#guest blogger
duckprintspress · 11 months
Fandom 101: The Origin of the Citrus Scale
A guest post by Aeryn Jemariel Knox. (@jemariel)
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Ah, the citrus scale. It’s like a cryptid roaming the edges of modern fandom communities. Long-tenured veterans speak of it with affectionate mockery while newcomers google curiously. A relic from a bygone fandom era, the citrus scale saw a brief resurgence in 2018 during the Tumblr porn ban, suggested as a way to avoid the new bot censors trawling for posts with the NSFW tag—though never, I think, in seriousness. 
That may have been jocular and short-lived, but it does point to the reasons why the citrus scale was created in the first place. Certain fandom activities have always had to fly under the radar to one degree or another. Whether you’re trying to evade legal action or simply avoid deletion based on explicit content, a certain level of obfuscation is sometimes worthwhile.
It’s not hard to find the generally agreed-upon definitions of the citrus scale’s levels. According to Fanlore, KnowYourMeme, and others, this is more or less the “official” citrus scale:
Orange: Light stuff, kissing, nothing below the waist or under the clothes. 
Lime: Groping, implied sex without details, fade-to-black, no intercourse or intimate contact.
Lemon: Sex, in full detailed glory. Woo-hoo! Regardless of the actual acts performed, if you can tell who had an orgasm (or, perhaps, had an orgasm denied), how, and where, it’s a lemon.
Grapefruit: We’ll get into this later.
But these tidy categories are clear thanks to the benefit of hindsight. In the Wild West of the early internet, it was not so easy to pin down exactly what you might be getting into based on which term was used.
At its origin, the citrus scale wasn’t a scale at all. It has its roots in hentai (and was always more popular in anime fandoms), stemming from a specific early hentai film by the title of Cream Lemon (1984). Hentai being what it is, this led to certain subculture communities referring to any story with explicit sexual content as a “Lemon.” And for a while, that was the extent of it. Then came fanfiction.net purging explicit content (2002), Livejournal suffering Strikethru (2007), and other events that pushed burgeoning fandom communities out of their growing hubs and back into smaller, isolated communities centered on a single fandom or pairing. In the relatively sparse early ’00’s internet, anybody could spin up an Angelfire website, pass the link around to their friends, and get a reasonable amount of traffic.  Websites devoted to the works of a single author or small group were common.
I mention this to describe the landscape in which fandom lexicons grew and evolved in the early-mid 2000s. Each pocket community had its own rules, lingo, and expectations; venturing outside of your home pocket could lead to some pretty major miscommunications. 
“Lemon” was established early and its definition has hardly shifted. It means that the labeled content (art, fic, mood board, etc.) includes sex. Intercourse, bumping uglies, etc. However, some yaoi fandom niches used it specifically to mean gay sex of the male variety. In some communities, “lime” developed as a corresponding term for feminine gay sex, while other communities brought it up with the usage that eventually “stuck,” “not quite a lemon.” Given that lemon and lime often go hand in hand when discussing actual flavors, the fact that we had some divergent term evolution is not surprising. But coming in from a different pocket of fandom and seeing “lime,” thinking you’ll be reading semi-softcore sexual tension and instead being confronted with graphic sapphic antics? Bit of a shock, I’m sure.
A more dramatic example is the rating level of “Grapefruit,” which occupies two completely different ends of the scale. In some circles, grapefruit was defined as “less intense than lime,” G or PG-rated stories that were more soft or cute than sexy. In other circles, it was used to mean the exact opposite. Kinkier than kink, smuttier than smut, grapefruit art and fic was where you went to have your eyebrows singed off. Some communities were even more specific, using grapefruit for stories featuring non-consensual sex. This was where darkfic lived – in modern day parlance, your “Dead Dove, Do Not Eat” works. To say that this usage difference caused some disagreements would be putting it mildly.
Nobody really worried about orange. Orange just existed, not bothering anybody.
When these terms were coined, the internet was not an assumed aspect of everybody’s daily life the way it is today. There was no Tumblr, no Facebook, no social media to speak of. There were no large repositories of internet lore and knowledge such as Urban Dictionary or KnowYourMeme. It was a playground. And what do you do on a playground? You make friends! The citrus scale, like so many fandom tropes and concepts, was defined by groups of friends that created them ad hoc to meet their own needs at the time. No one could have predicted that it would become so much a fandom history that it’d be enshrined, nor that I would be writing a blog post about it two decades later. From the common source of lemon, people extrapolated what the rest of the scale might look like, and there was no authority to tell them they were wrong. (Except other fans. That hasn’t changed.)
In conclusion, it’s best not to take the citrus scale too seriously. At best, it’s a cheeky way to avoid censors who try to bar a community from engaging with explicit works, but it’s also varied to a fault and open to interpretation. If you and your community have come up with a use for it that suits your needs, then congratulations: you’re part of a fandom tradition stretching back to the roots of the internet. Just don’t try and tell anybody else that they’re wrong. You might start a flame war.
Prokopetz: Orange and Grapefruit
She’s Got Plans: What is the Citrus Scale in Fanfiction?
Unwinnable: Lemon and Lime
Past Fandom 101 Posts:
Everything About A/B/O Dynamics You Wanted to Know (but were Afraid to Ask)
How to Diversify Your To-Be-Read Pile
Recognizing AI Generated Images, Danmei Edition
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pattytacuri · 25 days
Lately I feel too big for my current pot I need somewhere else to bloom this is too comfortable too stagnated it’s almost suffocating I need another place full of challenges and opportunities I need a place where I can full fill the extent of my potential
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angiecosplay01 · 27 days
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digitalelevate1 · 3 months
Elevate Your Business with Digital Elevate: Your Premier SEO, Guest Posting, Link Building, and Digital Marketing Partner
In today's hyper-competitive digital landscape, achieving visibility and standing out among countless online businesses is more challenging than ever. Whether you are a startup looking to establish a robust online presence or an established enterprise aiming to scale new heights, mastering the intricacies of digital marketing is crucial. This is where **Digital Elevate** steps in, your ultimate partner for SEO, guest posting, link building, and comprehensive digital marketing services. 
The Digital Elevate Difference
At Digital Elevate, we understand that every business is unique, with distinct goals, challenges, and audiences. Our approach is tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring that every strategy we implement is aligned with your business objectives. Here’s how we set ourselves apart:
1. Customized SEO Strategies
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2.Effective Guest Posting Services
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Choosing the right digital marketing partner can make all the difference in achieving your business goals. Here’s why Digital Elevate is the right choice for you:
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duckprintspress · 2 years
Editing Tips for Beginning Editors
This is a guest post written by Adrian Harley.
Congratulations! If you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet you already have a lot of the skills you need to be an editor. Even among full-time professionals, a lot of editing skill comes from reading a ton—you get an “eye” for when a sentence just doesn’t look right. The more you read professionally edited work, the better you get at it. (Fanfiction is incredible, obviously. But fanfiction has its own quirks, and the grammar and punctuation can vary, so I’m not confident recommending it as a way to brush up your instinctive grasp of when a sentence “looks right.”)
The specifics of what you do as an editor can vary a lot depending on what you’re editing and who you’re editing for, so in this post, I’ll be covering some of the basic principles that I think will be helpful no matter what type of editing you do. Broadly, I’ll be going over language-related tips and profession-related tips. 
I won’t be going over the nuts and bolts of grammar here, as a zillion good guides to it already exist online. Grammar Girl is my go-to free resource, and a lot of grammar and punctuation questions can be easily answered online or in a style guide from your library. I looked up the rules for commas a LOT in my first years of editing, and I still have to double-check them sometimes. A lot of the fiddly details differ between guides (how to write a.m. and p.m.; serial comma), but the nuts and bolts of grammar and punctuation stay the same across guides. 
Professionally, those fiddly details are a big chunk of editing. Do you write out numbers less than 20? Less than 10? Do you capitalize titles like “President” all the time or only in certain situations? There’s no one right answer, which is one of the many reasons there’s no “right guide” to editing. A style guide will decide many of these questions for you. If you pick up editing as a profession, your employer will most likely have a style guide in mind. You may want to pick one for yourself if you do freelance editing. That way, you won’t have to re-decide on every job, and if you get repeat clients, you’ll be sure their text is consistent across all their documents. A “series bible” for fiction works on similar principles. 
Whether you’re looking at those fiddly details or at the big picture, one principle of editing is to never take anything for granted. Someone says there’s five ancient orbs needed to defeat the dragon? You’d better count the orbs. Make sure every proper noun in the story (names of people, places, things) is spelled the same every single time. This is the kind of thing you’ll get quizzed on if you ever apply for a professional editing gig. Every editing job I’ve ever applied to has an “editing test” of at least a page, and it usually has at least one of those errors (if not both).
Another major thing to watch out for is colloquialisms, especially ones that mean multiple things. A short list of common errors I see:
“Since” should only relate to the passage of time; it does not mean “because.”
“While,” again, should only refer to time—two things happening simultaneously. “But,” “although,” “whereas,” and others are good substitutes for the other sense.
“Due to” does not mean “because of,” it means “caused by” (and I’ve seen some editors argue to not even use it for “caused by” and to only use it for when something is owed to someone).
“If” will often need to be replaced with “whether.”
Obviously with dialogue, that’s a whole nother story, but be careful about these in narration, even with a colloquial narrative. They can introduce unintentional double meanings.
When you’re moving from basic accuracy to style, you’ll often need to “tighten up” the language. This might be something you’re used to doing in your own writing. This doesn’t mean all prose should be sparse! But as an editor, part of your job is making sure that every word is contributing something, no matter whether the sentence is flowery or stark. One exercise is to go through and see if you can cut one word from every sentence. Depending on what type of editing you do, you’ll have different “filler words” to look out for. My personal demon is “just,” so I always do a search for that when I’m revising my own work. In my day job, the word “provide” often signals a clunky phrase that could be condensed into a single, better verb (e.g., “provides assistance” vs. “helps”). 
You’ll look for a lot as you edit, so don’t feel like you have to do it all at once. A simple search can make sure you’ve caught issues like “while” and “since.” Other issues are best solved in their own read-through. For me, I try to do a read-through specifically for passive voice. I often skip over passive voice on my all-purpose read because, well, the sentence makes sense, doesn’t it? So my eye simply doesn’t catch it if I’m not on the lookout. As you edit, you’ll figure out what process works best for you.
And to wrap up the language section—checklists are your friend! I used to have a post-it of all the things I knew I struggled with, and I’d systematically search the document for those trip-ups after I did my first read. You can customize your own checklist with whatever snags give you trouble.
A huge part of editing as a professional is in how you interact with other people. Your whole job is telling people they’re wrong, after all, and you often have no control over whether they’ll listen to you. Everything you can do to make the criticism easier for them helps!
My favorite “one weird trick” that my first boss taught me is to turn every criticism into a question. If you’re suggesting a significant revision, “How about…?” is one of my favorite leads. If you have no idea what’s going on, do your best to figure out what might be causing the issue, then form a question around that. “Are there missing words here?” is kinder and more useful than “Huh?”
Essentially, your role as an editor is to advocate for the reader. This “reader stand-in” role can help frame critique as well. Will the reader understand this? If you’re in one of the more-technical editing jobs, that question may be completely necessary. As an editor for scientific research, I’m often editing documents meant for people who know way more about the subject matter than I do. The framing of “the reader” is also a useful tool in your toolbox for fiction. You may be editing something that you are not the target audience for. Or, on the other end of the scale, you may know without question that you’re reading something incomprehensible. The polite device of “the reader” helps add a level of depersonalization to the critique.
Unsurprisingly, for editing, communication is key before you even start work. “Editing” covers a huge range of possibilities. Make sure you and the author are on the same page. Do they want a proofread—only correcting glaring errors? Do they want you to improve the phrasing of sentences? It can go all the way up to practically rewriting the thing, if you’re working at a corporation and the authors aren’t professionals. This conversation beforehand will let you know whether you should make “artistic” suggestions as you read, whether you need to stick with nuts and bolts, or something in between.
If the author says they only need a proofread and you discover the whole thing is terrible, that’s when some tactful emails come into play. Never start doing a higher-level edit unless you’ve talked about it with the author first. You have much better odds of an affirmative if they feel like they’re collaborating with you–that you’re both in it together to make the best document possible. As far as the tactful emails go, be kind and be specific. If you have examples of what you’d like to correct, throw those in. It helps the author know what to expect and make an informed decision.
And sometimes the author says no, and that’s okay! You must wash your hands of it. It’s not your name on the thing, and if you don’t put it in your resume, it never will be (fresh out of college, I worked on a couple truly awful novels that nobody will ever know I worked on). Perfectionism is HARD to overcome, I know, but accepting the errors gets easier with practice.
And finally, if you’re still wondering, “Am I cut out to be an editor?” I would recommend the words of Neil Gaiman. In his excellent “Make Good Art” speech, he says that as a freelance artist, you need to do good work, do it on time, and be pleasant to work with. And then, he adds, “You don’t even need all three! Two out of three is fine.”I recommend the whole thing if you ever want to battle imposter syndrome, because the same tenets apply to editing. At least I think they do. You don’t need to be the perfect editor—nobody is. But I guarantee that you have most of what you need already, and I hope this has helped.
Adrian Harley, one of Duck Prints Press’s editors, has been a full-time professional editor of scientific research for 10 years. Their freelance and ad-hoc editing has run the gamut from books to blog posts to family members’ cover letters. They’ve been published in Duck Prints Press’ And Seek (Not) to Alter Me and the forthcoming She Wears the Midnight Crown, as well as OFIC Magazine. 
Want to learn more?
Beware the Weasel Word has information and resources for “tightening up” language.
How to Ask for Feedback on Your Writing talks more about how, from a writer point of view, to help your editor understand what type(s) of editing you’re looking for.
Giving Quality, Motivating Feedback focuses on exactly what it says on the tin: how to give a writer feedback they’ll listen to.
What is an Alpha Reader? talks about what role alpha reader editors play and how to work with one.
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madhukumarc · 2 years
How many links should you add to your guest post to get backlinks for your content?
There is no magic number for how many links to add to a guest post in order to get backlinks for your content. The number will vary depending on the quality of the guest post, its length, the target keywords used and your content.
“Content as a way to build links (68%). The next two most popular techniques were competitor analysis (54%) and guest posting (47%)” - Aira’s State of Link Building Report 2022
The more quality both your guest post and your content have, the more likely it is that both will be shared and linked to, naturally.
However as per my research across the web from a few trusted sources, adding no more than 3 to 4 links to a guest post would be adequate [to start with] to avoid appearing spammy to readers and to respect the guest posting platform.
P.S: Visit Digital Marketing Forum for more such insights and specific answers to most [unanswered] questions.
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anysiitfirm · 2 hours
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kais8cats · 1 day
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raeisiwrites · 11 days
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writerjuliegomes · 11 days
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Find high DA, free guest posting opportunities to boost your SEO and increase website visibility easily. Explore the best quality guest post sites in 2024!
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honeybunnytwee · 5 days
The Importance of Mental Health in Daily Life
Mental health is a very important aspect of health. It defines how an individual thinks, feels, and or behaves within society. However, stress management, relations with other people, and decision-making are among some of the areas that shall be affected. In the contemporary world, the quality of the mind and not just the body is essential to address daily struggles, functionality, and attaining…
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vefogixguestpost · 16 days
Deep Dive into Content Sharing and Guest Posting Platforms: Power of Online Visibility
Reaching visibility and improving your SEO ranking in the modern digital terrain is like negotiating a challenging maze. However, guest posting services and Content posting websites have become really useful tools for companies and people trying to significantly increase their online profiles.
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The ascendancy of content-sharing platforms
Digital content distribution finds a centre on content-sharing platforms, which let users post blogs, movies, papers, and more. These sites are meant to increase the availability of material among several audiences, not alone to house it. They give producers a special chance to increase visibility, improve interaction, and generate traffic back to their personal or business websites. Using these channels allows users to access well-known networks with large audiences, therefore guaranteeing the publicity their material deserves.
Examining the advantages of guest posting
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Guest posting also facilitates reaching fresh, focused audiences. Contributors to Content posting websites not only share their knowledge but also help to position themselves as thought leaders in their field of work. For anyone trying to improve their online presence, guest posting is a great tactic because of its twin advantages—search engine optimization and brand placement.
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The advantages of guest posting can be fully appreciated only if quality takes the front stage over quantity. Choosing appropriate sites for guest posting means looking at sites pertinent to your niche that not only have great domain authority but also interact with your target market. Just as crucial is creating well-written, educational, and interesting material that enhances the host site. This guarantees that the material is relevant for the readers of the site, thereby motivating them to interact with your brand and follow through to your website.
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Evaluating Your Content Strategy's Effect
To really appreciate your efforts, you must monitor the performance of guest pieces and posted content. Monitoring traffic sources, backlinks, and engagement metrics using analytics software helps one understand what areas demand development and what techniques are most effective. This data-driven method guarantees the ongoing efficacy of content marketing efforts by helping to optimize tactics.
Vefogix.com provides a multitude of tools and information for anybody wishing to investigate the possibilities of digital marketing further. From negotiating the complexity of content distribution to using guest blogging on high-authority websites, vefogix.com offers the tools and knowledge required to improve your online exposure and SEO ability. Engaging established content and guest posting platforms can help companies and creators open fresh digital growth and success prospects.
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