#gundham x reader fluff
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shuniverse · 2 years ago
dark nights ,, g.tnka
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🧷 I decided to write gundham because I adore that man and I want to marry him fr 😔❤️
🎐 f!reader (because I’m self-indulgent 🥲) ;; cute fluff ;; a storm ;; gundham + a tight muscle shirt 🤭 ;; gundham calls you paramour and dove and darling because those nicknames suit him and they’re so fucking cute 😭 ;;
gundham had invited you over, missing your company, because ‘even the supreme overlord of ice gets lonesome in his abode.’
you happily obliged however, also missing the warmth you felt in your boyfriend’s apartment, as well as his adorable little hamsters, the devas.
and so, you’re driving to his home, playing some low, soft songs on the way there, your bag packed in the passenger seat with hoodies and other assorted clothes, and your hair done in a messy bun in the back of your head with light bangs framing your face, and subtle dark eyeliner around your eyes.
finally arriving at his door, your things in hand, you knock on his door.
you giggle at the rustling behind it, and you smile softly when the door finally opens, revealing your boyfriend with his hair down and messy, face mostly clean aside from the gentle eyeshadow still around his eyes, in a snug black tee that accentuates the subtle muscle of his arms and the thicker muscle of his chest, and loose grey sweatpants hanging low around his hips. he looks absolutely delectable.
“darling? you’re gawking, is something the matter?”
his comfortingly deep voice pulls you out of your trance, and you giggle and nod. “sorry, baby, you’re just super pretty.”
his cheeks flush at the compliment, ever the shy guy despite his normal persona. “ah, thank you, my paramour.”
you nod, stepping forward to press a kiss to his lips, more prominent now that the pale foundation isn’t covering them, and he reciprocates happily with a ringed hand to your cheek.
he pulls away though with a beautiful close lipped smile. “let us get inside, my love, we mustn’t let it get cold. besides, I’ve been dying to feel your most comforting presence in my dark abode.”
once again, you nod, and step inside and walk to his room, where you set your things. you know he doesn’t mind, he’s let you know, and you’re comfortable considering you’ve been together for two years. you’re surprised you’re not living together at this point.
you leave his room, having stolen one of his hoodies, which makes him chuckle when he notices. “cold, my dove?”
you giggle. “yeah, it was kinda chilly outside, especially with the rain coming in.”
he nods with a knowing grin on his defined features. “of course, I understand, love. come, I’ve prepared some movies for us to enjoy. ah, but first, please make yourself comfortable, I’ll go grab our treats for the night.”
“ok, baby.” you smile and kiss his cheek while he presses one to your head, lifting your hand and kissing the back of it, before walking to the kitchen to retrieve your snacks.
god I got lucky with this man, you think, he’s perfect.
as soon as you utter those words, you notice four familiar little blobs in your peripheral vision, and you turn your head to see the devas crawling over to you to cuddle against you, maga-z gently nibbling on your forearm, making you giggle. “hi, babies. miss me?”
you smile fondly at them. cuties, they are.
gundham walks back into the room, seeing the cute little scene, and he smiles. “how adorable. a goddess with fearsome creatures, shall I call you circe?”
you giggle at his reference, knowing Circe is one of your favorite Greek goddesses. “I wish, baby, but she’s too cool for me.”
“oh nonsense, dove. you’re goddess enough for me, and I think that suffices enough, yes?”
you smile and kiss his arm as he sits down next to you. “I suppose, love. now, what movie do you have picked out?”
he gives a small smile as he pecks your temple before handing you a bowl of fresh fruits as well as the chips he knows you love. “I’ve picked out a few, darling, just let me know what you’d like to watch, okay?”
you nod, getting comfy and munching on your fruits.
he scrolls through movies he rented for you, passing through Atlantis, The Phantom of the Opera, The Conjuring, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Incantation - and as soon as he stops on that, your face lights up; it’s your favorite horror movie.
“Ooh, ooh, that one!”
he chuckles. “okay, my paramour, we shall watch this one.”
you smile giddily at him and kiss his cheek. “thank you baby.”
he gives you a warm smile, one you’ve grown to love and appreciate, seeing as it usually only comes out with you. “anything for you, my dove. let’s watch now, I know you’re practically vibrating in your seat.”
you giggle at his comment, snuggling up close and grabbing a chunk of watermelon and handing it to gundham, who opens his mouth for it. you pop the fruit into his mouth, and he chews with a little smile, waiting til he’s done to kiss your head and speak again. “thank you, my paramour.”
nodding, you chomp on a piece of your own. “of course, pretty boy. let’s watch the movie now!”
he gives a small laugh, turning on the movie for you both to watch.
all goes well, until about 10 minutes later, thunder booms outside, and a flash of lightning is the last shine of light you see before all goes dark.
you scream, clinging onto gundham. you wouldn’t necessarily say you have a fear of storms, but this one got to you.
you feel arms wrap around your form in a comforting manner, and a kiss is pressed to your head as a hand brushes down your hair. “shh, my love, all is well, it’s just a power outage, you are okay.”
you bury your head into gundham’s thick chest, whimpering a bit. “are.. are the devas okay?”
he smiles against your head, feeling the aforementioned hamsters crawl and snuggle against his neck, and close to your head. “yes, darling, they’re just fine. are you?”
you pause for a moment, before looking up at him, faintly seeing his defined facial features from what little light is coming through the window, and nodding. “yea, I.. I’m fine, baby.”
he nods in response, kissing your forehead. “good, that’s good. I suppose no movie then?”
you pout, before sitting up and grabbing your snacks. “let’s just head to your room, baby. it’s comfy in there, and we can light candles!”
he chuckles at your enthusiasm, standing up and holding out a hand for you to hold. “let us go then, dove.”
you both head down to his bedroom, the familiar smell of incense and cedarwood filling your senses, making you smile, and you plop down on his bed, the black silk sheets comforting you with the plush pillows.
he gently grabs your snacks and places them on the bedside table, and he picks up a candle from a drawer, lighting it, and setting it down. the smell is a mix of lavender, and musky oak-like wood. he then turns to light and burn some incense as well, the woodsy smell complementing the candle.
he smiles at you now, and you lay back on the sheets comfortably, opening your arms to the beautifully misunderstood man in front of you, who happily takes your invitation and gets on the bed to lay comfortably on top of you, the top of his dark head close to your chin.
you press a kiss to his head, feeling drowsy and comforted by the way he runs his hands up and down your sides, and he presses a kiss to your collarbone.
“a nap would be good now, darling, storms are good for sleep. let us rest, and feel rejuvenated when we wake.”
you smile, nodding, softly scratching the base of his neck with your nails. “sleep.. sounds good, my love.”
he sighs deeply, his deep and rumbly voice making you warm inside. “sleep well, my paramour.” and with a kiss to your jaw, he’s snuggled his head against you, on his way to dreamland.
and it’s now that you realize, however.
this is home, you think.
and you think you could stay til those candles burn out, til all of them do.
or forever.
yeah, that. that’s a good idea.
hope you enjoyed this!! I love writing for gundham :((( he makes me so so happy and I want a boyfriend like him 😭😭
feel free to like and reblog, it’s greatly appreciated!!
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angelfleurry · 5 months ago
Could you do dangonronpa 2 cast kiss head cannons
SDR2 Kiss Headcanons!:
Hii, Anon!! I wasn’t sure if you meant first kiss or just general kiss headcanons, so I just did general. If you want first kiss headcanons, feel free to request again!.
Spoilers ahead <3
Hajime Hinata:
♡ My guy is so awkward bless him.
♡ Does he need a reason to kiss you? Is there an appropriate moment? Is it okay if he just…
♡ Oh, oh you’ve kissed him, okay.
♡ Okay, his turn.
♡ He’s so nervous, but simultaneously so very eager to kiss you.
♡ He tends to lean in, but he does it so awkwardly that you can’t help but giggle.
♡ He kind of pauses at that, and just looks at you for a moment.
♡ It’s only when he sees that kind expression on your face that he realises he’s okay.
♡ That’s when he just goes for it.
♡ Doesn’t kiss you very often in public, if not at all, he’s more of a behind closed doors kind of guy.
♡ He’s very romantic with it, it surprises you.
♡ Always has a hand supporting you, even if it’s not necessary, as he kisses you.
♡ Hajime’s kisses aren’t short, but they’re not long, they’re just at that perfect middle length.
♡ Once he figures out how to get there, that is.
♡ Doesn’t know what to do when you kiss him.
♡ He just sits there, processing, looking at you as his face reddens.
♡ He kind of debates kissing you back in his head, and half the time he goes for it, and the rest he just dips his head and pulls you close.
♡ Is very much a lip-kisser, it just feels right.
♡ If you need a bit of comfort, he’ll kiss your forehead.
Nagito Komaeda:
♡ It took a while to get to this stage.
♡ There were moments, just split seconds, where everything seemed to be building up to it.
♡ But then, the moment would be lost.
♡ Nagito would start to talk, or some interference would occur.
♡ It did frustrate you a little bit, but you knew that was just your eagerness talking.
♡ Truthfully, you knew it was to be expected, so you just decided to wait it out.
♡ It’s not like you were reliant on the idea, it was more so you just wanted to.
♡ But, if there’s one thing about love, is that you must pay mind to the other person.
♡ And you, my darling, did remarkably at that.
♡ You knew the time would come, and as long as everything else about your relationship was healthy and happy, you were in no rush.
♡ Eventually you both got past that initial stage, but we can save that memory for another time.
♡ For a majority of the time, Nagito’s a very hesitant kisser.
♡ What I mean by this, is that he’d rather wait for you to initiate something that even dare to do it himself.
♡ However, once you do it, he’s so ecstatic.
♡ If you could peek into his brain, all you’d be able to see would be soft pink bubbles fizzing up to the surface, popping energetically.
♡ He feels so hesitant to even say the words, as if he’s being too entitled, but he’ll ask you to kiss him again.
♡ Sometimes, he has waves where he’s incredibly clingy, and this will be where he allows himself to initiate contact first.
♡ Treats you as if you were a porcelain doll, even if he’s really needy for contact.
♡ It’s as if he thinks you’ll break should he be too quick, or too harsh.
♡ Forehead kisses are really special for him.
♡ They make him feel so safe, so cherished, even if he struggles to comprehend that fact.
♡ If you kiss him on the lips, that’s it, he’s so bewildered every time.
♡ Always raises a hand to the spot you kissed him, and just sits there for a second, processing.
♡ When you look at him, though, he’s smiling.
Kazuichi Souda:
♡ He can be such an awkward kisser, it’s adorable really.
♡ Kazuichi’s very eager once that initial barrier’s been moved past.
♡ Sometimes, you won’t even be able to fully enjoy it as he kisses you so very quickly.
♡ He can’t help himself.
♡ But when it’s at that reasonable pace, it’s actually very tender.
♡ Like, you can tell the man desperately wants to kiss you, but there’s such an edge of sweetness to it.
♡ It does something to your heart, honestly.
♡ Likes to play little games where you both go back and forth giving each other light pecks.
♡ He’s got a preference for kissing your lips, but if you tell him there’s somewhere else you enjoy being kissed, he’ll gladly oblige.
♡ If he’s going somewhere where it means he won’t be with you, he always kisses you goodbye.
♡ He’ll do it in front of his friends, and your friends, so long as that’s okay with you.
♡ He just loves to show off that he has a partner!!
♡ Enjoys being able to kiss you when you’re both cuddled up together.
♡ Please, please, surprise him with kisses!
♡ Give him that peck on the cheek, kiss his forehead, go for the lips!
♡ Makes him all giddy!!
♡ It’s so funny how he can be so composed in public, or as composed as Kazuichi can be, but then behind closed door’s, he’s so bashful.
♡ His face goes bright red, even if he tries to act cool about it.
♡ But, he can’t shake that quivery smile as he wraps his arms around you.
♡ “You’re so cute, ya’know that?” he’ll ask, and all you can do is laugh.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu:
♡ He’s very quick with it.
♡ I just can’t picture him being one to regularly kiss.
♡ It’s nice, of course it is, but it’s just not something he initiates.
♡ He won’t complain if you kiss him though, just make sure it’s okay with him first.
♡ He doesn’t regularly want to be kissed like that, and you respect that.
♡ If he does kiss you, it’s very quick.
♡ It’s not harsh, but it’s quick.
♡ It’s like a swift peck and then he’s out.
♡ Always gives you kind words of acknowledgement as he does it though, he’s not neglectful.
♡ He doesn’t really know what to do with himself, so he prefers not to get too snuggly.
Gundham Tanaka:
♡ Nose kisses, NOSE KISSES.
♡ He’s not kissed anyone before you, so he’s still learning about his preferences!
♡ But, he’s discovered he’s really fond of nose kisses.
♡ It’s not as nerve-wracking as lip kissing is, but it’s still a way he can physically show he loves you.
♡ Finds it really endearing when you tell him to close his eyes so you can kiss his nose.
♡ He does the same to you, and you find at just as sweet.
♡ He’s also fond of nose-brushing.
♡ Like, the both of you just gently rubbing noses together.
♡ It’s calming for him.
♡ He’s also fond of kissing your hand.
♡ It’s just so formal, but so wonderfully romantic.
♡ The perfect way for a dark lord such as himself to show his affection to you.
♡ Is convinced you’re performing some kind of ritual on him.
♡ Is it really this normal to feel so very…fuzzy once you kiss him?
TeruTeru Hanamura:
♡ Oh my goodness, he’s so down.
♡ We all know Teru’s got a major issue when it comes to more deeply intimate shenanigans, but what may be a surprise is that he’s honestly a big sap when it comes to physical affection.
♡ Kiss him anywhere, he’ll welcome it.
♡ Only time I can picture him not wanting to is when he’s extremely, and I mean extremely, stressed. Just try and help out if you can then.
♡ However, this is a very rare occurrance.
♡ After all, it’s TeruTeru - he’s more than happy to indulge himself in your affections.
♡ But, that doesn’t mean he won’t do the same for you.
♡ The second you start dating, this man will in fact try to be affectionate with you.
♡ Once it’s specified you’re okay with kissing, that’s it.
♡ Is very much kissing you once you wake up.
♡ It’s probably his favourite way to greet you, even if you’ve not left the same room.
♡ It’s so nice to see a smile start to form on your face after he does it, and it only encourages him to kiss you again.
♡ Is no stranger to kissing your hand either.
♡ “Oh, sweetheart, you’ve got something on your face,” he’ll tell you, smiling, “Let me…”
♡ That sly fox!
♡ It’s very hard to not be all giggly once he’s done kissing you, even if it’s just a simple peck on the cheek.
♡ Has a surprising touch of wholesomeness to him in this regard.
Nekomaru Nidai:
♡ He finds it adorable.
♡ The idea you want to kiss him sends him to a laughing fit, but it’s all from a kind place.
♡ Is very much open to it.
♡ He’s very awkward with it though.
♡ A very messy kisser, but it’s alright!
♡ He wants to hold you, but he’s a little worried he’ll be too heavy-handed.
♡ Kind of guide him if that’s what you want, and then he’ll settle.
♡ Forehead kisses are a cherished form of affection.
♡ His lip kissing skills need a bit of work, but you don’t mind guiding.
Ultimate Imposter:
♡ Oh, this one’s difficult!
♡ He’s not sure whether to be himself, or be the person he’s impersonating.
♡ Surely you know, right?
♡ I can’t imagine him letting you enter a relationship with him without informing you of his identity.
♡ Or, lack of thereof.
♡ As a result, I feel like his kisses are lacking in something.
♡ He wants to kiss you, and he will, but he’s blocking his proper emotions.
♡ Still, he’s rather soft about it.
♡ Just tell him you love him afterwards, it’ll give him a bit of ease.
♡ If you’re to kiss him, he’ll be happy, but he can’t quite show it.
♡ Likes it when you kiss his hands.
♡ It feels strange when you kiss him on his lips.
♡ He loves the feeling, but it takes him aback.
♡ How on Earth can a man so devoid of any identity still be able to be loved so tenderly…?
♡ Does he cry or not, that is the question.
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frickingnerd · 1 year ago
under your spell
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pairing: gundham tanaka x gn!reader
summary: gundham is certain you cursed him! how else could he explain those odd feelings he gets around you?
tags: silly & wholesome fluff, gundham is bad at feelings, gundham crushing on reader (& not realizing it), flustered!gundham
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“you cursed me!”
you looked up at your classmate, his face mostly covered by his scarf, but you could still see a hint of his pink cheeks behind it.
“no matter how hard i try, you're always on my mind. tell me, what kind of spell did you use on me, witch?”
if it had been any other guy, you would've scolded him for calling you a witch. but this was gundham in front of you. you were used to his mannerisms by now and you knew that he meant no harm.
“gundham…” you couldn't help but grin. “i didn't curse you. could it be that… you have a crush on me?”
the boys eyes widened and the pink from his cheeks spread further across his face. he clenched his scarf, quietly mumbling to himself.
“no, impossible. i– i could never fall in love. nevertheless with a mere mortal!”
you smiled softly as you watched the boy struggle so much with his feelings for you. despite that, you were convinced that at least a part of him was aware that he liked you. otherwise he wouldn't have confronted you just now, right?
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t0rturedangel · 7 months ago
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so like lowkey gundham tanaka is my offical father figure (I READ UR RULES AND I WAS UNSURE IF YOU WERE OKAY WITH PLATONIC ADULT AND CHILD) and imma need to order a fire meal from this chef aka, YOU 🫵🏻🫵🏻
SOOO ^_^ Can i order some hcs of Gundham with a daughter ?? Teen dad and precious little clone of him duo always gets me , my dream relationship with my dad (GUNDHAM TANAKA IS MY DAD)😢😢
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ㅤㅤ➯ㅤGUNDHAM TANAKA X DAUGHTER ! READER 〈  𝟎𝟎𝟏..ㅤSYNOPSISㅤ·⠀·⠀·ㅤyou and your father are quite the duo- one that everyone fears.
ㅤㅤㅤWARNINGS, apart from being short, none!
୨୧ㅤ➯ㅤYou and Gundham are literally THE father-daughter duo, you are quite literally a copy pasted version of gundham (expect you're a girl). You two act the same, speak the same and dress the same; everyone knows you're his daughter
୨୧ㅤ➯ㅤMuch like your dad, you have a talent that revolves around animals-- seeing as you were brought up with animals around you, you pretty much know about every animal and how to care for them which earned you the talent of ULTIMATE ANIMAL CAREGIVER / SHSL Animal Veternarian (which you have made a living out of from a young age- whenever your friend's pets got hurt or sick they paid you to help heal them)
୨୧ㅤ➯ㅤSince you and your father are good with all animals, whenever (and IF) you are being bullied-- you pull up with about two bears to school the next day (you have had the police called on you multiple times because of this, however you never got into trouble for anything because of who you and your dad is)
୨୧ㅤ➯ㅤGundham has a variety of nicknames for you-- but he calls you 'Princess' most of the time (your full title is 'The first born of the forbidden one, Princess [name], Mage of the vast human realm, healer and carer of animals, .' which does get confusing but you and your father have memorised it)
୨୧ㅤ➯ㅤUnironically, Gundham is terrified of you- because you helped take care of animals and their children, they seem to favour you over your father and whenever you get angry or upset (or you're on your period) you can easily use them as an army and command them to attack anyone (you don't but the chances are never zero)
୨୧ㅤ➯ㅤGundham loves to teach you different spells, from a young age you knew many differnet spells and to be honest you love to use those spells to annoy people (esspecially your aunties and uncles)
୨୧ㅤ➯ㅤJust like your dad, you have four dark devas of destruction however they're not called that (because there can only be ONE set of dark devas). You call them your scouts- as they tend to help you when needing to grab items you cannot reach properly.
୨୧ㅤ➯ㅤYou two deffinately have matching outfits-- and like to wear them whenever you can. ╰ one time you had an outfit that was literally an exact copy of his and you wore it on halloween; calling it the most terrifying person you could think of- Gundham was honoured, and may or may not have shed a tear
୨୧ㅤ➯ㅤYou have to translate things for people whenever your father speaks to them. ╰ " Silence you fiend! Your words disgust me, Tanaka the forbidden one, to such a degree that even my child and dark devas find appauling! You should have never opened your vile lips in the first place. Your opinions on these matters should not even be considered ever again!" ... 'what did he say?' "Dad's telling you to shut up and never say that dumbass opinion of your ever again. I agree with him'
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haikyuubby · 17 days ago
Nauuuurrr, who requested Rantaro angst😭
we need some fluff mamaaa😫
girllll okay i gotchu, lemme include some other dgr characters though
𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐩𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬!
headcanons featuring: nagito, shuichi, kokichi, rantaro, and fuyuhiko!
❀ - fluff, gender neutral reader
sorry this was hella late, but this will be part 8 to my valentine’s series!
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♡:・ on valentine’s day, nagito goes all out.
♡:・ this means that he has a bunch of presents picked out for you, decorations all throughout the house, and various baked goods prepared for you.
♡:・ nagito just wants you to be happy, and that’s his only goal on valentine’s day!
♡:・ he’d tell you to not worry about getting him things, but would be very appreciative if you did anyways.
♡:・ nagito’s words of affirmation are stronger than ever on valentine’s day, making him act a bit corny, but nonetheless romantic.
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♡:・ shuichi gets so nervous that you won’t like the gifts that he picked out for you.
♡:・ he’d either get you a really expensive gift or one that’s really simple depending on how much he’s freaking out the month prior to valentine’s day.
♡:・ in his head, he doesn’t want to come off too strong and get you a necklace that costs like $300 in case you don’t like it.
♡:・ on the other hand, shuichi fears that if he just gets you the typical chocolates and a stuffed animal gift, that you may be unimpressed with him.
♡:・ either way, he still spends the day hooked to your hip, and with a nice dinner planned towards the end of the night.
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♡:・ kokichi pulls an insane prank acting like he forgot today was valentine’s day.
♡:・ secretly, he has a gift picked out for you, hidden under his bed.
♡:・ after kokichi spends the entire day acting like he doesn’t know it valentine’s day, he gives you your gift before you two go to bed.
♡:・ this still hurts though, since you spent your entire day thinking that kokichi forgot about you.
♡:・ after reassuring you that he didn’t forget and that the prank went too far, you two spent the rest of the night cuddling.
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♡:・ rantaro has an eventful day planned for you two.
♡:・ it starts with bringing you breakfast in bed, and ends with a nice candlelit dinner at home.
♡:・ rantaro spends the day showering you in compliments and doing acts of service for you.
♡:・ in his mind, today is about you.
♡:・ he gets you a giant gift, which is a extremely nice piece of jewelry with some nice chocolates.
♡:・ whatever gift you get him, he’ll cherish it no matter what.
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♡:・ fuyuhiko goes crazy thinking about how to make valentine’s day special for you.
♡:・ even though he finds the holiday corny, he wants to make it special for you.
♡:・ fuyuhiko ends up going a bit crazy, having the house filled with romantic decorations.
♡:・ when you arrive to you very festive home, you tell him that you appreciate all the decorating he’s done for you, even if it’s a bit much…
♡:・ the gifts that fuyuhiko gifted you were even more over-the-top.
♡:・ he got you everything from jewelry to clothes, candies and more.
♡:・ fuyuhiko might seem like a tough guy, but you’re his soft spot.
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creepygirlcemetery · 8 months ago
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˚ SDR2 BOYS ♡ and their love languages : sdr2 boys x reader
warnings 𓂅 minus teruteru srry. nothing much? just fluff┊an : im so lutang rn sorry if there are any spelling mistakes LMAO ... reblogs are appreciated !
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꒱ hajime hinata — acts of service
𓏲 i feel like hes the kinda guy who’d like to do things for you,
𓏲 maybe it’d start off with small things like opening doors for you, pulling your chair out for you, getting you food, etc.
𓏲 he’d take care of you when youre sick methinks
꒱ nagito komaeda — words of affection
𓏲 literally worshipping the ground you walk on.
𓏲 i think he’d be the kinda guy who will compliment everything you do,, no matter what you look like or how good you are or something.
𓏲 i wouldve also said physical touch? but its more of something he’d like to recieve.
꒱ fuyuhiko kuzuryu — acts of service & quality time
𓏲 like hajime, i feel like fuyuhiko would do things for you. hes a gentleman— hes just… aggressive LMAO.
𓏲 i feel like he’d have some sort of urge to protect you? not really because he thinks youre weak, but having ties with the yakuza isn’t always safe.
𓏲 so with that, i feel like he’d have you near him often, if not with peko. and because youre always around, he also kinda learns to enjoy having quality time with you.
꒱ kazuichi soda — quality time, words of affection & physical touch
𓏲 i feel like hes not really set on one specific love language, but i think those would be his main three.
𓏲 he loves to compliment you, definitely the kinda guy to stumble over his words because of how nervous he is.
𓏲 like fuyuhiko, he’d probably prefer having you around him. not cause he needs to protect you; he just likes when youre there.
𓏲 he’d love to hold you or be held methinks. maybe he’ll have an arm around your shoulder or his hand on the small of your back whilst you guys walk around.
꒱ gundham tanaka — words of affection & gift giving
𓏲 compliment king 🙏
𓏲 definitely says some poetic stuff about you, his compliments DO NOT MISS. think the lyric “i’ll burn your name into my throat, i’ll be the fire that’ll catch you” from caraphernelia by ptv.
𓏲 he gifts you some cool stuff. roses, jewelry, or whatever else you like— hes got it.
꒱ nekomaru nidai — words of affection & quality time
𓏲 i feel like he’d like working out with you?
𓏲 he’d hype you up whilst you do push ups or something LMAO.
𓏲 maybe if you arent the kind of person who enjoys exercising, he’d just enjoy to have you there while he does.
꒱ byakuya twogami — acts of service
𓏲 alot like hajime, he’d do stuff for you.
𓏲 hes strict but hes a gentleman as well.
𓏲 he would open the car door for you, maybe carry your bags who knows.
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dioslesbianwife · 25 days ago
Masterlist Part 2/3
this is an older masterlist since like my first one, it's at the max limit tumblr will allow lol.
here's the link to the other two: Masterlist Part 1/3 and Masterlist Part 3/3
my blog page rules: i’ll write basically anything (ships, x readers, fics, HCs, matchups, angst, fluff, nsfw, etc.) I don’t mind most requests, just nothing graphic involving minors or anything that promotes hate.
ALSO-- since im a tired college student it takes me a few days to finish requests (I usually post multiple times a day between 8-11pm est)
I’ll enjoy reading and working on pretty much any request! ♡ ♡ ♡
I’ll write for any of the following fandoms: HxH, jjba, death note, bg3, genshin impact, and danganronpa (mostly upon request since i’m mainly a jojo blog, but i’ll write for pretty much any character from these fandoms)
Death Note:
L, Misa, and Light reactions to being proposed to X
Hunter x Hunter:
Phantom Troupe cuddle HCs X
Neferpitou with an obsessive reader X
Phantom Troupe surprise kiss headcannons X
Chimera ant arc royal guards’ attraction types. X
JJBA Non Villain Stuff:
Part 6 crew with a himbo reader X
What kind of cake jojos like
Asking SBR characters on a scale of 1 to america how free they are
Strange morioh scenario (also jotaro x mermaid) X
Polnareff, Jotaro, Joseph x gorgon reader X
Part 5 gang with a reader who sings too loud at night X
Johnny Gyro Diego with a reader that sings explicit songs X
Mista when the reader has 4 babies on 4/4
Part 5 gang with depressed teen reader X
Polnareff x gorgon reader X
Kars, Rohan, Giorno, Johnny, Gyro x reader similar to gundham X
Stardust crusaders with reader that has a defensive stand X
Jolyne x closeted reader X
Joseph and Caesar with oblivious crush reader X
Johnny, Gyro, Diego, Jolyne, and Ermes with blunt reader X
Kakyoin with clingy reader X
Part 4 characters reactions to reader with WOU X
Jojos with Rapunzel like reader X
Jotaro with sibling reader who wants to fight alongside him X
Jojos with chill reader that has a crazy stand X
Jojos with a sibling reader who insists on fighting with them X
Kakyoin with cuddly reader X
Jojos with a reader whos scared of blood X
Part 4 characters with a conspiracy theorist reader X
Being Jotaro's little sister (not by blood) X
Jojos with a nerdy reader X
Jotaro Kujo comforting a reader who's insecure X
Jojos with a reader that befriends cryptids X
Kakyoin with a reader that loves to do his hair X
Jojos with a partner with a stand like D4C X
Josuke and Giorno personality changes X
Reactions to reader that sings to and attracts animals X
Part 7 gang (+Jolyne and Ermes) x oblivious reader they crush on X
Parts 5 and 7 character with an easily distracted reader X
Sons of Dio react to having more siblings
Parts 5 and 7 characters reactions to reader with self healing X
Part 5 gang reactions to a doll-like reader X
Jojos comforting reader with panic attacks X
Arguing with jojos over smth but it escalates, ends in cuddles X
jojos with a partner that loves plushies X
Golden wind gang reactions to alien shapeshifter reader X
Jojos (plus Kakyoin) cuddle HCs X
Steel ball run crew with a reader with powerful but cute stand X
Jojos with a reader that overreacts to a spider (platonic vers.) X
Jojos with a reader with a lovecraftian like stand X
Jojos with a reader that overreacts when scared of a spider X
Jotaro with a reader with a siren like Stand X
Steel ball run crew with a god of death reader X
Jojos vs reader with darkness stand X
JJBA Villains: (link to more villain fics)
Jofoes dating Dio's daughter reader X
What kind of cake jofoes like
Nonverbal teen who sees the jofoes as parents X
Jofoes x werewolf reader X
Jofoes x witch reader X
Jofoes reactions to chile reader having drawn on their face X
Angst for the reader having a miscarriage with jofoes X
Jofoes with reader similar to Doppio/Diavolo X
Reactions to a Dullahan (headless) reader X
Strip poker with Kira part 2 X
Jofoes being lovesick X
Angst for jofoes with child reader dying X
Ranking their volume in bed
Taking care of part 1 Dio while he's sick X
Pucci reacting to a reader who looks like his sister
Jofoes with a transmasc reader who wears their clothes X
Jofoes with a demonic reader X
Yoshikage Kira strip poker X
Pillarmen Yakuza AU part 2 X
Jofoes getting flustered/embarrassed X
Reactions to a reader trying to pretty them up X
Jofoes with a partner similar to Nagito X
Pillarmen's reactions to the reader asking about their biology X
Jofoes comforting an overstimulated reader X
Jofoes meeting their child selves
Dio Brando with an arranged marriage to the reader X
Reactions to the reader being immortal X
Favorite positions during intimacy
Jofoes if you asked to do their makeup X
Jofoes reactions to ex partner having had their child X
Pillarmen Yakuza AU
Jofoes with a reader that struggles with chronic illness X
Pillarmen with ancient but bloodthirsty reader X
Getting a little chubby because of a doting reader X
Angst for how they act in an argument X
Reactions to reader with a Death note like stand X
Reactions to reader with wonder of u X
Hand holding during intimacy X
Genderbent jofoes meeting their fem counterparts
Reactions to a child choosing them over joestars X
Reactions to a cute but deadly stand X
Reactions to an assassin reader similar to killua X
Dio x reader- nightmares from his childhood X
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simplyluunaa · 10 months ago
Hii could you please write korekiyo/mondo/Gundam (separately) x trans male reader (chubby if comfortable)
Pls& thx
˙⊹ ੈ✰[With a transmasc + chubby reader]✰ ੈ⊹˙
-ˏˋ. rules + masterlist ˊˎ-
Fandom: Danganronpa
Characters: Gundham Tanaka, Korekiyo Shinguji, Mondo Owada
Warnings: !!NOT SPOILER FREE!! Talk of dysphoria, top surgery scars, binding, mentions of weight
Tags: Established relationship, fluff, transmasc! reader
A/N: Thank you so much for my very first request!! I did my very best to make this as accurate as possible, so I hope you enjoy!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Gundham Tanaka
Getting this right out of the way, the Four Dark Devas love you
More body fat means you’re warmer!!
They might start preferring you over Gundham tbh
When finding out you’re trans, I feel like Gundham wouldn’t react all that much
Maybe make a comment on how he supposes even the dark gods who have crafted you can too make mistakes
His view on you doesn’t change one bit, though if you’ve had top surgery he will want to see the scars
Won’t ask, but he might try and sneak a peak whenever possible
I also feel like he’d have some basic knowledge on stuff like this, maybe due to some online friends or something, so if you haven’t had top surgery and use a binder, he’ll remind you to take breaks, not wear it while you sleep, stuff like that
On the topic of bodies – he likes that you’re chubby!!
He’s pretty thin himself, which can lead to him getting cold easily, so having you around to warm him up is nice
He also likes to sleep on you
If you’re ever feeling dysphoric, he does his best to help you however he can
If you want to just lay in bed and cry for a bit, he’ll be there for you, if you want a spontaneous late-night hair-cut, he’s already got the scissors, and he’ll affirm your masculinity however he can
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Korekiyo Shinguji
He has met so many people, of so many sizes and identities, that you don’t at all seem odd to him
Not to say he doesn’t find you interesting though
When finding out you’re trans, his reaction will just be like…nothing
He does not react
Maybe a ‘hm.’ but that's all you’re getting out of him
Once you open up to him about it though, he may occasionally ask questions
If you’ve had top surgery he asks to see the scars
I feel like he’d want to study the recorded instances of transgender people in the past, like in ancient Rome and stuff
And he will tell you about it
I feel like he’d like laying on your lap or stomach (if you're w/ it comfortable ofc!!)
Would read while snuggled up with you, just being together in silence for long periods of time
If you’re ever feeling dysphoric, he’ll go through a list of reasons why the features you’re upset with are not inherently feminine or anything to be ashamed of
But if that doesn’t help, he asks what will help you, and will do his best to assist you
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Mondo Owada
When finding out you’re trans, being so honest, he may not understand 
Like you might have to run it by him a couple of times
He’s a little bit dense, I fear
Also very protective, like if anyone so much as looks at you wrong he’s on the defensive
Even if it has nothing to do with you being trans or anything
Want to see the top surgery scars if you have them, and will ask
Also, asks like a million questions
Some may seem a bit insensitive, but he’s really just curious and wants to understand
If you wear a binder, he’ll end up doing research and worrying about you, so he’s constantly reminding you to take breaks, not wear it while you sleep or exercise, all that
On the topic of you being chubby – he does not care all that much!
He does like knowing he can hug you tight and not hurt you though, that’s good
I feel like he’d very much want you to lay on him
Like a heated weighted blanket 
If you’re ever feeling dysphoric, he genuinely has no idea what to do
He’ll try his best to re-affirm your manliness, maybe ends up yelling at you because he’s nervous
If you tell him what he can do to help though, he is ON IT
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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thelittleghoul · 6 months ago
.˚🕸️๋࣭ Welcome To The Cemetery˚🕸️๋࣭
Master list coming soon!!
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⋆˚˖ Rules ⋆˚˖
I will not write
• Incest, pedo, detailed SA or anything that’s in the proship category and do not want that on my page!
• NSFW agere in anyway that’s ✨nasty✨
•SH in detail (very triggering for me)
•Pregnancy (just something I don’t know/have a lot of interest in writing sorry)
•Yandere (feels weird and icky to write and I don’t want to romanticize that stuff)
•Addiction in detail (a trigger)
•Smut (Maybe in the future but for now I’m not comfortable in writing that)
Thin Ice but I will write
•SH as long as it’s not too detailed (example “I have scars from SH.”)
•I can mention SA briefly if I am writing about trauma and or symptoms that stem for traumatic events like SA but that’s it (example “I don’t like physical touch do to SA.”)
•I will mention addiction but again not in detail (again a trigger)
I will write
•SFW agere
•Mental and physical health/conditions (I am not an expert but I will research and study before writing anything I do not know/have a lot of knowledge about!)
•Headcanons and one shots can be non x reader
•I prefer headcanons but I will definitely do one shots as well!
POC and any culture and background (with research!!)
⋆˚˖ Fandoms and Characters I will write ⋆˚˖
⋆˚˖ MHA ⋆˚˖
•Izuku Midoriya
•Katsuki Bakugo
•Shoto Todoroki
•Eijiro Kirishima
•Denki Kaminari
•Hanta Sero
•Tenya Iida
•Kyoka Jiro
•Mina Ashido
•Ochaco Uraraka
•Momo Yaoyorozu
•Fumikage Tokoyami
•Mashirao Ojiro
•Toru Hagakure
•Minoru Mineta (only with a redemption arch lol)
•Mezo Shoji
•Tsuyu Asui
•Koji Koda
•Shota Aizawa
•Present Mic
•All Might
⋆˚˖ Danganronpa THH ⋆˚˖
•Makoto Naegi
•Kyoko Kirigiri
•Byakuya Togami
•Celestia Ludenberg
•Chihiro Fujisaki
•Aoi Asahina
•Kiyotaka Ishimaru
•Leon Kuwata
•Mondo Owada
•Mukuro Ikusaba
•Sakura Ogami
•Sayaka Maizono
•Yasuhiro Hagakure
⋆˚˖ Danganronpa V2 ⋆˚˖
•Hajime Hinata
•Nagito Komaeda
•Peko Pekoyama
•Sonia Nevermind
•Nekomaru Nidai
•Mikan Tsumiki
•Mahiru Koizumi
•Kazuichi Soda (Not as a simp)
•Ibuki Mioda
•Akane Owari
•Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
•Chiaki Nanami
•Gundham Tanaka
⋆˚˖ Danganronpa V3 ⋆˚˖
•Shuichi Saihara
•Kaede Akamastu
•Rantaro Amami
•Korekiyo Shinguji (not writing about his backstory or him with his sister)
•Angie Yonaga
•Gonta Gokuhara
•Kokichi Oma
•Kaito Momota
•Kirumi Tojo
•Maki Harukawa
•Ryoma Hoshi
•Tenko Chabashira
⋆˚˖ TMNT 2012 ⋆˚˖
•All four brothers
⋆˚˖ ROTTMNT ⋆˚˖
•All four brothers
•April O’Neil
⋆˚˖ TMNT Bayverse ⋆˚˖
•All four brothers
•April O’Neil
•Casey Joan’s
⋆˚˖ About Me ⋆˚˖
Hi!! I’m the little ghoul! I’m autistic, a agere and part of the LGBTQ community! I’m from Canada and I am currently in school (I am a minor) I am doing this for fun and would love for people to send requests!! I am so happy to do this and I hope all of you like my work in the future thanks so much!! ♡
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nabateaprodigy · 2 years ago
I'm Now Taking Requests for Danganronpa!
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The games I'll write for are Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair, and Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony.
I'll write character x character requests. I'll also write x male, female, and gender-neutral readers.
I'll write for any scenarios you want involving things such as fluff, angst, hurt to comfort, etc. However, I will not write anything for smut sorry.
I'll write for the 3 main games and the characters I'll be writing for those 3 main games. Can be found below.
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Makoto Naegi
Sayaka Maizono
Leon Kuwata
Kyoko Kirigiri
Byakuya Togami
Hifumi Yamada
Mondo Owada
Toko Kukawa/Genocide Jack
Celestia Ludenberg
Aoi Asahina
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Sakura Ogami
Yasuhiro Hagakure
Junko Enoshima
Chihiro Fujisaki
Mukuro Ikusaba
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Hajime Hinata
Akane Owari
The Ultimate Imposter
Chiaki Nanami
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Gundham Tanaka
Hiyoko Saionji
Ibuki Mioda
Kazuichi Soda
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito Komaeda
Nekomaru Nidai
Peko Pekoyama
Sonia Nevermind
Teruteru Hanamura
Izuru Kamukura
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Shuichi Saihara
Korekiyo Shinguji
Angie Yonaga
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Oma
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tenko Chabashira
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaito Momota
Maki Harukawa
Ryoma Hoshi
Rantaro Amami
Himiko Yumeno
Gonta Gokuhara
Miu Iruma
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shuniverse · 2 years ago
day six ;; gundham tanaka
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“darling?” he called from your bedroom upon hearing you arrive home, “please, join me in our sanctuary, I’ve prepared a surprise for you.”
you smiled, gundham knew what a special month for you it was, and so he wanted to contribute to your happiness in his own way.
“coming, baby!”
you smiled, taking off your shoes and slipping on your slides as you made your way to the bedroom.
upon opening the door, you smiled, almost wanting to cry.
he’d set up new blankets in the varying shades of the bi flag, he had lit candles that sat on either side table of your big bed that smelled of vanilla and cedarwood, him sitting on his rocking chair with the devas all arranged in little blue, purple, and pink bowties, and then you finally noticed the glowing stars he’d hung and stuck to your ceiling, knowing your love for them.
“awh, my love this is beautiful.” you smiled, reaching to your eyes, and he returned it, carefully setting down the devas and standing up to make his way to you, wrapping his arms around you comfortingly.
“my paramour, this is the least I can do for your special time of the year, so please, let me treat you like the royalty you are. you deserve it for all you trek through in this miserably intolerable existence, gaining this month purely because your heart lies in two directions. let me love you my darling, I wish to see you shine like the stars on our ceiling.”
you teared up, his beautiful vocabulary and comfortingly deep voice made you smile and bury your head into his thick chest.
“thank you, gunny. this means so much to me.”
“just as you do for me, my starlight.” he kissed your head, running his ringed fingers through your locks. “let us relax, hm? I’ve prepared a bath for you, we mustn’t let the water get cold.”
you nodded, smiling more, as you walked with him to your bathroom, the devas following your trail as the door shut.
I hope you enjoyed day six!!
UGH I love gundham so much, I need to write him more.
also yes I used the same colored bowtie idea for this that I did for minho’s kitties, so fight me 🙄
anyways, feel free to request gundham ideas, I’d love to write them!
stay safe lovelies <3
- alice <3
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floorbe · 2 months ago
Danganronpa Goodbye Despair Masterlist 1
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Akane Owari
Sharing a bed with her s/o headcanons
Nekomaru + Akane + reader + Teruteru having an eating contest
Tsumugi, Aoi, Chiaki, Akane, and Kaede mutual m*sturbation with male!reader headcanons
K/nktober Day 21: Str!ptease with Akane Owari and Iruka Umino
DR2 girls with Ultimate Vocalist!reader who has vocal nodules headcanons
Chiaki Nanami
Sharing a bed with her s/o headcanons
Chiaki, Kaede, and Ibuki with an Ultimate Voice Actor/Actress!S/O
Tsumugi, Aoi, Chiaki, Akane, and Kaede mutual m*sturbation with male!reader headcanons 
Chiaki, Kazuichi, Gundham, and Mahiru w shy reader who loves art and gives them a portrait of them 
Chiako x reader fluff headcanons
DR2 girls with Ultimate Vocalist!reader who has vocal nodules headcanons
Asahina, Chiaki, Tsumugi, Sonia, Kaede, and Celeste having a nude cuddling session with male!reader headcanons
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
DR2 guys reacting to seeing their Ultimate SFX Artist!S/O’s makeup for the first time
Mondo, Kiyotaka, Kaito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Korekiyo being walked in on jerking off moaning reader’s name headcanons 
Fuyuhiko pegging headcanons 
Mondo, Kiyotaka, Kaito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Korekiyo walking in on fem!reader getting off while moaning their name 
Nagito, Shuichi, Mondo, Fuyuhiko, and Gundham hearing shy!insecure!Ultimate Singer!reader sing for the first time 
Kiyotaka, Kaito, Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, and Sakura reacting to reader having a comfort blanket
Kaito, Kiyotaka, Mondo, Gundham Hajime, and Fuyuhiko having to wear a maid dress after losing a bet to reader
DR2 boys with reader who doesn’t notice major pain but really notices minor pain
Kiyotaka, Mondo, Kazuichi, Korekiyo, and Fuyuhiko’s reactions to having a wet dream about reader
Fuyuhiko encouraging fem!reader to m/sturbate in his lap 
Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, Gundham, and Nekomaru reacting to their friend/crush getting broken up with by their s/o
Mondo, Togami, and Fuyuhiko getting flowers from reader for their bday and their s/o scaring anyone who makes fun of them headcanons
Mondo, Taka, and Fuyuhiko leaving hickies on reader’s neck out of jealousy headcanons
Fuyuhiko w reader who isn’t scared by him and hangs around him a lot
K/nktober Day 16: Public s/x with Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and Jiraiya 
Mondo, Leon, Gonta, and Fuyuhiko finding out reader is getting bullied headcanons
DR2 boys tattoos and piercings headcanons
Mondo, Togami, Fuyuhiko, and Toko with reader who’s love language is physical touch headcanons
Fuyuhiko with reader who loves hugging people (especially him) headcanons 
Kaito, Kiyotaka, Fuyuhiko, and Mondo with Ultimate Meteorologist!reader who specializes in severe weather headcanons
Mondo, Sonia, Rantaro, Shuichi, Peko, and Fuyuhiko react to reader coming out as pan headcanons
Fuyuhiko gets jealous of someone flirting with short!fem!reader headcanons and scenario
Gundham Tanaka
Togami, Gundham, and Nagito reacting to transman!ultimate cover artist!s/o singing a sad cover song
Togami, Gundham, and Nagito reacting to transman!s/o coming out with a pun on a card
DR2 guys reacting to seeing their Ultimate SFX Artist!S/O’s makeup for the first time
K1-B0, Nagito, Gundham, and Celeste with Male!Reader who has nightmares
Nagito, Gundham, Keebo, and Celeste adopting a pet with Male!Reader
Gundham and Kazuichi with Male!Reader who loves moths and has a pink Maple Tree Moth 
Chiaki, Kazuichi, Gundham, and Mahiru w shy reader who loves art and gives them a portrait of them 
Nagito, Shuichi, Mondo, Fuyuhiko, and Gundham hearing shy!insecure!Ultimate Singer!reader sing for the first time 
Kaito, Kiyotaka, Mondo, Gundham Hajime, and Fuyuhiko having to wear a maid dress after losing a bet to reader 
DR2 boys with reader who doesn’t notice major pain but really notices minor pain
Korekiyo, Gundham, and Toko with reader who repeats themselves to make sure they said something headcanons
Nagito, Kazuichi, and Gundham with reader who has a fox
Gundham x reader where Sonia tries to kill reader and cover it up
Hajime Hinata
DR2 guys reacting to seeing their Ultimate SFX Artist!S/O’s makeup for the first time 
Makoto, Hajime, and Shuichi with Ultimate Bodyguard!Reader headcanons ^
Hajime and fem!reader on their wedding night *^
Hajime with Ultimate Cupid!Reader ^
Hajime general boyfriends headcanons 
Togami, Korekiyo, and Hajime finding out that reader listens to Vocaloids
Hajime getting teased by reader for loving orange juice 
Kaito, Kiyotaka, Mondo, Gundham Hajime, and Fuyuhiko having to wear a maid dress after losing a bet to reader 
DR2 boys with reader who doesn’t notice major pain but really notices minor pain
Hiyoko Saionji
Hiyoko x reader circus AU
Ibuki Mioda
Chiaki, Kaede, and Ibuki with an Ultimate Voice Actor/Actress!S/O
Kazuichi Souda
DR2 guys reacting to seeing their Ultimate SFX Artist!S/O’s makeup for the first time
Mondo, Kiyotaka, Kaito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Korekiyo being walked in on jerking off moaning reader’s name headcanons 
Gundham and Kazuichi with Male!Reader who loves moths and has a pink Maple Tree Moth 
Reader convincing Kazuichi to shower by offering to shower with him
Chiaki, Kazuichi, Gundham, and Mahiru w shy reader who loves art and gives them a portrait of them 
Mondo, Kiyotaka, Kaito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Korekiyo walking in on fem!reader getting off while moaning their name 
Kiyotaka, Kaito, Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, and Sakura reacting to reader having a comfort blanket
DR2 boys with reader who doesn’t notice major pain but really notices minor pain
Nagito, Kazuichi, and Gundham with reader who has a fox
Kiyotaka, Mondo, Kazuichi, Korekiyo, and Fuyuhiko’s reactions to having a wet dream about reader
Mahiru Koizumi
Chiaki, Kazuichi, Gundham, and Mahiru w shy reader who loves art and gives them a portrait of them 
Kaede, Tsumugi, Kirumi, Mahiru, and Kyoko sharing a bed with reader headcanons
Nagito Komaeda
Togami, Gundham, and Nagito reacting to transman!ultimate cover artist!s/o singing a sad cover song 
Togami, Gundham, and Nagito reacting to transman!s/o coming out with a pun on a card 
Nagito being flirted with
DR2 guys reacting to seeing their Ultimate SFX Artist!S/O’s makeup for the first time
Nagito with a transman!S/O 
Nagito pegging headcanons 
K1-B0, Nagito, Gundham, and Celeste with Male!Reader who has nightmares 
Nagito, Gundham, Keebo, and Celeste adopting a pet with Male!Reader 
Makoto and Nagito being walked in on jerking off moaning reader’s name headcanons 
Nagito getting his hair played with/styled by reader 
Nagito, Shuichi, Mondo, Fuyuhiko, and Gundham hearing shy!insecure!Ultimate Singer!reader sing for the first time 
DR2 boys with reader who doesn’t notice major pain but really notices minor pain
Nagito and Makoto with reader who’s love language is touch
Nagito with reader who likes to listen to his heartbeat 
Nagito, Kazuichi, and Gundham with reader who has a fox
Nekomaru Nidai
Nekomaru + Akane + reader + Teruteru having an eating contest
DR2 guys reacting to seeing their Ultimate SFX Artist!S/O’s makeup for the first time
Nekomaru sharing a bed with transman!reader headcanons 
DR2 boys with reader who doesn’t notice major pain but really notices minor pain
Sonia Nevermind
Sharing a bed with her s/o headcanons
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru domestic morning headcanons
Nekomaru + Akane + reader + Teruteru having an eating contest
DR2 guys reacting to seeing their Ultimate SFX Artist!S/O’s makeup for the first time
Teruteru and Fem!Reader biking along the beach 
DR2 boys with reader who doesn’t notice major pain but really notices minor pain
Ultimate Imposter
Gonta, Ryoma, and Ultimate Imposter with a S/O being allergic to cats but having 5 of them
DR2 guys reacting to seeing their Ultimate SFX Artist!S/O’s makeup for the first time 
DR2 boys with reader who doesn’t notice major pain but really notices minor pain
Nekomaru + Akane + reader + Teruteru having an eating contest
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frickingnerd · 8 months ago
dating kazuichi & gundham
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pairing: kazuichi souda x gn!reader x gundham tanaka
tags: polyamorous relationship, jealousy (kazuichi of gundham) petnames ('babe', 'baby', 'puppy' & 'mouse'), wholesome fluff
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it takes kazuichi some time to learn to share you with gundham!
kazuichi is just happy he gets to have you at all, but he would've preferred if you didn't pick gundham of all people to fall in love with!
though over the course of your relationship with the two boys, kazuichi learns to get along with gundham more and the two boys actually become friends, making it easier for kazuichi to share you
kazuichi might've been the one reluctant to befriend gundham at first, but the tables turn when kazuichi suddenly starts to cling to both you AND gundham, making gundham miss his times of quiet and peace when kazuichi still hated him…
gundham is rather calm, compared to kazuichi. sure, both boys can talk quite a lot, but gundham can actually sit still if needed and be quiet
kazuichi on the other hand is always talking and always touching you somehow, whether it's holding hands or having his hands in your pockets!
dates with kazuichi are always exciting! he'll take you on a ride with his motorcycle, blast loud music and talk your ear off!
gundham is much calmer and most dates with him are mundane things like taking care of his pets together, while listening to each other talk
gundham likes to give you pet related pet names like ‘puppy’ or ‘mouse’, while kazuichi prefers cool and classic petnames like ‘baby’ or ‘babe’
kazuichi and gundham are both touchstarved, but only kazuichi seems to be aware of that!
he craves physical contact, so he simply clings to you at all times, his hands always on you
meanwhile, gundham isn't as open about what he wants, but he's relieved whenever kazuichi starts a cuddle session with all three of you!
if you're dating them, you have to cuddle a lot with the two boys, as they never got that love and affection in the past…
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aprettysillygoose · 2 months ago
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Hey there! My name is Sillygoose, but you can call me silly or goose if you’d like.
I have diagnosed ADHD and Anxiety.
I’m new to writing for characters, but I can sure try my damnest! A few characters I’m best at writing for are
There’s probably more, but I forgot.
Things I WON’T DO.
- Nsfw, It’s just… I don’t know. I’m not very good at writing it. I like it, but I’m not too comfortable with writing it, if that makes sense.
- Basic stuff. You know what I’m talking about.
- Weird ass fetishes
- Anyone x OC. This is ‘x reader’ content.
What I WILL do.
- Fluff
- Angst (Also not the best at this, sorry!)
- Oneshots
- Preferences
- Imagines
- “reader who likes to __ , reader who has __”, things like that. I don’t know what those are called.
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I don’t know if anyone’s gonna see this, but just know that my asks are always open for writing suggestions!
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husbandograveyard · 1 year ago
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🕱 Lovebites Masterlist 🕱 this is a VAMPIRE AU event 🕱 ☽☽Character: Gundham Tanaka (DGRP II) x Gn Reader ☾☾ ✩ Requested by: @silenceofthecookies ✩ [fluff]✩ Warnings: hurt animal, but you rescue, nothing gruesome ✩
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You liked being a vampire. You didn’t always use to like it. But after a couple of decades, when it didn’t all feel new and scary, you got used to it. There were many benefits, and ever since you met your current partner, you were not alone, more stable, and integrated into life as much as two vampires could possibly be. 
You liked being a vampire, because it came with so many benefits. The enhanced power, speed, senses. You liked feeling strong and powerful without having to exert much effort. You liked being able to observe your surroundings so much better than you ever could in your mortal life. And generally, you liked the immortality. 
But with said immortality, came also the major downside of being a vampire. Because your lifespan was now a never ending one, but those of your surroundings weren’t. Time seemed to slow down, what seemed like ages in your mortal life was over in the blink of an eye now that you had eternity ahead of you. 
The worst of it came in your familiars. Gundham was partial to hamsters, the worst possible option according to you, because even under the best of conditions, they only lived a couple of years. You barely had time to properly get attached to them before you had to say goodbye, breaking your heart every single time. 
Your boyfriend had way more pragmatic approach to it, quoting the cycle of life and death, and assuring you that the hamster had still lived a happy life with you two as its owners, better than it probably would have gotten without the two of you. 
And yet. You longed for another familiar. One that would stick around a little longer. And maybe one your boyfriend wouldn’t be carrying on his person most of the time, allowing you more time to bond with it. You couldn’t blame him for his actions, he was the hamster-whisperer if there ever was one, but the companionship of a familiar was not his right alone to have. 
So when you found the tiniest kitten in a puddle on the street, you couldn’t help but immediately feel connected to it. You had checked, but no mother or other kittens to be found. It was writhing and meowing loudly, and it was shivering from the cold. It immediately calmed down when you gently wrapped it in your coat, holding it close until you were home. 
You got to work immediately, calling a vet you knew for instructions and assistance, and went out of your way to acquire as many of the supplies as you could. The little creature was barely moving, and you were getting worried about its wellbeing. It was then you felt a presence behind you, and you turned around, startled by your partner, standing over you, trying to figure out just what you were cradling, when all of your hamsters, excuse me, dark devas of destruction were all snuggly tucked away in his scarf, their absolute favorite spot. 
You held up the kitten to him and explained your situation, unable to read his expression as he looked at you intently, taking in every word you said.
“Why are we standing around wasting time then? Let’s conserve our energy and channel it into this helpless being!” 
You blinked a couple of times, his sudden outbursts and loud voice still managing to startle you at times, even after being together for literal centuries. His strange way of speaking had evolved over the years, but had been stuck in some time periods, making him a little bit of a weirdo to anyone who’d speak to him nowadays. You thought it was endearing, especially since you knew he always meant well. 
Just like now. With his help and the guidance from your vet at the phone, you managed to get the little thing in the best state possible in no time. Now it was but a matter of patience, and hoping that your actions had been enough. 
Gundham was uncharacteristically quiet, leading you to the couch so you could sit down and take a minute. Two of his hamsters rested in his scarf, but San-D and Cham-P left to sit with you, snuggling up to your neck, providing you with some comfort. 
“I have neglected your wants for a familiar” 
You looked up at Gundham in confusion. 
“We have familiars though.” You smiled gently, gesturing at the two little creatures nestled on your shoulders. 
“Yes, but I am aware most of them are from my choices and introduced to the darkness by none other than me. It is not that I don’t trust you with tasks of such importance, it is just-” 
You held up your hand, quietly interrupting his apology and smiled. “Is this your way of saying we can keep the cat?” “Of course.”  
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fvck-th3m-b1tch3s · 9 months ago
﹫ ﹒ ; ﹒ ✤ Hey sluts! Welcome to the masterlist !
Minors dni. You WILL get blocked immediately ( if you seem like a bot I'm blocking you too )
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Characters i DO write for!
(Characters i love will have a heart)
V3 ; ;
Korekiyo ♡
Miu ♡
Shuichi ♡
Kirumi ♡
Kaede ♡
Tenko ♡
Himiko ♡
V2 ; ;
Chiaki ♡
Gundham ♡
Peko ♡
Sonia ♡
Hiyoko ♡
Twogami ♡
V1 ; ;
Sakura ♡
Aoi ♡
Makoto ( + komaru )
Byakuya ♡
Chihiro ♡
Toko (yes syo/jack/jill too.)
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Shit i DONT write.
Anything relating to rape, pedophilia, zoophiles etc you get it.
Foot kinks/fetishes
Anything relating to the executions.
Fluff and angst (this is a nsfw blog.)
Tenko x male reader
Teacher x student
Gunplay(FOR now.)
Knife play (FOR now.)
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Some stuff about myself
I'm a 21 year old who goes by mod miu on here! I'm a bisexual trans male person who's also Chronically online.. Current hyperrfixation is korekiyo and miu — i run this nsfw blog by myself,, my requests are open!
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Thats it for now! Bye bitches!
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