#gruvia princess au
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@mythical-fangirls hmm...Well, idk your preferences, but here's some of my personal favorites :-) They aren't my top faves or anything (one day...one day I'll make a list) but just some of the ones I love that I managed to dig up in a short amount of time. Warning that this list is quite Nalu heavy:
The Game by maebethistime. Oneshot. Erza's perspective of accidentally witnessing Natsu and Lucy's burgeoning romantic relationship. Hot and heavy, but no smut. Great characterization, in fact it made it onto my best Natsu characterization rec post (along with a couple more of these).
Lessons by skysignal. Multichap, complete. Nalu all-timer, also contains some choice Gajevy and Gruvia. Hot and heavy but no smut. Also on the best Natsu characterization list.
The Astrologist by NavyBlueWings, who writes wonderful AUs. Multichap. DOES contain smut. This is a favorite of a lot of peoples'. They have a couple other great Fairy Tail fics as well for all the Big 4 couples. If you go to their authors page and filter by fandom you can find them.
Forbidden Forest by leesup. Mutlichap, complete. Really funny and wonderfully handled Nalu romance & angsty elements. If you like this one I recommend checking out Princess and the Pirate too, but it's incomplete.
If Only I Lived In Dragon Years by simplysaiyan. Warning that this is very angsty & tragic, but such a good fic I can't not recommend it. Literally broke my heart back when I read it the first time as a kid.
The (-3) Year Quest by fingers falling upwards is unfinished, but I still recommend it to everyone because it's amazing. My absolute favorite handling of Natsu and Lucy actually dealing with the fact he left her behind without saying goodbye for a year. All the characterization is incredible in this. It also coined the tags "#slow burn but like for idiots #idiot burn" lmao.
Plan H and Plan I by Toxineena are wonderful. Gray and Erza scheme to get a very oblivious Natsu and Lucy together. Read them in order.
Furry by thetinyfoxtail. this Nalu confession oneshot is hilarious and cute.
Fairies After Dark by ShelbyShoe. This is unfinished, but a fascinating AU (I think it even won one of the guild awards for this...btw I recommend checking out their winners & nominations lists for good fics!)
Flame's Desire by Rougescribe is one of my favorite AUs. Very romantic, funny, and fascinating. Lot of sun/moon mythos going on with this one. warning for dark themes especially in the beginning
Most of her fics are incomplete because she was harassed out of the fandom, but silver light of dawn wrote some great fics (that's her finished oneshot).
Consequences by Juvia0613. Gruvia pregnancy AU. I loved watching them overcome the odds of the accidental pregnancy, her insecurity, and Gray's history of poor communication. It was one of my main inspirations for my little Gruvia oneshot I have linked on my pinned.
Berserk by Rivendell101 is like objectively amazing. They are even thinking of turning it into a book. It remains incomplete for now but is still worth a read imo.
Desperate Times by kayla the kawaii girl. Smutty Nalu multichap. Some of the funniest Gray & Natsu banter I've ever read. Dragonslayer Mate AU. Also some primo jealousy.
Please Know Who I Am by naluqueen. Next gen fic (and one of the inspirations for mine) where the characters' future kids wind up in the past. Takes a really cute and interesting view of what the future might look like.
Intruder Alert by ClumsyMustache. Absolutely adorable Nalu fic where she catches him in the act of sneaking into her bed. Oneshot.
Whiskey Burning by Absent Angel. Cute Nalu Oneshot. Heats up ;)
Apodyopsis by looneytails. Same description as above.
Writer's Block by randomteenager. Straight up smut. I really like this fic. Premise is that Lucy doesn't know how to write smut so Natsu, uh, helps her out. Then there are complications.
Pouring by Toxineena. This is SUCH a good Gruvia oneshot.
A Prank Gone Right by fazzems. ngl, this has "A Dragon's Guide To Claim Your Mate" vibes. They are both just so silly but too hilarious not to rec. Dragon's Guide had me in tears the first time I read it.
Scandalous by lovelysakura99 [EDIT listed the wrong fic here at first, sorry!] Wonderful little Gruvia fic. Slowburn but a oneshot. Modern AU. Very good characterization. Side of Nalu.
Respect by Aryndiel. Headcanon about how Gajeel and Juvia became friends.
Stuck On You by nardragon. Hilarious fic where Lucy and Natsu wind up in a spell where they're literally stuck in each other's space and the rest of the guild has to try to separate them. Background of growing romance.
Boxer Boy by LaynaPanda. Boxing AU (surprise surprise) oneshot with a heavy side of Gajevy.
Good Vibrations by randomteenager. Gruvia smut.
The Truth Revealing Cards by Dark Shining Light. Funny, cute Nalu confession oneshot.
Meet The Parents by Madartiste. Lucy on her way to meet Natsu's parents in a modern AU.
Date Night by StoryQuipster. Gajeel winds up involved in Juvia's love life. Mainly Gruvia fic. Incredibly cute and silly.
Hanging by a Thread by AbsentAngel. Some of my all-time favorite Nalu smut. feels super in-character. See also Break Fast.
Naughty Nalus by snogfairy. Dump of smutty Nalu oneshots. Chapters 3 and 9 are super good.
Thank You, Nashi by flamefairyx777. Natsu/Lucy/Lisanna love triangle. Natsu has a kid he doesn't know about but when Lucy winds up in danger, she finds him and they get to know each other. I love this one, but the sequel wasn't for me as it contained a major character death.
Here's a link to my AO3 bookmarks, I'm not done unprivating my recs but it's a start!
FFNet is still a pretty strong holdover for a lot of the Fairy Tail fics though, so I also recommend checking out this rec post and the one it references (the framing on the original post is very rude and obnoxious, but the addition is quite good). Also I'd learn to do a search and look through other author's favorites (click the Filter buttons).
Also highly recommend clicking around to the other chapters on that RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley fic I linked in the original post. It is really good.
"Tales of Fairies" by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley is a FT fandom all-timer, of course, but some of the chapters in particular hold such a special place in my heart. Just a few off the top of my head, in no particular order:
the one where Reedus paints yaoi of Natsu and Gray to promote public interest in the guild lmfao
the one Team Natsu makes him pull the cart since he can't ride in it
the viking AU. idek if i like the Nalu or Jerza one better [part 1 (Nalu), Part 2 (Jerza)]
The War of the Roses AU, while not actually probably one of my top favorites, is objectively amazing (major character death warning for this one at the end) [Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, Part 6, part 7, part 8, Part 9 (really a prologue), part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, End]
the AU where Natsu convinced Lucy to marry him before bringing her to Fairy Tail (the chapter about the aftermath of Natsu leaving is so good) [part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 (Edolas), Part 6 (aftermath of natsu leaving)]
the one where they all revert into children and Lucy's spirits & the remaining adults have to take care of them (Gildarts getting the chance to be his dad when she was a little girl is cathartic and sweet)
The Gangster AU (from the OP)
The one with the Pied Piper trying to kidnap the Fairy Tail kids and giving them back
The one that explores Laxus's and Mystogan's friendship
Nalu and Gruvia child's first kiss
Chapter where Fairy Tail found Future Lucy earlier in the GMG arc (some primo Nalu jealousy in this one 👌)
A deeper exploration of Natsu dimly remembering Wendy at the beginning of the Nirvana arc
Chapter where Natsu vanished with Mavis and Zeref (angsty but hopeful/happy conclusion)
hmm there's definitely more but i can't think of em now. also if i remember later maybe i'll come back to try to link the specific chapters
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A Royal Heart
This is my fic for the big bang event sponsored by the wonderful @nalugruviaevents !
My amazing partner was @goldenmorpho who made a gorgeous piece of art to go along with my fic and big thanks to @rieriebee for being our lovely mod for our group.
This is a Gruvia princess Au and ive been working on this bad boi for a few months now. So I hope you all enjoy!!!
It was a dark day on the kingdom. The clouds turned foggy and the sky cried viciously as Juvia watched her mother's casket lowered into the earth. Juvia clenched her fists until her knuckles turned a ghostly white as the worms squirmed on top of the carved wood. Even though her burial was filled with all of the people who adored her, it wasn’t good enough. The smile that shone brightly on the princesses face was locked away under her icy heart as she said her final goodbye to her mother and this lands queen.
In that moment Juvia struggled to hold a smile and her heart was filled with a dark cloud. Every step she took, every breath gasped was held underneath a burden of sorrow that couldn't be shook. Her life became trapped under her mask and eternal rain swarmed inside her.
-Two Years Later-
“Juvia my dear.” The door opened to reveal her father. “I have a question for you.” His eyes were trained on his pride and joy. He leaned against the opening to her room and watched as she brushed her hair, a sigh escaped his lips. She looked so much like her mother that he began to question if she was even gone sometimes, but then Juvia turned and mustered up a small smile. His eyes soften and he walked behind her and picked up her tiara.
“Juvia is listening.” She stated and watched through the mirror as her father placed the silver crown on her head, something he would do since she was a little girl. A simple act, but nonetheless comforting
“You will be 18 soon my dear.” She knew where this conversation was headed and nodded accordingly. “And that means-”
“Juvia is to be wedded, I understand.” She sighed and slipped on her ring and stood to walk towards her balcony. “Juvia knows her duties as a princess.”
King Loxar followed her. Guilt fled through him knowing how unfair life could be. Since the death of her mother, Juvia refused to be courted, and he couldn’t blame her. However the kingdom needed their next queen and Juvia’s time for match making was coming to an end.
“His name?” she asked as she picked a flower blooming from the tree. The petals fell onto the marbled balcony as her dainty fingers plucked each petal, a silent wish destined to each.
“Well, you get to choose.” At these words the princess turned her head. Perfectly plucked eyebrows arched and furrowed as confusion crossed her face.
“Juvia believed that courting was over, my husband is to be determined already.”
“Yes but I decided that if you were to be married, it would be for happiness and love. Juvia-” He placed his hand on her shoulder and tilted her chin up. Sapphire orbs glistening in the light, a reflection of emptiness came from the depths of her pupils and he begged for the day that her heart could be free from grief but that possibility would take years and years, maybe even centuries. “I want you to be happy. Marrying your mother was my greatest moment right after your birth. Being a royal means sacrificing your happiness for the sake of the kingdom, but I want you to be able to have a marriage that you are happy with, even if it's just for a moment.” he said.
A small nod came from the princess. “Thank you father, but Juvia is confused. How will Juvia decide?”
“I have devised a competition. The rules are simple, the first man to make you laugh shall win your hand.” He smiled brightly and his response was a crooked head and a raise of eyebrows. “It shall start in two months.”
“Juvia thinks that is a silly way to determine a marriage.” She smiled softly at the thought of her father's plan.
“Maybe” He kissed the top of her head and turned to leave her room. “But you will be happy.”
Juvia turned her eyes towards the giant willow tree that sat outside her balcony.
“Happy.” She whispered. The word seemed foreign to her but she wondered if someone could actually bring her joy to her surface.
“Princess Loxar, dinner is ready in the grand dining room.”
“Thank you Levy.” Juvia spoke.
She walked down the hallway that was plastered with murals and paintings of past relatives and leaders. The iconic blue hair was traced back for many generations, a true symbol of her family's crest.
Her eyes were trained to the walls when she bumped into something hard, or someone. Instantly she fell back on her bottom, her plush skirt providing a pillow as the other person let out a groan and a basket filled with rags was tumbled to the ground. Her head was a mess before she came back to her senses and realized what had happened.
“Ehh, Your majesty my apologies.” The foreign voice spoke as he rushed to her side to help her up. She hadn't seen his face yet but the moment their fingers met, a spark ran through her body. She squeaked as she was toppled onto her feet.
Her eyes finally met the man who had overthrown her balance and she let out a quiet gasp.
In the servants clothes was a boy. Dark raven hair that swept across his face and eyes that captured her in a way no one's had. Her was about her age and she didn’t recognize him at all.
He stuttered another apology and it took Juvia a few moments to realize she had been staring at him for far too long.
“Please it's alright, it was an accident, Juvia wasn’t looking where she was going, my apologies uh?”
“Oh Gray, Gray Fullbuster, at your service.” His demeanor changed when he did an over the top bow and picked up his basket.
“Are you new? Juvia doesn’t believe we have met before.”
“Oh um yeah. I was taken in as a new stable and servant, plus anything else that needs to get done.” His eyes went to the floor, a sense of embarrassment washed over him. “I shouldn't keep you waiting for dinner Princess-”
“Juvia. Just Juvia is fine.” She corrected him and a dust of blush filled his cheeks as he nodded slightly.
“Oh okay, Juvia. Sorry again for bumping into you.” He bowed slightly and awkwardly for that matter and quickly left the hallway leaving Juvia feeling flustered.
She took a step forward before turning her head to see him leave, something about him intriguing her but she shook her thoughts away and found her way to her dinner chair.
As she sat and quietly ate her soup, Juvia’s mind kept bouncing back towards the raven haired boy.
There was feeling deep in her gut, one she didn’t know how to handle and her thoughts became consumed with him.
“Juvia? Are you alright? You have been zoned out all through the meal.” The father asked and her eyes widened and she felt a small blush as if she had been caught doing something wrong.
“Juvia is sorry, she seems a little preoccupied is all with...the competition.” She managed to stutter out.
“Oh. Yes of course.” He father gave her a nod.
She set her spoon against her bowl and looked back to her dad that sat across from her.
“Father? What was like when you first met mom?” She asked. His eyes looked to hers and he was almost in disbelief. The queen was hardly a topic they discussed unless it was for public purposes.
A soft look arrived on the king's face. “Well it was a slow start. I was quite a stubborn suitor and when I began to court your mother, I really didn’t care all that much about marriage. But then there was the ball and the last dance of the night went to her and I. Under those lights, she glowed like an angel, her smile was breathtaking and then it clicked for us. It’s all a matter of time but you will know when it happens my dear.” He stood and walked to kiss the top of her head before leaving the dining room to attend to his duties.
Juvia sat in silence with her thoughts, wondering if she would ever feel that moment.
After dinner, Juvia resigned to her bedroom. Her held a glass in one hand and was humming a simple tune before tripping.
“Ahh” She screeched and saw the glass of water spilled on the carpet, yet her body was inches from the floor.
“Are you alright Princess?” The voice came and when she stood she was met with the brown eyes of Gray.
“Oh, um, yes, thank you Gray.” She squirmed and dusted off her dress. She looked down at the mess she had made but Gray was already on the floor cleaning it up.
“I’ll go fetch you another glass Princess.”
“Juvia. Please call me Juvia.”
“Oh right. Sorry Princ-Juvia, still not used to it.”
“That's alright. Sometimes Juvia gets frustrated at this massive castle,always making her trip and such.” she grumbled.
“Yeah, I like it. Nice and roomy. Beats my shack any day.” He commented.
“Y-you live in a shack?” She asked and he nodded.
“By the rivers edge nice view...I can bring you if you would like?”
Juvia stopped to think and knew she probably wouldn't be allowed without an escort to go. “Tonight? Juvia could sneak out to see?”
“Sneak out?” A smile crept to his face. “Sure tonight sounds good. Warning, it's a little small.”
“Small is perfectly fine.”
“Then I guess tonight it is” he smiled and walked towards the kitchen. A blush spread onto his face as he realized that the Princess was coming to his see where he lived.
As night fell over the kingdom, the only sound was the click of the princesses balcony double door where she silently slipped out with a simply black cloak covering her body. The giant tree helped guide her way down until her feet felt the earth and the cold air of the night filled her lungs.
A small lantern softly lit her way as she walked through the back gardens and towards the stables. The creak of the wooden door to the horses private stalls let the boy know she had arrived.
“G-Gray?” She softly called and nuzzled her horses nose as she passed by. Her voice let out a speak and she was picked up and the top of her hood fell to reveal her blue locks.
The familiar hands that helped her off the floor during their first encounter held her tightly as she turned in his arms.
“Princess.” He whispered and even in the darkness, she could sense how close they were. His nose brushing against hers before pulling back slightly. “I was afraid you weren’t going to come.”
Her hand brushed his cheek and she gazed at him silently. “Juvia would never break her promise.”
He nodded and guided her out the back door and to his own private quarters. A small wooden shack that was meant for one, or two if you tried, it was small and looked desperate but he assured her that it was more than enough.
They sat on his bed, her back against the wall and him on the other side. The night was filled with conversations.
“And that’s how Juvia will get married.” She sighed. His eyes trailed her face and knew that it must suck to have to be wed to a person you don’t really know.
“Well look on the bright side, you’ll be married to someone who can possibly bring you joy. And since it’s your kingdom, you’ll always have me.” He shrugged and turned his face.
“Yes, Juvia will.” She whispered and they fell into a quiet moment. Her gaze found the window and she looked down. “Juvia must be getting back.” Her voice held sadness and she didn’t want this moment to end but Gray nodded and guided her towards the back gardens.
“Did you climb the tree?” He asked amazed and she simply nodded and began to walk forward. Her feet stopped and she turned back towards Gray who had a look of dread hinted on his face. Quickly her lips pressed against his cheek and left just as fast.
“Thank you Gray for listening to Juvia, she knows it’s a lot to process but she feels much better.” Her legs climbed the tree and she left his with a blush on his face and a heartbeat that was going way too fast.
“Anything for you Juvia.”
The routine of her slipping away into the night became common and they had mastered each others schedules, bumping into each other or her personally asking to go fetch something. They had become closer than ever, a true friendship had blossomed and Juvia felt safe and happy when she saw the familiar face. As the end of the two months were nearing, Juvia's fondness for the servant had grown and he seemed to be returning the favor.
The other servants had noticed the connection and banter and teasing arose from Grays side but he shrugged and folded the silk napkin.
“I don’t know what you’re getting out of this?” Levy said. She dropped another pile of napkins on his table and he turned to look at her.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“The competition starts next week, she’s going to be married.”
“Yeah and?”
“Gray.” Levy sighed. “Once she becomes queen do you really think she’s going to leave her nightly quarters to come see a poor servant boy in a run down stable?”
“Well its not-”
“Face it. Once that crown is placed on her head, small glances and chit chat are all you are getting.”
“Why do you care so much Levy?” He scoffed but deep down he knew she had a point and a feeling of dread washed over him.
She sighed once more and looked at him sadly. “Because I don’t want you to get disappointed. I know what it's like to grow close to someone you can’t have. It's one of the worst feelings.”
Gray watched Levy walk out the door with a tray of folded napkins. Her words played over and over in his mind and he wished he had more time before the stupid love fest started.
That night when Juvia entered the quiet stable, Gray wasted no time.
“Juvia, when you are married, is this going to end?” He asked and stretched his hand to rub the back of his head.
The princess returned her tea cup to the sauer in her hand and looked at him with confusion. “What do you mean Gray?”
“It’s just that...you’re going to be married soon and have the duties as the queen. You won’t have time for a poor stable boy like me.” He gazed fixated on the window and he lowered his head in shame. That's all he was, a poor stable boy. A boy whose parents were killed and he was shipped to the castle in order to survive. He was sitting with the princess yet when he looked around, all he saw was a damp shack and a lonely place to call home.
“T-thats not true. Gray, you are one of Juvia's friends, I would never-” But she stopped because she understood what he was saying. “Juvia doesn’t see you as a servant and she never will. Juvia might become queen and sure her responsibilities may take over more of her time but she doesn’t undervalue you at all. You are very important to Juvia.”
“Thanks Juv.” He smiled.
“It’s getting late, Juvia should go.” She left quietly as she came, dreading the fact that this might be one of the last times she would have with Gray.
“Let the completion start!” The guard said and sounded the horns. Juvia watched as many princes from across the lands had shown up to claim her hand.
Her eyes wandered to each man. She knew some faces such as Prince Natsu. There was Prince Loke and she would rather choke to death before marrying a playboy like him. Prince Lyon who was always hot on her tail and didn’t know that her eye rolls meant not interested.
Many other men were there too, some nobles from high class families and just plain rich boys with too much time on their hands.
She sat above the ballroom in the watching throne and her eyes found the dark hair boy dressed in the waiting uniform with a silver tray in his hand. He looked up and noticed her stare and gave her a small smile as he handed one of the suitors a glass of champagne.
Her attention went back to the announcer and the competition was in full swing. She was lead down to the row of boys and dreaded each moment.
Juvia moved down the line, each man was to introduce himself and that meant her hand was being kissed more times than she wanted and jokes were being cracked. No one made a lasting impression except for when she turned her head and noticed that Gray looked exceptionally well in his attire. A small blush formed from the thoughts but quickly vanished when Prince Lyon placed his lips to her hand and she suppressed a gag.
Her usual frown made its way to her face as the group was taken to the back landscape to ride horses and play some sports. Juvia shot a small glare at her father who only offered a thumbs up and a smile.
“Juvia is not looking forward to this.” She huffed under her breath.
The days passed by and the routine began to wear on the princess. Everyday she would spend countless hours with different men, slightly chatting and trying her best not to let her mind wander. The only thing keeping her going was the thought of her leaving her bedroom door and finding Gray at the stables where she pours her heart out and even makes fun of the suitors as they share a slice of cake she had snuck away from the table.
The week was coming to a close and her mind felt exhausted. No one, not a single boy had even brought a simple smile to her lips, a few got close but that was because one of them fell. Tonight was the last event, the gala and the most important. Tonight would be the night she would choose a suitor and by the looks of it, she wouldn’t be marrying a man for love but instead one she could tolerate.
Everyone would show up in their best suits and dresses and dance the night away. Juvia hoped that maybe tonight, she would dance with someone and know they are the one, but she knew not to get her hopes up.
There were only a few more hours before she had to greet the insane amount of people, and only a few days before she was engaged to someone.
Her eyes were lost in the mirror as she waited for her corset to be tightened.
“Princess you look lovely.” Levy stated as she places her silver crown on top of the princesses royal blue locks. Levy was right. Juvia stood draped in a royal blue ball gown with silver linings. Long lace sleeves framed her fingers and her mothers ring proudly shined on her hand.
“Thank you.” Juvia gave a small smile and stepped off the dressing stand and followed a guard towards the ballroom.
She entered and all heads turned towards her. Gasps were sent across as she walked with grace and elegant towards the top of the staircase where her thrown and father stood.
“My dear you look marvelous!”
“Thank you father.”
“Just remember have fun tonight.”
Juvia tried to smile and turned towards her throne. As she went to sit down, a hand was already in her face and she peered up at the figure.
“Princess, may I give you the honor of having the first dance with me?” Prince Lyon said and it took every muscle in her body to not scoff at his arrogant ways, but her gloved hand found his and she was lead to the dance floor.
As she placed herself in the proper dancing position, her eyes found Gray. He hadn’t spotted her yet as he was busy serving food and wine to people much more important to him.
“Yeah know our children would have magnificent hair and be extremely beautiful.” Lyon said and captured back Juvia’s attention.
Her face fell flat and she rolled her eyes and finished the dance and left right as the beat stopped. Every time she walked away from a dance, another suitor was in her face and she had no choice but to curtsy and engage in three minutes of pure torture while the boys talked about their future children and how they were the best, Juvia's eyes kept going back to the raven haired boy.
An hour or two had passed and she finally escaped to the back of the room near the trays of desserts. Picking up a small slice of cake, a gasp escaped her lips as Gray whispered a ‘hi’ in her ears.
“Oh Gray, it's just you.” For the first time that night Juvia had smiled and Gray returned the gesture.
“Yep just me.” He smirked and placed his tray down. “How's it going?”
Juvia rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Juvia is having the time of her life.”
“I bet.”
She looked around and quickly took his hand and guided him down the hall. She pulled them into the living room and sat them on the couch.
“Aren’t you going to get in trouble if you are caught?”
Juvia shrugged and for once she didn't care. “Juvia needed to escape from there. If one more man came up to me I was going to scream.”
“I can understand that.”
His gaze went past her blue locks and to the mass amount of picture on the fireplace mantle. He quickly stood and picked up one of a baby Juvia. She was in a blue frilly dress and was smothered in chocolate cake. He noticed her bright smile in the photo and was thankful that he was lucky enough to see her smile now.
“Juvia thinks those pictures are embarrassing.” Her face was heated up and embarrassment made her hands to cover her face.
Laughing Gray sat down and took her hand in his. He looked around and brought her face closer.
“I had a bad stripping habit as a child. My parents would chase me down until they managed to get my clothes back on, even happened in public.”
Juvia’s eyes widened and her cheeks filled with air until she let out a laugh. A true laugh. One that filled the depths of her tummy and sent tears out of her eyes. Gray watched her face get redder as she let to laughs escape.
“Beautiful.” He whispered to himself and he couldn't help but join.
After seconds of feeling completely free, her giggles died down and she covered her mouth slightly.
“Your laugh is amazing.” he commented and she paused. “I’m really glad I heard it.”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Then I guess you’d be glad to know you’re the first.” Her eyes were still locked with his and their nose brushed against each other.
“Can I be the first to kiss-” but before he finished she had grabbed him by the collar and pressed her lips against his.
In that moment she felt her armor fall, her iced heart melt more than it had and a warmth fill her. He kissed her back with such passion that she was afraid to pull away and let the moment end.
In the need for air the pair pulled apart. His lips became tainted with a slight pink and her crown had fallen to the floor but all she cared about was him.
She let out a small giggle and his lips found her cheek. “I love your laugh.”
“I love you.” She felt him tense. “I mean I-Juvia-”
“I love you too.” He kissed her once more.
The king looked around the ballroom for his daughter. Panicking he excused himself from the place and wandered down the halls knowing she had probably left for a drink in the kitchen. He passed the living room and stopped. Backing up, he carefully peered into the room.
Sitting on the couch was Juvia. Her knees to her chest and her dress draped over the velvet seating. Next to her was the servant boy, Gray. sat looking at each other and a tear came to the kings eye as he heard it.
He heard the melody of her laugh. Saw the blush spread to her cheeks as she covered her mouth and playfully slapped him on the arm. Gray continued until she was holding her stomach and wiping a tear from her eye.
The king left before being spot and smiled brightly.
The pair slipped back into the grand ballroom, each taking their place on the other side of the room. The warm feeling in her stomach didn’t die down as she stole a glance of him before returning to her throne up above. She sat next to her father and didn’t realize her smile was still in motion.
She turned to look at her father and saw the misty look in his eyes.
“Father? Are you alright?” She asked and placed the top of her hand on his.
“Im perfect Raindrop.” He placed his other hand on hers and she smiled at the fact that he used her childhood nickname.
“It's time to announce the final dance.” He said which made her smile drop a little.
“Oh, yes of course. However none of them had done what you requested, Juvia is sorry.”
He kissed the top of her hand and stood. “I know Raindrop.”
He cleared his throat and was handed a microphone. “Attention everyone! Thank you so much to all the fine men who participated in the challenge for my daughters lovely hand and our kingdoms future. I have decided on the final dance and there has been a clear winner. Juvia my daughter, will you take your position in the center of the floor?”
She nodded and with each step, her heart grew heavy and heavy until she felt empty standing in the middle. She could hear the whispers of everyone wondering who was the lucky winner but she knew that her father must have chosen a random one. She could feel the intense gaze of Gray and knew that her heart belonged to him but now she would be wed to another man.
“The only man who is fit and well enough to earn my daughters hand is Gray Fullbuster.”
Juvia's eyes snapped up and she locked eyes with the raven haired boy who stood with the silver plate to his chest.
“What?” Both of them whispered but Juvia's heart swelled as Gray was pushed towards her.
“This is an outrage!”
“He's a poor boy”
“A true disgrace”
People kept yelling and Gray looked down, ready to leave the dance floor until his wrist was grabbed lightly.
“Juvia I-”
“You did it.” She smiled.
“You made me laugh.” She giggled. “You make me happy. Happier than I have been in a long time.” Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she pulled his face close to hers.
“Thank you.” She said before kissing him.
Gray shut his eyes as he leaned into the kiss. All eyes were on them and in the moment, Juvia felt happy. A pure and subtle emotion that she had been craving and it was worth the wait.
They pulled away from their kiss and she heard the final song play. Smiling, she took Grays hand and lead him in the dance.
Everyone watched as they spun around on the floor, her dress glided along the ballroom floor and small giggles left her mouth.
Gray thought she looked radiant and he was in awe that he was in love with a girl like her. A part of him fell as the song came to an end but the look on his princesses face told him that she enjoyed it.
“What now?” He asked as he looked around the room.
“Now Juvia and Gray live happily ever after.” She smiled.
“I like that plan.” He smirked and he grabbed her waist and planted another fairy tail kiss on her lips.
#gruvia#gruvia oneshot#gruvia event#princess au#gruvia fanfic#juvia loxar#gray fullbuster#gray x juvia#nalu event#fairy tail#fairytail#thewritingstar#goldenmorpho#fanfic#gruvia fic#gruvia princess au#big bang fic
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Swan Lake AU
Swan Lake AU
This is based off of various versions of Swan Lake that I've seen.
Gray and Juvia are the heirs to two separate kingdoms and their parents are have the children be play mates with each other in hopes that they'll fall in love in adulthood. During their childhood Juvia develops a crush on Gray and at first he's very fond of her. He even gives her a locket as a present. But Gray's other friend Natsu makes fun of him for liking a girl. Feeling embarrassed, he starts to acts like he can't stand her and avoids her however he can. However her feelings for him remain the same. Then one day when they're preteens Juvia's family is attacked and she disappears. Both her kingdom and Gray's search for her but she's never found, leaving the young prince heartbroken.
Five years go by, now a young man Gray's mother Ur is trying to convince her son to marry but he's not interested and would rather spend his time hunting and practicing archery with Natsu. One day while out hunting he spots a swan and nearly shoots it but a feeling in his heart makes him change his mind. When the swan flies away it drops something and Gray recognizes it as the locket he had given Juvia many years ago. It then dawns on him that he has seen that swan before and he learns from the royal staff that swan has been seen flying the castle nearly every week for the past five years. Gray is soon convinced that the swan might have a connection to where Juvia is.
Little does he realize that the swan is in fact Juvia. Five years prior she had been kidnapped by the evil sorcerer Brain who plans to marry her once she reaches the proper age and to ensure that no other man falls in love with her he curses her to become a swan during the day and only turn back into a human at night. She is kept in an Enchanted forest and Brian warns her that if she ever leaves the forest at night he will kill her family and destroy her kingdom. Juvia finds refuge with Erza the fairy queen and the true ruler of the Enchanted forest who was overthrown by Brain and had her subjects changed into exceeds. Brain's goal is to rule both the Enchanted forest by stealing Erza's crystal the source of power and a human kingdom by marrying Juvia.
Despite being separated from her family and trapped under a curse Juvia finds happiness by observing Gray in her swan form which over the years makes her love for him grow stronger. One day as she's flying back to the forest he follows her and sees her transform into a beautiful young woman at nightfall. They are both thrilled to see each other again But Juvia tries to get him to leave because she fears that Brain will harm him. He refuses and promises to find someway to save her. He visits her every night and falls deeply in love with her. Erza notices this and learns from an ancient book that if Gray vows to love Juvia forever and proves his love then all of Brain's spells will be broken. But if he swears his love to another then Juvia will die and the magic in Erza's crystal will be lost.
With this information Gray invites Juvia to come to a ball his mother is holding and is expecting him to choose a bride but tells her that he plans to make his vow to her there in front of everyone. Juvia is unsure at first but he convinces her to come. Unfortunately their conversation is overheard by Brain's daughter Briar who reports it to her father. He then confronts Juvia and demands that she forget Gray and marry him instead. She refuses, saying "I'd rather die." Infuriated he decides to grant her request and finally defeat Erza by tricking Gray into swearing his love to another woman: Briar.
Juvia is locked in Brain's castle in swan form while he and Briar go to the ball. Erza and the exceeds help Juvia escape and she flies to the castle. At the ball Brain uses magic to disguise Briar as Juvia and Gray is so happy to see her that he fails to notice that it is not yet night time so Juvia should not be human right now. The real Juvia arrives at the castle but can't get in. She tries to get Gray's attention but Briar makes sure to keep his attention on her. Gray announces that he has decided to marry the woman he is dancing with and vows to love her forever. Briar then reveals her true form to Gray and Brain appears to tell him that Juvia will now die because of him. Juvia flies away, Gray follows her, when she returns to the forest she turns back into a human and collapses. Furious, Erza attempts to battle Brain but is easily defeated due to losing her powers. She along with the exceeds are then turned into statues as Brain proceeds to takeover the forest.
Gray finally arrives and finds Juvia barely alive. She tells Gray that she doesn't blame him for her death and that she still loves him and always will. She dies. Gray cries and Brain taunts him about "Killing the woman he supposedly loved." Enraged and heartbroken, Gray demands that Brain revive her. Wanting to hurt Gray further for his own sick amusement Brain gives him a chance to kill him with a sword he enchanted to trade one person's life for another. In other words if Gray stabs anyone with it then that person will die in Juvia's place and she will live. Brain turns himself into a horrible and powerful monster. He and Gray fight but Brain proves to be too powerful. Realizing that he can't kill Brain and unable to let Juvia die, Gray stabs himself with the sword. This act proves that Gray's love for Juvia is real so Brain is destroyed, the forest is freed, Gray's wound heals, the exceeds become human again, and Erza's power is restored but Juvia still appears to be dead. Gray holds her and tearfully apologies to Juvia, telling her that he loves her and has always loved her and will never love any woman but her. Juiva wakes up and the curse on her is finally broken. Later Juvia is reunited with her family, she and Gray get married, and they all live happily ever after.
On the side, Gray's friend Natsu is trying to convince his sweetheart Lucy to marry him but she doesn't think he's romantic enough. Just something to add a little humor to the story.
#fairy tail#fairytail#fairytailanime#juvia#juvia loxar#Juvia Lockser#gruvia#gruvia fairy tail#gray fullbuster#Gray X Juvia#swan lake#The Swan Princess#swan lake au#swan princess AU#erza scarlet#natsu dragneel#natsu x lucy#fairy tail nalu#Nalu
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Gruvia Royal AU (chapter 12)
This one's pretty interesting since Fairy Tail finally meet princess Juliet, unaware that she's actually Juvia.
There's also some nice moments between all the ships, so I hope you'll enjoy.
Title: Juliet
Pairings: Gruvia/Jerza/Gajevy
Summary: Everyone discusses Fiore's princess and her engagement to Zeref. Why did she decide to marry him? Why did she rescue Makarov from him? And what will be her next move once she wakes up?
Link: Chapter 1, Chapter 12
Sneak Peek 1:
"Where is my sister?" Hisui immediately demanded before either men could say anything.
"I'm afraid there's been an unexpected turn of events." Spriggan replied; sighing in clear frustration.
"What happened?" Toma urged him.
"Juliet was kidnapped." Their eyes widened. "By Fairy Tail."
"Fairy Tail?" The princess frowned; disbelieving him.
"Why would they kidnap my daughter?" Her father was very suspicious since this explanation made no sense.
"I have no idea, your majesty. Juliet and I were in the terrace when they arrived." The Emperor looked away; guilt clear on his face. "I tried to protect her when they demanded to take her, but they were gone before I could."
Sneak Peek 2:
"So Zeref is Spriggan?" Jellal's eyes widened.
"I sure wasn't expecting that, but it makes things more complicated." Erza replied; sighing.
"If he has the Alvarez Empire at his disposal…" He frowned deeply.
"Then our chances of actually winning would be zero." Their faces reflected fear and worry.
"We should be thankful for the alliance; then." Jellal said after a few moments.
"Yes, but I don't think that'll exist anymore." Looking back towards the Fairy Tail building in the distance; she frowned.
"Why do you say so?" He wondered; confused.
"We can't just return the princess to Zeref." Erza explained. "She doesn't deserve to be trapped in there just to save us. Besides; she's clearly injured and I believe he's the one behind it."
"Have you told her who her fiancé is?"
Sneak Peek 3:
"I know you're worried." Levy stated; eyeing him with concern. "You've searched for her for a year and just as you finally found her, she disappeared again and now she might be a prisoner in Alvarez."
"I failed her again." Gajeel whispered; guilt clear on his face.
"You can't possibly blame yourself for it." She shook her head.
"I shouldn't have let her go." He said and she shrugged.
"That wasn't your decision to be made." She reminded and he sighed.
"Why does she keep making stupid decisions?" Neither had an answer to that; so silence fell upon them.
#fanfic#gruvia#jerza#gajevy#royal au#arranged marriage#love triangle#plot twists#fairy tail#final season#alvarez arc#juvia lockser#gray fullbuster#zeref dragnel#jellal fernandes#erza scarlet#gajeel redfox#levy mcgarden#princess hisui
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Gruvia Royal AU no.2 Demon Slayer Gray and Princess Juvia

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WIP Challenge! Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DND campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!💖💖💖
...I have a lot and then I have 40 more in my Tumblr drafts that don't have titles so these are all the ones in my Google Docs 🙃
Black Swan
PAMeo 4 - Final
The Obsessive Type
Hot Meal Epilogue
Sleeping Beauty
Forbidden Love
Greedy Dragon 39
Continued Puppy Love Thing
Moon Fever
Girl on the Moon
Tutor 2
Fallen Star AU
DB 2
Mafia - Sting's Sister AU
Forest Beauty Re-Write
Random SxD
Angel x Demon M
Goddess AU
Secret Mafia
Vampire x Werewolf thing
Baker x Lucy
Angel x Demon (bruh why do I have 2 of these)
Gruvia - Back Alley Cat
Tumblr princess of stars
Secret Life
PxK Affair
Idk what this is (literally the title)
Haunted House rewrite
Mafia Lucy related to Sting (I think I forgot I made this and made the other 💀)
Queen AU
Dragon x Princess Boi is Sick
Sad but cute
My Spirit
Guardian Angel
E.N.D Pan
Fist Love AU
Just wanna
Not So Innocent 2
His Crush 2
Mafia Bar thing
Dragon AU
Nalu week day 4 💀
Nalu weeks 💀💀💀💀
Tw it hurts
Accidental Mate
Witch 2
Run Away
U 3
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The Way He Moves
Pairing: Gray Fullbuster & Juvia Lockser | Gruvia
Modern AU
Genre: Humor & Romance
Rated: M | For strong language
Summary: Juvia isn't too fond of surprises. Definitely not happy about her friends taking her to an All Male Strip Club, for her birthday. Well, that was until she found something or rather someone to be fond of.
Chapter One | The Birthday Surprise
‘’Can I take it off yet?’’
‘’Just a little bit longer, Juvia. We’re almost there!’’
I let out a groan. The girls made me wear a blindfold ever since we left my surprise birthday party at my apartment for another birthday surprise they said they had for me. That was over thirty minutes ago! So, at that point, I was getting impatient and annoyed as hell. I wasn’t a fan of surprises so I wasn’t looking too forward to it but that is unless they took me to eat to heaven, aka, Caramade’s Franks… I wouldn’t be this stubborn. So, Cana, Erza and Levy, all had to push me from the back to get me to even move a step forward. And hungry. How did I know that was not the case? Because Franks was only across the street from where I lived. Yup, I was the luckiest person in the whole wide world but I wasn’t at that moment.
At some point a sudden wave of music and loud cheers were blasting my ears. I guessed we walked into a building. That was when Lucy let go of my hand and the other girls stopped pushing me.
‘’Okay, Juvia, you can take it off now!’’ They sounded excited. Way too excited and I knew, for a fact that all of them were exchanging smug faces.
‘’Finally!’’ I said as I reached for the blindfold and didn’t hesitate one bit to rip the whole thing. And when I could see… I wanted to dig myself a hole and die in it.
‘’Happy birthday, Juvia!’’
Fairy Tail’s male stripclub?! What the fuck.
As I was frozen in place with my mouth hanging to the floor, I was about to protest but Cana interrupted me and put her arm around my shoulder.
‘’Let’s get drinks!’’ Or I could drink away my misery, that worked perfectly too.
What was really suspicious for me was how the girls somehow managed to get us VIP seats, right in front of the stage. And I couldn’t put a finger on it but I knew they were up to something and I didn’t like it one bit. But anyway, while my friends were drooling over the strippers like a bunch of puppies, I was too busy chugging my booze like nothing ain’t none of my business.
Oh, and let me tell you the names these strippers actually went with… it was so cringe and laughable, that it was sad... This one guy, with pink spiky hair was called ‘’Salamander’’. Yes, those amphibians that look somewhat like a mixture of a frog and a lizard. Okay, those things are cute but this wannabe would forever be the least cutest salamander. Why would you even bring cute and innocent salamanders into stripping? That’s just fucking wack but Lucy didn’t seem to mind any of that. Of course salamander dude had to be her favorite and here I thought Lucy was the smart one, turns out she’s just as bizarre as he is. He just had to dry hump her while exchanging ‘fuck me’ looks. Perhaps they could be a good couple after all with their matching bird brains.
Then there was this very tall guy with dark and long hair and lots of piercings. He had the nickname ‘’Iron fist’’ and I never want to know why of all the names that’s the name he picked. So that's definitely enough stripper descriptions. Just know none of those losers passed the vibe check.
After the longest couple hours of my life, the performances were finally over. I couldn’t have been more happy to yeet myself out of that hellhole but the presenter had yet to announce something.
‘’So ladies… I heard there’s a birthday girl here tonight. Where are you, Juvia?’’
No. Don’t tell me-
‘’She’s here! This hottie is Juvia!’’ My friends started jumping up and down as they were all pointing at me sinking into the couch, trying to make myself invisible from everyone.
‘’Please walk up on the stage, miss. I believe there’ll be a special show just for you’’
Uhm, I think the fuck not. There was no way in hell I was getting on that stage because I’d honestly rather go and start to dig that hole, right the fuck now.
‘’Guys I love you and appreciate you for doing this but I don’t think-’’
‘’Don’t you think it’s finally time for you have fun on your day, Juvs?’’ Levy said and gave me a smile.
I hated to admit it but Levy was so right. It was my birthday after all. And maybe, just maybe I hadn’t even tried to have fun, just because I was at a strip club, where I definitely didn’t want to be but...not like I ever had to come back, right? So I gave Levy a nod as telling her that I agreed.
The presenter, I think his name was Warren, gave me a hand and led me to the center of the stage where a chair was seated. He kindly asked me to take a seat and so I did and then he let go of my hand and wished me a happy birthday, before walking off stage. I looked back at my friends who were giving me their thumbs up and I answered by sticking my middle finger up to them but couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. These girls, I swear to god. They better not regret ever doing this to me,or I’d have to reconsider making new friends. .
”Juvia… let me present to you, your very own Ice Prince’’
Did he just say... my own...Ice prince? Oh god, let me guess, the stripper was going to put ice cubes all over me and somehow make it look all super sexy, like in that 50 shades of Grey movie? Yeah right. Better luck next time finding your ice princess, sweetie.
Whatever, I just had to get this shitshow over with. For good.
I don’t know for how long they let me sit there, all by myself but I felt awkward as hell and the performance hadn’t even started. As I was in deep thought, the loud music suddenly started playing and the screams, squeals and cheers from the female crowd scared me and made me jump in surprise.
After a few seconds I felt a strong but gentle hand on my right shoulder and I looked up in that direction and when I saw him… my whole world stopped.
A/N: It only took me a year to writing this very short and weird AF, first stripper chapter but here it is. And I know what you're all thinking... who the hell includes salamanders and stripping? Oh that would be me. Anyway, I still hope you guys liked the chapter, so stay tuned :)
PS. @be-dazzled told me not to credit her but i’m going to do it anyway, thank u so much for helping me 💓💓💓
#LET ME KNOW IF ANYONE WANTS TO BE TAGGED WHEN THE NEXT CHAPTER IS OUT#juvia lockser#gray fullbuster#gray fullbuster x juvia lockser#gruvia#fairy tail#fairy tail 100 years quest#ft#gruvia fanfiction#fairy tail fanfiction#fanfiction#au#fanfiction au#fanfic#the way he moves fanfiction#the way he moves
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Fairy Tail Ships + AU ideas inspired by official Character x Cosplay Artworks
Soon-to-be, explosive business man x Bunnygirl/Stripper/Waitress
Batman x Spiderwoman

Pirate x Samurai princess

Police man x Beach girl

Gentle giant/Cook x Rockstar

Archer x Martial Arts Fighter

Waiter x Grumpy Cosplayer

Batgirl apprentice x Assassin apprentice

Superhero x Hip Hop Girl

Worker at animal shelter/Skater boy-Animal lover x Sporty girl
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Updates! (1/15)
New Stories!
Yeah, that Izuku oneshot is still coming... the way I’m writing the story... it can be interpreted in a negative way and that’s the last thing I could want! So I’m working around somethings before I publish it!
BUUUUT!!! I have a Kirishima story coming!!! It’ll be here in February, cause I really want to plan this one and plus I start school next week so I’ll be even more inactive then I am now 😭 so It’ll be here but It won’t be my main concern like All the Stars and PAIN.
I mentioned before I have a Dabi story that I already have two-three chapters in... this one is a story that has CONFIRMED NSFW... but that’ll come probably in February as well... yeah, it’s just sitting in the Google Docs 😭
I also have a Shinsou and Todoroki Drabble on the way, that’ll be here by the end of the month, 🤞🏾 and also have the plans for another Bakugou drabble... (I’m sure you can tell who my favorite character is 😭)
I may or may not have more Hawks on the way... that Drabble was honestly one I wrote late at night when I realized I haven’t published anything since PAIN chapter 2. So, you’ll have to wait for that...
I want to do more AUs with My Hero, so expect more AUs from me!
Fairy Tail
I want to write more ship stuff for Fairy Tail because in my opinion, Fairy Tail has some of the best relationships (even though they technically aren’t cannon) I’ve ever seen in an anime... we get character, we get depth and we get angst and I love it. Only other anime I’ve seen do it like them is FullMetal Alchemist with Ed and Winrey. So is ship stuff, like Nalu, Gruvia, GaLe (MY FAVORITE SHIP!!), Jerza, and others like so, are you guys okay with that?
I’m working on my FIRST WLW story with Erza 😭 and I’m so excited!! 😆 It’s the first time I write a female/female relationship. It’s an Erza x Princess!Reader and It’s gonna be here by the end of the month as well! Be patient with me please 🥺
Already Published Stories
I have finished chapter three of PAIN and I’m gonna edit some more and publish it tomorrow! So expect that! Chapter four will be here by the end of the month, I’ll try to put as much pain as possible 😭
All the stars... we’ll see how Chapter 297 goes and then we’ll see if I’ll finally be able to write the next chapter... I need to confirm something before I can write.
#bnha#mha#mha fanfiction#tamaki#tamaki x reader#amajiki tamaki x reader#bnha x reader#mha x reader#amajiki#mha tamaki#aizawa#aizawa x y/n#bnha aizawa#mha aizawa#shouta aizawa#aizawa x you#aizawa shouta#shouta aizawa x reader#aizawa x reader#fairy tail x black reader#fairy tail erza#gray fairy tail#natsu fairy tail#fairy tail x reader#fairy tail#mha x black reader#mha x poc!reader#mha x y/n
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Hey!! Do you have any other ft ships? If you do I’d love to hear about them!!
I’m a major Erlu and Mirza/Erzajane fan! I love the dynamic Erza has with both of them, and whenever I can, I give her as much love from both her girlfriends as I can. I’m also into Lusui and have been since my first time bingeing the series. Princess Hisui was an insta-fave and she and Lucy play off each other so well. I can’t wait to write something for the two of them, probably a Jade Dragon Slayer Hisui AU. Oh, and definitely an avid supporter of Gruvia. I love it so much. I never make any content for it, but I love rooting for Juvia. JUST TELL HIM ALREADY PLEASE I WANNA SEE LITTLE ICE AND WATER BABIES!!!
I have a bunch of minor ships as well, Lucy and Cana, Lucy and LEvy, Kagura and Erza, Erza and KyoSei, Jackal and Torafuzar, Millianna and Kagura, and Minerva and Erza.
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A Year in Review for ship-ambrosia - Fanfiction Writers 2018
So I saw a blog I’m a huge fan of do this sort of year reflection of fanfiction writing, and since this was the first year I’ve ever posted my fanfictions, I thought it’d be fun to do!
First off I wanna thank @sweetmemories2606 @allie-and-her-fandoms and @a-fairy-tail44 for constantly encouraging me, being there to bounce ideas off of, also basically being beta readers for me and my hype men... you guys rock. I’m so glad I met all of you.
total number of completed stories
- “Completed” is kind of relative isn’t it? Lol... I have 13 stories posted on AO3, 4 that are on tumblr only, and of those 17 three of them, Heavens Bringer, A Fool Like Him, and Inherit Thunder (previously Heir of Electricity) are unfinished. Three of them are a collection of one-shots from Gruvia, Jerza, and Nalu week, but they’re all so short I’m going to count them as all together.
- There is so much unposted stuff in my backlog that you wouldn’t even believe lol most of it is unfinished though
total word count
- 81000 on AO3. I don’t even want to go and count otherwise
fandoms written in
- Fairy Tail
- My Hero Academia
- Persona 5
- Voltron (behind the scenes)
- Fire Emblem (behind the scenes)
looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
- Let me just say that posting the first two fanfictions, Inherit Thunder (BNHA, kamijirou) and Liberation (RWBY, Blacksun), were totally on a whim. My roommate encouraged me to do it and see what kind of feedback I got on them. Boy am I glad I did. So let me tell you my motivation and progress has been absolutely astounding to me.
what’s your own favorite story of the year?
- This is so hard, because I’ve been in love with all the stories as I posted each of them, like oh yeah this is it this is my best one. Every time lol. I’d have to say though it’s probably The Droplet (FT, Gruvia). Reading my first gruvia fanfiction Four Degrees, and then going to The Droplet, you can really see not only how well my writing has improved, but also how much better I’ve done in understanding Gray and Juvia. Also I happen to find the beginning of it still really sexy lol that was difficult for me, writing a scene that was sexy that was going to be posted for the world to see.
did you take any writing risks this year?
- I think the style that I wrote A Sound Like Thunder (BNHA, iidamei) and Beauty and the Crow (P5, Akeharu) was a different style than um used to, with the story being told in chunks that didn’t quite fit together perfectly but still built off one another. Basically they could have been multi chapter fics but I wrote them like a short story and both of those stories I had to have read over a thousand times because I wanted them to be perfect.
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year?
- One, to finish Heavens Bringer which I think is very plausible since I’ve been working on the last chapter a lot lately. Another is just to get more consistent with finishing and posting works, because right now it’s just like, here from me every so often and going like a month or two without posting any sort of writing. Maybe even to write less ship-focused works. I love ships but I don’t think all my writing has to be only romantic
best story of the year?
- Certainly one of my Fairy Tail fanfictions, though I’m not sure which. Heavens Bringer definitely has the most effort put in, but both The Droplet and A Fool Like Him (Ft, stingyu) have such in-depth, emotional breakdowns of Gray and Sting respectively and how I see them viewing their primary love interest that I think both of those stories have a fascinating draw. Also, I’m extremely proud of my Nalu Angst week prompts, I go back and re read them all the time. I think some of my best work resides in that collection, most notably the story titled “Miles Apart, Two Inches Away” from when Natsu and Lucy reunite after the post-Tartaros timeskip.
most popular story of the year?
- That’s easily Everything was the Same (Except when it wasn’t), my first Nalu story. On AO3 it has 755 Hits and 72 kudos, the most for both of all my stories. Which I find so funny because I wrote that story in under an hour lol.
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
- Heavens Bringer, by far. I like to think it’s amazing, and my friends seem to love it, but it’s gotten very little recognition. I’d love for more people to read it, and it has all the big four ships and I’ve devoted soo much time to it. But the feedback I HAVE gotten has been absolutely wonderful!
most fun story to write:
Beauty and the Crow, A Sound Like Thunder, or Nalu Angst Week. I hurt so much while writing all three, but I loved it. Beauty and the Crow because Akechi and Haru’s relationship would be just as tragic as I’ve written it, A Sound Like Thunder because iidamei is normally such a goofy ship and I literally almost killed Iida and made Mei Hatsume cry, and Nalu Angst Week because well... painful feels. But I enjoyed the dark places that my writing went.
story with the single sexiest moment:
Haven’t written (read: published) a ton of sexy scenes. I think The Droplet wins for the part where Gray almost pulls off Juvia’s underwear with his teeth, only to be interrupted by their baby.
most sweet story:
- Nuclear Fusion. No angst, it’s straight up injecting Nalu parenting fluff into your bloodstream lol
“holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you!” story:
- Nothing yet?? Maybe hurting Iida and Mei in A Sound Like Thunder. I need to write a goofy fic with the two of them, honestly.
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
- I’m going to say Inherit Thunder. I used to think of Kaminari as just a total goofball. Coming up with the idea of his parents as villains gave so many deep possibilities to why Kaminari wants to be the “trendy” popular boy or where he could come from, what his motivation for being a hero could be. I could be totally right, or totally off. But it definitely made me so much more intrigued by what Horikoshi could have planned for him.
most unintentionally telling story:
- When you read Heavens Bringer you see exactly what kind of Fairy Tail fan I am. Lol
hardest story to write:
- Heavens Bringer! Lol. Also worked on Beauty and the Crow for a long time, because I couldn’t decide what direction I exactly wanted to take Haru and Akechi - did I want to follow the plot? Did I want to make Haru and Akechi fall in love, or make it a series of moments? Did I want lots of dialogue, or did I want it to be more narrated? It was a lot of stylistic choices that went into that one but I’m totally happy with how it turned out!
biggest disappointment:
- I worked on a Baccana story for sooo long and then I ended up deleting it because it was turning into very cliche, Gildarts-doesn’t-approve-so-he-challenges-Bacchus-to-a-fight and I didn’t want to write a fic that had already been done 30 times (not that Gildarts and Bacchus fighting because Bacchus likes Cana isn’t great... it’s just that most people who like that ship have already written that).
biggest surprise:
- Uhh, Inherit Thunder being as popular as it was received? I’ve gotten dozens of messages asking for a sequel and it’s really an incredible feeling to know people want more of a story. It was originally gonna just be a one-shot, but now I’m writing a second chapter that will probably come out after Heavens Bringer is done.
some stuff in the works for the new year:
- Obviously, Heavens Bringer part 5 and chapter 2 of Inherit Thunder
- Working on several more chapters to A Fool Like Him, it’s basically just all suffering for Sting lol
- A multi chapter Baccana fic AU-ish in which Cana joins Quatro Cerberus during the Tartaros timeskip after Fairy Tail is disbanded
- Multi chapter Gruvia and Gale fic about Juvia disappearing after leaving to search for answers to her origin, leaving Gray and Gajeel desperate to find her
- Stingyu Cinderella/Princess and the Pauper AU
- A Yang x Ilia piece (FINALLY! LOL)
- May eventually clean up and post an experimental fic where I practiced writing combat with Sun and Neptune vs Mercury
- Ryuji x Ann getting together post-canon
- Future Ryuji x Ann single dad Ryuji AU
- Haru x Akechi Military/sort of Fullmetal Alchemist AU?? Idk it was inspired by fanart
- Maybe post some of my Voltron/Fire Emblem stuff eventually? Idk about those
If you read this entire post seriously thank you!! And thanks to everyone who’s read my fics, sent me messages about them, or just talked to me in general!! I love interacting with the communities!!
#random post from bree#bree writes#heavens bringer#the droplet#a fool like him#nuclear fusion#a sound like thunder#inherit thunder#beauty and the crow#fairy tail fanfiction#persona 5 fanfiction#bnha fanfiction#rwby fanfiction#this was so much fun to do#let me know any thoughts you have on this!!#also tag me if you do it too#long post#long text post
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The Fairy Tale of the Raincloud Princess Ch. 7
Series: Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima
Pairing: Gruvia
Medieval/Fairy Tale AU
FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11880387/7/The-Fairy-Tale-of-the-Raincloud-Princess
Summary: The somber Princess Juvia Lockser of the kingdom of Oakton has been betrothed to Prince Gray Fullbuster of Fiore since birth, but recent wars between Oakton and Alvarez have pushed the two kingdoms to unite much before they had intended. Can the princess save her kingdom, and perhaps find love along the way?
Other Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
Author’s Note: I promise the action will start soon! Please enjoy!
Chapter 6: Of a Grand Masquerade
The next day and a half flew by for the princess. It seemed that there was always another courtier to meet, and the king had ordered Lady McGarden to begin teaching Juvia about the history and nobility of Fiore in their free time. Between meetings and lessons, Juvia felt as though she scarcely had time to breathe. She'd just started to go back to her quarters after spending several hours in the Royal Library when Gajeel stopped her in the corridor.
"Your Highness, a seamstress named Lisanna was here a few moments ago. She says that she has your gown ready for the ball, and I am to bring her to you when you are ready for her," he said, fingers drumming on the pummel of his sword. "Would you like me to fetch her?"
Juvia blinked up at the knight in surprise, suddenly realizing what day it was. The night of the ball had come before she even realized it. A sudden image of her dream from two nights before rose up in her mind, making her heart race. She cleared her throat, trying to calm her anxieties and force down the furious blush that had colored her face. Gajeel watched curiously but said nothing, waiting for her command.
"Um, oh, yes, please do, Gajeel," she replied, looking away from him. "I'll, uh, I'll be in my quarters, send her there." The knight nodded and walked off down the hall. Juvia hurried off to her rooms, flopping down on her bed in a very unladylike manner. She rubbed her temples, willing the intrusive thoughts of her dream to go away. This was the night. Everything important hinged on tonight - her country's safety, her marriage, perhaps even her happiness. Juvia wasn't so foolish as to think that the prince would just completely fall in love with her in one night, of course, but the seeds of love needed to be planted at the very least, and tonight was her best chance. Standing up, the princess moved to her wash basin. She leaned over the table, peering into the looking glass. Dark circles were beginning to form beneath her eyes, speaking volumes of her restless nights. Juvia was grateful she'd be wearing a mask that night; she looked awful. She stared at her reflection, her brow furrowing. Could she really do this?
She was started by a knock at the door, and she bid her visitor to enter. Lisanna came in, MiraJane following her. Between them they carried a large wooden tub, which they set down beside the tall looking glass in the corner.
"Good afternoon, Your Highness!" Lisanna chirped. "MiraJane and I have come to help you prepare for the ball! Are you ready?"
Juvia nodded, and the pair pulled her over to the tub. As MiraJane removed Juvia's hennin and began to comb out her hair, Lisanna bustled in and out of the room, carrying pails of warm water and dumping them into the tub. Before she knew it, Juvia had been stripped, plopped in the bath, and scrubbed thoroughly. The sisters chatted amicably as they worked and Juvia was content to listen quietly to the cheerful servants. Soon she was dried and Lisanna helped her into the ballgown. MiraJane affixed the matching hennin and fixed the princess's hair.
"It is a shame your face will be covered, Your Highness," she murmured, securing the mask over Juvia's face. "You look absolutely spectacular. The prince will have no choice but to fall immediately in love with you." She gave the princess a reassuring smile, as if she could read her thoughts. Lisanna giggled softly beside her.
"With you looking like this, the prince may find himself with some competition," the seamstress laughed. A knock sounded at the door.
"Come in!" Juvia called. The door swung open to reveal Gajeel, who strode into the room, looking embarrassed. The knight was clad in a black costume, his dark hair partially hidden by a hood that came to a sharp peak over his forehead. Shining scale-like discs of metal covered his hood and shoulders, and his tunic was cut long in the back, adorned with the same scales. A scaled mask covered his eyes, partially concealing the dark blush spreading across his cheeks.
"Gajeel! You look... Like a dragon..." Juvia stuttered, trying hard not laugh at how embarrassed he seemed to be in costume.
"Erm, Your Highness, if you are ready I am to escort you to the ball. I believe most of the guests have already arrived," he mumbled, ignoring her comment and not looking at the servants who were trying their best not to giggle. At his final words, MiraJane and Lisanna's eyes widened in shock.
"My goodness! You must be off, Your Highness, they shall be waiting for you!" Lisanna exclaimed, following Juvia to the door. "You must tell me how Prince Gray likes the gown!" she called down the corridor as the pair left.
Gajeel led way down the hall, Juvia following behind silently. He glanced over her shoulder at her, trying to read her expression behind the mask. Suddenly she stopped, feeling even more nervous than before. The knight stopped and turned towards her, metal scales clinking with his movement.
"Do you... think he will like it?" Juvia asked, her voice tight with apprehension. Gajeel grinned at her.
"He would be a fool not to," he assured her. "Come now, they're waiting for us."
A hush fell over the Great Hall as the pair entered the room, all eyes turning to gaze upon the foreign princess. Juvia took a deep breath, telling herself that they were only looking at her gown. The pleats of dark gray and dark green silk flowed around her, the skirt and bodice adorned with dusty blue flower buds. Brilliant blue flowers rested atop her hands at the points of her sleeves. Her mask was dark gray lace over green silk, the same blue flowers adorning the corners of her eyes. Juvia heard one courtier whisper to her escort that her gown must be the handiwork of the seamstress Lisanna, and she pressed down a grin.
The king stood as Gajeel and Juvia approached the throne dais, beckoning Juvia forward. Prince Gray stepped up to meet her, greeting her with a polite smile and indicating that she should turn to face the crowd with him.
"My friends and most loyal subjects, I would like to thank you all for attending this evening," the king began, moving to stand on the other side of Juvia. "And now, for the cause of our celebration, I would like to introduce to you my son, Gray Fullbuster, Crown Prince of Fiore, and his betrothed, Juvia Lockser, Princess of Oakton!" Applause filled the room, some celebratory and some merely polite. Several of the lower courtiers looked at the princess with open disdain, which Juvia tried hard to ignore. King Silver lifted his hands, calling for the room to be silent again. "The prince and his betrothed shall have the first dance!"
The musicians began to play as Juvia and Gray turned towards each other. The prince bowed deeply, taking Juvia's hand and raising her fingers to his lips. She suppressed a shiver at the soft touch.
"Your Highness, may I have this dance?" he asked softly, looking into her eyes. Juvia could feel a blush flooding her cheeks but she forced herself to maintain eye contact, curtsying.
"You may," she replied, her voice husky. The prince gave her a little grin as he led her down the steps of the throne dais. Juvia began to feel as though the world was melting away as the two spun around the floor in a graceful dance. As she twirled, the buds on her dress fluttered open, revealing brilliant blue petals inside. The prince noticed, his smile growing with every spin.
"Buds that open at a gentle touch or breeze, just like the bush... Lisanna really has outdone herself this time," he murmured as they danced, soft enough so that only Juvia could hear. "She always did do her best work on particularly beautiful subjects." The princess blushed, ducking her head.
"Mmm, Your Highness, do you always compliment ladies as such?" she asked, both teasing him and genuinely curious. His eyes crinkled.
"Well, when one is a prince, one must often shower the ladies of the court with niceties. It makes them happy," he responded. Juvia's smile froze only slightly before she gave a small laugh.
"I suppose that is true," she said lightly, forcing down the sudden wave of jealousy in her chest. The prince leaned down closer to whisper in her ear.
"That doesn't mean I didn't mean this one."
Heat filled Juvia's face, and once again she was grateful for the mask covering it.
"Why Your Highness, you are positively sinful," she teased. The prince just smiled as he twirled her around, watching the buds flutter open once more before pulling her in again.
"But really," he mumbled, "creating a costume mimicking the raincloud bush... It really is brilliant. And it suits you well. You make a beautiful Raincloud Princess."
All too soon the song had ended, and Juvia was swept away from the prince by Natsu while the rest of the guest began dancing. The boisterous duke spun her around joyfully, making her feel both dizzy and giddy, before passing her on to a white-haired knight. He introduced himself as Elfman, MiraJane and Lisanna's brother. As the seamstress had said, he was a fine dancer, and Juvia found herself laughing at his jokes throughout the dance.
The evening went on, the wine flowing freely and the dancing growing more and more boisterous. After what seemed like hours of dancing, Juvia quietly separated herself from the crowd to rest a bit. The princess smiled as she spotted Gajeel dancing with Lady McGarden, the gossamer wings on the back of the scribe's light green gown making her look like a fairy. Juvia couldn't help but hope that perhaps Gajeel had found someone he could be happy with here. She didn't think she could stand it if the knight decided to go back to Oakton after she was married. Her gaze drifted over the throng, coming to rest on the prince dancing with Lady Heartfilia. The latter threw her head back in laughter at something Gray had said, and Juvia felt another wave of jealousy rising in her chest. She forced herself to look away. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a flurry of movement near one of the back staircases, but when she turned to look, nothing was there. She blinked hard, wondering if she was just imagining things.
The song ended, and Juvia spotted Duke Dragneel making his way towards Lady Heartfilia, whisking her away from the prince as the new song began. Gray disappeared into the crowd, only to reappear at Juvia's side. He didn't ask her to dance, but stood beside her in silence for a few moments, watching the crowd move to the music.
"Are you enjoying yourself, Juvia?" he asked without turning from the crowd, dropping the formalities from before. The princess glanced at him, shivering slightly at the intimacy of her name on his tongue.
"Yes, I was just a bit tired so I thought I would sit out for a song or two," she replied, looking back over the hall. "You seemed to be enjoying yourself as well." Though she did her best to mask it, she couldn't completely hide her bitterness. The prince gave her a concerned look.
"With Lucy? Ah, yes... Very sweet girl, and obviously very in love with the duke. Just look at at the way she looks at him," he said, nodding toward the dancing pair. Juvia had to admit, there was something tender in the lady's eyes that simply hadn't been there when she had been dancing with the prince. Gray smiled lopsidedly. "I just hope he realizes it and does something about it before some other courtier makes her an offer. I'm not sure she is in a position to refuse one." The princess turned to look at him, shocked. Back here, gazing at the crowd, the prince's demeanor had changed. He was still polite, but somehow... more melancholy. More vulnerable. It hurt to see him that way. She took a step towards him, swallowing hard.
"Your Highness? Would you like to dance?" she asked. He turned to face her, his usual distant politeness sliding over his face like a mask as he smiled. Juvia was almost disappointed.
"Of course. And please, it's Gray," he corrected gently as they moved back to the dance floor. There was something different about this dance, though Juvia couldn't quite put her finger on it. Even though the prince had fallen back into his normal mannerisms, she couldn't help but still see that more vulnerable side of him. He had opened himself up, if only slightly, and she knew it. He knew it. They danced in silence for what seemed like an eternity, the prince's gaze turning more intense with the passing seconds. Before they knew it, the song had ended, leaving Juvia far too close to the prince for polite society. Gray cleared his throat, stepping back and looking sheepish.
"I'm sorry about that," he muttered, looking away from her. Emboldened, Juvia stepped toward him, giving him a coy smile. Gray glanced back down at her, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat.
"Don't be," she whispered. The prince's eyes widened and he licked his lips nervously.
Juvia, I-"
The prince was interrupted by a commotion in the back of the room. The door to the courtyard burst open, and a bloodcurdling scream rang through the hall as enemy troops streamed through the entrance. The ball erupted into chaos as knights scrambled for their swords and ladies fled toward the side corridors. Gray unsheathed his blade as well, his blue eyes steely with anger, and turned to Juvia to confirm what she already knew.
"You need to get out of here. Alvarez has arrived."
#gruvia fanfiction#gruvia#Gray X Juvia#fairy tail#fairy tail fanfiction#gray fullbuster#Juvia Lockser#gajevy#fairy tale au#raincloud princess#forteisthebestdynamic
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Odette (Human) - Juvia Lockser
Odette (Swan) - Luna
Derek - Gray Fullbuster
Rothbart - Sir Crocodile
The Great Animal - Mard Geer (Dragon Form)
Jean-Bob - Sonic
Puffin - Baron Humbert von Gikkingen
Speed - Panther Lily
Lord Rodgers - Holland Novak
Queen Uberta - Talho Yuki
King William - Fujimoto
Bromley - Natsu Dragneel
The Chamberlain - Sanji
Hag/Odile - Charlotte Pudding
This is for sale, free of charge if anyone wants it. I'd make it myself but I'm not too good with video editing.
#fairy tail#fairy tail anime#one piece#sonic the hedgehog#the cat returns#sailor moon#eureka seven#cast meme#recast meme#swan princess#swan princess au#ponyo#fairy tail juvia#juvia loxar#gray fullbuster#gray x juvia#gruvia#the swan princess
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Gruvia Royal AU (chapter 3)

You have no idea how excited I am to finally share this story. This idea has been in my head for so long and I personally think it’s the best one I’ve ever come up with.
For those who haven’t been following so far, I’ve decided to recap the basic info. If you’ve already checked out chapters 1 and 2, feel free to skip to the part about chapter 3.
Story Title: Between Lies
Pairings: Gruvia and Stingyu (mains), Gajevy and Jerza (minor), also plenty of Grayza/Gajuvia/Juvino (Juvia x Yukino)/HiJu (Juvia x Hisui) brOTPS
Summary: Becoming Princess Juliet turns out to be far more interesting than Juvia had anticipated. An unexpected proposal leads to a dangerous mission that could prevent a war, but also ruin her life. New allies join her, but once Gray’s location is revealed, she’s forced to make a choice. Is there still a chance for them?
Timeline: This story covers the Avatar and Alvarez Arcs.
Warnings: First of all, SPOILERS for those who aren't watching the anime/haven’t read the manga.
Second, this story is a sequel to another one, Between Identities.
Third, there might be mature content in some of the chapters.
Word Count: around 3.200 words per chapter

Here’s the info for chapter 3:
Title: Choices
Summary: Now aware of who her mysterious savior is, Juvia is forced to make a decision. It's the classical struggle between love and duty, but is there really a choice?
Pairings included: Gruvia/Stingyu/Gajevy (OTPS) and Gajuvia/Grayza/Juvino (Juvia x Yukino) (brOTPS)
Timeline: Avatar Arc (April X792-about a month after Gray joins Avatar) + includes flashback to Grand Magic Games
Link: Chapter 1, Chapter 3
Sneak Peek:
"You're such a good friend." Gajeel shrugged.
"Whatever." Levy wrapped her arms around him from behind before kissing his cheek.
"We'll find her, okay?" He turned around on his chair to face her.
"I know we will." He sighed while wrapping his arms around her middle. "I'm just worried about what we'll find."
"Why are you so worried?" Levy asked, confused, while putting her hands on his shoulders.
Gajeel didn't reply at first, instead leaning forward so he could kiss her. Pantherlily looked away as he usually did to give them privacy.
Once they pulled apart, a worried look came upon the dragon slayer's face. "I know Juvia and there's a good chance she's making a stupid decision right now."
He had no idea just how right he was.
#fanfic#gruvia#stingyu#gajevy#jerza#brotps#gajuvia#grayza#royal au#plot twist#princess juvia#love triangle#arranged marriage#fluff#angst#fairy tail#final season#avatar arc#alvarez arc#juvia lockser#gray fullbuster#yukino aguria#sting eucliffe#gajeel redfox#levy mcgarden#erza scarlet#jellal fernandes#zeref dragneel#princess hisui#chapter 3
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Days Of Summer Ch 7
A/N; Hey guys! We’re back and with words! and plot! Ain’t it grand lol? Go and drop by @hannah-nobody‘s inbox and let her know how much you loved this chap!
Here’s the updated playlist!
Summer has arrived, and with it the start of the two month long music camp; Fairy Tail! Full of new songs, friends, and adventures, the campers learn things they never knew about themselves and one another. And just how easy it is to sneak booze and a full sized karaoke machine out into the middle of the woods.
Camp Rock!AU
Pairing: Nalu, Gajevy, Gruvia, others mentioned; Fairy Tail
Words: 7408
Rating: T
Parts: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven: Don’t Delete The Kisses
When I see you, the whole world reduces
To just that room
And then I remember and I’m shy that gossip’s eye will look too soon
Lucy was a bundle of nerves as she walked into the cafeteria that morning. She paid no attention to the fifty people long queue for pancakes as Cana and Juvia rushed off to join it. Instead she scanned the room for a shock of pink hair.
Natsu was sat in the back corner of the room, adjusting his beanie to cover his wonderful hair a moment after she’d noticed it. He didn’t look up from the notebook he was hunched over and intently scribbling in as Lucy noted the rest of the table was empty, and his breakfast tray lay untouched in front of him.
“Oh god,” She moaned, “He hasn’t eaten his pancakes.”
Behind her, Gray sighed. Loke stepped forward and offered her a tentative pat on the shoulder.
“There, there, sweetness. Maybe they just gave him the wrong toppings?”
Lucy nodded, but she didn’t believe it. The few times they’d eaten with Natsu he’d always had the biggest appetite out of all of them. She even remembered Gajeel complaining to her about how he always eats all the pigs-in-blankets at Christmas before he can even get to his cousin's house. If he had no interest in food he was clearly upset.
“I am the worst person.” She whispered to herself.
“Stop being so fucking dramatic,” Gray huffed, “You just need to explain the situation and apologise.”
“I need to explain the situation?” Lucy whirled on him, “How about we explain the situation? Y’know, since this is partially your fault?”
Gray was never one to show much emotion, but she could tell by the slumped set of his shoulders that he still felt a little guilty. But whatever guilt Gray felt was nothing compared to her own- poor Natsu must think she was pretending not to know him this whole time. He probably thought she was a completely horrible person by now.
Lucy shook her head to ward of the thoughts. It didn’t matter what he’d come to think of her. If he thought she was horrible she’d just have to change his mind, and that all started with telling him the truth.
She grabbed hold of Gray’s wrist and dragged him to the rear of the cafeteria where Natsu was sitting. Gray didn’t fight her. She knew it was more likely he was willing to apologise to Natsu more for Lucy’s sake than for any offence towards his cabin-mate, but at least he was trying.
When they reached his table, Natsu didn’t look up from his notebook. He was tapping out a beat with his pen on the table, his brows furrowed deep in thought at the scrawl covering the page of his notebook that was slightly too messy for Lucy to read upside down. For a second her stomach churned at the thought he was deliberately ignoring them, but she reassured herself he was just immersed in his work before finally gathering the courage to speak. She caught sight of a patch of his jaw yellowed and tender looking, Gray holding his hands up in surrender at Lucy’s sharp look. She turned back to Natsu, who was still oblivious to their approach, and took in a deep breath before speaking.
The boy in question looked up from his work in surprise. The second he realised who had spoken his cheeks turned pink.
“Heya Lucy.” His gaze turned to Gray, “Popsicle.”
Before Gray could come up with an epithet of his own Lucy cut in.
“Natsu, we need to talk. Can I sit down?”
Natsu groaned, the pink of his blush turning almost stop-sign red.
“Lucy, I am so sorry. I wasn’t thinking I-”
“What? Natsu, you have nothing to be sorry for. If anyone here should be apologising it’s me. And Gray.”
“Really?” Natsu’s eyebrows shot up, “I know Gray should really apologise for burdening us all with his existence, but what do you have to be sorry for?”
Lucy glanced to Gray, who was visibly trying to restrain himself from retorting to Natsu’s jab. It was probably best she do the talking.
She sat down across the table from Natsu, with Gray reluctantly sinking down beside her. Natsu closed his notebook and placed it on his lap out of the way.
“You went to ‘Rock On In Hargeon’ right at the beginning of the summer, right?”
“Right.” Natsu fidgeted awkwardly.
“Well, so did we. With Loke and Cana, obviously. And you know what Cana is like-”
“So you were drunk when you kissed me, I know. Ice Princess said you never would have otherwise. It’s probably the only time he’s ever been right in his whole life.”
Natsu avoided her eyes as he spoke. His words squeezed at her heart, and for a second it was painful to breathe. She hated it that Natsu thought so low of himself. She hated it even more that she had unwittingly contributed to that feeling.
“Don’t sell yourself short, loser,” Gray rolled his eyes, “If she thought you were good-looking with drunk goggles on, imagine how great you look when she’s sober. Assuming she has her contacts in of course and you’re not just a vague pink blur.”
“I’ve had my contacts in this whole time I’ll have you know and I think he’s better than good-looking.”
Lucy caught herself a second too late, her last reserves of anger at Gray making her too desperate to come up with a witty retort for his compliment-but-masked-as-an-insult-because-I-can’t-show-any-emotion-too-positive-or-I-will-be-in-violation-of-the-emo-handbook. Gray was emitting positive emotion however as his lips quirked upwards at Lucy’s misstep. He glanced towards Natsu to gage the other boys reaction and Lucy followed his gaze.
Natsu had gone stop-sign red again, but this time his eyes were wide with surprise, and the hint of a smile played on his lips.
“Anyway, what I’m trying to say is,” Lucy fumbled to recover, “That I wasn’t pretending not to know you this whole time. I just didn’t remember you, or the kissing, or most of the festival actually…”
“And that’s my fault.” Gray admitted, “Not the not remembering the festival part- that was Cana’s-but her not knowing you. I never told Lucy about the kiss. I didn’t want her to be embarrassed about throwing herself at strangers.”
At that, Lucy felt her own cheeks burning.
“And I am so sorry about that-”
“Don’t worry, you didn’t throw yourself at me.” Natsu interrupted, “You just fell on me.”
“Fell on you?”
“Yeah.” Natsu chuckled, but his smile soon turned shy, “And as for the kiss… don’t worry about it. It was… it was my first too and it was actually, uh, pretty great. Amazing actually.”
Her blush intensified. Beside her, Gray made a retching sound.
“Alright, I’m clearly done here.” Gray motioned vaguely with his hands to them as he stood, “I’m off to get pancakes. Feel free to join after you two have y’know… furthered the plot or whatever.”
Gray walked off, leaving the two of them in silence, both blushing too furiously to pluck up the courage to look at one another. Natsu leant his elbows on the table, his fingers fiddling with a guitar pick as he waited for Lucy to break the silence it seemed.
“So… you don’t hate me then? You don’t think I’m a terrible person.”
Natsu smiled softly.
“I never hated you. And I don’t think you have it in you to be terrible at anything, to be honest.
Lucy laughed lightly.
“I’m still sorry. I know I wouldn’t have felt so great if our roles were reversed. I’d probably overthink myself crazy.”
“I almost did.” He admitted, rubbing his neck sheepishly. “I should apologise too. I can’t imagine my performance at karaoke was that great if it triggered such a traumatic memory.”
Lucy swatted at him playfully.
“It wasn’t a traumatic memory. From what I remember it was… were you shirtless?”
Natsu groaned.
“Yeah. It was a hot day.”
“Yeah, really hot. But, uh, you know. Falling into some shirtless guy’s arms is the dream of most girls.”
“I highly doubt they picture my face in those dreams.”
“Some might.” She tried for a laugh, but it feel sort as her face overheated.
Natsu glanced away bashfully. She spotted a smile a smile on his face however, and when his eyes finally met hers again, they were bright with amusement. And something she desperately hoped was a growing confidence.
“And as for your performance,” She continued, “I’ve never been serenaded before. It was quite the experience. Good song choice by the way.”
Natsu dropped his head onto the table, his groans of shame absolutely pitiful. Lucy stifled a laugh.
“I can’t believe I did that.”
“I will admit, after already encountering the effects of Cana’s notorious flask, I’m surprised you had a go at it yourself.”
“She said it was a good cure for stage fright. I figured it couldn’t hurt but clearly, I was wrong.”
“Well, despite your method, your performance was amazing. You had most of the crown on their feet.”
“I don’t know why. Singing isn’t really my forte.”
Lucy reached out and took his hand, the pick that flitted between his fingers falling onto the table. He looked at her painted finger-tips as though it were an alien hand come to take him to another world. The touch sent sparks racing up her arm, but she held her grip firm.
“Doesn’t matter if it’s not your forte, you’re good at it Natsu. You should have more confidence in yourself.”
Natsu avoided her eyes, but his hand squeezed hers in return.
“Confidence doesn’t really come easy to someone like me.”
“What do you mean someone like you?” She asked lightly, “What sort of person do you think you are Natsu?”
She could see a hundred thoughts swirling inside him. His mouth twisted in a way that made her think he was desperate to tell her- to tell somebody - but he just couldn’t set them free.
He withdrew her hand from hers.
“I’m sure you’ll figure that out for yourself,” He smiled weakly, “If you still want to be friends that is.”
Lucy looked down at her hand, the one she’d reached out to Natsu. There was no trace of him there other than the lingering warmth. She looked back up at him to find him watching her nervously, as though he were afraid she would turn round and shout no! Never speak to me again!
She offered him the brightest smile she could muster. It seemed to perk him up a little, but she could see still the worry in his eyes.
“Of course. Friends.”
Levy rested her head on the table, even the sounds of the busy cafeteria unable to keep her eyes open. Her tummy was full of pancakes with fresh strawberries and whipped cream, her cabin mates weren’t sending silent death vibes or pacing around in the dark, and the wood tabletop was making a surprisingly comfy pillow on her forehead. Maybe she’d be able to recover a few precious hours of sleep before the first week assignments would be posted...
“Oi, is Shrimp here dead or somethin’?”
Levy scowled, both at the nickname and how her heart skipped a beat at hearing his voice. Stupid, dumb, musclehead and his stupid arms and stupid laugh and-
“Oi,” Gajeel said again, pushing a finger into her head a couple times. “Shrimp, I don’t think it’d be the best idea to fall asleep where my cousin could find ya with a sharpie.”
That stupid nickname.
Levy lifted her head, scowling as best she could while craning her neck to look at him.
“For the record, I’ll break Natsu’s pen and then smear it all over his dumb face if he so much as tries to draw cat whiskers on me,” Levy hissed, stabbing a stray strawberry for emphasis, keeping her gaze levelled with Gajeel’s dark and amused one. “And secondly, if you’d had to have spent the night dealing with Lucy and Cana then you’d be exhausted too.”
“I spent the night dealing with Gray and Natsu. You wanna bet your girls are worse than my chucklefuck bunkmates?” Gajeel snorted, dropping his tray heavily to the table and claiming the spot to her left. Levy glared half heartedly. She had been meaning to save the spots for Jet and Droy, but she figured they’d want to spend some time with their own bunkmates, Max and Warren. At least, she hoped so.
“Fair,” Levy sighed. She drew a smiley face on her plate in the syrup, using a strawberry to smear it and return it to the shapeless blood of strawberry flavoured liquid sugar. She looked over at Gajeel’s plate, a stack of five pancakes loaded with enough whipped cream to make her cavities ache. Sniffing, Levy leaned closer, narrowing her eyes at the plate of food as she finally picked out the fruit she thought might be on his. A piece of green fruit with black seeds and a white core slid out from under the pile of whipped cream. “Really? Kiwi?”
“It’s a good fruit,” Gajeel glared at her. He ripped open a packet of apple syrup with his teeth and poured it over his pancakes. Levy wasn’t sure if she was horrified at his taste or unimpressed with his dramatics. She was stopped from commenting on it by Cana slamming a bottle of -uncorrupted- orange juice on the table.
“Alright folks, now that those two both understand what happened in their special moment it’s time to start taking bets on when they’ll figure out why they can’t stop thinking about the other in the shower.” Cana announced, somehow loud but not drawing attention from more than a table or two away. “Dates start in a week, who thinks they’re gonna get their shit together like functional human beings?”
“Firstly,” Loke drawled, finding a spot on the other side of Levy, “you don’t need to be so crude. I don’t think Gajeel here is too eager to imagine what his baby cousin thinks about in the shower.”
“The walls are thin at home. Trust me, I don’t need to use no fuckin’ imagination.”
Levy cringed at Gajeel’s flat voice, his eyes hollow as he sneered at his food, shoving his fork into it hard enough that Levy thought he was trying to stab the memory itself.
“Tragic.” Loke said without a glance at Gajeel’s direction. “Secondly, I don’t think you’re one to talk about functional human beings.”
“I never said I was one,” Cana grinned at him, sitting on the table and taking a swig of her juice.
“And thirdly , put me down for the summer solstice night thing. It’s gonna take them at least a month to hook up.”
“Now hold on,” Levy asked, lifting her fork to point between Cana and Loke, “Are we talking dating or hooking up. Because those are very different things and I won’t be cheated of my winnings by some technicality.”
“Hmm, I’m gonna say they kiss once in like three weeks and then are super awkward and don’t date for another week or two,” Cana said, nodding wisely to herself. “But no, must be full dating for you to win.”
“What are we betting,” Gray sighed, his voice worn like someone who had to deal with Cana and Loke’s plans on a regular basis would be; warily accepting and without the energy to fight it.
“When those two idiots are gonna accept they looove one another,” Loke sang, scooting over and making room for Gray. Levy’s thigh brushed Gajeel’s under the table and she jerked back, face heating as she stared at her plate pointedly. Levy firmly believed in personal bubbles, and she had a feeling Gajeel would be the type of guy to appreciate it. She knew she could get carried away, Levy was still mortified that she had grabbed his arm so casually that first day, but thighs under a table... Levy bit her lip and forced herself to pay attention to the conversation surrounding her again.
“Obviously,” Gray grunted, halfheartedly rolling his eyes. “I mean what are we putting in the pot for the winner. Which will be me, because that pink haired dumbass isn’t gonna push himself on Lucy, and none of ya know her as well as I do. They don’t get together until the end of camp.”
“The buy in is five bucks and the one who eats it the worst has to sing a song to the winner,” Cana grinned at Gray, sharp and challenging. It was clear that she expected to win, and was expecting Gray to be the furthest from winning. Levy almost didn’t want to know what song Cana would pick out if she was right.
“I say sixth week. Give Strawberry a chance to realize how miserable he is without her during the break and Bunny Girl enough time to be worn down by his pathetic puppy dog eyes.” Gajeel said. The table was silent for a moment before Cana whooped at his involvement, pulling a pen and paper for somewhere and marking his time down beside a ‘Ga’. She filled in the rest of their bets, grin wide to herself and humming a familiar tune under her breath. She tapped along with the pen beside the names when she was done, Levy smiling when she remembered that Cana was said to be one of the best drummers at the camp.
“Put me down for third week. I think they’re cute together.” Levy smiled before looking over her shoulder at where Lucy and Natsu sat several tables down. They kept blushing and looking away from one another, reminding Levy of two kindergarteners rather than teenagers. She felt a pang of envy at their giddy and nervous energy, both unsure of the other but unwilling to walk away. She knew Jet and Droy had a crush on her -maybe loved her- but all she felt for them was sibling love.
“Alright, all we need is Juvia and then a few other-“ Cana cut off as she whipped her pen at Gray, hitting him squarely in the forehead.
All heads whipped around, the table obvious in their gawking at the pair a distance away. And indeed, Lucy’s hand was in Natsu’s, her smile shy and her head dipped so she looked at Natsu from her lashes, Natsu beet red and his whole body slowly leaning into the middle of the table, almost as if gravity was pulling him closer to her.
Loke spoke up, eyes quick as they snapped between Cana and the love birds. “I’m saying two weeks. Look at that. They’re basically having sex on Natsu’s pancakes.”
Levy nodded, unable to help her grin at one of her bunkmates and a quickly developing best friend. Lucy looked happy, and Levy felt the seed of jealousy melt away at that fact.
“What is Juvia supposed to be part of?” A confused voice asked. Levy took her eyes off the pair to look at Juvia claiming a spot beside Cana’s calf, her two pancakes covered in a mountain of blue and blackberries.
“Look over there Juvia and tell us what you see.” Cana gestured towards the opposite end of the cafeteria.
Levy watched Juvia as she stood up a little to properly see where Natsu and Lucy was sitting. The girl’s smile lit up in an instant, her grin almost mischievous.
“It appears that Lucy will not be a love rival after all.”
Juvia sat back down and tucked into her pancakes, unaware of the confused glances of her friends.
“Look at that moron,” Gray scoffed, seemingly paying no mind to Juvia’s strange words, “His face is practically as pink as his hair.”
“Why does he always cover it up anyway?” Loke mused, “It’s such a rosy pink.”
“The kid’s got issues.” Was Gajeel’s curt reply.
Levy could have sworn she detected defensiveness in his tone. He acted like he didn’t care, but she knew Gajeel would be the first to throw a punch if anyone other than him bad-mouthed his cousin.
“Oh oh oh, he’s retracting the hand.” Cana motioned dramatically, shifting forward so far Levy was sure she’d fall off the table.
“A mistake.” Loke tutted, despite the fact he was more concerned with checking his pores in the front camera of his phone rather than the brewings of a love story across the cafeteria. Levy stifled a laugh as he prodded at the flawless skin under his eye, scowling into the camera.
“What does this all even mean.” Gray sighed.
Levy laughed at his inability to understand real human emotion before turning in her seat to watch the show. She couldn’t quite see Lucy’s face from this angle, but she was certain the girl was looking down at her hand. And Natsu- poor, sweet, love-struck Natsu- was looking at her the way they always wrote about in those cheesy romance books she refused to admit to reading.
“It means true love is a fickle thing Natsu and Lucy are destined to fight for. Juvia believes love is worth fighting for, do you not, Gray?” Juvia sighed, her chin sinking into her hands as her gaze pierced through Gray. Levy met Gajeel’s smirk as Gray literally began to thaw, face turning pink and his throat clearing awkwardly. He shrugged noncommittally, suddenly focused intently on his pancakes.
“Don’t scare him off, hun, don’t you know Gray can only handle one dose of happy emotions before noon?” Cana cooed, patting Juvia’s shoulder. The musical major’s shoulder slumped, lip wobbling in defeat as she poked at her pancakes with much less enthusiasm. She didn’t even swat at Cana when she stole a blackberry, though Levy thought that might be the girl’s calm and giving disposition rather than her sadness.
Levy looked back over her shoulder, gaping at what she saw.
She slapped at Gajeel’s arm, not stopping at his squawking as she tried to get her excitement out in the least attention grabbing way. “She’s eating his food. You guys! You guys Lucy’s eating Natsu’s food .”
“There’s no fuckin’ way that dipshit ain’t hoarding his pancakes like some kinda addict.”
“I want to change my bet!”
“Juvia would like to double down on three weeks before Love Rivals are officially no longer her rivals.”
“Ohhh, I’m so gonna win this,” Levy squealed. She kept her eyes glued on Lucy playfully stealing a piece of his pancakes again, Natsu’s grin wide as he pretended to try and stop her. He used his pen when she went in for a raspberry, the two mocking a sword fight and giggling with one another.
“This is more obscene than if they were having sex,” Gray scowled, corner of his lip twitching up despite his disgusted tone.
“It’s true love!” Cana crowed. “Look at that! Boys don’t share food unless they’re gonna get married! OH MY GOD GONNA THEY'RE GONNA GET HITCHED. I CALL MAID OF HONOUR!”
“Does Juvia get to be a bridesmaid?” Juvia asked, perking up at the mention of weddings. Levy smothered a laugh at Gajeel’s suffering sigh, both knowing who Juvia would claim for dance practice, no matter how impossible an actual wedding happening would be. He scowled at her. Levy stole one of his kiwis. She stuck her tongue out at his deepened glare, his mouth falling open in shock. Levy saw a glint of silver flash on his tongue, but quickly diverted that train of thought.
She looked over her shoulder at where Natsu and Lucy were when Loke whistled low, the sound a warning of trouble like when someone got called to the principles’ office in school.
Lucy and Natsu were both staring at the table, bright red and pissed off. Lucy stood quickly, smiling at Natsu shyly before running off -and sending a gesture with her hand directed towards the table that made Levy raise her eyebrows. Natsu grabbed his book and plate of food after a minute, slowly making his way towards their table.
Levy turned back to her pancakes trying her best to look innocent, as did everyone else. Except Cana, who most likely was overjoyed at being caught spying- though she did hide the book of bets by tucking it into her bra. Levy frowned, wondering how Cana got away with just wearing a loose netted top that ended before her ribs did, blue bra -or bikini- basically being showed off, considering the camp dress code was very clear on what was and wasn’t appropriate.
“Whatchu guys lookin’ at?” Natsu asked, smug tone despite his sneer and narrowed eyes.
“True love,” Juvia sighed. Cana and Loke barked out a laugh as Natsu turned a deep red. He pulled his beanie lower so his hair was covered more fully and scoffed, looking away.
“You must have been watching Loke and his reflection then.” He retorted a beat too late.
“I can’t believe I fretted over you,” Loke sniffed.
“He has a point,” Gray smirked, taking a bite of his pancakes and lifting a smug eyebrow at Loke’s pout.
“E tu, bae?” Loke gasped. He pouted at the table’s laughter, turning back to his phone with a grunt. Natsu and Gray shared a knowing smirk before realizing they weren’t actively hating one another and looking away pointedly. Levy felt relief wash over her as the group returned to it’s regular, but less-than-functional, dynamic. All that was left was-
“Yes Natsu, what was happening over there?”
All of Natsu’s colour drained as he fell into his seat beside Juvia. He squeaked, refusing to look away from his pancakes. Levy couldn’t help her grin as she noted that the only bite taken had been from Lucy. “Nothin’.” Natsu said between his teeth. Erza slid into the place beside Natsu, placing her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
“It didn’t look like ‘nothin’,” she said. Levy met her eyes, happy to see amusement flicker in Erza’s deep brown gaze before she turned back to a mortified looking Natsu. “It looked like you might have been flirting with a certain blonde haired girl. I can’t remember the last time you shared food with anyone but Happy.”
“We ain’t flirtin’. We’re just friends,” Natsu defended weakly. He stabbed his pancakes and lifted one whole, losing part of the fruit and whipped cream as it slid back onto his plate. He got a bite in before Erza slapped his hand. He met her narrowed eyes with his own glare before sighing and cutting off a quarter of the pancake with his fork and shoving it in his mouth. Erza nodded, pleased with his action, and Levy was awed at how easy their interaction felt. She knew first hand how... much , Erza could be, but watching the scene before her was like watching an overprotective and strict big sister lecture her suffering baby brother. The scene was only strengthened when Natsu spoke with his mouth half full and indifferent to Erza’s disgusted curled lip. “Lucy only likes me as a friend, so that’s all we’re gonna be.”
The table groaned at his obliviousness, Natsu swallowing and squawking in confusion, looking at Levy for answers. She looked at him flatly before putting a much more reasonably sized cut of food in her mouth. “I wish you wouldn’t sell yourself so short Natsu,” Erza sighed, squeezing her shoulder. “You have much to offer, and that Lucy seems like a sweet girl. Don’t resign yourself to a fate that hasn’t yet happened.” Natsu flushed, a hint of hopefulness lifting the corner of his mouth as he looked at Erza. “Though I will remind you that any inappropriate meetings between campers will have repercussions.”
“Erza!” Natsu objected, choking on his shout. Juvia squeaked loudly, Gray and Gajeel made their own noises of disgust while Cana nearly fell off the table she laughed so hard. Erza held up her hands in surrender, playful smile brightening her face but her gaze warning underneath her teasing.
“I’ll leave you be while I help Mira set up the lists. Be sure to be at the announcement board twelve thirty sharp.” With that Erza walked off, leaving the group to leer at Natsu, the boy himself flushing and groaning in embarrassment.
“I can’t believe Erza was the one to give you the talk,” Loke chortled. “I was looking forward to doing that. Maybe I’ll slip Lucy one of my condoms and watch her face go through the five stages of grief.”
Levy choked on her drink, feeling milk come out her nose. She whined in pain while the table began to laugh again, even Juvia unable to hide her giggles behind her hand. She glared at Gajeel through her watery vision, his head thrown back as he cackled at her. His lip ring caught on the light, eyes pinched shut and full lashes pressed to his cheeks. Levy felt her heart lurch into her throat. She ignored the feeling, stabbing four more pieces of kiwi from his plate and shoving them in her mouth, ignoring her burning airway the same way she was ignoring her emotions. The apple syrup tasted disgusting on the tart fruit but Levy swallowed, pleased when Gajeel sneered at her for stealing his fruit. It was his own fault for laughing at her.
Juvia pushed several pieces of fruit from her plate onto Gajeel’s, blueberries rolling in his whipped cream and syrup. Levy pouted, and Juvia smiled at her sweetly before discreetly winking at her. A blush burned her cheeks at Juvia’s knowing look and encouraging smile, her innocent facade replaced immaculately.
“Rain woman loves me,” Gajeel grunted, grin mocking as he looked at Levy.
“Are you saying Levy should love you too, Gajeel?” Natsu asked impishly, obviously pleased at no longer being the center focus. His eyes danced when Gajeel tripped over his words, flustered. He settled on glaring silently, an aura of death radiating from him.
“Juvia agrees with Natsu. Does Gajie wish Levy to share her fruit with him?”
“I think he wants her to share more than fruit , if ya know what I mean.”
“Cana could you not make everything sexual, once in your life?”
“But Gray, where’s the fun in that?” Cana cooed, subtly stealing a fingerful of whipped cream from Gray’s plate. Levy raised her face from out of her hands, glaring at the table. Gajeel was more coloured than Natsu’s hair, which had begun to peek out from under his beanie.
“Juvia wishes to place a bet. Put me down for Gajie and Levy for a month and two weeks.” Juvia said, looking at Cana intently. The brunette blinked twice before a large grin broke across her face. She took out the bet book and wrote down Juvia’s date.
“I knew you were my type of girl, Juvi!”
“Oi!” Gajeel shouted, betrayed.
“What’re you guys talkin’ ‘bout?” Natsu asked, looking around in confusion. Levy whined pitifully and buried her face back in her hands. She knew she should have saved those spots for Jet and Droy.
All around her was a sea of people, and she was on a boat far, far above them, with a special view of the stage. Her own little personal view! Lucy giggled at the idea- that the band was performing just for her. Where did the band go anyway? Maybe if she yelled loud enough they would come back on. Lucy took in a breath and screamed at the top of her lungs, her shout soon turning into laughter.
“Oi, be quiet up there will you? I’ve got enough noise in my ears without adding your squealing to it,” snapped the young man whose shoulders she sat on. He was so strong. Strong Gray. Silly Gray! How else was the band supposed to come out if they didn't hear her scream? Lucy didn’t trust her mouth though, the drink Cana had given her made her tongue feel fuzzy. Well, it was more than one drink now, maybe two, three at most. Either way, Gray was still silly. Lucy ought to tell him that.
She tapped the top of his head, prompting the raven haired boy to look up at her -at such a funny angle Lucy had to giggle- and glower slightly.
“What?” he barked out at her.
Lucy pouted down at him and stuck out her tongue.
“Gray,” she said in as serious as a voice as she could muster, “You’re silly.”
“And you’re cut off.” Gray said while rolling his eyes and turning his head back to the stage. Lucy stuck out her tongue at him again, hoping a part of him would feel her mocking him, and looked back at the stage too. Bored by the empty stage, Lucy looked around at all the other people that were on their friends shoulders. They were little boats too! She was part of an arsenal of boats meant to cheer on the musicians! Really, another band should be coming out soon, it was quite rude to keep her and all her other boat friends waiting. Maybe they were waiting for Lucy to make more noise! This time she took in an even deeper breath and raised her hands off of her thighs so she could wave them above her head. They felt heavier than usual, but Lucy didn’t really care as she continued shouting, imagining the band was still performing.
They were definitely waiting for Lucy to make more noise.
“Oi, what did I just say? If you keep squirming around up there I’ll drop you.” Gray shouted up at her, not even bothering to lift his head in her direction.
“Graayyy,” She whined, partially out of breath from her latest scream, which was quite impressive if Lucy would say so herself. “you’re my friend, and friends don’t drop friends.”
“Yeah well friends don’t give friends back problems either; you’re heavy and I’m putting you down.”
“Are not!”
“Are too.”
“Nope,” Lucy giggled and put her hands back up, looking at the stage again. Suddenly she felt a shift under her butt and then the stage was being replaced by the afternoon sky. She couldn’t see all her other boat friends now. Lucy realized she was also falling, but her other boat friends seemed more important. She really should be bracing for the ground now, she was sure to hit any second. Was she screaming? The sea was so loud she couldn’t really tell. Mean Gray.
All thoughts of boats and mean Grays left her head as Lucy collided with a soft object and finally hit the ground with a very undignified ‘oomph’.
Lucy let out a low groan as she stayed on top of her very comfy cushion. It was probably a person. Lucy had probably just crushed some poor innocent soul with her falling. Now her head was against this poor innocent soul’s chest - a man she realized from the shirtlessness - and she really ought to move. Lucy lifted her head to look down at her saviour, and realized that she just crushed a god. Sun kissed skin was pulled tightly over muscles across his chest and arms. A strong jaw and a straight nose, not to mention cheekbones that should be worshipped themselves. And beautiful dark, slanted eyes. Were those more of an olive or an onyx colour? Lucy couldn’t tell right now. But those indescribable eyes were staring up at her so widely that he looked like a puppy. A puppy God. Lucy had to giggle at the thought that she had just crushed a puppy God.
The strange Puppy God’s face turned red and he shot up to his feet quickly, pulling at a strange white scarf around his neck. It was much too warm to being wearing a scarf, although he wasn’t wearing a shirt so Lucy decided that it made sense. Lucy realized that he had a hand extended down to her and was shyly smiling at her. His smile was cute. Cute Puppy God. Lucy took his hand and let her haul him up. Looking up at him she was finally able to see his hair. Pink.
Her Cute Puppy God had pink hair.
Of course he would, he was adorable like that, her Cute Puppy God. Was it dyed? His eyebrows were pink too though, so maybe it was natural? If it was natural then that could only mean that... No, Lucy shook her head slightly, mentally berating herself. Cana was having far too much of an influence on Lucy’s poor innocent mind. Looking back at the boy’s face she realized that he was apologizing. This boy was apologizing to her after she had fallen on him and then thought about his.... Bad Lucy!
“No, no, no,” Lucy smiled at him and waved her hands in a shooing motion, “Don’t be sorry! It was Gray’s fault. He’s so meeeean.”
Lucy felt her smile fall off her face as she thought about Gray. He wasn’t Strong Gray, he was Mean Gray. Stupid Gray. All thoughts of Stupid Gray flooded from her mind again as she saw a smirk pull at his face, taking over his shy smile. Lucy definitely liked the smirk more, it added a mischievous light to his eyes. Was that a slight fang she saw peeking out from his grin? No way could that be real. Although it would fit her smirking Puppy God. She smiled again at the thought of her new pet name for this mystery boy. Puppy God. She should thank him, but how? Lucy bit at her lip as she thought about it, and took in more of his face. Oh, she knew!
Stepping closer, Lucy put a hand on his chest, and most certainly not because she had been dying to touch him since they had stood up. No sir, she was a good girl after all. Letting out a soft ‘thanks’ Lucy raised herself onto her tip toes so that she could reach his face and press a soft kiss into his right cheek. She pulled back slowly, allowing herself time to drink in the sight of his face. He had on such a, a bewildered expression that Lucy couldn’t contain how cute her Puppy God was.
“You know,” she said out loud as her eyes traced his wild hair. He really could use a brush, or her hands running through it right now, “You’re pretty cute.”
She didn’t wait for a response as she leaned in again and pressed her lips against his warm ones. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to pull her body closer to his as she felt him pull her close as well. She’d never done this before, but her books always mentioned something about tongues. Cana did too, but Lucy felt it was a bit too soon for her to put anything Cana had told her to practice.
Pushing her tongue against the seam of his mouth, Lucy was a bit surprised by how easily he opened up for her. Feeling brave, she started to explore his mouth with her own tongue when she felt him start to prod at her mouth with his own. His tongue was much more forceful than hers had been and she let him take control, feeling warm pressed up to him as he pulled her even closer against his shirtless body. She lifted a hand and played with the hair at the nape of his neck, and Lucy was certain that it was not the alcohol making her this warm, but this boy. This boy and his rough hands on the small of her back, his warm lips moving against her own, his hot tongue that kept delving into her own mouth. But just as she was reaching to twine her hand more solidly into his soft, pink hair, the warmth was gone and an arm wrapped around her waist was dragging her away.
Lucy picked up her speed as she walked from her cabin to the showers, hanging her head in embarrassment.
“I can’t believe I called him Puppy God,” she mumbled to herself.
She kept playing the memory in her head, unsure of the extent to which Lucy was remembering Natsu’s hotness without his shirt was accurate or if her drunk mind was embellishing it. She wondered where that cocky smirk from the festival had gone, only hints and glimpses of it flashing through in the few days she had known him. The karaoke night had been most like the other version of him, loud and wild and so overwhelming Lucy couldn’t help but lose herself in him- in his performance , she corrected herself quickly. He hadn’t looked drunk at the festival, though Lucy was unsure given her own compromised thoughts.
Lucy brushed her fingers over her lips, the memory bringing phantom sensations to her; the heat of his mouth against hers, the taste of citrus pop when his tongue had brushed against hers, the feeling of his arms around her and his hands pressed to the bare skin of her back.
“Stop thinking like that! You two agreed on being friends and that’s all!” Lucy hissed to herself, shouldering open the door to the shower building just between the loop of cabins and the outdoor activity area, the building two storied with a pool on the main level and the showers and washrooms above. Lucy sighed as she breathed in the smell of chlorine and looked through the glass barrier between the entrance hall and the pool itself.
It was fairly small, only ten meters across and barely twice that in length, but it made up for it by the diving boards, the highest of the four nearly two stories high. Musical notes and inspired designs littered the white and seafoam green tiled walls in mosaics, the splash of colour matches to the lining of the pool itself. Lucy marveled at how rich the camp must be to afford all of its equipment and facilities, the slide on the left corner beside the diving boards as tall as the top platform, a steady stream of water spilling from the yellow lip at the bottom, a Fairy Tail insignia stamped on the bright plastic midway up in white. Lucy loved the design, something whimsical while still in the shape of a bird like figure, beak curling towards its talons facing right, two streaks of a profile wing lined up with the swoop of its tail to the left.
Lucy carried on, taking the stairs that led to the showers above two at a time, her fluffy pink towel draped over her arm and her shower bag in the other. She hadn’t showered since arriving, and Lucy was looking forward to not feeling gross, and it had nothing to do with suddenly being worried about how limp her hair looked in front of a certain boy.
Lucy’s face fell into a scowl as she pushed the door open with her shoulder, trying to out dumb thoughts like that out of her head.
“Well we’ll see about that at the performance. You’re not the ones who don’t need me.” The door was yanked from under Lucy’s weight and she stumbled forward, colliding with something soft.
“Get off me!” The same voice as before snarled, a hand pressed to Lucy’s arm and shoving her away. She fell, yelping as her tailbone met with the concrete floor of the washroom. Lucy glared at the person who had shoved her, paling under the other girls deadly look. Long curls of brown hair tumbled down either side and framed her face, her glasses making her seem half a decade older than Lucy rather than the one or two years it really was. She was pretty, but her beauty was covered by her sneer and hard glint in her dark eyes. “Pathetic.”
Lucy was left gaping as the girl walked out, shock quickly bleeding into rage at how rude she had been.
“I’m sorry about that, are you okay?” Lucy looked over her shoulder in surprise, not realizing there had been a second girl. And that that girl was Mira Jane.
Don’t Delete The Kisses - Wolf Alice
I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You - Haley Rienhart
Bubbly - Colbie Calle
Into You - Ariana Grande
Steal My Sunshine - Len
#ftfanfics#nalu#gruvia#gajevy#fairy tail#natsu dragneel#lucy heartfilia#gray fullbuster#juvia lockser#gajeel redfox#levy mcgarden#Cana alberona#loke#erza scarlet#mira jane strauss#fairy tail guild#dos#song fic#summer camp au#au#just any writing#not just any nobody collab#days of summer#hooooo boy#I love these nerds
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Fairy Halloween
Happy Halloween my pretties. I know how much you guys want me to update Passionate Revenge. But its October, I’m STILL trying to get a job and I really want to go to college. So for the time being, update and new stories will be even more strained than before. This a fic exchange on tumblr for capaleran2. also apologies, for I cannot write Miraxus despite sorta liking it. #ficwriterhalloweenexchange.
fSince its October and near Halloween (Even though I celebrate Trunk or Treat at my church. They say it’s safer to get treats at your church than neighborhoods.) I’ve decided to do a Halloween based Fairy Tail fic. It shall have the following couples: Jerza, Nalu, Gruvia, Gale, Rowen, Rokino, Mirafreed, Laxana, Bixanna, Elfever, Stinervea, Lories, Kinabra, and Lyredy. For@capaleran2
Basically this is an AU. No magic, no cute talking cats (Mainly Frosch) and I since I really like Eileen/Irene whatever. She’s going to be Erza’s loving mother and no one and tell me otherwise regardless of what has happened.
By the way since Halloween falls on a Tuesday which for most should be a school day and I rather this event take place on the weekend or Friday. I’m changing that. Now onwards.
It was October 31st sup>th, on a Friday in Fairy Tail Academy. Cute skeleton, pumpkin and ghost decorations decked the hallways, classrooms, and even the cafeteria and library. the lessons in English/Literature, Cooking, History and even film and drama were based around this spooky holiday.
In English they assignment was to wrote a Halloween based story. Some twilight fan girls(eye roll) wrote their own versions of a human, vampire and werewolf love triangle. Others were more original.
One girl with pretty blue hair that fell to her mid-waist in loose curls wrote a story starring her as the mermaid who was ensnared in love by a dark handsome vampire. Two others wrote stories about dragons cursed to change back and forth at night till true love set them free. One was a beautiful busty blonde with baby doll brown eyes. Her long hair falling to her waist in a braid. The other was another bluenette although her hair was shorter and spiky with an orange headband and was more petite. The final girl had pink hair and deep brown eyes. She was the shyest of all her friends and the one full of timidity. She wrote of a lion knight the saving her from a wicked green haired witch.
In cooking they were making either caramel apples and Halloween cake. They all had a blast decorating and choosing flavors. Ranging from chocolate to strawberry and red velvet. A gorgeous scarlet haired beauty was finishing decorating her strawberry cake with ghost-clad strawberries on the top. Her chocolate brown eyes glimmered with hunger at her creation and couldn’t wait to eat it later on. A second girl opted to do cupcakes instead and was finishing a very special one. Though she was about the youngest in the class it was only by two years, she was the scarlet haired girl’s younger sister. Two girls who were sisters, one, the older sister with long hair that fell beneath her breasts, with dark blue eyes. The younger girl had shorter hair. They were making chocolate blanc cupcakes with unique designs for each of their friends.
History talked about the background of Halloween, or it’s more appropriate title: ‘all Hallows Eve.’ Where children would dress up as monsters and ghoul in order to ward off evil.
In film they were watching Halloween movies, albeit appropriate ones such as Addams family values* and Casper. Most had no complaints about the movies chosen although there were a few whom complained at the childish movies. But all it took was some threatening about a weekend assignment due on Monday with no doubt nobody would do it, the naysayers shut up.
When the bell signaled the end of the day many kids swarmed the hallways. Some went over their plans for pranking and scaring little kids out of their hard earned candy. Some discussed which horror franchise to watch, Child’s play, Nightmare on Elm street or the one that was cliched but well placed choice.
The aforementioned girls met up in the school parking lot. Along with their other friends, Minerva Orlando, Kinana Scales, Cana Alberona, Meredy Sensor, and Evergreen Gorgon, They all got in their own car or carpooled heading to Cana’s large house, as her father Gildarts Clive would be out of tending to his work. They all decided to meet up at the meeting point for the big event, s ghost train. There would be food, non alcoholic drinks, to Cana’s dismay, though everyone knew Cana would sneak a flask or two in.
Once they got there they immediately went to taking their costumes out of Cana’s closet. Lucy decided to be a Cinderella character though with a baby doll pink dress in lieu of a blue one, while Natsu , of course, decided to be a as he put it”scary awesome dragon. Erza was dressed as Ariel, her hair in beautiful curls near end, with her seashell top and sparkling green skirt and her lotus flower, she really fit the part while her boyfriend Jellal Fernandes had opted to be a sexy pirate rather than a prince. Once Juvia had decided to be a virgin bride once she heard her darling boyfriend Gray Fullbuster would be going as a vampire. Levy and her boyfriend Gajeel were going as a red riding hood and big bad wolf pair after seeing Dany Darkly’s Wolf song video on YouTube. Wendy and her boyfriend Romeo Conbolt decided to be a Tinkerbell and Peter Pan combination.
Yukino Aguria and her boyfriend Rouge Cheney had decided to do opposites so she was an Angel, you can thank her older sister Sorano for that one. While Rouge at the urging of his cute and timid girlfriend dressed as Lucifer Morningstar from the hit TV show Lucifer( I love that show, don’t judge meh)
Mirajane ‘Mira’ Strauss and her green haired boyfriend Freed Justine had decided to dress as a bridal sacrifice and the demon who’d whisk her away. Her younger sister Lisanna and her boyfriend Bixlow Totems were dressed a Princess Daisy and Luigi from the Mario franchise. The middle sibling Elfman and his girlfriend Evergreen were dressed as Greek figures, namely Achilles and a nymph, the latter wanted to be a fairy, but grudgingly agreed to couples costumes.
Cana and her boyfriend Laxus had became a Pokemon Trainer and her Pikachu. Laxus was not too happy about it but softened up when his neighbor little Asuka Conell beamed and smiled up to him when she heard. So he couldn’t be TOO mad.
Aries Rams and her boyfriend, the infamous flirt Leo Leo ‘Loke’ Lions had decided to become what their respective zodiac members.
Former delinquent turned friend Minerva Orlando and her boyfriend Sting Eucliffe were a tigress and silver dragon, though Sting would argue he wasn’t copying Natsu and instead was doing Chinese Zodiacs, everyone knew that was bull.
Kinana and her boyfriend Erik Venom had became a snake and her snake charmer wearing a tight scale like purple and white dress and a snake charmer’s outfit.
Finally Meredy and her boyfriend Lyon Vastia, Gray’s stepbrother were dressed as a miko and a ice spirit.
After getting dressed they all hopped into their cars Erza with Lucy, Juvia, Aries and Wendy. Cana with Levy, Mira, Lisanna, Evergreen and Kinana. Minerva with Yukino, and Meredy.
After arriving and locking their cars. They meet up with their respective boyfriends and presented their tickets. Seeing all the decorations and food they all went off with their partner to do different things. Although Wendy had to stick close to Erza since their mother Eileen said to keep an eye the two of them. She was a really loving mother and wasn’t too keen on boys’ laying their hormone-stained hands on her precious children.’
They all had the time of their lives and when it ended at 1am, they were ll pooped. Natsu, Gajeel, Sting and Gray got into an eating contest, which in all reality was a bad idea, especially on a train.
The next day while the four idiots were fighting off stomach aches, the rest spent the day with friends or their lover.
And that’s all folks. Sorry there wasn’t any dialogue. But I trust that you guys can use your imaginations
This doesn’t mean I’m back yet.
I’ll be posting this on tumblr and Fanfiction. And maybe wattpad.
Again happy Halloween.
#jerza#nalu#gruvia#rowen#rokino#mirafreed#bixanna#elfever#lyredy#lories#stinerva#gale#kinabra#laxana#happy halloween
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