#h;; Atlanna
legends-and-savages · 8 months
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Arthur, Aspyn, Atlanna, Diana, Drago, Mera, Onyx, and Orm all participated in the B.attle of M.anhattan. C.hiron had called each of them in. This was the first battle that A.rthur, O.rm, and D.iana fully came into their godly parenthood. A.rthur and O.rm utilized the water to advantage and D.iana her lightining.
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klbwriting · 8 months
Surface Tension
Chapter 12: Pointless
Fandom: Aquaman
Pairing: Ormxfemale!Reader
Warnings: this is just fluff
Summary: epilogue, five years later
Notes: I hope you enjoyed this little story! I hope to write another story soon, I do have another idea in mind, just need to flesh it out. comment/critique appreciated, song is 'Pointless' by Lewis Capaldi
Taglist: @hyperagitatedcydonian13 @gabrieleskywalker @philiasoul @duchcess
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I bring her coffee in the morning She brings me inner peace I take her out to fancy restaurants She takes the sadness out of me
Orm let out a breath, seeing it as it drifted into the snow-covered forest. It was getting dark soon so he better head back to the house. Everyone would be arriving soon, and he wanted some time to get ready. He piled the wood onto the sled and called for Rex to get moving. The Pyrenees barked and started walking back through the trees to their home. He unloaded the wood into the shed, grabbing a few for the fire and walked into the mudroom of the cabin. The wood went into the holder, his hat and gloves into the cubby and his coat on the hook. The dog ran deeper into the house, and he heard the joyous laugh of a baby and smiled. The mudroom led into the kitchen where Y/N was standing by the counter, decorating a cake meticulously.
“It looks and smells amazing,” Orm said, walking over and kissing her head. She took some of the frosting and made to let him lick it off her finger. He leaned in and she poked his nose with it instead, laughing.
“Your nose was red, wanted to give it a blanket,” she teased. He laughed, wiping his face and stealing the bowl of icing from her as revenge. “Orm! I cannot chase you in this condition!” she said, motioning to her stomach, just barely a bump showing. He set the bowl down again, but not before taking some and eating it. “Go see your son, get yourselves ready for the party.”
Orm headed into the living room and lifted his two-year-old son from the playpen, carrying him up the stairs. If you would have told Orm five years ago, but when he and Y/N took off from Maine in the night that he would be living in north end of Yukon Canada with a son and a daughter on the way he would he laughed. They had been so scared for the first year, moving at night, staying away from the water and major cities, not sure if Atlantians tourists would see them. They didn’t talk to anyone, dropping communication with Arthur, Aria, Atlanna, everyone. They were in Alberta, just roaming, when Y/N found out she was pregnant and they decided to find a place and settle, at least for a while.
They bought some land outside a small town and built a cabin, adding to it when they needed the room. Now it was just enough for them and their children, and Y/N even got to open another café in the town, becoming popular quickly since she was the only place to get decent coffee. Despite all their safety and happiness, they still wanted to see their family and friends again. Orm took it upon himself to get back in touch with Arthur and the others, inviting them to surprise Y/N with a birthday party. She still thought that evening was going to be just her, Orm, and Naut.
Orm put Naut, named for Y/N’s father, in the tub and helped him get cleaned up before dressing him in his pajamas. No reason for him to be uncomfortable when he was meeting new people.
“Play in your room while I get dressed ok?” Orm said, sending him off. He dressed and was just getting finished when Y/N came in.
“The cake looks great. Still don’t know why you requested so much, its just us,” she said, getting a dress on. No matter if it was just them, she still dressed up for birthdays, wanting to celebrate them as much as she could.
“That cake will be gone in the morning, and you know it, now we can enjoy it for a few more days,” he said, pulling her to him, kissing her softly. His hands drifted to rear, pulling her against him. “I know you just put the dress on…” he whispered, kissing down her neck. She giggled, pushing him back gently.
“You can rip it off me later alright?” she said, kissing him again. There was a knock. “Who…who is possibly here?” Orm shrugged and waited for her to turn before smiling. She went to get Naut, wanting him close in case whoever was at the door was a threat. Orm answered, smiling at his brother who pulled him into a hug instantly. He led them into the kitchen where Y/N waited, eyes filling with tears. Everyone filed in, Orm reuniting with his family and getting reintroduced to AJ and to Arthur’s other 2 children. Atlanna was holding one with Tom holding the other. Aria, Dean, and their child walked in after and looked at Y/N holding Naut still.
“O God, Orm procreated,” Aria said, leaning to Dean for drama. She ran over, hugging Y/N gently and looking at Naut. “He’s beautiful, so blond.”
“It’s a very strong gene that hair,” Y/N agreed. “This one will probably match.” She patted her stomach and Aria squealed. “Now, can everyone quiet down for a second?” The group looked at her. Orm smiled.
“I thought, it’s been long enough, our family should be able to see us,” he said, moving over to her. She nodded and looked at him.
“Thank you, this is great,” she said. He kissed her softly before letting Atlanna come over. Y/N gently handed Naut to her, telling him that this was his grandma. He seemed nervous but soon warmed to the queen.
“He looks just like Orm did at this age, is he trouble? Orm was trouble,” she said. Y/N nodded. Orm and Arthur stepped aside as everyone kind of sectioned off, finding food or exploring the cabin.
“I’m glad you called,” Arthur said. He watched as AJ and his other kids played with Aria’s child and Naut while Aria, Atlanna, Mera, and Y/N watched them from the couch. Tom and Dean were discussing the cabin, looking at the fireplace. “This is amazing, who knew my dick of a little brother would be capable of all this.”
“It wasn’t just me,” Orm said. “Y/N is what brought this about.” Arthur shook his head.
“It isn’t just her either. You were already doing the work, trying to be a better man. That’s why she chose you,” Arthur said. Orm nodded with a smile. He went to the stereo and turned on a song. Y/N looked up as he approached, offering her his hand.
“Care to dance?” he asked. She smiled wide and nodded, taking his hand. He pulled her close, hand to her waist, the other in her hand. “Does this make you happy?” She nodded, kissing him softly.
“Yes, this makes me happy, you make me happy.”
I make her cards on her birthday She makes me a better man I take her water when she's thirsty She takes me as I am
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seasreign · 4 years
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@xfmany​​  said    :   Atlanna smiled softly, being the mother that she was despite her son being a grown man, she gently brushed some of his hair from his face, giving a tilt of her head as she asked. ' have you ever thought about putting it up? '  / Atlanna because yes I promised :3 status    :   always  accepting  random  asks      !!!
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 arthur  smiles      ,      letting  himself  bask  in  his  mother’s  gentle  touch      .      he’d  missed  out  on  it  for  so  many  years  of  his  life      ,      thought  he  would  never  get  it  back      ,      that  he  had  all  but  completely  forgotten  what  it  was  like  to  have  her  here      ,      able  to  see  her  face  and  speak  to  her  just  feet  away  and  have  her  respond      .                                    ❝              mom      .          ❞                                    even  breathing  the  word  out      ,      as  softly  as  he  can      ,      seems  unreal      (      i  thought  you  were  dead      ,      mom      .      did  you  know      ?      )      .      thirty  years  of  it      ,      and  now      ?    
 well      ,      now  he’s  smiling  widely      ,      stepping  back  and  tilting  his  chin  up  and  reaching  to  gather  his  hair  in  his  hands      .      he  has  nothing  on  him  to  put  it  up  right  now      .      when  he  spends  more  of  his  time  beneath  the  surface  than  above      ,      he  doesn’t  feel  a  need  to  have  a  scrunchie  on  him      .                                    ❝          not  recently      .      i  feel  like      …          ❞                                    he  clicks  his  tongue      ,      amusement  tinging  his  gaze  as  he  looks  away      ,      letting  his  hair  fall  back  over  his  shoulders       :      a  gift  from  his  mother’s  genes      ,      he’s  sure  of  it      .                                    ❝          i  feel  people  take  me  seriously  when  my  hair’s  down      .      it  intimidates  them      .          ❞  he  grins  like  an  ecstatic  child      ,      returning  his  gaze  to  atlanna      .                                  ❝          do  you  think  i  should      ?          ❞
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malereaderinsert · 6 years
Second Chance - Part One
Fandom: DC - Aquaman
Pairing: Orm Marius x Male Atlantean Reader
Warnings: Discrimination and that’s it.
Word Count: 2.700
Request: Heey, can I make a request? I saw your post about Orm from Aquaman and I had this idea where the male reader is the royal consort instead of Mera. You are free to do whatever you want with that! Thxx :)
Note: My fingers slipped and this happened. Is up to you guys if I should continue with this story or not, so let me know!!
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Orm was obsessing over his brother, again. He had always blamed the man for what happened to his mother and he being a half-breed only made the matters worse. Orm's father had raised his son to hate the surface world as much as it's inhabitants. (Y/n) didn't altogether agree with his king's beliefs.
Yes they were savages who only killed and raged war upon each other, polluted their planet and murdered the childrens of the ocean for sport, but Queen Atlanna had seen good in them and (y/n) had to agree with her, they weren't entirely evil as the Atlanteans weren't entirely good either. 
(Y/n) had seen it with his own eyes what the humans are capable off. He walked through the surface world. The atlantean saw injustice, discrimination, oppression and many unspeakable things, but the more he observed the more he saw his own world reflected before him.
The world of men had good traits too. Whenever (y/n) least expected he would be treated with kindness and everlasting compassion, things that he found lacking in Atlantis.
The world of men was only misguided, if only (y/n) could make Orm see that, the imminent blood shed would be prevented. But his future husband was as stubborn as his father before him. And his mind was set on war.
That is why (y/n) offered to help his little sister, Mera. That girl was set to stop her king's crazy plan and nothing would stop her. (y/n) knew it was foolish to try convince her otherwise so he was left with no choice but to help, only if he had known what her plan was. 
She went after the half-breed to convince him of his birth right as king of Atlantis.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind Mera!?” (Y/n) had traveled with his sister to the surface so they could talk without the fear of being watched. “I agreed to whatever you were doing to keep you out of harm's way, but this has gone to far.” The (y/h/c) haired man was trembling with barely concealed anger.
“What was I supposed to do? Orm won't listen to reason (y/n), not even YOU could make him change his mind.” The waves crashing upon the rocky sides of the cliff were almost enough to swallow her last words, but (y/n) still heard them and they cut deep. 
“He is my future husband, my king. What you're doing is high treason Mera. I'm trying to keep you safe, but I won't be dragged into this mess.” 
“So now you'll act like a loyal puppy? For your “king”?” The bitter tone in his sister's voice caught the man him off guard.
“What are you talking about? Yes, OUR king.” (y/n) made a point to emphasize the word. 
“He's not my king, not since he chose you to rule at his side and not me.” The girl was barely able to hold her tears at bay. “You remember, right? When I would spend day and night telling you about how much I dreamed to become queen of Atlantis just to have you take my place in the end.” 
(Y/n) couldn't believe what he was hearing. Mera was jealous of him for taking her place as royal consort. The atlantean thought his sister's obsession with becoming queen was just a child's fantasy. 
Orm didn't chose Mera because the king was already falling for her older brother. And (y/n) being the most skillful warrior in all Atlantis just came as a plus. But his sister wouldn't want to just dethrone Orm for petty jealousy… would her? Then the real reason came to (y/n) like a lightning bolt.
“You want the half-breed to reclaim his birthright just so you can be his queen?” (y/n) saw the way his sister looked down in shame, confirming his suspicion. “You would betray everything, your people, our father and me just so you could have a crown over your head?!” Just thinking about made (y/n) churn, the ideia that his sister could be so naive and irresponsible.
“It's not just the crown. It's the power that comes with it. I could finally be what I was always meant to be.” Mera said those words with a conviction of a mad woman, hungry for power and influence.
“Saving the people of the surface world was never your priority was it? How could I be so blind. I never wanted to take your place Mera. Me and Orm fell in love with each other, that is why I accepted. You know I never wanted this responsibility.” It pained (y/n) to say the next words but he knew with who his heart and loyalty belonged to, and it wasn't to some half-breed he never met. “I thought your heart and mind were in the right place, but I was wrong. If you continue with your crazy plan I won't support you at all. You'll be on your own. And tell your friend that if he ever try to harm my king in anyway, blood will be spilled. And you know I always win. Always.”
With that (y/n) looked at his sister one last time before jumping into the ocean and making his way back to Atlantis.
That same night (y/n) found his king in their shared royal bedroom, pacing, swimming in circles to be more precise. The man had his armor off, with just a purple almost transparent robe covering his body and his blond hair was lose, floating around his head. A sight that only his Royal consort was allowed to see, a fact that (y/n) was rather proud of.
When Orm heard someone at the door he turned around briskly as if expecting a threat. His worry lines softened and a half smile puled at his lips at the sight of his soon to be king.
“(Y/n), my dearest, where were you? I've been worrying sick.” The blond was at his lover's side in a second, giving him a soft kiss in the temple that (y/n) gladly accepted and returned.
“Don't treat me like a damsel in distress my king, we both know I'm very capable of protecting myself.” Orm knew how a ruthless warrior (y/n) could be, the best in all Atlantis, but the blonde still worried. Those were troubled times and the enemy could be lurking anywhere.
“I know you can protect yourself dear, but I can shake the feeling that something bad will happen.” The worry lines were back and the man's expression became haunted. “I feel lost, like I'm drifting through the open sea, without a direction. Except when I'm with you.” The half smile was back but it was somewhat dulled by the heavy subject. “I don't know what I would do if I lost you.”
“You won't. You're stuck with me, for better or worse.” (y/n) knew better than make a promise he had no control over, but he could at least lessen a few worries that plagued the king's heart. “And in a few weeks we will be tied together by Poseidon's blessing. So you better start getting used to the idea of having to look at this beautiful face for all eternity.” That last statement definitely drew a laugh from his king, and (y/n) was glad to ease the tension Orm was under even if a little bit.
“Only you to make me laugh at a time like this.” The king finally gave a real smile, with white teeth, dimples and blue eyes full of admiration. (Y/n) couldn't look at those ocean blue eyes for long without blushing like a teenager, so he turned away at the pretence of removing his armor. “Where were you anyway. It's unlike you to arrive so late.” The king asked while helping (y/n) remove the more complicated pieces of armor.
“I was just taking a walk above sea. I missed the stars.” Technically that wasn't a lie. (Y/n) did miss the sight of the night sky, sparkling with celestial life. Below sea was beautiful, it was his home after all, but the surface had it's own beauties to. He wanted to show all of them to Orm, but he never dared to ask the blonde to go with him. And he definitely wouldn't tell his king the real reason for his late night walk.
(Y/n) could feel the hand in his shoulder freeze, then the hold became a little tighter and suddenly it was gone. Orm had turned his back, his eyes were focused on his city that could be seen through the enormous window in the far side wall.
“We already had this conversation (y/n). I don't like when you go up there. That filthy place it's not worthy of your time or your presence.” The blonde's gaze didn't move from the window so the man behind him couldn't see his face.
“Our last conversation about this subject ended with you storming off and don't speaking with me for three days.” (y/n) left the last piece of his armor float to the floor before swimming towards his king and stopping in front of him, blocking the image of the city.
“Your infatuation with that place is insane.” The man's voice raised while he tried to control his irritation at the topic.
“Insane is your hatred towards an entire race just because of ONE man.” (y/n)'s voice raised to match Orm's, that was growing increasingly upset by the second, but the (y/h/c) haired man didn't stop, he couldn't. “Your brother didn't have anything to do with your mother's death, her choices were her own and if she was here today I'm sure she would agree with me. Atlanna's only dream was to prove to our people that we can coexist with the surface world. Which is exactly the opposite of what you're trying to do. Your mother…”
“My mother is dead!” The scream caught (y/n) by surprise, shocking him to silence. Eyes wide and red. Lips trembling and bared teeth. The king was crying, but the ocean was carrying away his tears.
“Yes she's dead.” (y/n) cupped the king's face with his hands while looking directly into those ocean blue eyes. “And you had to grow up with a man that only knew hatred. You were misguided, my love. War isn't always the answer. They'll only reply with more war and then the vicious cycle will never end. And if it ends someday, the winner would only be left standing in a pile of ashes.” At some point (y/n) had started crying to. It pained him to see Orm that way, helpless.
“What can I do? It's in their blood. They will never change.” The future king could see an opportunity to show Orm that not all men were savages. He needed to show the king how humans really lived, above sea level.
“Then let me show you what I see. Let me prove to you that they deserve a chance. And if I'm not successful in changing your mind, i'll support you and your war.” (y/n) didn't dare look away from his lover's gaze. If he had any chance to stop this conflict and the rise of a new half-breed king, he needed Orm to see reason, it was the only way.
But whatever his king decided to do, (y/n) would never live his side.
“Alright my dearest, I'll give this a chance. You're the only one I trust.” (y/n) sagged with relief as he hugged his king, the man he loved.
“You won't regret this, I promise.” Orm buried his face in the crook of his soon to be king and practically melted when (y/n) begun running his fingers through his hair, in the same way his mother used to do. They stayed like this for a few minutes untill the blonde broke the silence. 
“You look like her. My mother I mean.” Orm's whispered from where his face was still hidden in his lover's neck.
“How so?” (y/n) replied quietly, fingers never stoping their ministrations on the strands of blonde hair.
“You're fierce. I mean, you know hundreds of ways to kill a man. You probably could take down an army armed only with your Trident.” (y/n) could only listen to his king, trying to understand from where all of that was coming from. “But you have a heart. You can still be compassionate and benevolent, like her. She always saw the best in people, even when no one treated her with kindness.”
“I remember. She used to say that our people grew cold hearted from the lack of sunlight. And I agreed with her, and still do.” (y/n) gently cupped Orm's cheek, causing the man to look him in the eye. “Let me show you what your mother and I believe in. There's so much beautie up there. The sun, the sky and my favorite, the stars. And so much more. I've never seen so much kindness in one place. Our people can learn from them as much as they can learn from us.” (Y/n) had such an excited expression that Orm couldn't help but mirror it. “You won't have to do anything, I'll make the preparations, but don't worry we'll take it slow, it can be pretty distressing on your first time.” The king had a devilish smile when his lover finished talking.
“Are we still talking about going to the surface right? Or are you getting second intentions, dear?” (y/n)'s only answer for a while was furrowed brows and a look of confusion, and then his eyes lit up and his entire face turned red, making the king even more amused.
“I-I didn't mean to make it sound like that. It's not that I wouldn't be happy to do THAT with you, it's just… we-we should wait untill after the blessing, n-not that… Oh Poseidon help me.” (Y/n) finally got a hold of himself and stopped talking, but he couldn't look into Orm's eyes so he focused on a very interesting bubble by his feet.
His face was burning from embarrassment, if only his father could see him now. The most ruthless warrior in all Atlantis, blushing at the prospect of making love with his king.
“My dear look at me.” The king said while guiding the man's face with a finger under his chin, ever so gentle. (Y/n) couldn't do anything but obey, he let their eyes meet and those ocean blue orbs were shining with such intense adoration that almost brought (Y/n) to tears, again. “I was just teasing. We'll have a lot of time to get to know each other after the blessing, I'm sure. There's nothing I would want more.”
(Y/n) released a water he didn't know he was holding. He wasn't afraid that his king wouldn't feel that way towards him, if Orm never wanted to have sex so be it, but it was good to feel desired. And something in the king's eyes told him he would prove his point very soon.
(Y/n) cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the last bit of embarrassment before speaking. “So if that's settled, I'll talk with Vulko tomorrow about everything we will need for the journey. I think it's best if the whole thing remains a secret, no need to cause unnecessary speculations among the people.”
“Yes, of course. I trust you to get it done, but for now I think we should get some sleep. You look ready to pass out my dear.” Orm gently guided (y/n) towards the bed while the man mumbled about the things he needed to show his King when they got to the surface.
Once (y/n) was laid in bed and almost sleeping the king joined him. Orm hugged his soon to be king close to his chest, giving him a lingering kiss in the nape of the neck. (Y/n) was the only person he trusted in this world, and if he believed the surface dwellers could be redeemed than Orm would give him a chance to prove it.
If they were truly the scum of this world, like his father told him about then they would be destroyed once and for all, and his brother with them.
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snuggly-eve · 6 years
Aquaman Review
Jason Momoa and Amber Heard were an entire God Damn meal
The fights scenes. Oh my god. Aesthetically pleasing, a masterpiece of choreography each time. The fight in Italy changed me as a person.
These madmen took 4 of the cheesiest mainstream comic costumes and made them work. How?! No one should be that sexy in skintight scales! Black Manta doesn’t look threatening in the comics, how’d they manage it here?! Why didn’t Orm look like the worlds biggest dork in that helmet!?
It was actually funny, and I regret that’s something I have to clarify for a DCEU movie.
I have Diabetes from Atlanna and Tom’s love, sen d h e l p
That entire final war was a masterpiece in every way possibly imaginable, and I fucking loved it. The crap people vs Orm and his shark monsters, Arthur popping in on tamatoa’s roided out cousin and yelling like the god damn beast he is, the second fight for the throne, all of it.
That scene where Arthur and Mera jumped off the boat into all the deep sea atlanteans was on par with no man’s land, and I will fight you on that
The fact that Arthur didn’t make Mera feel bad for screwing up whilst legitimately trying to understand surface culture was actually really sweet, and in general they actually managed to make Arthur subvert a lot of traditionally toxicly masculine tropes whilst still having biceps bigger than my head.
The whole aesthetic of this movie really put me off at first, but about two seconds of Atlantis and I was hooked.
The whole final fight had a lot of really good symbolism in it for people obsessed with it like myself, without shoving it down people who don’t care’s throats.
All in all, 10/10, best thing the DCEU has ever put out.
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
Aquaman: Nuidis Vulko [INTJ]
Functional Order: Ni-Te-Fi-Se
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Perceiving Functional Axis:
Introverted Intuition (Ni) / Extraverted Sensing (Se)
Vulko intuits early and correctly with absolute conviction that Arthur Curry, a half-breed raised by surface-dwellers, will one day be worthy to claim the throne of Atlantis and take over as its rightful king and also that Orm is not fit to lead. He takes it upon himself to train Arthur and prepare him for his eventual ascent by teaching him to use his Atlantean instinct and become a capable fighter - on land and in the sea. Vulko does what he can to postpone the inevitable conflict between Atlantis and the surface world by stalling Orm, but he can be passive and slow to act, preferring to leave the "leg work" for others. Vulko is the one to figure out the location of the lost trident of Atlan, but rather than venturing out on his own, he tries to compel Arthur to go instead. When he is eventually caught by Orm and charged with high treason, Vulko responds with passiveness and does not take action, instead waiting for Arthur to do his part and dethrone Orm. 
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Judging Functional Axis:
Extroverted Thinking (Te) / Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Vulko is a cautious chess-master and strategist and always appeals to reason over emotion. He expertly diffuses a tense situation between Orm and Nereus concerning Mera's fate by imploring Orm to reconsider his priorities. "Yes, Mera has committed treason, but our focus should be on securing an alliance with the Fishermen kingdom, not on petty vengeance or punishment." Vulko takes commitments seriously; he remains loyal to queen Atlanna even after she is sacrificed to the Trench and never loses sight of the long-term objective of doing what is best for his nation. Since he is a fairly stoic and unemotional person himself, he is sometimes frustrated by Arthur's explosive emotional responses and often berates him for them. His habit of blowing off confrontation because he doesn't want to deal with the aftermath of "messy" emotional displays jeopardizes his relationship with the then teenaged Arthur, as the latter feels Vulko deceived him by not being honest about his mother's fate; something that causes Arthur to not want anything to do with Atlantis for many years. Unlike Arthur, who is a dominant Se user and used to improvising, Vulko likes to do things safely and "in the right order" - first get the trident of Atlan, and then challenge Orm!
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
House Traits: hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play.
Though Vulko is inherently a rational individual, he remains loyal to his queen and what she stands for long past the point of what would be considered purely rational. He has an absolute view of right and wrong and holds himself and others to his lofty principles; "Arthur may be a half-breed, but he is already twice the king you'll ever be". He tries to teach Arthur patience and instill a sense of duty in him with mixed results and when this approach backfires, he engages the help of someone else (Mera) who is more receptive to his way of thinking.
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halfbrecd · 5 years
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Last Saturday they honored us In a small parade downtown. When they shot off those fireworks - I nearly hit the ground,while they smiled and cheered for us, All I could do was stare Cuz part of me is here at home but part of me is back there
Synopsis. Arthur Curry was born in Amnesty Bay, Maine to Thomas Curry and his girlfriend, Atlanna Oceania. They were a happy family until Atlanna left when Arthur was two years old - after that, Thomas raised the young boy himself. Arthur grew up happy, but often keeping to himself - the most common thing ever doing was becoming captain of the swim team in high school. It was there that he met the love of his life, Diana Prince -- highschool sweethearts they married right after they turned eighteen. Fearing he would be unable to support his wife and father financially -- and with no money for college, Arthur joined the service. Thirteen years, numerous tours of service, a bachelors in biology and three children later; Arthur has been on leave after being injured when a nearby soldier stepped on a landmine.
full name. Arthur Curry pronunciation. ARR - th - er Cer - ree nickname. Arthur, Art height. 6′5 age. 31 spoken languages. English, Maori, Spanish, Russian, Italian, German,
P H Y S I C A L C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S.
hair color. Sandy Brown eye color. Amber skin tone. natural tan body type. Mesomorph species. Human ethnicity: Polynesian / Caucasian posture. Kyphosis scars. Jagged scar across left eyebrow and down corresponding cheek. Burn scarring down left arm and milky colored left eye. tattoos. Ta Moko tattoo’s that cover his neck, arms, and torso most noticeable feature. Long thick hair, tattoos, beard, size V. A. R E C O R D diagnoses.   traumatic brain injury (TBI), a form of acquired brain injury, occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. TBI can result when the head suddenly and violently hits an object, or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue. Classification. Moderate ( Healing ) Symptoms. Concentration problems, Temporary gaps in memory, Attention problems, Slowed thinking, Difficulty finding words. Irritability, Anxiety, Depression, Mood swings. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms. flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Loss of sight. Due to trauma Arthur lost sight in his left eye. status. medical leave O C C U P A T I O N
Gunnery Sergeant ( US Marine Corps ): Arthur has been recently been put on indefenant leave after being injured on a tour of duty. Fisherman: Having been raised on the water, fishing is all he knows as a civilian.
LOVE LIFE status. married. significant other. Diana Prince  Children. 3 ( 5 year old triplets ) written by. @thxgodkillxr all else same as listed on blog
PLOTTING status. open who for? all you lovely people.
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atlantisking · 5 years
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so last time i was a complete idjit and misread the question so i’m just gonna go ahead and respond with the correct one
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A mind-blowing start from Dan Abnett, taking over from Jeff Parker who wrote the last stories in the New52 (more on him later), Abnett starts Rebirth with a bang for Aqua.man. If you read this story and you don’t feel the maddening need afterwards to punch out anyone who says anything bad about Arthur then... you need to read it again. Dealing with a secret organisation who is trying to fuel a war between Atlantis and the Surface, Arthur is racing against the clock to try and prevent it while he seems guilty in the eyes of the whole world as well. Trying to prove his and Atlantis’ innocence while also having to deal with all his hurt due to his public image and his relationship to the rest of the Justice League. It’s a story of Arthur & Mera’s race against time and against the world. 
Every time I think of that story, I just become an even bigger fan of Arthur.
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You won’t see Arthur or any of the usual Aqua Crew in this, however this brilliant arc pulls together an intriguing history of the preboot canon of Atlantis, set up as ancient documents that have been found and now were turned into comics by DC. The storytelling is incredibly smart, every single issue written from a different point of view in different points in time in Atlantis’ history, a beautiful and truthful representation how there are no absolute truths in history and how the observer’s own point of view and beliefs can change the narrative. It’s a fascinating story starting from when Atlantis was still a thriving kingdom on the surface to the point when Atlanna realises she is pregnant. As I said this is preboot, specifically 80′s/90′s canon when Arthur was from Atlantis through and through, however the history of Atlantis is so fleshed out, something reboot has never done, I do take many points from it myself.
Also, watch out for strong and at times potentially triggering themes, this is not necessarily for the weak of heart.
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The absolutely epic arc that birthed the cartoon of the same title (never seen it but heard it changes the story in many regards so boo) and also inspired some of the events of the DCEU film adaptation. In my opinion, if DCEU just went ahead and adapted this for the most part, it would’ve been a much more compelling story with a lot less cliché but Hollywood, eh? Anyway, this is the event that forces the reluctant heir to finally accept his legacy and become King of Atlantis. I love this story because you actually see a very reasonable Orm, who is a very good king and is a loving brother, supporting Arthur from the moment he turned up in Atlantis and realised he has a brother. Orm offers Arthur the throne because it’s rightfully his as the eldest son and Arthur is the one who initially refuses. These two brother don’t actually want to fight one another, however circumstances pit them against each other until they have no choice but to engage in battle.
It’s an epic story with loads of heart, it starts in Aqua.man #14 to #16 then concludes in Justice League #15 to #17 (also for some background info it’s good to read Aqua.man #0 of New52). It concludes in an epic battle and it tugs at your heart strings and there’s a very good twist there as well. I can’t recommend this story enough.
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This story incorporates classic Aqua.man elements which are the underwater adventures, discovering ancient secrets in a Indiana Jones-esque way, written by Jeff Parker and how brilliantly! (I said I'll mention him later) Suspicions arise and Arthur starts to investigate into the past of Atlantis, specifically a part that is most painful to him; the death of his mother, Atlanna. Arthur & Mera go on an epic journey to uncover the truth and the conclusion is equally heartbreaking and yet heartwarming. I know I probably have screamed about this story many many times, again, parts of it have been adapted by the DCEU, but massively changed it, so in case you don’t know which story this is, I won’t tell you what happens but there were tears for me.
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Just to show you how much DCEU Aqua.man has basically just done a megamix of the comic arcs, have this as well. It is a great story, the twist would be bigger if you didn’t know the DCEU story, it’s proper scary as well at times, it’s also the very first story in the New52, Geoff Johns open with this, and I know so many of you don’t like him for certain reasons, that’s fair enough, but you can’t tell me not to like him, sorry. He has brought back Arthur to basics and really handled it perfectly. This is a great start and also a fairly important read BEFORE you start on Throne of Atlantis. 
in conclusion...  i know that for the majority of people new52 was a step back, but if you look anywhere for best ranked aqua.man arcs, you’ll find most of new52 up there because it gave arthur a chance for a much needed restart. a lot of people know aqua.man for his asshole attitude and hook hand, but that wasn’t the case for most of his history, that was actually a deviation from his original personality (again, i’m not saying people can’t like that, i’m just saying that historically, that era tried to change a lot of things about arthur and his mythology). so new52 came in and said ‘no, we’re going back to basics, because arthur doesn’t need to be an angry asshole, he doesn’t need a hook hand to be cool. he is cool as he is’ and honestly, if you’ve ever read an aqua.man comic, you’ll know this very well, he has never not been cool, pop culture only relies on his image in super friends.
and that’s why i’m annoyed about the current arc, once again trying to make arthur edgier, but he doesn’t need that. his image was perfectly fine and ksd’s stories will never rank anywhere near the top in the history of aqua.man, they just miss that massive amount of heart, genuine love and emotion that was poured into the new52 stories and some of rebirth.
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asoftervirge · 5 years
between the salt water and the sea strands
RATING: T PAIRINGS: R. Sanders/P. Sanders (main); T. Sanders/OMC (mentioned)
FIC WARNINGS/KINKS: Deceit Sanders, Bullying/Physical Assault, talks of dying, Body Horror, Body Mutilation, Drowning FIC SUMMARY: Patton makes a deal with Deceit, a magical sea witch.
TAGLIST:  @backatthebein, @levy-the-b00kw0rm, @ierindoodles, @rosesandstuff, @notveryglittery, @patchworkofstars (if anybody else wishes to be tagged, please let me know!)
<< Chapter 3 >> Chapter 5 coming soon!
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Patton continued to follow Millicent and Remy, slowly questioning where they were taking him. But…they did say they were taking him to a mer who could help him achieve his goals of going to the World Above and being with Roman, so he decided to not question them too much, though his curiosity remained. Together, they traveled more and more into the Deep Sea, and as they did, Patton looked around and saw just how barren it is versus Atlanna.
Neither sea flowers, coral, nor seagrass grew here; it was nothing but bare, gray sand that stretched for miles and miles, feeling like it never ended. Patton could feel how dark the atmosphere was getting as Millicent and Remy lead him further and further into the Deep Sea.
Suddenly, the mer-prince let out a quiet gasp as they came across a giant skeleton that could be served as someone’s house. The giant skeleton in question looked to be that of a Narga, a legendary sea dragon of old; it was said that this beast existed many many millennia ago and was slain by the Old God of the Seven Seas. Patton had always wondered if this legend was actually true, and now he’s discovered that it is. As they got closer to the Narga skeleton, it grew eerier and darker, making Patton very tempted to leave.
Millicent and Remy noticed him freezing and looked back at him, their eyes and tails glowing due to the blackness of the Deep Sea, and their sharp teeth glistened in the bioluminescent lighting.
“Oh, what’s wrong, little guppy~?” Remy asks, his tail swishing gleefully. “You’re not…scared, are you~?”
“N-No!” Patton says quickly, internally cringing at how his voice cracked.
Millicent swims closer to him. “If you’re not scared then, come with us~” She holds a manicured hand out for him, her nails painted a bloody red that matched the rest of her body.
Patton hesitated before finally taking her hand, allowing him to be lead further into the Narga skeleton. He didn’t want to abandon his dreams because of his fears, so, he had to try and be brave.
On the seafloor was a sight that made Patton sick to his stomach and all the air leave his lungs; polypi, half-animals and half-plants, looking like serpents with a hundred heads growing out of the ground. Their branches were long, slimy arms with fingers like flexible worms, moving from root to the top, limb from limb. The mer-prince was so alarmed by what he saw that his heart beat with fear, and he very nearly turned back if not for Millicent keeping a tight grip on his hand and Remy stalking behind them.
He made sure nothing was loose or hanging off his being so that the polypi might not seize a hold of it and drag him under with them. The three kept swimming between the supple arms and fingers of the ugly polypi, Patton saw that each held in it its grasp something it had seized with its numerous little arms: the white skulls and bones of Humans who had perished at sea and had sunk down into the deep waters, oars, rudders and chests of ships were lying tightly grasped by their clinging arms.
Unbeknownst to them, Virgil followed a good distance away, trying to figure out what the two deep sea mer were going to do with Patton. The deep sea merman felt extremely guilty about what he had done back at court, telling Y’Mera what Patton had done even though it was what she assigned him to do: let her know if her eldest son does any misbehaviors. There was nothing wrong with that, but it haunted him when the Queen coldly dismissed her son and Patton ran away, so far away that now he was in the clutches of two of the most dangerous mers in the Deep Sea.
He trailed them all the way until they came to the heart (or really the lungs) of the Narga skeleton, and Millicent let go of her grip on the mer-prince, swimming behind him to where Remy is.
For a moment, Patton looked around; in the middle of the area is a large cauldron, which was kept inside of a pit underground. Directly ahead of the main entrance, is a very creepy-looking chair that was made from the jawbone of the sea dragon. The jaw throne somehow had intricate designs on it, though not nearly as nice as the designs on the throne of Atlanna, for they looked to be ancient sea runes of some kind, there also appeared to be some statues of moray eels slithering up the sides of the throne.
“H-Hello?” Patton’s voice was soft and weak but it seemed extremely loud in the quiet skeletal cave residence. He looked around, thinking that he had heard something, only to be met with nothing (except for Millicent and Remy, who were looking at him with sinister smirks). Just as he thought it was a mistake being lead here, he hears a deep, almost entrancing voice that makes him squeak in surprise.
“Oh, don’t be afraid~! Come closer, my child~” The voice commands, sending shivers down Patton’s spine. “It’s quite rude to lurk in doorways, you know~”
The merprince swims closer to where the voice was and his eyes widened in realization when he discovered who it was that would help him achieve his dreams. “Deceit…”
Deceit was a sea witch, and a very powerful one at that. Everyone knew his name, and most people assumed he was dangerous and not to be trusted. The merfolk had nicknamed him ‘Deceit’ for reasons, after all. Up until now, not once did the thought of visiting Deceit came to his mind. It seemed to make his wish a bit too desperate, but the longer he thought about it, the more his decision felt to be the right one. Deceit could help him. He was the powerful sea witch, surely he would know a way to turn him into a Human, right?
Deceit emerges from the shadows, his long tail reminiscent of that of a giant eel. While the tail ended at his waist, the black scales that decorated his tail continued upwards from both sides of his body: trailing up his hips and scatters onto parts of his chest, then they begin again at his shoulder blades before stopping and starting once more at his elbows, trailing down his forearm and to his wrists and hands. There were also scales on his neck and they crawled all the way up to his face, mainly staying on the right side. His right eye glowed an unsettling yellow, bright in the darkness of his home. His appearance was intimidating, but Patton took a deep breath and tried not to show that he was feeling inferior to the sea witch.
It was a long moment of silence, and just as Patton was about to open his mouth, Deceit spoke. “I know what you want,” was all he said. That caught the merprince off guard.
“You— You do?”
“I do.” The sea-witch nods, calling his ugly water-snakes to him by (affectionately?) calling them his little ‘little chickens,’ allowing them to crawl all over his body. He then waved a nonchalant hand, dismissing Millicent and Remy, who were still present. “I thank you two for bringing him to me, you may go now.”
The two mers nodded and began to swim away. As they reached the entrance of the skeleton, Millicent stopped, smelling a distinct smell in the air. The smell of an anxious deep sea merman. She looked around like a predator that was stalking its prey, and she essentially was, for she finally detected where the scent was coming from. Motioning Remy to follow her, they slowly crept behind a giant piece of ship wreckage, seeing Virgil hiding behind it. They could help but find it as Millicent yanked him up by his hair, causing him to let out a pained yelp.
“And what might you be doing here, Virgil?” she hisses, the spines on her back shooting up in a threatening way, signifying that she would barb him if he gave her the wrong answer.
Virgil whimpered quietly, his anxiety only increasing under their scrutinizing gaze. “I-I—”
“Look at this anxious guppy, Mill.” Remy snarls, forcing Virgil to look at him, his claws poking the skin of Virgil’s neck, not necessarily deep enough to draw blood. His fangs were bared dangerously and his pitch black, dark green eyes glaring sharply at the purple merman. “He followed us all the way here because he cares for that little prince. Aww, now isn’t that precious.” he coos sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he did so.
Virgil wanted to tear his gaze from the other merman’s, but he couldn’t due to the hand that was steeled on his neck. “L-Let me go…” he begs weakly.
Millicent snickers in his ear as Remy cackles loudly. “Oh, I’m afraid we can’t do that, little guppy.” she tells him, feigning a sad tone in her voice. “You followed us all the way here, so why would we let you go so soon?”
“Wh-What are you gonna do…?”
Remy’s snarl quickly turned into a devilish grin, making Virgil’s stomach churn. “Since you asked~…Hmm~…Since you somehow followed us all the way to Deceit’s lair— you brave little guppy— perhaps, you’re brave enough to see what the great sea witch will reward your beloved prince with~!”
Hooking their arms around the anxious merman, Millicent and Remy forced Virgil to swim with them. As they did, he struggled and tried to free himself from their grasp, when he did, however, they simply hissed at him, forcing him to swim faster, leading him all the way to the top of the skeleton. Then, Millicent shoved his head down by the hair as Remy pinned him so his back was to the other’s chest. Virgil yelped in pain again as he was forced to watch his best friend make a deal with the deceitful witch.
“It is very stupid of you—” Deceit begins. That caused Patton to frown and lower his head. “—but you shall have your way.”
Patton quickly shot his head up, a hopeful smiling on his face and a joyous glint in his eyes. “You will? Truly you will?”
Deceit smiled, no wickedness or malice behind it, nodding as his long tail curled around the room, finally coming up to stroke the merprince’s cheek. He involuntarily shied away from the sea witch’s touch, but he continued to look at Deceit as he spoke, unaware of the three mer watching the scene from above. “Roman Alexander Reyes-Sanders, yes? I personally don’t blame you for eyeing him. He seems to be quite the handsome captain, doesn’t he?” he giggled.
This caused Patton to blush lightly, confirming the sea witch’s words.
“However,” Deceit continued on, his face growing grim and somber. “It will bring you nothing but sorrow, my pretty prince. You wish to get rid of your tail and have two Human supports instead? Have the young captain fall in love with you and gain a mortal soul?”
Patton looked down again and nodded, his tail curled inwards. He feels an embarrassed blush come to his face as he became ashamed. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to come here…
Deceit then cackled. A cackle that was so loud and disgusting it caused his ‘little chickens’ to fall from his body and onto ground, laying and wriggling about. “Why, you happen to be just in time! For after sunrise tomorrow, I would not be able to help you until the end of the following year.” He partially swims over to the left of the entrance, (hanging from the one of the ribcages) is a potion cabinet, where he has all sorts of ingredients tucked away for spells. “I will prepare a draught for you, which will cause your tail to disappear and shrink to what the Humans call ‘legs.’ You must be prepared for the consequences though.”
“Consequences?” Patton echoed with a frown. “What kind of consequences?”
“You will feel a great pain, my pretty prince. Movement, which the Humans call ‘walking’, will feel as if a sword were passing through the lower half of your body. But all who see you will say that you are the loveliest little Human that they ever saw. You will move so beautifully and gracefully, no Human ‘dancer’ will ever compare; but with every step you take, it will feel as if you are walking upon sharpened knives and broken glass. If are willing to bear this, I will help you.”
“Y-Yes…I will.” The merprince said in a trembling voice, thinking of Roman and the mortal soul.
“Patton, no—” Virgil began to cry out, but his voice was quickly hushed by Millicent and Remy, who hissed and covered his mouth with their hands. (Millicent’s spines shot up again).
Deceit frowned. “Try again, child. For when you become a Human, you won’t be a merman anymore. You won’t be able to return to the sea, to your friends, to your brother or mother, or to the palace of Atlanna ever again. If you do not win Roman’s love, you will never gain the mortal soul you seek. If he falls in love, and possibly marries, another man, you will transform into sea foam on the crest of the waves.”
“I…I will do it.” Patton states boldly, his whole being becoming paler than a newborn seahorse. (Virgil tried to scream for Patton again, but Millicent and Remy hissed once more.)
“However, I will need a payment.”
“O-Oh…I have nothing to give to you.” Patton said, already making to leave, slightly disappointed. He was so close to achieving his dream yet it was still out of reach. He failed to register that he might have to make a payment. However, just as he was about to leave, he was quickly stopped by Deceit’s tail wrapped around his waist.
“Please, don’t leave! What I ask for it not mere trifle!” He forces the mer-prince to come closer to him, a clawed finger gently traces his cheek and goes down his jawline causing Patton to flinch. “You have one of the sweetest voices in the entire sea, a voice that may be from the Old Goddess herself. While you believe that you will charm the prince with its sound, I’m afraid you must give it to me; the best thing you possess I will have for the price of your legs.”
“What will be left for me if you take away my voice?”
“Why, sweetcakes, you will have your lovely form, your graceful walk, and your very expressive eyes; surely that will be enough to enchant a Human’s heart? But if all else fails, use some good ol’ body language~!” He cackles again as he does a shoulder shimmy, bumping his hip against Patton’s. He stops when he sees the hesitation in his eyes. “Well? Have you lost your courage?”
Patton frowned and absentmindedly touch his throat with his fingers. Was he really willing to give up his own voice, just so he could be with the Human of his dreams? It was a hefty price…would it be worth it? If he did succeed, he would be with his love forever, he would be able to live in the World Above forever. Surely something that big was worth his voice?
However, if he didn’t succeed, he would lose his one and only chance. Everything would be lost to him, both in Atlanna and the World Above. He would be forced to go to the crests of the waves, his beloved home, and be turned into a spirit made of sea foam. It’s an incredibly tragic fate he does not wish to have happen.  His mind went back to the two main questions; Is he willing to give up his voice? And would it be worth it?
“Go ahead.” He was determined to make the deal. He would do anything to become Human. Deceit then placed his cauldron on the fire, to prepare the magic draught.
He pricked himself on the wrist and let the black blood drop into it. The steam that rose formed into such horrible shapes that Patton couldn’t look at them without being afraid. Every time the sea witch threw something else into the cauldron— a live squid, a shark’s fin, even the illicium and esca of an anglerfish— it boiled and sounded like a dying whale. When at last, the magic draught was ready, it looked like the clearest water, shining and twinkling like a star.
“Here it is~!” Deceit cheered with a smile, looking down at the brightly-lit cauldron. “But before I give it to you, I need you to do a favor for me.”
Patton frowned as he was stopped from taking the potion. “A favor?”
“Yes. It’s just a small favor, very simple in fact.” The sea witch continued to smile, now looking up at Patton. “All I want you to do, is sing for me.”
“Sing?” The mer-prince was surprised at this. “What— What do you want me to sing?”
“Anything,” Deceit replied, his hands were held behind his back. “I just figured you would like to enjoy singing one more time before you look your voice. Go on! Sing sweetly for me, my dear~!”
Patton nodded and began to sing the first song that came to his head; the song that he had sung to the Human sea captain when he saved his life. He had always liked it because it was something he had learned from his mother, and now, because it had a connection to Roman, he loved it even more.
“Hikari e te o nobasu Kegarenaki gin no tsurugi Madoromi Omoi o tachikirite”
His voice sounded unsure and shaky, mirroring his own emotions. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about this, but it was too late to turn back now. He had made his decision, and he had to go through with it; no matter what. As he sang, he saw that Deceit kept his smile, but it felt a little more…monstrous, this time around (unlike before where it was almost pure and genuine). His glowing, yellow eye held a sharp gaze on him as he began to falter.
“Oh, don’t stop, sweet prince!” he ordered, his tail moving around sneakily. “Please, continue to sing!”
Patton nodded and complied, continuing to sing the next verse.
“Utau seihitsu Suishou yawaku hikari chirite Yami no sariyuku akatsuki Hitori omou”
Immediately after he finished the last lyric, Deceit immediately slithered forth and cut out the merprince’s tongue so that he became mute, unable to speak or sing again. Patton shrieked when he saw the eel holding a dagger in his hand, grasping his throat tightly before making the cut; his voice was now lost forever.
“Perfect,” Deceit hissed with a now-content smile, holding Patton’s tongue up for him to see. Seeing his blood floating and mixing with the water truly made him want to swim to the surface; wishing to forget and not have the image ingrained in his mind. “Consider this, an additional payment, if you will.” He then started to hiss out a spell, one that sounded dark and brooding.
Patton closed his eyes as the incantation hit him, filling his lower body with an excruciating pain. It was actually good that the sea witch had taken his voice away just moments before, for he certainly would have shrieked again if he could. He felt like his tail was slowly being torn apart with a double-bladed sword, and with every passing second, the water that he once considered his home, grew less comfortable. The saltiness of the water began to sting his eyes and he couldn’t breathe anymore.
When the pain stopped, he tried his best to swim upwards, but he felt like he couldn’t move and was simply flailing. His newly created legs were weak and hardly did anything. Patton began to panic, his baby blue eyes grew wide as he began to run out of breath and water started to fill in his lungs. Slowly slipping into unconsciousness, he hardly registered when a pair of clawed hands grabbed him and quickly pulled him to the World Above.
Witnessing his best friend nearly drown before his eyes, made Virgil understand completely why he wanted to save Roman’s life.
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legends-and-savages · 3 years
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Tag Dump
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rolodexthoughts · 6 years
Alphabet tag game
I was tagged by @mizmahlia
A-age: grew up on nicktoons
B- birthplace: Atlanna
C- current time: 1.26 p.m.
D-drink you last had: hibiscus tea
E- easiest person to talk to.: My girl Agent K or lil sis
F- favorite songs: going to keep at 5 current favs
1. Party for one by Carly Rae Jepson.
2. Runnin with the Devil by Van Halen
3. Happier by marshmello and bastille
4. What I need ft. Kehlani by Haley Kiyoko
5. I think about it all the time by John berry
G- grossest memory: changing and ileostomy bag and cleaning out a wound that it leaked into
H- horror yes or no? I like thrillers not gore.
I- in love: with my two nephews 2 and 5 wks
J-jealous of people: sometimes I get jealous but I try really hard not to it's not going to help anything
L-love at first sight or should I walk away again: I believe you can have an instant attraction but not love thought it can come soon after
M- middle name: clumsy
N- number of siblings: 2
O-one wish: that my body would get it's shit togther.
Q-question you get asked a lot? Do you ever stop talking?
S-song you last sang: cut to the feeling by Carly rae 3
T-time you woke up? 7:13
U-underwear color: blue and green
W-worst habit: having to many things
X-x-rays: I have had so many and 2 days ago I had an x-ray of my whole spine
Y-your favorite food: green bean casserole
Z- zodiac sign: Sagittarius
I tag @novemberhush @atradez
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mysoulguideme · 7 years
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appinsta · 6 years
The first trailer for DCs Aquaman is here to tease Arthur Currys origin story and the wrath of the seven seas
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It’s here! One of the most awaited trailers from Comic-Con 2018 is finally out, as Warner Bros took to San Diego Convention Center’s 6500-seater Hall H to show us our first good look at DC’s highly anticipated Aquaman movie directed by James Wan and starring Jason Momoa. Aquaman releases on December 21, and traces the origin story of the King of Atlantis who we saw for a precious few moments in last year’s Justice League movie. Seeing the new trailer for Aquaman makes us wonder why DC didn’t release this film before it misfired with Justice League. One of the biggest issues with DC’s league of superheroes last year was that film-going audiences did not relate to the characters because of a lack of origin story for a lot of them. Hopefully, Aquaman will wash off some of last year’s misfortune for DC. The trailer starts off with how a lighthouse keeper and the Queen of Atlantis, Queen Atlanna met and kindled a romance that resulted in the birth of Arthur Curry, a child as much of the land, as that of the water. As a kid, Arthur is seen being bullied for having the ability to communicate with fish. As the bullies tease young Arthur in an aquarium, a shark smacks its head against the glass to scare the bullies away. From that moment on, you know this kid will grow up to be Jason Momoa’s Aquaman with powers to control the mightiest of sea creatures. We then see a red-headed undersea queen Mera come to fetch a grown Arthur. She warns him of an impending danger and convinces him to come home to Atlantis, which we now get to see in full glory. There’s a war brewing between the sea and the surface world and Curry must stop it by taking his rightful place as King of Atlantis. Some great underwater CGI action follows in the rest of the trailer as Aquaman fights his brother Orm for the throne, lifts a submarine out from the bed of the sea, battles monsters, jumps out of a flying plane and faces the Black Manta, a bug-eyed villain who was born out of spite for Aquaman and the sea creatures. The wrath of the Seven seas is coming! Watch the complete trailer below. from Latest Technology News https://ift.tt/2uSngFx from Blogger https://ift.tt/2zYb5wZ https://ift.tt/2mADiQX
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comicsbookscasting · 5 years
Aquaman: Sting of Manta
Matt Barr as Arthur Curry/Aquaman Gemma Arterton as Mera Justin H Min as Garth Eleanor Tomlinson as Tula Chance Perdomo as Kaldur’ahm/Aqualad Jeffrey Wright as Nuidis Vulko Brad Pitt as Thomas Curry Samantha Smith as Queen Atlanna Steven Strait as Orm Marius/Ocean Master Candice King as Erin Shaw August Maturo as Tommy Shaw Sterling K Brown as David Hyde/Black Manta BD Wong as Stephen Shin Booboo Stewart as Wyynde Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Aaron Cole
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christopherross7601 · 6 years
Warner Bros. unveils the first trailers for ‘Aquaman’ and ‘Shazam’
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Today at Comic-Con, Warner Bros . gave fans a peek at the first DC Comics films post-Justice League.
Warner Bros. and DC had a bumpy 2017. There was the astonishing critical and commercial success of Wonder Woman, followed by the box office disappointment of Justice League — leading to an executive shakeup and a general rethinking of its movie strategy.
Will Aquaman, which stars Jason Momoa as the titular superhero and is due out on December 21, turn things around? Director James Wan told the Comic-Con audience that his goal is to create a movie that “plays more like a science-fiction fantasy film than a traditional super hero movie.”
Wan (who’s best-known for horror titles like Saw and The Conjuring but also directed Furious 7) previously said there’s been a long wait for the trailer because he wanted to ensure the visual effects were ready — and after watching this footage, you can see what he was talking about.
The trailer does spend some time establishing the relationships between Aquaman, his love interest Mera (Amber Heard), his mother Atlanna (Nicole Kidman) and his half-brother/rival Orm (Patrick Wilson). My real takeaway, though, is that this is going to be a spectacular, effects-filled movie with plenty of undersea action.
Then there’s Shazam!, which looks like it could be DC’s first outright comedy.
With the film’s release date (April 5, 2019) still nearly a year away, this trailer seems to focus on a few key scenes setting up the premise, with young Billy Batson (Asher Angel) gifted by a mysterious stranger with the ability to turn into a big red superhero (Zachary Levi) by just calling out the word “Shazam!” (The character was originally known as Captain Marvel, but I assume that they’ll stick with the Shazam name in the movie.)
Like Wan, director David F. Sandberg has previously helmed horror movies (specifically Lights Out and Annabelle: Creation), but the trailer makes it clear that he’s taking a light-hearted approach to the material. Despite his appearance as an invulnerable superhero, this version of Shazam is still a goofy kid.
And if you were hoping for a glimpse at Wonder Woman 1984, it sounds like the filmmakers did show off footage at Comic-Con, but they don’t have a polished trailer yet to put online.
Director Patty Jenkins said she looks at the movie as less of a sequel and more a standalone story with the same character: “We can make a whole new movie that’s as strong and unique as the first. It’s not more of anything; it’s its own thing.”
Oh, and stop reading now if you don’t want to be spoiled for a year-old movie, but if you’re wondering why Chris Pine is in 1984 when his character Steve Trevor appeared to die in the first Wonder Woman: Apparently there were no answers forthcoming during the panel.
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sizekitap · 7 years
Sakin Fısıltıların Çığlığı
Sakin Fısıltıların Çığlığı H. Elçibey Temel Cross Basım ve Yayıncılık
Düşünce İnsanlarının ruh bakımından ne kadar güçlü olduklannı herkes bilir. Tutkular üzerinde kin, kıskançlık, korku, umutsuzluk için kafa yormuşlar ve böylece onları dizginleyebilmişlerdir; tıpkı iyi bir arabacının atlanna gem vurabilmesi gibi…
Ötedenberi hoşuma giden, ruhumu ve benliğimi çepeçevre kuşatan hatta birçok defa bana yaran dokunmuş düşüncelerden biri, geçmiş ve gelecek üzerinde yürütülen fikirlerle ilgilidir.
devamı burada => https://goo.gl/HUuC7J
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