#halter neck crop top
outcasts01 · 6 months
Softcore Dream: Embracing Sensuality with Grace
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starsinthesky5 · 14 days
nothing's gonna hurt you baby || joe burrow x reader
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description: the first game of the season doesn't go as planned and it kills you to see joe like this. you can't help but feel deja vu...
a/n: ahem, is this thing on 🎤🎤.  i'm backkkkk… after a much-needed tiny break (not planned just life getting in the way). this is a little something i cooked up! still working on "taste" which is a slow work in progress but that's the main next fic that'll be coming soon!
as always, thanks for reading & showing love :)))) i hope this wasn’t too much yapping and nonsense lol. the smut isnt my best because i wrote it while i was half asleep but i hope you enjoy it. there’s also plenty of song references throughout the fic (biggest one and the inspiration being this CAS song)
warnings: angst, fluff, smut. that's literally the whole fic :)
word count: 12.2 k
You leaned back against the wall across from the entrance to the locker rooms, anxiously picking at a thumbnail on your finger as you waited for your boyfriend to come out so you two could go home. You were standing in your orange halter crop top with a little '9' embroidered on the bottom left side and matching white jean shorts with the same '9' embroidered in orange on the back right pocket. The '9' on your shorts was a little bigger than the one on your top which Joe loved because according to him ‘everyone knows who your ass belongs to’. His adorable possessive nature was always something you admired and appreciated. He was very secure in your relationship and knew nobody would take you from him, but that didn't stop him from ensuring everyone knew you were his at any chance he got. 
You were also wearing orange stiletto knee-high boots which adds to the overall orange vibe of your game-day outfit. The theme was 'open in orange' so you were wearing as much orange as you could possibly make look cute. Your '9' necklace was the only piece of jewelry you had around your neck, and your wrists were decked out with bracelets given to you by Joe–each one even more polished and expensive than the previous one, and various rings on your fingers. Your favorite one, the beautiful promise ring Joe gave you for your 2nd anniversary, shined brighter than any of the jewelry you had on. It was a ‘secret garden’ inspired ring, one of your favorite books of all time, and also the reason you and Joe met back in college. 
There was a growing pit in your stomach as you stood there gazing at the large ‘B’ on the wall outside the locker room, a slow-burning sensation that started about two minutes into the game, and it was only getting bigger as the minutes passed by. By the end of the game, you were the most on edge you had ever been in your entire life. 
Since this was Joe's first real game back after his wrist injury, your anxiety was already pretty bad by the time you got to the stadium. Your brain was swarmed with 'what-if?' scenarios and it was eating you alive. Joe, however, seemed the exact opposite of you. He was completely calm, normal, and focused like this was any other game. His peaceful temperament wasn't surprising since he had always been like this before every game but it also should've been expected since he worked through most of his emotions with you the night before and didn’t have anything left to get out. You on the other hand did a complete 360; you were so calm with him last night but right now you were on the verge of ripping your eyelashes out. 
Flashback to the night before
You reached over to grab your glass of water, taking a big sip to help wash down the spicy chicken you were eating for dinner. You looked up at Joe as you were swallowing your water, noting how he was playing around with his food on his unusually full plate. You had been eating for almost 15 minutes and by now, his plate should be empty given how much of an animal he was once dinner rolled around. 
“Not hungry?” you broke the unusual silence and asked. 
Joe's eyes glanced up to meet yours, his cheeks burning because you took note of his behavior, which you weren't supposed to. “Uhh, not really,”  he sighed as he placed his fork down and leaned back in his chair, his sweaty hands sliding up and down his thighs out of nervousness. 
“You do know you have a game tomorrow, right?” you chuckled as you placed your fork down and leaned back in your chair like he was. “You need all the protein you can get,”.
“...Y- yeah, I know,” Joe mumbled after a few seconds of uneasy silence. 
You instantly noticed the change in his body language at the mention of the game; the way his eyes fell down to his lap after his mumbling response, the way he started bouncing his left leg, his shoulders tensing up a little bit, the way he was constantly doing something with his hands as if he was uncomfortable, the way he was chewing at his bottom lip. These were all things Joe did when he was feeling anxious. 
But why was he anxious?
“Hey, you okay?” you asked while leaning forward again, his body language making you worry.
“Yeah, I'm fine,” he swallowed, still not meeting your eyes. He knew all it took was for you to get one look at his eyes to figure out he was lying and he really didn't want to burden you with his complicated emotions tonight. 
“He’s lying,” you thought to yourself. The fact that he was avoiding eye contact with you was a dead giveaway. “Joe?” you said while lowering your head to get into his view. 
“Yeah?” he said, his voice slightly trembling as he finally looked into your eyes. 
“Why are you lying to me?” you said as your face dropped at the sight of his tired eyes and shaky voice. 
“I’m not ly-,” he began to say before you interrupted him.
“Yeah, you are,” you interrupted. “I know you, remember. I know you better than you know yourself,” you softly laughed. 
You weren’t wrong there, you did know Joe better than he knew himself and he was the first one to admit it. You knew exactly what he was thinking, exactly how to put his feelings into words even when he couldn’t do so himself, and exactly how to handle him. There was a reason why you were the only person he let into the bubble that he had around himself once football started back up. You were his shelter in the hurricane that became his life once he was back on the field and without you, Joe would be a mess. 
Your response earned no reaction from Joe, he just sat there in silence and continued to bounce his leg up and down as he started to play with the wristbands on his wrist, yet another anxiety-related mannerism. 
You let out a tired breath, “I’m not doing this, I can’t have him shut me out again,” you thought to yourself before scooting your chair back, walking around the dining table, and sitting down on the seat next to him. You turned your chair to face him and grabbed his hands, feeling the thin layer of sweat that coated his palms which made your heart hurt. 
“Joe, it’s just us right now. Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby, talk to me,” you said while giving his hands a soft squeeze. You were feeling deja vu right now, you found yourself in the same situation you found yourself in many times over the early months of the off-season, only then it was 10 times worse than it was right now. 
Joe looked into your eyes, his body feeling heavy as self-doubt, anxiety, and fear crept into his mind. He was nervous about tomorrow’s game. Joe had never been nervous about a game like this and you were sitting in front of him, trying to get him to talk which you shouldn’t need to ‘try’ to do, he should be openly talking to you right now about his feelings. He always let you into the bubble, so why was it so hard for him to do it right now?
He realized that he was shutting down again, just like he had when he first got injured back in November. He didn’t want to go back to that dark place again, especially since coming out of it was a struggle that affected you both very badly. “I’m scared,” he choked out a few seconds later, trying his best to push through the wall he was unknowingly building again.
“Why?” you quietly asked as you felt your heart shatter because of the tone of his voice. You hated seeing him like this, it broke your heart to see him like this. You moved your hand up to cup his neck, the pads of your fingers were softly rubbing his tan skin which was a gentle action that you knew would calm him down. 
“It’s my first game back from injury. An injury that could’ve easily ended my career. It should’ve ended my career,” he said while lifting his hand to wipe a stray tear from his eye.
“But it didn’t,” you smiled. “It didn’t end your career then and it won’t end your career now,”.
“How do you know that? I haven’t played in a real game since November. I haven’t gotten hit yet, I haven’t gotten sacked yet, and I haven’t been putting that much pressure on my hand. Tomorrow could easily be the last game of my career. Just one wrong move and-,”.
“No.” you interrupted. “You’re not doing that. Not on my watch,” you sternly said, trying to prevent him from getting too far inside his head about everything. Overthinking was his worst enemy.
“I’m being realistic, Y/N. Who knows if I’ll be the same Joe I was before,” he said while blinking away a few tears. 
“You don’t need to be the same Joe you were before,” you soothed while continuing to rub his neck. “What you went through was unlike anything anyone has seen before, if people are expecting you to get right back to where you left off then they have no heart or brains. You’ll get to where you need to be, I promise. Things like this take time,” you added. “The Joe you are now is more than enough. You have grown in many ways that you might not have been able to unless you went through what you went through after November. You’ve worked on yourself and become more open, honest, and loose. You’ve put in the work on the field, in the weight room, in training, and even at home. You’re coming out of this a better person and a better player. A better Joe,”. 
“I just don’t want to let anyone down. What if we lose tomorrow? With the slow start narrative getting louder and the aftermath of my wrist injury, this could be really fucked. This year is so important and I just don’t want to let anyone down; the organization, the team, the public, you,” he continued, his grip on your other hand becoming tighter. “I know I have a chip on my shoulder and have a lot to prove this year, but the thought of people not seeing that is killing me,”.
“You won’t let anyone down, Joe. And you could never ever fucking let me down, never say that again,” you said as you continued to rub his neck, seeing that he was getting more loose from your touch. “You’ve worked so so hard the past 10 months to get back to where you want to be and everyone and I mean everyone has seen that. I’ve seen that. Adversity always makes you better, it ignites that fire inside of you. That fire makes you who you are,” you said to him, feeling a little more comfortable yourself after seeing his body relax a bit. “Remember who you are. You’re Joe Burrow. Heisman winner, College Football National Champion, the first overall draft pick, one of the Top 5 quarterbacks in the league, one of the highest-paid quarterbacks, Ohio’s golden boy. You’re all of those things for a reason, Joe. You have it in you. You don’t need to be afraid or doubt yourself because you did all of those things, nobody else, just you,”. 
You moved your hand over and wiped the tears that slowly were sliding down his cheeks before feeling Joe grab your hand and press a wet kiss to your palm. “I love you,” he sniffled. “I genuinely don’t know what I would do without you,”.
“I love you too,” you smiled before you leaned up to kiss his forehead. “Tomorrow is unpredictable, I will admit. But you control the narrative. You control what happens and what doesn’t happen out there. It’s just you and the football like it always has been. I know you and I know you’re going to kill it,”. 
Joe gave you a small nod as he let your words sit inside of his head; you were right and he knew you were right. He did all of this himself, he single-handedly built his reputation and although there was an immense amount of pressure on him to maintain it, he knew that it was his reputation. He had control over his story, not anyone else. He didn’t need to work at anyone else’s speed except for his own. He knows the narrative that the media has been running with since November, that his career has been hindered by continuous injuries and he’s ’injury prone’. He knows what that title has done to the public's opinion on his career and rank as a player, but they don’t get to define him based on what they think. He is defined by everything he does himself. 
It’s not their story, it’s his. 
He reached out and placed his hand on your waist, gently pulling you from your chair and into his lap. You instantly looped your arms around his neck and pushed his head to the crook of your neck, this warm hug from you was the final thing he needed to fully calm his nerves. “You always know what to say to me,” he mumbled against your collarbone as you ran your fingers through his slightly grown-out frosted tips, his hands softly massaging your plush skin. 
“It’s my job,” you chuckled. “I signed up for this when I met you in English class all those years ago and I plan on staying true to what I signed up for as long as I can,” you added before you dropped a kiss on his cheek, your mind calming down once you felt him relax against you.
“You better plan on it. I’m not letting you go anywhere,” he said as he pulled you in tighter. 
“Well it’s a good thing I don’t want to go anywhere,” you giggled in his ear before pressing a kiss to it, then turning back to serious to finish off your little pep-talk. “I’m so proud of you, Joe. More than you’ll ever know. You’re truly the hardest working man I’ve ever met and you continue to amaze me with your dedication and determination every single day. Never think that you’re not good enough and you’re not who everyone thinks you are. You’re Joe Fucking Burrow. Never forget that,”. 
“I won’t,” he sighed contently, finally at peace. “I won’t forget,” he said again before he pulled you closer and closed his eyes, getting lost in your palliative embrace. 
End of flashback 
You were so calm last night and now you were the complete opposite; you couldn’t figure out where and when things went south with your emotions. During the game, your brain was running a mile a minute as you thought of everything that could go wrong: Joe re-aggravating his injury, someone else on the team getting badly injured, and the team not being able to beat the slow start narrative. You were anxious, nervous, and deeply scared once the first quarter of the game started, and your feelings were validated when two minutes into the game Joe got sacked and fumbled the ball. 
You remember your heart stopping once you saw him go down as this was the first time he had been hit since November. 
“No!” you screamed as you shot up from your seat, your hand gripping the necklace around your neck as you looked down on the field and saw a bunch of large behemoths on top of him. “No, No, No,” you panicked as your breaths got shorter, your anxiety getting worse and worse as you saw flashbacks from the Ravens game in November. “Please be okay,” you thought to yourself as you were on the verge of tears. 
Then you remember your heart dropping to your feet once you saw the ball come loose and even though he recovered it, this whole play left a bitter taste in your mouth since it was literally the first few minutes of the game and things were already not going as planned. Luckily, his going down didn’t seem to affect his wrist, but you could only imagine how it affected him mentally. 
You thought that would’ve been the only sack of the game, but once again you were wrong. Each time Joe went down, you felt your heart stop. Each time he ran, your heart stopped again as you got flashbacks from early last year with his calf injury. Each time the camera panned to the sidelines and focused in on him, you felt like crying because you could tell the way the game was going was eating away at him by his facial expressions. 
Every sack, every fumble, every drive that ended without scoring, and every turnover was killing you because the things Joe feared were happening even though you told him they wouldn’t. Seeing him flex his wrist on the sidelines and in between plays was the one thing that really did it for you. You didn’t know if this was just to keep his hand loose because he was feeling some tightness or whether this was because something was actually bothering him, your brain was in panic mode for the rest of the game. 
“I hope he’s okay, that was ugly,” you thought to yourself before you jumped at the sound of the locker room door swinging open and snapping you out of your daze. 
You watched as Joe walked out of the locker room, his eyes exhausted and defeated as he gave you a small ‘reassuring’ smile, however, it wasn’t very reassuring because his eyes gave his true feelings away in an instant. 
You returned his smile with a smile of your own, opening your mouth to ask him if he was okay but before you could he leaned forward and dropped a kiss on your lips. He held it for a few moments as he melted into your touch which was the only relieving feeling he had felt all day before pulling away, entwining your pinkies, and leading you out to the car. 
“That’s not good, he’s never this quiet when I come to meet him after the game,” you thought to yourself. If you didn’t say something first, he almost always did, but he wasn’t saying anything which was concerning. You stayed quiet as he led you out to the garage, your eyes not leaving his weary face for one second. You could tell he wasn’t okay, you could tell he was beating himself up over today’s loss.  
A few moments later, he led you over to the passenger’s side of the car, an unusual move since you always drove the both of you home after a game. “I thought I was driving,” you gently said as you looked up at him. 
“I got it,” he said with no emotion in his voice, dropping your pinky and looking into your eyes with his now cold and emotionless ones. 
“But Joe I-,” you began to say but before you could finish your sentence he turned around and walked to the other side of the car. 
“He definitely heard me,” you thought to yourself as you watched him open the backseat door and roughly throw his bag in, then slammed the door shut with a little more force than usual which startled you. 
You let out a deep breath before opening your door and sliding into the passenger seat, your body stiff and frozen because of the way he was acting. You were scared to say something, scared to do something because you didn’t know what reaction you’d get from him, “He’s not doing this again, right?” you worried. 
10 minutes into the drive home, you started getting agitated. He had yet to say anything to you, not even asking you if you were cold and if he should turn down the AC which he always asked you whenever you were in the car since he knew you got cold easily. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were practically turning white and his eyes were so locked in on the road in front of you that he hadn’t even noticed that you started shivering a little bit. 
“Are you okay?” you finally broke the tension and asked, your bottom lip in between your teeth out of nervousness. Joe rarely ever raised his voice at you or got irritated by you saying something to him, but that didn’t stop you from getting nervous around him whenever he was acting like this. 
You saw his jaw clench for a brief moment, your heart skipping a beat as you braced yourself for a potentially explosive reaction, but then you saw him unclench it. “I’m fine,” he said, once again with no emotion in his voice. 
You gave him a small nod and then a few seconds later asked another question since he wasn’t budging, “How’s your wrist?”.
He let out a sigh, one that you could hear from his nose so it was definitely coming from a tired place, “It’s fine,” he said again, not giving you much to work with. 
“He’s not fine, lying yet again. Maybe I could make him laugh? I need to do something to get him to loosen up” you thought to yourself, your brain scrambling to think of something to make him laugh even if it was for a brief moment. 
“At least you guys scored a touchdown this time,” you smiled a few seconds later. “Even though you didn’t win the game, I’d say it was better than week 1 last year against the browns,”. 
You studied his face carefully after you finished your sentence, searching for any tiny muscle movement that resulted in his lips curling up into a smile, but nothing. “Yeah,” he nodded, once again with no emotion. He then reached over to the center console, turning the knob for the volume up so that the once softly playing music was blasting throughout the car. 
You felt your lip quiver and your eyes started to pool with tears as you continued to look at him, praying that he would look at you for even one brief moment, but he didn’t. “He’s doing it again,” you thought to yourself as you fell back into your seat. “He’s fucking doing it again. Just like he did after he got injured. He’s shutting me out,” you thought as you felt a tear slide down your cheek, your head turning away so that you were looking out the window so if Joe did happen to look over at you, he wouldn’t notice your silent tears. 
Joe did look over at you. He was waiting for you to stop looking at him because he couldn’t look into your eyes right now, not when his brain was all over the place and he could regret the things that potentially came out of his mouth. He looked over at you when he saw you turn your head to the window from the corner of his eyes, his eyes softening when he saw your body shaking. You were cold. He always asks you if you’re cold, and this time he didn’t. 
“I fuck everything up,” he muttered under his breath as he reached over to turn the AC down. 
30 minutes later
After a car ride filled with deafening silence, you made it back home a half hour later and were pouring two glasses of water for you and Joe. He was sitting at the kitchen island behind you scrolling on his phone, still quiet as ever. You grabbed his glass and placed it in front of him, getting a peek at what he was looking at on his phone. 
Media reactions. 
Joe never looked at what the internet was saying about a game after it happened, it was one of his ‘blocking outside noise’ methods, so why was he looking at them? 
“You really shouldn’t be looking at all that bullshit,” you said to him as you took a small sip of your water, the cool liquid feeling like a quiet unraveling of tightness within your body.
Joe was so focused on his phone that he didn’t notice that you were talking to him, the only things that he could hear were the voices of reporters talking about the team’s constant slow starts, his poor performance–saying that he played scared, rusty, and didn’t look like himself and that this team is constantly setting itself up for failure. 
A video came up on his phone, an analyst was talking about his performance in today’s game, “We have to talk about Joe Burrow. He said he was ready, he said he felt great, and he said that this team was ready. But did that Cincinnati Bengals team that played against the Patriots today look ready? Absolutely not. Did the Joe Burrow who stepped out onto that field look ready? Absolutely Not. He looked scared, he didn’t look like himself. The lack of Deep Balls, the lack of throwing down the field. That’s not the Joe Burrow we’ve seen in years past. What’s truly going on in Cincinnati? Is there a deeper issue within that we aren’t seeing?”. 
“They see right through me,” Joe thought to himself, feeling his eyes sting from the hot tears that were threatening to come out. He felt like the room was on fire, and there was invisible smoke. Nobody could really see what he was going through, all they saw was the burning room. 
You felt your heart drop as you heard the reporter talk about Joe’s performance in today’s game, knowing that Joe was probably already criticizing himself and this was going to make it worse. “Joe?” you said a little louder, snapping him out of the dark haze he was stuck in.
“Hm?” he hummed as he looked up at you, noticing your pursed lips and worried eyes. 
“Are you okay?” you asked again, feeling uneasy from the look he had on his face.
“...I said I’m fine,” he replied, his voice a little rougher than earlier. 
You shook your head, “I know you’re not fine. Stop lying to me,” you said with a more rigid tone. 
“I’m not lying to you. I said I’m fine. I don’t think it could be more simpler than that,” he rolled his eyes as he picked up his glass of water, taking a big sip. 
“If you are really ‘fine’,” you say, making air quotes around ‘fine’, “Why are you looking at all that bullshit? You never look at any of that because you say it messes with your head,” you say.
“Because I can?” he scoffs, standing up from the barstool and walking around the island to place his water glass in the sink. 
You take a deep breath, trying not to point out his snappy attitude because you know he isn’t in the right headspace right now. “Joe, seriously. I know you’re not fine but it’s just me. You can talk to me,” you gently say as you walk over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder but he quickly turns around and walks back over to where he was sitting to grab his phone which made your hand drop from his shoulder. 
“I know you had a shitty game, I know you’re in your head about it, I get it. Trust me I do, but just let me-,” you begin to say as you walk over to him before he interrupts you. 
“Do you though?” he asks. “Do you really get it? Sweet talking and hugs don’t magically make everything better, Y/N,” he says, his voice a little louder. 
“Ouch.” you thought to yourself. “No. Remember, he’s not in the right headspace, Y/N. He’s not trying to be hurtful,”. 
“I’m not saying that,” you say to him. “I know that doesn’t make everything better but talking to someone about your feelings does. You know that. You spent weeks working on that, remember?” referring to the therapy sessions he had this past off-season to work through the emotional and mental effects of his injury and just overall mental health. 
“I know, but I said I’m fine. I don’t need to talk about anything, especially with you,” he said, his words feeling like a punch to your gut. 
“Okay, what the fuck?” you thought to yourself. “What do you mean ‘especially’ with me?” you asked, your tone switching from gentle to slightly angry. 
Joe stays quiet for a few seconds, his gaze fixed on the concerned look on your face. He knew what he was saying to you was most likely hurting you and you were coming from a place of worry, but he couldn’t control the things that were leaving his mouth right now. “I’m not doing this with you right now,” he shook his head and turned around, walking over to the stairs.
“Doing what?” you said loudly, following him over to the stairs. “I’m just trying to get you to talk to me but you’re making this a bigger deal than it needs to be,”.
“How am I making this a bigger deal?” he grumbles, turning around to look at you. “You’re the one that won’t leave me alone. I’ve said that I’m fine to you like 5 times now,”.
“You’re making this a bigger deal because you’re shutting me out, again,” you say, feeling your cheeks burn with anger, frustration, and sadness. You and Joe hardly fought, and whenever you did, it broke both of you. You felt like absolute shit right now and you couldn’t even imagine how Joe was feeling. 
“No, I’m not. You’re being unbelievable right now,” he rolled his eyes again and started walking up the stairs with you hot on his tail. 
“No, I’m not,” you say, echoing his words. “You are shutting me out just like you did after your wrist injury. What happened to letting me in your bubble? Because right now it feels like I’m being pushed 100 feet from your bubble for no reason,” you said, your voice a little shaky as you tried to hold back your building tears. 
“I’m not shutting you out, Y/N,” he said loudly, his voice even more rougher. “Just because I don’t want to talk to you about how shitty I did today doesn’t mean I’m shutting you out. I just don’t want or feel the need to talk to you about it,”.
“See, you aren’t okay. I knew you weren’t okay. You know you played like shit so you’re clearly not fine,” you huffed as you made it to the top of the stairs.
“Is that all you wanted to hear? That I played like shit? Okay, yeah, I played like absolute shit. You win. Now will you leave me alone?” he said, trying to hold back from shouting at you even though he was dancing on the line that separated shouting from talking loudly. 
“That’s not what I want to hear, Joe. You know that,” you said, your voice cracking once you felt a hot tear slide down your cheek. “I just want you to talk to me about your feelings, especially after our conversation last night. I don’t want you to go through all that again because I know how hard you tried to move past this mentally. You shut me out before and dealt with all of this on your own, and I saw how badly it affected you. I don’t want you to do that again. I can’t see you like that again,” you cried, your body shaking as all of your built-up emotions from the entire day were coming out. 
You wiped your eyes as you followed him down the hallway, both of you walking past your bedroom and heading toward his office. You made it to the door and watched him open it and step inside. You were going to follow him in, but he turned around on the doorstep which blocked you from going inside. “No,” he shook his head.
“But..Joe I-,” you cried harder.
“No. Just please go away,” he said, his jaw clenching again like it was earlier, but this time it stayed clenched. “I can’t deal with you right now,” he said, his words feeling like a stab to your heart now. 
There was nothing behind those eyes now. He had built up that wall again, that wall you tried so hard to prevent from being built because you knew you’d never be able to get over it. The same wall that he had built back in November after his injury. He did it again. After working so hard to be more open and honest about his feelings, thoughts, and emotions, he went straight back to square 1. 
“Joe, please,” you pleaded. “Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby, if you just talk to me,” you cried more forcefully.
Joe stared at you for a few heartbeats, his heart-shattering at the sight of the state he had brought you to. It was all his fault. Everything was his fault; the game and now this argument. Deep down, he knew you were right, but he just couldn’t see it because the wall he had built was too high. 
He was about to open his mouth to say something, trying to listen to you and talk to you about how he was feeling, but he backed down once he saw you start to shake. He saw your distressed face, your red eyes, your trembling lip, your shaking body, and your rapid breathing. He knew this was all his fault. If he unloaded all of his incredibly heavy, intense, and dreadful feelings on you right now, that would be so incredibly selfish of him. 
Joe backed up in the doorway which made you think he was letting you come inside, but just as you were about to come in, he shut the door on your face. 
You stare at the closed door for a few seconds, not processing what just happened. He really wasn’t letting you in. After all that, after everything he went through? After everything you both went through these past 10 months?
“Do you know how scared I was the entire game? Do you know how every time you went down my heart stopped? Do you know that I spent 5 minutes crying in the bathroom during halftime because I saw the look on your face?” you shouted at the door, your sobs getting louder. “I know this is hard for you but I’m here, Joe. I’m always h- here,” you choke out. 
“Just leave me the fuck alone!” Joe shouted through the door, tears sliding down his cheeks as he squeezed his eyes shut because he instantly regretted saying that to you especially with that harshness in his voice that he knew would hurt you. 
You backed up from the door once you heard him shout at you, he never shouted at you, not even when you had arguments worse than this. You looked around the hallway, trying to collect your thoughts but there were none left to collect. You said everything that you could’ve possibly said to get through to him, what more was there left to say?
He wanted you to leave him alone, so you were going to do just that. 
“Okay, I’ll leave you alone,” you whispered to yourself, turning around and walking to your shared bedroom, your sobs echoing throughout the house as you disappeared inside your room. 
On the other side of the office door, Joe was sitting in his office chair, hot tears sliding down his cheeks as he was drowning with regret. He lamented saying those things to you, he doesn’t know what came over him. What was wrong with him? 
“Why did I do that to her? Why the fuck did I do that to…her?” he sniffled. He knows his anxiety and fears are controlling him right now, but there was absolutely no reason for him to take it out on the one person who always is there for him no matter what.  
“I fuck everything up,” he cried as he looked at a photo of the two of you sitting on his desk, a photo his mom took after he got his wrist surgery. 
Flashback to November 27th
“Babe, can we go skydiving?” Joe laughed as he rolled his head against the pillow to look at you. He had just woken up from surgery so he was feeling the effects of the anesthesia, and boy were they funny. The things that were coming out of his mouth were nothing but lighthearted, pure fun. It was good to see him laugh and smile especially since how melancholic his attitude had been since he got injured. 
“Absolutely not,” you said while giving him a serious look. “You are not jumping out of a plane as long as I am on this earth,”. 
“But why not? They have parachutes,” he pouted. “I think it would be sooooo fun,”.
“This is the same man who hates flying. Can you believe it?” Robin laughed as she finished typing up a text to send to family members to let them know the surgery went really well. 
“I know right?” you laughed with her. 
“How long did they say I can’t do stuff with my hand for?” Joe asked you with his adorable wide-eyed stare. 
“I think they said to have it in a sling for at least a month right now until your first follow-up,” you said as you brushed his hair out of his eyes.
“A month?” Joe dramatically gasped, his jaw dropping to the floor.
“Yeah,” you laughed. “Sorry baby, you’re not Deadpool and can’t heal within 5 seconds,” you smiled. 
“Wait, does that mean we can’t have sex for a month?” he gasped again.
“Joe!” you shrieked, your cheeks turning red because his mom was right in front of you both.
“Ah, wait. Loophole, duhh. You can just be on top which I know you love,” he winked while using his finger to point at you for emphasis. 
“Oh my god,” you whined as you hid your face in your sweatshirt sleeves, hearing Joe’s mom break out into a fit of laughter. 
“Hey, don’t hide your pretty face from me,” Joe pouted as he used his good hand to lower your hands that were covering your face. “Ahh, there she is. My beautiful, adorable, sexy-as-hell, fiance,” he said after you uncovered your face.
“Fiance?” you raised an eyebrow and asked. “Is this your way of proposing?” you giggled. 
“No. When I actually do, it’ll be way more grander, sexier, and special than this,” he winked. “Like I’m talking maybe on the top of the Empire State Building, maybe in the middle of the football stadium, maybe at the top of the Eiffel Tower, maybe even while we go skydiving type special proposal. But I know I’m marrying you and I like the word fiance better than girlfriend,” he laughed. 
“You’re insane,” you laughed as you dropped your head to his chest, feeling him cup your head with his good hand and drop a kiss on your head. 
“I love you like a lot,” he giggled. “Like a lot a lot,” he giggled again.
“Ohh, I know,” you cheesed. 
“You definitely don’t. I love you more than words can describe,” he smiled, you craned your head up to look into his sweet eyes before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips. “I love you too, Burrow,”. 
After you pulled away you were about to get up from his hospital bed but his mom spoke up, “Wait, stay like that. I’m going to get a picture,” she smiled.  
“Yesss,” Joe nodded. “I loveeeee pictures, especially with my fiance,”. 
“You are really something,” you giggled as you sat up straight.
You moved your hair back and helped Joe scooch up in the bed before turning your head and pressing a kiss to his cheek, placing your hand under his chin as he had a giant grin on his face. His good hand was wrapped around your waist and was holding you as close as possible to his body. 
You two were so happy. For once this past month, you were laughing, you both were smiling. 
“Are you going to be my protector for the next few months?” Joe giggled. “Not let anything bad happen to me and my wrist?”.
“Oh, 100%. I am your nurse, personal bodyguard, and protector. Nobody is hurting my man on my watch,” you grinned again as you smothered his cheeks with kisses. 
You both knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but as long as you were by each other’s side, nothing was going to hurt you. 
End of flashback 
“Nothing’s going to hurt me as long as she’s with me. I can’t keep pushing her away,” Joe whispered to himself as he snapped out of the sweet memory and wiped his tears. 
2 hours later
It had been two hours since your fight with Joe so it had been two hours since you had last seen him. After going into your bedroom earlier, you spent about 10 minutes crying in the bathroom as you tried to change into some comfier clothes. You felt awful about the whole thing. The way you lost your cool a few times, the way he was talking to you, just everything–it was horrible. 
You were currently sitting on the couch, sipping on some water and scrolling through some photos on your phone of the two of you. You let out a small laugh when you came across a silly photo of the two of you at a Hurricane Party you dragged him to at LSU. You remembered he was fully against the idea of going to a party during a hurricane, saying it was ‘batshit crazy’ and a ‘death wish’ but you managed to drag him along with you because you didn’t want him to sit inside and stress about the storm. In the photo, you two were standing on the deck of your friend’s house, the wind blowing so hard against you that Joe’s hat was flying away, and you with the hat you were trying to catch. His hand was tightly gripping onto yours and there were silly, drunk, lovesick smiles on both your faces as you were being soaked from the rain.  
“We’re insane,” you sniffled, realizing how batshit crazy it really was to party during a hurricane. 
As you were looking at other photos, you heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. You looked over at the bottom of the staircase, seeing Joe coming down in comfy clothes and wet hair which meant he showered and came out of his office at some point. 
“At least he wasn’t in there for the entirety of these two hours looking at stuff from the game,” you thought to yourself. 
Joe met your eyes as he walked into the room, seeing how red and puffy they were which was yet another thing that made him feel like absolute shit. He turned his head away at the same time you turned yours and walked into the kitchen, pulling out a glass from the cabinet. 
He started pouring you a glass of water, adding a few ice cubes because he knew you loved to chew on ice after you cried. At first, he didn’t understand the correlation, but then you explained to him that the ice has this cooling effect that can reduce heat and swelling around the face that happens after crying for a while. 
He grabbed the glass from the counter and slowly walked over to the couch, standing in front of you and holding the glass out. “Here,” he softly said, his voice just as heavy as yours which told you that he was crying too.
You slowly looked up at him, noticing that his eyes were also red and puffy. He definitely was crying too. 
“Thanks,” you quietly say as you take the glass from him, taking a big sip and letting the ice cube float into your mouth. 
“At least he remembered the ice,” you thought to yourself, appreciating the fact that he added them. 
You start to chew on the ice as you see Joe plop down on the couch next to you, your body freezing up because you remember everything he said to you earlier. You knew he was coming from a place of anger and guilt, but it still hurt. Joe noticed you tense up next to him, because of him, and that felt like a knife to his heart.
You both stayed quiet, staring at the random re-run of an episode of Friends that was playing on TV, but your minds weren’t focused on what was happening in the show. They were focused on each other. 
Joe felt his bottom lip start to quiver as his eyes once again pooled with tears, all of his emotions were coming out again. He fucked things up with you so bad tonight that he didn’t even know how to fix it. He hurt you. You were just trying to help him for his own good and he shut down on you. He shut you out. The one and only person that he let into his bubble. The one person he needed in his bubble. 
His brain was already crowded with anxiety and fear regarding football, but this was the worst thing out of everything. He didn’t want to go back to that dark place again, he didn’t want to deal with this on his own.
You heard soft sniffles come from beside you so you looked over, your heart shattering again as you saw Joe on the verge of tears, his eyes so red and his lip trembling like he was trying to hold it together. 
He didn’t need to hold it together, not around you. You knew that. You needed to make sure he knew that. “Come here,” you whispered to him as you put your arm around his shoulder and pulled him into your chest.
Joe immediately snaked his arm around your waist and rested his cheek against your chest, letting his tears fall from his eyes onto your pink tank top. You wriggled your hand into his frosted tip hair, scratching his scalp and pressing kisses to his head as he cried harder into your chest. 
You hated seeing him cry, but you knew he was feeling a lot right now and he needed to get his feelings out and this was the best way for him to do it. “It’s okay,” you soothed as you rubbed his back. “I’m here,”.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m s- so fucking sorry,” he cried harder. “I didn’t mean to yell at you, I didn’t mean to say all of that horrible shit to you. You don’t deserve any of that, you were just trying to help,”.  
“I know, baby, I know,” you said, blinking away a few of your own tears. “It’s okay,”,
“No, it’s not okay,” he said. “This is all so fucked up. I fucked everything up,” he sobbed. 
“No, you didn’t,” you said to him as you continued to rub his back. “You didn’t fuck anything up, Joe. Everything’s fine,”.  
“I did. I fucked up in the game and then I fucked up things with you. Nothing’s fine,” he sniffled. 
“Listen, Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby. As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine,” you said to him before pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Like I said earlier, I’m right here. Just talk to me,”.
“...You’re right,” he sniffled, breaking through the mental wall he had built. “You belong in my bubble, I can’t keep you out of it,”.
“So don’t,” you said, pulling him in tighter. 
“I’m scared,” he breathed out a few seconds later. “I feel guilty about everything. This game was supposed to be different. I was supposed to be different. I feel like all of this was my fault because I wasn’t as ready as I thought I was. This was my first game back and I played like absolute shit out there,”.
“Oh, Joe,” you said as your face dropped as well as your heart. 
“I disappointed everyone. Most importantly, I disappointed you. Even after everything you told me last night, I couldn’t do it. Everything that could’ve gone wrong went wrong and I didn’t do anything to fix it,” he said as a few more tears fell from his eyes.
“You didn’t disappoint anyone, Joe. Nobody expected you to go out there and play like you had a completely normal year. You went through so much with this injury, obviously things weren’t going to go back to normal in one game,” you gently said. “And you could never disappoint me. I told you, I know you. The public doesn’t know you like I do so they’re going to run with whatever bullshit they want as an explanation for why the game went the way it did. I know why things went the way they did, I’m not disappointed in you at all. I’m proud of you for going out there and doing what you did today,” you said as you pressed another kiss on his forehead and moved your hand back up to his soft hair. 
“I just feel like I had the shinest wheels, you know? There was so much hype and fire around me when I first got drafted, but ever since then, I’ve just disappointed everyone. It feels like the wheels are rusting. I know what everyone’s been saying, and I get it. I would say the same thing if I was in their shoes. It’s been 5 years of nothing but injuries, slow starts, and coming up short. I feel like I’m falling behind everyone, everyone keeps getting better and I feel stuck. Right now, all of my cages are mental and that’s why I’m scared. If I keep doing this, I’m wasting my potential. I’m stuck as the ‘injury prone’ and ‘wasted potential’ quarterback,” he said, the vulnerability in his voice comforting you because it meant he was letting you in.
“I haven’t done what I promised to do when I got drafted, so why should people believe me when I say that I’m built for this? Why should they believe me when I say that this year will be different? And you know what? They don’t believe me, at least not anymore and I saw that today. They see right through me. Even I see right through me,” he said.
“Can you see right through me?” he asked you, looking up into your soft eyes. 
“Yes,” you nodded, his brows furrowing at your response. “Not in that way though,” you added. “I see right through you because I know you. That’s why I knew you weren’t fine the second you walked out of the locker room. Remember, the media, the fans, and the public don’t see through you, they only see the surface level because they don’t know you. They don’t truly know how hard you work, how strong you are, how much passion you really have for this. They’re going to spew whatever bullshit they want because that’s what they do. If they were in your shoes, then they would know why these things happen and the reality of the situation. They can’t see through you, I promise. And as for the not getting better, you’re crazy if you think that. I saw you in practice, your throws have never looked better. You have never looked better, all this muscle and beefiness is a part of getting better. And like I told you yesterday, you control the narrative. You don’t have to be the ‘injury-prone’ quarterback, you can change it. Deep down, you know who you are. Don’t let these trolls and interlopers define you,”. 
Joe nodded as he felt his breaths steady out and his tears start to dry up. “I played scared yesterday, and I don’t know why? I thought I was ready, you know? We weren’t supposed to lose that game,”.
“I know,” you sighed. “But you’ve gone through so much these past 5 years, it’s completely normal to be hesitant and nobody should be blaming you for this. Yesterday’s loss wasn’t just on you. You’re on a team, Joe. They didn’t play perfectly either and the blame shouldn’t only fall on you. You’re a piece to the puzzle, a big piece, but not the only piece. The media always wants to pin everything on one person. One thing that I admire about you is how easily you block out the outside noise, don’t change that. Block it out like you always do,”. 
“This is game 1 out of 17. Don’t let this define you and don’t let the noise get to you,” you said as you used your thumb to rub the skin underneath his eye, wiping away the wet tear trails.
Joe nodded again, taking in all of the words you were saying to him. You were right, about all of it. He was so in his head about everything and so panicked that he couldn’t use logic and sense to think clearly. This was just one bump in the road as you explained. He had 16 more games to play and 16 more opportunities to show everyone what he’s made of. 
“You’re right,” he nodded. “This was one game. I can take this, learn from my mistakes, and get better,”.
“That’s exactly what I like to hear,” you smiled after hearing him work through his complicated feelings. “You’re going to get better. The team is going to get better. If you want to fix the blaring issues, do it with a calm, collected, and cool mind. You’re called ‘Joe Cool’ for a reason. Live up to that name,” you giggled. “Don’t lose your cool, don’t lose your composure over shit like this. I know you feel awful about how things went today, but one bad game doesn’t define a player and doesn’t define the entire season. Things were rough, but you always, no, you will bounce back,”.
“Thank you,” he sniffled against your chest, his brain feeling like it had just been given a nice comfy king-sized bed and cloud-like blanket to sleep in for the night. You were the only person that could make him turn his brain off and he couldn’t thank you enough. “I think I just got panicked after seeing everyone’s reactions and seeing how things looked out on the field plus everything I was feeling yesterday made it worse,”.
“Of course,” you smiled as you gave his head another kiss before holding him tighter against you. “And I get it. Sometimes it feels like the walls are caving in but that’s why it’s always important to talk to someone when you feel that way. Bottling up those feelings only makes it worse,”.  
“You're 100% right, Y/N. I’m sorry about earlier,” he said while looking up into your eyes again. “That was so fucking uncalled for. And I’m sorry for raising my voice, I was a dick to you the entire night,”. 
“It’s okay,” you smiled. “You were a dick, I agree,” you began to say, earning a laugh from Joe which made your heart smile, “But you’re my dick and I know how to handle you,” you smiled, then quickly furrowed your brows. 
“Wait, that doesn’t sound right at all,” you slapped your hand against your mouth after realizing what that sounded like, another laugh coming from Joe’s mouth. 
“I know what you mean,” he smiled. “But seriously, everything I said was straight bullshit. You mean the world to me and without you, I really think I would end up in an insane asylum. You’re the single most important thing in my life and I appreciate everything you do for me. Don’t ever leave me alone if I ask you to. Like please, I can’t live without you. Chain yourself to my wrist if you need to,”.
“Noted,” you smiled. “Just don’t freak out on me like that again, okay? You worked so hard this past year to get out of that zone, break free from that dark cloud, and I don’t want to see you back there,”. 
“I promise I won’t go back there and if I ever feel like I am, you’ll be the first person I come to. I’m never going to keep you out of the bubble again,” he said as he pressed a kiss to your chest. “I love you,” he said with another kiss to your chest.
“I love you too,” you smiled down at him. “I love you like a lot a lot,” you giggled, echoing what he said to you after his wrist surgery. 
“You know, sweet talking and hugs do make everything better,” he laughed as he looked up at you with his child-like smile you loved to see. 
“Oh, I know,” you winked. “But you still feel pretty stiff right now. Are you sure you’re 100% okay?”. 
“I think it’s just all the tension that I didn’t get to release out on the field. And I guess everything that happened after made it worse,” he grimaced. 
“Ah, that makes sense,” you nod, trying to think of a way to help him get his tension out because you knew if he didn’t, he’d be whiny all night about it. “How about some hot, post-loss sex to make you feel better?” you wiggled your eyebrows and asked. 
Joe’s eyes jumped up to meet yours as he was a bit taken aback by your straightforwardness. “For real?” he asked as he got up from your chest. 
“Mhm, the perfect way to get the tension and aggression out,” you said while licking your lips and giving him a sultry smile. 
“I love you, so fucking much,” he growled in your ears before shooting up from the couch, snaking his arms under you, lifting you up, and leading you up to the bedroom bridal style.
“At least the wrist seems to be just fine,” you giggled as he quickly ran up the stairs with you. 
Not even 5 minutes later, you two were mostly naked, on the bed, and attached to each other’s lips as if you had never kissed each other before. His lips moved against yours hungrily, signaling that he was feeling that way tonight and that you should brace yourself for what was to come.
You felt him pull away from your lips and start pressing wet, sloppy kisses down your body. “I thought we were getting right to it?” you asked him as you felt his gentle lips on your belly. 
“Mmm, I gotta make it up to you first, then we can get to it,” he smiled up at you. 
“But I said I-,”.
“Nope. I have to make you feel good first, you deserve it,” he winked before he continued to kiss down your body. You felt him attach his lips to the skin of your inner thigh, rhythmically sucking and biting which would surely leave a mark while his hands crept up to the waistband of your lace panties. He then moved his lips to press a kiss to your clothed core before pulling your underwear down, tossing it to the side, and then flashing you a devilish grin since he saw how you were squirming around on the bed because of the undeniable ache between your thighs. 
The next few minutes passed by like a blur and the next thing you knew, Joe’s head was buried deep in between your thighs and your back was arching off the bed. “Joe,” you moaned as you felt him push you back down, the expert swirl of his tongue sending jolts of pleasure throughout your body. “J- Joe,” you whispered, your head falling to the side as your eyes fluttered shut. 
Joe couldn’t help but smile into you as he continued to eat you out like a starved man, the beautiful sounds coming from your mouth making his heart happy but also, his dick.
“Mmm, fuck..,” you whimpered as you gripped the silk sheets, tossing your leg over his shoulder and lightly gliding your foot along his muscular back. The sudden touch made Joe groan into your core which sent vibrations throughout your body, your heated touch feeling like fire against his cold frame.  
He continued to lap at your drenched folds, all while his hands were tightly gripping your hips and massaging your plush skin. “You’re so fucking good at this,” you whispered with another loud moan following after as you felt his perfect ski-slope nose rubbing against your aching clit.
You placed a hand into his hair, softly pulling on the strands as you pushed him closer to your core and yet another moan came from your mouth. Joe lifted his head out from in between your thighs and looked up at you, “You’re extra vocal tonight,” he smirked, his lips and chin coated with your wetness. 
“Shut up,” you whined before you pushed his head back down, a smile appearing on your lips when you felt him attach his lips to your bundle of nerves and flick your clit with his warm tongue. You felt yourself fading away, getting lost in the sensual supernova that was happening down below.
“...Oh my god,” you whined a few seconds later, feeling him thrust a finger into your core which pushed you closer to your orgasm even faster than before. “Don’t stop,” you said while pulling on his hair, your leg lightly wrapping around the back of his neck. 
You felt him move his other hand down, his thumb resting on your clit as he rubbed slow circles around the bundle of nerves–this movement made you see stars. The combination of his thumb rubbing your clit, his finger thrusting in and out of your slick core, and his mouth going unhinged was making the imaginary band in your stomach tighten harder than it ever had before. 
“I’m close,” you whimpered, your hips gently bucking at the jolt of pleasure moving through your body. “I’m..s- so…c- close,” you whimpered, this time a little louder because his thumb started moving faster around your clit. You then feel him add another finger into your core, your hips grinding against the bed as you search for any form of relief, but the only thing that could relieve you was taking his sweet time. 
“Baby, please,” you begged, your eyes fluttering shut as your back arched off the bed again, his fingers rapidly thrusting in and out of your core while you felt a more extreme feeling begging to be released from inside of you. “Oh, fuck,” you moaned, the feeling about to break through in just a few seconds.
Joe curled his fingers inside of your core and moved his mouth back up to your clit, roughly attaching his mouth to the bud and sucking you in a way that he knew drove you crazy. And then just a few seconds later you dropped back down to the bed as you felt yourself tip over the edge, his name falling from your lips like some seductive chant while you came undone. “Joe!” you screamed, tightly closing your eyes and feeling your entire body shake with the force of your orgasm. 
Joe looked up through his eyelashes, watching you restlessly move around and hearing breathy moans leaving your beautiful mouth as he lapped at the juices of your intense–still going–orgasm. He was slowly getting more and more worked up as he watched you come apart, knowing he was the only man who had ever seen you this vulnerable and raw and was the only man who was going to see this. 
A minute later you open your eyes, your chest heaving as you recover from the intense high that washed over you, “Holy fuck,” you panted as you saw Joe smiling at you, his lips and chin completely covered in your release, his face showing that he somehow enjoyed this just as much as you did. 
“Did I just-,” you asked, feeling the soaked sheets below you, as you caught your breath. Your eyebrows shoot up in amusement as you watch Joe wipe his chin with his fingers before using his tongue to lick them clean. 
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “You did,”. 
“Oh my god,” you said, hiding your face with your hands out of embarrassment. 
Joe let out a throaty laugh before kneeling on the bed again and hovering over you, then moving your hands off of your face, “Why are you hiding,” he smiled.
“Because I just…,” you said while biting your lip, his bedroom eyes making you want to pounce on him right that second even though you also wanted to run and hide for some reason.
“What?” he said while trying to hold back his cocky smile. “Squirted?” he asked while moving your hair out of your face.
“You don’t have to say it like that…,” you said while hiding your face again. 
After all this time, you still felt shy around him. He’d seen your most embarrassing moments, your best and your worst. He’d seen it all. The fact that you felt embarrassed about this little thing was adorable and another reminder that you were the most precious girl he had ever met. 
“Don’t feel embarrassed, babe. It’s not the first time and it’s definitely not the last time,” he softly said while leaning down to kiss your forehead. “I think it was super hot and super sexy,”. 
“Really?” you asked while peeking out at him through your fingers.
“Mhmmm. Besides, I’ve seen way worse than this. Can’t forget the time I walked in on you fingering yourself while I was away at practice,” he grinned from ear to ear, as if he was proud that he made you so worked up even when he was away from you.
“Joseph Lee,” you screamed while playfully slapping his bare chest.
“Hey, it was a great show,” he shrugged. “I can still remember the sounds,” he said while clearing his throat. “Oooh, Joe. Ohhh Joe, fuck. Joe, ah… Joey!” he moaned as he mimicked you, all while laughing because he couldn’t be serious about it. 
“You know, I don’t have to offer an outlet for you to release your tension,” you shrugged as you started to get up from the bed but felt yourself being caged in by your large boyfriend. 
“Ahem, I don’t think that’s how this works, baby,” he shook his head. “Once you put something on the table, you can’t take it off,”.
“Oh yeah?” you teased. “What if I do?”.
“You don’t wanna know,” he whispered in your ear before slamming his thick cock into your dripping entrance with no warning. 
“Joe,” you gasped, the sudden feeling of him stretching you out and filling you up so extreme and lively. 
“That’s it, baby,” he groaned as he threw his head back, his cock moving at an instantaneous pace. “That’s it…,” he said again but a little quieter while he dropped his head to the crook of your neck, the feeling of your warm walls wrapping around him so intense and special. 
“Joe, fuck,” you whimpered as you felt his cock repeatedly slam into your cervix, his body moving against yours recklessly and roughly. His thrusts quickened as he moved deeper and deeper inside you, the sounds of your breathy moans getting louder with each snap of his skilled hips. He sported a euphoric look on his once-tired face, a sign that he felt relaxed and it was all to your credit. 
The next few minutes were hot, steamy, and messy as he whispered filthy praise into your ear which matched the pure vulgarity that was happening between you two on the bed right now. His hard thrusts made it difficult for you to hold it together, your nails clawing at his tan back as you bit down on his shoulder and got lost under his touch. “You’re so good to me,” he moaned in your ear, his hand moving up and wrapping around your throat. 
“Joe,” you struggled to moan, feeling his grip around your throat becoming a little tighter as the pleasure inside of you was rapidly building.
“Ah, fuck,” he panted as he picked his head up and cupped the back of your leg, and lifted it over his shoulder; this new position opened you up even more and made it easier for him to hit all the right spots inside of you. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whimpered, the sight of his lip in between his teeth and his thick body moving against you making your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
“I’m close,” you moaned as you looked down, moaning again at the sight of his shaft rapidly moving in and out of your slick heat.
“Fuck, me…too,” he groaned, his pace getting rougher and rougher as sounds of your skin slapping against each other echoed throughout the room. “I love you,” he moaned loudly once he felt his cock start to twitch inside of you. 
“Joe, fuck…please, I need to come,” you whined, his grip on your leg getting tighter. 
“I know baby, I know,” he whimpered, “I’m almost there,” he added as he dropped your leg and moved his hand to the headboard, gripping it tightly as he used it as leverage to slam into you even harder. All the tension, all the aggression, it was all coming out in the most fruitful way possible. He was getting away from himself, and it was all thanks to you. 
“Ah, fuck,” you screamed, feeling yourself on the brink of pleasure, stars filling your eyes as his pace remained rough and hard. 
A few seconds later, you felt him shoot endless ropes of cum into your wet heat which were accompanied by another loud moan from him. “Fuck. Oh fuck,” he panted as he slowed his thrusts into you, making sure that his release stayed inside of you and that you reached your high.
“Joe, please,” you pleaded, needing to feel your high right this second. 
“I’ve got you,” he said while giving you a lazy smile, his hand moving down to your clit and rubbing rapid circles around the sensitive bud as he slowed his thrusts even more.  A few seconds later, you clamped down on his cock, arched your body up into him, and felt yourself let go for the second time tonight. “Oh my god,” you moaned before you felt him press gentle kisses all along your neck and eventually your face, your lips meeting in a sloppy kiss as your highs washed over you. 
A few minutes later, you were both lying against the messy sheets, your head tucked into his chest as he played with your hair and once again apologized to you for how he acted earlier tonight. 
“Joe, I promise, It’s okay,” you giggled. “You’ve made it up to me in more ways than one. The fact that I can’t walk right now is an apology enough,”. 
“Okay, I’ll stop now,” he smiled. “Thank you for everything though. This and for everything you said earlier,”. 
“No need to thank me, baby. I told you, this is my job. We’re in this together and I promise that nothing’s going to hurt you as long as you’re with me. Like I said to you back in November, I’m your protector,” you grinned. 
“That you are,” he laughed, his body feeling loose and light under you for the first time all day. 
“Thank god he feels better," you smiled to yourself. Joe was the most important thing in your life, having him relaxed, focused, and calm was all you wanted. He deserved all the happiness, success, and love in the world and you needed to make sure he knew that. Moments like this were going to happen all throughout his career, but they were controllable and you were a big reason as to why they were. He wasn't kidding when he said he needed you inside his bubble or he'd end up in the insane asylum. You were his safe haven, his place of tranquility, his calm in the storm.
“I love you more than anything, Joe. Everything's going to be alright, I promise,” you smiled up at him, then leaned in for another kiss before you felt him pull the sheets over you both. 
“I love you too, Y/N,” he smiled as he nuzzled his nose against yours and leaned in for another kiss. 
–The End–
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aajxs · 2 months
🍙 : ̗̀➛ when you find out your boyfriend of three years cheated on you for months before finally breaking up with you, payback is the only thing on your mind. what more are you to do other than get with his twin brother as a form of revenge, and maybe something a bit more.
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CONTENTS // mentions of cheating / atsumu slander (still my husband don't get it twisted) / reader getting her get back / NSFW! / fingering / oral (f! receiving) / biting / praise kink / hair pulling / mentions of alcohol + alcohol consumption / pussydrunk osamu / cum eating..? / vulgar language / pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess, good girl (is that even a pet name??? girl idk), sweet girl) / unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it) / the d was fireeeeee ( unedited; 4.5k. )
PAIRINGS // osamu miya x fem!reader
A/N // where my fellow osamu girlies at 😓???
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OSAMU MIYA thinks his brother might be the biggest idiot he's ever met.
You and Atsumu have been dating for three years, and he's thrown it all down the drain simply because you'd been too busy to have sex. It's almost hypocritical. He's just as busy as you, and yet he broke up with you over something so simple. What ever happened to communication is key?
Atsumu has always been the friendly type, and honestly you think you're too numb to care when his brother texts you to tell you that he moved on pretty quick. Too quick, if you're being honest.
You decide that, in your horrendous post breakup state, you should go to a club. Seeing as the entire fucking world knows that you're the girl famous volleyball player Atsumu Miya fumbled horrendously, (at least according to the thousands of comments on his Instagram telling him he downgraded) you think it'll be pretty easy to find a guy to fuck and post on your own Instagram.
A halter top hugs your figure, cropped just above your bellybutton piercing. The black miniskirt you're wearing doesn't leave much to the imagination. The golden bracelets on your wrists create a satisfying jangle with each movement, and a golden necklace is paired to match. Your makeup is simple yet flattering, and it's obvious you're here for straight business as you strut inside the massive club.
Although, you don't even get the chance to find a seat at the bar when you find a familiar face. At first you think it's Atsumu, but you're quickly proved wrong.
Osamu didn't always have slightly softer features than his brother, they used to be identical. But, after highschool, you think he got tired of being the other Miya and decided to look striking in his own way.
You're met with dull and dark blue-grey eyes when your gaze locks with his. His hair is a bit more brown nowadays, but it still has that unmistakable shade of grey box dye mixed in. You don't miss the way he lights up at the sight of you before waving you over with a smile. You pause in thought for a few moments.
Is Atsumu here with him? What if him and his new girlfriend are here? If so, you're probably cooked. Although, when it comes down to it, you have no reason to be so intimidated. You're here for yourself, aren't you? So with that, you return Osamu's charming smile and walk over to him.
He gets up to greet you with a hug, and you happily accept it. "What's got you all dolled up?" He smiles playfully.
"I finally decided to get out after being cooped up for so long after the breakup. Think it's about time I get back out there, don't you?" You tilt your head as you sit down on the cushioned stool next to his.
He hums, "Ah shit, almost forgot about that." He says a bit nervously. A large hand meets the back of his neck as he sends you a closed eyed smile. Your eyes land on his bicep almost immediately, but you're quick to avert your gaze as to not get caught staring.
"It's alright. He's moved on hasn't he? I need to catch up." You sigh as you order a drink. Osamu, with a few protests from you, puts it on his tab.
"Oh yeah, how long have they been datin'? Four months now, if I recall." He says casually, watching as the bartender places the cold drink in front of you.
You thank the bartender before pausing. Four months? You and Atsumu only broke up two months ago. Osamu must notice the way you freeze because he tilts his head curiously.
"You alright?" He asks, blinking. The first thought that comes to his mind was that maybe it was a little too soon to mention how long they've been dating.
You don't answer the question, but quickly ask another. "When did Atsumu tell you we broke up?" You ask, your perfect brows creasing together slightly. Osamu narrows his eyes in thought.
"Uh.. around the time him and the new girl started dating." He answers. You pause again.
"We broke up two months ago." You say, rubbing your brow. Osamu stares at you in shock for a few moments. He's no longer leaning into his hand, now staring at you as if you'll break down at any second.
Honestly, if it were up to Osamu you would've never gotten with his brother in the first place.
You met Osamu during your first year of highschool and only when you became the manager for their volleyball team did you meet Atsumu. You hit it off instantly and started dating a few months before your second year.
Osamu was bummed because he obviously wanted you first and his brother knew that yet still got with you because the majority of the time Atsumu only cares about himself. You were basically the only person who liked him in highschool aside from girls who'd never met him and only chased after his looks.
He watched from afar as his brother treated you like shit and talked about other girls behind your back. Atsumu never acted on them (at least as far as Osamu knows), so there was never really any reason to tell you unless he wanted to sabotage your entire relationship for his own gain. Back then? He would've never done that because as long as you're happy, right? But now.. Osamu has waited too long to be this close to you without his brother at your side.
And right now, Osamu thinks that he could still have a chance. You're obviously still upset about Atsumu, but you wouldn't have come to this specific club if you didn't think you'd find a one night stand.
"You good?" He asks. Osamu has never been good at reading feelings (he's much better at expressing them, you know because you've watched him and Atsumu go at it multiple times over the smallest things. Maybe it's just a twin thing, but they always fought more than most siblings), so he isn't exactly sure what to say as you disassociate for a few moments.
Your nose scrunches slightly, "I'm alright. I guess I just didn't expect him to cheat after all we went through together." You respond belatedly.
Osamu let's out a small oh as he continues gazing at you.
Atsumu didn't just fumble you, he had the bag and watched as every single item fell out of it. How he could ever cheat on you, Osamu will never know. His brother has always been the more idiotic of the two.
"Anyways," You speak up a bit hesitantly, obviously still stuck on the unbearably recent new that your boyfriend of three years cheated on you, "What're you doing here, 'samu?" You ask, blinking away your thoughts as you tilt your head.
You take another sip of your drink, swirling the ice for a moment before you down the alcohol. Your eyes are still locked with his as you do so, awaiting a response to your question.
He stutters for a few moments, averting his gaze before answering. "I jus' needed to get out. Onigiri Miya has been pretty busy lately 'nd I think I deserve a break." Osamu responds, quickly chugging the rest of his drink.
You have to hold back a gasp as you watch some of the liquid drip from his plump lips and down his neck. The bead trails down his adams apple and he quickly wipes the liquid before it can disappear under the white button down shirt he's wearing.
The top few buttons are undone, giving you a peek of his chest. There's a necklace around his neck that you don't recognize, but the way the tiny chain falls on his tanned chest catches your eye.
He's always been attractive, but he just looks so painfully good under the strobing lights inside this crowded club. The multicolored lights ignite his features in ways you've never exactly paid attention to, and you can't help but trace each and every detail of his face with your eyes.
Osamu eyes you for a moment before they trail over to your empty drink. "D'ya want another?" He asks, snatching you away from your lewd thoughts about what you might do with his mouth.
"I don't think you want to know what I want." The words fly out of your mouth before you can think, and you quickly regret them as his wide eyes lock with yours.
You're stammering to find an excuse, but when a cheeky smirk appears on his face, you pause.
"I think I do." He tilts his head playfully, and you can't conceal the intake of breath those words cause.
A sudden confidence spikes through you, "I want you to take me back to yours." Your lips twitch up, and his smile grows.
"Careful. I might take you seriously if you keep lookin' at me like that." He clicks his tongue in response.
You trace the brim of your glass with your fresh set of nails, a low clink sounding out when you tap it a few times. "And who said I wasn't serious?" You flirt shamelessly, not shying away from his strong gaze.
And that's how you got to his house, your lips smashed against his as he guides the two of you through the front door. He uses his foot to kick the door shut before pinning you to the nearest thing possible.
He can taste your flavored lipgloss as your lips move in perfect synchrony, a sweet mix of strawberry and the slightest bit of bourbon. Your tongues are intertwined and you're basically eating each other's faces.
Osamu's strong hands are on the exposed skin of your waist, tightly gripping your sides as he pulls away from the sloppy kiss. A curse leaves your lips as his lips meet your jaw, then begin moving down your neck. He nips and sucks at your supple skin as he lifts you into his arms effortlessly.
Gasps leave your swollen lips as he carries you to his bedroom. If not for you, he would've hit the wall on his way. As soon as he reaches his room, he closes the door with his foot once again and lays you down on his King bed.
He skillfully pulls off your strapped heels, softly putting them on the floor near his bed as he climbs on top of you. "Take off your shirt, 'samu." You order breathlessly, and he hazily smirks.
"Of course." He says playfully as he tugs the black shirt off his body. Your eyes are met with thick muscle, something you should've expected but didn't. Your nails run down his abs, tickling his skin. Your fingers trace every indention of his toned chest his his lips meet with your neck again.
The softest moans leave your mouth as he suckles on your skin, focused solely on leaving marks. He only pulls away to take your top off before he gets straight back to work. Crisp air hits your once covered skin, sending a subtle shiver down your spine. His thumbs run over your hardened nipples, a shaky gasp leaving your lips when he pinches them.
You don't think you've been this wet in your life. Your arousal is painfully obvious as your legs squeeze together, a lousy attempt at taming the waterfall between your thighs.
Osamu suddenly swirls his tongue around one of your sensitive nipples, making you moan out loud. You bite your lip to conceal anymore noises.
"Don't get all shy now, pretty." He hoaresly mutters into your breast, his voice sending vibrations through your body. Your lips part at the statement, and you can feel him smirk into your skin as he licks and sucks and nips at your sensitive nipple.
Your hands make their way to his toned back, trailing over taut muscle as you reach into his hair. Your tight grip and occasional pulls have Osamu going crazy.
Honestly, he could care less if he's just a rebound. You're the most beautiful woman alive and he gets to feel you. You might consider yourself his brother's leftovers, but he considers you as a full course meal.
Your entire being is encased in warmth, and every time his lips touch your body you only get hotter. Every single touch and lick and bite only grows everlasting fire in the depths of your weak soul.
You're so fucking pretty under him, making the sweetest noises he's waited years to hear. It's not long until he's finally pulling your skirt and lacy panties down to your ankles, basking in the mess between your legs.
"All this for me?" He says playfully, glancing up at you. You tug his hair out of annoyance and he groans. You must've liked that sound because he doesn't miss the way your pussy clenches around nothing.
"What do you want me to do?" He asks, gazing up at you with sincere eyes. The deepness in his look ignites things that you've never experienced before. He's driving you mad.
You gasp, "Just fuck me, Osamu." He smirks at your bluntness.
The whimper of his name has him tugging his pants off in mere seconds. He licks his lips as he swipes two fingers along your wetness, eliciting a moan from you.
You look so good from this angle.
He inserts two fingers without any trouble, your pretty cunt sucking his fingers in as they graze your gummy walls. He pumps thick fingers in and out of you for a moment before pulling them out and placing them in his mouth. You taste like heaven, and he hopes you miss the way his eyes roll back.
"Holy shit," He groans as he licks his fingers clean, "'m sorry, I gotta taste you first." He apologizes for no reason in particular. It's not like you don't enjoy the way his mouth latches on your cunt.
He's taking his sweet time, and it seems to you like he's afraid of what might happen if he goes all out.
You grab his hair and pull him from between your legs, leaning forward to cup his jaw a bit roughly. "If you're scared to do it right, Osamu, you don't have to eat me out at all." You say breathlessly and demandingly. You could probably cum just by the look on his face right now. His mouth and chin is dribbling with a mix of your slick and his own saliva, and his dark eyes are half lidded in a haze of pleasure. He's staring up at you like he's never seen anything greater (he hasn't).
He nods, but you're not quite satisfied with the curt movement. "Use your words, baby." You order as you angle his head up a bit more. A small gasp leaves your lips when his grip on your thighs tightens.
"Yes ma'am." He responds, a slight attitude in his hoarse voice. You're so hot when you order him around.
He smirks and when you let go of his face he gets straight to work. He's slurping up your juices and shoving his tongue inside your sopping pussy like a man starved. Osamu has never been one for messes, but he can't help but be sloppy as he eats you.
Osamu has never been anything less than diligent when it comes to things that he deems important, so he's making sure to put his full focus into devouring you whole.
A chainlink of moans exit your mouth as he rubs your clit in circles while practically drinking your insides. With every buck of your hips and mewl from your plump lips, Osamu groans ever so slightly into your tight hole. They send shockwaves through your body, that familiar knot slowly tying itself in your stomach with every grunt.
The chants of his name rolling off your tongue are like music to his deprived ears. You sound like an angel to him, and all he wants to do is keep eliciting lewd sounds from you. Your tight grip on his hair is making him even more aroused.
Salty tears are starting to run down your face, staining your face with your mascara. Osamu feels like an asshole for enjoying your cries and pleas for more.
"F-f-uhh-ck, 'samu!" You manage, loud moans leaving your throat. You don't remember the last time you felt this good. The knot in your abdomen grows tighter by the second and your moans grow louder with each particular flick of his tongue. You're seeing actual stars at this point.
"Ah, shit- G'na cum, Osamu!" You moan just as your high hits. The earth seems to stutter on its axis as you release on his face, your vision fading into a blinding white and your legs shaking profusely. He laps it up like a dog in heat, aiming to drink your cum like water. He doesn't even pull away once your plethora of moans is over, his tongue still licking stripes down your folds.
It's only when you reach into his hair and pull him away from your sensitive hole that he realizes you came. A string of saliva goes with him as he detaches from you. He almost looks intoxicated as he gazes up at you, licking his lips and wiping his cum covered face with the of back his hand. Osamu rests his head on your thigh, looking up at you hazily.
It's near silent as you calm down from your high, the only sound being your uneven pants and his deep breaths.
Osamu sucks on your skin as he kisses up your torso. His grip on your hips is tight and he whispers words of praise as his lips attach to supple skin.
"Y're so fuckin' beautiful." He sighs into your neck. All he wants to do right now is give you backshots into oblivion, but he has a bit of self control.
You hum, "Keep talking like that and I might fall in love." You murmur sarcastically in response. He hopes you miss the way he tenses up.
"Can I fuck you?" He asks bluntly. His dick is almost painfully hard right now and he doesn't think jerking off will do much knowing that he just ate you out.
You smirk, "Be my guest, 'samu." You lick your lips and tilt your head at him. He exhales shakily before leaning forward to kiss you sloppily. You can still subtly taste yourself on his lips as his tongue re-explores your mouth.
Osamu's hands trail from your hips and towards your legs, tightly gripping the fat and muscle of your thighs. You sigh slowly, your eyelids fluttering closed as you anticipate the actions to come.
He positions himself above you, dark greyish-brown hair falling towards your face along with the small chain. His hands reach towards his boxers, pulling them down. You try not to watch as he pulls his thick cock out but it's honestly hard not to.
A few protruding veins catch your eye, pre cum glistens over his slightly red tip, and you can't help but feel like he might just have the prettiest dick you've ever seen.. For an identical twin, Osamu seems to be bigger than his blond counterpart.
He wastes no time lining himself up with your entrance, dragging his dick between your folds. You let out a shaky breath as he smears around your wetness, an airy laugh leaving his swollen lips.
You have absolutely no idea how long he's been wishing for this exact moment. How many times he dreamed of having you in positions much more explicit than this.
He doesn't think you ever will know. He'll save himself the embarrassment.
"You asked to fuck me, now you won't put it in?" Your hips jut forward with your words. Osamu smiles at the action. He hooks an arm around one of your legs and throws it over his shoulder, your calf resting on his muscular shoulder.
He locks eyes with you as he finally begins slipping himself inside you. Your gummy walls hug his shaft tightly. A chainlink of his grunts and your moans bounce off the walls.
"Why're you so tight.." Osamu mutters. It's mostly to himself, but you can't help but hum at his words.
He curses lowly before pushing the rest of his length into you with a strong thrust. You moan loudly, whether in pain or pleasure neither of you can tell.
A deep breath leaves his lips, "R'ya alright, sweetheart?" Osamu asks, his tone concerning.
"Fuck, y-yes." You breathe, eyelids fluttering shut in ecstasy. You're inadvertently clenching around him, attempting to get used to his length.
He's placing gentle kisses along your collarbone, awaiting your permission to move. You take a good twenty seconds, basking in the silence as he leaves small marks along your neck and chest.
"Please, 'samu." You mutter, and he hums into your chest as his hips begin moving and the quiet noise of skin against skin sounds in his room.
You're whimpering, and little do you know he hasn't even begun yet. His strokes are soft and slow and he's barely moving, but the way your gummy walls clench around him have him itching to fuck the soul out of you.
Shaky breaths leave his plump lips, and your gasps match his. "Fuck, baby, 've gotta move." He grunts as his pace quickens and his thrusts harden.
It doesn't take long for the skin to skin action to get louder, plap plap plaps bouncing off the walls as he thrusts his cock in and out of you.
"Y're fuckin' made for me, aren't ya?" Osamu moans, and your noises grow louder by the second.
You've had sex, made love, been fucked, and everything in-between. But the way Osamu thrusts inside of you with such precision and bottled need has you going fucking crazy.
Your bodies are intertwined so tightly that you can barely tell where you begin and he ends. It's hot and sticky and disgusting but it's so fucking good the way he doesn't hold back.
That tight knot in your abdomen is coming back and the gasps you let out grow louder as he fucks into you, raw and unadulterated.
"Fuuuck- 'samu 'm gonna come soon—" You stammer, your hips grinding helplessly into him. When he pulls out you buck forward and it's like he never even leaves.
(You aren't sure how long he's been rutting into you, but you're sure you'll be sore in places you didn't even know you could be sore by the time he's done.)
Osamu's lips latch onto yours and it contrasts the way he's fucking into you at first. His kiss is sloppy and open mouthed yet just as slow and calculated as always, but he's growing hungry as he reaches his own high.
He's desperate, more desperate for you than he's ever been for anything else in his entire life. It's pathetic, he thinks, but you taste so fucking good and the way you clench around his cock makes him think you want him to cum inside.
"Keep fuckin' grippin' me like that 'nd I'll have no choice but to cum inside, princess." Osamu groans into your lips, and you swear to god if he keeps hitting that extra raw and gummy spot inside you you'll have his fucking kids.
Your nails are digging into his shoulders, but he doesn't seem to care. "Never been fucked like this, have ya?" He smugly questions. You decide not to answer because no, you haven't been fucked like this but you don't think you'll ever want it any other way after you're done.
And then, in one swift motion, he pulls out and flips you on your stomach before pounding into from the back. With your face squished uncomfortably into the pillow and drool pooling from your swollen lips, his hand practically gripping your scalp as he pulls on your tussled hair, you don't think you'd have this night any other way.
Osamu's other calloused hand latches to your hip with a bruising grip, and suddenly his pace quickens and hardens and you're everywhere and nowhere all at once. He leans forward, a breath trailing up the deep arch of your back as he thrusts into you with no remorse. He's waited too long to hold back, and now that he's got you he doesn't think he's ready to let you go quite yet.
"Such a good fuckin' girl f'me," Osamu moans. If it weren't for him being so close to you, you might've missed it in such a fucked state.
A gasp leaves your lips, "All yours, 'samu!"
"Yeah, all mine," A vibration trails down your back, and you're hit with the realization that he is just as much yours as you are his in this painfully blissful moment when your moans sync up.
The room is stuffy and reeks of sex and neither of you would have it either way. "C'mon sweet girl, come with me?" Osamu asks deeply in your ear, and you bite your lip so hard you think you might taste metallic.
A loud moan, "Fuck- yes, Osamu, please!" You practically scream, pleas leaving your wet lips. He can't quite see the way your eyes roll into the back of your head as he continues grinding so deeply into you, but he knows you look so fucking good from this angle.
"Inside, f-fuck, do it inside Osamu!" You gasp, and he doesn't sense even a tinge of regret in your demeanor once the words leave your pretty mouth, so that's exactly what he does.
Just as a deep groan leaves his mouth and his hot seed plants itself inside you, you're seeing galaxies as your reach your peak. That tightly knitted rope snaps in half and you're cumming all over his cock at the same time he coats your insides with his own white juices.
He pulls out and nearly collapses on you. Thankfully he doesn't rest his full weight on you, shifting slightly to the side so he can, not only rest his head on the pillow next to yours, but lean in to give you a gentle kiss.
You kiss him back, half-lidded and tired eyes slowly falling closed as you rest next to one another. A strong arm pulls you into him, and you wrap a leg around his own. Neither of you can ignore the way a lewd mix of each other's cum thickly drips down your thigh.
"Quick power nap, then another round. How 'bout it, sweetheart?" He asks, voice raspy and deep in your ear.
"You just fucked the life out of me, 'samu. Give it a minute," Your throat is raw, but your words come out clearly. He chuckles softly, lightly muttering a 'yes ma'am' into your ear.
You'll have to remind him to thank his dear brother for keeping it tight.
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moofbat · 4 months
in 2020 i did an rqg ootd where i drew characters in my outfits and i’m gonna bring it back. please other artists do this i wanna see ! (i have a problem w checkerboard and halerquin pattern clothes. i love them so much.)
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ID: a sketchbook page of ink drawings of zolf, cel, sasha, azu, grizzop and hamid. zolf is stood with his hands in his pockets wearing a boxy crew neck jumper with the word TRAMP across the chest and striped patchwork cargo trousers and boots. cel, also with their hands in their pockets is wearing a harlequin patterned bralette and checkered shorts with a bomber jacket, striped socks and converse. sasha is stood fidgeting with her hands in front of her chest, in an oversized tshirt that says ‘JUST DO IT LATER’ with a stickman lying on a tick and white shorts with a black side panel and vans. azu is only seen from the thighs up, hands in her pockets. she is wearing a short, floaty dress under a huge cardigan with different patterned panels and fishnet tights that have hearts on them. grizzop is stood facing the left and speaking with his hands, wearing a croppped tank top and oversized black joggers with converse. hamid is stood holding a an iced drink in a cropped black halter neck top, and long shorts with a checkerboard pattern on the left leg and a signature on the right with a pair of boots. there are small doodles around them to fill space. end ID
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jocelynscrazyideas · 5 months
Baby I’m home! | Nico Hischier x Reader
Warnings: smut, language, not much of dirty talk (there literally is none).
Summary: Nico come back from a roadie in Minnesota, they had lost their chance to get into the playoffs. Nico gets h0rny and…
A:N- HELP I’m so tired it’s so hard to keep writing, again I don’t have faith that I’ll like this piece but I spent 2 days trying to write it so here 🫶😉🍇
After a roadie Nico returns home. The devs went to Minnesota and they had lost. Originally you were asked to come, actually the coaching staff were going to pay for some of the WAGs to go. Last time, the boys had gotten in a huge argument about the gameplay, and who should be on the first lineup. That’s not in their hands, it’s in the coaches and the stats of the players. Anyway, to keep them from miss behaving, the women were allowed to come.
“Baby!” Nico yells out for me in his American accent. He’s wearing his white tank top that stretch over his back and biceps, wow. He’s a smoke show.
“I wish you went! The Girls went out to the bars and the boys stayed behind and watched bar fights break out.” Nico explains. I’m actually quite nervous that he’s not showing any emotions.
Why is this loss so important? Because it was the devils last chance to win or even tie the game to get into the playoffs. Statistically in team stats overall no, they shouldn’t make it, but in number in points from each individual players had, yes they would have made it and probably win. John is an incredible defender, and so is Luke. Jack is a beautifully gifted skater and Jesper has the moves to skate within seconds across the whole rink. Ofcirese, Nico. My beautiful man. He is the most manly boy in the team, big muscles, coordination, and most importantly his social media presence. Everyone loves him.
I mean I love him.
“I know! I’m sorry.” I shout from our bedroom upstairs. Hear bags drop from downstairs and I think I hear some mumbling. I didn’t go on the roadie because I had work and I’m getting the worst headache for the last week.
“I brought up some meds. Does it still hurt?” Nico questioned and he pulls his tank top off and threw it onto our hamper that rots in our closet. Holy heaven of Abs. He’s just so fucking lovable, I don’t care about the fact he’s hot, but the way he carries himslef, he knows that no matter what he does, it’ll be intentional for him.
“Yes, thank you bubba.” I responded as I take the bottle of pills and take two pills. Yes, my head hurts so much I took two.
“Can we grab something to eat? I hungry.” Nico asked as he takes me by my hips.
He grasped onto my hips and ricks me back and forth, I can hear his stomach growl as he rests his head onto my shoulder. He shoved his head into the crook of my neck, I can feel him take my perfume from my body and pull it into his lungs. He’s smiling, I can feel his lips against my ear, and he starts to wrap his legs around my feet.
He starts to hurt me around and now I’m facing him, he’s looking straight into my eyes. He takes my hand and he places it to his chest. I can feel his heartbeat, and it’s pounding. My stomach drops as he sweeps my from my feet and onto the bed.
“Do you want food? Or we can stay in and shower, then you know do whatever.” Nico suggested, I can feel him slipping away from me. He gets up and grabs his bag.
“You better not get your gear! Its stinks!” I yell after him as nico turns to the stairs to grab his away game items.
“Baby!” Nico shouts for me. “Can you grab some milk? I wnat pasta.” Nico I a sucker for some creamy and thick pasta.
I run down the stairs and I slide into the kitchen in my socks. I have on my- well Nico’s favorite shirt on me, it’s a blue halter top that wraps around my neck with beads, it has shells laces together at the bottom almost as if it were a belly chain, and the shirt is cropped above my belly button and it’s ribbed. It’s cute, but it works better for a swimsuit cover up.
“You look sexy.” Nico slips as he eyes my shorts.
Nico,a boxers are a bit to big for me butt I slide them on anyway, and the best part is that it’s plain black, so it really does match my outfit, it’s called my “I don’t fucking care” outfit. I love the outfit, nice and short and skin tight so I can get every little breeze in, especially since it’s March and season is almost over.
“Are you gonna grab the milk? Also while you’re at it could you grab the packaged rav?” Nico requested as he slips his old man slippers on. He collects his supply’s such as a pan, the milk I gave him and the ravioli, and of course some pesto. It’s not really pasta, but he diced up some cheese, slipped some butter in the ravioli, and he stirred everything together. He lets it set as he grabs two plates. I didn’t wnat any but he knew I haven’t eaten since he left. He puts some buttered pesto cheesy ravioli on my plate and as the man he is, he cooked it so he gets more. He just flips the pan upside down and gathers all of the pasta.
He finished up with dishes since we finished the ravioli, it was delicious.
“So, you wanna shower?” Nico asked me and I can feel him getting really close to me. He picks my hands up and we start to slow dance to the sound of construction in the neighborhood.
“Yeah, well YOU need to shower more, you’re stinky.” I say in a sarcastic way. He looks me dead in the eye and he picks me up. He carry’s me up the stairs and he throws me down onto the bed.
The blunt force of getting absolutely demolished by this man felt oddly great. He pulls my hair to the side and he starts to kiss my neck. I feel his stubble graze my skin. He’s warm breath is trapped in between my jawline and his lips. He pulls away and rubs his chest, he walks out of the room.
I hear the shower turn on, he moans along the sound of water hitting the grout in the bathroom. Nico enters the room eyeing his next meal.
I took my clothes off and I lay back as if I didn’t move. Nico runs towards me and kisses my forehead all the way down to my belly button. He licks my creases. He holds my breasts as he nibbles down onto my thigh. He looks up at me grinning, and I understand what is about to happen.
Water is everywhere. Nico had picked me up and slid his pants off. We had been teasing eachother for about three minutes, then he got to needy. His very hard veiny cock hits his abdomen every time I kiss him, it’s like it has its on pulse.
“Never stop.” Nico says as I go down to my knees. I kiss his v-line and he holds onto my hair. He grips onto me and he pressed his back against the wall. I lick his tip, and then I start to pump. I again start to take him into my mouth, I feel like gagging, it’s so gross, I c at take the taste of cum, but for him I will. I start to moan, enjoying my time trying to please him. Nico throws his head back and starts to get loud, he bangs his hand against the opposite wall, and he’s hunched over. I have very little space to suck. The water starts to get cold so I get up from going down on him. I turn the water to a hotter temperature and I massage his biceps, he starts to get really really warm. He dick is really pushed up against himself.
Nico looks like he’s going to cum, I mean he already did in my mouth, but now he’s opening his mouth anbd says “Turn.” One work that this man says to me and I fold. Nico takes me by my waist and bends down. He’s on one knee as he grips onto me. Nico pumps himself, he’s jerking hard enough to cause me cum. He starts to kiss me down under. I look down and he’s on both knees now, making love to my pussy.
I start to move, I can’t take it anymore, I pull his hand away from my upper body and force three fingers up my hole.
“Woah, woah, you can’t get it to fast.” Nico pulls out and sucks on his finger. He gets up and he pulls me onto his chest. I feel his cock on my back. I turn on my heels and I find Nico smirking down at me. I lay down in the shower as steam fills the large room.
“Legs.” Nico says, but in his switz accent. I do as I’m told and I start to run my clit.
“You’re soaking.” Nico eyes my pussy as he pumps into me. I feel his tip, now his whole cock is inside. He’s warm, and I can feel him twitch as he try’s to say, “can I?” He’s asking for approval to start moving, and I oblige.
“Yes, and of fucking course I’m soaking.” I say as I look up towards the hot water. Nico develops red dots on his back as he starts to thrust himself into me.
“Come for me baby.”
I start to moan and I feel him practically in my lungs. He stands up as he starts to cum. Strings of our future kids are coming out of my 3rd favorite piece of him.
“Oh baby.” I look at him and his dimples are showing. I start to cum again when I see him stand up.
I push him back down as I throw myslef on top of him. I sit on him and his friend. I take a minute to catch my breath as I relax to take him. It’s been four days since we’ve had sex. I push my hand onto his chest and my other in his abs, I can feel him cum, streams of warm substance fills me, and I take myself off of him. I sit in his face and he licks me clean, but that’s before I start to cum into his mouth.
“Let’s clean up, so we can do it again later.” Nico request as I get up and I start to clean up my hair from the knots it’s been tangled into. I grab shampoo and lather it onto Nico’s head and into mine. I feel Nico wash his head as the water falls into my crevices.
We warm up and dry off and Nico swoops me up again and he snuggles me into his arms as he turns our heated blanket on. I’m stuck in his large arms and I’m glad it’s him I can feel poking up at me again.
“Baby, I’m glad you’re home.” I say as I turn my head around to kiss his cheek.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
a tale of ice baths and hot sauce
See my full list of works here!
Placement: the day after 'a sizing mishap'
Summary: An effort is made to find out who your mystery boyfriend is during the Elementals challenge when some members of the staff see some marks on your neck that weren't there before…
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: language [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: mango mention (no really i did that here lol); bit of insecurity from Reader if you squint
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"You think anyone would notice if I just pinched a chip from the bowl?" you joked while setting up the table for the Elementals-themed challenge that a handful of the Soccer Aid players were going to voluntarily subject themselves to with Joelah, the host for most if not all the promo videos for this event. You raised an eyebrow playfully at her when she approached the table with a giddy little skip in her step, practically twirling in her outfit of relaxed fit jeans and a diagonal cut asymmetrical crop top. "Please tell me where you go shopping I'm in desperate need of cuter clothes. I mean, 'raiding the boyfriend's closet chic' is cute and all but…I also drown in fabric whenever I do it."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Y/N, I think you're faring pretty damn fine if I do say so myself." She waved a hand at your current getup of a cropped loose olive green halter top and a black ruffle skort. "Players seem to enjoy it well enough," she mumbled with a lower tone, as if warning you that you were currently being ogled. "Oy! Eyes on the ball, you pervy lads!"
"Thanks," you told her with a smile, pulling your hair into a ribbon so that it wouldn't stick to your sweaty neck. "Now…do you wanna share with the class why you were skipping--"
"Bloody hell, Y/L/N, your neck!" she gasped, pointing at the right side of your neck and collarbone. "You didn't have that when I last saw you yesterday--Oh my lordy me, you hooked up with someone here! Is it one of the players? That social media star on the World team? One of the pros? Sam Claflin??"
"No on all fronts, Jo," you laughed off her questions. "My boyfriend's working the event, too. I was with him." Her jaw dropped to the ground with your revelation. "We're keeping things a bit…low key, you know?"
"Oh you and your secrets," she teased, still motioning toward your neck. "If that isn't a sign that screams 'Horny blokes step the fuck back', I haven't the faintest idea what is. Anyways, what were you asking earlier?"
"Ah, right. I was gonna ask why were you skipping on your way here like you were back in school and teacher just gave you a gold star?"
"Oh…Oh! Because I just got the players for the Elementals Fire and Ice challenge and Number 6 lit'rally up and volunteered to represent Team England." She made a motion fanning herself. "That godly bod dripping wet and clothes just clinging to him? Lordy me have mercy. And whoever put him in the teeniest jersey and shorts imaginable, I just wanna eurgh! Wanna grab 'em and thank 'em to the high heavens, y'know? Thank 'em for their service."
You are very welcome, you thought to yourself.
"Maybe if you leave an iced coffee on the table and go pspspsps they'll acknowledge your gratitude," you joked, once again pointing to the chips. "I'm taking a pinch. And trying out these sauces, I've been deadly curious since yesterday."
"You take the green one, I'll take one of the reds," she offered, already getting a large chip for herself and placing a few drops of the brighter red condiment. When you had placed a dollop of the green hot sauce onto your own chip, you clinked your pieces together before taking thing whole and bracing for the worst. "Fuck all that is hellish!" she mumbled around her piece, eyeing you incredulously while you just continued on chewing and letting the taste of the sauce linger for a moment or two. "How in the…"
You grabbed all the bottles and looked over the labels with a scrutinizing eye. "The green's deceptive. Makes you think you're getting the milder one but it's got the highest level of Scoville units. I feel sorry to whoever's gonna end up with that."
There was some motion from the corner of your eye, which you quickly realized were the camera crew and some other members of the staff carting around numerous 10 gallon bottles of water and 3 drums. And following just behind them were the six players slated to play this little trivia game. You gave them all a little wave and a courteous smile, making sure to hold eye contact with each of them, and saving Tom for last so you could allow yourself the indulgence of holding his gaze for a fraction of a moment longer, which he returned with a small wave and an obviously deliberate infinitesimal twitch of his two middle fingers.
"Goodness, Y/L/N," one of the staff members, Allen, bellowed. "What happened to--"
"My neck?" you finished for him. "Don't worry about it. My boyfriend thinks himself a vampire," you answered with a casual shrug, earning you a round of chuckles from the rest of the crew and the players. You motioned toward the water drums. "Should we get that all set up then?"
"Oh. Yeah, for sure." He waved his arm toward the drums as well. "Have at it."
"I could help you," Scarlette chimed in, already taking the end of the drum in front of you and jutting her chin in the direction of your neck. "I didn't see that on you yesterday when I picked up my uniform. I take it your boyfriend's somewhere in the building then?" She capped off her question with a cheeky wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Yes, and I'm not saying a single word on where and who he is. But I won't deny it if anyone guesses correctly. The only catch though…you only get two guesses each," you offered, looking at both her and Joelah.
"Claflin," Scarlette spoke immediately, causing the other one to make a motion as if to stop her but all too late.
"Aaaaand that's one wrong guess. Also makes you the second person in this place to for some reason think that I'm bumping uglies with Finnick Odair."
"I could've told you it's not Mister Clock App, or Claflin…or any of the pros," Joelah grumbled out. "We're down to three."
You two set up the last of the water drums, making sure that they were equidistant from one another, and after thanking Scarlette you moved toward the massive water bottles to start filling them up. "Let me help you," Tom spoke up, already placing his hands under the bottle, brushing his hands across yours before taking most of the weight of the bottle and leading you both toward the drum. "You reckon they'll guess me, darling?" he asked under his breath.
"Absolutely not," you answered, keeping your voice down. "I don't think they'll even consider it a possibility that I can pull you."
"Personally I think you pull me just fine," he shot back, smirking when you had to suppress a chortle from his words. "More than fine, actually."
"Menace," you hissed, trying to covertly take deep breaths while the two of you walked to the next bottle and repeated the process.
"Only for you, sweetheart."
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"Okay you must be built all kinds of different, because I don't think I coulda kept my wits about me being that close him with the guns on full display, and in close proximity to…what was it the internet called it again?"
"The mango?" you prompted Joelah, causing you both to break out in stifled giggles while waiting for the camera crew to finish setting up.
"Yes! And I saw that little hand brushing, too I mean—how were you not absolutely swooning the second he walked up to the bottle? Hell, how did you even function?"
I have been under those guns on full display and touched more than just his hand, you thought to yourself, holding your words back and instead gave her a little shrug. "Worked with him before. You get used to it," you bluffed. "Besides, I've got someone, and I'm really happy and stupid in love. So there's that, too."
"We need a hand here!" Scarlette called out in your general direction, her and Bugzy already on their feet but pointing at Tom who for some unknown reason, currently had both feet sticking up and out of the drum and putting him in a position that made it exceedingly more difficult for him to get up and out of the drum.
"How in the actual fuck did he even get like that?" you started thinking aloud. A strangled noise slipped from your mouth the second his head dipped below the water and his hands lost their grip on the edge of the drum.
You knew that he would be able to find his way back up, but it didn't stop the way your heart caught in your throat. The way that your legs were involuntarily twitching as if taking on a mind of their own and urging you to make your way to him.
If he hadn't stuck his head back out from under the water just a few seconds later, you would have been more than ready to run to him and help him to his feet, check on him the way he often checked on you when he would see you short of breath on set. You wouldn't have given a damn about the cameras capturing your every move.
But instead you were frozen in place, watching as he ascended and took a big heaving breath, shaking the water from his hair and his eyes before finding your gaze. You were suddenly acutely aware of nearly every minute movement of your body trying to fight back every reaction you had to the excessively obvious bedroom eyes he was giving you, resorting to subtly digging what little fingernail you had into the palm of your hand to at least focus on something else until he looked away.
You moved the moment you clocked the excitement on the faces of Joelah as well as some female members of the staff, already undoubtedly about to speak up that they would gladly help him out. "Can we cut?" you hollered toward the cameraman, who responded to you with a simple thumbs up, pressing a button on his equipment that stopped recording. You quickly whipped out your phone and snapped a picture of Tom in the precarious position before you reached him.
"Really, Y/N?" he huffed, feigning exasperation but you knew that tone better than any other person around you at the moment. He was amused. And you would be in trouble later tonight. You even began to doubt if you could completely walk properly in the morning or if you would walk into the briefing area with a more than slight penguin waddle.
"Had to," you quipped, shrugging your shoulders and scrunching your nose at him reflexively before placing your phone back in your pocket and holding your arms out toward him so he could brace himself. "Tuck your feet back into the drum."
You heard the slightest grumble from him before he wrapped a hand around one of your arms, did exactly as you said, and then wrapped his other arm across your shoulders while he tried to find his footing in the undoubtedly slippery interior of the water drum. "Thank you, sweetheart," he whispered under his breath, pulling you closer as you gripped the towel that was handed over to you and making quick work to spread it out and use it as a cover from prying eyes and wild cameras once his feet were firmly planted on the ground again.
The heavily curious gazes of everyone around you gave you enough pause to not wrap the towel around his waist, realization quickly dawning on you that the gesture would definitely be seen as a show of intimacy. You avoided his gaze as he took the towel from you, opting instead to lead the way to behind the backdrop, picking up his cleats and bag on the way.
You felt the irrational bristling of your skin as the sound of women giggling and commending your boyfriend on his form throughout the drills hit your ears, your hands finding it difficult to grasp the small laundry pouch you'd packed in his bag and a fresh pair of socks from the near violent shaking. When a familiar ridiculously large hand appeared in front of your face, you looked up abruptly to find Tom standing above you, the smile on his face growing brighter when you placed your hand in his and stood up.
"You're shaking," he murmured, bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "Come here."
He caught you off guard when he tugged you into his arms, a small yelp escaping you before you could stop yourself that had you hoping that nobody on the other side of the backdrop heard it. "What're you doing?" you questioned him in hushed tones, holding back your giggles as he pressed the fluffy sleeves of the bathrobe that he wore to your face and neck. Your hands wrapped around his wrist when he started patting at the exposed skin of your chest. "Sweetie!" You couldn't hold back your giggles when he used his free arm to wrap around you and pull you closer to him.
"You're wet," he said simply, continuing to pat at your dampened skin.
"Well I'm your girlfriend, it kinda comes with the territory," you quipped, letting out another barely muted squeal when he pulled his hand from your grasp and grabbed the back of your head to pull you in for a kiss. Almost immediately you melted in his arms, both of you smiling against each other's lips as you wrapped your arms around him. "Private--"
"This is private, goddess," he cut you off, capturing your lips in another soft kiss. "Public would be bringing you to the center of the field and marking you again with everyone as witness so that there isn't a shadow of doubt in anyone's mind that you're mine."
The sound of the camera crew calling out for him snapped you two out of your moment. "Give me a minute," he hollered out, pressing a final kiss to your forehead before loosening his hold on you and letting you step back from him. You offered him your hand to hold himself steady while he changed out the soiled socks from the challenge. "Did you take a look at the hot sauces on the table?"
"Of course I did," you quipped, scrunching your nose at him when his eyes flickered to yours. "Don't take the green one, it's a trap."
"I'll keep that in mind," he murmured, eyeing you with a smirk when he stood upright and you took his shin guards from him. "And what exactly are you doing, darling?"
You answered him with a playful grin. "Oh I'm sorry. Would you like to try putting these on through two layers of fluff?" He answered you with a minute shake of his head. "No? Well alright then." You proceeded to crouch down and place the shin guards under the knee-high socks, only stopping when you heard a shutter from above your head and looking up at him from your position with a bemused smirk. "Really, Tom?"
"It needed to be done," he said with a chuckle, waving your phone tauntingly in his hand. "After all, you do look so tempting from this angle. Let me just send this to my phone really quick."
You made a point to audibly snap the garter of his sock against his skin, making him jump the slightest bit and squint his eyes at you as you rose to stand upright again. "Give it back," you cooed, holding your hand out. Instead of doing just that, he grabbed hold of your hand and closed the distance between you, placing your arm over his shoulder as his hands roamed down your back before settling in your back pockets.
Before you could say a single word, he pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss and you could feel the weight of your phone back in your pocket. As well as his hand grabbing a handful of your ass before he pulled away. "I love you," he whispered, briefly brushing the tip of his nose across yours before stepping backwards, back to the set so that the World Team could have their turn at the ice baths.
"I love you, too." The sound of the crew calling out your name this time and telling you to come help in setting up the next batch was enough to wipe the smitten grin off your face and send you running in the other direction.
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A/N: Starting off my 5-day weekend strong with a new Soccer Aid piece out! I have one more that I'm gonna focus on before I give Soccer Aid Hiddles a break from the page for a while to focus on…'relinquish the crown: plans & protestations'! 😳👀 It's been too long since I've written those two blorbos and I miss them so they're next 💖
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @unlucky-number-13 @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @sarahscribbles @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @dangertoozmanykids101 @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee
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brabblesblog · 9 months
Ch 8: Thou hast ravished my heart with thine eyes.
Astarion has ascended, and she has stayed with him. Life in the Crimson Palace isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Is there a chance for their relationship to go back to how it was? Or is it too late for the Ascendant and his consort?
This series is about Ban, my Tav, and the Vampire Ascendant. Will be angst and smut, with sprinkles of fluff.
This fic is a softer take on Ascendant!Astarion and of the changes he undergoes after the rite. Can Ban handle the change, and if a chance came, would she choose to run? And can the Ascendant win her back in time? Inspired by the concept of vampire wives and that IGN interview with Larian that discussed the ascension.
Professionally edited by @editing-by-night
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The party is in full swing. Ban and Astarion’s relationship is redefined.
Read on AO3.
Ban stepped out of the bedroom, surprised to see the Ascendant right by the door. She had purposefully delayed joining the party, half hoping he’d be too occupied by then to notice her.
She didn’t realize how much she actually consumed his thoughts; didn’t realize that in her absence he hadn’t really found any meaning to the scheming, merely going through the motions.
He offered her his arm, taking a quick, appreciative look at her body. The halter top was a good choice - it showed off well-defined shoulders, and Astarion itched to sink his teeth into the belly of the muscle.
“They’re here,” he said as she linked arms with him. She took a deep breath and he finally realized that she was nervous.
He turned to her, determined. “Whatever happens, Ban, I’m not letting them touch a hair on your head. I promise.”
Astarion knew it to be true. This was one thing both sides of him could agree on - he would let the world burn to keep her safe, himself included if need be.
As they made their way to the ballroom, Ban noticed that he had prepared. He'd summoned more minions than ever before, and various combinations of werewolves, skeletons, and ghasts were stationed at regular intervals. For the first time, his display of power didn’t make her feel uncomfortable. She pressed closer to him, their sides touching as they walked.
They reached the double doors of the ballroom; she squeezed his arm, one final gesture of gratitude and fear. Astarion drank in the moment; he hadn’t felt needed, wanted, or even seen by her of late. Today, he was getting it all, and he found himself being more willing to let his guard down as a result.
“You’ll be okay.” There was no need for pet names, not when it was just him and the only person he’d ever cared about. “We get through this party, and I shall get my reward.”
She laughed, and he felt his heart swell.
“And after that?”
He looked away. He had ideas, but he didn’t think now was the right time to say them.
“We’ll have eternity to figure it out.” A wave of affection came over him, and before he could think too much, he pressed a little kiss to her cheek.
He squeezed her hand, their arms still interlinked. He opened the door, and the Ascendant and his consort entered the ballroom.
Ban spotted the leader of the coven instantly. Human, with cropped raven-black hair and broad, well-built shoulders. In another life, she might have been attracted to the sight. He had two elves with him, both ethereally beautiful and scantily dressed, each draped on an arm.
Compared to them, she was positively masculine. Ban sighed at the thought, brushing it off.
The vampire spotted them and turned, making a beeline for them. Ban felt Astarion straighten up, and so did she.
“Astarion.” The man offered his hand to the Ascendant, and Astarion took it in a quick grasp. He noticed to his displeasure that the other vampire was a good head taller than him.
“Vel Stedez.” Astarion inclined his head in acknowledgement, and then tilted it back so that he was able to look the taller man in the face without craning his neck. He’d always been a master at looking up at someone taller than him while still giving the impression that he was looking down at them, and it proved useful at this moment.
“This is Ban.”
She curtsied, and Vel gave her a bow in return.
“The daywalking consort. I have heard so much about you.” Vel gestured to the ladies beside him. “Enxisys and Miaxisys Flendror - my favoured spawn.”
Ban realized with dawning horror that the two elves were related - possibly even twins. She quickly masked it.
Astarion kissed each of their hands. “Charmed,” he murmured, and both girls tittered. They obviously liked what they saw, eyes hungrily taking in Astarion’s features. The Ascendant returned their gaze with equal, albeit manufactured, intensity, knowing how to play this role far too well.
Vel’s eyes were intense, a maroon so dark it was almost black. He stared at Ban, at the way her dress clung to her body. Her skin crawled at the sensation.
“A unique specimen, for sure,” he told the Ascendant. “I can see why you chased her all the way to Waterdeep.” He turned his gaze to Astarion, and its coldness reminded him so much of Cazador that his hands twitched and he had to stop himself from going for the other vampire’s throat.
“A word of advice, fledgling. That is exactly why you create spawn. Not brides.” He leveled another long, lecherous look at Ban, one that made no pretense about what he was staring at. “Spawn do not go off gallivanting, forcing you to chase after them like a lovesick pup.”
Vel took a step forward with sudden speed, grabbing Ban by the jaw, forcing her to meet his gaze. She flinched, and Astarion bared his fangs, his control over his rage hanging by a thread.
“Do be careful, Vel,” he snarled. “It wouldn’t be wise to be rude to your host. Release her.”
Vel gave Astarion a glance, then pointedly ignored him in favor of Ban. “I would so enjoy you, gorgeous. I love it when they fight back, and I can tell you’d be feisty.” Astarion hissed and reached out for Vel’s arm, but before he could make contact, Vel dropped his hand. He eyed Ban head to toe once more, his tone turning rueful. “But alas, your lord has said I cannot borrow you. Such a shame,” he tutted.
Astarion couldn’t stop the exhale of relief that came out of him. He didn’t move, but all he wanted was to wrap his arms around her and take her away from this.
Instead, he tried to redirect. “I don’t like sharing my things,” he drawled, adopting a bored, dispassionate tone. Inside, he was becoming increasingly more panicked. Vel’s interest in Ban was greater than he’d anticipated and he was worried he might not be able to protect her as well as he’d planned. If he couldn’t keep his promise, she’d leave again. He’d never see her, never touch her, she’d never let him win her back. “I find doing so makes them less… pristine. Why, Vel - would you have allowed me to fuck these two lovely ladies, had I asked?”
Vel grinned widely, and Astarion’s heart dropped. In his panicked rush to find a response, he’d bungled it. Shit.
“I would!” The taller man clapped his hands together. “If you would be amenable to a swap after all, I would be most happy to-“
“No.” Astarion couldn’t completely hide the disgust in his tone. “A gracious offer, but as I previously mentioned - I am not looking to share what is mine.”
“So be it,” Vel said coolly, but his eyes shone with malice. “Just a dance with your dear consort, then?” The word consort was said disdainfully, as though Vel thought of the idea of having one absurd.
Before Astarion could answer, Ban made the choice for him. She slipped her hand off Astarion’s arm and raised it, meeting Vel’s outstretched arm. The Ascendant was barely able to mask his fear and worry for her, but he nodded.
“Enxisys. Miaxisys. Keep the Ascendant entertained, will you?”
The twins moved to either side of Astarion. He linked arms with them reluctantly, not seeing much choice in the matter. As Vel took Ban to the dance floor, Astarion sat on his throne, a girl on each leg. He swallowed once, slipping himself into the role that must be played, then briefly reached out to Ban’s mind.
Be careful.
As Ban was swept across the room in a gentle waltz, she glanced over to see Astarion being fed grapes by the twins. She bit back a surge of jealousy, then turned her attention to Vel.
“So. Daywalking,” Vel said, leaning closer to speak above the din of the party, “How do you manage that?”
The truth wouldn’t hurt them. If anything, it could serve to show how powerful Astarion had become and thus discourage any nefarious plots by Vel.
“My Lord extends some of his gifts to me, as a boon,” she said automatically.
The vampire laughed. “And he did so, even when you were in Waterdeep? Don’t deny it. I have reports of you walking in the markets.” He shook his head. “I should have known Cazador’s spawn would be so feeble. The power of the ascension was wasted on him.”
Ban couldn’t help the growl that escaped her at his words.
Vel, emboldened by the idea of Astarion’s impotence, pulled Ban tighter to his body so that they were chest to chest.
“What would Astarion say, hm?” He forcefully pressed Ban against him, his hand moving down to grab her ass and squeeze tightly. The other hand slid to her hip.
She yelped, her mind blanking in fear. She froze, her mind automatically searching for Astarion’s, but before she even made contact she could hear his voice.
“I’d like my wife back, if you don’t mind.” His tone was perfectly level, but his eyes were glinting with barely concealed rage. Enxisys and Miaxisys trailed just behind him, looking disconcerted - he had obviously eluded them in his rush to intervene.
Vel held still for a moment, considering defying Astarion. Then he laughed and with one final squeeze of Ban’s ass, let her go. “Of course.”
She was still frozen, eyes unable to meet Astarion’s. He quickly wrapped an arm around her waist. For a moment, he felt a thrum of energy and worried she’d inadvertently put the wards up in her panic, but he was too worried about her to care about it possibly hurting him. Thankfully, his hand settled against her without any resistance and he pulled her against his chest. He held her close, taking a moment to ensure she was alright. Then he glared at Vel.
Vel watched this with amusement. “Wife, Astarion? You really do give your creation too much power. If I may suggest a firmer ha-”
Long fingers wrapped around Vel’s throat, cutting off his words as his feet were lifted several inches off the ground, Astarion dangling the taller man by the neck with no visible effort.
“A firmer hand, you say?” Astarion drawled with sinister delight.
Vel’s face was a picture of confident arrogance, his smile tinged with faint amusement. He reached up to pry the hand from his neck, the arrogant smirk beginning to wane when his strongest effort had no effect whatsoever. Miaxisys and Enxisys gasped, both taking a half-step towards the Ascendant, freezing in place when he turned to give them a look that dared them to try. In the background, a cacophony of growls and hisses reverberated around the room, Astarion’s summons responding to their master’s fury.
A small, strangled noise escaped Vel - more humiliation and bafflement than actual suffocation - and Astarion fixed his gaze on him. “I did warn you not to be rude, Vel.” His hand tightened a fraction, fingernails digging into skin; Vel would have marks for at least a few hours after this encounter. “Now, apologize to my wife.”
Vel huffed in indignation, but the hand around his throat tightened further, and he choked out a quiet “My apologies, Ban,” his eyes burning with loathing… and just the slightest hint of fear.
“One more chance; violate our hospitality again, and you will return to Waterdeep in pieces.”
His countenance cooled almost instantly and he dropped Vel unceremoniously. As the other man caught himself, rubbing his bruised throat, Astarion rearranged his coat, features sliding into a veneer of calm politeness once again.
“Take your time, Vel. Miaxisys, Enxisys - a pleasure having you here.” He gave the spawn a small bow. “Please, enjoy the rest of the night.”
Before Vel could say anything damning, Astarion took Ban away, leading her into the thick of the crowd on the dance floor.
The moment they were in the middle of the crowd, Astarion wrapped both arms around her waist and held her. She buried her head against his chest. He tried to peer at her face.
“Are you okay?” he said, keeping his voice low.
Ban could smell the twins’ perfume on him, but it didn’t bother her. She lifted her head, meeting his gaze, and in that moment she felt as if the ascension had never happened at all - he was here in her moment of need. She nodded, hoping to reassure him.
“I’m fine. He got handsy, but that’s all.” She could see him scanning her face, trying to gauge the truth of her words. Seemingly satisfied, he exhaled.
Ban tapped her temple. Speak here.
I don’t think we’re rid of him yet, unfortunately, Astarion replied. However, with any luck, the other covens won’t want to interfere with a conflict like this. Territorial disputes are one thing - but interfering with someone else’s bride is another matter entirely. He cupped her cheek, his fingers shaking from the intensity of his anger. He hurt you. He made me break my promise. His eyes were soft for a moment more, and then they hardened at the thought of Vel Stedez attempting to take his treasure right under his nose. In the heart of his palace, no less.
That prick, he hissed into her mind. You’re mine. You will only ever be mine. His voice was rough, even over the bond, the wounded pride coming to play. I should have staked him where he stood.
Astarion, Ban murmured, and just his name was almost enough to snap him out of it. Is that all that matters to you? That he tried to take what’s yours?
She looked disappointed. She was hoping he was starting to understand what she wanted from him, and this sounded like a step backwards.
To her immense delight, the Ascendant shook his head, looking away. Possessing her was part of it, of course, but he was more worried about her than anything else. For now, that small gesture was all he had the bravery to manage; speaking the words would make it too real.
Ban knew all too well what that look meant, why Astarion suddenly looked off to the side - he was feeling a little too vulnerable. She decided to give him her understanding in terms that he'd be more willing to accept, knowing words were often difficult for him.
She cupped his face in both hands and before he could react, she kissed his lips. She tried to set the pace of the kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth, hoping he’d let her continue the dynamic they had earlier in the day.
He smiled into the kiss, returning it just as eagerly, his tongue finding its way into her mouth in return. When he pulled away, his eyes were shut, his breathing hard and fast. “Have I behaved well enough, now?” he whispered.
She slid her hands from his cheeks to his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart.
He smiled wider at that. “For you,” he murmured. “It only races for you.”
His hands dropped to her ass, and he opened his eyes. Without a word, he slowly led her to his throne. He took a seat and pulled her to his lap, her skirt fanning out over his legs, covering them both. She scooted a little more towards his torso, settling her ass higher up on his thigh. She shifted her weight against his groin, watching his eyes widen and then narrow at her.
“Bad girl,” he growled, a hand coming up to grip her thigh in turn.
“I think we both know you’re not the one barking commands today, Astarion.”
He scowled, but it was soon replaced by an exaggerated sigh. Of course. “If you must,” he said resignedly, pretending that he didn’t feel the bolt of excitement that shot straight to his cock.
As they sat on the throne surveying the party, Ban slipped the hand closest to Astarion beneath her skirt, cupping him through his trousers. He couldn’t help the sharp intake of breath or the way his body jerked up to meet her touch. He was already growing hard, and he felt the familiar urge to fuck her senseless roaring back to life.
“Pretty good party,” she drawled, “I see you managed well even without me.”
The hand on his cock squeezed, and she began to stroke along his now rock-hard length. He fought the urge to buck, one hand clutching the armrest in a viselike grip, the other fisted in Ban’s skirt.
“Ban-” he choked out. More, he thought desperately, longing for there to be nothing between her skin and his. He wanted this. No. He thought he needed this - this new, delicious feeling of letting go, of letting his pleasure take precedence.
She laughed softly, leaning back to whisper against his ear. Her breath tickled the edge, making him shiver. “Say please.”
Astarion considered denying her, but the urge to assert control didn’t stand a chance against the raging inferno of his desire for her. He relented. “Please.” His hips rolled a little, pressing his cock against her hand. The pleasure was immense, and he could feel himself throbbing with need.
“Mm. I think… you can do better than that.” She stopped touching him, drawing her hand away, and the loss of sensation nearly wrested an unbecoming whimper from him.
His cock twitched, straining against the fabric. He shifted his hips and adjusted himself, easing the pressure a little.
His next words were frantic. “Okay. Okay. Ban - please. I want you to touch me.”
She nodded, considering that enough. She found the buttons of his trousers, popping them open and letting him spring free. Astarion exhaled, swallowing down a whine as she wrapped her hand around his cock.
Ban huffed a laugh. “You’re so hard, Astarion, gods.”
Hidden under her skirt and her body covering them from prying eyes, she began to stroke him. She swiped her thumb across his tip, collecting the fresh precum and spreading it as she thumbed circles around his cockhead. She could feel his cock pulsing in her palm and it was a glorious thing, the way he responded to her touch. Try as he might to keep still, his hips still bucked subtly.
Astarion forced his eyes ahead. His grip on the armrest was now painfully tight, and part of him worried he’d crack the wood.
“I’m aching for you too, don’t worry,” Ban whispered, “Imagine, Astarion, if it was my heat taking you right now. Squeezing around you.” She leaned back to watch him struggle, and then licked the tip of his ear.
He couldn’t quite hold this moan in, and it escaped as a small, strangled noise. He desperately needed to rut harder, and he obliged himself a little, rolling his hips at a slightly different angle. He twitched in her grasp, and she smirked as she felt him throb.
“You want to come?” She asked, glancing over at him.
He nodded violently, hands trembling. He had been left wanting all day, since that first little tease, and he felt frenzied, wild, like he might die if he couldn’t have her soon.
“Please.” It grated on him somewhat to say it, but to his surprise and delight he realized he trusted her enough to play along - in fact, he was enjoying it.
“I think not. If you come here, you’ll stain your pretty clothes. Everyone will see. We can’t have that, can we?”
She stopped stroking his cock, and the loss made him ache. He knew she was right, but he was so delirious with need that he considered telling her fuck it and just bending her over in front of the whole party. If not for Vel and his prurient interest in Ban, he would likely do exactly that.
She considered their predicament for a moment, and then smiled. “We could slip away for a quick moment, if that’s what my lord wishes?”
Astarion nodded frantically. All too eager, he quickly reached in to tuck himself back into his trousers. As Ban stood, so did he, and he used her body to hide his raging erection from the crowd. They managed to sneak off to the hallway and into their bedroom; Astarion snapped the door shut.
“Fuck me,” he hissed, all pretense gone. But she only laughed.
“So impatient,” she teased.
He growled, a little of his usual arrogance coming through as he crowded her against a wall. His hands grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head.
“I know you want to,” he said, in between kisses to her lips and throat. “I know you’re wet for me, darling, just as I ache for you. I know you want my come inside you. So how about I give it to you?”
Ban felt her core contract at his words, aching to be filled.
Astarion released her wrists to ruck her skirt up, but she stopped him.
“I didn’t say you could.”
For the first time, it didn’t even cross his mind to fight her, the usual sting of his pride being forced down entirely absent. In that moment, he realized why allowing her dominion over him felt so right. When she took control, she was fully present - there was no resignation or absence in her. She actively chose every kiss, every caress, every drop of pleasure she bestowed upon him. In this, he found a fierce joy; there was no room for arrogance or pride. Instead, there was only the throbbing need in his cock and her sheer closeness. He could smell her arousal mingling with his own, and the heady scent - one he thought he’d never get to enjoy again - almost drove him insane.
“Please, Ban,” he whimpered, and it was the easiest those words have ever left his lips. “I’m begging you. Fuck me. Ride me.” He ground against her, feeling her moist heat through his trousers.
Any further words were lost as she kissed him again, her hands lifting her skirt to reveal her glistening mound. He reached for her with his free hand, his thumb finding her clit and tracing circles around it without breaking the kiss. The other hand eagerly cupped her breast, squeezing with just the right amount of pressure. He found her already soaking wet, her entrance slick and warm and so ready for him. His hips ground against her erratically, his cock absolutely begging for friction, rhythm be damned.
“Astarion,” she warned, “You don’t need to. Just let me give you pleasure for once. That’s it. Nothing else.”
He was uneasy about that. For two hundred years, sex had been a performance, sometimes a torturous one. There had been scores of cruel lovers, who had enjoyed bringing him to the brink and then refusing him relief. His body had responded against his will, and the need had always been fiery and desperate and painful, all the same. With her, especially before the ascension, he had slowly been learning to enjoy himself in the moment, learning to trust that she’d give him what he wanted - what he needed. However, that had been quite some time ago. Whenever they’d made love in the last few months, it had felt like she was going through the motions, and that had made him resort to his old tricks to elicit some kind of response.
But he rediscovered a truth he’d always known before and had forgotten since his ascension. He could trust her. He didn’t have to perform for her. Ever. He merely had to be real.
“I want to,” he murmured, “I want to make you come. And then I want you to ride me.” He met her gaze. “Please let me.”
She nodded. Astarion smiled, and then fell to his knees in front of her. As his deft hands worked to undo his trousers and free his aching cock, he buried his face in her sex. His left hand spread her open and his tongue swiped at her engorged clit, then lapped at her entrance.
His right hand wrapped around his cock, stroking himself fast and hard. He squeezed lightly as he did, his hips pistoning as he fucked his hand, desperately chasing his release.
Ban looked down to see him buried nose deep in her groin, tongue fucking her, his thumb rubbing her clit while he touched himself. His ass clenched with every frantic thrust. She threaded her fingers through his hair, but didn’t pull.
“Astarion. Don’t come like that. You know where I want it.” Where we both want it.
He backed off enough to meet her gaze, and the sight of his chin and mouth coated in her wetness made her groan.
“I know.” The smirks and the arrogance were gone; all that was left was Astarion and his blinding devotion to her. “I won’t come until you tell me to, and I’ll do it where you want me to.”
Absolute trust. It was entirely novel to the Ascendant, but it felt right.
Ban smiled down at him and ruffled his hair. “Good.”
With that, Astarion resumed his work, his lips wrapping around her clit. He sucked, his tongue flicking against her flesh. He let go of his cock to grip her hip, pressing her closer to him and urging her to fuck his mouth.
She obliged, hips gliding as she rubbed against his tongue and lips. He could feel his cock aching, begging for something - anything, but that didn’t matter much right now. All he could think about was how she tasted, how she ground herself against his face, how her hand fisted in his curls. He gently, carefully pressed a fang against her clit, dragging it along the surface, holding her hips still as she writhed with the sensation.
That alone almost brought her to her peak; she released her grip on Astarion's hair, covering her mouth to stifle her moans.
Astarion, sensing how close she was, flattened his tongue and continued to lap at her entrance and the bottom of her clit, while his thumb slid over the top, rubbing faster and faster. The twitching of his neglected cock was barely an afterthought; he knew his own release would soon follow.
Ban moaned his name as she rode the wave of her orgasm, her knees buckling. His name was a fervent prayer from her lips, a worshipful sound that never failed to go straight to Astarion’s cock. He held her up throughout, his tongue and thumb still working until she squirmed from overstimulation.
He gave her one last lick from entrance to clit and then pulled away, making a show of licking his fangs and lips as he met her gaze.
“May I?” He asked.
She nodded. “Yes, you may. I'd ride you, but I think we're too far gone for that. Fuck me. Take your pleasure from me.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Astarion stood, hand pumping his cock as he lined himself up with Ban’s entrance. Without further delay, he buried himself to the hilt, sliding home with no resistance. She was slick and warm and perfect. He groaned, pressing their foreheads together; he had been dreaming of this for so long.
Ban could smell herself on his breath, and she leaned in to kiss him as he began to fuck her. This time, there was no performance from either of them. Astarion’s hips thrust of their own accord, and they did not roll like they usually did when he wanted to make her come. Instead he pumped in and out, hips pistoning at a punishing pace. He gripped her ass with both hands, pressing her closer to him, burying himself as deeply as he could with every thrust.
Their tongues tangled in a mess of breaths and moans, and Astarion could feel his balls tightening as he approached his climax. Good - so good, having her here, taking her, sinking my cock deep inside her heat, where it belongs, has always belonged. More, he thought, more and more forever because I want and need and miss you so much.
Ban placed a hand on his chest, feeling the roaring thunder of his heart, tongue finding a fang and pressing on it until she drew blood. He whined at the taste, eagerly lapping at it, and she smiled.
“Come for me, Astarion.”
Even in this, especially in this, the Ascendant obeyed without thought. Her command pushed him over the edge into an ecstasy beyond description. As he came, he moaned into her mouth, his hips spasming in jittery thrusts and grinds as he lost all control. He felt the overwhelming sensation of release as he emptied himself inside her, filling her with his come, and for the first time in months, he wasn’t coming into emptiness. There was warmth, and tightness, and closeness. There was her. It was so exquisite his eyes closed against the overwhelming joy and pleasure.
For several moments neither of them moved, clinging to one another while they caught their breath. As the world came back into focus he slowly pulled out of Ban, looking down and watching as his cock emerged, coated in his come and her wetness. She looked down as well, smiling.
“Won’t do to have that mess in your trousers for the rest of the night,” she teased, kneeling down to lick every inch of his cock clean. The sensation was intense, almost too much, and his hand gripped her shoulder tightly as she cleaned him.
She gave him one last, hard suck, earning her a loud groan, before standing back up. He fixed her with an unsteady, almost stunned gaze as he tucked himself back into his trousers and fixed his clothes.
“I want to try again, Ban.” The words slipped out earnestly and without hesitation. He had been considering how to broach this topic all day, vacillating between grand gestures and a long prepared speech. In the end, after all this, he felt this was the best way to do it. The way she always seemed to want him - sincere. Real.
Ban stared at him in shock, contemplating saying no. There was too much baggage, no matter how fantastic the sex was. But she could see that he was closer to his old self than he’d ever been. Not exactly the same - but almost. He’d protected her out of love, allowed her to take charge, trusted her to do right by him, and had now taken the next logical step.
He was handing her his heart, just as he had when he’d first confessed his feelings to her.
“If that’s what you want,” Ban murmured, caressing his cheek. His face was still damp with sweat and slick, and she traced some of the wetness on his lips. He parted them to suck her finger, a coy smile crossing his features.
“I’ve never wanted anything more.”
He knew there was work to be done. There was still the party to attend to. There were things to make amends for and things to prove. He had to get over his pride and relearn letting his walls down, if only for her. It might prove impossible, but he intended to try.
But for now? This was enough.
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daphsmods · 27 days
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Timeless Denim Revolution Part II
Hey there, lovely followers!
We are thrilled to unveil Timeless Denim Revolution Part II, crafted with love by Busra-tr, Mermalade, and Daph's! 🎉
This collection features a total of 10 unique pieces, with 6 of them being different denim designs that are sure to become wardrobe staples. In the second part of our collection, we are excited to present a long, sleek denim skirt paired with a basic strappy top, a mid-rise baggy bermuda short complemented by a V-neck halter top, and flared denim pants matched with a ripped detail top. Each piece is designed to add a fresh twist to your wardrobe while maintaining the timeless elegance and versatility of denim.
With Timeless Denim Revolution, we continue to offer you both package files and blend files, so you can enjoy the collection in the way that suits you best. Don’t miss out on these stunning new additions!
Visit our pages now to explore the second part of the collection and find your favorites. And don't forget to check out Part 1 as well! 🔥
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Compatible with HQ mod & Blender File with 2K textures Works with all of skins Custom Thumbnail 10 colors - Crop Bra 13 colors - Denim Jeans New Mesh All Lods All Maps Teen to Elder For; Female
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Visit our pages now to explore the second part of the collection and find your favorites. And don't forget to check out Part 1 as well! 🔥
MY OTHER ACCOUNTS: Instagram: daphsmods Tumblr: daphsmods TSR: turksimmer MODco: daphsmods Pinterest: daphsmods Linktree: defnedante
Thanks to @saffirabluu for these amazing renders and edits ❤
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sex-storytime · 1 year
*** this story is a reader's request ***
My wife Terri is absolutely gorgeous. She could have made a fortune modeling, but always said it was a waste of her brain. She's 31, brunette - 5'5" tall and has a pair of breasts to die for. They are 34C and perfectly proportioned.
You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself. To cut to the chase, we met when she was an innocent 21 year old student and I was an experienced 28 year old successful guy who could jet her off to exotic places and bedeck her with expensive clothes and gifts. She used to be so coy and shy about her good looks and would come running to me at parties when she was being hit upon by just about every red-blooded guy in the place.
The thing is, as she has become more confident over the last few years, she has realised that she is extremely desirable in comparison with her friends. Men always start chatting to her friends and then ask what her name is and ask if she's single etc. Which you can imagine doesn't go down too well.
Good. Because I haven't even begun to start telling you what I witnessed in my back garden last summer. My wife has great tits and she knows it. She spent days wearing men's-cut string-vests and minuscule cheese-cloth 'things' which occasionally covered her breasts just when our neighbours employed a team of hunky young tradesmen to set up scaffolding and repoint and re-paint their house. Terri was playing out her own and my fantasy.
So, we've established that my wife has outstanding breasts. It's not surprising that when we suddenly found ourselves invaded by a band of builders and painters working on our neighbour's house last summer, Terri really came into her own and saw our garden as a stage. They were mainly young, fit guys in their twenties who would invariably have their shirts off for most of the day showing huge amounts of tanned firm pecs and six-pack stomachs -- Sadly, something that I don't have anymore. Of course, I had noticed their behaviour, but I feel Terri had noticed it even more. When I would mention anything concerning these men, she would act ignorant as if she hadn't been aware of them. (I've realised over the years that she is not a very convincing liar).
Now for the record, Terri has never been a keen gardener. So it was odd that she was suddenly out in the garden at every opportunity and if she wasn't sunbathing in a tight-fitting bikini, but she was wandering about and bending over flower-beds in cropped and very flimsy gaping tops. Most of the time she would couple these little revealing tops with an extremely short denim mini skirt. Suffice it to say, there wasn't much concentrated work happening on the neighbour's house. In fact, the only pointing that was going on, was in the direction of my wife's body.
On two occasions I came home from work at around 6.30pm to find her sitting around our garden table in the warm evening sunlight with two or three of these guys. They were all drinking bottles of cold beers which I later found out were supplied by her.
On the second occasion she was wearing her short denim mini skirt, but moreover, she was also wearing a ludicrously revealing top. It was something I'd created with a pair of scissors for her out of a string vest (men's style) and was strictly 'For our Bedroom use only'. I had deliberately made it halter-neck; cutting the sides to gape open -- therefore allowing her breasts to naturally spill out... yet not quite showing her nipples completely. So, I couldn't believe that she had pulled this top out of the drawer and had made a conscious decision to wear it today. She could have worn one of her little bikini tops with it? But no! To add extra insult and excitement, she was reclining back and forth on her chair wearing this special top which allowed unrestricted views of her gorgeous breasts. Okay! She wasn't topless, but... because it was a men's string vest, you could blatantly see her nipples poking through the holes in the fabric.
Oh and by the way, the men had taken their shirts off and were showing their highly toned chest muscles and copious amounts of testosterone. Luckily they were still wearing their jeans.
When I first wandered into this scenario, I was surprised that not one of them seemed at all embarrassed at the delicious state of undress being demonstrated by my wife, and Terri didn't seem to react in any way either. She just casually said, "Hi darling, you're home early."
And carried on soaking up the attention. As the men started to make gestures to leave for the day, I wandered back to the house to start cooking some supper, but I couldn't help over-hearing one of them say to Terri, "Well 'Sexy', we'll see you tomorrow then."
To which she responded with, "You'll probably see a LOT MORE of me tomorrow, as I'm going to have a chill-out day and catch some rays."
I could see their faces light up as they glanced at each other grinning as they walked away.
When Terri joined me in the kitchen I glibly said, "Did they enjoy their drink?"
"I should think they needed it to cool themselves down while they were looking at your breasts?" I replied.
She tried to look puzzled and then eventually looked down at her top and said that I was being boring, stuffy and ridiculous. And that it'd been so hot earlier during the afternoon that, at one stage, she nearly took it off altogether!
I enquired what her plans were for tomorrow. She said that she going shopping in the morning and was going to chill-out in the garden in the afternoon as she had done the bulk of the gardening. "Does chilling-out mean sunbathing?" I said.
She said she might grab some sun before the summer's over.
With a lump in my throat, I then asked her, "And will you be keeping your bikini on or going topless?"
She walked up to me and kissed me by the ear and sexily whispered, "Who knows..? It all depends on how brave I'm feeling and anyway, you know I don't like to have any lines."
I naturally took this to mean that those young guys would be getting a real gorgeous eyeful of her naked breasts tomorrow afternoon.
I couldn't resist saying, "So you're going to get your tits out for the boys, then?"
She walked passed me muttering that "it's her garden, and her body and if they want to look it's their choice!"
With that declaration, I made a point of telling her that I wouldn't be home tomorrow night as I had a strategy meeting in Nottingham which starts at six O'clock, so I planned to stay at the company flat with Frank and John overnight.
My parting comment seemed to go straight over her head, I simply stated, "It's apparently going to be a scorcher tomorrow, so I expect you'll get a bit of a roasting if you're half-naked in the garden?"
She promptly retorted, "It wouldn't bother you if I went over the top would it?"
I shook my head.
"I'll just stop when I've had enough," she said almost purring.
I wasn't sure if she'd got my drift or she was innocently talking about the burn factor of the sun. Anyway, one thing I was sure about was that there was no way I was going to a meeting in Nottingham tomorrow - I was going to secretly find out what her intentions were.
That night in bed while I was caressing her beautiful pussy I asked her whether she fancied any of the guys who were working next door. We would often have 'mind sex' where we would talk each other through different fantasies of her being with another man or other men. We would both get extremely turned on and it would seriously intensify our orgasms. So when she said that she 'had the hots' for at least three of them and wouldn't mind finding out what they had between their legs, I wasn't sure whether it was a bit of sexy talk or if it was for real? There was only one way to find out.
I told her that if she had serious hots for one of them that she should find out, and that it was okay by me. She raised her head and said, "Are you sure?"
This freaked me again because I couldn't tell if it was just another sexy tease. Then again, that's what Terri was - An incredibly sexy tease and the master at it!
I left her in bed the next morning and went to the office. I told my secretary that I would need to leave at 2pm as there was a problem at the house. There wasn't ever a meeting in Nottingham, I just made it up so Terri would feel relaxed to do exactly as she pleased (all part of my plan).
I got to the house at around 2.30pm and parked out of site around the corner. There's an overgrown path which runs along the end of our garden which I decided would be a good starting vantage point. Glancing through the hedge, I could see the men working on the neighbours house, but I couldn't see Terri anywhere. Yet, I did notice the sun-lounger had been set up with one of the small tables alongside.
As I started to check-out and wonder which of the eight to ten guys she thought were rather gorgeous, I noticed one of them nudge another and then nod in the direction of our back door. There she was. My fabulous, majestic wife. Strolling out with a tray of fruit and a chilled bottle of white wine. Thankfully, she WAS wearing a bikini top [albeit a very small white string affair] and she also had a floaty, white lace sarong tied around her hips. With her blonde hair and cool Victoria Beckham style shades, she looked fantastic. She put the fruit in the shade under the sun-lounger and poured herself a large glass of wine, after taking a sip she removed her sarong to reveal the smallest tie-sided bikini thong I'd ever seen. "This must be a new purchase? Ah ha... that's probably what her impromptu shopping trip this morning was all about?" I mused.
She reclined on the lounger and started to apply sun-cream to her legs and shoulders. The guys on the scaffolding had almost stopped working. They were transfixed by my wife's beautiful body, and probably had the words she'd said to them the night before still ringing in their ears.
Terri, at this point, glanced up at the guys and gave them a smile and a little wave. Two of them responded with muted wolf-whistles. (I know that girl's actually like being whistled at), and so with that Terri blushed slightly and sort of blew them a kiss (I think?) and laid back on the lounger. Arching her back to get into a comfortable position - but I would suggest also teasing the guys by allowing a good view of her breasts.
After about ten minutes she rolled over on to her front and started to read her magazine. One of the guys who was in the garden the previous evening shouted down and asked her whether she needed some sun-cream rubbed into her back. She immediately said, "That would be fantastic, are you sure you don't mind?"
He just laughed and said, "Are you crazy Terri? Wild horses and all that."
You can imagine the emotions going through my body as I watch this young, fit guy climb down the ladder and approach my wife. I was shaking with fear and anticipation.
Terri was lying gloriously in-wait. (Like a blonde Cleopatra expecting her man servant.) Suddenly, there was a fit young man touching my, almost naked, wife. He seemed to be enjoying rubbing his hands all over her back and thighs - and she was responding with very complementary sighs. Yet, it was when he started gently rubbing oil into her beautiful bum that I got really aroused. When he'd finished enjoying my wife's bottom, he whispered something in her ear and she nodded. He then untied the string of her bikini top and let the ties slip off to each side. "She's a bit brave," I thought. But, what was strange, was when she then removed the whole top over her head and dropped it onto the patio. I just couldn't believe what a sexy little minx she was being? I then heard her say to her hunky and willing adonis, "I promised my husband that I'd keep my top on as there are so many hunky young men around at the moment, but I hate having white lines, you know what I mean? I generally go topless in the garden, but that's when I can't be over-looked - it's probably best not to today?"
I could just make out that he said back to her, "Terri, just do what feels natural to you, after all, you've got a fantastic body - so why hide it?"
"Thanks for that, and you're not so bad yourself," she sexily answered back.
"I'll tell you, all the guys think you're absolutely gorgeous!"
So with 'Mr Universe' back up on the scaffolding she wrapped her arms around the top of her head and appeared to nod off. Because her bikini thong was so small, from my position [with just a string at the back], it looked as if she was completely naked. And that hadn't gone unnoticed by her adoring audience.
So maybe she was just teasing ME by saying that she'd let them see her breasts. Then I had an idea. I rang the house phone wondering whether she would just leap up to answer it without putting her top on. It'd be her perfect excuse to tease to boys big-time.
The phone started ringing in the dining room - and thankfully she heard it. Her next move pleased me enormously. She grabbed her sarong and held it to her chest and ran into the house to answer it. Of course, I rang off just before she got there, [naturally disguising the call so she wouldn't call me back - which would rather give the game away].
She returned a couple of minutes later with the walk-about phone in her hand and she had side-tied her sarong properly around her like a short strapless dress. Of course, because it was made of white cotton lace, it was extremely see-through. So, as she sexily swaggered back, her glorious unrestrained breasts were gently moving from side-to-side. 'God, she looks amazing!' I thought.
She poured herself another glass of wine and carefully placed both the glass and the phone on the side table. Then to my amazement she casually untied the knot of her sarong at the side and let it slip off her breasts, pausing briefly on her erect nipples, and fall to ground, she then she took quite a few seconds before she gracefully returned her lean, fit body to the sun-lounger in her face-down position. The guys were absolutely goggle-eyed and speechless. And I couldn't believe that ALL of these guys had just seen my wife's perfect breasts, albeit for just a few memorable seconds. All the same, why did she need to be so deliberate and do that? "She really is a proper little minx after all," I muttered to myself.
I heard the gaffer call out that 'tea was up' and saw the troupe of bronzed adonises descend the scaffolding. Terri glanced up to see the vacant builder's structure and promptly turned her body over onto her front. She ran her hands through her hair and rested them above her head leaning her head to the side. She pushed her shades to the top of her head and closed her eyes. "Ah... you clever little babe," I thought. "She's going to pretend to fall asleep, so when all the boys return, they'll get uninterrupted views of her statuesque breasts?"
Surprise, surprise I was correct. Ten minutes later they returned to their working positions [and eight men climbing creaky ladders makes a lot of noise], unsurprisingly, Terri didn't move a muscle. Yet, I'm sure something would've been stirring inside her.
Our young studs were acting like excited schoolkids as if peeping into the girl's changing rooms. One guy even got his glasses out for a clearer view!
For a full 15 minutes Terri allowed them all to ogle her naked breasts before feigning a mild awakening, and then made a contrived gesture of placing her arm across her chest to cover herself up. One of the guys said quite loudly, "Ahhh, sadly the show's over boys!"
Terri looked up at them smiling and quietly said, "Sorry, I must have nodded-off."
Back came the reply, "With a body like that, you can nod-off as many times as you like, Darling."
Another of the men quickly added, "No need to cover up now Terri as we've all been looking at your naked boobs for the last 30 minutes! You’ll get bikini lines!"
Then came her big mistake, she looked up at the boys and said, "It wasn't that long!"
How did she know? She was asleep - wasn't she?
She seemed to overlook her error and smiled back at them again and then slowly and very deliberately slid her arm away from her breasts letting out a little giggle in the process. Then turning towards their view-point, she arched her back, and shouted up to them, "Okay, but as long you don't mind?"
The lads reeled back with astonishment and proceeded to let out a little cheer with a wolf-whistle chorus.
I could tell she was loving all of this. She knows she has a great pair of tits, but has never been brave enough to expose them in this crazy manner until now!
She stood up and wandered back into the house wearing just her white string thong. As she reappeared topless a few minutes later carrying a cool-box they all gave her another soft chorus of whistles. She tried desperately to conceal it, but couldn't help a little smile to herself. Then another comment came from above, "I think you need some oil on those, Terri! If you need a hand, just ask, okay love?"
She seemed to ignore the comment at first, but then retorted with, "Actually, a few of you seem to have very red shoulders... Do you want me to give you some of my suntan oil?"
One of the guys [I'm sure it was 'Mr Gorgeous' - the one she had the hots for], called back with, "You can do us, if one of us can do you?"
Now, this is where her amazingly natural innocence kicks in, because her reply was absolutely mind-blowing! She simply said, "Okay it's a deal, but don't you want me to do all of you?"
Sniggers all round as you can imagine. Again, she hadn't realised her sexy double entendre. Or had she?
You've never seen four guys descend a ladder quicker. Within seconds they were standing in our garden parading their impressive pecs and six-pack stomachs for my Terri. They were told to line up and turn around in Terri's very forceful manner.
Two had faded jeans on their lower bodies, the other two were wearing cropped shorts. From my perspective, it looked like something straight out of a porn-movie. Anyway, Terri stood up, wearing just her minuscule white thong, and proceeded to rub oil into each of their shoulders taking time to feel their firm muscles. I could see on occasions she was allowing her naked breasts to gently brush against their well-oiled backs. In very hot weather, Terri's nipples don't normally get erect, especially when we're on the beach and she's sun-bathing topless... BUT today, they appeared to be pointing out the sun!
The boys naturally turned round all gazing at her perfect swaying breasts and said, "Is it our turn to do you now?"
This is the point that I realised her true intentions her answer was so loaded. "Come round and chill-out with some cold beers when the sun has gone down - And you can do me then."
"Why would she need sun-tan oil when the sun has gone down?" I pondered.
I think the guys were getting the gist as well as they raised their eyebrows almost in unison. And then quickly said, "We're knocking off in about half and hour anyway, so you'd better line 'em up gorgeous!"
"Okay, but wait a mo, I need to call my husband first, um, because he's staying in Nottingham tonight."
I could see them rubbing their hands together with glee. Then suddenly "Shit!" I thought. She's going to ring me!," I ran to the path and ran down it. I had to be as far away as possible from the house so she wouldn't hear my mobile ring.
It rang. It was Terri. I answered immediately. "Hiya!" I said quietly.
"Hi darling, you okay?" she said.
"Yeah, I'm fine, on my way to Nottingham, are you alright? Naked in bed with six hunky men I suppose?" I said jokingly.
"Don't be silly, I'm doing the laundry. The hunky men will come later!" teasingly giggling back.
"Okay, you little minx, have fun. I'll call you later after the meeting has ended, bye!"
She'd done it again! 'The hunky men will come later?' yeah and I wonder where? You horny thing! And you made a point of telling them that I was away in Nottingham for the night. Obvious or what?
I turned my phone off for fear of other calls and quietly walked back to my vantage point. She was still inside the house and on the phone… the way she was giggling I knew she was talking to her sister. Dawn was younger than she was but just as insatiable. Terri put the phone down and I could see her profile in the floor to ceiling bathroom windows. They are frosted, but we normally close the oak Venetian blinds whilst taking a shower. Not today it seems? I don't think the men had noticed her as it was at a pretty obtuse angle from their line of sight.
Anyway, after about ten minutes Dawn appeared…
"Come here, darling." Terri placed her arms around Dawn and drew her close.
Dawn welcomed the warmth and comfort of the embrace. She rested her head on Terri's chest, surprised to hear the other woman's heart beating so quickly. Then when she opened her eyes, she discerned the clear definition of her friend's nipples protruding through the thin material of her tee shirt. Had Terri become turned on by what she had told her?
For her part, Terri had become increasingly horny as the day progressed. The young woman was as tall as Terri, but whereas my wife was all lean and muscular, her sister's body was filled out with a pert, exquisite bust and a rounded firm posterior that was begging to be squeezed. If that wasn't bad enough, Dawn looked even more appealing with just a towel wrapped around her. There was even a moment as they leaned against each other sweating profusely, that Terri would have risked a kiss to drive the builders into a frenzy.
Dragging dawn into view of the garden and raising Dawn's chin with her finger, Terri planted a gentle kiss on her lips. When she met with no resistance, she tenderly sucked upon Dawn's lower lip, drawing it outwards, before releasing it and plunging her tongue deep into the other woman's mouth all for show. The bedroom curtains were wide open and the large picture windows revealed everything and the patio door was open.
As Terri intensified the interrogation of her mouth, Dawn reached out and took hold of her sister’s breast, squeezing and kneading the flesh, feeling the nipple protest against the palm of her hand. She had been just as fascinated with Terri's bigger tits as any of the men who had ogled them in the swimming pool. Pulling the tee shirt free of the denim skirt, Dawn's hand went beneath the flimsy garment and delved into the half-cup bra to extricate the large melon. When she rolled the teat firmly between her thumb and forefinger, it responded by getting even harder and longer.
Terri moaned into her mouth before breaking off their kiss and rolling onto her side. This was there plan! They had hatched this together. This was the moment the builders began nudging each other, still several metres away. They all stopped what they were doing. One by one their hands adjusted themselves in their jeans.
Dawn pushed Terri's tee shirt up out of the way. Taking one of the champagne glasses, she poured some of the sparkling, golden liquid on the exposed breast before clamping her mouth down on it, taking in the nipple and most of the large areola, and began to suck upon it deeply and rhythmically.
In reciprocation, Terri placed her hand under Dawn's dress, running up past the end of her stockings, across the bare flesh of her thighs, until her fingers slipped beneath the panty leg opening and alighted upon a very sodden and shaven pussy.
"Jesus!" exclaimed Terri. "I never get this wet, at least, not this quickly. You really are a horny, little slut, aren't you, Dawn?"
Dawn lifted her head from Terri's breast and said while smiling, "I can be. For the right person." Then rising up to kneel on the bed she lifted her dress up over her head and threw it on the floor, then she unclasped her bra and sent it in the same direction letting her full, firm breasts free. Terri quickly followed suit.
Once naked, Terri wrapped her arms tightly around Dawn, squashing their big breasts together as she pushed the other woman down upon the soft mattress where they kissed passionately, their hands exploring and probing each other's intimate places.
After a few moments, Terri broke off the embrace. She turned 180 degrees, so she could kneel while straddling Dawn's face. Then she leant forward and plunged her hungry mouth into Dawn's pussy, zoning in on her clitoris and darting her tongue across it horizontally. Facing a pussy of her own, Dawn replicated the other woman's actions exactly. Licking then sucking on the clit before using her fingers to expose the inner lips that were already soaked in arousal fluids. Finally, elongating her tongue, she drove it repeatedly deep inside Terri's vaginal opening while her thumb pushed and probed the young woman's engorged clitoris.
It didn't take very long for both to cum, and when they did it was almost simultaneous. Dawn's whole body shuddered in response to the sensations that engulfed her, while Terri moved her hips backwards and forwards, grinding her wet and hairy mound into Dawn's face, greedily extending her own climax.
Dawn might have drifted off into a post-coital sleep, but it appeared Terri was not yet finished. She supposed that was the difference between having sex with a woman rather than a man. A man needed time to recover once he was spent. A woman was ready to go again immediately.
Terri raised herself to her knees on the bed and said. "Come here, you gorgeous creature." Dawn obeyed and both women embraced and began kissing again. Then Terri shifted her position so her pussy, or more precisely, her clitoris, was sitting upon Dawn's upper thigh. She then began to move backwards, then forwards, and Dawn could feel the intense heat being generated by the hot, slippery cunt sliding along her flesh.
Dawn took hold of one of the young woman's impressive breasts and began to manipulate it with the palm of her hand. Then, employing a trick she had learnt from Old Man Hargreaves, she suddenly clamped the nipple between her thumb and forefinger and squeezed on it very tightly, before twisting the nugget sharply to one side. Terri let out a loud moan that Dawn recognised as a mixture of pleasure and pain.
"Oh, you little, fucking slut", Terri exclaimed in delight.
Moving even higher up on Dawn's thigh, Terri positioned herself so that both their pussies were aligned, and their engorged clitorises met. Then holding each other tightly, their big breasts mashed together, their mouths locked in a wet embrace, they began to push against each other, and the effect on such sensitive organs of the body was electrifying. They moved slowly at first, concentrating on maintaining points of contact, pussy to pussy, clit to clit, moaning involuntarily, then gradually their motion got faster, eventually becoming frantic in response to the heat that was building up inside them both.
Terri climaxed first. She unleashed a string of almost unintelligible obscenities through gritted teeth. As she did so, Dawn felt the hot gush of the other woman's squirting arousal fluids strike her pussy and it pushed her over the edge. The two young women collapsed upon the now soaking bed, their limbs still entwined, their bodies luxuriating in the aftermath of their convulsions.
That's when Mr Gorgeous approached the open bedroom door. Dawn rose from the bed and took him by the hand into the kitchen. As they left the dining area, Dawn looked over at Terri and said something to her. Dawn and the builder spoke at length but completely out of earshot. When she rose from her seat he stayed there.
Dawn wrapped her knuckles on the bedroom door, she was initially disappointed to hear no answer from within. She cursed herself for not first phoning the room and checking that Terri would be there before buying the expensive champagne. She was just about to leave when she thought she discerned a shadow cross the tiny pin-prick of light in the door's peephole.
"Are you in there Terri? It's Dawn," she found herself saying, although it felt somewhat redundant given that the person inside would have already seen her through the peephole. "If I caught you at a bad time, I could come back later, or we could meet up in the restaurant and have some lunch."
"Just give me a minute." It was Terri who spoke, although her voice sounded distant because of the thickness of the door.
After what seemed like an unnecessarily long time, the door finally opened, and Dawn was able to step inside still carrying the Bollinger in one hand and the two champagne flutes in the other. She had expected to find Terri just out of bed, perhaps in pajamas, without makeup and her lovely auburn hair disheveled, but she couldn't have been further from the truth.
Terri was wearing a short and tight fitting chemise. It was made of black satin with lace trimmings and had a sexy slit on one side that showed enough of her thigh to suggest she was not wearing panties. The garment struggled to enclose her large breasts and cover her arse. An application of mascara accentuated her naturally long, dark eyelashes and the lipstick she wore was of a light, pink sheen. The woman was dressed for something, but it certainly wasn't sleep.
"Were you expecting me?" asked Dawn.
Terri's response was a silent smile. She took the bottle and glasses from Dawn and placed them on a small desk by the wall. Dawn stepped up behind her and bent to kiss the other woman's neck. As she did so, she reached forward and began to massage one of Terri's full, firm breasts beneath the soft fabric of her chemise. After a moment or two, Terri turned, and they kissed. Dawn slipped her stocking covered leg between those of Terri's until she felt the intense heat of the other woman's mound grind against her thigh.
"Well, well, ladies. What have we here?"
It was Mr Gorgeous. He looked like he was ready to devour them both and behind him, in full view of the incestuous scene were the rest of the work team.
Terri dismounted with an embarrassed smile and led the object of her carnal desires back into the garden as Dawn made herself presentable. My wife had no shame, she grbbed her sheer night-gown and, virtually naked, she pulled on her panties and lay down on the sun lounger, all in full view.
"Come on boys! It's chill-out time!," she announced. With that, it was tools down and then down the ladder in under two minutes.
Suddenly five bronzed hunks were standing over my wife. Their shirts off; their muscles glistening and their eyes firmly focussed on Terri's fabulous body. She handed the cold beers round and the tops were flipped without waiting for the bottle-opener. "Oooh, you're the original big strong boys, aren't you?" Terri cooed at them.
With no hesitation, one of them stated, "He's the biggest..." pointing at 'Mr Gorgeous'.
Terri's head sunk into her shoulders and she looked up mouthing, "I thought you might be." Looking at the guy who pointed, she said, "Exactly how big is he?"
I could just see that he made a 'fisherman type' of gesture.
"Anyway sexy, how come you've put a dress on?" one of them enquired.
She went on to explain that too much sun makes her a bit sore, and that she would usually rub-in some after-sun at this stage.
'Mr Gorgeous looking' then said, "Allow us to assist you... after all, we'd hate you to feel sore tomorrow morning, wouldn't we guys?"
Terri was in her element as she continued to play the tease with these guys. I could hear her explaining that it would mean she'd need to remove her dress for them if they were going to properly cover her in the After-Sun lotion - and that, she was only wearing a very small g-string underneath. One of them immediately said, "It can't be smaller than your bikini bottoms, so why don't you just stand up and let us get started?"
"Huh!" she chuffed, "You wanna bet?" With that, she stood up holding her empty glass and the bottle of After-Sun and asked one of them to pop the cork on the champagne and pour. She took two very big sips from her glass and put her arms above her head. She must have muttered something at this point because three of them immediately encircled her and started undoing the shoe-string ties of her dress. While one was un-lacing her back another was applying the white cream to any exposed areas.
I couldn't help being extremely aroused at this sight, and kept wondering whether she would actually let them rub the After-Sun cream over her breasts... I know she's always been a huge tease, so I assumed she'd be a real bitch and spoil their fun right at the last moment.
I didn't have to wait for long - I needed to shift my position slightly because one the guys was blocking my view. And Christ! My next sight was awesome, seeing Terri's now un-tied dress slowly glide down her sensational body making a sculpted puddle of white cotton at her feet. 'God, she looks amazing!', I thought. And she wasn't joking about the size of her panties either! Her 'g-string' was no more than a 3" equilateral cotton triangle with similar shoe-string sides to her dress. 'Huh... another new purchase?' I mused.
I really didn't think Terri would ever go this far for real. Here I am watching my wife standing with her hands in her hair allowing a group of men run their hands all over her body. And yes after coating and rubbing it in to her stomach they moved up and then paid special attention to her breasts. They took it in turns to stand behind her and cup her beautiful boobs in their hands. I had never seen her nipples so hard! It was also obvious that her legs were getting wider apart the higher they stroked her inner thighs. She began making quite loud sighs of enjoyment whenever they got close to her pussy. I kept saying to myself, "She won't let them remove her knickers... I know she won't. she just won't"
They took it in turns to stand behind her and cup her beautiful breasts in their hands. I had never seen her nipples so hard! It was also obvious that her legs were getting wider apart the higher they stroked her inner thighs. She began making quite loud sighs of enjoyment whenever they got close to her pussy. I kept saying to myself, "She won't let them remove her knickers I know she won't she just won't!"
Then my heart sank as I heard her respond to one of them with, "Yeah! They're not knotted - they're just bows"
"Are you sure Terri?" one of them asked.
"Oh God yeah, no. Hang-on though! Before I'll let you take mine off, you have to take your's off first!"
What an inspired reply?
Within 20 seconds she had five, very fit, naked young men standing before her. From my angle I could only see two of them from a slight side aspect, the other three were facing away from me. Yet, it didn't take much detective work for me to ascertain that 'Mr Gorgeous-Adonis' was obviously hung like a horse by the fixated look on Terri's face.
She smiled at them and then slowly walked back among the circle of men with a very sexy swagger; raised her arms; spun round like a ballerina and said with a wanton voice "I'm all yours boys!"
"Oh my God!" I whispered. "This was it?" I realised that she'd just given full permission to five muscle-bound men to view her beautiful heart-shaped pussy at close quarters. And, of course, there were three others watching from next door. They were running their hands all over her; I saw a hand in-between her legs and then another slide down the front of her knickers. I wanted to stop them, but I knew that if I did, it would be curtains for Terri and me because she would never forgive me for my sordid, deceitful plan. I would look simply stupid and pathetic in her eyes. I had to endure watching them tight-lipped as they carefully un-tied her panties and oh so slowly exposed her pussy.
As her panties fell away two heads moved in to take their place. They were kissing her thighs and stomach, and all around her pussy. She was in sheer ecstasy, she seemed to be bending her knees to get lower down, just as one of them moved directly underneath her - fell to his knees and started using his tongue on her. I know how much she loves it when I go down on her, so this highly charged situation must have been electric Utopia for her! She also seemed to have an impressive penis in each hand and many men's hands running amok over her breasts.
Obviously it was her ultimate pleasure dome, because the next sweated utterance from her lips was, "I've got have sex with one of you now! I need to feel one of you inside me!!"
I then witnessed my beautiful naked wife turn to her left to face 'Mr Gorgeous' and sink her tongue into his mouth. They were locked together for what seemed like an age. (It's strange, but this affected me so much more than her allowing any of them to have their tongues inside her pussy - I suppose it's because kissing passionately is a 'love thing' as opposed to a 'sex thing'?)
Her hands went onto his shoulders forcing him to his knees, she followed him down moments after and straddled his legs. She was inches away from his very impressive cock, 'He was a big boy!' Then she seemed to pause for a couple of seconds as he said something to her.
I heard Terri say, "No. Don't worry, it's much nicer without one!"
She then lowered herself down on top of him and he slid his penis into her waiting pussy. She licked and kissed his lips again in-between some unusually loud noises of extreme pleasure. Being so familiar with her vocal exclamations during sex, it appeared to me that the little hussy came within a minute of riding up and down on this guy. High-pitched extended sighs; her head arched back and then falling forward to nestle on his chest; while her arms flail and feebly enwrap his body. "Yep... that was Terri having an orgasm and a major one at that!"
Bastard! No other man had ever made her climax before me. Then again, I had always encouraged her to explore her own body and be completely open with me about which places and positions were good for her. And to be relaxed about it in front of me! It took a long time, but eventually she managed to achieve orgasms very readily. "All that mental evaluation and manual stimuli and maybe, just maybe, all she really needed was a man with a huge penis?" Of course, it could've been the combination of another man kneeling behind her caressing and stroking her nipples at the same time?
Anyway, while this notion was curdling in my brain, I saw the man of her dreams ejaculate inside her accompanied by some very exaggerated grunts of hedonistic pleasure.
To my surprise, she just gave him a prolonged kiss him on the lips and then swiftly turned round and straddled the guy behind her. She even took the lead and used her hand to gently guide his penis into her. For ten minutes or so she gracefully moved him in and out of her, until he picked her up and repositioned her on the edge of the sun-lounger. With her ankles over his shoulders he proceeded to pound his penis into her. I couldn't actually tell if Terri came again, but he certainly did! And with great ceremony.
I had to keep reminding myself that these men were the builders who would spend half their day watching my gorgeous wife in an attempt to catch a glimpse of her cleavage, or let alone, one of her nipples? And now she is completely naked, lying on her back with her legs splayed apart and her arms draped above her head. Since the second guy came inside her, she'd made no attempt to cover herself up at all. Was one of the other men going to take her? They seemed to hesitate.
Ten or fifteen seconds went by and her legs were still wide open at 90 degrees!
Thankfully, she raised her head. Closing her legs and grasping her crumpled dress to her chest, "Wow! That was lovely!" She said. "C'mon, I fancy a shower. Any of you sexy hunks want to join me and scrub my back? My shower's very big - I'm sure I'll be able to fit you all in!"
"Oh yeah Terri. Two down and three to go!!" snapped one of them back.
There she goes again, I thought. She's the true Queen of the innocent double entendre. I next saw her beautiful naked bum disappear into the house followed by a group of very overexcited men. For the next two hours I had to listen to squeals and laughter; sounds of intense sexual pleasure and lots of splashing of water. By this time the sun had dipped, so I could just make out the shapes of many naked bodies moving about in our bathroom. I did see Terri's naked bum pushed up against the huge frosted-glass window by two of the men at one point, but it was mostly a sound-only show after that.
Still a little shocked, I returned to my car and contemplated on what to do next. I could hardly waltz through the door as I had already said to her that I was in Nottingham only an hour ago. Then again, I didn't want to sleep in the car and staying in a hotel round the corner from my own house was not only extravagant, but also very suspicious. Most of the hotels' staff knew me and Terri from various parties and local weddings we'd attended together. I decided to return to scene of the 'crime' my crime, that is. I should never have set up such an elaborate trap, because I'm the one who's now trapped.
I walked into our back garden, which was now quiet, and immediately saw the bathroom light being switched off. The bedroom light came on (our bedroom!), but also, a few moments later, the kitchen light came on. I had to duck behind a shrub to avoid being spotted. When I peered through the foliage, I could see Terri rushing in wearing her long black chemise which I'd given her last Christmas. Her hair was wet and she looked sensational (and strangely she didn't appear to be wearing the matching panties which go with it!) She was followed by two of the men who were completely naked and dripping wet. She had grabbed two bottles of Champagne from the fridge and handed them to the men, she then reached up to the cupboard to get some glasses. I was incensed, these two men just couldn't keep their hands off her!
She kissed both men with a peck and promptly swooshed out of the kitchen. I could see her running up the stairs carrying at least six glasses. "Six glasses? That means she's entertaining five men!" I thought.
We'd talked and fantasised about her with two men and me watching, but never with FIVE men and me NOT watching!
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a-strange-inkling · 5 months
💘 fake dating
(decided to put this in the mechanics au universe, the only time i’ve attempted friends to lovers with them lol)
“What time is it?” Eddie asks Jeff again, glancing over his shoulder and grabbing his wrist to see for himself. The batteries of his own watch died sometime last week and he never got them changed. They just keep blinking 3:03.
Jeff pats his chest. “Dude, relax, she’ll be here.”
Eddie bounces anxiously on the balls of his feet, looking around for her, wondering if she’s coming, if there’s still time to call the whole thing off. He’s not sure he can do it. Not without giving something away. “This was a really bad idea.”
“Has Chrissy ever let you down?”
“No,” he sighs admittedly, scratching the back of his neck under his long curtain of hair. “But no one’s going to fall for it…it’s pathetic that I even asked her in the first place.”
“Are you just worried it’s not going to work or that it’s going to work too well?”
He sneers, glaring daggers and death toward the lead singer, but Jeff just chucks his infamous shit eating grin back up at him.
“Shut up.”
Jeff laughs quietly in amusement as he heads over to do a sound check with the mics.
“Well, hello there.” Eddie hears a feminine voice coo, a hand sliding up his bare arm.
Still suffering from the PTSD from the last few weeks, he yanks away sharply from the very bold dark haired girl who just popped up at his side out of nowhere. He doesn’t even look at her. Be gone, siren! “Yeah, listen, I’m here with someone, okay? A girlfriend—I have a girlfriend!”
Yep. It sounds weird even saying it.
“Oh yeah?” she asks with a little giggle. “Then where is she?”
Eddie frowns, eyebrows pinching together. He knows that voice now that it’s not masked by a sultry fry. He whips around in confusion to find a pair of glimmering, mischievous eyes staring up at him under the large fray of dark hair.
Holy shit.
He peers closer in disbelief. “Chrissy?”
“Sorry I’m a little late,” she grins, her lips painted a deep mauve color, her sapphire eyes lined with skillful black wings. “Eden took forever.”
“What are you—”
He feels himself tightening immediately in his pants. Her wig and make up are one thing, the oversized studded denim jacket covering a cropped black halter top and the Daisy Duke’s she’s wearing is another. Oh God, she’s got black stockings on, with holes in them.
Fuck him.
“Thought I should look the part,” she spins on her toes for him like a little kid playing dress up.
“What do you think?” she asks as he just stands there staring at her with his mouth hanging open. Flies welcome. She squares her shoulder when she lands back on her feet as if ready for a brawl in a mosh pit. “Do I look mean and scary?”
He smiles, a warm wave of alleviation washing over his body. There’s his Chrissy. His fucking adorable Chrissy.
“You look incredible, Cunningham,” he tells her, trying to sound calm cool, wrapping her up in a grateful friendly hug around the waist. She makes that happy squeaky sound that nearly makes him sink to his knees. “Thanks for coming.”
“No problem,” she replies cheerfully, kissing his cheek sweetly as they part. Leaving a perfect imprint of his lips on his skin. “This will be fun!”
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xxcocothekillerxx · 11 months
Behind Locked Doors
Pairing: Johnny slaughter x FemReader
Summary: Y/N recently moved into a somewhat small town, Newt, In Texas with her father. Y/N's father thought this would be a good opportunity for them, since things got rough back in California. Little do they know the trouble that awaited them..
Warning: This series will contain 18+ content & material! NSFW situations and possibly TRIGGERING topics such as- Depression, stalking, blood & gore, manipulation, mention of kidnapping and small amounts of self-harm, such as scars/cuts.
{{ Please proceed with care if you're sensitive to ANY of these topics }}
Author's Note: This is my first time really writing NSFW stories / stories in general. Tips and tricks on how to improve my writing and overall layout are welcome, though keep it respectful please. Other than that please enjoy! 💋
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💋Chapter 2: The Roller Rink💋
It was night time and you were just getting done showering and brushing your hair, your clothes sat on the bathroom counter as you brushed your teeth. You looked at yourself through the mirror, hugging the towel to your body with one hand while the other kept brushing your teeth. 'this night is gonna be amazing' you thought to yourself as you finished brushing your teeth and dried yourself off with the towel completely, you placed the towel down on the counter and began to dress yourself for the night. You put on a Navy blue, cropped halter top with white floral patterns across the chest along with plain frayed jeans and a white leather belt and shoes.
You felt ready to finally get out And party with the new friends you made back in town earlier that day, like the old days in California. You smiled to yourself as you did light and simple makeup and finally walked out the bathroom into your room, you walked into your room to put a little bit of perfume on. As you got finished getting ready you looked out your window, towel hugged close to your body, and looked down the road. It was reasonably dark outside but still bright enough to see the road…you felt your mouth open slightly and your lip began to tremble, the hairs on the back of your neck starting to stand on end as you watched a figure suddenly, yet slowly slip back into the sunflower field on the other side of the road adjacent to your house. You step away from the window quickly and feel yourself shake and tremble slightly, your hands shaking and mind wandering as you knew your father was downstairs and no one would be here at this time of night slightly out of town. You hoped that it was just your mind playing a trick on you from the hot shower as you quickly turn the water on and splash your face with ice cold water, you regain yourself and quickly run downstairs to your father, where he sat on the couch reading a book while waiting for you, his little radio quietly playing the local News.
His eyes quickly perked up to see you and his face grew a quick smile as he set his book down on the couch next to him. "I'll drop ya' off, but no later than 12pm.. alright sweetie?" He said while giving a somewhat serious and stern look, you never really gave your father trouble but you understood his concerns and simply nodded. Your father's face went from stern and serious to warm and happy with a big smile, he quickly fixed his glasses and grabbed his keys off the end table and got up. "Ready?" He said, tilting his head slightly towards the door. "Yes sir" you nod, Walking to the door and opening it. The night air quickly hits your face and sends a shiver through your body, your father quickly throws his leather jacket on you with a slight smirk knowing you probably needed it. You two quickly hop into the car and your dad drives down the dark road with his window slightly down, you watch the sunflowers under the moonlight zoom by as you drive. The thought of that figure rushes into mind and makes your brows furrow in worry, though the radio quickly snaps you back to reality as it plays sudden rock music. You chuckled as you watched your father hum and tap the steering wheel to the beat of the music, your eyes wandering back over to the sunflower field. The thought staining the back of your mind as you watched the smear of yellow from the sunflowers zoom by, the moonlight making the shine and nearly glow.
As you and your father ride into town, very few street lights are on and only the gas station and church are the main source of lights for passer Byers, however the roller rink has their party lights on, the flashes of colors can be seen clearly through the windows of the building. You can also see a decent amount of people inside and hear the faint muffled sound of music. You wait for your dad to park before getting out and telling him you love him and you'll see him later. He gives you a large smile, "be safe sweetie!" He nervously says before waving goodbye and pulling out of the parking spot and driving off back home. You stand there for a moment, the cold air hitting your skin and the night ambience fills your ears with crickets and owls and the muffled sound of music from inside the roller skate rink. You quickly take a deep breath before walking up to the doors of the building and walk inside, you're quickly filled with the smell of popcorn, soda and other kinds of foods such as hotdogs, burgers and fries while the boys behind the counter quickly gave you an almost robotic and scripted greeting.
"Hello ma'am, welcome to RollerSkate jinx, Let our beats take you to new heights on the rinks..." he said with the most straightest and bored face in the world, you almost felt bad for the kid as he gave you the most expressionless face possible and was waiting for you to pay and get your shoes. "Uh… thanks.." you nervously said, looking around you quickly spotted Connie, Ana and Julie. Two boys seem to also be standing with them, quickly Connie spots you and jogs over from their table and over to the entrance where you stood. "She's with us!" She says, joy filling her voice as she greets you with a hug. You pick out your skates and walk back over to the table with Connie, setting your skates on the floor. "We already paid for everything! But meet the boys! This is Leland and Sonny! They wanted to meet you when we told them about you Y/N!" Julie chimbed in, and a wide smile on her face as she introduced you to the two boys. Sonny gave a nervous wave as he scratched the back of his neck before quickly shoving both his hands into his pockets, while Leland quickly and confidently took your hand in a shake. Leland had a large smile wiped across his face as he greeted you, "nice to meet you Y/N, hope you've been liking it around here so far" he laughed as he gently let go of your hand and backed away slightly, a warm smile on his face.
Everyone chats with each other and drinks their pop-sodas and eats their hotdogs, while you quietly sit there nibbling at your hotdog when you suddenly feel that same feeling you felt back at the house, the feeling of being watched again. The hairs on your neck slightly stand on edge as your eyes dart around the building, looking at the groups of people before your eyes quickly landed on a young man looking at you. As soon as your eyes locked with his, the man looked away quickly, his brown slicked back hair went down to the middle of his neck, little strands of hair covered his forehead slightly. You noticed he had scars scattered around his face and shoulders, he was decently muscular and tall. He wore a worn down black muscle shirt with slightly torn faded out blue jeans and work boots, he looked like he belonged on a farm more than a Roller skating rink because you also noticed he was wearing yellow gloves for whatever reason. He did not look like someone who should be here, your eyes wandered back up towards his face when you noticed he was staring at you once again, his eyes nearly burning a hole into your body which made you quickly look away in embarrassment and resume eating your hotdog.
You still felt the man's eyes staring at you, nearly burning through you. You almost felt a sweat start to form on your forehead before you felt a hand land on your shoulder, you never jumped so hard as you turned to smack the hand until you realized, "oh.. hey Leland" you quickly felt yourself settle down and relax as you looked up at Leland, who was giving you a concerned and confused look as you were practicing nose deep in your hot dog. "You alright Y/N? Look like you've seen a ghost" he laughed, a smile resting on his lips as he stood there, you looked behind him briefly to see if the man was still there.. and of course, he wasn't. You quickly brought your attention back up to Leland and gave a half smile, "guess you could say that heh.." you embarrassingly said to him, looking back down at your half eaten hot dog. Leland sat across from you in the booth and tilted his head to try and meet your gaze, a warm smile on his face as he gently placed a hand on your forearm.
"I gotcha'... Look, the girls and Sonny went onto the floor to do some skating! You wanna join' em with me Y/N?" He suggested as he sat back in the booth, you nodded yet slightly embarrassed since you really didn't know how to skate. "I- uh.. I'm not good at roller skating.." you almost looked down in shame before Leland used his hand to quickly lift your chin up to meet his gaze, "Hey! Hey.. I can teach cha' if you want? I don't mind" he gave you a friendly smile as he pulled his hand away, you felt your cheeks flush a light shade of pink before you nodded to him. You started to put your skates on and finished tying them, Leland already having his own on, was waiting for you right by your side in case you stumbled. You stand up and held on to Lelands arm, he gives you a gentle smile and reassurance as he gently places his other hand on the lower part of your back to keep you stable, it only makes your face blush harder and uncontrollably. "Alright, it's all about balance.. don't panic, ok?" He explained with a joyful and friendly smile on his face, you nodded and let Leland roll you over to the floor. Leland held your side tightly but gently, as you slowly took a step onto the floor with Leland quickly following suit. Leland continued to push you around slightly and teached you how to push with your feet and how to stop, after a while you got the hang of it, slowly, and soon held on to just Leland's hand to keep up as you joined the other. The girls are chatting with you and expressing their joy to have a new friend in the group. Leland was joking around with Sonny and Punching Sonny's shoulder playfully and laughing together, you couldn't help but smile as you felt at home for once.
Few hours pass into the night, an hour before midnight when your father is supposed to pick you up and the group calls it a night and picks up their stuff from the table and booth. Together you and the group walk out the building and sit on the concrete stairs, Connie and Julie giggling with each other and waving their goodbyes to everyone before heading home. Sonny shakes your hand once again and thanks you for coming before also leaving, Ana smiles and gives you a hug "thank you so much Y/N for coming!.. it's nice to have someone new like you to hangout with!.. but goodnight y'all! And get home safe" she says, a warm smile on her face as she waves goodbye before finally walking off. You chuckled to yourself as everyone left except Leland, who stood next to you and turned to face you.
"So..Y/N, I just wanted to say thank you"
"For what ya goof?" You couldn't help but laugh slightly.
"For hanging out and stuff.. you're pretty chill for a girl" he playful punches your shoulder as he gives a soft smirk towards you. You smile and nod, you two continue to chat for a little while before Leland starts to yawn. "I should probably get going then huh? Haha" he chuckled, "probably yes.. my father should be here soon, and I'm sure he'd kill me if he saw me with a boy" you laughed, gently pushing at Leland's shoulder, Leland laughs back in response as he crosses his arms. "I ain't that bad!.." he states before taking a step forward and leaning slightly down to meet your gaze, making it so only a few inches are between your faces. You felt your face quickly turn red as his hot breath hit your lips as now you were slightly forced to look into Leland's eyes, a dumb smirk whipped across his lips. Your eyes started to dart between his eyes and down to his mouth as Leland leaned in slightly closer towards you, his eyes becoming hooded as his focus turned to your lips. His hands wandered to end up on your hips, which caused your breath to sharpen and to gently place your hands onto his chest. Your body felt flustered and panicked before you quickly pushed away from him, your eyes slightly wide and nervousness filling your body as your heart raced and pounded through your chest. Leland was caught off guard before his eyes widened and his face flushed red, "i-i'm so sorry!..." He Yelled, embarrassed as he quickly turned away from you to hide his face. You couldn't help but chuckle, "it's not funny… I shouldn't have done that!" Leland protested, his back completely facing towards you.
You place a hand gently onto his back, quickly feeling his body tense up, "it's ok Leland…It was a simple mistake" you gave a warm smile as he turned his head to face you, he looked at you over his shoulder in an attempt to still hide his obviously reddened and flustered face. "Why don't we call it a night?" You say, giving a reassuring smile as he fully turns to face you. He nodded before giving you a quick hug, he took a deep breath to calm himself before he said his goodbye and can't wait til the next hangout before leaving and heading off to home himself. You go to turn around before you hear Leland shout, "BE SAFE!" You heard him yell, making you giggle to yourself. Giving yourself a smile and you felt your cheeks blush, you felt like a little school girl with a dumb crush as you giggled to yourself and jumped around a little. You quickly calmed yourself down and then sat down on the concrete stairs as you waited for your father to come, you had thirty minutes until then however so you felt almost bored as you sat there. You started to get cold as you had forgotten your father's jacket in the car stupidly, hugging yourself and rubbing your arms to keep yourself warm. You suddenly felt a heavy fabric hit your shoulders from behind, you jumped up from the sudden action and felt that same stare from before.. that burning stare on the back of your neck as you slowly turned to look at the person who gave you their jacket, you almost felt your stomach dropped at you look up at the young man who you caught staring at you back in the roller rink. The man leaned against the bricked wall of the roller rink building lighting a cigarette, his dark wild eyes lit up from the flame of the lighter.
"Uhm.. thanks!" You say gently, your voice almost a whisper. The man raised his eyebrow before darting his eyes over to you as he held the cigarette with his thin lips. He stayed silent but gave a quick nod before looking somewhere off into the distance and his hands shoved haphazardly into the pockets of his jeans, his face gently lit by the moon light and colors of pink and blue giving a back light to him from the roller rink behind him. You give a cough to grab his attention before once again speaking, a little more loudly than before "thank yo- '' you were quickly cut off by him stepping forward towards you, giving a stern look of annoyance. "I heard ya'.." he annoyingly muttered to you, his arms crossed as looked down on you and furrowed his brows, giving him an almost angry expression. You felt a little shocked by his attitude towards you as you gave an annoyed huff and crossed your arms. "Well then mister…can I ask your name at least without getting cut off?" You annoyingly spat, arms still crossed as you slightly tilted your head like an angry parent who's waiting for a poor me up excuse from their child. Your tone seemed to catch the man slightly off guard but seemed to also piss him off at the same time as he quickly stepped dangerously close to you and leaned his head down to try and tower over you, a snarl appeared on his lips as he gritted his teeth together as if he was holding back from saying something he shouldn't. "Johnny.." he growled, still leaning in heavily close to you to the point you can basically feel his breath on your face. It smelled like iron and cigarette smoke, you felt your lips unintentionally curl downward in slight disgust and Johnny seemed to notice and his eyes quickly shot down from your eyes to your lips. "So.. Johnny.." you backed up to create space between you and him before quickly finding the words of confidence, "why were ya' staring daggers into me?" You quickly felt a frog in your throat as his form didn't grow angry but instead a cocky grin appeared on his face as he stood straight up and crossed his arms. "No reason… just never seen a pretty thing like you round here~" he chuckled, a wild glint behind his eyes, you almost couldn't tell what he was thinking and it slightly off put you as you felt your body tense.
Something about this boy made you nervous, either from how close he decided to get to you or how fast he changed his expressions, or maybe it was his cockyness from being caught that didn't make him feel embarrassed in the slightest. A large wave of relief hit you however as you saw your father park on the side of the road and a honk coming from the car, you quickly walked over to your father who was sitting in the car still and gave him a hello and a warm smile.
"Who's your friend sweetie?" You father smiled as you felt a large hand grip onto your shoulder, a wave of nervousness washed over you as before you even got a word out, Johnny quickly cut you off and leaned down to look at your father, his facial expression completely changed into a almost innocent and warm smile as he greeted your father. "Hello! You must be Y/N's father!.. pleasure to meetcha, I'm just a 'friend' of hers" he hummed, your face felt awfully pale and cold as he spoke your name. 'You never told him your name..' you thought to yourself, your palms felt slightly sweaty. However your father gave a warm smile to Johnny, not really questioning anything and shook the young man's hands. You quickly walked over to the passenger side door and got in, a blank expression on your pale face as you sat there, your father quickly nudged your arm and tilted his head towards Johnny to basically tell him goodbye and to be nice to your friends. You gulp before you simply nod at Johnny and give a half smile as you wave goodbye, you feel your heart sink as Johnny gives a devilish grin towards you and basically waved at you with his fingers. "See ya soon…Y/N~" he said before backing up away from the car, quickly you watched his expression change from the almost evil and wild look he gave you to a sweet and gentle smile as he waved goodbye to your father.
The car ride home was silent for most of the way, with the local music station quietly playing in the background. You stared at the sunflower field as it passed by, you felt your father's hand be gently placed onto your shoulder as he quickly gave side eyes and a soft smile. "Everything alright sweetie?..." He softly spoke, his voice calm and gentle. "Yea.." you mumbled, not really paying attention to the conversation with your father, you felt his hand pull away as he pulled into the driveway, the white house illuminated by the moonlight and warm light from inside. You took a deep sigh and slumped back into your seat, your father already out of the car to go unlock the front door. You get out of the car and take a quick glance back towards the sunflower field, the sound of owls and crickets singing in the wind as you start to make your way back to the house.
You can't help but think about that strange man Johnny. Him knowing your name without speaking to him… made you lay in bed for hours. 'See you soon..Y/N~' playing in the back of your head.
If you got this far I sincerely hope you enjoyed chapter 2! I promise things will start to pick up in chapter 3.. Other then that I hope you'll stay tuned! 💋💋💋
Special Thanks and inspiration - @lil-spider 💋❤️
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Natasha brings her motorcycle to a slow roll down the alley and backs it against the brick wall of a building. She cuts the headlamp and the darkness off the alley floods in. A tropical storm has just passed over Madripoor and the city's usual thrumming nightlife hasn't had a chance to crawl it's way back into the streets. The storm leaves a thick, sodden feeling to the air.
A little over an hour ago, she received an alert that the security system in her Lowtown safehouse was disarmed and the pressure sensors she installed in the floor registered a presence. She removes her helmet and the alley's wet pavement reflects back pink and blue neon onto Natasha's vibrant red hair. Now that she is stationary, the humidity has Natasha peeling off her riding jacket and stashing it in the panier in exchange for her firearm. She tucks it in the back of her leather pants, more for convenience than to actually conceal it. The cropped black halter top highlighting Natasha's toned torso doesn't do anything to hide the gun. It's not as if Madripoor dress code calls for being discreet either.
Natasha walks around the corner and down the block to a different alley. The block heel of her boots clacks with each step and she feels suddenly aware of just how weird a quiet Madripoor is. She approaches the back door of the safehouse. There is moss growing at the bottom of the wooden door frame and several large native plants climb up the walls adjacent to the door on either side. Warm yellow light faintly illuminating the gauzy curtains of a small widow to the left of the door divulges a presence inside but Natasha can't hear any noise.
She reaches for her lock pick kit from her back pocket and hunches a bit to get a better view of the lock. The door is slightly ajar, which would normally be a little unsettling to Natasha, but she has a feeling she knows who is inside. She nudges the door open, forgoing the lock pick.
Natasha steps inside and closes the door behind her with a soft thump. There is a mostly empty bowl with chopsticks resting in it, a carafe of old coffee, and an ashtray on the table in front of her. The kitchen is empty but she wraps her fingers around the butt of the gun resting at her lower back as she approaches the doorway to the bedroom just off the kitchen.
Before Natasha rounds the corner, she hears a loud gulp, followed by a heavy sigh. The left corner of Natasha's mouth curls into a knowing half smile and she relaxes her hand from the firearm.
"You know, I think you've gotten a little rusty in your espionage skills," she greets him warmly as she leans against the doorway. "I'd be happy to give you a few tips."
Bucky is sitting on the edge of the bed facing the doorway, his legs stretched out in front of him and metal arm resting between his thighs. He blinks up at Natasha blearily and the yellow light from the kitchen exaggerates the sharp planes of his face. There is a gash on the corner of his mouth that still looks fresh. Bucky's right hand grips the neck of a bottle, which rests on top of his right thigh.
"Hmm," he hufs. He pulls his left leg under him and goes to stand unsuccessfully. A hiss of pain passes through his clenched jaw.
"At ease Sargeant, I'm not here to evict you," she quips, still leaning against the doorway. "What happened?"
"Power broker goons. Turns out I'm no good on my own these days," he says and turns his head from her gaze.
"Turns out," Natasha echoes. "Let me get a look at you."
Natasha pushes away from the door to approach Bucky's still seated form. He leans down to set the bottle on the floor and it clinks against another one, empty and previously discarded.
"I thought you super soldiers couldn't get drunk," Natasha questions as she presses her palm to his shoulder to encourage him to lay back. The intense heat radiating off his body sounds at least one alarm in Natasha's mind.
"M'not drunk, just needed something to do," Bucky protests as he complies to her gentle touch and lays back with his legs still off the bed.
"Hmm," Natasha suspects that might not be entirely true.
She notices Bucky's shoulder holster is still on over his red henley. Definite sweat rings have formed around the collar and underarms of the shirt and he doesn't appear to be using his left arm. He must've been in pretty bad shape when he stumbled into the safehouse a few hours ago.
"You feel feverish," Natasha states flatly, even though she meant it to be a question. "Stay there."
Bucky grunts lowly in response.
Natasha takes four strides into the bathroom right outside of the bedroom door and doesn't bother turning on the light. She yanks open a stuck bathroom drawer that has been warped from the humidity. She jiggles it forward once more to reach the first aid kit stashed at the back of it. Natasha brings it to the kitchen and sets the first aid kit on the table. The warm yellow light helps her locate a syringe and a small gauge needle inside of it. She retrieves a glass vial from the dated avocado-green fridge and sets about attaching the needle to the syringe. Natasha punctures the foil top with the needle, flips the vial upsidedown, and draws a suitable dose of the liquid into the syringe.
Natasha strides back into the bedroom with the first aid kit in her right hand and the syringe in the left. She sets the kit down on the bed near Bucky's side and straddles his outstretched legs. She gazes over his supine form, watching his broad chest rise and fall with deep breaths. After a moment of consideration, she hikes one knee up on the bed to better lean over him. Natasha puts the barrel of the syringe between her teeth and presses the palm of her left hand into the top of Bucky's thigh to steady herself. She reaches for the bottom hem of his shirt with her right and attempts to make eye contact with Bucky for his consent to lift his shirt, but his head has lulled to the side.
"James," she calls softly around the barrel of the syringe as to not startle him if he's drifted off. He doesn't respond.
Natasha slowly begins to lift his shirt and can feel it sticking to his skin with blood from a recent wound just below his ribs. Bucky suddenly snaps to awareness and lurches up. The abrupt contraction of his abdominals causes fresh blood to seep from the wound.
Bucky is inches from her face and his eyes are darting rapidly between hers. His top lip curls into a snarl and his right hand grips the bedsheets below him. His gaze breaks to look down at the syringe between her lips and then immediately back to her eyes.
"Relax," Natasha hisses behind the syringe, drawing out the last syllable.
"Natalia?" Bucky whispers. His brow is furrowed and eyes are rapidly scanning Natasha's face. A hiss of pain escape him as his abs pull in protectively. He briefly closes his eyes, snarl still firmly in place. Natasha's insides briefly constrict. She reaches up to safely remove the syringe from her mouth before anymore sporadic movements are made and swallows roughly.
"Yeah, it's me."
Bucky relaxes his mouth and exhales. His right arm buckles and he falls back to the bed. Natasha briefly considers that bringing a syringe around a fever addled former assassin was probably not the best course of action.
"I'm giving you something to help with the infection," she says and adds for reassurance, "It's just me here."
Bucky has gone back to his semi-catatonc state, head lulled to the left. Natasha pulls the neck of his shirt and shoulder holster down to access the muscle of his right shoulder before swiftly puncturing it with the needle and depressing the plunger with her thumb. She withdrawals the needle and releases the over stretched fabric.
Natasha returns to the task of lifting Bucky's shirt to asses his injuries, but decides against it. Instead, she removes the knife secured at Bucky's hip, bunches the fabric in her left hand and pulls the knife through it. She tears the shirt the rest of the way up to the neckline.
Fresh blood bubbles out of the poorly sutured wound on Bucky's right side. The skin around it is inflamed and several smaller cuts adorn his torso around it. What's more concerning to Natasha though is the massive deep red coloring that takes up the entirety of his left pectoral.
"Lucky me, you're too stubborn for that," Natasha's half smile returned as she met his eyes.
"Barnes," Natasha tries to rouse him. He doesn't respond immediately and in the stretch of silence, Natasha can hear his shallow breathing. She reaches up to press two fingers into the pulse point of his neck.
"M'not dead," Bucky grumbles. "Yet," he finishes as his eyes find Natasha's soft gaze.
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thebunnyslibrary · 7 months
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Vampire Bucky Drabble
wc. ~1900
pairing. Vampire!Bucky x reader
summary. Bratting has it's consequences, especially when your lover is Bucky Barnes, a vmapire who owns the most popular night club in the city
warnings. Dirty talk, degradation, bondage, use of a riding crop,
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The old industrial warehouse turned nightclub was an absolutely gorgeous space. The exposed brick was painted with graffiti from artists all over the city, both professional and amateur. The windows were patterned between plain and colored which made the place look mysterious against the night sky. And of course, the piece de resistance was the immense skylight overhead; allowing in the moon to be the ultimate spotlight above the crowd. The club’s biggest draw, though? The patronage.
The club was designated as a “safe” hunting ground for vampires. Any human who walked through the door accepted the risk of being bitten. But Bucky’s most important rule was to never take too much; just enough to leave the humans a little dizzy (and ready to party). Anyone vampire caught breaking that rule was…taken care of. And thanks to the protection of Bucky and his crew, this den of depravity became an extremely popular place. Giving humans with specific interests a place to indulge and giving vampires a safe meal.
Tonight, the place was packed wall to wall with the city’s nightlife; human and undead alike. And here you were, a mere human walking into the lion’s den. You strutted through the crowd, head held high as you made your way up to the bar to the only empty seat. A seat that was always vacant, reserved just for you.
 You’d almost gone for the fishnet tights but decided to leave yourself exposed; it would be better for your plans. The custom-made Christian Louboutin shoes fit you perfectly and the halter top with a rose embroidered up the side left your neck fully exposed. You adjusted your skirt as you looked up and down for a bartender, finally spotting your favorite.
                “Hey Steve, can I get a Bloody Mary?” you teased, much to annoyance of the blonde behind the bar.
                “What are you doing here (y/n)? Bucky told you to stay home tonight. It’s been a feeding frenzy; Not safe for you.”
                “Oh, come on. You know he won’t let anything happen to you. And neither will you.” Steve smirked in response.
                “You got that right, doll. All right, you want a drink, I’ll get you one. You’ll want it once he finds out you’re here.” He turned around and grabbed the bottle of passion fruit rum, mixing it with the bright red fruit punch specifically for the drink, also adding a few maraschino cherries and an umbrella. “Here you go. One ‘Princess’. Sans the special ingredient.” Steve winked at you and took the drink.
 All of the drinks on the menu could be mixed with blood, due to the club’s patronage. Humans, however, were not allowed to be served alcohol because the feeding left them too drowsy; adding alcohol to the mix would not be good. The mocktails, though, were amazing for people’s blood sugar and made their blood taste sweeter. And yours was the most popular. But you were the only exception to the no alcohol rule, because Bucky was the only one ever allowed to feed from you.
                It didn’t take long before you were being tapped on the shoulder. You turned to see Sam standing there, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “You’re gunna wanna come with me, hun. The boss wants to see you.”
                “Oh, does he now? I didn’t even get to finish my drink.” You sighed and rolled your eyes playfully. “I guess I should go and greet him. Steve, can you pour me…” the words hadn’t left your lips before Steve was setting down Bucky’s favorite drink. A whiskey mixed with a shot of the reserve of your blood Steve kept exclusively for Bucky.
                “Go get em, tiger.” Steve said. You took it and gestured for Sam to lead the way.
                “He’s not happy, sweetheart. Not happy.” Sam warned you, bringing you down the hallway then upstairs to where the office was.
                “I’d be surprised if he was.” You retorted. Sam let out a huff of a laugh.
                “You got guts, girl. I’ll give you that.”  He stopped outside of the door. “You’re certainly wearing a decent choice of battle armor.”  The piece de resistance to your ensemble; to fight off the fall chill, you were wearing Bucky’s leather jacket. That was the reason you knew you were safe in the club. Bucky’s scent was all over you, and no vampire in their right mind would touch what was his.
                “Good luck.” Sam opened the door for you and you stepped inside. The room wasn’t completely dark, lit by a single desk lamp. Bucky himself was staring out the window that looked over the dance floor. You walked over to his desk, setting the drink down.
                “I brought you your favorite.” You said, making him scoff.
                “Babydoll, what are you doing?” he asked.
                “What do you mean?” you asked and in the blink of an eye, he was stood behind you; his metal hand wrapped around your throat.
                “I mean…strutting in here, dressed like a slut, and putting yourself in danger.” He growled in your ear. “I’m lucky you’re smart enough to wear my coat or I would’ve had to kill anyone who dare thought they could touch what belongs to me.” He squeezed your throat on the last word, making you gasp. His other hand started to pull your skirt up. “That’s what I mean.” Bucky let out a row rumble in his chest. “And no panties either?”
                “I was boooooored.” You whined, rubbing back against him. He squeezed more, making your breath catch in your throat.
                “You were bored…” Bucky repeated. “Well, let’s see if we can entertain you.” He dragged you over to the leather sofa, pulling his jacket off you and tossing it away before undoing the tie on your top and pulling it down to expose your breasts. Then, he bent you over and held you down with one arm while undoing his belt with the other. You struggled a bit but he gave a quick smack to your ass, making you freeze
                “Stop squirming, slut. You said you were bored. So, let’s play.” He wrestled your hands behind your back, tying them with the belt. Once he was sure you were secure, he went over to the cabinet where he kept a few toys…for just an occasion such as this. Bucky ran his hands over every one of them until he settled on the perfect one. You turned to see what he’d chosen, but your world went dark as he used his tie to blindfold you.
                “My pretty little slut…” He purred, then you felt him run something over your face. You inhaled sharply as you recognized it. The crop. “Tell me your safe word, doll.”
                “Winter, sir.” You whimpered and he hummed in approval, rubbing his hand over your back.
                “Such a good girl.” He kissed your cheek a tender juxtaposition to the sting of the crop on your ass, making you moan. You held as strong a reserve as possible, but around the 10th stroke, you started to break. You started to whimper and whine. Bucky grabbed your hair and his lips were against your ear as he asked.
                “What’s’a matter baby, does it hurt?”
 You sniffed and whimpered “Yes, sir,” in response.
“Good, maybe next time I tell you to stay at home and be safe, you’ll follow my directions.” Ten more strikes from the crop rained down on your ass before Bucky thankfully had mercy on you. You heard the thud as the crop hit the floor. Then, his hands were on you, one hand moving between your legs.
“Tsk tsk tsk. You’re fucking soaked, doll. I don’t think that was really a punishment for you.” He mocked, making you clench your thighs. He pulled you up and led you over to the couch, where he sat down and pulled you down on his lap, facing away. His flesh arm caressing your waist while his metal arm went between your legs; his fingers cool on your clit as he traced circles around it.
“Such a naughty little girl…my naughty little girl.” You heard him undo his zipper before you felt his cock pressing against you. “I take care of you, treat you well, spoil you rotten…and what do you to repay me? Show up here, teasing me, showing off what belongs to me…What am I going to do with you?” he asked but the feel of Bucky’s cock against you was distracting you too much to answer. He pinched your clit suddenly, making you thrust hard and squeeze his cock. “Dumb little baby too focused on my dick to answer? Guess I better her what she wants, just like always”
At that moment, he thrust up into you, hard. You chocked out a gasp; even after a few years with him, he still made you feel so full. He leaned in close to your neck and inhaled deeply.
“Fuuuuuck doll. You have no idea what you do to me. Your blood, your cunt, you…you’re so fucking perfect for me…” Bucky growled, placing open mouthed kisses along your neck and shoulder as he kept rocked your hips back and forth on his cock. “And you look so beautiful on my cock like that. I know drinking from you makes your orgasm feel even more intense. And you taste so good.”
Every word Bucky said drove you mad with pleasure. He knew just what to say to make you soaking wet. His deep, husky voice could make sin sound like salvation. He knew all the right buttons to push and you loved him.
“Please, please can I cum, Bucky?” you pleaded.
“You wanna cum?” Moving his hand from your waist, he grabbed your hair, gently tilting your head back. You felt his fangs scrape along your neck… “You think you deserve it after how you acted?” Bucky’s fingers on your clit got faster and faster.
“I’ll be good Bucky, I promise.”
“I don’t know, I’ve heard that before. Maybe I’ll just have to keep you in my office all day so I know you behave. You wanna be my little cockshut all day?”
“Whatever you want.” You promised, biting your lip.
“Cum for me, doll!” Bucky ordered, biting hard into your neck as he gave a final thrust before sinking his fangs into your neck.
The heightened sensation of Bucky drinking from you matched with the pain and pleasure of his bite and his attention to your clit drove you over the edge completely and so you came hard; your pussy gripping his cock tightly. He gave a few more thrusts before he stilled and you felt his cum filling you up.
Bucky drank from you long enough for both of you to ride out your orgasms. Bucky let go of your neck, not wanting to drink too much from you. He undid the belt from your wrists and, while keeping his cock inside you, helped you settle on his lap. You grabbed onto his suit jacket, breathing in the comfort of his scent. When Bucky removed your makeshift blindfold and you were greeted with the sight of his gorgeous smiling face, somehow made even more handsome with the sight of your blood staining his lips.
“Hi doll.” Bucky said, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Hi Bucky. I missed you.”
“I missed you too baby.” You sagged even more against him. But he shook you gently, rousing you the exhaustion that threatened to turn to sleep.
“Don’t get too comfortable doll.” Bucky teased. “You owe me a dance. And you’re gunna do it with me dripping down your legs.”
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billi-mausi · 7 months
Love Love Love the relationships (completely platonic) between the Marauders and the girls
(also I feel like all of the boys have one girl each as their SECOND best friend?? Like Remus & Lily, Sirius & Mary, James & Marlene, Peter & Pandora, but more on that later)
Anyways so here are some of my HCs:
James & Marlene
Childhood besties!!
Bestfriends ( Sirius & Marlene often fight each other for this title, but both know Marlene is James bestfriend)
They have a small matching scar right next to their mouth, because 6 year old Marlene & James thought it was a really fun idea to climb the tree in Marlene's backyard (all the whole Peter was telling them not too, that it was a bad idea) evidently, they did not listen and the branch the two were swinging on broke, they fell down, their shoulders shaking, as Peter ran forward to them, thinking they got hurt badly and were sobbing, but turns out the idiots were just laughing, looking at each other and the cut that was bleeding right next to their mouths and laughing, Peter soon joined in on the laughing. (Their parents found them like this, and after cleaning them up and applying bandages they go a good scolding where Peter just said I told you so and a hug)
James (&Peter) being the only one who can call Marelene 'Leene'. She bits anyone else's head off, if they call her that
They have matching tattoos, with the other person's initial written on their wrists in morse code.
James likes to act as her big brother and she is all to happy to play the part as his younger sister who loves o annoy him.
James was the first person Marlene told that she liked girls and not boys (though James already had an inkling because, when 11 year old Marlene had dropped her glass of orange juice, haw dropped, on seeing Euphemia Potter in her black halter neck dress for her anniversary, it was when Marlene constantly ranted about how much she 'hated' Dorcas meadows in 3rd year, it was when she had accidentally kissed Mary MacDonald her roommate, and came crying to James) accepting such a huge part of herself was not at all easy for Marlene, growing up in a pureblood household, it was not easy for her to break the through her own internalised homophobia, but James was there for her every step of the way and it took time but soon the besties were often seen gossiping about their recent girl crushes, giggling over Amelia Selvyn from Slytherin or Mary Abbott from Hufflepuff.
James was the maid of honour at Marlene and Dorcas's wedding
James always peels Marlenes oranges for her , not matter what (because one time when they were 5 year old, marlene while peeling had squished the juice right in her eye so James does it for her always now)
Flying partners. (Sirius, James & Marlene are the best quidditch trio)
James always, always gives Marlene cheek kisses with a bye, whenever he leaves a room.
James also steals Marlenes crop tops.
Also when in 1st year James got no flowers or cards, he got a bit sad, so Marlene got a big bouquet of flowers delivered to him next morning, the smile she got in return was worth the 5 galleons she spent. And so started the tradition of Marlene getting James flowers every valentine's day ( even after they both had respective partners, the tradition continued till Marlene died and James got flowers for her grave)
So their friendship is like bubbles, fun lovely and beautiful, filled with cheek kisses, cuddles all the time, stealing hoodies and crop tops, and flowers.
James & Pandora
angle duo ( like not even kidding, you shouldn't look at Pandora and James when they are together because they shine so bright!!) (Sorry jk jk)
The two individually are like very mischievous like absolute chaos wreckers, but whenever they are together, it's like a switch has turned off, and there they are so calm, looked absolutely angelic.
Picnic/study dates by the lake during summers, with James braiding flowers in Pandora's hair. They also wear matching floral clothing.
Whenever Pandora gets ready, She always forgets to tie her shoelaces, like she just doesn't (a/n and yes it does happened with ppl my bf is literally always does), sometimes Barty Evan or Regulus remind her but it's such a common occurrence that they forget about it too. James whenever he sees this, would run over to her, tie her shoelaces, give Pandora a kiss on the cheek and walks away without saying anything.
James always, listens to Pandora's rambles about her recent weird plant with actual interst and fascination, like he doesn't listen to it just for the sake of listening or feel annoyed or weirded out by them, he asks valid question and shows genuine enthusiasm (One time Regulus was reading in the library while James and Pandora were discussing this rare and weird creature species, and Regulus was ready to punch James if he said anything bad to Pandora, but he just listened carefully and asked questions, Regulus fell more in love with that idiot that day)
Pandora and James the biggest magical creatures activists in the whole school (not eleves though, they were Regulus and Lily's domain and Werewolf Sirius') but these two were like always going on and on about the protection and misuse of magical creatures for animal testing or they products. Making posters or holding clubs for the same (for the smallest of creature like bowtruckles, flobberworms and etc)
Being an animagus, that too a stag, James loved the nature, and was often found taking walks in the forbidden forest at odd times, (whenever he wanted to clear his head) in his animagus or human form both, and so the forbidden forest was accustomed to his magical signature and actually welcomed him always with a warm guest of wind. James loved and respected the forest a lot and was friends with almost all the 'nicer' creatures like the tree fairies or whatever and when Pandora has figured out James was an animagus (he still doesn't know how she does because whenever he asks she always gives him a small smirk and walks away) So James often takes Pandora with him to the forbidden forest to meet and befriend the magical creatures.
James doesn't really bealive in divination or anything, but whenever Pandora says something he does believe and follows her. (If Pandora said his Mars was retrogading then it freaking was and he will wear that blue crystal) he always keeps any and all crystals Pandora gives him in a nice little box on his nightstand
They can often be seen wearing matching mistletoe or carrot earrings (James only wears them in one ear because he says it makes him look cool) (regulus won't admit it but it kinda does)
So really the two have a sweet and magical relationship filled with flowers in hair, carrot earrings, whispering fairies, tying shoelaces, cheek kisses, and hugs hugs hugs.
Remus & Lily
Chain smokers buddies.
Like those two sides of the nerds candy, the pink and purple one. (Remus is purple, Lily is pink)
Lily was actually the first person Remus admitted to that he liked Sirius as more than a friend. Lily didn't even let him finish the sentence before jumping up and down, hugging him and started to rant about all the planning she has down for their wedding already
Lily was not just a rule abiding know-it-all, she was just very shy and a bit introverted and like always scared about the magical world being just a crazy beautiful dream. And Remus saw it, because they were both kind of similar in that sense, Remus too always had a fear of all this not being real because as a werewolf he never thought he would have been able to be hear so the two relate on this and form a beautiful bond.
Remus being the first person Lily smoked a cigerate with (immediately coughing afterwords) At a gryffindor party when the crowd got to much and the noises too loud, Remus had stepped out in the balcony to have a ciggie when Lily had followed him out, she seemed lost in thought as he offered it to her, she gingerly took it and eyed it wearily before taking a hit. That was the first time of the many more when the two snuck out of a party to share a ciggerate on the balcony.
Absolute nerds, having bi monthly specified times for ranting about a book, being the only one understanding the pain of a character death.
A mutual love and appreciation for cherry lollipop
The cutest height difference.
Their friendship is full of ciggerate smoke, Chery flavour, forehead against chest, kisses in the hair, sobbing over fictional crushes and cuddles after an MCD.
James & Dorcas
Regulus bodygaurd duo.
Both of them have two things in common: Regulus & Marlene. And both are like insanely protective of both of them like when Jegulus told her about them dating, Dorcas did not utter a single word and just seized up James with her eyes for 4 minutes straight, she was also very VERY jealous of James because she thought he was dating Marlene. James did not intimidate Dorcas as she did to him (because my cutie patootie's glare gets activated only after someone has hurt his loved ones) but he did try to subtly very subtly, show his superiority as Marlenes first and longest friend with words thrown around like "remember Marlene when we were 5?" "Remember the time when you" "13 years as your best friend and I still-" and more, like bestie was just trying to show his dominance as her first friend is such an adorable way
In an alternate universe, when the two heard about Regulus being forced to be a de#theater, they got together, made a plan to take down voldemort and the DID take down voldemort
They have different opinions about almost EVERYTHING. Like James likes winter- Dorcas Summer, James likes sour food- Dorcas likes sweet, James is an early bird-Dorcas is a night owl these are like the tame ones but just imagine more extreme ABSOLUTELY contracting opinions. So the two have constant debates , sometimes including but not limited to pOWER POINT PRESENTATIONS(??) (James believes in Aliens, Dorcas does not, so my boy got a 100 something page binder that had clippings of all alien and ufos and related stuff 'sightings', it was also the first time when Dorcas somewhat agreed with his opinion)
Also they sometimes fly together, (it started with Marlene always bringing James to practice with Dorcas, because miss girlie was kinda shy to talk to Dorcas, and it ended with Marlene getting the girl and Dorcas and James flying together sometimes)
Now initially their friendship was just this yk, debates and flying when one day Mulciber showed up to breakfast with a black eye and kind of crooked nose, approached Dorcas, she was absolutely confused as to why he was coming towards her, when he stopped in front of her and simply said 'sorry' through gritted teeth, looked away to the gryffindor table, nodded towards James and rushed out of the hall. And for a week it was the same, every morning he would come up say sorry and get out, and would always rush out of whatever room Dorcas was in. She asked James about it who simply said "He said some shit about you, and no one says shit about my FRIENDS!" (It was Peter who told her later, giving a step by step detailed story of how Mulciber made the mistake of calling her Racist AND transph0bic comments, and how James broke his nose in a second) With a quick hug he went to class while Dorcas just stood there for a minute, because James was her friend, he actually liked her, he didn't spend time with he just because of Marlene or Regulus, no he genuinely liked her and cared for her and considered her his friend, (having grown and only child in big mansion with absent parents, Dorcas had 0 friends as a child and everytime she met someone who actually liked her or became friends with her, she got very emotional) so she felt like she could cry.
Matching alienhead necklace (it's like their thing)
Peter & Pandora
Weed Buddies.
Their friendship started with Pandora running a whole buisness of different substance to get high, all of which she created (like my girl was CANONICALLY a mad scientist so like yk) Peter had his first pot brownie made by Pandora, Eventually Peter was the first person she always tested the first batch of whatever she was making.
It was Pandora and Peter who devised a whole plan to get James and Regulus together including but not limited to, amortenia, quidditch, mistletoe and etc (the plan worked) and because the plan involved like a month of planning, they got closer than before.
They wear matching bracelets.
Both had the same penchant for chaos, like those silent killers. They were very unassuming and no one ever suspects them, but they are biggest chaos wreckers in Hogwarts. Their inflicted chaos isn't like the Marauders pranks, it's like telling, telling Susan that her boyfriend is in love with her sister or completely and absolutely lying to someone about any random thing for no reason but to create chaos
The blueprint of the saying, 'Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss.)
Getting high being the foundation of their friendship filled with pranking Evan, or gaslighting a pureblood about any muggle lore, or making the first believe that Norris cat, is actually Filch's wife turned cat by Merlins 7th reincarnation.
Sirius & Lily
Brother-Sister duo!!! Yeah they are not actually siblings, but their relationship very well might be one
So at first Lily didn't like Sirius THAT much, because of the whole Lily's rule abiding nature (a/n: more on this later) and Sirius and James 'pranksters' , so she didn't particularly care or like Sirius Black. This changed when sometime in the end of 4th year, Sirius came down to common room at 12 because James was still not back from wherever he was (he was most definitely with Regulus, they are 'just friend's for NOW tho) and he found Lily Evans, sitting on a couch, knees brought up to rest her head on, as she fidgeted with a ball and looked outside at the snowfall. He thought of going to tease the girl for staying up so late and breaking curfew, when he saw her glistening eyes and messed up hair and oh was she crying? He silently sat next to her and asked her if he could make her a hot chocolate, she accepted, he didn't ask anything further and gave her a side hug which she melted in and eventually the two fell asleep. This happened for a few times as Lily eventually started opening up about her extremely complicated and almost one sided relationship with her sister, while Sirius couldn't relate entirely (because the black brothers dynamic is just entirely something else MORE LATER) he did get it, he understood and he listened.
Lily gave him his first ever Vinyl (Remus gave him a record player) he didn't like the record that much but the vinyl was one of his most prized possession and had a stranger emotional connection to its songs that he listened to whenever he was sad.
When James and Lily dated for a grand total of 3 months(before Lily realised she much preferred the company of women) it was natural the two saw more of each other. And whenever they met, their bickering? The teasing? The hair pulling? The playful fights? Their banter wasn't of an old married couple but that of an older brother and younger sister duo
So their friendship was a lot like brother-sister siblings, filled with hot chocolate (with marshmallows) at night, with pulling each other's hair out of their ponytails, with stealing from the others plates, with braiding flowers in hair and also forehead kisses and hugs.
Sirius & Mary
THE resident makeup artists of gryffindor tower!! Mary is a lip makeup girlie Sirius is eye makeup!! Both of them initially bonded over makeup, judging others poor fashion choices (later one when Jegulus started dating, Regulus joined them in gossiping about fashion), exchanging of clothes, gossiping, giggling about their crushes (there was a time in 5th year when Mary also had a crush on Remus, but instead of getting jealous Sirius was often seen giggling and blushing over Remus Lupin, with Mary (it is also why many people speculated they dated, they NEVER did) so really, what started as a friendship based of mainly small materialistic things, it soon turned into a beautiful friendship
Mary was the one who told him that something like 'genderfluid' existed, to Sirius it was like the greatest revelation of the century, it was then Mary who helped him feel confident in his skin, his body, his gender
Sirius is the BEST wingman ever Whenever going out to any pubs or restaurants Sirius always chalked Mary up, always in encouraging her to get that girls number (Before Mary realised her feelings for Lily that is)
Sirius who is insanely overprotective of Mary. Which everyone sees, when that one time Mary's boyfriend raised his voice at her and Mary flinched, Sirius asked no question said nothing, just stood up and punched the guy square on his face (and for the following month that guy was the Marauders sole target for pranks)
All in all their friendship is just very cute, filled with liquid eyeliners, red eyeshadow, brown lip liner, shits and giggles and gossips AND drunken cuddles and goodbye hugs.
James & Lily
The cutest most softest duo.
Soft launching each other as FRIENDS, like everyone thought Lily Evans wouldn't even give James the time of her day but lo and behold, there she is supporting James during quidditch match, and there she is silently taking shepherd's pie from James dinner plate, and there she is posting random photos of a boy she never shows the face of (untill one day she did, with a picture of her and Mary kissing with the boy beaming in background, the random boy is James)
Their friendship dynamic is very cute (like the vibe is very flowers and sunshine yk) and in the starting Lily disliked James a bit because, well she thought he was a narcissistic idiot, but she later, eventually (over the course of years actually) she realised that he wasn't just that, being Marlenes best friend, and having sm mutual friends, the two did spend time together, and that is when Lily saw him, actually saw him. She saw behind the whole jock image he has set up, James Potter was actually a biiig cutie, she saw him always taking shephards pie in his plate, even if he won't eat it but for Lily, she saw him peeling oranges or cutting up apples for Marlene and Remus when they forget to eat food, she saw him enacting elaborate and dramatic plays for the 1st & 2nd years when there's a particularly bad weather and they are scared, she saw him going to Remus' class after the full moon,(sometimes while missing his own classes too) to take notes for him, she saw him annotating a book and blushing while gifting it to Regulus, she saw him smile and laugh ,she just saw him, and she realised why everyone called him the sun. And so their friendship started, because she saw the genuine and nice person James is
James and Lily shared a common problem, not being able to express the 'negative' emotions they feel, so when the two felt angry or upset or something the two Painted. Just a canvas infront of them a paint brush dipped in God knows what color and splash, splash, splash on the canvas. The two weren't even the slightest bit good in art, merlin no, the just stole Siri's art supplies and absolutely butchered them (he was really good in art, and didn't mind his art supplies getting spoiled by them) Painting together was kind of like their escape, the two often met after lunch of breakfast to splash some paint around, seeing each other's horrible creation often got a smile on their faces.
Forehead kisses by James.(!!)
So the two had an adorable dynamic filled shared shepherd's pie, sunkissed selfies, paint stains, piggy back rides, and forehead kisses.
Woooow, this was supposed to be a silly little bullet points point but tuned into a 3k+ shitpost???
(PS: can you tell that I love writing about James??? Like yes the other boys have relationship with the other girls too, I just like wiring about James the most and I wrote about James the most :))
(PSS: sprinkle of Jegulus and MarlIly for you to enjoy<3)
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Beyond this is the things they added to the 4.2.3 upd of DoL
Please send me an ask if you want me to add something or I missed one
Images/stories I still need
Tumblr media
Masc., Fem., and Andro.
Chest/breast sprites
Made the breasts have better visibility
Flattest chest size looks flatter on combat sprite
Added breast sprites to lace nightgown, virgin killer, ball gown, evening gown, open shoulder sweater, pink nurse, plastic nurse, skimpy lolita outfits, open shoulder crop top
Tattoo Parlour
Any unlocked bodywriting can be turned into a tattoo, even if it's not on the PC
New Triangle, Square, and Circle tattoos [look at the Island page for more info]
All down
Fishtail braid (left, right, twins)
Ribbon tail sides
Low tail
Thick ponytail
Short air vents
Side pinned
Dreadlocks bun
Emo/Emo Left/Emo Right
Traditional Maid Dress
Victorian Maid Dress
Shrine Maiden Robes
Virgin Killer Dress
Halter Sundress
Leather Dress
Cat hoodie
Ao dai Top
School cardigan
School blouse
Polo shirt
Color block crop top
Band t-shirt
Boxy t-shirt
Remade Serafuku
Classic Serafuku
Ao dai trousers
Plaid school skirt
Plaid school trousers
Plaid school shorts
School pinafore
Plaid school pinafore
Wide leg trousers
Straight leg trousers
Yoga pants
Jean miniskirt
Dolphin shorts
Under outfits
Turtleneck Leotard
Under upper
None 😔
Under lower
Tie Side Bikini Bottoms
Highwaisted microkini bottoms
Sheer Leggings
Stripped kneesocks
Patterned dress socks
Polka dot socks
Sports socks
Rib-knit socks
Rib-knit ankle socks
Canvas Loafers
Hairpins (butterfly + star)
Conical hat
Raccoon cap
Fur cap
Bat beanie
Mini pumpkin
Gas Mask
Doggy Muzzle
Medical Eyepatch
Love Locket
Fur boa
Work gloves
Temple garden, moor, farmlands, temp office, altar, secret path, the churchyard, the dilapidated shop, Eden's cabin, brothel stage [pt1]
Garden plots, stream, gloryhole, park fountain, asylum, sea rocks, waterfall, thicket, Great Hawk's nest, and perch [pt 2]
Rainwater pool, Eden's bed, lake campsite, fishing rock, archaeological field office, Remy's Estate, Great Hawk's tower, Ruins,
Black Dog
Riding a horse, question mark for inquires, searching for pots in lake, excersizing/hobbling in heels, gliding, entering town, searching for a mark, praying, and renting a stall [pt 1]
Getting in/out/refusing rides, trick or treating, sitting on the school stump, diving, descending/ascending in water, leaving water, and fixing Eden's cabin [pt 2]
Digging, showering, practise shooting, undo bindings, daydreaming, tilling, watching TV, chatting, singing, and plundering [pt 3]
Making tops/bottoms out of seaweed, meditating, relaxing
Trial of purity
Patient gown
Milk, breast milk, chicken eggs, truffles, temple pew, dog treat, bronze key, library desk, soap [pt1]
Lichen, cosmetics, small/medium/large/huge exotic/huge decor fish tanks, auto feeder, tank decor, and sewer safe [pt 2]
Antique watch, grass, antique crystal, scrap, stimulants, torch, fertiliser, antique candlestick, rubble, and mud [pt 3]
Spiderwebs [pt 4]
Salves, sink, computer, rug, broom, dustpan, gift boxes, wolf chew toy, padlock [pt 1]
Cash register, Eden's valentine's day gift, Eden's coatstand, condom vending machine [pt 2]
Breast milk
Chicken eggs
"Take all"
Fetish collar icon is updated
Pirate ship
Old Church
Dilapidated Shop
Tumblr media
"Split by Gender Apperance" changed to "Set/Ignore Sexual Orientation
Split into 10 categories; Assault, Coercion, Destruction of Property, Indecent Exposure, Obstruction of Justice, Prostitution, Resisting Arrest, Thievery, Petty Thievery, and Trespassing.
Crimes the PC has commited would be read out before punishment
Can adjust each crime in the cheat menu
Can view the crime stats in the stat menu
Ear Slime
Added an event that prevents PC to wear under lower garments, unless given directly to them
Sleeping event at Alex's farm
Sleeping event if you study at school naked
Alternate abduction event at the dog pound
At Remy's Farm, it would attempt to force you on all fours and eat grass
May force you to have sex with dolphins
Ear slime tasks are now in the Journal menu
Clit Parasite
Alternative masturbation options if PC has a clit parasite
Skip Button
Added a skip button that brings you to the next orgasm
Alex the Farmer
Avaliable pregnancy candidate [+more]
Crossdressing Fame
Can lower fame more if seen as a female are pregnant
Paternity Test
Option to do it at the Hospital
Hide Option
Can now choose to hide unavailable items in the shop
Gilded Spear
Lost World
Face of a Guardian
Wild Monarch
Prehistoric Landscape
The Island
How to enter, how to escape [+more]
Sensitivity values can be viewed in the "Extra Stats" tab under "Characteristics"
Confirmation dialouge appears when you try to exit/refresh the page [is on by default in ironman mode]. Can toggle it in the Advanced tab
Destroy, repair, dry, and drench clothes at once is added
Breast and Cum Values have been replaced with sliders
More additional options for pregnancy cheats
Farmland tp is added
Double Penetration
Unique cum images is added
Improved xray sprites
Lower Underwear
Able to pull it to the side during encounters
"Driving Lesson"
Rimming and Watersports outcomes
Whipping and buttplug outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Car Sex
NPCs will ask if PC needs to be dropped off anywhere after
Prostitution opt. added
Wardrobe Outfit Editor
Added a random color option
Warmth filter is added
Tumblr media
Whitney can upgrade the Loft
Repeatable scene where he unlocks the chastity belt Winter put on you
Untying your bonds before swim class generates slightly random dialouge
Changing Rooms
PCs thoughts of being in the wrong changing room are more diverse, changes based on Crossdressing Rep
PC is no longer rejected immediately when looking like the opposite gender and is given weird stares and comments
Crossdressing Fame/Rep
Chance to lower crossdressing fame after not
Dog Happiness
Added a description of the dogs happiness on the main screen
Tumblr media
Wolf Pack
PC is more comfortable naked around the wolves in the wolf pack
Wolf Cave
You can submit to wolves that advance towards you in the cave
Will now deliver PC to the tutorial person if PC stays at the orphanage for the first whole week
Named NPC that is found during the Disguised Escape option
Tumblr media
Fleshy color option is added to sex toys and strap ons
Fleshy color sidebar renderer is added [no idea what that means]
Plumeria, tendable [view the Island page for more info]
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Can tie cardigan around waist
Able to lower suspenders
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infamous-if · 2 years
I don't know why but I love this ask so much so what outfits do the LIs typically wear? im ready to faint over how G and Victoria dresses up
Sooo I made collages and basically like an essay i went a bit overboard (oops)
So I thought hard about what the ROs look like and my biggest thing was that I wanted to make sure the gender selectable ROs still have their own unique presence and they're not some interchangeable variable. Gina and Griffin dress pretty differently and have a different identity, especially when you consider what it means to be a woman in the music industry (some context changes in the story if you choose Gina instead of Griffin, some of her actions are out of her feeling like she has just as much right to take space in a male-dominated art form, especially given that she is also married to Victoria, a woman)
Griffin does not have this problem since he's 1) a man and 2) he and Victoria present heterosexual
(Griffin on the left/Gina on the right, both in the middle)
G either dresses like the textbook definition of a 'rockstar' with the leather and fishnets and ripped jeans and all orrrr like a 18th century era gothic victorian butler. Literally no in-between.
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For both Gina and Griffin, having so many tattoos becomes part of their image. Griffin wears a lot of muscle tees while Gina wears a lot of sleeveless tops, halter tops, corsets, anything that really enhances their arm sleeve.
The middle is the Victorian Butler style I mentioned lol, since they both dress like that as their "formal" attire or for shows. A lot of ruffles, very 18th century gothic. One thing is that I feel like Gina wears more red, she wears more tight fitting clothes, lower cut clothes. Griffin's shirts are also pretty revealing, very much low-cut V's, muscle tees that show the side of his whole chest. G isn't shy about the human body and they've gotten shirtless on stage many times (both male and female/ think Victoria from Måneskin.)
That slowed down a bit since Misfit Alley went mainstream. Their label and team had them tone down a bit to be more digestable to the masses.
Their hair is long for both female and male. Griffin keeps his in a loose knot/bun at his neck, and Gina does the same, but also a single braid down her back (sometimes).
Some things that they wear often: a lot of rings, G has knuckle tattoos and they wear a lot of jewelry. They have a signature leather jacket that's pretty roughed up, wear a nose ring, and pretty scruffed up boots.
Female Seven and Male Seven dress pretty similarly. Seven dresses more grunge and Kurt Cobain was the direct inspiration for Seven's style. Female Seven also dresses a bit like an art teacher lol
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A lot of oversized clothes, slouchy, worn bigger, muted colors, a lot of layers. Female! Seven wears a lot of long skirts, cardigans, funky patterns, big boots. They dress pretty much the same both on and off stage.
At first male!seven was going to have short cropped hair but it doesn't suit him. His hair is more like:
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very messy and such yeah. female! Seven keeps her hair down, kinda messy and looks uncombed (seven is very clean i promise lmao)
Things they wear often: Seven sometimes fingerless gloves, part of it because they can cover the tattoo of MC's initials, but sometimes they forgo it completely. Sometimes it's a whole arm sleeve. Surprisingly, Seven doesn't have a LOT of tattoos, it's more dainty, tiny meaningful tattoos scattered around their body.
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August is like Seven in that they wear big, slouchy clothes but where they differ is that August is more academic and put together. They also like to wear the art teacher skirts. Scoopneck sweaters, cargo pants, and they prefer long-sleeve and long bottoms, usually they don't have much skin showing.
Things they are always seen wearing: headphones around the neck, they dont go anywhere without them.
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Orion is pretty self-explanatory. He wears mostly slacks, sleek boots and a vest. Very professional dressing. If he is going to wear something casual, it'll be something like the right. Still fancy pants, but a clean black shirt. You won't really see him in anything less than 'business casual.'
Things always seen wearing: a watch lol
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I don't know how else to describe Seb's style as anything other than just basic. A T-shirt and jeans and he's good to go. Even the images I chose are a bit too stylish for him. Like, he's really just a basic guy. He doesn't think too hard on his outer appearance. Literally just...a Guy.
Even funnier when he's surrounded by people wearing fishnet tights and chains and a bunch of patterns and accessories like he stands out, oddly enough lol
The image in the middle isn't exactly how he looks in my head, but pretty close. Just a very unassuming but kind looking person. Also his hair is like that, just golden blond.
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Victoria has a very classically simple style. Sleek lines, tight dresses. It's not too out there, unlike G. Very simple. She dresses a bit like the second picture for G's shows, a bit edgier and leaning a little into the flamboyance. She tends to set trends and is looked at in Hollywood as someone pretty stylish. Victoria's body type is on the curvy side, more the farthest right than the other three, a bit bustier. She's a simple but effective dresser.
She loves heels, loves a square neck (farthest right). she loves a good form-fitting dress lol
IK its a lot but i would be doing this whole story a disservice if i made them boring dressers! so im not sorry !
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