#orm x male reader
weird-addiction · 10 months
Dragons? No, yours are Wyverns.
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Pairing: House of the Dragon x Male!Reader 
Genre: neutral
Warnings: none 
In the lands of Old Valyria, almost every house was made of dragon lords. Many were dragon riders even at a young age. However, since the doom the only house remained are the Targaryens that fled to Westeros and landed on what is now Dragonstone.
But, there was another house that also survived. This house, they had the same Valyrian features of silver hair, except they had red eyes instead.
This house was more ancient than any other house within Old Valyria, rumors had it that they were the first gods that fell from the stars. 
This family were the ones that found the true dragons. True born dragons have four legs, two or more sets of wings, and are bigger than any other animal that the earth has ever seen. What the Targaryens found were an off branch of dragons that were called Wyverns. They had two legs instead of four, the front two legs were instead where its wings are, they were also smaller than actual dragons though they grow bigger with age.
The ancient family’s name has been lost to time, but there was one descendant left to continue the legacy. This boy was born before the doom, however he was still here after hundreds of years. Even years after Aegon’s conquest he was still alive. 
Y/n was his name, the dragon he commanded was one hundred times his own size. His dragon’s name was Orme, an old word for the meaning of ‘wrath’.
He was never even heard of in Targaryen history, as he still was hidden away in the ruins of Old Valyria. But soon, he decided to leave as there was nothing left, getting onto the saddle that he somehow put around Orme’s body before yelling out his command for them to take off. 
Flying west for days above the clouds, but soon they arrived in Westeros at last. They flew down to where the desert was in the south, they had landed in Dorne. Where House Martell ruled. 
The people freaked when they saw an enormous dragon land in the sands, Y/n knew that they could not risk being seen. So, they fled until they were out of sight from civilization. This was new land they were settling into, they could not risk anything. 
The rulers of house Martell had sent for King Viserys, saying that they saw a dragon land in Dorne. When the letter got to King’s Landing, Viserys was confused as none of his children’s dragons were even big enough to fly yet. Rhaenyra was too busy taking care of Joffery to even fly, Daemon was in Pentos with Laena, there was no one that could have flown. 
There was nothing he could have done as there was no information. Weeks later, he began to get more letters from all over Westeros that there was a big dragon flying around its lands. The Starks said that it may have come over the wall, the others say it was always high up in the clouds for them to see properly. 
Then, one day King’s Landing looked up and saw something above the clouds. It seemed to be circling the castle of the Red Keep. It was so high up but hard to see still, the guards could do nothing but stare. Viserys looked out his window and saw it also. This confirmed the letters that he had gotten, there was indeed another dragon out there outside of House Targaryen. 
Y/n had blended in with enough smallfolk during the nights to know everything, every corner of the realm there would be rumors about the Targaryens; the supposed blood of Old Valyria. How their dragons made them the kings they were, how there will be more dragons with the king’s new children. Back in Old Valyria, the Targaryens were only a nobel house and nothing more. But here, they were the kings that conquered the realm. 
Flying to the skies above the crownlands, finally the building of Red Keep could be seen. Orme began to fly lower, his shadow covered all of King’s Landing and his roar could be heard from miles away. They did not land but instead got close enough but then went back into the skies once more. The winds of Orme’s wings created giant wind currents as it flew off. 
Viserys ordered his guards to discover where the dragon had gone, the guards nodded as they followed throughout the city until they were led outside of the city and into a nearby forest. 
They would search for hours but would only come out empty handed. They would search for days, weeks but still nothing. But now everyone at court knew there was a dragon in the forest just outside the city, probably a wild dragon and a big one at that. No one dared to go to the forest for any reason anymore.
Months later, someone had wandered too far into the forest despite all the warnings. They had found the sleeping beast, and apparently, attempted to claim it on their own. Orme woke up of course, but he had no interest in what the person was saying. And so they burned them on the spot, along with some of the trees in the area. When Y/n came back from buying food from the city, he saw the area was scorched with flames and a corpse. He knew someone had decided to try their luck with his dragon. 
Taking to the skies of King’s Landing again, this time circling the keep again but much lower. This was the warning that no one should bother him or he would burn it down.
Viserys had no choice but to send for his brother who was on Dragonstone now being married to Rhaenyra. Daemon got the raven and soon took to the skies with Caraxes. 
A couple hours later Caraxes could be seen flying over King’s Landing and up into the sky. Daemon could not see Orme as it was up in the clouds, he commanded Caraxes to fly forward but the blood wyrm refused. A roar came through the clouds as they were met with a giant dragon, it made Caraxes look like a flea to it. 
Orme had attempted to bite Caraxes in half but Daemon moved them out of the way, they flew for a bit around the bigger dragon before he saw a saddle strapped around its body; which meant this dragon did indeed have a rider. 
“Come out and show me who you are! To have such a beast, you must be from Valyria!” Daemon yelled out, unsure if his voice could travel that far. He flew up and saw where the rider was. 
The rider looked no more than a young boy, Daemon was surprised at such a rider. “If you land your dragon, no one would get hurt.” 
Y/n did not look scared, but rather gave the look like he was looking down at Daemon, like he was unworthy to even see him. “You are a Targaryen, and yet you refuse to fight?” Was all Y/n said as he stood up upon his saddle. 
Showing the sword that was strapped to his belt, a true Valyrian blade called the Dragon’s Bane. 
“My brother, the king wishes to see you and your dragon. Would you grant him the honor of admiring your ride?” Daemon chose his words carefully as he waited for an answer.
Y/n weighed his options, it was not like they could kill Orme anyway. “Alright. But I want no attempts at my dragon, I don’t need anyone else trying to claim him. He would refuse anyway.” He whispered that last part. 
Daemon let out a sigh of relief, he flew down first on Caraxes to tell Viserys to meet them somewhere next to the Dragon Pit. Y/n then followed him down, he landed next to Caraxes outside of the Dragon Pit. Getting off of his saddle, Y/n gave his dragon a soothing pat before seeing the size difference. Caraxes can be seen getting familiar with his dragon, Orme was tired and lying on the ground. 
The sound of the wheelhouse can be heard, soon it stopped and Viserys stepped out. 
“King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm.” As they said Viserys’s titles, Y/n just rolled his eyes and looked bored.
“Your grace.” Y/n said plainly. “I was told by your brother you wanted to see my dragon. So here. Don’t get too close.” 
Viserys could only nod as he spared Daemon a glance before walking over to see Orme who had his eyes closed. “This..is your dragon?” 
“Yes. One of the last ones I have found during my time.” 
Hearing such words from the ‘youngster’, Viserys held a face of confusion. 
“What do you mean during your time?” The king asked.
“When I was younger I found him, I raised him and fed him.” Was Y/n’s answer.
“He is not the last dragon anymore. We also have dragons here.” Viserys said happily as he turned to look at the young boy.
Now that Viserys saw him properly, he realized Y/n had the silver blonde hair, but his eyes were red instead of violet. “You…are you from Valyria?” The king dared to ask.
“Is that not obvious enough? I can tell you guys were from Valyria just from one look.” He replied boredly.
Viserys could only nod as his eyes drifted back to his dragon, Orme who was still sleeping. “Our dragons have never grown this big before, well maybe Balerion.” 
Y/n let out a heavy and quick sigh before he spoke. “Yours are not dragons.” His tone was stern and harsh. His eyes have darkened.
Daemon had his hand on Dark Sister while the guard unsheathed parts of theirs as a warning. Y/n did not care, he continued to speak as he walked over to Viserys.
“Yours are not dragons. They are wyverns.” Orme woke up as Y/n walked in front of Viserys.
“My dragon can rival Balerion.” Y/n said as he had a hand on Orme’s snout.
“But since Balerion is dead, I have no competition. Isn’t that sad. No dragon in the realm can rival me.” Orme lets out a growl at his words as if agreeing with his rider.
“But our dragons-”
“Wyverns.” Y/n corrected.
“Wyverns, they were also from Old Valyria. How is it possible that they are not dragons?” Y/n could shake his head at the old king’s words.
“Like I said before, wyverns are not the same as dragons. My dragon is the last true born dragon left. Wyverns as far as I know are an off branch of the dragonic family. When the wyverns' eggs were found, they had been there for such a long time that the original dragon’s bodies had already been changed since they were in the egg. It could have been that a single dragon was deformed in some way that their eggs turned into wyverns instead.” Y/n explained.
“How do you know all this?” Daemon asked.
Y/n looked at him with a raised brow. “I asked you how you know this.” 
“I was there to see the Valyrians dig up the eggs, I was there to see it all.” 
Viserys thought for a moment before asking a single question. “How old are you?”
“I believe I am over 200 or so, I am…307 years of age as of this year.” 
His words shocked everyone, Viserys looked to Daemon as if asking if his brother knew this. The guards all looked at each other with shocked looks, some even confused.
“Well your grace, I do not know actually. Some said my family were gods that fell from the stars, some say we were cursed with immortality. Believe what you want to believe, but one thing is for sure that I am standing right in front of you.” 
Viserys paused as he thought things through before speaking. “Have you seen the doom?”
“Yes.” Y/n rolled his eyes again, as if he had heard this question before.
“If there is nothing else, I will be going.” Climbing onto the saddle again as Orme woke up fully.
“And where will you be going? You have nowhere to stay in the realm, you can stay here with us.” Viserys offered. 
“If there is nothing for me here, I will return to the ashes of my home. The ruins of Old Valyria still stand, and I bring it to its former glory. I will be the true dragon king.” 
The two Targaryens could only watch as the boy flew off on the giant dragon that is Orme, disappearing into the east, going past the Red Keep, Driftmark and Dragonstone. Back to Valyria where the old ruins lay.
Whatever secrets that Y/n held about Old Valyria would never be learned, even the secrets about his house and family will be kept with him until the end of times.
No matter how much Y/n’s secrets were worth, they would never know.
Valyria would soon have a new king, a true dragon lord.
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hc-geralt-23 · 8 months
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malereaderinsert · 5 years
Second Chance - Part One
Fandom: DC - Aquaman
Pairing: Orm Marius x Male Atlantean Reader
Warnings: Discrimination and that’s it.
Word Count: 2.700
Request: Heey, can I make a request? I saw your post about Orm from Aquaman and I had this idea where the male reader is the royal consort instead of Mera. You are free to do whatever you want with that! Thxx :)
Note: My fingers slipped and this happened. Is up to you guys if I should continue with this story or not, so let me know!!
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Orm was obsessing over his brother, again. He had always blamed the man for what happened to his mother and he being a half-breed only made the matters worse. Orm's father had raised his son to hate the surface world as much as it's inhabitants. (Y/n) didn't altogether agree with his king's beliefs.
Yes they were savages who only killed and raged war upon each other, polluted their planet and murdered the childrens of the ocean for sport, but Queen Atlanna had seen good in them and (y/n) had to agree with her, they weren't entirely evil as the Atlanteans weren't entirely good either. 
(Y/n) had seen it with his own eyes what the humans are capable off. He walked through the surface world. The atlantean saw injustice, discrimination, oppression and many unspeakable things, but the more he observed the more he saw his own world reflected before him.
The world of men had good traits too. Whenever (y/n) least expected he would be treated with kindness and everlasting compassion, things that he found lacking in Atlantis.
The world of men was only misguided, if only (y/n) could make Orm see that, the imminent blood shed would be prevented. But his future husband was as stubborn as his father before him. And his mind was set on war.
That is why (y/n) offered to help his little sister, Mera. That girl was set to stop her king's crazy plan and nothing would stop her. (y/n) knew it was foolish to try convince her otherwise so he was left with no choice but to help, only if he had known what her plan was. 
She went after the half-breed to convince him of his birth right as king of Atlantis.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind Mera!?” (Y/n) had traveled with his sister to the surface so they could talk without the fear of being watched. “I agreed to whatever you were doing to keep you out of harm's way, but this has gone to far.” The (y/h/c) haired man was trembling with barely concealed anger.
“What was I supposed to do? Orm won't listen to reason (y/n), not even YOU could make him change his mind.” The waves crashing upon the rocky sides of the cliff were almost enough to swallow her last words, but (y/n) still heard them and they cut deep. 
“He is my future husband, my king. What you're doing is high treason Mera. I'm trying to keep you safe, but I won't be dragged into this mess.” 
“So now you'll act like a loyal puppy? For your “king”?” The bitter tone in his sister's voice caught the man him off guard.
“What are you talking about? Yes, OUR king.” (y/n) made a point to emphasize the word. 
“He's not my king, not since he chose you to rule at his side and not me.” The girl was barely able to hold her tears at bay. “You remember, right? When I would spend day and night telling you about how much I dreamed to become queen of Atlantis just to have you take my place in the end.” 
(Y/n) couldn't believe what he was hearing. Mera was jealous of him for taking her place as royal consort. The atlantean thought his sister's obsession with becoming queen was just a child's fantasy. 
Orm didn't chose Mera because the king was already falling for her older brother. And (y/n) being the most skillful warrior in all Atlantis just came as a plus. But his sister wouldn't want to just dethrone Orm for petty jealousy… would her? Then the real reason came to (y/n) like a lightning bolt.
“You want the half-breed to reclaim his birthright just so you can be his queen?” (y/n) saw the way his sister looked down in shame, confirming his suspicion. “You would betray everything, your people, our father and me just so you could have a crown over your head?!” Just thinking about made (y/n) churn, the ideia that his sister could be so naive and irresponsible.
“It's not just the crown. It's the power that comes with it. I could finally be what I was always meant to be.” Mera said those words with a conviction of a mad woman, hungry for power and influence.
“Saving the people of the surface world was never your priority was it? How could I be so blind. I never wanted to take your place Mera. Me and Orm fell in love with each other, that is why I accepted. You know I never wanted this responsibility.” It pained (y/n) to say the next words but he knew with who his heart and loyalty belonged to, and it wasn't to some half-breed he never met. “I thought your heart and mind were in the right place, but I was wrong. If you continue with your crazy plan I won't support you at all. You'll be on your own. And tell your friend that if he ever try to harm my king in anyway, blood will be spilled. And you know I always win. Always.”
With that (y/n) looked at his sister one last time before jumping into the ocean and making his way back to Atlantis.
That same night (y/n) found his king in their shared royal bedroom, pacing, swimming in circles to be more precise. The man had his armor off, with just a purple almost transparent robe covering his body and his blond hair was lose, floating around his head. A sight that only his Royal consort was allowed to see, a fact that (y/n) was rather proud of.
When Orm heard someone at the door he turned around briskly as if expecting a threat. His worry lines softened and a half smile puled at his lips at the sight of his soon to be king.
“(Y/n), my dearest, where were you? I've been worrying sick.” The blond was at his lover's side in a second, giving him a soft kiss in the temple that (y/n) gladly accepted and returned.
“Don't treat me like a damsel in distress my king, we both know I'm very capable of protecting myself.” Orm knew how a ruthless warrior (y/n) could be, the best in all Atlantis, but the blonde still worried. Those were troubled times and the enemy could be lurking anywhere.
“I know you can protect yourself dear, but I can shake the feeling that something bad will happen.” The worry lines were back and the man's expression became haunted. “I feel lost, like I'm drifting through the open sea, without a direction. Except when I'm with you.” The half smile was back but it was somewhat dulled by the heavy subject. “I don't know what I would do if I lost you.”
“You won't. You're stuck with me, for better or worse.” (y/n) knew better than make a promise he had no control over, but he could at least lessen a few worries that plagued the king's heart. “And in a few weeks we will be tied together by Poseidon's blessing. So you better start getting used to the idea of having to look at this beautiful face for all eternity.” That last statement definitely drew a laugh from his king, and (y/n) was glad to ease the tension Orm was under even if a little bit.
“Only you to make me laugh at a time like this.” The king finally gave a real smile, with white teeth, dimples and blue eyes full of admiration. (Y/n) couldn't look at those ocean blue eyes for long without blushing like a teenager, so he turned away at the pretence of removing his armor. “Where were you anyway. It's unlike you to arrive so late.” The king asked while helping (y/n) remove the more complicated pieces of armor.
“I was just taking a walk above sea. I missed the stars.” Technically that wasn't a lie. (Y/n) did miss the sight of the night sky, sparkling with celestial life. Below sea was beautiful, it was his home after all, but the surface had it's own beauties to. He wanted to show all of them to Orm, but he never dared to ask the blonde to go with him. And he definitely wouldn't tell his king the real reason for his late night walk.
(Y/n) could feel the hand in his shoulder freeze, then the hold became a little tighter and suddenly it was gone. Orm had turned his back, his eyes were focused on his city that could be seen through the enormous window in the far side wall.
“We already had this conversation (y/n). I don't like when you go up there. That filthy place it's not worthy of your time or your presence.” The blonde's gaze didn't move from the window so the man behind him couldn't see his face.
“Our last conversation about this subject ended with you storming off and don't speaking with me for three days.” (y/n) left the last piece of his armor float to the floor before swimming towards his king and stopping in front of him, blocking the image of the city.
“Your infatuation with that place is insane.” The man's voice raised while he tried to control his irritation at the topic.
“Insane is your hatred towards an entire race just because of ONE man.” (y/n)'s voice raised to match Orm's, that was growing increasingly upset by the second, but the (y/h/c) haired man didn't stop, he couldn't. “Your brother didn't have anything to do with your mother's death, her choices were her own and if she was here today I'm sure she would agree with me. Atlanna's only dream was to prove to our people that we can coexist with the surface world. Which is exactly the opposite of what you're trying to do. Your mother…”
“My mother is dead!” The scream caught (y/n) by surprise, shocking him to silence. Eyes wide and red. Lips trembling and bared teeth. The king was crying, but the ocean was carrying away his tears.
“Yes she's dead.” (y/n) cupped the king's face with his hands while looking directly into those ocean blue eyes. “And you had to grow up with a man that only knew hatred. You were misguided, my love. War isn't always the answer. They'll only reply with more war and then the vicious cycle will never end. And if it ends someday, the winner would only be left standing in a pile of ashes.” At some point (y/n) had started crying to. It pained him to see Orm that way, helpless.
“What can I do? It's in their blood. They will never change.” The future king could see an opportunity to show Orm that not all men were savages. He needed to show the king how humans really lived, above sea level.
“Then let me show you what I see. Let me prove to you that they deserve a chance. And if I'm not successful in changing your mind, i'll support you and your war.” (y/n) didn't dare look away from his lover's gaze. If he had any chance to stop this conflict and the rise of a new half-breed king, he needed Orm to see reason, it was the only way.
But whatever his king decided to do, (y/n) would never live his side.
“Alright my dearest, I'll give this a chance. You're the only one I trust.” (y/n) sagged with relief as he hugged his king, the man he loved.
“You won't regret this, I promise.” Orm buried his face in the crook of his soon to be king and practically melted when (y/n) begun running his fingers through his hair, in the same way his mother used to do. They stayed like this for a few minutes untill the blonde broke the silence. 
“You look like her. My mother I mean.” Orm's whispered from where his face was still hidden in his lover's neck.
“How so?” (y/n) replied quietly, fingers never stoping their ministrations on the strands of blonde hair.
“You're fierce. I mean, you know hundreds of ways to kill a man. You probably could take down an army armed only with your Trident.” (y/n) could only listen to his king, trying to understand from where all of that was coming from. “But you have a heart. You can still be compassionate and benevolent, like her. She always saw the best in people, even when no one treated her with kindness.”
“I remember. She used to say that our people grew cold hearted from the lack of sunlight. And I agreed with her, and still do.” (y/n) gently cupped Orm's cheek, causing the man to look him in the eye. “Let me show you what your mother and I believe in. There's so much beautie up there. The sun, the sky and my favorite, the stars. And so much more. I've never seen so much kindness in one place. Our people can learn from them as much as they can learn from us.” (Y/n) had such an excited expression that Orm couldn't help but mirror it. “You won't have to do anything, I'll make the preparations, but don't worry we'll take it slow, it can be pretty distressing on your first time.” The king had a devilish smile when his lover finished talking.
“Are we still talking about going to the surface right? Or are you getting second intentions, dear?” (y/n)'s only answer for a while was furrowed brows and a look of confusion, and then his eyes lit up and his entire face turned red, making the king even more amused.
“I-I didn't mean to make it sound like that. It's not that I wouldn't be happy to do THAT with you, it's just… we-we should wait untill after the blessing, n-not that… Oh Poseidon help me.” (Y/n) finally got a hold of himself and stopped talking, but he couldn't look into Orm's eyes so he focused on a very interesting bubble by his feet.
His face was burning from embarrassment, if only his father could see him now. The most ruthless warrior in all Atlantis, blushing at the prospect of making love with his king.
“My dear look at me.” The king said while guiding the man's face with a finger under his chin, ever so gentle. (Y/n) couldn't do anything but obey, he let their eyes meet and those ocean blue orbs were shining with such intense adoration that almost brought (Y/n) to tears, again. “I was just teasing. We'll have a lot of time to get to know each other after the blessing, I'm sure. There's nothing I would want more.”
(Y/n) released a water he didn't know he was holding. He wasn't afraid that his king wouldn't feel that way towards him, if Orm never wanted to have sex so be it, but it was good to feel desired. And something in the king's eyes told him he would prove his point very soon.
(Y/n) cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the last bit of embarrassment before speaking. “So if that's settled, I'll talk with Vulko tomorrow about everything we will need for the journey. I think it's best if the whole thing remains a secret, no need to cause unnecessary speculations among the people.”
“Yes, of course. I trust you to get it done, but for now I think we should get some sleep. You look ready to pass out my dear.” Orm gently guided (y/n) towards the bed while the man mumbled about the things he needed to show his King when they got to the surface.
Once (y/n) was laid in bed and almost sleeping the king joined him. Orm hugged his soon to be king close to his chest, giving him a lingering kiss in the nape of the neck. (Y/n) was the only person he trusted in this world, and if he believed the surface dwellers could be redeemed than Orm would give him a chance to prove it.
If they were truly the scum of this world, like his father told him about then they would be destroyed once and for all, and his brother with them.
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maycat-19-142 · 2 years
Orm with a half dweller s/o
⚠️:gender neutral reader fluff a little spying maybe consider yandary but I don't know
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You are the air to the throne of one kingdom
You and orm fell in love after the war
You ran your kingdom after you parents retired
You have told him that the king was not your father
He had thought you meant the queen was unfaithful
But after a few year of dating you when to visit you father on the land
Orm found out after he saw you adviser running you kingdom
He was kinda shocked
Tbh he sent spies because he was curious
He saw you with some land friends and you father
You just like him
You spent a week on land with your family and friends
When you return you and him go out
He asked about why you hide is from him
And you just burst out laughing
"Orm darling it is public knowledge to my people" you say though laughs
"You just never noticed" you say calming down from you laugh attack
He was ok with it
If you asked him to meet you father he will be reluctant
He is ok with you being half land dweller
Just don't ask him to got up to land often
He just loves you so he cool with it
I know I've said is like 3 time
He is underrated. Have a good day and night.
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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War: Prologue (1/4) King Orm/Reader
Sorry King Orm hasn’t showed up yet, he’s coming. This really got away from me. I mean it was supposed to be a one-shot. The next part will be up tonight or tomorrow. Welcome to: War.
You're a land-dwelling god. A relic from the before times. Before the wretched humans.
Orm seeks your army: your soldiers, your weapons, you.
The day begins, the sun rises high into the sky, bright and burning; the heat inescapable as it pours over your shade-less land. Sweat drips down your forehead and pastes your thin clothing against your back.
Children run wild, red clay stains on their knees. Adults go about their trades: merchants boast bountiful harvests of fruit and wheat, butchers offer fresh meats from today's hunt, seamstresses sell fine garments.
A small girl knocks into your leg and falls onto her backside. A fond smile graces your features. “Can I help you, young one?”
The young girl stands quickly and bows, she glances up to look into your eyes, but averts her gaze. “Priestess Hera needs to speak with you” She says.
Your heart jumps, “Oh! I almost forgot” You wave to the young girl and head for the temple.
The temple in which Priestess Hera resides is one of your people's oldest. Built at the top of a sturdy hill, the temple has stood for millennia. The five deities, sculpted into the pillars that held the temple up, smile down onto your kingdom. From the bottom of the steps, the temple looks gold beneath the sun; as you reach the top, the temple appears milky yellow.
Opaque green stones line the temple floor, you follow their path. Inside the temple the walls are a wet red color, in the middle of the vast interior is a sparkling pool.
“Priestess Hera?” You call out.
Your voice echoes off the temple walls. No answer. You weren’t so late that she would believe you weren’t coming, possibly she’d just fallen asleep.
“Priestess Hera?” You tried again, louder.
“My Child” Priestess Hera says, her voice velvet smooth and coming from behind you. Her bony fingers grip your shoulder, pulling you toward the great pool.
You smile, she’d always been mischievous. Though, you hadn’t been young enough to frighten in 10 years, it was tradition for her to try.
“You’ll have to read this, my liege” Priestess Hera says.
“I’ve never been good at reading the water,” Hera shushes you and points. Water drips off the stalactites into the sparkling water below. You watch the water ripple, reading the great pool has always been a weakness of yours, not that your people could know. Though you were sure the pool wasn’t supposed to do that, wasn’t supposed to turn red like blood. Your heart picks up.
“What does it mean?”
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Atlantean Mercy.
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Well it’s here! The Sequel to my previous smut tales! In which Orm reciprocates oral! I finished this pretty early on, there may be mistakes that I will correct tomorrow but here it is! Trash.  Warnings; NSFW below the cut, not tagging because it will get deleted. So 18+ only. Excessive swearing, because I have problems with swearing. I’m from England, we swear too much. Bit of dominance/ powerplay.  Pairing; Orm X reader. Word count; 3549 GIF not mine! Requests are open. 
It had been a week since you’d given Orm oral. He’d remained relatively quiet on the subject, even after showing much eagerness to reciprocate the act. You’d told him you’d tell him in the morning, as it was quite late on and you were tired. Though, when he hadn’t asked the morning after, you presumed the lust had died down and he’d come to his senses. It wasn’t that you were against the idea of him going down on you; it was more that it was complex, and you’d had nothing but tiring experiences with it. Not that you’d ever tell Orm that. No. You’d receive the same conversation you always had; that he was an Atlantean male and therefore capable of much more. You didn’t doubt it, but it was never your cup of tea so to say. You placed the book you were reading on the side of the bedside table. Orm had been near silent all day. His nose buried in the Ipad you’d given him. He was a fast reader and always blew through books quickly; so, you’d opted to give him your tablet, in the hopes he could read more and whilst on the go. You saw him looming in the doorway, him leaning ever so gracefully against the frame, with him peering in and watching you. A small smile gracing his lips. “You okay?” You ask him. It wasn’t uncommon for him to stare, he loved watching you when you were acting natural. But he’d been silent all day, pre-occupied with reading and keeping out of your way… it made you wonder if something was bugging him. “I’m fine… I have something to ask of you though Y/N.” He quietly informed you. You sit upright and nod, patting the bed beside you. He strode towards you, each stride regal and graceful. He sat beside you and took one of your hands in his. “I’ve been reading recently. Since you didn’t tell me if what you did could be reciprocated, I took it into my own hands.” He started off, pausing to gauge your reaction to his words. You just remained silent and unmoving. You knew he was up to something, though you’d never expect him to be trailing the internet, looking for information on oral sex… it was quite an odd thought. Did he watch Porn? Was he going to ask you about it? Was he going to ask if you watched it? God, this had opened a can of worms… you prayed the payoff would be worth it. You watched as he gulped slightly. He was nervous too. Orm’s sexual prowess was, now, legendary to you. Whenever he approached something new, he made up for his lack of experience with enthusiasm and patience. “I was wondering, if you’d let me put into practise what I’ve read.” He asked you. You bit your lip. You had to admit you were curious; Orm did not half arse things and he did have a silver tongue, you’d heard him speak, and you wanted to see if that tongue could be put to… other uses. “Orm… you don’t have to do this because I gave you a blowjob.” You informed him. You didn’t want him to do this because he felt obliged. Orm shook his head and ran a thumb over your lips. A soft gesture he often did when his words escaped him. “I do not feel obliged. I want to do it, because I want to. It’s a new skill, something I’ve read can be very pleasurable to a woman. If you’re hesitant we don’t have to.” He reassured you. Though he did have a convincing argument. Orm didn’t lie to you. “As long as you’re sure…” You whisper to him. You glance into his blue eyes and see how they’ve widened. He raises your hands to his lips, planting a soft kiss to the backs of them. “A Queen deserves only the finest of things. I now count pleasure as one of them.” He whispered back. You couldn’t help but smirk a little. Up until his time on the Surface and sex with you; he had no idea that sex was more of a pleasurable and recreational activity, with it not surviving a purpose other than to please each other. “Okay… why don’t you put theory in practise then.” You tease him. His eyes widen, and he sits up straight, his hand going to tease the waistband of your pyjama shorts. “Well, you’ll need to take these off.” He confidently says. Even when it’s you that’s receiving the pleasure, his commanding tone is there, and his confidence is brimming. It makes you wonder what and how much he’s read. You quickly stand, your legs taking on a mind of their own. Pulling your panties and shorts down with ease. You step out and toss them to one side. Your hands trail up to your cropped shirt, you decide it’s better to fully strip, in a bid to get Orm to finish you off by fucking you. Your hands trail tenderly over your bare breast, gently teasing an already erect nipple. You catch Orm watching you, his blue eyes focused intently on you as you did so. His facial expression is unchanged, calculating as always, but you know on the inside he’s screaming. You know him all too well at this point. He’d never give away his emotions, because that would end the game then. You sway your hips as you lay back onto the bed. You can feel his eyes locked onto you. You have his full and undivided attention, though, when didn’t you? Positioning the pillows so you are comfortable and can get a good view of him. You had to admit, the thought of having a king in between your legs, did turn you on and make your cunt ache. You watch as Orm carefully runs a hand up each of your legs, slowly caressing each inch of flesh and worshipping it so tenderly. His eyes scan your naked form. “You’re a work of art…” He whispered, his hand sliding up your stomach. Each touch lit a fire under your skin. His fingers splayed and dipped close to your hip bones. An obvious erogenous zone for you. One that Orm used to his advantage, he could have you begging for him with just a few touches here. Though now that wasn’t his intention. He wanted to take things slow and explore your body more. You’d expertly used your mouth to make him come undone, he wanted to show you he could do the same… His other hand trails up towards your cunt, fingers gently toying with your clit. You part your legs, purely instinct drive, exposing all of you to him. All nervousness had ebbed from you and was replaced by want and need.  You let out a soft moan as two fingers circle your hole, gently rubbing against it and teasing you. You want to cry out, beg him to do something but you restrain yourself. It would go straight to Orm’s head. He loved to watch you writhe and beg underneath of him. It filled him with joy, that he could have you weak at the knees, with just a few touches. It amused him to no end, that something as simple as his fingers, could bring you so much pleasure. You felt his digits slide into you, it was not a new sensation, far from it. But each time he did it, it felt exciting and new. Electric pulses coursed through your body, allowing a soft moan to escape your lips. “Wet already… and I have yet to even use my mouth.” He whispered near your ear, leaning up whilst ensuring his fingers were knuckle deep in you. It was as boast if ever there was one. You cast your glance at him. A small smirk on his lip, cocky and pride filled. It wouldn’t be Orm if it wasn’t. “You’ve talented fingers…” You admitted. An attempt to flatter his ego, in the hopes to spur some movement. It worked, as you heard him chuckle, before feeling the digits slide in and out. Picking up a slow and painful pace; but at least you had some movement from within your aching cunt. Your eyes fluttered shut, as you focused on his fingers both inside you and on your clit. He was rubbing soft circles onto your clit. Teasing the nub, as if trying to coax you to a peak, one you were sure he would not let you reach straightaway. You could feel the tension building in your stomach. The familiar sensation of an elastic band tightening. You could almost reach out and touch your orgasm, it was there, ripe for the taking. Orm had stimulated you to the edge, and all he had to do was push you over with his hands alone. But you knew not to get your hopes up. Orm was toying with you, the way the master tactician always did. He had stated his intentions, to show you how Atlanteans could accomplish and do anything humans could do, but only a hundred times better. You therefore, did not want to reach for your orgasm or hope for it. Even though it burned painfully close. You were wrong however, as with a sudden speed up of his fingers, you felt your body writhe and jitter as your release hit you. A hand flung to your breast, in an attempt to stop your bitching and writhing. Trying to still and silence the noises escaping your pouted lips. You moaned loudly, breaking the stone-cold silence built in the room. You felt your cunt pulse and twitch around his fingers, tightening their grip, begging for him to fuck you through the waves of pleasure. You tweaked your nipple, hoping to add to the stimulation and erotic feeling that was washing over your body. You pushed your hips up to meet his thrusts, hoping to drag every last bit of pleasure from his fingers. Fucking yourself on his digits, not caring how undignified you looked. You couldn’t have given two fucks right now. Nor did you care about what lay in store for you after. Right now, you were focused on one thing and one thing alone. Which was the pleasure emitting from your cunt. As the last waves hit you and his fingers withdrew. The sinking feeling hit you. Orm, King Orm, had promised to show you what he’d learnt. He had yet to make good on that promise. He never broke his word, nor did he take proclaiming such things lightly. You prop yourself up on your elbows, your eyes meeting Orm’s dark gaze. His hand snakes up to your stomach, preventing you from sitting up. He’s planned something, whatever he’s read has got you curious. “I thought you were going to eat me out till I scream? Something the matter my King?” That was a mistake. You said it with a light-hearted laugh. It was meant to be a jest and not a challenge. But Orm, like a true King and Atlantean, did not take it as a joke. To him, you had thrown down a gauntlet, one he intended to pick up and complete. It was all going just like he had planned. He thanked every deity under the sun, that you were a cocky surface dweller at times. He smirked, leaning in, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear. “I’ll have you calling me Ocean master by the time I’m through with you. Atlantean’s don’t show mercy lightly. Especially not to a filthy surface dweller like you.” He whispered. Though his words were filled with degradation, they were spoke so softly and filled with sin. You knew he didn’t mean the latter, he loved you dearly, you were just a sucker for his authority and domination kink. A King, even as noble and dignified as Orm, had dirty secrets. Ones that would have made his coronation weep. Him fucking you, being proud of it and wishing to fuck you on his old throne; was one sort of thought that would make his courts lips furl in disgust. You felt the pressure over you disappear, watching as he retreated back. He was poised and graceful, far more so than any human male you’d ever met. He settled down in between your legs, his face showing no sign or sway of inexperience nor a lack of confidence. Orm would never reveal he had no idea what to do. It wasn’t his way. He would ensure, when met with a new challenge and task, he was well versed enough to carry it out to a high standard. Sex was no different. You felt his digits slide into your aching, over-sensitive cunt once more. The feeling sent ripples up your spine, causing a shudder to be ripped from you. Your body was begging for more, even though the sensations were overstimulating. You felt his tongue swipe up your clit, a long and wide stroke. Your back arched to the sky upon contact, as if offering your body to the gods themselves as tribute for him to continue. You moaned loud, your hands clutching at the sheets. You weren’t sure if he wanted his hair pulling and tugging. You knew it had the potential to soften and calm Orm, but also unleash a rougher and touch starved man.  A man, who you knew, could fuck you against every surface in your kitchen; if you pulled and tugged at his blonde waves just right. “O-Orm!” You manage to whine out. You feel his fingers withdraw, the pressure of his tongue dissipated as well. Leaving you panting for more. “What is my name?” He asked you. You smirked a little, your hand once more flying down to toy with your pebbled nipple. “King Orm Marius.” You stated, hoping he would accept your answer. Orm shook his head, his fingers sliding up to your clit once more to rub it. You missed the sensation of his tongue, you wanted more. He’d given you but one brief taste of what he could do. And already, you were hooked. The man knew how to push and pull you. “That may be better. But you’re speaking to a King. Is that how you would speak to one?” He asked you. “I know you know how to beg for me properly. You’ve done it so many times.” You shook your head.   “Please fuck my cunt… My King.” You whined, pinching your nipple and wiggling your hips. You wanted to entice him back to you.   “Is that really what you want? I don’t think a Surface Dweller could deal with this…” He warned you. You could sense his ego was building, a few more strokes and he’d be willing to give into what you want. You felt his fingers quicken in their pace slightly. “I’m willing to accept anything my King gives me.” You informed him. To which he bowed his head and continued to swipe at your cunt with his tongue. Each stripe sending a tingle up your spine and making your toes curl. You kept your hands curled and tangled in the sheets below. You looked down at him, noticing a smile on his face… It made you wonder what he was up to, though you’d never be able to guess. Orm kept a good face and everything came a pleasant surprise.
You felt his tongue dive into your cunt. Wriggling around and exploring your hole. You caught sight of his face, buried deep into your cunt, his arms hooked around the back of your thighs, his nails digging into your skin. You couldn’t take much more if it, your head threw itself back and your hands tangled into his hair. Gripping and pulling the strands. Orm didn’t seem to mind, he was more focused on watching you come undone. His fingers went to your clit, once more rubbing the sensitive bud. He could taste you on your tongue. You tasted far sweeter than he could ever have thought mundanely possible. The taste was almost addicting. He had fallen in love with this act, almost as much as he had at receiving. He felt deprived, all these years he had been missing out on something so sinful and pleasurable. Whilst the Surface may have invented it, it appeared that he, an Atlantean, had perfected it. With the way you were coming undone. He wasn’t even trying that hard, nor had he used some of the other techniques he’d discovered. He wasn’t going to complain however. It gave an ample opportunity for him to explore at a later date. He did decide to switch it up though, his fingers and tongue switching places. He did miss the tight pull of your cunt around his tongue, and the sweet taste of your juices dancing on his buds. But he did want to give your clit some more swipes. Especially with the way you’d first reacted. His lips slid over the sensitive nub, sucking and licking at it. His fingers worked to their usual rhythm. All the while, you bucked your hips and attempted to fuck his face. Whilst he usually wouldn’t have allowed this digression, his cock was erect and straining in his pants. This act had turned him on more than he’d expected. He didn’t mind you attempting to fuck his face, he reminded himself however, that he was still in charge and dominant. He was making you act like a whore and gods were you liking it. “Orm… I’m going to cum!” You managed to warn him. Your release once more building in the pit of your stomach. “Then cum for your King, show him how easy it is to make you come undone surface dweller.” He commanded, his tongue briefly removing itself from your clit. He returned with much fervour, making it his mission to feel your juices soak his face. Your breathing became laboured, your fingers tightened in his hair and around your breast. Your cunt was starting to clench and unclench. You were beyond close, he could feel it. With one last swipe upwards, you came undone once more, this time with more passion and power. Your whole body twitched, your toes curled and your back arched upwards more so than before. Your moans were loud, and you shook with pleasure. You fucked into his tongue, ensuring that he got every last drop of your cum. Your body was already overstimulated, and this drove you to your biting point.
When your body eventually settled, you could feel your legs shaking with the sheer power that had hit you. Never before had any man dared to venture past you having one orgasm. But Orm, Orm had pushed you to your limits and showed you the errors of the past. “That was amazing… how did you learn that from a book?” You asked him. Orm shrugged his shoulders, slowly removing himself from your warmth. Leaning back and stretching. His muscles moving and dancing as he did so. His face had a slight sheen from where you’re cum had glazed his face. He didn’t seem overly bothered, though you knew that was because you were in private. “I read it multiple times, planned how to do it and then executed it. It was not that hard.” He stated none-chalantly. As if he had merely just followed a recipe. He looked down with concern at your shaking legs, a gentle hand placing them onto the tender skin. Worry lacing his face, his own pleasure soon forgotten about. “Are you okay? You are shaking, this isn’t normal… you have never done this before.” He stated, worry had laced his tone as well. You smile and nod, allowing your head to fall back against a pillow. A small chuckle escaping your lips. “I’ve never had a multiple orgasm before- “Orm cut you off, pride replacing worry and his grip on your legs tightening. “So, I am the first to do this for you?” He asked. You prop yourself up, your body still shaky and disorientated but you manage. You nod and watch a sly smile grace his lips. “Finally, I am the first to do something for you… tell me, is it rare, for male surface dwellers to provide this?” He asked. You weren’t initially sure if he meant oral or the multiple orgasm part. You opt for answering both. “Some men like to go down on their partners, others aren’t so keen. Some women are lucky to get one orgasm let alone two.” His face beams with pride, one more thing Atlantean men are superior at in comparison to their male counterparts. “Then we should try and beat two then, my dear.” He stated. You chuckled before closing your eyes. “You Atlanteans don’t go, easy, do you?” You asked, not expecting a reply to your rhetorical question. You felt him lean over you, the warmth of his body mixing with your own. “On the contrary, we do not show mercy.” He whispered, his breath once more ghosting your ear as he nibbled at it. Shivers were sent up your spine, tonight was going to be a long night, not that you minded one bit.
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shydragonrider · 5 years
The Way You Are (Orm Marius x Reader.)
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Warnings: Insecurity, swearing.
Requested by: @my-fan-girl-life
Request: Please can I request a Orm x Reader one shot where the reader doesn’t see themselves as attractive but Orm absolutely adores them inside and out? Please and thank you 😁😊 Went to see the film today and I'm falling for Orm...hard
A/N: I am soooo sorry, this was supposed to be posted last night, but there were some technical difficulties
You frowned at the mess of your hair. Fucking ugly disaster, ‘as usual’ you thought glumly, as you attempted to drag a brush through it.
“That looks painful.” Remarked a familiar male voice. You turned, your (e/c) eyes meeting the steel blue ones of the Atlantean Prince. Embarrassment flushed your cheeks.
“Not really.” You said nonchalantly, looking down at your feet. Orm’s brow furrowed.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” He asked you, concern tinting his deep voice.
“Nothing’s wrong.” You lied. Wondering why Orm spent so much time with you, he could most certainly do better than you.
“(Y/N).” He pressed. “Why won’t you look at me?”
“Why do you hang out with me?” You blurted. “It’s not like I’m pretty, or funny, or... or...” You trailed off.
“No.” Orm said calmly. “You’re not pretty, you’re beautiful, inside and out.” He said gently. “You are funny, you are the most amazing person I have ever met (Y/N). Never doubt it again.” You just stare at him, astonished.
“You really mean that.” You gasped.
“Of course I do.” He pulled you into his arms, kissing the top of your head. “Please stop yanking out your hair, I love it the way it is.” He teases. You giggle. “(Y/N), I love you, don’t change a thing, I love you the way you are.” He murmurs.
“I love you too, Orm.” You whispered, feeling the happiest you’d felt in a long time.
@heckin-kat @my-fan-girl-life
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maycat-19-142 · 2 years
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©️copyright 2021-2023 all right go to Maycat-19-142 on tumbler please do not copy translate or edit my work.
This masterlist will not be updated because it is has 100 links. Please check 📌 post for new masterlist.
Tye longshadow:done
Peter Parker:done
Mafia deku: done
Shinsou: done
Winx: done
Shade: done
A/n: you can still request the characters/fandom in the series. Most thing in a series are Connected/same idea. All the things in that series are together. Also I can restart series if I wish.
Link Notice: Most link are just names i'm sorry about that i was still learning at the time I will not update everything because it will take forever but from like 1/19/22 on they have more details in their link names. Also series are not on separate posts because I think it is not necessary "just code it in some way so it is obviously together" is what i said. Also the link might say male or female if not it has a indicator. If it has not indicator it is gender neutral. thank you for understanding.
Fluff = ♡
Angst = ♧
Headcannons =◇
Gender neutral=¤
Fem coded= ¤¤
Male coded=¤¤
°legend of korra°
Korra birthday ♡☆¤
•young Justice•
Brion Relationship headcannon ♡◇♧¤
Tye longshadow x outsider | part 2 | part 3 ♡◇☆¤
Kiss with tye longshadow ♡☆¤
Blue Beetle headcannons ◇¤
Kalder x avatar male reader◇♡♧¤
Runaways with a hero s/o◇♡¤
°lady bug and can noir°
More luka headcannons♡¤
Marc relationship headcannons♡◇¤
Dating andrew garfield Peter Parker ◇♡○¤
Peter Parkerx spidergirl | Part 2 | part3 ♡♧☆¤
Blind date with harry Osborn♡☆¤
Otto octavius soulmate AU♡♧¤
Dating Michael morbius♡◇¤
Eternals finding out you married to druig♡♧☆¤
Itejiro toteki◇♡☆¤
super powered◇□
best jeanist♡◇
Bakugou ♡◇☆¤
Shinsou ♡¤
Shinsou image ♧☆
Shinsou image fic ♧♡○¤
Shinsou and the new girl♡☆○¤
Deku fic♧♡¤
Deku ♡◇¤
Mafia Deku end ♧◇♡¤
Todoroki ◇♧☆¤
Give them a gift kirishima and tokoyami ◇♡¤
Meeting dekus mom♡◇
Jealous headcannons with mha and hxh◇♧♡
Iida being jealous of a friend◇♡
Aizawa jealous ◇
mha as parents♡◇
Life with kalluto♡◇¤
Dating killua◇♡¤
Goodbye kurapika letter♧¤
Jealous headcannons with mha and hxh◇♧♡¤
•legion of superheros•
sun boy◇♡¤
°Moon and sun°
Dating stace from down to earth♡◇¤
Dating goth from boyfriends♡◇¤
Dating gressil from homesick◇♡♧¤
°The promised neverland°
Random headcannons ◇□
Finding norman♡◇♧¤
Being with the evil blooded♡□♧¤
•Harry potter•
Viktor Krum valentines♡◇¤
Viktor Krum x ravenclaw reader ♡¤
°Avatar the last airbender°
Rating bending types□
• Imagines•
Turing to a vampire♡♤
°Mini dabbles°
Shishida first date♡☆
The song with tsu'tey♡☆
°really random°
Dating me□◇
Orm with a half human s/o◇♡
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