#gwen is obviously hufflepuff
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quotidian-oblivion · 8 months ago
All the knights of Camelot are Gryffindor.
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yourfavecharacterisqueer · 5 months ago
whoever first said that the main merlin four represent the hogwarts houses, i love you so much.
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rose2jam · 4 years ago
Dream Sequence - Act 1, Scene 6, Wasting Time
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Ship: Severus Snape x Reader/OC
Story Summary: Your name is Gwendolyn Goode. You’re a bright Hufflepuff with a knack for potions, and this is the story of how an understanding and trust between yourself and Professor Severus Snape slowly evolves over the years into mentorship, friendship, and eventual romance.
Scene Summary: 6th year. A botched up trip to Hogsmeade finds you and Snape trapped by the rain in the Hog’s Head. You take the opportunity to to speak candidly with your professor. "Wasting Time" by ALEX and Kendall Miles
Length: 7,116
Rating: T
Warnings: Uhhh
 Student still pining for teacher.
Notes: About a quarter of the way through writing this, my computer crashed with a Blue Screen of Death and I lost a great deal of material because my word processor’s auto-save was set to every 30 minutes. That’s why this scene is pretty late, and why it’s maybe not my best work. It was pretty discouraging.
Also, there are a handful of cameos from various media I’m a fan of in this scene. Let me know if you spot them!
Master List
First Scene
<== Last Scene
Next Scene ==>
You had emphatically told your friends that you were not interested in going out to Hogsmeade this weekend.  You had your reasons; very good ones, in fact!  But none of your girlfriends were willing to hear of it.  ‘It’s the final trip of the year!  The last chance to have some fun before exams! You can’t keep hiding in the dungeons Gwendolyn; you need to get out!’  Ugh. You would have been much better off just staying in the dungeons; your current surroundings were about as brightly lit anyway.
You had eventually submitted to the wheedling of your girlfriends, but you warned them that you weren’t going to be happy about it.  Which was a mistake, because they did everything within their power to try and force you to be happy.  They dragged you to each and every shop, made a reservation for the whole group at Madam Puddifoot’s for later in the afternoon, and insisted that you at least try on a set of emerald green dress robes while in Gladrags.  The darkening clouds in the sky overhead reflected your own stormy mood.  All the while, you kept a defiant scowl firmly on your face (“Gwen, you’ve really got to stop spending so much time down there.  You’re picking up his facial expressions.”).  And while you had managed a bit of a smile inside of Honeydukes, your arms laden with a sack full of licorice wands, pepper imps and coconut ice, the moments between shops were spent constantly looking over your shoulder, keeping an eye out for those very good reasons you had for not wanting to leave the castle.
Joshua DeJarnette really had it out for you this week.  You had successfully (and quite accidentally) made a fool of him in Defense Against the Dark Arts, when you’d been caught up in the chain of people passing a note from one side of the room to the other.  Professor Rakepick had noticed the note just as the folded square of paper had landed in front of you.  She had instructed you to stand up and read it out loud to the class, perhaps intending to teach you a lesson about breaking the rules.  However, the note had obviously not been meant for you.  In fact, it rapidly became clear that this was not meant to be read by anyone, except for its intended.
Because it had been poetry. Love poetry.  Written by DeJarnette.  Its recipient, a Slytherin girl by the name of Erica Velazquez, had flushed dark red when you began reading, and you followed suit the further down the note you got.  Professor Rakepick, quite pink in the face herself, had stopped you about midway and snatched the piece of paper from your hands, saying she would handle it herself. As you sat back down in your chair, you could feel seething hatred radiating towards you from the back row of desks.  DeJarnette and Velazquez had been held back after class, and by the grace of this alone were you able to escape before DeJarnette could seek retribution.  You had managed to avoid him for three days now, but your time was running short.  You were prepared for the fact you would have to see him in Charms the following week; at least Professor Flitwick wouldn’t allow any fighting in his classroom.  But you weren’t prepared for a possible ambush in Hogsmeade.
And speaking of ambushes, your other reason for wanting to avoid Hogsmeade all together this weekend had become quite adept at the art. For the last three semesters, Lawrence Hollingsworth had been cornering you at every available opportunity, to ask you what you were doing on any given night or afternoon or weekend or literally any time he could find an excuse to try and be alone with you.  Lawrence had been remarkably understanding last year, when you had told him that you weren’t interested in dating because you needed to concentrate on your O.W.L.’s.  He’d wholeheartedly agreed, had even volunteered to help you out with your Transfiguration and Charms, like a form of compensation for all the help you’d given him in Potions.  You’d accepted, and through your joint efforts of intensive study, you had gotten an Exceeds Expectations in Charms, letting you advance to the N.E.W.T. course, and had scraped by with an Acceptable in Transfiguration, which was all you really could have hoped for.
But now O.W.L.’s were over, and it would be another whole year before you’d have to take your N.E.W.T.’s. Which apparently, to Lawrence, meant that you had plenty of time to consider dating him now.  It had become nightmarish, really.  You’d wanted so desperately to just hang on to your platonic friendship with him, but now he was becoming a real nuisance.  If you were alone, anywhere, for even a couple of minutes, he somehow always managed to turn up and find you.  It was innocent enough at first.  Sidling up to you in the library to do homework together?  Typical, even welcome.  Picking the spot across from you at the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall during meals? Not unusual, though now it had become every meal.  Plopping himself onto the couch beside you in the common room, even if someone else was already sitting there?  That’s when his advances started to get a little annoying.  But it had been when he was waiting for you outside of the girl’s lavatory one afternoon that you had to draw the line and take matters into your own hands.
That was when you started stealing away into the Potions classroom in the evenings.  Snape had barely even questioned you when you showed up one night after dinner, practically begging him for a quiet place to do your homework.  And surprisingly (or maybe not at all surprising), he allowed it, letting you sequester one of the worktables for yourself after classes had ended for the day.  It was a perfect arrangement, really; the dungeon was always cool and quiet. No one ever voluntarily entered the Potions classroom if they didn’t have to.  And even if one of your oppressors found out where you were hiding, Snape was almost always there.  Aside from the protection this offered you from bullies and not-boyfriends, it also provided an endless font of academic tutelage.  If Snape was in a good mood (and he usually was, when classes were over, and it was just the two of you
) he was usually amenable to helping you with your studies.  Answering questions, giving advice on improving your spell work, even proofreading essays, if he didn’t have anything better to do.  And even if he wasn’t around to aid you, the fact that he still trusted you, alone in his classroom while he wasn’t there, spoke volumes of his confidence in you.  
But Snape wasn’t here to protect you from your tormentors now.  No, when you and your friends had exited Honeydukes, making your way up High Street to meet your reservations at Madam Puddifoot’s, you had seen them.  Both of them.  DeJarnette and Velazquez were standing outside of Scrivenshaft’s, Velazquez admiring the peacock quills through the front window, holding on to her boyfriend’s arm, while DeJarnette was very obviously scanning the street, like he was looking for something, or someone, in particular.  And just as you were turning around to sneak away from your friends in the other direction, you saw Lawrence exit Zonko’s, smiling and laughing, surrounded by his mates, but also distractedly skimming the crowds.  And you knew there would be no chance of just hiding amongst your girlfriends; you were about 5 inches taller than the rest of them after a nice summer growth spurt last year, your wild blonde hair making you stand out like a dandelion in a field of neatly trimmed grass.
In a fit of panic, you made a break for it.  Detaching yourself from your group of friends, you slinked (skulked!!) down the nearest side street, disappearing around the corner and hopefully out of view, praying that no one had spotted your daring escape.  You had thought this was the street that led to Madam Puddifoot’s, planning on just slipping into the little cafĂ© and securing the table for you and your friends ahead of their arrival.  But your sense of direction must have been lost in your panic, because you found yourself instead in a dark, shadowy alley, surrounded by decrepit, boarded up buildings, a dubious looking potions shop, and a seedy bar and inn with a sign proudly displaying the bloody, severed head of a pig.  You had the presence of mind to at least be weary of your surroundings, fingering the hard edge of your wand through your bag. You had been considering the merits of doubling back, searching the streets in hopes that your friends were still nearby, or your adversaries had moved along.   But a sudden rumble of thunder overhead had made your decision for you, and you scampered into the nearest doorway at the first thud of a rain drop onto your cheek.
And that is how you found yourself in the Hog’s Head, seated at a teeny, tiny table near the window, listening to the heavy rain pelt against the dingy glass.  Nursing a lukewarm butterbeer (which you had insisted you would rather just have straight from the bottle, no need for a mug, thanks), you were doing the only thing worth doing in a dodgy bar on the wrong side of town with no one to talk to; drawing the natives.  Not in any extreme detail, of course.  You saved that for plants and mushrooms, typically. But several pages of your black velvet sketch book were dedicated exclusively to tiny, cartoonish caricatures, usually of your professors, though you thought you might commit a page or two to the fascinating inhabitants of the Hog’s Head.  You’d already sketched out two; the gruff looking bartender, with his dirty rag and dirtier beer mugs, as well as a very skinny older man seated at the bar, who was sporting a pencil thin moustache and wearing a hideous plaid suit that looked to be intentionally splattered with mustard stains, a flimsy paper crown perched on his balding head.  Had you known you would be spending the remainder of your day in the presence of such royalty, you would have worn something nicer than denim shorts and a ringer tee.
 certainly wasn’t how you’d expected your day to go.  It felt like coming to Hogsmeade had been a huge waste of time.  Granted, it could have gone much, much worse.  You could be stuck at Madam Puddifoot’s, for one.  The place was lovely, no doubt, with its delicate little cakes and tea sandwiches.  But food that small shouldn’t be so expensive.  And if you and your girls had all gotten stuck there from the rain, you would have been forced to keep buying things so as not to get kicked out.  There was also the chance that DeJarnette and his girlfriend may have shown up for a romantic afternoon.  Or Lawrence could have heard where you all had gone for lunch and came sprinting in.  Perhaps going down the wrong street had been a blessing in disguise.  And
 well.  The Hog’s Head wasn’t so bad.  Kind of cozy, actually, with its dim lighting, small quarters, and quiet but curious clientele.  
 Maybe you were spending too much time in the dungeons.
You were contemplating who to commit to paper next.  There was the austere looking old witch in the blue gown taking up one of the nearby booths, her long silver hair pulled up into a severe bun, her red taloned fingers gleaming with great big rings.  She also had a massive wart right between her blue shadowed eyes, topping off her beak-like nose.  Then there was the pale young man seated in the corner booth, with the dark red curls and the steely grey-blue eyes.  Er
 Eye. He was actually fairly attractive for being in a place like this, but he was also dressed like a pirate, with an eyepatch and everything.  The only thing missing was the parrot, which he had apparently substituted for a raven instead.  
You were contemplating whether or not ravens could be considered seafaring birds, when a dark shadow crossed into your peripheral vision.  Starting with sudden fright, you saw a hooded figure standing outside the window, right beside where you were seated.  The distortion of the wet glass, as well as the shadow cast by the hood of the strangers traveling cloak, made it so that you could not distinguish any particular features.  But you got the distinct impression they were staring through the window at you.  You felt your mouth go dry, and just as the figure turned away, making its way toward the door, you plunged your hand into your bag and seized your wand.  You were absolutely certain it was DeJarnette, that he’d found you and was about to corner you in this nasty little bar where no one was going to come to your aid and everyone would turn a blind eye as he hexed you into oblivion and-
The door to the pub creaked opened, the sound of torrential rain pounding onto the cobble stones outside filling the small space with static noise.  You held your breath, wand at the ready to defend yourself, poised on the edge of your seat to spring into action at any moment.  But DeJarnette took his time coming in, slowly shutting the door behind him.  He then turned his back to you (was he stupid??) and made a show of dramatically whipping off his cloak, hanging the sopping raiment onto the coat rack by the door.  And your body crumpled with equal parts relief and aggravation. Because it wasn’t DeJarnette at all.
Snape looked a bit like a drowned rat after coming out of the rain.  Though his cloak was surely charmed against the elements, the hair around his face was stringy, clinging to his damp cheeks and forehead, his shirtsleeves and trousers drenched around the cuffs.  Under one arm he held a paper sack that looked on the verge of losing its structural integrity, the stamp on the side baring the name of the dingy potions shop you’d passed on the way in.  
As you slumped back into your chair, dropping your wand to the table with a clatter, you realized that Snape’s attention wasn’t actually on you.  Not that you were disappointed by that or anything but
 you rather thought you had been the reason he’d come in.  But no, Snape was decidedly not looking at you.  Instead, he was facing the bar, with his jaw clenched and his eyes wary, like he was debating turning right back around and leaving.  That in itself was disquieting, and you followed his line of sight to the bartender, who was glaring at Snape so lividly that you actually feared he was about to throw the Professor out.
But Snape would not be intimidated, it seemed, as he determinedly made his way over to your table and set his bag down with a thud, its contents rattling together with a tinkle of glass.  He then pulled out the empty chair and settled himself into it, though he still wasn’t looking at you.  His eyes were closed, as though he was attempting to avoid eye contact with anyone else in the bar.  You could see a vein pulsating in his temple.  When he finally spoke, his voice was dangerously quiet, low enough that you had to lean in closer to hear.  “Miss Goode, what in the world are you doing here of all places?”
You openly gaped at him, your face hardening in indignation as you were affronted by his words. “Me?  What about you! You scared the shi-” you paused, face going scarlet as he finally did look up at you then, his signature brow arched, a reluctant smirk tugging at his lips.  You crossed your arms over your chest and sank further into your chair, looking quite put out.  “You frightened me.  Lurking outside the window like that.”
“Was I lurking?” he asked innocently, finally straightening up as he pushed his lank hair out of his face, glancing about the bar, still with an air of trepidation.  For the first time since you’ve known him, he actually appeared genuinely anxious.  And that made you feel anxious.  He was one of the most brilliant wizards you knew; what in the world did he have to be frightened of?
“I’m sorry, did I say lurking?”  You sat up as well, trying to appear calmer than you felt as you placed your elbows against the table and leaned in closer.  “Because what I meant to say was skulking.”  
That did its job, as Snape buried is face in one hand, hiding his snort of laughter from both you and the other patrons.  But you felt the tension around him, around you both, begin to ease.  You settled your cheek into one of your hands, watching him fondly as he composed himself.  This was a rather unique situation for the pair of you.  While you’d spent many evenings in the Potions classroom these last few weeks, doing your homework and studying for exams, it had always held a purely academic atmosphere.  Sometimes you talked about things other than just school, but those times were rare, and ultimately came back around to your studies.  Right now, though
 It felt like two friends meeting for a drink.  You bit your bottom lip as you watched Snape school his features back into calm and collected impassivity, but glanced away quickly when he returned his eyes to you.
“Baseless accusation. I was neither lurking, nor skulking.” He’d settled back into his chair, one hand propped on his crossed knee while the other thrummed idly against the small wooden table top.  You arched a brow incredulously, which you were getting quite good at, as you were learning from the best.  But of course, he matched it and surpassed it, waving his hand dismissively in your direction. “I was observing.”
You absolutely could not have stopped your grin if you tried.  This banter was so easy, felt so natural.  You could do this all day with him, really, and you found yourself really enjoying it.  Shaking your head, you snatched up your butterbeer with your free hand before taking a swig.  “Is that what they’re calling it these days?” you asked in mock surprise.  “I think Professor McGonagall might have something to say to the contrary.”  
Snape rolled his eyes, but you could tell he was struggling to fight down his own grin.  “I dare say Minerva has something contrary to say about most things that I do.”  He glanced over your set up at the small table; your sketch book, your bag from Honeydukes, the lukewarm butterbeer you were twisting by the neck between your fingers.  “You still haven’t answered my question,” he reminded you, and you found yourself pouting moodily.
“And you haven’t answered mine!” you countered, looking dourly out the window as the rain continued to pour, your face still slumped against your hand.  “I’m allowed to be here.  No one ever told me that the Hog’s Head was off limits.”
Snape already looked fed up with your brooding.  If there was anything he hated, it was a petulant teenager, and you sure were acting the part right now.  “You aren’t wrong,” he agreed curtly.  “It isn’t off limits to students.  However, it’s not the sort of place I would advise any student to visit alone.” He met you with a warning look then, a reminder that he thought you really were a bit of a bubbleheaded Hufflepuff sometimes.
You wilted at that, glancing around at the odd assortment of people in the bar, who were all quietly minding their own business.  “No one’s been bothering me,” you assured him, hoping to put his mind at ease. Though you did feel a curious sort of flutter at the fact that he seemed so concerned with your wellbeing.  Your eyes stuck on the bartender though, and you frowned to find he was still casting furtive glances towards the pair of you.  “Indeed, the only person anyone has been hostile towards is you, sir.  Why does the barman look like he wants to throw you out?”
Snape started slightly at that, his eyes shifting to the bartender in question, before glancing away quickly, staring hard at his fingers as they continued to tap agitatedly at the table top.  You immediately regretted asking, because that anxious dread was creeping up your spine again, and you wondered if you had crossed a line.  Snape, for his credit, only appeared to be annoyed. Though whether it was at your blatant snooping, or at the barman himself, you weren’t sure.  “Because he’s thrown me out before,” he admitted quietly, but his obvious effort to keep his voice down was lost on you.
“What?!” you squealed, eyes wide as you sat bolt upright, though the withering glare you received made you shrink back only slightly.  Clutching the edge of the table with both hands, you leaned in conspiratorially.  “Are you serious?” you whispered excitedly, and though his continued scowling should have set off warning bells, you were too eager for this potentially juicy story.  Because honestly, you couldn’t just casually mention that you’d been thrown out of an already pretty rough looking bar without giving the details.  “Are
 Are you a rowdy drunk or something?”
Snape rolled his eyes so hard you feared that they might fall out of his head.  “Hardly,” he spat contemptuously, but you weren’t to be deterred.  It was your turn to tap your fingers on the table expectantly, because god, he already knew so many dumb and embarrassing things about you. You totally deserved some compensation, right?  
But it seemed you weren’t going to get much out of him.  “I was simply on the wrong staircase at the wrong time,” Snape explained blandly, scowl still etched onto his face.  “Though for whatever reason, some people seem to think that’s trespassing.”  He redirected his grimace from you towards the bar, where the barman suddenly seemed to remember some pressing matter that needed attending in the back room.  And as the sour old man bustled off, you watched Snape’s facade fall like a stone.  Gone was his signature glare of contempt, as it was replaced with an exhaustion so profound, he appeared to age ten years in two seconds.  He did not look back to you, instead letting his eyes fall to the sawdust strewn floor.  When he spoke, his voice was barely a whisper.  “It’s in the past.  Of no consequence now.”
You felt
 awful.  Absolutely dreadful and gross for pressing him, when it was clear that this had not been a thing he had wanted to share.  Probably least of all with you.  While the story itself was dull, it was quite clear that there was more he was not telling you, and you had absolutely no interest in attempting to extract that information.  What right did you have to his secrets?  You pulled your hands away from the table, letting them fall to your lap as you shifted uneasily in your seat, trying to find the words to apologize for your obstinacy in the ensuing beat of silence.
“I pulled one of the short straws and landed chaperone duty for the Hogsmeade trip today,” Snape said suddenly, and your head snapped up.  He still wasn’t looking at you, his attention now turned towards the window where the rain continued to pound ceaselessly, and you wondered why he
Why was he giving you a pass for this?  He did this a lot, and you never understood why he was constantly allowing you to get away with being a complete and utter nit.  You really didn’t deserve to be spared like this, but here he was again, allowing your folly to slide.  And not only that, he’d caved to your request that he answer your question first.  
Either oblivious to or willfully ignorant of the guilt roiling around inside of you, Snape proceeded with his explanation, his voice returning to its smooth, baritone drawl, devoid now of its earlier hollowness.  “I’d been in Prometheus Esoterica when I saw you dash down this alleyway like a bat out of hell.”  That
 caught your attention, and you felt your cheeks go pink as he finally met your eye.  “Once the rain started and you hadn’t turned back up on High Street, I came to investigate, and found you here.”  He made an all-encompassing gesture around the bar.  “This isn’t exactly the sort of place I’d expect a young lady to intentionally spend an afternoon.”
The pink tint to your cheeks only darkened, caught off guard once again that Snape apparently found your welfare a priority.  Surely you weren’t the only student who needed chaperoning on this trip, and yet, here he was.  Seizing your dusty butterbeer bottle, you picked at the edge of the paper label as you explained, “It certainly wasn’t my intention to spend my afternoon here.  It wasn’t even my intention to come to Hogsmeade today.” You glanced to him, before looking back around to the silent and motley crew of patrons assembled there, your face still flaming.  “Though it hasn’t been so bad
Snape appeared unconvinced, particularly incredulous that you could possibly be enjoying yourself in a dusty hovel like this.   His eyes searched yours, and you could feel those little insectile legs scraping on the inside of your skull as you suspected he was looking quite a bit deeper than your hazel irises.  And you let him, for now.  It was easier this way.  “Were you running from someone?” he queried knowingly, and you dropped your eyes to the table.  You’d let him in a little bit.  You trusted him.  But you didn’t want him to know
“Was it DeJarnette?”
You winced, closing your eyes as you nodded your head stiffly.  He probably didn’t even need to see inside of your head to guess that. All these years you had kept your silent word to him, that you’d never intentionally engage yourself with DeJarnette’s bullying.  But any time you were still somehow caught up with the boy, it made you feel fresh guilt all over again.  Like it was somehow your fault that the bastard wouldn’t leave you alone.  But then again, it was unfair to place all of the blame on DeJarnette; he hadn’t been the only one you had been running from.
“Among others
” you mumbled miserably, absently using your short nails to rip off strips of sodden paper from the bottle’s label.  There was a beat of silence then, filled only by the pattering of rain outside, the quiet pops from the fire place, the sound of glasses tapping against wooden table tops.
“I could talk to him, you know,” Snape offered after some time, and you smiled wanly at the suggestion. Hadn’t Snape been the one to tell you that just talking to DeJarnette wasn’t going to do much?  That the boy was so ingrained with his prejudices that it was simply easier to accept that you had made an enemy?  Maybe Snape was just feeling sorry for you.  Making the offer as an empty gesture to absolve you of the responsibility of having to deal with this mess yourself.  
Sighing around your smile, you shook your head placidly.  “I’d really rather you didn’t.”  You set the bottle back down on the table, pushing it away from you as you felt your fidgeting was a dead giveaway for how bothered you really felt.  “I didn’t do anything.  Not on purpose.  And he’s got to know that.  He’ll leave me alone if I just ignore him for long enough.”  Surely Snape was aware of what had happened; he was DeJarnette’s Head of House, after all.
Snape looked a little uncertain, like he had something he wanted to say in opposition to that line of thinking.  But he merely nodded once.  “Fair enough
” came the quiet reply, and you fell into silence once more.  It wasn’t a comfortable silence though.  Not for you.  Snape had returned his attention to the deluge outside, and you found yourself counting the buttons on his coat as your brain buzzed with anticipation.  You were alone with him, in a quiet bar, with no one to eavesdrop, and especially no school work to use as an excuse to delay. If you couldn’t ask him now, when could you ever?  
“Professor?” you started slowly, folding your forearms onto the table, glancing up just long enough to make sure you had his attention, before pressing on.  “May I ask you a question?”  Your heart thudded in your throat; you needed to tread carefully if you wanted to get the answers you sought.
But Snape already looked suspicious.  “How very rare for you to ask permission first,” he quipped, and you had to drop your head onto your arms to hide your chagrin.  Damn it! Looks like remembering your manners was another dead giveaway.  “That simply alludes to the weight of the question.  You may ask it, but that doesn’t mean I’ll answer.”  Peeking back up from your arms, he was regarding you with interest, but still present was the caution he’d entered the bar with in the first place.
“It’s nothing that bad,” you promised, wincing a little at how eager you sounded.  “I just mean it’s
”  You closed your eyes, counting a few breaths as you compiled thoughts into words, and words into meaning.  Get it together, Gwen.  “Last year, you told me I would have made a good Slytherin.”
This was met with silence, but you remembered his conditions quickly this time, as you opened your eyes and peered up to meet his.  He nodded his appreciation to your attentiveness, his stiff posture relaxing slightly at your seemingly innocent change of subject.  “Indeed, I did.  I still think that, sometimes.”
You smiled slightly at that, relaxing a little yourself as you leaned onto the table.  “The Sorting Hat said something similar.  I was a Hatstall, you know.”  It would have been mortifying if it hadn’t been so frustrating.  While sorting typically took less than a minute, you had been up there for a full six. And you hadn’t even been arguing with the Hat.  It had been arguing with itself, deliberating all of your strengths and weaknesses and attributes and blah blah blah.  You didn’t know anything about any of the houses, except from the Hat’s song a few minutes prior.  You had no preference, and the Hat didn’t know what to do with you.
Snape drew his brows together, as if wracking his brain to remember the incident, but recognition appeared on his face quickly, as Hatstalls weren’t exactly a common occurrence.  “I do recall there being a
 delay in sorting, a few years ago.  I didn’t realize it had been you.”  He seemed to ponder this a moment, before asking, “How did it come to its conclusion?”
Your smile grew sheepish as you shrugged a shoulder.  “I remember vaguely thinking that I liked the color yellow more than I liked green, and I guess that was as good a reason as any.”  Snape finally stopped drumming his fingers on the table, instead lifting that hand to his face and pinching the bridge of his nose.  You stifled your laughter behind a poorly executed cough, and wiped away your smile with the back of your hand, though it still tugged stubbornly at the corners of your lips.  “But before it came to that brilliant decision, it had waffled back and forth a lot between Slytherin and Hufflepuff.  And I was just wondering
This time, your smile did fall off of your face, and it seemed to impress upon Snape once again, how heavily this question weighed to you.  His hand slid back down to the table, his face impassive as he waited for you to gather your words, which you finally managed to articulate.
“Would things have been different, if I had been sorted into Slytherin?” you asked finally, your shoulders sagging even as you felt the weight lifted off of them.  “I mean
 would people like
 like DeJarnette, still treat me like garbage if I’d been sorted into their house?”  You couldn’t bear to look at Snape, your eyes planted firmly on a spot just below his chin as words just kept rushing out of you.  “The Hat was conflicted about putting me in Slytherin because of my
 my blood status.”  Your cheek twitched as you said the words; you realized now that the Hat had given you the first indication that blood status actually meant anything to anyone.  You wilted further as you closed your eyes, a knot forming in your throat as you took a calculated risk with your next question.  “Can half-bloods even make it into Slytherin?”
The silence that followed was tense, anticipation thick like the smell of ozone before a lightning strike. You knew you should look at him. You knew he wouldn’t answer until you did.  But you were just so terrified that you’d crossed a line
 Then again, he had made his terms clear; he’d permitted you to ask your questions, and he’d acquiesced on the condition that you understood that he didn’t have to answer any of them. And if you had toed the line, he could just get up and leave.  Nothing was stopping him (except, perhaps, his concern for your safety
), but he was still here

You were surprised to find something that looked dangerously close to empathy in the lines of his face.  His expression was typical; dark brows pressed together, lips downturned, but there was an unmistakable softness around his eyes that you’d seen on occasion before.  You held his gaze, your skin tingling with heat under his intense regard.  
There was a pause as Snape considered you, seeming to sort through your questions before picking out the first point he wished to make.  “In your case, it’s very likely that your actual blood status had nothing to do with the Sorting Hat’s indecision.  It more likely was a product of the environment in which you were raised.” You pouted, not understanding, and you felt an urge to defend yourself and your mother once again, but Snape silenced you with a placating gesture.  “Slytherin is a house that values tradition.  Traditions that are most staunchly upheld by pure-bloods and old wizarding families. I think I remember you saying yourself that you were never raised with any such traditions, because you were brought up by your muggle mother.”  The smallest of smirks graced his lips as he added, “If you had been sorted into Slytherin without any knowledge of the customs of the wizarding world, you would have been absolutely miserable by the time you shattered your ink bottles in your first year.”
You couldn’t help but smile in return.  That was an excellent point, you realized, and actually made quite a bit of sense. Your ignorance was already under fire. It would have been so much worse had you been sorted into Slytherin, which was probably the actual reason why the Hat made its ultimate verdict.  “So, there have been half-bloods in Slytherin, then?” you asked, forging ahead as you were quite determined to get the answers to all of your questions.
There was another pregnant pause as Snape deliberated, his eyes searching yours, but without the mind beetles this time.  “Slytherin does accept half-bloods, from time to time,” he answered finally, his words measured, carefully chosen, and you found yourself hanging on to every single one of them.  “And since they are typically descendants of at least one reputable family line, they’re usually treated with the same respect expected of their pure-blood peers.  However,” he’d leaned forward on this word deliberately, as you had just opened your mouth to protest.  “Half-bloods may still receive their fair share of ridicule, though it’s usually disguised as ‘friendly teasing.’  Half-bloods also have to do more and work harder to prove themselves worthy of being there.  It’s often thankless, and can be very lonely for them.”
Your eyes fell away from his as you began fidgeting with the paper scraps of your butterbeer label. As you mulled over his words, you got a very distinct impression from them.  One you had suspected for
 years.  Now was your chance to ask, and you threw caution to the wind as you did just that.
 sound like you’re speaking from experience,” you whispered, surprised by how neutral you managed to keep your tone, despite your utter terror.  Your heart was really pounding now, and you could hear the blood rushing in your ears as your head spun a little.  Oh, why had you said that?  Don’t press your luck.  He’d told you years ago not to press your-
“I am,” he confirmed tonelessly, and you felt your stomach drop.  His face had gone hard again, the sympathy you had seen before having vanished, replaced instead with guarded impassivity.  That wasn’t what you’d wanted.  You hoped he would open up a little, not close you off.  You just wanted to know, to finally confirm, that you were the same, that you had this in common.  Your mouth felt dry as you tried to keep your tenuous grip on your emotions, and your brain went into overdrive to try and find an excuse, an apology that would never even come close to explaining how terribly you felt.
“I’m telling you this in confidence, Miss Goode.  And I hope you appreciate the gravity of that,” came his cool assertion, and your mind screeched to a halt.  Your head was filled with the sound of your throbbing heart and the driving rain on the window pane, but you kept your eyes affixed to his as he spoke.  “I trust that nothing you and I have spoken of will leave this tavern?”
“No,” you whispered emphatically, shaking your head so your hair bounced around your face.  “No, sir.  Of course not.”  You stared directly into his eyes then, hoping, praying, that he would look inside and see exactly where your devotion lay.  But you didn’t feel the tell-tale beetles scurrying around in your head. He simply nodded and accepted your word. And you felt that this was the first time he’d ever accepted anything from you without question.  You felt so overwhelmed with contradicting feelings that all you could do was slump back into your chair and watch him as he turned towards the window.
“I don’t think this rain is going to let up,” he said conversationally, and you were relieved that he had chosen to end the conversation for you.  And you also had to agree; it really looked miserable out there. You could barely see High Street through the greyish haze of falling water, but you could just make out darkened figures dashing past the alleyway entrance.  Students, you imagined, with their robes hiked up above their heads, making a mad dash for the castle as the allotted Hogsmeade time wound down, rain be damned.  But of course, you hadn’t worn any robes today.  You looked down at your white T-shirt and shorts, and realized suddenly how exposed you were.  
And Snape seemed to notice too, appearing quite disgruntled by your choice of attire.  You crossed your arms over your chest self-consciously and pouted.  “It had been sunny when we arrived,” you disputed, and Snape just rolled his eyes as he stood.  Looks like you didn’t have a choice.  You scrambled to shove your wand and your sketchbook into your satchel as you followed suit.
“You carry the bags,” he commanded, leaving no chance for you to reprove as he strode across the bar towards the front door.  You hastily tossed a few Knuts and a Sickle onto the table before doing as you were told. Scooping your Honeydukes bag into one arm, and carefully balancing Snape’s bag from the potions shop in the other, you strode over to where he stood, looking quite put out as you watched him shake out his traveling cloak.  
In a billowing whip of black fabric, the heavy material was suddenly draped over your shoulders, and his fingers brushed your neck as he secured the silver fastening under your chin. You didn’t move a muscle as you stared down at his hands, stunned by their proximity, and further perplexed by this unexpectedly kind gesture.  He made sure the cloak draped over your arms to protect the bags, and he seemed to consider pulling the hood up over your head, but ultimately decided you had too much hair for that to be effective.  
Slipping his wand out from his sleeve, he opened the door leading out of the bar, and the sound of pounding rain was so thunderous that you didn’t quite catch the incantation he cast. But you were impressed by the transparent blue barrier held aloft by the tip of his wand. You’d always heard that umbrella charms were en vogue over in the States, and wondered why they weren’t more popular in England.  They were so much more convenient, and considerably prettier. Exasperated by your sudden fascination with what he surely considered run-of-the-mill magic, Snape threw an arm over your shoulders to guide you under the canopy before stepping out into the rain.  The bar door clanged shut behind you, and you were both enveloped by deafening sound and permeating darkness.  
Snape kept his arm wrapped tight around your shoulders, holding you close to his side in order to keep you under the shield of his spell.  Together, you made your way down the alley towards High Street, and then the castle.  And you were immeasurably grateful for the pounding rain and the darkening sky closing in around you.  They hid your movement as you leaned further into his touch, on the pretense of wanting to keep dry from the rain.  They guarded you as you surreptitiously brushed your nose over the shoulder of the cloak draped around you, inhaling the damp smell of rain mixed with the lingering cling of fireplace smoke and medicinal herbs.  And they drowned out the thundering of your heart as you savored the weight of his hand on your arm, his cloak on your shoulders, the nearness of him.  You had finally gained a great measure of his trust, an endeavor that many might have considered a waste of time.  But maybe it had been worth it, for this.
I love comments 👀 and I love you for reading 💖
Next Scene ==>
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moonyinchaos · 4 years ago
no problem and i would really love to see what you wrote about snape so if its not a problem share
Alright, I’ll put the Keep reading thingy, because I think this will be a long one. If you’re not interested in my opinion on Snape, please, keep scrolling. We can have a constructive argument about Snape as a character, but I won’t ever tolerate character bashing (with the exception of Dolores Umbridge, Peter Pettigrew and Fenrir Greyback). If anyone disagrees with me, I respect that, and I would really like to know why :) 
It’s so funny to write my opinion when someone actually asks for it! So here it is my opinion on Severus Snape... 
I think that Severus Snape is one of the strongest characters; both mentally and magically. Possibly even the strongest one right next to Harry. He is really determined, devoted, self-controlled, but most importantly he is emotional. Of course, he doesn’t show it, but he is really driven by his emotions. The main thing which made him change was his love for Lily. Love is the purest emotion, and I don’t think it was an obsession. His patronus was the same as her, she was something what made him happy, something that protected him. It was just unrequited love, and that happens in real life. But you can’t just push an off button, and stop feeling something for someone. We can see him showing exactly how he feels in some occasions. For instance, when he was mad that Sirius got away at the end of the PoA. Or when he refused to teach Harry occlumency after Harry saw his worst memory. But let’s go back in time for a bit... 
Judging someone according to something they did while they were teenagers, or really young adults is not really fair. But let’s start from his hostility towards the Marauders. It’s completely understandable since they were mocking him all the time, and without any real, valid reason. Even if they did have a reason, bullying is never justified. What James did to Snape in his worst memory is something that can make a serious trauma on a person. He, again, acted on emotions. He was humiliated, frustrated, angry, and he let it out by calling Lily a Mudblood. Was that right? Of course not. Did he regret? I think he did, until the day he died. But, teenagers say a lot of dumb stuff, and should never be judged by that. I would most gladly slap 16 years old self because of some things I said when angry and emotional. And with what he said, he lost the most important person he had in his life. I think that was the worst punishment ever for saying one dumb word. People often mention his invention of Sectumsempra. He invented the powerful spell to keep himself safe. Is it brutal? Yes. Could he kill someone with it? Yes. Did he ever? No by what we find out from the canon. Sirius, who is one of the most loved characters, endangered Snape’ life because of his teenage rashness, and lack of sense for consequences. The fact he literally sent Snape to transformed Remus was more dangerous than any spell Severus invented. Why? Because transformed Remus can’t be controlled, and what he can do cannot be undone. As we saw clearly, Sectumsempra has a counter curse, since Malfoy survived Harry’s experiment. If you’re judging Snape for inventing Sectumsempra, and using it against the Death Eaters to save Remus and George, then Harry is way worse than Snape because Harry used the spell purposely to hurt Malfoy. He could easily kill Malfoy, and then what? All the characters in the whole HP universe did at least one stupid thing, and we can’t judge them just because of that. Because if we do, write out Remus, Sirius, James, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, and many, many others as good characters :)
As we all know, Snape joined the Death Eaters. Kind of expected because, let’s be serious, most of the then Slytherin house did. Peer pressure is a nasty thing + Snape wanted control/power. He was naive to think he’ll get it from Voldemort, but look at all the people that followed Voldemort. Snape was among the smartest there, if not even the smartest one. Was that a mistake? Yes. And again, he did it when he was what 18? As I said before, people do stupid shit when young, and that’s a fact. Alright, he did really, really stupid shit, but it was a moment of naivety. If someone is judging him plainly on that, remember what Sirius said about the world, people and the Death Eaters :) From the moment he realised what he did when he told Voldemort about the prophecy, Snape did everything in his power to make up for that. He risked his life in various occasions, he lied to one of the most powerful wizards ever, who can read minds, torture, and kill people just for fun. But he did that for years. Snape always did exactly what Dumbledore told him to do, and even killed him, knowing that the deed will make him an enemy number one in the eyes of the Order. But he did that with a higher purpose, and on Dumbledore’s order. If Order wasn’t so judgy towards Snape, maybe they would know about this plan, and they would handle it better. Snape was a Death Eater for what, a couple of years, but he spent seventeen years trying to redeem himself for what he’s done. You can at least respect that. As my best Skyrim friend Paarthurnax wisely said “What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?” :)
The only thing I can’t justify is his teaching methods towards a particular group of students. We never see Snape teaching a bunch of Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws, so we don’t really know what was he like in those classes. He is a mastermind with potions, and has a potential to be a great teacher. I don’t justify his behaviour towards Harry & co., and never will. His teaching methods were questionable at best, but lets take a look on who he “bullied” as a teacher. 
Harry - son of a man who bullied him, and a woman he loved. The Chosen One. The Boy Who Lived. It occurred to me that maybe Snape didn’t want Harry to forget what was important in life, and since Snape grew stronger from being treated poorly, maybe he wanted to do the same effect with Harry. I think he didn’t like Harry in particular, but I don’t see him as having bad intentions in long term. Nothing comes served in life, and I guess that was Snape’s point. Teen James was pretty spoiled, and vain, so maybe Snape didn’t want Harry to turn into teen James. 
Ron - Ron was to Harry what Sirius was to James. In Snape’s eyes, the same thing, and he deserves to be treated the same. Still, can’t be justified. 
Hermione - I guess she really did remind him of Lily. The fact that Snape didn’t want to hear anyone call Hermione a Mudblood tells us all. Emotions got the best out of Snape in this one, since he obviously couldn’t really control them. 
Neville - a soft kid who needed some strengthening for real. Well, not really in that way. Snape’s treatment was just too much. Was the fact that Neville was terrified of him good? No. But Neville got stronger, and learned to stand up for himself. And don’t forget, the prophecy could easily be about Neville, and if it was, then Lily wouldn’t be dead. 
As I said before, I don’t support his teaching methods, and can’t justify them because it was his choice to act like that, when he could easily be someone better than that. And that is the only thing I don’t understand about him. Maybe Dumbledore told him to be nasty :’D And of course he was biased to Slytherin. I think that doesn’t need any arguments. I would love to see what Snape was like when teaching young Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs because I’m sure he wasn’t that bad. Strict? Sure. Snarky? Always. But I highly doubt he treated Cedric, or Padma Patil, like he treated the students I mentioned. 
To conclude this, I think the anti-Snape fandom need to at least respect what he did because the man did some great things, and he was one of the main links in a chain that led to Voldemort’s downfall. Voldemort who was deceived by Snape. And as far as we know, Severus Snape is the only person in this world who did that long term (kudos to Narcissa Malfoy for lying to Voldemort’s face)! You don’t have to love, or like him, but he doesn’t deserve the bashing he gets. He deserves respect. I made him close to Gwen, my OC, to show the softer side of Snape. The emotions he hides, and how he is surely capable of them. I made him mentoring Gwen to show how he has a potential to be a great teacher. And I have a great plans for Snape in my fic because he, as a character, really gives an opportunity to make an interesting story :) 
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dont-be-an-idiot-merlin · 5 years ago
For the character thing: Gwen
General Opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
Hotness Level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Hogwarts House: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Best Quality: Gwen is so kind đŸ„ș I feel like she’d do anything for anyone???
Worst Quality: um none?
Ship them with: well, I’m a multi shipper so it’s quite a lot. I ship her most with Lancelot. Others would include Morgana, Merlin and Arthur.
Brotp them with: Leon. She’s the sane person she needs in her life. I feel they would make bets on who would be in a life threatening situation first that week💀
Needs to stay away from: um just the general “bad guys” like Uther and Agravaine I guess. I don’t really have a strong opinion on who she should absolutely stay away from. Just the crusty people.
Misc. thoughts: okay! I kind of really like dark!gwen... why? I have no clue. Probably because I’m a dumb lesbian. Also, we so should have had more of Gwen fighting...ah yes women with swords...we love to see it. I’d also would have love to seen more of her getting up to mischief with Merlin/or just her comforting people because I so feel like she’d be up for some pranks and obviously would comfort anyone in a heart beat. My brain is blanking now so that’s all ig 😎👉👉
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multifandomwh0re · 5 years ago
Right so, I dont agree with many of the Merlin Harry Potter house sorting so heres my take.
Merlin- A Hufflepuff- I've seen him put in both Slytherin and Ravenclaw but I see him in Hufflepuff. He leads with his heart not his head, even after the great dragon tells him the LOGICAL thing to do Merlin still does something else because he doesn't want to hurt Arthur. As well as this he works so hard and he everything he does for Arthur and he doesnt seek reward.
Arthur- Gryffindor OBVIOUSLY- he is brave and outgoing. Arrogant, full of himself but also cares so much for those around him. He seeks validation from his father and cares what other think of him.
Morgana - Slytherin- Another obvious one, she is ambitious and strives for freedom for her kind, she will do anything to reach her goal. She is cunning and smart and doesnt take anyone else's shit.
Gwen - Hufflepuff - Gwen is so caring and hardworking, she loves those around with her and is such a bean. Honestly I feel like I dont have to explain this one.
Gauis- Ravenclaw - From his witty retorts at Merlin and his clear mind he is a Ravenclaw through and through. He usually acts with logic and uses his head over his heart (most of the time). He is a great physician and in all situations he looks at the evidence and acts off that.
Uther - Slytherin - Hear me out. Slytherins are cunning and ambitious and will do anything to reach they're goal. Uthers goal is to rid Camelot of magic and we see throughout his life how seriously he takes it, not only does he make it illegal he makes sorcery punishable by death and rounded up all sorcerers and dragon lords up to kill them. And he gets angry when he sees his son changing his rules.
This is all for now I might do one on other characters aka Mordred, The knights etc
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hayleysstark · 5 years ago
*Queenie appears wearing a Hufflepuff robe and scarf* I'm curious...which Hogwarts house would you sort the Merlin characters? And, if you're comfortable sharing, do YOU identify with a particular house, or multiple houses? Have a pleasant day, and a cookie, too! *Hands you a chocolate cookie* P.S. It's from Publix. I can't bake to save my life, but Publix can turn out some damn good cookies lol
OH MAN YOU’RE A HUFFLEPUFF ?????? lucky bastard, you get friendly housemates and your dormitories are right by the kitchens ???? unfair. im calling bullshit. wtf. who allowed this. who allowed Hufflepuffs to be the luckiest honestly. unfair. ALSO all chocolate cookies are good cookies, i appreciate any and all chocolate cookies on offer tbh. actually. i appreciate any and all cookies period. 
also i am a Ravenclaw!!!! not v smart, but i value knowledge more than anything else, so it’s the only House that i fit lol
fghyghgbn all right all right but i’ll have you know, one (1) immortal warlock emrys is too old, too tired, and too sober for all the drama and Discourseâ„ąïž ((and believe me, Sorting fictional characters brings a lot of Discourseâ„ąïž)) so the consequences for this are firmly on YOUR head, my Queen.
Merlin is a Slytherin. and don’t none of y’all @ me about this. don’t none of y’all come at me with “uwu he’s actually a hufflepuff, sometimes he can be a halfway decent human being for two (2) seconds” don’t!!!!!! do that to me!!!!!!!! i’m old!!!!! i’m tired!!!!! and i’m too sober!!!! Hufflepuff Merlin is honestly dead to me !!!! also this would get WAY too long if i stopped to list all the reasons why one Merlin Emrys is, in fact, more Slytherin than Salazar himself, but this is obviously a controversial choice, so i’ll just remind y’all that this is still where i stand: 
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tl;dr: Merlin Emrys may be an absolute dreamboat but don’t let those gorgeous clavicles or peg-me eyes fool you, he is still a man who will stop at absolutely nothing to get what he wants, including manipulate his best friends, attempt to murder his best friends, actually murder somebody who presented zero threat to him just to protect his secret,,,,,,, need i go on????
Arthur is a Gryffindor, with strong Hufflepuff tendencies. all right, i admit it, this is one area where i could absolutely change my mind at any point. Arthur definitely has as much Hufflepuff in him as Gryffindor, to be honest - he makes mistakes, sure, but he’s got his heart in the right place, and he genuinely just wants to love and be loved. he’s the heart and soul of the series, and Camelot as a whole, and i do think he would be an excellent fit for Hufflepuff House, but ultimately, he prizes his courage far more than his compassion, so i think he would wind up in Gryffindor either way.
Gwen is a Hufflepuff, with strong Gryffindor tendencies. we got a complete reversal for our beautiful Queen here!!! Guinevere has a lot of Gryffindor in her, there’s no doubt about that, but she’s the polar opposite of Arthur. she holds kindness in far higher regard than bravery, and for all her nerve, the Hat would put her firmly in Hufflepuff.
Morgana is a Slytherin, with strong Gryffindor tendencies. honestly, i could go either way with this bitch. yes, she’s cunning, she’s ambitious, she’s determined, and like Merlin, she’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants (although, terrible as Merlin is, Morgana’s motivations are far less admirable.) but, for all her faults, Morgana is a lady with a strong, unshakable sense of justice. she doesn’t want to kill Arthur and claim Camelot as her own just for kicks. she wants to remake Camelot, reshape it, she wants to tear it all down and rebuild it from the ground up. she wants  to make a haven for sorcerers. she wants to create a sanctuary for magic. she wants to build a safe place for people like her. as twisted as her viewpoint is by the end of the series, she genuinely believes she is fighting for what’s right, and her own sense of her nobility could easily place her in Gryffindor.
Gaius is a Ravenclaw. don’t get me wrong, Gaius definitely has a Slytherin streak of his own, and you’d better believe it’s a mile wide, but he values knowledge and intellect above all.
Kilgharrah is a Slytherin, with strong Ravenclaw tendencies. not to say Kilgharrah isn’t absolutely brilliant, because of course he is, but he’s no scholar, and ultimately, he’s cut from the same cloth as Merlin and Morgana. he will do what it takes to survive. and the pursuit of knowledge will always come second to that.
and for all the rest:
Leon is a Gryffindor, with strong Hufflepuff tendencies.Lancelot is a Gryffindor.Gwaine is a Gryffindor.Elyan is a Gryffindor, with strong Hufflepuff tendencies.Percival is a Hufflepuff, with strong Gryffindor tendencies.  
great to hear from you, as usual, Queenie!! 💖💖💖 have a wonderful day!!
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youareiron-andyouarestrong · 5 years ago
So, we're doing a quarantine rewatch of Harry Potter, which obviously led to me rereading 'iron, salt, earth' (which I continue to find phenomenal). Something I'm very curious about is how Cassian being a peaceweaver works into the story? If you can't tell me because of spoilers, could I request something unspoilery that you're most excited to write? Anyway, love your work xx
It isn’t a spoiler per se, but a big part of iron, salt, earth is exploring different methods or heritages of magic, as demonstrated by Baze and Chirrut being DA professors, or Cassian finding talking to ghosts completely natural, or even Bodhi using spells in Urdu instead of (somewhat?) Latin or Greek. 
For Cassian, a “peaceweaver” is what his Great-Granny Gwen calls him, and Granny Gwen is about as close a witch as a person can be without actually being one. “Peaceweaver” is a term I borrowed from Terry Pratchett, and my definition of it falls under someone who can’t be fooled (easily) by magic, who knows how to mediate between people, and who has an inherent gift for communication and persuasion. Above all, a peaceweaver desires cooperation and understanding from all parties, and will fight to the death for someone they consider worth fighting for. All of these things being traits for Hufflepuff Cassian.   
The biggest thing I can tell I’m looking forward to writing about (without spoilers!) is a few big conflicts between Jyn and her boys, and all the interesting (terrible) ways Jyn’s fae gifts are manifesting.
Thank you so much for asking! And for your continued love and support for this fic.  
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feketeribizli · 6 years ago
Hy ~ ❀ 1, 2, 10 and 18 for the Fankids' Ask đŸ€—
thank you!!! :-))
let’s talk about fankids!! 
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one: what’s their name? is there a reason why they were named that?
his name is enfys reese, enfys meaning “rainbow” in welsh and reese standing for “enthusiasm”!! first gwen wanted the stupidest and most indecipherable name for him (she seeks revenge. that’s all) but penny was like. why must our son suffer why would you want that for him :-(( so they decided to go for something short yet meaningful. at the end of the day gwen asked her mother who suggested enfys and they were like yeah. that’s epic (penny choose reese, i’m not yet sure why but it sure does describe the boy well)
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no matter how hard they try there always be someone who just. cannot call him (and gwen) by his actual name (featuring @strictlydelicious‘s awesome child coni)
two: who are their parents? what’s their relationship with them?
he has the best moms........ gwen and penny... they love him so much wow! first gwen didn’t want a kid (quidditch being her profession she isn’t at home most of the time.... yikes) but penny was so excited about it they eventually agreed on having children. the donor was andre (he didn’t even question it like sure?? would love to help?? but after being invited to almost every family dinner he’s like. mayhaps i regret some things)
he loves them a lot!!! neither of them plays favourites but bcos of gwen’s job he obviously spent more time with penny and has a stronger relationship with her. surprisingly gwen ended up being the strict, you-do-as-i-say kind of parent but enfys loves both of his moms unconditionally (tho they embarrass him at times. he’s not a fan)
ten: in which house were they sorted? how much do they fit the sorting hat choice?
he got into slytherin! (sjsfgsjdhfg gwen was Shooketh) he really wanted to be sorted into ravenclaw like his mom (he’s. not a fit for hufflepuff and they all knew it from the beginning) but is kind of satisfied with the sorting hat’s choice? like. as long as he isn’t in gryffindor he’s fine lmao. he sure is ambitious and cunning but not much of the leader kind. he likes being alone (doesn’t really have friends. yet. please someone talk to him) and avoiding crowds and cliques as much as possible. he looks like the biggest asshole you could ever run into but is just a sad and lonely clown with a big ass heart :-(( (he’s gay he has no idea how to communicate)
eighteen: do they attend other club activities at school?
yeah he’s in slytherin’s quidditch team!! he’s a chaser bcos he has “such long ass arms”. idk if that’s considered an activity but he’s always a part of those study groups and spends most of his time in the greenhouses (his dork ass loves gardening..... baby)
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merlinthoughts · 6 years ago
Season 1 Episode 5 - Lancelot<3
- he’s one of my fav characters u guys don't even KNOW
- like yah okay, i've only seen hiM FOR ONE EPISODE
- but he’s the light of my life
- and he may not even come back but he looks like a character that would come back especially if the fucking ep is named after him
-  oh damn, i sure hope he does
- and goes into arthurs posse of knights or whatever, replacing val
- or what valerie was gonna be
- idek, lets get to it bc i could go on for days just picturing lance as a main character while continuously expressing my love for him
- tumblrs trynna urge me to go with them nasty thoughts
- you wish tumblr
- you WISH you can ban me
- u can't live without sucking dick >:(
- wow slow down shev... wow okay sorry. christianism. i forgot
- it got the best of me
- back to the episode!
- omg it's buckbeak why he making a cameo in merlin??
- my inner potterhead(uwu) is coming out i hate this
- bet you can't guess which house i'm in ;)
- it's fucking slytherin, it's literally so obvious
- hissshiss motherfuckers
- ew guys
- this is so hard to type considering my fucking ‘-’ button (called a dash for u furries who only see a face) is broken and i have to literally smash it to make it work, so i'm just insanely typing up the next dash by screaming at my keyboard that i can't fucking fix
- and i have so many dasHES TO DO!
- that made no sense bc yall aren't living in my socks at the moment
- fuck it copy paste, my best friend, you always come when the time is needed
- lowkey looked like that guy from the 100 though
- but better
- nothing against baloney of course
- lancelot literally just introduced himself, the camera panned in onto his chest, then he proceeded to faint or some shit with the camera still zoomed on his chest, and merlin reached up to grab his shirt, probably to yank it the fuck off and the opening credits rolled up. wtf was that scene.
- it's not supposed to be a zoom in of his chest lmao, my hoe ass thought we had a little fanservice for a second, but there's a big mushroom-looking blood stain on his shirt which i guess is supposed to mean he's fucking dead so it's not all that confusing anymore
- when was he stabbed tho?
- whatever. shit always goes down in BBC that's often unexplainable.
- “it had claws, wings
- but no
 livestock apparently
- that’s what uthers shocked by
- not that theres a fucking griffin living in his world
- wait theres magic, means theres magic creatures doy
- but still, even if we all had magic here, i think it would be a little shocking seeing a griffin come for buckingham palace randomly
- or i guess if youre reading this and are in america, in the white house
- oh and it took only people apparently
- i guess that’s a little more severe but i stand uncorrected
- they be having a wild time in the hippogriff’s house ;)
- honestly sounds like a fucked up hogawart house
- here we have slytherin, hufflepuff, ravenclaw and... *looks at smudged writing on hand* hippogriff
- okay, who tf has a dream of coming to camelot when it's the most feared place, with banned magic and an asshole king with his hot bitchy son and a sorcerer who just brings chaos to the land
- well i mean, me 
- bc of the hot bitchy son but whatever
- camelot? more like cameNOT
- arthur calls himself the ultimate killing machine like the edge lord he is
- knee to the nose and all wtf man
- this is probably foreshadowing smth with the “only noble blood can swoosh like a knight” thing, like somethings gonna happen and poor people are gonna revolt and uthers gonna be like “GEEZ fine, okay, no nobles can become a knight”
- merlins such a shit stirer, telling lance he can be a knight and telling him arthur would love him when we really know whats gonna happen bc of that rule
- and here’s gaius like uhh u liar wtf, crushing lance’s dreams while merlins just like wtf gaius, live in the moment, we can do anything, this is OUR show
- literally their such good friends and have known each other for a solid 10 minutes only
- i'm not that big into beards but id love to rub my face on lance’s
- haha little fault there, or like a minor inconvenience which isn’t important but i like to pretend to be smart: middle ages or well the show’s era was more in “AD” (476-ish is the start of middle ages, while the arthurian legend is supposed to happen in the 5/6th century so yeah, technically 400/500 AD), and homework supposedly only started up in 1095 so BOOM BBC GOTCHA
- no, merlin’s not gonna perform magic right in front of the librarian
- does he not know the wrath of librarians???
- our librarian at school literally kicked everyone out of the library once for the whole semester because there was an apple core on the bookshelf. this was during exam week. do u know how much i wanted to kill the person who didn't admit to their mistakes and let everyone suffer. WE COULDN'T ENTER TO EVEN STUDY
- gwen and lancelot are my favourite thing, i literally want them to be together by the next episode
- or the next one with lance
- !!!! the only heto ship on this show i actually adore !!!!!!
- i mean i only love two things: merthur and glance
- idek what gwen and lance’s ship name is so its now glance
- merlin would be the best wingman for them by being gwens bestie
- “you can start by cleaning out the stables” *lance looks to merlin while merlin gives him the biggest smile and thumbs up* this fuckING DORK
- harry potter au where everything is the same but that grim reaper looking human creature in the prisoner of azkaban executing buckbeak is actually lancelot in the future 
- for symbolism purpose, not saying lance is like an animal killer but yknow
- same thing with the griffin yknow
- the two prettiest dudes in my world fighting against one another while sweat is glistening down their forheads is my new favourite aesthetic
- oh wait no, people having been attacked by buckbeak have come
- netflix fucked up by subbing arthur as “orther” and i never laughed so hard
- don’t make me fucking laugh when there’s an ambush, netflix, this is not christian
- annd arthur’s pride is gone, and he goes up to chop lance’s fucking head off
- i'm so proud of my bb like genuinely so proud, lance deserves so much and here is is!! a knight!!
- the three lomls in one room?? seriously bbc?? you really doing that to me?? for once im actually impressed and happy
- he's gonna get caught, i mean i KNOW that, but like it's still stressing out
- ewewewewewewewewewew
- arthur called morgana “isn't she so beautiful??” with a lovey dovey face pls don't lead this to that stepsibling porn bullshit i'm going to fucking puke
- i hated that shadowhunter bullshit like they seriously going to hit me with the indirect incest?? i was so done. i hated jace and clary, idc if theyre like the most popular couple, like wheres my raphael lovers at bc that's a boy i can enjoy
- “so if you could choose one... lance or arthur?” merlin subtly asks gwen like he doesn't have an answer himself
- it would have been so perfect geez, gwen and lance, merlin and arthur, myself and morgana
- i really wanna know what lance, merlin and arthur look like drunk bc that's a hell of a hangover they got the next morning and they probably cut out most of the soiree so like what did they do?? was there any drunk dancing and flirting??? bc i literally want to see that happen
- ik it's a bad thing but those drunk tropes where someone confesses their love to the person they like while under the influence is my favourite thing bc it's both hilarious, genuine and the other person often helps them to their feet and gets them to a safer place to rest and that's fricken adorable guys!
- not the drinking obviously, thats like a thing you can enjoy if you want but ya girl does not like drinking. or, well, she likes drinking with a limit. you can tell who likes to be the designated driver lmao. people here be drinking flat out whiskey and i tried it once and it burned by fucking throat
- merlin fucked up
- and this is technically his fault
- hungover and caught this won't bode well
- “not worthy of a knighthood”
- hey so how do you retract a knighthood?
- do you like reverse the shoulder tapping
- like if you're christian, bc you know, we, as a christian group on this tumblr site, should already know about it... but when we do that cross thing on our shoulders, it means like a direct call with god or some shit. and if we do it the opposite direction it's considered the antichrist so is it the same for knighthood?
- okay with christianity it's tapping the head the stomach, shoulder then shoulder, right? but the reverse is the anti cross like shoulder to shoulder, stomach and head. but
 what if it were tapping the stomach, crotch, hip to hip? it would make sense right??? since the cross is upside down
- omg guys, don't grab ur fucking balls in this blog post, it's considered the antichrist
- “you never will be” lmao he's gonna come back, he's lancelot, that's a main in the og legend
-  how pissed will lance be with merlin
- i hope big time bc like... angry lance *dries off sweat with hands*
- aw damn lance isn't mad he's like “this is my punishment. mine to bare, mine to bare alone. stop blaming urself. i put this on me” this fucking goof is making me swoon once fucking more
- he's a real goat x3
- buckbeak can literally fuck shit up in the air, camelot has nothing on him
- oh wait he aint, just a few of his knights
- imagine being an extra and playing as one of those knights. having to fight next to bradley james, and have him look at you when someones doing something stupid like you can mentally agree with him and then pretend to die on camera. that would be my dream. make-a-wish better do me some good when i get diseased that will prob be named after me
- hoephagus
- stupidolis
- nah thats stupid
- ;)
- i now understand mulans will to pretend to be a guy and join the army bc i would literally do that if i could stay with arthur fucking pendragon
-  aw it's called a griffin not a hippogriff
- i'm saddened
- harry potter has taught me WRONG
- this looks to be the climax where merlins like “fine guys, geez, i'll kill the griffin bc i'm magic!! wow!!! but arthur obviously knew, and i thought gwen was gonna know but she shocked me even more when she didn’t like fucking hell everyones oblivious. but since you can only kill buckbeak with magic, sigh, i'm exposing myself ig” even if it's like halfway through season 1 with 5 seasons altogether, this looks to be the right time
- this really sounds to be what we are waiting for, what kilgarah said about the destiny merlin will have
- wheres the dickwad gone lmao like was the actor busy the last few episodes or what?
- how is the “arthurs pretty gay” theory not popped up more times on here
- like we all know merthurs pretty great and all
- but CANON wise arthur seems super gay to me
- like he just told lance to get up his ass because “i need
 uhh... camelot needs” like he was just about to say he needs lance in his life
- have you not seen the glances??
- fucking hell
- arthur slowly comes closer to lance pretending to talk about what he knows about the creature
- lance also coming closer to ask if he truly believes that, with a raised eyebrow
- thought this shit was only in books and fanfics
- but no guys, we got a gay eyebrow raise
- bc we all know only the gays are capable of eyebrow raises
- fucking hell this is gay i cant even explain it
- like its subtly gay, but out of context youd think this is something out of a fansite
- and merlins not even in this scene
- “take the horse and never return to this place” OKAY NO FIRST OF ALL SECOND OF ALL FUCK OFF LMAO THIS ISNT GAY ANYMORE
- i mean he’s doing it out of the goodness of his heart, saving him from prison and all but lance wants to like
  be a good man and you aint letting him do that
- fucking kiss you fucking bafoon
- merlin looks so dumb holding his dagger as if he doesn’t know what to do with it but i love that for me
- bafoons, all of them
- big bouncing bucking bafoons
- arthur looks so scared i've never been so in love and want to PROTECT
- omg for all merlin and lance know, that scream was arthur fucking dying- OMG IT WAS ARTHUR
- nvm he's alive but like yall not think to check for some arterial wounds bc he could be alive now, but in 5 mins he could legit not make it
- slow music means death
- lancelot you were the best husband i've ever had, rip
- i would be crying more if i didn’t know what happened, but since i already spoiled myself on the first season by watching this about a year ago, i'm not that sad but its still getting to me slightly
- hahahaha so happy everyones okayyy
- arthur looks so happy for lance literally crack ship right there
- why does nobody talk about this wyd
- and here’s arthur defending lance’s honour
- but uthers being a bitch
- omg that transition from lance being told to wait outside, the camera following him out of the room and the doors slamming behind him just in time to hear uther yell at arthur from next door is what gives me chills
- uther better fucking accept lance
- “the law is the law” yeah but the law also says to stop being a stuck-up bitch, uther
- literally lance is the only fucking person to not see through merlins blatant magic tricks
- like he saw that shit, called it out and was not like “oh what its a trick of the wind, surely”
- and he's not fazed at all, u see merlin it aint that bad to tell some people
- the only thing he is worrying about is the credit he says he doesn’t deserve bc merlin killed the griffin and not him
- see how fucking great my husband is, guys
- he better not be like “sucks to suck, i lied again! it aint me, chief” to uther and arthur
- he better fucking come back soon >:(
- seasonal guest star at least
- main characters, big bonus
- we barely saw morgana this episode and i'm not okay with that, but at the same time it was more lance-centric so i'm aight actually. we got all the time in the world for my baby girl, but lance :’( good luck man
- literally everyone is so gay for lance
- gwens into him for sure, and i love that the most (guess thats not gay but whatever, beggars can't be choosers)
- arthur has a little crush ngl
- and merlins full out in love with him
- not to mention MY FUCKING SELF
- i mean, i won't deny that he’s literally perfect in every way and i've only known him for one episode, but i agree whole heatedly with these crushes
- “till next time, sir lancelot” merlin whispers with a smile
- yeah that's me right there
- greeting us all with the news on being cast full-time for the show, being the best guard around and a lover boy to all
- guys i feel like i'm on aphrodisiacs but instead of desire for sex, it's love for lancelot
- send help
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kathrynmjaneway · 7 years ago
In which Hogwarts house would you put each member of the Torchwood team and why? (You can also do Rhys and Andy because I love them)
ohhhhh heyy! I have talked and have had so many discussions about this THANK YOU!!!
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[uuuuuuuhhhhhh, yes. yes. this is it. the ask from before christmas. I procrastinated, then got sucked into researching traits of the different houses, then started the post, saved it as a draft.............and forgot about it. (aahhh) (this is a new record for time it took me to answer an ask). I am really really sorry for taking so long! thanks for the reminder and for being so patient! ♄♄
these answers were supposed to be a lot longer and more detailed, but before I get caught up in research again, I’ll keep it short(er)!]
Jack and Gwen - Gryffindor
they are both reckless, ready to sacrifice themselves, standing up for what they think is right, want to protect other people, brave to no end
they share a lot of similar traits, but on different ends of the Gryffindor spectrum, if that makes sense. Gwen is more stupidly brave and naive, whereas Jack simply has more experience and knows which scarifices are worth making or not. I’m not getting into this too much, since they are both commonly sorted into Gryffindor
Toshiko - Ravenclaw
Tosh is intelligent, she wants to understand everything, she thrives for more knowledge simply for the sake of knowledge. She is incredibly curious and loves to learn more. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her be sorted into a differnt house than Ravenclaw, I think it’s the obvious choice.
Ianto - Slytherin
(is this controversial? I think he’s often sorted into Hufflepuff?)
He’s loyal, cunning, smart, he fights for this he trusts/is close to
he’s also cruel and takes revenge on people who hurt him, he fights back (Broken, The Office Of Never Was)
he deceives the whole team for months to save the person he loves (can it get anymore Slytherin like???)
I don’t know if this is really fitting to this whole discussion, but I think it’s also important to notice that where Jack and Gwen always put other lives before their own and try to save as many people as possible (typical Gryffindor), for Ianto the most important thing sometimes is to just save himself (again, The Office Of Never Was, Fall To Earth [he was ready to scarifice Zeynep, even if he didnt want to. Jack or Gwen would have told her to run, I think], Broken [yes he does save Jack and Mandy, but not before he does push Jack into hell and walks away from it all, because it hurt him all too much], which I really, really love about him, as a person and a character.
I can go on, but he’s definitely 100% Slytherin in my opinion
Owen - Hufflepuff
Owen was the hardest one for me to sort, because I think he has traits for Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff, but ultimately, I am going with Hufflepuff (which might be a little controversial, so I’ll try to explain:)
Owen is smart, incredibly smart, he wants to learn new things, he is curious and wants to understand the things he comes across - which are all clearly Ravenclaw things.
But - he wants to gain knowledge to use it. He takes risks in his work and in his way to learn new things, he’s cunning (e.g. KKBB -he has no idea if the mixed blood thing will really work, but he immediately had the idea and takes the risk; In End Of Days Owen knows his way around, quickly finds a way to get the rift manipulator working by looking right through Jack and finding his codes for the secure archives etc.) Owen has sort of a dark humour. All sort of Slytherin traits. In addition, Slytherins are strongly associated to the Dark Arts, and in a way, so it Owen (TKKS - being so cheerful about the possible negative effects of Retcon; his general connection to the Weevils; he literlly fights death and beats him, and while he had a different motivation, that clearly reminds you of Voldemort).
AND YET: While I obviously understand why people often sort Owen into Slytherin, I don’t think it’s the perfect fit for him. Because what motivates him? What is the thing he wants most in life? It’s not power or gaining as much knowledge as possible. Owen is a Doctor, he wants to help people more than anything. He wants a family, he wants people around him that he likes and loves, that he can care about and that in turn return those feelings and actions to him. He would do anything for his friends, for the people he loves. He is incredibly loyal. I could go on, I have A LOT to say about Owen.
(and also, the hothouse in s2 was probably his idea, and lets be real herbology is the Hufflepuff class in Hogwarts)
Owen might not be the stereotypical Hufflepuff, but it’s all there. I’m open for other opinions, but you really can’t change my mind on this (or Ianto) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rhys - Gryffindor
I’d sort Rhys into Gryffindor, I think. He might not always like it, but he is brave, stupidly brave even.
Andy - Hufflepuff
here you go, your ‘stereotypical’ Hufflepuff. I don’t think I have anything else to say here. He’s just lovely. Protect him.
I hope these answers are okay! I could write whole essays about this, but since you have waited for this for such a long time already

 I decided to not drag this out even longer.
Again, so, so sorry for taking so long and then forgetting about it and thank you for being so patient! ♄
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gcldstvins-blog · 7 years ago
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— ✧ DOVE CAMERON? No that’s actually GWENDOLYN GOLDSTEIN. The EIGHTEEN year old HUFFLEPUFF is currently in her SEVENTH YEAR. I’ve heard that the HALFBLOOD can be IMPULSIVE and NAIVE, but also EBULLIENT and COMPASSIONATE. If they had a theme song it’d be WAY ABOUT HER - BILLY JOEL. 
i am just going to take a moment to go ahead and apologize for how terrible this intro will be. i am in the middle of packing up to move, so my brain is kind of scattered. :[ hopefully, i am able to describe gwen in a way that makes sense to everyone. meanwhile, she has a pinterest page here that i am working on which can also help you to get a sense of her.
most people probably know that she is percival goldsteins younger twin sister. however, most people would also be surprised by this fact. the twins are as different as night and day. and honestly, it is sometimes a surprise to others that they are actually related. still, percival is easily the most important person in her life despite how different they can be. she loves the boy to death and would do anything for him.
like i said, she is rather different from her brother. for starters, she is known to be quite warm and bubbly where her brother can be standoffish and cold. honestly, this is something that has been a part of her since childhood. from a young age, she’s always been the kind that would walk up to just about anyone with a bright smile on her face eager to meet them and hear their stories. something that has been to the horror of her parents, especially after losing one child tragically.
speaking of the accident, gwendolyn feels horribly about it herself. she wishes that there was something that she could have done to keep it from happening. or, better yet, she wishes that there was some way that she could help her brother to shoulder the blame. she hates that her brother blames himself for something that was obviously an accident. even more so, she hates that her parents also seem to blame him for it. after all, it was something that couldn’t be helped. he was only a child himself at the time.
that has always just been gwen’s nature.. to care for others. she has always had a heart that is filled with love and compassion. something that she likes to share with others. she doesn’t hesitate when it comes to stepping up to give her friends ( and family ) whatever it is that they need. while it is one of her greatest attributes, it is also her greatest flaw. she gets so wrapped up in caring for others that she sometimes forgets to look out for herself.
another thing that works against her is her own impulsive nature. she has always been someone that jumps without thinking.. in many different areas. whether it be in a relationship or actually doing something dangerous, the girl just doesn’t tend to think. she is often fueled by whatever emotion that she is feeling at the time and goes for it. she doesn’t often stop to think about the consequences for her actions which is something that has gotten her into trouble from time to time.
due to her friendly nature, gwen can be a bit too trusting. often, she wants to believe the best in others. thus, she tends to try to overlook flaws that she knows exist in order to give them the benefit of the doubt. however, this can be another flaw with her due to people that definitely don’t deserve her trust. those that would take advantage of it, that is.
like one of her distant relatives, queenie goldstein, gwendolyn has had some instances of legilimency. however, unlike queenie, it isn’t something that seems to be active at all times. it is a bit frustrating since she doesn’t know exactly when she may peer into someone’s mind. but, she feels that it is better than having the skill to occur all the time. she doesn’t think that she could deal with that kind of a burden. it would be overwhelming to have people’s voices in your head all the time. she already doesn’t like having them in her head some of the time.
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sensesdialed-a · 7 years ago
plotted starter for @missgwendolyne
Peter was trying to block everything that happened last school year out of his mind. Obviously it was impossible, and the end result had been a success, but he’d much rather have a normal time at Hogwarts this year. One without insane Death Eaters for teachers and students fighting for their lives on school grounds. The evil was defeated now, which meant the school was attempting to bring a sense of normalcy back. It was the second day of the term, and Peter was just finishing up breakfast, when he noticed a familiar face among the students. “Gwen!” He called, having not seen her yet since he’d been with the other Hufflepuffs for the entirety of the first day. “Hey, how was your summer?”
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spideyxchelle · 7 years ago
Since I’m pretty sure MJ & Ned went to homecoming together (bc the flower on his lapel matched her dress + the pic from the app), imagine them going to ALL the dances as platonic dates, bc peter doesn’t realize his feelings and goes with other girls. Until senior year. He’s mustering up the courage to ask her, only MJ is already talking to Ned about coordinating their outfits for prom, and Peter looks at him like a kicked puppy, and Ned is just tired. He’s dealt with them for years. Let him rest
here is some adorable fluff for y’all. also, i love the idea of ned and mj going to homecoming together. IS THIS ACTUALLY CANON?!
Ned Leeds is tired.
he is the lone audience member to the dumpster fire that ispeter and michelle’s relationship.
look, he’s known for years that mj has had a crush on peter.it was glaringly obvious to him freshman year when she starting carrying aroundthe Thrawn trilogy. peter loved those books. he talked about them all the time.to the annoyance of everyone around him. and so, michelle suddenly readingThrawn was attention grabbing.
she only confirmed his suspicions when he saw her look atpeter on the bus to DC. he caught her in a private moment gazing at his bestfriend. and he had never seen her so vulnerable.
which was part of the reason he asked her to sophomorehomecoming. she looked so sad and sweet. and he knew what it was like to wantsomeone who did not even look twice at you (see: Betty Brant).  
and, to his surprise, they had an amazing time. first, theywent shopping for homecoming together. he offhandedly told her yellow was hisfavorite color because Hufflepuff, duh. and without any more instruction sheonly looked for a yellow dress. then, the actual dance was amazing. theywaltzed to pop music and did their impressions of partner ballet during theslow songs. she made the whole night incredible.
until liz and peter strolled in and spider-man duties tookhim away from his date.
still, all-in-all, mj was the best dance date. period.
when the junior formal came around, he and mj did not even discussgoing together. they knew. it was just
a thing. and it helped that they wereeven closer junior year than sophomore year. mj finding out about spider-manand becoming a part of team webslinger helped. well, it helped him. it was hardfor him as michelle’s friend to watch her pine away after peter. who was toonose deep in gwen stacy to notice the way mj looked at him.
when they went shopping for her dress for junior formal,something silver, she had whispered to him, “is it me?” she didn’t have to clarify.ned knew. ned always knew. he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “you’regreat. he’s just
an idiot.” “well, yea,” she rolled her eyes, “but him being anidiot doesn’t necessarily mean its not me.” “its not you,” he had reiterated.
AND JUST LIKE THE YEAR BEFORE, michelle and ned had anincredible time at formal. peter blew off his date with gwen to be spider-man,a yearly tradition. and that year both michelle and ned got to help him overheadset fight off the back guy. in formal attire. later, ned called it veryjames bond. michelle said it was more charlie’s angels. but the pair couldagree it was very, very badass.
so, naturally, when senior prom was upon them, ned and mjbegan to plan their yearly tradition. this year, though, peter decides to throwin a wrench. and ned is so tired.
because his best friends in the last year have mutuallydecided they’re like five recklessly brave seconds away from making out witheach other at any given moment. and, like, michelle has been longing for peterfor years. he should be happy that his friends seem on the precipice ofsomething significant.
but its so exhausting watching them dance around each other.
and, frankly, he really likes going to school dances withmj. there is no pressure to be anything but himself. and they always have sucha fun time. and, and, and. well. he’s entitled to his traditions.
which is why, when peter comes at him somewhat sidewaysabout his arrangements for prom, ned snaps, “i always go to the school danceswith michelle.” peter stalls, obviously surprised by the outburst, and tries, “whatare you talking about?”
“me and michelle,” ned explains, “we’ve gone to every schooldance together since sophomore year. not that you noticed because you were sowrapped up in liz and gwen to see beyond your nose.”
peter sputters, “that’s
that’s not true.” “sure it is,” nedcounters. peter’s jaw drops and ned sighs, “look, I get that you and mj are inthat
what-are-we stage of an almost relationship. but she’s my date to thiskind of stuff. she makes it fun. and we’ve taken the same formal photo with herstanding behind me, arms wrapped around my middle for my mom the last twoyears. don’t fuck with my traditions, peter.”
peter rubs the back of his head sheepishly, “do you likeher?” ned has to stop himself from rolling his eyes because he’s afraid theywill roll right out of his head, “no. of course not. I’ve quite literally criedto you about betty. but, I dunno, dances are how michelle and I became friends.its important to me.”
in the end, peter concedes. he’s taken mj for granted fortwo years. and he tells ned that THAT means the least he can do is respect nedand mj’s traditions. and peter goes stag. but ned lets his date dopartner-ballet-free slow dance without him.
and as he watches michelle and peter slow dance, foreheadspressed together, from his seat on the side of the gym he thinks to himself

“damn, can they just make out already?”
and they do. they really do. in the middle of the dancefloor. he’s so delighted, he audibly whoops. and the entire decathlon teamjoins in, sans  Flash.
while he’s laughing, Betty Brant catches his eye and smiles.
and, AH PANIC, his laughter dies. and his throat dries. and,lastly, he steals a bit of courage from his face sucking best friends, wipeshis sweaty hands on the back of his pants, and crosses the room to ask BettyBrant to dance.
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rainmakesyouwhole · 7 years ago
Merlin, Gwen, Thor, Tony Stark, Regina Mills, Rumple
This is gonna be long lol, enjoy! This was a blast
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (but I still have a hard time with it)best quality: His loyalty and kindness and unwavering goodnessworst quality: His willingness to do ANYTHING for Arthur, even when it’s a bad idea. (i.e. killing Morgana, which I... still question)ship them with: weird answer but Mithian! She only shows up for two episodes but they had really sweet chemistry. Her or Freya of coursebrotp them with: Arthur obviouslyneeds to stay away from: anything that would bring my beautiful son harmmisc. thoughts: He’s wonderful and I admire him so much and he’s so relatable and UGH
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Her servant heart - not just her job, but her desire to do it well even though it’s not fancy or enjoyableworst quality: idek- her aptitude to get into bad situations without meaning to?ship them with: Arthur brotp them with: Merlin! I love their friendshipneeds to stay away from: Evil Lancelot.misc. thoughts: I love when she takes care of Uther despite what he’s done to her and her family, because of her love for Arthur.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff with a side of gryffindorbest quality: everything about him, but especially his loyalty to Loki despite everything (shhh I’m predictable)worst quality: His impetuous nature, but he mostly matures past thatship them with: Jane, who is very underratedbrotp them with: Loki all the way. Brotherssssssneeds to stay away from: Sakaar, that didn’t go wellmisc. thoughts: His loyalty and sacrificial love is wonderful 10/10 
Tony Stark
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | Hufflepuff idk helpbest quality: How selfless he is, even when he pretends not to beworst quality: Weirdly similar to Merlin, he tends to try to protect his friends with bad and doomed ideas that don’t work outship them with: Pepper Potts! Pepperony is the power couple of the MCUbrotp them with: Natasha Romanoff!needs to stay away from: Thanos. Please?
misc. thoughts: He gets way too much hate, but tbh the MCU wouldn’t exist without him
Regina Mills
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Her ability to move beyond her past and decide who she wants to beworst quality: Her self-doubt and tendency to vindictivenessship them with: Robin, absolutely!brotp them with: Emma! I love how Emma works to include herneeds to stay away from: Her old self, and her mom pleasemisc. thoughts: Regina’s redemption is one of my favorite arcs in the show - she’s so strong and I love that she’s a part of the family! I love her interactions with Dark Emma too.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life (depends what he’s up to tbh all I want is for him to be worthy of Belle and I hate when he deceives her)hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (depends on the episode)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: The side of him that Belle brings out, when he realizes who he could be if he triedworst quality: His constant backslidingship them with: Belle! I love Rumbellebrotp them with: Not sure, I feel like he tends to be a bad influence on literally everyoneneeds to stay away from: Anything relating to the Dark Onemisc. thoughts: I love the first episode where Belle starts to get through to him at his palace. That was the episode that made me ship them!
Phew, I made it! I loved this, you can definitely send more if you want haha
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forestwater87 · 8 years ago
Hogwarts house headcannons for the characters you haven't put into houses yet? & what's your house? I'm Ravenclaw with strong Hufflepuff leanings. ALSO THE WOODSCOUTS ARE THEY IN SLYTHERYN
Ohhhh man okay I didn’t think of all these. Get ready for THOUGHTS BELOW.
Could be in: Gryffindor, because he seems relatively fearless
Probably in: Slytherin, because he’s just too clever and ambitious. I mean, starting a craps ring?
Reaction to being put there: “Whatever.“ (Probably relieved that they’re the only ones who don’t seem obnoxiously happy.)
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Alienated every professor except David. However, he’s also just the littlest bit beloved because he’s such a fantastic shit. Also he started a radio station out of the Shrieking Shack that’s just him rambling conspiracy theories about Voldemort (he and Luna actually really get along, although he insists she’s fucking crazy).
Could be in: Slytherin, since he’s so eager to prove himself.
Probably in: Ravenclaw, because he’s a smart cookie.
Reaction to being put there: “Obviously.” Immediately sits down and starts discussing advanced Arithmancy with the nearest dork.
Thing they’re known for: Being kinda a prick about magic. Obviously he’s accepted it’s real, but keeps complaining about how Muggle technology makes much more sense 90% of the time. (Is almost always right, too.)
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Managed to argue his way into better grades at least once with every professor, including Snape (no one knows how he did that, they’re just impressed that Neil’s somehow a bigger asshole). Also he became prefect and absolutely abuses this power to get Max and Nikki snacks.
Could be in: I mean, she’s a Gryffindor. There’s no other option.
Probably in: Gryffindor. OBVIOUSLY.
Reaction to being put there: “WOOHOO! When do we fight stuff?!”
Thing they’re known for: Fighting stuff.
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Fought a lot of stuff. (On a more serious note, Nikki’s incredible with Care of Magical Creatures; her complete fearlessness in the face of every animal lands her a job immediately after graduation helping Hagrid take care of them all, and in her spare time she wanders into the Forbidden Forest looking for adventures. She finds a lot of them. Also think she’d be a hell of a Beater and/or the most reckless Chaser in Quidditch.)
Could be in: Ravenclaw. He seems genuinely talented, and of all the campers there is the only one actually learning and improving at the thing he went to camp for.
Probably in: Slytherin, because he’s a prick like that. (I also love the idea of him and Neil being in separate houses and having a Hatemance based in rivalry.)
Reaction to being put there: Disappointment that they don’t enjoy Muggle magic tricks.
Thing they’re known for: Muggle magic tricks. Seriously, he’s incredible at them.
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Started an Illusions Club that specializes in these kinda tricks. They’re kinda seen as the dweebs of Hogwarts, but they have fun and Nikki occasionally likes to show up and try to figure out how they do it. (She drags Neil along and he complains the entire time.)
Could be in: Ravenclaw. Literally because of the glasses and her superiority complex.
Probably in: Gryffindor. Bitch faced an army of squirrels, a Nurf, an active volcano 
 and she keeps pissing of the most powerful person at the entire camp. Girl has no fear.
Reaction to being put there: “That’sth where the heroesth belong! Awesthome!”
Thing they’re known for: Complaining about how none of this is like DnD. Getting a bunch of pureblood children really into DnD.
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Learned surprisingly little magic. Spent most of their time organizing DnD tournaments and barely passing classes despite being incredibly intelligent.
Could be in: Hufflepuff, because he’s actually a sweetheart.
Probably in: Slytherin, because of his parents and general 
 unfortunate circumstances.
Reaction to being put there: Genial confusion. Immediately starts making friends with Death Eaters and having no idea what they actually are like.
Thing they’re known for: “The fuck’s up with that nice kid who keeps hanging out with Death Eaters?”
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Probably outgrown most of their innate Hitler-y-ness and kinda grown apart from his more Death-Eater-y friends. Fell in with Luna and some of the other weirdos and got really into illustrating for the Quibbler.
Could be in: Hufflepuff. No, hear me out: he’s remarkably sensitive and emotionally intelligent, self-aware and recognizes the importance of searching one’s feelings — to the point of recommending Neil look into anger management — open and accepting of different religions and sexualities. Really, he’s just a sweet kid underneath all of it. 
Probably in: Gryffindor. He’s too much of a badass not to be.
Reaction to being put there: He thinks all the houses are kinda lame, and the entire concept of breaking people into competing teams based on a few personality traits — particularly at a time in one’s life where they’re apt to change great as their brains develop and mature — is shortsighted and breeds unnecessary hostility. Will then immediately threaten the nearest kid for the last Pumpkin Pasty.
Thing they’re known for: Having a lot of knives, and being more effective with them than a wand.
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Delved hard into Herbology and is just insanely good at working with the most complicated plants. Friends with a lot of the Hufflepuffs, and will kick the asses of anyone who gives them shit.
Could be in: Slytherin, since she’s comfortable using people.
Probably in: Gryffindor, since she’s such an Extreme Sports goddess.
Reaction to being put there: “Cool.”
Thing they’re known for: Being so reckless that she actually got kicked off the Quidditch team and started her own Stunt Flying club instead. Constantly being in the infirmary for doing something dangerous and getting hurt.
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Become a motherfucking legend. Also might’ve died.
Could be in: Hufflepuff, since let’s be honest, that’s where we put people we don’t know what else to do with, and where does Broadway fit into Hogwarts?
Probably in: Ravenclaw, since he knows so much about theater and is fairly close to Flitwick, who’s the choir director of the school.
Reaction to being put there: “Does anyone here study the Bard?! Tell me somebody studies the Bard!”
Thing they’re known for: Talking to the ghosts. A lot. About everything: historical events that’ve been turned into plays (or that he’d like to turn into plays), any plays they might’ve seen, any plays they’d like to see 
 Preston understands that theater is as heavily steeped in history as it is art, and so studying the past becomes something of a hobby of his.
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Actually stayed awake through all of Professor Binns’ lectures. Literally no one else has ever done that before. Written 7 plays about Harry and his friends, 3 about the Battle of Hogwarts, and 14 about plucky gay youngsters finding love in a magic boarding school.
Could be in: Ravenclaw, because he knows so much about SPACE!
Probably in: Hufflepuff, because he’s so sweet and so 
 uh, mediocre.
Reaction to being put there: “Awesome!”
Thing they’re known for: Getting injured a lot. Not like Ered, but because he’s fantastically clumsy. (Though he and Ered become extremely good friends, since they spend so much time in the infirmary together. Turns out Ered’s actually really interested in space — or at least engineering, since it allows for some pretty cool shit.)
At the end of their 7th year they’ve: Aced Muggle Studies and become very close with Gwen. She kinda adopts him as her weird loser son.
Let’s be real, these guys are the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. They’re both kinda better than Hogwarts, but also way less fun and interesting.
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