#guys simon has pet fish
evanescencelovrr · 4 days
this is part 2 of my college!simon idea :) enjoy! feel free to like comment & reblog.
Simon mumbled and grunted. He was heaved over the barstool of the Bistro, finished a long day of studies and classwork. A.D, B.C, blueprints of Greek palaces and Knossos rebuilding—my ass. He thought in annoyance, brows slashes down in a glare, rough eyes peering out from his balaclava mask. A girl beside him eyed his mask to which he stared, biting into his sandwhich.
All around the Bistro had calmed down, a few people in and out. Simon always took the seat closest to the exit, it was better for an escape—and he maintained situational awareness. Not only that, but he liked when he sat alone. His brooding form took over at least two seats.
“Bloody hell…the man took chicken outta chicken…” Simon said, staring at his sandwich in disgust. His eyes had widened by a fraction. He chewed the last bite before setting the stale sandwich down, already pissed they messed up his order. He shook his head in annoyance and then managed to catch you.
His head paused in its moment and he drank you in, hair illuminated by the dangling overhead lights. The warm light made your hair softer than usual, and you wore a flowy skirt, some boots and a buckled bag hang off your shoulder. Along with a tank top you’d managed to find in your laundry that wasn’t dirty.
Wait a minute. He’d seen you before. This was the lass that lived across from him. In that tiny corner of a “room,” your “dungeon” as he called it. His eyes narrowed as he watched you order your usual. He had no idea what it was but he was tempted to find out.
Only so he could get rid of whatever the hell he’d been ordering lately. After you received your ticket, you made your way to the opposite seating area away from him, hair flowing and following your movements.
“I keep seein’ that lass…tis a sign or wot?” He’d mumble, more so to himself. The plastic cup nudges his lips before he drank the water, washing away whatever chicken—fake chicken had been left.
Sometime later at night, he’d been walking down the pathway to his dorm. His hands were stuffed casually in his pockets, the sound of music blasting through his wired headphones was the only thing he was focused on. His boots crunched over pebbles, the gravely path taking a turn up a slope. The moon hung high and heavy in the sky.
It was then he caught wind of some laughter pouring out like champagne. Smooth, easy, flowing. Kind of like—you. There you stood, standing ahead and walking, just having finished dinner and on your phone, smiling widely. Your head was tilted up at the moon in amazement, talking about how you’d seen more balls than you cared to admit—
To which he cocked a brow curiously and carried on walking, although slightly slower this time. God. Maybe it was from all the training that weighed him down. He knew it was an excuse to eavesdrop more but to be fair: you piqued his interest. Ever since he’d seen you in that bathroom, hair tousled and half asleep.
“My damn window won’t shut.” He heard you complain, sighing as your head tipped down, focusing on the rocky path. You adjusted your bag, hair flowing. Some laughter sounded over the phone and then said, “Just get that masked man to do it, the one you been telling me about.”
Masked man?
Who else wore a looming skull mask in the dead of night? Him.
“No, absolutely not—I don’t even know him.” You said much quieter, eyes wide and lifting to peer around to see if anyone heard. It seemed like you didn’t know he was directly behind you, hanging a few feet back. He shuffled in his spot and for the first time in a while for the day, found his lip itching to grin. It was too easy. You seemed naive in the moment.
It also seemed apparent to him you’d been talking about him—to whoever friend it was over the phone. His finger tapped against his thigh, head cocking to the side curiously. Although he couldn’t blame you for doing so—lotta lassies fawned over him. He found himself disinterested though, unable to see himself in a relationship for the time being. Maybe it was the trauma, maybe it was the fact he preffered to be with his goldfish and venting to it, only to be returned with blobs of bubbles blowing out.
Just then, his boot crunched loudly on a twig and your head snapped around, hand clutching the phone. He stared, now pausing in his movements, as you were blocking his path. He watched as color drained from your face quite amusingly—and you fumbled to disconnect the phone call.
“Yeah, yeah, make sure to tell him what a nice ass—“
The phone cut off. Now both of you stood staring at each other.
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peachesofteal · 4 months
Simple Math / Part Fourteen
Simple Math masterlist
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Ghost/Soap/female reader 4.1k words - AO3 Warnings-tags: 18+ MDNI. Discussion of child loss/miscarriage and domestic violence. Oral sex - fem receiving, face sitting, Johnny is a menace as usual, Simon talks you through it, dirty talk, brief daddy kink, pet names. Nurse!reader, medical inaccuracies, feelings of fear and anxiety, PTSD. Dialogue heavy. Bunny making progress. What's in a name?
When you were a child, you got caught in a storm.
Getting caught in a storm as an adult is a normal thing. It’s not frightening and foreign like it is when you’re young. When you’re a child, storms feel like hurricanes. They feel life altering, life ending. With no concept of larger, or smaller storms, it’s hard to understand how you’d make it through the to the other side.
You remember this one vividly. Your mother was on her way to work, her night job, and you were clicked into the backseat, barely awake, staring out the rain pelted window. The wind was so strong it shook the car, blew it all over the road, your mom’s fingers like rebar gripping the wheel. It was terrifying. It was like you’d never be safe, like the wind would pick your entire world up and send it crashing down into a farm field that stretched a million miles long.
It felt, somewhat, like this moment, and hundreds of moments before it. Small thorns in a life that no longer felt like your own. A far cry from the dreams you had when you were that little girl.
The thorns, the storms, had twisted you into this version of yourself, this stranger, and that’s how you feel as you stand in front of Simon, cold panic crackling through your bones.  
Your mouth opens and closes without sound coming out. You’re a fish out of water, lips parting just to swallow dry air, eyes wider than saucers.
Penny cries in your arms, but Simon doesn’t move. Johnny doesn’t breathe, and you stand alone in the silence, baby vomit on your clothes, trembling in fear.
They won’t understand. They’ll know you’re a liar. They won’t trust you. 
They won’t want you.  
“It’s not… I arranged it months ago.” You blurt, words strung together in a stream of consciousness. “It’s not like, you can just go out and buy a new passport. It takes a while, and connections, and lots of hoops and money and I-“ Simon holds his hand up.
A signal to stop.
“Give me the baby.” He says, stepping forward, arms out, and your hands shake as you pass her over, avoiding eye contact until he tips your chin back. “Take a deep breath, go upstairs, get cleaned up. When you come back down, we’ll talk. Okay?” He looks to Johnny, who nods, and then back to you, expectantly waiting on your answer.
Simon still has the passport.
It’s in front of his knee, on the coffee table, but within arm’s reach, close enough he could snatch it up in moment’s notice.
“Were ye goin’ to leave us?” Johnny whispers, and you shake your head.
“No, I… it takes a while. I arranged it months and months ago, before I even met you.” Simon frowns.
“This is not a fake, it’s a real passport. How did you get it?” Oh, fuck. Your throat is as dry as paper, scratchy and stiff, and you force yourself to spit out a coherent sentence.
“I bought it… from a guy.” Brilliant. You sneak a glance at Johnny, who’s watching with a pink sheen on his cheeks, knuckles white against the arm of the couch. He looks upset, and guilt swamps you, worry over making him feel worse in his state eating away inside your heart.
“You know a guy who can get his hands on government issued documents?” Simon holds himself very still. Nearly a statue, his eyes never leave your face, and you move your hands under your thighs to try to stop their trembling.
There’s a familiar feeling building in your chest. A twisted, gnarled root of fear, growing deep. “I… it’s… no, he’s… I was referred to him, by someone else. He doesn’t even know my real name, I’m careful, I’ve-“
“Done this before.” Simon finishes, and your heart stops in your chest.
“Yes.” You whisper. How are they going to feel when they realize you’ve been lying to them about your name? You spiral, imagining the hurt flashing across their faces, the disappointment from Simon, the sadness from Johnny. “I use a new identity, when I move around.”
“Your name…”
“Isn’t my real one.” The admission stings, but that person doesn’t exist anymore. You haven’t been that happy, fulfilled, carefree girl in too long. You don’t know her. You don’t remember her.
She’s dead.
She’s a ghost.
“Will ye tell us? Yer real name?” Simon is thoughtful from where he sits on the chair, focused, as Johnny looks hopeful. They’re both looking at you with trust heavy in their eyes, and it gnaws, burns in your bones all the way through until your real name is slipping free with a whisper.
“That’s beautiful, bun.” Johnny murmurs sweetly, and they exchange a look, something stern etching across Simon’s brow before it drifts away.
“Do you want us to use it?” You shake your head.
“N-no, I… I’m not that girl… anymore. She’s long gone.” The room is silent, and you mull it over, toss it back and forth in your mind. You’re so disconnected from the person you were when you last felt whole, when you last felt real. How will you ever feel that way again?
Something flickers in Simon’s gaze. Something severe and almost sad, a storm in the middle of a sea, a little boat with nowhere to hide, and you get lost in it, lost in him, a million lives and a million emotions clouding the space between your bodies.
He swallows, and it’s gone.
“How does that work with your nursing license?” You blink, but you’re not surprised he knows to ask the one question that will undoubtedly unravel the rest of the threads. The biggest piece of the puzzle.
“I…” Fuck. Are you really going to do this? Are you doing this? 
Do you trust them? 
It’s not a question now, you know the answer. Know why it is you’ve been sleeping in their bed, helping with their baby, living in their house.
It’s more than trust.
“I had a friend in college. Dean.” You’re really doing this. “He was really smart, and really kind, and going places. We were on different paths, but we stayed in touch. As best we could… my ex didn’t really like me talking to… anyone.” Johnny’s fingers slide across the couch, hesitantly brushing your thigh, and it grounds you, calms you. “He became a fancy, big time lawyer. Like, really big time. One of the best in Texas,” Simon’s eyes narrow, head tilted as he stares at you, before it all flits away, and he returns to stasis, “possibly the country. He… he helped me.” You pause, unsure, and Johnny nods encouragingly.
“Helped ye how?”
“I’ve been running, had been running, for a while. Years. At one point, Dean got a judge in a different state to agree to change my name, my identity, everything, and then seal the record. It gave me a chance to disappear, a fresh start to build from. Or, I thought it did, anyway. My ex is… very determined, it didn’t take long for him to catch up.”
“So, your license…”
“Whenever I get a new job, I refer the HR department to my big fancy lawyer in Texas, and he makes sure my license is accepted and they understand the circumstances. I manage the rest… on my own. The turning over of a new identity- identification documents, passports, housing, everything.”
“Do they know anything about this?”
“No. I think they probably think I’m in witness protection or something, and per the court order, they can’t discuss the discrepancy with the name on the license to anyone in the hospital. Dean makes sure of that.” You laugh weakly, but Simon doesn’t, he only studies you, laser focused. “I can’t really have contact with him anymore, because it leaves too much… out in the open, but he’s a really good friend. The best.” Tears blur your vision as you think about Dean, remembering the way he stared at you the night you turned up on his doorstep.
You were so young then. So stupid. But he gave you best chance he could, and you’d always be grateful.
Johnny reaches for where your hand is shoved beneath your thigh, and lightly tugs until it’s in his grasp, warm and safe.
“An’ ye change yer identity every time?” You nod, lips tucking in over your teeth.
“That’s what the passport is for. In most places, a passport counts for both a birth certificate and identification card, so they don’t ask for a secondary. It’s the easiest to use.”
“You were preparing to run.” Simon murmurs.
“Before Johnny became my patient, I was getting ready to, yeah.”
“Why?” You take a deep breath, but your chest feels too tight. Fear is still dripping down the back of your throat, making your stomach sick, your hands tremble.
“I knew he was here.” The words break apart into a sob, and your eyes slam shut.
The next thing you know, you’re breathing into Johnny’s warm chest, a hand running up and down your back slowly.
“I don’t want to be scared anymore.” You cry, gasping. “I.. I’m scared all the time. I run all the time. I d-don’t even know who I am, without it. I don’t know how to be here, or be a normal person, or have a normal conversation.”
“Shhh, yer alright, pretty girl. It’s okay.” Johnny hums, and you feel his diaphragm vibrate as he soothes you.
“I want to be with you… but I don’t know how. I’m terrified he’ll come here and- and hurt you, or Penny. That it will be my fault, like everything else has.” You cry harder, chest aching, Simon’s hands closing around your shoulders and pulling you back to tilt your face up to the two of them.
“It’s not your fault, bunny. None of it, ever, has been your fault. Do you understand?” You shake your head no, because you don’t. You’re good at running, at hiding. You’ve made a new life over and over again by doing it, and getting caught is your fault, no matter what they say.
You slipped up. It could happen again. 
“You don’t understand. I… I should have left, after he found me in my apartment. I should have left.” It sticks in your mind, playing over and over again. “I sh-should have left, I shouldn’t be here, I-“ your vision tunnels.
“Okay, okay. Easy, sweetheart.” Simon tries to settle you, but everything is bubbling up and you feel like you’re going to explode, like your skin is too tight, like you’re falling apart, all at once.
There’s nothing left inside of you, nothing left to do.
You break.
Millions of miles of denial and fear and agony splinter, shattering into shards that destroy you from the inside out.
“He’s going to kill me.” Johnny curses something thick as you sob, palm flat over your racing heart. “He t-took everything. He made me into… into this, and it’s only a matter of time. He’s going to find me again, and he… he’s-“ He cups your cheek.
“Shhh, bunny. We’re here, we’re right here.”
“No, he’s not. Listen-“ you try to pull away but Johnny stops you, holding you firm as Simon ducks into your line of sight. “Listen to me. He’s never going to touch you again, do you understand? We will never let him near you, ever again. We promise.”
“You can’t pr-promise that.”  
“We can,” Simon vows, “but… we need to know everything. What we’re looking for, who he is.”
No. You don’t know why, but there’s a barrier around Phillip’s name. Like you can’t force your tongue to make the sound, and you can’t tell them.
If they know, they’ll look for him. They’ll try to find him; you can already tell.
They’ll get hurt, or worse.
You can’t let that happen.
“I can’t.” You whisper. “I can’t.” Johnny pulls you back into his arms, and you curl up against him, his chin on top of your head. They look at one another, long glances you can’t interpret, before Simon takes a deep breath, his hand gentle on your knee.
“Bunny… do you have a child? Someone you’re trying to protect?” Your eyes slip shut, and despair grips your throat like a vice.
“No.” You croak. “No, there would have been one but…” you drag the truth into the light. “I lost it. He didn’t want it so… he got rid of it.” They both freeze.
“Sweetheart.” Simon whispers, Johnny’s arms going rigid, and you shrug, slipping away from this moment, from them.
“It was a long time ago.” You pause, keeping your eyes closed. “I’m fine.” Johnny scoffs.
“The hell ye are. And ye shouldnae be.” You shake between them, exhaustion settling into your bones like it belongs there, and they linger in silence with you, in the moment, letting it stretch long before Simon murmurs something and brushes his fingertips against your cheek.
“We’ll wait, until you’re ready.” You relax with a small sigh. “But if we don’t know who we’re dealing with, that means no more coming and going. I don’t want you outside this house without me, do you understand?”
“I’m going back to work.” You refute immediately.
“When you’re ready to go back, we’ll come up with a plan to keep you safe.” He says sternly, and you swallow, eyes wide.
“We jus’ want to keep ye safe, pretty girl.” Simon tugs your hand into his, and murmurs lowly.
“I know you’re independent, and you’re used to being on your own, but we’re here now. You don’t have to do this alone. We’ve got you.” Tears burn at the corner of your eyes.
You should tell them no, but you can’t.
You should be angry, or nervous, or even scared, but all you can feel is relief.
You don’t have to do this alone.
The house is quiet when you wake up the next morning.
It’s odd now, opening your eyes to an empty bed. All you’ve known for years, is being alone. All you’ve relied on for so long, was yourself.
But now, when your arms and legs spread wide between the sheets and you come up empty, panic flutters in your heart. “Johnny? Simon?” When there’s no answer, you stumble over the side, loping steps hauling you down the stairs and into the living room.
Johnny’s half-awake on the couch in his boxers, flipping idly through television programs. You breathe a little bit easier, and he cracks a smile. “Morning, pretty.”
“Morning.” You bend in front of him, swooping down to press your lips to his. “Where’s…”
“He took Pen to swim. She’s in classes and then has a playdate at a friend’s house after. Busy wee one, our Penny.” Fingers idly rub against the skin beneath his ear, tracing down to his collarbone.
“You eat breakfast?”
“Was waitin’ for ye.” Something dark and hungry glints in his eyes, and your knees go weak.
“Oh, w-well I can make you someth-“
“No.” He traces down the inside of your thigh, where he’s eye level, and then up, backs of his fingers stroking over the front of your panties, thumb skirting along the seam between your legs. “Not hungry for food, bun. Just for ye.”
“O-oh.” His thumb presses, just enough pressure brushing against your clit, and you gasp, hand shooting out to steady yourself on the arm of the sofa, where his head is.
His lips touch to the inside of your wrist, and he grins. “C’mere Bunny.”
“You’re still recovering.” Your fingers twist in the hem of the t shirt you grabbed off the floor, one of theirs.
“My face isn’t.” His hands wrap around the backs of your thighs, tugging you closer. “My face is the perfect seat for ye, pretty girl. Let me make ye feel good.” Everything tightens, your chest, your heart, each blood vessel stitched throughout your body. Your clit pulses, knot in your stomach tying so tight it makes you lightheaded, agony and arousal singing together in perfect harmony. It’s a song with perfect pitch, swirling around the two of you in euphoric polyphony.
You want this. Want him. Want to let it all go. 
“Got a seat for ye,” his fingers trace over his lip and down his neck, where his throat bobs with a swallow. You can’t pull your eyes away. “Right ‘ere.”
It doesn’t take more coaxing after he tucks his fingers into your underwear and rolls them down your thighs, giving you a light pat just under your ass, shifting and arranging until you’re perched across his shoulders.
“What if you can’t breathe?” Your voice hitches on a panicked note, and he rubs your legs soothingly.
“Then I’ll die a happy man.” You choke. “Just kiddin’ bunny. Ye cannae hurt me, I can breathe just fine.” His eyebrows crinkle and crease, soft expression puckering down to where his lips part.
Let go. You can do it. You want this. Just let go. 
“I- I’m not very good with…” You gulp, chest heaving. “With sex, I uh. I don’t have good memories of it, and I’ve never… I’ve never done this.” It’s the best you can explain, in this moment, and you pray it’s enough, that he’ll understand.
“We’ll go slow.” He promises, still rubbing circles into the backs of your legs, grabbing fistfuls of your ass and thighs, pressing long kisses into your skin. “Ye tell me to stop, if ye dinnae like it or ye want to stop, promise?” You nod. “Say it, pretty girl.”
“I’ll tell you… to stop.” He smiles, and urges you forward, palms still curved around your cheeks.
“Cannae wait to taste ye,” you move slowly, hesitantly, and he encourages gently, patting and rubbing patiently, eyes locked your face the entire time, “have been dreamin’ about it, since that day ye didnae wear any panties to work.”
“Johnny!” you hiss, playfully scandalized, heart trilling. He’s turned a miserable memory, a scary memory, into something not so bad, so easily. It means a lot, means more than you think he knows, and you’re just about to tell him when you feel heat slip across your skin, thumbs stroking down the seam of your cunt. He jerks you forward completely, until the bottom half of his face is missing, and all you can see beneath your legs is a crop of mohawk.
The first touch is heaven. He’s warm, and safe, and you melt onto him, indulging in the feeling of it all. His arms wrap around your hips, anchoring you in place, mouth sloppy against your pussy like he’s trying to devour you whole. You jerk, falling forward at the waist, one hand against the couch, the other fisted in his hair, trying to create space for him to breathe.
“No.” He growls, slamming you back down, nose bumping against your clit over and over as his tongue dives into you, curling up into your body.
You close your eyes. You need more friction, but you don’t know what to do, don’t know how to get it, and the longer you try to figure it out, the more you’re slipping away, kicking and fighting in darker waters.
Stay present. Stay here. With him. You’re safe. Let go. 
Your breath stutters in your chest. Two factions fight one another, one trying to catapult you towards an orgasm faster than you’ve ever gotten there in your life, and the other, trying and failing to stem the memories and anxiety that bleed freely from your brain. The pleasure is mixed with pain, with nightmares, and your muscles turn to rock, eyes slamming shut.
A big, warm hand settles between your shoulder blades.
You jolt away from it, but when your eyes snap open-
You see Simon.
He’s on his knees at your side, part of your thigh now pressed against his chest. He watches you intently, sweeping over your features and down to where you’re sitting on Johnny’s face, half relaxed, half coiled tense.
“You’re in control, sweetheart.” Even kneeling, he’s tall enough that he’s nearly eye level with you, and Johnny’s free hand searches for him when he hears his voice. Simon gives him a squeeze, and then lovingly strokes some of his hair from his forehead. “Our sweet boy just wants to make you feel good. Do you want that?”
“Y-yeah.. but I don’t… I don’t know how.” You squeak, burning with embarrassment, still clutching the couch. He pulls that hand free, into his, and rubs a thumb over the back of your knuckles, before placing it back against the armrest. It’s comforting, and reassuring, and he keeps the other one anchored at your back.
“Just relax.” He murmurs above your ear, now cradling your hips. “Hold onto the couch with both hands, like that- good girl.” His grip tightens, and then slowly, he starts to move you. “Find what feels good, take your time.” You roll your hips slowly, looking for the right amount of pressure, the friction you’re desperate for, and Johnny moans beneath you, his own hips flexing. “There you go, does that feel good?” Simon’s eyes are nearly black, and you nod hungrily. “Ride him just like that, don’t stop.”
“Oh my god.” You moan, tilting back. Each time Johnny’s nose or tongue rubs against your clit it’s like lightning striking in your blood, and warmth crackles around you like a blanket.
“Fuck,” Simon growls, palm pressing against your lower belly. “Look a’ the two of you, all mine.” The possession shivers across your skin and you moan, head heavy. Johnny’s tongue finds your rhythm, and then he’s flicking across your clit like he’s plucking a string, a perfect note.
“Johnny, ah…” He groans something in response, the vibration shooting straight to your brain. You tip to the side, face pressing into Simon’s neck, and he supports your weight, keeping a hand on your hip, now spread over where Johnny holds you. You're in a frenzy now, panting, chasing, rough pace only increasing with desperation.
“Good girl, rubbing your little pussy all over our sweet boy’s face. Is he going to make you cum? Can you show daddy how pretty you are when you cum?” Daddy. The word makes you dizzy, strikes you dumb. Simon’s lips press to the crown of your head, and all you can do is gasp and whine, hips jerking across Johnny’s nose and mouth, slick, lewd noises coming from between your legs.
“Oh, oh- fuck,” you gasp, fingers now tightening in Johnny’s hair, electricity sparking through your muscles like fireworks, “I’m gonna- I’m-“ You drag yourself across him, chasing the edge of oblivion, white light crackling behind your eyes as you clench them shut with a near shout. Your orgasm shoots through you, exploding every cell in your body into star light, everything heating together as your eyes roll backwards and your hips shake. Johnny grunts, still anchoring you down onto him, aftershocks rattling through your bones to your teeth. Simon pries him lose, keeping a hand on you, and him, as he pulls you back to reveal Johnny’s face.
He's soaked. Neck, chin, cheeks, stubble all coated in you, and your eyes goes wide, wicked pleasure at the sight curling in the pit of your stomach.
You did that. Your boy.
Simon chuckles like he’s reading your mind, tucking you into his chest before pulling you free and placing you in the space next to Johnny on the couch, laying down. He kisses him slowly, softly, running his tongue over his cheeks before returning to dip back into his mouth and pulling away. “Stay, ‘m gonna go get a towel to clean you both up.” He says quietly, kissing your nose before rising and slipping off into the kitchen. Johnny tries to tug you closer.
“How was that?” You can hear the smug smile and his face as he breaks the silence, and your cheeks burn.
“Really good.”
“Hmph, I was shooting for amazing, so I guess we’ll just have to try again.”
“That’s not… it was!” He laughs, and then gives you a half hug with his good arm.
“Ye were perfect, bunny. We’re so lucky to have ye.” Tears burn and threaten to spill.
“I’m the lucky one.” You whisper, and you don’t know if anything could be truer. It’s more than luck now, more than a chance meeting, a chance occurrence. It’s something bigger, something all consuming, something stronger than anything you’ve ever known.
Something bright, like the sun.
Something like… love. 
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lxvvie · 11 months
On today's episode of Simps-R-Us: A Guy and his... pet(s), or You, Your Faves, and your fur/feathered/fin-babies:
Capt. John Price - Standing ten toes down on this: Price would have two small, cute dogs, one named Sir Peabody and the other named Lady Marie. You two spoil them something fierce and they have a pile of little doggy hats that match their beloved papa's... much to his chagrin.
Gaz - Gaz said he'd surprise you and surprise you he did. He came home with a cockatoo. A damn cockatoo. Jokes on him, though, because your bird baby absolutely loves to prank the shit out of Gaz, too, by mimicking your voice when you're away and making him jump. Jokes on both of you now, because Soap has taught him how to curse and that's all he does now, Scottish accent and all. You have a picture saved of the bird (named Buttercup) on top of Gaz's head.
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Alex Keller - Has the most gremlin Donskoy (named Brunswick) to ever gremlin, complete with the wide stormy eyes, which is funny because Keller can sometimes make a face that's very much gremlin-esque and the two greatly resemble each other. Can usually be found making biscuits on Alex's head.
Soap - Has a Labrador named Whiskey that he absolutely adores. Whiskey has also put you two in the most adorable of love triangles where you don't know whose affection you're playfully fighting for on any given day. Also has a tendency to take Soap's socks and he has to chase him throughout the house. Well, he and Whiskey are chasing each other throughout the house just about constantly.
Ghost - You guys talked about it but he surprised you one day by bringing home a Belgian Mal puppers who didn't make the unit. His name? Pup. Pup Riley. And Pup Riley is a ball of energy. Bloody hell. He always assumes he's going for a walk whenever you two make ready to leave. He also won't let Simon leave without him and so Simon usually has to create a diversion just to walk out the front door. It's also not uncommon for Pup to jump on his Papa whenever he gets home, too. Oh, did we also talk about the fact that Simon has to fight with Pup for his side of the bed whenever he's home or that Pup wakes him up early in the damn morning to take him out for his first walk of the day?
Roach - Found a stray kitten and brought her home. Her name's Oatmeal. Oatmeal is now the chonkiest, cutest loaf (you send Roach various pictures of her Loafiness). You two also bought her a set of those pet buttons just for shits and giggles and Oatmeal's really caught on to them. She uses "Dad", "Mad", and "Food" a lot even though she stays fed lmao.
Keegan - To everyone's surprise (and his own), has a husky named Balto who ignores the concept of personal space, loves to put his paw right in the middle of Keegan's face, and has pissed on Keegan's boots more than once because Balto felt slighted (you had to go to the groomer's, buddy, you rolled in mud). You and Keegan have also lost count of the number of times you've had to carry Balto into the house because he refuses to come inside, especially when it’s cold.
Alejandro - You two adopted a senior dog named Mojo who is the most peaceful little angel. Can usually be found lying near yours or Alejo's feet as you're working or something of that nature.
Rudy - You two have this huge ass tank full of fish that run the gamut of the rainbow and you remember all their names. The brooding one is named Alejandro and his namesake was not amused lmao.
König - You two have a small but floofy cat. She's black with a grey undercoat that he calls his "little Prinzessin" and she always looks like she's in a constant state of surprise. Whenever she blinks or closes her eyes, she becomes a floofy void. Her Highness prefers to be carried like a baby, thank you very much.
Phillip Graves - You two are the proud parents of a Bulldog named Bubba who thinks he has his humans trained (spoiler alert: he kinda does). Bubba Graves makes your day with the way he silently judges his parents, throws a tantrum when he doesn't get more food or pets, and usually has Philip sigh facetiously and go, "Now, son, why can't you behave for your old man, huh?"
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toots-senpai · 2 years
Ghost and König X Afab! Reader Poly HC's
Authors Note: pure horny out of a writers block for military propaganda characters with masks. you betcha… whooooop
Author: @toots-senpai
Fandom: call of duty: modern warfare
Pairing: ghost x stoner! reader x könig
Rating: R 18+
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: weed/smoking, oral (both receiving), public! sex, car sex, dp, recording, intoxicated! sex, sex toys
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they pay attention to their schedules enough to make sure that you know when you’re alone and when both of them will be home and or one of them. it’s all estimates but it makes the three of you feel good to know that there’s always time in between. even if sometimes when one is home they have to wake you up and tell you that they have to leave at least it always within these estimates.
they are early morning birds most definitely. ghost sleeps in a bit longer and holds you closer to him in the morning after könig had you all night close to himself and ghost will never fail to put you back into his chest in the morning instead of having your face tucked into könig’s bicep. these two make for really warm nights and the mornings you all sleep in together simon usually complains that könig didn’t make breakfast. if it’s not you it’s always him designated for meals.
simon is the animal lover by default. immediately after settling down together you guys pick a pet for the home. könig got a snake and simon got a dog, pretty doodle for you to take on walks and the men train the dog vigorously before leaving you with it. most definitely rescued the dog and argued with könig about over population in animals on the way to the shelter. there’s a chance you ask simon for a cat instead and he’ll be a bit disappointed but won’t argue about and will most definitely end up with a bourbon in his hand and a cat tucked away on his gear.
if you like being held while they walk with you in public könig usually does it while simon holds the bags. könig always holds you chest to chest with his fingers laced underneath the fat of your ass and ghost prefers to hold you bridal style. simon doesn't like to hold you as much as könig but he holds you in private when könig isn't available for your koala desires.
they have assigned loveseats/single sofas and assigned places when you walk together both of them will usually always stand on the outside if two of you are together one on one but fully together könig usually stands on the inside unless there are alot of people then he’ll take the outside. könig sleeps on the left side of the bed though but simon likes sleeping close to the door. they don’t bicker about the left side at home and könig will always give up for anything simon wants because your wants is more of what he cares about but they do tend to bicker at hotels. even so simon has more of a heart for könig than he has for simon.
könig likes it more romantic and planned than simon but simon likes to detour and find love in hidden places.
they like to fish and you all own a summer house because of them. you find out that they've been using it as a safehouse as the expensive boat has been used on their missions you’ve collected from the bullet holes that you had to point out to them and had to get fixed by yourself.
they didn’t care when you ‘fessed up’ to them about smoking weed. könig cares about your eating habits but simon shrugged it off, he doesn't like your dealer though. he won't admit it but it him judging their lifestyle. they didn’t expect your collection though, they’ve never looked at you to be a collector of pieces and have an entire zip of weed hidden away. könig asked for a small sesh and the boys were honestly just infatuated with the smoke that left your lips and theirs. könig gets horny high and it made simon genuinely make fun of him for the first time on his tolerance. simon relaxes and likes to cuddle more when he's high but simon rarely gets high on purpose.
you and könig will most definitely force him to smoke along the journey but he denied for awhile until you brung up edibles that's when he smoked a little more with you. simon liked the eddies but könig had a panic attack. könig stopped smoking after that.
even with them not fucking with weed like that they do like to participate in whatever you wanna do. morning bong rip on the porch? könig has coffee for the two of you and tea for simon. hotboxing the car in an abandoned parking lot? könig likes to stay outside the car and enjoy the fresh air while being your lookout.
adventures with the two are very common and during hotboxes with simon, he loves to end your smoke seshes any way he can. he’ll make you moan loud enough for könig to finally come down from ontop the car as a lookout or will purposely rock the car with fake thrusts until könig complains about the sound of simon's shenanigans and would want to go home.
but car sex? oh my god! steamy windows and both of them moving around intensely to try to fit in the tiny car and thrust into the spots that make your vision swim and make you dizzy makes the boys buy a better car. a truck inspires the two of them into 'cinema' for some odd reason and the make make a number collection of ‘movies’ with pretty backdrops while you’re being fucked in the cargo bed with a couple of pretty blankets that compliment your skin. könig has the truck but simon and könig bickered about having another car so he got an suv and likes to tie you up and play with you in the backseat with his phone recording in front of you two. very good angles simon has a really good catch at getting your angles and lighting just right so that late night adventures with just simon usually ends up with you in his lap and his dick drilling into your dripping pussy and his fingers pulling at your nipples while he whispers to you about how pretty you look.
late nights after drinking könig will always be your carrier to the car allways so 9 times out of 10 after the pub könig always starts his shenanigans first. he’s holding your intoxicated form because it’s his job but with his hands are where they are supposed to be when he holds you and he’ll always dig to feel how the liquor dampens your panties and usually leads to the three of you in the alley with ghost’s hand on your mouth to stop you from whimpering or even gasping for air when they both penetrate your holes.
double penetration has admittedly gotten you to the point that they can just slide into you with ease. if the weeks are long away from you and they’re stuck in missions when they come back the prep for them will always be almost terrifying. if you ever tell them you'd be in for a day of being stuck between the two of the men who would release an entire month's worth of their sex drives into your system but you go out of your way to keep yourself stretched for them. your toy collection would be a waste if you didn't.
they live for oral and survive on it, experts at using their mouths. will both go out of their way to eat you out and love to bite and leave as many marks as they can on your skin and of course they eat ass they are not pussies by any means and if anything that stops the bicker between your thighs but instead leaves a burn as the two men wrap their arms around your thighs and hips. könig has bigger fingers and loves to tease you while simon will suck your clit until your squirting all over them.
simon likes fucking you from behind when you have könig lodged in your throat so he can make you gag with every thrust and könig likes to grab your hair in a makeshift pony and thrust inside your throat slowly. simon likes the way könig chokes and stutters as he's groaning when you gag him just right but he gets mad at simon if he’s pushing you too gag too hard while you’re sucking him off.
könig likes drunk sex and loves high sex, he's a power bottom but intoxicated he subs. even after könig stopped smoking he still wants you to blow it in his mouth. simon during drunk sex is a bit rough and uncoordinated but when he's high he also likes to power bottom and his voice get's raspy when he's high barking around orders to the two of you.
both have some wicked oral fixations and love to spit and cum where they want, they love it when they can use whatever spit or cum to make disgusting noises as they suck hickeys and squeeze and bite bruises into your skin to laugh as you whimper and jump against whoever is holding your wrists down.
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cod-dump · 1 year
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consider....Simon owning a hermitcrab and then bringing it everywhere :] then the rest of the boys compete to get the crab either the nicest looking shells or hat (it all started because captain placed a tiny fish hat on it once)
cant come up with a name for the crab though, friend was saying that Ghost prob will name it something "badass" like Poseidon or "The Claw Striker"
Lieutenant Riley has had a pet hermit crab in his office for what feels like forever but no one knows its name. No one ever thought to ask him (mostly because it’s never come up in conversation before) so everyone just calls it “Ghost Crab”. Then some recruits caught Price talking to Ghost.
“I saw the shells you laid out for her.”
“The Gary shell was too good to pass up.”
“Percy is getting so big. Someday she’ll be wearing a combat helmet for a shell.”
The recruits quickly figured put that Ghost, the big bad guy with a skull on his face, named his pet hermit crab Percy and had gotten her a Spongebob Squarepants themed shell. The guy continues to amaze (shock) them.
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emo-rabbit · 5 months
Here’s a little intro to my TMNT X ANIMAL CROSSING “au” there’s an island attached to this, so l’ll share the dream address. But here’s the master post
WELCOME TO HIDEOUT! A town made from the remains of New York City, for mutants and mutant ally’s. Walk around! You’ll find amazing restaurants and beautiful cites!
back in the day, HideOut was a city full of humans. However, most of them were wiped out by creatures called “Kraang.” Only leaving mutants and a few humans. However, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made a new city, us!
Casey Jones (named Raph on my save- oops): Casey Jones was one of the founders of the island, having fought along the ninja turtles. He’s often seen assisting fellow residents.
April O’Neil: A very helpful guide! April O’Neil is always willingly to assist you if anything goes wrong! She’s got powers too!
Baxter Stockman: he’s been missing for some time. We don’t know where he went.
Hazel: She’s been living here since the founding of the island, she’s a mutant squirrel. Really nice, if April or Casey aren’t available, please go ask her for assistance!
Simon: A cute monkey who’s always out fishing! He’s our local fish expert, got a fish question? He’s your guy! Spike: A rhino who looks mean, but is actually a really nice guy! He works at our gym, making sure everyone is healthy!
Purrl: Purrl used to be an ice cream cat called “Ice Cream Kitty”, but now (thanks to further mutantion) is stable outside a freezer! She now helps new comers!
Henry: Henry’s the child of a mutant frog from an alternate universe, we legitimately don’t know where he came from. However, he’s smug.
Lucky: Lucky used to be Casey Jones childhood dog, well before he died. Then he came back to life thanks to a spill! Hes extremely shy.
Snake: Ex-Foot Clan member. He was mutated whit his pet Rabbit. He’s still trying to heal from the trauma he induced from the foot clan.
Stella: She’s a goat, and the mother of the island. She’ll often bring you food right to your door step!
Bertha: She’s a hippo who’s always kind and cheery! She’s the town’s therapist!
Rasher: He was an experiment by Baxter stockman, he wanted to see what would happen if he combined Bebop and Rocksteadys DNA. So he’s basically their “child”, in a way. Really cracky however.
we have other residents, who would like to stay anonymous.
Why us?
well, we’re a save haven for both mutant and human. We have lots of services, like food and disability aid, which insures every single person has a home and a stable environment to trive.
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I'm gonna die on my deathbed explaining why Ghost is actually a normal person outside the military and he's extremely mischaracterized.
You will never be able to convince me that Simon "Ghost" Riley doesn't do normal person things outside of his job. Sure, his information his top-secret, but that's all the more reason for him to be a normal person outside deployments.
Here's examples of Ghost being domestic:
- He goes grocery shopping every Thursday at 2:30PM because it's when the store is the least busy.
- He wears a black fabric surgical mask when he's not at home. He's more comfortable covering his face but it's not an issue if he's somewhere where he can't have a mask.
Was strangely comforted when COVID happened because it normalized wearing face masks.
- He sits in the mirror of his bathroom every two weeks so he can chop his hair when he grows too long.
- He's a phenomenal sniper but when it's time to shave his face then suddenly his hands are shaking and he's cut himself at least 4 times. (Prolly that sharp jawline 🤭)
- Loves dogs. Will ask people if he can pet their dog. (They're shitting themselves bc this giant masked man just asked to pet their dog in the most monotone voice)
- Has called Price to ask for advice on dating. He's got a crush on the girl from the coffee shop down the street from his flat and he needs some help on asking her out.
- when he's not on a deployment, he's probably at home eating pocky while watching Top Gun. Ends up falling asleep on the couch and snores like a dad.
- he's probably in his late 20s-early 30s and owns a flat somewhere in Manchester. (He was never able to fully separate himself from where he grew up)
- has a pet beta fish named Toes that the old neighbor lady takes care of while he's on deployment.
- He secretly pulls pranks around base when he's stationed somewhere. Nobody knows it's Ghost secretly leaving tiny plastic babies from Amazon around the entire base. He never gets caught and it's still a mystery where these babies keep popping up at.
- drinks milk, probably
- Will get violent if he watches an American microwave tea in front of him.
- Like Price, he WILL correct the word "soccer" into "football" like he's got some type of vendetta against the audacity.
- Sneezes like a fucking dad
- He's severely allergic to cats so the second he sees one, he will instantly abort mission. It's a whole scene watching a 6'5 skull-masked man jerk back the second a cat steps in front of him while he's on a mission.
- Hates spiders. He's not the spider killer around the base. Will not go into a room if he's seen a spider in there unless someone else killed it for him.
- He listens to Queen, you can't convince me otherwise.
- (Killer Queen is his favorite)
- He actually has an entire tattoo sleeve on his left arm, not just a forearm sleeve. If you look close enough, you can tell that it's actually just the most cliché military tattoo sleeve that's ever existed. He didn't even care what the tattoo was, he just wanted one to look cool.
- Bad Santa is unironically his favorite movie.
- Plays first-person shooter games with Gaz sometimes and always loses.
- Is the guy who brings beer to literally any event ever. Without fail. And it's always a beer that only he likes so he can have it all for himself. Everyone else started drinking them despite how disgusting they are just because they figured out that he was trying to hoard it for himself.
- Sucks at playing Monopoly. Absolutely no strategy.
I can keep going lmao. I have ideas for days lmaooo
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
Modern Bridgerton couples + Pets
Just thinking about which kind of domesticated menaces they would bring into their homes.
Saphne: their first pet is definitely a Basset Hound because Daphne is a dork. Name is Princess, she is super cute. Simon later decides he can't take being outnumbered and gets a Pitbull (with some manly name like Maverick) to teach Princess how to be a good guardian dog. Jokes on him the Pitbull ends up twice as spoiled as the Basset hound and follows him everywhere huffing for cuddles.
Kanthony: They have Newton the demon corgi, although they probably get a mate for Newton at some point and just enjoy life as proud corgi grandparents when Newton & wife begin making puppies. They most likely end up with a houseful of corgis because Kate is not okay with neutering Newton and Anthony can't deny her anything.
Benophie: These two are definitely bird people. All their birds are rescue and they keep them in a special open part of My Cottage greenhouse, while rehabilitating broken wings. Officially they have a chicken, two parrots, a parakeet and a Cockatoo (Pollock, Picasso, Monet, Dali and Frida) but they feed every bluejay, canary, raven or winged personality that comes to their birdhouses. So you never really know exactly how many birds they actually have at home.
Polin: I want to say they are also Dog people. But Colin just looks like the guy who has a thing for exotic reptiles whenever he travels. And Penelope would definitely appreciate the irony of owning a Chameleon. Also their pets would be the protected species kind that need their own enclosure. Colin has Popcorn, a Blue Iguana, which he rescued in the Cayman Islands and a couple of very colorful Geckos (Muffin and Nugget). while Penelope just keeps a tortoise she's had since she was little called Lola, and a blue Panther Chameleon called Ozzy, that Colin got her for her 16th birthday. (her chameleon is the boss of that house)
Philoise: Eloise has a grey Persian Cat that looks perpetually grumpy called Napoleon, Phillip has a brown Saint Bernard that he calls Noel but his kids call Noodle. El's cat did not take it well when Eloise moved in with Phillip and the twins, simply because the dog was being way too friendly with Eloise. And the cat wasn't having it. So he marked his territory in a very feline way.
Franchel: Michael was never much for pets, but Francesca has a whole aquarium of Koi fish in her apartment and loves to add pieces of decorations to it so the fishes begin growing on him. After the get married, Michael actually builds Fran a pond with it's own ecosystem so she can raise her Koi in relative freedom outside of the small aquarium they are used to.
Hyraeth: These two are not exactly pet people, but I feel like teenage Gareth owns a horse that he takes care of very well and Hyacinth is persuaded to help out with his horse and begins loving it as well so she gets Anthony to buy her a pony which she names Twilight Sparkle. they both grow up to be very responsible horse owners.
Grucy: they share ownership over the class pet in Elementary school. A spotted bunny named Waldo. And they low key treat the rabbit as their child. Since Lucy is technically not allowed to have pets by her uncle and Gregory was banned from the pet store after the last 'free the animals' incident he was involved in
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autismguy55 · 2 years
hello! i was wondering if you have any headcanons about the lotf boys before they crashed on the island? like their home life and other stuff.
i hope this question doesn't bother you! your art is amazing btw :)
it doesn’t bother me at all!!! i love talking about this book! :) my thoughts aren’t all together on it so this may be a little jumbled up but. yea :) gonna put this under the cut bc it’ll get long. also this is all just headcanon!
ralph - his mom died when he was young and his dad was in the navy, so he was in the custody of nannies and babysitters most of the time. legally, his guardian is his older brother (~10 years older) but his brother works a lot and generally does his own thing so ralph doesn’t see him often. ralph spent most of his time bored inside and is very well-read because of this, though he isn’t very good at wording his thoughts. his favorite book is the coral island (in the original manuscript he talked about it constantly - lol). we know he had ponies because of some flashbacks in the book, so he’s pretty good at horseback riding and generally enjoys the company of animals.
jack - catholicsaywhat? extremely religious. he could recite the bible backwards in his sleep. he prays his rosary until it leaves indents in his hands. he had a similar childhood to ralph with absent parents but it turned him into a bitter, bitter little thing. let’s face it he’s a teacher’s pet who bullies everyone when the teacher’s back is turned. i think he spent his formative years in dusty old libraries and sitting to get his portrait painted. he has a lot of pent up rage and violence in his heart. ummm… he’s a countertenor and actually a pretty good singer for his age. he likes to hit whistle notes and piss everyone off. i think he’s less one of those bullies who beats people up and more one of those kids who just makes you feel like shit thru words. also i think he’s tall as fuck lol giraffe headass
piggy - we know he’s an orphan and his aunt took care of him - i think we know the most about piggy’s backstory than any other boy in the book. he probably has a lot of cousins (his aunt’s kids) and has to share most of his stuff. he’s very smart, obviously, but he’s poor so he doesn’t go to a good school and relies a lot on the public library. i think he’d have pets. he seems like the kind of guy to have like, a hermit crab or a lizard or fish or something. he’s generally nice to people. definitely an atheist but his aunt makes him come to church every sunday. he has one teacher who he loves and looks forward to that class every single day. pretty cool guy i don’t have anything against him.
simon - coal mines for you gayboy. jokes aside he has a lot of younger siblings and doesn’t mind taking care of little kids. definitely into photography and painting! he often goes on “wanders” and doesn’t come back until it’s 10pm and he’s covered in sticks and leaves and carrying some random woodland creature (“i made a friend!”). he’s epileptic and undiagnosed because it’s the 50s. got sick a lot when he was younger because he spent so much time outside, but his immune system has hardened up since then. he likes to read books but only so he can do character analysis. would also probably write. doesn’t have a lot of friends but he’s generally well liked at school and adults in town love him because he’s so polite. yeha.
that’s about it off the top of my head but yeaa… if u want to know more for a specific character lmk
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annaphoenix1994 · 1 year
Ch.109 - The Rileys - Part 1
Previous Chapter - Masterlist 1; Masterlist 2 - Next Chapter
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First of the three-part leg of Simon and Kiera's honeymoon!
Author's Note: Again, I'm so sorry for such a late update. My life has been... a rollercoaster. Since my last update, it's unfortunate to say that things did not go as planned. After my final drop off in Colorado, I was desperate to get back to Montana so when I left northern Colorado, my truck broke down close to the Wyoming border with my horse in the trailer as well as my two dogs with me being stranded in the isolated part of northern Colorado. Luckily, I was able to get in touch with my USRider insurance, which covers a tow for both my truck and trailer as well as getting me and my horse somewhere safe until I could get back on the road. The closest shop that could see my truck was in Parker, Colorado, which is south of Denver, so it put me out of my way by three hours. I spent two days in a Super 8 and when I got the call that my truck was fixed, I had to dive into my savings to get it fixed and back on the road. With no new hauls coming back to Montana, I used the rest of my money for fuel to just get home. It took me nearly four days to get home due to a massive storm that came through Kansas and into Colorado the same day I left. To add more fuel to the fire, during my time on the road, I had completely forgotten that my power bill was linked to my debit card - the same debit card that I had to use to get fuel prior to my big trip, so in short my power had been off since July 18th. So not only did I come home to no power in a massive heatwave, I came home to everything in my fridge completely rotten, including a freezer full of beef I had processed last year from my farm. I don't want to ask for help because I'm stubborn and this is my problem I've gotten myself into, but I've contemplated on opening up my tips box on Tumblr as even a dollar helps me out, but to me, having a consistent reader base and constant support goes further than any dollar will, so I'm just grateful that you all love this story as much as I do. Long story put very short, I'm having to start all over again - literally. I really enjoy writing and I think about this story every day and adding to it, but please bear with me if things look sloppy. I know you guys are eager for my updates and I want to give my audience what they want, but it's just been hard these last few weeks and I'm just trying to get back on my feet and on track. 
I love you all. Thank you very much for reading. I hope to keep updating as soon as I possibly can! - A <3
Las Vegas, Nevada
"Love, I'm not joking: when we get out of this cab, I want you by my side at all times." 
"Aw, come on, babe. I won't go far," She giggled, her eyes glued to the massive structures that lined the Strip. "It'll be fun to get lost in a place like this." 
"I'm not having a runaway bride," He arched his brow. "Especially in a town like this."
"Will there be a punishment for an intense game of hide n' seek?" 
"Oh yes there will." He arched his brow.
"Hm, sounds like a rule I'd like to break..."
"Love, if I wanted to babysit, I would've brought Johnny." 
She laughed, "Bringing Johnny on our honeymoon? Having some extra thoughts there?" 
"Absolutely not." 
"Mhm... I think you are." 
"Those drinks on the plane have been teasing at you, yeah? Sounds like you're the one with additional thoughts that I should be worried about."
"No," She scoffed. "I love Johnny, but like a brother or a pet fish. I'd cry if I had to flush him down the toilet, but I definitely don't want to kiss him!" 
Simon couldn't help but laugh as he gazed out the window, seeing the hotel he had booked for two nights before their flight to Birmingham. "I'll take your word for it. We're here." 
"Where exactly are we going?" She giggled. 
"The hotel, love." 
"I know, but which one? There's thirty million in my eyesight." She exaggerated. 
"You said you wanted to go to Paris, right?" 
"I can't recall," She shrugged playfully before looking towards the Paris Las Vegas hotel. "Is that where we're going?" 
"I figured it was better than some cheap motel with complementary bed bugs and moth balls," He replied sarcastically, smirking when she playfully slapped his bicep, her eyes fixated on the many bright lights that made the Las Vegas Strip. "Besides, this place is better than Paris, France. Trust me." 
She laughed in agreement, "Oh, I know, babe. Paris in France isn't what it's cracked up to be. This is ten times better." 
"I'm glad I picked right, then," He nodded, exiting the cab once the driver had stopped at the front of the hotel, Simon offering his hand to her to help her exit the vehicle before he made his way to the trunk to grab the three duffel bags himself to keep Kiera from doing it. "Let's go check in while I still have you in my sight." 
"You should know I'm not going anywhere... yet," She giggled, swinging her purse over her shoulder. "Let me get one of those, Simon-"
"I got it." He replied sternly, letting her walk in front of him before the bellhop met him with a cart in the lobby, generously helping him set the bags down to help ease the strain from his shoulders. That lass is notorious for packing everything that can fit in this bloody thing, he huffed to himself. She's the reason I pack my own bag. He nodded graciously at the bellhop before making his way to the receptionist, keeping his new wife in his peripheral vision to reassure himself that her curiosity wasn't leading her down a path away from him, although a part of him knew she would easily become distracted. "Good evening, sir. Checking in for the evening?" 
"Yes, I made a reservation last week," He replied, pulling out his phone to show the receptionist his proof of reserve for two nights in his email's inbox. "Riley." 
She nodded, typing on her computer before the confirmation pulled up on her desktop, "Ah! There you are! Give me just one second and I'll print out this form for you to sign and your keycards. Do you have your I.D.?" 
As much as he hated showing strangers his identification card, he did it anyway after taking a long exhale to rid his mind of anxious thoughts, handing it to the receptionist and closely watching her as she keyed in his information for their records. "Alright, just sign this line here. Will you need just one or two keycards for your stay?" 
"Probably two. She'll lose it if we just have one." He said, nodding towards Kiera when she finally made her way to stand next to him at the counter after looking at the many decorations that filled the lobby. 
"I understand!" The receptionist giggled, retrieving the form he had just signed and putting it away in the file folder for their current check-ins and registering the keycards for their room. "You're all set for your stay! Just take the elevator down this hall to floor eighteen and take a right." 
"Thank you." Simon nodded, retrieving the keycards from her hand. 
"You're very welcome! Enjoy your stay! The bellhop is already in route to your room to deliver your bags!" 
He nodded, hating the fact that someone else that possession of his and Kiera's things, but he forced himself to not overreact as it was simply just a person doing their job and not someone with cruel intentions to sabotage his honeymoon. 
Simon was still going to check and be sure. 
Kiera wrapped her arm around his as he escorted them to their home-away-from home for the next two days, the pair looking around at the luxurious decorations and marble floors as they made their way to the elevator. "We're definitely a long way from home." She commented. 
"That we are, love." 
"You don't see stuff like this in Wyoming." 
"No, but Wyoming does have the Grand Tetons," He chuckled. "Which by the way, are named after big tits." 
"What? No they're not." She laughed. 
"I can assure you, that's what it means. When I was in France, I remember hearing locals talking about it - how they laughed at how many tourists travel far and wide to see The Big Tits of the U.S." 
"I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic," She giggled, pulling out her phone. "But I am going to look it up." 
"You do that, love," He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her temple after escorting her into the elevator. "You know, if this elevator didn't have so many cameras, I'd have you pinned to this wall." 
She blushed, "I'm surprised that's what's stopping you." 
"It is because I don't want one of those old men looking at the cameras gawking at something that's all mine. I'm selfish." He explained, wrapping his free arm around the small of her back, pinching her rear discreetly as they stood against the back wall of the elevator, smirking at how she shrieked at his gesture. 
She couldn't help the blush that stained her cheeks at his possessiveness, a warm sensation flooding between her legs as his hand continued to press protectively against the small of her back as they walked along the hallway towards their room. 
Opening the door for her, they both were amazed at the room before them. 360 square feet of pure luxury - elegant carpet, a flat-screen television hanging on the wall adjacent to the lavish king-sized bed, a marble floor to decorate the bathroom with a shower big enough for three people, a separate bathtub and an immaculate view of the Eifel Tower that stood out from the rest of the attraction markings of the Las Vegas Strip. "Oh... My God," She gasped, hesitant to take curious steps forward to look into the room. "This is amazing, Simon."
"Look around, love," He chuckled as he reached for the bags the bellhop had left on the table for them, opening up each one to ensure nothing was missing. I just don't trust anyone. "Where do you want to go first?" 
He watched as she exited the bathroom, turning off the light as she walked towards the bed, running her fingers along the sheets. "I'm fine with staying here for a while. I'm sure this was a lot of money to dish out-"
"Don't worry about the money, love," He cut her off, assuring her that he didn't want her to worry about anything financially. "You tell me what you want to do." 
She hummed, "I mean, can we hang out here for a while? It's only three o'clock." 
"I'm fine with that," He assured her with a grin. "When it gets dark, we can walk around if you'd like." 
"I'd love that, babe," She smiled, slowly approaching him and slowly wrapping her arms around his neck, standing on her toes to press a kiss to his lips while his hands instinctively rested on her hips. "Thank you for this." 
"You deserve it," He murmured. "This is only the first of many surprises." 
"Strange that you're the one throwing surprises when you don't like getting surprises," She giggled. "You're going to have to let me pay for something at least." 
"Not a chance." He shook his head, accepting another kiss from her as his hand couldn't help but slide down to grasp at her rear. 
"Come on, at least something!" 
He shrugged, "I mean, I'm willing to take another method of payment..." 
"Is that right?" She giggled. "Well, I can arrange that." 
"I was hoping so, because I'd hate to turn it over to collections." He poked, kissing her jaw as her arms wrapped around his neck, giggling at his banter. 
"Oh, I definitely don't want that!" She laughed, melting into his touch as he began to guide her back towards the bed, easing her against the mattress as he rest between her legs, caging her between his arms while his lips caged against hers. 
"We can work on a payment plan, love." He smirked against her lips. 
"Did you sneak one of your allies on the plane with you?" She asked, her hips jolting at the faint sensation of a vibration against her thigh, immediately assuming it was that small vibrator she kept in her nightstand. 
"No, I won't need that," He chuckled against her lips, using his left hand to fish his phone out of his pocket, grumbling to himself that it had been ringing in the first place. "It's that son of ours. Wonder what he's gotten himself into." 
"Are you going to answer it?" She giggled, watching him stare blankly at the screen as if he were waiting for Baler's caller I.D. to disappear. 
He shot her a quick side glance, a playful glare before his thumb slide right against the screen before pressing the phone against his ear, "Yeah?" 
"So, uh... I have a question." Baler spoke from the other end of the phone, mischief lacing his voice. 
Simon knew he was up to something.
And he didn't like it. Especially with he and Kiera being distant miles apart. 
He sighed, "What?" 
"Well, technically Soap has a question, but he was too scared to ask you-"
"Spit it out, lad." 
"So you know how Jacob has a full head of hair?" 
"You mean beautiful, thick blonde hair for a one-year-old?" He scoffed. "What about it?" 
"Well," Baler sighed. "Uncle Johnny thought it would be funny to make Jacob look like him-"
"Uncle Johnny is going to be looking like ground lamb if you're not joking," He scoffed, his mood quickly souring at Baler's words. "Send me a picture. Now." 
"What happened, babe?" Kiera asked, her brows furrowing. 
He sighed as he put the phone on speaker, "Repeat what you just said to me." 
"Hey momma," Baler chuckled out of nervousness. "Uncle Johnny gave Jacob a haircut." 
"Baler, sweetheart, you're lying through your teeth, and you know it. Johnny knows better-"
"No, he doesn't, love." Simon reminded her, arching his brow. 
"Baler, do you promise you're calling to tell us our precious baby boy received an unwanted haircut?" 
A few moments of silence pass by. 
"That's what I thought," She commented, reassuringly rubbing Simon's arm while they heard two sets of laughter on the other end of the phone. "He's just messing with you, babe." 
"He better fucking be." 
"Hey!" Baler chimed. "Mom said no cussing!"
Simon huffed in defeat, "Take the phone, please. That lad is going to make my blood pressure go up." 
"You forgot to mute me, dad!" Baler snickered. 
"Did he fall for it?" Soap chimed in from the background. 
Kiera giggled while she took the phone from Simon's hand, rolling over onto her stomach while he stood to his feet to walk across the room to pick up the room service menu, playfully tapping Kiera's rear when he sat back down on the edge of the bed, grasping her ankles and putting her feet on his lap, removing her shoes for her while his thumb gently massaged the arches of her feet while his other hand clasped the service menu. 
"Thanks for raising Simon's blood pressure, you two." Kiera giggled. 
"You two haven't been gone for an entire day and I've been itching to piss dad off," Baler snickered. "Johnny put me up to it." 
"Oh, I don't doubt he did. Jacob still has his full head of hair, right?"
"Yes, momma," Baler confirmed. "I can't say the same about Evie though..." 
Simon's head snapped towards the phone at the mention of Evie's name, "He better be bloody joking!" 
Baler and Johnny both laughed through the phone, "Perfect head of hair still, mate, we're just toying!" 
"You two don't need to be spending too much time together," Kiera giggled. "Nothing but trouble!" 
"Well, I didn't want to call with some boring conversation, momma," Baler chuckled. "Nana hasn't let them out of her sight." 
"I'm glad she hasn't." Simon commented, a breath of relief leaving his lips. 
"What've you been up to?"
"I just got home from school and am about to go take care of barn chores before I do my homework." 
"Good," She smiled. "How are Kimber and Church?" 
"Kimber is annoying. Church doesn't care about anything going on. He likes having the house to himself. Nana has been letting me stay with her so she can take me to school and so I can help her with the twins."
"I'm proud of you, baby," She smiled. "You make sure you keep up with your homework, okay?" 
"I will, momma. I miss you guys." 
"We miss you too. I'm already homesick." 
"Don't be. We've got the fort grounded here. Uncle Johnny is ready to fill in dad's shoes." 
"He has big shoes to fill." Simon commented. 
"I know. I told him that but he says he'd rather fill slippers than clown shoes." 
"Hang up on him." He replied sternly, although both Kiera and Baler both knew that he was being sarcastic. 
"Anyway, I just wanted to call and check in and make sure you two got to Vegas safe. I tried calling your phone, but it went straight to voicemail."
"Awe, thank you. You should know I'm always safe. I'm sorry, my phone died on the plane." 
"Okay, well I'm going to jump off here and finish the barn chores. I'll tell Nana to call you later."
"Okay, baby. Let me know how Sailor is!" She reminded, referring to her horse. 
"I can already tell you how he is: still a prick."
Baler's answer made Simon chuckle, "He's not wrong, love." 
She scoffed, "Whatever you say." 
"I'll talk to you guys later. I love you."
"I love you too, sweetheart." 
"I love you, dad!" He chimed, knowing Simon loved him, but he genuinely enjoyed getting under his father's skin. 
"Love you too." 
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stormikins · 2 years
Shepard Questions 1 - Simon
I am using @spookyvalentine first list of questions which you can find here. Enjoy!
ETA: the rest of the answered questions can be found here!
1. Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
He enlisted bc his dad was former Alliance     and after the attack on Mindoir, he was feeling untethered and he wasn't     as interested in plants like his mom was. He already had the skills     (sniper and self defense training from his dad (admittedly not as in depth     as your regular soldier of course)
 2. How does your Shepard feel about having a yeoman assigned to them in 2? And in 3?
Chambers he doesn't like. He doesn’t want     someone analyzing him, especially not Cerberus. She's good for     administration stuff but her psychological part of her job? Get away from     him.
Traynor is     great, eager and hard working, he doesn't mind her.
 3. What’s their relationship with Anderson?
Captain Anderson? Nah captain DAD. Simon     won't admit it, and the one time he did call Anderson dad he almost     punched him as he tried to retreat. Anderson is the one that found him on     Mindoir and has been watching his alliance career since.
4. Is your Shepard any good at poker?
Yes, and he has one of the best poker faces     out there. Cleans his crew out and does not have any mercy
 5. How well does Shepard know their crew? Not just the companions, but the folks making up the Normandy.
Not entirely well, he's very anti social but     he's a great listener, especially when you think he isn't. The definition     of the guy that knows everything about you, but you know next to nothing     about him.
 6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change?
Doesn't trust EDI bc of Cerberus, not bc     she's an AI. Eventually warms up to her. When she's proven himself, he's     ready to go to bat for her.  
 7. Does their love interest move into their quarters?
Tali moves in around halfway through me3 after she joins. He very much likes his space but he loves her and wants her with him always so he's worked on sharing his space.
 8. What is their reaction to the Alchera mission? And after?
             He’s pissed because the Alliance didn’t care for their dead but he doesn’t hesitate to go there. He spends a long time in the wreckage of the Normandy, being reminded of Mindoir and the burned wreckage of his colony and family. After, he’s even more reserved and quiet afterwards, dealing with this entirely alone. He died but he’s here now, when out of everyone, there were better people to bring back. Worthy people. He deals with a lot of hate and survivor’s guilt.
 9. What type of fighter is your shepard? Do they fight with honor, or do they fight dirty?
             Absolute dirty fighter. Will do practically anything to win the fight. Biter, scratcher, will kick you in the balls. Uses knives/omni-blade a lot. Pops into existence next to, stabs you in the neck and disappears again.
 10. Does Shepard keep any pets? The hamster, fish, something else?
             No. Doesn’t have time and doesn’t want to risk not being able to properly take care them and have them de because of him.
 11. What order does Shepard pick up companions in me2?
             Zaeed, Garrus, Mordin, Grunt, Kasumi, Jack.
 12. Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of ‘em?
             Some people can call him, Shep. Lets people call him the Butcher of Torfan bc it helps his reputation and dissuades people from talking to him. He doesn’t care what people think of him (except when he does) and if they want to be afraid of him- fine. He’ll use it to his advantage. Same thing with people calling him ghost or specter like bc of how good he is with stealth despite his size.
 13. How does your Shep react to teasing/ribbing?
             Shuts it down for the most part, and only certain people can tease him. Lets Joker, and Tali. Wrex immedaitely has a pass bc it’s *Wrex* and because Simon likes him. Garrus gets there in me3. Anderson is allowed to but he doesn’t really.
 14. Any good at flirting?
             Can dish it out but gets flustered if anyone he actually likes (whether platonically or romantically/sexually) does it back. Can actually be suave and charming when he wants to
 15. What colors does Shepard prefer for their armor?
 16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety?
             Yes, he does drink. Doesn’t get drunk bc he likes being n control of his faculties. So, it’s very rare to actually see him drunk. He did do drugs when he was a teenager, after Mindoir but managed to get clean. Smokes when he’s truly stressed.
17. How does Shepard react to attention? Do they enjoy it?
             Does not like attention. Would rather stay in the shadows and not be noticed. If people pay attention to him, they’ll learn about him, and he doesn’t want that.
 18. Who’s the dream team? Which companions does Shepard fight best with and why?
             Me1: Ashley and Wrex. They’re both tanks and good at what they do, he’s got their backs with his sniper. They’re both also renegade but he does enjoy sniping lifted enemies, curtesy of Liara and Kaidan. He can work and play off of just about anyone.
             Me2: Jacob he works really well with, with his biotics and military training, along with Samara. Thinks its very cool he’s working with a Justicar.
             Me3: Loves working with Javik.
             He can work with just about anyone, he’s used to fitting into whatever team he’s assigned.
 19. Are there any companions your Shepard just absolutely cannot vibe with or relate to?
 20. Does Shepard enjoy looking for resources and upgrading gear, or do they see it as a chore?
             Sees it as a chore but knows if he wants the good stuff he’s gotta go looking for it. It’s simple and easy though, so he enjoys the quietness of the task.
 21. Do you have any AUs for your Shepard?
             Not really an au, but Simon and @jtownnn Celine are cousins. With Celine dying in Simon’s during the Mindoir raid and Celine not even meeting Simon in her canon.
 22. What’s the last thing Shepard ate before the final reaper showdown?
             Had his favorite tea (cherry) and a nice ass steak.
 24. Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with?
             Goes to Anderson for advice and then Chakwas when he’s not readily available. This is of course, when he finally gets over himself and asks. For comfort, he goes to Joker the guy will lift his spirits in some way along with Tali. He gossips but in the sense that he listens to everything but doesn’t contribute anything unless it helps him in some way or he thinks it’s funny. So, Kasumi is great but Mordin also is very well versed in what’s going on.
 25. How emotionally articulate is your Shepard? Do they emote well?
             He totally doesn’t. Does not like talking about his emotions and would rather avoid than deal with them. He’s not very vulnerable often and only when he feels he’s safe. Or if he feels he has too.
 26. Does your Shepard have a romance? Who are they, and what drew Shep to them?
             Tali. What drew Simon to her, especially since he doesn’t do romance, is her intelligence and her drive. She’s unapologetically kind while also kicking your ass.
 27. Do they have any pet peeves?
             Does not like small talk. Will just not say anything until you get the hint and stop trying to engage conversation with him. Loud chewers too. Fuck that.
 28. What about hyperfixations? What’s the topic that will get Shepard rolling no matter the person or place?
              Snipers. Can go in depth about them and their manufacturing. Also, his tech. Like ask good questions, he will answer them.
29. How active is Shepard? Are they hitting the gym, playing sports, or do they prefer quieter downtime?
             Working out is how he calms down and relaxes himself for the most part. He likes it and is Built because of it (think James but 6’4)
 30. What will always make them laugh?
             Puns and dad jokes.
31. Who can always make them laugh?
             Tali and Joker.
 32. What do they do when they have hit their limit angry, just incandescent with rage?
             Just completely shuts down. This is after the shouting and the pacing, just shuts down and depending on the situation, walks away.
 33. What skills do they have that are a surprise to the people around them?
             He knows all about plants and specifically flowers because of his mom. He just also knows random bits of trivia- like if you have question about something, chances are he knows the answer or knows how to get the answer.
 34. Got any tattoos?
             He’s got a half-sleeve on his left forearm but I’m not entirely sure what its going to be of.
 35. Which companions have they lost? How do they cope with it?
             I’m thinking he chooses to save Ashley on Virmire along with the canon deaths: Mordin, Thane, and Legion. He doesn’t like losing his men under him, and truly does his bets to bring everyone under his command back. Mission comes first though, so he tries to minimize casualties. He carries their deaths with him always, making his survivor’s guilt worse and they haunt him. It validates him in staying away from others and to continue to his best even though he think he’s horrible.
 36. Do they like to style their hair, wear makeup and jewelry? How do they feel about getting dressed up?
             He keeps his hair cropped military style, lightly buzzed on the sides and just long enough to flop onto his forehead but not in his eyes. Gels when he has to for like formal shit. He wears greasepaint when he’s out in the field around his eyes. Has numerous piercings in his ears, tongue, and nipples. He wears his helmet a lot so he can hide his piercing most of the time. He also only shows skin to others when he has to. (I am debating whether he has his dick pierced or not)
             Doesn’t really like getting dressed up but does like the attention Tali gives him when he does. He likes it when she stares back at him.
 37. Got any bad habits?
             He smokes, he drinks, he avoids emotions and people.
38. Does Shepard do any activities with the companions and crew during downtime?
             Card games. Working out. Sparring. He takes care of his gear with the others but it’s mainly just companionable silence.
 39. Do they keep around any sentimental items?
             Has a friendship bracelet with Celine. Dog tags from the people that he was close to.
 40. Does your Shepard actually like to collect model ships? If not, what do they display?
             He’s like Thane in displaying his snipers. He does collect the ships but not as an avid collector. He likes using his hands to make them.
 41. How is Shepard with a gun? What about hand to hand?
             Phenomenal with weapons and hand to hand. The guy you want training you even though he’s a complete hard-ass. The field isn’t going to be nice to you to show you mercy, neither will he.
 42. Favorite weapon?
             Loves the valiant and black widow from 3, and the Punisher from 1.
43. Which version of the Normandy do they like best?
             The first because the second reminds him of how he fucked up.
 44. Do they like to rotate out companions for quests? Who do they bring the most?
             He does try to rotate people out so everyone get experience in and get their adrenaline out or whatever. But if he feels the mission calls for a specific someone, he’s gonna bring them with him. Brings Wrex the most in 1, Samara in 2, and Javik in 3.
45. Do they approve of curing the genophage?
             Normally, he wouldn’t care but he’s put in the position of deciding its fate and no matter how ruthless and cutthroat he is, can’t justify destroying a whole race. He has the power to change this and does. He trusts Wrex.
 46. Does Shepard allow the rachni to live in me1?
             Again, can’t justify destroying a whole race even though everything in him is screaming at him to kill the rachni.
 47. Does Shepard practice any kind of self-care?
             No. He doesn’t not take care of himself, but he doesn’t go out of his way, like face masks or whatever. He does splurge on his favorite tea though.
 48. What abilities do they rely on the most in a fight?
             His cloak. He can disappear with or without but the cloak gives him that assurance no one can see him. Knives too.
 49. What is Shepard’s happy ending? What’s the dream that keeps em going?        
             At first, he doesn’t have a dream. For a long time, he just expects to go out in combat; that he won’t make it to retirement. Then he falls in love with Tali and her dream is now his. He’ll fight so she can continue to live, to build that home on Rannoch.
50. Is your Shepard indoctrinated?
             FUCK DA REAPERS
(+1: what does Shepard smell like?)
             Gun oil. Cherry and cinnamon
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blackquillchillin · 2 years
Got home from work today and realized I never posted the jailbirds new house! screenshots below, It's a long post of a large Sim house, but I'd love to hear your thoughts!
First, Junie and Thena's room!
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I picked out dark blue wallpaper cause it seems fun but also restful, you know? and picked out a pink bed, chairs, and rug to contrast, and because I think Junie would love it. They've got photos of friends, Junie's pet fish, and some flowers from their wedding! let me know if ya'll wanna see wedding photos by the by, I took plenty.
Next up, Thena's Work Room!
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The missing wall just has a few pictures on it, nothing special. Thena's got her posters, her hard drives, her nice couch, her speaker, and all of the figures Junie's been collecting for her! everything she needs for her programming Job, and a cute little bookshelf and chair that came with the house!
Quick break to see the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms, since we're right next to one of them anyway.
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Don't mind the puddle, mostly just made the bathrooms look lived in, though I did give them a more modern tub upstairs, as well as add lighting. does no one in the sims have a well lit home?
Next up, Simon's Room!
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Inside we have his lovely furniture, a double bed this time, an upgrade from his last room, which he shared with Fulbright, and didn't have room for two doubles. :(
It also has his writing corner, and an easel! he's writing still, but I think it would be neat if he had another hobby, just for fun! also, a space rock, just for fun. quick look at the missing wall, bookshelf and all.
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Next, Bobby's room!
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Bobby where are you going.
That's Simon's room, you have your own!
Bobby's odd choices aside, I think he'd be the kind to have a liiittle bit dated wallpaper, and not replace his computer (It's still good!) despite the fact that it is, in fact, Thena's old computer from when they lived in the dinky little starter home, and were not making several thousand a day.
It just feels right.
Lastly for the upper floor, work out room!
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Before they had a treadmill in Thena's room and a punching bag in her workroom, but no more! the original house just had a weird corner, so I turned it into a room!
The upstairs hall has some fossils in it, but isn't that interesting, so we'll have a quick look downstairs instead. Living room ahoy!
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Frankly, this space is a little too big, Ended up splitting it into two spaces. This is why I don't really like open floor plans, but in the last house it was really nice? maybe I'm just bad at space. here's a quick look at their last living room for comparison:
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Double living room and dining space, which I liked. If you guys have any advice for better using the space, let me know. Maybe add some rugs?
Speaking of dining rooms, quick look at their dining room and kitchen, nothing special!
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Mostly unchanged from the base, though I did bring the nice fridge and stove with. they didn't survive at least twelve kitchen fires to miss out on their unbreakable stove and fridge now. It is smaller then the last kitchen, but not enough so to be really notable. Maybe sometimes I'll extend the building, we'll see. I also added some clutter and things, since no base house in this game ever looks even vaguely lived in.
Oh, and the sculpture on the table bobby made! it was a wedding present for Thena and Junie.
One last living space, and then a quick look outside!
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That's Simon's pet fish, a Rainbow one lives in there! also Simon's print, from examining all of Junie's fossils. She has so many. Still looking for places for some of them. Maybe the bathroom? not sure. Kinda hate that they don't fit on any of the shelves. Any way to put them on top of the bookshelves? I feel like that'd be a great place.
Overlook at Junies Garden, and a quick peak at Metis's resting place, and then we're done!
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Yes, they did move that gravestone from the last house, and yeah, that has implications, but it's finnneee. No worries.
Thank you so much for reading this! here's a bonus ghost for your trouble, and goodnight!
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serafiel-jacobs · 9 months
The doctor is in (Fanfic)
New Chapter of my Angst series 💜
Simon’s entire body felt completely sore, Paracelsus had poked and probed him all day with his “treatments”, it was humiliating and he was completely at his mercy, he couldn’t stand up to Paracelsus, not in this state, but Simon is a smart man, he just needs to think of something to get himself out of this situation, and he needs to think fast, the more time he spends here, the more he will become dependent on Paracelsus. For now, he is resting, glad that he is gone for the time being.
“How is my favorite patient doing~?”
Fuck he is back, Simon keeps quiet he doesn’t want to talk to him.
“What’s wrong? Still not feeling well?”
“Why are you doing this to me?” It’s a sincere question, Simon doesn’t know why Paracelsus is acting this way, sure he experimented on others just like Paracelsus did, but he was always professional about it, it was research, about fulfilling their goals as alchemists.
“As I said, I like taking care of you, it’s cute to see the great Simon Manus being helpless”
Great, he is fucking crazy and wants him as his pet.
Paracelsus grabs Simon by the arm and pulls him towards him, he does it with such ease and Simon feels pathetic because Paracelsus isn’t a physically strong man.
“It’s time for another treatment, I have prepared something very special for you”
Paracelsus has a special room in his house dedicated to his medical endeavors, it has everything that you would find in a hospital and more, a wheelchair and a surgical table; as well as a bed and a chair just like the ones used by dentists, he needs to have as much room as possible to work with and obviously the bed has straps used as restraints, although he has had no need to use them on Simon.
As he pushes Simon towards the chair, Paracelsus opens a compartment that’s separated from his usual medicine cabinets, revealing a fish tank filled with leeches, he grabs a few of them with tweezers and sets them on his surgical table, and he can see Simon’s discomfort and that he is trying hard not to show it, and Paracelsus finds his tough act adorable.
“Your veins are so delicate Simon, we need to improve that blood flow”
“Paracelsus there are other treatments that are more effective than this”
“I’m the doctor here, Simon, not you” he needs to remind him that he is in charge and that questioning his methods is pointless, he knows what’s best for him, he knows how to take care of him.
Paracelsus knows how to make him submit to his will.
As he is applying the leeches, he sees Simon squirming and Paracelsus lets out a small laugh, Simon looks so lovely when he gets scared.
He observes as Simon tries not to feel bothered by the procedure, Paracelsus gently puts his hand to Simon’s face, “Shh there, there, everything is going to be just fine, I’m here to take care of you, my dear”
Simon is biting his lip, and Paracelsus forcefully stops him by having a firmer grasp on his face, “No, no, I don’t want you to accidentally hurt yourself”
“I’m not a child” Simon tries to protest.
“Then you better not behave like one, because kids are always difficult to handle at the doctor's office” It’s true, unfortunately they are scared and don’t know any better, thankfully Paracelsus is a very patient man, and just like he treats his little patients with gentle care, he would do the same with Simon.
Simon tries to speak up again but Paracelsus puts his finger on his lips and hushes him.
“You don’t want to scare the leeches, my dear”
Simon is now asleep and Paracelsus is watching him, he likes watching Simon sleep, how he tosses and turns clearly not being able to sleep properly, Paracelsus asks him if he has nightmares but like the adorable tough guy he thinks he does, Simon denies it.
As Simon wakes up in pain, Paracelsus sees that he looks at him with intense hatred.
“You should have left me to stay dead”
That was the wrong thing to say, Paracelsus will never Simon die again.
“I can see that you are still agitated, but I have the perfect solution for that, you know what barbiturates are, right Simon?”
Paracelsus has a big smile on his face when Simon starts shaking.
“It’s unfortunate, your body is just as sick as your mind, wanting to die is not a good sign of mental health”
“The only one that is insane here is you, who the hell tortures their “patients” like this?!” Simon shouted, finally trying to stand up for himself.
“Why Simon, did you forget already the things we used to do with our test subjects?” Paracelsus can see Simon’s eyes grow wide, and that just makes him smile even more.
“Paracelsus, please” Simon is begging him now and he likes that, he likes seeing him beg. “We used to be friends, please” Although Simon never truly saw him as a friend, he is trying to say anything to convenience him.
“We are still friends, that’s why I’m taking care of you~”
It’s very fun to see Simon begging him to stop, it’s fun to grab his mouth and force him to swallow the pills, and as Simon begins to get drowsy, Paracelsus lays next to him in bed, and talks to him, saying how much he likes him, how he always had a fondness for him while working together, that he is happy to have him with him, how their friendship meant so much to him.
And before Simon fully loses consciousness, he hears Paracelsus whisper one last thing.
“You are mine Simon, you are my little patient and I’m here to take care of you”
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toffeelemon · 3 years
i wrote a lil dumb gatorade pov for the birthday boy @prince-simon because i am a dumb - enjoy
me, my human, and his human
My human is a bit of an asshole. I love him anyway. 
Sometimes I forget why I actually hate him - maybe it’s because all humans are assholes, and then I met him, this crazy guy who just picked me up off the streets and stole me to his own home.
It’s nice here though. I can lie outside the room to toast my belly in the sun, my human always throws food at me if I just yell at him, and there’s even yummy fish to snack on. 
My human disappears for days at a time sometimes. I wonder where he goes during the day. What do humans with fluffy heads and smooth skin do all day?
My human has brought another human home. He doesn’t always do that. Once or twice he’ll bring other humans home, people who cover more of their skin with fabric unlike my stupid human. I think they’re family - they have the same fluffy hair and brown skin.
This new guy though - he has big paws that are the colour of milk, and floppy hair. He’s nice to me.
My human makes angry noises when I’m being nice back to his new human, which is funny, so I just do it more. Floppy Head has soft paws and he gives nice back scratches.
Floppy Head’s face leaks. Why do humans do that? Is he okay? 
My man Fluffy Head pets Floppy Head, and Floppy Head makes happy noises again. 
My human always makes angry noises at me. Floppy Head speaks slightly differently though, human noises that are not familiar to me, but he sounds like he’s saying nice things. I meow nice things back at him.
Floppy Head keeps coming back after going outside for the day. Maybe my human has stolen more fledglings from the street and took them home again. I guess this makes Floppy Head my buddy. Floppy Head looks happy to be here, and I like him being here too - I don’t even need to yell to get food. Floppy Head loves feeding me, and he likes digging into soil with his paws. (I don’t understand it, but it’s fun.)
Floppy Head gets to sleep with my human, which is - fine, I didn’t want to snuggle with that asshole anyway, but I’m glad he found a human to keep. 
Then one day my human doesn’t come back with his human. I claw and bite at him because I miss his human. Stupid asshole can’t even keep his human! At least he looks like he misses his human too. Sometimes his face is leaky. Is that what humans do when they’re sad?
It’s been so long of just me and my human alone in his home. He disappeared for days at a time, and then he came home walking all weird. He always jumps awake in his sleep. It almost makes me wanna sleep next to him, so he has someone to accompany him. But he’s a stupid asshole, so I won’t.
One day Floppy Head finally comes back, by himself, without my human. I didn’t recognise him at first - but I remembered how nice he is, and he doesn’t shout at me even when I claw and bite. He’s learning to make human noises like Fluffy Head - not that I understand a word of what he’s saying anyway. Humans are weird.
Fluffy Head is better at keeping his human this time - Floppy Head came back home, and doesn’t leave anymore. They’re always petting each other, touching noses, and staying in bed forever together. 
My human seems less pissy when his human is around. I can’t ever be nice to him, because he’s an asshole, but at least I can be nice to his human. I’m glad Floppy Head is back.
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maggotzombie · 4 years
LIEBE LIESE: ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴠɪ - 𝒰𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝓊𝓇𝑒
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→ CHAPTERS LIST — CHAPTER V: BOYFRIEND MATERIAL WORD COUNT: 3,8k TW: Alcohol, swearing, so much fluff. A/N: GUYS! I’M FINALLY BACK! Posting a new chapter of this fic makes it official. I’m so happy I’m able to update it, you have no idea. Also, so many great plots came into my mind while I was in this forced hiatus. Things will spice up hehehe Okay, now I’ll let you guys read it! :D HEADS UP: Dialogue between “[  ]” is in German.
“SO… THE girl,” Nik starts casually as if he wants nothing.
Oh, yeah... Very smooth, Niki. Very smooth.
He and Simon share a glance when Henry does not reply, eyes fixed on the TV.
“Henry,” Nik calls.
“Yeah?” He replies without prying his eyes off the flat screen, mildly paying attention to his brother.
“The girl,” His brother repeats.
“Hm,” Henry hums, sipping on his bear. “Who?”
“The one you’re seeing,” Simon quips in.
Now they have the actor’s full attention, but he plays it off by keeping his gaze on the TV.
“Woman,” He says, licking his lips. Giving the fact that he has actually dated girls, he feels the need to point it out. “She’s a woman,” He explains.
His brothers share another knowing look.
“So, you’re seeing someone,” Nik remarks with a grin.
Henry hasn’t said anything about Liese to any of his brothers yet. He mentioned, briefly, that he was taking someone out for dinner but that was it. And now interrogation starts, as it seems.
“What’s her name again?” Simon asks.
“I’ve never said her name,” The actor muses, finally looking over at his brothers.
Their interrogation confidence falters slightly as the tactic fails.
“Does she have white hair?” Charlotte inquires all of the sudden, coming from outside.
The man frowns, looking at her. “Yes,” He confirms. “How do you know?”
Charlie calmly reaches down on the back of his shirt. The long white hair strand is a stark contrast to the black fabric and she picks it up gently, bringing it to Henry’s eyesight. Just then he realizes that is the shirt he borrowed her after they’ve met (aka the night he ripped her dress open).
“She has a nice perfume, too,” The woman adds, getting a water bottle from the fridge and walking back out of the door.
With the most confusing expression, Henry pulls the collar up to his nose and sniffs it. Surely enough, there’s a whiff of Liese’s perfume on the fabric – giving the fact that she washed and kept the shirt with her clothes before giving it back to him. Nevertheless, it’s impressive that Charlie could pick that at all.
“How the heck did she smell that?” Henry asks, confused.
Nik and Simon shrug, both of them also impressed by Charlie’s heightened sense. “What’s her name, Henry?” His older brother now asks, joining the conversation.
“Liese,” He replies without any mystery.
“That doesn’t sound British?” Piers says.
“Yeah, her family is German,” The actor explains.
“Oh,” Nik smirks suggestively at Simon and Henry rolls his eyes.
Some cheers come from the TV but it’s long forgotten by now.
“And how old is this woman of yours?” Simon teases and the actor gives him a look, meaning he doesn’t appreciate the joke.
“She’s not mine,” He clarifies. “And, I don’t know…” Henry frowns and nips on his bottom lip thoughtfully. “But she’s a doctor. So, I’m guessing about my age.”
Eyebrows shot up in surprise. “A doctor, huh?” Nik muses.
“Yup. Pediatrician and A&E doctor,” The actor nods.
“She’s a woman, after all,” Simon grants, making a face.
“Are you sure she’s real?” Nik plays along.
Henry flips them off, something he rarely does, which makes all three of them laugh in amusement.
“Seriously,” Nik starts as he stops laughing.
“She is real,” The actor emphasizes.
“Right, Hollywood star,” He shakes his head. “Do you have any photos of her? We need visual confirmation,” Nik says.
A grin spreads on his lips. “I do, actually,” He says, fishing his phone from his pocket. “Just a few, though.”
Simon snatches the phone from his hands and Nik and Piers gather around him to look at it. They quickly locate the woman in a figure-hugging red dress with a generous cleavage amongst random photos and videos of Kal.
“This is her?” Nik looks back at Henry, not believing his eyes. “Wow.”
“Damn, she’s gorgeous,” Simon says, sliding from a smiling photo to one which she gives Henry a much seductive look.
“Is that all of it?” Nik seems disappointed when Kal shows up at the screen again. “Didn’t even have the time to properly access her.”
Piers chuckles. “Knock it off, you two,” He says before looking at Henry. “She’s beautiful, brother.”
“Beautiful? She’s hotter than all of his exes!” Nik declares.
A scowl sets on his face as he takes his phone back. “What are you boys up to?” Kiri comes into the house with the other spouses following behind.
“Still picking on poor Henry?” Charlie inquires.
“The woman he’s dating is amazing,” Nik says to the women, making a gesture to imply Liese’s boobs.
“Oooh,” Victoria says excitedly before Henry could correct his brother. “Show us the photos.”
Once again, a crowd gathers around Henry’s phone to gawk at Liese. And not only the wives, but also his brothers to take a second look at the doctor.
“Only these?” Kiri scoffs after looking at the four photos. “Are you kidding me, Henry?”
“Right?” Nik nods at his sister-in-law.
“I only took her out once, okay? And I didn’t want to spend the entire date on my phone!” The actor tries to defend himself.
“Is she nice?” Charlie asks.
The silly smile is on his face before he can stop it. “Yeah, she’s pretty amazing,” He nods.
“How do you spell ‘Liese’?” Simon asks with furrowed brows while Kiri, Niki, and Vicky look over his shoulders.
Henry’s smile faints. “What are you doing?” He asks suspiciously.
“Trying to find her Instagram,” Nik replies.
“It shouldn’t be hard with her name,” Vicky chimes in, and Kiri nods.
“I don’t know about that,” Henry narrows his eyes. “There’s a lot of people on Instagram…”
“Found it,” Simon interrupts him. “She’s ‘Liese Hartmann’ with an ‘e’ and double ‘n’, right?” He asks just to confirm but the woman in the profile picture is definitely her.
Nik chuckles slightly. “Totally German.”
“What?” The actor frowns, moving to look at his brother’s phone as well. Sure enough, it’s Liese’s profile. “Yeah, that’s her.”
With the confirmation, Simon clicks on her profile and the group of nine adults all gather around the phone screen that has become way too small. There was nothing too revealing nor pretentious – not even a bikini photo sipping on a glass of champagne in a boat. It’s actually the other way around.
There are a lot of children; both from the association and her nieces and nephews. The doctor is either wearing her scrubs or casual clothes, surrounded by said kids, friends, and family. There are a few selfies then and there and some pets. Overall, just what Henry expected to see from knowing her, even if very little.
“She’s thirty-three,” Simon says, tapping on a photo.
Liese has a birthday hat on and she’s holding a cake, blowing the number thirty-three candle on it. Henry knows it was taken in the association given the background, the kids surrounding the doctor once again, and her scrubs.
“That was last year,” Kiri points out the date.
“Well,” His brother shrugs. “I’ll take it.”
“And she’s really pretty,” Vicky remarks.
“Works a lot, though,” Nik says.
Henry shakes his head. “Alright. Are you done?” He asks them.
“She seems good with kids,” Charlie says but her comment doesn’t have the teasing tone like the others.
“Yeah. Are any of these hers?” Vicky looks back at Henry.
He pinches the bridge of his nose. “No, most of them are her patients.”
“Even the blonde ones?” Simon asks. “Some of them look a lot like her. Like this little girl,” He shows a photo.
“They’re her nieces and nephews,” Henry replies with a sigh.
“Are you sure?”
“Have you met any of them yet?”
The questions are asked at the same time and the actor frowns, glaring at them.
“Alright. Enough of this,” He shakes his head, taking the last swing of his beer.
“You’re leaving?” Nik asks with a cheeky grin and his wife nudges him to stop.
“Yeah, I have some things to do,” He says, taking Kal’s lead. “Kal!” Henry calls.
“No, Henry, don’t go! I promise they’ll stop,” Charlie says, nudging his brother again to act like a grownup but Nik’s smirk is set to annoy.
“Yes, they’re done,” Piers’ smile turns into a stern look directed towards his brothers and wives, including his own.
“Thanks, sis,” The actor kisses her cheek. “But I do need to go,” He says.
Kal comes into the house trotting with the kids following behind. “Uncle Henry is leaving?” Grace asks with unruly hair for running after the dogs.
“Yeah, he’s gonna see his girlfriend,” Simon replies, picking his daughter up in his arms.
Oh, how badly Henry wants to punch him right now. But the smack he gets from Victoria is satisfying. It looks like she’s okay teasing Henry around the adults, but not in front of the kids.
“Uncle Henry has a girlfriend?” Willian asks with a weird expression.
“Lucy?” Thomas adds, beside his brother.
“NO,” The actor emphasizes quite quickly. “I don’t have a girlfriend,” He says, latching Kal’s lead into his collar. “Uncle Simon is joking.”
“What’s a girlfriend?” Harry asks, frowning in confusion as he looks at his father.
“It’s when…” Thomas starts to explain but Henry cuts him off.
“Nothing you should worry about, mate,” He says, grabbing the boy’s head and leaving a kiss on top of it. “Now give Kal and Uncle Henry a hug because we’re leaving.”
After working in the morning, Liese tries to relax and take a nap. But she’s too tired and with a head full to just lay in bed to wait for sleep to come.
Instead, she tries to chill out by studying. Unconventional, but what’s new to the silver-haired doctor.
Just as she’s reviewing her notes from a paper about a study on leukemia treatment, her phone starts to ring. She reaches out to the coffee table and retrieves the device.
A smile tugs on her lips at Henry’s name on the screen.
“Hey,” She smiles at him, answering the FaceTime call.
“Hello, gorgeous,” The actor greets her with his handsome smile. “I didn’t know you wore glasses,” He tilts his head adorably.
“Only for reading when my eyes decide they had enough,” The woman chuckles.
“What are you up to?” Henry asks, biting his bottom lip slightly.
“Studying a bit,” She replies and she can tell she just crushed his plans.
“Oh,” He utters.
Liese chuckles slightly. “Why?”
“Nothing,” The man shakes his head quickly. “Kal and I were just wondering if you wanted to go to the dog park with us. But you’re busy, so it’s okay.”
She laughs with mirth. “Well, tell Kal I’ll be honored to go to the dog park with him,” She says.
Henry’s smile returns to his face. “But what about your studies?” He frowns.
“It’s not like I have a test or something like that,” The woman replies, abandoning the paper on the coffee table. “I’m a doctor, love. I’ll always have to study something,” She explains.
“Okay,” He says hesitantly. “I just don’t want to get in your way.”
“You won’t,” Liese guarantees, walking towards her room. “Can I sleepover?”
“You don’t have to ask. I’ll pick you up in a few,” Henry replies.
She frowns. “Nonsense. The dog park is your neighborhood. I won’t let you drive all the way down to Brixton just to pick me up.”
“But I want to! I don’t like making you take the Tube every time you come to see me,” The man tries.
“You don’t make me, I chose to,” Liese explains. “But I’ll take an Uber if that’ll bring you peace.”
He makes a face. “It doesn’t. It actually makes me more uneasy. Just let me pick you up, please? I swear it’s nothing…” He insists.
“[No! Stop insisting! I might cave if you continue to do this adorable pout,]” The woman replies in German unconsciously.
Henry’s response is a delicious laugh. “Okay, okay,” He says. “I think I might have pissed you off right now but I hope you didn’t just cuss me.”
She chuckles, realizing the switch of the languages. “You didn’t piss me off and I didn’t cuss you,” She clarifies. “But I’ll hang up to get ready because I think Kal might get upset if I make him wait too much.”
“Oh, yes. We don’t want that,” He shakes his head and glances over Kal. “Actually, he’s already too excited. Look.”
The man turns the phone to the dog so they can see each other. A big smile takes over Liese’s face as she sees the large bear sitting expectantly in front of his owner.
“Hey, Kal! How are you doing buddy?” Liese asks and his tail starts wagging immediately at the sound of her voice. “Do you wanna go to the park?”
The well-known question makes the dog stand up in all fours and bark on the phone. Then he tries to sniff and lick the device which makes the woman laugh.
“Alright, buddy. I’ll be right there,” She says to Kal and then Henry turns the phone back to him.
“Wait! I have to ask one little thing,” He says.
Liese nods, biting her lip in concentration. “Shoot.”
“Can I go and pick you up?” A smirk grows on his lips slowly and a laugh reverberates through his chest as she rolls her eyes and ends the call without answering him.
“I’m just around the corner,” The woman says immediately after picking up the call.
“So, you’ll be at the door when I get there?” Henry asks.
“Probably,” She replies.
“Okay, then,” He says. “I’m walking towards the door.”
Liese chuckles in amusement as the Uber driver stops in front of Henry’s mews house. She mouths a ‘thank you’ through the rear-view mirror and steps out of the car. When the actor opens the front door, the phone glued to his ear, he makes good use of his quick reflexes to grab the giggly woman jumping to his arms.
His hands keep a strong grip on her things and he chuckles at the pleasant “surprise”. With her arms around his neck, the woman kisses his neck softly before untangling herself from him to give some attention to Kal, who’s barking like crazy. As usual, she greets the excited dog in German without sparing compliments.
Henry closes the front door and puts his phone down, looking back at the gorgeous woman peppering his dog’s face with kisses.
“I had an idea!” Liese says, straighten up to her feet. “How about we make a picnic?” She suggests excitedly.
“A picnic?” He frowns. “Baby, it’s cold outside,” He points out.
Then he realizes: while he’s wearing a T-shirt and warm sweatpants, the doctor is wearing a tank top and shorts.
“Aren’t you cold?” The man asks.
“No, I’m fine,” She shrugs off. “But I guess you’re right,” Liese nods, sounding very disappointed.
“You’re so German,” He says, shaking his head and walking towards her. “If you want to, we can have a picnic.”
Her face lights up in excitement. “Really?” She asks, looking up at him.
“Really,” Henry nods again, smiling at her.
He laughs with mirth when she, once again, jumps to his arms. “[You’re the best,]” She says in German but the actor has a good idea of what it means. “What do you have here?”
Liese moves away from him to check his kitchen, but he grabs her arm before she can go any further. “Hold on,” He says.
The woman looks back at him and he pulls her back. He reaches out to her face and seals their lips together. A small giggle escapes Liese’s mouth when she opens it to let Henry’s tongue get into it. She feels warm and tingly from the kiss and she glues her body to Henry’s, fitting perfectly to his strong and tall build.
“Hey, you,” She says quietly against his lips when they break the kiss.
“This is a proper hello,” Henry pecks her lips.
“I like it,” The woman agrees, clasping her arms around his neck and pulling for another kiss.
The second kiss doesn’t last long as Kal jumps on them, whining. Liese laughs, looking down at the bear. The man groans slightly before looking at Kal too.
“You’re supposed to help me out, pal,” He says.
“He is,” The woman says. “Why do you think I came all the way here from Brixton?” She teases.
“Oh, yeah? You can sleep with him today,” Henry squeezes her waist.
“I will. He sleeps in your bed, anyway,” She winks at him.
“Fuck, that’s right,” He laughs and Liese steals another kiss from him, but Kal paws them. “Alright, buddy.”
Liese orders the man to go get ready while she prepares something for their picnic. She organizes everything she can find into plastic containers and Henry finds a bag to put the food into and a thick blanket. An overly excited Kal gets into his leash and they finally walk out of the house.
The actor doesn’t let Liese carry the bag, so she walks with Kal.
"Did you go to work today?” The man asks casually.
“Yeah, but just for a little bit. One of my kids isn’t doing great, I went to check on him,” Liese replies.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” He sends her a sympathetic look. “Is everything going to be okay?”
She sighs and Kal looks at her worryingly, picking up the shift in her humor. “I don’t know,” The doctor shakes her head. “This disease is really hard to figure out. The immune system can start functioning again or... I don’t know,” She shakes her head again. “How about you? How was your morning?” Liese changes the subject, smiling at him.
Henry doesn’t press on the subject, instead, he smiles as well. “It was good, I had lunch at Nik’s.”
“This sounds nice,” She says, smiling wider. “Did you have a good time?”
“Yeah, I was having a good time until they started teasing me,” He shrugs off.
“Oh?” Liese looks at him, puzzled.
“Yeah,” Henry scratches his beard in thought. “They’re asking me about you and they’ve found your Instagram profile which I haven’t even seen before,” The man says.
“Really?” She grins at him. “What did they say of me?”
Henry smiles. “I believe the words used were ‘gorgeous” and ‘hot’.”
The woman frowns. “Which photo did they see to call me hot?”
“I may have shown a few from our date?” He replies with a face.
Liese’s eyes widen. “With that dress?” He nods. “Oh my God, Henry! No! They must think I’m such a pretentious posh!” She says, mortified.
He laughs. “Look at you! Speaking British!” He teases.
The woman whines and tries to push him, but Henry doesn’t budge an inch. “I’m serious!”
“You’re great, love. They don’t think that of you,” The man reassures her.
“How do you know that?” She asks with a pout.
Fuck. That’s so adorable. She’s so adorable. I’m so falling for her, Henry thinks.
“They’ve stalked your Instagram,” He starts. “They’re probably doing it again. You’re not posh at all. You’re thoughtful, you care for your patients, and you’re lovely,” The man places an arm around her shoulders, bringing her close.
Liese smiles, looking up at him lovingly. “And gorgeous and hot?” She raises an eyebrow jokingly.
“Well, that’s obvious,” He says.
The woman laughs and leaves a kiss in the corner of his jaw, which gives Henry goosebumps.
At the dog park, they set up their picnic blanket under a tree and Liese leaves the man there to play with Kal. The overly excited dog forgets his size and ends up knocking the doctor on her ass.
Henry quickly gets up, worried about her. “Kal!” He calls with a stern voice. “Are you okay?” He asks, reaching out a hand for Liese.
She giggles in response. “Yeah. I’m okay,” She takes his hand and the actor quickly pulls her up.
With a frown, he looks at his dog. “That wasn’t nice, Kal,” He chides.
“Ah, don’t scold him,” The woman says, dusting off her backside. “He’s just too excited and forgot his size,” She defends the dog, petting his head fondly. “Right, buddy?”
“You’re going to spoil my dog, aren’t you?” Henry asks, watching Kal trots beside her as she walks towards their picnic blanket.
“I’m most definitely will,” Liese nods, sitting down and looking up at him. “Wow, what a sight from down here,” She immediately says.
The actor chuckles and shakes his head, taking a seat by her side.
“Say,” She starts. “What would happen if I were to kiss the famous Superman actor, Henry Cavill, right now?” She teases.
His mouth waters and his pupils dilate immediately. “Guess we’re going to find out,” He says.
Biting her lip, Liese gets closer to him and places a hand on his cheek fondly. The kiss is short and sweet, after all, he’s in the public eye and, although the park is empty, you’ll never know if a paparazzi is lurking around.
The woman keeps her promise to spoil Kal as she gives him all the belly rubs he wants. Henry is mortified when the bear, not so kindly, pushes him away from Liese and takes his place. She simply laughs it off and kisses his pout.
After an hour or so in the park, they decide to head home. The doctor finally feels the tiredness catching up to her but she refuses to yawn while Henry excitedly tells her about a match he's gonna watch at his favorite pub next Friday with some friends.
“So, I was thinking,” Henry starts not even fifteen minutes after they got back to his place. “I know it’s too soon, but we could go out for dinner,” He suggests. “It doesn’t have to be in a fancy place, though,” Henry adds, walking from the kitchen to his living room, where Liese is. “What do you think?”
He stops talking at the sight of the sleeping beauty snuggling with Kal on the sofa.
“I guess we’re gonna order in, then,” The man whispers, grabbing the overthrown blanket on the backrest of the sofa and covering her. “You’re supposed to help me get the girl, not steal her from me, mate,” He says, patting Kal’s head.
The 34-year-old Superman actor was seen out and about this afternoon with a mysterious white-haired woman and his dog. The couple shared a hug and a few kisses on a lovely picnic at the park.
While we do not have more information on the lucky lady, we know our beloved British Superman is back on the dating scene. Back in February, Cavill ended his relationship with stuntwoman Lucy Cork after almost a year together.
Check out the photos from the romantic picnic here.
* * *
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
In Another Universe: Chapter 4
(TSC and TMI as well as the characters belong to Cassandra Clare, some of the parts are also kinda similar to the original.)
Joan wasn't sure where she was, it was dark and she heard voices, her head was aching, the last thing she remembered was something attacking their apartment and pain that brought darkness.
Now she woke up in a bedroom she did not recognize, all she could think about at this moment was where her mother and Clar were, were they safe?
She heard the door open, and a tall man with pale blonde hair and black eyes walked in
"Hello, Jonathena," he said. "It's been so very long, my daughter."
She was shocked
"What do you mean?"
Falling, falling and falling was all Clar could describe going through the portal like, yes he may have screamed, and then they hit the ground, Jayce landed on top of him, they both got tangled up in each other and elbowed each other
"Ow," Jayce said. "You elbowed me."
"You're the one who landed on top of me," Clar said.
Jayce pushed herself up and for a moment they looked into each other's eyes, Clar had never noticed how odd yet beautiful they actually were, they were gold but with a darker ring of gold around them and, so odd, they would have been more beautiful if Jayce weren't staring at him with an unreadable expression.
She jumped up and helped him up, Clar looked around to see where it was his mom wanted to go and realized it was Luke's bookshop
"I know this place," he said. "it's Luke's bookshop."
"The same Luke who decided to abandoned you?," Jayce said
"But why did it take us here?"
"You must have been thinking of it when we went through the portal."
"I wasn't, this must of been where mom would have fled," Clar said.
"You gonna knock on the door?"
"But Luke said to stay away."
"Well if I were you I'd be mad at him and wondering why he just decided to leave you when your mom and sister disappeared."
"But he said not to come."
"Do you have a key?" She asked
"No but, Luke usually leaves the back unlocked, are we really breaking in?" Clar asked
"Yup!" She said
They headed around back, and heard something Jayce told him to stay back, she jumped over the fence like it was nothing, she really was like a cat sometimes, why was he always comparing her to a cat, god Clar what is wrong with you?
"Ow!" Called a familiar voice
Clar opened the gate and went through to see, Jayce on attacked Simone, Simone, his best friend, he'd forgotten about her for a few and felt the guilt
"Jayce, get off her, she's my friend," Clar said.
Jayce got off her and Simone got up
"where have you been!?" She yelled. "I've been worried sick, you ran out of the coffee shop and then when I went by your apartment there were police there, and I called Luke to ask where you were and he said you went to visit family, but you don't have any family, and so I came here to see what Luke was doing and he wasn't here so I decided to wait for him to come back." She let out a breath of air
She talked so fast there but Clar could understand what all she said
"Listen, Simone it's a long story and—," he stopped and looked over at Jayce, who appeared to be filing her nails with her stele thingy with no care in the world.
"I am gonna tell her," Clar told Jayce
"Oh, I know," she said
She didn't seem to care, but Jayce didn't seem to care about much, he wondered how she did it
So Clar explained everything, Simone sat in silence for a couple minutes, understandable Clar thought, and Simone told them about how Luke was packing weapons earlier
"So she is a Shadowhunter," Simone said and pointed at Jayce
She gave a charming smile
"That's cool!" Said Simone
"Cool?" Jayce said confused
"But I can't believe you were hooking up with a wannabe blonde girl, who is like every blonde girl we avoid at school," said Simone
"I wasn't hooking!" Clar blurted out and was blushing
"And for the record I am naturally blonde," said Jayce
Simone have her a look, which Jayce returned with a look of her own
"So are we breaking in or not?" Asked Jayce
"I guess, yeah," Clar answered
Jayce walked up to the door, pulled out her stele and said "Allow me."
Simone whispered to Clar "She's a piece of work."
"She saved my life," Clar said
Simone didn't say anything after that
They went in looked around, Jayce was going through Luke's duffle bag, and pulled out a picture frame
"This your?" She asked
"Yes, Luke must have been by the apartment."
"Hey, guys someones coming," said Simone
They hid behind a rosewood screen and they heard the voices, Jayce used her stele to draw a rune that made things clear for them to see.
The two men were in robes, Clar could recognize they were warlocks, Hodge had explained some to him, he was kinda proud of himself
"Those two are warlocks, Jayce," Clar whispered, but he noticed Jayce had gone stiff and her face was pale
Is she worried I am gonna run off, I'm not, he wish he could let her know that
"these men are Shadowhunters..." She said, Clar gave a look of worry
Jayce didn't know what to think, those men there were the ones who killed her father, they were Shadowhunters who murdered another Shadowhunter, she tried to steel herself, that was what she had to do, feel nothing and it can't hurt you anymore.
They were talking about how Luke knew where Jocelyn's son was, aka Clar, they went on talking and Luke said he didn't know where she was and that he wanted nothing to do with Valentine, they said they are pretty sure Jocelyn has the mortal cup and Valentine wants it, and that Jocelyn is unconscious and he is waiting for her to awake.
Could Valentine really be back? If so things were about to get bad
Once they all left, the three of them got out of their hiding place, Jayce was figuring out what she would do about this
"they think your mom has the mortal cup, have you ever seen them before?" She asked Clar
"No," he said. "Do you know them?"
"You could say that," she said. "They were the ones who murdered my father."
She gestured for them to follow her so that they didn't stand there with their awkward silence all day
Clar was following close giving her looks, this boy, what is with him, and why does he even care so much about someone he barely knows?
Eventually they made it back to the institute, Jayce saw Church and felt a little better the cat may hate everyone but they have had some deep conversations
"Hey, Church," she bent down to pet him. "Take us to Hodge and I'll give you tuna."
Church got up and started walking down the hallway, he led them to the kitchen and the angel save them she could smell Iz's cooking
Jayce opened the kitchen door and alas there was Iz cooking and Church had betrayed Jayce, she should have walked away
"Hey Jayce, I am making soup do you—" she stopped and saw both Clar and Simone. "Omg you brought another one here, Hodge is gonna kill you."
"Hi, I'm Simone," said Simone
"JAYCE WAYLAND!," He said. "Explain why you brought another mundane."
"I said show me where Alec wss! Backstabber," she said as she glared at Church
"Don't be mean to Church, he isn't the reason you're going to be killed," said Iz
"Listen, Iz, I saw the men who killed my father today," she said
"Are you going to speak to Hodge about it?"
"I don't know."
"Is this girl one of them?"
"Do you think I would have brought her if she was?"
"No, you wouldn't have."
"That's why he brought us here, you've been stuffing him with fish," Jayce said. "He looks stuffed."
"He does not look stuffed," Iz said. "Besides it's not like the rest of you eat what I cook, I got this recipe from someone at the market."
"Maybe I would eat your cooking if it wasn't poisonous," Jayce said.
Iz glared, and said. "What was that?"
"Nothing, I am getting a snack."
"Yeah that's what I thought," Iz said, in his sibling way
Simone continued to stare at Iz, Clar followed Jayce to the refrigerator, he looked angry though Jayce had no idea why, she opened it and looked through the contents of the fridge
"You're seriously eating?" Said Clar
"yeah, I don't have anything better to do at the moment," she said
Clar looked inside the fridge and saw Hodge's containers that said 'Hodge's do not eat'
"He is kinda like that roommate who has all these rules and stuff isn't he?" Asked Clar
Jayce told him he just likes things to have order, Jayce understood that
Jayce grabbed some spaghetti, it reminded her of a childhood memory
"spaghetti," Jayce said
"Don't ruin your appetite, the soup will be done soon," Iz said
"I plan to do exactly that," she said
She offered some to Clar, he shook his head and said
"Your loss," she said
Clar watched Jayce as she ate some spaghetti
"Do you want to go to Hodge?" He asked
"You really want to get out of here, don't you?" She said
"Don't you want to talk to him about all that we saw today and found out?"
"I don't know, I am still thinking if I do," Jayce said, she licked some spaghetti sauce off her knuckle. "We can go if you want to so badly."
"Yes," he said
They started to head out
"Where you going?" Asked Simone
"To find Hodge," Jayce said. "And to tell him about all the stuff we saw today."
"You going to let him know about the men yo–" Isidore was saying but Jayce cut in
"Don't know," she said. "So don't tell anyone."
"Ok," Isidore said. "Do you want me to save you some soup?"
"No," said Jayce
"Do you think Hodge wants some?"
"No one wants soup."
Clar thought they were like siblings he had seen before
"I would like some," Simone said
"No, you're just interested in Iz and want to get in bed with him," said Jayce
Simone looked shocked and said "No I don't!"
"Oh, that's very flattering," said Isidore with a smirk and went back to the soup
"Sure it is," Said Jayce. "Ask him or whatever and he'll turn you down and we can get back to reality," she made a gesture of hurry with her hand. "We're waiting, Mundie."
Simone looked embarrassed and was blushing, Clar may have been alright with this a minute ago but now he felt angry and offended that Jayce just said that to Simone.
"Leave her alone, Jayce," he snapped at Jayce. "You don't have to be an ass just cause she isn't one of you."
"You mean one of us," Jayce said. "I am going, and I am going to talk to Hodge, come if you want or stay here with the smell of this soup."
Clar watched as she went out and the door slammed behind her, he looked behind him at Simone and said
"You coming?"
"No, I am gonna stay here," she mumbled
He sighed and went after Jayce
He caught up to her
"Leaving them to it," she said
"Why do you always have to be such an asshat?"
"an asshat?" She looked like she would have burst out laughing
"Those things you said to Simone."
"I was trying to spare her some pain, Isidore is a heartbreaker, he does that to people like her," she said
"Did he do that to you?" He asked
She shook her head, and told church to bring them to Hodge or she'd turn him into a tennis racket, the cat snorted and went down a hall, he found it odd that the cat snorted, Clar was trailing behind Jayce, he noticed the stress and tiredness in her shoulders, he wondered if she was ever not tense
"Hey, Jayce."
"Yeah, what?"
"Sorry for snapping at you."
"which time?" She asked and laughed
"You do it too," he said
"I know," she said, it surprised him that she admitted that. "There's something about you, that's just so–"
He wondered what she meant but didn't ask
"Does Isidore cook often?" He asked instead
"Thank the angel no," Jayce said. "Usually Maryse Lightwood their mom does, she makes such good food."
She looked like she was in heaven or something
"Why didn't she teach Isidore than? If he is cooking now, why not teach him?" Clar asked
They were walking through the music room now, where he'd seen her play and thought the music was lovely
"He never wanted to learn, he's more into fighting demons and weapons, he comes from a long line of warriors," she said and their was a but of pride in the way she was speaking. "He's one of the best Shadowhunters I have ever known."
"Better than Alec even?" He said
Church stopped in front of a spiral staircase, dimmly lit
"So the greenhouse is where he is," said Jayce
"The greenhous?" Was all he said
Jayce stepped into the first step and started up the stairs. "He grows medical plants and herbs up there," she said
His steps made noises but Jayce's didn't
"Is she better than Isidore," Clar asked her again. "Alec I mean."
She paused and looked down at him from one of the higher steps, leaning down like she would fall, he remembered the dreams he had and about angels falling, the burning, he found the dreams odd and he had never had them before but she reminded him of am angel now
"Better?" She said. "At slaying demons? Not really, she's never killed one."
"Don't know why exactly, but it may be because she's always protecting me and Iz."
They were at the top of the stairs now, they went in and the smell of plants his Clar's nose, it smelled fresh and like growth, there were so many plants, so many colors, Clar didn't know if he had ever seen plants that were as beautiful as these, he was overtaken by it all and let out a small gasp.
There was a bench that Hodge was sitting on
"You look like your are waiting for something to happen," said Jayce. She picked a leaf off of a branch and was twirling it with her fingers, she had a lot of nervous habits for someone who seemed to have themself so contained, or maybe she just liked to constantly be doing something
"I was just lost in my thoughts," Hodge replied. He stretched his arm out and hugo landed on it. "What happened to you, you look as if—"
"We were attacked," Jayce said shortly. "By forsaken."
"Forsakens being here?"
"Forsaken," said Jayce. "We only saw one."
"But Dorothea said there was more of them," Clar added.
"Who is Dorothea?" Hodge put a hand up in a gesture of slow down and stop. "It would be easier if you told me it all in order."
"Yes, of course," Jayce said
She told him about what all had happened, about Dorothea, about Luke's place, except left out the part about the men being the ones who killed her father. Told him about Luke and the men whose names were Pangborn and Blackwell
Hodge had a strange look on his face and said something about the circle rising again, even Jayce looked confused as to what he meant
She said. "The Circle?"
Hodge said they should go to the library and discuss this matter.
Tag list: @khaleesiofalicante @chibi-tsukiko @spotsandclawsthings @replayfootsteps @magnus-the-maqnificent @bookfast-at-tiffanys @simply-ellas-stuff @my-archerboy
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