#buddhist meditation
yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (119)
Buddhist cosmology
Samatha and Vipassana meditations - the relationship
Gautama Buddha said to have identified two paramount mental qualities that arise from wholesome meditative practice are samatha (stillness: Ref) and vippasana (insight: Ref2).
It is the work of the still mind (samatha) that becomes wisdom (vipassana). Thus, it is to observe things correctly in accordance with the truth.
Thus, "stopping (samatha)" refers to meditation (jhana: Ref3), and "seeing (vipassana)" refers to wisdom (panna). Buddha realised that the root cause of human suffering is lack of clarity, and he allegedly attained enlightenment through contemplation of the twelve causal factors (Ref4) in order and in reverse order.
In the Pali canon, the Buddha never mentions independent samatha and vipassana meditation practices; instead, samatha and vipassana are two "qualities of mind" to be developed through meditation (jhana). When the Pali suttas depict the Buddha telling his disciples to go meditate, they never quote him as saying 'go do vipassana,' but always 'go do jhana.' And they never equate the word "vipassana" with any mindfulness techniques.
[How to]
Practice begins with the preparatory stage, the practice of sila, morality, giving up worldly thoughts and desires. Morality is a quintessential element of Buddhist practice, and is also emphasised by the first generation of post-war western teachers. Yet, it is noted that in the contemporary mindfulness movement, morality as an element of practice has been mostly discarded, 'mystifying' the origins of mindfulness.
The practitioner then engages in anapanasati (Ref5), mindfulness of breathing, which is described in the Satipatthana Sutta as going into the forest and sitting beneath a tree and then to simply watch the breath. If the breath is long, to notice that the breath is long, if the breath is short, to notice that the breath is short.
The practitioner also becomes aware of the perpetual changes involved in breathing, and the arising and passing away of mindfulness. This noticing is accompanied by reflections on causation and other Buddhist teachings, leading to insight into suffering (dukkha), non-self (anatta), and impermanence (anicca). When the three characteristics have been comprehended, reflection subdues, and the process of noticing accelerates, noting phenomena in general, without necessarily naming them.
Some sects point out that the practice of both samatha and vipassana together allows one to achieve various mental powers and higher knowledge (Skt: abhijna, Ref6), including the attainment of Nirvana, whereas the practice of vipassana alone allows for the achievement of Nirvana, but no other mental powers or knowledges.
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仏教の探求 (119)
サマタ瞑想とヴィパッサナー瞑想 〜 その関係性
ゴータマ・ブッダは、健全な瞑想の実践から生まれる最も重要な心の資質として、サマタ (静止: 参照) とヴィッパサナー (洞察力: 参照2) の2つを特定したと言われている。
このように、サマタ(止)とは禅定 (ディヤーナ: 参照3) に当たり、ヴィパッサナー(観)とは智慧に相当している。ブッダはサマタ(止)により、人間の苦の根本原因が無明であることを自覚し、十二因縁(参照4)を順逆に観想するヴィパッサナー(観)によって無明を脱したとされる。
修行は、まず準備段階として、世俗的な考えや欲望を捨て、シーラ (道徳) を実践することから始まる。道徳は仏教の修行の真髄をなす要素であり、それは戦後の西洋の第一世代の教師たちによっても強調されている。しかし、現代のマインドフルネス運動では、修行の要素としての道徳はほとんど捨て去られ、マインドフルネスの起源を「神秘化」していると指摘されている。
実践者は次に安那般那念 (あんなはんなねん、巴:アーナーパーナ・サティ、梵:アーナーパーナ・スムリティ 参照5)、呼吸のマインドフルネスに取り組み、森に行き、木の下に座り、そして単に呼吸を見ることとして念処経 (ねんじょきょう、巴:サティパッターナ・スッタ)で記述されている。呼吸が長ければ長いと感じ、短ければ短いと感じる。
修行者はまた、呼吸に伴う絶え間ない変化、そしてマインドフルネスの発生と消滅に気づくようになる。この気づきは、因果関係や他の仏教の教えについての考察を伴い、苦 (梵・巴: ドゥッカ)、無我 (むが、巴: アナッター、梵: アナートマン)、無常 (むじょう、巴: アニッチャ、梵: アニトヤ) を洞察することにつながる。この3つの性質が理解できたとき、反省は収まり、気づきのプロセスが加速され、必ずしも特定せずとも全般的な現象に注目するようになる。
宗派によっては、サマタとヴィパッサナーを一緒に修行すると、涅槃 (ねはん、梵: ニルヴァーナ) の達成を含むさまざまな精神力と智慧 (巴:アビニャー 参照6) が得られるが、ヴィパッサナーのみの修行では、涅槃の達成はできるが他の精神力と知識は得られないと指摘されている。
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seductive-whisperss · 13 days
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buddhismnow · 8 months
Morning Meditaton — Do you want to know Manjusri?
Morning Meditaton — Do you want to know Manjusri? https://wp.me/pFy3u-8l0
‘Do you want to know Manjusri? He is here right before your eyes functioning ceaselessly without change, This is the living Manjusri.’ Zen Master Rinzai Clouds above the trees. On our Twitter account, Buddhism Now @Buddhism_Now, most mornings we post a ‘morning meditation’ like the one above.  On the net, of course, it’s morning, afternoon, evening, or nighttime 😀 somewhere. Click here to…
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powerfulmind611 · 1 year
10 Amazing Advantages of Meditation
Discover the incredible advantages of meditation in this captivating video! From stress reduction and improved mental clarity to enhanced creativity and better sleep, meditation offers a multitude of benefits. Explore how meditation promotes emotional well-being, increases self-compassion, and improves physical health. Learn how it enhances focus, attention, and relationships while fostering spiritual growth. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the power of meditation in your life. Don't miss out, watch now!
MeditationBenefits #MindfulnessAdvantages #StressReduction #MentalClarity #EmotionalWellBeing #CreativityBoost #SelfCompassion #BetterSleep #PhysicalHealth #FocusAndAttention #RelationshipImprovement #SpiritualGrowth #TransformativeJourney #InnerPeace #MindBodyConnection #SelfAwareness #StressManagement #ProductivityEnhancement #PersonalGrowth #MindfulLiving
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aeltri · 2 years
Frank and Ben still doesn't understand the truth behind the so-called "Buddhist meditation" (Tantrism) that he was taught. As an MKUltra victim he should opt for a safer practice because the current one puts him in a hypnotic trance. That serves as a backdoor into his System which his abusers keep exploiting...
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We'll get the name of that "monk" that's been seen with him, too. Even Foulds mentioned that in his novel. These people are parasites of the worst kind. Ben did the best he could at Letter's Live but they still weren't satisfied? Fuck them.
PS: About the Beatles? That was an additional clue, thx 😏!
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Lama Fera Healing: Discover the Secrets of Buddhist Energy Healing.
Are you ready to discover the ancient secrets of Lama Fera Healing?
Learn powerful techniques to harness and channel positive energy, release negativity, and restore balance in your mind, body, and spirit. 🌈💆‍♀️✨
Let the secrets of this sacred practice guide you towards inner peace and well-being. 🌟💞
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planetdharma · 5 months
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Change Yourself to Change the World: Practicing Insight Meditation
How do we find contentment in the external world where everything is impermanent and ultimately out of our control? In this inspirational talk, Dharma Teachers Doug and Catherine Sensei share how Insight meditation (a.k.a. Vipassana) can help you address life’s struggles, including indecisiveness, anger, and over-consumption.
They teach that to transform the world around you, you must first transform your internal world: “Change your view, to change your conduct.” By looking closely at the nature or pathology of struggle, and clearly understanding the problem, we begin to understand the solution. It starts with ourselves.
Know More about Meditation Insights:- https://www.planetdharma.com/change-yourself-to-change-the-world-practicing-insight-meditation/
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garebear1978 · 10 months
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profarms · 11 months
When you walk away from your troubles
When you walk away from your troubles, there are no good byes to be said. When you walk away from your troubles, there are no tears to be shed because all you have lost is trouble. When you walk away from your troubles, there is no sadness felt for all that you have left behind. When you walk away from your troubles, there can be no regrets for the good decision you have made for…
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pebblegalaxy · 2 years
Understanding the Satipatthana Sutta: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Buddhism
IntroductionThe Satipatthana Sutta is one of the most essential and influential discourses in Buddhism. The sutta, also known as the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, provides a detailed guide on how to cultivate mindfulness, leading to the attainment of spiritual liberation. The sutta is considered the foundation of Buddhist meditation, and its teachings have influenced the practice of…
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yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (113)
Buddhist cosmology
Samatha meditation
Samatha meditation (samathabhāvanā) is a meditation that cultivates concentration by attaching the mind to a specific object. Samatha is a Buddhist term for settling the mind on one object, often is translated as the "tranquility of the mind",  "mind-calmness", or “cessation”.
The Pali Canon describes it as one of two qualities of mind which is developed (bhāvanā :Ref) in Buddhist meditation, the other being vipassana (insight).
In Theravada Buddhism there are 40 different meditation objects in total, called Karmasthana or Kammatthana. The meditation on compassion(Ref2), a type of samatha (cessation), is often performed as a preparatory step to Vipassana meditation (vipassanābhāvanā, lit. contemplation). The most commonly used samatha is anapana sati (Skt: anapana-smrti), which is a breath-controlled meditation.
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[上記引用: “慈悲のこころは仏教の基本である。「生きとし生けるものが幸せでありますように (巴: サッベ-サッター・バーヴァントゥ・スッキータッター)」というのが、その基本となる精神である。”]
仏教の探求 (113)
サマタ瞑想 (サマタめいそう、巴: サマタ・バーヴァナー)は、心を特定の対象に結びつけて集中力を養う瞑想である。サマタ(梵: シャマタ)とは、仏教用語で、ひとつの対象に心を落ち着かせることであり、しばしば「心の静寂」「心の落ち着き」または「止 (し)」と訳される。
パーリ仏典では、仏教の瞑想において「心の発達 (巴:バーヴァナー参照)」の2つの性質のうちの1つであり、もう1つはヴィパッサナー(観・洞察)であると説明されている。
上座部仏教では業処 (ごうしょ、巴:カンマッタ-ナ、梵: カルマスターナ)と呼ばれる瞑想対象が40種類ある。ヴィパッサナー瞑想(ヴィパッサナーめいそう、巴:ヴィパッサナー・バーヴァナー、観行の意)の準備段階としてサマタ(止) の一種である慈悲の瞑想(参照2)が行なわれることが多い。最も一般によく使われるサマタは呼吸を対照する安那般那念 (あんなはんなねん、巴: アーナーパーナ・サティ、梵: アーナーパーナ・スリムティ)である。
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buddhistmusings · 2 months
Pay Attention to Bangladesh
My heart breaks today as I learn about the immense suffering that Hindus are being subjected to in Bangladesh.
There is a history of oppressing religious minorities in the country, including periods of immense ethnic violence, escalating to the point of potentially being labeled as genocide in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, which are populated by groups of mostly Buddhist indigenous peoples called the Jumma. This is a label for a group of related tribes.
Both Hindus and Buddhists have faced violence in Bangladesh, this is nothing new, but since the fall of their government a few days ago, the violence has become much higher. Hindus in the country are being targeting especially strongly right now. People are being killed, their homes are being destroyed, people are being kidnapped, temples are being desecrated and destroyed, and at a pretty massive scale.
I see people celebrating the fall of this government, which I can understand on one hand, as it was repressive, but the lack of authority has allowed incredible violence to be carried out against Hindus.
Please, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jain, or Jew, pray for an end to this. Whatever power you believe in, pray for the violence to end. Do what you can to spread the word about what is happening to my brothers, sisters, and siblings in Dharma.
May all beings be free from hatred and the causes of hatred. May all beings be happy and may all beings be free. Let none anywhere despise any being, let none deceive another. May peace and Metta extend outwards from myself to each and every person, barring none, and may all beings swiftly be free of all suffering. Namo Buddhaya, Namo Buddhaya, Namo Buddhaya.
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buddhismnow · 10 months
Afternoon Meditaton — If someone asks me where to look for Buddha.
Morning Meditaton — If someone asks me where to look for Buddha. https://wp.me/pFy3u-8au
‘If someone asks me where to look for Buddha, I will show myself in a state of purity.’ Zen Master Rinzai Big sky over Totnes. On our Twitter account, Buddhism Now @Buddhism_Now, most mornings we post a ‘morning meditation’ like the one above.  On the net, of course, it’s morning, afternoon, evening, or nighttime 😀 somewhere. Click here to read more Morning Meditation posts. Click here for…
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The resting mind and the moving mind are the union of emptiness and luminosity. We perceive differences due to our confusion. Stillness does not obstruct motion, and motion does not obstruct stillness. They are simply one inseparable entity.
~ Thrangu Rinpoche
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thecalminside · 11 months
Peace is within oneself to be found in the same place as agitation and suffering. It is not found in a forest or on a hilltop, nor is it given by a teacher. Where you experience suffering, you can also find freedom from suffering. Trying to run away from suffering is actually to run toward it.
-Ajahn Chah
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zen-daily · 6 months
"You must be broad-minded and whole without relying upon others. An upright, independent spirit knows how to avoid degrading situations." - Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091-1157)
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