#guess what I am indeed a coward
bi-loy · 4 months
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Writing Masterpost 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
Just wanted to put my writing here for easy access
1. Call It Fate, Call It Karma – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 2k] Erend's thoughts while marching down to the zeniths
2. Where Steel Bends, (And Fire Burns) – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 8k] ⭐️ Filling in the six months between hzd and hfw
3. Allow – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 9k, E] ⭐️ One shot pwp
4. Venus As A Boy – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 12k, E] Sex incense fic
5. ARTEMIS Log - Ursus Arctos – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 11k] After NEMESIS, Erend raises bear cubs for ARTEMIS. Aloy is there for the ride.
6. Amongst The Golden Sand– [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 2k] Aloy gets called into Hidden Ember by Erend early in the morning. He sounds eager. Is he planning something?
7. Swept Under – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 2k, E] Aloy counts the times Erend has been tender
8. Paleberry-sweet - [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 3k] There's something to kissing Aloy Erend cant get enough of
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wolfiesmoon · 5 months
Deal or no deal
Azul x gn!reader
finally writing for my baby boy azul, i can't believe it took this long since i am an azul girlie myself
a very funny silly definitely innocent business man methinks
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"First, tell me what you desire. We can take it from there." Azul smiled slyly, interlocking his hands as he leaned on his elbows.
You were currently located in his private office, about to sign a contract with him. You had to think long and hard about coming to him, but you figured that if anyone can fulfill your wish, it would be Azul. You feel kind of guilty asking him for this in the first place.
You see, you've been in love with Azul for a good amount of time now, but are too afraid to make a move. You beat yourself up for being such a coward every day, and even moreso right now because you're about to ask him if he can make "someone you've had your eye on" fall in love with you. You're not sure what exactly he does to make it happen, but you hope it's doable without much instructions on your end. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Though you still feel like a bit of a villain for doing this at all.
Your guilt and nerves are probably showing in your body language, too. Which you suppose only makes Azul more interested in learning what you desire. You can practically feel the grins on the Leech twin's faces, too. It's like they genuinely like seeing you nervous and scared.
Why are they even here, anyways?
"I want... someone to fall in love with me. Someone who I've had my eye on for a while now." you fidget with your fingers, unable to look Azul in the eye when you say this.
"That's..." he tried his best to hold back from laughing but a snort escaped from his lips anyways. "Forgive the reaction, your wish was just... unexpected."
You suppose he thought your wish would be more sinister because of your body language. Or way more embarrasing. But still...
"Ehhhh, I didn't know Shrimpy was in love..." Floyd's eyes were slightly widened but his creepy grin was still as wide as ever. "It is quite surprising, indeed." Jade added on. By the suspicously calm way they're acting, you have no idea if the twins already know about your little crush and are just acting along or if they're actually surprised.
"Yeah, uhhh, I guess that's it?..." you had no idea what else to tell him. You just hope that this can be over as soon as possible since things are getting really awkward.
"I can certainly do something for you. Tell me, what is their name? They attend this school, I assume." Azul seemed delighted. Probably because that means he'll get free labour from you as a collateral. You don't have any magic to offer him, after all.
"T... their name? Is that required?" You froze up. There's no way you can say that. That would be the worst way for your feelings to get outed, ever. You suppose it makes sense, though. He can't do anything if he doesn't know who you're in love with.
"But of course it is. Don't worry, judgement has no place in business affairs." He smiled reassuringly at you. You felt your face heat up. No, no, nope. You can't do this. Not like this.
"You know what.... Never mind. I can't do it." You abruptly stood up from the cushy office chair, apologising curtly before practically bolting out of his office.
"Oh my god, that was so bad... oh my god..." you mumbled to yourself when you were out of Octavinelle. You just royally embarrased yourself in front of your crush.
Was it obvious?
"What was that about?" Floyd pouted at the direction of the door, which you left slightly ajar in your panic to escape the situation as soon as possible.
"Hmmm... how odd." Jade looked deep in thought about something.
"This is why I tell you to stop coming to my office when I'm trying to make a deal. You scared the poor thing off." Azul shook his head dissaprovingly.
"That wasn't our fault. Shrimpy was acting super weird the whole time anyways." Floyd defended himself and his brother.
"I suppose you're right..." Azul took a deep breath, seemingly... relieved? Not about the fact you ran away, but still relieved for some reason.
Jade made a realisation. "Oh. I see. I see."
He smiled knowingly at Azul, who raised a brow. "What is it? Is there something on my face?"
"No, it's nothing. Don't worry."
Azul gets the feeling that Jade knows something, but doesn't want to tell him.
"If you say so."
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maple-the-awesome · 6 months
Body Swap || Part 1/2
Part 2 ||
Pairings: Wild, Four, Sky, Hyrule x Reader
Overview: A wizard's spell leaves you both in a state of confusion, especially upon realizing you're no longer in your assigned bodies. No Wind for this one, so we'll just give him a cookie and spare him the trauma for today -.-/🍪 The other boys are at my mercy, though
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
This dungeon had been going great - so great, in fact, that you were actually sad to reach the end of it. Sure, the puzzles were a pain in the butt and the miniboss was an embarrassing waste of time, but what had made it all worth it was the fact that you had gone through every trial right by Link’s side. 
In a group of ten travelers, a date day with just the two of you is rare - extremely and unjustly rare - therefore you had both jumped at the chance of completing this dungeon alone together. Everything was going swimmingly, too, right down to the main boss battle. A tiny, itty bitty yet still very evil wizard is nothing compared to your combined force, so you expected it to be a piece of cake that would end in a wonderful memory to look back on later. Instead, it ended in a very different, less appreciated way.
One more hit was all it should've taken to defeat the little guy, however right as Link raised his bow for the final arrow, the wizard began swinging its wand around in a last ditch effort for success. Fearing for your partner's safety, you had rushed over with your shield, hoping to use it to block whatever spell the wizard planned, but in an unexpected twist, said spell turned into a cloud of smoke instead of a ball of energy like you expected.
As the boss made his escape, the fumes of his final spell poisoned the air and entered your lungs with an uncomfortable burn. Link and you both fell to your knees in coughing fits, suddenly feeling dizzy and woozy much to your concern...
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Aside from the initial wave of nausea you felt, that wizard's spell seemed like nothing more than a harmless distraction for escape, at least that's what you would've went on thinking if not for the sight that greeted you once the smoke officially cleared.
"Oh jeez! ...Uhhh, are you alright?" Although a shock indeed, you remain calm with your first priority being to check on Wild who's still fanning away the fumes from his face.
"Yeah, I'm alrig -" He freezes almost as soon as the words are said, his eyes immediately shooting open to look down at his body - or rather your body that he's suddenly found himself in, "WHAT THE -?! HOW AM I - I'M YOU?!"
“Very observant, Wild,” You roll your eyes before looking around the room to find no sign of that wizard. Whether that’s fortunate or unfortunate might depend on your ability to reverse this little problem he’s now left you both with, “...Guess that little guy was such a sore loser he decided to play dirty then retreat. What a coward.”
Standing up, you start examining yourself for possible injuries - ones that weren't already a part of Wild's collection, that is. Thankfully you see nothing aside from a small cut above your hip from a hit he had taken earlier; an easy fix with the help of a red potion. If only the same could be said about your incredibly tangled hair that you pull a leafed branch out of with a cringe, "When was the last time you've taken a bath?"
"Personal hygiene is very important. It keeps you from harboring full-on ecosystems in your hair."
"...You sound just like the Captain…" Wild mumbles under his breath while pushing himself off the ground. Once up, he wobbles and holds his arms out for balance as if he’s never stood on two legs before.
"Oh, the Captain! He’s going to have the time of his life with this one - all the boys will, I'm sure,” In Wild's opinion, your teasing smirk doesn’t quite carry the same effect as it would if on your assigned face. Instead, it looks a bit...silly to see you speaking as himself and judging on your sniffled laughter, he, too, must look equally as funny glaring back at you as you. 
"Ugh. I can already hear Twilight blaming us for not being careful enough," He groans, subconsciously runs his hand over his arm which is smooth like silk rather than being rough with scars. Huh. He had forgotten how that felt...
"Yep, we're in for a heap of nagging and annoying jokes when we get back, but I say we at least have some fun with it while we can. Wanna see how long it takes anyone to notice?" You nudge his side as you pass by towards the exit of the boss chamber, your suggestion finally lifting his spirits.
"I don’t know. It could take them all night if we keep our mouths shut about it."
"No way. They'll notice as soon as I do something stupid and you don't, which should take approximately an hour at most…I mean, assuming that you’re not asked to make dinner tonight.”
“Oh, well in that case, they’ll definitely notice then. You’re a terrible cook.”
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You moan while rubbing your burning eyes. Even with them closed, you can still see remnants of the same flashy colors that had followed after that wizard’s stupid spell; like a firework show inside your eyelids that's so realistic you can actively smell the gunpowder.
"Don't panic," You hear someone say. You assume it must be Four since he's the only other person here, although his voice sounds different, almost like…
"Don't...? Why would I panic - AHH!" Once finally being able to see straight, you expected to find Four kneeling in front of you, but instead you just see yourself. It's as if you're looking directly into a mirror until you glance down at your hands. That's when you let out a shout, doing the exact opposite of what Four asked by instantly panicking upon realizing they aren't actually your hands, but his. Your clothes, your hair, your BODY; IT’S ALL HIM!
"I’M YOU!”
"I can see that."
"...H-How are you not freaking out?" You blink at him - er, you? Whoever! You blink at who should be Four but is actually you as he simply shrugs in response to your question as if this is just another Tuesday for him!
"This isn’t really the ‘craziest’ thing that's happened to me. Maybe in the top three, but..."
You stare at him for a long minute, wanting to be angry that he's behaving so calmly right now, although he does have somewhat of a reputation for being one of the more relaxed Link's, not to mention the pair of you have seen some pretty crazy stuff during your adventures, both separate and together.
Running a hand through your hair, you take deep breathes and try your best not to be so freaked out especially once remembering this isn't technically your hair you're touching which makes you instantly stop the action, "...What do we do to fix this?"
"I...don't know."
"You 'don't know'? What, are we supposed to just live like this forever?!"
"No, of course not!" He crosses his arms uncomfortably and sighs, "We'll find a way to reverse the spell and get back to our normal bodies. We're in Legend’s world, but I think he mentioned that his Zelda knows some magic, so if we can get to the Castle, she might be able to help us."
You groan, running your hand over your face in irritation. You were having such a good day until this point! Why can't the universe allow you just one normal evening with your boyfriend, huh? Is that too much to ask for?
Four offers you a hand and helps you up. Once on your feet, you realize yet another detail about your current situation that makes you uncomfortable, "Woah. I'm not used to looking at myself from another perspective like this…or being so low to the ground.”
Four rolls his eyes at your comment before taking your hand and dragging you after him outside of the dungeon.
"Oh, come on! Doesn't it weird you out, too? Looking at yourself from my point of view while I’m in your body?"
"Of course, it’s weird,” He sighs again, using his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, “I'm just considering myself lucky I'm only looking at one of me."
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"Sky? You alright?" You crawl blindly out of the smoke cloud, coughing along the way while keeping your eyes squeezed shut to prevent anything from getting in them. Although you receive no verbal reply, you can at least relax upon hearing Sky's wheezing close by. 
You’re about to repeat your question, yet your voice dies within your throat. Once opening your eyes, you see yourself kneeled on the ground where you fan smoke away from your nose with a face scrunched up in irritation – except that’s not really you. It can’t be! You’re right here, so how is it that you’re suddenly able to look at yourself through a third person perspective? …Then you look down, slowly but surely putting the pieces together in your head.
Just as predicted, the 'other you' looks up in response, even giving a small hum before their eyes go wide with the same shock you undoubtedly mirror.
“(Y/n)? Is that you? You’re –“
“- You…And you’re me,” It doesn’t matter how many times you close your eyes and reopen them. Each time, you’re greeted by the same sight. Thanks to that stupid wizard, you’ve switched bodies with Sky which definitely wasn’t on your agenda for today…or any other, for that matter. Worst part? Neither of you know a thing about magic to reserve this, “…Shit…”
“M-Maybe someone else knows how to fix this?” Sky suggests hopefully, although judging on his waivered smile, even he must realize it’s a long shot. Not many Links are accustomed to magic either, and believe it or not, no one’s been in this situation yet not that they’ve ever cared to share, anyway.
“Here’s to hoping…Come on, we should at least get out of this place before that wizard comes back and switches our heads,” Sky gulps, but nods.
Standing to your feet, you brush yourself off and prepare to make your exit from this dark boss’s chamber, however you pause in place when you notice Sky following you at much slower pace, his posture rather stiff as he holds his arms slightly away from himself, “…Why are you walking like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like…” You copy his stance then give him a pointed look that makes him bow his head in embarrassment.
“I-I don’t want to touch something I’m not supposed to!”
"Awww, that’s sweet, but dude, you can relax. They're only feminine arms. They won't kill you," You roll your eyes, but can't help smiling at how careful and sweet he's trying to be. If there’s one thing to be grateful for in this situation, it’s that you got switched around with a gentleman instead of a pervert, "Just don't touch my breasts or anything and we’ll be good.”
Poor Sky whimpers uncomfortably after your comment…Yeah, hopefully this situation can be solved without leaving any lasting trauma behind...
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"Mmm...Hey, are you alright?"
Hyrule's voice sound so distance despite him being so close by. You wish you could see him, but every time you try to open your eyes, you're only met with blurred colors and sparkles, "...I-I think so..."
Hyrule sighs and is about to say something else, but his relief is instead punctuated with a gasp once he looks down at his hands. He whispers your name, however his voice goes unnoticed the first time. He has to shout it a bit louder for you to actually hear him. Finally, you're able to open your eyes and see a bit more clearly - at least that's what you thought before looking over to his voice and just seeing yourself.
"What kinda spell was that? My eyes aren't working right," You start vigorously rubbing them again only for Hyrule to reach out and grab your wrists to stop you.
"They're working. At least, I-I'm pretty sure they're working. You, uh, see yourself instead of me, right?"
"And I see myself instead of you."
Hyrule bows his head, removing his hands from wrists to stare down at them with a wobbled frown, "I don't think it's a trick of our ours. I think that spell switched our bodies."
"...Oh...Oooh!" After his words sink in, you glance down at yourself and pick at your tunic, confirming that it feels as real as it looks.
“Alright. This might seem bad, but look on the bright side: neither of us are hurt so the others can scold us too much, right? Let’s just get back to camp and –" Hyrule’s cut off when you suddenly squeal. Startled, his head snaps back up at you, fearing that perhaps you had gotten hurt somehow, yet to his surprise, you have a bright smile on your face as you tangle your fingers in your hair – or rather his hair.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It’s just – I’ve always wondered if your hair is as soft as it looks and it definitely is!” You giggle, unable to help yourself from testing your theory personally. Hyrule's hair has always appeared to be the fluffiest out of all the Links and you've been dying to ask him if you can touch it, perhaps even braid it. Now that you technically in his body now, might as well, right? It's at least some benefit to this weird situation, “What do you use to wash it?”
"I, uh...water, I guess?"
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sgiandubh · 10 months
I want to ship SC, trust me I do and I love them together, but I just can’t fathom how far they stretch a fake relationship (her and T). Like for example the recent picture of them holding hands- now it’s not an insane gesture but definitely one we haven’t seen before. So maybe they truly are just a private couple. But in my heart of hearts I just love her and S together so much, and don’t know what to think because on one hand they are simply everything together and on the other it seems like she really is with T. I’m confused 🥲 what’s your take?
Dear Confused Anon,
I will be brutally honest: no, I do not trust you and I do not care about your crocodile tears. Not a single bit. In fact, once I will be done with my answer to you, you are most probably going to press CTRL+C, then CTRL +V. And run to the nearest Mordor sweatshop, in the hope one of the Three Sopranos will insult me again.
You see, to trust you, I would have to speak with at least a handle, not a coward in disguise. And then, even DMs are neither always safe, nor always honest - I have recently learned it the rough way, despite my best efforts, tried (and up until now failed) to forgive and will never forget.
By now, I suppose everyone got a good look at this splendiferous picture:
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Take a long, quiet, hard look at it, Shire.
So organic it could kill a moth colony on the spot.
So heartfelt - she doesn't even look at him.
So sentimental - that icy smile of hers. A happy couple, indeed.
A general round of applause, all across the Nation.
You are very wrong: it is not the first time they are holding hands, I mean, sort of. The much touted London marathon pic immediately comes to mind - although you'd have to admit, I looked and looked and he seemed to be checking her pulse, rather than being lovey-dovey.
A real private couple would never stoop as low as a cheap, laborious retcon, in retaliation for a couple of thousand people speculating on a niche blogging platform.
It took four years, a month and four days after that Remarkable Week-end to see McSideburns clumsily try and claw her hand. Remarkable, indeed.
And are you trying to tell me the MC didn't shake your beliefs and this does?
This perfunctory, formulaic, scripted AF, blip?
Wow. I have no words, Anon.
That unkempt, bland person - for God's sake, mister, tuck that damn shirt in your pants! - looking like the elephant in the china shop at a carefully curated event celebrating the supreme form of French refinement?
This is insulting, to say the least. To her (and her prized image), to Chanel, to this fandom, to S and believe it or not, to himself, too. Granted, the Berluti shoes are showing some improvement and are now clean. Hmph.
So here is what I think, Anon (and I know people are going to shriek and guess what, I do not care, for once):
It's been at least one year this fandom has been asking for this specific pic and for this specific whiplash. A childish tantrum, as she is regularly throwing. Mind you, that doesn't even come close to the painfully slow, monumentally boring Flukenzie Floozy Saga and looks as staged as the Ochoa & S London sighting (ah, patterns!).
This is the reaction to our scriptwriting ineptitude.
This is also the reaction to some underground shenanigans, directly related to a birth certificate apparently being peddled around. I will not discuss this, yet know just that: this is a legal claptrap, right there. I can, and if needed I will prove it. With the cold, surgical precision Mordor is so afraid of.
But she is a mother, for Christ's sake!
A mother!
As I said, I am not a mother and never will be. I do not wish this trial on anyone. But if I know something about life, I can guarantee you a mother would do whatever it takes to protect her child(ren).
Including taking precisely this kind of sad and forgettable pic.
So, there's that. We choose and we choose now: we fall for it once more and let the playbook fiddle with our insecurities once more and post endless trails of old pics once more to soothe the searing indignation.... Or GROW THE FUCK UP and show to whom it may concern we're not buying this shit anymore.
I know what I'll do. You're on your own, Anon: my tough love took you only this far, down the road. Sorry for the length. It was needed.
For the moment, I just booked an appointment with Miss Fotoula (roughly Claire, hehe), my genius hairdresser. I will ask her to refresh my dirty blonde mane.
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sunnytyun · 1 year
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"I kinda like it when you waste my time, 'cause it means I get to look in those eyes."
Waste My Time —Johnny Orlando
Niki X fem! reader
Warnings: strong language
Genre: fluff
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"Niki! Come on!"
You rolled your eyes at the annoying shrieking voice coming from behind your desk. You returned your gaze to your best friend who sat in front of you leaning on your desk, her chair turned backwards so she could face you.
"Are you not going to do anything about it?" Your best friend, Eunchae, asked you, and you gave her a heated glare, shaking your head. "Oh, come on, Niki looks uncomfortable!" She shrieked at you.
You sighed, swirling your neck backwards so you could see what Eun was talking about. Niki indeed looked uncomfortable as he kept trying to lean away from the annoying girl's reach. You turned back around. "Well, if he's so uncomfortable, then he should ask her to leave by himself." You said, ignoring the pang of jealousy in your heart.
"Need I remind you that you like him."
"So what?"
"So?!" She shrieked again, lowering her voice once she realised that she had caught attention from some students. "So? Why don't you do anything about it? You've been head over heels for this guy since like middle school. And very frankly, I'm sick of you crying about how pretty he is everyday."
She was right. You were head over heels for Niki for a long time now. It had all started on that one day in middle school when your homeroom teacher made him your seat partner. You could remember it all too well how kind he had been with you, how he lent you his book and got scolded by the teacher, when you were the one who deserved the scolding. You had a soft spot for him since that day. But as time passed, Niki stopped sitting with you and soon became a lot popular, unlike you. You guys couldn't even be officially friends.
"So what am I supposed to do?"
"Go rescue him! Don't waste my time."
"I'm wasting your time?" You gasped in an offended manner. "Eun, do me a favor and shut up."
"Yes, I'll shut up. 'Cause that's what I always do. I always shut up." She muttered in anger. "But just so you know, there are many girls in line. It's not very far away when he'll have a girlfriend of his own, and guess what? You won't be her."
No matter how much it hurt when she said it, you couldn't help but agree to her words. She was right. You had been pining over Niki from such a long time, and he doesn't even acknowledge your existence. Maybe if you had been the one to strike a conversation, things might have been different right now. He might have been yours. But you just kept procrastinating in the fear of rejection. What if he doesn't like me back?, you always thought, what if he starts ignoring me. Thoughts like these always held you back.
"He probably won't even like me back. He's the popular guy, and not to mention how rude and cold he is." You said, partly to yourself. "He probably doesn't even remember my name."
"You're a loser." Eunchae spoke, rolling her eyes and turning her chair back to face her desk. You were definitely hurt by her unhinged accusations towards you. Your best friend had just called you a loser, and that too seriously. But was she wrong? You were such a coward.
"Fine, then." You huffed angrily, grabbing the back of Eunchae's hair and tugging to bring your mouth closer to her ear. You ignored her whine, completing your sentence. "I'll rescue him."
Your best friend didn't know where this sudden confidence had arose from, but she wasn't going to question it. Actually, she was too happy to question it. It had been long enough already, and it wasn't even like you were a shy introvert. You were bubbly and outgoing, only the fear rejection held you back. But not anymore.
You stood up from your seat, ignoring the encouraging chants of your best friend from behind you as you walked towards Niki's seat. The annoying girl, whose name you still couldn't remember, was still sitting beside Niki— too close for your liking.
"Niki-ya! Let's go out somet—"
"Hi, Niki." You cut the annoying girl off. Niki and the girl looked up at you at the interference, and you could swear you saw an ounce of relief on the boy's face as he noticed your presence. Jesus Christ, how uncomfortable was she making him?
"Yes?" He asked you, taking in your smile.
"Who are you?" The girl asked, raising a rude brow at your uninvited arrival.
You didn't even switch your gaze from Niki to her as you spoke. "I was talking to Niki."
Before she could protest against my answer, Niki beat her to it, starting to speak to you to avoid sitting with her for any longer. She was frustrating him. "What were you here for, Y/N?" He asked, making your heart skip a beat as he said your name so sweetly. You thought he wouldn't even remember your name, but he proved you wrong, and this was the first time you were so happy about being proved wrong. You cleared your throat nonetheless, ignoring the sudden zoo in your stomach.
"I was here to ask you about the project. Do we start working on it now? It's a free period after all." You said. Niki was confused by your words. What project were you talking about? His furrowed brows told you that he was being too dense to take a hint.
"What project?" He asked.
"Oh, come on, silly." You smacked his shoulder lightly, acting friendly. "Our history project, what else?"
He seemed to have caught on with your act, because his face lit up suddenly, and he chuckled in acknowledgement. "Yeah, right— our.. our history project." He let out. "I think we should start right now. I heard the deadline was next week."
"But— we had plans?" The annoying girl spoke but Niki had already stood up, hanging his schoolbag on his shoulder. Niki completely ignored her, acting like he couldn't hear her voice as you picked up your schoolbag as well.
"Let's go then, partner." He muttered under his breath, catching you by surprise as he grabbed your wrist and hurriedly took you out of the classroom. You could still hear the girl calling for Niki but he didn't seem to care at all. The only thing he seemed to be focused on was getting out of there as soon as possible.
As soon as the both of you stepped outside of the classroom and started walking in the busy hallways, he let go of your wrist, turning to look at you. You stared back for a few moments, waiting for him to call you stupid and walk away, but much to your surprise, that never happened. Instead, your childhood crush let out a small laugh, taking in your closed state.
"Why do you look so scared?" He grinned at you. You couldn't answer, you were too flushed to even do that. The pace of your heartbeat kept increasing the longer he looked at you with that contagious smile of his. When you still didn't reply, his smile dropped and he leaned down to match your height, now too close to your face. "I'm talking to you." He said.
But how could you respond? You had felt too confident when you agreed to rescue him but now that he was beaming down at you and standing so close, you couldn't find it in yourself to respond to anything he said. Ignoring the blood rushing to your cheeks at such a fast pace, you realised that you had to say something and that he won't wait forever. He was too popular to just stand here and watch you being stupid.
"I— I guess I'll leave then." You gave him a small smile, walking away from the awkward scene. Niki was confused, standing there like a deer struck in the headlights. She's kinda weird, he thought to himself. But not even a second later, he smiled automatically. But she's cute weird.
Without thinking twice about it, Niki made a slow run to get to you, grabbing your wrist once he did. You were sure your face would be looking like a tomato by now from how hard you were blushing. You were scared to turn around and face him, if you stayed any longer in his presence then you might explode from the butterflies he was causing you.
"Wait." He said, and you bit your lip, slowly turning around to face him. "You rescued me, so I owe you now."
"It's okay." You smiled. "You owe me nothing."
"Niki?" The muffled voice of the same girl from before was heard and both of you became aware, looking at each other with wide and confused eyes, conversing silently to confirm if you both heard the same thing or not. When you nodded at him with an amusing smile on your face, he huffed, making a run for it again.
"She's so annoying." He let out with hushed breaths as the both of you ran, your wrist still captive in his large hand.
"What's her name anyway?" You said while running, feeling his hand slipping down your wrist and latching onto your fingers. You tried not to let out a shriek of excitement from the gesture. Your crush was holding your hand. Your crush was holding your hand!
"I don't know. I zoned out after two minutes of her talking." He let out a breathy chuckle, your steps slowing down as the both of you reached a secluded corner where no other student stood, it was just you and him.
"Oh God, I'm so not athletic for running that much." You whined, huffing out harsh breaths, one of your hands on your knees while the other stayed in his grip. He chuckled at your answer, leaning his head against the wall behind him. Once you regained your breath again, you leaned your head back on the wall just beside Niki, your hands still intertwined.
"Do you wanna skip school?" He asked out of the blue, making you turn to him, only to find him looking down at you already. You had never skipped school before, so you found it hard to give him a positive response. But on the other hand, you wanted to be like a normal girl and say yes to spending more time with your crush. And so you decided.
Fuck being a good girl for once.
"What?" Niki was shocked by your reply. He didn't expect you to say yes to the offer, and how could he? You were such a good girl— turning in your classwork in due time, always showing up to class early, being soft spoken and what not. But none of this meant that you were uptight or shy, you also had a full-time job as a class clown. You were funny and bubbly, you were like a ray of sun that lost its way and somehow reappeared as a small fluttery girl. You were so perfect, that sometimes he had to remind himself that people like you could actually exist.
"I said, sure. Let's do it." You were grinning now, adrenaline pumping as you realised this was going to be first time experience for you. You had always wanted to ditch this boring school mid-day and leave for some ice-cream, but you held yourself back in fear of getting caught.
"C— cool." He stuttered out, nodding his head, getting out of the shock.
"But how do we get out?" You asked.
"Leave that to me." He grinned back at you, starting to walk again, your hand still stuck in his. You had no option but to let him drag you along wherever he was going. "I've done this a lot of times before."
A gasp shot out from your mouth at the information. "And you never got caught?" You asked.
"No... I mean, mostly, I don't get caught. But I did get caught once or twice." You wanted to laugh at how you couldn't feel anxiety brewing at his words. He confessed to this being a risk, but this time you were willing to take it.
. • ° . ✧ . ° 。⁠ . * ✯ . • ° . ๑ ◕ * ☆ • . ✷ .
"I can't climb this!" You protested as he threw his bag on the other side of the tall wall. He waved you off, focusing on throwing your schoolbag next.
"I'll help." He smiled at you, sending a small wink afterwards. You tried not to throw up from the amount of butterflies you were feeling in that moment. Did he just— wink at you?
"It's not that, it's just..." It was embarrassing to even say it, and the way he was looking at you curiously, awaiting an explanation, it made you want to cower away back into your classroom.
"Just what?" His voice dropped a few decibels, now starting to sound more deep and serious.
"I'm—" You tried to speak, but your ears were turning red at the thought of saying this to him. "I'm wearing a skirt."
"Oh." was the only thing he could say, his own cheeks getting redder by the second. He wanted to slap himself for cornering you into such an awkward situation. "I— I won't look." He stuttered out, and you fumbled with your fingers behind your back, looking up at him. "I'll close my eyes." He gave you an awkward toothy smile.
"Promise?" You let out, pointing a finger towards him. He nodded softly, closing his eyes instantly, making you smile. God, how had you never known that Niki was such a goofball? How had you assumed that he was cold?
He joined his hands and leaned down so he could help you climb the wall, his eyes still closed. "You ready?" He asked, struggling a bit with his eyes shut but he wouldn't dare to open his eyes, not when you were trusting him like this.
"Yes." You said quietly, placing your right foot on his joined hands, your other foot stepping on a crack in the wall. Soon enough, you climbed the wall, jumping off on the other side with a small squeak.
"You okay?" You could hear him from the other side as you picked both the bags off of the ground. You yelled back a 'yeah', waiting for him to get here already. You heard fumbling on the other side and soon enough, he was jumping off the wall to join you.
Both of you grinned at each other at the successful escape from the cell called school.
"Let's go then." He reached out for your hand, holding it again. He just couldn't let go of your hand, it was too comfortable for him to let go. He loved the feeling of your small hand enclosed in his large one. Your hands weren't necessarily small, they were quite big actually, but his masculine enlarged hands made them look so small.
"Where?" You asked, walking with him hand-in-hand. You wondered what other people would think if they saw the both of you like this, would they think you are a couple? Even the thought made you happy.
"I don't know." He shrugged. "Just wanna hang out with you."
Blood rushed to your cheeks at his comment. "With me?" You talked, keeping your tone cool.
"Yeah, it's been a long time since we hung out." He smiled at you, tightening his grip around your fingers and making your heart flutter. "Remember middle school? When we used to sit together?"
"Of course. How could I forget?" You chuckled to yourself, taking in the fact that he actually remembered you. You had thought he wouldn't due to the fact that he basically ignored you after your seating plans changed and you started to sit with Eunchae. Okay, fine, maybe "ignore" was a big word to describe it, the word "busy" might be right. Because it seemed like he got too busy to even maintain eye contact with you, too busy being the hot and popular guy.
"I thought—" He bit his lip. "I thought you wouldn't remember."
"I wouldn't remember?" You scoffed. "Weren't you the one too busy being everyone's school crush to remember me? I thought you wouldn't remember."
"Why wouldn't I?" He laughed, before his tone lowered. "You're not easy to forget." He had said it quietly, in hopes that you wouldn't hear. But you did. You heard it. Even if you were trying hard not to show that you did, you had heard it as clear as a day.
So that's how time slipped, with the both of you walking around the city mindlessly, nothing on your minds when you had the company of each other. You both shared your experiences of life after middle school, raced a hundred metres (which ended up in him letting you win because you were too cute), and now you both were finally sitting down on a park bench.
"Do you want ice-cream?" He asked out of the blue, loosening his school tie.
"Sure." I smiled at him. When he stood up, you stopped him. "Hey, Niki, can I use your phone for a moment? I forgot mine with Eun."
"Yeah, go ahead." He nodded, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone to give it to you. You thanked him politely before he walked away.
You opened the contacts, dialing your best friend's number. You decided it would be safe if you could explain to Eunchae where you were so she could back you up at school. You knew you didn't have to put her up to it, she would do it by herself, but still.
An eyebrow raised when you saw that Niki already had her contact saved by her name. Another thought came to your mind from this, what if he had your number saved too? You had his number saved in your phone, and you were curious to know if he had done the same. So, curiosity took the better of you and you forgot all about informing Eun, dialling your own number in his phone.
Your eyes widened at the sight that came after that. He indeed had your number saved, but that was not even the shocking part. The shocking part was the way he had saved your contact. It was saved by your first name, with a '<3' at the end. He had put a heart in front of your name. Why had he put a heart in front of your name?
Still recovering from the shock of this, you pressed the back button a bit too many times, which ended up in you accidentally clicking on the photos app. You were sure that if your eyes got any wider, they would fall out of your sockets. But you weren't worried about that right now, what you were worried about was your poor heart because it seemed like it was planning to jump out of your chest with the way it was beating so hard.
He had a folder by your name. And all it contained were pictures of the both of you together, some of you alone. All the pictures were from middle school when we sat together. Some included the selfies he took with you, while some included candid pictures of you as you sat quietly and listened to the teacher. It even contained a picture of you sleeping, a cheek pressed against the wooden desk and lips slightly parted while you were lost in your slumber. You were so dumb to forget how much Niki liked to click pictures of anything possible.
You tried to manipulate yourself into thinking that it was just a hobby he had and he probably has a folder with everyone else too. But when you searched for any other folder in name of someone else, you were proven wrong. There was no other folder of anyone seperate. It was you. Only you.
"Hey, I forgot to ask what flavour you want—"
A shriek left your mouth at the interruption, and you looked up to see Niki standing there, his eyes wide at the reaction you just gave him. He was confused as to why you were acting so shocked, but when he saw his phone in your hand, the gears in his mind turned.
Oh no, he thought, did she see it?
"I didn't mean to— it's just— my hand slipped." You let out with every ounce of urgence in you, standing up and offering his phone back to him. "And I might've just seen how you saved my contact and that you have a folder dedicated to me but nothing else, I swear." You wanted to slap yourself for talking too much, but you couldn't just stop sputtering nonsense.
"Oh my God, Y/N, please don't think of me as a creep, I was just—" His face was becoming red in embarassment. His crush had just seen the things he had on his phone, it was downright humiliating. "I don't know how to explain it. Y/N, don't get me wrong here, I know it may seem creepy but— shit— You know what? You can think of me as a creep, so let's just ignore each other until school ends then we'll just go to college and you will never have to look at me again. I just like you so so so much, but I guess I'll live with it—"
"I like you."
"And then I can just kill mys— wait, what?" His eyes were widened as he finally stopped talking rubbish. What had you just said? Were you trying to murder the poor guy?
"I said I like you." I smiled up at him. "I've liked you since middle school." You were shocked at your own words, but you were feeling too confident to stop now that you had seen how much of a coward your crush was. You had thought that you were the one with the fear of rejection, turns out Niki was the one who was afraid.
"R— really?" He stuttered out, not believing what he was hearing.
"Yeah, r— really." You mocked him, watching as he rolled his eyes slightly at the mimicry. "God, and I thought I was a coward. You're even a bigger coward than me, Nishimura Riki. Couldn't you have just told me? Was it that hard?"
"You're one to talk." His brows creased as he stared at you accusingly. "If you liked me since middle school, couldn't you have told me? You are such a hypocrite."
"Oh, I'm sorry if I was too afraid that you would reject me. It's not like you had girls all around you anyway." I rolled my eyes, feeling jealousy brewing at you at the thought.
He liked it so much when you got all jealous and defensive. "Don't act all jealous now." He pointed a finger in your face.
"Or what?"
"Or I'll kiss you." He smirked at the shocked expression on your face before you regained yourself, looking up in his eyes with such a pretty look. He loved your pretty doe eyes staring into his, your nose and cheeks turning red from the mere thought of kissing him, and your tempting lips begging to be ruined.
"Then do it." You spoke quietly, stepping closer to him so that the heels of his converse touched yours and his hand inched to touch your face.
"Fuck it." was the only thing he let out before your world came crashing down along with his lips on yours. His hand found your cheek, cupping it while he slowly moved his lips against yours. Your hand was on his waist, crumpling his shirt as you held it in your fist. Your stomach was filled with butterflies as you stood on your tiptoes to kiss him back easily.
He only kissed you shortly, pulling away slowly to look at your face. You lowered yourself back on your feet, staring up at him with a small smile automatically taking over your features. He smiled back, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Chocolate." You said.
His smile dropped at your words. "What?" He asked.
"I want chocolate ice-cream." I grinned at him.
"Oh." He chuckled. "Right. Ice-cream." He stepped away from you, running a hand through his hair and walking away to the icecream parlour. But before he could even take two steps, you laughed, grabbing his wrist and turning him around.
He didn't get to react as you took a hold of his tie, yanking it down, making his lips crash down on yours. He hummed in surprise against your lips, taking a few seconds to relax down and close his eyes, melting into your touch.
This might just be the start of a beautiful love story.
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utilitycaster · 2 months
I agree what the cast says does not hold as much weight as what happens on stream. I think this is why I get frustrated by the 'Orym is to blame for Laudna killing Bor'dor' debates, using things Liam and/or Marisha have said on 4-sided dive that contradict the actual scene, where Marisha states Laudna barely notices Orym and Ashton, and *nothing* will stop her from doing what she wants to do. At worst, it's inaction. Have interviews and things like that always held so much weight in fandom?
I am absolutely the wrong person to ask here; I was not super in fandom when I was younger. I am going to, as I am wont to do, make some educated guesses but please take with a grain of salt.
I think there's a few things going on. A lot of people have told me that Glee was the first fandom they personally recall where it became about winning more than like, having fun and sharing ideas, and I wouldn't be surprised if that is at least an influence. (The idea that two ships that do not conflict and indeed have incompatible sexualities are in some kind of deathly serious competition is truly so baffling to me that I have to chalk up that particular bit of, if I may use a yiddishism here, mishegos, to Glee for sure.)
I also think that there was a time and there are shows where interviews did (or do) carry more weight, namely, those with executive meddling, or loss of creative control, or, notably, queer ships until quite recently. I have a lot of friends in the Star Trek fandom even though I'm not knowledgeable at all and from what I am given to understand, there's been a few ships squashed or delayed by executive whim or homophobia that the actors would pretty openly and consistently confirm at conventions. (The ones I know are Riker and Troi; and Garak and Bashir; but I have only hazy recollections of TNG and know NOTHING of DS9 so this is second-hand). I've talked about this before, but Word of God used to carry more weight for me when you simply couldn't have same gender romances on network TV or most mainstream film without risking your career. Now? You're a coward and a panderer.
Anyway I think with actual play specifically, which is improvised (ie, intent can shift dramatically and unexpectedly) and which has a lot of talkback shows and also a disproportionately huge amount of content people get in the habit of cherrypicking, and in extreme cases this turns into cherrypicking themselves straight out of the actual narrative and into microexpressions and OOC interviews and side conversations from three years ago.
I also, and I am too tired and too many drinks in (two drinks in, to be clear) to articulate this tonight, find that actual play in particular has amassed a certain fandom that I think was attracted to things I like and support (queer characters, women/queer people/POC creating and driving their own characters, independent creator-owned productions, improvised and therefore at times really unique stories, not needing to have streaming services in some cases) but also doesn't actually like Actual Play as a medium (see: every single D20 fandom meltdown low-key boils down to "I have zero genre awareness of both whatever is going on narratively and also I high-key loathe D&D as a means of storytelling and particularly the existence of violence in narrative, yet I am watching the Violent Narrative D&D show, so dance or me, my puppets, wait why aren't you dancing.") So I think you get a lot of people who are just making dumb fucking arguments because they decide what they believe and then poorly reverse engineer the support instead of doing things in the proper order and I think the people claiming Orym is responsible for Bor'Dor's death are in that category and we should stop treating them as people who are adding anything of worth to the conversation.
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dream-phantasm · 1 year
Leona Kingscholar x Reader: Love Letters (6)
motivation flopped :(
Rook shows up as well as a surprise guest...
Hope you enjoy! No spoilers or warnings for now but this might change in future installments :)
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 [!] | END
"Beauté! How merveilleux!" You squint, shielding your eyes.
"Fygaa! He's so shiny dazo!" Grim grunts. "You've finally decided to seek me out, a smart decision, Trickster!" Rook Hunt was a very bizarre student. As a Pomefiore student, an NRC student on top of that, he was naturally eccentric and beautiful. 
Yet he has that edge to him that makes you want to run far, far away from him. "Uh, I'll just leave you all to it…make sure Rook doesn't blow anything up." Trey quickly closes the door behind him. 
"Trey, don't leave us!" Ace whines, placing his hand on the door. "Tell me when you're done." They could hear Trey's voice getting further, he has definitely ditched them. "It's not time to be a coward, Ace!" Deuce nudged him. 
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Hunt." You decide to wave as he stood up and took you by the hand. He gives a light peck to your hands and looks up at you with those cunning green eyes. You squeak and flinch. 
"Oh my great sevens, ew." Ace groans, covering his eyes. Deuce stands on the side awkwardly watching the interaction. "You smell funny dazo." Grim sniffs the air, looking warily at the Pomefiore vice dorm head. The more accurate assumption was that Rook Hunt simply did not smell, at all. 
"Don't be rude, Grim." You scold him. "I've already known about you for a while, mx. It's merveilleux to meet you in person! My name is Rook Hunt, at your service." Rook introduces himself properly. "You can just call me Rook, Trickster." He adds with a smile. 
"Okay." You simply nod, this guy weirded you out. From the way he had spoken to you, you could already assume he knew of your situation. You are fairly sure Rook was stalking either your admirer or you. 
"So, you know about the thing…?" You ask just to confirm. "Oui! You've come to the right person to find your prince charmant!" Rook nods eagerly. "Good! Then, spill! Tell me who it is!" You also eagerly lean forward. 
"Fufu! But I cannot expose one's secrets as le Chasseur d'Amour!" Your face freezes before it turns into an empty expression of despair. You slowly sink to the floor, you wish to become part of the floor.
Life might be easier if I were the floor. I could just exist all day…not needing to worry about any overblots or secret admirers. I could get stepped on all day by hot- Wait. I don't want that… You blinked blankly.
"[Name], are you okay!?" Deuce shakes you frantically. "Why am I here…just to suffer?" You weakly grunt, flailing limply in his arms. "Henchman, you owe me tuna dazo!" Grim joins in shaking you, the best he could with his little paws anyway. 
"Oh my! What a tearful display of peine d'amour!"
"Alright, enough being dramatic! Hey, you! This is your fault." You hear Ace snap. "Oh, how your compagnons care for you." You spot Rook wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. "Ugh." You grumble.
"There's no need to worry, Trickster! As Monsieur Dandelion said, he indeed has eyes the colour of emeralds and he is indeed a student of Savanaclaw as you merveilleusement guessed!" Rook finally provides you a few hints. Deuce stops shaking you as you slowly get up. 
"Ace, I think we are going to be looking into every Savanaclaw students' eyes." You turn to face Ace, with a serious look on your face. He scrunches up his nose. "No way, you can do that on your own." Ace rolls his eyes, looking away from you. "Maybe we should ask Cater again…" Deuce suggests. 
"There's no way he would keep track of something like that, idiot." Ace scoffs. "Oi! I don't see you making any helpful suggestions!" He glares at Ace. "Aghh, I'm getting hungry again from thinking about our lost sandwich dazo!" Grim groans, rolling on the floor. "I'm sorry!" You wail, you really didn't mean to give Ruggie the sandwich. 
"Excuse me." The door to the alchemy classroom opens suddenly, a tall man with teal hair and mismatched yellow eyes stepped into the room. 
"Monsieur Prémédité!" Rook greeted him cheerfully. "Hello, Rook." The new student smiled politely in response. His eyes did a quick scan of the room, those heterochromia eyes landing on…you?!
You wave awkwardly. Ace slaps your hand down. You give him a questioning look but he continues staring skeptically at the student. You look to Deuce to find he looks a bit unsure as well. This might've been some weird dorm tension so you observe the student's armband. 
Octavinelle? You try your best to recall what Cater and Trey had told you that day. It's based on the Sea Witch and its main trait is compassion. Probably has a lot of mermen, right? You still don't understand how this relates to beef with Heartslabyul or Ace. You swear to the Great Sevens, how did he get into the bad graces of so many students already?
"Oh, are you busy at the moment? I could come back later." He turns back to Rook. "Hold on a moment, Trickster. What are you here for, Monsieur Prémédité?" Rook asks, turning his attention to the Octavinelle student. 
"Just the special fertilizer for mushrooms. Are they still in the cupboard?" He asks politely, staring at the cupboard behind you. 
You quickly shuffle aside nervously. The Octavinelle student notices this and you hear him chuckle quietly. Please hurry up and leave. The audacity of these guys. 
"You've gotten Crewel's permission, oui?" Rook tilts his head. "Yes. For my alchemy project this week." He nods. "You're working on luminescent fungi, correct? It's in the cupboard, Monsieur Prémédité." He gestures to the cupboard. 
"Fufu, yes, that's correct. I wonder how you figured out already." The Octavinelle student laughs, he walks toward the cupboard and crouches down.
"If I may be so presumptuous, your name is [Name], correct?" He suddenly asks you. You weren't that surprised. You're rather infamous due to the welcoming ceremony incident and then the chandelier one. 
"Yeah, it's uh, nice to meet you, Mr…?" You trail off awkwardly. "Jade Leech. Fufufu, I saw you were running around campus, asking for someone." He smiled, amused. You flushed. You probably did look like a headless chicken, huh?
It was too late for your dignity here anyway. "O-Oh, uh, yeah." You nod. "Do you by chance know a Savanaclaw student with green eyes, Leech?" Deuce asks hopefully. "Hey, don't go asking everyone, it's too vague anyway, stupid." Ace scoffs, he's still staring skeptically at Jade. 
"A Savanaclaw student with green eyes, hm? Why exactly are you looking for them, if I may ask?" He tilts his head, still rummaging through the cupboard. "Reasons…?" You offer unconvincingly. "Fufufu, well, if you don't wish to tell me, I wouldn't want any student getting into trouble because of me." Jade replies, pulling out a bag of fertilizer. He easily pries Grim away from trying to get into the bag of fertilizer.
"Fygaa! You're too crazy strong dazo!" He scowls, shuffling to your side. "Can you even eat fertilizer…?" You squint at him doubtfully.
"We don't need your help then." Ace snaps, yanking you further from Jade. "Fufu, there's no need to be so wary. I'll offer you a free hint. He's an important figure in the Savanaclaw hierarchy." Jade smiles, standing up to his full height. 
Important position? You weren't quite sure what that meant. The only thing you could think was either the dorm head or the vice dorm head. You don't even know if this information is to be trusted. Before you can even thank or ask him about that, he turns toward Rook. 
"I'll be taking my leave now, thank you for allowing me to borrow this." Jade thanks Rook with a nod. "No problem, Monsieur Prémédité! Just be sure to return it when you're done." Rook beams back. 
"[Name], if you ever need any assistance or advice, the doors of Mostro Lounge are always open." Jade offers before shutting the door behind him. His heterochromia eyes twinkle with amusement and you're definitely freaked out by this guy.
"Ugh, that guy gave me the heebie-jeebies dazo!" Grim declares rather loudly. "Ah, watch it! Don't say stuff so loudly like that, you're gonna get caught!" Ace hurriedly glares at him, still glancing warily at the door. "Um, that was…interesting to say the least." You laugh nervously.
"We won't take up any more of your time now, Rook. Thank you for the information." You want to leave as quickly as possible to collect your thoughts. "Thank you so much for the help!" Deuce adds as well.
"You're welcome, Trickster!"
"I don't wanna be here any longer…" Ace grabs the both of you by the wrist and drags you out of the Science club room. "Fyga! Wait up dazo!" Grim growls, scampering after you three.
Ao3: HERE If you see it posted anywhere or by anyone else, it's not me.
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 11 months
alright. so. for reasons even i dont know about i have finished watching.... danny phantom. for the first time. in 2023. yeah
thoughts below
im not kidding when i say 'for the first time' lol i actually watched a couple of episodes but i unfortunately missed it due to being a zoomer. however i do remember thinking that this was.. really cool. like the premise is really cool and so this is a no-nostalgia watch
season 1 was fun but season 2 was something else. its overall a mix of average to above average to Actually amazing episodes with the exception of season 3 which ... ?? ??? ?? ? ? i am going to pretend that wasn't a thing because unfortunately i really did like season 2
season 2 was extremely fun and had really interesting episodes. vlad was the best character in all of the show tbh and the ultimate enemy episodes were ??!!!?!!?!!?!!?! HELLO? ?? ?! SO GOOD. THEY HAD NO RIGHT BEING THAT GOOD. Season 2 overall had a bunch of episodes that had no right being as enjoyable as they were. I loved the 'what-if' episodes and the darker story in the ultimate enemy because i had indeed thought what if Vlad won or if took danny in. Have i mentioned how vlad's the best character? because he is. I usually don't like main villians or main protagnists but the vlad and danny episodes were definitely the best. Vlad is such a creep with weird predator groomer written all over him and yknow what? he did it right.
I really love the premise of the show and i wish it had been darker. and personal bias moment but if this exact premise was given to a mangaka or an anime studio it would've been an absolutely perfect 10/10 show. DP was really nice for what it was but godd it made me itch for darker content of everything, i mean, thats the starting tone! dude half died! ghosts are dead humans!! why not go all out? why the tease??? i loved the ghost zone and the entire ghost community thing and wish that it was... More. again, go all out with the premise!! damn restrictions for a below 13 yo show.
season 3 and the finale left a really sour taste in my mouth. yasterday while watching season 2 i was beyond impressed with everything but now i am... disappointed and annoyed. and i didnt even watch it fully for this exact reason, i watched like 80% of the finale but just got so bored i skipped around... sighs.
the characters were annoying at the start of the show but they actually became.. better, perfect even in season 2 then became stale in season 3. sighs. ive read on reddit that apparently this is a really common complaint so alas i'm sure there's a rant from 2011 that perfectly captures everything wrong with season 3 better than i could. it still sucks though
all in all, its definitely unforgettable. even just knowing the premise and opening of the show made it stick around in my brain despite never having seen the show. i love horror honestly. god i wish the show was darker and edgier, dammit. it was so close to perfection ... but then again, the characters are mostly eeeeeeeeeeh and danny is... a teen. i guess. i hate simp characters. tucker was annoying and sam was annoying at the start but she ngl has alot of nice moments but, again, i hate simp characters.
all in all (2) i want to watch an anime now. i feel the exact same way i felt when i decided to ditch cartoons and watch exclusively anime ngl. now im itching for edge and pain and murder and gore and blood done by NOT cowards. but the show was really fun...
when compared with other cartoons ive watched it... may be better than avatar and gravity falls and so on. it has it's charm!
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yooniesim · 2 years
It’s kind of disappointing that you’re not using your platform to call Sim Vault (one of Mack’s closest friends in the community and a creator) out on her blatant racism. For the record, Sim Vault is the creator who “exposed” the doxxing ring. Not because it was the right thing to do, but because she was rejected by the group of creators for being considered untrustworthy. That hurt her ego and she decided to lambast them. She‘s been being dragged on Twitter for her racist comments and has since deleted her Twitter account altogether to avoid the heat:
1. Telling Black simmers that we don’t can’t complain about being called “black simmers” since we call ourselves that — which literally no one ever complained about. This was in response to the leaked screenshots of Sunny/Mack telling a friend that Black simmers need to stop crying victim and get “over it.” SimVault’s dumb ass thought the racism part of that was in calling Black people…Black. I guess she is using the logic that we shouldn’t call ourselves the n-word if we don’t want others too; which again, the fact that she’s equating the two speaks volumes. She referred to us as “you people” and also poked fun at BLM.
2. Told a Black Simmer that SHE was continuing racism by…talking about it. More specifically by calling Mack out. “You want racism to end? Stop talking about it. You’re continuing racism.” Straight out of conservative’s playbook. She lacks the mental bandwidth to have a nuanced conversation about racism so I won’t waste my finger stamina unpacking that bull shit.
3. Made a thinly veiled threat to report a Black simmer’s legal cannabis business by saying “I hope it’s legal” and “Funny…because I can’t find your license to distribute CBD on your state government’s directory.” Which a) is doxxing b) is racially motivated to assume that a black woman would not be licensed c) a clear threat to someone’s livelihood.
There are other examples that others have captured both on Twitter and Tumblr but Sim Vault is a coward. She’s deleting things just as quickly as she posts them. Receipts can be found @artistalchemystic on Tumblr as well as on @SSimflower Twitter (who is the Black woman whose business was threatened by Sim Vault).
SV and Mack are close friends. This now should satiate any doubt that Mack/Sunny/Solar Pirate is indeed a flaming racist. Even her longtime gal pal, Simbelene, has turned on her and is seen liking a ton of Twitter posts dragging both Sunny & Sim Vault. Though your hands ain’t clean either Simbelene: you knew, as a Black woman yourself, exactly who she was and you never called her out. Publicly nor privately and I know that as I was in the private friends’ server. You rubbed her back to make sure she knew she wasn’t racist all so that you could have a stake in the anti-paywall popularity race. Shame on you all.
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I've gotten a few asks about this subject so I wanted to put them together.
Side note before I get into it though: the part about it being disappointing I'm not "using my platform" to talk about this is rude. I answer these asks when I can and give my opinions on topics but I am not some simblr paragon of justice as much as Mack isn't and it's not my job to write a callout post on everyone on this site. I didn't even know who this person was until I got these asks about them. I appreciate people coming and telling me things, but I'm not a machine or a news outlet. Try to be kinder.
Anyway, here's the asks I've gotten and all the proof. So more of Mack's friends are blatant racists? Color me surprised. It's all terrible, but the third point is especially sickening. I kept hearing mentions of someone being doxxed but couldn't find any details. To threaten someone's business in the first place is gross, and to actually take the time to find out what state they're supposedly in and look up a directory is so strange and violating. It's no wonder that all these racists used to run with the paywallers bc they all have the same MO. I have no idea how they managed to turn and get a good reputation here. Especially since their turns all seem to be based on hurt egos. SimVault and Mack both weren't good enough for the paywallers, and so they turned against them. It was never about paywalling, never about the community, never about the doxxing and harassment. It's about them. It's sad.
To anyone reading this: please be careful. I hate to say it, but it's hard to trust people here and they will try to use your personal info to hurt or threaten you. When I was younger it was standard to not use your real name, important email, etc online and I would encourage that here as well. Don't tell anyone your detailed location, or even your state if you're from the US. It's incredibly easy to find someone with just a small amount of info these days. Be safe.
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Demons Unleashed ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Gaiden Pt. 25 ~
Maka Albarn : [looking at the Violet Purple Heart] So...this Violet Pure Heart object, that Genesis fella told me that I was the one who woke up from a fantasy world that I was living in, this courage, me defeating a God, and...this Soul Resonance. But no, it wasn't Soul Resonance or it was something else that what made realize that I was under the influence of the boy who created my world. But what did the Nightmaren say anything about my world being destroyed?
*Heartbeat echoing*
Maka Albarn : !?
[To the World of Memory - Yutaka Minobe]
Maka Albarn : Huh? Where am I? What's going on?
Inky Jr : You are inside the dream world, Soul World was just a fantasy of you living in.
Maka Albarn : Soul World? What are you talking about? This world...This is Soul world? This enitre world was created in my head? Hey, look that's me, My sister, mother, and my friends. Guess she's not the one that is part of the story, but why on earth would she even say anything about this world.
Inky Jr. : Look closely. What see you here in this Soul World of yours is very wrong to the picture, the Nightmarens put you all through this for around 3 years ago while you were in a deep sleep after the incident.
Maka Albarn : You mean Soul Eater was just a dream that I created around three years ago. But Shinigami, the witches, and the Gods...
Inky Jr : All of this was part of their plan in order to fuel the Darkness in your heart, your rage, your hatred, and all of that courage has gone to waste, they were feeding you information that you were the protector of the Kusakabe Legacy, you were the next devil of Shinra's new world that he created for you and has spreaded the lies.
Maka Albarn : Hey, what's my sister talking about now?
Maka Albarn : What? Is she saying none of that is real?
Inky Jr. : Indeed.
[Solitude - Tomoko Sasaki]
[evil laughters is heard from a group]
Maka Albarn : What's that sound.
Inky Jr. : I smell evil in their blood.
Maka Albarn : That sound like...(sees Soul with glowing red eyes) Soul! Oh I'm glad that you finally made it and...Soul? What's with the evil look on your eyes?
Inky Jr. : Be careful and open your eyes, because that man you entrusted isn't him. And so of these that you all entrusted with.
Soul (?) : [laughs evilly] I never thought that we all enstrusted to be the next devil of Shinra's new world. You gotta the dumbest of all, Maka.
Tsubaki (?) : Yeah, you are such a fool to us all, Maka. You calling yourself a hero and angel? Ha! What a joke!
Blair (?) : I can't believe you gave all of our thanks for being the fools of the Ohkuboverse, you and Shinra are just a bunch of losers, this world that he created had to make you all suffer the same fate as he did. Guess the evil forces won't be teasing you anymore if they're gone and Crona will be gone, you won't be the hero to save anyone, anymore. What a coward!
Liz (?) : Yeah, a coward!
(everyone laughs at Maka evilly)
Kimial Diehl (?) : You call yourself a hero? That is so lame!
Maka Albarn : Papa, please help me.
Spirit Albarn (?) : You should've listen to the truth, Maka. Because you are always such a fool and I must thank for defeating a relative to the Kusakabe that is the Kishin...YOU BIG LIAR!
All : Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!
Maka Albarn : Stop it! Stop it! I showed the world my courage! I'm not a coward! I did everything what I did! Why me, Why Shinra!? I'm sorry that I wanted be a hero just like Shinra, I wanted to be like him, I didn't meant to come to this way, I only wanted to believe in him! AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!
Moira Albarn : Sister, run! Get out of there! None of this is real!
Maka Albarn : !?
Inky Jr. : What are you fools doing? You're making this girl cowering in fear! These are not your friends that lived in your world!
Soul (?) : Of course we're not real. You and the entire world of Soul Eater is just a fantasy living inside of her head.
Tsubaki (?) : Yeah, you are right, Ink Demon. None of this real, neither Soul World is.
Black Star (?) : Can't believe a girl living in the real world felt for it. Living in a Fantasy world was your disorder, Maka. Just of a part of your dream.
Death the Kid (?) : Yeah, Maka. thanks for making us live in your "Fantasy" world, ya stupid girl. Now get back to celebrating your doom and start turning youuuuur fate!
Soul (?) : Yeah, or else things in the real world may not work, [stutters] work...work...work...wooooork! [begins to break, with a distorted voice] This is definitely not according what Master Xehanort planned for us in this dream! I mean Master Wizeman! No, Lord eNeMeE!!!
Maka Albarn : Master Xehanort, Wizeman, Lord eNeMeE? What are you talking about? What's the deal with Master Xehanort, Soul and you guys? I'm confused for all of this. But You all sounded like a bunch of...
*SMASH SFX : Shield Break*
Maka Albarn : Heartless!
[Cauldron Probe - Amduskia (Battle ver.) - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Inky Jr : You see, Maka Albarn. This is not the World of Soul Eater, you've been lured into a trap set up by Wizeman.
Maka Albarn : So the Sega fools set me up for this!
Inky Jr. : We better hurry! (the two runs off to escape)
Maka Albarn : Everyone one that I known and love aren't real, they were only heartless in my head. So the real ones are living in the real world! You were right and I was wrong, they were all false to me! No wonder why the heartless attention' were about targeting the human race, why would Asura wanted to destroy the world and reclaim as his own planet!?
Inky Jr. : Because Demon Vibe was only trying to conquer the Galaxy, the Kishin was just heartless, another of the Four Emperors of Evil.
Maka Albarn : So those were the four emperors that were under the influence of Demon Vibe in order to destroy the Galaxy, but wait, you said that there's one missing. Who could've be...(sees a light that they are running towards) It's that light again! But how...?!
Inky Jr. : What is this!?
"I've awaited for your return, visitor."
"You've just made yourself into the promised land."
"This will be your wake up call of the day."
"I wonder what you have for us in store?
~ Stage 29 : Dream Drop of Another Distance ~
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honeybeewhereartthee · 6 months
It seems indeed there a case of people who saw you many years ago and sees you again now and think how strange it is that you don't seems to age, even a bit.
It was not something to not be surprised about or think how odd reaction it was.
People just reacting what sane human would do: torch their way to your place and demand to burn the witch. In this case you. And you who's looking at the scene on the balcony.
"Oh noo... I'm gonna die... " You dramatically fall to Kanata arms who chuckle at your silliness. "Ah! 'dont' 'die'.... It be 'sad'... And 'tragic'...." He seems to understand what your going for as he play along with you.
"Stop fooling around." You both get hit In the head with a newspaper. "Meanie! >:(" you frown as you rub your head and glare at the old tojou.
"this meanie is about to help you about your problem. I guess I won't."
"I don't need help!" You rolled your eyes. "I can find some solution on my own..." Bad habits die hard.
"can't I help you, my dollmaker?"
"you need to 'trust' and depend on someone help too even just a bit. Well you let us help you?"
"one person cannot make an island. As they say." He stare at your eyes wanting to show how he wish to help you.
[ coward. Do it. ]
[you have to understand that people wish to help you, yet how could you be helped if you close the door and slap people hands away? Such habit of yours leads the down fall of a fucking asshole. ]
You felt that it's a burden to ask for someone for help. It seems that your taken a while to answer kanata because he chuckle and smiles as if already known such response from you.
"ah... I 'understand'..." Kanata seems to notice your silence and nodded his head in understanding. "If you wish to play as the witch. Then I'll be a witch with you~" he thought of it and it's the best plan he can think about!
"thats not how you fix this!" You two once again smacked in the head by the asian old man, tojou. "geez. Kids those days." He sigh before looking at the crowd. "They going to burn the house down..." You heard someone said, you look who it was and it was the young lady.
"..." You look at the crowd who's asking you out. "Hey are you all jealous cause I look so beautiful than your wrinkles and wanky face? " You yelled out to them and the crowd went wild for the bad reason as you seems to trigger them even more.
"So many fans! Thank you thank you! It's not my fault I am born beautiful and Fabolous to look so dashing and gorgeous even in this age of mine~" you wink at them. You hear a sigh from people behind you. "Do you felt bad to dispose such ethereal being cause your jealous ass cannot take care of yourself?" You giggle knowing too well your getting to people skin. "it's actually easy to be this fabulous like me....
It's cause I MIND MY OWN DAMN BUSINESS. NOW FUCK OFF!" You throw a middle finger at them, very annoyed at them now. "If you burn this place down. I'll burn YOU to shred and you think it's all bark. I know science bitches. I will burn you in chemicals you don't even know yet!"
Someone thrown a rock at you but Kanata who's besides you stop it before it hits you.
"That's very 'rude' for you to throw rock at someone head..." He look disappointed at the person who throw that. "Even through my dollmaker speak ill of you all, they don't raise a hand to harm you (yet)."
"You guys are out to get another 'life' just because they look 'different' and ' unique ' don't you think such 'mindset' is full of 'envy' in the mask of 'heroism'?" His voice is not loud as you are but it's soft yet well spoken to be heard by the crowd outside.
They all look at him, almost felt bad yet they all argue back that witch are supposed to be burn. Because they are sinners. Children of devil's.
"then everyone should be 'burn' in the 'pendulum'. As each one of you in the crowd are sinners like we are; One of you did adultery behind their spouse back, the other steals from thee neighbors, the other one envy the good life of others even through thee have good life on thee own;
'one from the back sloth away their life, waste every seconds for laziness yet loath the idea of wealth of hard work of others." He seems to know a lot of things that causes the people that he speak out the secrets that only those who evolve should know yet he who they never seen before know. Somehow as he speak away, be have this divine or some holy aura around him. Making others see as if his glowing, a saint or a god...
One of the people in the crowd denied what he claims and Kanata smiles at that person.
"It's ok to deny one sin in front of others, cause you 'dread' the outcome, the 'karma' you will face, [little adultery cheating spouse of another]." He clap his hand not caring he just told who was the adultery person.
The crowd goes wild as the cheating spouse tried to deny it but thee wife already out to get their ass beat cause of such fact being told.
"But what secret doesn't goes unsaid? All secrets shall be told today. I will say everything you 'hide' deep inside of your 'souls'... Oh sinners of this 'world', do you think your pitiful souls are ready to be burn in river of flame?"smiling warmly as he spread his arms welcoming them. His emerald eyes seems to shine in Glee, the mark of northern stars appear in his iris.
"for some reason I wanna go down on my knees and pray." You heard the old tojou commented in disbelief. You look at him and his really impress with Kanata. It seems that was not just a single thing with the old tojou as you watch some of the crowd went down and asking for forgiveness especially the one who throw the rock just now.
"ah.... 'oopsie' I don't mean it to end like a 'cult'..." Kanata find the situation to be difficult now. It seems he have over done it. But those people are the one who making him do such drastic measure of talking it out ... Before he really have to do something demanding and merciless if they don't comply to what he want.
"Kanata looks so cool and divine just now! Just like some KAMI descended on this earth." You can't help be impressed, also wanting to go down on your knee but since your holding on the wall, you can bare it and not suddenly go crazy and worship this doll beside you.
"ah.... A 'god' you say....?" His eyes widen at your words. "But I'm 'no longer' a 'god'..." You barely hear what he said just now before his attention shifted to something. "Ah! [ Miss ] please don't do that. The little one in your stomach will be harm." He seems to worry about others even so they fault him just now, he went to help the woman up. "Please be careful." He stared at her before looking at everyone.
"You all shouldn't be so energetic at this hot day. You'll get headache... And heatstroke. And being hateful those days will only gives you wrinkles than satisfaction..." He nags the crowd like mama hen before he stared at the sky, the clear blue sky. It was so hot today too. You just don't remember it since the problem before you.
"ah. It's too hot... I'm going to have 'heatstroke'." He dramatically put his hand on his forehead before he looks hopeless to the crowd yet a smile on his face.
"Won't you all forgot such hateful topic about witch, my dollmaker is simple just young looking... It might be a curse.... Ah.. it's hopeless.. what if they cannot marry for others will treat them nothing but a young child... Even so they are over the age of courting..." He stories to change the crowd minds and ideas about you.
Somehow it's working as he gives a good words on why you look so young and don't seems to age to the crowd. through maybe it was the fact how he show such godly image earlier they all become his cult member... And believer.
you watch the whole thing in the sideline and have gain sympathy of others cause you are an old maid to their eyes. Your like: wth just happened.
Even ritsu cannot believe this crap that he witness yet he remembers that Kanata is a friend of yours. Nothing is normal with anyone who hang around you that long while.
Today sure is weird...' you thought.
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dedahblog · 2 years
Underrated moment in the first arc that never fails to amuse me
We are pretty much at the end of the substitute shinigami arc, Ishida tries to provoke Ichigo to accept his challenge. So, he begins with his first strategy :
Humiliating him as a shinigami telling him that quincy are superior
Result :
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It doesn't work at all
I think there are two interesting things to notice here :
First, Ishida can't believe his ears. He even asks Ichigo to repeat his answer. He really thought that a simple statement as saying shinigami are not as competent as they claim would trigger Ichigo.
My guess is because of his initial major trust issues Uryu really believed Rukia was brainwashing Ichigo doing her best to enroll him in their system. He expected Ichigo to be offended because he thought Rukia made him define himself solely as a shinigami
Second, I really love how Ichigo didn't respond : "I am a human, not a shinigami stop bothering me with that"
The thing is Rukia kept him in the dark about anything connected to the soul society because she knew she was going to be executed since day 1. Ichigo of course is oblivious to all Rukia's inner turmoils but it doesnt bother him much that she's keeping Soul society a mystery because he trusts her. 😢
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Moreover, by the end of the day whatever atrocities the shinigami may have done, it doesn't change what defines a shinigami to Ichigo which is Rukia : someone who is willing to die to protect a stranger.
First attempt failed, Ishida continues with his second strategy
2. Hurt his pride by telling him he is coward for running away from a fight
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doesn't work either .
Ichigo is certain he is not running away because he is confident in his powers
That's why Ishida chose this third strategy :
3. Hurt his pride with a statement he knows Ichigo can't deny
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Basically tells him Rukia wears the pants in their relationship ,
which he probably figured it out by observing them for those 2 months
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The funny thing is
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There was some truth in it : Ichigo already had her approval to change into as shinigami if Ishida is going to contact him again.
Actually, it doesnt bother him much to state it. He even praises her quickness saying she didn't make any mistake about her prediction and he doesn't even look suprised because he knows he can trusts her judgment and can count on her.
This is their natural dynamic. Rukia give him guidance tell him how he should behave as a shinigami but she also trusts him and listen to him.
Ichigo is pretty comfortable with this seemingly power imbalance because it comes from a person whom he trusts and who puts his interests before hers.
The fact that Rukia is wearing the pants in their relationship itself didn't hurt his pride
What pissed him off is someone pointed it out in a mocking way implying he is someone totally submitting to Rukia to the point that she can't depend on him or trust him.
He wanted to show Ishida that Rukia indeed trusts him since she left him Kon's soul candy and had faith that he will choose the right opportunity to use it.
Which of course was not the case lmao
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Ishida wasn't his friend at that time to explain to him how he and Rukia actually works
Even if he were, it will take Ichigo to say cheesy speech about them being equals, trusting each other since the day they met, her power residing in him, etc. Something he isn't willing to admit to himself or Rukia let alone a stranger
Ichigo couldn't voice it all out that's why he decided to use his fist first, as a classic punk Ichigo would do.
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Grandfather's Ghost (short story)
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“So, medicine cat, eh?” Redjay settled beside his grandson, who had snuck out of the nursery and kept to the shadows of the camp wall to avoid being shooed back in or be seen talking to air.
Myrtlekit nodded enthusiastically. He had told Hickoryskip his decision earlier that day, and guessed that either Redjay or another of his family had seen the discussion. “A good choice, right?”
Redjay made a doubtful grunt. “Are you sure it’s the path for you? You have a bloodlust in you, little one, battles are a good way to quench the thirst.”
“But it’s so mindless,” Myrtlekit responded, pulling his mouth to one side. “Slashing around is fun, but it’ll get boring in time, right? And what am I gonna do when there’s no war for moons?”
His grandfather grinned, his teeth glinting in the moonlight. “Aw, so mind games has piqued your interest, has it?” His smile dropped. “But you’ll have to target the weak, and you’re better than that. Stronger than that.”
Anger clawed Myrtlekit’s chest. “I’m no coward! If they’re not weak, I’ll make them weak, then I’ll make them all beg for mercy and give them none!”
Redjay’s eyes sparked. A ring of energy seemed to shoot through his body, lifting his fur in enthusiasm. “Oh, the fire in you, my little one!” He tilted his head, so far it almost looked like the bones inside had split apart. “I suppose I do see the benefits. Herbs and poison right by your paws, to be used at your disposal…”
“Trusted by my Clanmates and leader,” Myrtlekit added, remembering Bella-May’s advice.
“StarClan won’t rat on you, because you’ll be their messenger.” Redjay’s grin was returning.
“Gorsedaisy will hate it.” Myrtlekit spat the name. The elderly medicine cat had never liked him, and wasn’t shy on making her thoughts clear. 
Redjay’s eyes darkened. “Indeed she will. The Clan knows she’s lost her petals. Ha! They’ll trust you more than her!” Redjay’s whole body shook. “I can just imagine what she’d say! ‘No! Please don’t let him become a medicine cat! He’s evil, I tell you! Evil!’”
Myrtlekit pressed his paw to his muzzle, stifling the laughter that threatened to choke him, his shoulders shaking as he struggled to breathe. The impression Redjay made was perfect. For a second, he thought that Gorsedaisy really had spoken. Sure, it was a little dramatic in its mockery, but the idea was still clear. “Do it again, do it again!” He prompted.
Redjay did so, though he had to control his own chuckles before he could speak again.  “‘You’re all fools! Fools! I guess I’ll speak to you when you get to StarClan, because that’s where the lot of you will end up, mark my words!”
Myrtlekit burst out in a fit of open laughter, rolling onto his side until he gasped for air. “One more!”
“Myrtlekit, what are you doing out here?” Myrtlekit whipped around to face Grebeglade, his aunt, who had been on guard duty. “What’s got you so amused?”
Myrtlekit looked over his shoulder. Redjay’s spirit had already disappeared. “I saw a frog jump on a squirrel, and I thought it was really funny!” 
Grebeglade looked around. Her whiskers twitched, and she blinked at him with warm amusement. “Must have been a dream. Go back to your mother, alright? You could freeze out here.”
“Okay, I will!” Myrtlekit told her, and bounded back to the nursery. His fur still buzzed as he settled in the nest beside Blacksong, and the smile remained on his face as he fell into the darkness of sleep.
--Probably one of the cutest stories we'll ever see of Myrtlwing.
--I like to think that Redjay does his mimicry often for the amusement of the little ones.
--Base found in this stash: FREE Warriors Lineart Pack 1 by LexisSketches on DeviantArt
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bora-panda · 2 years
TWD Daryl Dixon Aroace
The Walking Dead Headcannon
Okay. I’ve had this headcannon for quite a while now and I can’t think of a better place than Tumblr to spew it out. 
I’ve been watching The Walking Dead for about a year now (I’ve almost finished season 10) And through the entirety of what i’ve watched I feel sooo strongly that Daryl is Aroace (or at least Aromantic)
He has never had a love interest despite him being a main character amongst many, most all of which have a love interest (or at least mention of one). Many people think he had a romantic relationship with Carol, Beth, and Connie (not all at once...) throughout the show. And you can see them however you want of course, but I never saw those as anything more than a very strong bond of unromantic love (similar to Daryl and Rick’s relationship). I feel like Aroace is such a hard concept for (non aroace) people to understand. Romantic love is shown in almost every single piece of media, and its forced so much into the spotlight, so many people don’t realize that non-romantic love is just as strong of love as romantic. The relationship Daryl has with Carol, Beth, and Connie throughout the show is such a unique thing to see in shows like this, where romance is forced so hard with every character to make things more interesting. But the fact that Daryl has multiple characters that we see him have a very strong bond with, and none of them are canonically said to be romantic, proves my headcannon further. 
Him and Connie are probably my favorite duo. And I was worried for a second that they would become romantic, but then I saw a scene that really solidified my aroace Daryl headcannon. S10:E6 (about 13 min in) Daryl and Carol are talking and Carol mentions Connie, asking if they’re anything special. Daryl replies “Nah, it’s not like that. Not at all” 
Not to mention that there are many canonically queer characters in TWD already. Obviously there could/should be more, but...as far as tv shows go I feel like they did a good job normalizing it within the series. For instance, Aaron has said on many occasions “the man I am in love with”, and there has never been a negative reaction from the characters to that.  Aroace is just such an unknown identity within the queer spectrum, so I feel like it wouldn’t ever happen canonically, purely cause they wouldn’t know it’s a thing.
I’m just sayin’ in a show where most every single character has a love interest or some sort of romantic thing, the fact that a main character that’s been there since the very beginning hasn’t showed even an interest in having one...in the span of 13 years since the beginning of the apocalypse, or even mention of one before then, sounds pretty aro to me.
Idk...I like it. He’s my blorbo and I love him. So I will indeed queer-ify him mmhm. If he ever gets a love interest I will...idk...not do anything I guess but I will be very very sad.
(ummm ok. Just found out he got a love interest.....but I stand by what I said, every BIT OF IT. Still a very valid headcannon. Like it makes so much sense, the creators are just cowards that probably don’t even know aroace is a thing. But if aroace was a more well known identity, I really feel like that is the path they would have taken with Daryl’s character. That is all :))
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The Brothers Sun e5
The mom looks so done when Bruce explains that Sleepy is like Shakespeare and says LOL😂
Bruce: "I need a mental health day."
Mom, holding his face in her hands: "Stop being a baby."
Bruce:"this isn't like when you sent me to school with chicken pox to preserve my perfect attendance record." Damn😂😭
The mom's face when she said "when have I ever been wrong." 😭😂😂
Ouchy, Charles looks like he's in so much pain. I'm guessing he's at Alexis's house?
Yup he is😂
Awwww, she got him shrimp chips
I love that Charles is kinda impressed that she got away using spicy noodles to the eyes😂
I feel like a little bit of Charles' soul died as he watched her cooking food wrong 😂
Xing is so done with baby sitting duty😂
Poor TK😂😂😂😂
Michelle Yeoh is amazing, and I love her sm
Oh shit
Damn you right you're a coward
Bruce asking Xing if she wanted to talk about her mom not replying is great 😂
I. Do. Not. Trust. Grace.
Xing saying if she was Bruce she would've had sex a lot with Grace😂
MAXWELL SHEFFIELD?(From the nanny)
Oh Charles is watching a movie 😂
Oh it's a show, Charles' face when he realizes he has to wait😂
Oh god, he's going through all her boxes 😂😂
That letter 🥺
He's putting up shelves 😂
And decorating?😂
Oh wow, he's also gonna cook, Alexis if you don't marry him I will😂
Aw, the dude who kidnapped the mom is making her tea? WAIT IS THAT TK? It kinda sounds like him
I don't think she's nervous at all, not even a bit
Bish did he call her an old woman?
I love how she's ruining them so easily by dropping facts😂
"Oh shit," yeah lil boy, you in trouble!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 🥺 Charles is making Alexis baked goods🥺
He also got a flower?😂
He's watching The Great British Bake off 😂
Yeah, I too would be in heaven if someone did this for me
I love how she's not even questioning him organizing her house
The shirt she got him😂😂😂
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Bruce is consulting the mahjong ladies😂
Damn, these ladies just roasted Xing😂
Oh, I am uncomfy with the comment about Bruce pounding like a bull
Oh yeah, these guys underestimated her big time
Who indeed
"We're the Boxers."😂
"Who the hell is that?" Love how she's settling in more because she's curious
That's so sad how Charles's dad didn't even talk to him unless he could be useful in the family business
It's adorable that he was taught how to bake from someone nice 🥺
Also, the fact that Bruce would've been taught stuff by their mom, but she didn't teach her other son🥺
Hong is an ass, especially laughing at Bruce
Bruce slammed the guy's hand down ouchy😂
"You went straight from asking him once to impaling his hand?" But then you did too, Xing 😂
Damn, Mama lasted 16 days? And two of her interrogators ended up in a mental institution? Somehow that is so
"What should we do for dinner?"😂
She can't tell them the names🥺
The blood on his boots🥺😭
The big guns are the mahjong ladies?!😭😂
Oh noooooooo Bruce doesn't want to leave him🥺
It was so genius having all the ladies come in to get her🥺
Love how Charles is having some nice stuff with Alexis while
Ok, it was fucked up how Alexis immediately tried to get Charles to tell her stuff
Wtf, Alexis?! You're really going to betray him after everything that happened? I mean, I get it that her job is important, and I guess she does care more about it than she does other people, but still that's crappy(I do kinda admire her though cause that's clever)
The shelf falling is a perfect example of the situation they're all in
Poor Bruce
Huh, I guess your mom does drink🥺
I think Bruce is done with all the bullshit, and I hope he stands up to his mom now for how she kept so much from him
It was better for Charles to stay, but it wasn't better for him🥺
Her writing is so pretty 😍
Poor Bruce is gonna be dreaming those names up🥺
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badassturtles235147 · 7 months
Splinter's Parents Oneshot
It has been a month since I have been taken prisoner by the Foot clan. I sat in a dirty cell, with my wrists bound to the wall and my ankles chained tightly together. I still do not know what they want from me. They have already taken my home and my family, what else could they possibly want? 
Why did they not just kill me too, along with the rest of my village? Why am I alive while everyone else has perished? Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I quickly held them back when I heard a creak of a door opening. 
Heavy footsteps could be heard, along with the crackling sound of armor. I narrowed my eyes, knowing it was the soldier who kidnapped me, once again coming to visit just to pester me. When he came in front of my cell, I turned to glare at him but I was confused when I saw someone else with him. 
The soldier was a bulky man, with no hair but a long brown beard. He wore silver armor, as well as his friend who was wearing a mask, so I was unable to see his face. 
The soldier chuckled, “What did I tell you, kid? A beauty, isn’t she?” 
“She is heavily chained,” The masked soldier noted. He sounded young. 
“Yes. Honestly, I hated to go to extreme measures but do not let her fool you. This girl is vicious. She attacked most of my men, almost breaking every bone in their bodies,” The soldier replied. 
“Why do you have her here at all? Why did you not just kill her, like everyone else in the village?” The young masked soldier then asked. 
That is what I have been wondering. 
“Her parents were traitors of the clan. They have kept themselves hidden for 16 years but we finally got word about them. Well, more precisely, their children. Word of a young girl, rescuing her brother from a dangerous thief got out and her skills were similar to ours. We went to investigate and found that she was indeed the child of the traitors, but we found that her parents were already dead,” The soldier finally explained. 
“Punished by the sins of the parents,” The masked soldier said, matter of factly.
“Yes, though, it was difficult to capture her. This girl was deeply beloved by her siblings and the village. They all tried to protect her. There was no need for the little ones, so the master asked for them to be executed and the villagers kept trying to get in our way, so we eliminated them as well.” 
“I see but I am still not understanding your plans with her?” 
“I honestly do not know myself but if I have to guess, the master is probably trying to find some use for her.” 
“I just love how you two are talking about me, like I am not even here,” I said sarcastically, as I glared at them. I heard enough and I wish not to hear anymore. 
The soldier smiled at me. “Ah, miss Hinokawa, how I wish you would just be more compliant. The master might show you more mercy.” 
I scoffed, “What does this clan know about mercy? All of you are just cruel, heartless monsters!”  
“Did you forget that your parents used to be one of us?” He taunted me, making me ball my fists. “Not by choice. They were born here and forced to serve the clan but they chose to leave. That is what separates them from you, they were not cowards,” I spat and the soldier's lip curled in an ugly snarl. 
He opened the cell door and came in, towering over me. In reply, I gave him a fearless gaze, refusing to show him any fear and give him an ounce of satisfaction. However, I was secretly terrified. I was heavily bound. The only part of my body I could move was my head so I had no way of defending myself should he choose to get physical with me. All I could do was remain strong as he growled in my face. 
He roughly grabbed me by the chin, making me wince in a bit of pain as he examined my face. I kept my glare but he just seemed to smile in amusement. “Those red eyes of yours truly burn with a lot of fire. You know, I think I finally know what the master is going to do with you.” 
“What?” I growled and he smiled more. “He might just make you his bride. He has been looking for a bride since his father passed. He will need to make a heir soon. You are very strong and beautiful; no doubt he believes you would be the best suited.” 
“I would rather kill myself,” I said, with venom in my tone. 
“Oh, now, do not do that,” He said while losing his grip up a little to rub his thumb against my cheek. “It would be such a waste.” 
I responded by snapping my jaw forward and biting down hard on his finger, making him bleed and cry out. He pulled his hand back, nurturing it in his other hand as I grin in satisfaction, his blood falling from my lips. He then glared, furiously and raised his hand. 
“You bitch!” He shouted and I prepared myself for the hit but before he could even bring his hand down, the masked soldier grabbed his wrist, twisting it behind his back and slamming him against the wall. 
“W-What are you doing?!” He demanded, painfully. The masked soldier did not respond, he just hit a pressure point on his neck and the soldier let out a little grunt before falling into unconsciousness.  
I doubt I hid the shock on my face, and I stared at him in complete confusion as his back continued to face me. He then slowly turned to me and took off his mask. Under the mask, was a young boy about my age. His black hair was up in a high ponytail and his warm brown eyes were staring at me in slight concern. 
“That was reckless,” He said, coming forward and kneeling down in front of me, making me flinch. He examined my face, seeming to be looking for any injuries and he raised his hand to touch the slight bruises that began to form on my chin but I whipped my head away from him. “Don’t touch me!” 
He immediately moved his hand away from me and stared at me with an unreadable expression. “I am not here to hurt you, I am here to help,” He tried to assure me, but I just stared at him questionably. “My clan and I are trying to put an end to the Foot Clan but we heard that there were prisoners being held captive. We came to free you and everyone else who was taken.” 
Free me? It sounded like music to my ears but… “How do I know I can trust you? How do I know you are not just going to take me as a prisoner too?” 
“Do you honestly believe I would sneak in here and save your life just so I can take you as a prisoner? I do not even know who you are.” 
“Your master might-!” 
“I am the master of my clan.” 
That made me speechless. He, a master? He looks no more than 17 years old? How could he be a master of a whole clan? As if reading my thoughts, he began to explain, “My father, the previous master, was killed recently, leaving me no choice but to take his place. I swore that I would follow in his footsteps and end the war my family has been trying to end for centuries.” 
Now, I felt guilty for my hostility towards him but still I could not let down my guard. I already did that once and it cost me everything. I will not make that same mistake again. “I am sorry for your loss but you being master doesn’t prove anything to me. You have not even said what you plan to do with me once you free me.” 
“We plan to take you back to our home until we are certain that the Foot clan will not be looking for you,” He answered simply. I was still skeptical. “Then afterwards?” 
“Once we are certain that your life is no longer in danger, we will help you anyway we can for you to have a fresh start. A new life.” He then smiled. “Though, it seems you can handle yourself well enough without our help.”
I blushed a little at the compliment but said nothing as he stood. He cut my wrists and ankles free with his sword. I stood frozen for a second, surprised by the action and once the reality of my freedom came to cross, the urge to run was strong but somehow, I stood frozen when my eyes caught his. 
The boy was hard to read but his eyes just kept staring at me. Searching. For what? I was not sure but he offered me his hand. “It will not be long before others show up. If you are going to make a decision, you best make it now. WIll you come with me or do you think you can make it out on your own?” 
He was letting me choose while still giving me my freedom? I looked at him and realized what he was searching for in me. He wanted to be confident that I could escape on my own, without his help. He did not want to force me to accept his help or trust him if I did not want to but he still wanted me to be free. 
It was strange. He did not even know me but yet, he seemed to care so much. Can I trust that though? I pondered my options for a while. I was sure I could easily escape and find my door to freedom but once I am free then what? I have no home to go back to, no family or friends. They are all gone. I have nowhere to truly call home. My path of loneliness would truly be a difficult and dark one but if I go with him, what would happen to me? Who will I become? The path to go with him was filled with uncertainty and unknowns but the path to go off alone, was filled with so much heartache. 
I have always been one who never shied away from danger. I was always up to take risks and chances but this was a chance that might change my whole life. I could never go back to my old life, go back to who I was before the Foot clan. That past was dead and gone. Now, I must move on, even though a part of me does not want to. I must because I know my family would want me to and I must always be strong for them, even though they are no longer here by my side. 
In the end, I decided that no place could be worse than here, and I slowly took the offered hand. The boy smiled, relieved by my decision and helped me on my feet. He began to guide me out of the cell and out the door to freedom. 
“Will you really help me find a new life?” I asked, quietly, hoping with all of my being that I will not come to regret my decision. 
“I give you my word, Miss Hinokawa,” He vowed. 
This guy was way too pilot and formal. 
“My name is Atsuko,” I clarified, and he smiled at me. “My name is Hamato Yuuta.” 
If you are wondering what happened to me after the day I met Yuuta, all I will say is....read TMNT: The Past of Hamato Yoshi! LINK BELOW!!
TMNT: The Past Of Hamato Yoshi - The Birth Of Hamato Yoshi - Wattpad
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