#guys I love bishops knife trick
let-me-lyric · 1 month
“these are the last blues we’re ever gonna have”— Patrick Stump, January 2018
“I got the quarantine blues” — also Patrick Stump, March 2023
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ravennaortiz · 2 months
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The guys reaction to accidently hurting you- Mayans version
Angel- He feels awful. He had been playing around fighting EZ with the pool cues in the clubhouse. Bishop had already warned them to chill but they had disregarded him. Now he was holding you close as you cried and blood ran down your face. Shhing you as you yelled at him for being an idiot and if your nose was broken you would break his. Your threats of shocking the stick up his ass and making him your puppet quieted as he tried to kiss you into silence.
Bishop- "Its a small burn, it barely hurts" you tell him again. He hears you but is too lost in his mind. "Its doesn't matter. I should have been more careful. These things kill" continued Bishop as he frantically tossed all his cigarettes and cigars into the trash. "You hate the smell anyway. I should have stopped years ago" he continued before looking around the clubhouse at all the others smoking as if he hadn't almost caught his wife on fire. "Effective immediately no smoking!" he bellowed as he grabbed the fire extinguisher as you shook your head.
Bottles- He had been trying to impress you. You made him nervous and he had no idea how to tell you he liked you. Which is what led him to trying to show you a magic trick. Unfortunately he had messed up when he saw you smiling at him and he had squirted tequila and lemon directly into your eyes instead of into the cup you were holding. He was barely keeping himself from crying as he watched EZ help you flush your eyes out.
Coco- He had just been trying out a different technique in the bed room. He hadn't meant to make you guys into a sex sent me to the er episode. The nurse and doctor certainly had not won him any points when they said going forward more tongue and less teeth would be best. Glancing over at you on the couch with an ice pack on your lady parts he tried again to apologize. "My bad-" . "Tell it to my clit you almost ripped off" you snapped cutting him off . "Alright then" replied Coco with a shrug before moving to the floor between your legs. "Yo my apologies" he said staring diirectly at your crotch.
Creeper- He's worried you will leave him. The whole time its all he can think about as Angel drives you guys to the hospital. He can't even plead his case, he knows he's guilty. Accident or not. He should not be forgiven for harming his woman. "Guess its safe to say I wont be running away from you anytime soon" you manage to croak out as you try not to look at your swollen and wrongly turned ankle. Creeper frowns as Angel hits a bump in the road jolting you. "Careful" he snaps. Angel scoffs and mutters something only you hear making you laugh. "What was that?" demands Creeper. "I said next time you want to be kinky maybe play were wolf coming through the bedroom window and not the damn woods" replied Angel as he sent Creeper a grin.
EZ- He busies himself. Trying to keep his mind off how your broken hand is his fault. You had been on him about how the trailer needed repairs. The door swung shut to fast and the steps were getting rusty. He had agreed and said he would fix them.... he just never seemed to have time between the club, you and his pops. Now though as you sat in an inflatable pool drinking a margarita with your hand in a bright pink cast he had time.
Gilly- He feels so much shame. You always called him your big teddy bear. Told him how much you loved being wrapped in his arms especially when he gave you surprise hugs from the back. He didn't realize you had a knife. The morning had started off like any other in your household. Your daughter was set at the table eating her cereal as you worked on cutting open a pack of bacon. One minute you were struggling to cut through the packaging as your daughter talked about going to the park and the next you were watching blood pour onto your kitchen floor as your daughter screamed and Gilly yelled.
Guero-He is furious with himself. Honestly if he could he would sprout a second him just to beat the shit out of it. He's snappy as everyone tells him it was an accident and to not be so hard on himself. Even your words can't soothe him. He vows never to play around with you again as the little old lady at the grocery store glares at him. "Its not my first black eye" you state as you toss candy bars into the cart. "Barely felt it, like being punched by a sad cloud" you continue as you watch him roll his eyes. "Yeah that why you were crying so much?" he dead panned making you laugh.
Manny-He's silent and methodical as he checks you over. His eyes and brow furrowed in worry as he notes the flinch as his fingers trace over a sore spot on your back. You whine and his heart feels like you stabbed him. He's about to apologize again but you cut him off with a joke. "You know when I said I wanted you to break my back I meant it as a metaphor for sex not for you to literally break my back". Manny closes his eyes as he chuckles quietly. "Guess I gotta be a Doctor Manny now huh mami?". "Only if you give me an injection" you reply tossing him a glance over your shoulder.
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yelenasdiary · 7 months
Forbidden || Meet The Characters - Kate Bishop
No Warnings | 0.6K
Forbidden Masterlist
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I hear you've met my sister; I hope she didn't chew your ear off! She has a habit of doing that, but I think that's one of the many things I love about her. Since our parents left, things have been a little off, strange, I guess. I miss our mother's cooking. I miss my father's pointless jokes and him watching me do a little target practice near the barn. But I'd be lying if I said that Y/n doesn't fill that hole. We both miss our parents, but we have each other and somehow, we have been able to make things work. 
The little money I make from hunting is enough to cover the basic things we need from the general store and what is left over we put away to help cover the repayments at the bank for the land we live on. Everybody knows that our parents have gone on a business trip, but we haven't told anybody our worries about them and how they are yet to return. That would do more damage than good, especially for my sister and me. 
What to know about me, well, I'm not sure what Y/n already mentioned by our father, Derek taught me how to use a bow! I went with him one day for a day trip to Olsen, some guys owed him money, so we went to collect. I started outside the Salon while dad handled business, I was only 15 when a drunken man came stumbling out and attacked me. I'd never been more scared in my life. I watched as my father beat the drunk old man, almost to death if I didn't stop him. I spent a few weeks afraid of being on my own, so I asked him to teach me how to defeat for myself. He taught me how to use the bow, how to punch a man nice and hard and how to handle a knife. He also thought it was a good idea to teach Y/n some helpful tricks. 
After the attack, I looked at life differently. I'm very protective over Y/n, maybe a little too protective but somebody has to be. Father isn't home a lot, not since he established Bishop Publishing. A lot of his time is put into that, and our mother is mostly out doing the things dad can't do. So, most of the time it was just Y/n and I.
When I'm not out hunting or just exploring, I'm usually writing, playing the cello or helping Y/n with the ranch. We love taking Lucky basically everywhere we go, he's sort of a town favorite! I don't normally take him hunting with me, I like that he is a bit of extra protection for Y/n when I'm not around but don't tell her I said that. She thinks she can look after herself, she can but like I said, I'm protective over her. 
I like to write things that come to mind or things I see, I have a few journals hidden away for a rainy day if my father ever wanted to allow me to publish a book or two, but the conversation always seems to be shut down whenever I mention it. I also don't mind cooking, here and there but Y/n mostly does it and I think she rather enjoys it a lot more than she thinks. Once a week we go to the Salon in Blisswater where Mr Barnes already has a meal waiting for us. It's a bit of fun watching the men get frustrated over blackjack and telling stories while drunk. The people in Blisswater are like a second family I guess you could say, which is refreshing to know. 
Well, if there is anything else you'd like to know, just ask! But for now, I am needed elsewhere. Bye now!
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Taglist: @madislayyy | @riveramorylunar | @teganmiller | @kyleeservopoulos | @yelenaslyubov | @kacka84 | @lesbiarmy | @meurgen | @caporal-nino | @sl-ut | @scarletwidowblackwitch | @dogtamer415 | @mousetheorist | 
If you want to be on the taglist for this series, please see the masterlist. It's link at the top of this post.
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relaxxattack · 7 months
hi i need you to know that bishops knife trick is so beloved to me that if i am ever experiencing artblock i just start sketching ran and evolving his design or robot arm design to explore different concepts. Or i draw a scene from the different chapters!!! This knocks me out of artblock every single time its absolutely fantastic. thank you for making such a lovely story and character to love :D
what the actual fuck how come everyone is so nice to me about that story TmT despite its amateurism i am so very glad that its so beloved by so many people, i really did give ran and jackie my best and seeing that they resonated with so many as comfort characters warms my heart. theyre our special little guys and they always have been... they may be on my brain shelf currently but the fact that some people still think about them every day is something that baffles me beyond words.... i love you all genuinely. hope that those weird little assassins bring you endless comfort continuously
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vvindication · 4 months
tag, you're it !! shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs. afterward, be sure to inflict the curse (ask game) upon as many favored individuals of your choosing as you see fit (no pressure to do this hehe)
YAAAY I LOVE MUSIC SHUFFLE ASKS THANKS MINTT I swear im typing up a response to the oc ask I Need to talk abt the guys in my head ...
Breathing Rapture ; Le Loup oh, love is shaped like cities burning - sifting through the ashes after we will find your life in laughter - oh, the black and breathing rapture
Bishops Knife Trick ; Fall Out Boy and I'm yours ; 'til the earth starts to crumble and the heavens roll away I'm struggling to exist with you - and without you
Anna Sun ; WALK THE MOON we got no money, but we got h-h-heart we're gonna rattle this ghost town
What Would You Do ; Bastille she said ; "What would you do if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor 'cause he's hungry - and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money?"
Heat Lightnin' ; 1,2,3 never was a hole in my heart, until I drilled it and then I made myself, made myself - into what I am and then I wrecked myself, wrecked myself - with the violence
bonus: this part of the lyrics I looked up for Heat Lightnin' that is so incredibly real
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disclaimer: i'm new :) please don't hurt me :) (i'm not THAT young i just never got a phone or access to the internet until like... 3 or 4 years ago) 1. From Under The Cork Tree - it is the second (or third? i forgot) album i listened to (after ABAP, and probably SRAR). I love it. So much. It just has songs for every mood and I really like that. I used to loop 7 Minutes In Heaven for forever. Now I'm looping XO. 2. MANIA - is it unpopular to put this in number 2? but honestly the sounds in this is sooo good. i started listening to this when i was in love and i still listen to it (mostly Bishops Knife Trick) now. 3. So Much (For) Stardust - this is the first album i was there for all the teasings, theories, and everything. yes i'm new. everything else was already released when I started listening, lol. I really love the songs here though, it's either "dramatic-banger" or "funsies melody not so funsies lyrics" which i like. 4. American Beauty/American Pyscho - it's the nostalgia album to me because it's the first album i listened to (everybody say thank you big hero 6!) and for some reason the songs here reminds me so much of percy jackson.... i like percy jackson. 5. Folie a Deux - this might be my favourite album but i haven't gotten to listen to EVERYTHING yet so it's kinda down here. but i absolutely love the songs in here, especially what a catch, america's suitehearts. it just sounds so good, okay! 6. Save Rock and Roll - it is also kinda a nostalgia album? i def started listening before cork tree but i don't remember which i finished first. while the songs here are good i rarely play it conciously. like it'll be in my playlist and as it shuffles a song plays. i jam to it. i love it. i just never actually press play (exceptions are made to my where did the party go era you will always be famous) 7. Infinity on High - again like folie, i haven't listened to all the songs. but the ones i did listen to are bangers. i for one can't stop looping hum hallelujah. but i suck at remembering the song titles and which song is which lol, and that makes me think i haven't been listening to it enough. 8. Take This To Your Grave - stereotypical of me yes. remember i'm new. i've only listened to saturday and dead on arrival, and they're both good. i'm just honestly not a big fan of the writing on this album, sorry guys 😭 i will try my best to listen to the rest of the album though if you have any suggestions. also side note, if you see me make a poster of a song then high change i loved it (or at least had a phase with it)
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ask game: 3, 5, 25, 26, 28, 35, 46, 47, and 50: what fictional character do you hate for the stupidest/most trivial reason?
you are not only allowed but in fact encouraged to go on an impassioned rant about 50 hehe <333
(also those asks are a supremely unsatisfying sequence of numbers)
3: what was the last song you listened to-- bishop's knife trick!! mania really didnt deserve the hate. bloody good album.
5: do you sleep with a stuffed animal-- I do not but my bed is always flooded with an inordinate number of pillows. I currently have two duvets on there as well,,,,, I need my bed to be COVERED. however the massive among us plush was incredibly comfy to sleep on but thats downstairs currently. lurking.
25: what's your favourite decade-- god. hm. im not entirely sure. the 2010s maybe.... theyre so nostalgic to me...
26: what are some seemingly childish things you like-- POKEMON. I have so many opinions about it,,,, Pokemon omega ruby solos. first game I played/only game I completed and the delta episode was one of the best features added. I still think they should have included an option to replay it though......
28: how are you, really-- I'm not great. havent been for some time. kind of on the verge of tears overwhelmed just by organising some papers. kind of living on the edge of losing it at any moment. but anyway you know. anyway
35: do you currently have a squish-- nah actually whats a qpr. I could never/j you know damn well the answer to this :3 yeah I have a massive crush on this guy called uhhhhhhh rowan or uhhhh parsley idk if you know him (I love you <3)
46: what do you need when youre sad-- I dont really know usually. I always want to just talk about it but idk? probably a hug. yeah
47: have you memorised your phone number-- yes actually! I have three numbers memorised (other than like regular specific ones) and theyre mine+both my parents'. I have the majority of that one 'they changed the emergency phone number' bit from the it crowd memorised but not entirely
50 (wild card): rant about a fictional character you hate for even a trivial reason: i. am terribly sorry I cant think of anyone except Elijah volkov ill.try reblog this later with some ideas
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I'm gonna make you guys choose a favorite fob song of mine because a uquiz just made me and you must all suffer with me. Part 1 btw cause I love so many of their songs
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offside-the-lines · 10 months
hello!! it’s your winter exchange writer! i’m very excited and ready to get started on your fic! but of course, i need some help from you.
Are there any tropes you would absolutely love to see?
Are there any tropes I should stay far away from?
Out of these three, who would you most like to read for: Quinn Hughes, Nico Hischer, or Cale Makar?
And finally a few favorites! What’s your favorite dessert, city, color, season, song, and pet-name (babe, sweetheart, darling, etc.)?
Omgggg hiiii!!!!!!!
Tropes: god I truly dont know if I have a favorite. I want you to write something you’re excited about!!! If you want me to pick, you can maybe send me a small list to choose from?
MMC: also same again. Those three are all so freaking good. And for different reasons. I would say Nico edges out the other too. But barely. If another trope-player combo speaks to you more, thats also totally good.
Dessert: ice cream, mix it up with the flavor
City: honestly… paris (lol this is so cliche my god) i would never live there but its incredible to visit imo
Color: purple!!!
Season: autumn, maybe right at the beginning of winter/first snow. I love a sunny crisp cold day.
Song: this is a hard hard hard question. But you have chosen the best day for this (Spotify wrapped day). Can I give you 3? Coz im gonna. Higher love - whitney/kygo; cuff it (wetter remix) - beyonce; bishops knife trick - fall out boy
Pet name: this is so interesting coz it totally depends on the vibe. Babe/baby are both cool with me as long as its not used in a very babying way. Cutie is a good one. I am totally partial to something like sugar although that doesn’t fit with any of these guys.
I truly cant keep anything brief. But ❤️❤️❤️
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vinylvacancy · 2 years
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vinyls from my collection ( in no particular order ) 15 / darker colors
mania ( 2018 ) by fall out boy
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cyaneyesullivan · 3 years
listening to WAP and having thoughts...
i took my interest off petekey for a while to focus on other stuff, but everytime i listen to Fall Out Boy, the wonder and amazement spark back immediately... i’m still completely blown away (among other things) by how much Pete must’ve liked (loved) Mikey to keep up with it for so long -- or how much he feels in general. and even if the songs aren’t about Mikey (i have discussed this briefly), it doesn’t change the fact that Pete is absolutely tormented by his own emotions. it’s kind of fascinating.
with that being said, i’m in the mood to list off all the suspicious lyrics ever written by Pete that makes me go “damn, Mikey really did a disgusting number on him” or like, “poor Pete man”
disclaimer: again, these lyrics, let alone songs, might not be about Mikey, but i choose to believe so. i have to satisfy my fixation and bedazzlement on the fact that petekey highkey happened in the summer of 05. 
i’m only including my favorite songs or i’ll be here all night.
italic = my favorite lines
in no particular order:
Bishops Knife Trick (a LOT to unpack in this one): - And I’m living out of time, eternal heatstroke - Spiritual revolt from the waist down - To the places that we never should have left - I’ve got a feeling inside that I can’t domesticate, it doesn’t want to live in a cage, a feeling that I can’t housebreak - And I’m yours, ‘til the earth starts to crumble and the heavens roll away - I’m struggling to exist with you, and without you - I’m sifting through the sand, sand, sand, sand, looking for pieces of broken hourglass - Trying to get it all back, put it back together, as if the time had never passed - I know I should walk away, know I should walk away - But I just want to let you break my brain - And I can’t seem to get a grip - No, no matter how I live with it
Heaven’s Gate (some interesting elements here that describe Pete’s all-consuming yet destructive love) - If there were any more left of me, I’d give it to you (this one is just a personal favorite, not particularly related to Mikey) - Go out in the world, start over again and again, as many times as you can - ‘Cause everything else is a substitute for your love - I’ve got dreams of my own, but I want to make yours come true (another personal favorite lol) - You’re the one habit I just can’t kick
The Last Of The Real Ones (i adore this song but it leaves a lot of space for vague interpretation, so I’ll just list off my favorite lyrics that give me goosebumps when I think they’re meant for Mikey) - You are the sun and I am just the planets, spinning around you - You were too good to be true, gold plated, but what’s inside you? - I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you but not as much as I do, as much as I do - I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me - That ultra-kind of love you never walk away from - I am a collapsing star with tunnel vision, but only for you - My head is stripped just like a screw that’s been tightened too many times, when I think of you - Just tell me, tell me, tell me I, I am the only one, even if it’s not true, even if it’s not true
Just One Yesterday (oh my lord, this one lmao -- honestly the whole song has this odd vibe that it’s a pointed jab at Mikey) - Anything you say can and will be held against, so only say my name - I’d trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday (any notion that suggests Pete is obsessed with the past is a win) - I want to teach you a lesson in the worst kind of way - I don’t have the right name or the right looks, but I have twice the heart (i just feel like maybe he’s implying he’s not a girl and that does not please no-homo Mikey) - If I spilled my guts, the world would never look at you the same way (lol) - And now I’m here to give you all my love - So I can watch your face as I take it all away
Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet (my ultimate favorite of FOB. unbeatable. i had to put it here if only to honor it) --> i talked about it before -- there are no obvious marks of petekey here, but i made a post on it in the past
Immortals (lolol) - I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (hourglass, time, past, bottom half, Pete is still waiting for Mikey, blabla) - I try to picture me without you but I can’t - ‘Cause we could be immortals, immortals, just not for long, for long - And live with me forever now, pull the black out curtains down (blocking public exposure?) - I’m still comparing your past to my future - It might your wound but, they’re my sutures (Pete’s heartbreak = big inspiration that keeps him writing lyrics therefore having a career?)
Centuries (obviously) - Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold - But you will remember me, remember me for centuries (they must have done super crazy shit back in 05) - And just one mistake, is all it will take, we’ll go down in history (presumably, their story must be so nuts it will end up in a massive gossip explosion) - Mummified my teenage dreams (his songs lol) - No it’s nothing wrong with me, the kids are all wrong, the story’s all off, heavy metal broke my heart - Bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints - Cause I-I am the opposite of amnesia (notable, since there is concrete evidence of their ‘lovestruck summer’ in the form of a million of his lyrics) - You look so pretty but you’re gone so soon - We’ve been here forever, and here’s the frozen proof (again, his lyrics, photographs, dramas, tweets etc)
Irresistible (honestly, the whole song lmao) - Mon cheri (i’m only putting this one down because, little story: i didn’t know about petekey when i first listened to this song, and i’m french, and when i heard this for the first time i was like, wtf, people keep wanting to use french words and end up using them wrong. well, oops. maybe the use this time wasn’t as faulty as i thought)
HOLD ME TIGHT OR DON’T - I neve really feel a thing, I was kind of too froze - You were the only one, that even kind of came close - I took too many hits off this memory (memory = joint? lmao) - Another day goes by (without Mikey?) - So hold me tight, or don’t (basically, settle or fade) - Oh no, no, no this isn’t how our story ends - I got too high again when I realized I can’t not be with you or be just your friend - I love you to death but I just can’t, I just can’t pretend, we were lovers first - Confidants but never friends, were we ever friends? (interesting point since they never really had a lasting friendship. it’s a well known fact they helped each other with their own monsters (so, confidants), but after the whole summer fiasco, their friendship was at best on and off, and even then, there’s a lot of mourning on Pete’s end. poor guy) - ‘Cause I’m past the limits, the distance between us, it sharpens me like a knife
Jet Pack Blues - I’m the last one that you’ll ever remember - And I’m trying to find my peace of mind - She’s in a long black coat tonight (someone, in a significant night, has been in a long black coat too) - Did you ever love her? Do you know? Or did you never want to be alone? (notable, Pete is questioning whether or not his ‘love’ could stem from loneliness, because this shit happens way too often than should be) - Don’t you remember how we used to split a drink? It never matted what it was - I think our hands were just that close, the sweetness never lasted, no Novocaine (i like this one in particular because it just seems to suggest that Pete will never be finished with this, and will haunt Mikey forever, either to get revenge for being left behind or relive that one unforgettable summer) - I will always land on you like a sucker punch (omg lmao) - I am your worst, I am your worst nightmare - If you knew, knew what the bluebirds sing at you, you would never sing along - Because they took our love and they filled it up, filled it up with novocaine and now I’m just numb - I don’t feel a thing for you (sure) - I’m just a problem that doesn’t wanna be solved - I feel like a photo that’s been overexposed (i wonder if it’s because of all the junk he posted on livejournal) that concludes it! of course, there are so many more obvious songs, like Fourth of July and Bang the Doldrums, but i don’t love those songs, so i didn’t include them. and side note, the lyrics hit that much harder when Patrick is the damn singer and makes everything hurt. but i’ll rant about that in another post, maybe.
(it doesn’t really matter who sees this or doesn’t -- i just wanted to put this out somewhere. petekey will forever be so interesting. the impact Mikey (or whoever Pete wrote about) had on Pete is just unbelievable to me.)
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thekidsarentalright · 3 years
Fob Tracklist Survey Results
Hi! So, about a week or so ago I posted a survey asking you guys to pick your favorite song from each track number across all of fobs albums, and these are the results of that survey, as well as the ‘perfect fob album’ tracklist based off of your guys’ answers! <3
Track 1- 
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I don’t believe this is any surprise or shock that disloyal order beat out any other opening track... and I, personally, believe it’s the correct answer fkjsfk but wow 89 people saying that vs only 26 saying thriller which was 2nd... that’s a large rift!
Track 2- 
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I was honestly a little surprise by this one, but the take over, the breaks over won track 2! just barely beating out of all the gin joints! (i personally expected tlotro to win tbh)
Track 3-
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This one was interesting to me because the entire time the survey was open it was very very split, and even at the end the winner, dance dance, won by an 8 vote margin! Very interesting!
Track 4- 
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ab/ap rights!!!! I honestly thought this one was the biggest toss up because wow all these songs are heavy hitters and some of my personal favs, but the kids aren’t alright won out!
Track 5- 
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Much like disloyal order, I was not very surprise by the outcome of track 5. Hum Hallelujah is, rightfully, a fan favorite and deserved to have won this one! (just one yesterday deserved better imo fhsdkfj)
Track 6- 
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So, track 6 is the only one that was tied literally the entire time. I left it open for extra time hoping the tie would break... and it didn’t. So, I had a non-fob fan listen to both and they picked the (shipped) gold standard, so that will be the official track 6 on the ultimate fob album but jet pack blues will be a third bonus track bc i feel like it deserves it <3 
Track 7- 
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Yet another unsurprising one... coffee’s for closers is an incredible song and another big fan favorite! What surprised me is that 5 people picked champion... and that novocaine didn’t do better ;(
Track 8- 
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Yet another folie song that won out... this ultimate tracklist is literally just folie’s copy & pasted huh... anyways it won by a pretty large margin, beating out sunshine riptide!
Track 9- 
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and another folie song won.... by a very wide margin... 27 is incredible though so i’m not even mad but wow i expected this margin to be thinner! justice for favorite record!
Track 10- 
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finally a song that isn’t from folie omg... bishops knife trick won track 10, which i am very happy about of course... it’s the right answer so thank u all for picking it <3
Track 11- 
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I was a little unsure about where this one would go, and though i know people love sixteen candles i honestly thought bang the doldrums would win! but it didn’t, sixteen candles did... but only by a few votes (and it only started winning over bang the doldrums towards the very end!)
Track 12- 
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Right up until the very very end get busy living was winning by like... 20 votes or something but suddenly, with the last chunk of votes 20 dollar nose bleed won out! which i really did not expect!
Track 13- 
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These are all very beloved songs so i truly had no expectations or want for the outcome... but west coast smoker won by 10 votes! it’s a damn good song so like i’m not mad at it at all
Track 14- 
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i swore i thought pavlove won this one but omg i guess not... i’ve got all this ringing just barely won by the thin margin of 2 votes... it’s such an underrated song so honestly good for it!!!
Track 15-
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This one might actually be less shocking than track 1 lmao ginasfs is such a loved, incredible song so like... i knew it was no contest it would win over the music or the misery kjffkjd
Bonus Track 1- 
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The first bonus track on this perfect/ultimate fob album is... lake effect kid! by yet another pretty thin margin on only 6 votes over it’s hard to say i do, when i don’t! I am very very surprise it’s not a side effect wasn’t more of a contender though.. ouch :(
Bonus Track 2-
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I thought from now on we were enemies was the obvious choice here too, so it’s no surprise to me it won! I am very happy to see dear future self was second place, though, that song deserves better! 
Overall, Your Guys’ Favorite Track Number-
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This one was the most divided question, i think. i had no clue what the outcome of it would be, and it was the most interesting result to look at and think about! By 2 votes, you guys decided the best track is 4 (i agree), followed by track 6, track 7, track 1, and track 11. All are good! And each track number got at least one vote, which i think was very interesting!
So, according to you all, the ultimate fob album tracklist is as follows: 1. Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes (folie) 2. “The Take Over, The Breaks Over” (ioh) 3. Dance, Dance (futct) 4. The Kids Aren’t Alright (abap) 5. Hum Hallelujah (ioh) 6. The (Shipped) Gold Standard (folie)  7. (Coffee’s For Closers) (folie) 8. What a Catch, Donnie (folie) 9. 27 (folie) 10. Bishops Knife Trick (mania) 11. A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me (futct) 12. 20 Dollar Nose Bleed (folie)  13. West Coast Smoker (folie) 14. I’ve Got All This Ringing (ioh) 15. Ginasfs (ioh) Bonus Tracks: 16. Lake Effect Kid (lake effect kid ep) 17. “From Now On We Are Enemies” (believers never die vol. 1) 18. Jet Pack Blues (abap)
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ybcpatrick · 3 years
12, 20, 27, 1nd 40? :3
12. name of your favourite playlist?
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this is the playlist that has my all-time favourite songs. it's got songs like just one yesterday, don't try, miss missing you, bishops knife trick, trade mistakes, etc etc etc. im sorry im an apple user do u guys still think im hot
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a notebook, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
27. favourite activity to do in cold weather?
lmfao i love being outside and seeing my breath and pretending i'm danny phantom sensing a ghost KSKSJFKDJGDL. it's the little things. yes i am 20
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
i had to think about this for a second bc my high school was shockingly normal, considering how small it was. there was a weird GUY tho, his name was hans. funniest motherfucker i have ever met. things this kid did:
looked up porn on his school-issued ipad the very first day we got them in grade seven, just to see if they had blocked it beforehand or not. they super didn't. he held the ipad up like baby simba in the middle of the caf and we all lost our shit
he spent like. a solid three-ish weeks passing printed out sheets of paper around that had gnomes on them? he was gnoming people. he specifically sought out my friend alex just to slip him a gnome paper as if he were pulling off a drug deal
he made + printed out a powerpoint presentation asking a girl to prom. at one point he promised "i will try to be normal and not wild. however i do kind of wanna wear a full denim suit". she very much said no. but they did take a pic together at prom, and he did wear exclusively denim, except for his gucci belt. it was a flex truly
most infuriating of all, he's now the cfo of a farm in manitoba and he makes six figures. fuckin legend
send me some weird asks?
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thefandomthings · 3 years
His name is Casey, his 15 years old boy from Slovakia 🇸🇰, Cancer ♋, his birthday are on November 4 and I'm his older sis!
He have blonde hair, freckles and he have brown eyes.
He's real sweetheart. His kind and nice, his total wild card. He enjoys playing videogames and eating pizza but he's slim cause we are work out buddies.
He sharing a bedroom with me. He have bed next to window and mine is next to wall.
His hobbies : pranking and annoying me, drawing, listening to music and he adores DANCING. We always dance together, his favorite food is pizza and Paella ( Spain).
His parents died when he was 5 years old so my family took him and he went with us to Spain when we were in Slovakia. He's SPAIN GUY 100% cause he were there his whole childhood so he understands perfectly Spanish and we always speak in Spanish. As you know, we have Russian members too so he know of course Russian too but he don't have Russian accent like me
He have this habit to give me kisses on my cheek 24/7. He adores when I do some magic tricks. I'm a magician.
He loves to play drums and he's the guy who play drums in our band R.O.C.K. and he's in acapella group called Nightsoul too
He likes to read comics and storyboards ( mostly about DC and TMNT ) and he wants to be Chef one day. On September 1, he's going on High school Hotel Academy with me.
He always rely on me and he's there for others. Sometimes he don't understands what's going on, but his heart is on the right place.
I like to call him Mikey and Mickey Mouse. Idk, but he reminds me of BayMikey. He's just like his twin. Even his clothes style is similar to BayMikey.
Anyway, my bro's favorite color is Orange, red and black and he always flirts with every girl he meets but he don't have a girlfriend.
His protective of me and even if I defend myself with knife, his in front of me and he tries to be scary like BayRaph and like me, but his plan didn't work out. HIS JUST SO ADORABLE.
His favorite music genre is Pop and Rock, he likes DNCE, Maroon 5, AC/DC- his fav songs is Back in Black, he likes Black Eyes Peas, Bishop Briggs- his fav is River and he likes Ariana Grande too because of her highnotes and he absolutely adores when I sing 'em..
He is not vampire like me but he's into werewolves and he likes to think that he's one Idk why but I don't say anything to him.
He's very sensitive and when he heards how others are calling me, he cry for hours and he promise me revenge on them.
He likes horrors and Action movies. Sometimes we have arguments about things like what we will gonna watch or why I'm in the lead and why Im not listening to him but he's so sorry about the bad things that he told me and he always cheer me up.
Others thinks that we are couple instead of siblings cause we kinda act like one. But he's okay with it, he loves me from the bottom of his heart
His favorite food is pizza, Paella, Miguelitos, Flan and he loves sweets and Honey Cake. From drinks he loves Coke, Citrus- peach Cooler and he loves Protein shakes.
He adores my playing on electric guitar and his biggest passion is Art. His favorite artists are eonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo.
He loves when I call him Angelo and he's huge cat lover
That's everything. Thanks for doing this, darling 💖💖💖
I Think i will pair you with...
Lets get this straight, it was love at first sight!
Now, you and him are total opposites! But thats what makes you two perfect!
Sometimes Leo needs a little spice in his life, and your are his spice!
He gets jealous when you hang out with Mikey, but you and Mikey are each others twins!
So you always has to reassure him that you love him and not Mikey, well you love Mikey in a brotherly way
Leo LOVES to test your cooking! He just loves the way you put everything together, its a masterpiece!
Now when April came over, you being you, flirted with her just to make Leo ticked!
Lets just say It worked to well....
His most favorite thing to do with you is...DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....
Yep you, Leo always train together, and sometimes you invite your sister, but mostly just you and leo!
Leo finds it hilarious that your favorite artist, since art is your second strong suit, is Leonardo Da Vinci
The guy he is literally named after!
You two both secretly love listening to Ariana Grande, and maybe sometimes try and hit the high notes
It doesn't sound to good, but at least you tried right?
He also loves the little dances you do when a really god song come on.
Most the time you make him dance with you, even if he doesn't like it
Over all, Leo finds you protectiveness, and craziness adorable and couldn't imagine his life without you!
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omegalomania · 5 years
happy heavy irish pepper day here are some fun fob facts that i found while looking for something else
while post-hiatus fob is definitely more collaborative than it was pre-hiatus, this doesn’t mean that they never worked on songs together. joe cited “the pros and cons of not breathing” and “seven minutes in heaven (atavan halen)” as two of the songs he wrote with patrick before the hiatus (x)
it’s a common misquote to say that the opening track to from under the cork tree, “our lawyers made us change the name of this song so we wouldn’t get sued,” was originally called “i liked you so much more before you became a myspace whore” but this is untrue. the track was initially called “my name is david ruffian and these are the temptations” (x)
the song initially titled “i liked you so much more before you became a myspace whore” was, according to an interview, “recorded, but not put on the record.” it’s not known what this song originally was, though it may have been an early version of “snitches and talkers get stitches and walkers,” as an unreleased version of “stitches” was played live once on tour, but sounds incredibly different from the recorded track that was later released (x) (x)
the opening breakdown on “thriller” was a riff on a similar-sounding breakdown from andy’s old band racetraitor, and a throwback to fob’s hardcore roots (x)
the original title for “this ain’t a scene” was “you can’t spell star without a&r,” as a reference to the “feud” between fall out boy and the killers in the early 2000s, as their a&r guy was stuck between them (x)
some of the original working titles for the songs on infinity on high were vastly different from their eventual tracklisting; “the take over” was initially titled “satisfaction,” “you’re crashing but you’re no wave” was initially called “law and order,” and “thnks fr th mmrs” had vowels in it (x)
“bang the doldrums” was originally written and recorded for shrek 2. it wasn’t used because the band essentially threw out the instructions they were given about how the song would sound, and dreamworks obviously didn’t care for that (x) (x)
while folie á deux was still being written, certain tracks had simpler working titles - “headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet” was initially titled “does your husband know,” and “the (shipped) gold standard” was initially called “new passports” (x)
one of pete’s earliest memories involved seeing his dad pick up a horseshoe crab and throw it into the ocean, which may be what inspired certain lyrics on “the (shipped) gold standard” (x)
folie á deux only took about one and a half months to produce and complete, while infinity on high took closer to six to seven months (x)
joe’s favorite track off of soul punk is “explode” (patrick thought it would be “allie”) (x) 
patrick’s favorite track off of the damned things’ debut album ironiclast was the title track (x)
joe composed the song that would become “death valley” while hiding in a closet at his in-laws’ house (x)
patrick wrote the song that would become “miss missing you” while working on soul punk, but ultimately ended up setting it aside because it didn’t feel like it was “for [him]” - it “[felt] like fall out boy” (x)
one of joe’s favorite lyrics on save rock and roll is from alone together - “my heart is like a stallion, they love it more when it's broken” (x)
one of joe’s favorite tracks off of save rock and roll is “alone together” (x)
“young volcanoes” almost didn’t make the final cut of save rock and roll and was a “late addition” (x) (x)
patrick’s favorite track off of american beauty / american psycho is the title track (x)
“novocaine” was originally written for save rock and roll, but didn’t make the cut. it was retooled and reworked for abap (x)
both andy and patrick cite “heaven’s gate” as their favorite track off of mania, while pete says “bishops knife trick” is his (x)
feel free to add more, as long as you source em!
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zecoritheweirdone · 3 years
👓 and 📚!! :-]
👓 - what's a tiny detail you wrote that you're proud of?
okay this one’s a bit of an old one, since it’s been discontinued for Ages,,, it’s might remember it, but. noglb!!! in the prologue,, i never really mentioned whose pov you were in,, most people just automatically assuming it was grian.
and in chapter,, i think 8? xisuma explains that when everyone leaves a world, the world would get reset back to the way it was originally. and then they leave...... and though none of them are around to see it, nothing changes.
that’s all meant to be a big lead up to the fact that, hey,, taurtis is still in evo! he was the pov in the prologue, and was going to be the pov in the epilogue. sadly though, i never got around to finishing it 😔.
📚 - give us a rec! maybe the most recent fic you bookmarked!
ok i know is says (or more implies) just one but. no you’re getting a handful from me
braided realities by scorpionoesit —dream smp fic,,, very good read,, very long and it’s still updating,,,,, essentially tommy from a different universe comes crashing through a portal and ends up near techno’s house,, and subsequently gets adopted by all of the syndicate.
bishop’s knife trick by bovinedaemon — ok if you’ve seen me post about ran and jackie from tftsmp, know that this person is why. they both started and reignited my love for their (nonexistent in canon) character dynamic,,, like..... a!!! ran has to try and kill jackie bc some jerks told him to and ran finds that over time,, hey,,,, he doesn’t actually want to do this! also jackie is stupidly hard to kill.
dog at the door by iamthesolarflare and fluffy_papaya — dog at the door is SO GOOD!!!! it’s a hermitcraft crossover with 3rd life smp,, basically doc finds ren halfway to death’s door,, only to find out that ren, actually, isn’t there at all right now. very good, 10/10,,
77-2 au by iamthesolarflare and xxenoniology — did you like the area 77 arc in hermitcraft? do you like more crossovers?? do you like dark magic??? then you’re sure to love this!! some guy ends up locked in area 77 because stranger danger i guess, only for doc and scar to find out this is no ordinary some guy. some guy may or may not have sold multiple souls to,,, somebody. those souls may or may not have been stolen. also some guy’s name is kakujo.
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