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sspacegodd · 4 years ago
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PROOF that Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff --- a mystic, philosopher, spiritual teacher, and composer born in Alexandrapol, Armenia --- was also a seasoned and successful professional wrestler in the WWF!!
He taught that most humans do not possess a unified consciousness and thus live their lives in a state of hypnotic "waking sleep", but that it is possible to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and achieve full human potential.
Gurdjieff described a method attempting to do so, calling the discipline "The Work" (connoting "work on oneself") or "the System". According to his principles and instructions, Gurdjieff's method for awakening one's consciousness unites the methods of the fakir, monk and yogi, and thus he referred to it as the "Fourth Way"........
He also claimed to be the only true "chi" master who claimed to be the only true "chi" master. He has put on many demonstrations of his skill at knocking student black belts unconscious without even touching them!
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ripplefactor · 6 years ago
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'Of all the examples Gurdjieff might have used to illustrate the essential aspect of his teaching, “quality of attention,” he chose the one experience that all human beings share: “When you do a thing, do it with the whole self, one thing at a time. Now I sit here and I eat. For me nothing exists in the world except this food, this table. I eat with the whole attention. So you must do—in everything. To be able to do one thing at a time—this is the property of man, not man in quotation marks.”'
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dovetuttotaceciseitu · 4 years ago
La felicità è una scelta, non un risultato. Niente ti renderà felice finché non scegli di essere felice. Nessuno ti renderà felice finché non decidi di essere felice. La tua felicità non arriverà a te. Può solo venire da te.
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#transcendens #amor #desarrollohumano #osho #bucai #amorc #york #yung #tarot #kabal #misticismo #analisistransaccional #gurdieff #eneagrama #cuartocamino #gurumayi #yoga #meditar #yug #saibaba #dios #buda #angeles #freud #soul #spirit #tibet #meditar #cuencos #lecturadecafe https://www.instagram.com/p/B67p-oCHMiQ/?igshid=1e82j5y7zc6o3
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shivaontrans-blog · 7 years ago
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GURDJIEFF’S INDELIBLE ADVICES TO HIS DAUGHTER 1. Fix your attention on yourself, be aware at every moment of what you think, feel, want and do. 2. Always finish what you started. 3. Do what you are doing as best as possible. 4. Do not be chained to anything that in the long run can destroy you. 5. Develop your generosity without witnesses. 6. Treat every person as a close relative. 7. You must order what is disordered. Full Article Link => https://goo.gl/7BE38x PC : Quote Fancy #gurdieff #quotes #wisdom #wisdomquotes #philosophy #theology #living #being #meditation #yoga #buddhism #zen
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ikarenerodrigues · 8 years ago
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4/30. Relendo o Eneagrama para os estudos de autocoaching e Mentoring ! Amooooooo Eneagrama e este livro é sensacional ! #eneagrama #gurdieff #transformação #transmutação #amor #escolheamor #escolhedenovo #escoladaalma #energia #tudoenergia #namaste #om #fé #foco #força #façaacontecer #façaporvocê #resiliência #vitalidade #reformaíntima #entusiasmo
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the-alchemy-of-thought · 2 years ago
"We must destroy our buffers. Children have none; therefore we must become like little children."
G. I. Gurdieff
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happyho1-blog1 · 7 years ago
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#Self Rememberance is key for creating #awareness
We are living but we are not aware that we are or that we are living. There is no self-remembering. You are eating or you are taking a bath or you are taking a walk, everything is, only you are not. The trees, the houses, the traffic, everything is. You are aware of everything around you but you are not aware of your own being – that you are. You may be aware of the whole world, but if you are not aware of yourself that awareness is false. Why? Because your mind can reflect everything, but your mind cannot reflect you. If you are aware of yourself, then you have transcended the mind.
Your self-remembering cannot be reflected in your mind because you are behind the mind. It can reflect only things, which are in front of it. You can just see others, but you cannot see yourself. Your eyes can see everyone, but your eyes cannot see themselves. If you want to see yourself you will need a mirror. Only in the mirror can you see yourself, but then you will have to stand in front of the mirror. IF your mind is a mirror, it can reflect the whole world. It cannot reflect you because you cannot stand before it. You are always behind, hidden behind the mirror.
This technique says, while doing anything – singing, seeing, tasting – be aware that you are and discover the ever living, and discover within yourself the current, the energy, the life, the ever living. But we are not aware of ourselves.
Gurdieff used self remembering as a basic technique in west. The whole gurdieffion system is based on remember yourself, what so ever you are doing. It is very difficult. It looks very easy, but you will go on forgetting. Even for three or four seconds you cannot remember yourself. You will have a feeling that you are remembering and suddenly you will have moved to some other thought. Even with this thought that “ OK, I am remembering myself,” you will have missed, because this thought is not self remembering. In self remembering there will be no thought, you will be completely empty and self remembering is not a mental process it is not that you say, “ Yes, I am.” Saying yes I am you have missed, this is a mind thing, this is a mental process: “I am”
Feel I am, not the words I am. Do not verbalise, just feel that you are. Don’t think, feel ! try it. It is difficult, but if you go on insisting it happens. While walking, remember you are, and have the feeling of your being, not of any thought, not of any idea. Just feel. I touch your hand or I put my hand on your head: don’t verbalise. Just feel the touch, and in that feeling feel not only the touch, but feel also the touched one. Then your consciousness becomes double arrowed.
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peterfritzwalter · 4 years ago
Fingerings for 'Greek Melody'
Fingerings for ‘Greek Melody’
Gurdieff-de-Hartmann, Greek Melody. Fingerings by Peter Fritz Walter
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m3e6d9s-blog · 6 years ago
"No se evoluciona mecánicamente. La evolución del hombre es evolución de su consciencia y la consciencia no puede evolucionar inconscientemente. La evolución del hombre es la evolución de su voluntad y la voluntad no puede evolucionar involuntariamente! La evolución del hombre es la evolución de su poder de hacer y hacer no puede ser el resultado de lo que suceda" (G.I. Gurdieff).
Sorprende la forma en la que dos vías de aproximación a la verdad pueden ser tan radicalmente opuestas.
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yesluisrosero-blog · 6 years ago
¿Qué es el Eneagrama?
Es una teoría de la personalidad y del alma (esencia) con fuentes en tradiciones espirituales milenarias. Es además es una terapia de los problemas de personalidad, que ayuda al desarrollo personal.
¿Quiénes la formularon?
Gurdieff, un armenio. Fue desarrollada en América por Oscar Ichazo, en los cincuenta del siglo XX, que relacionó los símbolos del eneagrama…
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torontohypnotherapist · 7 years ago
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“To begin with, Gurdjieff was a thoroughly enigmatic figure. He was a living example of that Greek word, 'Enantiodromos', meaning the process by which a thing changes into its opposite. He could be tender, fierce, strict, indulgent, wise, clownish, utterly serious and a 'farceur' all at one time. Even the author, then only eleven years old, who had been made Gurdieff's "slavey", did not know how to take him at times. Gurdjieff was a perpetual surprise. However, young as he was, and with no preparation for the ordeal, Fritz Peters, the boy, was astute enough to know that he was in the hands of a most unusual human being, a man who has been called a Master, a Guru, a Teacher, everything but a Saint.
“Just as it is said that Jehovah showed his hind parts to Moses, so Peters reveals to us Gurdjieff's very real, very human aspects.
“Much has been written about the scandalous behavior of Gurdjieff. And it is true that he seemed to care little for conventional behavior. In a sense, he was like a cross between the Gnostics of old and the latter day Dadaists. Certainly, of him the Latin saying "nothing human is beneath me" was true. He was human to the core.
“At times he reached sublime heights. And the author, imitating Gurdjieff's broken English, has given us these moments in Gurdjieff's own fantastic language. This broken English had frequently a "Satanic" character. If at moments Gurdjieff seemed to touch the hem of creation, at other moments one might say of him that he was an emissary of Satan himself, which is why this book is so utterly enjoyable. It will fascinate even those who have never heard of Gurdjieff. For one thing, this book debunks all the crackpot legends about Master-and-Devil. It is informative without ever being dull. It cuts capers without becoming shoddy. It delivers over to us one of the most enigmatic and controversial figures of our time, one unfortunately too little known by present day man.”
~ from novelist Henry Miller's forward to Fritz Peters' book “Boyhood With Gurdjieff” ...
Questioner: When I try to put myself in someone's place, there is always one part of me which refuses, which does not participate, which hides, which is occupied with itself and which has enjoyment with itself. It is something which slips away and which I cannot catch. On the other hand, as soon as I have a small result in my work, vanity takes hold of it—"it is I who have done this"—and this spoils everything.
Gurdjieff: I will give you a sacred secret. You remember the First Series... there are two currents, two rivers. You have to cross from one to the other; you are like fish whose natural element is water and who are obliged to live in the air. You must now learn to live in both currents at once. There is the habitual current which is ordinary life in which you live, and then in you must exist the other current, the second current, which is your interior life. Up to now you have had contact with yourself only when you were alone, quiet, now you must learn with others. When you are with a person, remain in your own current, in your interior current.
~ George Gurdjieff “Paris/Wartime Meetings” ...
“You ask about the aim of the movements. To each position of the body corresponds a certain inner state and, on the other hand, to each inner state corresponds a certain posture. A man, in his life, has a certain number of habitual postures and he passes from one to another without stopping at those between.
“Taking new, unaccustomed postures enables you to observe yourself inside differently from the way you usually do in ordinary conditions. This becomes especially clear when on the command "Stop!" you have to freeze at once. At this command you have to freeze not only externally but also to stop all your inner movements. Muscles that were tense must remain in the same state of tension, and the muscles that were relaxed must remain relaxed. You must make the effort to keep thoughts and feelings as they were, and at the same time to observe yourself.
“For instance, you wish to become an actress. Your habitual postures are suited to acting a certain part—for instance, a maid—yet you have to act the part of a countess. A countess has quite different postures. In a good dramatic school you would be taught, say, two hundred postures. For a countess the characteristic postures are, say, postures number 14, 68, 101 and 142. If you know this, when you are on the stage you have simply to pass from one posture to another, and then however badly you may act you will be a countess all the time. But if you don't know these postures, then even a person who has quite an untrained eye will feel that you are not a countess but a maid.
“It is necessary to observe yourself differently than you do in ordinary life. It is necessary to have a different attitude, not the attitude you had till now. You know where your habitual attitudes have led you till now. There is no sense in going on as before, either for you or for me, for I have no desire to work with you if you remain as you are. You want knowledge, but what you have had until today was not knowledge. It was only mechanical collecting of information. It is knowledge not in you but outside you. It has no value. What concern is it of yours that what you know was created at one time by somebody else? You have not created it, therefore it is of small value. You say, for instance, that you know how to set type for newspapers, and you value this in yourself. But now a machine can do that. Combining is not creating.
“Everyone has a limited repertoire of habitual postures, and of inner states. She is a painter and you will say, perhaps, that she has her own style. But it is not style, it is limitation. Whatever her pictures may represent, they will always be the same, whether she paints a picture of European life or of the East. I will at once recognize that she, and nobody else, has painted it. An actor who is the same in all his roles—just himself—what kind of an actor is he? Only by accident can he have a role that entirely corresponds to what he is in life.”
~ George Gurdjieff “Views from the Real World” ...
"Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and never tried."
~ Kathryn Hulme "Conversations With Gurdjieff"
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quienqueriatambien · 8 years ago
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Gurdieff un hombre extraordinario para su tiempo.... (en Puente Santa Julia A Quintero)
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carlosmt · 8 years ago
Gurdieff | Jororowsky
1. Fija tu atención en ti mismo; sé consciente en cada instante de lo que piensas, sientes, deseas y haces. 2. Termina siempre lo que comenzaste. 3. Haz lo que estás haciendo lo mejor posible. 4. No te encadenes a nada que a la larga te destruya. 5. Desarrolla tu generosidad sin testigos. 6. Trata a cada persona como si fuera un pariente cercano. 7. Ordena lo que has desordenado. 8. Aprende a recibir; agradece cada don. 9. Cesa de autodefinirte. 10. No mientas ni robes; si lo haces, te mientes y robas a ti mismo. 11. Ayuda a tu prójimo sin hacerlo dependiente. 12. No desees ser imitado. 13. Haz planes de trabajo y cúmplelos. 14. No ocupes demasiado espacio. 15. No hagas ruidos ni gestos innecesarios. 16. Si no la tienes, imita la fe. 17. No te dejes impresionar por personalidades fuertes. 18. No te apropies de nada ni de nadie. 19. Reparte equitativamente. 20. No seduzcas. 21. Come y duerme lo estrictamente necesario. 22. No hables de tus problemas personales. 23. No emitas juicios ni críticas cuando desconozcas la mayor parte de los hechos. 24. No establezcas amistades inútiles. 25. No sigas modas. 26. No te vendas. 27. Respeta los contratos que has firmado. 28. Sé puntual. 29. No envidies los bienes o los éxitos del prójimo. 30. Habla sólo lo necesario. 31. No pienses en los beneficios que te va a procurar tu obra. 32. Nunca amenaces. 33. Realiza tus promesas. 34. En una discusión, ponte en el lugar del otro. 35. Admite que alguien te supere. 36. No elimines, sino transforma. 37. Vence tus miedos; cada uno de ellos es un deseo que se camufla. 38. Ayuda al otro a ayudarse a sí mismo. 39. Vence tus antipatías y acércate a las personas que deseas rechazar. 40. No actúes por reacción a lo que digan, bueno o malo, de ti. 41. Transforma tu orgullo en dignidad. 42. Transforma tu cólera en creatividad. 43. Transforma tu avaricia en respeto por la belleza. 44. Transforma tu envidia en admiración por los valores del otro. 45. Transforma tu odio en caridad. 46. No te alabes ni te insultes. 47. Trata lo que no te pertenece como si te perteneciera. 48. No te quejes. 49. Desarrolla tu imaginación. 50. No des órdenes sólo por el placer de ser obedecido. 51. Paga los servicios que te dan. 52. No hagas propaganda de tus obras o ideas. 53. No trates de despertar en los otros emociones hacia ti como piedad, admiración, simpatía, complicidad. 54. No trates de distinguirte por tu apariencia. 55. Nunca contradigas, sólo calla. 56. No contraigas deudas; adquiere y paga en seguida. 57. Si ofendes a alguien, pídele perdón. 58. Si lo has ofendido públicamente, excúsate en público. 59. Si te das cuenta de que has dicho algo erróneo, no insistas por orgullo en ese error y desiste de inmediato de tus propósitos. 60. No defiendas tus ideas antiguas sólo por el hecho de que fuiste tú quien las enunció. 61. No conserves objetos inútiles. 62. No te adornes con ideas ajenas. 63. No te fotografíes junto a personajes famosos. 64. No rindas cuentas a nadie; sé tu propio juez. 65. Nunca te definas por lo que posees. 66. Nunca hables de ti sin concederte la posibilidad de cambiar. 67. Acepta que nada es tuyo. 68. Cuando te pregunten tu opinión sobre algo o alguien, di sólo sus cualidades. 69. Cuando te enfermes, en lugar de odiar ese mal, considéralo tu maestro. 70. No mires con disimulo; mira fijamente. 71. No olvides a tus muertos, pero dales un sitio limitado que les impida invadir toda tu vida. 72. En el lugar en el que habites, consagra siempre un sitio a lo sagrado. 73. Cuando realices un servicio, no resaltes tus esfuerzos. 74. Si decides trabajar para los otros, hazlo con placer. 75. Si dudas entre hacer y no hacer, arriésgate y haz. 76. No trates de ser todo para tu pareja; admite que busque en otros lo que tú no puedes darle. 77. Cuando alguien tenga su público, no acudas para contradecirlo y robarle la audiencia. 78. Vive de un dinero ganado por ti mismo. 79. No te jactes de aventuras amorosas. 80. No te vanaglories de tus debilidades. 81. Nunca visites a alguien sólo por llenar tu tiempo. 82. Obtén para repartir.
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the-alchemy-of-thought · 2 years ago
The worse the conditions of life, the greater the possibility for productive work, provided you work consciously.
The energy expended in active inner work is immediately transformed into new energy; that spent in passive work is lost forever.
Practice love on animals first; they react better and more sensitively.
G. I. Gurdieff
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