#handmade by your local goblin
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elodieunderglass · 2 years ago
Mad Spring - sour gummies, you feral little goblin. Tangfastics. Airheads. Sour Patch Kids. Like High Summer, you choose fruit-flavored gummy sweets, but you pick ones coated in Pain Sugar. It isn’t enough to just get sugar: you’re chasing a different Sensory Experience (TM) than the rest. And that’s great.
Warm Spring - white chocolate, ruby chocolate, pastel mint drops, cotton candy, bubblegum. Marshmallows. Sweet, creamy, usually pastel. You have no particular objection to floral tastes like lavender and rose. You may be able to appreciate Turkish Delight.
Midsummer - tropical fruits: chewy and slightly creamy in pastel colors. Starburst/Opal Fruit, Creamsicles/Solero. Maoam strips. Cream sodas. Skittles, despite being jewel-toned, are in this season. Coconut and pineapple flavors go here. Also the home of chalky-type sweets like Love Hearts/candy hearts, smarties (usa) and You may be also able to appreciate Turkish Delight.
High Summer - Gummy bears and chewy, jellyish, jammy, gummy, springy in bright jewel tones. Gummy worms and jelly snakes, jelly babies, jelly beans, Haribo. Clearer and gummier than Midsummer.
Autumn Night - darker and more complex sweetness, often including an element of burning or alcohol, or another challenge. Cherry cordials, marzipan, champagne truffles. Also home of burnt-sugar tastes: maple candy, bonfire toffee, candy corn. Also home of matcha; red liquorice; red bean paste. When people bring you sweets from other countries, they’ll choose unusual local delicacies. You almost certainly were fascinated as a kid by lollipops at the science museum sold with real bugs in them.
Autumn Salt - peanut butter and peanut brittle, salted caramel, toffee, butterscotch. Toffee popcorn, Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, Snickers, Daim. If nobody has any nuts, you’ll choose chocolate with nuts, crisp or crunch over other things. Sweet just isn’t enough.
Winter Spice - herbal, spicy and medicinal sweets, usually hard old-fashioned sweets. Red-hots, burning cinnamon, chilli - eucalyptus, root beer, menthol; sarsaparilla. Hard candy, generally: old fashioned ‘boiled sweets,’ things that look gorgeous in glass jars. Parma violets. Fisherman’s Friends. You’re the only person who would eat a gingerbread house after decorating it. You’re also possibly a ghost, or used to be a Mad Spring. It’s also about the SENSATION.
Midwinter - dark black Licorice. Salty? Sweet? saltlakrids? Allsorts? Australian? You might like other things too, but when your loved ones are in another country, they go to the licorice aisle and get you the weirdest local variant they can find.
Long Winter - true chocolate, basic chocolate stuff: M&Ms. Dairy Milk. Hershey’s Kiss. But also home of fudgy tastes and sugar-on-sugar in a long slow sauce. Marshmallow, Handmade fudge, Phish Food ice cream.
Cool Winter - naturally, the homebase of minty tastes. peppermint wheels, York’s Peppermint Patties, After Eights. Also orange - chocolate orange - and, oddly, pixie sticks/sherbet and other sweet things that involve eating simple flavored sugar.
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miniscrew-anon · 1 year ago
On Trick or Treaters
Time buys full sized candy bars. He does not skimp on the candy. Gets the best brands without even blinking at the cost. No dollar store candy corn is permitted to touch his special candy dish, got it? His place is known for being The House and gets visited by all the local kids. Wears an eye patch as a costume to answer the door. Definitely gives off lame-yet-cool dad vibes.
Wars hands out costume ratings with the candy. Doesn't ever give young kids less than a 10/10 even for sheet ghosts but absolutely judges older kids if it's clear they didn't even try. Lame cat ears, Emily? That's it? That's your costume? For shame. And don't even bother asking for candy if you're not wearing a costume. Off with you, heathen!
Wild has to be talked down from handing out baked goods to the kids. Look bud, we love you and you're a sweet guy but there is no way that parents are going to let their kids eat unwrapped things from strangers. Sorry.
Champion doesn't like answering the door every twenty minutes so to be more efficient he just leaves a bowl out. But then one year some bratty child takes the whole thing, bowl included, and leaves nothing for everyone else. So now Champion keeps an eye on the front porch all night, monitoring the bowl. And if he sees anyone take more than the posted amount of "One handful" then that kid is going to go home crying. Is this more efficient than just answering the door when the bell rings? No, not really. But at this point it's more a matter of principle and instilling the fear of consequences into the little thieving goblins of the world.
Sky is that guy who asks kids "Oh are you a pirate?" when the kid is clearly not a pirate and is actually so-and-so from some cartoon. He tries his best but he's just not up to date on his pop culture enough to identify every costume. It makes him feel old.
Twilight is super enthusiastic with the kids and they love him. And unlike Sky, Twi is still cool and hip and does know who so-and-so is from that show. Costume guess success rate is 100%. Sky is secretly very jealous.
Wind does not answer the door. He's too far up and he doesn't care. Besides, whatever doesn't get handed away he gets to eat.
Four smiles politely and hands out the candy but he doesn't talk with the kids much. He mostly just wants to go back to whatever he was just doing. But he does compliment any handmade costumes he sees though.
Hyrule wears his bloodied scrubs to answer the door and it's the only time of year he doesn't get scared or worried looks for it. Probably only because everyone assumes that it's fake blood though.
Legend gives off super creepy vibes when he gets the door the one time he's allowed to, looming over the children and silently holding out the bowl of candy. The kids take the candy and run, glancing back only to see the door slowly close with an ominous creak. No one lets him get the door again after that.
Dark gets one bag of discount candy and when it runs out, it runs out. Sorry bud. Can he offer you a beer instead?
Shadow answers the door and when the kids go “Trick or treat!” he goes “Trick” and closes the door on them. Anyone who eggs him is getting egged right back.
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doctorslippery · 4 years ago
Shea Longshanks – A human drug lord who has taken control of a wing of the prison and requires rent from others in his wing. He has a group of henchmen and acts as if he is a guard/warden.
Malcer Holden – A well-dressed half-elf necromancer who will not state why he is here. In return for information, he requires spoons, which he provides to his army of undead in hopes of digging his way out.
Zenbis Axor – A yellow dragonborn who will not speak to anyone she encounters. She possesses immense magical power but chooses to spend her days solitarily in her cell. Nobody knows the story behind her.
Durgar Steely – This dwarf holds an infinitely refilling beer glass and nobody in the prison has ever seen him sober. He is very friendly and can just about speak and walk normally.
Naroxius – The source of annoyance for much of the prison, Naroxius always manages to find a way to vandalize the prison. He has made clear that he will stop at nothing to escape, however all that he has managed to do is anger other inmates and staff. His current cell now consists of a wooden slab in the corner, after he fireballed his previous one
Argus Shatterhorn – A goliath and zealous follower of a crazed war god. He’s seemingly possesses an infinite trove of energy and vitality, laughing and preaching loudly despite being literally skewered to a wall in his cell. Nothing can shut him up short of magical silence, which he doesn’t seem to notice.
The Witch of Cretchreaver – A very polite sounding woman behind a foot of concrete and a metal door. She requests that you open the tiny hole so that she can get a look at you. She’s a medusa with her eyes pressed against the other side.
Slobfoot the Eloquent – An educated, well spoke goblin who tried to incite a political revolution. He gives a very deep, loquacious philosophical speech to the party.
Thaddeus Null – A blue dragonborn and self-proclaimed God. He doesn’t seem arrogant beside that, just comfortable and quiet. His followers are magically capable, morally bankrupt people who are trying to break him out as they speak.
The Rat – A wood elf who ratted out his bandit gangmates. Can’t be trusted, would sell their own brother for half a smoke. Nonetheless, they keep their eyes and ears open and know a lot about what’s happening in the prison.
Randy Shackleford- human, assailed a government agent with sand and authorities now cannot find his name on any records.
The Smuggler – A male gnome. He is the prison supplier who can find almost anything and smuggle it in the prison in exchange for the prison’s currency (smokes, food, etc.)
Daloriz – A blind vampire who overcame his sunlight sensitivity. He has blindsense, and his power is to the point where he can overwhelm most enemies. When spoken to, he is polite and mentions he has seen the future and knows he must wait here for the right time. Why is this vampire in prison? What is he waiting for? Who is coming? Up to the DM to decide.
Takaar ‘Two shields’ Alzurini – small time dwarf mob boss locked up for extortion and racketeering. He has boys on the outside planning to break him out.
Voracious Veronica – A cannibalistic human who is soft spoken. She claims she was a knight who resorted to ‘the worst sin of all’ when her position was under siege for months. Her skin is pale, her eyes are dull, and her gaze sends shivers up your spine. You’re almost certain she’s lying.
Gregor Brutalous – An imposing half-giant with jet black braided hair, dressed in clean formal clothing. He was a psychotic and incredibly powerful warlord, but years after his arrest insists he is trying to atone for his actions. He can easily escape (or so he claims) but refuses to leave as penance.
Marros Tarmikos – A merchant who was caught up in a bar fight with some religious fanatics. He knows a few secrets about the prison and seems to be a law-abiding citizen for the most part.
Gorgeous Gnurl – An orc pit fighter that lost his champion title to *insert NPC* and in a violent rage murders him and his entire team right there in front of the entire crowd.
Mordekai – Leader of a gang of wererats, he used his rats or ‘little friends’ to spy on people, and to blackmail them, or to sell their secrets to the highest buyer.
Torun Sacanti – This ex-palace guard was thrown in prison after he gave his friend a tour of the duke’s apartments. When asked why he is in prison, he will do whatever he can to distract the party from the question.
Tharon Ash – A Tiefling man who was kidnapped for a part in an infernal ritual but was arrested along with the cult when city guards caught them all. He will do anything short of murder to prove his innocence or escape.
Resh – This culinary master in orcish cuisine can barely speak a few sentences in common. Employed in the kitchen, he is known to sometimes get rowdy and confiscate the fingers of anyone who looks at him the wrong way.
Myrca Faro – Quiet and keeps to herself. She seems capable in many skills, decent in a fight, but is distant, mumbling to herself often, though what she’s saying can’t be heard. She was caught with her crew, but one of them testified against her. She doesn’t seem keen on reuniting since she doesn’t know who.
The Painted Claw – A charismatic rakshasa who enjoys gaining followers and leading them into a suicide pact. He is sending souls back to his master in the nine hells and he has been captured for now…
Habstrek the Painter – A former cart driver turned serial killer, she’s not getting out any time soon; she was captured during a time referred to in the local lore as ‘the summer of art’, in which she killed and drained the bodies of over twenty prison guards’ family members, apparently out of revenge for their extrajudicial killing of her apparently innocent husband, Algnir Half-Tusk. She’s fed via a wand charged with Create Food and Drink, as her cell door is welded shut. Guards hate her above almost all other prisoners, knowing she’d gladly turn her targets into further ‘paintings’.
Elgin Powell – charged with a dozen counts of kidnapping, he was a local mob boss’ favorite enforcer – with no bodies ever discovered, the families of his victims were denied even the peace of knowing that they were able to be contacted via necromancy. Reportedly, he kept his charges in a deep mine and they are, one and all, still alive, just shielded from scrying and blood legacy magic. Knows more about kidnappings than anyone local is likely to have ever considered.
Jimmy ‘Lumberjack’ Jackson – Woodcutter turned assassin. He was brutal, honest, and captured by the palace guards when they asked him to start signing his work; reportedly, he’s still working from inside of the prison, except his rates are infinitely more affordable. His signature weapon remains undiscovered – which is a neat trick, considering that it’s a massive war axe.
Anna – Kept in a dark room and bound with magic sigils, Anna is a deeply motivated, highly disturbed wandering killer, captured after a five-year hunt by professional adventurers; her modus operandi was to disguise herself as an orphan human child, infiltrate colonial outposts, and then systematically destroy food, water, and medical supplies, forcing the pioneers into madness, murder, and cannibalism. Rumors say that she’s responsible for the failure of two nation-states’ failure to expand their territories. She’s boasted she’d gladly take one another job, if freed.
Rankle the Bookkeeper – A master of puppeteering and palace intrigue, he went from entertainer to information broker in under a year; his spies consist of handmade puppets, each one capable of recording sights and sounds, he extorted vast amounts of funding from select projects and missions, lining his own pocket freely until he was captured under what many consider unusual circumstances. Some say that he did so to protect himself from the palace paladins and clergy, all of whom are above harming prisoners.
Coins and Pouch – Master forgers and loan sharks, these two brothers are a regular feature in the prison yard, dealing out loans with reasonable interest rates and obtaining rarities for other prisoners; it’s said that on the day they were brought into the prison, they presented a set of keys to a well-appointed cottage to the chief guard as a token of their appreciation. Ever since, they’re under protection and weekly payments continue to provide them with many creature comforts. Every year, on the anniversary of their incarceration, the guard that treats them the best receives a key to another cottage.
Aldac – Former adventurer, expedition guide, reformed arsonist, and now a leader of a prison yard ‘exercise group’, this monk is a dangerous person; some say that she’s building an army, others that it’s a cult, and nobody wants to test her in a straight fight since she crippled her last opponent in under ten seconds. Anything that requires focus and determination, she’s happy to offer her thoughts on, free of charge – provided that she’s shown proper respect first. Her sentence is for a triple life duration – tough luck for her, as her species is a long-lived one.
Thack – A monstrous human, he was a warlord by age fifteen, a respected bandit king at twenty, and captured during his attempt to seize the capital itself, turned over by his own command structure in exchange for lenient sentencing for war crimes. Passionate, charismatic, and mysteriously possessing a keen ear for music, he’s an example of what can happen to a Bard if they decide to turn war itself into a performance art. He’s making money through the writing of strategic, tactical and logistic guidebooks, periodically singing for the lost days of his misspent youth. He turns twenty-three in a month.
Rejoice-Cried-The-Kraken – Still living her best life, RJCTK is a priestess first, bandit second, and a model prisoner third, choosing to ignore her history of piracy and looting in exchange for running a small group of like-minded believers in the church she’s built in her cell; she served as a first officer on the flagship of a vast pirate fleet, choosing who lived and who was sacrificed to her deity, often by slow drowning or something that officials referred to as ‘hook dancing’. She makes a few extra coins giving nautical theme tattoos for fellow prisoners, each one a work of art worthy of a church’s stained-glass windows.
Prisoner #644 – Captured at the frontier, whatever it is, it’s only eaten six times in ten years, each time it was an unwary guard who strayed too close to the sealed cage covered in a thick burlap sheet. It hums at night, an eerie, unsettling event taking place only just before the onset of riots, uprisings, and acts of revenge on a wide scale inside of the prison. Recently, guards have reported that it has started to sing softly. Each of the Dead prisoners killed in the previous ten years are named, one by one, and it chuckled wetly when younger guards approach it.
Kishi the Kid – A 16-year-old changeling who attempted to steal the Crown Jewels. He’s stuck in solitary after using the persona of a guard to start a riot, and is well known for the many he’s started in the few months he’s been here
Cold Turquoise – The former cult leader of a Dragonborn pirate fleet. Will only talk in Draconian, and will give advice on how to operate a ship at a cost…
Henri Schum – Halfling Mafia-don. Used his resources and cutthroat approach to fund a smuggling operation on rare animals for collectors. Has 2 fingers missing on his left hand and has his ‘buddies’ rough up any new people who mention them.
Zarakos – Super beefy winged Tiefling. Brought in for attempting to rob a local bank and fly off with the loot, not accounting for the wizards that can cast Fly. Wings are always tied for obvious reasons. Not very smart, but very loyal. If you free his wings, he will follow you and your group until the end. Will carry and fly anyone that needs it
Kimnuan Shadestalker – Black kitsune assassin. She and her bard troupe would spread rumors about people so others would order hits on them. Specifically in for burning down a village after getting caught by the local authorities. If she can get access to her hands, she can summon a lute and cast spells to become invisible/incorporeal.
Binks Falkhorn- A scribe for 2 generations of very powerful wizards. Has not shown any criminal intent but is ordered to be imprisoned in solitary indefinitely after the wizard went mad and went on a killing spree, showing horrible power. His scribe is the last shred of evidence of the wizard’s work. It would be too dangerous to let the scribe roam free, but it would be foolish to kill him in case his knowledge became useful
Sparkler- A nine-year-old bronze half dragon who just wants to go home to her older brother. She was framed for a crime that she in no way could have committed. She is kept in a dark cell and is the favorite to be abused by the head guard. No knows her actual name because she rarely talks to anyone even when she is allowed.
Xnyxyh Halfheart – Channeling Chronurgy wizard without his spell book. He looks human and is locked up for various crimes. He will help anyone who can get him his spell book. However, if he gets it, he will finish becoming a lich. He does not care for anyone but himself.
Thornbull – an experimental warforged, who committed too many war crimes.
Thragg Jadewolf – half-orc spy. He looks like an ugly human. He is in prison for high treason. He infiltrated border settlements and opened the gates at night, sabotaged the defenses, etc., so the neighboring orc kingdom could conquer the settlements easily.
The masked man – this human wears a cursed mask, which he cannot take off. His crime: He is the elder brother of the current king.
The Wyrd Sisters – Three halfling sisters each identical except for different colored eyes, the Wyrd Sisters are prohibited from accessing the kitchen and mess halls, kept in solitary confinement from each other, and fed separately. This is due to their innate toxicity, their blood, saliva, and sweat producing an extremely toxic poison which when ingested, causes a terrifying and agonizing death in even small doses. They were arrested after their entire village was found rotting the next morning after drinking from the tainted well which they had poisoned. Rumors persist that their natural lethality came from a tradeoff with a powerful Demon.
Semaj Ironscreamer – An elderly Half-Orc Druid who has spent half his life in this cell. He was jailed after being involved in multiple eco-terrorist attacks on mining towns that had been dumping their industrial waste into the nearby rivers. Seen as a kindly grandfather figure by the other inmates and even some of the guards, Semaj is often the peacekeeper between those he can hear from his cell and dispenses wisdom to those who ask. Given the nature of his magic, Semaj is kept in an underground cell with no window and any visitors he receives will be checked for wooden objects and plant matter.
Azar – A former acolyte of the church who used his talents as a thief to steal back religious artifacts from wealthy aristocrats. Until one day he was set up by the Queen dowager to make it look like he was trying to assassinate her with the same knife she had killed her husband with. Is actually completely innocent of this particular crime, but with the weight of the crown bearing down on him his trial was anything but fair.
Vulmon Longroot – A 900-year-old High Elven Bard who was the very first prisoner ever put into this place. His crime? 800 years ago, he had been caught having an affair with all 11 princesses of the area and is actually the reason every member of the royal family has any access to magic.
Tybo the Mad Monk – An incredibly dangerous and violent martial artist who was known to wear the ears of his enemies that he killed in battle like a necklace. After a failed assassination attempt by one of his party members caused Tybo to go mad and kill his party, the Human Monk returned to his roots raiding ships along the coast before he was eventually captured and placed in prison.
Irving – he was just an ordinary peasant… until adventurers showed up in his life and destroyed it. After that he has dedicated his life to destroying them.
Dean Fisher – human. Scum landlord to good upstanding goblins. forgot to bribe a local official.
Greta Howitzer- A human horizon walker ranger who was once a famed demon hunter. But while hunting members of the cult of Baphomet, she lost her mind in Baphomet’s lair. She has the madness ‘The world is my hunting ground. Others are my prey.’ She now views all humanoids as demons and will go to any length to hunt them down. She was imprisoned after spending her money building a massive maze, kidnapping people, and hunting them down in the maze.
Dominic Halfcastle – Halfling, originally in jail for tax evasion, now known for being transferred due to the murder and consumption of multiple sentients, claims the ability to kill sentients with his mind, has displayed no actual psionic or magical power
Vestlev the Mad – War criminal of the highest order, he has been moved to a normal prison as a temporary holding place until a proper area is found. He looks old and disheveled but is a mastermind when it comes to the magical arts of evocation. From his cell can be heard incoherent babbling, but do not be fooled, he has escaped before.
Minkus the Feebleminded – Everyone knows it’s a mistake that he’s in the prison. He’s a real sweetheart if a bit soft in the head. Sometimes his cell glows at night though. Oh, and don’t let him tell you about his nightmares if he says you were in one…
Sir Jim Haggins – A true gentleman at heart, he wears his ragged suit proudly. He’s perfectly polite in every way. He doesn’t look kindly on the poor however, oh no. He detests the poor. So much so that his hunting lodge was full to the brim with human trophies when the authorities finally tracked down ‘the Slum-spree Killer’
Thiggund – This hairy brute is referred to by the only word he heads ever been known to utter. When the villagers of a small farming community found him by the road, surrounded by the brutalized remains of a merchant and his horses, Thiggund was arrested on the spot.
Unburned Barty – A slight man with an unassuming smile. He survived being burned at the stake without a single scar. He was moved into isolation after his cellmates kept killing themselves
Billy Pumpernickel – A gnome who is well known and loved in the prison, but actually committed a horrible crime. Everyone just goes with it, and other than the one horrible unforgivable thing, he’s just a pretty nice dude. Like ‘Hey, there’s Billy. Yeah, he mutilated a few kids, but only once. Nice guy.’ (Edit: This would just be hilarious when the players try to come to terms on how to treat him)
The Time Master – Real name, age, sex, & race unknown. (S)he exists 5 minutes in the future. The cell was locked, and an empty plate appeared with a note. The note had an explanation and instructions. ‘Please place a full plate inside the cell each time an empty plate is discovered. Failure to do so will create a paradox and subsequently release the prisoner.’
Elwe – An elf who walks through the corridors of the prison as if he was someone free, talks to the guards and other prisoners as they were friends. Says he is in prison due to stealing, is actually hiding from the king, who wants to kill him since he killed his father
Ozob – An old looking human with hair only on sides and a fire potion (Molotov) where his nose would be. Always angry. Whenever someone looks wrong at him, he says: you are so annoying I might sneeze.
Walks-Winding-Paths – A tabaxi shadow monk, she is kept in a fully lighted cell at all times, wearing glowing enchanted clothing. She is only fed by guards under a faerie fire spell, as otherwise they would cast a shadow which she could teleport into to escape. She will attempt to convince a party member to give her a cloak, bowl, or other object to block the light with.
Garth the Radiant – A paladin of the fallen angel Zariel. His guards are ordered to hit him every time they see him meditating or praying, as that would let him regain the spells, she grants him and summon his enchanted mace, Purity, to destroy his cell. If the party can bring him his weapon, or even give him ten minutes of peace, he will consider himself honor-bound to grant them a favor upon request. If their aims align with his, he might even fight alongside them.
Nibbles – Literally just a warlock cat.
Iydis Tyger-Eye – Former Guld Leader, she is high level Fighter and also a Were-Tiger. Killed the heads of other Were families, in an attempt to seize power and take control of the protection of the city, and its criminal underworld.
Rollins – Air School Elemental Wizard. Believes in Anarchy and Equality of all races. In jail for starting a revolution and killing the Queen.
Herman – Normal human who built Mythic Bracers of Shatter that are only attuned to him. Had used the Bracers to gain access and rob several small vaults. Then he was caught by an adventurer after going for heist to rob a merchant banker when he refused to harm others to escape with the goods. He refuses to teach/sell the knowledge of how to make the Bracers as he doesn’t want others to use it to harm someone.
Roscoe Tealeaf – A well-dressed halfling who smells of saffron. He brokers deals between prison factions. It’s no secret that he is trying to escape. He claims he was framed by a noble, or maybe arrested breaking into the noble’s vault. He’ll tell anyone who asks that the noble has a dangerous artifact. Roscoe is a lore bard that specializes in counter spell silence and general magic user shutdowns.
John ‘Musical Manipulator’ Green – Half-elf, in jail for making a whole court dance for hours on end to prove a philosophical point that the upper class will just do as they say to hold up appearances and are so comfortable in their wealth, they can watch it be taken away and redistributed.
Colin Green – human. John’s half-brother who supported him and helped with a second set up hands to pull off music. Tuomas Yurke – elf. the voice and magic behind all of this. Started to talk to John about these thoughts and with a few others began to flesh them out into a more concrete thought and into a sound. Loved by the low class, anticipated and loved by the upper class even though it is all a misunderstanding. The three of them are located at different corners and different levels of the prison so the music can’t come together and convince guards to open up cages. Mail comes from them from all over. 2 members of their group are still at large.
Vaelh’noo – Githyanki sorceress who once commanded a powerful fleet in the astral sea before she was captured in a botched raid. Her secret is that she allowed herself to be captured to escape the wrath of the lich queen, whom she plots to overthrow from the safety of her cell.
Quikiliar – A doppleganger (Rogue). Thrown into prison for impersonating a person of high authority, they’re known for frequently making their way into guard chambers by pretending to be one. They can get access to a lot of things if you ask for it, but almost always ask for some odd favor or trinket, usually personal, like a lock of hair or an image of someone loved.
Locke – Once a guard themselves, this warforged fighter was sent to jail after attacking someone due to a misinterpretation of their actions. Unfortunately, this was also another guard with good standing with the warden, who had them put in. They serve their time willingly but can be interrogated or otherwise convinced to disclose explicit info about the prison and its guard shifts and similar.
Breeze – An air genasi artificer, she was thrown into jail after selling several infused items for high prices and then the infusing a different item. Since then, she’s gotten in good favor with guards and other inmates by enchanting some magic items and plans to use these favors and connections to escape at some point.
Zaurok – A Goliath Barbarian, although he acts calm and meditates. Known for the rare outbursts, during which he flies into a rage after being provoked or possibly from being disturbed while meditating. The several escape attempts that’ve happened are from him simply breaking the jail bars. Since then, he’s been relocated to a cell made out of adamantine.
Slicer – Kenku cleric. Devoted to a god of trickery, they gained their name after a particular… Prank, on part of their god. Around the jail will often prank the various inmates but is also known to make distracting sounds at the guards at night. Likely to be able to convince with shiny objects to prank someone or create a distraction.
Color-of-Blood – An insane Tabaxi woman incarcerated for eviscerating several people. Can often be found singing quietly to herself songs usually about ‘meal preparation’. Is usually docile and doesn’t react to being talked to unless threatened which she may attack while loudly singing ’50 ways to skin a human.’
Reginald Mark – A mild mannered human male incarcerated for a chain of serial killings. He claims he’s possessed by a banshee, but no one believes him. His speech has a feminine undertone and his skin is cold to the touch. Those who threaten him are usually found in the morning choked to death with a horrifying look on their face.
Tee’vah – Tiefling rogue who doesn’t seem too upset to be there. If approached he will happily show off a copy of his wanted poster, listing crimes from arson to murder. Secretly a doppelgänger who is honestly just trying to provide for his family and have some fun. Can break out any time he wants.
The Dread Pirate Azuzula, Roger, and Primten – A Tiefling, an earth genasi, and an air genasi. Azuzula seems useless but the other two are competent sorcerers. Despite this they follow her words to the letter. In for piracy. Azuzula can’t spell and keeps ranting about her ship the Doom Squid. Will challenge people to fights.
Taryon Sandstone – A half-elf paladin who used to be a slave fighting in gladiator pits. After gaining his freedom, he vowed to fight for the freedom of other and became a powerful hero. After the tragic loss of a close friend, he went on an overzealous crusade against slavers, killing them and their family as well as anyone who had in any way helped them (ship captains, harbor employees, food/clothes/rope vendors, blacksmith, etc.)
Tilby Valenois – A gnome mage of sorts who has committed zero crimes besides somehow breaking into a maximum-security prison and… staying there? The security guards have tried to get him to leave numerous times but usually get charmed or subdued out of it magically. Nobody knows why the gnome wishes to be there, but he hasn’t been messing with the order of things much.
Adelai – A rather amicable young woman. Nobody knows for sure what she’s in for, but general consensus is that it involved a basilisk head and the water supply to a small town
Vass – A large orc man that was used as a phylactery for a lich. Vass has been hearing whispers of the lich in his mind and is slowly being possessed. He has started doing horrible things under the influence of the lich. Performing Magic’s that he has no right to know.
Endeer – A being that inflicts his victims with horrible nightmares in each of these nightmares a horrifying creature appears to the dreamer and offers them the opportunity to “Loose yourself from the chains of your labored slumber” if the dreamer accepts, they never sleep again as their mind descends in to horrible madness
Cultists of the Basilisk – These cultists are attempting to create the creature they worship a terrible all-knowing basilisk they know that they will be successful and that the basilisk will destroy anyone who knew about him and didn’t help create him so they only share their beliefs with those they deem helpful or worthy of death
Arnold Long – A half orc/elf, he looks like a giant of a human and seems pleasant to be around in a group of people. While it appears, he is a big stupid sweet teddy bear of a person, his record is full of brutal killings that may or may not have happened. The last killings were not too long ago after a prison gang isolated Arnold in the showers and bribed a guard to not interfere. Long story short, the gang WAS major player in the prison, now all of its muscle IS dead, and the guard went missing. Arnold is to be handled with care and kindness.
The ‘Statue of The Maiden’ – It looks like a statue of a naked elven woman that was bought by a merchant (deceased) from an artist (deceased) who sold it to a noble (deceased) for a gift to his wife (deceased) and children (deceased). All that is known is the statue moves when not observed and will eat and clean itself. It leaves flirtatious messages for the guards it likes and death threats to the guards it hates. The artist swore on their deathbed it was a mistake for them to create it but, this is the only place it has been stored where it does not kill thought it has maimed a few people who fail to respect it. Attempts to remove, destroy, or study it has been ‘unfruitful and unwise’.
Inspector Brundt – A beardless dwarf imprisoned for the crimes of tax evasion, swindling, theft, and gross debt. He knows how to get things and bribes the guards to get luxuries and messages through the prison walls.
Tur the Kobold – He seems stupid and harmless. Everyone assumes he’s just a patsy who took the fall for a bigger criminal. Occasionally, though, he lets something slip that only someone high-level in a criminal organization would know.
Axe Hands – A warforged barbarian who found great success as a military shock trooper, but also was involved in an incident where he dismembered a commanding officer. Sees prison as an ‘extended furlough” and is convinced he’ll be let out when the next war starts.
Clara – A human paladin. Recruited into the military, she was driven mad by the trauma of war and turned oathbreaker. Jailed for the same incident as Axe Hands, having used her healing abilities to keep their victim from bleeding out after being dismembered. Lives to see people suffer but remembers enough of her pre-oathbreaker life to maintain a kind, innocent facade when it suits her.
Harald Silverfinger – An elf wizard who sees humans the same way a scientist sees a bucket full of white rats; testing fodder. They’re close enough to elves to be useful for experimentation, but short-lived enough that killing them really isn’t a big deal. It’s rumored that the local guild is secretly helping him continue his work, using his fellow prisoners as test fodder.
Verdos – A dwarven female cleric. Believes she was morally just in murdering the children of a local village. Full of righteous anger. Judges everybody according to her own warped and insane moral code. Can often barely be understood. In maximum security for obvious reasons. Can offer a range of cleric services at prison prices.
Tabitha Binks – A Tabaxi Rogue. An orphan growing up on the coast, she quickly fell in with the Revelry pirates. Tabitha learned to use her claws as lockpicks and may teach other Tabaxi how to as well. She was caught at sea after ambushing a wealthy fur trader.
James the Changeling – A male changeling known for impersonating the guides and has so far escaped every prison he’s been in. He’s a new inmate already planning his escape.
??? – the cell appears empty, save for a stool. Could be they’re just using it for storage. But, then why does that stool make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up?
Ood – A very old, frail and nearly paralyzed Illithid who sits still in solitary confinement, his blind eyes wide open, and only blinks or changes his position once or twice per year. Said to have messed something up when attempting to become an Alhoon. Nobody knows why he’s there, but he occasionally sends nearly unintelligible telepathic riddles to the other prisoners. Rumor has it he has invaded the minds of everyone in the prison and lives vicariously through their dreams at night.
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tinylittletreasures · 4 years ago
Hello my crows and goblins!
I felt like posting some more shinies so here’s some of the pretty necklaces I own <3
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Let’s run through each of em:
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This one a handmade necklace that I got on one of my trips. Handmade jewelry is just kinda my thing and supporting the nice lady who made it was a plus.
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Not much to say on this one, your average rose quarz necklace.
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This is just a cool little charm I put on a string, I think it looks neat.
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My uncles friend made this one, an amethyst bead with a little acorn cap. I try to wear it whenever I can, I love it a lot.
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Lastly here’s this super pretty handmade necklace I got at a local festival stand. It’s so pretty I’m afraid to wear it 😅
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cursewoodrecap · 4 years ago
Session 22: Five-Dimensional Man-Go
This is a session I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time. I get to introduce three of my favorite characters in the entire campaign. 
In the real world it’s been a while, but this was the session we officially welcomed a new chaos goblin player to the table. And damn, am I glad we did.
Valeria goes to Hoeska’s armor smiths for some upgrades, and accidentally kicks off a goth fashion montage. Her new armor has gorgeous black detailing with purple rose accents, accessorized with a brand-new Shusva-skin bag with matching claw clasp. Gral picks up a fancy Shusva-leather cloak and belt. Shoshana, realizing that a vampire’s castle is basically a Hot Topic, gets some fishnet arm warmers to accompany her fang necklace. We also get some healing potions and hope they aren’t made from lost souls or anything.
Valeria resummons Aethis, who pops back into existence in a burst of glitter that’s entirely incongruous with the local grim aesthetic. Apparently celestial gators are only mildly inconvenienced by fatalities.
As we hitch up the horses to get back on the road, we find out Ser Boris is also preparing to head out. “Woods full of many nasty creatures. Must keep hunting! Maybe I find way down to Barroch, I have heard monsters are attacking workers there.”
Gral perks up at the name of his people’s capitol. “I’m sure the orcs will treat you well. What kind of monsters are they dealing with?”
“Wolves, bears, maybe werewolf? I will find out when I get there! Cursebreakers do not have much of working relationship with orcs, so info is scattered. That is why I must investigate!”
While he heads south into orc territory, we’re gonna go north toward Sturmhearst to look into all the Key nonsense Professor Bjork told us is goin’ down. It’ll be a long trip; it’s on the coast, and we’re well into the heartland of the wood. As we get closer, we’re gonna have to look for new maps, too – the patchwork of safe zones and Curse disasters changes rapidly, and the roads that were passable a month ago might be deathtraps today.
We trek for several blessedly uneventful days. One night, in a region where a sizable number of halflings have settled, we have the fortune of seeing an inn on the horizon as night starts to fall. A sign proclaims the Fusilier’s Rest, a combination winery and inn located on a lush vineyard. Valeria’s kind of suspicious of anything too plant-based right now, but the rest of us totally want a winery tour.
We hitch up our wagon next to a post labeled Valet Parking. Aethis parks themself in the stables. Looking at the place, with its rather low doorframe and quaintly painted décor, we suspect Demish wine snootery instead of weird plant cults.
We duck through the door and take in the scene. It’s on the upscale end of totally normal, with locals sitting around eating and a huge pot of Demish onion soup bubbling on the hearth. The old halfling bartender is wearing pieces of a worn but well-cared-for blue-and-gold uniform. Two polished old pistols hang within reach on the wall, along with a pristine old Fusille musket in a place of honor behind the bar. Shiny medals in a handmade case are proudly displayed atop the bar.
As is D&D protocol, we look around for any notably wacky characters. We find them in the corner: an old man with unkempt white hair and multi-lensed, colorful glasses, engrossed in a game of Man-go against a young human doctor. We know he’s a doctor, because he’s got a stubby-beaked Sturmhearst mask pushed up to expose a tired but friendly face. His coat might once have been a lab coat, but it’s since been patched and sutured together so many times that it’s probably done a full ship-of-Theseus. His right arm is in a makeshift sling, and he’s nursing a small glass of Kevan vodka; probably the closest thing they have to rotgut moonshine in a wine-snob place like this.
We’re like, neat. Let’s eat soup.
Valeria orders a local vineyard wine and chats with the bartender about it. “The man who runs it is a madman; he thinks he can grow good wine grapes in Valdia. But he pays my sister well, she does her best.”
“Oh, don’t listen to René, his sister does marvelous work! No halfling will admit that wine grown outside Demionde will be more than spoiled grape juice,” teases one of the local barflies.
Gral asks Valeria who’s winning the Man-go game. The old man is rambling pleasantly, barely paying attention, and he is absolutely crushing the young doctor. The doctor looks like he’s totally aware he’s being taken to the cleaners, but he’s gonna let the old guy have his fun. As the game draws to a close, the younger man smiles ruefully and hands over a few coins. Meanwhile, the old fella, his eyes magnified to mismatched sizes by his funky glasses, spots our most conspicuous party member.
“Kyr! How’s the wine?” he calls, beckoning her over.
“Quite good actually!” Valeria chirps. “Was that the Kiloni maneuver?”
“Yes, or a variant I picked up somewhere! The Killam maneuver…kilometer…kilowatt? Something of the sort.”
Valeria very much wants to play him, and the old guy’s defeated opponent is happy to trade her his spot. The young man’s propped up leg hits the ground with a suspiciously loud clunk as he vacates his chair for her.
The old man peers up at her, bright-eyed even behind multiple layers of glass. “So what brings a Knight of the Rose here?”
“We’re headed to Sturmhearst, actually!”
“I see! I’ve heard the roads between here and there are pretty tricky to travel, you know.”
“No kidding. Do you have an updated map?”
He snaps his fingers. “No, but I just came from there! I’ve got an old map and I can easily update it for you kids. René is on night watch, I’ll leave it with him so you don’t have to stay up waiting for me to finish it. I know a route that’ll get you there lickety-split and safe as trousers! Now let me guess, you played at the clubs in Aurentium? You have the look about you.”
“Not the clubs, precisely…”
“Ah! Street rules, then!”
Valeria, who played Man-go against literally everyone who would have her, shrugs. “Maybe?”
“René, we’ll need some cups and a dumb hat!” the old man calls.
The young doctor wanders over to the bar and gets a refill, settling down next to Shoshana. “Hey, wanna bet on their game? The old guy’s pretty sharp.”
Shoshana laughs. “Oh, my friend is definitely gonna lose. I’ll put a silver on her, though, out of loyalty.”
It’s an odd game to spectate. Valeria falls behind early on; an insight check shows he’s not cheating, he’s just VERY good. Oh, and also Valeria’s assuming an entirely different set of house rules than this guy, and it’s tripping her up. Wait, are we doing street style, or dock style? Anyway, Valeria’s wearing the dumb hat now. At one point they both spit on the board.
“Y’know, I’ve never seen anyone from Sturmhearst take the mask off,” Shoshana says to her new drinking buddy, watching the game with confusion.
“On the clock, it’d be a safety hazard! But off the clock, eh, it’s fine. Some people get more elitist than me about it, I’m a hometown Valdian through and through.”
(You’re from Joisey, I’m from Joisey! What exit?)
“I haven’t actually been to the university since the Curse started, but I’m heading back to research some stuff I found out up in the Grammelsmarsh swamps. Some real disconcerting stuff regarding undead, and the like. The locals refer to it as the Wailing Wight.”
Shoshana gives him a once-over, rolling a decent Perception. He’s scruffy, though that could mostly be from hard travel, and definitely looks like he’s had a rough time of it. His arm’s in a sling and the little exposed skin Shoshana can see has more than its share of nicks and scars. His gait when he walked over was slightly uneven, one leg making a suspiciously heavy thunk against the wooden floor. Over his shoulder, he’s carrying a long, heavy case sealed with tar for waterproofing.
Hold up. She points to the case. “Do you have an alive guy in there?”
“You hesitated, and that’s not great.”
“Uh…no. No, I do not have an alive guy in here,” he says awkwardly.
“Okay, because the last time there was a weird bag, there was a whole-ass dude in there, and it turned into a whole thing.”
“N-no, no no no, there’s no person in the case,” he protests, not quite meeting Shoshana’s judgy cat eyes. He definitely doesn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, even though the case has started gently twitching.
Meanwhile, old Man-Go man has proved himself quite fluent in Draco-Aquilian, though with an unmistakable mammalian accent. Gral butts into the lively conversation when it winds back to Valdian. “It seems like you’re rather well traveled. What is your profession?”
“Oh, y’know, I go here and there. I’ve been around. There’s so much to see out there!”
Valeria smiles. “I can’t fault you there. Anything in particular you’re looking for?
“I go wherever the winds take me, mostly,” he says, as if Cursewood travel isn’t the most dangerous hobby since they invented pyromancer cookoffs.
Valeria, impressively, only loses the game by a little. The old man jovially shakes her hand and promises to go get started on that map to Sturmhearst for us, springing to his feet with surprising deftness for his age and bustling up toward his room.
Gral and Shoshana, meanwhile, are busy makin’ friends with the doctor guy. “What swamp were you fighting undead in?”
“The Grammelsmarsh? It’s downriver of Mornheim.”
“Ohhh! We heard some, uh, adventurers did a purifying ritual on the river. It might help your situation?”
“That’s great, but…I dunno. Once you mix in swamp gas, things get a lot more interesting.”
“The explosions kind of interesting?”
The players have noticed that our doctor friend here is, like…not an NPC, there’s another guy at the table (the same player as Isadora! :D), so we start sizing each other up as travel companions.
“You seem like a pretty decent guy,” Gral says, immediately insight checking.
“I mean, you guys seem on the up-and-up too?”
Shoshana winks at him. “Well, I’m not that up-and-up but these two are very diplomatic and important.”
“If you’re also headed up to Sturmhearst, it might make sense for us to travel together? I’m not very quiet,” he admits, knocking on his knee with a clang, “but if you-“
“Hello!” Valeria, hearing clanking, has clanked over loudly to join. “Kyr Valeria Argent, at your service!”
“Uh, hi! I’m Vigdor. I’m a doctor! I mean, you knew that, with the, uh-“ He points to his bird mask. “If you need any balms or salves – I mean, I’m mostly a surgeon, but I know some herbology.”
Is that so! We chat about Dr. Ulmus and Dr. Kjeller. Everyone loves Dr Kjeller!
“I’ve heard of Dr. Kjeller! I haven’t met the guy, but he’s the leading expert on troll physiology. Getting him to come lecture hasn’t worked out so far.”
We ask René the innkeeper about any local threats. Apparently this town’s gotten lucky; the biggest threats recently have just been bandits and one overaggressive badger.
“Oh yeah, one of my cats fought one of those, it went badly,” Shoshana remembers. “For the badger, I mean. I have weird cats.”
(The inn also has cat. His name is Jean Clawed.)
Eventually we all head upstairs. As the night bears on, the girls fall asleep, presumably after painting each other’s toe claws and gossiping. Gral’s still awake, practicing his lute in the rare luxury of a single room, when he pauses. Something doesn’t sound right.
Putting his lute aside, he listens cautiously at the window and feels a deep dread grow in his stomach. The faint scent of ozone drifts in the air. The crickets and night birds have gone dead silent, and in the unsettling quiet he can hear the terrible growling, piping sound he’s heard twice before: once in a house in a hole, and once as Bullbreaker’s expedition faced its destruction.
With great urgency and no volume control, Gral sends a Message to a sleeping Shoshana: “RED ALERT, KEY SHIT’S HERE.” Shoshana wakes up and kicks Valeria.
Gral then sends a Message to our new friend Vigdor, more calmly. “If you have weapons, get them now. Something is happening, it’s going to be dangerous.”
The early warning lets Vigdor and Valeria armor up, Shoshana helping Valeria buckle on the heavy pieces in a hurry. Meanwhile, Gral sprints downstairs, casting Mirror Image as he goes.
René the innkeeper is cleaning his fusille with practiced precision, humming an old marching song. Gral can hear something moving in the kitchen behind the old halfling, so he pops another stealthy Message cantrip. “This is the orc from earlier. I think something bad is in the kitchen – I’ve heard that noise before. Hold on tight to that musket, I’m going in.”
“The back door is locked, I would have heard someone come in,” the old soldier whispers back.
“These things don’t use doors,” Gral hisses.
A 17 Persuasion convinces René, who loads a bullet into his musket. “Where are those friends of yours?”
A heavy clank from upstairs answers that question, as Vigdor and Valeria thud toward the stairs. Gral scopes out the room and sees, on the bar, a big leather map case. The map from the Man-Go guy! Then he peers into the kitchen and, yup, that’s a fleshhound, all right.
Everyone else upstairs bursts into the hall just as a second fleshhound emerges into existence next to them. Shoshana, without hesitation, hits it with a gout of flame. Its strange ethereal flesh solidifies for a moment, but then it shakes itself and charges forward, its displacement energy restored.
Meanwhile, the one downstairs doesn’t aim for Gral or René, trying to run past them. Gral plays a discordant note on his lute, using his Minor Key at the opposite frequency to its vibration and preventing it from displacing, before he strikes. A spectral, scarred orc swings a warhammer down on the creature, Thrice-Burned’s ghost getting some payback as Gral’s blade strikes true.
René takes a shot with his musket and crit-fails, understandably freaked out by the writhing mass of teleporting tentacles, the wild shot careening directly into Gral. Luckily, it only pops a Mirror Image, but everyone upstairs hears a frustrated yell of “NO. FRIEND! ME FRIEND!”
Vigdor dashes past Valeria to the stairs, his previously-motionless arm reaching out of its sling to slap her on the armor with a resounding clash of metal. A silver Jotunn rune glows through the cloth of his sleeve, and she feels Protection from Good and Evil snap into place over her. She takes the cue and stabs the hound, rose vines bursting from her trident and stabbing their long thorns into its oddly flickering flesh.
The pupils on the Eyegis snap to the space behind the beast. Our normal eyes see nothing, but the Key-aligned shield’s eyes see a magical gate, faintly connected to the hound.
As a member of the Order of the Rose, Valeria’s trained to deal with fiendish incursions. This isn’t a portal to the Hells, but she thinks it might get closed similarly. As she charges forward to deal with it, everything seems to move twice as fast as it should: the Key’s spatial distortion has made certain areas the opposite of difficult terrain, where you can move double your speed. Nyoom!
Shoshana zaps it with lightning and heads downstairs to help Gral, who’s being slapped by tentacles. The zapped one flees toward the portal, but Valeria Sentinels and stabs it to death. The downstairs hound gets its tentacles into the real Gral.
Vigdor moves to Gral’s aid, ripping away the last of his sling and clamping a large circular blade to his forearm. With the pull of a ripcord, it loudly whirs into motion. As the Buzzing Butcher slams into the displacer hound with a gory squelch, he asks about sneak attack, like a rogue!
A very, very loud rogue.
Gral breaks away from the hound’s tentacles and looks around. Through the windows, more fleshhounds have appeared outside. The space outside is warped – leaving this inn is going to be very difficult while all this nonsense is going on. The lights of the vineyard seem miles away.
However, Gral realizes, the hound responded to the sound of his lute. And when he used his Minor Key he caught a glimpse of the portal it came through. He begins to play again, using the Minor Key to try to take control of it. The GM allows him to burn a 3rd level spell slot for a colossal roll of 33. He moves the portal inside a wall, to temporarily block anything coming through.
René takes a shot at the remaining hound and misses.
Valeria, upstairs, draws her chained sword and spends a 1st level slot to try to close the portal, the same way paladins close Infernal gateways. The chains of Rack extend from the sword and stitch the portal shut.
(Gral and Valeria each gain inspiration for using Portal Trixx!)
A Thing Occurs at initiative 0, and we hear strange piping coming from the stables. We’re kind of occupied, so we trust Aethis to bite anything that bothers the horses.
Shoshana sprints down the stairs and to the bar. Aw, there’s another flesh hound coming in from the kitchen. Her Chill Touch misses, and the new monster slaps Gral.
Vigdor nyooms through a Zoom, which makes some Really Weird doppler effects happen with his clanky leg and his buzzy arm. He slides across the bar like an action hero and slams his saw down, missing the hound and showering the room in a hail of splinters.
Valeria is still upstairs, and it is LOUD downstairs. She’s gonna dash to get the heck down there and rejoin the festivities.
Gral Phantasmal Forces the new fleshhound, and in its mind, horrible liquid tendrils emerge from the soup pot and constrict around it. The soup rises to the defense of the Fusilier’s Rest!
René gets his wits about him and takes a pistol shot at the nearer fleshhound, tagging it with a bullet and keeping it in place. “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. OUR POLICY IS NO PETS! I will not make an exception for you, you do NOT seem particularly polite!”
The fleshhound grabs the map case off the bar and starts to run for it. René hits it with the butt of his rifle. The second hound can’t attack Vigdor since it’s too busy convincing itself soup isn’t dangerous, so Vigdor’s free to draw his pistol and unload a Sneak Attack bullet into the fleeing hound’s back.
René reloads his musket. It’s been a long time since he’s done it under fire, but the Royal Fusilier Corps of Demionde does not half-ass their training.
The portal the hound’s heading for bisects a wall now, so it might be hard for the hound to get through.  Before it can worry about that, though, it comes face to face with Valeria, who’s ready to rumble. She kills it, dropping the map to the ground, and skitters through the Zoomy Zone to try to trident the second hound. It displaces out of the way.
Gral seizes control of another portal, and this time decides to use it to see what’s going on. He tries to hop out to the stables, where that weird noise is coming from. He enters a weird nether space full of the flickering bodies of fleshhounds, writhing and blinking, which the DM calls the Threshold. Gral accepts psychic damage to see what’s going on, and the patterns become clearer as the Key takes hold temporarily in his brain. These portals all connect to each other and the Threshold at the same time. Whatever’s out in the stables, making that eerie piping noise, is tied to the portals – it can’t fully exist in our realm. So if you close all the portals, it’ll force that thing to leave; if you drive it away, the portals will close. Either way, the Key’s influence on this place will fade.
Oh, and that thing out in the stables? It’s the Lurke r again.
Gral’s old enemy wrests control of the portal back from Gral, who stumbles back out into the inn, reeling from the sudden whammy of Key taint.
Shosha shoots lightning at the nearest hound, which retaliates by leaping through her, disrupting her matter with its own. It’s a highly unpleasant experience. A new hound jumps out of the portal next to Valeria. As Vigdor, Shoshana, and René all attack, Gral shuts another portal with his lute’s magic. “Guys, there’s something horrible in the stables!” he shouts. “If we bust enough portals it’ll go away!”
The Lurker continues to make mysterious dice rolls, but apparently it’s rolling poorly, so we don’t quite find out what it’s up to. It peers through one of the last few portals, only visible to Gral and the Eyegis. It’s hard to get a good look at, fifth-dimensional as it is, but it’s weirdly humanoid, actually? It’s surrounded by floating lanterns and holding some sort of pipe or flute.
(The DM notes that Jean Clawed is awake and doesn’t see why any of this is his business. He’s capable of using the portals; he’s not Key tainted, that’s just how cats are.)
We exchange blows with the remaining hounds, Chromatic Orbs flying and chainsaws buzzing. René bayonets a hound to death, for the honor of all NPCs.
Gral powerslides on his knees across the Zoomy Zone, playing a complicated riff, woobling himself right through the fireplace into the kitchen. He spends another level 3 spell slot to get the portal to dance itself shut. “And that was Through the Fire and Flames!”
René reloads his gun. Shoshana blasts the hound with fire, so Vigdor’s action goes off and he chainsaws it to death, the body and spine getting caught in the spinning chain. FATALITY.
The searing light of Shoshana’s fire casts sharp shadows on the walls of the inn, which begin to writhe and re-form, swirling together into a lithe, snarling feline shape that springs toward the Lurker. It pounces with an odd, broken yowl that’s incredibly familiar – although Valeria and Gral have only ever heard it once, from underneath an overturned laundry basket.
Vigdor, who’s never met a flesh-hound OR a cursecat before, makes an arcana check to figure out what in the seven hells is going on. It seems some sort of entity is thinning the barriers between realities? Its very essence seems to be intermingled with portal; it cannot fully leave the portal or exist in this realm. Like a malevolent, sentient pair of curtains.
He’s like okay, curtains sound like something I can chainsaw. It’s curtains for you, see? (Fun fact: if he rolls 21 or higher on attack roll with chainsaw, he gets sneak attack regardless of other circumstances. Because it’s a goddamn CHAINSAW.)
The Lurker turns its attention directly on us, or at least to the enormous hissing cat hellbent on ruining its day. Gral, still strumming furiously, realizes the Lurker’s only got a couple of portals left. He’s closed a portal already; he’s gonna try to close all of them for good. The DM imposes disadvantage and a brutal pile of psychic damage, but Gral is unphased, hitting a power chord that shakes the entire inn.
The Lurker screeches and reaches for him, the space around Gral beginning to warp, but it’s too late, the portal slamming shut against it. The Zoomy Zones vanish; the portals close, the strange atmosphere fades. The road looks to be the size it was before instead of an endless stretch of packed earth; the vineyard is once again an easy ten-minute walk away.
His big solo complete, Gral sways and collapses unconscious. Valeria runs over and Lays On Hands so he doesn’t die, while Vigdor starts casting Mending on the destroyed bar furniture. Shoshana, meanwhile, just stares dumbstruck at the place where a huge spectral cat is dissipating into shadowy smoke.
René is holding himself together, but he’s an old man and it’s been a while since he fought this much. He took a bit of damage; Valeria pat pats him some HP. “Thank you, Kyr. I…I need to check on my other guests. The old man with the Man-Go game, we must find out if he lives.”
Valeria accompanies him upstairs. Rack’s glowing rose vines are still visible, stitching the portal shut; it’s healing more quickly than Valeria’s used to seeing. The door to the old man’s room swings open under Valeria’s cautious knock. The bed is unmade but empty, and the old man’s luggage is gone. The only things left are a generous tip on the counter and his odd multicolored glasses.
As Vigdor steps outside to clean viscera off his chainsaw, Gral scopes out the stables. There’s evidence of disturbed earth around the grounds, but nothing conclusive. Aethis seems to be unbothered.
We reconvene without much to show for our investigation. But we have one last clue: Why were the hounds so interested in the old man’s map? We spread it out on one of the bar tables and crowd around. It’s a map of Valdia, but the path it shows us to take to Sturmhearst makes No Sense. It’s not even contiguous! It tells us to start here and wander north, and then the line cuts off next to some scribbled equations, the route picking up again elsewhere, where he’s drawn a symbol we don’t recognize – and so on, in strange and nonsensical disconnected paths.
Shoshana, on a hunch, puts on the multicolored glasses the old man left behind. Like 3D glasses, they reveal the hidden image. Through the kaleidoscopic lenses, she can see remnants of the Key’s influence all around the inn; the fading Zoomy Zones and closing portals light up in ultraviolet. The map, meanwhile, has gained an entirely new dimension, like a layer of holographs. NOW the shortcuts make sense – they route through other dimensions along the z-axis, with additional symbols and labels giving helpful hints.
To be honest, it does look like a much faster route. And one of the notes says it leads to the “Drowned City” – hey, isn’t that where Bullbreaker ended up? But we’re all rightfully wary of hopping right back into another flesh-hound portal disaster.
We now have the Extradimensional Map and the Stranger’s Glasses.
Oh! The map has a note for us: “Happy Journeys to a fellow master of the game. Your friend, T.T.”
We immediately rifle through our notes and realize he may have been Professor Trevor Twombly, Headmaster of Sturmhearst. Vigdor, did you know that guy?!
Vigdor didn’t recognize him. Maybe the guy looked like Twombly, if you squint? There were a lot of old men at Sturmhearst, and they wear masks most of the time? Also he had distracting glasses? So, like…maybe?
As we bicker, Vigdor snags the glasses off the table and heads to his room, opening up his case and taking a look. The lenses don’t reveal anything new about the object inside.
Unfortunately, the poor rogue didn’t bother to stealth. “Whatcha doin’ in here?” says Valeria, who followed shortly behind.
“Um, just looking at my leg, seeing if anything is weird-“
Valeria immediately checks Vigdor’s lower limbs for wounds. “I can help! An extra pair of hands can always-”
“No, no! I think I’m okay! Really!” he protests. He glances into the case again, clearly torn, and sighs. “Let me explain.”
He lifts a whole human leg out of the case, kicking and twitching.
“This is my leg, and I’m taking it to Sturmhearst. I’m not sure if it’s wholly mine anymore.”
Through his torn pants, Valeria can see a clunky clockwork leg to match his buzz-saw arm.
One player immediately yells “FULL METAL ALCHEMIST.” Another player says it again, in a slightly different voice.
Dr. Vigdor Gavril has joined the party!
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rattusrattus3 · 6 years ago
Elf Wear
Hi pals :) after posting some of my costume pics [here] I thought i would show the pieces i wear for my elf costumes separate so ya’ll can see more clearly and without my crap lighting :) 
If anyone is interested in tutorials for specific items/looks lemme know and i can do step by steps of making different pieces if anyone is interested 
ok but on to this! 
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foam antlers from my local Halloween store, dragon wings from the thrift store and two handmade flower crowns 
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2 pendants from my mom, a copper locket from my boyfriend, a sliced piece of wood from my brother, and a labradorite wire wrapped pendant 
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a thrifted bear hood and a piece of “creepy cloth” from the Halloween section of the dollar store that i use as a shawl 
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all made from thrifted materials hot glued onto bras or bikinis by yours truly 😇 (i used plastic leaves, green fringe, fabric scraps, seashell necklaces, white flowers, cut up doilies, old pearl necklace) 
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a handmade skirt (made by tying fabric to a belt with metal rings), and one my mom bought me as a present, legwarmers made out of the sleeves of a jacket turned inside out, thrifted boots and leg warmers 
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another skirt made by tying fabric to a belt, and a belt i made from wrapped quartz crystals, polished agate crystals and seashell necklaces. 
Ok friends thats all for now!!! will post gothy dragon costume pics and their respective pieces later >:) 
EDIT: Other costumes!!!!
*+:。.。see fairy goblin[here] 。.。:+*
*+:。.。see fawn fairy [here]。.。:+*
*+:。.。see fairy dragon [here]。.。:+*
*+:。.。see swamp witch [here]。.。:+*
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endymionstudies · 5 years ago
Can we get your favourite memory :)
oof this one took a lot of thinking, but i would have to say, at least from the past few years, its going to san diego comic con for the first time
just, the complete and utter awe i felt. my dad had been going for a few years and always sent me photos and told me about it, but just? being there for myself for the first time? absolutely incredible. 
imagine: clear skies, san diego heat at a solid 90F, the smell of the water being right on the marina, and everything pop-culture and comic related you can think of. anything and everything. the entirely of the gaslamp district next to the convention center is dedicated to comic con, and then the two hotels next to it. id say a solid two square miles, probably more, is all comic con for a week. its beautiful.
i saw fucking ming na wen and clark gregg the first year i went, and then tara strong and the rest of the teen titans voice cast this year. maggie stiefvater. laini taylor. marissa meyer, ve schwab, hafzah faisal. 
and the cosplay. the sheer amount of time and dedication these people have to their outfits is otherwordly. there was one guy in a full, handmade chainmail captain america suit. i people who havent worked chai/scalemail cant begin to comprehend the amount of dedication you have to have to do that. this man worked 8+ hours every weekend for something like EIGHT MONTHS to make it. i made one shirt out of scalemail which is easier and less time intensive and it took me a little over a month. 
people who lived locally or even paid for the extra cargo for flights could bring massive, and im talking massive builds. there was one guy who was some weird fucking glowing tree goblin i dont even know what the fuck that was. but its was easily at least 7 feet, had a full body worth of green LEDs, smoke, and was fully mobile. one family dressed up as the characters from beetlejuice. i saw wonder women with screen-accurate leather cosplays that they made themselves. 
im still learning and working on my cosplays, and i can only hope to be as good as these people some day. and everyone is so NICE. everyone is there to have a good time and just to show off their cosplays. i never once encountered any gatekeepers, or anyone who thought i shouldnt be cosplaying loki because im a girl. i talked to people who wanted to know how to make scalemail, or who had made scalemail before and were impressed on my shirt for being a first project. i had people who wanted to talk because i shared a common interest.
so yeah. going to sdcc for the first time is one of my favorite memories, and i really hope that i keep getting to make more each year i go
sleepover tuesday - ask me questions while i’m packing!
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goblin-scribbles · 6 years ago
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Interested in my handmade leg garters?
Step 1: pick a fabric!
Step 2: Decor (ribbons, chains, lace, etc)
Step 3: Details! Pick out a button!
All this 100% handmade for just $15!
Additional decorations can be added for just $3. Don't see something you'd like? For $3 per piece, I'd be happy to purchase supplies just for you!
All garters are made from sturdy elastic and are perfect for casual, or not so casual alternative wear💀 I'm always open to negotiation regarding construction and will happily work with your preferences!
Thanks for supporting your local Goblin 🎃
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awed-frog · 7 years ago
This is going to be a mess - I had to erase the original post because the bots just wouldn’t stop coming, so here is how it all started -
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And here are your kind requests -
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So - thank you for your lovely asks and PMs - here we go. 
(Keep in mind that those moments were hugely embarrassing to me, so you shouldn’t find them funny or anything. They’re tragic stories I’m relating for your moral betterment - that is all.)
1) The ‘The Greeks Made Me Do It’ story
As a bit of background, I was eighteen and had just moved to another city to start my studies. I’d been there for a month, knew literally no one, had no idea where half my classes were and my ideals of switching to a Sophisticated Look and becoming A Lady had miserably failed, which means I was walking around wearing this insanely expensive, Managing Director of the IMF coat plus combat boots and frayed jeans plus a lopsided handmade scarf and 'Marilyn going on Morticia’ lipstick (I worried - a lot - about being the only weirdo and the only unfinished person in the entire town, because that was before I met Hamster Girl and Colour Matching Girl and I spend as much on weed as you do for rent but everything I own is see-through, threadbare or ripped Guy). Plus, I couldn’t speak or understand the local language all that well, and I’d taken to nodding and smiling whatever people said, which generally made me look like an idiot and meant I never knew what was going on. 
(And, yes, it’s tempting and it seems like the easier option, but seriously - don’t do that.) 
All of that means I was more or less living in the university library so I could pretend I had a purpose in life and, well, going from a high school library to a real academic library was like stepping into the Restricted Section - I mean, of course, I read what I was supposed to read, and I lost myself in serious books that had little to do with my actual subjects (that was my Minoan period - I’m sure every Classics student had one), but there were also the - uhm - other books, you know? All those studies about homosexuality in the Greek world, and how Mapplethorpe’s pictures were connected with frescoes of Saint Sebastian, and people having sex with statues and kings trying to trick their young wives into anal and truly lurid collections of Greek art which my high school teacher had once described as ‘Something you should probably have a look at, but if I let you borrow my copy your parents would not be happy with me’. And on that particular day, I had actually devoted my afternoon to a no-nonsense book about Eastern influences in Greek art, and well, the study of lovers and concubines on Greek amphorae was a sort of a plan B to relax a bit between chapters, because I was reading in a foreign language and it was hard work and when you don’t know anyone, it’s like you’re the only one working, right, and everyone else is off to wild parties and poetry lectures and screenings of a Guatemalan movie you never knew existed and that’s depressing af, so yay for weird art - but at around five I realized the day was done and I didn’t want to give the dirty book back because, come on, it wasn’t that dirty and I had a right to read it and it was complemented with passages by Theophrastus and Plato, plus it had come to me via the now defunct goblin-based system of tunnels underground the reading room -
~note - for younger readers, these things~
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- so I didn’t want to give it back and go through the hassle of requesting it again, and I remember the fuck it moment that came over me - I was eighteen, I was studying the damn stuff, so I’d borrow the damn book and if the librarians disapproved, well, they could bite me.
(Obviously, they didn’t disapprove. The bored guy at the service desk didn’t even look at me, because nobody looks at you, ever, and your life is your own, so go live it.)
And next, I had to go shopping because there’s only so much time you can survive on cold cereal - and suddenly there I was, in a big and foreign supermarket, a dirty book burning a hole through my old Invicta, my Queen of England coat clashing with everything else I was wearing, and I was moving from aisle to aisle without making eye contact and trying to remember what spices were called in French, and I’d almost made it - I was collecting my mismatched groceries on the other side of the till when the bloody alarm started blaring, and two uniformed guards appeared out of thin air and it was like one of those slow-motion scenes in movies, right, when the dust in the air glimmers like gold and sound is no longer a thing and someone’s talking and everybody is staring and when God pushed the ‘resume normal speed’ button the two men were gesturing and smiling smugly and there was this old lady next to me and she was taking in my luxurious coat and my frayed jeans and putting two and two together - I physically felt her horrified, gleeful gaze on me like scalding water - and Jesus, I could see the headlines in my local paper already ‘Young Promise of Sci-Fi Literature Arrested’ (I was writing fantasy back then, but most normal people don’t seem to know the difference) and there were my parents, okay, my poor parents walking with their heads down as formerly friendly neighbours threw garbage at them and someone would interview my history teacher and he was bound to say, ‘She was something of a strange girl, but I never thought she’d end up in prison’ and next, of course, came the walk of shame in front of all twelve tills, with dozens of proper adults (people with families and eggs in their baskets, women with tasteful lipstick and women with kids and doggies instead of books about dead prostitutes) staring at me in disapproval, and What has the world come to and I heard that today, young women are as likely to commit crimes as young men and Do you think she’s on drugs? and then I was forced into the Small Room of Humiliation and asked to please empty my bag, so out came the frosting I was planning to eat raw and the crown of garlic I’d bought because it looked pretty and had no intention of ever using and a giant-ass bag of rice and as I looked on, horrified, I realized nothing made sense with anything and even those burly, middle-aged men could see that just fine - but, well, every single horrifying, meaningless item was on the receipt, so they had me empty my pockets (one condom, safety pins, a Swiss knife, an IKEA pencil and a very smooth and round rock, God have mercy on me) and next we all looked at one another like, What now? and that’s when I truly gave up on rational thinking, okay, because my first instinct is always to be of service, and so I said, in my heavily accented French, ‘The library book has a barcode, maybe that’s the problem?’ and of course, they hadn’t really looked at the book yet - it was face down on the formica table, looking all prim and innocent in its unassuming dark blue cover, but when the older man picked it up with his bear paw, I suddenly realized the front of it was quite different - I sat there and saw his eyebrows disappear into his hairline as he took in the big-ass picture (a painting of a woman fellating a much younger man) and the title (something along the lines of, THE JOYLESS SEX - TALES OF THE PLEASURE WOMEN, in all capitals, because books about Greek art don’t sell all that well, so anything to do with sex is pimped up to trick the unsuspecting general audience into giving it a shot) and of course he had to open it, because that’s how humans are wired, okay, and the thing right in the middle was a goat-like creature doing unspeakable things with two women and every single cell in my body wanted to explode and disappear and shout ‘IT’S MANDATORY READING FOR THIS CLASS I’M TAKING’, which was a lie, anyway, and I couldn’t get the words out and I couldn’t look up and I couldn’t look away - after a few excruciating minutes (seconds? hours?), the guy scanned the book on his barcode machine and yep, that’s when we all learned that library books respond to the same anti-theft thingies that pick up on stolen wine and cookies and fine cheeses, and Sorry, miss, and You have a good evening, now, and he was extremely uncreepy about it, but it was still hard to find my way out because of the WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOUNG PEOPLE UP THESE DAYS bewilderment that was shining like a beacon around his entire body, so, yeah - that was pretty embarrassing.
2) The ‘A Four-Part Seduction’ story
This actually happened almost one year before my adventure with the scanning machine - I was in my last year of high school, had kissed exactly 1 (one) boy, failed to seduce 3 (three) other boys despite my fox-like cunning and my sunny disposition, and I was now ready to sacrifice everything (well: my sanity and my dignity) for The Boy - a basketball player with a long, horse-like face and zero talent in anything whom for some reason I fancied the pants off.
(Looking back, I think I liked he was quiet and kind, and the age-old problem when you’re attracted to mysteriously self-effacing people is that you’re never quite sure - is there a colourful and occasionally wild ocean behind their silent lips and far-off gaze, or are they not saying anything because an evolutionary mishap converted half their brain into a second spleen, and therefore they were left with the mental capacity of a vivacious Mexican mole lizard? The joy is in finding out.)
Anyway, I have a feeling things haven’t changed all that much, but back then when you were intent on romantic hunting, you usually enlisted the help of your closest friends - people who inevitably were: 
your age 
not very familiar with The Boy and
generally speaking, completely unsuited to hatching a failproof seduction plan of any kind.
On this particular occasion, my advisors were: 
a girl who’d been the better half of a couple for time untold (three months, two weeks and five days) and was thus The Expert
another girl who’d done ‘not it, but almost’ with an unnamed boy she’d met over the summer
a third girl who still didn’t quite understand what ‘it’ meant and 
my only guy friend who was actually in love with me and I only found out about that twenty years later and that was one true what the fuck moment, because then I wondered what else I hadn’t seen when I was a teenager even if it was there in plain sight (like the fact my German teacher preyed on young boys, for instance,but that’s another story).
So, well - part A of The Plan - getting to know him better - had failed miserably, because what can you discuss with someone you only see once a week in French class and you have a monster crush on? I mostly pestered him about homework dates and then stared mutely at his hands as he turned the pages of his school diary and my God, he must have thought I was an anxious, forgetful idiot with absolutely zero life, ‘which means he already knows you better than most people,’ my best friend said consolingly, before trying out her married name signature (Alice DiCaprio) one more time. And as for part B - that had succeeded, but at what cost? Because through a string of sleights of hand and corruption, we’d managed to shift half our classmates around on the seating chart, so I was now sharing a desk with The Boy himself, but so far that had resulted in some awkward staring (mine), a couple of embarrassed smiles (his) and about 50 000 volt of electricity going through my entire body every time his elbow bumped into my arm by mistake (which happened a lot, because he was left-handed and I’m not and we were sitting the wrong way around). 
Now, this had been going on for weeks when the skies suddenly opened above me and the teacher, an I’m frankly disappointed in how everything turned out ‘68 hippy, assigned us a written essay on Victor Hugo and socialism, something that, as an anxious, forgetful idiot with absolutely zero life, I knew quite a lot about. Plus, I was good at French, and that’s how The Boy turned towards me and asked if I’d be willing to help him, his hazel eyes all clear and earnest, shining like stolen jewels on his horse-like face, and being a Cosmo reader, I heard myself laugh throatily and ask, ‘Sure - what will you give me in return?’ and fuck, how do these things happen and why are we not in control of our own bodies and also thank God, because he blinked at me and then said, in a slow voice I read as flirtatious, ‘I’ll buy you a drink’. And that’s how we all entered part C - there were weekly meetings with him in the library to write the essay together, and daily meetings with my girlfriends to analyse everything we’d ever said to each other and I think he was looking at you during break and I saw him blush twice now, he must be sensitive and My sister knows his cousin, I can tell her to ask him if he’s seeing anyone and also long walks by the river with my long-suffering guy friend during which I rambled on and on about how shiny The Boy’s hair was and he contributed to this mind-blowingly fascinating conversation mostly in uhms and grunts.
(Again, how could I have been so stupid? I mean, it was for the best in the end, but - ouch.)
And one windy evening of March, lo and behold, it was finally time for part D (no pun intended) - a bona fide D-A-T-E with The Boy, and possibly there’d be fireworks and he’d say, I’ve been wanting to kiss you for weeks and some tourist would snap a candid photo of us and then marvel at it, years and years later, because Do you ever wonder what happened to this couple, Mabel? Look at how happy and in love and beautiful they are and I’m not saying cover of the National Geographic, but cover of the National Geographic. Also, movies had taught me what was supposed to happen, you know?, 
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which is why I borrowed make up and rollers from one of my friends and did a clothes pre-selection with her and then a second selection with my guy friend -
(I remember him sitting cross-legged on my bed and strumming my mom’s guitar as I hid behind the closet door to try on The Makeover Outfit and how his expression barely changed when he saw me in a skirt for the first time - how he said, ‘You look - good. He’s an idiot if he doesn’t go for it,’ and how the music turned into something slow and mournful as I disappeared again to put my jeans back on, and what the hell?)
- and at nine pm, I was ready - I had leveled up and transformed, or so it seemed - gone was the windbreaker, and the crappy Converse, and the overlarge plaid shirt - instead, my hair was curled in the right way and my skirt was short but not too short and I’d even bought a push-up bra which was uncomfortable as hell but Who cares, uh?, who cares? And let’s pretend my make-up was still perfect after biking twenty minutes in the half rain, because when I walked into the bar, some catchy song was on and my brand-new hoop earrings were catching the light just so and I was the Goddess of French and Sex and WITNESS ME and we saw each other at once - he was sitting with his friends, the Popular Good-at-Hockey Guys, and he turned as he heard the door open, as if he’d been expecting me, and he immediately smiled and came towards me and ‘So, what can I get you?’ and of course I ordered wine, because I was Sophisticated and also A Lady and as he pushed his way towards the counter I sat down at the only table for two and subtly (I hope) adjusted my cleavage and crossed my legs and wondered whether I should whip my copy of Rimbaud’s Les Illuminations out of my (well: my mom’s) purse just to make it extra clear I meant business, or if that would be considered impolite - a kind of, ‘You took forever to get me that drink’ reproach - and as I was still trying to decide, he came right back, all perfect and tall and horsey-looking in a grey shirt, and he was carrying my wine and a pint of dark beer and some idiotic voice in my head said, ‘Yes, we’d known each other for months, but I remember the night we truly fell in love - your father used to drink these strong beers, you know, and that evening-’ and before that thought could go anywhere, The Boy was there, at my table - he handed me the wine (our fingers touched) and he said ‘Thanks again, really - I would have been dead without you’ and then - and then he walked away and fucking sat down with his friends again because apparently he was a damn sophist underneath that equine disguise and he’d promised me a drink and now I had a drink and what the fuck? and for the second time that night I considered turning to Rimbaud, but you should never turn to Rimbaud because he was an addict and a killer, so I drained my wine in one gulp, looked around desperately, my vision already fogging over, for someone I could bother - there was no one I really knew, only older people and party people and cool people who were already looking at me weirdly - I shrugged my coat on and waved joyfully at The Boy on my way out and man, it’s been twenty years but sometimes I still wonder at it - I don’t think he wanted to be rude, I’m sure he was like me, awkward and empty-headed and inexperienced, and he now works with snakes in Canada so maybe there was something interesting about him, but after I never go to the movies guy and Do you go to this school? guy and Sorry, I’m looking for someone who’ll choke me during sex guy and - mostly - the ghost music / still not sure he existed for real guy, well - that was a crushing moment and the end of my grand plans and when I started to simply tell guys ‘I like you’ and also follow them home before they could realize what was going on and, whatever, if you’re looking for dating advice, that works much, much better. 
[Thanks again for your messages - if you like my writing, please visit my AO3 page!] 
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moonmothmama · 5 years ago
And Bartleby Flies Off Into The Night
so it’s been a long ass time since the last DND game with 2/3 sibs, and since my brother was around, we videochatted with our sister at my kitchen table. it’d been such a long time since we played that he couldn’t find his sheet on the Turtle Wizard that accompanied my dwarf cleric and my sister’s halfling rogue (and Bartleby*, the baby owlbear cub that hatched and imprinted on said halfling) to the town we ended up in, so it turned out that Turt Wiz got ‘called away’ and had to leave. my brother decided to pick up Bartleby and wow, did shit get crazy.
*named for the baby rat creature Smiley Bone adopted
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so anyway we fast forward two weeks, and we’ve been in this town, training this baby owlbear not to kill everything it sees, raising it, yadda yadda. and this is a little one horse town; the kind of place where adventurers pass through, not hang around two weeks with what they’re calling a Weird Bird, Nothing To See Here, Move Along, Sorry He Ate Your Cat
and one day we’re called up by the local magistrate, a haggard looking but obviously noble man who lives in a grand mansion, starkly different from the village’s Rustic Aesthetic. my dwarf recognizes the magistrate’s mansion as elvish stonework; it’s been there for a long time, and the town has pretty clearly been built around it.
so we walk in there, my sorta stoic red-bearded dwarf cleric, and an obviously hungover hobbit with an ungainly adolescent Abomination on a handmade leather leash, which upon entering the hall emits a weird cry “somewhere between a wolf’s howl and a horror movie,” that echoes horribly in this big vaulted room, and every fucking guard turns around and is shitting themselves, except the one guy who went to fetch us, who signals everybody not to shoot it.
and so we’re led in and the magistrate, who was in a meeting, hurries everyone out of the room to talk to us. and he’s spellbound by this terrifying creature, who is standing on his table eating a dead rat that my sister’s hobbit has tossed him, like a milk-bone tossed to a dog to bribe it to behave.
and he’s like. listen: i know exactly what this creature is, and it sure as shit isn’t a ‘Weird Bird.’ he proceeds to say he needs an Extermination done, and dumps half of a hefty bag of platinum and jewels on the table. he says that’s the down payment, and we get to keep it if we prove we killed even one of the things he wants dead.
turns out the veil is thin in this whole area, and every once in a while a great white stag will wander through, and it’s great for tourism, all the hunters come around, blah blah blah. but in his mansion, every night around midnight, these nasty little oily goblin-type dudes pop out of the shadows and make him miserable. no wonder he looks like shit all the time.
so we say yep, we’re on the job, and after a supply run for nets and traps, we come back and set up in the magistrate’s chambers.
my dwarf is hiding on the four poster bed with Bartleby, and the hobbit is hiding in the wardrobe, and right around midnight, we hear a whole fucking commotion. we set the traps in the doorways of the upper floor, and with his sharp little ears, the halfling hears that every single one of them has been set off.
there are three of these gross little oily dudes (that i forgot the name of now) in the room; a bigger one in the trap whose leg is Fuckt, and two smaller ones. the bigger one starts muttering something and we’re engulfed in an enchanted shadow that our darkvision (dwarf and bartleby already see in the dark, and hobbit has a magic sword from the tomb of sextus varius that grants the ability) cannot penetrate.
but since we’ve been training this owlbear, we give it the Kill command (which my sister decided is “go snackies!”) and it flies up out of the pocket of darkness and swoops down toward the little greasy things. Boggles!! they’re called boggles. i had to look it up.
right. so.
Bartleby misses at first, and there’s a little fumbling brawl, but the hobbit managed to get an arrow off before the darkness fell, and one of them is half dead. we suffer minor injuries, but then Bartleby swoops again, and this time he doesn’t miss. we hear a disgusting flesh ripping noise and some screams, and suddenly the shadow has lifted.
the big guy in the trap has been eviscerated and is hanging onto life with but a slender thread. he leaps onto another one and fucks him up too. Bartleby is covered in inky blood and gore, and he turns to my sister’s hobbit like, “look momma! Bartleby do good?” so she throws him another rat treat because he did indeed Do Good and he sets upon this feast of nastiness as we run off to check the other traps.
we get to the hallway and the traps, which we know have already been tripped, have been set again and are sitting in the doorways. i Do Not Like This. as i’m saying this to my halfling friend, two hands come out of the two opposing doorways and deposit two little lit bombs on the floor. we fail a dexterity check and take some damage from the bombs, then fail a perception check as we’re running from the explosion and run right into our own traps, which have been moved to the threshold of the next doorway.
by now i’m down to 9 hp and my sister is down to like four, so while her halfling uses his turn prying the trap off his leg, my dwarf decides to just leave it there and use his turn to heal the halfling, who goes back up to 9hp himself. we are standing in this silent, empty room, and since we don’t know where they’ve gone, we set Bartleby on them again (“Bartleby! Go snackies!”) and follow where he leads us. down the stairs to the ground floor. two of these nasty guys are waiting at the bottom of the stair, and two pop out from the doorway behind us. we fail another check and get stuck to the stairs by some nasty sticky goop and have a really ridiculous fight where everyone misses each other pretty much every time. halfing rogue drops his magic sword which is then picked up by one of these mucky dudes. him and another two fuck off, leaving us to fight off the last one while stuck to the floor.
we manage to kill him, though by now we’re worse for the wear. we go down the stairs to the long hall where we came in; it’s empty.
we give Bartleby the kill command one more time, and he flies off, crashing through a stained glass window to the grounds outside.
then the halfling hears the Magistrate screaming. he’s been dragged through a doorway by these goopy lil bastards, who at this point we have seen can materialize in any space that has a frame resembling a door with four sides.
we find two of the lil boggle bastards who fucked off, as well as the bloody, beaten magistrate. one is holding the halfling’s pilfered magic sword to his throat.
since he’s a rogue, he uses his bonus action to zip across the floor to the one threatening the magistrate, and kills his ass with a regular unmagical sword. eat shit, you sticky little fucker. halfling has regained his magic sword. 
then, my dwarf limp-runs toward the magistrate, still with this fucking trap on his leg, and kills the second one.
so. the entire mansion is littered with gross little corpses. we’ve earned ourselves a shit ton of money, a life debt from the most powerful person in this town, and cemented our reputation as a pair of crazy motherfuckers.
we look out the smashed window to see that Bartleby has swooped down on the last one, and is making a meal of it. by now he’s a terrifying, bloody mess. he looks like Death Incarnate, dripping with the coal-black viscera of several slain boggles. he gives a long, low howl-
and flies off into the night.
we each level up.
so that’s where we left off. a baby owl-bear cub, who for the first two weeks of it’s life we painstakingly trained not to kill everything, we set on a bunch of otherwordly goop creatures. kill this one! kill that one! kill anything you damn well please! Bartleby has had the best night of his wee little life. he’s flown off into the wilderness. we joke around about an eighties film style montage of him swooping down on a rabbit, then a sheep, then a cow, then some fucking dude riding down the road in a cart, and it fades to black just before he lands on him, and Don’t You Forget About Me by Simple Minds plays over the credits
after not playing for months, none of us could ask for a more epic return to our weekly game. holy fucking shit
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vorchagirl · 5 years ago
where do you buy your dice??
Within Australia:
1. Random Encounter Dice
2. Behold Games
3. Local game stores!
4. Level Up Dice
1. Die Hard Dice
2. Roll 4 Initiative
3. Critit
4. Kraken Dice
5. Cozy Gamer
And honestly I do a lot of buying and trading in the Goblin Dice Hoard Aquisitions and Dice Market FB Groups - that's where I've met most of my friends who are handmade sellers and where I buy older OOP sets.
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downtownmooresville · 6 years ago
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Friends of Downtown Mooresville, Welcome to fall and SO much going on in Downtown Mooresville this month! From art & music to food from trucks to ghosts & goblins; there is something Happening in Downtown Mooresville for everyone.
October 12 - Downtown Uncorked & Artsy | Join us in Downtown Mooresville for a unique evening featuring wine & craft beer tastings, artists and music along Main & Broad Streets. The wine & craft beer tasting is a ticketed event. Each ticket is $25*, in advance, which includes a souvenir wine glass and 16, 1 oz. tastings total. In addition, stroll along Main & Broad Streets to visit with artists and listen to live music. Join us for an Uncorked & Artsy evening in Downtown Mooresville. 6-9pm
Tickets can be purchased in person at: 202 Wines, Ain't Miss Bead Haven, AnnaCraig Boutique, CynTucci's, The Enchanted Olive, Four Corners Framing & Gallery, Future Fashion Designers, Jewelers on Main, Mooresville Arts, WFV Designs or online* at Uncorked & Artsy tickets.
NOTE: ALL advance ticket sales end at 3pm on Friday, October 12. Beginning at 5:45pm, walk up ticket sales will be available for $30 each. *tickets purchased online will have additional transaction fees
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October 13 - Festival of Food Trucks | Come on out for the last Festival of Food Trucks event of the 2018 season! There is sure to be some awesomely delicious & creative food served from a bunch of trucks! Bring a friend, bring a chair, plan to stay a while. Eat, shop, listen to live music & maybe even have a beer or a glass of wine. All Happening in Downtown Mooresville! Main Street between Moore Ave. & Iredell Ave. October 27 – Mooresville Arts | Mooresville Arts hosts the first ever “Art after Dark” costume party including a non-stop dance floor, costume contest and more spooky entertainments & surprises. Tickets are $10 per person with snacks included. Cash bar and psychic readings available for purchase. 103 W. Center Ave, 7-11pm. Visit Mooresville Arts for more information on additional exhibits and offerings. October 27 – Our Town Stage | Presents “Yolanda Rabun”, a fierce songstress and North Carolina based recording artist who also is versatile enough to handle all styles of music, although she favors jazz and soul. 7pm. Charles Mack Citizens Center (215 N. Main Street). Brought to you by the Town of Mooresville. More details here: Our Town Stage October 28 – Fall Sip & See Bridal Show | Join us to sip from the mimosa bar and see all sorts of creative options for your special day! 12-3pm, Charles Mack Citizens Center (215 N. Main Street). Brought to you by the Town of Mooresville. More details here: Sip & See Bridal Show October 31 - Downtown Mooresville Trick or Treat | Crazy number of kids, having a great time in Downtown Mooresville while our locally owned businesses pass out candy. Dress up & have fun in the heart of Mooresville! The event runs from 3-5pm but thousands of pieces of candy will be handed out and the event will end promptly at 5pm - don't be late!
202 NORTH MAIN FINE WINES | 202 N. Main Street | 704-663-5445 October 12 - Live Music with “irrashional”, 9pm, $5 cover. Following Uncorked & Artsy & free when you show your Uncorked & Artsy ticket! October 19 - Live Music with “One Paper Crane”, 9pm, $5 cover October 25 - Wine & dessert tasting featuring wines from Grapevine Distr. & desserts from CynTucci’s Italian Bakery, 7pm, $25 per person. October 26 - Live Music with “Delta Fire”, 9pm, $5 cover October 27 - Live Music with ““The Buff Dillard Trio” jazz and R&B, 8pm, $5 cover AIN'T MISS BEAD HAVEN | 138 N. Main Street | 704-746-9278 October 19 & 26 – Fast & Free classes. Each week we introduce a new project that you can make in several color varieties. The workshops have been put together for you to have the opportunity to complete beautiful handmade items perfect for giving, and you’ll finish up before the holiday rush starts. Students purchase their materials (or kits) at Ain’t Miss Bead Haven prior to class time, and can make as many pieces as time and their budget allow. BIG TINY'S BBQ | 179 N. Main Street | 704-658-1409 October 13 - Half price beer all day & live music from 6:00-9:00pm FOUR CORNERS FRAMING GALLERY | 148 N. Main Street | 704-662-7154  Every Thursday - Gentle Yoga, $7 8:30-9:30am NAILED IT DIY | 248 N. Main Street | 704-402-4612 October 17 - Realtor Drop-in Event at Nailed It DIY, Open to all realtors, 2:00-5:00pm. Raffles, discounts and give-a-ways, no charge. ON TAP CRAFTY BREWS | 188 N. Main Street | 704-660-BEER (2337) All month long find live music, Trivia Tuesday, Wednesday Run Club, Open Mic Nights, awesome selection of craft beers, prosecco, wine, sandwiches & more! TIM'S TABLE | 133 N. Main Street | 704-663-7333 Friday’s - Live music, 7pm WFV DESIGNS | 128 N. Broad Street | 980-293-4333 October 27 – Customer Appreciation Event with refreshments, in store specials and giveaways! 10am-4pm. October is Happening & we can't wait to see you in Downtown Mooresville!
Kim Atkins Executive Director - Mooresville Downtown Commission
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monkandmaster-blog · 6 years ago
Rune Stone Saga
The story begins on the Island of Heathkinn, Ruled by Elves for many years and now in the capable hands of Nayson son of Naygar. Born from a long line of nobel Elves who overthrew the king at the time, a tyrannical dark elf by the name of Tidaso Sadaul. Heathkinn is now considered at peace, all race and creed are widely accepted. Although there are those who lack trust in the elves and believe they are corrupt and only seek power and wealth.
Two of our brave adventurers are Grulaag Battlewar, a bald, grey skinned half orc and Bobbyknock Broom, a rugged rock gnome who are travelling to the town of Ludsgate in search of news or bounties to fill. On the road ahead they notice a Wizard and a human man arguing. The friends agree to step in and see if they can be of assistance.
“You’ll pay for this, we will take our case before the council of Tregath” yells the Wizard
“If he belongs to you then you should keep better care of him” snarls the Man
“It wasn't just wondering about out here, it was collecting ingredients for me. Now hand it over” says the wizard impatiently.
Grulaag calmly approaches and questions each of the men.
The human is arguing that he needs this goblin to help protect his family and help him collect and make medicines. The wizard is arguing back that he needs the goblin to collect ingredients for magic and help keep him safe on their travels.
Grulaag then tries to ask the goblin which of the two he would choose to go with. Sadly the Goblin does not understand and garbles back something in his native tongue. Grulaag becomes frustrated, throws some gold coins on the ground, grabs the Goblin under his arm and runs into the woods nearby. The Goblin panics and bites Grulaag’s hand. Grulaag then throws him to the ground and walks back to join Bobby who is waiting for this to be over.
The Wizard and Human run off into the woods to find the Goblin, and the struggle continues.
The Third member of our party is Kelion Brightspark, a handsome young Elf who recently lost his parents and became the owner of Mythmere Library. He has been asked to investigate some strange rumors of rune stones that are tied to his family's death. As he travels North he notices a group of nine halflings are gathered around a campfire sat on stumps. They have erected small temporary shelters around them on the outskirts of the wood.
As they notice Kelion approach they all stand to greet him.
“Please come sit with us, we have food and wine”
From somewhere in the woods another halfling enters, all the halflings and now Kelion stand to greet him.
“Kelion, this is Fredard”
“Please call me Fred” replied Fredard
Kelion introduces himself and they all sit to begin the evening meal. Wine is poured and handed around the group by a Halfling in the centre of the circle. Kelion, not knowing the tradition of the group, drinks before everyone is served and receives some unapproving glances from some of the halflings. Fredard stands to give a toast,
“To adventure, friends and diplomacy” The halflings clink their glasses together and drink.
Now the halfling in the centre begins handing out bowls of rabbit stu. Kelion, having learned his lesson with the wine, now waits for everyone to be served before he tucks in. While enjoying the hospitality he notices the halfling that served him has no stu of his own. The halfling explains that in our custom it is rude to help yourself. Kelion shrugs and goes back to enjoying his meal while another halfling notices and serves his friend.
Kelion then retires to get some sleep; when he wakes the following morning the halflings are gone, but they did leave a small gem beside him. Kelion identifies the stone as being able to float in any liquid.
Grulaag and Bobby arrive at Ludsgate through the large stone gate towers unaware that they are being watched. Ludsgate is a coastal town used by many merchants to sell their handmade wears. The cobbled streets are alive with the hustle and bustle of merchants and street performers. A man in a long brown robe gestures Grulaag and Bobby into a side ally.
“You looking for a little adventure? There's a bounty if your up for it, all you need to do is retrieve a stone” The man propotisions.
Kelion overhears this as he enters Ludsgate, and interrupts to introduce himself and asks if he may join. Grulaag and Bobby accept.
The man gives his name as Darren.
“I would get the stone myself but i’ve made an enemy or two in this oppressive town. I can tell you where to get the stone, once you have it bring it back here and we can go and get the bounty together.” Instructs Darren
The party are told to head left out of the gates and along the coastal cliff edge where they will come to a small camp of around 3 men, with horses, one of these three will have the stone. Darren recalls the colour of the stone as either orange or yellow….or maybe red.
The party of adventurers follow the directions given by Darren, there is a cobble road that leads out of town and into a light wood atop the cliff. The cliff is about 60 foot high above the sea that rolls in and crashes into the rocks below. As the party follow the path they notice smoke rising from further along into the tree line. As they draw closer to the camp they notice a Male figure with the head of an eagle (known as an Aarakocra) stands to attention in their path. As he looks up Grulaag perceives his eyes are red as Bobby and Kelion hide nearby. Grulaag tries to talk to him but as he gets closer the Aarakocra readies its weapon. Grulaag flies in a greatsword attack and the Aarakocra falls to its knees, his eyes are no longer red. He holds his hands up and begs for his life.
Suddenly 2 beetle-like creatures with six appendages (known as Mezzoloths) fly in to attack.
One of the Mezzoloths charges to attack Grulaag, but Grulaag turns and kicks it right off the cliff almost instantly. Kelion stepped in to help by trying to poison the creature to no effect. Bobby then charged in swinging wildly, eventually hitting the bug creature in the nuts. After this intense fight the party camped overnight and gained 2 horses and the stone they were sent for. The following morning the party continue along the cliff tops. They witness the aftermath of a bloody battle. Grulaag, for some reason only known to him, covered himself and a stone in blood. The battle appeared to be between merfolk, eagle guards and the bug creatures previously slain.
The party head back to the town of Ludsgate to return to Darren. Kelion and Bobby put on disguises, but when they get to Ludsgate, Darren is nowhere to be seen. Nothing happens other than Grulaag takes a shower to wash off the blood he smeared on himself earlier, and the party drank ale and wine.
The party then decide to head to the Elven Capital of Tregath where they read stone runes as they rode through the dense forest path. After realising the ruins told them to take their horses to water they found a river. They were met by Elves and swiftly put to sleep, except Kelion who was chained and masked, to escort them into the hidden city. Grulaag and Bobby endured dreams of varying description and the party were dropped off in the centre on Tregath in a pergola where they could wake in due time.
They met the ruler, Nayson son of Naygar and were paid a meger fee for the stone they retrieved and they were sent on a quest to find the others. They are told that the monks and the dwarves hold rune stones.
The party headed west towards Upyor, Grulaag’s hometown. They were briefly halted by a river crossing their path. A giant octopus struck out but was swiftly hit by Kelion’s lightning and frightened away. The party made it safely to Upyor to a warm welcome from the locals. Grulaag enquired to the whereabouts of his best friend Pontii who has been in charge of the running of Upyor. They soon discovered that Pontii was killed and overthrown by Rӧk. Rӧk then challenged Grulaag to a one on one fight in the famous fighting pits.
Grulaag came out victorious and quickly promoted a new group of leaders, First in command is Yar, then Par and a trusted advisor Nar.
The Orcs party into the night, shooting arrows of fire and gunpowder into the air letting off fizzes and bangs.
In the morning following the celebrations the party decide to follow the coast south to Blennon Port. Following the coastal path, the adventurers see a family of travellers playing on the sandy shore. Off to the side is parked their horse and cart. They witness the family treat a young slave boy poorly and decide to offer gold for the slave boy. A hostile exchange took place resulting in the rescue of the young boy. Grulaag took him under his wing and named him Pontii Jr.
Now with Pontii Jr in tow the party arrive at the busy town of Blennon Port. After looking around the party came to a town square where merchants operate and slaves were being traded. Kelion and Grulaag’s consciences would not allow anyone else to buy the slave children. Grulaag purchases two slaves, a halfling and a human and called them Jimmy and Jack. Kelion purchased himself a slave and named him Nelion. Bobbyknock saw no need to slow himself down with the burden of a child, slave or not.
With the party now growing there was a desperate need to get to Kelions home of Mythmere to drop the children to their better lives at the college.
Continuing south, the party came across an inhabited cave, Jargons Shelter. Grulaag stayed outside with the children and horses. Kelion entered wearily and met three rangers hard at work on clothes and other items. One of the rangers took a shine to Kelion and used his blood to grant magic on one of his items. Keilion returned to his friends. So the others entered to try and gain the same favour. Unsuccessful, and being labeled as peadophiles, the party continue south.
Their journey was interrupted by the cries of distress coming from nearby. As the party go to investigate they come across a large lake covered in mist. A large tower rises from the mist in the centre of the lake. Two female merfolk are crying into eachothers arms. Kelion exchanges kind words with them and the party agree to help kill the evil residing within the tower. Grulaag is the first to leap in the lake and swim across to the tower. Upon his heroic arrival Grulaag feels strange and senses enemies behind him on the shore where he came from. Turning to attack, Kelion and Bobby think fast. An illusion is created in the water of the slave children they bought drowning in the misty water. In a rather confused state Grulaag attempts to save the children, who dissipate resulting in all curses being removed.
With the party back to normal Kelion and Bobby join Grulaag at the tower in the lake. Kelion sensed a trap and stood by the side of the door at the base of the tower while he opened it. This action unleashes a fireball from inside the doorway that flies forth and fizzes out in the lake. Kelion follows the spiral staircase to the top of the tower where an evil archmage appeared to be attempting to create some sort of potion on a plinth in the middle,next to a talisman. Kelion defeated the evil archmage by pushing him off the roof, leaving him to be pincered on the ground by Bobby and Grulaag who finished him off. Returning the talisman to the two merfolk females the lake begins to clear. Deer and birds return to the lake and surrounding forest.
The adventurers follow the beautiful lake south and see the gates of Mythmere. On arrival a wizard runs up and asks for directions, not one of the party know the way and are unable to help. On entering Kelion is greeted by friends and begins showing the way to the great library and college, where magic learners live and thrive. The adventurers introduce the children to their new home and proceed with Kelions friend Master Denathor to the library where he gives Kelion a new spell and makes one of Bobby and Grulaag’s weapons unbreakable.
Happy with their exchange the party continue, without the children, to the tavern. In the tavern the group notice races of all kinds, bounties adorn the walls outside. Sharing a drink and copying down the bounties they continue south in hope of finding the second rune stone.
The lands before them are becoming more sparse and rocky than the party are used too. As they follow the rocky path a shot is fired at them and startles the party. Two giant spiders appear from behind rocks and a great battle ensues and the party emerge victorious.
Before the party stands a man with brown robes with his back to the group. Could this be Darren?
He turns around and transforms into a crazy wizard from a previous adventure. He grants the party with a stone of light blue that glitters and shimmers ever brighter when held in hand. Grulaag is handed the stone and after a few seconds he is transported back to Mythmere. While still holding the stone Grulaag thinks of Upyor and after a few seconds in transported there. After a short check that everything is still ok Grulaag then thinks of his friends and is transported back to them who have been stood around waiting.
Pocketing the stone the party head on encountering a small wagon with steam rising from the top. A female gnome is sat by the side on a rock working at a small wooden contraption with glass vessels connected by tubes filled with dark liquids. She introduces herself as Douwe Egberts, the party receive beautiful coffee, Bobby and Kelion try some experimental Rum which makes their hands and toes feel as if they are going numb.
Once the party feels strong again they continue south in search of monks. In their path lay a dying cat, the group attempt to revive it with the help of a nearby witch. The witch teaches Kelion a healing incantation and recipe for a common disease in the area. The cat dyes but the party continue on bravely.
The ground beneath the adventurers feet turns to a soft silky path. Two giant spiders hiss and scuttle towards the party. A battle ensues and many great blows are dealt and spells cast while the spiders struggle to land an attack. Once the spiders are dispatched the party notices a farming village that seems to be struck with illness. Kelion saves the life of a practising monk, Tyrral. He guides the party to the Monastery of Benedict, a town carved beneath the sandy ground. On entering the party hear the whispered prayers of the monks. Transitioning to the back of the temple the party see an elder monk sat on a large chair. After asking for the rune stone he asks them to complete his challenge first. Grulaag enters the room titled “One must enter, one must leave”. Grulaag is faced by a replica of himself on the other side of a pit with the tune around his neck. Trying everything he could think of and failing, Grulaag returns to his friends watching outside the room. The entire party entered and attempted to attack their counterparts. Bobby fell to hideous laughter while the others made off with the rune. After rescuing Bobby the party made their escape.
The party then decide to travel to Atrisma Port where they intend to sail to the Island of Nahdor where the dwarves dwell. On the way they find the body of a half-orc who appears to have been attacked by animals. There are bite marks and blood stroon about around the body. A lute lies on the ground next to him and in his satchel is a book of spells written in orcish.
Atrisma Port runs along the west coast of Heathkinn, there is an area that juts out into the sea, most of the ships are docked on the jetties along this peak. Many men, dwarves, orcs and elves are busying themselves, coming and going from ships and the town itself. The town is dirty looking and the smell of fish and salt fills the air. At the docks there is a captain giving orders to his crew. Captain Edwin “two toes” Isaac wears a large black hat, a long black beard with a braid and coin hanging from the end. His ship is large and wooden with three black sails.
Bobby has an awkward interaction with his barbarian brother Bertiebrush Broom.
The party dispatch some giant wolf spiders that scare towns folk.
Bobby, having sailed the seas for many years, is able to gain passage on any ship. They speak with Captain two toes and set sail for Sidmar Fayers, the most southern town on Nahdor.
Sidmar Fayres is a magic-phobic town with many goblins, gnomes and dwarves. There is a statue in the town of a large octopus surrounded by a font of water that seems to flow endlessly. The town looks like it was designed for people of under 5ft tall. The captain informs the party to head to Forlourne where people are more welcoming and the buildings are ‘normal’ sized. Grulaag notices one of the merchants here has a sign ‘Goblins for sale’
Which irritates him.
The party head out of town after feeling some tension in the air. They come across a cart heading towards them full of passengers. The town up ahead is being evacuated due to medusa in the manor house garden. Eventually the party rech a beautiful garden adorned with roses and high topiary bushes, many insects flutter between flowers. The entrance is lined with statues of towns folk in various positions, but they all seem to be in defensive positions. The party enter a hedge maze lead by Grulaag who keeps to the edge. The party find their way out and come to a square walled garden with a shallow pond at the end and more hedges on either side. Medusa follows them in from the maze, the party draws the medusa over to the pond and turn her to stone. Kelion takes a stone snake from the stone medusa, removes the curse and watches the snake come back to life. Kelion then holds the snake head over the pond and sees it turn back to stone, he keeps this for later uses.    
The party then decide to officiate their group, they agree on the name ‘The Eye Rollers’ and decide to carve this into the side of the manor house to sign their work!
The next morning the Eye rollers wake and realise they are closer to Forlourne than they thought. They speak with the bartender and learn that the runes are likely to be in the mountains in a cave. The party march up the mountain pass and find an old dwarven cave, now taken over by hobgoblins. Slaying all the hobgoblins that stand in their way. The Eye Rollers pass paintings of ancient battles, gain some potions of healing, find a secret door with some special items and 3 strange bronze coins.
The Eye Rollers continue up the mountain still searching for the rune stone. They find yet another cave set into the mountain, at the entrance they perceive a shimmery scale on the ground. The party enter and pass a pile of bones and scorch marks on the walls. They come to a large chamber where a large dragon resides, the dragon demands a good joke or will turn them into lunch. Bobby attempts to tell a joke and cast hideous laughter. This made the dragon more hostile and the party retreated.
Continuing up the mountain side The Eye Rollers see an entrance to a tomb or similar offering house. The door has been broken and is hanging from its hinges. Inside are three small chambers all connected by a hall that runs through the centre. At the far end is a plaque that reads ‘ I swear a great oath. To kinn and brother, by the mountains and the leaves. Now my sons will carry it in their hands by the justice of the Gods. I am an Archeon, now and always, this is my oath’.
Following the path further up the mountain the party come to two identical stone archways each have a pad on the wall beside it that reads ‘the only way to handle pressure is to apply it’ . Bobby and Kelion take one arch and Grulaag the other. After the pressure pads are pressed the entrances open they follow the tunnel and discover the strange bronze coins they found in the dwarven cave are inserted into the wall here to open a doorway, extend a bridge and get them to separate rooms where the door closes behind them and gas begins to pour in through small vents. The Eye Rollers retreat into their minds and spend time dreaming of their childhood.
When the party wake they are all back together, but tied to chairs in a jail cell. They speak to the dwarves and learn that this is where the rune stone is kept. They convince the Chief Dwarf to give them a chance to get the rune stone for Nayson son of Naygar. They are told that only one of them may try and they will need to complete the gauntlet to do so. Kelion steps up and offers to take on the challenge. He is lead to a door that is opened for him and shut behind him. The room he is now in is full of water with several wooden polls protruding like cut off trees. Nimble as an elf is, he manages this task easily and finds himself in another room. This time there is a thin plank that bridges the gap between him and the next room. Stealthily Kelion manages this without being shot by arrows. Next Kelion meets a pseudodragon who gives him a riddle to solve ‘ You can hold me in your hand, yet I can fill an entire room’, Kelion thinks for quite sometime and then finds the answer, ‘torch’, the next door slides open. There is a rope tied to a platform next to Kelion, on the opposite side is a small platform with a plinth that holds the rune inside a glass box. Kelion swings across and manages to land on the platform, picks up the rune box and the platform begins to spin. He is then back with the Chief and his two friends. After a successful mission the party use the teleport stone given to them by the crazy wizard to get them back to Tregath.
The party is greeted by Nayson son of Naygar and next to him is the elf who put them to sleep the first time, he is introduced as Auburon. There are many more elves gathered here this time, some stand guard with beautiful elven swords. Grulaag first tried to trick Auburon and produces the blood covered stone that he kept. Auburon’s eyes become angry and Grulaag immediately apologizes and hands over the two real rune stones. Auburon then produces all four rune stones and orders Nayson son of Naygar to be killed, the traitorous guards comply. The Eye Rollers are hit in the back of the head as they fall unconscious to the ground, they see Auburon turn and walk into the great hall.
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craiglotter · 8 years ago
One day, during our September getaway to the lovely Stonehill River Lodge in Buffeljagsrivier near Swellendam last year, we found ourselves looking for something to do with the kids.
Having remembered seeing it a couple of months back on SABC 2’s Mooiloop‘, I suggested that we hop in the car and take the girls through to see Swellendam’s very own fairy and angel healing sanctuary – The Continent of Sulina.
From what I understand, the Continent of Sulina is run by sculptor Ian and his wife Minky Sulin with the genuine aim of it being a home and a place of safety and healing for Minky’s faerie and angel friends. Minky certainly has a strong belief in the Fae folk and those people for who this magic still exists certainly seem to appreciate this rather ‘enchanting’ space.
For the more practical of us out there, the Continent of Sulina is essentially a house with a rambling garden that has been filled to the brim with little figurines of faeries, gnomes, goblins, frogs, toadstools and other miscellaneous shiny (and sometimes creepy) things.
You essentially pay an entrance fee to walk through the garden around the house, and then enter the gallery house in order to exit, which is of course the point where you get presented with probably a thousand or so figurines of different shapes and sizes (many handmade by local artisans), all awaiting a new home in exchange for some of your money.
Recently, a second property adjacent to the original has also been purchased, meaning that now the fairy sanctuary also sports a dedicated kids play for the little ones.
There is a coffee station in the garden as well, but seeing as a light rain started to descend during our visit, we opted not to sit down and give it a go.
Honestly, unless you have kids (or you yourself perhaps) that are really into things like magic and faeries (none of us are), this isn’t really a place that is going to hold your attention for long.
If you are however looking to buy some fairy trinkets, then these guys definitely have you covered!
Yeah… I can’t say that any of the grown ups enjoyed the outing on the day, and unfortunately the girls didn’t seem to quite love it either. (Plus we all got a little wet thanks to the rather grey weather on the day).
Still it was an outing and that was certainly what we were after in the first place. So, if you have kids and have run out of ideas for things to do in Swellendam, you may as well pop in and see for yourself the ‘magical’ realm of the Continent of Sulina.
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As always, a map for in case you wish to go seek out some faeries yourself:
Related Link: The Continent of Sulina | Facebook
The Continent of Sulina: A Faerie Sanctuary in Swellendam (2016-09-22) One day, during our September getaway to the lovely Stonehill River Lodge in Buffeljagsrivier near Swellendam…
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diamondot · 2 years ago
this is some undyed merino that's been living in my stash for *cough*adecade*cough*. my goal has just been to spin lighter and smoother, rather than the lumpy bulky stuff i've been making up until now, and i'm really happy with the first single!
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i feel like i'm finally getting used to this wheel. it's not that there's anything wrong with lumpy, bulky yarn, i just... want to only make yarn like that when i mean to.
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