#guest muse; mikoto
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kyuusou · 4 months
Blog Update!
I'll be adding my canon Muses, Izumi Uchiha and Hinata Hyuuga, to this blog. I easily lose my focus while blog-hopping. I might even consider putting all of my Naruto Muses on here so I no longer have to hop from one blog to another.
The thing is, I still catch myself falling into the same mindset, which was the case back in the day, people think I'll be less dedicated when I'm a big multi-muse blog. It's better to juggle all of my single-muse blogs. This has proven for me to spiral and, in the end, just not write at all. I can't keep track of anything.
So, my decision is made as I'm writing this: I'll add all of my Naruto Muses on here and slowly work on this blog to set everything up like a proper multi.
I guess that means I'll be adding the following to my roster:
Izumi Uchiha
Hinata Hyuuga
Hanabi Hyuuga
Guests / trying:
Kushina Uzumaki
Mikoto Uchiha
Shinju Hyuuga
Shachi Hyuuga (Next-gen) 
Kujira Hyuuga (Next-gen) 
Tomoko Hyuuga
Hinoko Hyuuga (Pre/founder-gen) 
Bijin Yuuhi
Enoki Yuuhi
Mukuri Tarakida
Reiu Tarakida (Next-gen) 
Awayuki Tarakida (Next-gen) 
Side note: I'll add them as primary and secondary accordingly. 
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herokamijoutouma · 5 years
Following that declaration of war, a swift yet simple action was made. Kamijou took out his cell phone and sent out a text to certain individuals he was affiliated with. or more precicely, people that were affiliated with him.
They came from different walks of life, but were connected by a single thread.
This was the Kamijou Faction.
And with the text sent, word would quickly be spread, and the mobilization of the Kamijou faction had been initiated.
The text read: I’m in trouble. Please lend me your strength.
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“Hmph. After all he’s done for her, I suppose I owe him that much.”
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“This is...”
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“Hm... this should be interesting~”
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of-magic-and-stars · 5 years
@fragmentednexus said: Yesss, we need a mikoto and last order >w
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" don't encourage her!"
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spield · 4 years
picking up v (suitor...s enter!)
Hey, hey hey!! So, here’s the latest installment of the picking up! verse! You can read the other “chapters” here.  In which Kakashi meets the other suitors.  part i - part ii - part iii - part iv
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“I’m sorry about that.” Sakura apologized, settling the wine glass down. They’ve barely made it to their reservation, with the stare off that happened between Kakashi and Tobirama back at the lobby.
The two silver-haired (foxes) men kept their composure with small (non-existent) small talk, gauging each other. Sakura believed that the only thing that stopped them from going all caveman was the fact that they knew she hated it.
She was not a prize, damn it.
Good thing they knocked it off and Kakashi and Sakura went on their way. The restaurant they chose limited their capacity to provide a sense of privacy and exclusivity to their diners. Their table sat by the window, inside a small function room.
They just finished their main courses when Kakashi waved her off, “Don’t apologize. I didn’t know you were so popular, but I can’t say I’m surprised.”
Sakura’s smile strained, thinking of all the male guests in the wedding entourage. From what she heard, Pein will be there. That’s an entire headache right there and oh if only he knew.
“Ah, well. Tobirama’s an old patient. He got shot by one of  his client’s enemies after court.”
“Hmm,” Kakashi hummed, “I think I read about that in the newspaper. The Shimura case?”
“Yes —“
“Excuse me, here are your desserts.”
The waiter laid out a souffle for Sakura and a plain vanilla ice cream for Kakashi - which Sakura just found completely adorable.
Kakashi watched as Sakura’s eyes lit up at the first taste of the chocolate souffle, her cheeks flushing with delight. He could watch her eat forever. He’ll give her all the souffle she wants, if she asks for it.
Their conversation picked up, rounding with the details of the infamous Shimura case, and how it shook their nation. With the not-so white elephant in the room, Kakashi decided it’s time to bat it away.
Half-jokingly he asked; “So… are there any other suitors I should know about?”
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The Uchiha family for all its riches is a subtle one when it comes to throwing parties. Which is the opposite of the Hyuuga clan. Glancing at the grand displays of 7 foot flower arrangements and number of tables for the pre-wedding party, Sakura guessed it was Hanabi’s family that won out when it came to decorations.
The wedding was tomorrow, this party, according to the invitation, was to allow the two families to get to know each other. Or, looking at the amount of passive-aggressive bragging, to one-up each other one way or another.
With the Hyuugas in politics and the Uchiha in the police force, Hanabi and Sasuke’s marriage seems like a political alliance to the untrained eye. But as Sakura sat waiting for Kakashi to return from the restroom, she could see the couple’s eyes soften at the sight of each other at their own table of honor.
It’s about love - and politics. Not the other way around.
“Please don’t tell me you’re not pining for your ex-husband at his own wedding party.”
Sighing, Sakura rolled her eyes at the droll voice from behind her. From her periphery, a red-head moved and sat across her - Akasuna no Sasori.
“Why are you here?” Sakura’s eyes narrowed at Sasori, “You hate Sasuke.”
Sasori shrugged, his indolence marking his movements. “It doesn’t change the fact that his father invested in our hospital.”
Ah, of course it doesn’t.
It’s love, politics and money - what a trifecta.
For a moment, it was silent between the rivals. They’d met at medical school, both studying under the heavy hands of Senju Tsunade and Akasuna no Chiyo. Sasori had been her senior for a year, before their tense rivarly started when Sakura dismantled his thesis paragraph by paragraph, making them graduate at the same time.
Their rivalry’s legendary. Rumor has it Tsunade and Chiyo still had a bet going on about when Sasori will confess his begrudging respect and hate-love for their favorite student - not that Sakura knew that.
“So should I keep my eyes peeled for a dramatic entrance of a scorned ex-wife tomorrow? Let me know, I’ve got to get my camera ready.”
Sakura’s eyebrow twitched, “I’ll peel your eyes for you if you don’t leave me alone.”
Sasori’s lips twitched upwards, satisfied with poking fun. “And here I was keeping you com—“
“Ah, Sasori-san, I didn’t know you were here!”
The Uchiha Matriarch, mother, or was it back to Mikoto-san now? was a lifesaver. Looking every bit of a matriarch with her pearls and beautiful dark blue dress, Mikoto still held an effortless elegance about her.
Sakura’s lips twitched at Sasori’s deflated expression, quickly masked with impassive politeness. He rose and kissed the matriarch’s hand. “I wouldn’t miss your son’s second wedding for the wedding, Mikoto-san.”
Mikoto took the insult in stride. Sasuke’s first marriage didn’t have a wedding - not of this magnitude of course. Given all the… circumstances surrounding it. The matriarch glanced at her former daughter-in-law, now shooting her a relieved smile.
What a pity she had to leave the family. Mikoto mused. Sakura-chan’s a great woman, smart as a whip with a backbone of steel - perfect for the Uchiha. With a glance around the ballroom, Mikoto could already tell the line of men wanting to steal her away, starting with this doctor. She also saw Congressman Uzumaki (yakuza, if she remembered correctly) lurking about and that lawyer Tobirama.
Mikoto smiled a practiced smile at Sasori, before placing her hand on the crook of his elbow, talking about the new technology Suna hospital has because of their investment -
They want her daughter-in-law?
They could try.
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Hand-washing was one of the habits (or coping mechanisms) his former occupation left on Kakashi. Counting backwards from 100, he meticulously scrubbed his hands on the sink. From the cubicle behind him, a familiar figure emerged.
“I see that you lost the face piercings - good look. Must be a hit with the voters.”
Pein knew Kakashi, perhaps even knew what he was before he was a high school teacher (and even during that), and it really shouldn’t surprise Kakashi that he was here. A political gathering disguising as a pre-wedding banquet.
“And you lost the mask - you’re almost unrecognizable.” Pein said, standing next to Kakashi and turning on the sink - drowning out their conversation.
Kakashi picked off a few tissues and dried his hands, his customized face mask sitting snugly on his face. “Heh, it was going out of fashion. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date to attend to.”
“Does she know?”
Kakashi paused, his back facing the legislator. Slowly, he turned and faced the impassive face of the shadow leader of one of the oldest Yakuza families in Ame. “That’s none of your business.”
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“I knew you prefer older men.”
Sighing, Sakura turned to Shisui and shrugged off his arm from her bare shoulders. “Hello to you too, Shisui. I’m assuming you’re the one who sent her?” Emerald eyes pointedly looked at the lady Kakashi’s politely twirling.
He’d gotten back right as the meals were served and was promptly whisked away by an overenthusiastic lady with a penchant for pointing out their age differences.
Shisui shot her a grin before bowing in front of her with flourish, offering his hand for a dance, knowing that propriety dictates that she can not refuse.
Soon, her soft hand slid into his and he whisked her away for a dance. As they sway back and forth to the orchestra, Shisui lowered his lips to her ear. “You’d be surprised who’s more devious between Itachi and I, Sakura-chan.”
Sakura’s eyes narrowed, roaming the room over Shisui’s shoulder. She found Itachi near the grand staircase, already looking at her with molten eyes.
“You two are persistent.”
Shisui laughed, leaning back an inch. “We prefer, determined. If you don’t mind.”
Sakura sighed, swaying in his arms, “You do know it’s odd if I get married to someone in your family again, right? Let alone my ex-husband’s brother or cousin.”
Shisui’s chuckle reverberated against Sakura’s chest, his lips grazing her ear. “Darling, once part of the family - always part of the family.”
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“What are you doing?” Sasuke asked, eyebrow raised and arms crossed.
Finally, Sakura had thrown in the towel and bowed out of the reception with a goodbye and a hug with the newly-weds. She had whispered in Sasuke’s ears a request to keep his relatives away from her.
“You still love her?” Shisui asked, daringly, eyes sharp. They were in Sasuke’s room, lounging, some sort of last bachelor’s party with wine and business plans.
“Of course.” Sasuke answered with not a beat missed.
Theirs was a history too long and too sweet to be brushed away. They may have ended but the bitterness of that ending was nothing compared to what they’ve been through. They grew together, loved together, had a beautiful girl together. How could he not love her?
Shisui watched as his cousin’s eyes glazed over, looking inwards, his body language softening before hardening as his coal eyes narrowed.
Itachi stared at his brother as if seeing him for the first time. It seemed they’d underestimated Sasuke’s loyalty. “We’ll take care of her, otouto, you know that.”
“I’ll always love her.” Sasuke reiterated, pointedly ignoring his older brother. He poured himself a glass of wine, remembering how Sakura looked up to Kakashi when they left the banquet. “Which means if any of you fucks up Sakura’s happiness, there will be hell to pay.”
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When they arrived in Kakashi’s room, Sakura spilled out all the “suitors” who suddenly emerged after her divorce. Kakashi was pretty sure they’ve always been around, but he kept that to himself. 
A doctor, nay, an owner of one of the biggest hospitals in the country - Akasuna no Sasori. Championed by many in their field, saying that he and Sakura are the next power couple of the field. 
A lawyer, nay, one of the best criminal lawyers and co-owner of the Senju Co law firm - Tobirama Senju. The contender of the whole Senju family, including Tsunade (who had no apologies to give to Kakashi, she wanted Sakura as her official relative - sorry) 
A legislator and a yakuza head - Uzumaki Nagato. Or Pein. Who was frankly just a pain in the ass to deal with. Kakashi still had some scars to prove that. 
And of course, the Uchiha cousins. Championed by their whole clan, judging by the way the matriarch and patriarch approvingly gazed at them while they whisk Sakura for a dance. 
And then there’s Kakashi. 
“I’m just a humble soon-to-be college teacher,” Kakashi started and Sakura almost rolled her eyes thinking that there’s nothing humble about a retired military man who may or may not still be covertly working for the government and instead let Kakashi continue.
“Are you sure you’re fine with me?” he asked. And though he said it with humor laced in his voice, there’s a hint of truth. 
Sakura’s heart clenched painfully, and she took Kakashi’s hands. “Are you okay with me? I’m dragging you from your peaceful life and well, into this.”
“Can’t say it’s not gonna be interesting.”
Sakura laughed, leaning against Kakashi. In turn, he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and smothered his laughter against her hair.  (He’ll have to make some calls. Get the Hatake estates and businesses up and running. He’s not just. And maybe he didn’t have a yakuza family or a corporation, but he had Sakura- and the only approval he’ll ever need - Sarada’s.) 
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🎃 Frightful October Act VI, #17 ~ Mirror (Ryoma Echizen)
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Slice of Life, Halloween
Word Count: 3,205
Pairing: Reader x Ryoma
World: Prince of Tennis
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“Y/N! Mikoto! Come down here please!”
Hearing your mom calling your name, you set your pencil down and headed into the hall, nearly colliding with your younger brother. You descended the stairs, standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
Your mom glanced over her shoulder before turning back to dinner. “Mom just called, she needs help moving a mirror to the living room. Someone is coming to look at it tomorrow, and she can’t move it herself.”
“Sure, mom~” The two of you chorused before heading to the entryway to slip your shoes on.
“Do you think she means that really creepy mirror in the guest room?” Mikoto whispered as he slipped on his sneakers, not wanting her to overhear him. “I bet it’s haunted.”
“There are no such things as spirits, Miko, we’ve been over this.” you rolled your eyes, slipping on your boots before pushing the front door open. The chilly October air greeted you, nipping at your face and hands.
“But if spirits did exist, they would totally exist in that mirror.” He leaned forward. “You don’t find it creepy?”
“Well… I guess it is kind of creepy,” you mused, tapping your chin with your index finger.
Your grandmother lived only four houses down from yours, so you arrived rather quickly and knocked on the door. She pushed it open and ushered you both inside, offering some hot cocoa to warm you both up. The smell of chocolate chip cookies filled her house.
“I’ve just put the cookies in the oven. They should be done by the time you move the mirror,” she smiled, putting her arms around both of you. “Thank you so much for the help, my dears.” With a gentle peck to your forehead and then his, she retreated over to the oven.
“Let’s get this over with,” you said softly, not wanting the older woman to overhear.
He nodded, following you into the guest room at the back of the house. You flicked the light on, feeling a drop of sweat roll down your cheek as you glanced at the tall mirror leaning against the wall, a faded white sheet thrown over it. You tugged the sheet off, letting it pool to the wooden floor.
The wooden frame was faded and chipped in multiple places. The glass was scratched and had the remnants of old stickers stuck to it. It looked like a simple old mirror, but looking at it gave you the chills.
“How should we…?”
You stood beside it. “Get on the other end and carefully push it over. It’ll be easier to carry if we turn it on its side.”
Mikoto nodded, his hands carefully holding onto the side of the mirror as he pushed it over. You held the other side, not letting it hit the ground. He bent down, putting his hands under it as he lifted.
“It’s light,” he commented.
You nodded. “Yes, but be careful, okay?”
You slowly walked backward, holding on tight to the mirror as your brother walked forward, a look of concentration on his face. You noticed the rug, careful not to trip over it.
“Miko, watch out for the – ”
Mikoto squeaked in surprise as his foot caught the rug and he stumbled, his upper body pushing the mirror forward. It slid across your hand and you felt a sharp pain, making you lose your grip. In seconds, the mirror crashed to the ground, the glass shattering across the floor.
The two of you exchanged a look, wincing.
Your grandma came rushing in as fast as her old legs would carry her, her eyes scanning the scene. “Oh dear, are the two of you okay?” she noticed you holding your hand, a look of pain on your face. She shuffled over, careful of the glass.
“I’m sorry!” Mikoto’s voice cracked as his eyes filled with tears. “It was my fault!”
“It wasn’t,” you insisted, giving him a smile. “I got a splinter and lost my grip…”
“It looks quite deep. Come into the kitchen and let’s get it out, dear,” she held your wrist and the three of you stepped around the glass, entering the kitchen. After shuffling around for the tweezers, she carefully pulled the splinter from your palm. The area was red and sore, but you knew it would heal quickly. She placed a spotted bandaid over the wound and smiled.
“I’m really sorry, grandma,” you told her, grabbing the broom and dustpan from the storage closet.
“It’s okay,” she smiled. “Let me clean it up, I don’t want you getting hurt anymore.”
“No, I’ve got it. I’ll be careful, I promise!” you kissed her cheek before heading into the hall.
Mikoto stood nearby, watching you with a frown. “Isn’t it bad luck to break mirrors?”
“Seven years,” you answered without much thought, regretting it instantly as a worried look flashed across his face. “But don’t you worry, it’s just superstition.” You placed your hand on his head, ruffling his hair. “With this touch, I take all of your bad luck away!”
“You’re so lame, Y/N~” he pouted, the corners of his lips twitching upward.
With a smile, you got to work, careful to check under the furniture to make sure you got all of the glass.
───── ⋆⋅🎃⋅⋆ ─────
The Autumn festival was arriving in Tokyo, bringing all manner of people to the city. Starting on the twenty-fifth, the festival ran until the thirty-first of October. It offered rides – such as the Ferris wheel and bumper cars -, food stalls – mos of which offered scary-looking eyeball shaped items and drinks made to look like blood -, and various game stalls – like the dime pitch or the shooting game. The festival opened at four-thirty in the afternoon and remained open until well after midnight.
As someone that loved the month of October and Halloween with every fiber of your being, you fully intended to visit the festival every single day that it was in town, but life had other plans for you.
On the day the festival arrived, you had rushed out of your classroom, feeling excited, but that left you open to the science teacher that was passing by as you ran from the room. She stopped you, asking if you would help her carry the new science books from the office to the science lab. You were raised not to dismiss someone in need, so you reluctantly agreed to help. When you got there, in your haste to leave, you spilled a substance in a glass jar on her desk. Naturally, you had to stay and help her clean it up. It was pretty late by the time you finished, and you had to get home to help your mom with dinner.
The next day, a storm rolled in so the festival was closed until it passed, which it did at five the next morning.
On the third day, Mikoto was throwing up and had to stay home from school. Since both of your parents had to work, you stayed home from school, as well, and took care of him well into the night.
On the fourth day, in your haste to get to the festival, you tripped on a piece of sidewalk that was sticking out of the ground, spraining your ankle. You couldn’t put much pressure on it for two days.
On the sixth day, all Hallow’s eve, you were determined the make it to the festival, but the food you had eaten that morning had other plans. You spent most of the day in the bathroom with bad diarrhea.
Were you cursed? Was this some divine punishment for sins you committed in a previous life? Or was the superstition that breaking a mirror really did bring about bad luck true?
You were beginning to wonder, but the game wasn’t over yet. You had one more day.
October 31st
You kept glancing at the clock on the wall, but time seemed to be passing at a snail’s pace. The teacher droned on and on about one thing or another, but you didn’t register anything he said. Your mind was racing with thoughts about what had happened over the past week and what might yet happen.
No matter what, you would get to the festival. Nothing was going to stop you.
Tick, tock.
“Now, I’d like to take a moment to – ”
Tick, tock.
“And don’t forget to – ”
Tick, tock.
“I expect you all to – ”
Tick, tock.
The bell finally rang, echoing through the school like an angry banshee.
You jumped up, clutching your pre-packed bag to your chest. You were out of the room before the bell finished ringing. That’s when your challenge began.
Your plan was to avoid all of the other students and teachers – if they didn’t see you, they couldn’t ask you for help – while being careful of your footing so you didn’t trip again. The night before, you had made a nutritious meal packed full of vitamins for your brother, so you were confident that he wouldn’t get sick. As for yourself, you had skipped both breakfast and lunch to avoid any disagreements they might have with your stomach.
You were ready for anything!
You slowly peeked around the corner, eyes scanning the hallway. Although you had been the first one to leave the classroom, your sneaking around to avoid everyone made you one of the last people to leave the school. There were a few stragglers left behind.
The hallway was clear, so you ran as fast as you could, crouching behind a large round trashcan. The shoe lockers were just around the corner. All you had to do was pass that level and then face the boss – getting past the school gate.
Two girls were standing by the lockers, chatting about their plans to take their siblings trick-or-treating. Your eye twitched. ‘Just go home already!’
Several minutes passed before they finally left, their voices fading.
You peeked around the corner to make sure no one else was there. ‘Okay, Y/N, time to go for the record!’ you jumped around the corner, yanking the locker open and switching your shoes at lightning speed. You could hear voices approaching and your head snapped to the courtyard. There were still students floating around the gate and the voices behind you were getting closer.
You were being boxed in.
‘I have to make a run for it, there’s no other option!’ your feet pushed off the ground just as two boys rounded the corner. Cold air whipped around your body as you ran, your mind focusing on your feet so you didn’t trip over air like you had before.
The gate was right in front of you and steadily getting closer. Just a little bit farther and you’d be free.
A hand grabbed the back of your shirt, tugging you backward. With a squeak, your foot slipped out from underneath you as you fell back against a strong chest, arms wrapping around your body to steady you. You glanced over your shoulder, meeting the violet eyes of Rikkaidai’s self-proclaimed tensai, Marui Bunta.
He grinned at you as if he hadn’t just given you a big fat ‘game over’. “What’s the rush, Y/N-chan~?”
Jackal stood next to him, sending him a pointed look. “You shouldn’t grab people like that! Are you okay, Y/N? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
You scowled at Marui, pulling yourself from his arms before addressing Jackal. “I’m okay, but I really need to get going. Please excuse me.”
Marui’s threw his arm over your shoulder, preventing you from moving. “Do you have a date we don’t know about, Y/N-chan?” he wiggled his eyebrows with a grin, blowing a bubble with his mint gum.
You could feel your window of opportunity closing and you kept glancing at the gate like a trapped animal ready to dash. “I’m going to the festival with -”
“We’re going too!” Marui declared. “Let’s go together!”
“What? No, I -”
But he wasn’t listening as he dragged you out of the gate with Jackal following close behind, trying to convince him to let you go. You frowned, chewing on your bottom lip. So far, every single failed attempt to get to the festival involved you going there alone to meet someone. Was this the secret? Did you just have to visit the festival with someone? You glanced at the two as they bantered back and forth.
‘It’s always easy to get lost in the crowd at festivals. You see it happen all the time in shoujou anime. When we get there, I’ll just sneak away and go see Ryoma!’ you thought with a renewed excitement.
───── ⋆⋅🎃⋅⋆ ─────
The three of you made it to the festival without incident. You were so happy to be standing at the entrance that you wanted to cry, letting your eyes take in the scene of the happy festival-goers. There was a problem, though.
Marui’s arm was wrapped around your own and he refused to let you get away.
You tried to pull your arm free, making like you were heading for one of the game stalls, but his grip tightened as he said. “I don’t want you to get lost!”
You even tried to bathroom excuse, but he insisted on escorting you there.
Having two younger brothers made Marui quite a protective person, and he regarded you like family.
‘What do I do now?’ you frowned. You were happy to have made it to the festival and you did love both Marui and Jackal, but you wanted to experience the festival at your own pace, not Marui’s. You also wanted to find Ryoma, who you had desperately been trying to see over the past week.
Your phone buzzed. It was a new message from Ryoma.
✉ ‘Did you finally made it to the festival?’
You bit your lip, typing a quick reply. ‘I did but… I’m being dragged around by Marui…’
✉ ‘Che’
Your frown deepened. You could feel his annoyance through that one word and you honestly felt guilty, knowing he was feeling that way because of you. The two of you went to different schools in different prefectures, so you didn’t get to see the short boy that you had fallen head over heels for very often. Both of you had been expecting to spend the festival together, but day after day, something happened that prevented you from going.
As you passed by the haunted house, you suddenly had a brilliant idea. You tugged on Marui’s arm, pointing at the attraction with a grin. “Let’s go in there!”
His body visibly stiffened, his face going pale as a scream sounded from the entrance. “A-Are you sure you want to go in th-there?”
You suppressed a smirk, tilting your head to the side. “Yeah! You can’t come to the Autumn festival without checking out the haunted house.”
Jackal caught onto your plan. “Sounds like fun, let’s go!” He pushed his friend toward the entrance with some difficulty since Marui’s heels were firmly digging into the ground.
Another scream ripped through the air, followed by the cackle of a witch. You could see Marui’s soul leaving his body as his head fell back. Jackal gave you a nod and a kind smile, slipping his arm around Marui’s own. You gave him a thankful smile, tugging your arm free before you turned tail and ran in the opposite direction. Once you were a safe distance away from the haunted house, your body started to relax, your eyes sweeping over the scenery around you.
You turned around, eyes meeting those cat-like eyes belonging to Ryoma. Without hesitation, you threw yourself at him, arms wrapping around his neck so you could bring him close to you. “I missed you so much, Ryoma.”
He scowled, fighting back the blush that was creeping across his cheeks. “Where’s Marui?”
“I managed to ditch him at the haunted house with some help from Jackal,” you grinned, letting him pull back. You knew he wasn’t fond of affectionate displays.
He started to walk toward the back of the festival and you slipped your hand in his, lacing your fingers together. The throngs of people began to thin out and the loud sounds faded as he brought you farther away from the festival. You were slightly disappointed, knowing that it was the last day to experience everything it had to offer, but feeling Ryoma’s warm hand in yours made it worth it.
He found a nice patch of grass and laid down, folding his arms behind his head. You settled down beside him, your cheek resting against your palm as your eyes scanned his face – his cat-like eyes always full of mischief, his long lashes, and his soft lips. He was gorgeous in your eyes. You reached forward, gently brushing the hair from his eyes.
“You should transfer to Seigaku.”
“It’s a bit late for that, don’t you think?” you chuckled. “Maybe when I graduate I’ll try and pass the entrance exam for Seishun High. It’ll be hell trying to get away from the tennis team, though.”
He scowled at the mention of them, feeling jealousy tugging at his heart. “I don’t like how close they are to you.”
“Aww, are you jealous~?” you teased, poking his warm cheek. He scoffed, knocking your hand away. “There’s nothing to worry about. Those guys are like family to me.”
Ryoma hummed, closing his eyes, but he didn’t comment.
You glanced up at the black, velvety sky, lit up by dozens of twinkling stars. “Hey, Ryoma?”
“Do you believe in bad luck?”
He raised a brow, looking at you curiously. You told him about the mirror you and your brother had broken and how you were starting to think that it was behind the string of bad events that had kept you two apart over the past week. “Isn’t a mirror seven years of bad luck?”
“Actually, I took Mikoto’s bad luck, too…”
“Fourteen years of bad luck.”
“Y-Yeah, but that’s just superstition… right?” you both exchanged a look. “I’m gonna end up being that crazy old person with a string of garlic around their neck and a horseshoe above every door…”
Ryoma laughed at the mental image that provided. “Don’t forget the rabbit’s feet and four-leaf clovers.” Your pointed look made him smirk. “Even if you become some crazy superstitious person with fourteen years of bad luck coming for you, I’ll still love you, Y/N.”
Your lips tugged up on their own as you leaned over him, tugging on the hem of his shirt. “You better~”
“I promise,” he whispered, closing the distance between you.
Just before your lips met, a familiar scream broke through the night air, followed closely by a crying fuschia-haired boy who was shrieking your name as if his life depended on it. It made you jump up, thinking something was wrong, but Marui tripped, slamming his body into yours. You both hit the ground.
“Y/N! Th-There are gh-ghosts here! This place is haunted! We need to leave!” Marui cried, clinging to you like a child as tears streamed down his face. Jackal came running up a moment later, sweatdropping at the scene.
You sent Ryoma an apologetic smile, but he was too busy staring at Marui in annoyance. ‘Definitely bad luck…’
───── ⋆⋅🎃⋅⋆ ─────
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project-rebirth · 4 years
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Another thing that has also gotten on my mind is the Kinoverse’s beginnings. not lore wise but rather the very beginning when I first started writing here one year ago. I had titled the main verse “Toaru Michi no Imagine Breaker” or “A Certain Unknown Imagine Breaker” because it was a canon divergent after the Othinus Arc that focused more on Touma. This was however, because Touma was the only muse I had at the time and others like Accelerator, Index, Othinus and Mikoto were all guest characters and there really wasn’t an overarching narrative back then, it was mostly about Touma’s encounters with the world around him.
There were also other verses that mostly had him sent to another world (like the Dragon Ball or Synphogear Universe for example) or taking place in a new setting altogether like the FGO verse, though I now just realized how the main verse has grown and has essentially inherited all of the elements from these other verses that had grown dead in the water at some point, with the cosmic side being introduced and thus expanding the small world significantly.
There have had this thought for a while and I figured that I would do some retconing  to the main verse’s origin saga, and that is rather than it focusing on Touma reacting to the world around him, it would be the world reacting to his presence in it. What this means is that other characters would take the seat of the main character for a time, as they learn or discover more about the one who holds Imagine Breaker, mainly some lesser focused characters like someone from Railgun or a lesser known Magic Side. Or even someone who has never canonically interacted with Touma like Mugino Shizuri for example.
The first saga would be about discovery and there would be a looming narrative such as a civil war between Magic Gods and the Holy Grail War of Academy City. This first arc would end with everything getting rewritten into the “Beta” Phase which the majority of ACUIB New Testament takes place in, and fro there we delve more into the Cosmic Side despite its introduction in the “Alpha” Phase, the version of the world where the original ACUIB majority of Railgun Next Phase takes place. The Beta world gets remade yet again into the Omega world in the latter half of NT and would end with Gaelion being released, and that whole thing happens, leading all the way through False Genesis and Genesis Order, which we are currently in.
So a huge change in theme, but the elements of discovery are still here, and are going to be here when it comes to Touma and his cosmic side escapades, as we see Touma interact with people and forces that are pretty much doing the same thing Academy City Residents (And Magic Side People too) were doing at the very beginning: learning more about him.
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firestcrm · 4 years
“…didn’t know where else to go…”
send “…didn’t know where else to go…” for your muse to show up at my muses doorstep one night during a thunderstorm, shivering, bleeding & soaking wet./ @ramenthings
“You have a dear guest waiting for you at the kitchen entrance Uchiha-sama,” the maid murmurs against Sasuke’s ear. Fuck. His heart jumps, but then he reminds himself to keep his composure. He nods in understanding and sets down his chopsticks.
His mother looks over in his direction. Itachi does as well. Sasuke clears his throat after wiping his mouth. 
“Excuse me Kaa-san, Aniki. I have to attend to a school related matter.” Mikoto smiles in understanding and Itachi keeps his gaze on him. The message is clear in his dark eyes. If their father were present he wouldn’t get off so easily. Once he leaves his seat the maid steps forward and picks up his plate.
Sasuke’s walk is brisk as he makes his way toward the kitchen. The cook points to the backroom. He heads straight there and stops upon seeing his best friend  hunched over on the bench.
“Naruto,” he hisses while climbing down the step to reach him. Words of reproach die on his tongue when he sees Naruto lift his head to look at him. The worn out look in blue eyes and his whispered words make his stomach clench. He’s even more grateful now that his father is out of town. 
There’s no hiding Uchiha Fugaku holds great dislike for Naruto. Two years ago he banned his best friend from coming over to his home. In fact he ordered Sasuke to no longer associate himself with Naruto. Releasing a soft sigh he approaches Naruto and looks him over with concern. 
“Your face is all cut up, any more injuries I need to be aware of,” after a pause he adds,” anything that will require me to take you to the hospital? Last thing we need is your guts on the floor.” After receiving a negative from Naruto, Sasuke helps him to his feet by putting an arm around his middle to help him.
With a few signals from the staff Sasuke leads Naruto out of the kitchen, and through the back route to his bedroom. Once they make it up the stairs it’s easy going from there. Sasuke sits Naruto in his bathroom and gives him another towel. 
“Actually just take a shower if you can. I’ll get you some clothes.” He leaves and returns a few moments later with some dark sweats. 
“I’ll check up on you in a few minutes to make you sure you haven’t hurt yourself more.” While Naruto showers he asks a passing maid to grab the first aid kit for him. Sasuke orders him to sit on the toilet once he’s done changing. 
“You going to explain what the hell happened to you?” The question comes out as a demand. Sasuke begins to work on cleaning his wounds. 
“You’re staying the night baka, I’m not letting you go back out in that storm. Especially since I’m treating your wounds, so don’t get all worked up.” He says upon noticing the small signs of distress on Naruto’s features. 
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has adopted all the moon rabbits to her home arleady
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ssa25 · 5 years
Day 5: Red string of Fate (Sasuhina Month 2019) - Part 2
Continuation from Part 1-
Eight months later
Ino and Sai request the pleasure of your company at their wedding on the……. 
Hinata fidgeted in her seat, as the maid of honour, was glowering her way. She recognised the pink haired woman from three years ago. She remembered her name, an appropriate one considering the colour of her tresses, Sakura.
"Why the fuck is that woman giving us the stink eye?", Tenten noticed it too. At that moment, Hinata regretted agreeing to accompany Tenten as her plus one, when Neji my cousin and her recent boyfriend couldn't cancel a last minute work related travel. 
This wedding reception was one of the crazier ones she has attended. Booze was flowing, the music was loud, and most guests were already drunk and on the dance floor. 
Tenten and her had entered the premises only a few minutes back, and Hinata was already feeling awkward. 
Sai was a famous tattoo artist and Tenten's family business supplied special handcrafted tools to him.
But now seeing some of the familiar faces of Sakura, Chouji, Shikamaru and Temari (who gave her the cold shoulder), and the bride Ino, Hinata knew that it won't be long before she crossed paths with Sasuke. The very idea made her nervous. Their last encounter had ended on a strange note.
Her inner musings came to a halt when she saw Sakura sit next to her at the table. Tenten was away chatting up with a potential client. 
"Who invited you here?", was her first question. 
Hinata wondered if she should even respond to a passively rude question. 
"Well?", she pushed her to answer. 
"I'm here with someone who was invited.", Hinata answered in a clipped tone. 
"It's so convenient, isn't it? Showing up at a celebration you have no business being a part of.", her venom laced words only mildly offended her. Shino, her close friend always says- people who take digs at others are unhappy and bitter within, so feel sorry for them instead of yourself. 
Grabbing her purse, she decided to go to the bar.
"A Daiquiri, please.", she requested the bartender. 
She instantly recognized his voice beside her. She should have been more surprised, but she was already expecting to see him. She kept her eyes on the stained glass bartop, but if she were to be honest, she really wanted to turn towards him. 
"I hoped to see you here.", Sasuke spoke to her. 
Finally, she looked up at him and took in the minute changes. He grew his hair out a little, it made him look even more appealing if that was even possible.
"Aren't you a little late to the wedding?", she commented, as she had to drag her eyes away from his direction.
"I am. Apologetically so. Work commitments are to blame.", he rubbed his hand across his face tiredly. "I heard about you and Gaara from Shikamaru few months back."
"You seem to know a lot about me."
Their drinks were served promptly, and they both took to it quietly. 
"Not as much as I would like.", he replied looking at her from the corner of his eyes. 
Hinata could feel herself turning pink from the alcohol and Sasuke's unveiled interest. As stoic as he looks, he has always openly verbalised his interest in her, making her heart thrum. It was an odd sort of effect. One that she couldn't say she felt with Gaara.
"Kyoto is beautiful. I have only been here once when I was a kid.", he continued. 
She nodded her head, then turned to see him. "Do you still live in Tokyo?" 
"I do.", he started rotating his glass, an air of anxiousness around him as he grew silent for a few seconds. "With my girlfriend."
Her eyes widened at the revelation. She felt her heart drop steeply after a momentary soar. 
He looked into her eyes with a pained apologetic expression. "I want to be honest with you."
Quickly, she looked away fearing a display of her vulnerability. "That's…. That's good." 
"…. I'm not sure if I should say this, but I wish I wasn't in a relatio-" 
"You shouldn't…. You shouldn't say it. ", she did not want to hear anymore. "It's not fair to your girlfriend."
"Nor is having thoughts about another woman. But somehow I cannot stop myself from thinking both of those things.", he gulped down the rest of his drink.
"Is it Sakura?", the questioned slipped past her lips before she could even judge if it was appropriate.
"No. Uzumaki Karin. She's Naruto's cousin."
She wondered if the said woman was at the party with him.
"I...I should get going.", she said as she got down her seat. "Goodbye."
"Can I atleast have your number? Believe me, I have the resources to get it myself, but I didn't think you would appreciate it."
He was right. She wouldn't. But she still had no good reason to share her number with him. 
"Why do you need it?" 
He frowned at her, upset at having to respond to a question he knew she wouldn't like the honest answer of. 
"To keep in touch.", he half lied. 
And she could see right through it. She would hate to be the reason for someone else's despair. 
"Maybe next time."
Six months later.
We are engaged!! Karui and Chouji invite you to share their joy and celebrate the special occasion with them on…. 
"We've got to stop meeting like this… "
Hinata turned around to find Sasuke behind her, in a long black coat over a blue shirt and black trousers. He seemed unaffected by the freezing weather, as his eyes grazed over her. She was bundled up with every winter accessory she could fit into, but still felt like she was freezing her ass off. Now, seeing him look devastatingly handsome in the cold nights, and staring at her with those deep dark eyes, she felt a warm tingle run up her spine.
"You think so?", her voice sounded more steady and confident than she actually was. 
"Am I finally allowed to have your number?", he asked her taking a step closer to her.
She had heard about his break up with Naruto's cousin, from their common friends. And she felt ashamed to realise that a burst of happiness had bloomed in her heart to be aware of the news. She wanted to keep her hopes low, but she did want to see him again. And here he was, right in front of her, wanting to know more about her. 
"Don't you want to go inside and congratulate the newly engaged couple first?", she reminded him timidly. 
"I have my priorities straight.", he replied and stayed put. Looking behind her, he asked her with an arched eyebrow. "Are you waiting for someone?"
"I was.", she smiled and stepped up to him. "Not anymore."
They both keep their eyes affixed on each other for a few seconds, before Sasuke instinctively wrapped his arms around her and buried his nose in her thick luscious hair, breathing in the scent he had been wanting to get another whiff of, for almost two years.
He sighed in satisfaction when he felt her arms hug him back. He realised that she was opening up to him too, so he took his chances. 
"I like you.", he said blatantly. 
She laughed shyly into his chest, before replying. "I do too. But I can't for long, if I freeze in this weather." 
Chuckling, he rubbed his hands on her back, and turned her towards the door of the champagne bar. Once in the confines of the warm ambience, they both stuck together savouring each other's presence. 
Most of their friends kept looking their way to scrutinize the budding relationship, but it did not affect the bubble they were in.
Chatting and drinking, they made up for lost time. When it was all done, they had shared their phone numbers, addresses, some anecdotes and a few promises.
Three months later. 
We still Do and Always will. Come and join us as Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto renew their wedding vows on the eve of their 35th wedding anniversary on the…. 
Hinata read the thick gold embossed invitation card for Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha. She found it in her letterbox, returning back home from work.
Turning around the invite, she found a pale blue sticky note on it. 
I know you told me that you might not be able to make it. But I just had to send it to you. It's only been a few weeks since we last saw each other, but I can't wait to see you again, under any pretext. If you can't make it to the vow renewal, I will drive to Kyoto the weekend after.
Hinata bit her lower lip as she tried to contain her smile. Sasuke and her had agreed to try a long distance relationship, after they both realised that their work commitments could not be altered on a short notice. But they were both willing to try. Sasuke was usually the one to travel to Kyoto during weekends, Hinata had been to Tokyo only twice. 
But what Hinata knew, and Sasuke didn't, was the job interview she had, at a reputed hospital in Tokyo the week after. It felt like they were both getting very serious very quickly. If he had invited her to a family event, it would mean that he had planned to introduce her to his family. It made her nervous to just think about it, but in a good way. 
So, when she finally turned up at the party, in a stunning black backless dress, with news about her new job offer, Sasuke was completely blown over. That night, for the first time she gave herself to him, body and soul. 
'People don't meet accidentally, they cross paths for a reason.'
Note:Apologies for the major delay.
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@shsladvicecolumnist said: "A-Are you alright?"
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“My little Hisa’s trying to kill me! I know the Kaneki Ken costume was too far, but I don’t deserve to die! It sounds like he has a fucking axe! I’m too pretty to be chopped into pieces!”
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herokamijoutouma · 5 years
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“Geez, what’s that idiot up to? It’s like he’s been avoiding me lately...”
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7team7 · 5 years
SasuSaku Month Day 10: Fox’s Wedding
Title: You may now kiss the kage // Rating: G // Summary: Sasuke and Sakura are indulgent parents, and they know it. They’re particularly reminded of this when they have to go along with the puppet show/tea party extravaganza Sarada is putting on, including a gay fox wedding (Mr. Fox is marrying Mr. Sand...sounds like someone we know). // ao3 ffnet 
A/N: the term “gay fox wedding” is from that tweet about the Arthur episode if you’ve never seen but the male teacher gets married to another male character and a headline talked about how the state of Alabama wouldn’t air the episode, describing it as a “gay rat wedding” lmfao.
“Mama you sit there, Papa sit here. The show will start soon. Pwease be patient.” Sarada disappeared behind the puppet stage Sasuke built two weeks ago, complete with red velvet curtains.
Sasuke and Sakura were far too large for the tiny plastic chairs at Sarada’s child size table, but her stuffed animals fit just fine. They even had enough room for their special occasion outfits: tutus, scarves, hats, coats. Sarada had served them all invisible tea in plastic cups with matching saucers, so it was quite the formal affair.
Nearing the age of four, Sarada was having a grand old time playing with her favorite plushies and faux shuriken. She recently took an interest in putting on performances with puppets sent by Uncle Gaara’s brother. He still expressed his gratitude to Sakura for saving his life even after all these years, so he liked to send gifts to Sarada when he was already planning to send something to Shikadai.  
She was having so much fun, Sasuke decided to build the stage to further her career in puppet performances. The sparkling joy in her eyes, so similar to his own, made the very embarrassing number of splinters he got during the project entirely worth it.
“Everyone pwease rise!” Sarada’s voice sounded behind the stage. Knocking their knees on the table, Sasuke and Sakura got to their feet in anticipation for the start of the show. They exchanged glances, “why do you think we’re standing instead of enjoying our tea?” mused Sasuke.
Sarada poked her head out from behind the curtains, “no talking, Papa. Don’t you know it’s rude?” Sakura had taken Sarada and ChoCho to see a “Shinobi Spectacle: Live!” production, so now Sarada thought she knew all there was to know about manners, etiquette, and politeness during a performance. Mikoto would have been very proud.
“Please welcome the great and honorable Mr. Fox as he walks down the aisle to his equally great and honorable love, Mr. Sand!” As her parents stood motionless, simply observing the Mr. Fox’s entrance, Sarada whispered, “you’re supposed to clap here.” The couple made sure to clap as loud as they could—Sarada had inherited quite the temper hidden away behind all her adorableness. Besides, someone had to pick up for her stuffed animals’ slack (I’m looking at you Mr. Dinosaur).
As Sarada started making a very long winded and surprisingly touching speech about the love between Mr. Fox, a puppet clad in orange, and Mr. Sand, covered in tan cloth, Sasuke and Sakura wondered who she could be talking about. The Uchihas knew their daughter admired both the Hokage and Kazekage greatly, but they didn’t think she kept up so closely with their love life. At the end of the ceremony, she pronounced them Mr. and Mr. then finished with a dramatic kiss. Mr. Sand really knew how to sweep a fox off his feet.
Soon the happy couple joined the others at the table for the reception. Sarada played a perfect host, and her parents continued along as polite guests. She poured more tea, which Sasuke nearly forgot to pretend to sip until Sakura pinched his leg out of Sarada’s sight, and made sure all her plushies were having a jolly old time.
Sarada smacked a palm to the center of her forehead, “I’m sowwy, I almost forgot cake! What’s a party without cake!” She scurried around her room gathering the necessary items, such as plastic strawberries and more tiny plates. Since trying cake at a birthday party, Sarada loved to come up with as many “special occasions” to eat more of the tasty treat. Monday morning? Cake time. Learned a new word? Cake time. Ate all her vegetables? Definitely cake time. Sasuke took longer to give in, so disgusted with the amount of sugar in desserts in general, but Sakura would usually agree so long as she got a bite too.  
As they happily pretended to eat cake, Sarada jumped to her feet and announced, “time for their first dance!” Sasuke and Sakura swayed gently together as they watched Sarada make the puppets twirl and leap around her room. To share a life and be married brought great joy to the both of them, and their daughter only made it all that much sweeter. Sarada looked up to ask everyone to please present the wedding gifts, but her parents were staring gently at each other for the moment. Mr. Fox and Mr. Sand were lucky to have found each other, thought Sarada, but in her eyes, anyone would be lucky to have what Mr. Papa and Mrs. Mama have together.
A/N: when I was writing this I was thinking of Bonnie playing in Toy Story 3. Such a cutie. And I know this is a very American take on weddings lol sorry wrote it in 30 mins if not already obvious by the length
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Eighty-Three: Sterilized ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Shizune, Yamato ] [ SasuHina, blood ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
“Whoa -!”
“Look out!”
Staggering back, Sasuke feels his head spin on an axis for a moment. What...what just…? He can hear people shouting, several running over and staring at him with wide, concerned eyes.
“Here, sit down for a sec -”
“- need to get that looked at -”
“- nurse still in her office?”
Blinking blearily, Sasuke swats half-heartedly at reaching hands. “G’off me,” he slurs, irritation starting to build.
“Dude, you got nicked by a bat! You gotta get that looked at!” Naruto insists, worry clear in his blues.
“The guy who was up to practice batting! He lost his grip and the bat, it like -” The blond begins pantomiming. “It was like, ‘whoosh!’ And was spinning through the air, right at you! We all yelled, but you just kinda, turned and then, ‘whack!’ it totally beaned ya in the forehead! You’re lucky it didn’t hit ya more directly, huh? It mighta killed ya!”
Scoffing, Sasuke makes to retort, but flinches as someone presses cloth to his brow. “I got hit by a bat -?”
“Yeah, I just told ya! You don’t have, like...brain damage, do ya?”
That earns a scowl. “No, just - get off me!”
“We really should get that cleaned up, Sasuke,” the coach offers, brow knitted with concern. “You should head in and see if the nurse is still in the building. Best to get it sterilized and patched up before it gets infected.”
At the voice, he perks up. Wait, what is she doing here -?
The rest of the gathered baseball team parts, showing Hinata jogging across the pitch. “What’s going on? I heard shouting, and -?”
“He got hit by a bat!” Naruto chirps.
“It was just a graze,” the coach cuts in. “But he needs to get that split in his forehead looked at - it might need stitches.”
Hands cover her mouth. “I can take him! Our practice got cancelled, so...here, let me -”
Face going red in embarrassment - of course she’s here to see him look like an idiot! - Sasuke lets her gently haul him to his feet. “It’s really not that bad…” he insists, swaying a bit as vertigo kicks in.
“I think the n-nurse needs to decide that,” is her insistent retort. “Come on.”
Leaning on her a bit as his head pounds (as well as an organ in his chest), Sasuke begrudgingly lets her lead him back from the baseball field behind the school to the rear doors. “...really, I’m fine…”
Hinata gives him a pointed glance. “...you don’t have to act like such a t-tough guy, you know.”
His lips curl into a pout.
“Accidents happen in sports. I dunno how many times I’ve been w-whacked by a racket, or gotten a volleyball to the face. It just...happens. But you have to make sure you get it taken care of, right?”
“...yeah, I guess.”
“I really hope you don’t need stitches...maybe just a butterfly bandage or two…” Pale eyes glance to his forehead, gauze still in place.
“...does it look bad?”
“I dunno, I can’t, um...I can’t see it. But it doesn’t seem to be b-bleeding too bad now…”
Soon enough they make their way through the back door, Sasuke’s head pounding as he pinches his eyes shut. Ugh, it’s hard to concentrate with his headache…
“Oh, nurse Shizune, w-wait please! We had an injury on the baseball field!”
Pausing on her way out, the school physician does as asked, taking him back into her room and looking him over. Hands carefully pull away the gauze. “Ooh, yeah...that’s quite the split…”
“Does he need stitches…?”
“Mm...I don’t think so. Let me get it cleaned up and take a closer look.”
Looking anxious, Hinata stands beside his seat atop the cot, fidgeting her hands.
Flinching with a hiss as Shizune takes antiseptic to the wound, Sasuke tries to rein in his reaction - it might be dumb, but he doesn’t want to look pitiful in front of Hinata…
“Well, you’ve got quite the goose egg going,” the nurse reports. “Headache?”
She fetches some ibuprofen and a cup of water, letting him take it as she looks him over a bit more. “I don’t think you’re concussed, though...I think a few butterfly bandages should do you just fine, but keep an eye on it over the weekend. If it starts looking worse, head in to a doctor.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Shizune applies the bandages, then tapes some gauze over the split. “Be sure to keep it clean, and let it breathe a bit so it can heal. But carefully: you don’t want those coming off.”
Giving a flinching nod, Sasuke eases off the cot and makes to leave, Hinata beside him as he offers thanks for her help. “Well...guessing I can’t really go back to practice…” he murmurs.
“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Hinata agrees. “Should we, um...should we go tell your coach?”
He glances at her at the word ‘we’. “...yeah.”
Yamato, thankfully, just gives a stern nod. “Best to get some rest and let that heal up. Don’t need you making it worse if something else conks you over the head.”
Naruto gives his friend a worried glance. “...you okay?”
“I’ll be fine. Just need a day off. See everybody Monday.” Waving, he starts to head back to pick up his stuff and go change.
...Hinata’s still following him.
“Do you have a way home?” she asks.
“I drove, yeah.”
“Do you...think you’re safe to drive?”
That earns a snort. “I’m not comatose, Hinata. Just a little banged up. I’ll be fine.”
Her cheeks flare pink. “...okay. Um…”
“Do you want -? Should I go with you? Just, um...just in case?”
He blinks at her. “...if you want. I’ll be right back.” Changing back into his jeans and shirt, he hauls his bag over his shoulder before reemerging. “Here, I’m parked around the corner. Do you have your bike…?”
“Well, yeah…”
“We can put it in the back. It’s my mom’s huge SUV.”
Maneuvering the bike into the back, Sasuke then takes the driver’s seat, digging out his keys as Hinata sits sheepishly in the front. “...want me to drop you off first?”
“No, that’s okay. I want to be sure you get home all right.”
Blinking at the typical role reversal, Sasuke doesn’t argue, putting the car into reverse and heading out of the lot. “...so how come your practice got cancelled?”
“Oh, well...one of the water hydrants got hit by, uh - by the school lawnmower…?” She giggles into a hand. “It was spraying water all over the tennis courts! So we got to go home while they - while they fix it. It’s fine, we’ll just practice again on Monday. One missed day won’t mess us up.”
“Well, guess that makes two of us skipping out on practice,” he muses, giving a hint of a smile at her nod. “Naruto’s going to give me crap about it on Monday, I’m sure…”
“I don’t know, he looked pretty worried. I mean...it was bleeding pretty good there for a m-minute…”
He gives her a glance. “Eh, it’ll be fine. Baseball’s a risky game. Least it didn’t knock my block off.”
Hinata looks to him sharply. “It b-better not!”
“Ever gotten hit by a flying racket?”
“Well...no. I’ve been swatted, but not...not like that. It must’ve really hurt…”
“Wasn’t that bad. Just made me a little dizzy. Headache is already fading. I’ll be fine.”
Still looking unconvinced, Hinata watches as he pulls into the driveway. To his chagrin, his mother is out front watering some flowers, looking to him curiously. 
“You’re home early, S- wait, what’s that on your forehead? What happened?”
“Got nicked by a bat, I’m fine,” he mutters in reply, letting her take his cheeks and look him over.
“Someone hit you?”
“Not on purpose - they let the bat slip, and -”
“Oh my gosh, hun! Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he insists again. “Just got a bit of a headache and a split. Nothing serious. School nurse already looked me over.”
Mouth settled into a firm line, Mikoto retorts, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, Mom. I’m sure.”
Still looking a tad suspicious, it’s then she seems to take notice of their guest. “...oh! You’re the girl from the game! With the flat bike tire!”
Hinata’s cheeks dust pink. “Yes ma’am. Hinata.”
“Right, right - are you here for -?”
“She wanted to be sure I didn’t conk out behind the wheel,” Sasuke cuts in.
“Oh, how sweet! Thank you, dear!”
“It - I was glad to!”
“Do you need a ride home?”
“No ma’am, it’s not far. I’ve got my bike - no more flat!”
“Oh good, good...well, come back any time!” Mikoto enthuses, earning a groan from her son. “Thanks again for helping him!”
Fetching her bike, Sasuke mutters, “Sorry about her…”
“She’s fine - really sweet, actually,” Hinata counters with a giggle. “But...I better get home. Lots of homework to do.”
“Yeah, same...see you Monday…?”
“Mhm!” Hopping astride the seat, she waves before shoving off down the sidewalk.
He watches her go, deflating a bit as Mikoto steps up beside him. “So…?”
“So nothing,” he mumbles, turning away. “I’ve got homework to do…”
Smiling coyly to herself, she just watches him go. “...mhm…”
     Oh man it's late so I'll be brief OTL      More sportsverse! With Sasuke getting a bat to the face! Ouch! At least Hinata's there to help, right? Totally not embarrassing. But hey, at least she seemed concerned! Awkward and painful, sure...but a bonding moment is a bonding moment!      But yeah, III need sleep lol - thanks for reading!
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
     [ OKAY, so, gonna be making some major blog changes, tho tbh most of the change will be on @hyuuchiha cuz...well, there’s more to do there. But the plans are as follows:
Cut the following muses from @kusunokihime:
Uzumaki Akane*
Uzumaki Kei*
Okino Ayame*
Move the following muses to the lore pages on @kusunokihime:
Suigin Eiko
Suigin Kazue
Cut the following muses from @hyuuchiha:
Uchiha Itachi
Uchiha Shisui
Hyūga Neji
Hyūga Hanabi
Hyūga Higure*
Hyūga Hinode*
Uchiha Manami*
Hyūga Hanako*
Hyūga Hotaru*
Uchiha Mikoto
Uchiha Fugaku
Uchiha Obito
Uchiha Madara
     *’d muses are going to be put on an “archive” sideblog...because I’ve put a lot of work into those OCs, and they still play major roles in A Light Amongst Shadows, which is (and always will be) the main verse for @hyuuchiha. The only muses I’ll be leaving on that blog are Sasuke, Hinata, and their kids Tenkai and Chikyū. They will also retain their connections to the muses on @kusunokihime because that’s how ALAS works. The above-listed muses (and more beyond that) are still vital characters in the ALAS verse, and will likely still be mentioned or played in the background in ALAS-verse threads on either blog. So they’re not COMPLETELY gone, but I just...need to trim things up. 
     I’ve also got a map that lists out many of the main characters and their connections (but not all). I might expand on it later (and the text is still a WIP), but it does help elaborate on how the verse fits everyone together!
     I’m hoping condensing my muse pool will help me from feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. Those I’m keeping are my strongest muses, and it just makes more sense to me to focus on that. Maybe someday I’ll have time and inspo again to work on the ALAS fic, but for now I want to try to focus more on RP, and drabbles inspired by RP. I may also do guest days to bring a muse from the cut lists back every so often, but I want to pace myself in regards to muses.
     To anyone who will miss the cut muses, or only followed because of them: I’m sorry, but I gotta do what I gotta do. And if you doing the same means unfollowing, no hard feelings. If the muse(s) you followed either blog for are going to be cut, then that’s just how it is, and either way, thanks for being around while you were! This does mean that any threads or asks with those muses will, unfortunately, have to be dropped.
     That said, it’s gonna take me a while to actually clear the pages I need to clear from both blogs, and move things around, so uh...just bear that in mind. Either way, thanks everybody for your patience while I try to clean things up. Hopefully this’ll lead to me being more productive, and we can have more fun RPing! ]
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project-rebirth · 4 years
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There’s something I’ve been meaning to make a post about for some time now, since I’ve noticed it becoming a issue in regards to my interactions and threads on here, and that it’s something I should have included in my blog rules and bio some time ago but neglected to do so.
You see, you may or may not have noticed, but I am a bit selective when it comes to certain muses of mine, and it generally comes down to my inspiration to write them. So far, the primary active muses that seem to get the most attention storywise, is Touma, Mikoto and Shido, who is not even directly involved in the main Genesis Order Story. There are others, but these three are currently the top runners of the blog. As such, other characters like Hamazura  dont get used that often mostly because I have yet to find inspiration to use them as a front runner.
Accelerator is also in a similar situation to some degree because I’ve yet to give him in active role that’s fleshed out more. Other muses that aren’t Touma or any of the previously mentioned above, are guest muses that will appear to accompany them in threads --- in other words, they are side characters that will almost never have a thread of their own unless certain scenarios in the story require it.
Another thing I wanted to bring up is shipping, because when it comes to this, I am a bit selective, as whoever becomes shipped with them will play a significant role or simply because of the certain situations characters are in canon wise.(Like Index and Mikoto being in love with Touma and Hamazura being in a relationship with Takitsubo Rikou, who is also a guest muse/side character). Generally, and this is the first time Ive admitted this, but shipping is a bit of a low priority on this blog, as other things take precedence, and it is apparent in just how many muses of mine are shipped.
There are at least three muses that have ships and two of them are OCs. Touma at one point was shipped with someone’‘s muse back in the early days of my old blog, but for redacted reasons, the ship is no longer a thing and has been written into the story as a off page death. One of the three shipped muses,
Accelerator  is a somewhat complicated situation. Even though he is shipped, he is in all honesty and ironically, the least shippable person in most of my muses. It is simply because of his personality  and complicated circumstances that makes him extremely difficult to ship with. Accelerator isn’t a romantic type character nor is he interested in romance in general. He’s not the type that would be outwardly affectionate with people and (As of his development beyond Index OT) is a stoic character. He is someone who wants to rid Academy City of the Darkness that’s poisoned it for so long, all so that at least Last Order could remain safe. He’s focused on that job and he doesn’t have time for distractions. At least in how his arc was planned here.
When I added him to the blog, there was really no intent on having him ship with anyone, with his role being that of someone who wanted to purge Academy City of the dark side while also protecting it from the fantastical threats of the Cosmic Side. Despite him not being intended for shipping, I envisioned a possibility of him ending up with someone and that if he did, the other person would be someone who is not looking for a romance with him, but someone who seeks to support him.
Unlike Touma who has people of all sorts pursuing him, Accelerator is someone who’s not easily approachable for others to consider doing that, and Accelerator himself is generally apathetic towards romance. To simplify, I could see Accelerator’s partner being to him what Othinus is to Touma; an Understander, and someone that would be his pillar. A traditional ship would work a bit better with Touma or Hamazura, if I decided to bend things a bit that makes him no longer taken by Rikou, but Accelerator is a complicated character, so his partner would also have to be complicated to a degree
I realize I went on a tangent here but I wanted to touch upon that too since I feel like I am sort of disappointing others expectations when it comes to my attention towards particular ships because, like I mentioned previously, shipping is a low priority  most of the time, and because some muses aren’t suited for traditional shipping  at this current stage or is really suited to certain personality types.
Another thing I wanted to discuss is Priority Threads, because there I noticed that I’ve become selective on what threads to finish and /or focus on, and it’s really the threads that have a steady foundation that lasts a bit longer. Threads that originated from random posts does not continue long because they don’t have a strong plot foundation needed to continue, and for this reason they typically have short lifespans. What I mean is, if I feel it doesn’t really contribute much to the overall plot of the grand story or is lacking a basis for something that will carry interest, it will just be made for a few posts and then be finished.
This is something that many mutuals of mine do whenever I have these foundation lacking threads, they typically discard it or leave it done  after it is finished. This annoyed me at first during the early days, but I’ve grown to accept this, as I assume their dropping of these kinds of threads are for similar reasons. And then it of course depends on what muse I have for the day or just me not feeling up to doing anything. Ultimately, it all depends on what I’m feeling like and if I feel a thread has enough of a basis to keep interest.
I believe that’s everything. I wanted to share. I may have not worded things as correctly as I wanted to, as I’m sleepy as hell, but this has been something I wanted to reveal for some time. I just feel like I’m disappointing others by being selective towards what muses and threads I utilize. I’d say more, but I can’t keep my eyes open any longer and I think it’s time I bring this ramble to an end.
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