#guys take my phone away
i-love-def-leppard · 1 year
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hollllyyyy ffuuuccckkkkkk
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crosshairslongasslegs · 5 months
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ray935sworld · 1 month
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I think Marc died after seeing this picture the first time
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hollowsart · 6 months
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Guy Gardner: Green Lantern!
Finally finished my redesign and ref sheet for this guy !!
I'm leaving the PL design cuz it slaps and also it's funny and I wanna make it canon that he got that ring at some point and had to deal with that for awhile. (he made it work. had fun)
he had an experience once with a red ring and he hated every minute of it. he's always running from it.
Anyways, he gives me cowboy and punk vibes.
miscellaneous info: (sorry if anything sounds repetitive)
Had a terrible upbringing, was not the favored child, often told he was a disgrace and compared often to his brother, really messed with his mental health and self perception.
Rebelled a lot in spite of his father. mother did nothing to help him, only one good point in high eyes is that at least she didn't hurt him. He doesn't have a great relationship with his family and has a bit of loathing towards his brother He has since become estranged from his family by choice.
Further rebellion lead to him living a more punk life, going against his father, a cop. He's living how he feels comfortable and free without the expectations from his family. Anything that would get a rise out of his dad? Oh, he's gonna do it. He's grown out of it, but sometimes the habits die hard Hard to give up, hard to move on.
Guy struggled to keep a job for years, finding and taking whatever he could. The last job he had before he was found by Abin Sur's ring was as a teacher for a local school. He was about to be fired and needed a new job anyway. He was happy to take it and escape his earth life for a little while. A further rebellion against his family, he'll claim, but really it was an escape from his miserable life at the time.
As a result of his constant search for a job, he's gained a lot of experience and knowledge with a wide array of things, such as swimming, coaching, cooking, mechanics, engineering, mending, dancing-- He's not a professional at any of these, he's quite rusty with some of them, but he's still very capable if these skills are ever needed.
With the ring, Guy finally found a job that he was good at, successful. It was one he didn't fumble catastrophically. He loves the GL corps and will do whatever he can to keep it, it's a place he feels accepted and liked. even if his personality and attitude may be a little hard to digest and tolerate for some. He's very passionate and cares a lot despite how stubborn and brash he may act.
The GL corps is really all Guy has. He puts a lot of his devotion into it. it's the only consistently positive things in his life. It's the one thing he would never run from. He would honestly defend the corps with his life, taking the oath to heart. His word is his bond and he values it.
Often gets into fights, is usually the one who starts it whether he intended to or not. He does finish them, at least.... well. If possible, he tries to. Albeit.. not in the best of ways. He still has a lot to learn.
Guy overcompensates his fears and worries, his anxieties with an overconfident and boastful, loud and abrasive attitude. His more vulnerable side is one that less than 5 people have ever seen and know of. He'd rather people see him as a dirtbag than as any less than a man. His dad instilled a lot of negativity towards himself from a young age. Feeling inferior. Anything goes wrong? Guy is bottling that up and taking it out on training dummies and letting it out in his room with a drink or two.
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strawberry-lullabies · 4 months
Drake the type of guy to except it’s Aang and Sokka
Aang the type of guy to comically pause before falling off a cliff
Sokka the type of guy to go “Tee-hee!” when someone compliments him
Aang the type of guy to have “Baby” by Justin Bieber in his playlist unironically
Sokka the type of guy to say “where’s my hug at” in Season 1
Aang the type of guy to giggle and kick his feet when he’s mentioned in an Instagram post
Sokka the type of guy to rub his hands evilly when he comes up with a nefarious plan
Aang the type of guy to fall on a banana peel and say corny shit like “Oh shucks!” “Goodness Gracious!” “Mama Mia!” instead of swearing
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midiosaamor · 2 months
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i NEED to make a celebration guys what should i do QUICKLY
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sweetnnaivete · 3 months
username change ! seastargrl -> sweetnnaivete
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rindragon-from-twewy · 4 months
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Uh oh! Someone left me alone with my thoughts again! I don't see many people talking too deeply about pre-game stuff beyond "Number One was a terrible person" so I'm here to throw my own poorly explained hot take in to the ring-
I'm not really built for theory crafting and tend to miss or forget obvious details so consider this... an AU proposal more then anything. (Tbh I mostly just wanted to draw smol Yuma lmao-)
Spoiler warning ofc and enjoy this horrifically long and poorly explained ramble-
So... I don't really know much about the general fandom age headcannons on characters. I won't be going in to specifics right now about what I think all the character ages are cuz this isn't about that but for context, I pin Yuma around 15-16, on the early 18 side if you really wanna push it. Mainly cuz... it'd be kinda weird for Kurumi (a school student) to be one of his main love interests otherwise- For the sake of argument, I'll say 18.
So anyways-
Makoto's like... what? 3 or 4 years old? Forgive me for not re-watching chapter 5 just to get my timeline correct here but that's roughly right. Meaning that Number One would've been about 13 or 14 when he agreed to participate in the experiments at most. And sure, he's the smartest person in the world but anyone can be susceptible to lies or manipulations, especially someone that young.
But then of course we don't know how long Yuma had the Number One title for. Surely it would've had to have been at least a little while- I doubt the unified government would go after the blood of the newly appointed "smartest detective in the world" the second he got in to office. So who's to say exactly how much this literal child had been manipulated beforehand?
I'm imagining a sort of... Nagisa plus Kirigiri scenario (the danganronpa characters lol-) where they'd been set on a very specific academic path nearly their whole lives. Sure, Yuma probably had been born a genius and his strong moral code was most likely all his own but... no matter what way you spin it, there must have been some negligence to allow someone so young to become so cut off from the rest of society. It could've been intentional, it could've been accidental. Either way, why is someone like Yuma, who is obviously younger then most of his peers, who could easily pass as a trainee detective simply because of how smol he is, make it all the way to the top on his sheer intelligence alone?
This rambling's getting incoherent, sorry, it's late and I'm tired-
Makoto's pretty manipulative, sure, but he only got to the CEO position cuz of all the blackmail he had- Man had zero control over the city to the point he had to let outsiders get smuggled in just to help him fix it. Makoto (and by extension Number One) is book smart. Not street smart. They can build the rain machine, they can run multiple government conspiracies, etc etc. But if Number One was a kid at the time, it would've been pretty difficult for them to manipulate, mansplain, malewife his way in to office imo. A kid can't manipulate a dozens of adults in to being the leader of the whole WDO, no matter how naturally gifted they are. I mean it's no secret that the unified government and by extension the WDO are just as shady as Amaterasu so why wouldn't they take advantage of a young and impressionable kid when the opportunity arises?
We don't really know how Number One truly felt about anything. We know how Makoto views it, we know what Yuma thinks about it but we don't know if Number One really understood what the repercussions of the experiments could've been.
So let me just... break down what I'd interpret a vague timeline of events to be (in this hypothetical... Uh... AU I guess?)
- Yuma gets in to the WDO somehow. Very young, very impressionable. He may be really good at solving crimes but like any kid, he doesn't know anything that he isn't taught about. Being surrounded by mysteries and crimes, all while constantly being praised by adults as being "just soooo smart!" Is probably what taught him that he didn't need other people and so never learnt (or potentially was never even allowed to) make friends.
- Growing up surrounded by a combination of Yes-Men and people who let the obvious child labour/ exploitation slide because "This little genius is such a special case, we gotta let it slide this once!" Made it so he reached to the level of Number One far faster then anyone would expect. And that then came along with abandoning his old name and identity, isolating himself completely for his own protection. (I like to think he may not even remember his original name because he was so young at the time (for extra angst ^vO))
- And so a completely isolated pre-teen, who's entire life up until this point has entirely consisted of gory murder scenes and tragic crimes he was personally responsible for solving, was approached by the unified government. Who knows exactly how much detail they went in to with explaining their plan? Maybe they said that it probably wouldn't even work out, given all the past failures. Maybe they came begging for his help, like many people seeking justice would have done before them. Maybe they simply told him it was for the sake of peace? Maybe he was in his angsty emo phase and thought having a clone would be cool, who really knows? A pre-teen is a pree-teen, they all do dumb things- either way, he agreed.
- And so things played out like they said in the game, Makoto was created, escaped, saved the citizens of Kanai Ward via isolating them. He keeps them fed the only way he knows how - through the WDO; the only organisation he's ever been able to rely on (and thanks to his authority level, of course). Yuma starts getting suspicious while also simultaneously maturing enough to realise just how wrong everything about his life is, gets his new identity, makes the contract with Shinigami and heads off to start fixing his problems.
Additional Thoughts:
It's like that thing in the original beauty and the beast movie where everyone suddenly realised that the witch probably cursed a 9 year old for not letting a creepy stranger in to his home-
Maybe that's why he stuck with the name Yuma after everything. Cuz he didn't remember his original name to fall back on. He could've been Number One for as long as he could remember for all we know!
Maybe he was so busy trying to run the whole WDO that he didn't even pay much mind to the experiments? Could've just agreed to shut them up without knowing what he was getting in to. Makoto really drove it in to the mud how horrible of a person Number One was but how can we be sure that's an objective fact and not completely opinion driven?
I'm like actually really curious what other's perspectives on this could be. Again, I don't know much about the rain code fandom's age headcannons but it's pretty obvious to me at least that Yuma's on the younger end of the cast- (And by extension, Makoto too-)
Maybe I'll fact check myself when I have the time- either way, it's an interesting AU idea at the very least. I'll probably delete the writing portion of this post if it turns out I'm horrendously wrong-
Its probably gunna turn out that Yuma's in his mid 30s or 40s and suffers from baby face syndrome or something cringe fail like that lmfao-
So. Yeah. That's all just a theory (minus most of the fact checking) A GAME THEORY- Thanks for reading! :D
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carcarrot · 10 days
ok sitting down for a moment at disneyland. elaborating on the post-beat concert shenanigans in the tags
#for those of you invested in my silly misadventures#ok so .#there was the meet n greet earlier which as i said was short but very nice and i was squimshed against ade for the photo#AFTER THE SHOW . go around the concert venue to the area by the stage door#but unlike the beacon theatre we were a long ways away from the stage door it was the huge parking lot and we were fenced off#and based off of the spars concert from last year at the beacon where the guys just left after we waited for almost an hour#i didnt really expect the beat guys would come over or anything but i was willing to wait a while#and wait a while we did and then danny carey came out and eventually came over to us and was really sweet and signed stuff#he wasnt taking any photos but was very nice just like the epitome of fun drummer guy#waited a while more. doubting still that the other guys would come over#next was adrian! and being the absolute sweetie he is he did come over and everything abt him is true#hes just the most wondrous sweet guy ever. he was also radiating comforting dad energy bc that annoying prog fan was there again#and ade was kind of like nicely protective where i was w my friend#ade also liked my inner revolution shirt and remembered me from the meet n greet :)#waited a while more and then eventually steve vai came out and well im sorry what can i say . i was 😵‍💫#it didnt help that when he signed my poster (as the other guys had before him) that like. his hand was resting on my hand god anyway#im sorry. old men musicians are my number one weakness as anyone whos been following me knows#oh i had gotten a blurry photo w ade and then got a flash photo w steve. its horrifying <3#we waited like an hour more for tony who was on a long ass phone call#but very nicely he came over too and somehow the photo w him turned out nicest. hes such a sweet polite guy#he also sounds like ron mael kinda lol#and thats my adventure!#and now ive spent an obscene amount to see em again. god
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endlessfuckup · 3 months
saw your post about no longer wanting to be a phan blog and i just wanted to say i get you especially the reaction to this tour has been very uncomfortable and i could never figure out exactly why it felt... overbearing ig??? but it has been building and the tour leak and announcement just seemed to put a spotlight on people seem to have learned nothing from the previous years and seem to think that now that they're back it's okay to push their boundaries because they're engaging with us again. and tbh i appreciate you for helping put into words the discomfort ive been feeling and it sucks that it turned out like this that the enjoyment of the thing gets harder because of others
I was so so hoping it wouldn't get like this again
The first 5-6 months of the gaming channel being back were mostly wonderful
Everyone was behaving and respectfully enjoying dnp being back as a duo
I've seen/felt it building up over the past few months but I kept ignoring it because I figured it was just newer phans who didn't know about any of "the lore"
But every time I'd check their page out it would almost always be someone in their mid-late 20s who has been around for 10+ years
I was dumbfounded
I genuinely cannot believe people still treat Dan and Phil like tv characters who exist purely for entertaining the masses
Its really sad
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7hyein · 9 months
read tags ;--;
#soo ermmm im not that type of person who likes to say these stuff but errrrrt#i decided i might quit tumblr cuz it's kinda actually ruining my mental health a lil bit#and school is driving me crazy like there's so much work to do#and i have to take exams for 2 more weeks + i have online classes on saturday too 😨😨#SIDE EYE#if I decided not to quit then I might take a LONG BREAK FROM TUMBLR ;--;;.#anyways I'm not gonna make new mbs tho#I'm gonna post my old drafts that I've made before instead#sorry if u guys don't like my new mbs . 🌚#and what bothers me is that I mostly spend my time on tumblr instead of studying#🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚#and I might fail my exams cuz of that reason ;//#i DO not want to get yelled by my mom for failing 🔥🔥💯💯#if i fail my moms gonna take away my phone n i don't hv access to my tumblr acc#ughhh i hate my school for giving me to do exams ffor 3 weeks straigjt#THIS SUCKS#ARGHJEHEHEBB#i study like everyday#i haven't got sleep for like 2 days cuz of the ugky goofy ahh exams#TMR EXAM WEEK CONTINUE AGAIN. 🌚🌚#manifesting that I will pass ECONOMICS 💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#PUKU PUKU POW POW RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#AND IM GONNA START BEING IA#I'LL POST 5 OF MY OLD DRAFTS TMR MORNING.#and the fact taht i still HAVE to study during the time I get to school#SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH UGHHH#I'M DEAD#Я МЕРТВ 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯#jumps off a cliff#🌚🌚🌚
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I can’t stop thinking about certain shots from c:tgitw I can see them fully formed in my head I just can’t draw them
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baptismascure · 4 months
Achylus Di Traglia - Twisted from Magica de Spell (1987 AND 2017)
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Funfacts under the cut!
- Is banned from Scarabia
- Is banned from Savanaclaw
- Is banned from -
- Trades coins with Azul when they have repeats
- When he has extra dimes, he tries to melt them
- Had a ring but Mariola ate it
- Most horrendous luck you will ever find
- Has beef with Silver over the amount of times he has tripped over him
- Honestly he has beef with everyone it would take forever to list
- In an arranged marriage he absolutely hates
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
Anton has become Real‼️‼️
i made this guy out of CLAY because he’s my little brain blorbo and hasn’t left my thoughts for over six months straight. now he exists and is haunting me but that’s okay!!! i want him to.
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here’s a bunch of pictures of him i took Just Now, featuring Louie’s green grass rug (canon to tllr btw), a mouse, a goose, the freak Spamton G. Spamton himself, and more green cuz that’s our favorite color! have fun and beware :)
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RAT!!!!!! 🐀🐀🐭🐭🐭🐀🐀🐁🐁🐀🐭🐭🐭🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐀🐭🐭🐁🐭🐀🐀🐀🐁🐁🐭🐭🐭🐀🐭🐭🐁🐭 and GOOSE!!!!! 🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿
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here’s him next to Spamton for size reference
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here’s this picture i took the night i brought him home… he lives there now. on the back of my giant goose in the grass. his natural habitat
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here’s the creepy thing before it was fired in the kiln 💥💥💥💥. i risked my life taking these shitty photos so you better appreciate them /lh. (my school doesn’t allow phones but i bring mine to class anyway)
also! i’ll definitely post more pictures in the future because i think this is very cool and also very silly that he exists now in the physical plane. (if ur an artist, feel free to tell me how to make him look better because this was my first time making something like this out of clay and i just don’t like painting very much. if anyone has advice GIMME!!! also i tried making his glasses out of wire but it didn’t turn out well. oops)
anyway i hope you all like the FREAK!!!!!! (affectionate) this was very fun :) i might make borrower basil out of clay for our next free choice project too!! so excited about that!
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nervocat · 2 months
I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and think I'm insane, which is true. but I'll be horrendously embarrassed abt it
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