#gym tunes
the-togepi-man · 1 year
Bruh metal covers of I'll Face Myself (Persona 4 boss music) make the testosterone SURGE in my body
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Sometimes, I'm sad about the hobbies I have abandoned or have been too intimidated to pick up. But... what good is it, to just beat myself up over that? My bass is sitting in the corner, patiently waiting, and so is everything else. My life isn't over, and I've got nothing to answer to. I'm wading through a sea of time, and I'll pick up the seashells that interest me, and it's okay to put one back in the sand. The current's waves will bring it back to me if that is to be destiny. I can not hate myself into productivity, so I must swim on.
I think the same can apply to anybody. It's okay if you have dropped something, such as a hobby or passion. Human beings are like that sometimes, it isn't reasonable for you to beat yourself into submission. You, too, can not hate yourself into being a well-rounded person. You must cultivate it like you would a garden - with patience, time, and care.
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orykorioart · 1 year
Raihan looking at a cactus that is shaped suspiciously like a nutsack with a 'wtf is this?' look of incredulous confusion, while Leon is in the background with his thumbs up and a big grin, like he's proud of himself for finding the ugly cactus
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Here’s a very silly comic for you!
(I do take sketch requests for raileon or raihan art in general but do be prepared that it might take weeks for me to get to it like this one lol)
Transcript under the cut in case you cant read my handwritten font
[Description and transcript:
Panel 1: Leon leans in excitedly, saying “Hey Rai! I’ve got a gift for you!”
Panel 2: Leon shows Raihan a cactus in a pot.
Panel 3: Raihan looks down at the cactus, smiling.
Panel 4: Close up of a cactus. It’s two round shapes joined together, somewhat like an upside down heart.
Panel 5: Raihan frowns, skeptical at the ‘heart’ shape.
Panel 6: Raihan asks, “Aww Lee, what’s, uh, the meaning of this gift if you don’t mind me asking?”
Panel 7: Leon responds, “It symbolizes my love for you, since it’s heart shaped!” Raihan snorts off screen.
Panel 8: Raihan puts his hand over Leon’s, accepting his gift, while saying “Oh, I thought it was balls to symbolize your hard-on for me, lol”
Leon puts one hand over his face, exasperated, “I can’t believe you thought that’s where I would go!”
There’s a small text next to Leon that says “Absolutely did think it looked like balls initially”
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acmeoop · 2 months
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What Ah Need Is Some Physical Stimulation “Gone With The Windbag” (1994)
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 2 months
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_____ used Destiny Bond! _____ is hoping to take his attacker down with him!
(Belatedly) celebrating the one-year anniversary of the 'Destiny Bond' comic with a rare, fully-illustrated piece. A bit of extra context and rambly thoughts under the cut 🫶💖💕
A little over a year ago, I posted the first part of the Destiny Bond comic, originally intended to be a one-off doodle exploring the consequences of Morty's prophetic abilities on his relationship with Eusine.
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That sketchy doodle of mine ended up being a whole narrative project spanning across a few months, before I eventually took a pause on it to focus on my mental health (having reached a low earlier in the year).
It was a daring enough project in and of itself, especially with how I had spontaneously taken it on when I was still recovering from a years-long burnout with 2D art. Though (temporarily) stopping sooner than I had hoped, I can confidently say that this little comic project of mine had helped to rekindle my love for drawing as a whole, and had further lead me to meeting some of the most wonderful people and friends in this small corner of the Pokémon fandom (whom also happen to be obsessed with these two silly guys from the GSC/HGSS games). It's a project I hold dearly to my heart, and one that I hope to revisit and continue once I feel ready to do so; as the story has yet to truly kick off (I'm not even joking we're still in the prologue technically I'm yelling /lh).
I hope to be able to share the rest of this story with you all one day, in whatever new form it'll take as. For now, I want to say thank you, from the deepest parts of my heart, for supporting this passion project of mine - and to assure you to tune in for the future of this title. 👀✨
#surprise I'm still active actually . though more on twitter these days ASKJDAHSKJDHAS#ALSO SURPRISE ACTUAL RENDERED PIECE !!!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#I fought for my life for this fr I haven't done full shading in Years but I'm honestly really really happy with how this turned out 😭💖💖💖#I'll go into more detail about the design/composition decisions here soon hehe I got really excited about including them#Though I'll save that for another time askjhdajsn for nowww I just wanted the main piece to be the focus of the post 🫶💖💕#also yes as of now the comic's up in the air as I decide how to move forward#I have A Few Ideas though I'll need to take into account my capabilities and schedule (especially with my freelancing work and college)#So stay tuned for that because I promise y'all it isn't stopping there - I have A Lot more planned for our doomed sillies 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️#I'll also be doing more studies and practice with my art in the meantime because making this opened my eyes to how much I have yet to learn#and that's like . quite terrifying SDKFJSDNFSDNS#but also really exciting !!!!! I wanna improve and build upon my skills and make even better works of these mystic sillies graaaAAAAHHHHHHH#though fr feel free to check out my twt since I'm more active there these days askjdhasnda 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️#Destiny Bond comic#pokemon#pokemon hgss#pokemon gsc#gym leader morty#morty pokemon#eusine#mystery man eusine#eusine pokemon#sacredshipping#morty x eusine#minamatsu#pokemon art#art
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tvitr · 2 years
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Character design that tells you everything you need to know about a character is great an all, but do you know what's also great? Whatever the Hell this is.
(Inspired by this post)
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At work doodlin’ DM instead of workin’
The thought bubble in the first one says “This martini is a little too good. Is Rashid wearing lingerie? Pretty sure I saw that exact set on the SavagexFenty runway last year. Damn…”
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fellhellion · 1 year
I get why people ascribe obliviousness to Peter when he’s gushing over Mayday to Miguel with the whole Daughter Trauma hanging overhead, but I also think that examining their interactions closer reveals that not to be the case.
When you take that little comical scene in conjunction with the fact that like. It’s such a quintessential spiderman trait to use humour to defuse tension, i think it’s a safe bet to claim Peter isn’t at all oblivious, but is rather trying to mitigate tension and grief.
You can even palpably feel that tension defuse in how familiarly Peter ribs Miguel about “the fate of the multiverse!” speech and the joke abt how it makes Peter’s brain turn off. And it doesn’t incite any anger because a) Miguel knows Peter knows the true weight of what they do, and thus the referral to him in the canon event discussion scene. And b) there’s enough familiarity between them for me to hazard a guess that they know what would be crossing a boundary and actually hurt. Multiverse mission jokes aren’t off the table, so why would Mayday be?
And like. You look at how Peter gushes lovingly about how rejuvenating it is to hold Mayday and then wouldn’t you know it she’s climbing all over the dude nursing a mountain of grief and guilt. The way he tries to facilitate little interactions between his daughter and friend. It reads like a well intentioned attempt to ease some of that pain.
What Peter is ignoring are like. the warning signs of deep emotional instability in Miguel and I think even that is contextualised by how recent the whole universe collapse trauma even is (and thus what they’re willing to excuse in their friend) and how pretty much everyone at this point sincerely believes Miles’s interference in canon events could damage his universe. So they’d perceive Miguel’s anger as an overreaction perhaps, but not truly dangerous until it’s too late on the train.
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doyoueverwonderwhy · 4 months
So. Went for a swim this morning. Technically covered the distance I would need to for that triathlon! Which is a really good start!
It was also not in the right stroke most of the time, I took breaks after each length of the pool, and it was generally a struggle. But. That's what training is for. 😁
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The theme song to "My Gym Partner's A Monkey"
One must consider when crafting a theme song that it needs to truly set a show up, and has it ever been done better than in the CN classic My Gym Partner's a Monkey?
I used to go to a human school, where everyone was the same. But, now I go to an animal school, cuz Lyon's my last name.
Thus speaks Adam Lyon, are charming and charismatic protagonist. He delivers the premise to the show in such a succinct and yet incredibly detailed way; we truly get a feeling for the sort of world he inhabits based on these opening lines alone.
But then the entire song is pulled down by this exchange:
Bullshark, porcupine, I don't know what. Going to this school's a pain in the - Adam! What? I was gunna say "neck". Oh, well that's okay then.
Obviously, the clear rhyme choice here would be "butt." But for some reason, Jake Spidermonkey, known ass enthusiast, interrupts the song (or should I say "butts in") to keep the lyrics clean? After the first lines went to such great lengths to establish the tone and setting, it's genuinely depressing to see this blatant character ASS-assination of Jake. He would not fucking say that.
Anyway they say "monkey" 21 times in the course of forty seconds so I give it a 2.5/5.
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applecherry108 · 8 months
Possibly the biggest motivation I’ve ever received to do my fucking laundry is that, today, I’m wearing a dress bc I’m out of shirts. The consequence? Uber driver hit on me. -_-
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 5 months
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Wow guys pokemas' photo mode goes crazyyy
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a full view of these precious sillies 🥺🫶💕💕💕
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erenjaegerb0mbs · 4 months
Talk about your feelings? I'm going pitch black
Talk about my feelings? I don't wanna, fuck that
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the-fluffiest-trainer · 2 months
[A video is attached, filmed by Twilight directly this time instead of one of her pokemon. Fluttershy faces off against the dark-type gym leader at opposite ends of an oval arena marked out on the pitch black floor by rising wisps of glowing white smoke, not dissimilar to those framing the humanoid apparitions in the maze. Arden stands next to her, very faintly illuminating the walls of the building in the distance with the flames from her staff.]
Thou emergest unconquered from the abyss! Yet congratulations still are premature, for this was but the first trial.
I'm ready to battle. Bring out your first pokemon.
[Fluttershy's voice is low and without much inflection, and she stares straight ahead across the field at her opponent Donn, without breaking eye contact even for a second. She is visibly Tired Of This Shit.]
Very well then. Nort, begin!
[Donn opens a pokeball, and out comes a corviknight. The bird is twice the height of its trainer and dominates the battlefield. Behind the camera, Twilight mutters softly to herself.]
That's a... I didn't think they were dark type. What's going on here?
[Fluttershy puts away the pokeball she was holding, and simply nods to Arden to go ahead.]
Arden here is already out. She'll lead.
Kaathe protect me, why is it always fire... Nort, deal with this one quickly. Night slash!
[The corviknight swoops toward Arden with talons outstretched... and the delphox reels back before her attacker even appears to make contact. The attack seems to have hit a weak point in her defense, likely due to surprise.]
It's an illusion! That's not a real corviknight!
[Arden retaliates with a fire spin, shattering the illusion to reveal a zoroark beneath, now on fire.]
Again. Quench this fire.
[The second hit does not appear to be critical, due to the zoroark Nort's loss of their cover of illusion, but it is enough. Twilight focuses the camera on Arden as she collapses, and Fluttershy returns the pokemon to her ball and brings out Talia the gardevoir.]
[The camera returns to viewing the field as a whole – and now, Donn is holding a staff of gnarled gray-black wood, taller than they are, as if it had always been there. They stand off to the side of their end of the field, hardly moving a muscle as they lean on the staff and observe.]
Even now, there are only embers, and man sees not light, but only endless nights...
Nort, return. Velkotaq will handle this.
[Donn swaps out the zoroark for... an actual corviknight. Maybe. It could be a second zoroark?]
If that's real, Talia, you won't do much to it directly. Just stop it from hitting you.
[Talia creates illusory duplicates of herself around the battlefield. She then attempts a hypnosis on the corviknight, which fails to put it to sleep, but the incoming steel wing attack also misses, striking through one of the copies instead.]
[Talia uses a Wish, then calls out something unintelligible to anyone besides Fluttershy.]
Understood, come on back! Keseph, you're up!
[Velkotaq sends another steel wing, leaving the amaura reeling but still on her feet. Keseph shoots a beam of freezing energy, encasing the bird in a coating of ice, and then Talia's wish kicks in and releases its healing power. The corviknight struggles, breaking out of the ice but unable to launch an assault, and Keseph takes it down with a howl of ancient power.]
Hm. Lozcar.
[A malamar is sent out next. Donn gives it a small capsule with a pale blue lid, and it pops the top off and eats something from inside, even though taking the time to do so allows Keseph an opportunity to hit it with an aurora beam.]
Nice shot, Keseph! One more!
Hey, Twilight, did you see what kind of item that was?
[Before Keseph can attack again, Lozcar dashes forward with an all-out assault using both tentacles and even many of the arms at its top. Fluttershy audibly gasps at the speed and ferocity, realizing quickly that this is a total reversal of the tide of battle. Seconds later, she recaptures the unconscious amaura in her ball and sends out another pokemon.]
Osha! Sing that song that knocked me out when we first met.
[The absol isn't fast enough. She barely gets two notes out before the malamar's tentacles wrap around her throat, and while Osha weathers the attack better than the amaura before her, it is still highly effective. Osha goes down, and Fluttershy sends out Talia again in her place.]
Quick! Dazzle it!
[Talia lets out a bright flash of light, causing the malamar to reel back with a tentacle over its eyes. However, Lozcar then closes the distance for payback.]
Excellent, Lozcar. Like the deathless champions of Carim, bedecked in tearstones. Return, for now. Thy time may yet come.
[The barely-standing malamar is taken off the field, and out comes Nort the zoroark again, not even under cover of illusion. They send a series of furious swipes at Talia, who manages to release another dazzling gleam as she falls, taking out her opponent with her.]
[Fluttershy sends out her last pokemon: Muffin the skitty. The gym leader also picks up their last unused pokeball. When they click it open, nothing appears to happen... except that at the same time, smoke begins swirling in from the shadowy edges of the room. The smoke coalesces into a small figure on Donn's side of the battlefield, like a living candle, and two pure white flame-like eyes open to face down its opponent.]
What in the world is that? I've never seen such a pokemon before...
I don't know either... Muffin, just do your best, okay? You've got this!
[Muffin pounces at the shadowy pokemon, but her attempted tackle sends her straight through it without any effect. The figure of living smoke, whatever it is, punches in retaliation... and also does nothing at all. This continues through all of Muffin's tail whips and furious claw strikes, and the punches thrown from both the opponent and the faint shadow it casts upon the dark floor, until both pokemon back off and just stare at each other, awaiting prompts from their trainers.]
Marshadow, as much as it doth pain me to suggest... perhaps fire would be useful.
Muffin, payback!
[Marshadow's eyes, already like tiny candle flames, turn orange. One fist also lights up as Muffin braces herself, and then just as the fire punch connects, the skitty's teeth sink into the solidified smoke and she twists to yank her assailant off balance.]
[Both pokemon are able to hurt the other now, though Muffin is careful to always hang back and let Marshadow attack first. Neither's moves are particularly effective against the other, but they both weaken... and the strange, smoky pokemon is more durable.]
Come on, Muffin, you can do this! Hang in there! Just one more, okay?
[Muffin looks back at her trainer and, somewhat wobbly on her feet, stays up and faces Marshadow one more time. She lets out a piercing, disarming cry, so emotionally compromising that it causes actual damage, and the other pokemon claps its hands to its semi-corporeal ears and disappears back into a puff of smoke.]
[Donn snaps a pokeball closed on a wisp of smoke to capture it, and sends out the severely injured malamar for a final stand.]
Finish this. The cat is weak; the touch of a feather would blow it away. But thy reversal is at its absolute strongest, with the advantage of type thereupon. And in a battle without limits, there is no victory but utter annihilation. Lozcar–
[Muffin charges at the malamar and performs a wild, reckless tackle. She catches it off guard before it can send its own strangling assault, and the impact sends the malamar skidding to the edge of the marked battlefield, unconscious. But effective as it is, the attack is a double edged sword, and Muffin too goes crashing down to one side, the last of her energy spent.]
[The camera pans between the two trainers, both out of pokemon, each silently staring at the other as they collect their fallen teammates. Finally, behind the camera, Twilight speaks up.]
Wow, great job, both of you! I don't think I've ever seen a tie before! That was amazing to watch, really!
That was... much harder than any gym battle I've had up to this point. I guess all of them were holding back, at least a little.
Good practice for the elite four and the Champion, then! Your team will have to go all out to challenge them.
I don't think that's happening any time soon... but someday, maybe. We can think about that when I have eight badges.
I know this gym isn't official, but I think you deserve a badge for that performance. The other team was great too, and I loved that weird candle-smoke pokemon. I'm going to ask what–
[The camera turns to the far side of the room again, but the room is empty. There is nothing but the deep blackness of the floor and walls, faintly lit by the oval of white light marking out the boundary of the field.]
Huh. Where'd they go?
[Video ends.]
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vaugarde · 10 months
me: oh i gotta finish my novella and work more on my pmd fic and world and also work on that wc rewrite loose outline and oh i wanna get back to my sonic one eventually
also me: omg what if i made an anthro pokemon world based on the main series but the main gym leaders and protags are all replaced by their pokemon (not to be confused with pmd, this is just the main series but the humans are gone)
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kentosbutterfly · 3 months
Not sure if anyone see this but I went to the gym today walked over to the free weights pass the 10 lb (4.5 ish kilos) dumbbells and every single one of the guys there just had their mouths wide open 😭
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