#harmonic series
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victusinveritas · 5 months ago
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The top image is a graph of the first nine harmonics of a harmonic series. The bottom image is an x-ray of the inner structure of a conch shell.
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greetings-inferiors · 2 years ago
It really fucks with me that the area under the curve y=x^-1 is undefined between [1,infinity].
Like look at the curve
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The area gets smaller and smaller
But it still tends to infinity?
This is mostly a gripe with the harmonic series because what the actual fuck
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You’re telling me that the harmonic series is equal to ln(n) with just some random constant added to it? What the fuck? When I found out that was such a cop out. Like c’mon really?
Euler’s constant is my least favourite constant solely because this offends me
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minotaurmerkaba · 9 months ago
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orchidsslideontongues · 10 months ago
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oneefin · 1 year ago
i usually find youtube comments sections pretty low-brain, but one of my favorite bits of cleverness i've ever seen came from a youtube comment under a math video of someone explaining how they did it using music theory. and this is right up my alley so i'm going to break it down.
the problem in the video was "approximate log_2(3) without a calculator", and they did it using purely mathematical methods and a tiny bit of memorization. but you can actually do this with a basic understanding of tuning theory:
basically, there's this thing in music called the harmonic series. its a sequence of notes starting from some root pitch and ascending in whole number multiples of that pitch. for example, if you start from C:
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each note in this sequence has a frequency n times the frequency of C5. get it?
now, even though this would be the "perfect" way to tune things, we don't actually tune notes this way - because it doesn't work if you change your root note. instead, western music is tuned to what's called 12-tone equal temperment (12tet), in which the ratio between two adjacent notes is exactly the same:
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the ratio x is picked such that an octave is still x2. so x turns out to be the 12th root of 2.
anyway, how does this help with the original problem? well, these concepts give us two ways to think about a similar musical interval. consider the difference between C and G:
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in the harmonic series, this distance is a x3 multiplication. however, in 12tet, this is 19 steps, each multiplying by the 12th root of 2. written another way, that gives 19/12 = log_2(3).
19/12 is 1.58333..., while log_2(3) is about 1.585. that's accurate to two decimal places.
in fact, the approximation isn't just really close - it can be considered optimally good among other fractions of a similar length. that's because mathematicians have a way to derive best fractional approximations for any irrational number, and on that list for log_2(3), 19/12 is there:
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that's a cool solution to an arbitrary math problem, but also it's quite cool from a music theory perspective! it gives a reason for why it's not only appropriate for the western scale to has 12 notes in it, but that it'd be surprising for it not to have 12 notes in it, given that 19/12 approximates the 3rd note in the harmonic series so well.
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keepscrollinghun · 4 months ago
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ahorrorstorycircle · 5 months ago
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The first episode of 'American Horror Story' aired 13 years ago.
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userfilmgifs · 2 months ago
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adeleine-everyday · 9 months ago
day 136
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funky piano (based on that one 64 minigame concept art)
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televsion · 7 months ago
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Anya Taylor-Joy as Beth Harmon The Queen's Gambit (2020) Season 1
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month ago
USS Allegiance Series Part Two: Pragmatic - Harmon Rabb x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @dizzybee03 @buckysteveloki-me @sca3a @burningpeachpuppy
Companion series to:
Flight Deck - It starts on the flight deck of the USS Allegiance.
Hourglass - You remember the moment you fell in love with Harm.
New Orleans (NSFW) - Harm wakes up the next morning to find you wearing his shirt.
USS Allegiance Series Part One: Baby On Board
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It’s been a couple of years since you and Harm have worked together, not since the last time you were on the Allegiance. You hit the ground running, organising a fingertip search of the flightdeck in the hope of finding any indication of where the mother has disappeared to. You’re using the cover of a forensics exercise with the agent afloat Dwight Darling supervising.
The XO has decided not to make any formal announcements regarding the baby, they’re concerned about the mother’s mental state and they don’t want her to feel trapped or hunted in case it leads her to take extreme action. You agree with the decision because you know from experience that desperate people do desperate things.
You and Harm are sequestered in the room they use for interrogations, it’s a tiny space tucked in alongside the brig and Harm takes up most of it with his 6’4 frame and broad shoulders. He sits beside you at the small table watching as you scribble in your notepad. It’s part of your process, it helps you organise your thoughts. His arm comes to rest upon the back of your chair, his thumb trailing over the curve of your shoulder and the edges of your mouth tip up into a small smile.
It’s the intimacy he misses, being able to touch you, to hold you, to love you. Aboard the ship he’s all about maintaining professionalism but it’s tough being this close to you after four months of absence.
“There’s over four hundred women serving on this vessel, all of them of child bearing age.” He tells you, shuffling a little closer because when he’s in your proximity he just can’t help himself. “There have been no admissions into sick bay…”
“We know that the mother is A Positive from the test they did on the baby, which narrows it down to one hundred and sixty five sailors.” You say, tapping your pen upon the surface of your notepad.  “We could do a mandatory blood drive, say the sick bay is low on A Positive, test the females today, say we’re doing the men tomorrow due to shift allocations. The medical staff can handle it while we continue with other avenues of investigation. It’s the best way of maximising our time and keeping it under the radar.”
This is what he loves about you, your practicality, your capability. He’s been with hundreds of beautiful women but never one as pragmatic as you. 
“From the doctor’s initial estimation I think we can both agree that the baby was more than likely conceived on board which means the father is a crew member.”
Harm’s dark eyebrows furrow into a frown as he studies you. There’s something you’re not saying, something just underneath the surface that he can’t seem to grasp.
“What am I missing?” He asks you, his voice softening.
“All of this behaviour, I’ve seen it before.” You tell him, tilting your head to meet his gaze. “The secrecy I don’t think it was intentional. I think it was more about pretending it wasn’t happening because she was unable to cope with how it happened.”
It takes him a moment to register what you’re saying, to understand the implications of it.
“You’re thinking sexual assault.” He says, his lips pursing together into a grim line.
He’d like to think that the men he sails with are above that but he knows from his own experiences that it’s wishful thinking. He’s tried countless rape cases in the past, he knows how prevalent it is amongst military personnel. He’d just never thought it would happen on his ship. He can’t imagine how betrayed this woman must feel, how isolated, how alone.
“It’s clear that she wanted the baby to be safe.” You tell him, leaning in a little closer. Your hair falls across your features and he reaches it out, tucking a stray strand back behind your ear as you continue. “The umbilical cord was severed cleanly, she tied it off with a standard issue bootlace. The baby was wrapped in coveralls from another sailor, one that swears he has no knowledge about any of this.”
“I believe him. He was sincere about his girlfriend back in Nebraska, about proposing to her.” Harm says as his palm comes to rest on the nape  of your neck, his thumb lightly massaging the tense little spot behind your ear. “You know yourself how things get messed up in laundry. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that the mom ended up with his overalls.”
You know exactly what he’s talking about. You’d ended up with men’s briefs tangled up in your clothing multiple times throughout your tenure on the Allegiance. It was almost a rite of passage.
“Once we’ve actioned this list, I want to see the spot where they found the baby.” You say finally as you close your notepad and set the pen down on top of it. “I need to get to get a better sense of what happened.”
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mediademon · 1 year ago
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Anya Taylor Joy as Beth Harmon
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rosebathe · 1 year ago
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The Queen's Gambit (2020) dir. Scott Frank
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giftedpoison · 1 year ago
It boggles my braincells sometimes thinking about how some people just weren't heavily influenced by their media as I was??? Like when i was kid i grew up reading Gallagher Girls and watching House of Anubis so duh I learned to pick locks, want to learn as many languages as possible, and martial arts. (And also is why I never see lying as a bad thing but a skill.) (Reading Alias and Red Blazer Girls was also a heavy contributor)
Or I started learning ASL because of a tv show I watched in middle school (switched at birth- unsurprising) but now I love the language because I love being able to communicate without talking (although that's more small words that i teach people the meaning so i don't have to use my voice) and learning about the Deaf community.
Or learning sleight of hand because of Kaz Brekker. Chess because of Beth Harmon (I'm determined I'd be pretty good at it if I could just figure out the middle game) Like pick a hobby i have and i'll tell you which fictional character gave it to me. (with the exception of reading, music, writing, researching, and art) These are all exceptionally useless capabilities (other than maybe language learning and lying and you can make an argument that martial arts is a lifetime fitness) and yet they mean a fuck ton to me.
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 10 months ago
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ghostlyviolets33 · 6 months ago
hiii! ur blog is super cute and i also love violet sm! i was just wondering what kind of shows/movies do u think she'd be into? :)
Hi anon! Thank you so much, you're so sweet <3!!
I've actually made a couple posts about this topic before, but I wanted to do something a little bit different this time.
So, for this post I tried to find media that really reminds me of Violet. Whether it's a movie with a similar vibe to Murder House, a tv series with a similar "aesthetic" to her, characters with a similar style or personality as Violet, etc.
I apologize for the late reply! Hope you enjoy :)
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
The Craft (1996)
May (2002)
Speak (2004)
White Oleander (2000)
The Virgin Suicides (1999)
Tv Shows:
Freaks and Geeks (1999-2000)
Skins UK (2007-2013)
Daria (1997-2002)
Sharp Objects (2018)
Charmed (1998-2006)
MTV Downtown (1999-2000)
Nana (2006-2007)
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Here are the links to my other posts about movies & tv shows that I think Vi would enjoy:
Movies | Tv Shows | Horror Movies !
That's all I could think of :) If you have any other movies/shows/books that you think Violet would like or have a similar vibe to Violet defo put them in the comments cuz I love getting recommendations!
Thanks for reading, I hope this could help <3
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