#haha that's a tag I'll probably never use again
bluejayinabox · 2 years
Vampires Hunt at Midnight
hello frens, sorry I've been non-existent for basically a year or something! No, I'm not dead, I've just finally touched grass and been in a trance lol. Anyway, in all seriousness, I've just been going out more and getting life opportunities. Y'know, having fun and stuff.
but yeah, read this thing I wrote.
The wind howled on a particularly cold night, the clouds wispy, and the stars bright. The trees groaned as they swayed back and forth, their leaves showering down on you as the seasons change.
You pulled your jacket tighter around you, shivering lightly as the breeze swept up into your shirt. If you knew it was going to be so freaking cold, you probably would've worn a sweater, or at the very least a warmer jacket.
You kicked a stray pebble, skipping it off the sidewalk and onto the road. You were making your way home after hanging out with a close friend of yours. They had insisted you stay, but you couldn't, seeing as you had a poor pup to feed, and he would surely be very hungry by the time you arrived home.
The wind picked up for a brief moment, and you stopped to squeeze your eyes shut against it as your jacket ruffled violently. When it passed, you opened your eyes and sighed, continuing on.
Your house should be just a few blocks further, it wouldn't take long to get home.
There was a scuffle from behind you, and you quickly looked over your shoulder.
...but there was nothing there.
Looking at the surrounding area, you shook your head, chalking it up to your lack of sleep, and the fact that you were completely alone.
You stopped walking and looking around once more, realizing that you really were alone, and that there weren't even any cars on the road.
That's funny, you could've sworn there were a few people still nearby... somewhere...
You checked your phone, noting the time.
Hm. It was only around ten when you left your friends' house...
You shrugged to yourself, and pocketed your phone, continuing down the sidewalk. It wasn't like you haven't stayed up this late before, so it wasn't too big of a deal. Though, you've never been outside this late before, and that's what made you feel so stiff.
Shivering again, you exhaled slowly, and rubbed your arms before crossing them over your chest tightly, hoping to stave off a bit more of this wind.
As you passed beneath a flickering light fixture, you felt something brush against your shoulder.
Beyond startled, you sharply gasped and whirled around, clutching your hands together in front of you. But to your surprise and horror, you were still completely, and utterly alone.
But you didn't just imagine that feeling. You weren't stupid enough to wave it off.
Without anything to protect yourself with, you had no choice but to keep moving forward, now paranoid, and constantly checking over your shoulder.
With every stray shadow or random leaf, you startled, putting yourself in a frantic state of internal panic.
Was that the shadow of a tree or a person's shadow? Did that rock just move or was it always there? How much further was your house?? It was as if you were walking the same length of sidewalk over and over.
It was when you nearly tripped on a crack in the sidewalk did you get fed up with yourself. You growled in frustration and took a moment to calm your racing heart and settle your thoughts, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
You were freaking yourself out for no reason. There was no need to get so worked up over a few shadows and some leaves. You double, triple, even quadruple checked, and you were positive you were by yourself, with nobody in the vicinity.
opening your eyes as you exhaled, you checked your phone again.
Now you were taking too long.
With one last grumpy huff, you marched onwards, still fighting off the horribly cold wind.
Finally, when your house came into view, you allowed your lips to curl into a smile. That felt like it took much longer than it needed to... but look at that! You were home.
Out of pure curiosity, you looked over your shoulder one last time, though saw nothing but the lonely sidewalk you had conquered all on your own.
And you thought someone had been following you. Hah!
Shrugging one shoulder at your silliness, you turned to make the final stretch across the street and into your house, only to get a face-full of shirt.
"...Watch where you're walking. You could hurt yourself." A deep voice chuckled.
Eyes wide, you slowly backed away and looked up.
The person you had run into actually wasn't a person at all.
It was a skeleton.
"I-...I'm sorry...?" You stuttered, still in shock that he had apparently appeared out of thin air.
He had a thick blue jacket, and bright white pupils that watched you curiously. He also had the friendliest smile that stretched over his face... with two prominent fangs...
He casually shrugged, "No prob."
You couldn't help but hold his gaze.
"So, you're the paranoid type, huh?" he continued on.
You should be running home, away from this stranger, or at least, yelling for help. Something.
"Uh huh..." You mumbled; your body frozen as those eyes taunted you.
"The name's Sans. Sans the skeleton. Never caught yours." His grin widened.
The world shifted, it turned, and you swayed with it, your consciousness slipping through your fingers like sand.
You couldn't move.
You couldn't even blink.
"That's a nice name." Sans said softly, now holding you in his arms, "Thanks for covering lunch, by the way. Next time it's on me." he winked.
The world went dark, and you succumbed to it.
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smoosie · 6 months
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The 'We need to talk' scene
but I've made it into a wet cat short comic
(and it only gets worse for him...)
Bonus secret 5th panel :
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(intrusive thoughts so strong they make his brain crash)
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arrietty-rune · 1 year
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Sometimes i feel useless and annoying
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
Love Needs No Voice (Part 1)
Summary: The famous guy is a little too stubborn for Y/n's liking.
A/n: The reader in this fic is mute. I just want to warn everyone, I have no experience or know anyone who has experience with muteness, so everything i write is based off of my research over the internet. If I write something that might offend anyone, please let me know so I can rectify my mistake. Its not my intention to hurt anyone.
That said, Enjoy!
The timer Y/n and Nesta had set rang, signalling the end of the hour, and some people from the table nearby looked over before returning to their conversation.
Finally. Y/n heard her best friend whisper from next to her, relief evident in the way Nesta cracked her back.
Y/n simply smiled at her friend from childhood, stretching her back as she clenched and unclenched her fist, sighing when her body relaxed after an hour of no movement.
It was saturday today, meaning most students of the university were either exploring London, sleeping in, or sitting in the cafe near the campus, completing notes and assignments.
Y/n had had nothing else to do, and she wanted to finish all her assignments, so she had planned to come to the cafe, and Nesta had insisted to come along.
And even though it had been her decision to tag along, Nesta had been fussy the whole morning, whining about wanting to do something else, but not wanting to leave Y/n either. They had both settled on studying for three hours and then going out.
Nesta stood up, bending this way and that before sighing. "Let's go get something to eat." She mumbled.
Y/n thought about it for a second, then shook her head as the image of the famous boy flashed in her mind. She glanced around a little, then gestured at Nesta to go by herself.
"You're not hungry?"
Y/n again shook her head.
Nesta shrugged. "I'll bring you something."
Y/n waved, then turned back to her book, continuing to scribble her notes across it.
Y/n watched her friend make her way through the crowd of students toward the line that led to the cafe counter, leaning back in the cushioned seat she currently occupied.
The scrape of a boot caught Y/n's attention, and she stiffened a little, hoping it was not who she knew it was.
Alas, the fates were not kind to Y/n on some days, and today was most probably one of those days, considering she'd stubbed her toe almost over five times now.
The handsome boy that all the girls from the university fawned over dropped into the seat next to Y/n, a huge smile on his face.
Y/n suppressed her sigh.
Y/n should have known there was a chance she would encounter him today, considering one of his friends worked as a barista in this exact cafe.
The violet eyed boy had never noticed her until a month ago, and Y/n had used to believe herself lucky to be out of sight of the boy that basically smelled of money, who wore clothes that practically screamed My father is rich, haha, you losers.
But then on that fateful day a month ago, Y/n had decided to stay in the library finishing up some of her literature assignments, and that had probably been one of the worse decisions of her life.
Nesta had her cheerleader practice that day, and then she had been too tired to study, so Y/n had told her to go home. To go and get some rest, that Y/n could handle by herself.
How wrong she'd been.
After two hours of study, the sky had begun to darken in the distance, rain clouds gathering, promising heavy rain. Y/n looked out the window, and decided it was time to call it a day. She gathered all her supplies and notebooks, placing them neatly into her bag. Y/n was never one for messiness, and her mother and Nesta liked to joke that her need for organising everything perfectly will bite her in the ass one day.
That day, Y/n understood what they meant.
Y/n meticulously stored everything away, arranging her books in the order she wanted, all the while glancing out the window and hoping it wouldn't rain anytime soon.
After she was finally done, she raced towards the exit, finding another student standing there, staring out over the grounds, now wet with the heavy rain that began pouring. He wore a simple black vest and grey sweatpants, his dark hair tousled, his neck gleaming with sweat.
Y/n skid to a stop, her shoulders slumping in disappointment. She was too busy wondering how she would go back to the small rented apartment she shared with Nesta, not realising the person next to her was none other than the Rhysand.
Y/n frowned when she felt eyes on her, and she glanced from the corner of her eye to find the boy staring at her. She turned her eyes to the small puddle quickly forming a little distance away, glaring at it, a blush climbing up her neck at the intensity with which he stared at her.
"Hey. I'm Rhysand." He waited for a few moments, and when it was clear Y/n would not reply, he continued awkwardly. "Is anyone coming to pick you up?"
Y/n blinked, looking at the guy. She stared at him for a moment, then glanced behind her, checking to make sure no one was standing behind her and that he really was talking to her. He rose a brow at her actions, and she quickly shook her head no.
"So... do you have an umbrella?"
She again shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself, her blush spreading down her neck when she realised that she was wearing the worst possible outfit ever.
Rhysand opened his mouth to speak again, but just then a sleek, shining black sedan pulled up, and he paused. A man in a full suit stepped out of the driver's side opening an umbrella, walking the few steps towards Rhysand.
The man said nothing, just stood holding the umbrella over Rhysand's head, who turned to Y/n with a cheeky smile. "And that is my very talkative body guard. Very cheery, that man."
Y/n stared blankly, wondering if she was supposed to laugh. His smile faltered, before widening as he stepped towards his car. This guy really was rich.
He made to get in, but turned at the last moment. "If you don't have an umbrella, how are you going to go home?"
Y/n simply shrugged, tugging her jacket tighter around her. A frown appeared on his face. He stood there, studying Y/n for long enough that she had to resist the urge to squirm. "I can give you a ride." He said, matter of factly.
When Y/n shook her head, he silently contemplated something, then turned to his bodyguard. "Give her the umbrella."
The man in the suit didn't even hesitate, simply waited for Rhysand to get settled before shoving the umbrella at her. Y/n stared at him, panicked. He stood unmoving, waiting for her to take the umbrella.
Y/n grabbed it, wishing more than ever that she could talk in that moment. She wished she could tell Rhysand to keep the umbrella, but he obviously would not have learned the sign language and there was no other way she could talk to him, and she didn't have the will to get out a pen and paper.
Rhysand rolled down his window, something like concern and curiosity swimming in his eyes. "You can return it to me tomorrow, if that's why you are so hesitant." Y/n nodded reluctantly, swallowing. He smiled. "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you home?"
Y/n shook her head, then ran off, knowing he would try to continue talking, and then eventually find out about her lack of voice, and then pity her. Then tell the whole university so everyone can make fun of her. That's what usually happened.
She didn't need anyone pitying her out bullying her. She did enough of that herself.
Someone nudged Y/n's shoulder, and she blinked out of her thoughts, turning to find Rhysand smiling at her.
Y/n swallowed, trying not to get lost in his beautiful violet eyes.
"How are you doing?"
Y/n studied him for a moment, then turned back to her notes. She felt him deflate next to her. "Why don't you talk to me? Why do you ignore me?"
Y/n fidgeted with her pen, attempting to block him out. It didn't work. His voice was just that hypnotic. "If you want me to leave you alone, just say the word." He mumbled, his voice sad.
Y/n squeezed her eyes shut, releasing a breath through her nose.
A tense silence descended around the two of them, and Y/n wondered if he had left. When she opened her eyes, she found him studying her intensely. This time, she held eye contact.
A few moments passed, and suddenly, he jolted, his eyes widening in shock. Y/n's brows furrowed, and she turned to glance behind her at the seats behind her, wondering if something was going on.
When she turned back to him, he still looked like he had seen a ghost, though now his eyes swam with emotion.
"You- you... you can't..."
His words did nothing to soothe Y/n's confusion, and she simply blinked at him.
"You can't, can you? I said if you want me to leave you alone, just say the word. You..."
Suddenly, it all clicked for Y/n.
He knew.
Y/n straightened, grabbing all her books and shoving them haphazardly into her bag. A book's cover even folded outward, but Y/n pushed it in, uncaring. All she wanted to do now was to run away, far, far from everyone that knew, from everyone that would soon find out.
Rhysand grabbed her hand as soon as Y/n stood and pulled her bag over her shoulder. Precisely at that moment, Nesta came bounding up to the two of them as he too followed Y/n up, a to go cup of coffee in her hand and a muffin in another. The muffin Y/n loved.
Nesta slowed down, raising a questioning brow at Y/n. Knowing everyone would soon find out, Y/n signed to Nesta.
He knows.
Nesta stiffened, then handed Y/n the muffin so she could sign back. Did you tell him?
Y/n shook her head, walking closer to Nesta and ignoring Rhysand as he called her name. He figured it out.
Nesta glared at Rhysand, then grabbed her bag from Y/n and dragged her best friend away.
Y/n felt eyes on her all the way until she reached the exit, and she turned to look back at the stunned boy once.
What she saw confused her a little, but she could not contemplate on it much as Nesta didn't stop.
He had looked guilty, but also...
Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe
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ask-train-trio · 3 months
(ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏ ᴀᴜᴅɪᴏ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ, ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs sᴜᴘᴘᴏsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀ ɢɪꜰ ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʟᴇ ᴡᴀs ᴛᴏᴏ ʙɪɢ ᴏᴏᴘs)
This is an askblog for @lunozapp 's Indigo Park OCs! This post contains everything you need to know about this ask blog/AU and its characters! Context, boundaries, references etc. Asks are contextualised a little differently here, so check the blog description for the tl;dr on the context.
Check out issue 1 here!
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This is DappleTilez24, also known as Tilez. He's a relatively small streamer in his universe's indigo park community, and is known for tirelessly completeing run after run, trying to beat his personal records (with.... varying sucess).
One day, he tries to speedrun a build of the game that he's never seen before...
...and stumbles across 2 MORE Rambleys than usual, much to the surprise - and confusion - of the Rambley we know and love!
Naturally, our hero Tilez is pretty damn confuddled... so he (mistakenly) asks his live chat for an explaination.
This is where YOU fantastic askers come in!
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You act as Tilez's live chat. This means you don't even have to answer his queries, just say whatever you want to this interdimentional triplet of trash pandas, just like a REAL insufferable livechat would!
...within reason, of course (jokes aside, please read the boundaries)
[updated as of 04/07/24] CHARACTER REFERENCES: (in the animation i forgot twimbly's GT badges lol)
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I want to make it entirely clear that i see the raccoon trio as brothers, especially with their very similar origins.
This is to say that I would not feel comfortable with any of them being shipped with eachother and I forbid the public sharing of that kind of content. If you see that kind of stuff around, please just mention this to the OP and block them if they refuse to respect it.
However, shipping Twimbly, Ranglore, Rambley and Tilez with other characters that aren't related to them is fine by me (e.g. any of the original indigo characters x any of them, since they're not related)!
Again, please just keep it sfw.
Pretty basic criteria, really. Just please don't spam the same ask over and over, I will guaranteed see them all unless this thing gets an explosion of attention out of nowhere lol
if i don't answer, its probably because either the question doesn't really fit the kind of story i have in mind for these characters or i just don't feel comfortable answering it. please respect that.
If you have a question for me specifically, start your ask with '[OOC]' (Out Of Character) or just ask me directly: @lunozapp
Asks are moreso used here as a prompt for conversation rather than the basis of an entire issue. More often than not there will be more than 1 ask in an issue, so going forward I'll make sure to tag everyone who asks without annonymity.
Also, please TRY to keep them as actual questions and not goofy 1-word sentences, the asks help me actually formulate a coherent premise for an issue
I don't OWN the concept of making ocs based off lore.mp4 and the GT thumbnail. if u see someone doing the same, try not to be all like 'OMG TWIMBLY/RANGLORE!!!! THEY ALREADY EXIST THIS IS PLAGARISM YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!11!!11' unless it is blatant plagarism. Just use ur common sense ig
In terms of fanart/other fanworks, A MILLION THANKS IF YOU FEEL CALLED TO MAKE THAT!! The stuff i've gotten so far is genuinely so awesome, make it all you want if you feel called to do so. I'll try to reblog any fanart I find on here. If you want to go straight to asks, just click on the tag '#train trio asks'
alright, that's everything. Now what are you still doing here? Throw 'em a question! Or a compliment!! Or an insult.
or don't idrc just have fun here haha
fun fact!! putting everything together for this took a WEEK
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vainvenus · 6 months
⌲;꒰ Groovy! ꒱
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Pairing :: Johnny Cade x Fem!Reader
Synopsis :: Johnny starts to crush on Dally's new friend who's a little bit different from everyone else.
Includings :: Hippie!reader, mutual pinning, readers love languages is personal touch, wingman!Dally, panicking!Johnny, this is kinda short, fluff
An - I'm just trying to drop/finish my drafts even though i think this fandom is practically dead...send outsiders requests if you'd like though!
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"I still don't get all that peace and love crap, it's not gonna solve anything." Dally scoffed as he walked beside the you and you shrugged your shoulders.
"You don't have to understand me. If you think fighting will solve everything I'll let you think that." You shrugged and Dally rolled his eyes slightly before his brows raised a little bit and he waved his hand up at a figure who was a few feet away.
"Johnny! That you, man?" He called out and the black hair boy froze like he was caught doing something illegal until he saw a familiar face and he eased up.
He walked over, looking over to the you. He took quick notice of your wardrobe, upi didn't look like too much like a Soc and you definitely couldn't of been a greaser.
You wore a white shirt that seemed a few sizes to big and bell bottom jeans that had multiple patches of different patterns along them and tan sandals. You had multiple necklaces on and a mute orange bandana.
You smiled softly at him and waved your fingers at him which made him stomach flutter a little bit.
"Aww, so you weren't lyin'! You do have friends~!" Yoi giggled, hitting the boy softly on the shoulder and the brunette rolled his eyes with a small snarl.
"Haha, so funny. Johnny, flower power. Flower power, Johnny."
"Flower power?" Johnny repeated as he shook your hand and you let out a short giggle which made his stomach flutter all over again.
"Not my real name of course, it's a nickname. My real name is [Y/n] but you can call me whatever ya' like."
"Ohh." Johnny nodded along, noticing how you still hadn't let go of his hand. Yours were warm and felt comfort at touch. "I...uh..I like your pants."
You beamed, letting go and shaking your leg a little. "Really? Dally thinks they look like an art project gone wrong."
"Because they do." Dally muttered and you rolled your eyes.
"I think they're far out, you're such a downer Dally! Hah! Downer Dally!" You laughed and Dally had let out a sarcastic chuckle with another eye roll. "Ahah. Almost busted a lung there."
"See? A downer. Johnny-man thought it was funny." You turned back to Johnny, messing with one of the loose patches on your jeans. "I could make ya' a pair- actually they probably wouldn't be your sty-"
"I'd like that!" Johnny piped up before you could shut the idea down and your eyes widened in surprised, you smiled at him. "Really?"
He nodded, smiling growing along with yours. "Groovy! I'll get onto it as fast as I can."
"Groovy?" Johnny repeated, tilting his head a little bit and you nodded. "Groovy, it's kinda like when y'all say tuff. It's just a good thing."
"Oh, groovy." Johnny said and you had giggled, patting his shoulder.
"You make it sound so weird like it's a different language or something. It's kinda cute." Johnny only smiled, trying to ignore the fact that you had called him cute.
Dally looked between the two of you, narrowing his eyes a little bit before a small smirk itched onto the end of his lips.
"Johnny, you wanna tag along with us? We were just about to head and see that new movie that just came out."
"You should, if you don't mind horror movies." You added and Johnny pressed his lips together in a small yet strained smile.
"Naw, I don't mind."
"I could have paid for y'all, you know. We didn't have to break in." You sighed and Dally chuckled.
"Now where's the fun in that?" He hummed as they all took their seats, a little bit away from the front.
"What kind of horror movie is it again?" Johnny asked and Dally shrugged his shoulders. He never really came to pay attention to the movies, he came to be a bother to those who were trying to.
"Some sort of slasher. Shouldn't be too frightening if you're scared."
"I'm not scared!" Johnny squeaked and you had giggled, leaning back in the chair.
"It's alright if you are. I wouldn't judge. You can even hold my hand if you want." You offered as the movie had and started. Johnny pursed his lips before he took your hand in his.
"I'm just holding yer' hand in case you get scared." He established and you had nodded, entwining your fingers with his their hands were basically locked together.
He smiled at that as he tried to focus on one thing.
Not looking like a scaredy cat.
But the movie was barley ten minutes in before Johnny had jumped back in his seat from the killer jumping out of nowhere, his scream muffled in the collar of his jean jacket.
He glanced over at you as he felt you squeeze his hand comfortingly. "Sorry.." He mumbled, his sunkissed skin growing warm from embarrassment.
"Don't apologize. You don't have to act all tough for me, Johnny. It's a horror movie for a reason." You reassured with a small smile as you moved closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Next time we can see something a little more relaxing."
"Next time?" He repeated like it was a foreign statement.
You nodded excitedly. "Yeah, next time! Do ya' not wanna see me again or something?"
"No!" Johnny quickly said. "I'd.. I'd love to see a movie with you again."
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zae-heeyyy · 4 months
Summary: You meet John during his year away from the gang. Pairing: John Marston x gn!Reader but mostly platonic Word Count: 1,725 Tags/ Warnings: alcohol, violence, mature themes
a/n: Just a little idea I had. I actually sketched/traced the saloon picture on my iPad. (Thanks John for bad drawing skills because I'm not an artist. To be clear, this is my interpretation of John’s sketch of a saloon haha) Something a little different, I hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading!
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hiatus: A temporary departure or absence, often marked by a pause in activity or routine, reflecting a period of separation from the usual path or environment
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Rip Van Winkle? Did he take you for a fool? You'd be insulted if you couldn't clearly see the bastard was miserable. It'd been three months since he stumbled into your saloon, throwing a few bills on the bar top. A few bills covered a lot of drinks, but a lot of drinks he had. He would drink and gamble all his money away and would somehow come back the next day with more. You didn't know any fellas around who could make their money and spend it as fast as he did. Minding your business seemed like the best course of action, and that's what you did, mostly. All you asked for was a name, and that's what he gave you. You took the hint and stopped asking questions. 
Until you couldn't curb your curiosity about the tall, lanky stranger anymore.
"What do you do, anyway?" You asked. Nobody around knew him, and it wasn't a big town. People were fishermen and farmhands, and he didn't fit either bill. He'd dodged that question, too. It didn't take long for you to figure out how he made his living when you saw him "accidentally" bump into someone. Just thirty seconds later, he threw the dime he'd presumably pickpocketed onto your bar. You stared at him, unmoving. 
"Well, you gonna pour that whiskey or not?" He learned on the counter, impatient, and glared at you. Intimidating you would take more work than he was probably used to.
"You gonna give that man his money back or not?" You shot back. His face didn't change, and he steadily held your gaze. He picked up the coin and placed it back on the counter, scooting it in front of you again.
"No," he replied simply.
"Then no." You responded with a shrug and turned to walk off to serve someone else. Rip sighed deeply and put another dime on the counter. 
"But I'll buy him a drink-- on him." You wanted to laugh but didn't give him the satisfaction. 
"Now I'm robbing him, too?"
"It ain't robbin. He was gonna buy a drink anyway," his tone grew even more vexed. You were the one loudly exhaling now. You took the money, poured the whiskey, and offered the other man his "free" drink. Rip was lucky you didn't call the law on him, but he seemed to have enough problems as it was. 
He took to you after that, though, always throwing extra change down for you to have a whiskey yourself. You'd thank him with short words, but never poured yourself a drink, knowing where the money came from. Keeping your distance seemed like the logical thing to do.
Then, someone you'd never seen before pushed open the doors to the saloon on a particularly slow night. You'd noticed Rip's posture stiffen as soon as he laid eyes on the man. He placed a casual hand on his right hip, and his eyes moved to yours for only a second before they were watching the man again. You should've felt something was wrong but didn't have time to think before the newcomer approached you, pointing his gun at you from inside his coat.
"All the money. Now. And don't say a word." Your blood ran cold, but before you could move, you heard a click.
"Put the gun down, idiot." Rip had moved from his seat and was standing behind the intruder, his own revolver pointed to the back of his head, "gonna lose your life over this? I hope you ain't as dumb as you look."
Rip diverted the stranger's attention long enough for you to reach for your own shotgun under the counter. You pointed your gun at the would-be robber, and Rip yelled at the few others in the saloon to get the law. You finally let yourself breathe when the man was taken away. 
Rip stayed for the rest of the night, sitting long past his usual departure time. Faint sunlight was beginning to peak in the windows, and your shift replacement had walked through the doors. Instead of going home, you walked around the bar to sit with Rip. Sometime in the night, he'd settled in a seat on the side of the bar, closer to you, still nursing the same glass of whiskey you'd poured hours earlier.
 "You knew that was gonna go down tonight, didn't you?" You'd asked. You noticed his sudden change of demeanor as soon as the thief stepped foot inside.
He shook his head, looking down at the glass. "Didn't really know. Had a feelin', though. Can't explain it. Maybe it was a look in his eye or how he walked in? I don't know, just a feelin'. I knew fellas like him." He paused for a moment, "Hell, I am a feller like him. "
You didn't know anything about him, but you think you understood. A feeling in your gut told you pickpocketing was the more tame of his crimes. 
"I'm surprised you didn't get in on it," Your tone was severe, but you were grinning at him. He scoffed, laughing a bit. 
"I ain't that far gone. I got morals, you know." You had an inkling that he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince you.
"Morals." You repeated back to him. You couldn't believe the ridiculousness of it all. "Right"
He threw his hands up defensively, "Do you think I am the type of guy to put a gun in an innocent person's face? For some saloon cash?"
You shrugged, skepticism all over your face, "I can't say I know what kind of man you are, Mr. Van Winkle," you said, adding finger quotes around his name.
He looked down at his glass and let out another sigh. "John-- my name's John...Marston. Since you wanna know so bad," he finally finished off the last of the liquor. You searched his face; he was grimacing slightly.
You hum appreciatively. "It's nice to thank a man with his own name, John Marston. Thanks. You definitely saved my ass tonight. How about some breakfast on the house to show my appreciation?" 
Maybe oatmeal had some aphrodisiac properties you didn't know about, or perhaps you'd finally lost it. Still, somehow, you'd ended up pressed against the wall by the cowboy in a room above the saloon. His kisses were sloppy, and his movements were sporadic and clumsy, even. He'd made a move to pull you towards the bed but stumbled, knocking his head hard into yours. 
"Shit," he stumbled back, rubbing his head. You leaned against the wall, nursing your own sore dome. But the collision seemed to knock some sense into you. 
"This was...it wasn't..." You tried to find the words to let him down softly, but he cut you off with a shake of his head and sat on the bed.
"Yeah, weren't a good idea. Don't worry about it," he gave you a strained but reassuring smile, and you stood there in awkward silence before he spoke again, "I don't know what I'm even doin' these days." He said, eyes trained on the floor. Part of you couldn't believe that he was trying to have a conversation with you after that, but like always, you felt a little sorry for him. 
"How about another drink? For both of us."
He could say no to that, so you made your walk of shame back downstairs. Your colleague at the bar gave you a look but didn't say anything as he poured your drinks. After everything, you felt like he owed you the truth, and he was too tired to argue.
"Ask away," he relented. 
"Why the fake name?" That was your first question, and you had so many more when he was done talking. Almost hanged at twelve, riding with Dutch Van der Linde and robbing trains and banks. No wonder he was so miserable. 
"Left it all, and I don't feel any better. I'm still robbin, still here drinking every night."
"Doesn't sound any better," was all you could say. 
"It ain't. And the worst part? There was this girl, a working girl, who fell in with us, Abigail. Me and her-- well, she was more to me than a working girl, but then she got pregnant. And I got a son, at least, that's what she told me. Don't know if he's mine." He buried his face in his hands and groaned, the weight of it all heavy on his shoulders.
You were silent. You didn't know what to say or how to respond to any of it. All of this, his life, was something out of an Otis Miller tale. A life of crime was utterly foreign to you.
"That's...a lot," was all you could manage. He bobbed his head up and down in agreement. "Did you love her?" Something seemed to wash over him, and he stiffened. It took him a few moments to respond, but he looked off like he was picturing something in his mind's eye.
"I think I did. Think I still do." You could see the turmoil clearly on his face then. You snapped him back, your voice low and soft.
"Think she would lie to you? Especially about something like that?"
"I don't know. I don't know anything anymore."
You pondered for a second. "You said you didn't have a father until Dutch took you in. Want this kid to be the same, without a dad? You love his momma; you think she loves you. Give the kid a chance to grow up with parents that love each other."
You could see his jaw clench, and he waved you off without even considering what you said.
"Didn't ask for advice." 
"Well, I'm giving it to you, miserable bastard." He relaxed his jaw and chuckled.
"Fair enough."
More silence fell between you, and he finished what was left in his glass before sliding a dime to your co-worker and leaving. He returned only a handful of times after that, noticeably drinking less. One day, as he was leaving, he took his hat off and met your eye. 
"I'm gonna get goin' now. Thanks for everything." 
And you knew it was the last time you'd ever see him. You just hoped he decided to do the right thing. You had a feeling he did. 
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ominous-feychild · 3 months
✦ OC Questionnaire Tag 2✦
Following tag from @the-letterbox-archives!
Characters from Sun and Shadow: Freya, Crow, and Daleira Characters from the Arcane Rifts: Gene, Tazin, and Mislav Featuring tAR's children leveled up! They'll be answering at 15, 17, and 17 years old respectively!
Questions: - "What's your relationship with your family like?" - "Do you have any hobbies? if so, what ones?" - "Do you dream often? what about?" - "What is the one thing you would not wish on your greatest adversary?" from @willtheweaver
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"What's your relationship with your family like?"
Freya: Well... we don't even know if my dad's alive but... re-regardless, it was rough between us. He was never around, and I just... I missed him. I know it was his job, but I blamed him. It was just me in that house, you know? Like, I mean--sure! I chose that! But the only other choice was to live alone in the city instead, where I had to deal with people trying to suck up to me in order to get money or whatever! So neither was a good choice, yeah??? And--I don't know, okay? I... I hope he's actually alive like the others say. I guess... I'll probably apologize to him, alright? But that still sucked.
Crow: Oh, my father's great, yeah. ... What, you were expecting more of an answer? Daleira: Oh, I love my dad! 😊 ... not enough for you?... okay, fine. Um... it's difficult at times between us. He's busy taking care of Lynsmouth most of the time, so we hardly spend any time together. But, you know--I get that! It's a lot of work to uh--... do whatever it is he does? Honestly I'm not that sure, haha. 😅 But I'm sure it's a lot! So, you know, it's not a big deal that he doesn't spend a lot of time with me. I'm really appreciative of him finding me and taking me in to begin with, and I've really led a great life thanks to him, so! 😊
Gene: I... don't remember my family. Just like I don't remember anything else before I got here. But... (*looks away to think. Will not look in asker's direction again.*) I think Abi was my brother? Older--older brother. He... really helped me a lot. So in that case... good. But... thinking the word "family"... hurts.
Tazin: (*spoken through his teeth*) I don't have a family.
Mislav: (*fakest smile you can imagine and not even trying to hide it; voice falsetto*) Dead, thanks for asking!
Crow: Sike!!! Bet you thought I wasn't going to answer. 😘 How cruel of you to think so lowly of me!!! 😭
I wasn't kidding, my father's great, I love him. He taught me everything I know about--detective work and all, heh! We don't always see each other because he's usually working on cases, but he's given me everything I need to succeed in life and I'm thankful to him for that. So hopefully I'll make him proud on this case with Frey! 😉😊
(tragically, it is not a work I have created if someone's family life is good. But, omfg, until now, I didn't realize SaS was the story of goddamn DADDY ISSUES!!! 🤣🤣🤣)
"Do you have any hobbies? if so, what ones?"
Freya: Oh, um... dammit, I'm not going to get away with a lie, am I? (*Heavy, drawn-out sigh*) Okay, fine. I... like reading. I know this is really weird!!! But, uh, sometimes, while I'm inshore, I've found books in the water. Books! Perfectly fine! Little to no water damage most of the time! I don't know if Dad sent them to me somehow or what, but... most of the time, they're in other languages. Things that don't always line up with those I find in the library. But I've figured a few of them out over the years, and I think it's really fun!
Crow: Psh, nothing as boring as reading. (*Precariously leaning back against a bulging doorway. There's a creak and then--CRASH!!!*) SHIT-- (*Furiously opens the door. An endless pile of books comes falling out. Except... they're all related to their cases? Huh. Is their hobby... working?*) Yep. That's my hobby. Working. Tell my dad that, would ya? 😘 (Oh I think we see something deeper in the closet--) NO!!! DON'T YOU DARE-- (*we zoom in to see countless artistic collages made out of cut-outs from pictures in their books and magazines.*) ... (*Crow, face burning, melts into the shadows and hides in shame.* But??? That's a cool hobby??? WAIT, COME BACK, AZA--)
Daleira: Oh!!! I just love working with magical trinkets! You know, conduits--from gods, mortals, and discovered in the Faewildes! It's amazing figuring out how each of them work and trying to figure out if I can replicate them! Faer and I have gotten good at transferring magic between objects, but gods' conduits are especially hard to work with. Like, come on--can't they share some of their power with the rest of us??? :/
There's a few items from Soren we just can't figure out, though... and he wouldn't tell me where he got them! I mean, that would help immensely in trying to figure out how they work, but we've already broken a few of them and don't want to risk losing all of them! Especially since--... well. An-anyway-- 😅
I gave Freya one when we first met! She was showing clear signs of magical sickness, and I'd already figured out it was a magical restraint you could manipulate the strength of--which is amazing, you know??? So it would be awesome to figure out how it works! But-- (*continues rambling happily*)
Gene: Hobby?... (*Looks away. Will not look back.*) I... like to draw. It's useful. Maps. Nobody else is able to navigate around the sewers, but my maps... they stay right. Even though they change. So it's nice to draw... feel useful. And everyone likes me then. Not just Mislav and Tazin. If... Tazin does. I'm pretty sure he does. (*Shakes his head swiftly, then nods*) Right. He does. Sorry...
(*Anxiously picks at his hands, still avoiding looking anywhere near the asker*) And... I've always liked reading, I think. The real stuff. To learn. It took a while for me to learn Glavni, but I've been able to read by myself for a long time now. I enjoy it. (*Finally looks back to give asker a pained smile*)
Tazin: Does burning buildings count? 😉 No? Okay, fine. How about just plain-old casual arson? 😉 OH, COME ON, HOW COME THESE GUYS'-- (*continues screaming into the camera, but we cut to black*) (*We return to a moody Tazin pouting with his arms crossed... and surrounded in flames.*) Fine. I've always liked stupid stories. You know the ones--knight in shining armor, or the underdog rising up and saving the day--that stuff. And Gene's got me into his stupid fucking "learning" thing, alright? But that's all you're getting out of me, got it, you little-- {REDACTED FOR PROFANE LANGUAGE}
Mislav: Um... not really? I... guess anything that lets me spend more time with Gene? 😅😭
... I really liked it back when I was on the farm. But... it's gone now. And I don't think Adilzhan or Zhrizn would let me do anything like that again. And... (*looks away, voice going below a whisper*) I'm afraid to even try.
"Do you dream often? what about?"
Freya: I think I've had a lot of dreams in my life. Most of them, I've hated, but I... can't remember them honestly. Except... fear. Being afraid of them. So, heh, you know--nightmares. Normal stuff normal people deal with right? Especially kids, I've heard.
... but I've been remembering a bit more of them lately, since I... since I was in the shipwreck. (*Voice goes strained and breathy, like she's struggling to breathe*) And I... I think I'm in the water again. In--in the dreams. And there's something else there--
Crow: Ha, no. Do most people remember their dreams? (They're lying. They remember. Their dreams center around failure. Failure, and a desperation to prove themself.)
Daleira: Um... not really? We faeries aren't like you humans... our "dreams" are... different. Real. I try not to actually sleep because of that. I don't want anyone else getting stuck in them.
Gene: Not anymore. I used to. Usually... nightmares. Monsters and nature and things chasing me. I have a curse. When I sleep... my nightmares find me. I'll wake up surrounded in things. Once... it included the monster. (*He looks away and is silent for a long moment, remembering.*)
... thankfully I don't dream much anymore. The curse is still here, but it's kinder now. Better things come through.
Tazin: No, who's asking? >:/
When I do dream, it's weird stuff. Memories. Wishes. (*waves hand dismissively*) Normal stuff.
(Also lying. Sometimes has nightmares of the people he cares about abandoning him. Stabbing him in the back. Telling him things about himself he knows to be true, but doesn't want to admit. Telling himself to be better... when he knows he won't.)
Mislav: Yes. I remember the night I lost everything. And the ones who took it all from me. (*looks to Gene*)
... almost everything.
"What is the one thing you would not wish on your greatest adversary?"
Freya: To find themself alone. To lose the people they care about... or feel like those people don't care for them back.
Crow: A pointless end. If you have to die, you should die for something. Something meaningful. Something you care about.
Daleira: Whatever happens to what I eat. 😅 (She's not kidding--remember, she's not human.)
Gene: Starvation.
Tazin: ... to be alone. Or... for it to be their fault.
Mislav: What happened to me... what's happening to me.
I regret deciding to do all these characters...
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Your questions: - What was the worst day of your life? - What's your worst nightmare? - If a monster asked you your worst nightmare, what would you tell it and why?
Tagging (with no pressure) @darkandstormydolls @yourpenpaldee @honeybewrites @fantasy-things-and-such @themboty @.the-letterbox-archives (avoiding double-tags) and whoever else wants to join!
Divider from @cafekitsune
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ramblesofthemyu · 1 month
hi guys, it's myu here!
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if you've been around the fantasy life tag, you may or may not have stumbled upon one of my ocs, mal! she was originally just meant to be my player character in fl for this joke but i later gave her more of a character and backstory (fun!)
since a lot about her is probably in the dark, i'll yap a bit about her backstory here
let's start at the beginning - mal's family.
mal was the only daughter of two adventurers, and being the only child she was often doted on by them. she was certainly way different back then - a wide-eyed, curious child who loved to hear her parents' stories. then, one day, her parents left her with pam and set off on an adventure, and they never returned.
a few months after her parents left, mal met a kid her age named weiss, hailing from port puerto. their family was temporarily staying in castele, and they became close to lonely little mal. the two of them would wander around town, talking about their hopes and dreams for their future.
mal aspired to become a wizard - a powerful wizard known far and wide, hoping that her parents would want to come back home to her. weiss wanted to be a tailor, but their pirate family wanted them to continue their legacy. in the end, mal convinced them to follow their dreams, and in turn weiss promised her to create something beautiful for her.
weiss left once again, and mal found herself all alone again, for many years. she started to believe that loss and loneliness were inevitable things, and that there was no point in becoming close to someone when they would one day leave as well.
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...which leads us to the first day of the rest of my life comic! taking place on the day mal first becomes a wizard, the comic shows mal's thoughts leading up to it - how she was afraid of what could happen, her wishing her parents were there to celebrate this occasion, and overall showing how lonely she was. "every man for himself" was her motto at this point, having accepted that she only has herself to rely on. and yet, as she looks in the mirror, she is not the only one looking back - because, as it turns out, she isn't alone :)
in the eternal happiness comic, mal's wish to yuelia was explained. she had told butterfly she wished for "eternal happiness," but in reality she had no idea at the time what that meant for her. then, after the doomstone crisis was resolved and the dust settled, mal realized what this "eternal happiness" was all along.
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"You were what I was wishing for all along."
it was yuelia - and weiss, laura, hazel, and everyone else she had come to consider a friend. eternal happiness was a stable companionship she never had, someone she could grow close to and rely on without worrying about them leaving.
her wish was granted from the day she met butterfly - from the day she realized that perhaps she no longer has to be afraid anymore. she reunited with weiss in port puerto, who fulfilled the promise they made with her. in fact, mal's current outfit (quilted sweater and philosopher's hat) was from weiss!
so, what's next for mal and weiss? well, the short answer is the golden brewery. that story is still a work in progress and ill probably work more on fleshing out mal and weiss some more, so stay tuned i guess haha
anyways if you're read all the way to the end here, then thank you very much! ill repost the funny adventuring trio doodle i drew while i was still working out mal and weiss's designs
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lazuliquetzal · 1 year
Fic Stats Game
Ohoho thank you @tavina-writes for the tag!! Pretty sure this is gonna be the same 3 fics over and over but we'll see :)
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
1) Most Hits
It's AA Batteries (Daiya no Ace). I know this without even looking, it's AAB 100% and by... not a significant, but a decent lead. That thing breached containment. I'm glad that it did, because I had fun writing it, but it always surprises me because sports anime twin OC fic? Really?
But I'm glad it's my most popular fic, even if I don't consider it my best, because even if it's a canon rewrite, I finished a 100K+ fic and I am proud. I'm literally never over it, I could talk about it all day.
Like, I usually don't ship things very strongly, but Misawa is insane to me. Also, do you know how embarrassing it is to relate to Miyuki Kazuya? And not even in a 'generic repressed character' way, I'm talking in a Hey I Literally Was In His Shoes And Made The Same Exact Fucking Mistakes And Decisions way. Nobody gets Miyuki Kazuya like I do. I'm fucking Miyuki kin. I didn't ask for this. I didn't--
2) Second Most Kudos
This one is also AAB, so I'll go with first place: Reflection (The Magnus Archives). A classic. A nice and simple time travel fix-it comedy.
I remember the writing of this one because I had been utterly obsessed with TMA. It would not let me go. I drafted the early chapters on my phone while walking across my college campus. I almost got ran over by a bike when I was writing the "Martin witnesses Jon have a mild breakdown in the break room" scene.
3) Third Most Comments
Dawn of the Fourth (Linked Universe). The LU fandom is super giving with their comments! Probably the most comment-friendly fandom I've been in.
I think it also helped that DotF is one of those stories where every chapter is a punch to the throat lol. If you didn't comment after ch7, it's probably because you zoomed through haha.
4) Fourth Most Bookmarks
It's DotF again, so I'll go with third place: ain't no rest for the wicked (Naruto).
Ah, this one... I'm fond of it, in the way I'm fond of all my writing, but also I was in high school. There's a lot about it that I would do differently now. But I learned a lot from writing it, and actually Chie, Issei, and Riku are still my children and I love them all. I'm proud of the color test. :)
5) Fewest Words
If you ignore the Zelda comic and the CSS formatting test and the anonymous April Fool's fic that I will not be claiming ownership of publicly, my shortest fic is Blackout Blues (Daiya no Ace) at 1101 words. If you subscribe to the belief that a picture is worth a thousand words, then that bumps the word count up to 4101 words.
I should draw more art for my fanfic. I have the power. It's fun.
tagging (if you want!): @yellowocaballero @xxsolar-writesxx @ellie-tarts @zarvasace @dottie-wan-kenobi and anyone else who wants to!
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grief-worn · 2 months
munday: getting to know you ! ! !
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Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: addi, or sometimes i go by glacier.
MUSE NAME: on this blog; shadowheart.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: gay hand-holding and parallel play. alternatively; here on tumblr (asks/dms/etc) or on discord if we're friends/good mutuals!
EXPERIENCE: i think my very first roleplay was on gmail chat, pfft. but i also did stuff on deviantart, IRC chatrooms, forums, skype/discord, and this one roleplay site i will not name because it's genuinely awful. (no it's not f-list). i have pretty limited experience writing on tumblr. just recently got back into it here after having a kinda meh experience in the resident evil fandom.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: not sure if this means like ... 3rd person? or like ... paragraph length? or what, but i'm open to pretty much anything! i'm super open-minded. i don't even dislike the infamous 1st person writing style, as someone who hungrily consumes reader insert fanfics.
PET PEEVES AND DEAL-BREAKERS: kind of a hard one to answer, but here's what i can think of off the top of my head:
guilt by association: dealt with a bit of this in another fandom. just because i'm writing with someone doesn't mean i'm aware of their issues. curate who you follow and what you see on your dash for sure, i will always understand quietly blocking to maintain your own peace, but i've gotten mixed up in some weird stuff just because i ended up writing with the wrong person.
heavy formatting: this isn't like, that big of a deal-breaker, i just specifically have poor eyesight and difficulty reading/processing words if there's a bunch of different fonts, and font sizes, and colors, and whatnot. definitely might be something i ask people to tone down, but it doesn't really make me mad haha.
soft blocking instead of hard blocking: i'm pretty stupid. please make it obvious if you don't wanna interact anymore! otherwise i won't realize and i'll probably accidentally make it worse orz.
vagueposting/sub-tweeting: that stuff is kinda mean and weird. i don't like seeing it!
PLOTS OR MEMES: either one is awesome, but they both definitely have their contextual uses! sometimes a bit of talking beforehand is nice, sometimes i like just winging it. they're both fun!!
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: again, they're both fun. long replies are sort of harder to get to since they take so long to write but sometimes that's exactly what i want; to get lost in a reply for like 2 hours straight. not sure if i have a preference, it's just that short replies are faster and therefore fit better into my daily schedule, but that doesn't mean i don't love dumping my text walls <3
BEST TIME TO WRITE: unfortunately i've found that writing at 4am when everyone is asleep is a WONDERFUL time for my creativity hehe. i wish i could write as good in the daylight hours lol !!!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: yes and no. personality wise; not really. we're both kind of goofy deep, deep down. and i project a lot of myself onto her, but i think that's just because her story and trauma resonate with me very strongly! i try not to like, overwrite her character and inject too much of my own stuff. i honestly just have the biggest, fattest crush on her and i need more of her in whatever way i possibly can have. i guess we both love animals. but i'd never have such ugly bangs. ew, shadowheart.
tagged by: @astralrogue (thank you very much!)
tagging: whoever wants to do this :3 it's sharing a lot of ooc info so i don't wanna pressure peeps!!!
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ghostkingart · 26 days
Doodle idea or general ask/prompt! I saw Our Flag Means Death as a fandom you’re into. How do you think Astarion or one of your OCs would look or function in that universe? Would they prefer Black Beard or Stede as a captain? What would their job on a pirate ship be? How would they dress?
What a beautiful prompt! I absolutely adore pirates and, fun fact, I've got an ongoing Black Sails fanfic on my ao3 🤭 kinda on hiatus due to BG3 brainrot but it's out there!
I'm gonna put up a trigger warning here for: discussion of abuse, prostitution and sadomasochism, and I'll put my reply under the cut (it turned out very long yet again).
P.S. OFMD friends I'm sorry this is showing up in your tags. To briefly explain we're talking about a crossover between OFMD and Baldur's Gate 3. Feel free to skip 🫶
I do think Astarion would prefer the old school Blackbeard as his captain, maybe Valeriy would also, but Veles would definitely prefer Stede. However, at the same time, with learning vulnerability being a big theme for all these characters, I think either captain would be fine for all three of them.
Tangent but I think Veles being in Stede's crew would help him so much with his feelings of inadequacy and his desperate need to be useful at any cost. Stede would show him that it's okay to just exist and be yourself.
I imagine Astarion and Valeriy would have followed Blackbeard until he meets Stede (where Veles would be) and then, just like in the show, Stede and Veles's side would teach Blackbeard, Astarion and Valeriy's side to be gentler, kinder and more vulnerable.
I can see Astarion, Valeriy and Veles being in a polycule in this AU but get this: Valeriy and Izzy. I'm obsessed with it now omg.
Fun fact: some of Valeriy's original backstory versions include him being a pirate. This never fit into the overall story/lore however, so I scrapped it.
I'll yap about this more later but let me tell you what I think each of them would do. First things first, I'm honestly not sure what Astarion would do, I don't think he'd be ranked too high, but I also don't think he'd be ranked too low. Somewhere in the middle imo.
Valeriy would be like Izzy's own right hand man and/or ranked just below Izzy. They have a similar ruthlessness to them.
Veles would be a master of navigation on Stede's ship I think.
I think I'll draw them in this AU actually, but I'll come back with that later.
I think Izzy and Valeriy in particular would work so well together because, just like Veles is distinctly a masochist due to his backstory, Valeriy is a sadist, except that Valeriy has a much healthier approach to his sadism than Veles has to his masochism. I've talked about this sm already but Veles's masochism transcends sex and he most certainly sees himself as an object. Valeriy is nothing like that, he's very careful, gentle and communicative if there's any sadomaso play going on, and he keeps it all in the bedroom.
I don't think I need to explain why Valeriy's sadism would work well with Izzy, OFMD fans have talked about it enough for me haha. But I wanna reiterate that I imagine it all being consensual and mindful, honestly very much unlike Astarion and Veles where at times it gets super messy due to them both being messed up in their own right.
How about how I imagine they became pirates? I mean it's a pretty simple answer. Historically it's pretty accurate, to my knowledge, that people on the margins of society escaped to become pirates. It checks out because Astarion, Veles and Valeriy are all a flavor of queer (bi, gay and pan in my hc). But also, all three of them have some type of abusers to run away from as well as an overall bad life situation (think Valeriy who's already escaped his father, but has only landed himself in prostitution instead. he'd like to leave that behind).
Random bit of a headcanon here, I think Veles would be a person of color in a non-magical AU, and I think that because of the racism towards drow analogy in DND. I'd probably completely redesign Veles for a non-magical AU, but all in its time.
I think Veles would be super cool with the rest of Stede's crew. He'd be very shy at first I think, but he'd find acceptance within the ranks.
I'm also thinking about, once the two crews join, Valeriy would really enjoy listening to Stede or Lucius read to him. Another fun fact: Valeriy reaaaally likes books, he simply can't read them on his own. Meanwhile I don't think he'd have many opportunities to be read to in Blackbeard's crew (this isn't an Ed is illiterate thing btw, this is an Ed has a reputation thing).
I think that's all I have for now! If you have any more ideas for this AU pleaseeee send me another ask!! This was so fun :D
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vroombeams · 3 months
tagged by @freeuselandonorris & @glasscushion thanks bbs!!!
1. Do you make your bed? not every day but i've been trying to do it more lately!! i do a lot of sleep-thrashing so remaking it is a bit of a production. but also it's so nice to crawl into a bed with everything all properly aligned lol
2. Favourite number? 8 or 28!
3. What's your job? as vaguely as possible... i move film gear around
4. If you could go back to school, would you? if money was no object and i could just learn varying levels of useful information for the rest of my life i would probably spend... the rest of my life doing that. would not go back in time to do any schooling over again though
5. Can you parallel park? i parallel parked once perfectly for my driving test and then have never done it ever again
6. Do you think aliens are real? oh defo. can't think about it too hard otherwise i'll descend into the madness of trying to comprehend the Vastness of Space and Eternity but hell yeah they out there
7. Can you drive a manual car? absolutely not
8. Guilty pleasure? oh boy. reality tv. oh my god i love it. my worst kept secret is that i'm obsessed with selling sunset like what do you MEAN i can look at the most egregiously expensive real estate while also watching beautiful women be horrible to each other?? crazy. also 90 day fiance. sometimes it's so warm. sometimes it's so awful. mankind contains multitudes
9. Tattoos? i have seven (or six depending on if you count a pair of thigh pieces as one piece?) and am in talks for number eight (or seven?) as we speak
10. Favourite colour? greeeeeeeeN
11. Favourite type of music? i was def one of those people who did the metal -> dubstep -> general all over electronic music pipeline. now i lean toward probably like, metalcore? and industrial or trancey techno (things like blutrot and narciss and rikhter?? among others) but also hip-hop and house, sometimes ambient stuff??? also acoustic?? bitch i don't know i'll listen to anything literally
12. Do you like puzzles? LOVE a puzzle big fan of sudoku in particular. also crosswords
13. Favourite childhood sport? i was a sports hater arts only kid but i did play basketball so let's say that
14. Do you talk to yourself? semi-frequently yes!!
15. Tea or coffee? time and a place for both but coffee. coffee wins every time i'm sorry
16. First thing you wanted to be when growing up? marine biologist HAHA
17. What movies do you adore? this is always such a question to answer i have such mid taste considering i went to film school lol but UHHH danny boyle's Sunshine was the film that made me want to be involved in film so that's like the ult-fave. 28 Days Later, Dredd, more recently Civil War? (the alex garland theme! you can see it!) The Fountain also changed me fundamentally. Moulin Rouge & Romeo + Juliet, duh. uhhh. the LotR series, Silent Hill also?? Black Swan???? Midsommar??? To Wong Foo????? i don't know what's a movie. never seen one clearly
tagging @dumbf1sketches @wigglesforonce @fewtrell @wanderingblindly @piastrisms @miamimaiden @albonoooo i don't know how many of y'all have been tagged already but!!
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grapecaseschoices · 5 months
@thee-morrigan has tagged me to pick five songs i like! i decided not to go with my top five spotify repeat songs, and instead go with recent ones that have been puttering in my brain [the ones who SHOULD be top five lool].
1] Dear Wormwood - The Oh Hellos:
But now I understand you/And I will not be part of your designs/I know who I am now/And all that you've made of me/I know who you are now/And I name you my enemy
So, I've been "working" [haha. smh .... no] on a possible future Kenedis, who is a mix of TWC!Kendis, Exile!Kendis, and a couple of past RP concepts. So, ofc, this mean shit parents have to be a part of the backstory. Hence this song that I feel fits my nebulous ideas for an arc, lol.
2] Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine: What playlist wouldn't be made better without this song? I just don't know which one to put it in yet, lol. I am making a series of playlists for a set of future characters for a RP i might be joining [the one mentioned above], it started with me wanting a Florence song for Kendis [bc I've had at least one Florence song or at least a song by an indie rock/folk artist in my past few Kendis playlists]. But I'm still deciding if this is the one I want. But I just ended up thinking about this song a lot as well as about how much I like/d it. So here it is!
3] Silence - Khalid, Marshmello:
I'm in need of a savior (savior)/But I'm not asking for favors /My whole life, I've felt like a burden/I think too much, and I hate it/I'm so used to being in the wrong/I'm tired of caring/Loving never gave me a home/So I'll sit here in the silence/I found peace in your violence/Can't tell me there's no point in trying/I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long,
Been on and off so in love with this song [have I ever been fully off it? LMAO]. To keep it short - since this entire thing is lengthy - I feel this would fit Austyn if I ever did a playlist [probably won't] in her POV, particularly re: her relationship with Kendis [oh first loves~].
4] Ready For Anything - Blackway, Aeph, Koko:
Even as prey I can chase off the predators/You can′t run with me lil boy you too delicate/Hold Up/I′m feeling a little bit dangerous/And they looking a little bit anxious/If I'm laughing when/ I′m twiddling my fingers/It's only a warning that you can′t just/Walk up to me
I haven't strongly with the desire to write, but I've been still low-key itching with ideas. And one of the ideas, is for this future RP, involving a darker Andy. I usually play Andy before or after the travesty that really fucked up his life [he has a few too, so I should say ADULT life]. But not during for many years. I'm [nervously] hoping to, and this song fits real well what I've been pondering. Not 10, 000% but strongly enough.
5] Achilles Come Down - Gangs of Youth: You crave the applause yet hate the attention.
Sooooo I recently realized this song is perfect for Kendis. I don't know why I never have, lmao. I mean in general but particularly for specific Kendis'. Again, like the above it''s 10, 000% but it's ENOUGH that I've re-fallen in love with this song. Ugh. It hurts.
(Honorable mention [as this recently has gotten back into my head] The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake)
just gonna tag 5 people, sorry if you've done this!: @quaxorascal @wayhavenots @agnes-nutter @thats-a-lot-of-cortisol @laufire
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ask-andante · 1 year
Tumblr media
Hi, I've decided to officially end this blog.
It took a lot of time thinking about it (tbh i was even thinking about it before the anon) and discussion with close friends and I think I am done.
This blog was used to help me get through various parts of my life, and it can no longer serve that purpose. It's done its job wonderfully and helped me cope and even make a friend circle after isolating myself for a few years. I never thought I'd ever have an actual friend group, but it's something that was made possible VIA this blog.
It hurts a lot to end it, I won't lie, I'm like actually mourning it rn but I've started to develop a sort of resentment towards the blog and plot askblogs due to Mental Illness and I think I just cannot keep holding onto this blog anymore. So, I decided it's best to let it go before I hate it. I doubt I'll come back to finishing it after posting the plot outline, seeing as it's all out in the open, but you never know.
The doc contains the outline with a header to jump to where this blog left off. I got pretty far in so I feel extra down about tossing in the towel here, but that's just how it is. I've tried many ways to salvage my motivation, lowering art quality being the main one as art is my job now and it's no longer the escape it used to be, but I don't think the workload itself is the issue.
If I move onto future projects, you will likely see me post them on @aibouart , so feel free to check the art blog out and follow if you'd like. I am not abandoning the characters here, I will continue to draw them likely and RP them and whatnot. You can send asks OOC anytime, just know I may not be very active~
Anyways, here's the plot outline. Some things are not included in it despite having been planned because they were either up in the air on their specifics, or were late additions not added in yet (nast stops appearing in the outline some ways into it as they were a new addition to help give Andan another person to have a better dynamic with. They were planned to become friends < 3 )
Thank you for reading and for your patience, as well as everyone's continued support over the years. This blog was great as a form of expression and art, and great to get me socialising. I discovered many things about myself over the course of being here on Tumblr and this blog was one of the starting points~
If you'd like some minor additional content, you can go and read over old memes: @andanteooc
Or the related blog: @andanterelated
The related blog consists of memes I've reblogged tagging relevant characters.
You can feel free to send me asks to talk about the plot outline or anything else. I won't post any spoilers until tomorrow, or I'll just tag them "andante spoilers///" if you were interested in the doc to read at a later date.
Please note it is missing quite a few details as I used to log the combat or speech sections separately before actually putting them in the doc (the og was pasted from a tumblr page). I can answer asks about things that weren't addressed because of its nature, but will not repeat myself if it's been asked haha.
Thank you again. I initially started this blog with a goal in mind and succeeded in it years ago, so I think I can be happy that it went above my original goals.
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jdeanmorgan · 2 months
10 questions for 10 writers
i was tagged by my lovely husband @bigassbowlingballhead thank you baby mwah
How many works do you have on AO3? 43 (i have multiple accounts but let's just focus on the one i actually use, not my old one that I haven't logged into in a long time)
What's your total AO3 word count? 441,047
What fandoms do you write for? lately, it's just been a lot of the walking dead, but I've also written 911 and supernatural, and i lowkey miss writing 911 so who knows, maybe i'll do so again soon
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? sometimes yes
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of, so probably not
Have you ever co-written a fic before? none that have been published.
What's your all-time favourite ship? hmm. i don't even know. there's a few i love but have never been in fandoms for or never read/written fic for, but i don't even know if i even have an absolute favorite, just ships i really enjoy. chucky/tiffany, nina/mattias, jennifer/needy, chris/toby (oz), mulder/scully, sam/dean, etc etc etc
What are your writing strengths? ooof. I genuinely do not know. maybe just. honestly dialogue??? i feel like i'm not the best at descriptions and action sequences, but i know how to write dialogue and motivations i think. not sure though. i never really think about it bc otherwise it'll just make me super self conscious haha.
What are your writing weaknesses? finding an ending for a fic. i feel like i'm very good at starting a fic, but it's always a true struggle to end it.
First fandom you wrote for? glee lmao. it's somewhere on fanfiction dot net and i refuse to look at it because i bet it sucks lmao i was like 15 so.
i shall tag: @ex0rin @stunt-lads @mcplestreet @honestlydarkprincess @tawaifeddiediaz @alkaysani @duchessonfire @buckttommy & any of my writing mutuals who might wanna do this.
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