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cl0wnb0yyy · 6 months ago
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listen was it a good idea? no but it was cute
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innerchorus · 6 months ago
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Thought I'd take a quick look at who's left from Team Zahhak.
Arzhang: killed by Narsus in Chapter 30 Pulad: killed by Gieve and Isfan in Chapter 64 Gurgin: killed by Isfan in Chapter 109
That leaves 4/7 disciples plus the Holy Master. Oh, and we can't forget Zahhak himself. I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of them get taken down!
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strangeshipper · 11 months ago
Arslan Senki : : Gurgin, sketch
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And you want to travel with him And you want to travel blind And you think maybe you'll trust him When he touches your perfect body with his mind
L. Cohen, Suzanne
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daryun · 1 year ago
Things Guiscard knows and what he does not know
As currently known by chapter 121, for the fandom records.
He knows Husrab is supposed to be dead (this is the point I'm absolutely hoping is true). He did not see him, but he must have heard Tahamineh call out and mention him by name in chapter 81. C'mon, Guiscard, I hope you were conscious enough for this!
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He knows that magic is real and has heard of Zahhak. Chapter 108
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He knows what Isfan looks like (Idk why this is relevant but he does). Chapter 108,109.
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He does not know what Hilmes was doing on Mt. Damavand. Chapter 106
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He does not know he was supposed to be kidnapped by the sorcerers on the night of Isfan's attack on the Lusitanian camp. Chapter 109
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In summary: Guiscard holds some information to what's going on supernaturally, but not all of it. So I still hope to see him in for a nasty surprise. (Did they want to also put his head in a jar?)
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innerchorus · 11 months ago
It fills me with dread, too! It really would have a significant negative effect on Isfan. And when he asks Team Arslan "Is this true?" with a distraught expression on his face, it's not like they can deny it.
Gurgin's actually just grappling for anything that will keep Isfan on his side and give him an advantage or a bit of control over things. While recruiting Isfan may have idly crossed his mind much earlier, I think he (correctly) never saw it as a realistic option but more like an excuse for having contact with him to start with. He might claim that he believes Isfan has a right to know (though if he thought that then why didn't he speak up about it earlier?) and I think he genuinely does sympathise with Isfan regarding what happened that night, but really he's just using it to try and sow division between Isfan and the rest of Team Arslan.
And the irony is that Gurgin's own grief for his brother was also used by Team Zahhak to their advantage and he doesn't fucking see it.
The other Wolfsnake AU moment that I'm going quietly feral about is Gurgin being the one to tell Isfan how his grief was used by Team Arslan to orchestrate Gieve's departure.
Oh oh OHHHHHH that concept fills me with dread (in a good way) because it'd affect Isfan a lot!! Ohhh my god! He's not gonna take it well! He's gonna have so many self-esteem issues from this 😭 I wonder if Gurgin told him bc he had a right to know, or was he trying to like, recruit Isfan? Or maybe it's a mix of both.
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toiletphotoshoot · 1 year ago
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ursawastricked · 2 years ago
Opening up my requests and ask box for any questions about my fics Distracting, or The Glimmering Pearl
As well as for any requests for one offs or ficlets!
Fandoms I write for:
All characters are based on my preference or what I know I can write well for but feel free to ask about characters not on the list
Quarritch and Tsu’tye mostly
Silco, Viktor, Jayce, Sevika, Finn
The Dark Crystal:
Rian, Deet, Brea, Gurgin, Chamberlain, the emperor, the hunter
The Walking Dead:
Anyone from the show (Excluding The Governor, Shane, Father Gabriel, or Leah) I hate them ❤️
Most character
However if it’s a fandom I know and I feel comfortable I’m willing to try!!
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gurgin-blog · 1 year ago
Livet som jourhem
[I betalt samarbete med Hundar Utan Hem]
I detta midseason-specialavsnitt öppnar vi dörrarna till jourhemmens värld!
Det är en unik och hjärtevärmande del av Hundar Utan Hems insatser. Som jourhem öppnar du inte bara ditt hem utan även ditt hjärta för en hemlös hund i väntan på ett permanent hem. En hund kan placeras i jourhem av flera anledningar, och många gånger är jourhem en nödvändighet när Hundar Utan Hem räddar akuta hundar i Sverige eller när en hund blivit övergiven av sin tidigare familj. I detta avsnitt, som vi har förmånen att ha Anna Beijer, verksamhetschef på Hundar Utan Hem, och där vi lyssnar till paret Oscar och Olivias erfarenheter som har ägnat hela fem år åt att vara jourhem, kommer du att få en närmare inblick i den djupt meningsfulla världen av jourhem. Som jourhem blir du en viktig pusselbit i en hunds liv och utveckling samtidigt som du hjälper Hundar Utan Hem att nå ännu fler hundar i behov. 
Genom dessa levande berättelser, djupa insikter och personliga erfarenheter kommer du att få en djup förståelse för det meningsfulla arbetet som präglas av oändlig hopp och kärlek.
  Läs mer på https://hundarutanhem.se/jourhem/
  Hjälp fler att hitta podden genom att betygssätta och recensera VBV i din poddapp! 📷 Instagram - @HundpoddenVBV 📷 Instagram - @Gurgin ⌨️ Facebook - Hundpodden Vår Bästa Vän
Kolla in det här avsnittet!
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innerchorus · 2 years ago
WHAT THE HECK this is incredible! @colleyuriko​ have you seen this?
Seriously he looks fantastic, I’m really impressed (and impressed by your dedication to Guiscard; it’s really not right that he didn’t get any official merch, surely he’s an important enough character for it). Does the maker have somewhere online where they take orders?
Okay if there is no merch with Guiscard then i will find the way to get it. So now I have a plush Guiscard.
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An acquaintance of mine started making plush toys to order, and I somehow thought why not order something. (actually a few plush ones of different characters)
*There was a question whether he was really dressed in a Santa suit?
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fredrikmattsson · 2 years ago
Igår tittade jag på ett program på SVT om en person som förut sålt kebab men som sålt allt och flyttat till en skåpbil (som sen gick sönder) och började äta veganskt (av klimatskäl) när det egentligen inte finns så mycket som med säkerhet säger att veganer är snällare än köttätare mot jorden, eftersom man kan räkna hur man vill.
”Prognoser är svåra, speciellt de om framtiden. ”
När jag var liten sa vår lärare att om 3-5 år är All olja slut. Allt skulle gå åt skogen. Det var 35 år sedan.
Nu producerar Norge, USA och afrikanska länder mer än någonsin. Uganda tros bli framtidens oljebälte.
Killen i filmen var med på morgonsoffor och berättade att det är Bra att inte föda barn. För det kostar för klimatet. Jag tror inte han menade så illa som det är, men om man säger att jag bör få leva på bekostnad av att andra inte får födas så finns det enklare sätt. Är man rädd för vad man gör mot klimatet kan vi lämna jorden nu, direkt. Inte be andra dö eller sluta föröka sig.
Han ville för övrigt också sterilisera sig, men han avbröt steriliseringen. Han vill ställa lissera sig av klimatskäl sa han till doktorn. men backade. Något som får mig frågande kring hans ideologi och övertygelse? 
Dessutom är det fel. Det har sagts att vi har varit överbefolkade sedan 50-60 talet, och vart tionde år har det bara blivit mer folk och det finns fortfarande inget som säger att vi är överbefolkade. Det kanske klarar dubbling en gång till? Vi har lyckats hittills, det finns inget som säger att vi inte skulle lyckas framöver.
Vi har säkert en påverkan på jorden och på klimatet men vi har löst allting för vi kommer lösa det här också. Bara för att det stämmer hur mycket vi orsakar så betyder inte att prognoserna om framtiden stämmer kring vad det innebär. De blandas in politik och det blandas in ideologier i allt, och vi skrämmer ihjäl våra ungdomar som tror att allt kommer gå under inom några år. Städer har varit översvämmade förut, vi har jobbat med och mot naturen förut, vill vet hur vi gör, det är inget enormt problem, bara ett problem. Vi kommer stoppa ganska många av de konsekvenser som vi nu oroas för. andra dåliga konsekvenser kan visa sig bli fördelar. Prognoser är svåra.
Att börja äta avokados som också tillverkas på ett väldigt miljöskadande sätt, är inte lösningen. Att tvinga folk att inte föda barn är inte lösningen. Att vi blir fler så att några på 1000 som är geniala kan lösa frågan med någon teknisk uppfinning i framtiden, det är lösningen. 
Sätter vi oss alla en varsin husvagn och sluta leva så kommer vi inte komma till mars, vi kommer inte lösa någonting tekniskt, vi kommer inte kunna tillverka mer mat, det kommer minska allt som är viktigt. Om vi dessutom ska sluta göra barn, så är det är det stora problemet.
Varför rädda klimatet om vi är borta? 
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wayward-delver · 5 years ago
Dark Crystal AoR spoilers without Context:
(Compilation of Evil)
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Seriously though, Rian had it rough!
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innerchorus · 1 year ago
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No prizes for guessing which particular character this is about. This playlist isn't finished (the tracks pictured are the ones I associate with canon and it still feels like there are gaps in places) but I've been having fun with it, and it's just about the only thing getting me through this week.
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innerchorus · 11 months ago
Nice! Reblogging so I can easily find and listen to this later; I only recognise a few tracks here. I selected a lot of songs for mine based on vibes too, though like you the first set I tried to map to something specific (Gurgin's novel canon corruption arc, in this case).
It'll be really interesting to come back to this when I know more details about the AU and the characters, too; I hope you'll share more details later on about what/who these songs are associated with for you, I'm always interested in hearing about the thoughts behind the choices!
My Playlist is finnished!! Here it is!
I'm not completely happy with it but the good thing about a playlist is that you can add and remove songs when ever you like!
It has 55 songs right now and only like the first 12 - 14 songs are somewhat corresponding with the AU in terms of placement but only for like a very specific arc that is very late in the story and I haven't even planned yet! (Only daydreamed about it lol)
It also is mainly songs I eather liked or fit the story (mostly due to the ✨️vibe✨️). I don't listen much to Jpop and not a lot of soundtracks and yeah... Tried to find as many lyric videos as possible so you can understand to what your listening to.
Some songs are for like specific characters but who will be kept in my mind right now lol. As nobody but me will understand the song-story-relations yet.
Eather way, hope you folks like it! Enjoy!
Edit: Oh, I forgot! I have two new tags!
If you guys ever want to look at my writing and/or art you don't need to wade through my endless reblogs anymore. Inspired by @tired-reader-writer.
My art you can find under: "important art defender"
And my writing you can find under: "important writing defender".
Originally wanted to put this under the Azar design sheet post but it's here now!
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strangeshipper · 1 year ago
"I have a mage!"
Arslan Senki : : Narsus, Daryun, Zandeh, Gurgin
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(All is clear now about Narsus & Daryun quarrel :D And oh you know it's just a joke, I'm big fan of Narsus & Daryun, really.)
Interesting, Tanaka says Narsus dislikes magic a lot, but nevertheless he know how to resist it. How do you think, could Narsus learn magic? Or one needs some king of innate superpower to become a sorcerer?
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stitchpunk1 · 5 years ago
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So made some gelfling kids. Still fleshing them out but here’s whos who. Dris is the daughter of Gurjin and Kylan. Nel is Deet and Breas daughter. Kali is Rian and Miras daughter and Kidsa is Naia and Tavras daughter.
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loudlittledemon · 5 years ago
I made an Age of Resistance music video because I have a lot of love for these babies, okay? Spoilers like crazy, ye be warned.
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