#He just stared at it for like 10 minutes until the display went black but he just reopened it
ray935sworld · 1 month
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I think Marc died after seeing this picture the first time
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mercurygguk · 1 year
risqué JK have you opened the present OC gave you for your birthday yet?
risqué ; timestamp #10
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pairing; risqué!jk x risqué!oc
genre; angst/bit of fluff
[10:04 am] the gift bag catches his eye an hour after he arrived at work. it sits unmoved on his desk, still in the same exact spot you left it. he's been ignoring it on purpose ever since his birthday and that was two weeks ago.
something tells him opening it will cause more damage than anything else.
after glancing at it on and off for another 5 minutes, jungkook lets out a defeated sigh and reaches for it. he leans back in his seat as he holds it in his hands, staring at it for a moment. you really went and got him a birthday gift. it's not too heavy but not light either. he can't help but wonder what you could've gotten him.
you and him didn't date for very long after all so a big, expensive gift would've been too much of you.
he knows you wouldn't think that – nothing is too much when it comes to you and him.
jungkook's teeth are digging into his bottom lip as he pulls the string of the black bow keeping the gift bag together. he catches himself holding his breath as he carefully opens it and reaches inside. his fingertips touch the edges of a card. he pulls it out, feeling his chest tighten when he realizes it's handwritten.
time has no meaning when we're together but it's always nice to know it anyway ♡ ps. it's not too much so don't even try to give it back! – ____
jungkook can't help the small chuckle that leaves him as he reads the last bit about him claiming the gift is too much. even after barely half a year together, you know him so well. it makes his entire body flutter with feelings only you can make him feel but it also fills his chest with an ache so dull and heavy, causing him to dread opening the neatly wrapped gift in the bottom of the gift bag.
deciding to get it over with, jungkook takes the gift out and unwraps it, revealing a smooth, black leather box. jungkook already knows what it is as it's similar to something he has already.
the voice inside his head keeps telling him it's too much, that you shouldn't have gotten him this gift, that it was a waste of money and effort – especially since he ended up breaking up with you a few days later.
god, this is way too much.
guilt and regret fills his entire body, running through his veins when he opens the box and reveals the silver watch inside. it's a rolex. a rolex watch in silver gold with black details and a black display. it fits perfectly for work, for events, for every single occasion.
jungkook is careful as he take sit out of the box, his fingertips delicately touching the sleek metal, gliding over it in appreciation until... hold on, there's something on the back. his eyebrows knit together in confusion as he turns it over. his breath hitches in his throat as he instantly spots the engraved words in tiny font.
"we are worth the risk, you and i."
fuck, why would you go and put that on there?
jungkook puts the watch down on the desk before burying his face in his hands, letting out a low groan of frustration. he's not angry with you, he could never be. he's angry with the whole fucking situation, with your father, with himself most of all.
the guilt in him is multiplying by the second the longer he stares at the watch, the engraved words echoing in his mind. you went and got that watch engraved for him and he broke your heart in return – just like that.
jungkook has never felt like a bigger asshole in his entire life.
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samwrites-stuff · 4 months
"Wishing on a Star."
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"I miss you..."
Kim Taehyung softly said, while he was staring at the night sky. He just finished work earlier and found himself walking up the stairs towards the rooftop. He leaned on the silver railing, which shined below the luminating stars.
He wore a thin white collared shirt underneath a black coat with black slacks and black loafers. He looked like a guy who had just come back from a date, but the girl stood him up.
His eyes scanned the skies like he was looking for something, something that he had been longing for since that night. They glowed like the stars above him as tears started to swell up in his eyes.
And then, finally, his eyes landed on a star. A star, which he thought was the most beautiful one in the sky tonight. A star, which reminded him of a person he lost a few years ago.
"I wish.. I could have you back..."
He blurted out without even thinking.
Time passed by, and now the sun switched places with the moon. Taehyung fell asleep on the wooden chair by the silver railings last night.
He woke up and felt the autumn breeze brush against his cheeks. The leaves started to fall one by one, from the trees. All around, orange is all he could see.
"It's a nice morning to jog."
He thought to himself.
The wooden chair creaked as Taehyung stood up. He went down the stairs to his room so he could change his clothes.
He closed the door of his room behind him. He is now wearing a white shirt and black shorts. He added a black hairband around his head to complete the outfit. After putting on his shoes, he reached for the golden door knob of his home, turned it, and went outside.
"Truly, it's a good day..."
He thought.
After 15 minutes of jogging, Taehyung was about to turn around and return home when he noticed a vintage looking shop that had a big red sale poster on its front window.
He hesitated for a bit, but remembered that special someone who has always wanted to visit authentic shops like this.
Taehyung smiled weakly. He can still remember how she begged whenever they passed by these kinds of shops.
"Tae, let's go there! They have a sale!! Oh, please, please, I'll do anything you want after this."
She pleaded.
He sighed and then proceeded to enter the shop. There, he saw lots of old, vintage pieces that probably many collectors would buy and display in special glass cases.
Taehyung walked around until he reached one corner of the store. There, he noticed a small, dark, golden box on a bookshelf in between some dusty, old books. He picked it up and saw that it was covered with dust as well too. He blowed all the dust off the box and realized that it actually had a lighter shade of gold. There were star engravings on the top of it that looked like they were glowing. It made him want to open the box.
When he opened it, he saw some fairy lights inside, now illuminating the corner where he stood. They kinda looked like the star he wished upon last night.
Without any hesitation, he went to the counter, where an old man was sitting, waiting for Taehyung to return.
"I'll take this one, please."
He said while he reached for the wallet in his pocket.
"Nice choice, young man. I believe... You truly need the magic it hides within."
The old guy said cheerfully.
He noticed Taehyung's confusion on his face, and so the old guy added:
"I see it in your eyes. They were just like mine."
Taehyung didn't know what to respond, and so he just paid for it, bowed, and reached for the package. The old guy placed it on a brown paper bag.
Later that night, he decided to put the fairy lights around his room, specifically on the ceiling.
He felt tired, and so, he plopped down on his bed. While lying down, staring at his ceiling, he admired the fairy lights that he bought. He tried to fall asleep, but he just couldn't.
Just then, he noticed one bulb of the fairy lights, which started almost shining 10 times brighter than the others.
He got curious, and so he stood up on the bed to get a closer look at what's happening to the bulb. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Reaching out his hands while raising his toes, he tried to reach the bulb and attempted to fix it by twisting it from left to right and then right to left.
"Hey, Sis! Look at this. It's getting kinda weird..."
He called out from his room. His little sister was just staying in the other room, just in front of his.
Kim Taeyeon, his sister, entered his room, a little annoyed.
"Yah.. What is it again? Ugh." "Taehyung-oppa? Eh?"
She gasped, noticing that his brother wasn't in the room.
"I was sure he was here! Aish, he's teasing me again..."
She stamped her feet, then ran out of his room.
Little did she know, Taehyung really did vanish from his room that night.
Taehyung tried to open his eyes, but it was super bright. He tried to stand, but his legs were super wobbly. It seemed like he had just woken up from a deep slumber.
"Taeyeon is overacting again. She opened all the lights AGAIN. Such a scaredy-cat. That's what she gets for liking horror films too much."
He thought while he tried to walk and reach for the light switch with his eyes half-opened.
After taking about three steps, he tripped and started falling down...
From a cloud?
"Oh... my... gosh? AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"
He was about to fall through another cloud when a girl suddenly grabbed his shirt and tried to pull him up.
"Aigoo, so heavy..."
She gasped.
Taehyung looked up.. and saw an angel. Well, for him, she looked like an angel, with her wings fluttering in the wind. The next thing he noticed was her smile, a very familiar one, a smile that he had been longing to see, for too long. It's the only smile that can make Taehyung forget his name.
"Hey there. Guess you still don't know how to use these wings of yours, huh?"
She said sweetly while pointing his wings.
I grabbed her hand tightly and then started sobbing.
"I thought.. I thought I've lost you forever..."
Taehyung said in between words while now hugging her so firmly, crying on her shoulders.
Unbeknownst to him.. The fairy light he bought in the vintage shop was whimsically authentic. They were made from real stars. Mixed with fairy tears, it created a talisman that can transport anyone into a different kind of world.
Where humans live on stars..
Where humans could relive a wish, one wish that anything their little hearts mostly desires.
"I missed you too, Taehyungie..."
She replied, while tears began to fall from her eyes as well.
"Can I ask you a question?"
Taehyung shyly asked.
"Anything, my love."
She chuckled when she noticed his shyness.
"Could you maybe... Teach me how to fly?"
He laughed while wiping the tears from her cheeks.
"えがく story かなう ように wishing on a star... "
(The story that we paint, I'll be wishing on a star so that it comes true...)
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pinequarry · 2 months
Episode 1 - He did WHAT in the mirror maze?!
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After gulping down her final swig of coffee, Indigo looked down at her black-stained hands, then at the black stained canvas, which unlike her hands, displayed the image of a view of Rook Lake, and wondered why she’d even bothered. 
Yeah, okay, fine, she liked art, and it was one of the only things she was actually good at, but sometimes the work set by her art teacher made Indie want to rip her own eyelids off, and anchor herself to the bottom of the lake she just finished sketching. 
The crunchy tick of her alarm clock twitched its way past the one, right as her phone lit the dim room up with a blue light. Indigo rubbed her hands on an almost black cloth and picked her phone up from her bed.
“Carnival tomorrow. Meet at half 4 by creek.”
It was from her friend's groupchat which had, like, most of year 10 in it. They went to the carnival almost every weekend, but Indie rarely went, as they'd spend an hour walking around and going on a few rides before going out in a gap in the hedge behind the waltzers to a ditch where they, most of the time, would smoke a bunch of weed. 
She didn’t like that. Luckily it wasn’t all of her friends - but no one in that group really was friends anyway. They all pretend to like each other while talking shit about each other at the same time and taking it in turns to date a boy of the month, have sex (if they were lucky), then leave him. Eugh.
Some of the girls were kind of nice, and didn’t smoke weed, and have sex, but they were not her cup of tea either, so Indie just… tagged along with them.
 After debating whether or not she would go, there was a slight creak that echoed from down the hall. Indie leaned over and used the light from the notification of her phone to illuminate the passage before her where she saw her younger brother, Clover, sneaking down towards the stairs. The light startled him and he lazily turned to face her, rubbing his eye from the harsh light. 
Indie looked at him for a few moments before mouthing the word “snack?” to him. Clover nodded, and Indie clambered up from her pile of pillows and blankets that she had been sitting on, and followed Clover down to the kitchen. 
In the kitchen, Indie put her phone torch on and propped it up against a vase on the island while Clover climbed up onto the counter to take a packet of bourbon creams down from on top of a cabinet. 
They had hidden it up there so that they could get snacks at night without their mum finding out. Their mum, Maria Karpouzas, was strict on them about eating healthy, mostly Mediterranean food, which was tasty until they found themselves still hungry in the middle 
of  the night. 
Clover ripped the packet open a bit more and took out two biscuits then handed the packet to Indigo, who also took two. They both stood silently on opposite sides of the kitchen island and ate. Clover used his top teeth to rip the top half of the biscuit off, ate it, then scraped the cream off with his teeth.
Indigo left one full and one half eaten bourbon on the counter before climbing up to put the packet back, pushing the open side against the wall so they wouldn’t go soft, then climbed down and took her biscuits and disappeared upstairs leaving Clover alone in the dark, bleak room. 
If there was one thing Clara cared less about than sitting on her own, it was doing Valentine Jones’ homework. The same Valentine who was sitting across the table, tapping a nail on a blank homework sheet. Clara noticed that Val was staring at her, although Clara herself was too busy trying to get the can of coke in front of her to tip over. Eventually she sighed, and returned to her small leather notebook, in which she crossed telepathy/moving objects off of a long list she had scribbled down. 
“So,” Valentine said, upon realising that nobody had spoken for a good few minutes. “I need help with some English work. I need to write down forty quotes that capture “the theme of innocence”.” She made little air quote signs with her hands and shrugged with a look that said this is so ridiculous. “Oh, and also I have this essay-” She fumbled around in her black over-the-shoulder bag, the kind that looks like an oversized handbag with a little gold clasp. “-and basically I would just like you to look over it, ‘kay?”
Clara just stared at her, slightly dumbfounded. The whole homework arrangement had originally just been a ploy to get Val to go away, but it seems the arrangement was now a little more permanent, and Clara really didn’t want to keep it up anymore. Really, she should tell her this, as it wasn’t fair to string her along in such a way, when Valentine was acting like they were best friends. What actually came out of her mouth, though, was: “You have lipstick on your teeth.”
“Oh God…Do I?” Val asked in horror. She produced a little Altoid tin from her pocket and opened it like a compact. Clara assumed that there was a little mirror glued to the lid. Val grimaced, stretching out her mouth as far as she could, and with her ring finger removed the little smudge of red lipstick from her teeth. As this was happening a group of boys walked past, two in the front and one behind. Clara recognised them, but she couldn’t quite place from where. She imagined they were in some year below or something. 
“Hey Valentine!” The tallest one said, sitting sideways on the top of the empty table the two were sitting at. Clara shuddered, and quickly slid her notebook into her bag so he didn’t sit on it. 
“Mmm?” Valentine said, raising her head from her mirror to look at him. He shifted too close to Valentine for anyone’s comfort.
“They say vampirism can kill, but for you, I'd make an exception.” He then stuck out his tongue to reveal a small bronze coin, which he then dribbled off of his tongue while making a grotesque facial expression. The small bronze coin landed in Valentine’s dark curls, due to the proximity of the boy. Clara shuddered. 
“Fuck off!” Val said, brushing the coin out of her hair, then swinging her bag over her shoulder and flouncing off. The boy, egged on by one of his friends, followed suit. The youngest of the three stood, hovering somewhere behind the other two. He looked as if he wanted the ground to swallow him whole. Clara finally placed where she knew him. He was the younger brother of a girl in her year. Violet, or something? No, Indigo. Indigo was nice enough and she had a large friend group, but other than for the occasional group work in biology they never spoke. Her brother didn’t seem to speak at all. “C’mon, isn’t that supposed to be a symbol of true love?” The tall boy said after Val. “That should count for something.”
Val stuck her middle finger up at him, without turning around.
“Wooooow.” The boy said, turning around to grin at his friend. “I try to be a gentleman, and this is the thanks I get. Goes to show that slags like you don’t need respect, right?!”
“Fine.” Valentine turned around. She slowly walked up to the boy, and promptly kicked him in the nose. He reeled backwards, knocking over his friend and a few others who had gathered to watch. From where Clara was sitting, he looked dead. And for the first time maybe ever, Clara thought to herself, I like this girl.
She didn’t quite know where Valentine had gone. In fact, Clara wasn’t sure why she was looking for her in the first place. They weren't friends, not if Clara had anything to do with it. She didn’t want to bother. Clara could be popular, if she really put her mind to it. Everybody who knew her said so. After all, considering who her family was, knowing that they once held most of the power in Pinequarry and there was even a lake named after her family, She could be quite influential. But that was just it; She’d have to acknowledge her family if she wanted to have as many friends as that Indigo girl, and Clara knew that she would do anything to keep her family name from hanging over her head. 
Oh come on, Clara thought to herself, Where has that idiot girl gone off to?
Eventually she found Valentine; and said stupid girl was sitting in the medical office. 
“Hiding? Or, did that boy spit acid on you as well?” Clara asked.
Valentine looked up from her clear plastic chair. “It’s more for him than it is for me, ‘cause I booted him in the face. He’s in the other room.” She stroked her hair where the coin landed. “Thing is, they still need to test me to make sure I didn’t contract anything from him. Vampirism or something like that.” “Damn.” Clara slid into the chair next to her. She didn’t really know what to say now. She really should tell Val that they needed to stop being friends, because it wasn’t fair to her to lie about how Clara really felt. There was just something holding her back. What was she supposed to even say? Oh sorry, we can’t be friends because I’d rather be on my own so I can be moody and try and figure out how to get my powers to start. That would never work. She fumbled around in her bag to find something to do, or maybe pass Valentine a mint. Instead, she drew out a crumpled piece of paper. On this paper was a colourful, 1920s style poster that read; Pinequarry Fair, Fun for the whole family! Spring Creeks Fields, free entry for everyone. 
“Hey,” Clara passed the poster to Valentine. “I’m taking my little sister and her friend to this tonight. You can tag along, if you want.” Valentine’s face seemed to light up a little. “We’re gonna leave my house at about half five.” “I’ll be there.” Val gently folded the poster and tucked it into her shirt pocket. “I’ll walk towards your house, and I’ll meet you halfway. Rook Manor…It’s on the hill, right?” “Yep.” Clara got up and walked out of the room. “See you later, then.”
Valentine twiddled with the bow in her hair, and she shifted it around to better cover that icky spot on her hair where that disgusting boy spat in it. She must’ve washed her hair about ten times as soon as she got home. Which was a bit of a nightmare, considering how expensive her conditioner was. 
When she got home nobody spoke to her, and considering how tired she was, that was a good thing. Her brothers were kicking a ball around outside, and her mother was sitting at their grand kitchen island, putting her nails under a UV light. She threw down the university letters for her brother Teddy on the counter and headed up the stairs. 
She showered, and used a little of all of her products, because it was rare that she got invited anywhere. She put on a pink scoop neck pink top, and her blue flared jeans. She put on her white and red trainers, and sprayed a little perfume behind her ears. Now she was standing in front of her mirror in the corner of the room, attempting to tie two red ribbons in her hair. Even though her hair was clean, she couldn’t quite shake the feeling of having someone else’s spit in her hair, and so she had to tie it up so that she didn’t have to think about it - fortunately for her, two little bunches with the rest down was a good look for her. 
Then she waited. And it was a long wait. She’d gotten home at around twenty-past three, but she didn’t have to leave until half past four. She sat around, and led on her bed, and waited.
Valentine didn’t like waiting, because then she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about why Clara had invited her out. She pushed out the idea of Clara not wanting her to come, really, because if she hadn’t wanted Valentine to come with her she wouldn’t have asked. And then she waited some more.
And after what felt like an eternity, it was half-past four. She left the house without saying anything, and her mother was too busy doing yoga in the front room to notice she had even left. Her brother Teddy was in his room presumably, and she didn’t know or care where Toby was. 
The walk up to Clara’s house was hard, but not because it was long. It was only a ten-fifteen minute walk, but it was all uphill and really winding. About halfway up the hill she just stopped and waited for Clara there. She really wasn’t bothered about walking any further. 
She stood there awkwardly in her leather jacket, contemplating if she should take it off considering it was still a little summery. Eventually she just left it, and that’s when she spotted Clara, who was trailing behind two little girls in matching necklaces chatting non-stop about something-or-the-other they had seen at school. She couldn’t tell which one was Clara’s sister - one of them had her face, but her hair was much too light - and the other had more of Clara's hair and eye colour, but her face was completely different and she was far too fair. Must be the lighter haired girl. Valentine thought to herself as the three of them moved towards her. Margot, or something. Something posh like that.
“Hi.” Clara said.
“Hey! How’re you doing - Oh my god, I love your outfit, it’s so cute.” Valentine bursted into her usual spiel - but Clara’s outfit was gorgeous. She was wearing a long purple skirt and a little black velvet top. “So, who's excited for the circus?” The little girls’ faces lit up and they shouted “Me! Me! Me!”
Eventually they were introduced as Margot, Clara's sister, and Lottie. Lottie Small. Apparently Margot and Lottie were best friends, inseparable. According to Clara, it was mostly her job to babysit the pair, even though she didn’t get paid for doing it because “Margot’s my sister so it’s my responsibility to look after her.” 
“Oh, that sucks. I wish I got paid for dealing with my brothers too, but they don’t need babysitting because they’re both three years older than me - they’re twins - and regardless, Teddy’s going to university in two weeks, and that’s miles away.” Valentine had a bit of a sinking feeling that she was talking too much, and Clara wasn’t talking much at all. That was okay though, Valentine could do the talking for the both of them. She didn’t mind. 
Really, she didn’t.
Clover sat on the steps of the porch waiting for Indie to get downstairs. His dad heard that Indie was going to the fair this weekend and practically forced her to take Clover. He also forced Indie to pay for Clover’s food and activities. Indigo ran out of the front door spraying perfume at the same time and shouting something or other to their dad.
She shut the door then paced past Clover, her tote bag brushing against his head as she passed and messing his fringe up a bit. Clover hurriedly stood up and followed behind her down the street. 
They made their way out of the shade of the trees which covered their street and out onto the wide country lane where the carnival was situated. They could already hear the beat of loud fair music echoe over the countryside. At the entrance of the field was a large group of teenagers. Indigo approached them. She stood at the back and discreetly took Clover's hand, making him hold onto the handle of her tote bag.  The group made their way along the wide desire path into the field, all the boys at the front and the girls at the back, with anyone dating stood in the middle and Indigo and Clover stood at the very back. The smell of greasy, sugary donuts and candy floss wafted up Clover’s nose.  By the time they got to the middle of the field, the group split. Half of them went towards the food court. 
Indie and Clover followed the group going to the food court where she bought both of them a bag of donuts. They sort of awkwardly followed the group around and Indigo noticed them starting to whisper to each other, and then they met back up with the rest at the carousel. One of the boys made a gesture with his hand. He held up what seemed to be a peace sign, then waved it in front of his mouth while he blew air and smirked. Indigo backed up pulling the clover along.
Clover saw them going through a gap in the hedge behind the operating station for the carousel.
“Where are they going?” He asked Indigo but she didn't answer. 
He saw her scan the area, then dragged him over to the hook-a-duck stand. There were two girls who were in Indie’s year. Clara Rook and Valentine Jones. He felt a bit of a pit in his stomach as earlier that day, his friend had spat a coin into Valentine’s hair so tried to resist his sister's pull-
but before he knew it they were there. 
Indigo pulled her brother, who seemed to be trying to pull away, over to the hook-a-duck stand, which stood directly in a spot of sun which singed her bare shoulders. There, she saw two girls from her biology class, Valentine Jones and Clara Rook, with Claras younger sister whose name she didn’t know, and another young girl who lived down the street from them. 
The stand was a ring of water with little ducks with hooks in their heads floating around. Part of it was cut out with a gate. In the middle was a space with a pillar that went up to the peak of the canopy above the stand. The pillar had some devices on it. Next to that was a barrel full of sticks with hooks on them. The boy running the stand was Felix something-or-other. He was wearing a white vest with a red and white striped over shirt over the top and a red bandana, which everyone in school recognised him for. He wore it to cover the stubs of his horns, which he had shaven down according to some girls in her friend group. She didn’t believe it, but everyone else that worked at the carnival had tall, thin and spiralling antlers. They were a species of people called Oracles, who could have premonitions of the future.
“Hi, Mind if we tag along with you guys?” Indigo asked the girls. 
Valentine and Clara glanced at each other. 
“Sure,” Responded Clara, a little hesitantly.
Indigo didn’t think the two even liked each other, so why they were at the carnival together was beyond her. 
She turned to face Felix, who was prepared to hand her and Clover a hook. 
“Can I…?” Clover asked.
Indie nodded and took a few coins from the bottom of her tote bag and tipped them into Felix’s open palm
“And would you like a rod?” Felix asked Indigo, with a smile that suggested this was his usual routine for girls her age.
“Umm, no, thanks” Indie said, looking down at the ground. 
“What brings you to us then?” Val asked Indie. 
“Oh my friends are all..” She looked in the direction of the carousel
“You know.. Behind the carousel”
Val gave her a puzzled look, before glancing down at Clover and realising what she meant. 
“Ah. Don’t want him around that, is it?” Val asked.
Indie nodded and looked down again. 
There were a few moments of silence in the group, only broken by Clara.
“Umm… we were gonna go into the mirror maze with the girls if you wanted to join us?”
“Sure,” Indigo said. She secretly always really wanted to go in the maze, but her friends never did. They said it was bizarre.
Felix seemed to look up at them when the maze was mentioned and looked as though he wanted to say something, but never did. 
They waited for Clover and the two young girls, whose names were Margot and Lottie to finish playing hook-a-duck (Clover won a small ratty looking unicorn plush which he was quick to stuff into Indigo’s tote bag) and made their way past some more game stands to the mirror maze. 
Before Indigo stood a red and white striped tent. There was a big plywood structure where the entrance was that had a large archway. Inside this arch was a plywood door, painted to look like the door to a castle. Above this was a big light-up sign that read,“Magical Mirror Maze!”.
The six of them gathered at the top of the line consisting of about 5 people. At the entrance a bearded man with short horns was taking payment and opening the big door to let people in. Behind the door, all Indie could see was black and a fading blue and purple light, the guests who entered, vanished into the ebony tunnel, locked inside by a heavy wooden door. 
The group approached the closed wooden door after handing the oracle in front of it their money. Lottie and Margot stood in front of her, practically bouncing with excitement, while Val and Indie and Clover stood behind them. She recognised Clover from school. He was in the youngest year, she thought, but she knew he was with the boys who spat on Val earlier. It was odd, he seemed so quiet in comparison with the people he chose to spend his time with. He hadn’t said anything to anyone since he turned up with his sister. Odd. 
Before she knew it she was standing in a pitch black tunnel with occasional purple light washing over her face, but she wasn’t quite sure where it was coming from.
They turned a corner. Immediately she saw multiple images of herself and others facing her. The group hesitated for a second, each of them looking in a different direction, waiting for someone to move. Lottie took the first step forward; for a few moments she seemed fine - until she bumped straight into a wall. Clara winced. Lottie’s laugh echoed through the halls of the maze, and she then took a step to the right and vanished. Margot chased after her, bumping into the same wall, then disappearing. Clara walked after them gently, with her hand in front of her face. When she felt the cold smooth glass she turned the corner and saw the two girls a few metres in front. The others followed behind, using a similar hand-in-front-of-face method.
Slowly, they made their way through a series of thin and twisting corridors. Quite regularly they would walk into a wall, which Lottie and Margot found hysterical, and would have to walk in a different direction. Considering the relatively small size of the tent, it felt like it went on forever. What Clara found most bizarre was that, even though people went in before them, they never encountered any other people in the maze. 
Eventually they came across a door. It was like the one they came in through, painted to look mediaeval, like a castle. 
“The exit?” asked Val.
“Probably.” Said Clara. Indie shrugged.
Val slowly grabbed the handle of the door and turned it. It opened with a creak to reveal another section of the maze. Valentine groaned. 
They all glanced at each other before Lottie and Margot ran in. Margot slammed into a wall but quickly brushed it off and disappeared as before. It was like deja vu. Once again they spent their time cautiously walking through the maze, careful not to slam into a wall, as they were not as bouncy as Margot and Lottie were.
Indie ended up in front this time. She walked forward, hitting a mirror, then turned. She looked confused, almost a little frightened and so they all walked to surround her - and saw a man in front of them. The first person outside of their group that they had seen since being in the maze. He seemed to be further away, so assumed it to be a reflection - but as they walked forward toward him they realised that it was actually a long corridor with no mirrors in the way, and that actually, there were a few long corridors all next to each other, widening the pathway further.
The man, clearly quite old, (Clara placed him around her father’s age, maybe a few years younger) was wearing a slightly tattered tuxedo with brass buttons and coattails, the type a magician would wear. He had pitch black hair streaked with grey and in his hand was a black and white cane with a swirl pattern going up it. He looked incredibly relieved to see the group and paced toward them holding his cane slightly in front. They all looked at eachother, silently wondering, who is this man? And why does he look so eager to see us? 
Valentine was the first to speak.
“Um, Hi? I think we might be lost.”
“Oh, you are. Most definitely.” The man said, walking up so that now he stood nearer. Clara noticed that, from this distance, his eyes looked peculiar; his irises and pupils were simply too large in proportion to the whites of his eyes, and it unsettled her. She stepped forward, putting herself between the man and her sister.  
“What do you mean, definitely? Do you know the way out, or something?” Indigo said from her position in front of Val. “I have been here a long time,” The man responded, “but I do not know the way out, because there isn’t one, not from here. The fact you have found me is a miracle, you- you must be here to save me!” He almost tripped over his words out of sheer relief.
“Save you from…what?” Lottie asked, peeking out from behind Clara's arm. 
“Many years ago, an evil enchantress cast me away in this mirror prison forever,” He said. He looked as if he were on the verge of tears. “I’ve been running from an evil spirit for decades while trapped inside here.” He swivelled around on his heel and pointed down the long corridor. “Look! There it is now!” 
Down one of the large passages they saw a large black shadow lumbering past - but that wasn’t what Clara was looking at. She had noticed, in the corner of her vision, that for a moment the man had faltered, as if he had disappeared then reappeared before anyone would notice. She went to tap him on the shoulder, but her hand went straight through. She gasped and stepped backwards, pushing the rest of the group back with her. The man faltered, and as quickly as it had appeared the creature vanished. He turned and glared at Clara, and as she stared back at him, mouth frozen shut in fear he reached into his pocket and threw what appeared to be a large crystal down onto the ground.
There was a loud bang and a flash so bright it almost blinded her, and when she reopened her eyes she was…back inside the mirror maze? Or no, not quite. She was somewhere else, not quite in the maze but not quite out of it either. Somewhere in between. And when she turned around, there was nobody else there.
“What are you doing?! Where’s my sister?!” Clara said, grasping onto her necklace for some kind of emotional support.
Strangely, the man did the same, and Clara swore she saw him lift off of the ground for a few seconds. 
Then he began to change.  
It was slow at first, his proportions shifting; then he became a large black shadow; and then he was gone completely. Clara was frightened, more than she had ever been - and that’s when she saw Margot. 
Clara cried out, and Margot turned to look at her. Margot began running - then she hit a wall. But this time, she didn’t laugh, no - she looked terrified. And that’s when Clara saw it - a great pack of wolves (Too large to be normal ones - they must be humans infected with Lunola) were pacing towards her sister. “Clara? Clara?!” Margot called out. Clara soon realised, Margot couldn’t hear her anymore.
Clara was screaming, knowing that her sister could not see the immense danger lurking behind her - and knowing that right now there was nothing she could do about it. Tears started streaming down Clara’s face as she hysterically repeated for Margot to turn around, to notice; or for someone else to come along and warn her-
But by then it was too late. The pack leaped up and the one in front landed right on top of Margot’s back, knocking her to the ground and leaving her severely winded. Clara yelped and started banging on the glass, silently pleading for whatever divine being that was up there to spare her sister, or to let her to push through the mirror and put herself between Margot and those monsters. Her little sister’s high-pitched screams rang through Clara’s ears, hearing the sound of flesh being torn from bones underscoring the desperate cries of Clara’s own name.
Clara couldn’t take it anymore. She covered her ears with her hands - and that’s when she noticed something peculiar. Margot was wearing a necklace, one Clara had never seen before, and so were the wolves. It was almost familiar…yes…it was the necklace that the man was wearing.
It all began to click in Clara's mind. This isn’t really happening. It’s a trick.
She searched through her bag for something to throw. It was still greatly upsetting to see her “sister” being torn apart so brutally, and there were still tears rolling down her cheeks, but it comforted her to know that, either he was keeping her sister safe for now or he was just unable to actually harm her. She kept rifling through her small black handbag until she came across…nothing. Nothing except for a few coins, her phone (which had no signal), and her notebook. Instinctively her hand went back up to her necklace… and then she had an idea. 
Unhooking the necklace from around her neck, she quickly tilted it to one end, so that the obsidian piece inside hung on the very end of the necklace, held up only by the clasp, and made quick work of tying the end of her phone charger to the end of her necklace. She stretched the wire of the cage and inserted as many coins as she could, and then she was done. She had made some sort of bizarre, one-sided slingshot. The fake Margot, who was now little more than a macabre mess of muscle and bone, did not seem to notice that Clara was now unbothered by it. She swung her contraption around in the air in front of her to gather as much momentum as she could, and then hurled it full-force into the mirror. 
The mirror did not shatter, but the loud crashing and clattering of the collision mixed with the coins bouncing off of the mirror and onto the floor was enough to distract the pack long enough to turn them back into one rather pathetic man. He looked up at Clara in a moment of genuine terror, and then the look vanished and he disappeared. 
Tentatively, she pushed on the mirror in front of her and it too vanished. She now stood in a long, dark, corridor, different than before but they looked eerily similar. She moved slowly down this corridor, using her phone torch to guide her and dragging her charger-necklace rope behind her. Eventually she turned a corner, and she could see a door. A brown door. One that was painted to look like a mediaeval castle. She rushed towards it, but soon realised that try as she might to get closer to it, it was still far away, as if the corridor was expanding.
It was then that she noticed that the corridor itself was lined with windows. Or, no, not windows - they were one-sided mirrors. And within them, Clara could see the others. They all looked terrified, although she could not hear them she could tell they were screaming. She resolved, starting with her younger sister, to swing around her charger at the windows, and hoped that they were as fragile as the other one was.
Margot was sitting on the floor, hand over her ears with her eyes screwed shut. That’s good, I suppose. Clara thought to herself as she swung her charger high in the air. At least she won’t get glass in her eyes. Margot’s mirror smashed relatively easily, taking only two or three hits for it to crumble enough for Clara to climb through and grab her sister. 
“Clara?!” Margot said tearfully. “Is it really you this time?” “Yes, it’s me.” Clara wrapped her arms around Margot and stroked her hair gently. “Whatever you saw wasn’t real, it was the man…I think he’s using some sort of magic necklace to shapeshift.” “He showed me the most horrid thing, Clara, you were -” “Let’s not dwell on it for now.” Clara rose to her feet and tugged Margot up with her. “We need to go get everyone else, the same is happening to them.” 
Lottie and Indigo were the next to be rescued. Margot had decided to use the ribbons tied in her hair, mixed with bobbles and coins to create a functioning elastic slingshot that worked quite well. Lottie appeared to be walking in the spot on a moving mirrored floor tile, and once freed she confided in Margot that she thought that she was walking alone in the woods, chasing her younger brother. Indigo was kneeling on the ground, shaking and crying and praying up to a sky that was not there. She didn’t want to say what she saw, but using a small chisel from within her art supplies she had brought in her back, she managed to smash her way through Clover’s mirror, in which he was standing sullenly and looking down through the floor. He, like his sister, chose not to tell the girls what he had seen, but unlike the rest of them he was clearly quite shaken about it.
When they approached Valentine’s mirror, she was lying against a wall, her arms above her head and she was crying. It took Indigo and Clara too long to notice what was being depicted in Valentine’s chamber, but once they did they pushed Lottie, Margot and Clover back and told them to look away. Indigo used her chisel, and this time the noise of it breaking through the glass was enough to get Val to notice she was being rescued, and her knee went up in the air as the man who had caused them all this emotional turmoil reappeared behind another mirror. Once Indigo had cracked the mirror open, Val threw herself towards them and pulled them into a tight group hug, still crying. 
Then the six of them stood around, unsure of where to go next, or how they were to get out. It was then they heard a loud Crash! Come from behind them, mere centimetres from the back of Clara’s shoes, and the hallway that they came from was gone, in its place a jagged opening to the exit of the tent.
Around them, the entire maze began to corrupt. All the walls around them fell down until they found themselves back in the maze. The whole group huddled closer as the mirrors began to smash and spit glass in all directions. As a mirror shattered, the wall holding it up would also fall. This continued until the surrounding walls also fell, and then the tent which fell on top of them. As the red and white sheet descended, the weight pushed them all to the ground. The evening sun beamed through the red and white fabric, and as everyone scrambled to get out, being careful not to cut themselves on the shattered glass, Indie noticed there was a hand poking through just in front of her - and now that she was seeing it she noticed a voice shouting for her to grab hold. She did, and quickly was hauled through a rip in the tent. On her feet, she looked up and saw the boy from the hook-a-duck stand. Felix. 
“Are you okay?” He said, pulling Indie to her feet, but she was already turning around to grab Clover out of the tent. Once she had him safely out on the grass, her, him, and Felix helped everyone else out, the kids first, then Valentine, and finally Clara. When Clara came out though, Felix rushed forward to her and picked something up from the grass by her feet. He inspected it, and Indie craned her neck over to look at it, but she couldn’t quite see it. Felix glanced over his shoulder at the crowd that had formed to see what had happened and then turned to face the rest of them.
“We’d better go. Come on, I’ll take you to my grandmother.”
Indigo had a few questions on why they were going to see Felix’s grandma, but as they approached the swirling purple and blue tent with Fortune teller written in lights above it, things made even less sense. 
Felix elbowed his way through the line, repeating excuse me, pardon me, coming through until he was pushing through the beaded blue curtains in the entrance. Inside the tent was muggy; there were small tables with incense burning on top of them, there was a fake crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling and underneath it there was a round table with a glowing blue-glass ball on it. A small woman was sitting there, opposite a very mysterious and glamorous woman who was talking in hushed voices about something she had seen within the ball.
Felix cleared his throat and said something in a language Indigo didn’t speak. The fortune teller at the front replied in the same language, and Felix ushered them through a flap in the back of the tent, which connected to a roomy caravan with cushions and blankets everywhere. Lottie flopped herself down on a cushion in the floor, and Margot sat tentatively on a cushion next to her. “This is a little forward.” Valentine said. “Is this your house?” She looked around the room, craning her neck to see as much as possible.
“Yeah. Sorry, this is a little forward. It’s just…It’s difficult to explain, but that tent falling down is a lot more important than you think. Just wait till my Grandmother comes in. She won’t be long.” Felix said. “You’re welcome to sit down, I’ll make some tea if you want.” 
Clara, Clover and Indie accepted the tea, but the girls and Valentine declined. They sat together on the sofa, at the table and on cushions in silence until Clover decided to break it.
“So who is your grandma?” He said, but was met with silence, until the door of the caravan slammed open, and the glamorous fortune teller walked inside.
“Felix!” She said, as if the rest of the group was not even there. “You must start telling me if you plan to bring company over. I was working.” 
Up close, Indie finally got to take a proper look at her, and she realised that this fortune teller was a lot older than she thought. Despite this, she wore heavy black eyeliner and blue eyeshadow, purple lipstick and a heap of dark tangled curls sat on top of a black and purple headscarf. She wore a layered outfit made of several expensive looking fabrics and she smelled of sandalwood and violently strong perfume.
“It’s more than that,” Felix said “The mirrors, they’re smashed.”
The woman looked alarmed, and quickly turned her head to look at the rest of the group. “Hello, dears. I will be back soon, let me change out of my working clothes. You may call me Dumitria.” And with that she went through a door down a small corridor and disappeared. 
When she reappeared she looked more her age, and while her hair was still pushed back by the headscarf, it was a grey bun that was there instead of the big black hair that Indie assumed was a wig. She was wearing a simple long cotton skirt with flowers on it and a long sleeve blouse. Felix placed a cup of tea in front of her when she sat at the table next to him and she kissed him on the forehead. Then he slid a small silver locket with a burgundy crystal inside over to her and she examined it, looking very worried. “Come, sit. You may pull up stools if you need the room.” When they all gathered around the table she took a long sip of her tea and began again. “You tell me the mirror maze has been destroyed?” “Yes,” Felix said. “Apparently they were attacked by a man. What’s going on-?” “Then it is worse than I imagined.” Dumitria said. “You children are in very grave danger.”
As the conversation unfolded Clara felt more and more nervous.
“You see, that man that attacked you is my husband.” Dumitria explained. “Or, he was. I loved him dearly, but he was power-hungry. And so he made a deal with a powerful demon, which one, I do not know. But this demon had the ability to transform a power into a catalyst, provided my husband - Ophir was his name - killed the holders of these powers so that they might be repurposed. That’s what this is.” She slid the amulet over the table so they could see it. “Lucky for us, without the demon present, unless someone with great magical power can find a way to reactivate it.” She handed the amulet to Clara. “I see it in you. You have the gift.” Clara looked down at this amulet, and tentatively tied the clasp before Dumitria swatted at her to stop.
“It is still very dangerous! You do not know what it might do.” 
“Um, okay.” Clara put the amulet in her bag.
“So how did you know about all this then?” Val cut across the conversation. “I wouldn’t tell anyone if it was me.” “He didn’t. I only found out because he became careless, and attempted to steal the gift my family possesses. I used what little power I have to cast him into that mirror forever. What I didn’t account for was that Ophir and the demon he had made a deal with became one; But I am imagining they will not be now, they will have run away in different directions. It wouldn’t surprise me if Ophir is out there now, looking for the rest of the amulets.” “The rest?” Indigo asked “There are more?” “Oh yes, there’s loads. I hid them as best as I could after he was imprisoned, but I think you will have to find them now. As soon as possible, to make sure he does not find them.” “Hang on,” Valentine said. “You want us to go? We don’t have powers like you! How are we supposed to-” “She does.” Dumitria looked at Clara, who was now getting more nervous, if that was possible. She didn’t have powers; not ones that were usable anyway.
“I'm too old to be prancing around here, there and everywhere. It is up to you now. There’s not much I can do now, at my age, to stop him. However, I’m sure Felix will help you.”
Felix looked up then, and it was quite clear to Clara that he had no idea of how he was supposed to help. She wondered if there was much more he knew about this whole situation than the rest of them. Maybe he was just as in the dark as everyone else. “How are we supposed to find them?” Clara asked, now realising the scope of the task that they had been set.
“I will help you. Come this way.” Dumitria led them out of the caravan, out of the whole fair and down the street to what Clara presumed was their house. She led them up a flight of stairs into a small room,almost completely empty save for a beaded doorway in the far side. “This will take you where you need to be sent. For now though, it will take you to your homes. I think it is best that you all get some rest before you begin.” Slowly but surely they made their way through the curtain and one by one they disappeared. Clara and Margot were the last ones left.
“I know you feel that you are not ready for this, Clara.” Dumitria said. “Know instead that you are more capable than you think.” Clara was unsure what to say, and so mumbled a thank you before going through the curtain. There was a loud swishing noise as the sisters pushed through it, and suddenly they were standing in Clara’s own bedroom. Behind her she heard the rattling sound of swinging beads, but when she turned, there was only her open closet door. 
Margot opened her mouth to speak. “So, what are we meant to do now-” “Bed.” Clara said, pushing Margot by the shoulders to the door. “And don’t say a word to anyone, especially not our parents, okay?” “Yeah, okay.” Margot turned as Clara shut the door. “Night.”
Clara flopped down onto her bed, and stared up at the ceiling long into the night, wondering what she was going to do next.
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2jaeh · 3 years
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genre: smut, humor
warnings: poly themes, alcohol, some drug use, threesome, oral M and F receiving, semi-public, fxm, mxm, just a lot of smut related tags tbh
word count : 11,8 K 
Everyone had heard of you but where did the story begin ?
This is the prequel to FREAKS (Jaehyun x reader) a story of why the entire campus were almost certain that you Taeyong and Ten were in a poly affair. 
A/N: before anyone asks I will be doing a part two of Freaks w Jaehyun, I needed to get this part out first! Also commissions are open on my fiverr and let me know in my inbox what you think of this series! 
0. Prequel 
1. Freaks pt 1 
You always wondered what it was like to fit in. Whether people rarely stared, that It didn’t matter what music you listened to or how you dressed as long as you followed the quota you were good. But four months into university made you quickly realise that it wasn’t easy making friends as people made it out to be. Being in the art department, you took notice of a few people that met your requirements but after an exchange or two the conversation fell flat and it would feel like you were back to square one.
You sat your sketchbook down on the wooden table situated at the back of the fine arts classroom and slumped into the chair waiting for class to begin. Your eyes watched every person that sauntered through those indigo doors. Hippies, wannabe tattoo artists, rich kids who took art just to prove they’re cultured, and the ones who weren’t worth remembering.
“Today we will explore life drawings so pull out the items I asked you to collect and partner up with the person seated next to you” your lecturer clapped his hands as the classroom filled with shuffling of seats and small greetings.
You turned to your left and noticed a black haired boy with a mullet cut passed out on the desk. You had seen him at a few parties but you’ve only exchanged less than a sentence with him.
Grabbing your pencil you poked his exposed arm until he groaned and stretched his arms out in front of him yawning, “Are we done already ?”
“We just started, and were partners” you faked a smile and shifted your desk closer to him.
“Oh shit sorry, you’re y/n right ?” He asked, his voice was soft and friendly. His cat-like eyes blinked cutely as he adjusted his loose shirt and turned his body to face you, “you were at Jungwoo’s party last week.”
“Oh yeah I was” you chuckled scratching the back of your head, “You…are Ten Lee, I remember your strip club design project. It was pretty awesome”
Ten’s eyes lit up at your words and you felt a sense of warmth emanating from him. It felt genuine unlike most people on this campus and you couldn’t believe it took you this long to even talk to him.
“I tend to see how far I can go before the faculty calls my parents in” he snickered and began pulling out his drawing equipment from his overly decorated tote bag. You mimicked his actions and in turn pulled out the items your lecturer had asked you to collect. Personal trinkets he said, three items that you think represented you.
You looked around at the nearby desks and noticed a lot of the same items placed on everyone's desk. Candles, AirPods, tea boxes, vinyls and anything else you would find on ‘art hoe Tumblr 101’. You annoyingly rolled your eyes as you looked down at your own equipment.
A rusty old key you had found in your room, the cigarette butt of the last one you smoked since you’d quit, and of course the grand finale, an anime figurine of a woman with boobs bigger than her head. Perfect.
“Hentai is…..your identifier ?” Ten stifled his laughter as he grabbed the figurine from your desk and closely examined her clothing, or lack thereof.
“I actually stole that from the store my ex worked at but yeah we can go with that, what is yours ?”
You watched Ten remove the items from his bag and your eyes widened at one item in particular, “dude is that a vibrator ?” You questioned and Ten grinned, holding up the palm sized gadget and switched it on briefly before turning it off and flinging it on his desk, “yeah I identify strongly with it” he shrugged.
“How exactly?” You quizzed him as the boy, still poker faced, played with the rings on his fingers.
“Vibrators pleasure people, and I do the same, there's no lore to it y/n”
“Good to know I guess” you pressed your lips together and you felt Ten tug on your arm until his lips were against your ear,
“You wanna skip and try it out in the bathroom ?”
You had no idea what the fuck was going on but within minutes you and Ten were walking down the hall to the nearest bathroom after he explained to the lecturer that the two of you had to hand in a business assignment a couple doors down. Ten pulled you into the girls bathroom and looked under each stall until he realised you two were the only ones in here.
“What the fuck is happening right now” you walked hand in hand with him into the last stall and leaned against the cold tiled wall.
“You about to get one of the best orgasms ever that's what” Ten bit down on his lip cheekily and found the slit of your floral skirt and pushed it to the side, revealing your black laced panties on full display for him.
As Ten’s fingers slowly began making its way to your core you smacked his hand, causing him to look up with wide eyes, “What ?”
“At least kiss me first, how am I supposed to get in the…mood?” Ten chuckled at your words and raised his hands amusingly, “Okay Okay I didn’t think this would be a whole ordeal”
You rolled your eyes and pulled Ten by his neck into a deep kiss that actually surprised the both of you. Each side was filled with lust as your tongue moved against his and fought for dominance. Ten pressed his body against you roughly, earning a moan from both of you once you felt your bodies connect in the most passionate way. Kissing him was different, It completely changed the way you looked and felt about him. He went from being the cute cat boy in your class to probably one of the sexiest people you had ever met. Ten roughly bit your lip and smirked into the kiss when he felt your nails dig into his shoulder. He quickly used the opportunity to slip his hands in-between your legs which you politely parted for him and ran a finger over your core.
“Oh shit” you breathed against his lips as he moved the material out of the way and slipped his finger inside with ease. His finger moved slowly in and out of you while his lips were still attached to yours not missing a second of that mouth-watering kiss. You had no idea when his finger was replaced with the vibrator but the sensation made you break away from the kiss and throw your head back in ecstasy, not knowing when was the last time you even felt like this. The combination of Ten’s wet kisses on your neck and the vibrator completely destroying you, it was happening. The orgasm of the fucking century was approaching. You would like to believe that you were only at your breaking point because you hadn’t hooked up with anyone in a while not because Ten was this good. But he was. He was fucking amazing and this was just a taste, just an introduction to him.
Ten increased the speed of the vibrator until your legs were shaking and clasped his hand over your mouth to prevent the whole department from hearing you coming undone.
“Fuck..” You sighed, holding onto his shoulders for support as you tried catching your breath, “yeah the whole pleasure analogy between you and the vibrator….I get it.”
“Glad to be of service” Ten stuck his tongue in his cheek and began neatening his outfit before hooking arms with you and walking out of the bathroom. You already had no intention of going back to class anytime soon so the two of you ended up wandering the halls of the pristine campus, hoping the day would pass away.
“Y/n” you heard a voice call from behind you, not your favourite voice in the world.
“Fuck” you sighed and turned around, watching the tall black haired man make his way over to you. You watched a cocky smile spread across his face as he came over, his tall frame standing over you and Ten.
“What do you want Jinyoung ?” you asked, raising your eyebrow at him and folded your arms.
The boy bit down on his lip and moved his hair out of his face, “I just came to say hi y/n do you have to be so rude ?” He scoffed and raised his eyebrow at Ten, “got a new boy toy ?”
“What Ten and I do is honestly none of your business” you responded coldly, Ten immediately putting two and two together and stifled a laughter before smiling up at Jinyoung,
“Oh you’re the ex boyfriend ? Is this the one who finishes in 10 seconds ?” Tens words caught you off guard causing you to let out a chuckle and Jinyoung to shift uncomfortably in his spot. He tried his best to stay composed but his red ears told a different story.
“That’s probably someone else, you know she’s been around the block” he licked his lips and folded his arms across his chest.
“Anyway do you want something ? We gotta go back to class” you rolled your eyes and rested your head on Tens shoulder.
“Come out with me tonight, you know I always get guestlist to varsity parties” Jinyoung said and Ten waved his hand in front of his face startling Jinyoung, “I have plans with her, so maybe next time” Ten pulled you down the hall before Jinyoung could get in another word. You couldn’t help but turn back and take in his dumbstruck frame as the two of you furthered away from him and headed back to class.
“We have plans ?” You asked as the two of you slipped back into your seats and Ten propped his legs up on the table and leaned back,
“Yeah there’s a party at that guy Wooyoung's place tonight and we’re going” Ten stretched his arms above his head, “wear something sexy so I’m not standing out.”
Of Course listening to Tens words and knowing the kind of closet you were working with it wasn’t that hard to not stand out. You opted for a cute little baby blue mini dress that was tight enough to show off your curves and a pair of holographic combat boots. Your favourite part was always getting to match your eye make up to your outfit. Drawing on an intricate design that accentuated your big round eyes almost made you doll-like.
You retrieved your phone and noticed you received a text from Ten, who had already updated an outfit pic on story. A very low buttoned down black shirt and black shiny pants that had a fucking garter around his leg ?
Yeah he was hot and the both of you knew it.
You grabbed the last of your things and made your way downstairs to Ten who was waiting at the dorm house entrance. Unconsciously biting on your lip you were welcomed by his slender figure posted up against the fence with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He looked straight out of a movie.
“God finally….holy shit you look hot!” He whistled and pulled you into a tight hug before pulling you into a kiss and grabbed your waist. The kiss was indeed surprising even though earlier that day he was practically fucking your brains out.
His lips were soft and sweet, laced with a hint of the menthol cigarette from earlier. Ten finally pulled away and he gave your ass a cheeky squeeze before handing you his half burnt cigarette,
“Let’s have a wild fucking night then shall we ?”
Taking the cigarette from him you took a drag and blew the smoke up into the air forgetting about your sobriety and watched it disappear in the night sky, “let’s go.”
The night was cold but quite a few people were all over the residence roads, making their way to various parties or down to the bars where the rowdiness had already begun.
“Shit I really should’ve brought something to pre drink” Ten sighed and pulled out his phone.
“Who are you texting ?” You asked, trying to match his quick footsteps as yall began nearing the busy part of the street.
“Yuta, you know that tattoo guy ? He always has a bottle on him” Ten explained as you followed him into a narrow corner and saw a group of people gathered at the steps of the building.   You noticed a few people from your department hanging around but the most noticeable person was in fact Yuta Nakamoto. His long black hair, pierced ears and tatted up body was hard to miss. You got a tattoo from him once and it almost ended with him making out with you on his work desk.
But that was a story both of you agreed to forget.
“Ten and y/n, weird combination but I’m not really surprised, what’s up ?” Yuta grinned and handed Ten the bottle of vodka while pulling you into a quick hug.
“Yeah it’s called matching each other’s energy” Ten winked at you and took a shot of vodka straight out of the bottle before handing it to you. You eyed the clear bottle up and down knowing your kidneys were screaming at you right now but fuck you hated walking into a party without a slight buzz going. You took the bottle and took a shot before wincing at the bitter taste and the fiery sensation that was now running down your throat. “You ready ?” Ten grinned holding out his hand and you placed your hand in his, nodding a thank you to Yuta and his friends before entering the chaotic party.
There were people of all kinds inside. Some from your department, some from God knows where. All you could see were lingering eyes on you and Ten as you stepped inside. Some people made it obvious that they were staring, hoping that maybe you’d strike up a conversation with them. Others just peeked and gossiped amongst their friends as they stared at the outfits that you and Ten adorned.
“What else do you expect from people who sleep around with drug dealers” you and Ten overheard a girl say as the two of you made your way over the kitchen for drinks.
“Drug Dealers ? Geez that’s the first” Ten scoffed and sifted for a cider in the cooler.
“None of that bothers you does it ?” You smiled, intrigued as the cat-eyed boy barely noticed a few people checking him out from behind the counter.
Ten handed you a drink and leaned up against the counter taking a sip of the cold liquid before shrugging,
“Why should I let it bother me ? It’s not like their lives are interesting that I want to fit in with them, I mean their lives revolve around talking shit about me” Ten giggled and took another sip of his drink.
His confidence was extremely attractive and his words resonated with you. It made you wonder if maybe you thought too much about it at times even though you didn’t care to conform to society norms of an average varsity student. Hanging out with Ten for just one day already gave you more life, more energy than anyone prior in your university. Ten wasn’t hesitant to show you that he felt the same way either. To him it was fate that he had sat next to you earlier today because he finally found someone worth keeping his attention.
“There’s something about you y/n I just feel like we get each other” he scratched his head and looked over at you, “it’s so easy just hanging out with you without feeling so fucking drained.”
“I feel the exact same way, like don’t get me wrong I like hanging out with the likes of Yuta and that guy Hendery in our class, but it’s different with you”  You grabbed Tens hand and he squeezed your hand tightly,
“Here’s to tolerating only each other.”
You and Ten toasted and downed the last of the cider before heading to the dance floor filled with people who either despised you or wanted to be you.
As the two of you danced it felt like the room was moving in slow motion, the mixture of the smoke filled room to the loud music and alcohol in your system made you feel euphoric. As you danced the night away, you had no idea when you and Ten had separated on the dance floor but a sudden tug on your arm snapped you out of your daydream to face a harsh reality.
“Please leave me alone” you groaned as he wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his mouth against your ear,
“Baby I’m sorry when are we going to put all that shit behind us ?” He groaned, slipping his hands to your sides and squeezed gently.
“You cheated on me asshole did you forget ?” You shrugged out of his grip and pushed by the bodies of people trying to make your way to the backyard for fresh air.
The small garden was filled with people having intimate conversations and someone throwing up in a bush at the back. Normal house party shenanigans.
You rolled your eyes when you noticed Jinyoung had followed you out already trying to put his hands on you once again. “Would you stop ? Why don’t you run after the girl you had in your bed when we were together” you spat and headed for a bench.
“You know what, keep resisting, that’s why your ass is sitting here alone” Jinyoung retorted and pushed his way back into the party.
You groaned and sat on the empty seat far away from the party, finally able to hear yourself think and breath in fresh air. You were about to slip back into a calmer state when you felt someone drop in the seat next to you and as your thoughts expected it was Jinyoung, it ended up being a boy you had never seen before.
“Hi, sorry I didn’t mean to startle you” the boy said, his big round eyes sparkled under the night sky. His body was petite like Ten but he was broader in the shoulder department and had the most innocent face you’d ever seen.
“Oh it’s not a problem” you replied, still taking in his striking features. The boy brought a small metal flask to his lips and took a shot before offering the drink to you,
“It’s tequila” he smiled and you mouthed a thank you before shooting back a bit of the drink and handed it back to him.
“I’m y/n….I haven’t seen you around before” you quizzed as the boy set down his flask and ran his fingers through his blonde hair.
“I’m Taeyong, I’m actually new here” he replied and wet his lips with his tongue, “I’ll start in the art and design department on Monday.”
“I’m in that department, well welcome to hell” you grinned and held out your hand. Taeyong grinned and took your hand in his and gave you a firm handshake before scooting closer. As much as you convinced yourself he had the most adorable and innocent face you’d ever seen, there was a hint of mischief in his eyes.
“I just came here to get drunk and get laid but like everyone’s looking at me weird” Taeyong goofily laughed and you joined in, “can’t help you there, I’ve been in that position for a few months now” Taeyongs eyebrows raised at your words and jumped to his feet, holding out his hand for you to take,
“We both have nothing better to do so let’s get wasted.”
You and Taeyong set up a couple shots and downed everything in one go, not bothering about anyone around you or what they had to say. Taeyong was hilarious, his face was animated as he talked which made you laugh, something about him drew you in like a moth to a flame.
The two of you went from casual talk to dancing together and you didn’t mind the closeness, especially when he danced so fucking well against your body. You had no idea when it happened but Taeyong had spun you to face him while the two of you danced and your bodies were practically merged together as Taeyongs lips inched closer and closer until you felt him practically getting dragged away.
“Yo what the fuck man” Taeyong shouted as Jinyoung had a fist full of Taeyongs shirt and escorted him outside. A few people pushed past you to see the commotion before you processed what the hell had just happened.
Making your way through the curious crowd you watched as Taeyong and Jinyoung squared up in the middle of the garden for everyone to see.
“What the hell are you doing with my girl, man ?” Jinyoung shoved Taeyong who stumbled back, the alcohol not helping his balance in any way. You rushed toward them as Taeyong found his footing and pushed Jinyoung right back, he was definitely way stronger than he looked.
“Jinyoung I’m not your girl you moron” you snapped and tried to stand in front of Taeyong before things got any worse.
Jinyoung scoffed and took a step forward, challenging you but you stood your ground even though your head was spinning from the amount of alcohol in your system.
“You’re defending this nobody ? Y/n you’ve really hit rock bottom now haven’t you ?” Jinyoung said, loud enough for every person to hear. This was one of his traits that you hated most.
When Jinyoung knew he had lost you it resulted in insults, manipulation, making you feel like you needed him more than he needed you. But it never worked and it drove him insane.
“Hey it’s not her fault she decided to drop the dead weight in her life” Taeyong shrugged and took a step forward, “don’t worry I’ll make sure she gets satisfied in any way she wants.”
Before you could even respond Jinyoung swung at Taeyong, hitting him right in the jaw before two other men stepped in and held him back. You rushed over to check on Taeyong who instead of showing signs of anger or pain, was laughing.
Laughing with a bruise on the side of his jaw, unphased by what had just happened. Jinyoung muttered curses as the guys dragged him away from the garden and the crowds of people finally dispersed, unsatisfied with the lackluster of the fight.
“Are you okay ?” You sighed helping him up and took him to the side of the house where it was more secluded from the public. You shone your phone light to get a better look at his bruise and Taeyong winced at both the sudden light and the throb from the hit.
“I’m fine I’m fine, it’s really okay” he chuckled and leaned against the wall pulling you with until you were inches away from his face.
You had no idea why, especially considering you just saw him get hit in the face, you leaned in to kiss him. Whether it be the alcohol or the adrenaline from the fight you just found Taeyong to be so goddamn hot in this moment. Taeyong moaned into the kiss as he slipped his tongue into your mouth and massaged circles on your lower back. Your lips moved against his slowly and passionately, smirking into the kiss when he bit down on your lip cheekily.
“God there you are”
Your kiss quickly broke when you heard the high tone of Tens voice and he made his way over to you and Taeyong.
“What the hell happened, I heard that idiot Jinyoung was harassing you again and-“ Tens eyes turned to Taeyong against the wall and pointed to him with his index finger, “who the heck is this ?”
“Uh this is Taeyong, he helped me with the Jinyoung issue” you scratched your head and Taeyong half waved at Ten before clutching his jaw.
“Uhm okay” Ten pressed his lips together, “let’s go back to my dorm I’ve had enough of these Neanderthals...Taeyong you can come too.”
The three of you finally arrived at Ten’s dorm in silence. You and Taeyong shifted awkwardly in the middle of Ten’s bedroom, not knowing exactly what to do. Looking around you noticed Ten had an eye for interior design. His furniture was quite outlandish for a dorm room yet it was surprisingly homey.
“God please sit or do something you guys are making me uncomfortable” Ten groaned, kicking off his boots and discarding his shirt. Taeyong opted for the office chair near Ten’s desk and you took a seat at the very edge of Ten’s single sleeper while he lay on his back next to you on his phone.
“You guys like sushi ? I'm feeling for sushi” Ten hummed scrolling through a food ordering app completely oblivious to the awkwardness that still sat in the room.
“Sushis good” you nodded,
“Yeah I don't mind either” Taeyong added but winced when he felt the sharp, still very prominent pain in his jaw.
“Ten you got an ice pack or something ?” You sighed, jumping off the bed and rummaged through Ten’s mini fridge. “Yeah right at the back” Ten replied, still trying to place his order for the late night meal. You retrieved the ice pack and knelt down in front of Taeyong who smiled shyly as you placed the ice pack over his swollen jaw. Taeyong silently thanked you for your kindness and applied pressure to his jaw as you decided to take a seat beside his chair, to make him feel a little more comfortable in your friends bedroom.
“Okay” Ten threw his phone aside and sat up to look at the two of you with inquisitive eyes,” yall gonna tell me what happened here ?”
“Well I lost you on the dancefloor and Jinyoung found me” you began, Ten already rolling his eyes at the sound of Jinyoung’s name,
“I went outside and Taeyong approached me, he’s going to be starting at our department on Monday and he didn't know anybody, so I offered my friendship in a form of alcohol and having a good time” you smiled and Ten scoffed.
“Jinyoung saw you guys just drinking and decided to rearrange his face ?” Ten raised his eyebrow, he definitely knew there was more to it considering the two of you were sucking each other's faces off in a dark alley.
“Okay so we were quite close, and honestly does Jinyoung need any other reason ? He wanted to punch you this morning” you groaned.
“Yeah but I was literally fucking you in a bathroom stall with my vibrator y/n”
Taeyong’s eyes widened at Ten’s words and looked between the two of you frantically, “Wait you guys are together, I mean hooking up ? Why did you kiss me ?” he questioned while Ten just laughed it off and turned on his bluetooth speaker.
“Chill, we're not together you can have a little relationship if you want to” Ten smirked, stretching his arms above his head, “honestly if you wanna hook up now I like watching.”
“God shut up, and none of us want a relationship. We just got there to have fun and Jinyoung ruined everything” you groaned, leaning your head back against Taeyong’s leg as he finally returned to tend to his bruise.
“All this aside do you guys mind if I hang out with you ? you’re honestly the only fucking normal people on this campus” Taeyong pouted and you and Ten shared a quick glance before grinning from ear to ear.
“Okay he’s cute I get it” Ten sighed and held out his hand to Taeyong, “I'm Ten, y/n and I only started hanging out this morning, neither of us have close friends on campus and frankly everyone finds us annoying, welcome to the club.”
Taeyong smiled cutely and shook Ten’s hand, setting down his ice pack and got to his feet, “Well i'm Taeyong, I too don't give a shit what people have to say about me, I like doing whatever I want with whomever I want and I'm pretty sure after tonight people aren't gonna like me either, so I guess i'm in.”
Before you could even say your part to this little club initiation your phone began to blow up with message alerts and story updates from practically everyone on campus tagging you in a specific video.
“What the hell is going on ?” you frowned as you opened instagram and noticed that the account that everyone was tagging you in was a burner account with a few videos and two pictures. Ten and Taeyong stood on either side of you as you opened up the first video and noticed that it was taken in the hallway earlier that day with you and Ten linking arms. The second video was at the party, you and Ten dancing with each other and the video cutting to you and Taeyong dancing together. The last video on the account was a blurry video of you and Taeyong making out and Ten walking in, with the ending obviously being the three of you leaving together.
“Why is this account posting videos of us ?” Taeyong asked, noticing that he too was tagged by people who he didn't know at all. Ten pulled up the account on his own phone when the account refreshed and a new post appeared, this time it was text only.
“It's probably Jinyoung I’ll just call him and-”  You were cut off by Ten grabbing your phone and tossing it on his bed, “dude what the hell ?” you protested but Ten silenced you with his finger.
“This is garbage right ? like what do our lives and how we live it got anything to do with any of these assholes ?” Ten bit down on his lip and looked between you and Taeyong, “They are so obsessed with us, wondering if the three of us are fucking right now ? really ? well let's give it to them.”
“You want the three of us to fuck ?” Taeyong quirked his eyebrow, his large eyes still hazy from the party.
“I want them to believe we are!” Ten grabbed Taeyong by his shoulders and looked back at you, “any publicity is good publicity. We get to be ourselves and we get to piss people off for free.”
“Would be pretty funny to see all of this blow up in Jinyoung's face honestly” you agreed, and Ten’s face lit up before moving his attention back to Taeyong, “What do you say pretty boy ?” Taeyong scratched his head and shrugged, “All this pretending and I don't get any action here ? doesn't feel like a win at all” You tried to hold in your laughter as Ten groaned at the blonde boy’s words and held his face between his hands before pulling him into a kiss, you watched Taeyong’s tense shoulders finally drop as he leaned more into the kiss and wrapped his hands lightly around Ten’s waist.
Ten pulled away and swiped Taeyong’s lips with his thumb, smiling at the doe-eyed boy, “we will have to make it convincing right ?”
“Okay im in” Taeyong smiled brightly and the three of you held hands in the middle of the bedroom, sharing mischievous glances with each other, anticipating the fucking whirlwind of chaos that was about to hit the campus.
“Good, well I guess the only thing left to do is upload our first post of the official poly club” Ten smirked and pulled the both of you onto his bed. Ten sat in between you and Taeyong and turned on the video mode of instagram stories. First he showed his face then turned to you, pulling you into a soft sensual kiss before moving to Taeyong next to him and did the same. After breaking the kiss with Taeyong, Ten nudged you to move over to the other side of him, putting you right onto Taeyongs lap. Ten focused on the two of you as you lifted Taeyong’s chin with your index finger and bit down on his lip, slightly pulling, teasing him as he brought his hand up to wrap around your neck. Ten zoomed in as you and Taeyong shared a very scandalous kiss for everyone to see. Your tongues darting in each other's mouth while the music drowned out your subtle moans.
“Done!” Ten chirped and uploaded his story, making sure to tag the burner account in every single clip. There was no going back now and every moment of this escapade excited you. The comfort you felt around Ten and Taeyong was something that you’d been craving for a long time. As cheesy as it was to say, and especially since it was only Day One, they felt like your soulmates.
“Man I fucking love this campus” Taeyong threw his head back and groaned while you and Ten burst out laughing.
Monday quickly approached and as soon as you and Ten stepped on campus all eyes were on you. It gave you an incredible sense of confidence and you had no idea why. Heads turned with every step, everyone was whispering as the two of you walked hand in hand through the hallway keeping your head up high and not giving a shit about anyone. Taeyong was waiting for you guys at the end of the hall, adorning a buttoned down printed shirt and ripped jeans that snatched his waist in the right way. Taeyong was leaning against the wall with a lollipop in his mouth and dark sunglasses while everyone who passed him did a double take.
“Hey babes” he smirked and placed a kiss on your cheek and Tens before joining your walk towards your first class for the day.
It was so surreal going from everyone ignoring your existence to every single person watching the three of you, anticipating what was going to happen next. You found your seats in the middle of the lecture, giving everyone the best possible view of course. The professor cleared his throat to get everyone's attention and Ten tried to stifle a laughter as the people who stated they didn't give a shit about you guys clearly paid a lot of attention now.
“Give them a show bestie” Ten whispered in your ear before gesturing to Taeyong who sat on the other side of you, slumped down in his seat with his legs spread apart deliciously. You nodded and slowly reached over to Taeyong, caressing his thigh and he bit down on his lip while keeping his eyes on the lecture slides in front of him. You noticed two guys shuffling behind you and one pulled out his phone, waiting to record the next escapade of the campus’s new favourite stars.
You danced your fingers up Taeyong’s thigh and inched closer to rest your hand on his crotch as his breathing hitched. Leaning forward you made your movements less suspicious to the professor and everyone around you except the camera that was now focusing on your actions. Taeyong sunk further in the chair awaiting for you to quit teasing him and touch him where he needed you most. You obliged to his needs and palmed him through his jeans and you heard the guy behind you curse under his breath as you began rubbing Taeyong’s member. It felt so fucking powerful to do whatever you wanted after being so cautious on this campus for so long. The ironic part was all that shit about you being notorious on campus was a fucking lie. No you weren't a saint but you were not sleeping around every other day since you hated about 90% of the people that attended the university. Now with that burner account claiming to know more about your sex life than you did, what was holding you back now from doing what you wanted ?
Taeyong undid the button on his jeans and pulled down his zip enough for you to slip your hands inside his pants with ease. A gasp from Ten made a shiver run down your spine, coming to your senses that you were giving Taeyong a handjob in the middle of a 10am lecture.
“Shit he's walking up” you chuckled and pulled your hand out of Taeyong’s pants and quickly pretended to be involved in your studies as the professor began walking around the room. Taeyong groaned loud enough for most of the front row to turn around and look at him in annoyance.
“Is something wrong Mr Lee ?” The professor raised his eyebrow as Taeyong quickly redid his pants and hid his prominent boner from his professor.
“One of the questions is a little….hard” Taeyong groaned while you and Ten covered your mouths trying to hide your laughter.
The professor shook his head and went on his way as you and Ten watched Taeyong struggle with his boner for the next thirty minutes of the class. Finally the lecture wrapped up and as soon as the three of you made your way to the hallway you felt Taeyong tug on your arm and began leading you into the girls bathroom, into the nearest stall. A few girls in the bathroom frowned at Ten sauntering into the bathroom straight after, setting down his bag on the counter and began fiddling with his hair.
“Uh this is the girls bathroom ?” a girl snapped, folding her arms and made eye contact with Ten through the mirror.
“So what ? I saw a vag before love, and just because i'm a guy doesn't mean I want yours” Ten shrugged and the girl cursed and stormed out of the bathroom. Meanwhile your mouth was practically merged with Taeyong’s as he pressed his still very hard member against your stomach and nibbled on your bottom lip.
“Was giving me blue balls for thirty minutes worth all of that ?” Taeyong growled as he grabbed your ass roughly, causing you to moan in his mouth. “I'm sorry baby let me make it up to you” you purred and dropped to your knees while Taeyong braced himself against the ceramic wall for what’s to come.
You undid Taeyongs jeans and pulled it down along with his boxers, allowing his member to spring free still hard as ever. You looked up at him, eyes big as you began stroking him slowly before spitting on his tip in order to lubricate him.
“Fucking hell” Taeyong yelled.
A girl on the outside jumped at his words and looked back at the stall then looked at Ten, who was just waiting on the two of you.
“Exam season huh ?” Ten pressed his lips together as the awkward girl quickly dried her hands and rushed out of the bathroom as soon as possible.
You began bobbing your head on Taeyongs member, fully taking him until he reached the back of your throat causing you to gag. Taeyong marveled at the way your plump lips wrapped around his tip, he couldn't help but grab your hair and slowly pull you off him just to take in the sight of your messed up lipstick. You gave him a cheeky smirk before locking your hands behind your back and giving him full control of his movements. Taeyong took full control, his dark eyes narrowed and he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth before thrusting inside of you at a rapid pace. You felt your throat burn at the way he fucked your mouth rapidly but it turned you on so much that you waited until he finally came inside your mouth and you swallowed every bit of him. Taeyong pulled you to your feet and kissed you passionately, his tongue tasting remnants of himself.
“Thanks baby” Taeyong cooed in your ear before exiting the stall, stuffing himself back into his pants while a few girls looked at him absolutely horrified. You followed him, neatening your hair and washing off your mouth and borrowed a lip balm from Ten.
“Had fun you two ?” Ten smirked, leaning against the sink as you and Taeyong made yourself a little more presentable before making your way out of the bathroom. Upon exiting the three of you  noticed the two guys who were filming in the lecture room quickly run after you.
“Don't we get the ending to what went down in the lecture room ?” the one boy snickered like an immature school child as his friend kept the camera on the three of you making your way out of the art department block,
“She swallowed, the end” Taeyong threw his arms around both you and Ten leaving both boys dumbstruck at his words.
You playfully nudged Taeyong who just shot you a cheeky smile as you made your way to a little bench under a willow tree. This was where you usually sat on your own, when you didn't have the energy to socialize with the rest of the art students. Now, it felt a little more complete with Ten and Taeyong accompanying you.
“So my lovelies there's this afterparty happening after the final football game of the season next month” Ten said twirling his ice coffee in his hand as he took in the afternoon sun.
“What do you have in mind ?” you crinkled your nose as you sifted through your unappetizing salad in a box.  
“Okay so you guys heard of Onlyfans right ?” Ten looked between you and Taeyong.
“That site that pays for nudes and shit ?” Taeyong quizzed and Ten nodded brightly and leaned in, “I was thinking let's capitalize a bit of this leading up to the party” Ten responded and pulled up an invitation on his phone,
“The afterparty is being held at Jinyoung’s frat house, him and his idiotic friends are making people pay in order to decorate their football recreational room or some stupid shit like that.”
You took a closer look at the invite and rolled your eyes at the ridiculous pricing, as if their parties were worth going to anyway. Jinyoung was incredibly full of himself and he knew a lot of people worshipped him on campus thanks to his parents being higher ups and the poster boy for the football team. Going for his pride, knocking him where it hurts would be fucking bliss.
“We open an onlyfans, nothing too scandalous but it's gonna get people interested enough to pay forward and we use that cash to host our own party on the same night, free entrance of course” Ten continued and already started setting up the OnlyFans account.
“We should make the party crazy as hell too so nobody would resist coming over” Taeyong added and began going through his contacts, “there's this guy called Seungyoun, he’s a fourth year and knows that DJ from that enigma club from downtown.”
“That's perfect, and we will get Yuta and his tattooist buddies to do temporary sets for us, also my friend Chaeyoung in fashion can help with decor” Ten squealed, already messaging whoever he can.
“My friend Hendery has...uh happy pills if you're interested” you mentioned, knowing that everyone knew Hendery on campus for selling shit, not strong stuff but able to keep you going for a good amount of time.
“Yes! Anything to create hype and watch those preppy idiots sit in an empty house come game night” Ten replied and showed off the OnlyFans page he attached to his instagram account.
“Okay, so what now ?” Taeyong’s large eyes looked between the two of you.
“Now” Ten threw his phone in his bag and got to his feet, “we go back to my dorm and take some naughty pics.”
“I don't think my ass looks good in that” you whined as you got off Taeyong’s lap and took a look at Ten’s camera viewfinder. Taeyong grumbled, sitting in nothing but leather pants on Ten’s office chair, “your ass looks great trust me” he smirked and reached to pull you back onto his lap.
“Come on, just a few more then you can take pics of Taeyong and I” Ten pointed his ring light where Taeyong had a grip on your ass that adorned very pretty pink lingerie. After a few more angles and more compromising positions, Ten finally got what he needed and handed you the camera,
“Make us look cute” He winked and pulled Taeyong to his feet.
“What are we gonna-” Taeyong’s words were cut off by Ten shoving his hand down his pants, “okaaaay” Taeyong pressed his lips together as you began snapping pics of the two of them.
They were so beautiful to you. Every picture you snapped looked better than the last and they needed no direction at all, just enveloped each other with their ridiculous sexual energy, filling the room with their pheromones.
“Done, you guys look sexy as fuck” you purred earning a kiss from Taeyong who was obviously horny from the entire ordeal, but when the fuck was his dick not hard.
You felt yourself being tugged away and Taeyong whined when Ten handed the camera to him and pushed you down to lie on his bed. You felt a shiver run down your spine when Ten positioned himself between your legs and moved his body down until his face was level with your core.
“Taeyong, stand above y/n and shoot down from this angle” Ten instructed to which Taeyong obeyed and his shadow casted over you.
Ten leaned in and kissed you softly on your mound as the room echoed with the camera shutters and your deep breaths. You desperately wanted to run your fingers through his hair but you’d only ruin a perfect shot. It was agonizing but you had to stay still while Ten had his way with you.
Ten moved the piece of fabric to the side and peppered kisses all along your inner thigh and around your core. You were unable to see his face thanks to Taeyong hovering over you but you pictured that smug smile spread across his face as you restrained yourself. You sucked in another deep breath when you felt his tongue dart out and take a slow lick before placing his mouth on your mound and ate you out like an expert.
“Fucking hell” you sighed as you felt his tongue inside you, exploring every part imaginable. You could tell the scene was getting to Taeyong too, as he stood there one hand on the camera and the other hand on his hardened member, watching Ten eat you out.
“Did you get the shots ?” Ten suddenly said, pulling away from your core as you squirmed out of protest.
“Uh..yeah I did,” Taeyong muttered, still staring down at your legs spread wide apart and his member practically screaming through his restricted pants.
“I hope you're not planning to wrap this shit up right now Ten” you groaned, reaching your hand down to your core in order to finish what he had left off.
Ten snickered and slapped your hand away, “of course my lovelies, I never quit a job halfway.” Ten gestured for Taeyong to stand next to the bed while he inserted a finger in you, causing you to moan his name out loud. As you got accustomed to his finger you managed to sit up a little and watched as Ten rubbed Taeyong’s boner through his pants. God you had never been in a situation like this before. How the hell did you get so lucky, meeting two men willing to fuck you and each other.
Ten entered another finger inside you as Taeyong undid his pants and Ten’s mouth was pressed against Taeyong’s member while pumping his length. Taeyong’s eyes were on your figure as he moaned when Ten took him fully in and his fingers were now destroying your core.
“God im so close” Taeyong whined and Ten slowly took his length out of his mouth and looked up at him and then down at you,
“I think you should cum on y/n, she wants it” Ten licked his lips and looked at you with hooded eyes.
“Y-yeah Taeyong….just do it” you squirmed as Ten’s fingers slowed down, holding you back from your orgasm.
Taeyong uttered a few curses and Ten quickly returned to pumping his member until he was at his breaking point. Ten removed his hand from Taeyong and gave you his full attention, attaching both his mouth and three of his fingers inside of your core. Taeyong stood over you with dark eyes as you reached out to run your hand down his exposed thigh.
Taeyong grunted as he released, you felt the warm liquid all over your stomach and breasts while Ten was still recklessly fingering you until you had one of the craziest orgasms of your life. You couldn't process when Taeyong had pressed his lips to yours and Ten had left to get tissues for the mess the three of you made.
“That was some content our viewers missed out on” Taeyong sighed, still trying to catch his breath. You chuckled and went over to the bathroom to quickly shower off the mess and returned in Ten’s oversized shirt, taking a seat between the two of them in bed.
“Okay I uploaded a few previews and linked the onlyfans subscription link” Ten announced as he uploaded three of the explicit versions on the paid side of Onlyfans, “we will get a notification when someone has subscribed and our earnings are on this page.”
The three of you sat, mouths dropped open as you watched subscription after subscription start to fill the page. The comments were flooding in too, and someone even left a hefty tip in a matter of minutes. Ten switched to the earnings page and the account was already sitting at a triple digit.
“What the actual fuck” you gasped as more people began visiting the page and your followings on instagram began skyrocketing.
“This was way easier than I thought it was” Taeyong marveled, also noticing many people start dming him on instagram.
“Well Jinyoung and his goons wanted a party, well here’s the party of the fucking century” Ten smirked and hi5ed the both of you as absolute chaos ensued all over social media in real time.
Just like that in the next couple of days the three of you were watched by the entire campus. It was like Jinyoung wanted. To show the campus that you were notorious, and nobody should get involved with any of you. But that's where his plan was flawed.
Every single person on the campus besides his legion of preppy followers were obsessed with the three of you and craved more. Despite the onlyfans pictures containing no nudity, people still subscribed, they still tipped, they would do anything to see more.
It was in the middle of the afternoon and Ten had confirmed the account had garnered enough money for the party. It had been about three weeks since the very first post on the onlyfans account and now the account stood at a staggering 850 subscribers, each paying for the monthly subscribed content plus tipping generously from time to time. In the midst of all of this the three of you were also preparing for the party that was going to be held on the big day. Taeil, a friend of Taeyong's, allowed you to use his frat house for the event since it would look good for student rentals later on. Yuta and his friends prepared alcohol and a temporary tattoo station to appease drunk girls to get matching tattoos and frat boys to bet their friends to tattoo a dick on their faces. Chaeyoung, Ten’s friend from fashion completely transformed the house into an instagrammable masterpiece, channeling one of those fancy hollywood parties that nobody could ever get into. Seungyoun, the fourth year who was friends with a lot of musicians and DJs from downtown spread the word on campus radio, letting everyone know about Ten’s huge announcement that was about to happen Tuesday afternoon, 2:30PM.
“Alright you thirsty hoes, I see you all made it” Ten said into a karaoke microphone he found from God knows where. Ten got up on the table in the courtyard, standing in front of a huge crowd of students who quickly gathered ready for the grand announcement that was the talk of the town for the last week now.
“We would just like to say that we're so grateful for all your support on our….craft and in order to honor that, were going to host the best party of the fucking semester” Ten shouted while people cheered from the front all the way to the back of the crowd.
“If you look at the link under Ten’s instagram bio, it should take you to a little preview of what’s in store come saturday” Taeyong explained, leaning into the mic while the crowd murmured in confusion.
“Saturday after the big game ? Isn't Jinyoung having a party that night ?” someone in the crowd said followed by more confused chatter.
“That's right, I am having a party after the game” Jinyoung said, moving through the crowd accompanied by two of his frat members and sneered at the sight of the three of you,
“What ? Are you guys planning an orgy or something for your onlyfans ?”
“If you want to suck my dick all you gotta do is ask Jinyoung” Taeyong mused and a few people giggled while Jinyoung shifted uncomfortably and gritted his teeth.
“Listen, you freaks are not having a party on the same night as me” Jinyoung spat and took a step forward, “save yourself the embarrassment of nobody showing up and cancel it.”
You approached him slowly, chuckling darkly as he watched your fingers dance up his arm and up to his jaw, caressing his cheek, “Sweety are you threatened ? You're afraid everybody is gonna ditch your little frat party and come to mine ?”
Jinyoung tried keeping his cool while you stared up at him, playing with him like a little toy in front of everyone to see.
“Are you afraid if people come over i'm going to hook up with everyone who gives me attention ?” Jinyoung avoided your eyes when you recited the words he wrote about you on that burner account. You smirked up at him when you noticed how he still wasn't man enough to own up to his actions.
“Well, our party is FREE by the way” you continued, stepping away and now addressed the crowd in front of you, “So if you’d rather go over to Jinyoungs then go ahead, but if you wanna come play with us…”
You walked up to Taeyong and gave him a sloppy kiss as he grabbed your ass in front of the entire campus to see, “we will see you Saturday night.” The crowd cheered and Jinyoung growled, taking one more glare at you before storming off with his frat boys away from the cheering crowds.
It was D day and everyone who helped with the party gathered in the kitchen, drink in hand and took a final glance back at the rager that was mere minutes away from opening up.
“I can't thank you all enough, actually I did, with all that onlyfans money” Ten stuck his tongue out and Seungyoun whistled while everyone clapped.
“No but seriously, thank you guys….revenge never felt sweeter” you smiled and Hendery put his arm around you as you leaned into him, “if nobody shows up well more for us!”
“Cheers, freaks¨" Taeyong yelled and Ten nudging him in his abdomen,
“Really ? I'm pretty sure Jinyoung’s little nickname for us isn't a compliment” Ten rolled his eyes playfully.
“Its a compliment to us, fuck it im a freak and proud of it” Yuta raised his glass, and a few others joined in.
“Fine Freaks club it is, cheers everyone!” Ten raised his glass and everyone clinked glasses before downing their respectful drinks.
It wasn't long before people began pouring in, it wasn't a large number but it was still something. Most people were from the music and arts departments, and you noticed a few girls from your business lecture drop by as well.
“You think the rest all went to Jinyoung ?” You bit down on your lip as you and Ten monitored the crowds of people while having a drink.
“Maybe ? doesn't matter though, our party is way cooler” Ten shrugged and threw back his drink, “but if you really want me to pull one last move hey just say the word.”
You looked over at the black haired boy and frowned while a cheeky smile spread across his face and he pulled out his phone. You watched him text a few paragraphs and slip his phone in his back pocket before returning to his drink.
About 20 minutes later Taeyong emerged from the crowd to join the two of you in the kitchen, a confused look spread across his face.
“What's wrong ?” you quizzed him.
“Some of those basketball guys are here, they brought over like fifty more people” Taeyong pointed to the entrance and you and Ten watched the guys who the campus worshipped next to the football team enter the party, followed by their fangirls and whoever else wished to be in their presence.
“What the heck did you do ?” your eyes widened as the small party now turned into a whole fucking campus rager.
“Oh I told Johnny Suh that I'd give him a lap dance in front of everyone if he came over with his friends” Ten smiled, waving at the tall brown haired boy with a goofy grin spread across his face.
“Johnny Suh ?! as in the captain of the varsity basketball team ?” you were still confused as to how and when Ten had started talking to one of the most popular guys on campus.
“Yes him, now if you would excuse me, I have a deal to seal” you and Taeyong watched Ten down his drink and make his way over to the lounge where Johnny stood excitedly.
Ten spoke to the DJ and the DJ had the crowd clear up the center of the room while everyone exchanged confused glances as to what the hell was about to go down. Ten placed a chair in the middle of the room and pushed Johnny’s large frame down until he was seated, legs apart and that goofy smile never leaving his face. His teammates whistled as Ten used a piece of cloth to cover Johnny’s eyes, and took off his belt in order to retrain his hands behind his back.
“I gotta give it to Ten, he sure knows how to put on a show” Taeyong wrapped his arm around your waist as the two of you watched Ten fuck around with the captain of the basketball team.
The room was filled with flashing lights, everyone recording the moment as Ten gave Johnny the lap dance he was promised. Johnny slumped in the chair allowing Ten to grind into his hips, and you're pretty sure if the music wasn't so goddamn loud the whole campus would've heard Johnny moan in Ten’s touch. Ten ended it off with a cheeky kiss and untied Johnny, whose face was absolutely red as all of his friends cheered them on, all of them attacking him with hi5s.
That definitely sealed the deal, because after a few uploads of the clip, almost everyone was at your party and Jinyoung’s was most likely empty right now. The party was so big that people were on the street, everybody having the time of their life.
“We did it” Ten threw his arms around you and Taeyong as you stood on the balcony, overlooking the party from above.
“Yeah, we really did” you chuckled and sighed deeply, “I wish I could look at Jinyoung’s face right now.”
“Oh you didn't see ?”
You and Ten turned to Taeyong as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his gallery. You and Ten burst out laughing when a video of Jinyoung sitting in his empty estate with a few of his preppy friends looking absolutely miserable.
“Fuck thats brilliant” you leaned your head on Ten’s shoulder, completely satisfied with how the night turned out.
“Hey you guys wanna go back to my dorm ? I'm kinda over this” Ten yawned and placed a peck on your forehead.
“You wanna leave your own party ?” Taeyong scoffed, shoving his hands in his pocket.
“This” Ten gestured to the three of you, “This is my party, let's take it back to my room.”
You and Taeyong both obliged and without anyone knowing the three of you escaped the party and made your way over to Ten’s dorm room hand in hand. Upon entering Ten threw off his shirt and kicked off his boots and Taeyong did the same, the two boys grabbing alcohol from the mini fridge and set them up on Tens desk.
“Oh by the way I have something” your words had both the boys turn to face you and you held out your hand, holding three small blue pills,
“Hendery gave them to me, Its not that strong and the high will only last for an hour or two but fuck its good way to end the night off right ?”
“I'm in” Taeyong grabbed the pill and handed you a drink, the three of you washed the pill with beer and Ten switched on a playlist before joining you and Taeyong on his bed.
“I know we've only known each other for like 2-3 months now but I fucking love you guys” you sighed, running your hands through your hair and looked between the two boys.
“This group, us, was the best thing that ever happened to me” Taeyong replied, “you two whores mean the world to me.” “Very sentimental Taeyong” Ten chuckled before reaching out to caress your cheek, “I love you too babe, both of you, were soulmates, if like the devil decided to link people together or something.”
The three of you chuckled and the laughter quickly switched to Taeyong rubbing Ten’s thigh and looked over at you with dark eyes. You had no idea if it was the drug, or the alcohol but there was a desperation within you. Grabbing Taeyong’s face, you pulled him into a sloppy kiss, and quickly switched to Ten, giving him the same energy as Taeyong pushed your shirt over your head and sucked on your exposed skin.
Ten unclasped your bra and massaged your breast as Taeyong kissed the other, each boy stimulating you in the best way possible. Taeyong growled and tossed you onto your back, pulling your skirt off and began sharing a passionate kiss with Ten who was already down to his boxers.
Once Taeyong pulled away from Ten he moved on top of you, grabbing you by your throat and rubbed his hips against your core, the friction sending you into a frenzy. Your thoughts were so focused on Taeyong you had no idea when Ten had got on his knees beside you and began kneading your breasts and rubbing his length with his free hand.
“Who do you wanna fuck first ?” Taeyong growled in your ear that made you so wet you had no fucking clue who you wanted, you just needed someone inside of you at this moment.
“I think it's fair if I go first, I've waited long enough” Ten smirked and switched positions with Taeyong who jumped off the bed to get rid of his pants.
You watched Ten’s dark eyes take in your body, and his beautiful body looked so fucking alluring under the dim lighting of his bedroom. Ten rid you of your soaked panties and wasted no time in inserting two fingers in your wetness.
“Baby girl has been waiting for this for a while huh” Ten purred while Taeyong grabbed your jaw, pulling you into a kiss before making you sit up enough for his member to meet your lips. Just as you took Taeyong in your mouth Ten had already replaced his fingers with his member and began thrusting into you at a rapid pace.
“Oh fuck” you groaned as Taeyong guided your movements on his member with a fistful of your hair. All three of you were so in tune with each other, rough when needed to be and delicate straight after.
As Ten fucked you he leaned forward enough for Taeyong to bend down and meet his lips, the two of them sharing a dirty kiss while they fucked you senseless. Ten pulled away from Taeyong and rammed into you until you came all over his member. “Come on open wide” He mewled and pulled you up and shoved his length in your mouth until he came, making you swallow every bit of him.
“Get on top of me” Taeyong demanded and you did as he said, climbing on top of him and sitting on his length. Taeyong let out a groan, finally feeling you around his length and you felt Ten sit behind you, his hands cupping your breasts as you bounced on Taeyongs member.
“You think you can take both of us ?” Ten whispered in your ear and his request somehow made you wetter than you already were. You had only tried it once, but never in a situation like this. You quickly nodded and Ten caressed your body, leaving sweet kisses all over shoulder and neck before jumping off the bed to rummage in his closet.
Taeyong, not knowing or caring what was going on, carried on slamming himself inside of you, his nails digging into your ass as you rode him like a pro.
Ten returned with what you assumed to be a bottle of lube and bent you over slightly, making sure his touches were careful and delicate. Taeyong finally caught on and slowed his pace despite almost being at his orgasm, in order to make the process easier for you.
“If it's too much just let me know” Ten pecked your cheek and inserted a finger inside your ass, the new sensation was odd but extremely satisfying. Ten continued lubing you up while Taeyong stroked your thighs and made sure your body was relaxed in their care.
“I'm ready, just do it, I want to feel both of you already” you whined and both boys cursed at your words, each anticipating this new experience.
Ten inserted himself and gave you a moment to adjust to him and Taeyong, before slowly moving his hips, keeping his touches light.
“Oh God that feels so good” you moaned as Taeyong picked up his pace and the both of them began fucking you at the same time, something you always wished would happen eventually. Ten returned to his roughness and bent you a little more, allowing Taeyong to lean up and capture your lips, his tongue entangling with yours as the new position only got him back to chasing his raging orgasm.
“Fuck im gonna cum” Taeyong groaned, slightly mad that he couldnt hold onto this feeling any longer.
“You wanna cum inside her mouth ?” Ten asked in between his grunts as he felt himself also reaching his second orgasm.
“No I wanna cum in yours” Taeyong replied darkly, and Ten’s thrusts stopped abruptly to look down at Taeyong.
“Well...fuck okay” Ten finally said and pulled out of you, allowing Taeyong to move to the side of the bed while Ten flipped you on your back and inserted himself in your core. Taeyong stood on the bed for Ten to get better access to his length as you screamed Ten’s name who was quite literally destroying your core at this point.
Taeyong yanked on Ten’s hair causing him to slow his thrusts and you watched the delicious sight of Taeyong slipping his length into Ten’s mouth and Ten swallowing every bit of him. It was quite possibly the hottest thing you'd seen in your life. Ten wiped his mouth as Taeyong slowly pulled out of him with a groan he returned to slamming his hips into yours. “I'm so close Ten” you groaned as Ten crouched over you, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist as he brought both of you to your climax and let out a huge sigh when he finally came undone with you following shortly after.
“How much money do you think we would've made on onlyfans for that ?” Ten breathed as he collapsed in the bed next to you and Taeyong crawled on your naked body, resting his head on your chest as the three of you tried to catch your breath.
“Probably enough to drop out” Taeyong hummed, his eyes drooping as he made himself a little more comfortable.
“Yeah but hey it's time to end the notorious onlyfans account now don't you think ?” your eyes shifted to Ten who nodded at your words and got up and grabbed his phone from his desk,
“Tae-Ten-Y/N onlyfans era has now come to an end, thank you everyone who tuned in” Ten said, falling back into bed and showing the account that was now deactivated.
“Kinda surprised you are willing to end the onlyfans era Ten, this doesn't have anything to do with Johnny Suh now does it ?” Taeyong raised his eyebrow and you also joined in, looking at the black haired boy with curious eyes.
“Maybe,” Ten sighed, rolling his eyes as you and Taeyong mimicked kissing sounds, “Ugh anyway, they have a game next week, I want you guys to come with.”
“Fine, i’ll ask Johnny how it felt to taste my c-”
“Shut up Taeyong.”
“I have no idea what the hell is going on but Johnny is so hot” Ten sighed as the three of you sat in the bleachers of a varsity basketball game.
“Athletes are not my type these days” you shrugged taking a bite of your corn dog, watching Taeyong play some game on his phone.
“Oh shit they're almost there” Ten pulled you to your feet as the crowd all stood up around you cheering on the varsity team as the time began running out. You watched Johnny run across the court and throw the ball to a boy with chestnut coloured hair, and upon receiving the ball, the boy threw the ball straight into the hoop at the last second, taking his team to victory.
“Fuck….who is he ?” you gulped, as his teammates carried him on their shoulders and his lips curled into a tight grin, showing off a beautiful set of dimples.   “That my dear friend” Ten patted your shoulder, “That's Jung Jaehyun.”
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queenshelby · 3 years
The New Assistant (One Shot)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Smut
Words: 3985
Summary: You are Cillian Murphy’s new assistant for Season 6 of Peaky Blinders.
Your First Day at the Peaky Blinders Set
‘Mr Murphy, I am Y/N, your new assistant’ you said as you stood 1.5 feet across from him, complying with the social distance requirements.
‘Please, just call me Cillian’ Cillian said with a smile before telling you that it is nice to meet you.
‘Sorry Mr Murphy, uhm Cillian’ you said, causing him to laugh.
‘So, here are the scripts for today and a coffee’ you said. ‘Rose told me that this is how you drink your coffee, but if you like something else just let me know’ you added.
‘Thanks Y/N, it’s perfect’ Cillian said as he took a sip and getting on with his work.
You only recently began watching Peaky Blinders as you applied for the job and you couldn’t believe that, when you met Cillian, he had as much charisma as he displayed on camera.
His piercing blue eyes and smile were almost hypnotising, yet he seemed kind and down to earth.
You noticed that he was lost in his own little world as you observed him work for the morning. It was like he transformed into Thomas Shelby and, every time he spoke to you, it took him a little while to lose his Birmingham accent.
After you accompanied him on set for five hours, he asked you whether you could prepare the scenes for the next day for him.
You drew up a schedule for him, putting together transcript for each scene. You made two copies and placed them in small folders.
You were very organised and he appreciated it.
‘Two folders? Please tell me that they are not both for me’ he said with a slight worry as he stepped back into his trailer after finishing off for the day.
‘No, just one is for you. The other one is for me. Rose said that you like to rehearse your scenes in advance’ you said before offering him to rehearse the scenes with him.
‘Yes, but I usually do this alone’ Cillian said with a smile.
‘You sure? I mean, I am not a good actor but I did take some drama classes back in high school many years ago and I could point out any mistakes with the lines as I read along’ you said with some slight laughter as you pointed at the script.
‘Well, I suppose why not. This could be fun’ Cillian said, gladly accepting your offer. After all, it was better to have some company than talking to himself in the mirror.
‘Alright let’s do it then’ you said as you sat down on the small lounge in his trailer, giving him little time to prepare.
After Cillian took 15 minutes to read the scripts, he put the folder down on the table. You couldn’t believe that he remembered the lines already.
‘Alright Y/N, Scene 7, let’s go’ he said with a cheeky smile, waiting for your acting skills to surface.
‘Thomas, you cannot be serious’ you said putting in a terribly bad Birmingham accent, causing Cillian to a have a slight chuckle. You tried very hard to stay serious.
‘You should know that I am serious Lizzie’ Cillian responded, having memorised his script, Tommy’s thick accent surfacing.
‘You are going to get us killed Thomas. But you don’t care, do you? You never cared’ you said, improving slightly in your tone.
‘When have I not cared for you Lizzie, ey?’ Cillian said before continuing on with his lines.
The script was slowly moving towards the intimate scene between Tommy and Lizzie but you were only rehearsing the words, not the actions. A shame you thought, but you knew you had to remain professional.
‘Lizzie, you need to understand that this is what I need’ Cillian said as he went on. In the script this would be where Tommy steps closer towards Lizzie, wearing nothing but his black suit pants.
‘Oh trust me Tommy, I know what you need. Just fucking kiss me already’ you said, biting your lips and feeling slightly awkward as you spoke the line with such passion. Your thoughts wandered to the scene, playing it out in your head.
‘You should consider a career in acting Y/N’ Cillian smirked as he didn’t continue with the script. He became to notice that you were feeling slightly awkward.
‘I don’t think so’ you said shyly as you starred into his deep blue eyes. There was an awkward silence between you until Cillian finally spoke again.
‘Can we do this again?’ Cillian asked as he noticed that he missed a couple of words within his lines. You didn’t want to point the mistakes out to him as, in your mind, he was perfect.
You agreed to another round of rehearsals and all went smoothly the second time around until you reached the final line.
‘Oh trust me Tommy, I know what you need. Just fucking kiss me already’ you said, inhaling deeply before taking a break.
‘You sure do Lizzie’ Cillian said as he finished off the script for Scene 7, causing you to simply stare at Cillian.
‘And then Tommy gets to romp Lizzie’ Cillian said laughing before he suggested that you rehearse the next scene with him.
‘Lucky Lizzie’ you giggled just before you realised what you had just said.
‘I am not so sure, it looks pretty rough’ Cillian said as he flicked through the script.
‘Well, some women like it like this’ you said.
‘So I’ve heard’ Cillian said, not sure where this conversation was going.
‘How do you do it, acting scenes like this?’ you asked curiously, causing Cillian to laugh.
‘Well, you just switch off and do it, I suppose’ Cillian chuckled.
‘You know you still missed a word here’ you said shyly. ‘Do you want to try again?’ you said, causing Cillian to nod.
Without missing a single word, Cillian acted his entire script for the scene until your line came up once again.
‘Oh trust me Tommy, I know what you need. Just fucking kiss me already’ you said.
‘You sure do Lizzie’ Cillian responded, but you weren’t finished with your script this time.
Having read on from the last time, you knew what was happening in the script. Tommy and Lizzie were getting it on but not before Tommy grabs hold of Lizzie’s throat, looking into her eyes without speaking a word. His eyes were doing the talking in the end of the scene. So, you went on, finishing Lizzie’s final line before the cut.  
‘Don’t you want to fuck me?’ you asked with your eyes full of fire.
‘What?’ Cillian asked surprised.
‘That’s Lizzie’s last line and the final line in the script for Scene 7’ you answered.
‘Right, yes’ Cillian said, blushing slightly before an awkward silence erupted once again.
‘Shall we go the next scene now?’ you asked, causing Cillian to nod.
Acting it Out
The next day, you got to watch the scene you had rehearsed with Cillian the evening before and you couldn’t help it but be amazed by his acting skills.
At the same time, you were somewhat turned on by watching him with Lizzie, roughly throwing her onto the bed before taking her from behind.
You would have loved being in her shoes for a moment, but for real.
‘I watched your scene with the script in my hand, it was perfect’ you smiled as you gave Cillian some clothes to cover his half naked body.
You couldn’t help it but gaze over his freckled chest as he stepped closer and he was sure to notice.
‘Well, I had some good practice’ he smiled, not bothered by the fact that he was half naked and that you were clearly staring at him.
‘I am always here to help Cillian’ you said as you handed him the script for the next scene.
‘Thanks Y/N’ Cillian said before getting ready for the next scene.
The day went fast and Cillian pretty much disappeared to his apartment right after the day was finished.
As you went into his trailer to get your handbag, you noticed that he left his notes.
You knew that he was going to look for them to rehearse before tomorrow and decided to drop them off to him.
You were staying at the same hotel building so it wasn’t an inconvenience.
As you arrived at the hotel, you knocked on his door and he was quick to open.
‘You left this on set’ you said as you handed Cillian his notes.
‘Thank you Y/N’ he said before taking a pause.
He noticed that you were gazing into his apartment through the open door and raised his eyebrows slightly, smiling at you. It was like his eyes were asking you what you were doing without his mouth actually moving.
‘Oh sorry, I was just trying to see what the score was. I don’t have pay tv in my room’ you said with embarrassment, pointing at the TV.
‘Uhm, right. Would you like to come in and watch the game with me? I’ll even put on a shirt’ Cillian asked with smirk.
‘You know we aren’t allowed, with social distancing and so forth’ you said.
‘I won’t tell if you don’t’ Cillian said with a chuckle. He knew it wouldn’t have mattered as you spent a lot of time together already.
‘Alright then, it can stay our little secret’ you said as you walked inside his studio apartment.
Cillian was quick to put on a t-shirt, although you would have preferred if he didn’t.
‘You never mentioned that you liked soccer’ he said.
‘It never came up’ you responded, still somewhat nervous by his presence, being in his apartment.
But, you soon relaxed and sat down on the lounge with him.
Cillian offered you some wine as you were watching the second half of the game.
It was a tight finish with a score of 1-0. The last goal was scored in the final 10 minutes and it was nerve wrecking.
Cillian’s team won and you couldn’t help it but be a little disappointed as you were cheering for the opposite team.
‘Tomorrow is going to be a busy day’ you said as the game had finished, not knowing what else to say.
‘Yes, I am not looking forward to it’ Cillian said leaning forward to pour some more wine, cringing a bit as he moved.
‘Are you alright?’ you asked as you noticed that he seemed uncomfortable as he leaned forward.
‘Yes, I just hurt my back earlier during one of the scenes’ Cillian said.
‘Where does it hurt?’ you asked as you began tapping over his back, causing Cillian to look at you with surprise.
‘Oh god sorry’ you said, removing your hands quickly. ‘Bad habit’ you were quick to say.
‘Bad habit ey?’ Cillian asked with a smile.
‘Before COVID I was a physiotherapy student’ you explained. ‘I like to fix people’ you added with a laugh.
‘Right’ Cillian responded with a warm smile.
‘Would you like me to take a look and see if I can fix the pain?’ you asked.
‘Now that would defiantly break social distancing requirements’ Cillian chuckled.
‘I won’t tell if you don’t’ you said with grin on your face, causing Cillian to laugh.
‘Alright then, give it a crack’ he said.
‘Take off your shirt’ you said, causing Cillian to raise his eyebrows again before obliging with your request. It wasn’t like you hadn’t already seen him half naked.
You climbed behind him and couldn’t help but stare at his freckled skin again as you began to run your hands over his back, pressing hard on several trigger points until he eventually cringed.
‘Is that where it hurts?’ you asked.
‘Yes, fuck’ he said after you pressed down on the area harshly.
‘Sorry, but this might hurt a little’ you said while beginning to massage the area.
After about two minutes, the pain subsided but Cillian didn’t think to tell you. Instead, he let you continue with the movements. He began to enjoy the massage you were giving him.
‘That feels better’ you said, noticing the tension in his back disappearing slowly.
‘It does, but I don’t think I want you to stop now’ Cillian said jokingly.
‘I can keep going, if you like’ you said, moving your hands to other regions of his back while breathing in the sweet scent of his aftershave.
As your hands moved to his shoulders and over, slightly towards his chest, Cillian could feel a tingling sensation emerging in between his legs.
Hoping that you wouldn’t notice what was building up in between his legs, he placed his t-shirt across them, hiding his emerging erection.  
As you continued the massage for a few more minutes and he noticed that his erection would not go back down, he felt the need to tell you to stop, but he couldn’t bring it across his lips. It felt too nice and pleasurable.
Your hands were roaming across his back, up and down and you began to notice his breathing getting heavier.
As your hands suddenly stopped on his lower back he looked back over his shoulder, not realising that this was exactly where your face was at this moment.
His blue eyes gazed into yours for a moment as there was an awkward silence between you.
As you starred at him, your hands moved up again, causing him to breath in heavily once more.
In that moment, with your hands still wandering up his back, you leaned forward in sixty-degree angle, pressing your chest against his back and brushing his lips with yours.
Cillian gave into the kiss, turning around slightly to caress your face and pull you closer towards him. The kiss was intensifying and became more urgent with every moment.
‘I think all of the social distancing is out of the window now’ Cillian chuckled as your lips drifted apart and you climbed away from behind him.
Within just seconds, you pulled your t-shirt over your head and climbed onto his lap with one leg placed on each side of him before leaning in for another kiss.
Cillian ran his hands over your back as you exchanged a passionate kiss and you could feel his erection beneath you.
‘Let’s take our rehearsals a bit further, shall we?’ you said in between kisses as you grinded yourself against him.
‘We shouldn’t, you are my assistant’ Cillian responded while running his hands over your breasts, without any intention of stopping.
‘I won’t tell if you don’t’ you giggled as you stood up, taking off your jeans as well and letting them drop to the floor.
Cillian gazed over your body, taking in everything and admiring your curves.
‘I suppose it can stay our little secret, although I think it’s a bad idea Y/N’ Cillian said as he stood up in front of you, pressing his lips against yours while you reached for the zipper of his jeans.  
‘I think it’s a great idea. We both want this and need to get it out of our systems so that we can work well together. Despite, you are stressed, let me be a good assistant and relief that stress of yours’ you smirked as your hand ran beneath his briefs, taking hold of his erect cock.
Without responding to your comment, he pressed his lips onto yours again before guiding you backwards towards his bed.  
‘If I'd have known we'd be doing this I wouldn't have worn this’ you added, looking down at the underwear.
Cillian grabbed your chin lightly and pressed his lips to yours for a short moment.
‘It’s coming off anyway’ he winked at you before reaching behind you to unclip your bra. His gaze dropping to your small but perky breasts.
He took them in his hands grabbing onto them gently before pushing you onto the bed.
Next his hands went to your panties and pulled them down your legs and before you knew it you were laying on his bed completely naked and Cillian’s deep blue eyes devoured you.
You didn't feel self-conscious like you usually would because you could tell from that look in his eyes and his facial expression that he clearly liked what he saw.
Cillian’s eyes locked on yours as you sat up against the pillows and his fingers went into his waist band pulling down his briefs.
His erection stood proudly pointing at you and you weren’t disappointed with that either, he sure was packing down there!
He climbed onto the bed and pulled your legs apart, kneeling in between.
‘Is it bad that I’ve been fantasising about this?’ Cillian asked, still gazing over your naked body.
‘No. I've wanted this too’ you admitted, your eyes fixated on his hand moving up and down that cock of his.
‘I always had to touch myself whenever I went to bed because I wanted you so much’ you said.
‘Show me’ he breathed out, your eyes closing at his words and then opening as your hand slid down your body and stroked through your already damp folds.
He groaned as you pushed two fingers into your wetness.
With a quickness you had never witnessed before he grabbed a hold of your wrist and raised your fingers to his mouth, his eyes closing as his full lips wrap around your fingers sucking off your juices.
He then grabbed onto your other wrist and pinned them both above your head as he leaned down and ran kisses over your breasts and trailing them all the way down to your wet folds.
His hand went in between your legs, instantly finding your clit. He began to rub it, in small slow circles while his tongue ran through your wetness.
‘Fuck, Cillian’ you moaned as your hands reached down and grabbed onto his shoulders.
His movements became quicker and he increased the pressure, pressing down harder and harder. He then replaced his finger with his tongue on your clit as he shoved two fingers inside you, pumping them slowly in and out.
‘You're so fucking wet Y/N’ Cillian groaned, his eyes never leaving yours.
His fingers soon curled upwards against your g-spot as he continued to pump them in and out of you.
You gasped out at the sensation and could feel yourself racing towards your first orgasm of the night and you had a sneaky feeling that it most definitely wouldn't be the last.
As his force and speed increased so did your moans and you reached down and gripped his hair, pulling on it.
‘That’s it, oh god’ you moaned loudly as your walls began clenching around your fingers while your orgasm washed over you.
Cillian slowed down the finger action and let go of your clit then wickedly flicked his tongue against it once more making you flinch.
He grinned at you as he moved up your body and then took your mouth in a deep kiss.
You shoved your tongue into his mouth, tasting your own arousal and then somehow flipped him over so you were straddling his hips.
You tasted the skin of his neck. Then you made your way down that freckled chest, gently biting his left nipple on the way down.
You licked at his toned abs and then reached that hard as steel erection that was already oozing precum. His breathing was becoming deeper as you encircled your hand around him and pumped a couple times before flicking your tongue against the head.
‘Fuck’ Cillian moaned as his hand reached for your hair while you began bopping up and down his shaft.
You enjoyed the taste of his precum as you continued your movements for several moments while using your fingers to play with his balls.
He loved every moment of it but, after a while, had to ask you to stop for obvious reasons.
You obliged. You wanted him inside of you badly.
Cillian then reached for the bedside table, grabbing a condom from the draw and putting into his hard cock.
Before he could change position you climbed on top of him.
‘No need to be gentle, I like it just like Lizzie does’ you smirked, causing his eyes to roll into the back of his head as your pussy slid over his hard cock and you guided it inside of you.
You were unbelievably tight causing Cillian to moan out load on that first stroke.
Your hands were resting on his chest as you slowly raised yourself up and then dropped back down over and over teasing him to the point where his hands were digging into your thighs.
You began to quicken your pace, riding him faster and faster.
Cillian held onto your hips as he thrust his up to your stroke by stroke unknowingly getting faster until he was holding you up and thrusting into you so hard and fast that you were crying out his name.
It was obvious to you that he also liked it rough and, as soon as your walls began to contract around him, he flipped you over onto your back.
He wanted to take control and you were absolutely fine with that.
Your legs wrapped around his waist as he continued to thrust into your tight hole for several more minutes.
Unhooking your legs from around him, Cillian leaned up and rested them over his shoulders before increasing his pace.
His hand reached down and began rubbing your swollen clit, making you cry out once again continuously.
‘Oh god yes’ you moaned as you were so close again.
Just as your walls began tightening around his hard cock, he pulled out of you.
‘Not yet’ he smirked before he told you to get on your hands and knees.
‘Please Cillian, just fuck me’ you pleaded as he was tasing your entrance with his hard cock from behind you.
‘As you wish’ he said as, all of a sudden, with one deep thrust, he buried himself inside of you again.
You cried out as he entered you and his thrusting was slowing down for a moment as he pushed his hips into you as deep as humanly possible.
The thrust was hard and deep, but he soon picked up pace again.
‘Oh god yes. Fuck me hard’ you groaned out into the pillow beneath you.
That was all he needed to hear, his hips slamming into you harshly as you pushed your back.
Second later, remembering the scene between Tommy and Lizzie, he grabbed a handful of your silky hair and pulled on it, making you arch your back as he fucked you from behind.
‘Yes, don’t stop’ you moaned as his speed picked up more and more with each thrust.
‘Fuck Y/N’ Cillian groaned, his hands regaining their grip on your waist.
‘Oh my god Cillian’ you moaned, your voice muffled by the pillow and your walls tightening around his cock.
Your orgasm came running over you like a speed train as you screamed loudly, sending Cillian over the edge also.
Within seconds of your own orgasm, Cillian found his release, his thrusts slowing down as he rode out his orgasm.
‘Fuck’ was all he managed to say as he pulled out of you and disposed the condom filled with his sweet cum.
You were still huffing, your body limb just as he collapsed next to you.
‘Feeling better now?’ you grinned.
‘Yes actually’ he smiled before giving you a quick kiss.
After you spent about ten minutes curled up with each other it was time for you to leave. After all, you both had a busy day ahead.
‘So, just let me know if you ever need some more stress relief’ you smirked as you said goodnight.
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Play Pretend
Summary: When the chance comes to escape you're are going to play it smart to make sure you get away.
Trigger Warnings: Murder, gun usage, abuse, violence, kidnapping, imprisonment.
It's been about a week since Jungkook locked you in. Only now were the bruises on your ribs going down. And no matter how quickly he shifted back to normal and calmed down the damage was done, he’d shown you a truly terrifying side of himself and you knew he couldn’t be trusted anymore. The worst of it was that he never even feigned an apology. He didn’t think he was in the wrong to react like he did. He just went from one day to the next like nothing was different.
You felt so stupid. You had thought there was something not right with him the first time you met him. But instead of trusting your gut, you got swept up in his good looks and charm. And that lack of discernment is the reason why you've been trapped in his house for a week now. You tried to tell him that people would be looking for your eventually. But with full certainty, he assured you that wouldn’t be the case. You weren’t sure why or how, but you knew that he 100% believed it. And that made your situation even more despondent.
This evening, for the first time in 8 days, Jungkook finally left the house.  You had thought it might be a chance for you to look for an escape, but to your disappointment, he left one of his ‘employees’ with you.  You still can't pinpoint what he does exactly, but all of the people you have seen with Junkook have a similar dangerous vibe. This one is no exception. Tall, strong, large and mean-looking. It completely dashed your hopes of getting away.  That was until you heard the clear and threatening order Jungkook gave him.  For the second time, you were seeing this sweet kind young man have men double his age, who were larger and tougher looking than him, look weak and fearful. The exact wording slipped your mind, but the gist of it was if anything happens to you while he is gone, Jungkook will violently kill your guard.
After a few hours of stirring, half hesitant to try and half trying to perfect the idea, you finally decide you need to at least attempt a prison break.
Calling the guard, you drop to the bedroom floor, curling yourself tight, clutching your ribs. You knew your bruises were still purple and black there, so it would be the most convincing place to say you had pain.  After a few screams, the man dashes in his face draining at seeing you writhing on the floor in agony.
“What happened?” He barks.
“I fell. It hurts.” You wheeze, knowing it's best to keep your details simple to maintain the act.
He bends to help you up and you wail a faked cry of pain, applying your years of watching dramas into practice. You’re not sure how believable your act is, but the man is so swept up in the panic of the moment, it doesn’t really matter.  As he gets you onto the bed, you pull up your shirt slightly exposing your marks and bruises and it's the tipping point.  He goes from worried to frantic.
"Sh-" he whispers the exclamation under his breath. He looks to ponder his options, and you hope your theory is right and that he is too afraid to call Jungkook first. "Alright, you need to go to the hospital." He declares. You have to lean more into the pained acting to stop a smile from coming onto your face, thankful that your plan is so far working.
The guard picks you up bridal style and carries you downstairs with an urgent patter to his steps. Getting you into the back seat of the car, he rushes into the front and begins driving. Despite his craze, you're surprised to see him driving so steadily and rationally. Abiding the road rules and sticking to the speed limits.
You think your best, or only option would be to get some privacy with Doctor at the hospital and tell him everything. Beg him to call the police. The one risk for going to the hospital is the possibility of the guard not leaving you to talk to the Doctor.
"Fuck." The man hisses under his breath as his phone begins to ring.
The call connects to the cars Bluetooth as he answers, blasting Jungkooks voice in surround sound.
"I'm at home, but you're not. Where are you?" He questions with an ominous tone. The drivers head flicks back to you, his uncertainty flashing through his eyes as he decides what or how much of the truth to tell.
"She hurt herself. Her chest. So I am taking her to the hospital." He reveals everything with a shake in his voice.
Jungkook bursts into a sharp laugh, the sudden piercing of it through the speakers making both of you jump. "She's fine. Bring her back now."
You spring upright, eyes wide. The car rolls to a stop at the traffic light, the man's gaze meeting yours in the rear-view mirror. Jungkook knows! He knows you're faking it. He's going to hurt you again when you get back. You can't let him take you back.
The second the car stops, you don't pause to think, yanking on the door handle and throwing yourself out of the car. Because it is nearly midnight, the suburban area is desolate, but there are a few houses that still have lights on. You know your best option is one of those.
Breaking into a sprint you run across the main road over the island and towards the first house you can see any sign of life in. In a mad frenzy, you begin to pound on the door, calling and screaming for help, begging for them to open. Behind you, you can feel the guard quickly catching up and your pleading gets more desperate.
Giving you pure relief, the front door opens on a middle-aged man looking nearly as petrified as you. You don't wait to explain or discuss anything instead barge past him, hurling yourself through the open door. You spin on your heels, slamming the entrance closed. It doesn't shut though. The full body of the guard powers through the door colliding into you and the homeowner, knocking you both onto the ground in a painful blow.
With a heavy breath and a wild look in his eyes, he stalks over top of you, sealing you all in. The guard pulls a gun and his phone from his pocket, the call to Jungkook seeing to still be active. "Alright, I have h-" he speaks into the receiver, pointing the weapon at the man, rendering him frozen.
"Where are you?!" Jungkook yells, making the guard pull the phone from his ear. Even from a few meters away you can hear his hostile voice loudly and clearly.
For 10 minutes you are sat in the living room numb with fear. You could hear how furious Jungkook was. You can see how mad and nervous your guard is, and you can feel how confused and terrorised the older man is. Without movement, the three of you are stuck in a tense stare off, none able to speak.
On the 11th minute, there is a knock on the front door. The guard peers through the side window and his breath catches in his throat.
You start to physically shake as Jungkook comes in with two more men at his back, looking like an uneven, unsettling mix of calm and intense. Walking in with his hands in his pockets, he takes the size of all three people in the room.
"You left the car in the middle of the road?" He asks the guard, his gaze staying fixed on you.
"Yes. I had to chase her down." He tries to explain shortly.
"Ah," Junkook muses with a click of his tongue. "Get rid of it." He orders one of the other men who came in with him.
The guy nods, rushing to follow the instruction. As the door slams shut, Jungkook walks towards you squatting to your level. "Your ribs hurt Kitten?" he asks with a faked sweetness. He leans down digging his forefinger and thumb into your ribcage. It brings back the true pain of your injuries, making you squeal and writhe while trying to get away from him. His hand wraps around your side, keeping you in place and pushing you to the floor, crushing and gripping your wounds, bringing shortness to your breath and tears to your eyes.
After tormenting you for a few miserable minutes, Jungkook scoffs out a short laugh, standing back up nearly stepping on top of you. "Pick him up" He orders your guard, gesturing toward the homeowner on the floor behind you. He does so, having to hold a lot of the man's weight to get him to his feet. "Anyone else in the house?"
"No, I don't think so." The guard replies with uncertainty.
"Well you're not exactly reliable, are you?" Jungkook sneers.
You jump as two incredibly loud bangs echo out. One after the other, both the guard and the older man drop to the floor. Looking up at Jungkook horrified, he is standing over you holding a gun having just shot the two men. Your stomach is churning at the realization of what he just did. There is only a weak grunt and then silence from the older man, his body slumping still and lifeless. But from the other, there are continued struggled and gasped moans. Jungkook coolly walks to him, another shot firing and the pained sounds stop. Only silence and the pulsing ringing in your ears from the sudden blasts remain.
You're motionless. Panting broken breaths. Too in shock to move. Too scared to do anything. You can't believe this is happening. You're sure you're about to die.
"Go check the house." Jungkook kneels down beside you again, throwing the order to the second man that came with him.
With just the two of you left in the room, he comes closer, speaking lowly and gruffly in your ear. "See what you did Y/n." He motions to the side of you, to the murderous and violent display. You can't bring yourself to look. You know the sounds of those two men will haunt you for the rest of your life. You don't want to add the gruesome image of it as well. "Do want to play? You want to pretend to be in pain?" His hand roughly brushes the hair from off your face. He switches the gun from one hand to the other, his now free left hand digging tightly into your jaw, turning you to him. "Well, we're going home Kitten. And you won't need to pretend when I'm done with you."
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warning: Angst
AN: Soulmate AU in which your soulmates last words to you are written  on your wrist
You couldn’t stop staring at the words on your wrist. I love you. It seemed like the universe was trying to play a cruel joke on you. How could those be the last words you will ever hear your soulmate say. You had always been scared of commitment, but now you were absolutely terrified of love.
That was until you met her. She entered your life like a whirlwind of red, and you had no choice but to get swept up in it. The second Clint introduced you to the newest member of the Avengers, you knew you couldn’t escape your fate anymore.
No one had ever left an impression on you like Natasha Romanoff did. The first few weeks, you couldn’t seem to compose yourself around her, sending shifting glances all around the room whenever she would enter, shifting your weight from side to side and picking at your small silver watch.
Natasha being the world-class spy that she is, caught onto your nervousness quite quickly and made it her mission to give you more attention than the other Avengers, simply because she thought it was adorable how easily flustered and nervous you got around her.
Once you started to be more at ease around her, you started to know the red-headed assassin better, seeing sides of her that no one else did, which only made your feelings towards her grow.
After a few months, the two of you got send on a mission in Russia together. Everything went south quickly and the two of you ended up having to hide out in a small cabin in the middle of the forest, snowed in, with no way to get back to America. You spend most nights talking on a small brown leather sofa in front of the fireplace in the living room.
Natasha found a large bottle of vodka hidden away in the tiny corner cupboard in the kitchen, and one night when you both drank too much, one thing lead to another. When you woke up the next morning, Natasha still had her arms wrapped around your naked frame, and after that night the two of you officially started dating.
Now, 3 years later, you were hopelessly in love with her, which is why you were staring at the words on your wrist. You were still laying in bed, feeling Natasha’s hot breath on the back of your neck in a steady rhythm, indicating she was still asleep. All you could think about, was when it would end.
It could end any moment. Whenever she told you she loved you, you couldn’t help but feel your heart drop. Was this it? Was this the end? Is your time together up? All you could do was hope it wasn’t.
Because you were still deep in thought, you didn’t feel Natasha’s arms tightening around your waist, signifying that she was awake. You got snapped out of your thoughts when Nat quickly turned you around so that you were facing her now. You still weren’t used to how she looked in the morning. The messy red hair splayed around her face, her green eyes looking like they could stare into your soul.
She pressed her forehead against yours and pressed you closer towards her.
“Good morning baby, what has gotten you so deep in thought?”
“Good morning Nat. It’s nothing, don’t worry about it, I was just daydreaming a little bit.”
You respond before pecking her lips. Nat slowly slides her hand into your hair and pulls you closer again, giving you another small kiss.
You and Nat get brutally interrupted from your relaxed morning in bed when your phone starts to ring, displaying Steve’s contact information on the screen.
“Just leave it baby, it’s just Steve, he can wait. This is our only day off, and I just want to spend the day relaxing with you.”
Nat tells you while trying to distract you by kissing your neck. You let your phone go to voicemail, but within seconds Steve is calling you again.
You let out a deep sigh and roll out of Natasha’s embrace, sitting on the edge of your bed while answering the phone.
“Y/N. Where are you? I need you and Nat to come to the compound now. There is an emergency and I need the two of you for a mission. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t necessary. I’ll brief the two of you once you’re here.”
With that Steve hung up, leaving you slightly confused.
“What did he want? Please tell me he didn’t just ask if we could do a mission on our one free day.”
Natasha asked you while rolling her eyes. Slightly annoyed at Steve for ruining your day off.
“I’m sorry Nat, he said it was an emergency and that he would brief us on the mission once we arrive at the compound.”
Natasha sighed while getting out of bed. She knew that this was the life the two of you signed up for, but she was still annoyed that her day with you got ruined. At least you would still be able to spend it together, just not in the way she had planned originally.
After a quick fifteen-minute drive during which Natasha broke multiple speed limits, the two of you arrived at the compound and found Steve for the mission brief.
“Finally. I need the two of you to check on Wanda and Clint. They went to check out an abandoned Hydra base yesterday, but we lost all contact with them, and the last information they gave us was that the base wasn’t as abandoned as we thought, so I need the two of you to retrieve Wanda and Clint and if possible the information they were send to collect.”
You nodded, feeling slightly worried for your two friends and teammates, even though you knew they were perfectly capable of handling themselves.
“The quinjet is waiting for you on the roof, it’s ready to leave when you are.”
Natasha went over the details with Steve once again before she grabbed your hand and the two of you started to make your way to the roof. You knew she was worried about your friends as well, which is why you gave her hand a slight squeeze in an attempt to reassure them.
After a quick flight which seemed to take ages, you landed in the middle of the forest, 10 minutes away from the base so that no one saw the two of you arrive.
Natasha exited the jet first, walking in front of you, leading the way. Once you arrived at the base, it seemed abandoned at first, but with the information Steve gave you, it seemed very likely that there were still Hydra soldiers inside.
Natasha was the first one to find the entrance, and the two of you quickly made your way inside. After having walked around for half an hour, you still hadn’t encountered any Hydra agents and there was no sign of either Wanda or Clint, making you slightly nervous.
After having checked most doors and hallways, you suddenly heard noises coming from one of the rooms. Natasha and you sneaked up to the room, both getting ready to fight, until you clearly heard the voices from the room.
Natasha kicked the door open, catching an arrow right before it hit her in the face two seconds later.
“Is this the thanks we get for coming to save you? If so, I’m never doing it again.”
Natasha jokingly tells a shocked Clint and Wanda. You make your way inside as well, checking both of them for any injuries, and once you realise, they’re both fine, you all decide to get out of the building as soon as possible.
Everything went fine trying to get out of the building, it was almost too easy. You didn’t encounter anyone, and it looked like the base was actually abandoned, which was not the case according to Clint and Wanda.
The second you opened the door to get out of the building, you realised why. A small Hydra army was waiting for you, ready to attack. You all quickly ducked behind the trees, trying to get cover while taking on Hydra soldier after Hydra soldier.
You kept making more miles towards the jet, and at one point you actually thought you were going to make it. You could see Clint and Wanda take on about thirty soldiers, which was the only obstacle between them and the jet.
On your left, Natasha was fighting around 15 soldiers, just like you. You managed to take most of the soldiers down, however, when you quickly glanced at Natasha to see how she was getting on, you noticed one of the soldiers pulling a gun on her while she was fighting three others.
Without giving it a second thought, you launch yourself forward, pushing Natasha out of the way of the multiple bullets that got fired her way.
Natasha quickly takes care of the remaining Hydra agents, before looking your way. You can see the panic in her eyes before you feel the pain. Natasha comes running towards you at the same time your knees give out and you slump forwards, not being able to keep yourself upright any longer, and Natasha catcher you in her arms.
“Y/N! No! Why would you do that you idiot! Stay awake all right, we’re almost at the jet, you’re going to make it.”
You can feel Natasha picking you up, while the world around you is starting to blur and the things that stand out the most are Natasha’s red hair and green eyes, that are starting to tear up, only amplifying the colour.
You could feel your eyes starting to close, the blood loss becoming too much. You vaguely hear Nat shouting towards Clint and Wanda to get the jet ready so that she can try to save you.
“Y/N! Open your eyes baby. Please, open your eyes. Listen to my voice alright. You’re going to make it out. This is not the end. I’m getting you out of here. Just stay awake for me okay? Please baby, please. I need you to stay awake. Don’t leave me please.”
You wanted to respond to her, but you just couldn’t do it. You could hear a ringing in your ears, and you could faintly feel Natasha press her hands on the wounds in your abdomen trying to stop the bleeding.
The ringing in your ears got louder, and Natasha’s voice started to fade. You could feel yourself slipping away and the last thing you heard before everything turned black was Natasha’s voice, filled with fear.
“….. Please baby, please. Don’t leave me. I love you.”
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teddy06writes · 3 years
A Night In Las Vegas
requested by this anon: “I had the BEST idea: CC!Quackity came up with the idea of his Las Nevadas character arc after going to Las Vegas and meeting Reader there. Maybe one night the reader decides to go and twitch and finds quackity doing a lore stream and the reader is like: no way, it’s the guy I met in Vegas.”
{I love this concept, sorry it took so long for me to get out}
Quackity x reader
trigger warnings: some swears
premise: after getting ditched by your friends on the last night of your long weekend in vegas you run into a very interesting guy who doesn’t hesitate to befriend you. But what happens months later when he still seems to be running circles in your mind?
{covid don’t exist here, no sir}
{for the sake of the story, readers favorite color is blue, if its not, either pretend it is, or get over it}
“You can’t just- you can’t kick me out!” You yelled. 
Your bestfriend laughed, “Just find somewhere to go for a few hours! Me and Hunter want alone time!” 
“A few fucking hours!?! Seriously?!” But your duffle bag had already been thrown at your feet, and the hotel door room was swinging closed, muffled giggles coming from inside.
Groaning, you picked up your bag, where were you supposed to go now? 
“Not that I was like- listening in or anything- but damn that sucks.” 
You jumped turning to see a man with black hair sticking out of his beanie standing in front of the door diagonal from yours. 
“Uh- yeah. Last night in Vegas and I get ditched for a random hook up,” You scoffed, “I should’ve known it would happen.” 
“That’s not cool, uh- I’m Alex.” He stepped forward, offering his hand. 
Somewhat reluctantly, you shook his hand, “(y/n).” 
He nodded, “I was going to head out for a late night wander, find something to do-, preferably away from all the hookups that seem to be happing around us right now. If you want to come.” 
You glanced around, “Seriously?” 
“Oh- god that did sound kinda creepy didn’t it,” Alex scrubbed a hand over his face, “Sorry- I- you can just forget about this then-” 
“No! I mean- You don’t seem like a rapist or anything. I’ll come with.” 
He grinned, “Poggers, you can, leave that, in my room, if you want. Just seems like a pain to lug around everywhere.” 
You bit your lip, “Leaving my belongings in a strangers room while I go with said stranger to find something interesting to do, sure- why not?”
Somehow, you found yourself wandering out of the hotel lobby, and onto the crowded streets along side Alex. 
“So.... whats your favorite color?” He asked as you walked.
You laughed, “What?” 
“We’re like, total strangers- it was a question, to get to know you.” He tucked his hands into his pockets. 
“Oh, well-” before you could finish your sentence, there was a large amount of gasps and yells from the crowd in front of you.
“What’s going on?” Alex asked quietly. 
You craned your neck to look over the crowd, gasping, “The water show! With the fountains outside of Caesar’s Palace!” You grabbed his hand, tugging him with you to push through the crowd, “This was the whole reason I agreed to this trip- but we never got to it!” 
You shoved your way through the crowd until you got to the front, pressing against the barrier to watch the fountain display. 
“Holy shit.” You heard him mutter from beside you. 
You grinned, “It’s impressive right?” 
“Imagine the coding it would take to get those things to stay on time.” 
After the show had ended, you had kept wandering for a while, up the strip, asking various questions back and forth. 
You had found out that he was a Minecraft youtuber and a law student, though you’d had to admit, you weren’t too knowledgeable on either that subject. 
Now you were both staring up at the Dave and Busters sign, “This is a good idea right?” 
He nodded, “Definitely. Come on, I’d bet I could beat you at skee ball!” 
Laughing, you followed him into the building, and up the stairs toward the arcade entrance, “Your on!” 
After buying the credit cards for access to the games, you grabbed his hand, dragging him over to the skee ball lanes. 
“Lets go!” He shouted, a few minutes later, upon realizing your score was a total of 10 points behind his, “I’m popping off!”
You laughed, “Okay, what game’s next?” 
Nearly an hour later, you had both run out of credits, and laughing, made you way up to the prize area. 
“Do you think its possible to compile our tickets?” He asked. 
You followed his pointing finger to the large stuffed dragons sitting on one shelf. 
“We need him.” You said immediately.
After picking out a bright red dragon, you began to argue over the name as you made your way to the counter. 
“What about Carl?” You suggested. 
He shook his head, “I have a friend named Karl.” 
“How ‘bout........ Phil?” 
“I also know a Phil.” 
“Hmmmm, what about Sebastian?” 
“He doesn’t look like a Sebastian!” 
You frowned, “Well do you have any ideas then?” 
Alex thought for a moment, “Albert.” 
You looked down at the dragon, “Albert it is.” 
At the counter Alex convinced the reluctant worker to allow you to use both the cards credit totals, and then you went happily on your way out of the building, stopping to take a picture of Albert in front of the sign, which Alex posted to twitter with the comment of, “Look at our son!” 
You’d staid mostly out of frame, but he managed to get about half of your side, since you were the one holding Albert. 
“Do you think any pf the buffets are still open?” Alex asked. 
“I hope so, I’m starving.” You giggled. 
~~ 12:06am
The buffet was somewhat deserted, and you and Alex had grabbed seats in one of the corners after getting plates full of food.
Albert sat on the table between you as you talked. 
“So it’s roleplay- but in Minecraft?” You asked, barley holding back a laugh.
He nodded, chuckling, “It sounds stupid, I know, but it’s like- huge. Especially since technically I’m getting back into the main lore now, with the whole project: vegas thing.” 
“Project Vegas?” You asked. 
He nodded again, “My character, he’s been through almost everything that's happened, and everything always ends to blow up in his face, literally sometimes. He’s built contries from the ground up- as stupid as that sounds- but they always fail, but this one won’t fail.
“I’m partnering with another guy on the server to set up a whole economy, he’s making a bank, and I’m making- well I’m making my own Vegas.” 
You took a sip of your drink, “What’s it going to be called?” 
“I haven’t figured it out yet,” He admitted, “I wanted to just call it Las Vegas but the names already taken.”
With a chuckle you shifted in your seat, “What about....- what about Las Nevada's?” 
He laughed, “I like that.” 
“Tell me more about this server then, I still don’t understand the story.” 
With another chuckle he launched into the story, “Well, it all started when this guy called Wilbur Soot decided he wanted to start a nation....”
~~ 3:18am
You were back at the hotel now, still with Quackity, sitting out on the balcony of his room. Some how, you had ended up having some slightly deep talk about life and death and a million other things before lapsing into silence, simply watching the blinking lights of the city. 
“What?” He asked softly. 
“You asked me my favorite color, ten minutes after we met. It’s blue- that's my favorite color.” You shivered against a cold breeze. 
Alex shifted minutely closer, “Why?” 
You shrugged, “It can be so many things. Deep and dark and mysterious but also light like the summer sky and filled with hope. There’s a million shades from happiness to anger, and to everyone it could mean something else.” 
“I like that.” He said quietly. 
You yawned, rubbing sleep out of your eyes as the car drew closer to the airport.
Alex tapped on the steering wheel in time with the music, quietly humming along. 
“Oh, I see my friend, they actually waited for me.” You said as the car pulled up to the curb. 
“How considerate.” He chuckled, climbing out of the car. 
You followed suit, retrieving your duffle bag from the back seat. 
“Well, it was cool knowing you Alex.” You said. 
Before you started to walk away you remembered, and quickly turned back to where he was standing, pulling Albert out of your bag, “Here, he’s yours. You spent more tickets on him than I did.” 
He shook his head, “Keep him. I give you full custody of our son.” 
“Oh- okay... bye then.” 
You barley made it a few steps before he was quickly catching up to you, grabbing your arm and spinning you to press his lips on yours. 
“Good luck with your shitty friends.” He breathed, before hurrying back to his car, leaving you flustered and running to catch up to your friend. 
One and A Half Months later
It had been over a month since the Vegas trip, but you still hadn’t gotten Alex out of your head. 
You had clicked, on some level, and the late night conversation you had shared seemed to keep you thinking about him.
Now, you scrolled aimlessly through twitter, checking the trending tags until you came across one called “LAS NEVADAS” 
Now that piqued your interest, and clicking on it, you found posts of people live tweeting an event- no a live stream. And not just any live stream- a Minecraft stream.
Quickly you opened a new tab, pulling up twitch as fast as you could. 
What was the name of his channel? Oh god why did you forget?
Returning to twitter you searched until you found a link, following it to a new twitch tab. 
And there he was. 
The boy who had been doing laps around your mind was actually there, talking to another character. 
“Look Sam, you and me, we could control everything. I need the bank to help fund Las Nevada’s, we can be partners.” 
You sat, watching the stream, enthralled. 
Once it had ended, you still could hardly believe you found him, quickly following another link back to his twitter and opening a direct message. 
Y/n: Um, this is awkward, idk if you remeber this, but we met in vegas, about a month ago, and I had no idea how to find you until the stream today
quackityHQ: uh, hi? 
qusckityHQ: proof?
Quickly you sent him the picture you had taken of him with Albert, 
y/n: uhhh, bam, proof? 
y/n: our son is sitting on my head board right now
quackityHQ: holy shit
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starglow-xx · 4 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada and the port mafia (part 4)
platonic! mori ougai x f!reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting those fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them. but only at the cost of your peace and sanity.
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
previous: the doctor is in the house (quite literally)
author’s note: it’s port mafia time! ages are still one year younger than canon
also!! my 100 followers event still has 7 5 4 3  2  1 spot open for requests!! go check out this post for more info!! i’d like to get the whole prompt list done early so i have time to write them! (event is now closed as of feb. 10, 2021)
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another doctor? oh wait, another doctor and his daughter
as you expected, ranpo and fukuzawa have not let you go easy after what had happened a couple days prior (3 days ago to be exact)
one of them, or more often than not, the two of them would go visit the bakery at least twice a day
once in the morning right before opening, and the second time right before closing
if they could, they would visit around lunch time, but that was usually yosano
tbh you were thankful that yosano hasn’t been as overbearing as the other two but you knew she probably wanted to give you a break because holy shit are they extremely over protective
currently, it was the fourth day of being watched by the two eldest ada members, but there were no said ada members with you at the moment
and boy were you overjoyed
turns out, the ada has an important escort job for a government official or smth, and on top of that, fukuzawa has a bunch of meetings to attend
even ranpo has his hands full with a couple of difficult murder cases across the country
you’re lowkey, no highkey, worried bc you learned literally 3 days ago that ranpo doesn’t know how to ride the train 😀😀
you were worried abt them, there’s no question, but on the inside you were a bit relieved to which ranpo called you out on it immediately 
that led to the two of you going at each other’s throats for nearly half an hour
let’s just say fukuzawa scolded the two fo you for a while
going back to the present, it was around one pm and you had just finished sending a text message to both fukuzawa and ranpo (cause they insisted) when a little blonde girl with blue eyes wearing a red dress matching with a red bow in her hair and red shoes walked in
she immediately went to the glass case to look at the desserts displayed
as she looked around, you watched her at the corner of your eyes and a with a smile as you wiped down one of the tables
after wiping down the table, you quickly went to go wash your hands and you walked over and stood next to her
you bent slightly and smiled bigger as she stared at one of the treats in the glass
“is that the one you want?”
she nodded without looking away from the glass
you giggled before going to the back and placing the one she wanted on the plate and held it out to her
the blonde was honestly so confused bc one, no adult supervision, and two, there was no tell tale way to know that she had money
to you, she was an open book so when she looked at you, her face immediately read “but i have no money, or a parent...??”
you simply patted her head and pushed along to one of the nearby tables and pulled a chair for her
you did not regret anything when you saw the look on her face when you told her that it was on the house
“name’s elise!” “i’m (y/n)!”
you sat with her for a while continuing to give her sweets she reminded you of ranpo in all honestly and talking abt random things
she mostly complained abt a “rintarou” though
speaking of which, when a man in a doctor’s coat came through the door near screaming “elise-chan! elise-chan!” you figured that was probably the rintarou she was complaining abt
you smiled as you watched the two interact
“elise-chan why would just disappear like that?!”
“i wanted to see rintarou cry”
“so mean!”
...their behavior was questionable but endearing ig
“rintarou” suddenly turned to you, thanking you for “taking care of his daughter bc she’s always getting into trouble”
*cue angry noises and face from elise*
he introduced himself as a “local neighborhood doctor”
you smelled bullshit but didn’t say anything bc he has been kind to you so far
he asked you how he could repay you and you were thinking that you can actually win something bc you’re not refusing an ada member oh you poor oblivious child but you were appalled when elise answered for you
it went like this
“is there anything i can repay you with for taking care of my dear elise-chan? perhaps paying for all the sweets she has eaten?”
“oh no! don’t worry abt that, it’s nothing! it was a pleasure getting to know—”
“let’s buy out all of her food!”
h u h
you knew she enjoyed your pastries and stuff but like w h a t
you inwardly sigh in relief when the doctor agreed with you that “that’s a bit much elise-chan” and you were thanking every deity out there when suddenly
she threw a temper tantrum
you watched in confusion and slight horror at the 180 of the sweet little girl you were talking to like 10 minutes ago
her guardian panicked slightly and tried to get her to calm down but ahaha no that didn’t happen
“WAHH rintarou!! but i want it!! (y/n)’s food is the best i’ve ever had!!”
“b-but elise-chan, we can’t just buy—”
“i’ll wear all the dresses i’ve ever rejected and more if we buy it out right now and keep buying sweets here forever”
your eyes twitch at the “innocent” smiles the two gave you after their “talk”
fast forward literally 5 minutes and you’ve already flipped the close sign on your door with note (saying you’re sold out) and you’re all over the place running around behind the counter trying to fit everything into boxes as the two are sitting on a nearby table lightly chatting
about 20-25, nearly 30 minutes later you finishing packing everything in the glass case
it was a lot
we’re literally talking about tiered cakes and dozens of batches of cookies, cupcakes, literally everything and anything
when the two notice you’re done they get up meet you by the register
“a-ano, you really don’t have to buy all of this...the total is going to be quite large...”
“no worries!”
honestly at this point, you kind of missed the chaotic calls from ranpo that happened like every half hour
you thought you were done being surprised for the day but next thing you know men in suits come into Sakura’s and begin to load the boxes into a black car
dealing with the detectives was already starting to be a handful and now you have to deal whoever the hell these two people where
quite frankly, you were having trouble wrapping your head around all of this
who buys out a whole bakery?!
and who has the money to buy out a whole bakery?!
what kind of job could you possibly have?!
was this guy really just a doctor?!
right before the two leave you call out to them
“a-ah wait! i don’t think i ever caught your name!”
the two blink at you before eyeing each other
“mori ougai” 😄😄
you started smelling bad shits again 
it was a weird feeling
you felt something off but at the same time, you weren’t really afraid 
and with that the two left
you were already tired from this whole thing but you now get the rest of the day off
so i guess something worked out in your favor
until the next fricking day
again, ranpo and fukuzawa canceled out on you
you weren’t sure if you were relieved or not
and as soon as you thought you were going to have a normal business day, guess who walked through the doors
yeah that’s right
“the local neighborhood doctor” and his daughter
you froze before eyeing them with suspicion
if mori was amused, he didn’t show it, only giving you a smile
elise immediately left his side and practically leaped onto you making you cut yourself with the knife you were holding
well shit now you’re bleeding
it was only 7:15 in the morning; you had literally just opened
you were cursing every deity out there
you quickly grab a nearby and press it against your wound and scrambled around looking for the first aid kit you had nearby
“oh? (y/n)-kun are you bleeding?”
“(y/n) i’m sorry!”
“a-ah, no worries elise-chan”
you really need to stop spacing out bc next thing you know, the sign on your door is flipped to close again (along with the same note from yesterday explaining you’re sold out taped on the door) and you’re sitting at a table with elise in your lap and mori wrapping your hand in a bandage
“tsk tsk (y/n)-kun you need to be more careful...but it is elise-chan’s fault”
“die rintarou!”
“but no worries! it’s not that deep so you don’t need stitches”
“thank you, mori-san, but can i ask why you and elise-chan are here again? not that i mind...”
whether or not you were lying is up to you
“oh we’re here to buy out your stock again!”
“wait what-”
the fuck???
did they not just buy everything yesterday???
frozen, you stare at the man in front if you with said man giving you another “innocent” smile
this little shit
wait till you meet dazai
but i guess that’s why the sign on the door is flipped to close bc you don’t even remember flipping it yourself or taping the note from yesterday to the door
you spent the next half hour trying to convince the two over some tea (your signature one of course) that “no you don’t need to or should buy everything i have, you’re going to deprive the rest of my customers”
cough cough ranpo
like the day before, you were losing this argument
can you just never win?
as you were losing the argument (obviously) you realized that you don’t even know why they want to buy everything again
“mori-san, why do the two of you even want to buy everything in the first place?”
“ah it was elise-chan’s request of course! but i do admit, after trying some of your sweets myself, i grew quite attached! so did the rest of my subordinates after my precious elise-chan made them try it, not like they could refuse her or me; i am their boss after all (y/n)-kun.”
*cue confusion*
“subordinates? wait are those the guys from yesterday?? aren’t you a doctor...?”
“ah ex-doctor actually, i’m the leader of the port mafia”
“ah (y/n)-kun that’s quite the coughing fit you have going on, do you need water?”
if it wasn’t obvious, you choked on your tea and had quite the coughing fit; you were wheezing and everything making elise leave you lap and settling for dangling over mori’s shoulders
“...you’re kidding”
“im afraid im not”
this man confuses the hell out of you??
w h y would he just say that, to you of all people
but it explains the bad shits you were smelling/feeling yesterday
“are you afraid?”
“being completely honest with you, mori-san, not really”
“and why is that?”
you simply shrug not really knowing the answer
you aren’t lying, you just aren’t
maybe bc yesterday, he seemed more like a doting parent than the boss of the most criminal organization of yokohama
yes, you’ve heard the rumors, obviously, but just saying, if the port mafia wanted to hurt you, you’d probably be dead in a ditch by now
and they haven’t really been a bother to you, they were more like background characters in your life
until yesterday of course
mori simply raises an eyebrow and a smile seemingly okay with your very vague answer
“why did you tell me that mori-san?”
the man only smiles a bit wider at you and this time, you’re the one raising an eyebrow
“just a feeling” 
yeah you were starting to smell bad shits again
“and besides! elise-chan seems quite fond of you (y/n)-kun! i wasn’t planning on doing anything to you in the first place, but even if i wanted to, i don’t think i could! i wouldn’t want to upset my dearest cute elise-chan”
“die rintarou!”
“that’s mean elise-chan!”
your eyes began to twitch in slight annoyance
cause istg the duality of this man—
this strange strange man
oh dearest you haven’t even met dazai yet
after that has been said and done, somehow you found yourself in front of stores being dragged by elise
how did you end up there you ask? i don’t know either so there’s nothing we can do abt that
eventually, you found yourself holding a bunch of shopping bags full of dresses and clothes of the sort
some of it your size and the others elise’s
“yes (y/n)-kun?”
“why do i have bags of clothing that are fit for me rather than elise?”
“oh that’s because elise refused to go without you and if you didn’t get anything!”
that makes perfect sense, of course
you could see why elise kept on complaining abt this guy
the two of you actually bonded over making fun of him
you have n o fear
actually, maybe just a little
the three of you were out for basically the entire day and you were exhausted
cause holy shit there was a lot of money wasted, shopping bags obtained, and walking involved
it was around 5 pm when the three of you were making it back to Sakura’s
along the way you found yourself having a pleasant conversation with mori
even if he was a questionable person to be having a pleasant conversation with, you enjoyed it nonetheless
you hoped that it makes it harder to get rid of you if he ever changed his mind but we don’t talk abt that
when the three of you arrived, you immediately dumped all the bags you were holding and went straight to work packaging everything for “the local neighborhood doctor”
before they left, mori agreed to not buy out all of your stock except for some occasions but instead settled ordering massive batches of a little bit of everything every few days
how that’s not the same as buying everything you won’t ever know
you were standing outside Sakura’s watching the two get into the car that had arrived when suddenly, mori turned to you
“ah (y/n)-kun, i know that you wouldn’t tell anyone about this, it wouldn’t be like you to, but just a reminder, it would probably be in your best interest not to let anything slip to anyone okay? we wouldn’t want any enemies using you against the port mafia. so take care of yourself hm? see you next time”
and bippity boppity boo just like that, they were gone
how that man managed to get your personality down in just like 10 hours you don’t want to know
and that’s basically the story of how you started making more food/bake goods to sell
true to his word, every few days, or sometimes consecutive days, mori called you and made a large order
and i mean large
on those days, someone from the port mafia would pick it up and then you get paid
thankfully, by increasing the amount of food you made, you always had enough to put out on display and to sell even after the large order
before doing that, on those days you didn’t have a large stock, someone by the name of edogawa ranpo would weep at your feet
he will deny this; after all, great detectives don’t do weeping
or so he says
and speaking of the detective, you never did tell him what had transpired the two days he and fukuzawa were absent on checking on you
but tbh, i even think ranpo could’ve deduct this one
you didn’t tell him bc you were afraid, no of course not that’s ridiculous mori, in elise’s words, was a loser
you didn’t tell him bc you knew he and fukuzawa would flip the fuck out
and that would be a major inconvenience to you
you didn’t see the point in telling them anyway
so whatever, it’s like it’ll be important
and if ranpo and fukuzawa noticed the abundant of bags near the door leading up to the staircase when they visited you at the end of the day they didn’t say anything
of course one of them said smth
“ne (n/n)-chan since when did you like to buy a bunch of things; waste of money if you could just be using that money to make more food so you wouldn’t sell out right away and have food to feed me”
your eyes twitched
he could’ve worded that a little better but whatever
it is ranpo-san after all
“i just got carried away since i closed up early; you know it isn’t often i get to go shopping”
and if he smelled your bullshit he didn’t say anything
for real this time
that slightly concerns you ngl
let’s just say quite a few heads were turned when they saw their boss leading a bunch of lower level subordinates carrying many light pink boxes of different sizes to his office for the second time
oh and just another thing
*whispers* he was lying when elise made his other subordinates eat your food; they kept it all to themselves”
was that a ruse to help lead the revelation of his real occupation who knows
“(y/n)-kun is a very interesting person don’t you think so elise-chan?”
“quiet. i’m eating cake.”
“that’s so mean elise-chan!”
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announcement!! (event is now closed as of feb. 10, 2021) please take the time to check out the event for 100 followers! there are still 7 6 5 4 3 2  1 spot left and i would like to get those filled as soon as possible! thanks in advance! love you all and stay safe!
taglist: @akaashiro @nothinkonlyvolleyboys @kyoichiii @linthebinbag @Sras_isDoing_Something @hopeiskool @kyoumisstuff @realitycanbeajerk @juniymous @kozucafe @theother-victoria @classisass @hxsxxk-180294 @northsideprincess @tunakitty @fashionablyfailing12 @hanniejji @timeless-tales46
to join the tag list, please fill out this google form i made!! 
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illyaana · 3 years
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Tags: Angst (like a lot), Fluff (like a lot), Kaminari Denki x Reader (shoulder-length hair pls, tq), Binaural
Synopsis: You and Denki are childhood friends. When you were young, you two found this little meadow filled with wildflowers. Who'd thought your safe haven would bring back such painful feelings?
Word Count: 2812
Dont forget to check out the main masterlist of the event hosted by @kuroos-babygirl over here!
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The meadow you both crouched on glowed a gold hue as your fingers grazed the soft petals of the tall wildflowers, its stems rubbing against your sides. You eyed how the soft colour dusted itself on the peach skin of the boy before you, his entranced gaze stuck on the yellow and black-coloured butterfly fluttering its wings on the white-coloured flower. You enjoyed the bright smile adorned on the innocent male as he saw the now flying butterfly dance in the pale blue sky.
When’s the last time you both did this? - just walking around this little haven you both found together a year back?
Your six-year-old self reflected on all the memories they made with the seven-year-old in front of them.
It all began here - this little prairie.
Your first friend, your first wound, your first fight, your first day-out; it all took place in this land of vast greenery dusted yellow by blackeyed susans, corn marigold and bird's-foot trefoil.
It is all thanks to the adventurous, little blonde boy in front of you.
“Why are you staring, Y/N?” Denki said, nudging you.
“Just looking at the flowers, that’s all.”
A good lie, Y/N - a skilful lie.
He looked at your finger, eyeing it. Soon your hands were in his, the soft pad of his fingers trailing on the small lines of your hands. Each crevice was examined by that soft gaze of his, playing with your soft skin. His finger stopped at the scar painted on the fleshy part of your palm, a sulk forming on his lips.
“Was this from that time I dared you to jump from that tree?” He asked, guilt laced in his whispers.
It was, but you didn’t want him to know.
“Don’t worry, Denks - it wasn’t from that dare,” you say as you take your hands away from his grip, “I picked up a rock and there was a sharp end and it cut through my skin.”
He pulled your hand back into his, stretching the skin around the scar. He tried looking for clues to make sure you weren’t lying, a stressed look evident on his face.
You chuckled, gripping the side of his cheek and pinching it.
He looked at your radiant smile and all his worries washed away.
He let go of your hand and gripped your cheek in his left hand. His thumb began to rub small circles on your cheek, admiring how you leaned into his touch.
He loved how you were so at peace and calm when you were with him. You had no qualms in wasting hours listening to his dreams and aspirations, intervening once in a while to expand on his little ideas.
But you - right now, like this - is his favourite of it all.
You looked like an angel, the light from the Sun lighting your soft skin. The flowers and the very ends of your hair softly swished against the wind, forming such beautiful scenery as he took in the view unravelling in front of him.
He wondered how those flowers would look against your fingers, your hair, your ears…
He wondered how you’d look dripping in flowers.
“Sit down.”
Denki eyed the ground beneath him, looking for flowers that reminded him of you. The softness you brought, the light mood you formed whenever you were around him, the warmth you radiated whenever you were with him - he kept it all in his head as he saw the flowerbeds filled with flowers of different species.
His eyes stopped at the Black-eyed Susans that swished with the wind.
He instantly grabbed handfuls of the dainty-looking flower, hoping he had enough for the idea he had in his head.
Using his long nails, he cut the stem of the flower right down in the middle. He split one of the sections again, making three strips out of a stem. He then slowly began to braid the stems together, weaving them into a long strip.
“Stick your ring finger out, Y/N.”
You let him wrap that small strap around your finger, a determined gaze focused on the base of it.
He then inserted the end of the weaved strip into a section of the strip, securing its shape.
He took the rest of the flowers he collected and put them in his pocket as he walked behind you.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“Let me do this! I have an idea,” he said, happiness lacing his words.
In a huff of annoyance, you agreed.
He began to braid the two front pieces of your hair, slowly adding the flowers he collected. He made sure that the stems were hidden behind your luscious hair. Once he finished braiding them both, he brought them to the back of your head, tying them together with the hair tie on your wrist.
“Are you finally done?” You ask, turning to face him.
You stared at his eyes focused on you, a small blush dusting his cheeks.
“Yeah. Thanks for letting me do this, Y/N,” he replied, covering his cheeks with his arm.
You looked like an angel to him. The way your eyes twinkled, your soft lips, your cute nose, your soft skin, your gaze - it was all so perfect to him.
“Y/N,” he started, “Promise me when we get older, we’ll marry each other?”
Your eyes widen as you quickly stand up in shock.
“The hell, Denki?!” You felt blood rushing to your cheeks, “You just can’t say that!”
“I think you’re the only one that can handle me - after all, you’re still here,” he says as he rubs his chin.
“Denki, life doesn’t work like that.”
“And you know how my life is going to work? Knowing me, I’d be single until I’m 23-years old if we don’t make this promise. I’d most probably have a sugar baby-”
“Stop,” you say, holding back your laughter, “Is that your plan if you don’t get into a relationship by 23?”
You began laughing, clutching onto your stomach as you stared at him.
“Stop laughing, okay!” he says, annoyed.
“Well, at least you have goals-”
“Y/N!” He says, hitting your back.
You take a deep breath as you recollect your thoughts.
Maybe a life with him won’t be so bad.
“If I can prevent you from thinking of being a sugar daddy that early in life, then sure; we can get married.”
He smiled, grabbing your hands.
“Thank you, Y/N!”
You both hold hands as you walk out of the meadow.
“I’m picturing you with a college girl at 65-year-”
“You’re finally back!” said Denki as he jumped into your arms.
“Yeah, I am.”
You looked at the now pro-hero in your hands. You chuckled when you felt his small grip on the back of your loosely fit university hoodie. He pressed his head against your chest, nuzzling into the soft cotton. A small hum left his lips as you ruffled his blonde hair - signalling how comfortable he felt in your hands.
God, you missed him - it felt so wrong to leave him right after graduating from UA.
However, you have become a skilled inventor - no one could doubt that. Thanks to the guidance of David Shield, you’ve made your name in the inventing world. You came back to Mustafu to build your brand - hopefully alongside your childhood friend.
“So, Chargebolt,” you teased, “Congrats on getting into the top 10 of the Hero chart! I was shocked when I found out that you - of all people - got in.”
“Hey,” He hit the back of your head, “I’m a good hero, okay?”
“I sense favouritism but okay,” you teased again.
“Not very good of you as an up and coming inventor to tease a pro-hero.”
“So the friend label is gone? Understood, sir. Have a great day,” you say as you push him off of you.
“Fine, fine, fine. Come in.”
You walk into Denki’s new apartment and a flush of memories come.
You eyed the small pictures he hung on the wall, the little trinkets he kept on his coffee table and the way he arranged his kitchen. It all reminded you of his former home - the home near that little meadow.
You miss it - you both did.
You took out the little flower ring he made all those years ago and placed it in his hands.
“Remember this?” You ask.
“You kept it?” He said, smiling, “I can’t believe you did!”
“Yeah. I book-pressed it the minute I went back,” you say, chuckling, “Y’know, I still think about that little promise we made in that meadow from now and then.”
“What promise?”
You eyed the metal band around his ring finger.
He remembers - he definitely remembers. After all, he was the one who made you agree to it.
“You didn’t tell me we were having guests, Denki.”
Your eyes fell to Jirou walking out of a room and wrapping her arms around his waist from the back. She pressed her head against his neck, her hair brushing against it. He smiled, leaning into the newfound warmth she gave.
You saw the same metal ring around her left ring finger. The same gem, the same design, the same shape - everything.
“I forgot to tell you, didn’t I? I’m engaged to Jirou! - We’re getting married later this year.”
Of course, he forgot. It was just a simple promise you both made when you were kids. It meant nothing - nothing at all.
“I’m happy for you, Denki - I really am.”
You really were.
You are happy that he finally met someone who loved him despite seeing all his flaws.
You are happy Jirou managed to see what you saw in Denki - a loveable, amazing soul with a heart of gold.
You just wished you didn’t hold onto that promise.
You wish you threw away that rotting ring when you had the chance.
You wish you never went to that meadow.
You wish you never met Denki - not like that.
You wish you never fell in love with him.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Denki said as he hugged you again.
You don’t want him to hug you.
You wanted distance - you wanted to go back to I-Island.
You don’t want to be here.
You tried to pry Denki off of you, but you couldn’t - his grip on you was too strong.
“Denki, you’re choking me,” you say whilst fake-laughing.
You looked at Jirou who smiled at his display of affection towards you.
She trusts you - she knows how much you mean to him.
You don’t deserve it - her trust is wasted on you.
You are in love with her future husband - the very person who is hugging you as tight as they can.
“Denki, they look so uncomfortable - get off,” she said, patting her shoulder.
You want to get out of here.
You need to.
“I think I’ll head to my hotel room, Denks,” you say as you grab your bags.
“Denki,” you say as you push him off of you angrily, “I need to go, ok?”
You look at his torn expression and guilt hits you.
But it was his fault - all of this was.
He isn’t meant to cry - you are.
And here he is, tearing just at the sight of your angry expression.
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Did something happen? You seemed okay when you came earlier…”
Stop crying, Denki.
“There’s nothing wrong, Kaminari. I just need to check into my hotel room, that’s all.”
“Do you want me to drive you there? I-”
“It’s okay, Kaminari. I’ll get a cab.”
“Y/N, we’re good, right?”
“Why would you think we aren’t, Kaminari?”
You walked out of their apartment, tears trailing down your eyes.
You stood in the meadow you met Kaminari, eyes closed. You took in the fresh air brushing against your skin as the smell of fresh flowers invades your nose. Your now long hair felt weightless as the wind lifted it, giving you wings.
“How do I look, Y/N?”
You stared at Denki in his black tux and smiled.
He looked amazing, as usual.
His skin looked amazing against the obsidian-coloured suit. The sunlight hit his skin so well it looked like it was glowing. His hair was tousled, giving you a full view of his undercut. You chuckled when you saw the black streak of his hair hidden under his natural yellow hair - it looked as if he was trying to hide his foolish mistakes when he was a kid. You looked at his small piercing now adorned with a purple gem, reminding you of his fiance.
He’s finally getting married.
He’s getting married in the meadow where you both spent your younger years.
He’s getting married to someone else in the meadow where you both spent your younger years.
“You look good, Kaminari.”
“Why are you calling me Kaminari? Call me Denki.”
“I can’t, Kaminari.”
It would bring back too many memories.
Painful memories.
“I don’t know why you can’t, though?”
“It doesn’t feel right…”
“You’ve been calling me Denki or Denks ever since we were kids, Y/N! Hearing you call me Kaminari sounds wrong…”
“Leave it, Kaminari,” you say, hiding your feelings behind a laugh.
“No, I won’t. Call me Denks, Y/N.”
“Later, Kaminari.”
“Not Kaminari - Denki.”
“I promise I’ll call you that later, now go get ready.”
“I am not leaving until you call me Denki.”
“Kaminari, just go.”
“I don’t know why you stopped calling me Denki ever since you saw Jirou that day - it doesn’t make sense. You were my first friend that called me Denks, you made that nickname - Why are you calling me by the nickname you made?”
Stop talking about it, please.
“Please, Kaminari - let it go.”
He grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him.
“I won’t until you tell me why. Did I do something wrong? Just tell me, Y/N. You know I won’t hate you no matter what happens.”
“Just drop it, ok?” You say, anger lacing your words.
“Oh my god, Y/N! Just tell me-”
You forced your wrist out of his grip, making him fall on the couch.
“You wanna know why? It’s because I thought you remembered the promise we made as kids. I hoped you felt the way I did about it; I hoped you knew why I never got into a relationship.”
You gripped your phone tightly, not wanting to lash out at him anymore.
Why did you do that? Why today?
He’s supposed to be happy today.
“What promise, Y/N?”
A dark smile graced your lips.
What were you thinking? Shouting at him won’t make him remember.
Tears began to fall from your eyes as you lifted your face to see his worried face.
“It’s okay, Kaminari - don’t worry about it.”
“How can I not? You’re crying in front of me,” he said, tears forming in his eyes, “You weren’t meant to cry today.”
You weren’t either, Denki.
He got off the couch and began to hug you tightly. He pressed your head against his shoulder as he rubbed your back.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N.”
You gently push Denki and cup his face in your hands. You rub the tears from his eyes as he pressed his cheek onto your left hand.
“You okay, Denks?”
Just for today, you’ll give what he wants.
Just today.
“There it is!” He said, jumping on you, “Don’t you dare call me anything but Denks again.”
You hugged him one last time before heading to your seat, waiting for the ceremony to commence.
You saw how happy he stood at the altar with Kirishima by his side. You chuckled as you looked at the small banter happening between the two of them, pissing off the priest slightly. Bakugo snapped at the two of them very often, telling them to keep quiet.
Still the mother of the group.
Soon after, Jirou walked in.
She wore a white dress that tugged on her amazing figure, surrounded by lace. Dandelions surrounded her, flying in the air, encasing her in pure beauty. They danced around her as her orchestra of young kids sang and played instruments for her.
You saw how tears formed in both of their eyes as they stared at each other.
Tears of joy encapsulating how much they’ve dreamed of this moment.
While yours that showed joy hid everlasting longing.
You feel cheated - not by Denki, but the black-eyed Susans that tickled your feet.
You feel cheated by the black-eyed Susans that cleared a path for Jirou to meet her beloved.
You feel cheated by the black-eyed Susans Denki used when he was young to make you that damn ring.
Your tears watered the devilish flowers painted yellow and black that stood beneath you, taking in your pain as a drug.
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch - Part 20
The Darkling x Reader
He carried you to your bed that night, gently slipping off your kefta and taking out the uncomfortable hairpin in your hair while you slept like a baby.
Zoya had barged into his office earlier and mentioned that you were swarmed with duties so naturally he did was had to be done and took it all on himself for that day. Your door felt no vibrations from knocks after Zoya left and the 'accidental dozing off' turned into your full night sleep with Aleksander by your side yet again.
You were furious as you woke up, to say the least. Your enraged muttering breaking Aleksander's sleep as you whipped out from under his arm and out the bed. You only dared to shoot him a look of displeasure before you slammed the door shut as you left. He barely registered your body running around the room, nevermind the nasty gaze sent his way
'Good morning to you too'
'Is everything in order?' You were still fixing the kefta belt as you approached the head of guards.
'Yes Deputy. We've been letting performers in for about an hour now and it's all going smoothly.'
'No requests to see the Sun-Summoner?'
'Plenty, but we've taken care of them just as Zoya Nazyalensky told us to.' He curtly nodded, tilting his head in the way of the prison-holding cells.
'I'm glad to hear that.'
As you went to see how Marie's kefta was coming along, you found the room empty and her nowhere to be found, the seamstress looking equally as confused as she entered the bare room. You caught Genya heading for the Vezda suit out of the corner of your eye and called her name loudly.
'Marie is late to her kefta fitting, like very late. Do you have any idea where she is?'
'I think she may be with Alina, I'll be sure to fetch her' she said and waltzed away from you.
'Genya wait!'
'When you get Ms.Starkov ready, give her this ring' You dug around in your pocket for the metal ring and handed it to the red-haired Tailor. 'Make sure she's wearing it.'
'Of course Deputy.'
You watched her white kefta diminish behind the doors and sighed loudly, going down the mental to-do list of the morning. I'm already tired.
'Have you seen the Deputy?' Aleksander asked Ivan as they headed for his chambers.
'Last I seen she was helping conduct perimeter checks with Fedyor.'
'Good.' He wanted to see you in your winter fete kefta, silently hoping you chose to keep with the black but he knew he was being greedy. He can't have both you and Alina.
'Get her for me, I need to speak to her.' Ivan nodded and turned back around in search of you, clearly displeased at the task.
Putting his lust for you away, Aleksander returned to a working state of mind. He needed to speak to you before the fete started. It was essential you heard what he had heard from the Grand Palace.
He retreated to his chambers and began to get ready for the fete until a certain someone entered the room unannounced.
'Deputy Y/L/N, the General wishes to speak to you.' Ivan was at your door with a glum look on his face as a team of ladies tended to your hair and face.
'Now?' You laughed but he only shrugged. You rolled your eyes and signaled for them to finish what they were doing and let you leave.
The ladies frowned but stepped away, clearly dissatisfied. Not only did they get a late start due to you chasing Alina and Genya down on the Palace courtyard, but now they had to finish early too. You had yet to change out of your kefta and into the fete's outfit but for now, you ignored your appearance.
All that mattered to you was that the evening went smoothly and without security threats and if the General requested to see you, you would be there to discuss whatever had gone wrong. This is Ravka after all, something always goes wrong.
'I'm coming, relax your frown for once.' You joined him at the door and walked silently alongside him to the Darkling's quarters. The Palace was buzzing with life as foreign ambassadors took up residence in the rooms and servants prepared the spaces with brimming luxury. Ravka needed to display its strength and wealth today and if it meant meticulously counting the fresh roses in each room, that was what was had to be done.
Although your demeanor showed a relaxed and posed facade, you were very stressed. You hadn’t gotten enough sleep recently and given your extreme training schedule before you arrived at the Palace, the amount of time you spent using them now, or lack thereof, had managed to dwindle you mentally. You were hanging on by a mere thread.
Ivan knocked on the door for you before moving away to the side. You didn't wait for his response and just walked in but stopped short when you looked ahead. The Sun-Summoner you had scolded not even 30 minutes ago was standing in his quarters, looking like a deer caught in headlights. He stood next to her looking equally as red-handed. Realization flooded you that you had interrupted an intimate moment between the two summoners. You cleared your throat, trying your best to act normal.
'You requested to see me, General.' His head tipped up at your collected demeanor, wondering whether you felt the tension too.
'Yes, I did' He moved around to the table, walking past Alina who decided it would be best she left and got ready. You smiled at her as she left, muttering some pleasantry about seeing her at the fete but deep inside the jealousy began boiling in you despite your attempts to rationalize it.
'Y/N -'
'Let's not talk about it. Please.' Your voice was a whisper, a strong contrast to the voice Alina heard. 'I agreed to the plan, I have no right to argue with you.' You feebly smiled. His stare was pitiful on you but he did as you asked.
'I need you to speak to the Queen when she arrives at the Little Palace.'
'Why?' Your face contorted into an expression of confusion and disgust, quickly forgetting about what just happened.
'My intel tells me she is in awe of you. Genya overheard her speaking to one of her aids about you and a possible position for you in the Grand Palace'
Your eyes widened at his words. You had been tolerating the Queen like a toddler, giving into her whims and tantrums in hopes of her staying calm, not in hopes of being whisked away to work for the crown.
'Are you serious?'
'Saints' The weird headache was back, settling into the back of your head like a dull drum.
'Listen to what she has to say'
'Do you think I would accept whatever she has to offer? You'd be a fool to assume I would even consider it.' He turned away from you, displeasure obvious on his face.
'I just ask that you entertain her. And would it really be so bad? Whatever it may be, it would aid our course substantially-'
'All I ever wanted and needed were my Grisha, Aleksander. That's why I came back, not for the Lantsov Crown.'
'I'm not forcing you into anything Y/N. Just listen to her.' His voice was soft and gentle like he was lulling you down from an outburst but you knew he was plotting, taking every advantage he could grasp.
'Alright.' you sighed, still processing all the information at once. The Queen, The Fete, The Grand Palace, Alina, and Aleksander. It was clouding your mind like a fog. 'I should go get ready' Your mind was bursting at the seams with thoughts and speculations, you needed to have some alone time and you prayed to the Saints 20 minutes would be enough to put yourself at ease.
He reached out for you but you were already moving to leave, leaving him hanging in his chambers with a look of sorrow on his face.
Your feet dragged you to your chambers with little energy but much heaviness. The Summoner blue gown and kefta hanging on the door were glued to your gaze as you debated even going to the fete.
Within a span of 10 minutes, Aleksander had somehow managed to overwhelm you to the point of a lingering breakdown. You weren't sad or angry or jealous, you were overwhelmed, your mind was blank yet full and it made you want to cry. The stress of the last couple of days did not help either.
But alas you got yourself together, wiping the lone tears away and putting on your fete attire. It was heavy and comforting, like an armor ready to be destroyed as you entered the battlefield. The foreign diplomats were to meet you today and bring word back to their home countries about the Witch, the Deputy Commander of Ravka's Grisha Army and you would look the part too.
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You held your head high and radiated the most powerful energy you could muster while you walked to the makeshift throne room before the official start of the fete. She was sitting there next to the King looking every part of a Lantsov Queen.
The crown settled on her head nicely and looked to be of perfect fit as you approached her, curtseying and making pleasant conversation. It was draining to listen to her empty stories in anticipation of what you knew was coming. In a shocking reality however, you had no idea what she was really thinking and neither did Aleksander, or Genya, or anybody.
It wasn't until she grabbed your wrist tight in her hold and made you kneel next to her in the empty room did you freeze and crumble beneath her. The King was watching eagerly with his head held high and a smirk on his face. In that moment all you were was their subject and she was the Queen, commanding a commander. You were no General, or Grisha, or high ranking officer. You were simply a girl who held their eyes for too long. A girl who was not simple but regal.
It was nothing short of debilitating. The facade crumbling and crashing to the ground with silent thuds while the words stuck in your head like a pulsing bee sting.
'We wish for you to marry my son, my dear Nikolai'
Part 21
Shockerrrrr I know but don’t worry for those who haven’t read the novels, I will not be introducing Nikolai as a character. Maybe I will when I decide to move this to AO3 but not as of right now.
Taglist (tell me if you want to be added to the Little Witch taglist!!)
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess @lunas1x1 @adoringb @grisha-of-shadow-bone @rosiethefairy
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vroomvroomkachowboi · 4 years
The Gift of Magi
smut, fluff, angst: fluff ig
pairing: draco malfoy x reader (fem)
word count: 1.8k (1897 specifically) 
summary: it’s valentine’s day soon, y/n decides to sell something to get draco a gift, since she’s poor, she sells a valuable item to buy him something,  and draco’s gift relates to the item she sold  (this is based off of that one christmas story “the gift of magi”, except its valentine’s day and draco is obviously not poor)
warning: i think curse words, and i barely proofread my one shots so, and math sort of   
a/n: i hope y’all know what story i’m talking about because then it would be embarrassing for me lmao. (if you’re confused just search up mickey’s once upon a christmas, you’ll probably recognize it) omg the amount of math i had to do for this one shot is ridiculous,  but i’m actually really proud of this, also he won’t be very draco-like 
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Valentine’s Day would be a lot sooner than later. The day of love would be here in 2 days and Y/n still needed to buy a gift for Draco, her boyfriend. Unfortunately, she was just as poor as the Weasley family. She felt bad, Draco loved to spoil her even on regular days, since the Malfoy’s were filthy rich. She just wanted for their first Valentine’s day to be perfect, she almost couldn’t send him anything during winter break. He, however, sent her many gifts that she wasn’t expecting. She just knew Draco was going to spoil the shit out of her for Valentine’s Day.
Thankfully it was Saturday, and she could go into Hogsmeade, and fortunately for her, Draco had to stay at Hogswarts to study for an important test in potions class, which gave her some time to go and look for a gift. The first place she’d go is to Honeydukes, she’ll buy him his favorite candy first and see how much money she’ll have left over and find him a suitable and cheap present.
When she arrives at Hogsmeade, she runs into Honeydukes and begins collecting all his favorite candies, she paid for them and left, trying to find a store that sold a good enough gift for her boyfriend. From the corner of her eye, she saw it.
The perfect gift for Draco.
Her friend had told her about a new jewelry shop at was right by Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop. She walks over the window to get a closer look. On display, at the window, she stared at the ring. A silver snake ring. It had a real Victorian style, the snake would loop around his finger 3 times, each scale was defined from the tip of the tail, to it’s end of it’s face, and the snake had emerald eyes. It was truly meant for Draco.
Her heart dropped when she looked at the price. 150 galleons?! How would she afford the ring, she only had 20 galleons left, and she had to save it for a while, where would she get 130 galleons?
She began to fidget with her necklace. A habit she did when she was nervous. It was a gorgeous minimal gold necklace with a moon on it. She found it on the street when she was younger when she visited the muggle world as a trip. Draco loved it as much as she did.
Coincidentally she saw a sign at the window saying “We buy jewelry as well!”, the idea popped into her head at that moment.
She walked in and saw the beautiful jewelry around her, she never got to go into stores like these since she barely had any money, she became so distracted in the beautiful earrings on display, that she didn’t notice a middle-aged woman standing right next to her, not until the lady cleared her throat for her attention.
“Hello, young lady. How may I help you today? Looking for something in particular?” The lady spoke in her strong London accent. Y/n blushed in embarrassment. “Yes. I’m getting a present for my boyfriend. I saw the sign, and I want to sell this,” She said, unclasping her necklace, and handing it over to the lady. The lady put her glasses on, which made her eyes look twice as large, as she inspected Y/n’s necklace. With a wave of her wand, the lady tested for real gold in her necklace. The woman looked at her necklace for a good minute before looking back up at Y/n.
“It is real gold. I will give you 140 galleons for this.” The lady said. Y/n eyes widen. That was a lot of money! She didn’t even know that she had something so expensive hanging around her neck for so long. For a moment, Y/n thought about saying no, but she thought about how perfect the ring would be for Draco and said yes. The lady handed her 140, giving her in total, 160 galleons.
“Is that all I can do for you miss?” The lady asked. “Uh, I saw that snake ring in the window. I’d like to buy it please.” Y/n said to her. The lady opened up a cabinet on her side of the table. “Size?” She asks. Y/n tells her Draco’s ring size and pays her the 150 galleons. Leaving her with 10 galleons left over, she leaves Hogsmeade and goes back to Hogwarts to prepare Draco’s gifts.
Valentine’s Day finally arrived. Draco had his owl send Y/n a letter, telling her to meet him at Astronomy Tower after the end of classes. She waited all day to see her boyfriend, unfortunately, they didn’t have any classes together, but he did say hello in the morning, and they both pecked before telling each other “Happy Valentine’s Day”.
But finally, the end of the day came, and Draco and Y/n planned on eating their favorite foods and exchange gifts at the Astronomy Tower. She ran out her final class, and into her dorm. She wanted to get all dolled up for the date, she did her makeup and put on a cute and date-worthy outfit, since it was a date and Draco was always dressed up in one of his black suits. Finally, she put on an outfit she felt and looked good in and she knew Draco would also enjoy it too.
She went up the spiral staircase that led up to the tower, Draco was there, leaning on the railing, wearing his all black suits. She let her presence be known as she ran up the stairs, Draco saw his girlfriend’s head pop up and smiled.
Before they said anything, Y/n ran up to Draco, and threw her arms around his neck, embracing him in a bear hug, he returned it by wrapping his arms around her waist. One of his hands made it’s way up to pet her hair, “Hey love, happy Valentine’s Day.” He whispers. She let go of his a little to face him but connected her lips with his, which he immediately kissed her back, holding her face with one of his cold, large hands.
“Come sit, darling. I brought you’re favorite, y/f!” He says and lets go of her. He sits on the large blanket he brought, and she sat on the opposite end, with their foods sitting between them. They talked and laughed for a while, until he brought up the topic of gifts. “Can I go get my present for you, my love?” She nods. He gets up and grabs something from a dark corner. He pulled out a huge teddy bear, a box of all her favorite candies, and a bouquet of all her favorite flowers.
She knew it. Draco did go all out for her, she can’t say she surprised. “Awe thank you, Draco! Wow, you didn’t have to get me so much.” She says. “But I wanted to darling. I love to spoil you, the look on your face is all worth it. Plus I don’t mind, I have plenty of money.” He says back. She gets up and grabs Draco’s hands, kissing both of them. “Thank you, I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.”
She saw Draco’s heart melt right there, she kissed him before he said something cheesy. As always, Draco puts his skinny pale hand to her face when they were kissing, something she always loved. “I love you.” He says as he pulls back. “I love you too, Dray.” She says, smiling at him.
He looks down at her outfit, “I forgot to mention, that I liked your outfit love. You walked in, and I thought I saw an angel.” She laughed at his words. “Thanks, baby. But enough with the cheesy compliments.” They both laughed at her words. “I didn’t get you as much as you got me, I only got you 2 things.” She pulls out her purse, pulling out all the sweets she bought at the shop. His eyes lighten up. “Awe love, you got all my favorites in here!” He thanks her and puts the baggie of candy down on the blanket with the food.
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Uh, wait. I thought you said 2 gifts?” He questions. Pulling out the box containing the ring, she hands it to him. “I really hope you like it. I almost couldn’t get my hands on it. I saw it at Hogsmeade when you were studying for the potions test. I saw it at the window, and I thought, ‘that was made for Draco.’” She says, suddenly feeling nervous about Draco if liked the gift she got him.
Draco smiled as he pulls the ribbon, and opened the box. He gasped and looked at her, and back the ring. He grabs the ring and slipping onto his left ring finger. “Oh Merlin, Y/n. I love it! But it looks expensive, how much was it?” He questions, suddenly curious since he knew she was just as poor as Weaslebee.
“I sold my necklace for it. I didn’t even know my necklace cost 140 galleons! I wanted to make our first Valentine’s Day perfect...” As she rambled on about the necklace and ring, Draco’s smile dropped, and Y/n noticed it. “What’s wrong, Dray? I know you liked the necklace but I did it for you.” Draco didn’t say anything, only to pull out a white rectangular box from the inner pocket of his jacket.
He hands it to her, and she opened it skeptically. Now she knew why he was so upset. To match her necklace, Draco brought her gold star dangling earrings and gold charm bracelet with the planets. Y/n didn’t know whether to be happy or upset, she loved her gift, but now she felt dumb for using her necklace to buy his ring. “Shit, Draco. I don’t know what to say, I’m sorry.” She says, she couldn’t even look him in the eyes, just stared at the floor.
“Y/n, I understand you don’t have that much money, you don’t need to buy me expensive gifts for you to show your love to me. I already know you do, I would’ve been content with the sweets. I love the ring though, I was just really surprised.” He says and uses his hand to get her to look at him. Her eyes were watery, she was at the verge of tears. “I just wanted to make our Valentine’s day perfect. You spoil me so much, I just wanted to do it in return.”
He whispers a “It’s okay darling, come here.” And pulls her in for a hug. She returns it back, just wanting to feel his arms around her. “I was gonna gift you this,” She pulls back to pull out her wand and whispers, “Accio photograph.” In just a second or two, a framed photo landed in her hand. Draco grabbed it and look at it.
It was a photo of them two the first month they started dating, they made silly faces and laughed in the photo, Draco smiled at the memory. “Awe, darling, I love it!” He says, throwing his arms around her. She does the same and apologizes again. “Don’t you worry, my love. I’ll just buy it back, for you.” He whispers and pulls his head back a little to kiss Y/n. “I love you, happy Valentine’s Day darling.”
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recklessmark · 4 years
chapter four: you’re my first kiss
—from DISCRETION series
Summary: you incidentally met a notorious CEO and your gut told you that you must claim this man. and even the fact that he’s engaged to someone else didn’t stop you from achieving what you want.
Pairings: CEO! Mark x Designer! Reader
Warnings: none
Words: 1520
—previous: chapter three-i love him forever, is it better than you yet?
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“I come to see Y/N.”, it’s a familiar voice.
Alicia turns around, she hesitantly speaks to the man. “Sorry, Y/N is really busy. You can tell me if there’s a problem.”
She knows Mark Lee is not someone she can get involved with but you’re now looking like a corpse, nothing different from Ursula from The Little Mermaid. If she lets anyone see you like this, you will definitely murder her and cut her body into pieces. Moreover, you’re drained, Mark is the powder with a fuse like you, just add some friction, this whole studio will utterly explode.
Mark is getting too impatient now, taking advantage of Alicia thinking about the situation, he passes her to directly open your office door.
“Wait! No-“, Alicia sighs, silently collecting her stuff, in case that you’ll fire her.
Closing the door, Mark’s eyebrows tighten as he sees plenty pieces of wedding dress fabric on the turfed carpet. There’re some mannequins wearing lavish wedding gowns.
You ignore the sudden noise in your room, continue tucking your face in your paper sketch. You’re in a rush, this is the last dress, you have to complete it in time.
“Ali, grab me a black coffee cup, I definitely can stay up all night.”
Mark quietly leans on the doorframe, listens to your demand. You feel something weird, Alicia always do things immediately, why she hasn’t left yet, neither speaking up.
You angrily yell, “God just fucking go out!”
“You’re getting mad at me?”
You froze at your seat, your dark-circle eyes widen, not even dare to look up. With this appearance, you will be traumatized with embarrassment if you raise your head. You instantly open a drawer of your working desk, finding sunglasses and a mask, putting them on before standing up.
“Wow, Mr Lee has time to visit me huh?”
Mark weirdly looks at you, and steps forward. You anxiously make two steps backward, “Mark, if you need to say something just say it. No need to be this close.”
Normally, you’re like magnet whenever you see him, worry that someone will be faster than you even for a second. But now you’re trying to make a distance from him. Also wearing sunglasses and face mask indoor, he wonder do all designers act like this?
“Take them off.”
You chuckle nervously, “To preserve the prettiest image of me in your mind, we should better talk like this.”
But who is Mark Lee? He will follow what you said?
Seeing Mark doesn’t back off, you’re getting more and more frantic, and your body surely can not bear his. He quickly spreads his arm out, firstly the glasses, pitifully laying on the carpet.
“Y/N, you...”
You sigh, taking your mask off, revealing the exhausted face. “What do you want? I don’t have time.”
Mark feels something hurt in his chest. He finally can see an arrogant person like you being like this but he can’t find a hint of happiness. “I can’t call you. Where’s the dress? You’re gonna ruin the wedding by letting the bride be naked huh?”
Your face lights up like you’ve just found another universe. You didn’t think about that but now you will consider whether you should do it.
Your eyes wander around the room, your index finger points at a silver suitcase in the corner. “Over there, come have a look yourself.”
He glances at you and then walks towards the suitcase, unlocks it.
You actually put a lot of efforts into that dress, even the material is super pricey. Although it takes a lot of money and time but you are satisfied with the result, you didn’t make it for Kim Yeri, you made it because Mark asked.
“You like it? My competency is way better than you anticipated right?”, you cockily say.
“Right, very good.”, he nods.
You’re surprised, Mark never praised you like that. Staring into oblivion, a shadow lands onto your figure, you snap back to reality. Looking up, your face is now an inch from Mark’s. His fingers tilt your chin up, “I didn’t see you a few days, you missed me to even turn out like this huh?”, he sighs.
You giggle, decide to get along with his joke. “Right, and you have to take responsibility for me.”
You think it was just a simple joke, there’s no way Mark would accept that stupid accusation.
“Okay!”, he nods, seriousness glinting in his eyes.
Your mind has just been blown away by his simple ‘okay’, “No more joking, I have lots of work to do, if there’s nothing else you can go”. You move away from the hand on your chin, walking towards the sewing machine to finish your work.
“When will you be done?”, he checks his watch.
You stop a bit, look at the watch on your wrist to estimate the time. “If you stop irritating me, probably before this afternoon.”
“Alright, I’ll wait.”
A warm feeling fills up your chest, except of Alicia, no one has said they would wait for you, and the potential reason for that is none of them can actually wait.
Marks takes his phone out, decides to call Yeri.
Yeri picks up the call without hesitation when the contact’s name appears on her phone. She’s been worrying when Mark told her he was coming to your place to see the wedding dress.
“Yeri, I’m busy today. I’ll bring the dress to you tomorrow, bye.”
Yeri has a lot of things to say but the things she heard were two sentences and the sound of the ring-off call. Her face displays an unbelievable look, she frantically messages you.
Alicia sees your phone brightens up, a message appears. She frowns, it’s from a stranger, after thinking a little bit she decided to bring the phone for you. She wants to know what’s happening inside too, the curiosity is kicking in her.
Knock! Knock!
“No one can come in! Go!”
Alicia deadly heard Mark’s voice, she stomps on her feet, confusingly speaks up.
“Y/N! Someone texted you she wanted to send you her paintings. Can I answer for you?”
With a speed of light, you run to the door, snatch your phone from Alicia’s hand and mumble a quick “thank you” before slamming the door shut. Alicia is so confused now, she didn’t even a see a single thing and you already closed the door. She’s getting more curious now, wondering what are you doing inside that she can’t see.
You smirk, the messages are continuously blowing up your phone. Until the phone stops vibrating, you speak to Mark. “Your fiancé really wants to control you that much huh? She even demanded to see me, why do I feel like we are cheating on her?”
He glances at you, lets you continue talking.
“Shut your phone down.”
“For what.”
“She’s calling you.”
He doubtfully comes to take your phone,
[10:26am] you: “I’m not being with Y/N, don’t bother her.”
His feeling for you is going up day by day. You did that to make Yeri think both Mark and you are playing with her, didn’t you? As you expected, his phone rings few seconds later. You quickly pick it up, also on the speaker mode.
“Mark! Why did you lie to me? You’re with Y/N, aren’t you? What are you doing with her? You want to cancel our wedding right? Fine, I’ll do it myself!”, her voice sounds angry.
You smile in satisfaction, she’s threatening Mark? Who she thinks she is? He slightly shakes his head, hang up the call and sit back again. He keeps Yeri besides him that long cause he thinks she knows how to behave. Many people want Mark but they’re all not as fortunate as her. All of a sudden, you just appear out of nowhere, smarter, prettier, more talented, more prominent than her. She certainly doesn’t want to lose everything. Everything she did few minutes ago has just blown all good impressions of her in Mark. He now only wants to push that girl far away from him as much as he can, he doesn’t know if he can control himself not to get furious at her.
You look at Mark’s no-emotion face, tracing his jawline with your hand.
“Baby? Don’t get mad okay? The wedding is carefully planned, I even made a beautiful dress like that. You can not cancel it.”
Mark suddenly pulls you down by your arm, a second later you feel something wet on your lips. He kisses you, his tongue licks your lips delicately. You can only squeeze your eyes shut, feeling the tender kiss on your lips.
He only pulls away when you’re dying for air, you collapse in his embrace. “You kiss so bad, don’t tell me you’ve never kissed someone.”
You stand up again, “You’re the first one I ever kissed.”, you honestly say.
Although you do have a lot of ex boyfriends but you never went beyond holding hands or hugging. Mark Lee is the first person you allow to cross the barrier. But little do you know, when he heard he’s your first kiss, he wants to actually cross the barrier even more.
Mark grabs your waist, pushing you down to sit on his lap.
“What’s now Mark? I haven’t finished my work.”
“You can work later. Now answer me, no one has fucked you right?”, he stares into your wide-opened eyes.
—next: chapter five-distraction
taglist: @nuoyii @jjikyuu @generantionct @keemburley @skrtbeepbeep @sunshinedhyuck @jenotation
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tinyyoungblood · 4 years
romance, eh? | peter parker
summary: it’s the broken main characters typeshi where they don’t think they deserve love, but over the course of the movie, they help each other and fall in love. football fields and late night drives. it’s kinda cute
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pairing: peter parker x reader
trope: best friends to lovers
warning: language, very fluffy
a/n: i’ve resurrected from the dead, waddup <3
* * *
You were sat at the porch of your house, tossing rocks down the driveway and watching them skip toward a puddle. The sound of splashing water was the only source of entertainment as you were seemingly the only person alive in this town. When you realized that you had finally run out of stones to throw, you considered hurling the gnome down the driveway but decided against it and instead, patted your pockets in an attempt to locate your phone. To your surprise, it started ringing the second you held it in your palm. Peter’s name flashed boldly across the screen, illuminating your face. You answered the call and stood up.
“Where the hell are you?”
Loud rustling was on the other side of the line, and you squinted down the road in search of any approaching cars.
Finally, his familiar voice rang through the phone’s speakers. “Y/N, fuck, I’m—ow.” You heard a car door shut, and a string of curse words lingered at the tip of your tongue.
“Oh God, you’re not telling me you’re still at home, are you? Please tell me, you just closed the door to get out of your car and not in.” Absolute silence followed, and you could practically see him sit still like a deer caught in headlights. A beat followed before he replied carefully.
“What if I tell you I just entered a very sketchy dance battle in the middle of the forest and now it takes me 10 to 15, maybe even 20 minutes, to kick ass and get out of here?”
You took a deep breath and dragged your feet back to the porch, shunning it with a glare. “Parker, I swear to God, if I hear you turn on the engine right now, I’m going to set your Star Wars collection on fire.”
You heard him mumble something on the other side of the line, but were only able to pick out a soft “not cool”. The clanking of keys occurred next and before you knew it, the engine was yanked to life, making you groan loudly. “I hate you.”
You heard him set the phone down with a chuckle, switching to speaker. “I’ll get over it. Just don’t touch my Star Wars.”
You slumped back on the porch and grimaced at the spider web hanging above your head. Scooting away from it, you let your back hit the wooden ground, phone still pressed against your ear. “Just hurry up,” You murmured, defeat and exhaustion instilling a softness in your voice. He cooed at you.
“Don’t worry, I know there’s never any parking space on Thursdays, but I’ll run all the way from the parking lot to your house. Actually, I’ll start running the second this car is parked—no, wait, I’ll start running while I’m still in the car—”
“Peter,” you cut him off, knowing he could go on forever but still somehow end up not coming at all. “Just drive safely, okay? I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Fine,” he replied, “but I’ll have you know that I have now stomped two holes into the car’s floor to get to you Flintstone style. That’s the dedication we’re working with here.” A subtle click followed, signaling that he had ended the call.
Light laughter bubbled over your lips, and you shook your head at your best friend’s words. He was a dumbass, but at least he could make you laugh. One of the many reasons, you adored him. The rest of your life could be spent listing off the other reasons, but even in the afterlife, you wouldn’t be halfway done. You didn’t bother to sit up, opting to just lay on your back until either he would arrive or a passer-by would mistake you for a corpse and call the police. Whatever came first.
The next few minutes were waste of time. Now and then, a glance would be cast at the display of your phone, but that was really how far it went with the physical activity. For all Peter knew, you could’ve been dead when he finally arrived, dashing toward you like a maniac chased by the Holy Spirit. “Y/N?” He skidded to a halt and breathed hard. “You alive?” You felt him poke your side with his finger. Too drowsy to react, you simply lifted your hand and gave him a thumbs up. A grin swept over his lips, and he bent down to scoop you up, coaxing a sign of life out of you as you squealed but almost immediately after melted into his chest.
He chuckled and carried you to his car. “Hello to you too, baby.”
You forced an eye open. “Took you long enough.”
Shrugging, he cocked his head to the side and lifted the corner of his mouth. “Oh, you know, some girl was babbling my ear off while I was on my way here. Really messed up my schedule.” He pretended to scowl at you, and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Seems like she didn’t do her job right.” You tucked at his earlobe, and he grimaced. “Such a bummer. You could’ve totally pulled off the Van Gogh look.”
He let you down into the passenger seat, shutting the door for you and setting his crossed arms on the rolled-down car window. “Oh yeah? You got a thing for dead artists now?” His face was in a twist, and you found yourself rolling your eyes again.
“I got a thing for guys who value punctuality,” you replied pointedly, and Peter let out a loud laugh. Leaning down, he came to an eye-level with you.
“Good thing, that’s not me then, am I right.” He winked and walked over to the driver’s side. In a second, he was seated next to you and reversing out of the parking lot, head turned to look behind him while his arm was holding onto the back of your seat. You took the second of concentration to take in his features. When he caught you staring, a smug smile raised to his lips, but you were quick to smack his chest with the back of your hand.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I was just checking if you had a black eye or at least a broken nose,” you said and ignored the way he cocked his brow.
“Thanks?” His eyes flickered between you and the road. “I gotta tell you, that’s a very sadistic love language you speak, but I’ll take it.”
You shot him a glare. “How else do you want to explain being 40 minutes late if it wasn’t being robbed by a biker gang and left in a ditch?”
“My answer was lack of time management by birth, but your excuse does sound far cooler.”
“Well, sadly, there’s no biker gang.” You heaved a sigh of exhaustion. “Otherwise, I would’ve gladly let them de-ball you.”
Peter cackled at your words, shaking his head before reaching over to pat your knee. “And they say romance is dead. I bet they’ve never met a total sweetheart like you.”
You broke out into a grin and swiftly whipped around to stare outside the window. Deciding to roll it up to stop the fidgeting of your hands, Peter made it his mission to choose the perfect song for your little drive. When the song “Midnight City” came up, he stopped and turned to you while wigging his brows obnoxiously. Pointing to the time on the upper corner of the car’s display, he awaited your reaction. It was five minutes past midnight.
You sighed. “Peter…”
“Oh, shut it, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, morphing the pout on his face into a matching smirk. “You know,” he spoke up, still staring ahead, “Sometimes I wonder why I’m even friends with you if you never appreciate my genius.” He gestured to his face, and you snorted.
Your eyes caught a brown bag that was sitting at your feet. “I’m here to keep your ego from exploding, I thought we’ve already gone over this—hey, what’s this?”
Peter glanced at you. “Booze.” He said it so casually you barely wondered how he got a hold of it. “You told me to get the good stuff, remember?”
Frowning, you leaned forward and tried to catch his gaze. His eyes flickered to yours. “What?”
“Since when is the good stuff not chocolate?”
He contemplated your words for a second before pulling a face. “Oh. Well, you wanted to bitch about our sucky love lives, so I assumed that involved liquor.” He shrugged. “To make it less excruciatingly painful, you know.” Eyeing the bottle in your hand, you pursed your lips, oblivious to Peter’s pleading look to just go with it. You hadn’t an idea what he had to go through just to swipe that bottle.
“I guess,” you finally replied and screwed off the cap to take a big gulp, feeling the liquid burn down your throat. Raising the bag, you flashed him a big smile. “Off to our voyage!”
He mirrored it, also raising his fist in the air. “Off to the deserted island named football field.”
- - - - -
“So what’s got your love life in a twist?” Peter asked casually while biting a piece off his sour belt. Within the past hour, the two of you had consumed a considerate amount of alcohol but had yet to experience feeling fatally wasted. A slight haze had infiltrated your senses, but that was really it. You both were still perfectly capable of having a proper conversation.
“You mean my panties?”
“Huh?” He narrowed his eyes in deep thought. “Oh, you want to talk about your underwear. Yeah, I guess that’s fine too.”
“No, you meant my panties are in a twist.” He turned to look at you.
“Why would your panties be in a twist? Do you want me to untwist them?” Slowly, the corner of his mouth curved into a not-so-subtle smirk, and you fought hard to keep a straight face.
“I really do hate you, Parker.”
He grinned back at you. “Means I must be doing something right, huh.”
Choosing to ignore his words, your gaze traveled the dark night sky above, littered with endless sparkling white dots. Peter mirrored your action, letting comfortable silence settle in, as the two of you continued to lay next to each other on top of the roof of his car.
“I don’t know,” you responded after a while. You felt him look the side of your face, but you forced yourself to fix your gaze on anything other than your best friend beside you, your fingers fiddled with one another in your lap. “I guess I just haven’t caught anybody’s eyes yet. No one really likes me, you know.”
“I like you.”
“You know what I mean, Peter.”
“Yeah,” you sighed and took up the courage to meet his eyes. They weren’t holding any trails of pity like excepted. Instead, you gazed into nothing but a loving pool of honey that ignited clouds of warmth to swirl in your stomach. He looked at you in a way you couldn’t quite place, and you had to force yourself to look away, just barely missing the glint of disappointment as you broke the eye contact. You shrugged, an unsure smile gracing your lips. “Somebody will come along, I’m sure. Maybe at a hot dog stand. Hot dog stands are reliable, right?”
The tone in your voice, lacing your words like grapevine, was poisonous, making the boy beside you sit up and pull you right along. Your poor attempt of self-assurance didn’t sit right with Peter, but you didn’t feel like confronting it just yet, and he knew that. So, he tried to catch your gaze, and given that you had no other choice but to look at one of the most important people in your life, you dropped your shoulders and gave in. You simply stared at each other in silence, seemingly waiting for the other one to crack first. The serious situation quickly shifted into a comedic but intense stare battle and before you knew it, you were pulling faces at each other.
You were pretty certain, the alcohol in your system did not contribute a thing to it, but eventually, even the two of you would fall victim to it as you already felt it tuck at some loose strings. And Peter being Peter, he spoke up first.
“If neither of us cracks any time soon, we will both look like fools who escaped a mental institution and are roleplaying as Harley Quinn and the Joker.”
And just like that, laughter bubbled over your lips, prompting a face-splitting smile to dance on his lips while his eyes were staring at you like you had created all good in the world. It quickly turned into heartfelt laughter and once he joined in, it only made you laugh harder.
Your eyes drifted until they met those familiar honey ones again. The ones you have known since childhood, and the ones you had stared into one too many times tonight. And suddenly the entire world was encased into an incredulously large pool of amber that you never wanted to leave. It made sense. It just clicked, and suddenly the riddle was complete.
And the best part about it all was that you knew he felt the same way. He had never been an easy book to read, not even when you were children, but that night, in the middle of the football field, you could read him like he was your favorite poem. Each line and metaphor were as clear as the sky. Without having acknowledged it much, your face had grown closer in proximity with his. So, when he decided to speak, his voice was a hushed whisper. The alcohol easily fanning over your lips in waves.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” He inched closer, nose bumping against yours while his gaze danced between your lips and your eyes. “To find out how your lips feel on mine.”
His words caused newfound confidence to surge through your veins. The corner of your mouth quirked into a smirk, and you leaned forward. Lips brushing against his when you spoke. “I can put it on my to-do list if you want to know so badly.”
He chuckled, hand reaching up to cup your cheek while the other slid across your back. “Baby, you don’t understand how badly I want to know.”
He pressed his lips against yours, and immediately you sunk into the pool of amber. But you could taste more than just alcohol. There were honey and warmth. The way he made you feel—the way he had always made you feel all along, even in the most platonic ways. When cracking jokes or during shared detention. There had always been clouds of sweetness and joy surrounding you whenever he was near, but now that you had finally acquired the taste, you were addicted. You were making out with your best friend, and you loved everything about it. His arms tightened around you as you caressed his heated cheeks. They traveled to the back of his neck, threading through the curls of his hair, and pressing him closer to you.
When it was time to break away, you nibbled on his bottom lips, reluctantly parting, but still remaining close as his forehead rested against yours. He stared into your eyes with a whimsical smile while he tried to catch his breath. “Do you still hate me?”
You chuckled. “You know what, Parker?” Shaking your head, you tried to catch the train of thought you were losing just by gazing into his eyes. “Just a little bit.”
* * *
it’s 4 am here, and i’m pretty sure i’m sleeping as i’m typing this lol i had way too much fun with the dialogue. let me know what you think! as always, thank you so much for reading 💞 have a sweet one, guys x
taglist: @honeypie-holland @himarisolace @duskholland @insidiousslut @siriuslyslyslytherin @quaksonhehe @geminiparkers @writertoo18 @fl0ating @luwloki @missnxthingg @hufflepuffhollander @dummiesshort @itstaskeen @nerdyandproudofitsstuff @totallyfangirling7177 @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @starlight-starks @fire1ordzuzu @parkerlovebot @parkerlovebot @ethereal-beauty-p​ @theweekendss @tom-hlover @peterspideysstuff @miraclesoflove @prettysbliss @fancyxparker @tom-hlover @blossomparkers 
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fvrxdrm · 4 years
.•*Friends to Lovers on Holidays with Leon Kennedy*•.
New Year, New Life
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Pairing: Modern!Leon x GN!Reader
Warning(s): None
On New Year's Eve, you reflected. You took a moment to acknowledge your achievements and see how far you’d come in the last twelve months. You saw the emotional progress, the focusing on the relationships that really mattered to you. You saw your efforts to make this world a better place. You dwelled on the positive thoughts, let them soak in a little deeper, then took a deep and relaxing breath. The New Year could come. Then you start over, building a new layer upon the foundational achievements that came before.
“Hey, you okay?” Your friend, Leon, spoke as he handed you a bottle of beer he had snatched from a box full of beverages cooled by ice. “You’re surprisingly silent today.”
You turned your head around and grabbed the drink he had gotten you before going back to leaning against the cool metal ledge you had relaxed upon while waiting for Leon. 
“Yeah, just, you know, thinking about...stuff.” You took a swig of your beer, letting out a sigh of contentment as the mixture of bitterness and slight sweetness hit your tongue. Leon crumpled his eyebrows together and put on a teasing smile before commenting on your reply and gulping down his own drink.
“It’s New Year and you’re still thinking about stuff?”
“Well, they’re not bad. I was just thinking about how far I’ve come now in saving the world and all that stuff. Shit’s calmed down now, you know.” The two of you went silent for a minute, observing the cars and lights that were exhibited below you and practically ignoring the party that was going on behind you until Leon broke the quietude by laughing a bit too loud.
“You’re fucking cheesy, man,” He spoke in between breaths before quaffing a small amount of his beer. You nudged him.
“Hey! You’re cheesier than me, Kennedy.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Fuck, yeah!”
“Prove it.”
“’Where’s everyone going? Bingo?’ Shut the fuck up, you fucking Oompa Loompa.” Instead of faking being offended, he laughed harder at your terrible impersonation of him and at the weird fucking nickname you just gave him.
“First of all, that impression was horrible as fuck. Second of all, Oompa Loompa? Seriously?” He clutched his stomach in pain as he controlled his breathing after his laughter had became a tad bit tamed and stared at you with so much humor in his eyes.
“What? I can’t think of anything else to call you.”
“Mhm, yeah, sure... But I gotta admit though, you’re right. We haven’t been on a mission this year. Think everybody has given up?” 
Since the New York and Louisiana incident back in 2017 (you only heard about what happened with the Baker’s family through Chris’ report), bioterrorism almost didn’t exist from then up until 2019 and when 2020 came, it just disappeared out of nowhere like people actually fucking finally realized that making biological weapons and shit just aren’t gonna do anything to improve the world. Y’all need to have some X-genes or something to become something almost inhumane and supernatural.
“Hopefully. I think they learned that we kick asses hard, right?” You said, hitting his upper arm playfully with your elbow while doing so. He chuckled.
It was then when no words were exchanged between the two of you that the countdown started and everybody’s attention was focused where explosions were expected to be displayed, their synchronized voices echoing through the evening air as they yelled numbers in a backward manner.
He averted his stare from the ground to you...
He slowly stepped closer to you...
He contemplated...
He finally decided to just man up and do it...
He gently gripped your chin with his thumb and forefinger...
He turned your head towards his...
He leaned closer to you...
You both closed your eyes...
You both stopped midway and took in each other’s fragrances and the way your breaths sent a shiver down your spines...
Your lips pressed against the other...
Fireworks cut through the black behind you like they were super-imposed on the night, like the stars behind were only a backdrop brought in for the occasion. Every streak bared a curve of sorts, brilliant lines with a living feel, organic in the way they grow. They burned with impatience, everything at the speed of a camera flash. They sent hot sparks into the cool evening air, soaring until they were extinguished to nothingness.
It felt like a year when you pulled away when in reality, it was only less than a minute, and when you saw each other’s faces again, you both lit up with a smile, your hands holding each other as you welcomed the start of a brand new life where new beginnings and adventures would sure come and surprise you all.
“Happy New Year, Y/N.”
“Happy New Year, Leon.”
New Years’ Eve celebrations were a chance to reflect upon the future, to see each year before we morph into the next and to think about the trajectory we were all on. And now that you had done it all, you were ready to wrap 2020 up and bring the lessons you had from then to 2021...
Another rushed one lol. But I hope you guys had a good year even with all that’s going on in the world right now and I wish you guys a happy New Year.
Stay safe yall!
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