#gruvia big bang
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Gruvia Big Bang Event Fic
Finally! The day has come where I get to post my fic for the Nalu/Gruvia Big Bang @nalugruviaevents​ and I’m so excited. @solafhusain​ and I decided on a 1940s/50s AU. It has been so wonderful working with you, friend! Your art is beautiful and it was a so great to be paired with you for this event. I hope we can collaborate some other time as well.
Also, thank you @rieriebee​ for helping us out with this and working with us to figure this all out. I know it was weird because I came in a little late so your patience and your help has been wonderful!
Anyways, everyone! You should go check out @solafhusain​ ‘s beautiful art for this story! She worked so hard on both pieces! I hope you enjoy! :)
New Normal
The house was quiet and dark. Gray pulled off his boots even before shutting the door behind him. Juvia was already halfway up the stairs by the time he managed to reach out and pull the little string to turn on the old side-table lamp.
“Where are you going?”  He asked. Juvia paused at the top of the stairs. He could just see her heels and legs from where he stood, and the edge of her dance skirt—blue, her favorite color.
“To bed,” she mumbled, before continuing down the hall, her heels clacking on the hardwood.
“That’s just swell,” Gray huffed, tossing his military-issued coat across the couch. The last thing he needed was his wife frustrated with him. Pulling the string once more, he plunged the living room into darkness and followed Juvia upstairs to the master bedroom. She was sitting on their bed, her dress already undone. Her satin sleeves were slipped off her shoulders, and she was carefully putting her pearl necklace away in her jewelry drawer. He watched her for a moment, wanting so badly to say something—anything—to break the dreadful silence, but nothing came to mind. When she dabbed away her bright red lipstick, it smeared across her cheek and that feeling in the pit of Gray’s stomach—that twisting, nauseous feeling—returned. Blood. He quickly looked away.
Juvia crawled into bed, but Gray sat on the edge, staring at the old picture on the wall. He, Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus, Jellal, and their Platoon.
They had all met that evening. The girls wanted to go dancing. They had a favorite dance club several blocks from Juvia and Gray’s home. They had walked arm-in-arm to the club that night, meeting their friends just outside the familiar wood door. The sound of swing music drifting through the cracks made Juvia’s eyes light up. Though Gray wasn’t exactly a fan of dancing, he was always ready to do something to make her smile.
“Are we ready?” Lucy had asked. Her blonde hair was curled into waves and pinned back to the side. She was wearing her own swing dress, quite like Juvia’s, but a soft pink instead of a satin blue.
“Come on,” Juvia practically dragged Gray into the club, following their friends. “Let’s dance!”
Gray hated drawing attention to himself, but Juvia was laughing, and he couldn’t say no to that sparkle in her blue eyes. He let her lead him out onto the dance floor. A live band was playing a quick jive. Gray spun Juvia once and then pulled her back in, close. For a moment it was just the two of them, but more people were coming into the club now that the work day was over. It was getting loud. Couples were chatting and dancing, and ordering drinks at the bar. The conversation grew into a buzz—noise that Gray still wasn’t used to. It suddenly felt too hot. In the confusion he accidentally bumped in Gajeel, who was dancing with Levy.
“Hey, Ice-brain, watch it,” Gajeel frowned.
“Sorry,” Gray choked, his voice hoarse and his throat dry. Someone was smoking a cigarette, or maybe several people. It was hot, and with each breath of smoke his pounding headache worsened. Suddenly, somewhere behind him, there was a terrible BANG—a sickening crack of shattering glass. Gray ducked, putting a hand over his head, and just like that he was back in the trenches. The blood of dozens of men was soaking into the mud at his ankles, above him the sky was dim. Eardrum-shattering explosions were sounding in the distance. Someone was screaming. Medic. Medic. Behind barbed wire he could make out the faces of friends. There was so much blood, so much blood.
When his head cleared enough for him to remember that he was at a club, all he could think of was that a gun had gone off. Someone was shot. He turned to his wife, grabbing her shoulders. “Juvia! Are you alright?!” His voice was possibly a little louder than necessary, rising above the live band.
“Juvia’s f-fine! Gray, what’s wrong?!” He scanned the room. His friends were all alright, though Natsu, Jellal, and Gajeel looked shaken. Then, he spotted it, in the corner of the room: a man leaning against the back wall—bright red blossoming through his white dress shirt. Still disconcerted, Gray dove towards the man, shoving people aside.
“Move! Move! Medic coming through.” Without pause, or hesitation, Gray got to work. His whole process came to him as naturally as brushing his hair in the morning. First, get the shirt out of the way—
“Hey!” The young man yanked away from Gray, glowering, “Get off me, crumb! What’s wrong with you?” Blood. The red on the man’s shirt was sickening, but it was no longer spreading. That’s when Gray noticed the wine glass in the gentleman’s hand. Gray’s stomach churned watching the red wine slosh in the glass as the man jerked away from Gray.
Air. I need air. He shoved his way out of the smoky room, his hands quivering, and once he was outside under the stars, free at last, he lost his dinner. Heaving against the side of the building his mind swam with only one memory: blood. There’s blood everywhere.
Gray shook his head, gripping the dog tags that hung around his neck he whispered, “Juvia… I’m sorry. Are you… angry?” He felt Juvia shift under the quilts behind him.
“Angry? No,” she whispered. “Juvia is worried. Gray… is it the war again?”
He wanted to say something, but it didn’t seem right. How could he bring that mess, all his new baggage, crashing down on top of her? I want to keep you safe, Juvia. Safe from what, he wasn’t sure. Himself? His nightmares? The truth?
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he said, squeezing his dog tags one last time before throwing himself back on the bed and wrapping himself in their quilts. Tomorrow will be better.
He was back in the trenches. The ground shuddered beneath his feet. Gray leaned over, heaving, choking on his own breath. This is just a dream. It’s just a dream. Lightning lit up the barbed wire above him, and the sound of gunshots was engulfed with the sound of thunder. “Gray!!!” Someone was yelling his name. He turned, his hands clutched his rifle like it was his life line—his knuckles were white, his whole body trembling.
“Natsu?” But before Gray’s friend could reach him, a tidal wave of red rolled over the barbed wire, filling the trench. Blood. It rose quickly, above his waist, to his chest. He was going to drown. He struggled to climb the edge of the trench, but his hand only caught onto barbed wire. Natsu was still surging forward trying to reach them, but with one last splutter of blood over the trench walls, he was engulfed in the flood. Gray screamed, reaching for where his friend had disappeared, reaching for anything, anyone. This is just a dream! It’s just a— His vision went red, he couldn’t breath. Blood, blood—
“Gray!” Gray woke up with a shudder, jerking away from where Juvia was shaking him. He was sweating, his heart was pounding in his chest, he took in deep gulps of air, before he let himself remember that he was in his bedroom, at home, with his wife. Juvia looked terrified, her eyes were wide, her hands were shaking. “G-gray, you were screaming in your sleep.”
Gray shook his head, still trying to catch his breath. “It…” He glanced up at her, the way her curls framed her face… he suddenly just wanted to hold her and let it all out. His chest ached, like it was about to break open, and spill all his worries all his anxieties. “It’s the war.” He whispered, hardly able to get a word out before tears filled his eyes, he glanced away. He didn’t want to see her like this. He had always been the strong one. Always. A warm hand reached out and touched his shoulder. This time he didn’t shove her away. He let her pull him into her embrace. He rested his head against her shoulder, breathing in the faint scent of her perfume, and wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She whispered, “Juvia is always here for you.”
Gray held his breath for a moment. Maybe he had been keeping it in for too long. He had avoided talking to her about the war for weeks now, but the nightmares kept getting worse. He pulled her closer, nodding against her neck.
“Yeah. I think I need to talk about it.”
So he told her everything. Everything about the war, about his dreams, about how every time the neighbors worked on their backyard shed—every time someone hammered a nail into that stupid roof—he thought a gun was going off. He told her how sometimes he could only see blood in the color red. The way her lipstick smeared when she wiped it off, the way red wine pooled when it was spilled. He told her how he hated it, he hated himself.
“I thought coming back home would fix things, that everything would go back to normal,” he whispered, still clinging to her, “But nothing has gone back to normal. Nothing.”
“Gray,” Juvia said, pressing a hand to his cheek. “It may not be normal like it used to be, but it’s a new normal. You know that Juvia will always be here for you.” He didn’t answer, not sure how to tell her that even if they did get through this together, there would still be nightmares, there would still be blood in his vision. He didn’t know how to wipe it away. But Juvia pulled away from his embrace to look him in the eyes. “Loud noises? We don’t need to go out—not to a club. We can dance here. Wine? Juvia will only drink water,” she whispered, her smile almost contagious. “Red lipstick? Juvia won’t wear it ever again. Juvia doesn’t need lipstick, and wine, and loud parties to be happy, Gray. Juvia only needs you.” She paused, resting her forehead against his before she spoke again, “Juvia promises to do everything possible to prevent these dreams, to help you smile again.”
Gray let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and then leaned in to kiss her, brushing his hand through her curls and cupping the back of her head. When he pulled away he smiled. “You’re something else,” he whispered, still inches apart from her.
But something was still bothering him. It wasn’t the dream, or the spilled wine, or his shaking hands. He pulled away from her embrace and stood, in his pajamas and held out his hand expectantly. Juvia looked up at him, bewildered.
“I owe you a dance,” he said. He watched as her lips turned up in a smile and she took his hand. He pulled her up into his arms, her nightgown swishing around her knees, and he led her around the small space of their bedroom. It wasn’t a swing dance, it was slower, but neither of them cared. Gray took comfort in her touch, her soft hands, the way her blues eyes shone with an overwhelming love. He felt his chest swell with warmth, and he paused in their turn about the room to kiss her again.
“Gray?” She murmured against his lips, as they stood together in the middle of their room, “Juvia loves you, more than anything. Please, always remember that.”
There was blood in his vision, blood on his hands, and he was trying to wash it away for good. But everything was okay because of her. Like a Summer rain she would wash away the grime, the dirt, the dust, even if it took years. Juvia is here. He smiled, pressing his forehead against hers once more.
“I love you too.”
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adoranymph ¡ 6 years ago
Meet Me By the Orange Tree - Nalu/Gruvia Big Bang
Story by adoranymph
Art by brielle
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212 notes ¡ View notes
i-am-the-hero-alfred-jones ¡ 5 years ago
Fairy Tail’s Fairy Tale’s Chapter 2
((There is a joke in here concerning jewels, Fairy Tail’s currency, I’m aware that the amount I put down is very little, that’s part of the joke. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the second chapter! Please reblog/comment/ect.!)) 
"Wendy?" Juvia asked, shyly as she approached the girl, "Do you think you could make a story for me and Gray?" "Of course, Juvia!" Wendy beamed, "This next story is perfect for you two!" Juvia squealed and grabbed Gray's arm, "Come on, my darling!" "What?" She dragged the poor ice mage backstage. "We need a peasant and a father." Wendy hummed, "Lyon can be the peasant! And. . .uhm. . . " "Gajeel and Juvia came from the same guild, Levy suggested, "He can play her father." The two were easily convinced and headed backstage. 
"Once upon a time, "Wendy began, "There was a peasant, he was so poor that the only thing he had was his daughter." Gajeel and Juvia walked onstage. "The king had given them some land and while digging up the ground for farming, they had found a golden tray." The sky slayer continued. 
"This is amazing!" Gajeel cheered, holding up the golden tray proudly, "We'll take it to the king as a gift!" "That is not wise," warned Juvia, "If we take him the tray without the cover, he will surely think we are lying. He will think that we have kept it for ourselves." "But the peasant would not listen." Wendy narrated, "He took the tray to the king anyways."
Juvia went backstage and Gray entered and sat on a lavish throne. Gajeel bowed before him, "My king, I have found this on the land you gave me." he held the tray out. Gray took the tray and carefully examined it, ". . . Is this it?" he asked. "That's all we found." Gajeel explained. "Liar! How would you find a tray and not the lid?! Throw him in the dungeon!" Gray commanded. 
"And the peasant was thrown in jail." Wendy continued "While in there he kept crying-" "Oh! If only I'd listened to my daughter!" Gajeel wailed dramatically. "This made the king so curious, that eventually he was brought before the king again." Wendy continued. "What's all this about a daughter?" Gray asked. "She told me I shouldn't bring you the tray without the cover." Gajeel explained. "She was right." Gray confirmed, "Well if she's that smart, she can have the chance to marry me." Juvia was onstage in an instant, "Really?!" "In the play, Juvia." Gray said sternly. ". . .Oh. . ." Juvia was disappointed, but the play continued on. "I will give you a riddle. If you solve it, we'll get married." Gray said. Juvia gasped excitedly. "In the play, Juvia." he reminded. 
Wendy turned back to the audience, "He gave her the riddle and it was quickly solved. They were then wed." Gray and Juvia were holding hands onstage and repeating after Gajeel. "Man, this sure is a lot for a fake wedding. . ." Gray noted. "Sign this." Gajeel held out a piece of paper, which Gray signed without thinking. Juvia squealed and did the same. The two left the stage and the attention of the guild went back to Wendy.  "The two lived together happily for the next few years. One day an argument was brought to the king. Two men had been travelling together, one with  an ox and the other with a horse. The horse had given birth to a foal in the night, and the ox-owner wanted to keep it. He claimed one of the ox had given birth to it, and the king sided with him. The poor horse-owner, the rightful owner of the foal, went to the queen for help." Wendy read. Juvia sat on a throne and Lyon knelt at her feet, "Oh, merciful and beautiful queen!" he declared. Gray had to be restrained backstage. Lyon continued,  "What am I to do?! Alas, I shall never see my precious foal! The cruel Gray has kept her from me!" "Are you sure you're just talking about a horse, Lyon?" Chelia asked skeptically from Wendy's side. Wendy couldn't' help but giggle. Juvia smiled, "Fear not, kind peasant. I have a plan." 
"The next day her plan was carried out." Wendy said. Lyon stood onstage with a fishing pole and Gray approached him. He stared at Lyon for a long moment, speechless. ". . . What the hell are you doing?" "I'm fishing." Lyon replied, casually. "You're on land. You can't fish on land, you idiot!" Gray scolded. "It's as easy to fish on land as it is for an ox to have a foal." Lyon replied coolly. Gray fell silent. "Who put you up to this?" he demanded.  "Ha! As if I would ever betray my beloved Juvia!" Lyon declared, hand over his heart. "So it was Juvia." Gray replied. ". . .Shit." 
"The King returned home to find his wife." Wendy narrated. Gray marched onstage and glared at Juvia. "How dare you betray me like this! We're done! Go back to your hut- but I will give you this." Gray offered, "You may take the one thing you love most in this world with you." Juvia took the opportunity to hug Gray. "What are you doing?!" Gray exclaimed. "You're the thing I love most in this world, my darling!" Juvia reminded. "Oh. . ."  Gray gave the audience an exasperated look. "The end!" Wendy declared.
The actors began to exit the stage, but Juvia was still hugging Gray gleefully. "I can't believe we're really married!" she squealed. "It's not real, Juvia." Gray gently pushed her off. "No, but the marriage certificate you signed was." Gajeel mentioned, casually. Gray whirled on him, "WHAT?!" "I got ordained last year." Gajeel shrugged. "Why?" Levy asked. "Eh, Lily and I were drunk, and he bet me a hundred jewel I couldn't do it." 
"No! We are not staying married!" Gray scolded. "But my love-" "NO! Give me the certificate!" Gray demanded. Juvia sadly obeyed.  "Natsu, burn this!" Gray tossed him the crumpled paper. Natsu caught it and stared down at it for a moment. Then immediately grinned and threw it back, "No." "NATSU!!!"  Gray roared. "Darling, your clothes." "You know what?! I'll deal with you later, come on!" Gray grabbed Juvia roughly and yanked her towards the door. "We're going to City Hall and getting this thing annulled!" "Oh, but darling-" "Don't 'darling' me, I'm mad at you!!!" Gray stormed out of the building, dragging Juvia behind him. 
"Uhm. . . Maybe we should move on to the next story. . ." Wendy said, worriedly. She looked around desperately trying to bring the fun back into the room, "Erza! Do you wanna be in a story?" Erza smiled, "I would love to. What did you have in mind?" "Well, Rapunzel is next." Wendy said. "Rapunzel, huh? What's that about?" Erza asked. Wendy smiled, "It's about a girl who gets imprisoned in a tower for her whole childhood." she explained. Erza's teammates gasped and cringed. That sounded a little too similar to Erza's childhood. "Wendy, um. . . maybe Erza shouldn't-" Erza held up a hand to shush the Celestial mage. "It's fine, Wendy." she assured. Wendy beamed, "Natsu and Lucy can be your parents, now we just need a witch and a prince." "I'll be the witch." Mirajane offered. "And I know the perfect prince!" Wendy cheered, before dashing out of the room. 
Jellal lay slumped over the desk. Several books were laid out beneath him. He had retreated to the guild's library in order to do some research, but truthfully- he hadn't slept in a few days and his fatigue was catching up with him. He was snoring softly from his place at the desk. That is. . . until a small eager girl ran in calling his name. Wendy cried out as she slipped and crashed into a bookshelf. Jellal sat straight up, as the sound of books tumbling to the ground awoke him from his slumber. 
"Ow. . ." a small voice groaned. "Wendy?" Jellal asked, offering her his hand, "Are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks." Wendy assured. She stood and rubbed a sore spot on her head, then remembered her intent. "Oh! Jellal! I need you to come save Erza from a tower!" Jellal stared down at her, "That's very different from the last thing Erza and I did in a tower." he noted. Confusion registered on Wendy's face. ". . . What?" "What?" Jellal replied, quickly. "The guild is performing Fairy Tales for me. . ." Wendy explained, "I was hoping you'd be Rapunzel's prince!" "And, uh, Erza is Rapunzel?" Jellal asked, unable to help the smile that spread to his features. Wendy nodded. Jellal considered the prospect for about 0.3 seconds before making his decision. "My research can wait."
"Once upon a time a husband and wife lived by a witch. The witch had a beautiful garden, and since the wife was pregnant, she started to crave the vegetables that grew in the witches garden." Wendy began.  Natsu and Lucy sat at a table onstage. "Natsu! If I don't get some of those vegetables, I'll die!" Lucy cried. "She's joking right?" Natsu asked Wendy. Wendy shook her head. Natsu looked back to Lucy, "But she's scary!" "I'll die, Natsu." "But- I- Aw, man. . ." Natsu groaned and stood from the table. 
"That night, he snuck into the garden." Wendy narrated. Natsu snickered triumphantly as he slunk across the stage. "But he got caught." Wendy added. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" Mirajane stormed onstage, powers activated so she looked extra scary. Natsu screamed and fell to his knees, "I'm so sorry! Please don't kill me, I just didn't want my wife to die!!!" he wailed. "Fine. You may live." Mira said, "And you can keep the vegetables. But when it's born, I get your baby." "Sure, whatever!" Natsu ran offstage in fear. 
"When the baby was born, the witch locked it in a tower, she had named the baby Rapunzel. Which is the German name for the lettuce her father had stolen. Rapunzel had grown up to be beautiful! With hair as yellow as-. . ." Wendy stared at scarlet locks, "Red as roses." she quickly covered. "The only way in or out of the tower was by climbing Rapunzel's hair. One day, a prince found the tower." Jellal walked onstage and hid behind a curtain as Mira approached the tower. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair to me." she called. Crimson locks fell down and MIrajane climbed up them. She quickly climbed down and left the stage. 
Jellal approached the makeshift tower, which was really just a tall ladder. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!" he repeated, and cherry locks greeted him. He climbed up. "At first Rapunzel was afraid of the prince, but they soon fell in love, and she decided to go away with him, but before they could leave, the witch found out about their plan." Wendy explained. 
"Wicked child!" Mira cried, "Here I have hidden you from the world, and you deceive me?!" she grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off Erza's wig. "You shall go to the desert and never see him again!"  Mira pushed Erza offstage. Jellal approached the tower again, "Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair!" When the ruby locks greeted him, he climbed up. "Where is Erza- I mean Rapunzel?!" he demanded. "You'll never see her again!" Mira replied. "No!" Jellal wailed and jumped from the tower in despair. 
"The prince lived, but thorns pierced his eyes and he was blind. He wandered for years, until he came upon a desert." Wendy narrated. Jellal stumbled onstage, a blindfold now covering his eyes. "My prince?!" Erza exclaimed, walking onstage and seeing him. "Rapunzel?!" Jellal replied. Erza rushed over and hugged him. "The couple was so happy they wept and when Rapunzel's tears fell into the Prince's eyes, he could see again." Wendy said, as Erza removed Jellal's blindfold. "And they lived happily ever after!" 
The guild cheered and the actors sat back down. "You make a pretty good prince, Jellal." "And you make a beautiful princess." Jellal replied. "Get a room!" "Forgive me, I have an idiot to stab." Erza said, politely. Natsu gulped. "Maybe we should take a break from romance for a while. . ." Carla suggested, "Why don't we do a fable?" 
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thewritingstar ¡ 6 years ago
A Royal Heart
This is my fic for the big bang event sponsored by the wonderful @nalugruviaevents ! 
My amazing partner was @goldenmorpho who made a gorgeous piece of art to go along with my fic and big thanks to @rieriebee for being our lovely mod for our group. 
This is a Gruvia princess Au and ive been working on this bad boi for a few months now. So I hope you all enjoy!!!
It was a dark day on the kingdom. The clouds turned foggy and the sky cried viciously as Juvia watched her mother's casket lowered into the earth. Juvia clenched her fists until her knuckles turned a ghostly white as the worms squirmed on top of the carved wood. Even though her burial was filled with all of the people who adored her, it wasn’t good enough. The smile that shone brightly on the princesses face was locked away under her icy heart as she said her final goodbye to her mother and this lands queen. 
In that moment Juvia struggled to hold a smile and her heart was filled with a dark cloud. Every step she took, every breath gasped was held underneath a burden of sorrow that couldn't be shook. Her life became trapped under her mask and eternal rain swarmed inside her. 
-Two Years Later- 
“Juvia my dear.” The door opened to reveal her father. “I have a question for you.” His eyes were trained on his pride and joy. He leaned against the opening to her room and watched as she brushed her hair, a sigh escaped his lips. She looked so much like her mother that he began to question if she was even gone sometimes, but then Juvia turned and mustered up a small smile. His eyes soften and he walked behind her and picked up her tiara. 
“Juvia is listening.” She stated and watched through the mirror as her father placed the silver crown on her head, something he would do since she was a little girl. A simple act, but nonetheless comforting 
“You will be 18 soon my dear.” She knew where this conversation was headed and nodded accordingly. “And that means-”
“Juvia is to be wedded, I understand.” She sighed and slipped on her ring and stood to walk towards her balcony. “Juvia knows her duties as a princess.”
King Loxar followed her. Guilt fled through him knowing how unfair life could be. Since the death of her mother, Juvia refused to be courted, and he couldn’t blame her. However the kingdom needed their next queen and Juvia’s time for match making was coming to an end. 
“His name?” she asked as she picked a flower blooming from the tree. The petals fell onto the marbled balcony as her dainty fingers plucked each petal, a silent wish destined to each. 
“Well, you get to choose.” At these words the princess turned her head. Perfectly plucked eyebrows arched and furrowed as confusion crossed her face. 
“Juvia believed that courting was over, my husband is to be determined already.” 
“Yes but I decided that if you were to be married, it would be for happiness and love. Juvia-” He placed his hand on her shoulder and tilted her chin up. Sapphire orbs glistening in the light, a reflection of emptiness came from the depths of her pupils and he begged for the day that her heart could be free from grief but that possibility would take years and years, maybe even centuries. “I want you to be happy. Marrying your mother was my greatest moment right after your birth. Being a royal means sacrificing your happiness for the sake of the kingdom, but I want you to be able to have a marriage that you are happy with, even if it's just for a moment.” he said. 
A small nod came from the princess. “Thank you father, but Juvia is confused. How will Juvia decide?” 
“I have devised a competition. The rules are simple, the first man to make you laugh shall win your hand.” He smiled brightly and his response was a crooked head and a raise of eyebrows. “It shall start in two months.”  
“Juvia thinks that is a silly way to determine a marriage.” She smiled softly at the thought of her father's plan. 
“Maybe” He kissed the top of her head and turned to leave her room. “But you will be happy.”
Juvia turned her eyes towards the giant willow tree that sat outside her balcony. 
“Happy.” She whispered. The word seemed foreign to her but she wondered if someone could actually bring her joy to her surface. 
“Princess Loxar, dinner is ready in the grand dining room.” 
“Thank you Levy.” Juvia spoke. 
She walked down the hallway that was plastered with murals and paintings of past relatives and leaders. The iconic blue hair was traced back for many generations, a true symbol of her family's crest. 
Her eyes were trained to the walls when she bumped into something hard, or someone. Instantly she fell back on her bottom, her plush skirt providing a pillow as the other person let out a groan and a basket filled with rags was tumbled to the ground. Her head was a mess before she came back to her senses and realized what had happened. 
“Ehh, Your majesty my apologies.” The foreign voice spoke as he rushed to her side to help her up. She hadn't seen his face yet but the moment their fingers met, a spark ran through her body. She squeaked as she was toppled onto her feet. 
Her eyes finally met the man who had overthrown her balance and she let out a quiet gasp. 
In the servants clothes was a boy. Dark raven hair that swept across his face and eyes that captured her in a way no one's had. Her was about her age and she didn’t recognize him at all.
He stuttered another apology and it took Juvia a few moments to realize she had been staring at him for far too long. 
“Please it's alright, it was an accident, Juvia wasn’t looking where she was going, my apologies uh?” 
“Oh Gray, Gray Fullbuster, at your service.” His demeanor changed when he did an over the top bow and picked up his basket. 
“Are you new? Juvia doesn’t believe we have met before.” 
“Oh um yeah. I was taken in as a new stable and servant, plus anything else that needs to get done.” His eyes went to the floor, a sense of embarrassment washed over him. “I shouldn't keep you waiting for dinner Princess-”
“Juvia. Just Juvia is fine.” She corrected him and a dust of blush filled his cheeks as he nodded slightly. 
“Oh okay, Juvia. Sorry again for bumping into you.” He bowed slightly and awkwardly for that matter and quickly left the hallway leaving Juvia feeling flustered. 
She took a step forward before turning her head to see him leave, something about him intriguing her but she shook her thoughts away and found her way to her dinner chair. 
As she sat and quietly ate her soup, Juvia’s mind kept bouncing back towards the raven haired boy. 
There was feeling deep in her gut, one she didn’t know how to handle and her thoughts became consumed with him. 
“Juvia? Are you alright? You have been zoned out all through the meal.” The father asked and her eyes widened and she felt a small blush as if she had been caught doing something wrong. 
“Juvia is sorry, she seems a little preoccupied is all with...the competition.” She managed to stutter out. 
“Oh. Yes of course.” He father gave her a nod. 
She set her spoon against her bowl and looked back to her dad that sat across from her. 
“Father? What was like when you first met mom?” She asked. His eyes looked to hers and he was almost in disbelief. The queen was hardly a topic they discussed unless it was for public purposes. 
A soft look arrived on the king's face. “Well it was a slow start. I was quite a stubborn suitor and when I began to court your mother, I really didn’t care all that much about marriage. But then there was the ball and the last dance of the night went to her and I. Under those lights, she glowed like an angel, her smile was breathtaking and then it clicked for us. It’s all a matter of time but you will know when it happens my dear.” He stood and walked to kiss the top of her head before leaving the dining room to attend to his duties. 
Juvia sat in silence with her thoughts, wondering if she would ever feel that moment. 
After dinner, Juvia resigned to her bedroom. Her held a glass in one hand and was humming a simple tune before tripping. 
“Ahh” She screeched and saw the glass of water spilled on the carpet, yet her body was inches from the floor. 
“Are you alright Princess?” The voice came and when she stood she was met with the brown eyes of Gray. 
“Oh, um, yes, thank you Gray.” She squirmed and dusted off her dress. She looked down at the mess she had made but Gray was already on the floor cleaning it up. 
“I’ll go fetch you another glass Princess.” 
“Juvia. Please call me Juvia.” 
“Oh right. Sorry Princ-Juvia, still not used to it.” 
“That's alright. Sometimes Juvia gets frustrated at this massive castle,always making her trip and such.” she grumbled. 
“Yeah, I like it. Nice and roomy. Beats my shack any day.” He commented. 
“Y-you live in a shack?” She asked and he nodded. 
“By the rivers edge nice view...I can bring you if you would like?” 
Juvia stopped to think and knew she probably wouldn't be allowed without an escort to go. “Tonight? Juvia could sneak out to see?” 
“Sneak out?” A smile crept to his face. “Sure tonight sounds good. Warning, it's a little small.” 
“Small is perfectly fine.” 
“Then I guess tonight it is” he smiled and walked towards the kitchen. A blush spread onto his face as he realized that the Princess was coming to his see where he lived. 
As night fell over the kingdom, the only sound was the click of the princesses balcony double door where she silently slipped out with a simply black cloak covering her body. The giant tree helped guide her way down until her feet felt the earth and the cold air of the night filled her lungs.
A small lantern softly lit her way as she walked through the back gardens and towards the stables. The creak of the wooden door to the horses private stalls let the boy know she had arrived.
“G-Gray?” She softly called and nuzzled her horses nose as she passed by. Her voice let out a speak and she was picked up and the top of her hood fell to reveal her blue locks.
The familiar hands that helped her off the floor during their first encounter held her tightly as she turned in his arms.
“Princess.” He whispered and even in the darkness, she could sense how close they were. His nose brushing against hers before pulling back slightly. “I was afraid you weren’t going to come.”
Her hand brushed his cheek and she gazed at him silently. “Juvia would never break her promise.”
He nodded and guided her out the back door and to his own private quarters. A small wooden shack that was meant for one, or two if you tried, it was small and looked desperate but he assured her that it was more than enough.
They sat on his bed, her back against the wall and him on the other side. The night was filled with conversations.
“And that’s how Juvia will get married.” She sighed. His eyes trailed her face and knew that it must suck to have to be wed to a person you don’t really know.
“Well look on the bright side, you’ll be married to someone who can possibly bring you joy. And since it’s your kingdom, you’ll always have me.” He shrugged and turned his face.
“Yes, Juvia will.” She whispered and they fell into a quiet moment. Her gaze found the window and she looked down. “Juvia must be getting back.” Her voice held sadness and she didn’t want this moment to end but Gray nodded and guided her towards the back gardens.
“Did you climb the tree?” He asked amazed and she simply nodded and began to walk forward. Her feet stopped and she turned back towards Gray who had a look of dread hinted on his face. Quickly her lips pressed against his cheek and left just as fast.
“Thank you Gray for listening to Juvia, she knows it’s a lot to process but she feels much better.” Her legs climbed the tree and she left his with a blush on his face and a heartbeat that was going way too fast.
“Anything for you Juvia.” 
The routine of her slipping away into the night became common and they had mastered each others schedules, bumping into each other or her personally asking to go fetch something. They had become closer than ever, a true friendship had blossomed and Juvia felt safe and happy when she saw the familiar face. As the end of the two months were nearing, Juvia's fondness for the servant had grown and he seemed to be returning the favor.
The other servants had noticed the connection and banter and teasing arose from Grays side but he shrugged and folded the silk napkin. 
“I don’t know what you’re getting out of this?” Levy said. She dropped another pile of napkins on his table and he turned to look at her. 
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“The competition starts next week, she’s going to be married.” 
“Yeah and?”
“Gray.” Levy sighed. “Once she becomes queen do you really think she’s going to leave her nightly quarters to come see a poor servant boy in a run down stable?” 
“Well its not-”
“Face it. Once that crown is placed on her head, small glances and chit chat are all you are getting.”
“Why do you care so much Levy?” He scoffed but deep down he knew she had a point and a feeling of dread washed over him.
She sighed once more and looked at him sadly. “Because I don’t want you to get disappointed. I know what it's like to grow close to someone you can’t have. It's one of the worst feelings.” 
Gray watched Levy walk out the door with a tray of folded napkins. Her words played over and over in his mind and he wished he had more time before the stupid love fest started. 
That night when Juvia entered the quiet stable, Gray wasted no time.
“Juvia, when you are married, is this going to end?” He asked and stretched his hand to rub the back of his head.
The princess returned her tea cup to the sauer in her hand and looked at him with confusion. “What do you mean Gray?” 
“It’s just that...you’re going to be married soon and have the duties as the queen. You won’t have time for a poor stable boy like me.” He gazed fixated on the window and he lowered his head in shame. That's all he was, a poor stable boy. A boy whose parents were killed and he was shipped to the castle in order to survive. He was sitting with the princess yet when he looked around, all he saw was a damp shack and a lonely place to call home. 
“T-thats not true. Gray, you are one of Juvia's friends, I would never-” But she stopped because she understood what he was saying. “Juvia doesn’t see you as a servant and she never will. Juvia might become queen and sure her responsibilities may take over more of her time but she doesn’t undervalue you at all. You are very important to Juvia.” 
“Thanks Juv.” He smiled. 
“It’s getting late, Juvia should go.” She left quietly as she came, dreading the fact that this might be one of the last times she would have with Gray. 
“Let the completion start!” The guard said and sounded the horns. Juvia watched as many princes from across the lands had shown up to claim her hand.
Her eyes wandered to each man. She knew some faces such as Prince Natsu. There was Prince Loke and she would rather choke to death before marrying a playboy like him. Prince Lyon who was always hot on her tail and didn’t know that her eye rolls meant not interested.
Many other men were there too, some nobles from high class families and just plain rich boys with too much time on their hands.
She sat above the ballroom in the watching throne and her eyes found the dark hair boy dressed in the waiting uniform with a silver tray in his hand. He looked up and noticed her stare and gave her a small smile as he handed one of the suitors a glass of champagne. 
Her attention went back to the announcer and the competition was in full swing. She was lead down to the row of boys and dreaded each moment. 
Juvia moved down the line, each man was to introduce himself and that meant her hand was being kissed more times than she wanted and jokes were being cracked. No one made a lasting impression except for when she turned her head and noticed that Gray looked exceptionally well in his attire. A small blush formed from the thoughts but quickly vanished when Prince Lyon placed his lips to her hand and she suppressed a gag. 
Her usual frown made its way to her face as the group was taken to the back landscape to ride horses and play some sports. Juvia shot a small glare at her father who only offered a thumbs up and a smile. 
“Juvia is not looking forward to this.” She huffed under her breath. 
The days passed by and the routine began to wear on the princess. Everyday she would spend countless hours with different men, slightly chatting and trying her best not to let her mind wander. The only thing keeping her going was the thought of her leaving her bedroom door and finding Gray at the stables where she pours her heart out and even makes fun of the suitors as they share a slice of cake she had snuck away from the table. 
The week was coming to a close and her mind felt exhausted. No one, not a single boy had even brought a simple smile to her lips, a few got close but that was because one of them fell. Tonight was the last event, the gala and the most important. Tonight would be the night she would choose a suitor and by the looks of it, she wouldn’t be marrying a man for love but instead one she could tolerate. 
Everyone would show up in their best suits and dresses and dance the night away. Juvia hoped that maybe tonight, she would dance with someone and know they are the one, but she knew not to get her hopes up. 
There were only a few more hours before she had to greet the insane amount of people, and only a few days before she was engaged to someone. 
Her eyes were lost in the mirror as she waited for her corset to be tightened. 
“Princess you look lovely.” Levy stated as she places her silver crown on top of the princesses royal blue locks. Levy was right. Juvia stood draped in a royal blue ball gown with silver linings. Long lace sleeves framed her fingers and her mothers ring proudly shined on her hand. 
“Thank you.” Juvia gave a small smile and stepped off the dressing stand and followed a guard towards the ballroom. 
She entered and all heads turned towards her. Gasps were sent across as she walked with grace and elegant towards the top of the staircase where her thrown and father stood. 
“My dear you look marvelous!”
“Thank you father.”
“Just remember have fun tonight.” 
Juvia tried to smile and turned towards her throne. As she went to sit down, a hand was already in her face and she peered up at the figure. 
“Princess, may I give you the honor of having the first dance with me?” Prince Lyon said and it took every muscle in her body to not scoff at his arrogant ways, but her gloved hand found his and she was lead to the dance floor. 
As she placed herself in the proper dancing position, her eyes found Gray. He hadn’t spotted her yet as he was busy serving food and wine to people much more important to him. 
“Yeah know our children would have magnificent hair and be extremely beautiful.” Lyon said and captured back Juvia’s attention. 
Her face fell flat and she rolled her eyes and finished the dance and left right as the beat stopped. Every time she walked away from a dance, another suitor was in her face and she had no choice but to curtsy and engage in three minutes of pure torture while the boys talked about their future children and how they were the best, Juvia's eyes kept going back to the raven haired boy. 
An hour or two had passed and she finally escaped to the back of the room near the trays of desserts. Picking up a small slice of cake, a gasp escaped her lips as Gray whispered a ‘hi’ in her ears. 
“Oh Gray, it's just you.” For the first time that night Juvia had smiled and Gray returned the gesture. 
“Yep just me.” He smirked and placed his tray down. “How's it going?”
Juvia rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Juvia is having the time of her life.”
“I bet.”
She looked around and quickly took his hand and guided him down the hall. She pulled them into the living room and sat them on the couch.
“Aren’t you going to get in trouble if you are caught?”
Juvia shrugged and for once she didn't care. “Juvia needed to escape from there. If one more man came up to me I was going to scream.”  
“I can understand that.” 
His gaze went past her blue locks and to the mass amount of picture on the fireplace mantle. He quickly stood and picked up one of a baby Juvia. She was in a blue frilly dress and was smothered in chocolate cake. He noticed her bright smile in the photo and was thankful that he was lucky enough to see her smile now. 
“Juvia thinks those pictures are embarrassing.” Her face was heated up and embarrassment made her hands to cover her face. 
Laughing Gray sat down and took her hand in his. He looked around and brought her face closer. 
“I had a bad stripping habit as a child. My parents would chase me down until they managed to get my clothes back on, even happened in public.”
Juvia’s eyes widened and her cheeks filled with air until she let out a laugh. A true laugh. One that filled the depths of her tummy and sent tears out of her eyes. Gray watched her face get redder as she let to laughs escape. 
“Beautiful.” He whispered to himself and he couldn't help but join. 
After seconds of feeling completely free, her giggles died down and she covered her mouth slightly. 
“Your laugh is amazing.” he commented and she paused. “I’m really glad I heard it.”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Then I guess you’d be glad to know you’re the first.” Her eyes were still locked with his and their nose brushed against each other. 
“Can I be the first to kiss-” but before he finished she had grabbed him by the collar and pressed her lips against his. 
In that moment she felt her armor fall, her iced heart melt more than it had and a warmth fill her. He kissed her back with such passion that she was afraid to pull away and let the moment end. 
In the need for air the pair pulled apart. His lips became tainted with a slight pink and her crown had fallen to the floor but all she cared about was him. 
She let out a small giggle and his lips found her cheek. “I love your laugh.” 
“I love you.” She felt him tense. “I mean I-Juvia-”
“I love you too.” He kissed her once more.
The king looked around the ballroom for his daughter. Panicking he excused himself from the place and wandered down the halls knowing she had probably left for a drink in the kitchen. He passed the living room and stopped. Backing up, he carefully peered into the room. 
Sitting on the couch was Juvia. Her knees to her chest and her dress draped over the velvet seating. Next to her was the servant boy, Gray. sat looking at each other and a tear came to the kings eye as he heard it. 
He heard the melody of her laugh. Saw the blush spread to her cheeks as she covered her mouth and playfully slapped him on the arm. Gray continued until she was holding her stomach and wiping a tear from her eye. 
The king left before being spot and smiled brightly. 
The pair slipped back into the grand ballroom, each taking their place on the other side of the room. The warm feeling in her stomach didn’t die down as she stole a glance of him before returning to her throne up above. She sat next to her father and didn’t realize her smile was still in motion. 
She turned to look at her father and saw the misty look in his eyes. 
“Father? Are you alright?” She asked and placed the top of her hand on his. 
“Im perfect Raindrop.” He placed his other hand on hers and she smiled at the fact that he used her childhood nickname. 
“It's time to announce the final dance.” He said which made her smile drop a little. 
“Oh, yes of course. However none of them had done what you requested, Juvia is sorry.” 
He kissed the top of her hand and stood. “I know Raindrop.” 
He cleared his throat and was handed a microphone. “Attention everyone! Thank you so much to all the fine men who participated in the challenge for my daughters lovely hand and our kingdoms future. I have decided on the final dance and there has been a clear winner. Juvia my daughter, will you take your position in the center of the floor?” 
She nodded and with each step, her heart grew heavy and heavy until she felt empty standing in the middle. She could hear the whispers of everyone wondering who was the lucky winner but she knew that her father must have chosen a random one. She could feel the intense gaze of Gray and knew that her heart belonged to him but now she would be wed to another man. 
“The only man who is fit and well enough to earn my daughters hand is Gray Fullbuster.” 
Juvia's eyes snapped up and she locked eyes with the raven haired boy who stood with the silver plate to his chest. 
“What?” Both of them whispered but Juvia's heart swelled as Gray was pushed towards her. 
“This is an outrage!” 
“He's a poor boy” 
“A true disgrace” 
People kept yelling and Gray looked down, ready to leave the dance floor until his wrist was grabbed lightly. 
“Juvia I-”
“You did it.” She smiled. 
“You made me laugh.” She giggled. “You make me happy. Happier than I have been in a long time.” Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she pulled his face close to hers. 
“Thank you.” She said before kissing him.
Gray shut his eyes as he leaned into the kiss. All eyes were on them and in the moment, Juvia felt happy. A pure and subtle emotion that she had been craving and it was worth the wait. 
They pulled away from their kiss and she heard the final song play. Smiling, she took Grays hand and lead him in the dance. 
Everyone watched as they spun around on the floor, her dress glided along the ballroom floor and small giggles left her mouth. 
Gray thought she looked radiant and he was in awe that he was in love with a girl like her. A part of him fell as the song came to an end but the look on his princesses face told him that she enjoyed it. 
“What now?” He asked as he looked around the room. 
“Now Juvia and Gray live happily ever after.” She smiled. 
“I like that plan.” He smirked and he grabbed her waist and planted another fairy tail kiss on her lips. 
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day-writingdaydreams ¡ 6 years ago
Who Knew I Was Crossing A Line
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Summary: Natsu returns to Magnolia after having left for over a year. He goes to an open mic night and sees that his ex, Lucy, is performing. Songfic, A.U. Fairy Tail and its characters are owned by Hiro Mashima. Who Knew is by P!nk. Crossing a Line is owned by Mike Shinoda.
This was my first fanfic and was written for the #BigBangEvent for @nalugruviaevents. The art is by the amazing @bakugyou with a ton of help from my awesome beta reader @doginshoe. Thanks, you guys! I love ya to bits!
The Magnolia train station was a hub of activity when a rosy haired young man stumbled off of his train. He took a moment to quell the queasiness in his stomach before going in search of a familiar face. Glancing about, he noticed a placard with the words ‘Flame Brain’ being held up by a young man with black hair.
“Hey Popsicle, thanks for being my welcome wagon,” the rosette greeted.
“Nice to have you back, Fire Breath,” The noirette replied, helping him with his luggage. “ you back for good this time?” He asked as he led the boy to his Dodge Avenger.
“Yeah,” Natsu sighed as he settled in the passenger seat after placing a guitar case in the back of the car. “I’m back for good, Gray.” He sighed again before muttering, “I found him.”
Gray’s eyes went wide as he settled behind the wheel, whipping his head to face Natsu. “You did?!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah,” said a somber Natsu, averting his attention to the view out of his window.  “Could we go to Fairy Tail and grab some food? I need ta talk to Gramps, see if I could get a job and a place to stay,” Natsu rambled, keeping his gaze out of his window.
‘Besides, I don’t think she would want me staying at her place’ his heart ached at the errant thought.
“Sure man,” said Gray, giving Natsu a concerned look. He’d never seen the usually boisterous guy in such a state, but he knew better than to question it. “You know, I’d let you stay at my place, but Juvia just moved in.” Casting another glance, Gray started the ignition, and pointed the car to its destination.
“Thanks for the offer, but I really wouldn’t like to butt in anyways,” Natsu said with a small grin. “Besides, I’d like to have my own space again.”
Fairy Tail Bar and Grill was a hole-in-the-wall local watering hole that was a Magnolia institution. There were quite a few regular customers who would stop in, as well as the occasional tourist group or three. People gathered there for the great food, the friendly service, and even for the random chaos that comes about in waves. There was always a friendly brawl going on or a reason to throw a party.
The two boys considered it their second home, as they practically grew up there. The rowdy pub regulars taught them more about life than they had ever wanted to learn, as most of those regulars were perverts.
The drive didn’t take long at all, and soon Gray parked the car and started to get out when he realized something and froze. The sign on the window made him think twice, but Natsu was already halfway out of the vehicle.
“Shit,” Gray muttered, thinking as quickly as he could. “Hey Flame Brain, I don’t think tonight’s a good night for this. It looks really crowded in there.”
Natsu looked at his best friend incredulously “What are talking about? Unless a lot has changed since I left, this looks like a normal crowd!”
‘Man, you have no idea how much has changed,’ Gray thought bitterly. ‘Maybe if you kept in touch better you would have realized that before now.’
Natsu pulled open the heavy wood and glass doors and stepped into the organized chaos that was Fairy Tail. To his chagrin, it was a little more crowded than he remembered. There were also the sounds of instruments being tuned, which was a very uncommon noise for the rowdy bar. Natsu also noticed that the stage in the back of the bar was being set up with more musical instruments by a blonde female with a figure to die for. He felt drawn to her for some reason, but squashed that thought quickly, his heart still longing for the girl he had left behind.
Tearing his gaze from the scene, Natsu glanced around to locate any more familiar faces and was immediately rewarded with the person behind the bar. He walked towards the side of the establishment, a small smile tugging on the corners of his lips.
“Hey Mira, could I get some fire chicken and a cola?” Natsu asked cheekily as he approached the bar.
The white haired barmaid spun around abruptly, catching herself on the bar top to steady herself as her eyes widened with shock and surprise.
“Natsu!” Mirajane squealed, practically throwing herself across the bar top to give him a hard hug. “Where have you been? You up and leave without any warning, and don’t tell anyone! We were so worried about you!” she chastised as she moved away after nearly smothering the male.
“I know. I’m sorry Mira,” Natsu said regretfully. “I had a lead and needed to follow it.”
Mira cupped his face gently in her palm with a soft look in her eyes. “At least you’re here and you’re alive,” she stated. “That’s all that’s really matters.”
She turned to go place his order in the kitchen as Gray walked up to the bar.
“Figured you two would want to catch up,” Gray stated.
Natsu closed his eyes and rubbed his face as he replied, “I really fucked up, didn’t I?”
“Maybe if you had kept in touch better, you wouldn’t’ve,” Gray sighed, struggling to not start an argument. “Why didn’t you?”
“It’s kind of hard to when you’re out of the country with no service, your phone gets stolen and you’re broke as fuck,” retorted the rosy haired man, annoyed. “I had to resort to more than just busking to make enough money for food and to save up to come back.”
“That sounds incredibly harsh,” interjected the snowy haired barmaid as she made her way over to the almost arguing males with Natsu’s order. “You could have written to us, Natsu. We would’ve helped.”
Natsu looked down at his food sheepishly, “I wasn’t really thinking clearly to do that at the time.”
A loud sound followed by a string of curse words came from the stage, drawing attention from the little group at the bar.
“Lucy,” Mira called, “try to keep it clean tonight!”
‘Shit!’ Natsu thought frantically, eyes quickly scanning the area. ‘Lucy’s here?!  
The sexy blonde on the stage looked up as she repositioned a fallen piece of the drum kit and shot a furious glance at the group by the bar. “I make no promises, Mira,” she called back as she finished her setup.
Natsu’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates once he focused his sights on her. ‘Holy shit! She’s even more beautiful than I remembered!’
Mira looked back at the stunned male with a small, sad smile. “Lucy’s started an Open Mic night here once a week with Master’s permission,” she explained.  
“It’s been really popular,” added Gray. “I give real props to her.”
Natsu could only nod dumbly as he continued to stare in awe at his ex-girlfriend, his plate of food forgotten.
Lucy was a vision in her bootcut dark wash jeans, red peasant shirt and brown low heeled clogs. Her long golden tresses were in a loose braid over her shoulder. She slipped on her cedar topped Greg Bennett electric acoustic guitar with her Starry Night guitar strap, making sure that it was tuned and plugged into her amp and pedals as she perched on the barstool on stage.
Her mocha colored eyes scanned the room, landing on a familiar head of pink spiked hair. A gasp left her lips as she nearly fell off her seat.
‘This can’t be real. I’m imagining things. He’s not really here,” Lucy thought, quickly composing herself while closing her eyes and shaking her head with a sad smile. ‘I’ve finally cracked up. Maybe it’s time to finally play that one song.”
With a resolute sigh, she introduced herself and welcomed everyone to the Open Mic. After stating that she had a new song for everyone, she placed her nimble fingers on the strings and began to play the familiar  chords, closing her eyes as she hit her drum pedal and began to sing.
You took my hand You showed me how You promised me you'd be around Uh huh That's right
She slowly opened her eyes, glancing once again to what she believed to be her pink haired delusion. They had so much history together, childhood best friends for years before they became lovers. She hit the loop pedal to keep her chords going.
Natsu felt a piercing pain in his heart. He did make that promise, didn’t he? Yet he had quickly packed his bags and ran out the door, never looking back. Not once. He was such a moron for not keeping it.
I took your words And I believed In everything You said to me Yeah huh That's right
She saw him staring at her, a look of pain and sorrow on his face. That wasn’t right. He always smiled in her visions. His grin being the one he used to give her every day where his dark green eyes would close with how big it was. So why was he sad? She stop this train of thought as she switched up the sound of her guitar with an overdrive pedal to make her guitar sound more like an electric guitar.
If someone said three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out 'Cause they're all wrong I know better 'Cause you said forever And ever Who knew
She closed her eyes from the pain caused by her memories, feeling her broken heart starting to crack a little once more as she poured herself into the mic. It had been too long since she had felt this strongly about, well, anything. She gave a broken chuckle at the thought.
The ache in his chest continued to spread, causing his breath to catch in his throat. His head spun with thoughts of coulda, woulda, shoulda. He couldn’t believe that this was how he had left her. He shouldn’t have left the way that he did. He felt lower than slime.
Remember when we were such fools And so convinced and just too cool Oh no No no
Swamped in memory, she could almost feel his touch on her face, his heat as they kissed.  Oh how she missed him! Months spent trying to block this feeling nearly killed her, but what could she do? He left without saying a word, without saying goodbye.
Without saying he loved her.
And that destroyed her soul.
I wish I could touch you again I wish I could still call you friend I'd give anything
‘Oh Luce, I’d give anything for that as well,’ the heartbroken pink haired idiot just stared at the love of his life, his mouth left agape. He had been a complete and utter fool. The whole time he was gone all he could think of was her, but she wouldn’t forgive him - how could she?
She opened her eyes once again, believing this to be her strongest delusion yet. He was still there! And he looked as just heartbroken as she felt.
It took everything she had to keep her voice steady and strong. She couldn’t let it break just yet.
When someone said count your blessings now For they're long gone I guess I just didn't know how I was all wrong They knew better Still you said forever And ever Who knew Yeah yeah
Her gaze shifted to her fretboard, making certain that she hit all the right chords.
I'll keep you locked in my head Until we meet again
Her gaze shifted once more back to him. It was always back to him.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He was a magnet, and she was true North.
Until we Until we meet again And I won't forget you my friend What happened
She started to sing with her whole heart, trying to exorcise her demons with her voice, pouring her feelings into every word. Who cares if the whole world knows now? She had always loved him, and now she was singing to a figment of her imagination.
If someone said three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out 'Cause they're all wrong and
She roared in tune and melody, sounding like an avenging angel. Her guitar strings echoing strongly with her emotions, her heartbreak, her grief.
That last kiss I'll cherish Until we meet again And time makes It harder I wish I could remember But I keep Your memory You visit me in my sleep My darling Who knew
She took gasping breaths, trying to reel in her raging emotions once again, and switched off her overdrive pedal and loop pedal.
My darling My darling Who knew
Her voice came out as a breathy whisper; a little broken sounding as her tears threatened to fall. She closed her eyes against them and forced her voice to become stronger as she almost effortlessly picked up her beginning chords once more.
Natsu was starting to feel confused. He understood that the song was about them, but did she think that he was dead? This was way worse than he thought. He really did screw up this time.
How the hell was he going to fix this?!
My darling I miss you My darling Who knew
Memories of pink hair, kind eyes, and a wide fanged grin assaulted her. She opened her mahogany orbs and locked eyes with his olivine gaze.
Who knew
‘Natsu,” she thought as she stopped her drum pedal and ended the song with a final dampened chord.
“Lucy,” Natsu whispered reverently under his breath, calloused fingers itching to reach out to her. To hold her in his arms to comfort her from her pain he caused her, to breathe in her addictive scent of sweet almonds and honey.
A pregnant pause followed by a deafening sound broke her concentration as the bar patrons applauded Lucy’s performance. She had honestly forgotten where she was and who was listening. She blushed and stood to make her bow, relinquishing the stage for the next performer
Mira turned to Natsu, noting the heartbreak plain on his face. “You know,” she started slowly, “Lucy missed you the most out of all of us. I don’t think that she realizes that you’re actually even here.”
Dumbfounded, Natsu turned back to the barmaid with a quizzical look. “What do you mean?”
“She means,” interrupted a sour looking Gray, “that Lucy had such a hard time about you leaving that she thinks you’re a figment of her imagination! She’s been to therapy and everything because you couldn’t have bothered to tell her that you were going or if you’d be back!” The boy seethed quietly.
“Gray!” Mira hissed, giving him a deadly glare as he cowered from her in fear. “That’s not our truth to share! How dare you!”
Ignoring the seething barmaid and the cowering dark haired idiot, Natsu became lost in thought. He needed to fix this, he needed her to know. After some time, he came up with a plan.
“Hey Mira, do you think you can get me a performance spot for tonight?” Natsu asked quite suddenly, wiping his palms nervously on the thighs of his work worn jeans. “I have an idea…”
He got up from the barstool as Mira gave a hesitant nod and threw Gray a pointed look.
“Ice breath, I need to get some stuff from the car,” he growled.
As they left arguing for the car, Lucy approached the bar.
“Hey Mira, can I get an iced strawberry mint tea with honey?” the blonde requested as she wearily slid onto the barstool, leaning her elbows onto the bar and propping her jaw with the palm of her hand
With a smile, the barmaid answered as she picked up the forgotten food to place it someplace safe, “Sure thing Lucy! By the way, your performance tonight was amazing!”
“Thank you,” Lucy replied tiredly, coming down from her performance high. That song always drained her both physically and emotionally, even in practice.
‘I guess that’s what exorcising your demons does to you.’ she thought derisively.
“It sounded like you were singing that song for a certain someone…” Mira teased as she quickly served the younger girl.
“More like to a ghost than anyone, Mira,” the blonde answered sadly as she closed her eyes. “The person I was singing to wasn’t even here.”
“Oh? Are you sure about that?” The older female inquired with a twinkle in her eye.
“I haven’t seen or heard from him in over a year,” Lucy said despondently, opening her eyes to focused on her drink, not noticing the pair of boys walking back into the bar, or the pink haired boy focusing all of his attention on her. “I highly doubt that he’s going to just waltz into Fairy Tail just in time to hear my song… and if I did happen to see him, it’s probably all in my head anyways. Stupid dragon,” she pouted, her attention still on her beverage.
Glancing at the stunned Natsu while grabbing a glass to clean, Mira exclaimed, “Oh, that reminds me! Someone requested a spot for tonight, if possible. It’s someone who hasn’t played here before.” She said that last part with a secretive smile.
This request piqued the blonde’s interest. Raising a brow, Lucy lifted her gaze to the barmaid in question.
“I’ll double check with Levy,” she said slowly. “She’s got my clipboard with the available spots, but I think I saw one open.”
“That’s great!” Mira beamed. “I’ll let them know once you confirm.”
Lucy smiled as she got off of the barstool, turning and spotting Gray and her supposed pink haired apparition as she did. She greeted Gray, trying her best to ignore who she believed to be the figment of her imagination that was standing right next to him as she asked after Juvia. Even though her skin had tingled from being so near to him as she passed by him on her way back to the stage, she still did her best to not acknowledge him.
She felt as if she were crazy enough as it was.
Natsu scowled slightly as he watched her leave. He kept quiet during the exchange, hoping that she’d notice him, but it seemed that Grays words rang true. She really didn’t believe that he was actually in front of her.
‘This is gonna be harder than I thought…’
He set down his guitar case gingerly on the floor, and turned to face Mira with a pensive look. “She really doesn’t think that I’m here,” he said quietly, pushing a hand through his hair to rub at the back of his neck. “How am I supposed to win her back if she still thinks that I’m gone?”
Giving him a look of understanding, Mira said, “Don’t give up just yet, Natsu. I’m sure you can do it.” She brought back out his food and made a gesture to it. “In the meantime, eat up. You’ll need the energy to perform.”
He quirked his lips in a small smile and settled down onto the barstool to eat. “You got it, Mira,” he said as he dug in.
“Hey Mira!” a blue haired fairy called as she came up to the bar a little while later. “Lucy mentioned that you had someone asking for a performance spot?”
Mira turned to her direction, “Levy! Yes, I had someone ask for a spot. It’s for a very good cause,” she emphasized as she directed the girl’s attention to the pink haired man chowing down in front of her.
Levy’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Natsu?! What the hell are you doing here?” she asked in disbelief, moving in to give him a warm hug. “Where the hell have you been?  Has Lucy seen you yet? It’s so great that you’re back! Are you back for -”
“Whoa Levy! Slow down! You’re firing off those questions faster than I can form an answer!” He chuckled as he awkwardly returned her hug. “I was in Alvarez following a lead. I’m back for good. As for Lucy…” he trailed off as he let go of her, unable to formulate an answer.
Levy looked at him quizzically for a moment before it dawned on her. “She doesn’t believe that you’re physically here, does she?” she asked quietly.
Natsu eyed her sadly before answering. “No, I don’t think that she does,” he said in a breath. “That’s why I need the spot. I think it’s the only way to convince her.”
She looked at him in kindness, patting his hand. “You may be right,” she conceded as she tucked a loose strand of her blue hair behind her ear. “There’s a spot open after Gajeel. He’s the guitar player in the suit who’s got the long black hair and multiple piercings.” She turned to the stage as she pointed out the man in a white suit and fedora to the pink haired boy. “He’s about to go on next, so you better get ready. I gotta get back to help Lucy. Break a leg, Natsu!”
“Thanks Levy!” He said with a smile as she got up to leave, watching her interact with Lucy and helping the intimidatingly pierced male with his setup.
As he finished his meal, Gray made himself comfortable on the barstool beside him.
“You should watch this Fire Breath,” he said whilst pointing to the stage where Gajeel was strumming his Fender Custom Stratocaster electric guitar. “He’s the Iron Dragon of Fairy Tail, and for good reason.”
Natsu lifted a brow at that, as he was once well known as Fairy Tail’s Fire Dragon. “What has he done to earn that title?”
“You’ll see,” Gray smirked with a laugh.
The man onstage let out his grizzly voice in a greeting to the audience, tilting his white fedora in salute. “This is… Shoo Bee Doo Da.”
As his gravelly bass voice begun his song a few notes offkey and several decibels too high, Natsu turned his wide disbelieving eyes onto a smirking Gray before the pair doubled over in silent laughter
“Oh man! He’s the absolute worst!” Natsu chuckled as he tried to regain his breath. He desperately wanted to cover his ears, as Gajeel’s voice really did sound like iron nails on a chalkboard when he hit yet another wrong note.
“I know, right?” Gray snickered.
“Is that supposed to be jazz? Or rockabilly blues?” Natsu asked incredulously, laughter still ringing in his voice.
“Who cares? Either way, it sounds like something dying!” Gray howled quietly, trying not to disturb the other bar patrons.
After their laughter died down, Natsu started to get off of his seat with a sigh. “I better start getting ready before they boo Bolts for Brains off of the stage,” he said as he grabbed his guitar case and backpack.
Gray grunted in agreement before turning to the pink haired male. “Hey man,” he began, running his finger through his hair, “I might not have agreed with how you had handled everything before, but I hope that you straighten your shit out soon. You deserve it … and so does Lucy.”
Natsu looked up wide eyed from pulling his laptop and cords from his backpack to the dark haired male before him. He stared at him before a smile creeped up on his face.
“Thanks Gray.”
“You better not fuck this up,” Gray’s dark eyes turned icy as he scowled at his childhood friend. Natsu’s own eyes narrowed, all vestiges of their former camaraderie gone. “I hate seeing Lucy get hurt. She’s like my sister, and if I find out that you did something on this level again…”
“I get the point,” he growled as he stuffed his tech back into his backpack in annoyance. “It ain’t gonna happen again. I swear my life on it, Ice Prick, so back the fuck off!”
Before the raven haired male could get out another word, Natsu was already off, dragging his gear to the stage. He shook off his negative energy as quickly as he could, knowing that it would affect his performance if he didn’t. ‘God, I hope this works,’ he thought desperately as he threw a quick grin to an encouraging Levy on his way. He noticed Lucy heading back to the bar and taking his vacated seat, ordering herself another drink. ‘For both of our sakes.’
Natsu quickly unpacked his Apple MacBook Air and hooked it up to the bar’s sound system, logged in and opened up his GarageBand app. Selecting the right file, he quickly tuned his Paul Reed Smith A15AL SE Angelus acoustic/electric guitar and plugged it into the amp as he waited for the file to load.
Slinging his guitar on his shoulder, the rose haired man walked over to the microphone, took it off of the mic stand and cleared his throat. “Hello, my name is Natsu,” he started as he walked back to the MacBook. “I’m going to do an unconventional song for you today. It’s unconventional in the way it’s performed, and it’s dedicated to the girl I loved whom I left behind.” He said this while directing his gaze to Lucy.
Lucy’s breath caught as her attention was drawn to him. ‘It couldn’t be…’ she thought as she blinked owlishly. ‘Since when do my delusions get up on stage and perform?!’ Her mind whirled as she watched him move lithely on the stage, completely missing his song dedication.
Pressing play on his laptop, Natsu let the opening of the song wash over him with his eyes half closed as he made his way back to the microphone stand to secure the mic, his guitar swinging from his back.
He took a deep breath after singing the opening line and dug deep to find his courage, pushing aside his nerves. He looked up to see his friends staring at him in awe. Especially Lucy.
With that, Natsu was ready to set aside his reservations and lay his heart bare.
They'll tell you I don’t care anymore
And I hope you'll know that's a lie
'Cause I've found what I have been waiting for But to get there means crossing a line
He set his eyes downcast, almost lost in thought as the words clawed their way out of his throat.
I don't know how to warn you For what I'm gonna say
The drum line started, a beat that instantly caught on with the audience. Heads and shoulders bopping, all the signs telling Natsu that he’s got them hooked, if he had looked up to see.
'Cause you're holding so tight to What I'm taking away I got demons inside me So I'm faced with a choice
He smirked sadly at that last last line. Oh how true that felt.
Either try to ignore them Or I give them a voice
At that, Natsu lifted his gaze. Lucy was already staring up at him, however, her doe eyes wide as she tried to process what was happening. Natsu was gone… wasn’t he?
‘Is he really here?’ she thought as she made a move to pinch herself. Feeling the slight sting of her nails against her flesh, her eyes widened even further. ‘Holy sh-!’
And it's keeping me up at night Worried it's not alright Holding back things you don't know
His husky baritone voice interrupted her thoughts, the lyrics forcing her focus back to him.
Natsu glanced at Gray, Mira, Levy and Lucy in turn. He couldn’t help but linger his stare at Lucy. He yearned for her to understand that though he had hurt her by leaving, he had to find out the truth.
He had to find where his father was, and what happened to him.
And it's keeping me up at night Worried it's not alright You're not gonna like where this goes
He shook his head and closed his eyes at that line. He adjusted his guitar, securing the flame embroidered strap firmly onto his shoulder and gripping the neck, curling his fingers over the fretboard as he poured himself into the chorus.
And they'll tell you I don't care anymore And I hope you'll know that's a lie
Natsu resolved that he would tell her everything later, after he convinced her of his presence.
'Cause I've found what I have been waiting for But to get there means crossing a line So I'm crossing a line
He played a riff on his guitar, the look on his face showing that he was clearly enjoying losing himself in the music while he directed his next verse to the blonde.
Lucy couldn’t help but stare, watching Natsu’s powerful biceps bunch and flow under the rolled up sleeves of his black button down shirt, his fingers flying as he played the stringed instrument.
It's not about status We know it never was
He let go of the guitar’s neck at this point, but slid his malachite eyes to his girl, noticing her stunned mocha stare.
‘So, it looks like she’s starting to believe that I’m real,” he thought with a smirk.
'Cause what good is the kingdom When you're missing the love?
Lucy covered her mouth with her right hand as her coffee colored eyes went wide at those words. ‘Is that supposed to mean… ? Does he still love me?’ Her heart started to beat a little faster, making her chest feel warm with sensation.
She ignored the small squeak that came from Mirajane.
This is not a goodbye now I'm not going away
He smiled at her as he sang that line, putting a hand to his heart, a not so silent vow.
No, I don't have the answers But I do have the faith
Oh, and it's keeping me up at night Worried it's not alright Holding back things you don't know
Natsu ran a hand through his now slightly dampened hair, in a vain attempt to keep his sweaty bangs out of his eyes.
Lucy thought it was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.
And it's keeping me up at night Worried it's not alright You're not gonna like where this goes, no
His voice rang out as the chorus came to a head.
And they'll tell you I don't care anymore
He sent a glare to Gray, full of fire and fury. A silent challenge to the man who held what couldn’t be understood against him.
And I hope you'll know that's a lie
He softened his gaze as he shifted to Mirajane, letting the fire die down and dropping the fury completely.
She sent him a smile back with a subtle thumbs up, letting him know that his plan was working.
'Cause I've found what I have been waiting for
He slow blinked as he moved on to Lucy, the love and longing he felt for her piercing into her soul as she stared back at him. Her lower lip trembled behind her hand, tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. He really was… He was...
But to get there means crossing a line So I'm crossing a line
The drum line died down and Natsu started to clap his hands to the beat, encouraging the audience to do so as well, never once taking his eyes off of Lucy. Once that beat was established, he once more readjusted his grip on the guitar, readying himself in anticipation for what came next with a grin.
Lucy waited with baited breath, eyes shimmering as she desperately tried to blink them back into focus.
She was not about to lose sight of him again, tears be damned!
And they'll tell you I don't care anymore And I hope you'll know that's a lie
The drum line kicked in full force once again, with an electronic echo of the last few words, shocking the audience and picking up the energy Natsu was giving off with his riff.
Laughing behind her hand, she allowed one happy tear escape. It was such a Natsu thing for him to do.
And God she loved him for that.
'Cause I've found what I have been waiting for
Natsu sent a heartfelt smile to Lucy, once again hoping that she understood that he loved her, and that he was back for good.
But to get there means crossing a line So I'm crossing a line
He picked up his riff again, eyes never leaving his favorite blonde.
Lucy lowered her hand to smile back with no more tears in her eyes. She understood, and felt the shattered pieces of her heart start to come back together. He was home.
So I’m crossing a line
‘I love you Luce. I’m home.’ Smiling even wider, fangs showing, Natsu ended his song.
So I’m crossing a line
The audience went wild with their cheers, causing the pink haired male to tear his attention away from his intended target for a moment to take his bow. But when he turned his focus back to her, he realized that she was no longer in her seat.
Lucy met him halfway between the stage and the bar, arms crossed over her generous bosom and a passive expression on her angelic face.
Natsu knew he was in trouble. Deep trouble.
“Hey,” Natsu greeted, scratching the back of his head nervously.
“Hi,” she answered
“I guess we have a lot to talk about.”
“We most certainly do,” she said as she motioned for him to join her in a private booth.
After settling in, with eyes downcast, Natsu said with a sigh, “I am so sorry. I-I should’ve told you everything from the start.” His breath hitched just a little, tear gathering in the corners of his eyes. “I should’ve found a way to get in touch with you. I should’ve -”
She reached across the distance between them and placed her fingertips to his lips, effectively cutting him off from his babbling. He finally brought his gaze to hers, his wet jade getting lost in the deep brown of her eyes.
It was the first time that Lucy had actually physically touched him since this whole misunderstanding began. The feel of his lips against her skin set fire to her veins, causing her breath to catch as the intense heat raced up her arm to pool in her chest.
“Don’t,” she said with a shuddering breath, desperate to keep her emotions in check. “...d-did you find him?” She asked gently as she moved her fingers from his lips to his cheek.
With a wince that drew his eyes away from hers once more, he nodded, nuzzling against her fingers and swallowing harshly.
“I did,” he said in an almost broken whisper as he grabbed at the hand that she still held to his cheek and pressed it closer to his skin.
Sensing his pain, she drew him in close, resting her forehead to his with her eyes closed, holding onto her tears. His pain now becoming hers as understanding filtered through her.
She loved his father as her own, after all.
Natsu’s eyes went wide at the gesture, his words lost in utter disbelief. He never imagined being able to touch her this intimately again. A few moments later, he lowered his own dark eyelashes to his cheekbones and let out a quiet sigh, taking the moment for what it was.
It was a moment of grief for what had happened in the past; of the level of trust that they still had in each other.
A moment for the love that they both still shared.
“I missed you,” he spoke softly, his breath fluttering gently across her face. “I thought of you every single day that I was gone.”
“I missed y-you too,” she choked out, tears beginning to fall from her closed eyelids, dusting her eyelashes like diamonds. “I-I thought I was going crazy. I kept seeing you everywhere I went, even when I knew…”
“There were times when I thought I saw you too,” he confided as he slowly opened his eyes.
Lucy opened her eyes in awe. “Really?” She asked, amazed that the boy in front of her might just still reciprocate her feelings.
“Really,” Natsu answered as he caressed her cheekbone with his thumb, wiping away her tears. His love shone brilliantly from his eyes, nearly illuminating them. “And after all of this, I’ve finally found what I have been waiting for,” he said as he leaned in close.
Lucy smirked. “And that is…?” she asked coyly.
“You,” he said simply, taking her breath away as he edged in even closer.
“Natsu …” her voice was lost as he finally, finally closed the distance between them. The feel of his slightly chapped lips against her glossed ones soothed her soul as it simultaneously heated her core. His hand slipped from her face to her golden strands, tangling his fingers in the base of her braid. Her hand had similar ideas, engulfing itself in the pink hairs on the back of his neck.
It was like the missing piece to the puzzle of their hearts.
It felt like finally coming home.
When they finally breathlessly pulled apart, Natsu grinned sheepishly. “So….does this mean I can crash at your place now?”
Lucy laughed lightly, a bubbly feeling in her chest that hadn’t been felt for so long. “Don’t you think that you’re crossing a line?”
“Aren’t I always?” he grinned as he crashed his lips onto hers again
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jfangirld ¡ 6 years ago
Promise - A Gruvia story for Big Bang Nalu Gruvia Event ----------------------------------------------
Promise - A Gruvia story
So this story is for the Nalu, Gruvia Big Bang Event. Thanks for this event ! I was in collaboration with @anime-top-arts, go and check her contribution ! ^^
RM - forever rain
If Gray hated anything, it was to make a woman cry. Even more so when it was the one he loved. He had never seen Juvia in this state before. It was heartbreaking to see the girl he was in love with, devastated because of his behavior. 
“How can you leave Juvia alone?” she said sobbing. “Am I not good enough for you?!” 
Maybe he should have prepared her mentally. No, he was certain of his choice to not say anything until this moment. She would have begged him to go with him. He knew her too well. She was determined and brave, and that’s a reason why he loves her.
“Juvia, I can’t let you come with me. It’s dangerous... too dangerous.” Gray said looking at her while she winced.
“So, Juvia is not strong enough to go with you. Not strong enough to do a 100 years quest!?” She was not sad anymore, but rather she was… upset?
Seeing an upset Juvia was also brand new to him. How could she think horrible things like that?
“Juvia was an S class mage before, you know. She knows what it is, she is not dumb.” The girl added. 
This argument was going too far; way too far.
“I’m not saying that, Juvia,” He took her hand in his while he was looking at her. She was so beautiful. “I lost you once, I can’t lose you again. It’s too difficult. I prefer to know that you are safe with Gajeel and the others at the guild.”
Juvia blushed. Gray was never romantic like that. She loved this new side. 
“Maybe I seem selfish, but when it comes to you, I’m the most selfish man in the world.”
It was the first time that Gray said something like that, so he hoped that Juvia would notice it.
“When are you leaving?” She asked. 
“Tomorrow at 2pm because we have to wait for Natsu and Lucy to wake up.” He answered, not understanding why she was asking that.
From the way her lips pressed together to make a fine line, Juvia seemed to think about what to say next. 
“We will talk about it tomorrow morning…” She turned to go home, but he took her hand not understanding what she was doing. 
“What are you doing? I leave for the 100 years quest soon, so I want to stay with you until tomorrow.” 
“Juvia waited for you for more than 9 years during which you paid no attention to her feelings. And you think that the day you decide to notice her, Juvia must accept without complaining,” she paused as if she were surprised by her own words. “She is not a doll that you can manipulate when you want to; she is a woman. A woman with a lot of feelings and a lot of fear. Juvia thinks you should understand that!”
And before Gray could say anything, she was gone. What just happened?! He couldn’t lose her again.
A few hours later, Gray was at the guild, a drink in his hand while he thought of her. He was so stupid and stubborn. He only thought about him in the relationship. Two lovers are supposed to work together, and he hoped that Juvia would forgive him. The man spent his time brooding and crying over how stupid he was. A few hours later, the barmaid came to talk to him.
“Gray, you need to leave now. I have to close the bar and the guild. Can you turn around?” Mira asked from behind him, not noticing the tears rolling down his cheeks.
Gray turned around to look at her, his eyes red from crying. The woman was surprised by the unusual expression on his face. “Is everything all right?”
He took a little time to answer, he didn’t even know how to reply.
“I’m not the one to whom you should ask,” Gray answered taking a sip of his glass. 
The satanic soul mage didn’t understand what he meant by that. Just what was the problem?
“Don’t worry Mira, I don’t plan on leaving the guild until tomorrow morning. You can go home and sleep now.”
She was worried about him, but sometimes people need time to talk. She knew that Gray was this type of person. With that in mind, Mira left the guild, still worried about her friend.
 Gray stayed at the guild wondering what Juvia would do when he left for the 100 years quest. A series of questions ran through this mind. Would she cry and hate him? Would she not want to hear or see him ever again? He was afraid about tomorrow, because he may never know how she really felt about this. Would they ever finish their conversation from earlier?
A few minutes later, Gray could hear the door open.
“Mira I told you I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” He said but when he looked at the person who was in front of him, it was none other than Gajeel Redfox. “Oi! Ice Boy!” Gajeel answered. “Are you okay?”
The ice mage could understand the irony. “Do you know if she is okay?” Gajeel didn’t even have to ask who Gray was referring to.
“So, you care about her now, do you?” 
Gray hated his tone. He already felt bad enough; he did not need that. He stood up and looked at him.
“Listen, I care about her. I can’t live without her… I,” He stopped, unable to utter words from his mouth.
“You what?” encouraged Gajeel.
“I love her.”
A mischievous smile appeared on Gajeel's face while he looked at him.
“Gihee. Therefore, you see that you have to say it to her. She needs to hear that, Gray. She waited years to be with you, so you should understand that she was disappointed about the 100 years quest.”
It was the first time in his life that Gray heard Gajeel speak this way so freely. “You are right, I have to tell her that. She deserves it; she deserves everything. And it’s my role to do that. She needs to feel loved.”
“Oh my Mavis! That’s what I wanted to hear!” Gajeel exclaimed with a smile.
“Thank you Gajeel,” Gray said. “I feel better about myself now. I have to tell her tomorrow before I leave.”
They both finished the night at the bar, drinking and chatting about their love lives. Gray never had a conversation like that with Gajeel before. It was very pleasant and weird at the same time. But thanks to that, he was less stressed.
Regarding of the conversation with Gajeel, Gray was still stressed like he had never been the next day. The pain in his stomach was strong. The things we do for love, huh? Gajeel was still sleeping at the bar. Last night made Gray realize how much the dragon slayer loved Juvia. He hoped that he would take care of Juvia when the ice mage left.
He hated himself.
A few hours later, the guild was crowded but he did not see Juvia. At Erza's request, he climbed onto the table as it was the moment he dreaded the most. 
Goodbyes. “We are here to make an announcement,” Erza began “Gray will explain to you in detail.”
They all knew the sister figure hated to talk in front of people, thus he started to explain the situation.
Then, a beautiful blue haired woman held his attention. Juvia. She was there after all.
After he finished explaining, he went to the water mage, determined to explain himself. 
“Juvia we need to talk.” Gray started.
“Yes, we have to,” She answered; her monotonous tone made him more stressed than before.
They left the guild to go outside, they started to walk. She was very quiet, showing that their separation was going to be heartbreaking.
They stopped to walk when Gray took Juvia’s hand, urging her to look in his eyes. 
“Juvia... you know how important you are to me, but you also know that I am stupid and immature when it comes to feelings,” 
While blushing, she started to look at him, and Gray was content to see a good reaction. “I love you Juvia. I will always will. You are the most patient, beautiful, and understanding girl in the world, and I want to stay with you forever. No quests will be able to separate us; no love rivals. Nothing, and nobody.”
“Gray-sama, Juvia is so glad that you have understood her feelings.” 
It was the best moment to show her his surprise. He brought his hands together and began to say, “Ice make ring.” 
That’s when a stunning, ice ring appeared in his hand. He took Juvia’s finger and let the ring slide on.
“What is that Gray-sama?” Juvia asked peering the ring which fit her well. 
“It’s a promise,” He started “I promise to come back to you. I promise to make you my wife, and I promise to love you for eternity.” 
Then, Juvia started to cry and threw herself in his arms. Only tears of joy were shed. All was well. 
@nalugruviaevents check @anime-top-arts art : https://anime-top-arts.tumblr.com/post/186001109101/today-its-the-day-that-me-and-jfangirld-will
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nalugruviaevents ¡ 6 years ago
All sign ups are closed!
The Big Bang has begun and we patiently wait for those who have signed up to start creating Nalu and Gruvia content!
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wannabeficwriter ¡ 6 years ago
Another spoiler for my Nalu/Gruvia Big Bang event submission. I’m having a lot of fun writing this story, even when there are parts that are just kicking my arse (like this one transition, and this other one, and let’s not even mention my ending!)
I seriously can’t wait for you guys to read it!
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jekde04 ¡ 4 years ago
Of Sudden Rains and Lasting Promises
Pairing: Gruvia (Gray Fullbuster & Juvia Lockser) Fandom: Fairy Tail Genre: Romance Word Count: 2,254 words Summary: She had been fairly good at controlling the rain and not letting her emotions influence it too much. But there were a couple of instances in the past that it went out of hand–and it always involved one person. Just like how it did now. Prompt: Tears (Day 4 of Gruvia Week 2021, but I'm so late I don't want to tag it as such anymore lol) Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 You may also read it on FanFiction.net and AO3! Check out my master list for other Gruvia fics. Tag list (I'm so sorry I totally forgot to tag you in my last few fics!): @shampooneko @fbflame94 @juviaafullbuster @unvalley @gruviaftw11​ (Wanna be tagged, lemme know)
She didn't mean to make it rain. But thank heavens it was just a drizzle.
It had been a while since it last happened. She had been fairly good at controlling the rain and not letting her emotions influence it too much. But there were a couple of instances in the past that it went out of hand–and it always involved one person.
Just like how it did now.
Juvia wiped the thin streaks of rain pelting her face. She decided to sit on the park bench right under a big oak tree, but the rain must be getting stronger now because the thick canopy of leaves had become inadequate to protect her. She heard a man curse and remark how annoying the sudden rain was as he hastened to pack up the magazines and newspapers he was selling.
She was the gloomy rain woman once again.
"You shouldn't be out under the rain like that."
A hand holding a familiar pink umbrella appeared beside her, shielding her from the worsening downpour. She didn't need to look to know who it was.
"How did Gray-sama get Juvia's umbrella?"
"You left it in the guild, so I borrowed it for myself," Gray said as he moved to sit beside her, all the while not letting the shade of the umbrella leave her head. He moved his damp bangs away from his eyes and ruffled his hair to shake the droplets off.
"Gray-sama can use Juvia's umbrella. No need to ask Juvia," she muttered. She could feel Gray inching closer to her to make sure they're both under the umbrella, their arms and legs touching.
"I know. I just happened to see you here, and it's kinda unfair to keep the umbrella for myself while the owner is getting drenched."
Juvia looked at him, his chiseled profile matching the perpetual frown on his face. She already knew how handsome he was, yet her heart still beat fast every time she looked at him.
But she also couldn't help that sinking feeling in her chest when she remembered what she overheard earlier. She sighed.
"You okay?" he asked her.
"Hmm-mmm," Juvia answered. She wondered if she should ask him or just let him broach the subject. Finally, she decided to just stay in comfortable silence as the rain poured in a steady rhythm.
"There's something I've been meaning to tell you."
There it is, she thought, but she didn't dare hope. It could be something else.
"Juvia is listening."
A long pause, with nothing but the incessant downpour and the few people out and about being all that they could hear.
"I'm going on a quest with my team." When Juvia didn't say anything, he continued, "It's gonna take a while."
Really, it shouldn't hurt like this. Mages like them go on quests all the time.
But this one was different, she knew.
"Juvia knows. Everyone was talking about it at the guild." She looked at him while he continued to stare straight ahead as if counting each drop of rain. "You're doing Gildarts-san's failed quest, right? The one that hasn't been solved for 100 years."
What was a previously light shower started to transform into heavier rain, bigger drops falling from the sky and making plop-plop noises on the umbrella shielding them. She could feel drops hitting the right side of her body, and she knew that it would only be a matter of time before the wetness would start to seep through her thick clothes.
She felt Gray squeeze closer to her and reposition the umbrella to cover her entire body. Glancing at him, she noticed that half of his body was getting drenched by the sudden heavy downpour.
"Gray-sama, you're getting wet," she said as she moved even closer to him, grabbing the umbrella and trying to cover him better.
"Don't worry about me," he told her, moving his arm around her shoulders so that they could fit under the umbrella better. The sudden warm sensation as Gray practically embraced her lit Juvia's pale cheeks with a pink tinge, but she couldn't bring herself to say more to him.
After a few beats, he said, "I'm sorry you had to hear it from other people. I was planning to tell you, you know."
Despite the dark clouds in the sky and her heart, Juvia couldn't help but smile. At least Gray wasn't planning to just leave her in the dark this time, like what he did when he disappeared without a trace for six months. The thought of it made tears well in her eyes, and she hastily wiped them with the back of her hand, lest the rain worsened.
Gray looked at her, concern written all over his face. "Hey, you can say no if you don't want me to leave."
At this, Juvia looked at him, her eyes wide. "What?"
"If you're not fine with it, I won't go."
"Is Gray-sama asking Juvia's permission to go on a mission?" she asked, not believing what she was hearing.
Gray blushed and looked away from her. He shrugged. "Maybe."
"But why?"
"Well, you are..." Gray swallowed, as if a thick lump had formed in his throat. "You are... my… my friend. And what you think is important to me."
She should have been sad to be called just a "friend," but for some reason, Juvia felt warmth spread in her chest. Gray wasn't particularly good with his words, but he always made up for it in his actions.
And now, he was actually considering her feelings. Ready to throw away the chance to go on a once-in-a-lifetime quest if she said so.
"Does Gray-sama want to go?"
His brows creased in thought, and it took him a moment before he answered. "Yeah, I think so. There's a part of me that wants to stay, but a bigger part of me wants to get stronger."
Juvia furrowed her brows as she looked up at him. "But Gray-sama is already very strong. Juvia knows she says this a lot, but you really are one of the strongest mages she knows."
"I'm not planning to be the strongest out there," he said. "I just want to be strong enough to protect the people that matter to me."
Juvia rolled her eyes. "Everyone at Fairy Tail can protect themselves. You have nothing to worry about."
"I'm not talking about Fairy Tail," Gray answered, his gaze darting once again to the empty rain-drenched street. She may just have imagined it, but she thought she saw his cheeks darken as he tightened his grip on her shoulder.
"There is... someone... I cherish. Someone I almost lost before. I don't want that to happen again. I want to be strong, so I can keep her safe."
It was so unusual for Gray to talk about his feelings that it left Juvia dumbfounded. Of course, she didn't want to assume or make Gray uncomfortable, but…
What the hell. He was leaving soon, and she had to let him know how much he mattered to her. One more time.
"Juvia is sure that whoever that someone is, she already thinks Gray-sama is wonderful and more than enough," she said. And in a lower voice, she added, "And she believes that her love for him won't change whether he's the strongest mage on Earthland or just an ordinary man without powers. Because she loves him just the way he is right now."
She sneaked a peek at Gray, whose eyes she couldn't see behind his bangs, but his cheeks had definitely turned a dark shade of red. And maybe it was just her imagination again, but was that a shadow of a smile appearing on his face?
The rain was finally letting up, the dark clouds gradually going away. Yet the two of them remained huddled under Juvia's umbrella. Gray started to subconsciously play with the tips of her hair, curling and uncurling them on his fingers. Not that she minded, though.
"I know that. After all, she's the kindest person I know," Gray said. "That is why I want to be the best version of myself. For her. I don't want to be anything less because she deserves only the best."
Juvia could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, but she fought it and willed herself not to boil or turn into a puddle. The dark clouds were all gone now, replaced by the sun's rays taking a peek from the clouds and giving an ethereal sheen to their surroundings.
"Gray-sama is so sweet. Whoever she is, she's one lucky girl."
"Trust me, I'm luckier," Gray said, grinning at her. Then, realizing that the rain had stopped and the sun was out, he closed the umbrella and stood up, stretching his hand for Juvia to grab.
"I guess someone's feeling less sad now?" he asked, and Juvia blushed.
She took Gray's hand, and he intertwined their fingers as they started walking towards Fairy Hills. "How did Gray-sama know?"
"Let's just say I also have a Juvia-radar that tells me when you need a bit of cheering up," Gray told her, and Juvia couldn't help the swarm of butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
Maybe it was due to their interlocked hands and the way his thumb mindlessly caressed her knuckles. Or perhaps the fact that he was walking her home, though he had been doing that for quite some time now. Or maybe it was because of how well he knew her–and actually cared about her.
It was all of the things he had said and done… and even all the unsaid ones that brought unparalleled joy in her heart. Because she felt… no, she knew that she was loved. Deeply and completely.
But she had to ask him one more thing.
"Can you promise... that certain someone... one thing?"
"What is it?"
"Promise her you'll come back."
Gray chuckled. "Of course. I promise I'll come back home to her, no matter what. I will come back as a man worthy of her love. "
She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back, and they continued walking hand-in-hand, no words needed.
They were at the gate of Fairy Hills when Gray spoke again.
"Yes, Gray-sama?"
He had stopped walking and faced her. "Wait for me, will you?"
A bright blush bloomed on her cheeks. Gray had always been indirect with her, yet here he was, asking her (and not a certain someone) to wait for him.
As if there would be any other answer.
"Always, Gray-sama."
And, in a moment of boldness, she tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek, her lips lingering for a second before letting him go. She caught sight of his reddened cheeks before he turned his face away and awkwardly patted her head with his free hand.
"We won't be leaving until the end of the week, so, um... would you like to... spend some time with me?"
Juvia's eyes sparkled. "Is Gray-sama asking Juvia out on a–"
"Not a date!" Gray quickly interrupted. "Just, um, hanging out with each other since I'm going away and we're not going to see each other for a long time."
Juvia smiled knowingly. Nothing would change her mind that Gray was asking her out on a date, but of course, she would let him believe that they were just "hanging out" if that was what he wanted.
"Let Juvia think." She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped a finger on her chin. "Hmm, Juvia wants to eat caramade franks, go fishing–"
"You wanna go fishing? We can do that."
"Really? Juvia's so happy! She was told it's always raining around her, so she can't be taken fishing or camping or–"
"Who said that? That's a load of crap," Gray said, irritated. "Tell me and I'll punch his brains out."
Juvia placed a hand on his arm. "Not important, Gray-sama." She smiled and added, "Tomorrow, then?"
Gray nodded. And before she knew what was happening, she felt Gray pulling her body close to him, her hat yanked away from her head, and Gray's lips suddenly on her forehead. Her hands landed on his bare chest, and she could feel his heartbeat thumping loudly, probably as strong as the beating of her heart at the moment.
It ended as fast as it happened, and she found herself being pushed away by a flustered Gray, mumbling, "See you tomorrow!" As he hurriedly walked away from her, Juvia finally broke from her trance and had enough sense to shout, "Gray-sama, your clothes!"
Juvia giggled as Gray picked up his discarded clothes and started wearing them, still a bit of pink coloring his cheeks. When he was done, he hastily waved goodbye to her and shouted, "Tomorrow!"
She watched his retreating form until he was no longer within her line of sight. Her heart ached a bit, knowing that he was going away soon, but it swelled with the promise that he would eventually come home to her–a better, stronger, and more confident man.
How that was even possible, she didn't know, as he was already perfect in her eyes. But she also hadn't imagined that she could even love him more, yet here she was, finding herself loving him a little bit more each day as he ever-so-slowly let her into his melting heart.
Clutching her hat to her heart, she entered Fairy Hills.
A/N: I'm still writing Gruvia Week fics? You bet I am! It would be a waste if I don't flesh out those drafts I did before, right? Thank you for still reading my fics. I appreciate them a lot and you inspire me to keep writing. Btw, the fishing thing is a reference to the FT 100 YQ chapter 11 cover. And also to what Bora said to Juvia once. :)
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imxeracus ¡ 4 years ago
From Now On
Ok y’all, this is super long hahahahha I’m so sorry. Happy Gruvia Week 2021!! Here’s my contribution and I’m sorry but I don’t think I have the time to do more but I hope you guys like it anyway. I hope its not too OOC and if FT had more romance elements I believe this would be possible. Enjoy!
--------------------------- Gray tousled his hair and fidgeted around the entrance, feeling nervous about the day when it was only about 10 o’clock in the morning. Today, he told himself that he had to make sure things went well and most of all, to not take off any of his clothes subconsciously. For an ice mage, ironically he could not seem to get himself to calm down and stay cool about this. Regarding his first official date with Juvia, that is.
The 100 Years Quest was over and as promised, he spoke to Juvia about their relationship and how he was finally good enough for her. Despite the water mage’s disagreement to his initial beliefs and reasoning, she was elated that Gray formally addressed their feelings for each other. Furthermore, he initiated that they ought to have a proper first date that weekend itself.
He clicked his tongue briefly and frowned upon himself as he began to manifest in some thoughts to keep himself together. Why are you getting all nervous for! He ponders, his hands getting a little clammy in his pockets. Aren’t you the Gray Fullbuster, who bravely puts himself out for others and save the world countless times?
Before he could go on any further, a cute slivery voice interrupted his train of thought. Miserably trying to keep his cool, he spun around eagerly and was met with sapphire eyes that gave off a different vibe from her usual self. The said bluenette had her locks half tied and wore an off-shoulder dress that was not too revealing, similar to her nature. Accompanied with her outfit was a pair of kitten heels, some accessories and a subtle blush adorning her cheeks.
”Juvia is sorry for making you wait.”
For the majority, her outfit is considered simple and chic but for today, Gray thought she looked really, really good. Dammit, he gulped loudly as he felt his cheeks started to blush already at the sight of her. He knew that the water user was attractive, but it was beginning to sink in that he is now calling this beautiful person his. “Ah—um—” Gray fumbled and looked away, trying his best to hide the redness. “Shall we get going?” She simply smiled, gave a small chuckle and placed her left hand gently on his right arm (as if he could take more), indicating him to proceed to their destination. On their first date, Fullbuster had planned to go and visit the aquarium—because the water reminds him of Juvia, but he is never going to admit it—which was not too far off from where they were. It was a good walking distance, and they had a nice peaceful time on the way there. Despite saying that, he was worried as it did not seem natural for the bluenette to stay silent. Especially today, he expected her to be more excited and be all over him. As they arrive at the aquarium, Gray went over to the counter and bought a pair of tickets and made his way back to the front, where Juvia was waiting for him. As he carefully observed the water mage from a distance, he could see that she was looking down with an expression he could not seem to grasp. ”Juvia.” Surprised, she looked up hastily to see Gray back by her side. ”Is everything alright?” ”Juvia’s fine!” She exclaimed, quick to lighten up the mood. “She’s just... a little excited—as in, we’ve never done this before—but Juvia’s really happy!” She glanced at him timidly. “Also, Gray-sama looks dashing today.” For once with the determination of not stripping everything off, the ice mage did make the effort to dress well in a brown coat paired with a t-shirt and jeans. Albeit reddening slightly at her remark, he was more concerned on the fact she seemed to not be telling the truth. Here he was, blessed to have her despite all those years of constantly avoiding her advances—and now, when she is distressed, she was still keeping herself together to not worry him. His gaze soften as the guilt was slowly crept up inside him. Despite that, the said man tried to push the matter aside for the time being and wanted to make sure the day goes well. As of now, he knew that he needed to push himself more and step up his game. Once again, her eyes met with his onyx ones as he spoke quickly. “You.. you look good, too.” Juvia’s pupils dilated while Gray blushed furiously, frowning at how embarrassed he was over such a simple statement. It was a start, at least. He also noted on how she seemed to be elated from it. Before she could ask anything else, he took her hand in his and brought them into the aquarium. He could tell people were staring as the both of them were rather known after all they have done in Fiore, but screw it. Gray decided that it was not going to get in the way of his pride today if it could. Thankfully, the ice mage started to loosen up as Juvia gleefully looked at all the sea creatures that were present. When her beloved mentioned about this place, she gladly agreed because this place was known for breeding imported fishes outside of Fiore. The water woman, being part of the sea and occasionally swimming in it, found joy learning the names and characteristics of the animals she meets in the ocean.  “So these are angelfishes!” she exclaimed to Gray, as she lightly tapped on his shoulder while pointing at the said creature. “Juvia always sees them if she takes a dive into the ocean.” “Hmm,” Gray mused, acting disinterested. “What else do you normally see?” "Juvia’s seen all of these underwater because in this tank, all of them are common sea fishes.” “Isn’t that a bore?” The ice mage rolled his eyes. “We should go see something you don’t normally see—that’s what this place is for.” He smoothly took her hand in his and brought her along. Meanwhile, Juvia lightly blushes as she realised that this incident—Gray initiating the hand holding—has been happening a few times already. Every time she releases his grasp to point or walk towards a destination, the brunet would eventually put them back together again. She glanced at Gray who seemed to pay no mind to the matter as they visited the different tanks and places of the aquarium. Indeed, the bluenette was not complaining but a little taken aback. Is this suppose to be normal? She thought, as her imagination continued to spiral on. The smooth and sly Gray-sama was taking a little too much for her to handle—even from before! Eventually, her legs gave way and she started to lose her balance. Quickly, she placed her hand on the wall for balance which caused her footsteps to come to a halt and the ice mage to notice her situation. “Juvia!” He held her arms by the sides and shook her slightly in worry. “I’m right earlier, aren’t I? You really weren’t feeling good?” “Gray-sama...” He raised a brow in question. “Yes?” Juvia took a quick glance back at him before she burst into tears. “Gray-sama is too gentlemanly and sly today!” She wailed, half in distress and in joy. “First, he chooses to dress up and pick Juvia up at her place. Secondly, he complimented her outfit she took hours to decide and still felt it wasn’t good enough!” “Lastly, Juvia didn’t want to bother him and occasionally walks on her own, but Gray-sama keeps coming back, holding her hands gently and she’s too happy that she can’t walk straight anymore!” Full of emotions, she tried to control her tears as she quickly wiped some of it away. “Juvia’s not used to it Gray-sama. You’re being too nice and cool!” At this he flushed hard, did he really hold her hand so often? “Oi!” He panicked, his cheeks continue to redden in embarrassment at her bold statements of him. “D-don’t make sure a big deal out of it. I mean—like—just calm down!” With her loud voice, the people nearby saw and heard the context of the incident and lightly chuckled in amusement which caused Gray to be conscious with their surroundings and it made him uncomfortable. He quickly took her to an area with minimal crowd and dimmed lights to spare them from all the attention. He sat Juvia down on the nearby bench in hopes to calm her down as she sniffed softly. The ice mage took a moment to stare at the bluenette who was being all worked up earlier on. Gray’s eyebrows furrowed as he run his hand through his hair in exasperation before he sat down next to her. “Here,” A cold can drink grazed upon Juvia’s cheek gently. “Drink this.” She took it with gratitude and managed a few sips, a troubled look appearing on her features as she noticed her beloved looking away—clearly upset. The water mage frowned and looked down, tightening her hold on the can drink as she quickly apologises. “Juvia is sorry, Gray-sama. She should’ve known better than to embarrass Gray-sama in public,” Surprised at herself, she started to fumble. “Gray-sama doesn’t like attention and Juvia failed to see it. Juvia shouldn’t have been so swamped at her own giddiness, Juvia was too–” “Stop it,” Gray clicked his tongue in annoyance, his bangs covering his eyes. “You make me sound like a terrible boyfriend.” “Juvia didn’t mean—eh?” It took a moment before she realised what Gray has declared and took a small peak at him. “Did Gray-sama just say ‘boyfriend’?” “Aren’t I?” “Juvia didn’t expect you to say that out...” He scratched his neck nervously, his eyes looking away. “I mean.. I promised you didn’t I? I’m going to become a man good enough for you. If I can’t even say that out, I’m worse than flamebrain.” As much as she was feeling touched, she couldn’t help but worry. “Juvia doesn’t want to force you to change, Gray-sama.” “I’m not forcing myself.” “But Gray-sama kept forcing himself to make sure that we held hands—” “Because I wanted to!” Pupils dilated once again as she was struck with confusion. Fullbuster, flushed and embarrassed at what he just blurted out, grew annoyed at her denseness and tousled his hair once more before speaking up. “Dammit woman, why are you making me say all these sappy shit...” “Look,” He sighed before looking back at her once again, determined. “Every time we hold hands, I always try to play it cool but damn—it’s stupid to say this as a grown man but I get so nervous and happy about it. I kept wanting you close to me....” Gray felt annoyed at his frenzied heart as he continued to speak his feelings aloud. “I really want to be better for you, Juvia. I don’t want you to always make it easy for me. I want to return the favour back as much as I can.”  Before he went on, the ice mage narrowed his eyes in dismay and looked away as he gripped his knuckles tightly. “But this whole time, I kept making you cry and get upset. Even now, I don’t even know how to make you feel better when you’re always here for me previously. Instead, I chose to take us somewhere else and frown about it because I was a coward.... I’m sorry.” The ice mage mumbled at the end of his sentence, but Juvia could make out his words anytime. It was funny, really. All her life, the water mage was contented on loving him without expecting anything much back. Now, when it was becoming a reality, Juvia’s heart swelled. For once, her mind went blank on how to express these thoughts aloud. Loving Gray has been wonderful, but being loved back by him now was even better than she could ever imagined. She placed a hand on his cheek in efforts to cheer him up and as he turned back—in his opinion, Gray was greeted with the most alluring smile he has ever seen. “Thank you for trying so hard, Gray-sama.” She spoke in the most loving voice she could muster. “Juvia loves you very much.” In that moment, his gaze softened as he swiftly took away her hand that was on his face into his own, lacing them together. Tightening his hold on her said hand, Gray took her cheek in with his other free palm. The ice mage took a good look at her before he slowly leaned in. He heard Juvia uttered something out of confusion, but he paid no mind to it. Because in that moment, all he could think of was how much he adored her kindness, love and patience.  In the dim lighting and quiet section of the aquarium, his lips met hers in a chaste kiss as response to her statement earlier on. Frankly, the ice mage did not know what to say either as he nervously pulled away to check on her reaction. When his eyes slowly opened and met with hers, Gray could not help but smile back at his girl whose cheeks were now flushed in surprise. He let out a slight chuckle and squeezed her hand lovingly as he could tell that the water mage was clearly still processing the kiss. It was embarrassing, he admitted, but he did not regret doing so. He had nothing to hide anyways. “Shall we continue on with our date?”
After all, Juvia was his to keep from now on.
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fairytail-incorrectquotes ¡ 5 years ago
Hey, first I ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 YOU! Second, if all of the famous FT couples got sucked into a fairy tale book, what stories do you think they’d be in? (I’ve seen many a fic with different ideas.)
hmmm... famous? I'll assume you mean the Big Four + fraxus, yes?
this is a very interesting one. it could mean "what story fits their plot best" or "which characters are they the most like" or even "which traditional fairy tales do you think they'd like the most" - all of which are wonderful questions, glorious-san!
i think the way i shall answer this... hmm. I'm  answering this as "if you were rewriting a fairy tale with these ships as the characters, what would you write?"
i do apologise for this, though, because most of my knowledge of fairy tales comes from general knowledge and disney films
well, for nalu, I'd do cinderella. lucy can relate rather a lot to cinders, I'd imagine - lost her mother young, never had a particularly good relationship with her father, dreams of love and freedom she couldn't have (she can now, of course, but not originally). lucy is beautiful, blonde, whose good looks are subtle but certainly overwhelmingly stunning. natsu is charming, handsome - maybe not the most romantic or rich or a good dancer, but he is certainly loyal, and that's what prince charming is primarily known for. prince charming may not have remembered cinder's face all that well, but he roamed the whole land to look for her, never tiring until he found his princess. natsu would definitely do that for lucy - whether you ship nalu or not, it's true that he is truly devoted to her, and would run all over fiore with a glass slipper to find her. and lucy would definitely be covered in cinders by the end of the tale - and that's what cinderella was named for, after all! 😉
gruvia is a harder one. beauty and the beast comes to mind, although perhaps a role-reversal would be more accurate. gray is handsome, this is true, and when he first met juvia - well, she wasnt exactly the kindest. they were enemies, but like the beast, juvia fell for gray almost instantaneously. she changed herself for him, so he would love her - she stopped harming his friends, she joined the light, she wasnt so full of old traumas and misery. she is obsessive, like the beast, and like beauty and the beast, their relationship... wasnt always healthy, exactly. but she changed for the better, and gray fell for her. i think theyd fit the role rather well - not to mention, bickslow would have a great time making the crockery sing.
gajevy also reminds me of beauty and the beast - levy is clever and beautiful and gajeel... well, isn't - but I've already used that, so I'm thinking something else instead. i could maybe say disney's rapunzel, because tangled is a banging film and gajeel is a little like flynn ryder. we could have them be kristoff and anna, from frozen, or maybe westley and buttercup from the princess bride. frankly, a lot of fairy tales fit their dynamic - elegant young lady falls for dastardly-villain-turned-hero. i want to think of princess and the frog - almost there is a bop - although im going to settle on mulan. mulan is a badass warrior, beautiful, clumsy and clever. she's ambitious, cunning, works hard and fights harder. at first, shang dislikes mulan, similar to the way gajeel dislikes levy. however, during the story, levy makes gajeel sip Respect Women Juice, and gajeel continued to chug it for breakfast for the rest of his life. gajeel loves and fears his badass, cute-ass wife - something i refer to as The Moominpappa Complex - and levy is kinda gender-nonconforming too!
jerza reminds me of the film enchanted - have you seen it? it's very good! - because both of them canonically have feelings for eachother, but both reject those feelings and tell themselves they don't deserve the other. also erza is like snow white because she lives with several funny little men (except we call them the fairy tail guild)
fraxus is .... uh, princess and the frog? laxus is cocky, a little smug, kinda selfish, but hard-working, no-nonsense freed helps him realise the errorof his ways, and teaches him to be less arrogant, less high-and-mighty, and to value his friends. also i REALLY wanna see laxus as a frog and bickslow as a crocodile with a trumpet.
I'm sorry this took so long but i hope the wait was worth it!! its a wonderful question that so many fantastic ideas can come from, so many fics can be prompted by and so many people would answer differently!! are there more ships you'd like me to do it for? perhaps you'd like me to do ships as different ancient myths, or something similar? itd be my pleasure!!!
and finally, glorious-san, i ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 you too! 💕💕💕
have a lovely day!
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doyouevenshipbr0 ¡ 5 years ago
so i cant promise that ill post something for EVERYDAY but i will do what i can:)
i hope u all have an amazing, gruvia filled week:) enjoy babies!!!
also ok u know what so maybe i did write a story literally exactly like this for gruvia week last yr...... mind ur business lmao
gruvia week day 1: home
Juvia was practically running from the train station.
This was the longest mission she had gone on in years, and while she did love to get out and go on jobs, especially with Gajeel, she was itching to get home at this point.
Two weeks without her family was driving her borderline insane, and she was ready to hug and kiss everyone to her heart’s content. She looked up at the sky and noticed it was just about dusk. At the sight of the day almost ending, she picked up her pace a little bit. If she could just speed up a bit, she could probably make it home in time to still make dinner.
In a few more short moments, she stood at the door of her house. She stepped in the doorway and breathed in ready to shout a booming “I’m home!”, but she was interrupted by a commotion that seemed to be coming from the kitchen.
From where she stood, all she could hear was the muffled radio playing music, kids screaming with giggles, and some food sizzling. She was met with the smell of delicious, but maybe slightly burnt, food.
She placed her bag down beside her, and slowly but curiously made her way to the noise. Before she inserted herself just yet, she was wondering just what was going on.
“Storm! Why did you take your brother out of his bouncer!?”!She heard Gray shout, and it was quickly followed by two very familiar giggles.
“Kai’s one year old now, dad! He wants to run around not bounce!” Storm’s voice was mildly breaking with laughter.
Juvia finally got to the point where she could peak around the corner into the kitchen, and luckily she still had yet to be noticed.
Storm was holding the wiggly baby, but was clearly struggling, seeing as Kai certainly did not want to be held. Neva was right by her big brother’s side, giggling along with him. Gray, however, did not look as amused. He was looking back and forth from over his shoulder at the kids, to the many pans full of food he had cooking in front of him on the stove.
“Ok, well, I don’t really want him running around right now. I’m trying to focus on dinner.” Gray tried to calmly explained, but Juvia could tell he was breaking a sweat.
“But if we put him back in, he’ll cry!” Neva explained back. Her curly black pigtails bounced as she excitedly explained herself.
And as if it was on cue, Kai began screaming as tears ran down his red face. Gray instantly threw down the spatula in his hand and bent down to scoop up Kai out of Storm’s arms. He turned right back around, and continued stirring with the food while he bounced a screaming baby on his side.
“Daddy, you’re making my mac and cheese right?” Neva tugged at the apron her father wore.
“Yes, Nev, I’m making your mac n cheese.” He sighed, not appreciating the nagging child.
“Yay!” She cheered.
“But you do have to eat some veggies.” He reluctantly followed up with.
The gasp of betrayal that escaped Neva’s mouth almost made Juvia blow her cover with laughter.
“Veggies?! I hate veggies!” Neva stomped.
“Storm, can you please explain to your sister why we need to eat our veggies.” Gray replied. He didn’t feel like taking the time to explain the pros of vegetables.
“Uhhh, ok.” Storm replied, unsure. He paused and scratched his dark blue waves in the back of his head “Well I don’t like vegetables all that much either. I kinda’ think Mom and Dad just do it to be bossy.” Storm shurugged.
Neva’s deep blue eyes widened with horror.
“Storm!” Gray exclaimed. He should have known a nine year old reasoning with a four year old just simply wouldn’t work. The boom of his voice upset little Kai all over again, and he continued his screaming.
“Oh shit-! I mean- shoot!” Gray spat, and put down the spatula again, this time paying more attention to Kai, and shushing him as he swayed back and forth.
“Ok, Mommy thinks it’s time to step in.” Juvia calmly walked in the kitchen and was met with four surprised faces.
“Mommy!” Storm and Neva ran at her with full speed. She just had enough time to squat down and welcome their impact.
“Oof!” Juvia grunted as her kids slammed themsleves into her, wrapping their little arms around her. “Hello my babies!” Juvia regained her footing and wrapped her arms around them, kissing their heads.
“How was it?! Did you and uncle Gajeel kick butt?! Did you use your water stuff!?” Storm spat questions at her, just as he did every time she or Gray got back from a mission.
“Yes, baby.” Juvia used her hand to push the bangs from Storm’s eyes. “Mommy and Uncle Gajeel did great.”
“Mommy, Mommy, Daddy’s gonna’ make me eat veggies!” Neva cried out for help, planning on Juvia to rescue her from the vegetables.
“He is?!” Juvia pretended to gasp, and she looked up at Gray, who gave a defeated smirk.
She stood back up. “Speaking of food, it smells delicious.” She walked towards Gray, and gave him a big hug as he still held the baby in his hands. Juvia took her hands and squished Gray’s face, planting a big kiss on his cheek, earning a grunt from Gray.
“Oi! Do you really gotta’ squeeze my face like that?” Gray twisted his face free from her hands.
“But Juvia hasn’t been able to squish Gray-sama’s sweet face for so long!” She whined.
She averted her attention down Kai. “And speaking of squishing sweet faces,” She took him from Gray’s arms.
“Hello, my love!” Juvia doted, and Kai smiled at the sight of Juvia’s happy face. She brought his chubby cheeks to her lips and kissed him a bunch, making the baby giggle.
Gray went back to fiddle with the food one more time before he turned off the stover. “Ya know, it’s a lot easier to cook around here when I have you to distract these demons.” Gray sighed, and leaned up against the counter.
“Demons?!” Juvia laughed. “Juvia’s babies are angels.” She continued to sway Kai in her arms.
“Are we talking about the same babies?” Gray playfully raised a brow.
Neva and Storm both laughed, feeling accomplished at annoying their father.
“Yeah, laugh it up.” Gray chuckled back at them.
Juvia sniffed. “Is Gray-sama cooking salmon?”
“At this point, I think I’m burning salmon.” At Juvia’s reminder, he took an oven mit and opened up the oven, taking out steaming salmon.
“It looks great!” Juvia smiled. She missed Gray’s cooking. “Salmon’s Juvia’s favorite.”
“I know. I made asparagus and rice, too.” Juvia looked at the stovetop and sure enough, they were all there.
“And mac n cheese for me!” Neva cheered, raising up her hand.
“You’re gonna try the asparagus, too.” Gray daunted.
“A-spar-gus?” Neva sounded out the word, not being quite sure exactly what it was.
“It’s the nasty vegetable Dad’s gonna’ make us eat.” Storm explained.
“Alright. That’s it you two. Now that my hands are free I can finally kick your butts!” A playful smirk appeared on Gray’s face before he ran at the kids, scooping them up in his arms and slinging them over his shoulders. The two shrieked with giggles as they kicked, trying to free themselves from Gray’s grasp. “One more word and I drop you two square on your heads!” He teased.
Storm and Neva continued to laugh as Gray shook them around a bit. Juvia admired the smiling faces from afar. When they all smiled so hard like that, they all looked the same. It seemed to be contagious, because Juvia felt herself grinning right back at them. Even little Kai was bubbling with laughter, and Juvia couldn’t help the tears that welled up in her eyes at this beautiful feeling.
“Alright, everyone!” Juvia caught everyone’s attention. “Why don’t we eat the yummy dinner Daddy made before it gets cold?” Gray, Storm, and Neva nodded in agreement.
Juvia wasn’t sure if she could put a finger on exactly what this feeling was, but if she had to, she would use one word.
This was home.
164 notes ¡ View notes
i-am-the-hero-alfred-jones ¡ 5 years ago
Fairy Tail’s Fairy Tale’s Chapter 4
((Part 4 of my contribution for the Fairy Tail big bang by @ft-ez-bb ! This is my favorite chapter, so I hope you guys enjoy it! Please like/comment/reblog/ect!! )) 
Wendy glanced back into the book, "Okay next is-" The doors of the guild were thrown open and an underwear-clad ice mage stormed in. "So how was the annulment?" Erza asked, smirking as she sat by Wendy. She had been looking over the slayer's shoulder and had an idea for the next story. "We're still married!" Juvia declared, hugging onto Gray happily. Normally Gray would allow her to hold onto him for a short time, but this time he roughly shrugged her off. "We can't get it annulled for 24 hours." he informed the guild bitterly, "They have to wait for the paperwork to go through before they can cancel it." 
"But Gajeel still has the paperwork. . . " Wendy said, confused. "What?!" Gray whirled towards the dragon slayer. Sure enough, the marriage certificate was still sitting on the table in front of him. "Yeah, technically you guys aren't legal until I turn this thing in." Gajeel said, handing Gray the paper. "Oh no!" Juvia gasped, she wasn't aware of that fact, "If we hurry back to City Hall we can turn it in-" Gray looked her dead in the eye as he ripped the certificate in half. Juvia gasped and covered her mouth. Gray proceeded to shred the rest of the paper, before throwing it into the fire. "Gray-" "No! I'm not talking to you- I don't even want to look  at you right now!" he yelled angrily. Juvia ran out of the guild sobbing. Wendy and Lyon seemed to be the only ones that felt bad for Juvia, as everyone else agreed that tricking someone into thinking they'd married you was crossing some sort of line. 
"I'm glad you're back Gray, because I think the next story would be perfect for you and Natsu." Erza mentioned. "Me and who?!" Gray demanded, "Aren't I angry enough right now?!" "But it's for Wendy." Erza pointed out, gesturing to the guild's sweetest member, who was staring at the book curiously. "Do you really think this would be good for Gray and Natsu?" Wendy asked curiously. "I think it would be perfect." Erza assured, "Lucy and I could be their parents. All we need now is a witch." "But who would want to hurt Gray and Natsu?" Wendy asked innocently. Laxus snorted from the bar, "Who wouldn't?" he took a drag from his pint but choked on it at Wendy's next words. 
"Perfect! Laxus, you can be the witch!" "No!" Laxus slammed his drink down, "I think this whole thing is stupid and I'm not-" he fell silent as his eyes fell on Wendy. She looked like she was about to cry. "Oh. . . I understand. . ." Wendy said hollowly. She looked away, "Y-you don't have to do it if you don't want to. . ." The guild glared and Laxus felt guilt twist in his stomach. "Hey- I didn't mean it like that-" he said quickly, "You know what? I'll be your witch." "I don't wanna make you-" Wendy began. Laxus interrupted her, "No. I want to be your witch." he assured, "It uh- it sounds like fun." "Really?" Wendy asked hopefully. "Really." Laxus confirmed. "Thank you, Laxus!" she hugged the blonde happily. Laxus stiffened at the touch, but sighed and rested a hand on her head, "You're welcome. . ." he grumbled, heading backstage. Freed had a hand on his heart as he watched the other go, "Laxus is so good with children." he declared fondly. Bixlow just stared at him in awe, "You must have seen something we didn't." 
Wendy smiled, "Next up is the story of Hansel and Gretel-" "Hold it!" Wendy glanced up at Gray curiously. He was now clad in blue lederhosen. "Why am I the girl?" he demanded. "Because Gretel is the one who outsmarts the witch." Wendy explained. Gray glanced back towards Natsu, who was now trying to lick his own elbow. "Yeah, he's not outsmarting anyone. Alright, let's get started." He grabbed Natsu, who was wearing matching red lederhosen and dragged him backstage. 
"In a great wood there lived a poor woodcutter, his wife, and his two children. The boy's name was Hansel and the gir- the other boy's name was Gretel." Wendy began. Lucy and Erza came onstage and sat in a bed together. Natsu and Gray walked onstage from the other side. A prop door separated the boys from the girls. "I'm hungry." Natsu complained. "It's a famine, Natsu, everyone's hungry." Gray shot back. Lucy turned to Erza, "We gotta get rid of them, Erza." Gray and Natsu looked towards the door in confusion, they pressed their ears up against it to listen better. "I can't take it anymore!" Lucy wailed, "I need a break! Just for like, a day!" Erza hummed, "Well. . . their bickering is pretty obnoxious. . ." she admitted, "And we'd have a lot more food with Natsu out of the house. But how would we get rid of them?" "Let's just . . . leave them in the woods." Lucy suggested. Erza nodded to herself, "Simple, yet elegant- good plan, Lucy. Tomorrow, we'll leave our children in the woods." The two lay down in bed and pretended to sleep. 
Gray threw his hands up in exasperation, "Well, we're doomed." "Hey!" Natsu put a hand on Gray's shoulder, "Don't worry about it, we'll figure something out! We always do!" And the slayer lay on the ground to feign sleep as well. Gray looked towards the audience again. "Yeah, we're doomed." he confirmed, but joined Natsu on the floor anyways. Wendy took up her narration again, "The next day, the parents took Hansel and Gretel into the woods, intent on losing them."  "Alright kids, everyone ready to go into the woods?" Lucy asked. Natsu raised his hand eagerly, "Can I bring my rock collection?!" Lucy just stared at him for a moment. ". . . Sure. . ." she shook her head as she walked off. "Why the hell do you wanna bring a rock collection?" Gray asked. "I figured if we're gonna live in the woods, I might well release them back into the wild." Natsu shrugged. That rendered Gray speechless for a solid minute. "Natsu, Do you think the rocks . . . are alive?" he asked, slowly. "Well, yeah! Aren't they? Igneel said everything in nature is alive." Natsu replied casually. Gray gave a deep sigh, "Let's just get this over with." he stood up and walked offstage. "I'm still taking my rock collection!" Natsu declared stubbornly, as he followed Gray offstage. 
The group came onstage again. "Now you kids wait here and we'll come back soon." Erza assured, before her and Lucy left. "But they didn't' come back." Wendy said, "And soon it got dark." Gray sighed, "Well. . . our parents are clearly liars. You got any ideas, Natsu?" "Hey! My rocks are gone!" Natsu exclaimed, angrily looking into his now-empty pocket, he gasped and turned to Gray triumphantly, "I told you they were alive!" "There's a hole in your pocket, dumbass!" Gray argued. Natsu looked down and stuck his fingers through said hole, ". . . Oh yeah. . ." he saddened, "I loved those rocks." "Natsu, focus!" Gray yelled angrily, "We've been abandoned!" Natsu looked off miserably, "I at least wanted to say goodbye . . ." "Who knows what could happen to us out here?!" Gray continued. Natsu frowned, "Don't worry, Gray." he assured gently, "I'll take care of you!" Gray glared at the audience, "I'm gonna die in the woods with an idiot." 
The two sighed and sat on the ground in sorrow. "How many rocks did you have anyway?" Gray asked. Natsu shrugged, "I don't know. Happy gave them to me. He gave me a new one every time you and I fought to cheer me up." Gray was surprised, "That's a lot of rocks." he noted. Natsu nodded, "I miss my rocks. . . they were so pretty. All round and smooth. Like that one." he pointed to one lying onstage, "And that one." Another rock lay about a foot away from the first that fit the same description, "And that one-" "Natsu!" Gray exclaimed, jumping up, "The hole in your pocket made a trail for us to follow home!" "Hey, yeah!" Natsu stood with him, "Let's go!" Natsu moved to follow Gray offstage, but stopped to pick up the rocks. "Are you seriously bringing the rocks?" Gray complained. Natsu stood, "You're right. They belong free and in the wild." Gray groaned as Natsu followed him offstage. "I'll come back for you." he whispered to the rocks as he left.
Lucy sighed in content with her hands behind her head as she sat on a chair onstage, Erza sat in an adjoining chair, knitting calmly. "How long has it been since you heard silence, Erza?" Lucy asked. "Since before I joined the guild." the redhead admitted. Lucy sighed again, "It's nice-" Suddenly the door was kicked in and Natsu entered, "We're back!!!!" Lucy jumped from her chair, "How the hell did you- I mean- Yay!" Lucy cheered, smiling, "It's late, why don't you boys go up to bed?" "Okay!" the duo walked offstage. Once they were gone Lucy whirled on Erza, "How the hell did they get back here?!" "I don't know!" Erza replied, "We'll have to take them even further tomorrow." 
"The next day, the parents took them even further into the woods," Wendy narrated as the group walked across the stage.  "Gray, give me your bread." Natsu demanded, Gray obeyed. "Okay kids, we'll be back soon!" Lucy repeated, before once again leaving the stage with Erza. Gray immediately turned to Natsu, "Alright, let's follow the trail back home." "What?" Natsu asked, confused. "That's what you wanted my bread for, right?" Gray asked, "To make a trail back home? "No, I was just really hungry." Natsu said easily. Gray was furious, "You ate my food?!" "You gave it to me!" "Because I thought you were leading us back home! Now what are we supposed to do?!" Natsu shrugged. "I dunno." 
"The children wandered the woods for hours, but couldn't find their way home." Wendy continued. Gray and Natsu sat back to back on stage, sighing. "I'm so hungry it hurts." Gray complained. "I think my stomach is trying to eat itself." Natsu replied. Gray sighed again, "Natsu?" he glanced towards his friend teammate, "Did you ever think it would end like this?" Natsu shook his head, "No." he admitted, "I always thought I'd go out in a blazing flame of glory." "Yeah," Gray agreed, "I always thought I'd die sacrificing myself for my friends." "Well it's not like you didn't try." Natsu said, bitterly. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Gray demanded. "I can't name any quest we've been on where you didn't try to sacrifice yourself! Do you want to die?!" Natsu yelled angrily. "A little bit!" Gray admitted, just as angry. "Food!" Natsu gasped and ran off. "Oh, I guess Gray's problems don't matter!" Gray exclaimed indignantly, glaring after Natsu. ". . . Is that a house made of candy?!" he asked in confusion and awe. A child-sized candy house was pushed onstage. "Where did that come from?" Carla asked. "I do't know but it  sure looks yummy!" Wendy cheered. 
The duo stared at the candy house in awe. "I call the roof!" Natsu declared, breaking a big chunk off and eating it eagerly. Gray broke off a window and began licking it, "This is the best candy I've ever had!" "Is someone eating my fucking house?!" Laxus's disgruntled and confused voice came from inside. The two froze in place. "No, it's the wind!" Natsu replied, panicking. "Natsu, you idiot!" Gray smacked his arm. Laxus exited the house, glaring, but his gaze softened when he saw who it was. The 'children', however, attempted to run away. "Hey! Hold on a minute!" Laxus called. "Are you hungry? You seem hungry. I mean, you ate the damn house. I have meat and. . ." he hesitated, "Beer?" "Laxus they're playing children!" Mira scolded. "Do I look like I know how to handle children?!" Laxus replied. 
"And the wo-uh, man let them in." Wendy explained, "But it was soon revealed that he was a witch! And he locked poor Hansel in a cage!" "I get to lock Natsu in a cage?!" asked Laxus eagerly, "I've wanted to do that for years!"  Gajeel slammed a Natsu-sized cage on the stage, "Here ya go! A nice, iron, electricity conducting cage!" Gajeel declared happily. "What?" Natsu squeaked fearfully. Gray grabbed him by his shoulders, "Well, you heard the story, Natsu, you gotta go in the cage!" he shoved Natsu into the cage, slammed the door, shut the lock and stepped back with a large grin. "This'll be fun." Laxus grinned and let lightning dance across his fingertips. The guild watched on in amusement as Natsu got electrocuted. Repeatedly. 
Natsu lay in pain at the bottom of the cage as Wendy continued, "The witch fattened Hansel up for four weeks before she finally decided to eat him. She asked Gretel to help prepare him." "Alright, climb inside the oven so I can see if it's hot enough to cook your brother in." Laxus said casually, as he gestured to a large prop oven Gajeel had made. ". . .You're a really messed up person, ya know that?" Gray asked. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, now get in the oven." Laxus pointed to the open oven door. "I don't think I'll fit." Gray confessed. "Of course you'll fit! I fit!" Laxus exclaimed. "Prove it." Gray challenged. "Fine!" Laxus climbed in and Gray slammed the door on him. 
"And so the witch died, Gretel freed her brother, and they went home to their parents, and lived happily ever after!" Wendy finished. "I don't know, I'm kind of enjoying this." Gray admitted, "Can we just keep him in there?" "NO!" Natsu yelled. "No." Makarov confirmed. "Are you sure, old man?" Laxus asked hopefully. "Yes." Makarov answered sternly, "Free him." Laxus grumbled but opened the cage. Natsu was pouting as he stomped back to his seat to hug his cat, "You guys are all jerks." 
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thewritingstar ¡ 5 years ago
Star’s Master Fic Page!
Updated: 11/19/2020
This is where you can find all of my fics!!!
Current Fic Count: 200
Original Content Count: 6
Fandoms: Fairy Tail, My Hero Academia, Miraculous LadyBug, The PowerPuff Girls, The Promised Neverland, Ducktales, Gravity Falls, Original Works
Bold are Chapter fics!
My asks are always open for requests!!
Commissions are open!!
Fairy Tail
1. Lying - Gruvia
2. It Should Have Been Me - Gruvia
3. Of All The Colors: 1 - 2 - Gruvia
4. Blue Skies -Gruvia
5. My Savior - Lucy and Aquarius
6. Little Notes - Lucy and Aquarius
7. Movies - Gruvia
8. Books - Gajevy
9. Candles -Nalu
10. The First Snow -Nalu
11. Letting Go - Gruvia
12. Written In The Stars Au. 1  2-Nalu
13. Fine- Gruvia
14. Reassuring- Gruvia
15. Melt for Me- Nalu (Candles pt 2)
16. Marshmallows- Nalu
17. Book Shelves- Gajevy
18. Flower Crown- Gruvia
19. Sweatshirts and Coffee- Gruvia
20. Bloody Smile- Nalu
21. Water Body- Gruvia
22. Balloons- Gruvia
23. Marriage- Gajevy
24. Can’t help falling in love with you- Nalu
25. The Siren Song- Gruvia AU. 1
26. Mario Kart- Nalu
27. Beating Hearts- Nalu
28. Mint- Gajevy
29. Can you feel the love tonight?- Gruvia
30. Clock- Nalu
31. Show me whats behind your back. -Nalu
32. Just Smile- Gajevy
33. Can we?- Nalu (Adult Content)
34. Broken- Gruvia
35. Immortal- Gruvia
36. Russian Roulette -Gruvia
37. Sit Down -Gruvia
38.Don’t Cry- Gruvia
39. Water Lily Wedding- Gruvia
40. Cycle Of the Rain -Gruvia
41. Lost -Gajevy
42. Forgiveness -Jerza
43. Auto Shop Hearts -Gajevy
44. Valentines Day?? - Gruvia
45. Music- Gajevy
46. Past and Future -Gajevy
47. Leave me alone -Gruvia
48. Valentine Exchange -Nalu
49. Cold Feet -Gruvia
50. Silence -Nalu
51. You’re Hurting Me- Gruvia
52. Magic Trick- Nalu
53. Damp Skin- Gruvia
54. Mall Adventures- Gruvia
55. I prefer blondes- Nalu
56. The Secret Admirer- Gruvia
57. Forgiving- Gruvia
58. Missing You- Gruvia
59. Ill Keep You Warm- Nalu
60. Ive Got You- Gruvia
61. Adventures In Lush- Fairy Tail Girls + Others
62. The Anniversary To Remember - Gruvia
63. A Chance Meeting- Gruvia
64. Do You Have A Ride Home?- Nalu
65. I Can’t Trust You- Gajevy
66. You Could Have Warned Me! -Nalu
67. SnowBalls- Gruvia
68. Stuck In The Elevator- Gruvia
69. Labor- Gruvia
70. Rescued- Gruvia
71. Liquid Locket- Gruvia
72. Very Happy- Gruvia
73. Gruvia Week: Proposal
74. Gruvia Week: Surprise
75. Gruvia Week: Devotion
76. Gruvia Week: Sport
77. Gruvia Week: Heartbreak
78. Lost- Gruvia
79. Mortifying Merch- Gruvia
80. Never Stop- Gajevy
81. Blind Date- Gruvia
82. Fates Desire- Gruvia: Chap 1 Chap 2
83. Stairwell Kisses- Gruvia
84. Stolen Shirts- Nalu
85. “Kiss Me”- Gruvia
86. Happy Birthday- Nalu
87. Enough- Gruvia
88. The Moment- Nalu
89. Are You Safe- Gajevy
90. Bruises- Gruvia
91. The Ex Boyfriend- Gruvia
92. Double Date: Gruvia/Nalu
93. A Royal Heart- Gruvia (Big Bang Event)
94. One More Time: Gruvia
95. Deserving of Love- Gruvia
96. Kiss As a Lie- Gruvia
97. To Ignore the Rain Would Be A Pity: Gruvia Chap 1 Chap 2
98. Go Get Your Happiness- Gruvia
99. Death n Diamonds- Gruvia
100. Drabble- Gruvia
101. Silver Shorelines- Gruvia
102. Gruvia Day 2019
103. Fire n Water- Navia
104. Starsoba Fictober- Candy- Gruvia
105. Chained With Love- Nalu
106. A Years Difference- Gruvia
107. Grains Of Purple- Gruvia
108. Truly Beautiful- Nalu
109. Dress- Nalu
110. Back to those Summer Days- Gruvia
111. The Legend of The Lake- Gruvia
112. Upon the Frozen Lake- Gruvia
113. Waiting in the Rain- Gruvia
114. Only A Fairy tale- Gruvia
115. Learn to Love Again- Gruvia
116. Toxic in Trade: Chap 1 Chap 2- Gruvia
117: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 1
118: Gruvia Week 2020- Day 2
119: Within The Darkness- Gruvia
120: By Your Side- Nalu
121: A Touch of a Hand- Gruvia
122: Scars- Gratsu
123: Promise Me- Gruvia 
124: Ice Ice Baby?- Gruvia 
125: The Melody of Loving You- Gruvia 
126: Holding You Close- Lucy x Juvia 
127: Gruvia Day 2020
128: Beautiful Revelations- Gruvia 
Miraculous Ladybug
1. Why Can’t You Just Love Me Back?- LadyNoir
2. Fallen Heroes -LadyNoir
3. Regret -Adrientte
4. Lights- LadyNoir
5. Not the Time -Adrienette
6. Reason to Live - LadyNoir
7. Indigo Tears -MariChat
My Hero Academia
1. Credit Due -Kiribaku
2. Angry Kiss -Kiribaku
3. Tell me you need me- Kacchako
4. Bath- Kacchako
5. 3 A.M - Kacchako
6. Sick Days- Kiribaku
7. Dance Dance Revolution- Kiribaku
8. A Confession- Kiribaku
9. The Assassin Code- 1
10. No Time To Waste- KiriBaku
11. KiriBaku Week: Dance
12. KiriBaku Week: Scars
13. KiriBaku Week: Support
14. KiriBaku Week: Soulmate
15. My New Dream- KiriBaku
16. 90’s- KiriBaku
17. Best at Boasting -KiriBaku
18. My Everything -Kacchako
19. StarSoba Fictober: Pumpkins-KiriBaku
20. Gift Swap- BakuDeku
21. Gift Swap: ROCKin Around the Christmas Tree- Kiribaku
22. What It Could Be- Kiribaku
23. Sleepover Secrets- Jiroumomo
Powerpuff Girls
1. Own Escape- Blossick
2. Up In The Clouds- Blossick
3. Pretty Sparks- Butchercup
4. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince: Chap 1 -Blossutch
5. Green Light District- Butchercup
6. Enchanted For a Moment- Chap 1, Chap 2 -Blossick (orphaned)
7. Valuable Possessions- Butchercup
8. Bite my Tongue- Blossutch
9. Tease-Blossick
10. Cute- Butchercup
11. Come Get Me: Butchercup
12. Hair Twirling- Blossutch
13. I’m a Mess- Butchercup
14. Stay- Blossick
15. Fireworks- Butchercup
16. Shields and Sparks- Butchercup
17. The Talk- Butchercup
18. Spa Night- Butch and Bubbles
19. Roomies- Butchercup
20. Desperate Hugs- Butchercup
21. Incinerate- Blossutch
22. Bounce House Blues- Brickercup
23. Bruises- Butchercup 
24. Tender Kisses- Butchercup
25. Like Ashes We Burn- Blossick
26. Little Red Bow- Blossutch
27. More than you Think- Butchercup
28. When The Night is Still Young- Prinbrute
29. Like the Weight of the World- Blossick 
30. Enchanted For A Moment (Revamped) Color Code- Chap 1
31. Falling Back to You- Blossick 
32. The Freedom of Being Yours- Blossick 
33. Until My Heart Stops Racing-Mike x Mitch 
34. Blue With Envy- Boomubbles
35. Drawn That Way- Blossucth 
36. Don’t Panic, I Got You- Boomer and Blossom 
37. In The Depths Of The Deep Sea- Blossutch 
Duck Tales
1. Drive Thru- Fentonald
Poems/ Original Work
1. Red
2. A Fateful Friendship
3. Head Held High
4. Turn Your Back on Me
5. Ashamed
6. Like A Rainbow
The Promised Neverland
1. To See Her Smile- RayEmma
Gravity Falls 
1. Mystery Mom- Wendy’s mom commission 
177 notes ¡ View notes
day-writingdaydreams ¡ 6 years ago
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This is my first fanfic and was written for @nalugruviaevents Big Bang event
I want to thank my artist @bakugyou for the fabulous artwork and the impressive @doginshoe for being my beta reader, I couldn’t have gotten this done in time without you!
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doodledearest ¡ 8 years ago
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I spent an hour of my life on this.
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