role as Commander Gampu, but that didn’t happen due to a dispute with Filmation. So instead, leading Star Command is...
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...Commander Canarvin (played by Scotty himself, James Doohan) The commander’s second in command is...
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...Capt. Nicole Davidoff (we know she is important due to the fact that her uniform is different from everyone else’s)
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Prof. E.J. Parsafoot is the team’s resident mad inventor and the show’s comic relief.
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Every good adventure series needs a bad guy, and they got one with Dragos, who is determined to destroy Space Academy so he can conquer the galaxy (MUHAHAHA!)
The first season was a series of 10-15 minute episodes written in the style of the old movie serials (with a cliffhanger at the end so the kids will tune in next week to see what happens to Jason and his friends.) as part of the anthology series Tarzan & the Super 7. However, the show was popular enough to get a second season, this time as its own half-hour series.
(Thanks to Star Academy Spaceport)
With a new season came a couple of casting changes. The primary one was due to James Doohan no longer available due to filming Star Trek: the Motion Picture, so Canarvin was replaced by...
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...Commander Stone, a “by the book” officer who frequently butts heads with Jason’s lip service to authority.
Also, Capt. Davidoff was written out with little fanfare, to be replaced by...
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...Samantha, a mysterious woman with a mysterious past.
The series had all the action the producers thought they could get away with on Saturday mornings, without all the pesky morals getting in the way.
I would consider doing an episode-by-episode chronicle of Jason of Star Command similar to what I did for Dungeons & Dragons and Star Blazers if there is demand. Please let me know if this is something that would interest you. If you would like to see an episode of Space Academy reviewed, let me know as well!
If you are interested in watching the series, both are available on YouTube. You may find Space Academy here and Jason of Star Command here.
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rkin413 · 2 years ago
Annual AU Round Up of 2022
I meant to do this last Saturday but that didn’t happen because reasons. But hey, I learned how to make a readmore thing, so, yay!
Star Vs The Forces of Evil:
Monster Carvers (link) - Main Star Vs AU. Stomco endgame + Tom stays with Marco + Star raised by Monsters (specifically Buff Frog). The titular antagonists were originally going to disappear after the prologue what the heck happened???
Pretty Cure vs the Forces of Evil (link) - Exactly What It Says On the Tin, Pretty Cure x Star Vs.
unnamed Pirate AU - Star Butterfly has a perfectly nice, unbearably boring life as a high-class lady, with little to do other than wait to be married to her arranged fiancé that she’s never even met. A week before her wedding she sneaks on board a shipping vessel in the hopes of having an adventure. She gets a little more adventure than she bargained for when the ship is attacked by pirates.
“"Cannon”“ - A cannon-adjacent AU that started as a crossover with Monster Carvers
Star vs. the Infinity Train - Infinity Train AU feat. human!Star and human!Tom.
Cleaved Together (Or Cleaved Apart) (link) - Post-Cleaved AU featuring forced humanizations, amnesia, and one small time hiccup. Also Dave and Wrathmelior are missing, so that sucks for Tom.
unnamed AU where Marco goes to live with Tom for a while instead of Star during Lint Catcher
How to Train Your Dragon:
Outsiders (link) - Main HTTYD AU. Instead of watching the entire Berk fleet sail off to their dooms with Toothless, Hiccup and Astrid free the arena dragons and take Toothless while he’s being brought to the ship and then they all get the heck out of dodge. Dagur accidentally set himself adrift with Heather back when they were both small. Snotlout learns the hard way that being the Heir/responsibility kind of really sucks actually??? Stoick has to deal with his son going rouge. And Gobber and the Berk Teenagers have to deal with Stoick and Snotlout respectively.
Modern Riders/Time Travel AU - Modern!Hiccup is dragged by his cousin into an unwanted camping trip with the other riders and one electrical storm later, they find their cell phones aren’t working any more. Also are those flipping dragons?! On Berk, Stoick and the other vikings are shocked to find a group of teenagers in the woods who bear a shocking resemblance to some of the members of a dead generation of children.
Unsevered Bonds - Modern Riders (minus Hiccup) meet a time displaced Hiccup who recognize them as his reincarnated friends, even if they don’t remember their former lives.
How To Train Your Lusus - Everyone are trolls on Alternia. Hiccup is a brownblood who’s probably the only troll in existence to get a second Lusus (Toothless) after his first one (Stoick) is killed. Astrid is an oliveblood that Hiccup is flushed for, Fishlegs is a yellowblood, Snotlout is a blueblood, the Twins, Dagur, and Heather are all purplebloods. Dagur killed both his and Heather’s lusus so now he’s trying to take care of her even though she absolutely hates him (and not in a black way), and he had an unrequited pitch thing for Hiccup at one point before they flipped pale (and are actually Moirails now). That’s pretty much all I have for this one.
unnamed Harry Potter AU - Does not actually take place at Hogwarts. Everyone attends Dumstrang (possibly) and the topic everyone avoids is Care of Magical Creatures, because the local Dark Lord is Drago Bludvist. Main trio is Hiccup, Snotlout (Pureblood cousins), and Fishlegs (Muggleborn)… somehow.
Dragon Gang (link) - Mob/Mafia AU set in the vaguely 1920s in a Fake Country so no one can call me out on inaccurate geography.
Rebuilding Bridges - Set in a Multiverse where RTTE and The Hidden World are mutuality exclusive. (Pt.1): After dealing with Drago but before dealing with Grimmborn, Hiccup and Toothless once fought a witch intent on ‘harvesting’ dragons. Now ten years after the dragons have left her apprentice seeks revenge and kidnaps Zephyr and Nuffink, and a panicked Hiccup and Astrid are contacted by the Very Retired and Very Much Done With This Kid witch. Meanwhile in the RTTE-verse, The Dragon Riders only just got back from informing Berk about Johann’s treachery, when some crazy lady spontaneously appears in the middle of the Edge with two terrified children she intends to feed to dragons. Yeah, that’s not happening.        (Pt.2, spoilers for this AU I guess???): Zephyr and Nuffink and their parents have safely returned to New Berk, but their world has been shaken by what was and could have been. Zephyr and Nuffink, after bonding with Dagur in the other timeline, decide they want to try and help him in theirs. This was perhaps not their best idea. Meanwhile, the Nightlights escape the watchful eye of their parents to go exploring outside the Hidden World, and quickly meet the hatchlings of their dad’s brother! (so… their cousins, then?)
Something Wild (name subject to change) - Several years after Berk (along with most of the Archipelago) is attacked and taken captive by a far more advanced foe, Stoick is able to free most of his people but what he finds when they get manage to regroup back to their island is less than a relief- Berk ravaged and their elderly and children, left behind by their captors, missing. To make matters worse, the dragons are still out there, now with some kind of devils riding and aiding them. Now Stoick, Gobber, and the rest of the people of Berk must find safety and a way to fight back against they’re new foe, find what happened to those who are missing, and figure out who these dragon riders are and whether they’re friend of foe (gee i wonder where the Berkians went and who the dragon riders are golly what a mystery). (aka the feral/semi-feral!dragon riders au i keep trying to create)
Lost (name subject to change) - Alternate attempt at the feral/semi-feral!dragon riders au. Several years before the events of the movie could happen, a raid on Berk not by dragons, but by other people, leads to the destruction of an entire generation when the raiders manage to capture the Teenagers of Berk and ship them away. While in captivity, they meet and ultimately befriend the dragons that in another life would be their partners and together they all escape. Unfortunately, they’re Thor-knows-where, and with no one they can trust (or understand) except each other, getting back to Berk might take a while…
The Lego Movie:
Hero with Two Faces of Yellow - Another ‘Emmet and Rex share a body like Good Cop Bad Cop’ AU
Peacemaker AU - Main Lego AU. About a year after the Duplo aliens attack, Emmet is attacked and presumed dead, but he’s actually been taken by General Mayhem to meet Queen Watevra Wana'bi, who remembered and missed her ‘father’. Later, Rex ends up jumping into an entirely different timeline by accident (this one) and decides to try and play the long game by befriending Emmet, who’s now living in the Systar System. That probably won’t work out for him the way he wanted.
Miraculous Ladybug
MiracuClass Knows AU - Prior to Volpina, each member of the MiracuClass finds out the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and just sort of collectively become their secret keepers. Inspired by Epiphanies by PFTones3582 on Fanfiction.net.
Miraculous Sburb AU - The MiracuClass play Sburb and end up dragging a good chunk of Paris in with them when they enter the Medium. Marinette is a Light player, Adrien is a Doom player, and that’s all I got. Gabriel probably definitely dies.
One Is Silver and the Other Gold - aka the Marikimno Brot3 AU. I headcannon that Marinette, Kim, and Nino were close friends as little kids that drifted apart a few years prior to the start of the show. In this AU, that never happened. Also, Alya becomes Adrien’s best friend instead of Nino, and Nathanel becomes their friend too somehow? (someone help Alya, she’s an extrovert and both her friends have social skill levels in the single digits.)
The Ladybug and the Monkey - Main Miraculous Ladybug AU. My take on the ‘Fu chooses Kim to be the second Miraculous wielder instead of Adrien’ AU that I’ve somehow seen multiple times.
Sleeper Miraculous -  AU where instead of the Miraculous being handed out, they’re transported magically to their wielders after they’ve proved themselves somehow. The Miraculous still need to be ‘activated’ by the Guardian to be used on either a permanent or temporary basis, so Ladybug still has to go to Master Fu at first before she becomes the new Guardian, but she knows literally none of the other members of Team Miraculous’s identities. They have a chat group, too, where Ladybug updates team members on whose Miraculous she’s going to activate, and both Chloe and Kagami never blow their identities. Contains both mild Classmates + (even milder)Adrien salt and sugar. (define irony: wanting to punch someone in the face for being an a-hole only to realize that said a-hole is you).
Miraculous! Pretty Cure! - Another Pretty Cure AU. Yep.
Mesapia AU - Butterfly!Marinette AU with a few twists - 1) instead of just facing the villainous user of the Ladybug Miraculous, all of the Miraculous have been lost to villains (save for the rabbit). Marinette frequently empowers her classmates (+Adrien, who’s still under house-arrest in this AU, Luka, and Kagami) to fight the Miraculous Villains, who are also all fighting each other; and 2) This isn’t so much a Kwami Swap as a Kwami Scramble, no one uses their canon Miraculous here (except for Fu briefly, and Emilie had the peacock before what happened to her)!
Boys vs Girls AU (name subject to change) - Marinette vs Lila with the Boys (+Kagami) on Marinette’s side and the Girls on Lila’s.
Labyrinth - Almost the entirety of the MiracuClass go missing (+Lila, Luka, & Kagami, -Chloe) and on a related note, eight very young children wake up in an ever-shifting, monster-filled underground labyrinth and grow up together. And two of them have some special, appearance-shifting jewelry…
Mad Gabriel - Miraculous Ladybug x Mad Father, starring Adrien as Aya, Marinette as Dio, Gabriel as Alfred Drevis, Nathalie as Maria, and everyone else as the doctor’s victims (Lila is Ines).
Miraculous Royal AU - A fantasy AU starring the MiracuClass (shocker) spread out across three fantasy kingdoms.
Quartz Butterfly AU - AU in which Jagged Stone takes the role of (a significantly nicer but still villainous) Hawkmoth as Quartz Butterfly, with Penny taking on Mayura’s role as Songbird. (yes i know peacocks aren’t songbirds SHHHH).
MiracuTrio AU - AU based on fanofanimation’s submission to terrible-miraculous-ladybug-aus, where Kim becomes a permanent member of the team after Party Crasher.
Mitterlicht - horror-ish AU inspired partially by various horror games, Lucidstuck, and Underbright (no, really).  After receiving their Miraculous for the first time, the temporary heroes start having less-than-restful nights. Things quickly go from bad to worse when fragmented, panic-inducing dreams turn into nightly (and solitary) trips into a dark world full of monsters that want to take something referred to just as their ‘light’- a bright light that acts as both a beacon to the hostile creatures and the only way to return to consciousness every night -which just so happen to be in the exact spot (and in many cases, are also vaguely the same shape) of their Miraculouses.
Mirakatsu - Aikatsu AU
Ladybug: Don’t Deal With Hawkmoth - (aka the result of listening to the Cuphead Rap Battle 50 million times) Cuphead AU where Ladybug and Chat Noir have to go around beating up akumas and collecting their butterflies to avoid getting akumatized by Hawkmoth.
Miracle Thieves - a phantom/gentleman thief au where Marinette and Adrien (who have been thieves for years) unwittingly steal a pair of magical artifacts and decide to team up afterwards. Includes Fox!Nino, Journalist-determined-to-expose-their-identities!Alya, and possibly Tiger!Markov.
unnamed AU inspired by To Live a Normal Life
unnamed Harry Potter AU
Merged Sessions AU - An AU where our favorite trolls and the Beta Kids are all part of the same session
Same Side of the Scratch AU - AU where the Beforus Trolls replace the Alternian ones, and when both sessions get scratched the Alternian Trolls end up in communication with the Alpha Kids
Same Side, Same Session AU - Combines both of the two immediately above AUs, The Beta Kids and Beforus Trolls have a session together that fails and gets Scratched, then the Alternians and Alphas play the game together while the pre-scratch players (all alive) travel to their session and have Meteorstuck Shenanigans.
Relief Was Just a Dream (name subject to change) - aka the mandatory Troll Rebellion AU, inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on A03. Sweeps after Karkat and Feferi are (seemingly) culled, Ace Legislacerator Terezi Pyrope -one of the best despite knowing she’s one wrong move away from being culled for her disability- is called in to investigate a series of traitorous attacks on more and more ships. Weirdly, the trolls seen most in the attacks don’t even seem to exist, all seem to bleed a painfully familiar cherry red, and have powers that even Her Imperial Condescension doesn’t seem to have. (not a no-game au)
Freetime AU - AU where Bro leaves Dave on Dad Egbert’s doorstep, and Dave and John grow up as brothers.
Pokemon Network - Hub lives Pokemon AU with at least two protagonist teams. Team A: Lan, Hub, Mayl, Dex & Yai in Kanto. Team B: Roll, Glyde, Gutsman (Gus) in Kalos. What are Chaud and Protoman/Blues up to? ~Secrets~
Unnamed AU where all the Navis used to be humans, but died or were going to die for one reason or another. Most Navis are related to their operators somehow.
MegaBakers AU - Dr. Light and the Lightbots from 1/Powered Up (humanized) run a bakery, and Dr. Wily and the Wilybots from 2 (+Bass) run a rival bakery.
Sailor Moon:
Inverse Corruption - When Beryl scours the Earth looking for her reincarnated generals she fails to find them, but she does manage to find the senshi instead. Sailor Moon has to unknowingly face the very girls who were supposed to protect her, fighting side-by-side with the Shitennou instead. (the boys are highschoolers to the girls middleschoolers)
Hazbin Hotel:
Infernal Relations - Why did Lucifer and Lilith wait so long to have a child? Simple; they didn’t. Unbeknownst to Charlie, her parents both had and lost a child thousands of years before she was born, a fact that will have far more of an effect on her hotel than she could possibly realize (even if she had known).
Apprentice Charlie AU - AU where Charlie gets into a fight with Lucifer and leaves before she ever thinks to create her hotel and Alastor ends up finding amusement by taking on an apprentice. (inspired by Helluva Teacher by Sol_Victoria on A03)
Phineas and Ferb:
Cursed Cats AU - AU based on the song Black Cats of Halloween. Phineas, Ferb, and their friends are cursed by a demon who turns them into black cats, save for on Halloween night. They’re then thrown into a world of magic and have to find each other, their way back home, and a way to break their curse, preferably in that order.
Online Gamer AU - the mandatory no one dies/non-despair AU where no one is a super/ultra highschool level anything, no one has met each other in person, and they all play Among Us together. Junko always dies first and she’s low-key going to hurt someone over it.
unnamed AU where the murders of the killing game happen differently (aka the other mandatory dr au)
unnamed AU inspired by ask-the-dr-reset-kids - After an incident that forces Hope’s Peak to temporarily close it’s doors, Class 78 all transfer to a different school. Junko is in jail, Mukuro is coping, Izuru is looming somewhere, the Ultimate Despair are waiting like sleeper agents to cause the The Most Despair Inducing Event in History, and Makoto is straight up not having a good time (and has very good reasons not to tell anyone).
unnamed AU where both Class 77 and Class 78, including both Junko and Mukuro but without Chiaki end up playing the Killing Game together.
Double Mastermind AU - similar to the above, both Class 77 and Class 78 wake up one day with no memories of their school lives. They’ll have to work together, somehow, to find out where they are, how to get back to civilization, and how to get back their memories. Meanwhile in the control room, Makoto and a sort-of-but-not-really-reformed Junko are working together as the Masterminds behind the mystery. Well, Makoto’s working, anyway. Junko just kind of wants to give Makoto daily migraines. Contains Junko/Makoto hateshipping.
unnamed Taka Lives AU where instead of switching roles with Hiro during the third trial he just manages to survive the murder attempt. He does not, however, get out unscathed…
another unnamed Taka Lives AU where Makoto, at Kyoko’s urging, decides to stay with Kiyondo the night he would have died, throwing a huge wrench into the would-be-blackeneds’ plans.
Asassain!Makoto AU: The Killing School Life - an au where Makoto is secretly the Ultimate Assassin.
Assasain!Makoto AU: The Killing Mystery - au that’s basically the one directly above but takes place in a non-despair (or maybe averted despair would be more accurate) timeline. After receiving and turning down a job to assassinate a certain up-and-coming politician, The Black Mask (Makoto) alerts his would-be victim, an old former friend, that someone is out for his life.
Remnants of Hope AU - AU that takes place after the end of School Mode, with the class not being picked up by the future foundation right away. (does this. does this actually qualify as an au i’m not sure.)
unnamed Class Swap AU - just what it sounds like, the members of Class 78 are actually Class 77 and vis versa - Hajime was friends with most of the class members before his Izuru-fication, and Makoto dies to throw his friends into Despair.
unnamed AU where Makoto and Kiyotaka are brainwashed into Ultimate Despair in addition to Class 77. Contains both sweet and very effed up Naeishi, as well as Despair!Makoto+Izuru friendship (or as close as Izuru can get, anyway). Technically another 2 (or 3, sort of) masterminds au.
Soulmates AU - In a world where most people are colorblind until meeting their soulmate, Makoto Naegi walks into Hope’s Peak Academy colorblind, blacks out, and wakes up to color. As it turns out, the same thing happened to everyone else!
Scrapbook AU - After entering into Hope’s Peak Academy, Makoto started a scrapbook/photo album of himself, his classmates, and eventually even the class above his own during their time on and off school. It soon became a class diary of sorts after being discovered, shared among everyone… then a chronicle of the events leading up to Class 77 going missing, The Tragedy starting, and Class 78 sealing themselves inside the school bunker, before returning to it’s original purpose as Class 78 lived inside their homemade bunker. In canon, Junko found and burned it. In this timeline, it’s an amnesiac Makoto and his classmates who find it, hidden under the floor in Makoto’s room.
Amnesia AU - A boy wakes up in a school(?) with no memories of where he is, how he got here, or even who he is. As it turns out, there are fourteen other people here… and all of them have the same memory loss he does! (may or may not be an IF Bad End AU)
Polychain AU - Another different Victims and Blackends au, that extends well beyond the original Killing Game. The Tragedy occurs very differently in this one… initially. Also features Junko escaping after the Killing Game, and Hajime and Shuichi being half-brothers and kids of the survivors.
Unnamed AU where Leon and Taka also attended Makoto and Sayaka’s middle school.
Ghost AU - After being killed, the victims and blackened are forced to stick around and watch the Killing Game happen, believing they’ll be allowed to move on after they leave. Turns out, they’re very much wrong- but at least after it’s over their classmates can see them! Too bad they’re the only ones.
Teachers Assistant AU - inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on fanfiction.net. After Nagito blows up a building and gets suspended, Chisa is forced to take a Teacher’s Assistant or be fired. Somehow, a very reluctant Makoto gets the job, despite being in the class below her own. Cross-class shenanigans ensue.
Unnamed Timetravel AU inspired by a fic I don’t remember the name of on fanfiction.net where Makoto and Alter Ego, the only survivors of the Killing Game, are sent back in time to Makoto’s first day attending Hope’s Peak - Makoto mentally and Alter Ego physically. Not as dark as the premise sounds, at least theoretically.
Daycare AU - AU where most of the cast are tiny children in daycare. So you know. Exactly what it sounds like. Probably the only AU to explicitly feature the Another Despair Academy cast.
77-78 Talentswap AU - an au that is exactly what it sounds like: Class 77 and Class 78 swap talents
Original Talents Talentswap - another talentswap that’s exactly what it sounds like, in this case where all the talents (except for lucky, which goes to someone other than Makoto) don’t belong to anyone in the main three games.
Triple Class Talentswap - Talentswap AU numero 3- the ‘The V3 kids are here too!’ edition.
Poly78 AU - I don’t really have anything for this one other than ‘Class 78 is a big dating pile except for Hiro who’s the Official Class Dad (and is kind of hilariously bad at it) and probably Junko because she’s Junko.
Poly78 AU: Killing Game Edition - because I can’t let people have nice things in this fandom, apparently.
Undeadronpa - my Mandatory Zombie AU, contains some Resident Evil elements, probably.
Another Mastermind!Naeishi AU, except Taka fully takes on Junko’s role instead of being brainwashed into one of her followers.
An AU of the above, only canon!Taka and Mastermind!Taka mentally switch places right after the later kicks off his version of the tragedy. Makoto quietly has a (metaphorical!!) aneurysm in the background.
Unnamed non-despair AU where after everyone graduates Makoto and Taka go to the same college and Taka and Mondo are roommates.
Computer Bug and Alley Cat - Miraculous Ladybug AU where Junko has the Butterfly, Chihiro has the Ladybug, and Mondo has the Black Cat.
Love Letter Lunacy AU - theoretically a non-despair au where someone leaves an anonymous love letter to Taka at his desk- while Mondo is in the midst of trying to confess to him with ‘help’ from Leon.
Forgotten Friendship - Makoto and Taka were childhood friends, but at such a young age that they’ve completely forgotten each other by the time they meet at Hope’s Peak. I’m trying to keep this one canon-compliant but I’ll put it here anyway. Edit: Now comes in platonic Soulfriends flavor!
Friendship Not Forgotten/Forever Friendship - (name undecided) an AU of the above where, instead of separating and forgetting about each other, the young friends stay together all the way to Hope’s Peak! Comes in Naeishi and (platonic) Soulfriends colors.
Sandbox AU - AU based vaguely off of minecraft/homestuck post-game aus/various sandbox games where most of the cast + several OCs are in an uninhabited location and have to fend for themselves with the aid of several magitech devices. Junko might not be insane in this one. I’m not sure yet.
Revived AU - Years after the Final Killing Game, the remains of Ultimate Despair manage to revive the dead members of Class 78 with the intention of using them to get at the survivors - only for them to escape, and end up meeting the child of two of their old classmates.
Fallen Leaves - an au inspired by Purpli-writes’s Itsuki Nozomi-verse. After managing not to die when Junko tries to kill him, mostly thanks to Mukuro, Makoto takes a new identity and joins the Future Foundation to try and save his friends from Despair.
Fallen Leaves, Jabberwock Killing Game - an AU of the above; In order to save his friends (+ Izuru) from Despair, Makoto puts them into the Neo World Program to un-brainwash them, although he can’t help but tag along himself. Unfortunately, Monokuma shows up to start a killing game.
Fem!Makoto AU - an AU inspired by KlonoaDreams’s You’ve Got That Wrong! Makoto’s a girl and no one noticed at first. Apparently Taka’s bi in this one because the main pairing is still him and Makoto.
Owl House AU - …exactly what it sounds like. What If everyone were Witches on the Boiling Isles.
Another Time Travel AU, this time staring both Makoto and Taka, who travel back from the start of the third chapter to the beginning of the killing game. Method currently undecided.
Afterlife? AU - After the Killing Game of Hope’s Peak, everyone who died wakes up in a mysterious, foggy town that they can’t leave because of a barbed wire barrier around the town. Strangely enough, both Makoto and Kyoko are there, and Makoto is… strangely chill with apparently being dead.
Owl House:
Big Screwed Up Family AU - Belos is a human who was married to Luz’s mom and is her dad, but he was also with Eda and the Golden Guard is their son that she thinks is dead, aka the AU where I jump through hoops to make the Golden Guard Luz’s older (half)brother.
We Built This House (on Memories) AU - When Luz and Hunter get sucked into the mindscape in Hollow Mind, Darius and Eberwolf are sucked in as well. This has consequences.
my version of HeartTale (Kingdom Hearts AU)
my version of SkeleFrisk
Shadow!Cilan AU - My take on the Striaton Triplets are also the Shadow Triad debunked theory.
Akari the Friendly Ghost - Akari dies in exile, Arceus goes ‘whoops’ and reserrects her as a ghost. It takes a while for people to catch on to this.
Yamask!Akari - Similar to the above, only she gets turned into a Yamask instead.
Diamond!Akari - Instead of landing at Prelude Beach, Akari ends up falling into the Crimson Mirelands, forcefully adopts a Turtwig, gets attacked by a Paras, saves the Paras from and Ursaring, then gets discovered by Arezu and brought to the Diamond Clan.
Pearl!Akari - Similar to the above, only she gets spat out on the Coronet Highlands and ends up apprenticing with Ingo.
Dagla!Adrien AU - Adrien isn’t the son of Gabriel and Emilie Agreste, but instead his parents are a Modern Dagur and Mala. He still works for Gabriel as a model, but otherwise has had a very different upbringing (most notably the inclusion of a lot of people who have cared about him for his entire life, such as his best friend Zephyr Haddock) and acts more like Chat Noir both with and without the mask. He still befriends his canon friends, becomes Chat Noir, and falls in love with Ladybug. (HTTYD x Miraculous Ladybug)
unnamed Adventure Time x Star Vs AU
Miracutale - Lila pushes Marinette down a hole, Adrien tries to catch her but fails. Undertale ensues. (Miraculous Ladybug x Undertale)
Sailor Bella (name subject to change) - AU inspired by some art from Turning-the-Tides, Princess Serenity reincarnates not into Usagi Tsukino, but Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, and her Senshi are reincarnated into the boys. I have no idea who Endymion became if he exists at all in this AU. (Sailor Moon x Phineas and Ferb)
unnamed three-way crossover between Harry Potter, Miraculous Ladybug, and How to Train Your Dragon.
unnamed Steven Universe x Undertale AU - After returning from the Jungle Moon, Steven and Connie end up stranded in an alternate timeline where they meet what appears to be another half-gem going by the name of False Topaz (Frisk). Things get a little more tricky when it turns out that gems and humans coexist somewhat… on one side of a giant, seemingly uncross-able mountain range live humans, on the other gems, and after a war between the two a few centuries ago, both cultures have a kill on sight policy. To make things more complicated, gems seem to be very different in this timeline. (note: Frisk is not actually a gem, just disguised as one)
unnamed Undertale x Star Vs AU - There’s a new face at the Silver Bell Ball - Frisk, heir and ambassador for the Kingdom of… Monsters?! Star and Frisk are quick to befriend each other, but despite that, Star can’t help but feel that Frisk doesn’t like her… And Frisk may have more than one secret to share… or maybe to keep.
Lead By Broken Hearts AU - The Worst Most Despair Inducing Event In History was localized to Japan (but the effects are spreading), and the six survivors of Hope’s Peek, aided by Kagami’s father, whom Byakuya naturally has connections to, immigrate to France to pick up the pieces of their lives. Meanwhile in France, Marinette has to pick up the pieces after Miracle Queen and soldier on against Hawkmoth - but at least she’s made a few new friends. But can she and her classmates withstand the Despair that’s lying in wait for Paris (among other places)?
Unnamed Mirculous Ladybug x Danganronpa AU - Pre-despair, Junko’s in Paris and looking to recruit. Unfortunately for everyone, Lila is being Lila, which makes her job easy. Nothing but Despair here, folks.
Unnamed Danganronpa x MLP AU where everyone who dies in DR canon wakes up as a pony with their respective group in Equestria. Cue confusion. Also, Tsumugi teams up with Junko and Mukuro. Twilight and co. are going to have their hooves full here.
Corpse Party: Dupont Damnation - a Corpse Party x Miraculous Ladybug crossover AU.
Corpse Ronpa - a Corpse Party x Danganronpa crossover AU
Crossover Killing Game AU: Crossover Calamity - Hiccup Haddock wakes up locked in a very unfamiliar room after apparently losing conciousness in a dragon raid. This turns out to very much be the least of his worries (contains 3 OCs playing the Killing Game as well for added mystery).
Games -  (everything)
Wild Things - (everything)
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frenchdrarry · 3 years ago
Draco : Si tu as des idées, n’hésites pas à les mettre dans la boîte à idée.
Harry, sceptique : C’est une boîte qui ressemble fortement à une poubelle.
Draco : C’est pour tes idées de merde.
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omgiwantatattoo · 3 years ago
The war had been over for a good long while, but there was still a war raging in Draco. He hadn’t yet decided if he was able to forgive himself or not. He felt it was strange that so many others had. He stared at the ceiling, lying in bed with sleep evading him yet again. Draco pondered how many hours he’d spent wondering. Half a lifetime, he’d guess. Half a lifetime spent wondering why he wasn’t the child born into a family that loved him so much it had saved his life. Wondering why he had to be the one that had gone through life so long feeling alone. Wondering why he was the one who had been handed the life that gave him little choice but to be the villain. Wondering why so few adults had told him he had the choice and ability to be good when he had been just a child. A shaky breath escaped him and he closed his eyes thinking back to this morning.
He’d noticed you on his first day of work. Now you were here, many months later, a small smile always working its way onto his face upon his first glimpse of you as he made his way into work each morning. You always offered him a kind smile and a friendly “good morning, Mr. Malfoy”. You took the time to look him in the eyes - something he didn’t get very much of in this lifetime. For just a moment, his thoughts would still and the clouds would clear from his mind. For just a moment he was just a man coming to work. For just a moment, each and every day, you’d given him a moment to think that maybe, just maybe, he could be good.
So here he was, eyes closed in bed. Wondering. Wondering what he could do to be good tomorrow and deserve that smile. Wondering when he’d finally find the courage to ask you to dinner. Wondering when he will finally sleep, with you next to him, and your children next door whom you’d love together so much that it would save them if they needed it. Never having to wonder ever again if he was capable of being good.
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honeymoon2011 · 2 years ago
Which do you prefer ? 📚
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Hello , I Hope you’re good ❤️
which do you prefer guys ? In my view , it’s
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cas-kingdom · 4 years ago
A/N: Soft and fluffy Draco. Can never say no.
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Title: Stars
Summary: You and Draco stargaze on the roof of Malfoy Manor.
Words: 513
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There was a space on the roof of Malfoy Manor that you doubted your parents knew about. It’d always been where you’d go – up the hidden winding stairs at the back of the house and onto the slating roof, where you could sit in quietude and stare up at the starry sky; the only thing of serenity in and around the manor for miles.
Coming home – could you really call it home? – during the holidays was always a little… well. You knew you’d rather stay at Hogwarts with your friends. Often, you wished you didn’t have a family so you wouldn’t have to return, but then you’d rethink, and you’d remember that that was a little selfish.
After all, you still had Draco, and you’d rather have the rest of your infamous family and Draco than no family and no Draco.
Today was the second day of the Christmas holidays. Or, rather, night. You’d gone up to the roof at seven pm after your brief family dinner, dragging a wool blanket, in your cosy pyjamas. And you’d been sat staring up at the midnight for a half hour, now, immune to the wintry air and the icy cold.
You’d wanted to be alone, but when you heard footsteps behind you, and whipped your head around to see Draco, that feeling vanished completely. You watched him for a moment, the corners of your lips curling upwards when he smiled, and turned your head back around to face the black.
He sat beside you, and you nonchalantly gave him one half of the blanket, which he wrapped around his shoulders as he shuffled closer to you.
“Bit cold,” he commented absently, and you nodded.
“Yes. But it’s nicer than in there.”
He shrugged. “I dunno. Mother put the fire on.”
You pursed your lips. “Still nicer.”
Draco glanced at you. He lifted an eyebrow before chuckling and shaking his head, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer. “You’re a strange one,” he said.
“You’re out here as well,” you told him with a smirk.
“That’s because I came to find you. And you’re always out here. Could put a bed up here for you if you wanted.”
Your smile widened, but you didn’t respond as the breeze pushed the dark clouds aside to reveal the yellow moon, a bright ball in the velvet sky. You felt that familiar peace fill your chest and leaned your head on your twin’s shoulder.
“I love you, Draco,” you said quietly.
“I love you, too,” Draco said. “But why are you saying it?”
You shrugged lightly. “I just feel like it’s sometimes nice to be reminded of these things, even if you already know them to be true.”
Draco rose a brow, staring at the sparkling reflection of the sky in your big eyes, and smiled, nodding his head and lifting his chin to gaze at the endless stars above. “Well, in that case, sister, I love you, and I’ll love you for as long as it takes to count each and every star in the sky.”
Harry Potter Masterpost
December Writing Challenge Masterpost
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iskisaggie · 4 years ago
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Ah yes, Twitter memes.
[Please, do not repost] INSTAGRAM - TWITTER
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griseldagimpel · 3 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Leverage Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Wilson/Drago Characters: Harry Wilson (Leverage), Drago (Leverage) Additional Tags: Crack, Sexual Humor, Implied Sexual Content, The Interplay Between Sex and Violence, Puns & Word Play, Misunderstandings, Dom/sub Undertones, Dark Web Yelp Reviews, Harry Wilson hopes he gets a good grade in being kidnapped, a thing that is both normal to want and possible to achieve Summary:
Harry Wilson's past wrongdoings catch up to him, and Drago is hired to kidnap him once more. There are worse ways to start a relationship.
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sunkissedfae · 4 years ago
Harry Potter
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➵ Masterlist
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❀ -Smut
✓ -Requested
✶ -Angst
☾ -Blurbs
✧ -Series
♪ -Song fics
☁️ -Fluff
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Draco Malfoy
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Fred Weasley
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George Weasley
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Cedric Diggory
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➵ Headcannons
➵ Blurbs
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romanticalicisme · 4 years ago
J’ai besoin d’avis honnêtes !
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athos1615 · 6 years ago
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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
- Harry Potter
Malfoy the Unanxious
Scorpius the Dreadless
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