#half an oreo
rayseverythought · 7 months
shoutout to the girl who asked if my cat stickers on my water bottle were warrior cats once and never really saying anything to me again
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coffees-for-closers27 · 9 months
having the best lunch ever rn
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here-comes-the-moose · 3 months
I don’t know why, but Crosshair gives me the vibe that if his stomach hurt, he’s making sure EVERYONE on the ship knows.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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the ultimate babygirl /silly /goofy, even
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the guy the man ever y'all<3333
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mblue-art · 6 months
you 🤝 me
cross is definitely husbone material ✨ /silly
🤝 he is sooo,, oh my god *head in hands* /////
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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skunkes · 1 year
Is there anyway you could show us how you peel zebra cakes? (You mentioned it in a Talon doodle and i'm super curious!)
my full process of eating a singular zebra cake
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
Since it's summer and hot as fuck what ice cream, smoothie, and popsicle flavors would asoiaf characters like?
first of all yes it IS hot as fuck my god i have to walk like a mile to work (and a mile back obviously) and it always feel like so much longer because i'm walking along a busy street that has NO FUCKING TREES it's hell, there is never any goddamn cloud coverage, i smell so fucking bad by the time I get to work alksjdf
Sansa - obvious answer here is something lemony, I think she'd really like a nice, sweet lemon sorbet
Arya - arya actually also likes lemons, but given she's younger and also Siblings Don't Like Copying Each Other, i think she'd like orange creamsicle stuff. like you know that new wendy's frosty? i think she'd bankrupt ned eating those
Robb - robb is a good boy and he likes rocky road because it's an easy flavor that everyone has no matter where they go but it's also Not A Boring Flavor so he doesn't look like a square
Theon - theon will tell everyone that he really likes pistachio ice cream (because nuts, yes he does always make ball jokes) but in actuality he's a lil instagram girlie and he goes fucking wild for those delicate flower flavored things like lavender, rose, hibiscus, etc, and no one but robb and sansa know
Tyrion - he strikes me as a rum flavor guy, I remember him commenting a lot on the taste of the ales and beers and how he likes them a lil thick, so I bet he'd love a thick rum ice cream smoothie that you gotta go crazy on the straw with
Stannis - he likes french vanilla. sometimes he adds a cherry.
Davos - this is me projecting but since he grew up poor, i'm giving him part of my grandma's life (lmao) where the Local Sweet Shop lets his mom bring home leftovers so he hates most common flavors now bc that was dinner BUT he goes ham on a regional flavor. you know like the superman flavor in the midwest or tiger tail in canada, hokey pokey in i think australia? something like that that's a swirl of three really weird flavors
Shireen - she goes for sundaaaaaes baby, she loves getting funky with it with Patchface. Every time they go in one of those ice cream shops where you can add a million toppings, she loses her mind and spends like $40 for the two of them
Brienne - Butterscotch and she gets so self conscious whenever people are like "isn't that just caramel" NO there's an important flavor difference!
Catelyn - something maple flavored that was really easy to get in the riverlands but because they don't have that sort of tree in the north, it's a rare treat.
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lil-oreo-crumbles · 5 months
Oh god someone take my brain away from me.
Here’s a potentially weird concept. That I just came up with. Minutes ago.
Forget the Citadel of Starco, yeah, forget it. What about a fucking… Citadel of Toffee’s wives/husbands/partners. They’re just. All together. In one place. Mingling.
I know he’s shipped with a ton of OCs maybe I just want to see them interact yk?? I feel like a lot of them are so different yet would get along so well.
Don’t ask about canon characters since I feel like there’s a ton of different versions of those, and I wouldn’t want ALL of them to be there, there’d be WAYYY too many Moons and Rasticores if that happened. They’d kinda overflow the place yk?
But crossover ships. I think. Those would be acceptable. Maybe.
Maybe this would be primarily OCs though. I dunno, and maybe this idea is so cursed, but I had the thought and had the impulsive urge to share it with the world.
Yeah. A place where the numerous amount of OCs that people made to ship with Toffee. Just. In one place. Perfect. It’d be a really sweet place for a collab I think.
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castielafflicted · 9 months
who wants to sit with me and let me feed them cookies and then braid their hair
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wcphasesofthemoon · 4 months
The moonpaw discourse is about people being ableist to victims of incestuous abuse, not about how it’s okay to ship cousins. At least with moonpaw the Erin’s do this by mistake bc they don’t seem to keep track of who’s related to whom. It’s really strange to do that mistake on purpose.
I understand what it's about. I'm just referring to how Moonpaw's chimerism was suddenly not okay once her parents were cousins, hence the ableism to victims of incestuous abuse you are discussing. That ableism is the main issue and I do not mean to take the discussion away from that, and I apologize if I came off that way. I do not think that Moonpaw's parents should have been so closely related. I think that ThunderClan's increasingly entangled family tree is a mistake in general.
As I said in the tags, Moon will mate with a cat who I believe is his third half-cousin, because both are Firekin, as most of the main cast of Warriors now is. They are also unaware of their relation, and did not meet until adulthood. They weren't even born and raised in the same Clan. (EDIT: Idek if I'd call them both Firekin. They're actually more Jakekin, as Jake is the only common ancestor they have.)
Plus, as I also said, they're cats. Neither real-life cats nor Warriors cats seem to care about mating with cousins. While I am willing to believe that Moonpaw's parents was a mistake, what about couples like Ivypool and Fernsong? I find it hard to believe that the Erins forgot both were Firekin.
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transtums · 1 month
There’s…. There’s no way. There’s literally no way my shorts got that hard to take off that fast. That’s not possible. I know they were tight over my thighs this morning but there’s no way all the boardwalk food made me gain noticeable weight that quickly right?? I literally almost couldn’t get them off of me…… I have to figure out how to loosen this waistband ASAP
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daisychainsandbowties · 11 months
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richard siken - meanwhile
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gopikaambadi · 10 months
you ever dip your entire oreo in milk except for the part where you're holding it and feel like thetis dipping newborn achilles in the river styx leaving him invulnerable everywhere except for his heel
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booskwan · 1 month
i want to dye my hair so bad oh no
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rainmothseventeen · 1 month
I think I fall a little in love with almost everyone I spend enough time with. I think everyone looks so beautiful and just existing with someone is such a lovely thing to do. I just feel so loved, like I've never really had a friend before, like I've never had much of a family, there's something about cars too. Being in someone's car and it's all messy and they're playing really loud music and the person in the passenger seat actually turns a bit to face you to talk to you and you feel so equal and included and close. Like not neglected. And sharing cigarettes with someone. Ygfbyefjyfdfjhcdfhjbffhy. I'm going to cry out of feeling loved now, thank you.
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