I am the Demon King. Lord over all tribes of the Gerudo. Rightful bearer of the Triforce of Power. I am rage incarnate. I am Ganondorf.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
What if you were in minecraft
Then that realm would be conquered.
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You've said time and again that Iron Knuckles are not a monster species, such as Darknuts, but rather your fellow Gerudo specially trained clad in armor. Does this mean ANY Iron Knuckle we see in ANY entry of the "Legend [That Should Really Be Told From Ganon's P.O.V]" series of games in our realm is a Gerudo Warrior? Even the ones in the NES games that the Hero of Hyrule, or Traveler as some call him, fought? Does that mean he killed living breathing humans in the thousands? Thats terrible!
If they are a true Iron Knuckle, then there will always be a Gerudo warrior beneath the armor. Anything less is a false Iron Knuckle, which would be closer to a Darknut.
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Lord Gannondorf, I wish to learn archery, how would one as skilled as you suggest I start?
In an open field, with a target, and an instructor.
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how did it feel when you where stuck in the form of the imprisoned during the era of sky? for one great such as you… do you not feel like you should stop trying for the triforce/hyrule if you are beaten in some eras by a mere child every time?
It felt not great.
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Lord Dragmire, what places are you looking forward to seeing in the future?
That would depend on what the future holds.
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Hey ganonman - what should my next crochet project be? Make it challenging >:D
A challenge, you say?
Recreate my armor during the Era of Twilight, to your scale.
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Have you ever ended a conflict diplomatically? We know it’s never happened with the Hylians, but I’m sure that’s not the only people the Gerudo have had issue with.
I have, in fact. Upon my birth, my people were scattered to the Sands and seas. We were different cultures, with differing chieftains, captains, and warlords.
Before I could conquer Hyrule, I uad to unify my people.
Luckily, this was achieved with minimal bloodshed.
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Heyyyy gorgeous!!!!!! soooo like I have a tiny little thing to ask, can I suck on your tits? Now I know you have said no to this request many timessss BUT I would like to remind you how faithful I’ve ALWAYS been to you and I think you should let me suck on your honkers handsome, as a reward🥺
Do you now? You assume faith not commanded awards my body?
Do you think me a whore?
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Hail, Lord Ganondorf
look at him heis just a little guy
He is indeed miniscule. Why others seek to pair themselves with the rodents of canines eludes my comprehension.
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how do you recommend recovering from a nightmare that isn’t just scary in fear- but one that preys on your emotions in the way that makes you fear sleep bc every night your own brain cooks up the most cruel ways to torture you ( especially w/ the ones you love being put in horrifying situations )
Dreams can be powerful illusions. But they are just that; illusions. One must train their waking minds to understand this during the slumbering hours.
As I do not suffer from this ailment, I can offer little more. To wage war with the mind, seek you out one who can train you for this battle.
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Can you tell me about the goddess of the sands? Everyone else says it's just Din but that sounds like syncretism to me and I've never asked a Gerudo before. Partly because they don't often come to castle town anymore.
I can indeed, should your inquiry become more specific.
To simplify the entirety of my people's sire into "tell me about her" is nigh insulting. Ask a specific question, and you shall receive a specific answer.
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my lord! thoughts on boars?
As i have stated in the past, they are exceptionally powerful creatures who, when enraged, typically become the embodiment of destruction, ceasing their rampage o ky when they are destroyed.
They also, unlike most other hunted animals, will not flee in the face of adversity. Instead they will hold their ground, giving their entire essence into their strength and rage.
For a wounded boar shall say to its predator "if I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven."
Such is a rule of honor I greatly admire.
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Lord ganondorf, What are your opinions on the current Gerudo chief, Riju?
She is a willful youth, who has no doubt inherited the magical abilities of her ancestors and forebears. I have been told she wields great respect not only of our people, but of Hyrule as a hole.
It is only a pity such respect was earned by being fed the lies of Hyrule.
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Would you sleep with Sonia? Or Rauru?
Only if such an event would grant me what I sought.
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My lord! I humbly offer you this frog I found while wandering the Hyrule fields :)
Please look at it, it took me 30 minutes to catch
It is... Moist.
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I feel more pity for the hylian women than men. They live their entire lives suffering under the idea that being female makes them dirty or impure, these ideas are instilled in them from such a young age that they themselves start to perpetuate these ideas to their daughters. There seems to be little to no legal protection for them, to the point where you have received a request of shelter from an abused woman at least twice that I recall.
Perhaps they should look to the source of their problems, that being their own leadership.
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Would your court have use of me? I can complete most domestic tasks with ease (including cooking, baking, basic sewing and embroidery, drawing, writing, etc). However my health is not exactly poor, but I do suffer an ailment of migraines I have had my entire life which are caused by the heat and sun. This means I would need to either stay inside or perform outdoor tasks at night.
A scullery maid, then.
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