#guys where are all the tags for michelle
beatledumpster · 2 months
2 songs
In which 60s Polnareff tells you all about gold-diggers
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adnauseum11 · 4 months
SITREP (John Price x Reader)
Dinner continues after you get a hold of your emotions.
3.6 k words
CW: mention of deceased parents.
Hopefully I slalomed through this dinner without adding too many personal details so the reader remains as much of a blank slate as possible while retaining some interesting backstory.
This work is part of the SNAFU series - most of which has been posted here and the Masterlist is pinned to my page. Due to threats from apps like lore.fm and Ai data scraping, I'm feeling less and less secure posting my work to Tumblr. I'm toying with the idea of taking it all down, although that feels a bit like closing the barn doors after the horses got out.
This will be the last chapter I post in its entirety here on Tumblr for the time being. Partial chapter updates only going forward. If you want to continue, please consider asking for an invitation from Ao3 to make an account. It's free, and then you can read anything, even the locked fics, like mine. It's worth the little bit of a wait.
link to the chapter over on Ao3
feedback welcome, let me know if you primarily read here on Tumblr or over on Ao3. I asked earlier and the responses seemed to favour Ao3. Not the case? Let me know!
sorry for folks on the taglist - let me know if this upcoming change works for you or if you'd rather not be tagged if it's not the full chapter. I'm trying some stuff out, love to have your thoughts.
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You take a few long moments in front of a large gilded mirror to breathe deeply, shaking off the lingering pall of grief, occupying your hands by checking your hair and make-up. John had been out of the country when your parents had been killed, unreachable for long months while you struggled to keep your ship afloat amongst the ensuing chaos. The situation had left you de-stabilized for longer than you cared to admit, John more familiar with the aftermath – the constant fighting with David and wild emotional dysregulation that he had weathered with equanimity. You can’t help but wonder what your parents would think about you dating the man you’d been fast friends with for all these years. Would your mother think it inevitable or inconceivable that you would see John in a new light after everything you had been through? You’re touching up your lipstick when Michelle’s face appears over your shoulder in the reflection. 
“Are you ok? I’m sorry if Kate upset you. She’s prone to prying and forgets herself sometimes.”
“It’s fine, the emotion takes me by surprise every now and then. Needed a minute to get my head on straight, as John would say.”
You answer as you square your shoulders, turning to face the other woman. Michelle nods sympathetically, twisting her fingers together in front of herself.
“I’m sorry for your loss. John is pretty concerned; I think he would have come in after you himself if I hadn’t offered to come check on you.”
You give the other woman a reassuring smile, gently rolling your eyes at the unsurprising news of John’s overprotective streak. She carries on before you can make a weak joke about his hovering.
“You guys are pretty serious, hm? He didn’t call you his girlfriend when he took Kate to task about being too intrusive, he said you were his partner.”
A warmth blooms from the pit of your stomach, and you have to fight to keep your smile from growing into an inappropriately triumphant grin. John was listening after all bouncing around in your mind. Michelle follows you out of the bathroom, chatting easily.
“It’s nice to see him with someone that loosens him up. I can’t remember the last time we did something like this. There was a time where I didn’t think he would ever relax. I swear his shoulders were habitually around his ears most of the time I saw him. I’m rooting for you two.”
“Thank you, we’ve had our challenges so far but have come out the other side stronger I think.”
You squeeze John’s shoulder again as you step around his seat, his hand coming up to rest on your side protectively before you sit, his attention zeroing in on you.
“It’s alright, I was just caught off guard. Everything is fine.”
You reassure him, squeezing his wrist before his hand slips away again. Kate is contrite.
“I apologize, it was tactless to ask such a personal question.”
With a smile and a wave of your hand you try to place her at ease, not wanting dinner to grind to an uncomfortable halt.
“No, no, you couldn’t have known. Quite alright. I’m usually better behaved, I blame the red wine on an empty stomach for making me emotional.”
John huffs, having seen you far worse for wear but satisfied all is well if you still have a sense of humour. Kate’s face also relaxes into one of relief, and they both sag back into their chairs slightly. 
“Are you a cigar aficionado as well, Kate? John’s been wanting to come here since it opened.”
“Only when we’re playing poker. The ‘lil missus doesn’t like the smoke.”
Michelle takes a half-hearted swat at her wife who smiles in return, shrugging slightly as if the truth would come out regardless.
“No more smoking inside if everything works out, sorry John.”
Michelle adds with a small smile in John’s direction. He nods, as if he was expecting the news.
“Fair enough. I’m not smoking as much as I used to these days. Although I am interested to pop downstairs and see what their selection is like. I was gifted a beautiful lighter for Christmas, would be a shame to not use it a little more.”
The look John sends your way makes your skin prickle again. Not just with the desire that’s been simmering between you two all night but backed with the warmth of genuine deep-seated affection. It makes you want to crawl on to his lap and mess up his perfect tie despite all the onlookers. He reads the look on your face and the corner of his mouth quirks up. He doesn’t take his eyes off of you as he reaches into his inner jacket pocket, finally breaking eye contact to hand over the vintage lighter to Kate’s curious reach.
Your eyes follow it as she turns it over, examining the silver rectangle. It has a unique arm mechanism for lighting, effectively stamping out the flame when shut. It’s all hand wrought, the screws on the bottom for refilling the chambers individually made. There’s a delicate filigree up the corners, leaving the worn space in the middle empty for the engraving you had commissioned with John’s initials. John had been thrilled with your small gift, it had immediately joined his wallet and watch as an essential item he carried around every day.
“It’s a 1928 Kickstarter from Colibri. No idea where she found one in such good shape, it works like a dream.”
Kate tries the lighting arm and it swings upwards easily, a flame springing forth almost instantly. She snaps it shut again with a satisfying click and offers it to Michelle to inspect. You take a sip of your wine to avoid John’s intent gaze on the side of your face, certain that if you look over, you’ll give in to the overwhelming urge to reach out and touch him. You can practically feel him willing you to turn and he only relents when Michelle hands the lighter back, a knowing smile hovering at the corners of her mouth.    
“Looks like she’s got a homerun here. That’s a lovely piece, John.”
“I had to look for a while to find one in good working order.”
You supply, pleased these women who seem to know John so well are impressed with your gift.
“You know who else would appreciate that? Simon.”
Kate gestures to the lighter in John’s hand, raising her eyebrow at him in an expression you don’t understand. Michelle turns to face her wife immediately, concerned.
“Kate, no. No work stuff.”
“What? John will want to know.”
Kate’s tone is innocent, but her wife’s posture tells another story.
“Know what?”
John is cautious, returning the lighter to his inner pocket slowly, his eyes tracking from Michelle to Kate.
“He’s asked for the paperwork to be discharged; he’s going to retire. Making noise about moving back to this neck of the woods.”
John hums and his hand settles on your forearm, making you glance over at him in surprise. You’re fairly certain he’s unaware he’s reached out and grabbed you, his focus solely on Kate’s face. Kate notices the knee-jerk reaction though, and you watch her face rapidly go through a series of complicated emotions you couldn’t name even if pressed.  
“You’re right, I do want to know.”
John’s tone of voice has a measured calmness to it that belies the grip his hand has on your forearm.
“Well, this is all very cryptic. Who is Simon?”
You don’t dislodge his hand, raising an eyebrow at him when he slowly turns away from Kate to explain.
“Simon was my Lieutenant. He’s had a… rough go lately. Not surprised he’s wanting out but did he say what he plans to do?”
John answers your question broadly before directing another question back towards Kate. Michelle sighs, and you get the impression that this hi-jacking of the conversation happens more often than she condones.  
“No, not to me. Nor anyone else as far as I know. I was hoping maybe you could check in on him.”
“Hm. Yeah, could do – “
John is interrupted by dinner arriving. Everything is laid out still steaming and fragrant, fresh from the kitchen. Michelle shakes her head at the platter that is set before Kate, disbelief written across her face. John’s plate isn’t much better, the thick slab of meat before him making your eyebrows raise.
“Is this a military thing?”
You ask Michelle in a stage whisper, John letting go of your arm to attend to his enormous meal. He’s got a baked potato and lightly roasted green beans to get through as well, never mind the huge cut of meat. Kate’s lobster tail and steak take up most of the plate before her, with a potato of her own nestled beside a garden salad.
“No, it’s an excellent food thing.”
John answers, his eyes crinkling in good humour. Kate makes a sound of agreement before adding with a smile.
“And it’s a John’s paying kind of thing.”
Michelle’s back to scolding her wife but John just smiles, not offended in the least.
“She’s earned it, Michelle. Don’t worry.”
“Lord help us, don’t encourage her John. I haven’t decided yet how I feel about you two not working together anymore.”
Kate smirks at that and clinks her glass against John’s, and in a flash the depth of their friendship becomes clear. You refocus on your own food, wondering again at this part of John’s life you’ve heretofore been excluded from. You soothe your slightly wounded ego by reminding yourself that John’s trying at least to bridge the formidable gap between his work life and what you consider to be his ‘real’ life. His enjoyment of the company across the table is evident to you though, giving you pause. Michelle picks up on your thoughtful turn and catches your eye as you cut into the tender side of the filet mignon in front of you.
“They’re always having side conversations, it’s insanely annoying. It was worth putting up with it to know someone out there had her back when they were working. Now, it’s just taking the piss, as you say over here.”
She narrows her eyes at John who has the good grace to look slightly chastised. Kate ignores her wife, digging into the lobster with gusto.  
“John doesn’t talk to me about his work much. It’s all classified, apparently. I just found out that you two existed the other day.”
You try to gently joke with her, brushing off the fact that you know next to nothing about John’s work other than the broadest strokes. Michelle sends you a kind look and nods in understanding while Kate stares down John over her buttered lobster.
“Field work is difficult - Kate you know that. It’s safer for everyone if there’s nothing to leverage. As recently proved.”
You barely understand the context of John’s words, leverage striking you as an odd phrase when talking about relationships. You gather he’s talking about the break-in and subsequent shit show only just recently put behind you. Kate understands his meaning straight away though and shrugs, arching a brow across the table at John who’s paused in eating his meal.
“God love ya John, you always pick the hardest possible path forward. I get where you’re coming from, just not sure on the execution in reality.”
“Could you two speak English, please?”
Michelle interjects, her eyes on your face as you quietly puzzle over the layered conversation going on. If you knew her better you would say the look on her face was sympathetic. Kate explains herself for your benefit, her eyes flicking between you and John.
“I worked with John for years and if it makes you feel any better, he didn’t tell me that you existed until recently either. He seemed to be under the impression that keeping the spheres of his life from overlapping was the safest way to operate. The idea being that it would keep you from becoming a target. I’d say forewarned is forearmed, myself. But I understand his logic. His work was dangerous.”
John’s face is suddenly serious, his hands still, waiting for your reaction. You’re trying to piece together what little you know of his work and the events of the last few months. The idea that he’d been living what amounts to a dual life is jarring for some reason. You like to think you know John well, and this night is reminding you there’s a lot you are unaware of. Kate’s revelation that she didn’t know him as well as she thought either is cold consolation.
“So, keeping everyone separate in their own little box was about safety?”
“It’s always about your safety.”
John answers and you get the impression there’s more to be said but he’s holding his tongue. You decide to leverage it out of him later. What possible danger could there be in meeting these women now that wasn’t there when he was working? You exchange a long, silent look with him that must convey your skepticism because he only physically relaxes when you eat another bite of dinner, seemingly letting it go for the moment. Kate watches the tense exchange between you with rapt interest as she polishes off the rest of her lobster and salad.
“I don’t know about anyone else, but my dinner is simply delicious.”
Michelle breaks the silence, reaching across her wife’s arm to snag her gin and tonic and take a delicate sip. You smile in appreciation at her attempt to break the newest layer of tension, Kate’s chagrined face only making your grin wider. You exchange an amused look with Michelle as she hands the gin and tonic back to her annoyed wife.
“The food is really delectable. I’m getting full but it tastes so good! I’m going to risk popping my dress.”
Michelle laughs and Kate smiles over a bite of steak.
“I know John can put away a lot of food, but these portions are massive you guys. I’m impressed.”
You continue, a hint of awe entering your tone as you watch Kate’s methodical approach to her plate.
“I suspect they don’t half-ass things around here.”
Kate supplies, looking pointedly at the rich appointments around the big dining room. From the chandeliers to the floor length window dressings, the restaurant screams sumptuousness. John is just as regimented about his food as Kate, most of his steak gone and half of the side dishes remaining. He huffs in acknowledgment of Kate’s words, amused.
“They haven’t half-assed their prices so I would hope not.”
You smile into your last bite of filet mignon, relaxing into the gentle banter again. You take a moment while finishing what you can of your dinner to observe the way the group easily pivots from topic to topic, and the familiarity of it is striking to you. John is himself with them, there is no pretence in his conduct and you puzzle over his insistence on keeping you separated from people he gets along with so well. If what he says is to be believed, John spent his career being concerned about your safety such that he went to extreme lengths to keep you protected from its dangers. That’s not the behavior of a man who has only recently decided he wanted more from your friendship. His admission about the dress you're wearing turning him on years before he asked you out rattles around in your brain like a marble you can’t stop rolling around. His hand on your forearm draws you back to the present, and you look at him, his vibrant blue eyes taking in your dazed expression.
“Do you want more wine? I’m having coffee. Kate’s having another gin and Michelle is going to have a decaf.”
He asks, filling you in quickly once he clocks that you were lost in thought.
“Yes, that would be lovely. Please.”
The return of your manners earns you a warm smile and John turns to the waiter to relay your order. The dishes are cleared and you spend the next three quarters of an hour forcing yourself to stay present in the moment and not withdraw to puzzle over all you’ve learned. You find yourself naturally drawn to Michelle, her dry wit cutting and more than a match for her formidable and straightforward wife. Kate and John seem to be able to have a conversation within a conversation, and you quickly learn what Michelle means about it being annoying. It especially grates on your nerves as it’s typically you and John with a litany of inside jokes scattered through any conversation. Having the shoe on the other foot is less fun than you imagined. John excuses himself to the bathroom, which you know is code for paying the bill and you steel yourself to spend the next few moments alone with his friends.
“You’ve had a lot of change over the last few months, what with starting to date John and then moving in so quickly after the break in. How are you finding living with him?”
Kate’s got the question out as soon as John’s big frame leaves the general vicinity of the table.
“It’s like anything, a bit of an adjustment but it’s been good. He’s far neater than me, maybe you should ask him what living with me is like instead.”
You laugh before you continue, mentally acknowledging your vastly different decorating styles. John’s a minimalist where you love fun and funky tchotchkes. Your flat had been crammed to the rafters with knick-knacks. Moving in with John had necessitated parting ways with a lot of your less sentimental pieces. The lowkey dispute about the Christmas decorations had hardly been a solitary event.
“So far it's been lovely, he lets me have my way most of the time and pairs the most delicious wines with dinner. I have no complaints or salacious details, sorry ladies.”
You keep your most recent fight to yourself, unwilling to expose John or yourself to the scrutiny of these women, even if they mean well. In the end, you had gotten what you wanted there too, which was to be heard and considered in matters that concerned you. Which by all accounts, seems to have landed for John.
“He plays it pretty close to the vest too, as previously established. Was hoping you would be a bit more forthcoming.”
Kate smiles, not unkindly, but her rampant curiosity might as well be a neon sign flashing over her face. Her wife elbows her arm with all the subtlety of a gunshot and the dirty blonde schools her face back into something more restrained. You offer a smile and swirl the dregs of your wine, unsure what the other woman was hoping to learn.
“He snores when he’s been drinking?”
Kate gives a startled laugh and shakes her head quickly.
“No, that’s not what I meant.”
“I suspect the John you know and the John I know are the same, we just see him in different scenarios.”
“True enough to a point. He doesn’t let me have my way as often, I'm going to guess.”
You can feel heat creeping over your cheeks at the suggestive tone and she carries on before you can speak.
“I’m more interested in you, than how he behaves when he’s with you, to clarify what I meant. You went to university?”
You nod dumbly, the wine doing nothing to help your mind focus. Kate rolls along with more questions, to her wife’s open annoyance.
“Kate, leave her alone. Seriously.”
“Where do you work? Have you been there long?”
“Uh, I quit, before Christmas. After the break-in John and I talked and I’m going to find something else. I wasn’t happy there. So, technically working nowhere right now.”
“Were you using your degree?”
“No, it was customer service essentially with some data entry. Soul sucking. Awful.”
“What would you prefer to do?”
“I’m not sure. I think being a docent would be fun but those positions can be quite hard to get.”
Michelle’s distracted from trying to back Kate off this line of questioning by this tidbit of information, and her attention swings to you.
“Oh! Like at the Tower of London? They were phenomenal! That would be a fun job.”
“Yes, exactly. Having new faces to chat to every day and all that history around would be – “
“What does John think?”
Kate interrupts, the curiosity on her face in full force. The wine answers before you can corral your thoughts into something more even-tempered.
“I haven't mentioned it yet, besides, why would he care? He won’t be the one working there.”
Michelle tilts her head backs and laughs, John’s quizzical face popping into view at the end of the table eventually subduing her mirth.
“Hate to interrupt but everyone ready?”
You exchange a smile with Michelle and nod at John, standing and linking you hand with his outstretched one. He leads you back through the restaurant to collect your coats from the coat check. Afterwards you stand on the chilly sidewalk to exchange hugs and goodbyes, a whispered good luck sent in to Michelle’s ear that she acknowledges with an extra squeeze before letting you go. Kate bundles her wife into a waiting cab with a final wave out the window, and John convinces you to go peruse the cigars downstairs before heading home yourselves. If things work out for the two women, he reasons Kate will need a celebratory cigar to herald in their newest adventure. You can’t say no to his sentimental reasoning and find yourself an hour later, back in the same place on the sidewalk, John’s newest purchases tucked into your clutch to protect against the damp while you wait for the valet.   
Taglist: @beebeechaos @cadotoast @syoddeye @writeforfandoms
@itr-00 @chloepluto1306 @batw3nch @magsmagic @h0n3y-l3m0n05
@chickennn-soupp @fruitymoonbeams-blog @redwites @glitterypirateduck
@tf141gloryhole @bespectacledhuman
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sanjuwrites · 2 months
wip wednesday
thanks to @carlos-in-glasses, @bonheur-cafe, @reyesstrand, and @paperstorm for the tag!
Carlos knocks on TK’s doors a couple of hours later, holding Chinese food and a bottle of sparkling apple cider. TK opens the door, eyes tired and puffy, and is that…
“TK, is that my hoodie?” Carlos asks, a small smile gracing his face, even with all the emotion weighing down on him.
TK buries into it with a tired smile, “You left it here and I was cold. Where’s Aishu?”
“I left her with Michelle – neither of them seemed to be willing to let the other one go. I left them with enchiladas in the oven and a couple of bottles of wine. They both called out tomorrow, so I figured they’d be fine.”
TK opens the door the rest of the way, “Come in. Aishu’s clearly not here, so it’s just us tonight.”
They settle on either end of the couch, their legs tangled together as they pass a carton of egg rolls and chicken lo mein back and forth. They sit in silence for a couple of minutes before TK breaks it. 
“Carlos, are you okay?” TK cringes, “Not okay, but you know what I mean.”
Carlos sticks his chopsticks into the lo mein, putting it on the coffee table. “My wife’s dead, TK, how do you think I feel?”
Carlos closes his eyes, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. She was your friend too, and you’ve spent all day managing everyone else’s emotions. You were just as close to her, and you lost her too. I don’t think anyone’s checked on you since she disappeared.” Carlos leans in, pulling him closer into his chest. 
“No, it’s okay. The three of you were connected to her in a way that I just wasn’t – it made sense that y’all fell apart and expected me to hold you guys together. You supported me through everything when I was in high school and I broke up with Alex, and–”
Carlos feels his face crumple, and he’s glad TK can’t see his face where his back is pressed to Carlos’s chest. “Is that how you see our friendship, Ty? Transactional? Because I didn’t take care of you then so you’d take care of me now.” He fiddles with the bracelet TK wears, matching the one on his own wrist. “I took care of you then because I love you, and I didn’t expect anything back from you.”
TK turns in his hold, practically straddling him, “Do you mean that?”
Carlos nods, entranced by the way TK is looking at him. He feels drunk off the way their eyes connect, TK’s eyes feeling like they look deep into him. Before Carlos realizes what he’s doing, he leans in and kisses TK, pressing his lips to TK’s softly.
He feels him stiffen under his lips, and Carlos panics, starting to pull back when TK’s hands cup his face and pull him in farther, his tongue tracing the seam of Carlos’s lips.
Carlos practically melts into the kiss, opening his lips and granting TK access as he fully submits to TK. His hands tighten in Carlos’s hair, and he lets out a low groan into TK’s mouth, shivering under him as TK takes it all in greedily, like his life depends on it.
i wish i could say they fucked nasty after this but really this was the beginning of tk and carlos's problems :/
i'm leaving an open tag!
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Put It On The Fridge Protocol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51874924 by prongsredconvers The thing about Peter Parker, was that he talked way too much. Everybody, at least once in their lives, had told him that. Also, he had this tiny tendency to embarrass himself in every way possible. No matter how serious, crucial, threatening, life-or-death-ish the situation was, trust Peter Benjamin Parker to find a way to make a fool of himself. And well, he was a scientist, after all. And a good scientist always seeks the best results when trying to validate his theories. So, stated those facts: what could possibly be better than epically humiliating himself in front of the fucking Avengers?   Or: Peter calls Tony "dad" in front of the Avengers. Caos ensues. Inspired by that b99 opening where Jake calls Holt dad, but with out favourite dumb irondad-spiderson duo. Lots of talking and emotions and yadda yadda. Enjoy! Words: 9263, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Marvel) (Mentioned), Pepper Potts (mentioned) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Gets a Hug, Peter Parker Gets a Hug, Hugs, because they really need it, Emotional Constipation, I love that it's a tag, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Insecure Tony Stark, Insecure Peter Parker, Tony Stark Has Issues, Peter Parker Has Issues, but they work them out, Heartfelt Conversations, Feelings, NOT STARKER!!!, Precious Peter Parker, we stan rhodey and ned, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad", by accident, and he regrets it, Humor, Attempt at Humor, look guys i tried, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, the angst is them talking about emotions because yes somebody teach them pls, Tagging Is So Much Fun, B99 reference, Tony Stark Has Self-Esteem Issues read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51874924
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calzone-d · 1 year
I’m so psyched for headcannons!!! What about one that’s a little angsty like you and Ted on a break?
i’m glad you’re excited! thanks for sending this in! we all love a little angst. (tagging @carmylasso because I know she’s all about some angst)
got a lil long winded with this one and just ran with it, don’t say i didn’t warn you!
also, spoilers for season 3 if you haven’t watched yet.
ted would absolutely overthink everything
i feel like he’d intiate it while dealing with the whole dr. jacob mess
he thinks about how easily michelle cheated, how it was right under his nose
how he had NO idea it was even happening
his anxiety gets the best of him and combined with the stress of the team he has a “you know what? let’s push everyone away” moment
you guys had only gone on a couple dates, but have been close friends since he moved to richmond
he felt he’d gotten over Michelle enough to where he could finally express his feelings for you without that getting in the way
def would do it after the phone call, and a couple glasses of whiskey
he does it over the phone, his words are slurred and his voice is thick and you can tell somethings just wrong, but he hangs up before you can question him any further
you text him
“Ted, please talk to me about this. Things have been going good, I thought”
“They were. It’s not you, I’m sorry.”
and that’s it for a couple days
EESH maybe he doesn’t show up to work for the rest of the week, calls in “sick”
and when he tries pulling that excuse the next week, beard & roy go over to his apartment and straighten him the fuck out
they make him shower, help him clean, make him eat
“What does y/n have to say about all of this?”
“She uh- she don’t know.”
and they think about how you acted at work and put the pieces together
they lovingly rip into him about how he’s known you for over a year now, how they know he’s hurt by michelle’s cheating but not everyone is like that
what gets him is when they talk about how you’ve been at work. not happy or bubbly as usual, eating alone in your office, always having a sniffle and puffy eyes in the halls.
“Shit, y’all.. I-I did that to her.. I was just tryin’ to avoid getting hurt again I never meant to-“
Beard shakes is head and is like “No, tell her that”
would have a therapy session the next day and explains everything to dr sharon, she also tells him that he handled that wrong and should’ve just let you in, or asked for some reassurance from you
after that, he goes to your apartment with flowers and shaky hands
you answer in a robe, wine bottle behind you, eyes red and swollen, he can tell you’ve been crying.
your usually tidy living room is super cluttered
“Can I come in? I’ve got some explainin’ to do.”
breaks his heart when you sit on the opposite end of the couch instead of right beside him
he explains what happened with michelle, his thought process of not wanting to get hurt again, all of it
“I wasn’t the one that did that, Ted. I shouldn’t be punished for her mistake.”
“I know.. That was unfair, and I’m sorry.”
definitely not the type of guy to ignore the fact he made a mistake
“This won’t work without trust, Ted. I cant be in a relationship with you if you don’t trust me.”
“There was never an issue with trust, it was just- I was scared. So scared, y/n.”
“Then tell me that next time. Tell me what you’re scared of, or if i’ve done something to make you feel scared, or if you just need reassurance. I can work with that, Ted, but not if you just shut me out.”
“Do you think we could maybe uh, make some sorta system for when I’m feelin’ that way? Because I can’t promise I won’t be kinda scared for a while but I don’t want it messin’ with what we’ve got goin’ on. Don’t want her messin’ up anymore of the good things in my life.”
sooo that’s what you do. maybe similar to the “oklahoma” situation, you come up with a word for when he’s feeling scared or anxious, particularly when it’s related to the relationship
tears up a bit, it’s just pretty emotional overall
maybe you sit in on a session with dr sharon
i do think he’d make some strong improvement after that, like how we’ve seen with his panic attacks
would set boundaries about things that make him especially anxious, and asks you to do the same
very open and honest as a lover, regardless of the whole michelle shitshow
so apologetic for a while because he know what he did was wrong
oh god just imagine him holding while he calms down that night
he’d need you so close
just needs to feel you around him
needs to feel you breathe, smell your shampoo, needs to know you’re there for him
i’m so fucking soft for this man
thanks anon!! this was fun!!
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guardian-angle22 · 8 months
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Here is a rec list for 911LS fics directly related to episode 1.05 Studs! I try to make these as comprehensive as possible, so if you have any you think I missed let me know so I can add them.
[If you're an author and don't like to be tagged or linked for any reason, let me know and I'll remove the tag and make sure not to do so in the future, no questions asked.]
Canon Compliant:
◆ in the night (come alive) by @reyesstrand (Words: 2.1K; Rating: T)
"Well, I did have an idea," TK says, eyes bright and all-consuming. "Let's go dancing." * Missing scenes from 1x05
◆ i saved us in the night sun by @korvidkids (Words: 3.3K; Rating: G; TW: Minor Injuries)
How to date the guy you're not dating in five easy steps; a.k.a. five times TK didn't go home with Carlos (and one time he did).
◆ Take the leap by @tailoredshirt (Words: 1K; Rating: T)
"So how long has that been goin' on?" "What?" TK asked, frowning.  "How long have you and Reyes been…" Paul nodded in the direction of the bathroom Carlos had disappeared to. TK shook his head. "No, we're...we're not together. Why would you think that?" "Uh…because I got eyes in my head?" Paul said.
◆ Life's a game of inches by @paperstorm (Words: 5K; Rating: E; TW: brief discussion of transphobia & addiction)
A tag for 1x5, "Studs", in which TK has some feelings and an important conversation with Paul.
◆ believe me (you're not in love) by falloutmars (Words: 2K; Rating: M)
A 1x05 coda. TK falls asleep on a thoughtful Carlos.
◆ and now I see daylight by letmeinthewallsyouvebuiltaround (Words: 6.4; Rating: T; TW: Discussion of addiction)
Following 1x05 'Studs' - TK and Carlos take Paul out dancing to forget about his recent romantic letdown. Leaving Paul to be fawned over by the many intrigued women at the club, TK enjoys having Carlos all to himself and struggles to hide his growing feelings for the man.
◆ 'cause i've fallen far enough by lire-casander (Words: 1.3K; Rating: T)
carlos will take anything tk gives him, the crumbles of a friendship or the blinding light of his presence lightning up this club where they’ve taken paul
◆ i'll be there for you, ‘cause you’re there for me too by howtosingit (Words: 1.9K; Rating: T)
Following her accident, Carlos worries about Michelle. Luckily, he has TK at his side. + A missing moment from 1x05.
◆ Uniform by @aewriting (Words: 2.1K; Rating: T; TW: sleazy cop)
When a fellow officer sees Carlos and T.K. at the club together and expresses an interest, Carlos struggles to define their relationship, and his own feelings.
◆ Roadside Rendezvous by StarrySummers04 (Words: 1.5K; Rating: E)
TK and Carlos make an unscheduled stop on the way back to Carlos's apartment after spending the night at the club with Paul. Things start at the side of the road but finish in the bedroom.
AU or Canon Divergent:
◆ I Learned to Walk by Learning to Stumble by @detectivereyes (Words: 4K; Rating: T)
TK thought he was getting adjusted to living in Austin, but just when things seem to be settled, the station suffers a loss and he finds himself making the transfer to paramedic on Michelle’s team. Unfortunately, danger still finds him... or a very bad summary for what is essentially TK makes the transition to paramedic in s1, and what i think could have happened in 1x05.
◆ as the tide turns by novakskline (Words: 1.3K; Rating: G; Part of a S1 AU Series)
"TK? Everything okay?" Carlos asked as he came back into the room, placing the drinks down on the table so he could wrap his arms around TK, resting his head on his shoulder. "What's up?" "How do you feel about going clubbing tonight?" TK asked, holding onto Carlos' arms and letting himself be comforted by him.
◆ Play With Fire by @thatnerdemryn (Words: 6K; Rating: E; Threesome, d/s elements)
“You boys done for the night?” Paul asked, somehow carefully controlling the tremble in his voice. He cleared his throat as Carlos pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his neck and TK shook his head. “Not quite,” TK commented. He moved away enough to hold out his hands like a silent offering that Paul could either accept fully or brush off easily. He appreciated the gesture, but he wasn’t ready for the warmth the two men provided him to disappear yet. “Good choice, amigo,” Carlos practically purred behind him and Paul was sure his vision went a little fuzzy. “Friend? Is that what we’re going to be tonight?” Paul asked.
Technically Not 1.05 But Bowling Related:
◆ The Bowling League by @lonestarbabe (Words: 2.1K; Rating: G)
The team joins a bowling league for first responders. They are not so great, but they bring chaos to the league and have a lot of fun and love each other.
◆ some nights by @reyescarlos (Words: 1.6K; Rating: G)
14 “Please don’t tell me you filmed that.” “Of course I filmed it.”
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
StolenMoments!Series - Part One: First Date - Vostanik Sabatino x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @novamariestark @words-and-seeds
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You try not to like Sabatino, you really do. He's a spook, a CIA Officer, a master of manipulation but there's just something about him that captures you. You know that the outcome of that last mission weighs on him, you can see the regret in his eyes when he talks about Brendan Broake’s death.
Murder is what you’d thought when you’d first encountered him under his alias.
Accident is what he had told you in the aftermath.
You believe him, despite yourself.
When he’s not wearing a persona, he’s captivating. He talks with his hands, the left side of his mouth quirks up into a smile, his accent is sharper, more defined. It’s a far cry from the alias he was using when you first met him, an insurance adjuster called Roger who simply spat out the word lawyer.
“I heard you had to cancel a date tonight for this?” He says as he sits beside you in an unmarked car, watching the building across the street.
You’ve been here for a couple of hours, keeping an eye on your target. He hasn’t done anything more interesting than pass by the window a couple of times with a glass of top shelf whisky in his hand. In comparison the two of you are now eating Chinese from white take-out boxes with chopsticks.
“Sam and Michelle are trying to set me up with a teacher friend of theirs.” You tell him, your eyes fixed on Sidorov’s window.
“I’m guessing you weren’t looking forward to it.” He says, digging through the noodles in his box in search of the chicken.
“Trust me I much prefer being here with you tonight.” You utter, grimacing as Sidorov lingers in front of the glass with his robe open. “I never know what to say when they ask what I do for work…”
“Because if you say law enforcement, they either lose interest or they get a little too interested.” He summarises, nodding knowingly.
He’s been there, he was DEA before he became an operative for the CIA, he’s met his fair share of badge bunnies. They’re good for a night but anything more than that and they start to get a little crazy.
“I had a guy take me home to show me his murder wall once.” You reveal and suddenly his interest is piqued. He tilts his head towards you.
“O.J, JonBenét Ramsey or Jonathan Luna?” He asks because he’s been on the receiving end of the first two before and the third is more of a personal favourite, he’s listened to it recently on a true crime podcast.
“Technically two of those are already solved.” You remind him and he almost spits out his food because there’s not a person in his very small circle who knows who Jonathan Luna is, despite how weird the case is. The fact you do…
It makes him like you just that little bit more.
“Jonathan Luna’s not solved.” He protests, pointing the chopsticks at you. “There’s not a chance in hell that was a suicide. You can’t convince me otherwise.”
The edges of your mouth twitch up into a smile and his gaze meets yours. A blush creeps up his cheeks because he’s just betrayed a part of himself, shown you something that he’s passionate about. You want to explore that a little, hear his thoughts, his theories. You want to hear all about those true crime podcasts you know he listens to.
“It was The Golden State Killer.” You respond to his earlier question “Before they caught him.”
Boring, he thinks. Every man and his dog had a theory on that one before Paul Holes had managed to track down the killer. He is curious though…
“Was he close?” Sabatino asks, picking up his soda from the cupholder and sipping through the paper straw.
“Not even a little.” You laugh and he shares a smile with you because he gets it entirely. He’s lost count of the number of parties he’d attended before he turned CIA, where people would literally assault him with their theories. It’s a hazard when you’re law enforcement.
“I can’t even keep a plant alive let alone a relationship.” He confides in you, before gesturing between the two of you. “This is probably the best date I’ve had in years.”
“It’s in my top three.” You say with a humorous lilt. “Stuck together in a car, eating Chinese food while we wait for Sidorov to finish fucking his mistress. It’s dinner and entertainment.”
He laughs then, it’s a rich, warm sound that resonated through his body. It catches him off guard because for the first time in a while it’s genuine. He’s used to pandering to other people, making them feel comfortable, it’s part of his job. However, sitting here with you tonight, it’s the most real he’s been with another person in a long time.
“I guess the second date will have to make up for it.” He says, setting the takeout container on the dashboard before he wipes at his mouth with a napkin.
“Oh, you think there’s going to be a second date, do you?” You tease before setting your own little white box onto the panel so you can hunt down the carrier bag. He pulls it out with a flourish before holding it open for you. A clean stakeout space is a happy stakeout space. He waits for you to deposit the trash before he fastens the bag, and he tosses it in the back seat before he turns his attention back to you.
You’re an attractive woman, he thought that the first time he met you but it’s more than that. There’s a connection between the two of you, an undertone of something. He finds himself slipping back to the person he used to be, the man beneath all the identities. He hasn’t been that person in a very long time.
“I’m kind of liking the vibe we have, aren’t you?” He says dipping his head so that he can meet your eyes. “And I can promise you that I don’t have a murder board at home, that’s strictly for office use only.”
“You’re serious?” You ask him and he smiles.
It’s his real smile, the one that no one else gets to see. You can tell because his eyes crinkle at the edges.
“Yea.” He says quietly as he leans in a little, his gaze lowering to your lips. “There’s an Italian place not far from the Boatshed. A little dinner, a little wine, we can get to know each other better.”
“You can tell me about your true crime podcasts.” You murmur as he reaches out, his thumb ghosting over the apple of your cheek. The scent of his aftershave floods your senses, something woody with a citrus undertone. His nose trails along the length of yours and you tilt your chin up so that your mouth brush over his.
You’re surprised by how soft his lips are, how tender he is with his kiss. His thumb chases along the line of your jaw and already you know you’re falling for him. And that’s ok, because he’s falling for you too.
“Sidorov’s on the move.” Sam’s voice comes across the radio. “Back exit.”
The two of you break apart reluctantly before pulling on your seatbelts.
“Tomorrow night.” He promises, his gaze focusing on the road ahead as he starts the engine of the car. “We’ll do it tomorrow night.”
The second date never happens.
Instead, the two of you end up sharing a cigarette outside of the Boatshed. He lost a friend today; a partner and you can see how much it devastates him. It’s in the way he pinches his brow when he strides outside to get some air, his hunched shoulders. He’s barely keeping his shit together.
“I have to go to Washington tonight.” He tells you wearily and you nod your understanding. You’d heard they were setting up a taskforce to bring down Sidorov, you know he has to be there. That even if it was a choice he’d still go. You didn’t like Synder, but he deserved better than being shot to death on a basketball court.
“Nik.” You say his name and his head inclines towards you.
Your fingertips brush over his cheek and he raises his hand, clasping your palm to his face. He closes his eyes for the briefest of moments, savouring your touch because he knows it’s the last time he’s going to feel it.
“I’m sorry we missed our moment.” He says, his lips brushing over the hollow of your wrist.
“Yea.” You whisper with a sad smile. “I am too.”
Love Nik? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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I figured to wait until the release day of Tekken 8 to start the The King of Iron Fist Tournament! Or the Tekken Tournament. I'll let you guys decide on the name but for now I will just say Tekken Preliminaries!
So who is fighting it out and who is currently in the 64 bracket? I did the same seeding I did for Mortal Kombat, where I based it off of playable appearances. The 8 mainline games and the Tekken Tag Tournament games, any other spinoff is not included.
Tekken Characters In the Bracket
10 playable appearances (all ten games!)
Nina Williams
Paul Phoenix
9 playable appearances
Heihachi Mishima
Kazuya Mishima
Lee Chaolan
Marshall Law
8 playable appearances
King II
Kuma II
Anna Williams
Lei Wulong
Bryan Fury
Eddy Gordo
Jin Kazama
Ling Xiaoyu
7 playable appearances
Julia Chang
6 playable appearances
Wang Jinrei
Steve Fox
5 playable appearances
Baek Doo San
Bruce Invin
Craig Marduk
Emilie De Rochefort
Sergei Dragunov
Asuka Kazama
Devil Jin
4 playable appearances
Armor King II
Kunimitsu I
Michelle Chang
Prototype Jack
Jun Kazama
Christie Monteiro
Alisa Bosconovitch
Lars Alexandersson
Leo Kliesen
3 playable appearances
Armor King I
Ancient Ogre
Forest Law
Tiger Jackson
True Ogre
Roger Jr.
Miguel Caballero Rojo
Robert "Bob" Richards
Tekken Characters in the Preliminaries
2 playable appearances
King I
Kuma I
Devil Kazuya
Dr. Bosconovitch
Miharu Hirano
Jinpachi Mishima
Claudio Serafino
Leroy Smith
1 playable appearance
Slim Bob
Master Raven
Josie Rizal
Katarina Alves
Kazumi Mishima
Lucky Chloe
Kunimitsu II
Lidia Sobieska
Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo
Victor Chevalier
Eliza (gonna appear in Last Chance as I forgot)
Just like last time, four groups to decide who will get the open spots. However there is a odd number so we might do a Last Chance Preliminary poll once again. The top 3 of each group will move on to the bracket. Number 4 will go to Last Chance. The rest are banished to catering forever.
The preliminaries themselves will be out soon hopefully in the next hour or so are out now. Thank you for the support and here's to another fighting game tournament.
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Also been dead for a month so tagging for visibility, however you are not obligated to. If you do, then thank you very much.
@cinderpoll @victimsofyaoipoll @elementspecificcharatourney @tournament-announcer @favoritesegacharacterbracket @clash-of-the-wizards @characterswithcolorsnamesfight @silly-name-tourney @bestadaptationtournament @best-female-villain-tournament
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If you ever feel like writing a Drabble where Misha is on a date and gets broken up with please tag me, cause I’d love it 😈
CW: Whumper POV, sadistic whumper, Misha thinks a lot of violent things about basically everyone
A muscle in Misha's jaw twitches as his teeth meet, grinding together with the effort it takes to just... listen. He's wildly aware of the steak knife lying next to his right hand, convenient as can be, but probably nearly as dull as a bread knife.
"It's just... I kind of feel like you don't actually care," Michelle says, and looks at him with big, imploring eyes. He thinks about gouging them out and putting coins there, something Tyoma read to him once about paying for the ride to Hell. "Not, like, about me, but... well, yes, it feels like you don't care about anything, me included."
He nods, breathing carefully. "I don't think that's true," He says, and his voice stays mild, but the rage burns him up from the inside. It's the only thing he ever feels with any level of strength - every other emotion feels sort of faded by comparison, but anger... anger is bright and sharp and hot and good.
She raises her eyebrows, disbelieving, and then lets out a little laugh, picking up her fork to pick at her salad. "Okay, fine. Name one thing you even remotely care about more than yourself."
That's easy. Misha doesn't even hesitate. "My brother."
Her hand stills, a bit of lettuce dripping ranch dressing pierced right through, as if the vegetable bleeds white with green flecks. Misha's eyes flicker down to it, wondering if he could get a pitchfork all the way through a torso and try to recreate the image. When he looks back up at her face, the expression on her face is a strange one.
"... Yeah, okay," She says, speaking slowly. "But... like. You and your brother aren't... normal about each other."
"What does that mean?"
If she insults his Tyoma, he will slice her face to ribbons, even if the trail leads right to him. It'd be worth it, to show her ruined body to Tyoma and say, look, she said bad things about you, look how much I love you that I have ensured she can't say them again.
"I... I don't know, Mikhail." She says it almost like Michael in her stupid American accent, and he swallows down a correction. It isn't worth it. "I just mean... look, my brother's a couple years older than me. I know tons of people with brothers, and none of them spend as much time together as you guys do. And, like, he looks at me like I'm intruding on you two."
"Tyoma only wants to protect me," Misha lies, smooth like oil.
Tyoma wants to protect you from me.
"Right. But. Still, like, it's weird, right?"
Misha exhales, slowly. Tyoma always tells him to breathe away the anger before it takes over when he's in a place where people will see it. He tries, he really does try.
"I do not think so," He says, placing each word into the air, picturing them as stones he drops to weigh her down, drag her under the surface of the water. "We come from Russia when we are little, we have only each other for long time." His accent is thickening, he's dropping the unnecessary English words that used to drive him up the wall.
The other kids laughed because he forgot the 'a' or the 'the' in so many sentences, and sometimes he scratched them up or bit them, and then Tyoma taught him how to stop himself, how to breathe first.
"No, I get that-"
"Do you?"
She swallows, and she sees something in his face. He knows she does, because she sits up suddenly, her spine straightening. She's tense, now. He thinks about when she explained to him that she keeps her keys between her knuckles when she walks late at night out of her job at the mall, how she never wears her hair in a ponytail because that would make it easier to grab. All the little rules she lives by to keep herself safe. He hadn't been paying much attention, it had seemed like so many pointless little games.
"Yeah," She says, and her voice is a little husky, now. "Yeah, I do. You were all by yourselves when you moved here, I understand that. But, like... that was more than ten years ago. And dating you still feels like I'm dating you both, except that I kind of get the feeling that your brother isn't into the idea."
Misha hasn't ever considered it that way. He looks to the side, out into the eternal rain. Why his parents moved to this part of the country, where a drizzle is good weather and sun is a rarity, will never make sense to him. "I can see why you think this," He says, finally, and his voice is softer now. He can see Michelle relax.
It's her own fault, not realizing that predators are often quietest just before they strike.
"I like seeing you," He continues, and looks down at his own steak, half-eaten, so raw it might as well be bleeding on the plate. "I am sorry you do not want to see me any longer, but we can stay friends?"
"Yeah," She says, and he wonders if she's lying. Misha lies all the time, about everything, constantly. But he can never tell if other people are lying - mostly, he doesn't care. "Yeah, friends. Listen, I'm gonna-... if you're okay, I'm gonna go. Do you mind grabbing the check?"
She's leaving, he thinks, and making sure she's gone before he can follow her out.
It doesn't matter.
He knows where she lives, works, who her friends are...
Tyoma would tell him this would be too close, people would look at him. Likely suspect, unlike the strangers in bars he's never seen before. Unlike the women walking the streets with no one to report them missing. Tyoma is right, he's right, and so Misha pushes it down. Instead, he looks over Michelle's face, memorizing it as best he can.
"No problem," He replies, and pushes his chair out, standing up to offer her a hug. She looks unsettled, but unwilling to make a scene - she steps into the hug, and he reminds himself not to hold her tight enough to hurt. He breathes in her perfume.
"I will see you around," He says, voice kind and soft, unworried. Unbothered.
"Yeah," She mumbles as she breaks away from him. She grabs her purse and he watches her go. She has her phone in her hand and then to her ear before she disappears from the window, and he thinks about how she's probably calling someone so she'll be on the phone all the way to her car, in case he runs after her.
In case he gives chase.
Misha, though, just sits quietly back down and cuts another bite of his steak.
He will forget her in a week, or two or three, and find some other girl. He has no doubts he'll find someone new, there's always someone new. It's not like he cares about them, he just hates when they leave him.
But Tyoma will still be there.
He finishes every single bite of his own dinner and about a third of Michelle's remaining salad before he pays and leaves, walking out into the nighttime rain without even batting his eyes against the droplets that land on his lashes.
Even the anger is fading, now. No feeling stays in him for long, he flits from one to the next. Only the itch is permanent. Michelle can go - he doesn't need her, or even care about her very much. He just hates being refused.
He sits in the driver's seat and dials the only number he knows by heart.
"Allo," Tyoma says, sounding like he's been woken up out of a dead sleep. Misha grins, knowing he'll be all mussed up, hair in his eyes. "Mishka? Vse khorosho?"
"Yeah, is fine," He answers in English. "Michelle breaks up with me tonight."
"Oh." Tyoma hesitates, then asks, gently, "Are you okay?"
Misha's smile widens. If he can't feel enough for things to matter, Tyoma at least feels enough for both of them. It's cute, that he thinks Misha might be heartbroken. "Da. Is fine. I want to go out tonight, though, find someone."
Tyoma's silence is so long that Misha breaks it with laughter, shaking his head where he sits in his car.
"Not like that! Uspokoit'sya, Artyoshka. Just to meet girls. Do you have work?"
"Mmmf, no. My night off. I can go. I can... what time s'it?"
"Mishka..." Tyoma groans. Misha can see him collapsing back into bed, head against the pillow. "I sleep for only four hours!"
"I know. Mne zhal', Artyoshka," He isn't, he isn't sorry at all, "But I want to go out. You will come with? Yes? If I come home, you will go with me out tonight?"
If Tyoma says yes, he won't kill anyone tonight. If he says no, Misha will find someone who looks like Tyoma and kill them instead, take pictures, and show Tyoma what he's done by caring about a little sleep more than his own brother.
He's picturing, with delight, what it would be like to see Tyoma's eyes go so wide and scared of him, like the others do before they die. How handsome Tyoma would be bleeding. But all his big brother does is sigh heavily. "Da. I need to shower and dress. Come home?"
"I will." Misha sighs, feeling so much better already. Even just thinking about fixing the itch helps, a little. Even if he would never ever hurt his brother, sometimes thinking about it is just... fun. "Tyoma?"
"Thank you. You are a very good brother."
He hangs up before he hears if Tyoma says anything back. Tonight will be just for drinking, dancing, and maybe seeing if any girls will go into the filthy bar bathrooms with him, and he won't hurt anyone. He won't hurt anyone at all.
He can save that for later.
Especially if any of those girls like Tyoma more.
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Boy Trouble
Fandom: Full House
Pairing: N/A
Characters: Female Reader, Jesse Katsopolis, Danny Tanner, Joey Gladstone, DJ Tanner, Stephanie Tanner, Michelle Tanner, Nicky Katsopolis, Alex Katsopolis, Original Male Character
Word Count: 2930 // Rating: Teen & Up
Summary: Jesse tries to navigate boy troubles
Tags/ Warnings: Controlling Behaviour, Teenage Romance, Implied SA, Kissing Without Consent, Ex-Boyfriends, Arguing, Angst, Jesse's the uncle we all need, Family Dinners, Stalking, Requested Fic, Requests
Notes: working my way through requests. they're closed until post halloween challenge
updated 8/23
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@ancis93 Heya! I read your oneshots with Jessi (Full house) a while ago. Also, I see it was a while ago and now you're writing more for Elvis, but I hope it's ok to write a request for Jessie...it's that Danny has another daughter (older than DJ) who's being bullied by an ex-boyfriend, the whole he tries to call her for weeks, waits for her outside the school, tries to bribe her to give him another chance, but she keeps saying a clear "NO". She became so desperate that she distanced herself from her sisters, Joey, her father, and even the uncle she looked up to and relied on the most. Her sudden change kept Jessie awake, so he decided to find out what was going on and why his sweet niece wasn't as cheerful as before
‘Hey Y/N, Nick’s on the phone for you,’ Jesse said holding the phone out in his hand towards his niece. She was standing at the kitchen island having just made a sandwich. She looked up at him a flash of panic across her face for a moment before it fell back into a neutral position. 
‘Take a message, I’m busy,’ she said with a quick smile before she headed to the door. 
‘But-’ Jesse started but she cut him off as she ducked out into the lounge.
‘Sorry gotta study!’ she said. And with that, she was gone. Jesse sighed and placed the phone back to his ear. 
‘Sorry bud,’ he said, ‘she’s just left.’ 
‘Where’s she gone?’ Nick said bitterly. 
‘Uh, I think she’s studying at her friend Anna’s,’ Jesse said. He didn’t know why he lied. He could have told him that she had refused to take his call. But he didn’t. After all, he didn’t know why Y/N didn’t want to speak to her boyfriend. Boy drama was never something he longed to get involved in. But if she was dodging his calls she had her reasons. And Jesse was a good uncle, he knew not to land her in hot water. 
‘Well, when she gets back tell her to call me?’ Nick said and before he could reply Jesse heard the phone slam on the other end. 
He sighed and placed the receiver back onto its slot just as the backdoor opened and in spilt Becky, Nicky, Alex, Michelle and Steph. 
‘Hey guys,’ he said as his sons plodded towards him. 
‘Hi daddy,’ they said in unison. 
‘Hey Beck, girls,’ Jesse said as his wife followed their path and leaned in to give her husband a kiss. 
‘Hey,’ she said, ‘what you up to?’
‘Nothing,’ Jesse said as he scooped up the boys, one on each hip, ‘well apart from being Y/N’s secretary.’ 
‘Huh?’ Becky said. 
‘Nick called and she’s screening,’ he said simply. 
‘Again?’ Steph said as she took a seat at the dining room table. Michelle took a seat next to her. 
‘This has happened before?’ Jesse asked a worried feeling coming into his gut. 
‘Yeah,’ Steph said nonplussed, ‘he’s been calling all week and she’s barely answered.’ 
‘How do you know?’ Becky asked eyeing the blonde who immediately went still. 
‘You hear a lot from the bedroom across the hall,’ Steph said. 
‘Yeah, or when you have a glass pressed up to the door of it,’ Michelle said.
‘Steph that’s not very nice,’ Becky chastised. 
‘It was only once or twice,’ Steph said defensively. 
‘Yeah, the other ninety-nine we both did it,’ Michelle said earning a scowl from her sister. 
‘Well maybe from now on you should just focus on what’s happening in your own room. Don’t you think Jess?’ Becky said. She reached a hand to stroke Nicky’s hair as she passed by Jesse and the twins headed to start unpacking the groceries she had brought in. Jesse was still holding the boys but he was barely listening to the conversation. His mind was on his eldest niece. He didn’t know why. He didn’t know why Steph’s words had bounced around inside his brain so much. Something was up. He knew it. 
‘Jess?’ Becky said snapping him back to reality. 
‘What? Oh yeah,’ Jesse said non-comittally, hoping his response was the correct one. 
‘Thanks,’ Becky said with a roll of her eyes, ‘now how about you actually listen to me and take the boys upstairs to get them ready for DJ’s party tonight?’ 
‘Sure thing honey,’ he said. 
‘And girls why don’t you head up too?’ Becky asked earning a chorus of ‘okay aunt Becky’ from the two blondes. 
‘Come on boys let's go get you looking spiffy huh?’ Jesse said as he headed towards the back stairs. He placed them down when they hit the landing, allowing them to run full pelt towards the attic. Though as he got down the hall he heard talking. It was on the other side of a door granted but his interest was piqued. He crept quietly along the hall towards Y/N and DJ’s bedroom door. And quietly as he could he placed his ear up against the wood. 
‘I can’t…because I can’t…well, I didn’t tell him to’ he heard her say. She was on the phone, ‘because I…no…it’s DJ’s party…I promised and I already said…okay fine.’ 
Jesse pulled back as he heard the click of the phone being put back in its place. His heart thudded a little harder but he didn’t know if it was because he was doing something he shouldn’t or because of how sad his niece sounded with whoever she was speaking to. His intuition was right, something was wrong, but just as he went to put his hand on the doorknob so he could speak to her he heard the twins yell for him. He jumped, startled at the intrusion, but quickly made up for it by jogging towards where they were waiting for him at the door to the attic. 
‘And just a water for me please,’ Danny said. The waitress nodded and disappeared towards the bar with their complete drinks order. They were in a fancy new restaurant in downtown San Francisco a place that DJ had begged her dad to take her to for her birthday though the ambience of the restaurant was brought down a peg or two by the Tanner rabble. Even more so as Michelle, the twins, and Joey were having a competition to see who could keep their ‘walrus tusk straws’ in their mouth the longest. 
‘Danny this place is really nice,’ Becky said swivelling her head around to take it all in. 
‘Yeah, well it would be if bonehead here would stop leading the children astray,’ Jesse said smacking Joey upside the head. 
‘It was all DJ’s choosing,’ Danny said. 
‘Well it’s very nice,’ Becky smiled. 
‘I think the appeal was more that the cute guy from her biology class is a bus boy here right Deej?’ Kimmy said earning herself a dig in the ribs from her pal. 
‘Oh is that right,’ Danny said raising his eyebrows. 
‘She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,’ DJ said blushing a little. 
‘So why is he right over there?’ Kimmy asked openly pointing at a cute teenage boy standing near a table that had clearly just been vacated. 
‘Kimmy!’ DJ said yanking her friend's hand down, her blush now capturing her entire face. 
‘Well whatever the motive I say good choice,’ Joey said. 
‘Here, here. Though I have to admit the idea of another one of my daughters heading out into the wide world of dating doesn’t thrill me. I mean pretty soon you’ll be just like this one,’ he said throwing his arm around the shoulder of his eldest daughter who was sitting beside him, ‘a boyfriend. Prepping for your SATs, headed off to college, right Y/N?’
Y/N didn’t respond. Her fingers were gently fiddling with the napkin in front of her and she was looking at the table seemingly unaware that ten pairs of eyes were staring at her. 
‘Y/N?’ Jesse said pulling her to reality. 
‘Huh?’ she said looking up. 
‘I was just saying how you’re all growing up,’ Danny said. 
‘Yeah, I guess,’ she said. 
‘Woah,’ Jesse said, ‘tone down your excitement. Wouldn’t want to get us kicked out.’
‘Am I meant to be excited about some overrated restaurant?’ 
‘Now come on,’ Danny said, ‘it’s DJ’s birthday don’t be a spoilsport.’ 
‘I’m not being anything,’ Y/N said bitterly.
‘You’re being a little harsh Y/N,’ Joey said.
‘It’s not my fault I didn’t even want to come tonight,’ Y/N snapped. 
‘Hey, lose the attitude,’ Danny said warningly. 
‘Or what? I won’t get to sit in this lousy restaurant that DJ only picked so she could ogle a 10th grader? What a shame,’ she said. 
‘Why we came here isn’t the point. The point is it’s your sister’s birthday and she deserves to have a nice evening. Not one ruined by you being mean and miserable,’ Danny said. 
‘Fine,’ Y/N said standing up, ‘I’ll not ruin your evening anymore.’
And then she strutted away from the table towards the restrooms leaving an awkward silence in the air. 
‘Should I?’ Becky said standing up until she felt a hand on her arm pulling her back down. Jesse. 
‘I think it’s best if we let her cool off,’ Jesse said. 
‘Yeah, Jess is right,’ Danny agreed. Jesse nodded at him. As the conversation started back up, mostly apologising to DJ, Jesse thought about his niece’s outburst. It was odd. Out of character. She was never off with her family and she and DJ were closer than anything which meant her outburst was even more strange. He decided to let it go for a minute but he was definitely going to find out what was the matter. 
Jesse couldn’t sleep. Becky didn’t seem to be having the same dilemma as she snored lightly beside him in the bed. But he couldn’t sleep. After Y/N’s outburst, the party continued. She returned to the table with a tiny apology to her sister and dad but she still didn’t seem to be engaging in the festivities along with everyone else. They ate, drank, and even sang happy birthday to the guest of honour with the rest of the restaurant which much to DJ’s mortification included the cute bus boy. They’d headed back home stuffed, got the boys into bed and followed soon after but Jesse couldn’t drift off. After an aeon of lying there, eyes open, he decided it was fruitless to keep trying and that the only thing that was going to help was to see if Y/N was awake. 
He slipped out of the bed and padded to the door, checking to make sure he hadn't woken his wife before he headed down the stairs to the level Y/N’s room was on. The door was open when he got to it and as he peered inside he found DJ sleeping soundly in her bed but Y/N’s bed was empty. Curious, he headed down the backstairs to see if she was in the kitchen. His foot hadn’t even hit the linoleum when he heard it. 
The tones were hushed, careful not to wake anyone, but the words were definitely indicative of an argument. 
‘Is that why you got him to lie to me?’ a male voice said. Jesse crept along the kitchen floor, hovering next to the basement stairs. The back door was open and whoever it was was on the porch. 
‘I didn’t ask him to lie,’ another voice said, Y/N. 
‘Bullshit,’ the voice replied. He recognised it now. Nick. 
‘It’s true,’ she said. 
‘You’re just saying that. He blew me off because you were busy getting ready for your date,’ he sneered. 
‘I told you it was DJ’s birthday,’ she said, her voice sounding different. More delicate. Vulnerable. 
‘What kinda kid goes to Chez Rouge for their birthday,’ he spat, ‘you were on a date. Jason Carmichael saw you.’ 
‘I was with my family,’ she reasoned, ‘anyway what would it matter? We’re not a couple anymore.’ 
‘Because of one stupid kiss? I told you I was sorry,’ he said. 
‘You kissed someone else! I don’t want to date someone who cheats on me,’ she said a little louder now. Jesse’s heart was thumping. Rage was filling his whole body. That little bastard. 
‘You’re not gonna throw away everything we have because of one stupid thing,’ he said, ‘I’m not going to let you.’ 
It was followed by some grunting and a creak of the floorboards on the porch but without a visual Jesse didn’t know what was happening. Until he heard, ‘no, Nick…stop.’
‘You want this I know you do,’ Nick said quietly. Jesse whipped around the corner, pulling the door open all the way. Nick leapt backwards away from Y/N who was pressed up against the wall her arms still squashed against her as she realised she no longer needed to hold them up. 
‘Jess,’ she squeaked. 
‘You heard her,’ he said his jaw set. 
‘Jesse, man,’ Nick said rubbing the back of his neck. 
‘I’m not your man. And my niece is not your girlfriend,’ he said, ‘not if she doesn't want to be.’ 
‘We were just having a little disagreement-’ Nick started. 
‘Oh I heard enough,’ Jesse said.
‘Jesse I’m sorry,’ Y/N started. In the soft night light, he could see tears glazing over her eyes.
‘You’ve got nothing to be sorry about,’ he said with a glare at the boy on his porch before he added, ‘are you okay?’ 
‘I’m fine,’ she said though her voice was a little shaky. 
‘Then go inside,’ Jesse said. Y/N nodded, dropping her gaze so she didn’t look at the boy watching her as she slipped past her uncle and into the house. 
‘Look I’m gonna go,’ Nick said but he was stopped as Jesse grabbed the back of his collar wrenching him back so hard he hit the wall with a thud. He looked up, wide-eyed at the man looming over him. They weren’t too dissimilar in height and though he was skinny Jesse was sure that the kid could throw a punch if it came down to it. But Jesse didn’t care. 
‘Actually, you're gonna listen to me,’ Jesse said. Nick went to interrupt but Jesse didn't give him time as he said, ‘that girl in there is worth twenty of you. And I’m sorry that you don’t realise that. I know she really liked you. But you messed it up. You did it. Not her. And she’s made her decision not to keep you around. And I don’t care if you don’t like it. I don’t care if you want her back. That’s not your call. And if you ever try and make her do something that she doesn’t want to do know that I will find out. And maybe I’ll do the same to you.’ 
And before the younger boy could say anything Jesse grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him away as he walked inside the house and slammed the back door shut. Y/N was waiting for him in the kitchen, chewing nervously on the sleeve of her cardigan. 
‘Is he gone?’ she asked. Jesse nodded. 
‘Yeah, I sent him packing,’ Jesse said. Y/N nodded. 
‘Thanks, Uncle Jesse,’ she said. 
‘Anytime,’ Jesse said, ‘though I’m gonna need the full story.’ 
‘Do I have to?’ she sighed. 
‘My teenage niece is acting completely unlike herself and I find her out on the porch arguing with some guy at two am? Yeah, I think so,’ he said sitting down at the kitchen table and gesturing for her to follow. She did so, sitting on a chair beside him as she pushed her hair out of her face. 
‘He kissed someone else,’ she said.
‘That part I got,’ Jesse said. Y/N bit her lip, unsure but Jesse simply gestured for her to continue, ‘so I dumped him. But he wouldn’t let it go. He was following me all over school begging for me to get back together with him. He kept phoning the house. And I kept telling him no over and over but…’
‘He didn’t get the memo?’ Jesse said. 
‘He kept saying I was using this as an excuse. That I wanted him to kiss someone else because I wanted to date Stu Lasseter. I told him that wasn’t true but he kept saying I was..’ Y/N faded. She didn’t want to repeat the horrible things he had said to her. Not to Jesse. He’d flip she was sure of it, ‘well just not nice stuff. So that’s when I went to screening his calls. But that didn’t work. Before we went to dinner he rang and I answered accidentally. He said he knew I was going on a date and I was just lying about DJ’s dinner,’ she said. 
‘Ah,’ Jesse said, ‘is that why you were upset at dinner.’
‘Yeah,’ she nodded, ‘I was super harsh on Deej and I shouldn't have been.’
‘I’m sure she’ll understand,’ Jesse said placing his hand on her knee. 
‘I hope so. I was a horrible big sister today,’ she sighed.  The pair said nothing for a moment. Until Jesse continued. 
‘What happened then?’ he asked. 
‘He came over. He waited till you were all in bed and threw stones at my window. I couldn’t ignore him…he said he was going to wake the whole house up so I came downstairs,’ she shrugged. 
‘You should’ve come and got one of us,’ Jesse sighed, ‘do you know how dangerous it could’ve been?’
‘I know,’ she said sadly, ‘I guess I just didn’t want to upset any of you.’
‘I only came down here because I couldn’t sleep from worrying about you,’ Jesse said, ‘Y/N you can try to stop us from worrying as much as you want but we’re  always going to.’ 
‘I know,’ she said, ‘sorry uncle Jesse.’ 
‘It’s okay. Just promise me one thing?’ he said. She looked up at him expectantly, ‘next time you’re going through something you’ll tell us?’ 
‘Promise,’ she said leaning in and wrapping her arms around his neck. He looped one arm around her back and pulled her to him. As she pulled back she smiled at him and said, ‘I love you Uncle Jesse.’ 
‘Love you too kiddo.’
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callmearcturus · 9 months
@vmprsm replied to your post “i've never seen someone who hates MI3 more than...”:
I would sell a piece of my soul for you to rewrite mi3 so it's Good
​i mean there is so little substance to MI3, I don't know if I would rewrite it at all or just create a wholecloth new MI in its place that introduces Julia and ends with Ethan retiring?
off the top of my head, I would maybe do an MI where the set-up occurs in a place where a Medecins Sans Frontieres organization happens to be set up, and Ethan is injured in the opening act, resulting in him meeting Julia when she elects to take care of him.
I'd give them Instant Chemistry-- I know from KKBB that Michelle Monaghan is very good at instantly endearing herself to an audience and being snarky and fun. Ethan meeting a hypercompetent, golden hearted, exceptionally snarky nurse and liking her from word go honestly works for me; it's well-established by the entire franchise that Ethan imprints on people fast, so what if he imprints on Julia and she's like "huh. you're p cute actually."
maybe while he's recovering, the Bad Guy Of The Movie tries to get Ethan killed so Ethan has to am-scray with Julia in tow just to keep her safe. She can tag along for the rest of the movie. I would position her as a voice of reason (similar to how Benji is used in GP) to have an outsider emphasize the IMF is fucked up and scary and to poke fun at it.
And in act two, I would have Ethan do his Batshit Stunt Of The Movie and after the audience gets a moment to ooh-and-ahh at the spectacle, Julia points out that this is an unreasonable way to live and tries to ensure Ethan is actually okay after. Which, if you fold into the usual The IMF Is Kinda The Bad Guy B-plot that's common in early MI movies, would set up a decent impetus for Ethan to consider leaving.
To service that theme of broken trust and the perils of self-sacrifice, I would have the Act Three reveal be that whatever the MacGuffin is, it's the US Government actually created it, and the mission is in part to cover up the Defense Secretary's huge blunder from becoming public. Ethan and Luther should have an angry debate over being tools to prevent a PR disaster with Luther successfully arguing "you're right but also we can't let the MacGuffin go off and hurt civilians"
follow that up directly with Julia sitting down next to a disillusioned Ethan and explaining that she joined the not-MSF because she wanted to do go and see it with her own eyes. and Ethan nodding along.
do the big climax where Ethan and the team save the day, but instead of getting on the plane back to America, Ethan asks Julia if he could stay for a while. end the movie on that moment, on Ethan leaving the IMF to Do Good that is tangible and in front of his eyes.
HELL WE CAN EVEN KEEP OWEN DAVIAN, but in this version, he's explicitly a former CIA spook who levied his international connections into a business as an arms dealer. make it extra tasty by having him originally being the CIA agent working with the Pentagon on the Dangerous MacGuffin and in that process getting disillusioned with the US govt, and deciding to sell the thing to a specific nation in the global south that the US is trying to manipulate the govt of. THAT would have some cronch to it.
anyway yeah maybe that's what i'd do if I could erase MI3 from the world's collective memory and do a new version. thematically this might be too similar to Rogue Nation buuuuut listen this is off the dome, okay.
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Michael and Luke "hate" each other Masterlist
do you want me (dead?) (ao3) - cliffakitten michael/luke M, 12k
Summary: Michael and Luke are flatmates who can't stand each other, so the two of them having to spend the Christmas break with just each other could only be a bad thing, right?
here's to teenage memories (ao3) - allgoodinthehood michael/luke, calum/ashton T, 814
Summary: Luke and Michael hate each other, Michael doesn't care about the rules, how he looks, or what others think and Luke might care about all those things a bit too much, but in the end neither of them cares.
hug it out (ao3) - cyclogenesis (addictedkitten) michael/luke E, 1k
Summary: Michael and Luke hate each other, so Calum locks them in a closet until they resolve their issues. At least that's the theory.
If Walls Could Talk (ao3) - orphan_account past michael/calum, michael/luke M, 23k
Summary: “Don’t even fucking say anything about me, Wave. You have no fucking idea why I left the team, and you have no clue how much I lost after it,” Luke says surging forward, eyes glowing bright white and causing the electricity in the room to crackle with his true emotions coming out.
or the Don't Stop AU where everything fell apart.
I Hate You (ao3) - Shipalltheships (Destielshipper100) michael/luke M, 1k
Summary: Michael had a bad day and just wants to relax, but can't because the person he hates most is in his apartment. Hate sex ensues.
i scream and wave my arms but you don't understand me (ao3) - dancingmalum michael/luke, jack/alex N/R, 3k
Summary: Luke stares at Michael from across the room, but it seems like the older boy has no idea. He keeps laughing at things Alex Gaskarth (!!) says, and Michael seems cool, he's talking smoothly to the Alex Gaskarth and he's not freaking out about it, his voice isn't shaking, he doesn't even seem nervous. Luke's jealous of both Alex Gaskarth himself and the way Michael isn't freaking the fuck out.
Michael never even glances at Luke, he's looking around at everyone in the room but him, it's painful. Luke's not saying much, there's nothing for him to say, except the occasional add in about a song they're writing.
"We could have some part about hooking up with hot girls," Calum grins, and Luke feels like sinking into the couch.
"Luke, you should know about that, right?" Michael asks, a smirk on his face as he stares back at Luke for the first time in a few days. "Wait, never mind, you're gay as hell."
The guys all laugh, and Michael's already done staring at him. Luke's heart is burning, along with his flushed cheeks, and he wants to hide and never see Michael or the incredibly cool Alex Gaskarth ever again.
Jumping before the Gunshot has Gone Off (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine michael/luke, calum/ashton E, 128k
Summary: (In which Michael’s hated Luke since they met, and Luke’s hated him back—except, somehow, they can’t stop having sex with one another. To make matters worse, Luke is dumb enough to go and fall in love with the man who hates him.)
Michelle (ao3) - sleepymuke michael/luke, calum/shton G, 1k
Summary: Luke hates Michelle, and Michelle hates Luke. That's the way it's always been.
No Chance (ao3) - iCheeseYou (EHkook) michael/luke, calum/ashton T, 72k
Summary: So Ashton's going on a road trip with his friend, Calum, and he invited me to tag along. Being the adventurous shit I am, I said yes, but I wouldn't have if I knew that Luke Hemmings was going as well. God, I hate that guy, and the feeling's mutual. Why does that annoying brat have to come along? And Ashton and Calum expect us to be friends? Yeah, right. There's no chance that Luke Hemmings and I, Michael Clifford, are ever going to get along.
Not that Bad of a Guy (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke E, 1k
Summary: Luke and Michael hate each other. Have for a year, but after a little encounter that might all change
she wears short skirts (ao3) - loafers michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: Probably is a bit of a joke, getting off with your unofficial arch nemesis.
Start Over (ao3) - Zoe13 michael/luke, calum/ashton G, 2k
Summary: Luke and Michael hate each other when they meet and Michael knows it's because they both like Calum.
Tell Me Why (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 1k
Summary: "Why are you acting this way? Why do you hate me? What have I ever done to you?"
Luke looked away, scratching his neck. "I just do, okay."
"No, not okay. Tell me why."
That Line Between Love and Hate is Thinner Than You Think (ao3) - everythingididntsay michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: the biggest fucking idiot would have to be luke. i've never hated someone so much. i hate him almost as much as i want to shove my penis down his throat.
the thing is with luke, i can't understand what it is i actually want from him. one second i want to shove a knife into his gut and then the next second i'm imagining what it would be like to have him push me up against a wall and suck the blood from my neck.
that'll do the trick (ao3) - heartbreakgirl michael/luke G, 802
Summary: “Oh my God, just kiss already!”
And Luke’s surprised to find out the idea doesn’t even remotely disgust him. Besides, kissing is a genius and proven way of shutting a person up and right now Michael’s yelling about how utterly gross and impossible the suggestion was and how he’d rather have his balls chopped clean off, and Luke can't think of a better way to get him to put a sock in it.
This Should be Fun (ao3) - HellishHerondales michael/luke E, 489
Summary: Michael hates Luke, so that totally explains why he's touching himself, calling out Luke's name.
Torturous Electricity. (ao3) - smokeynights michael/luke N/R, 198
Summary: Luke and Michael hate eachother a lot of the time.
You Ain't No Friend Of Mine (ao3) - CliffordAffliction michael/luke E, 50k (WIP)
Summary: Luke hates Michael and Michael hates Luke ever since they started playing on rival teams but it turns out that they don't hate each other as much as everyone thinks
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Sometimes I wish could just.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54990871 by Sarahbug0215 Peter Parker has been orphaned twice, first when he was five when his parents were tragically killed in a plane and the second when his aunt uncle were murdered during a mugging, he was placed in the foster system, where CPS placed him with Steven Wescott, a upstanding business man and all around nice guy at least that’s what they think but Peter knows the truth he’s had to endure his monstrous behavior for years but it seems his luck changes when gets bitten by a radioactive spider on a field trip to oscorp that gave him super powers but that’s not the field trip that turns his life around not when he manages to impress Tony stark while touring stark industries and he invites him to be his intern however there’s one booming problem Peter hasn’t spoken since his aunt and uncle passed away. Words: 145, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: Multi Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Avengers Team Members (Marvel), Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Happy Hogan & Peter Parker, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Hurt Peter Parker, Foster Care, Protective Tony Stark, Protective Pepper Potts, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Mute Peter Parker, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Harm read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54990871
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clumsyclifford · 16 days
this is cuteee thanks for tagging me @team-118 (i was today years old when i learned about your sideblog!)
last song: change your mind by knox, i'm studying to see him on sunday
favourite colour: don't do this
currently reading: i just finished the pairing by casey mcquiston (great book) and then started michelle obama's book becoming! it came highly recommended from my sister. i'm right at the beginning but liking it so far. she's a good writer.
currently watching: i was rewatching how to get away with murder but that's on pause while i finish the last like five episodes of leverage that i never got to
last movie: oh it was this little indie movie called....fuck what was it called. it was, i think, a true story about these guys in prison who were all part of a program called RTA (rehabilitation through the arts) where every few months they would put on some kind of staged production. really really good movie. i can't remember the fucking name, it was in this little indie movie theater in my hometown and my mom took us cuz she loves that shit. and the movie. was called. fuckin. okay ill come back to this when i remember. man i had to go check my mom's text. title was SING SING.
sweet, spicy, or savory: i'm gonna say sweet though i have been known to crave savory things. the real answer is salty, idk why that's not an option
relationship status: single/platonic soulmates with @igarbagecannoteven
current obsessions: i am back on my atl bullshit in a major way, so that's a big one. i would also say i'm currently obsessed with music theory, but i just suck at it, so i'm really trying to learn. concurrently also been playing guitar a lottt, also with the goal of improving, and i would call my mindset obsessive. i think once you start watching youtube videos about it, it's an obsession, and these are in fact the three things i've been on youtube for lately!
tea or coffee: you know i'm a tea girlie for life
last thing I googled: oh i really expected it to be a music theory question but it's "can you play stardew on mac" (the answer is yes) (trying to get my friend to play with me. literally ANY person who wants to play stardew on PC with me JUST SAY THE WORD!!!)
thanks team that was fun i'll pass it on to @reveriesofawriter @tirednotflirting @igarbagecannoteven @allsassnoclass @chamaleonsoul andddd @rotten-candie
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freewayshark · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Tagged today by @rewritetheending but also lately by @heartbeatdiaz @panbuckley @alyxmastershipper and @clusterbuck and probably other people going back even further than the last few tag games but hey! I have something to share today, and it’s a little bit longer chunk since I haven’t been sharing much stuff. It’s hot off the presses so still v rough and yes I am doing the annoying thing where I don’t say what this is for no apparent reason
When he gets to the site where the pair had apparently decided to set up camp, it isn’t a mystery as to why he’s been called in for a med check on day one.
The man is sitting in the dirt next to a pile of dry tree limbs, and his foot is covered in bright red blood. The dirt around his foot has turned into a burgundy mud where the dry ground has eagerly soaked up the blood spilling from a nasty wound on top of the man’s foot. A wickedly sharp machete lies a couple feet away, its glistening crimson edge giving it away as the culprit.
Eddie kneels next to the man and starts unpacking the necessities from his kit.
“Hi, I’m Eddie. You mind telling me what happened?”
The man grimaces, more out of embarrassment than pain.
“I was using Michelle’s machete to hack up some of this wood into smaller pieces for our fire. I didn’t realize it was that sharp, so it went through the branch and, uh, well, kept going. Guess cutting away from your body is useful advice for more than just using safety scissors in the first grade, huh?”
The guy laughs at his own joke, which is something Eddie would usually find to be a precursor to jackass behavior, something he is unfortunately all too familiar with on this job, but something about the guy’s self-deprecating grin belies that assumption.
The bright blue eyes probably don’t hurt.
Eddie redoubles his attention on the injury.
“You didn’t try to stop the bleeding?” He asks, brow furrowed.
“Ah, no. I could tell it wasn’t bleeding too bad, and there’s not exactly an abundance of gauze or anything clean out here, so I figured better to not get a bunch of dirt in it,” he says, holding up his hands to show his dirt covered palms.
Considering it hasn’t bled an alarming amount, that probably was the best course of action, but he’s not sure he likes the idea of this guy out here free bleeding if he gets hurt again because it worked out this time. But most people wouldn’t even have thought about it before trying to stop the bleeding.
“Do you have medical training?” He asks as he starts flushing the wound with saline. The machete itself still could’ve introduced dirt or particles of the branch it had already passed through, so better safe than sorry. The man doesn’t even wince.
“I do! I’m a firefighter with the LAFD,” he answers proudly. “My name’s Buck, by the way.”
I haven’t been on a lot today so I’m sure I’m tagging people that have already done it but I’m tagging the people mentioned above and @sibylsleaves @fiona-fififi @transboybuckley @gayhoediaz @elvensorceress @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @transbuck
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sailorspica · 7 months
reijean hitchannie college band AU headcanons that may not lead to fic form but i feel strongly about because i did undergrad at a huge university with a prestigious music school where everyone was depressed + i've been giffing kids on the slope (2012) w reiner's seiyuu + the given akihiko/haruki reijean agenda:
all the warriors grew up playing classical music w/ varying degrees of parental pressure, for example mr leonhart is a violinist and annie's first and forever teacher so maybe she maims him here too (he's like jk simmons in whiplash); karina is into classical music as a status symbol
by contrast hitch and jean know how to have fun. hitch learned everything from youtube, jean's mom let him quit piano lessons as a kid so he came back to it on his own when he realized it was cool/thought it could get him girls (it doesn't) (inspo: nick cave)
annie (lead/rhythm guitar), hitch (vocals/rhythm guitar/octave pedal "bass"), jean (vocals/keys/bass), reiner (drums). reiner would do bass if he had sukuna arms
Tumblr media
reijean meet in intro to audio engineering which counts as a science class for some reason, form the band after roping annie into their final recording project; annie's an undeclared part-time student who mostly works
first they try marco as rhythm guitarist but he is too jazzy and cannot wrap his mind around rock tone, annie is furious (low stakes version of trost; sounds derogatory but marco just looks like a jazz guy)
hitch is a business major who thinks music is a hobby, kinda yasu from nana energy. annie recruits her after overhearing her teaching/berating marlowe before he absolutely bombs an open mic night
hitch is an acoustic girlie (dark ukulele past) but annie and jean take her shopping and she picks a danelectro stock '59
annie plays a jaguar bc of her short fingers, she's some combo of lindsey jordan / luna li but also j mascis
reiner's favorite drummer is karen carpenter, deadass
hitch is the least disciplined which equal turns teaches them to relax but incites rage, annie and jean lock her in a room w reiner bc this bitch cannot count
everyone sings but especially hitch and jean, the vibe is michelle zauner and craig hendrix; i think they hype up the other two who are very self conscious
main songwriters are annie and jean, jean finds jazzy chords that hitch hates
annie was concertmaster of her arts magnet high school orchestra until mikasa showed up and the worst part is violin is mikasa's like, tertiary instrument; now they are ex-gf roommates
opera singer mikasa ruins lives, she is kissing kissing mezzo historia in boy drag (inverse girl armin) in uhhh idk la clemenza di tito
ymir is probably a drummer in a nu riot grrrl band, root of her frenemyship with reiner, also i think she's trying to steal annie and/or hitch
reiner is a cello performance major who became interested in rock percussion after hooking up w eren; eren's taste is incredibly lame, he likes like, dave grohl
eren and mikasa both did piano lessons as kids and she forces him to be her accompanist most of the time, but he and jean tag in and out ever since eren gave himself gamer's carpal tunnel before mikasa's first jury freshman year
jean is Not a music major but he makes money as music majors' accompanist; he could be studio art? or something "reasonable" (a la the MPs, business school hitch), like cybersecurity
annie and marcel = violin, pieck and bertie = viola, reiner and porco = cello
bertolt is living studio ghibli whisper of the heart in italy
for the first half of undergrad reiner lived with marcel in place of porco bc that little shit felt smothered by the galliards bUyINg a whole apartment for their boys, but when marcel graduated pocco moved in and uhhhhh evicted reiner, who thought he had saved enough to make it on his own by living rent free but uhhhhh karina stole it
uhhh pieck looks like my first gay crush (a violist opera singer) so let's say she's studying abroad
point is, reiner is isolated through no one's direct fault, really, besides pock; annie is his closest friend in town and she's such a tsundere about it. he lived on her and mikasa's couch for a week but will never return because it was too awkward even for his broke ass
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