#group economics
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blackbrownfamily · 1 year ago
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powerpeaceunity · 11 months ago
Your Spending Habits Uplift Black Entrepreneurial Spirit
The money you spend at Black-owned businesses doesn't just buy a product or service - it also uplifts the entrepreneurial spirit of the Black community. Your purchases contribute directly to the growth and longevity of these vital enterprises. Tell A Friend!
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caffeinewitchcraft · 6 months ago
I don't think it's talked about enough how truly buck wild our level/speed of communication is. We didn't have this 100 years ago! And even then it's only been in the last 20-30 we really embraced technology and our global stage.
Our communities are still experiencing huge upheavals around this and we don't acknowledge it because of all the benefits being wired in brings. You can find jobs and resources and entertainment, sure, but you also have to have accounts here, here and here to access healthcare or a rent portal or TV.
On one end we have an elderly class that is overwhelmed. They learned complex systems already! Taxes, licensing, registration. They know where the offices are - right down the street. Why the change? "Because this site simplifies it." Does it? Does it really? Is it really more simple when someone has to have reliable access to a computer, the wherewithal to make/check an email, and the ability to navigate ten different sites to access the one they want? Why can't they go meet their doctor in person when that's the way it's been since they were children? Why did they learn to make eye contact and shake hands if not for this?
On the other, we have a younger generation that has been tasked with absorbing a huge amount of information since day one. Their brains have to work differently because the tools given to them are different than the ones older generations received. Of course they can find a primary care physician. The site operates like the one they were forced to learn in high school to turn in assignments! And why should they know how to do taxes or balance a checkbook? They were tasked with learning how to navigate the internet - they know where the information is. In a sea of "right now" demands and "this shouldn't take long because you can Google it" assignments, they have to be selective in what takes their attention.
We are currently between a time of "trust the process" and "immediately." So many people feel unheard or ignored because of this. The elderly feel isolated, helpless, and stonewalled. The youth feel anxious, mocked, and bullied.
The world changed and it happened invisibly.
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alexlartwork · 2 years ago
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Real Talk TV Work in Progress. There's much to discuss...
Subscribe to the channel: https://youtu.be/qXUMCRsBhxU
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carlyraejepsans · 1 month ago
this is your sign to medically transition btw. make that call, schedule that appointment, have that psych eval, order those tests, find that endocrinologist, look up that surgeon. informed consent or through the procedures of your national health system or diy. you don't have to feel content with your life you can actually fucking live it and i am giving you express transexual permission to take that chance.
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justletmeon12 · 9 months ago
Margaret's the Wurst's MVP.
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more-flotsam-and-jetsam · 5 months ago
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blackbrownfamily · 4 months ago
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Universal Negro Improvement Association
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powerpeaceunity · 1 year ago
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Power Through Peace Family! What's Your Favorite Fragrance Category?
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ahli-stuff · 1 year ago
*Sweating throwing up nauseous dizzy*
What if vox is Asian American
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papakhan · 9 months ago
Man I don't think Papa Khan even Wants to be king of the Mojave drug empire
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omegaphilosophia · 6 months ago
The Philosophy of Collectivism
The philosophy of collectivism is a worldview that emphasizes the importance of groups, communities, or societies over individual interests. It holds that the well-being and goals of the collective should take precedence over the desires and rights of individual members. Collectivism is often contrasted with individualism, which prioritizes individual autonomy and personal freedom.
Key Aspects of the Philosophy of Collectivism:
Primacy of the Group:
Social Unity: Collectivism stresses the importance of social cohesion and unity, arguing that individuals are inherently connected to their communities and that their identities and purposes are largely shaped by their social relationships.
Shared Goals: In collectivist thought, the goals of the group, whether a family, community, nation, or humanity as a whole, are prioritized over personal ambitions. The success of the group is seen as a reflection of individual success.
Moral and Ethical Foundations:
Altruism and Cooperation: Collectivism often promotes altruism, the idea that individuals should act in ways that benefit others, sometimes at the expense of their own interests. Cooperation and mutual support are considered essential for the well-being of the group.
Responsibility to Others: Ethical collectivism holds that individuals have a moral duty to contribute to the common good and to support the welfare of others in their community or society.
Political and Economic Implications:
Socialism and Communism: Collectivist philosophies are often associated with political and economic systems like socialism and communism, where resources and power are distributed in ways intended to benefit the collective rather than individuals. These systems advocate for collective ownership or control of the means of production and seek to reduce inequality.
Welfare State: In more moderate forms, collectivism can be reflected in the welfare state, where the government plays a significant role in ensuring social security, healthcare, education, and other public goods, based on the principle that society as a whole is responsible for the well-being of its members.
Cultural and Social Dimensions:
Cultural Collectivism: In some cultures, collectivism is deeply ingrained in social norms and values. For example, many Asian, African, and indigenous cultures emphasize family, community, and collective responsibility over individualism.
Collective Identity: Individuals in collectivist cultures often see themselves as part of a larger whole and may prioritize group harmony and consensus over personal expression or dissent.
Critiques and Challenges:
Loss of Individual Freedom: Critics of collectivism argue that it can lead to the suppression of individual rights and freedoms, as the needs of the collective may override personal liberties. This can result in authoritarianism or the erosion of personal autonomy.
Homogenization and Conformity: Another critique is that collectivism can encourage conformity and discourage diversity and innovation, as individuals might feel pressured to align with group norms and expectations.
Philosophical Justifications:
Communitarianism: Communitarianism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the value of community in shaping individuals' identities and values, and it often supports collectivist principles by arguing that individuals are best understood in the context of their social relationships.
Ethical Theories: Ethical theories like utilitarianism can support collectivism to the extent that they promote the greatest good for the greatest number, which may require individuals to sacrifice their interests for the benefit of the collective.
Historical and Contemporary Examples:
Traditional Societies: Many traditional societies operate on collectivist principles, with strong emphasis on family ties, communal land ownership, and collective decision-making.
Modern Collectivist Movements: Modern movements advocating for environmental sustainability, social justice, or economic equality often embody collectivist principles by focusing on the well-being of the broader community or the planet.
The philosophy of collectivism offers a perspective that values the interconnectedness of individuals and the importance of collective well-being. While it provides a framework for fostering social unity, cooperation, and shared responsibility, it also raises important questions about the balance between individual rights and collective interests, and how best to achieve social harmony without sacrificing personal freedom.
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alwaysbewoke · 1 year ago
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yawnzshit · 11 months ago
South Korea doesn't deserve BTS. Never will.
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memento-morri-writes · 1 year ago
Hey!!! Since you said you have a lot figured out for your WIPs I'm interested in your answers!!
what natural resources does each nation have that the others don't? do they export/trade it at all? (For any WIP you wanna answer for!)
@bloodlessheirbyjacques 👀❤️‍🔥
JACQUES, I LOVE YOU!!!!!! I'll try to keep this at least somewhat brief, but be warned, you have NO idea what floodgates you have just opened. (I actually intended to make a post like this literally over a year ago, so thank you for helping me make it!!)
Get ready for:
Econ 101 - A Crash-Course in Continental Trade Policy
Before we get started, here's some things you might find helpful:
a map of the continent (see below)
an explanation of why Anvia and Oryn don't get along
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under the cut because hoo boy, this is a LOT.
Anvia, the kingdom where ATQH takes place (and which Fallon rules) is primarily an agricultural society. The country's position in the middle of the continent, plus the river running through the kingdom providing fertile land, gives makes it the best-suited area for agriculture on the continent. (Side Note: It gets colder as you got west-northwest on this continent. Oryn is cold, with long winters and short summers, while Oraine is extremely hot and the land dries up quickly.)
They grow crops and raise animals not only for their own survival, but for export to the neighboring nations. Anvia also has a decent number of craftspeople living in its larger cities, who use crop byproducts (or non-food crops) and animal products to make other products, such as textiles, leather products, etc.
Thus, Anvia's main products/exports are food crops (apples, wheat, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, lettuce, cabbages, carrots, peas, hops, among other things), created food products (wine, ale, baked goods, jams, jellies, preserves) as well as animal products (largely wool, but things like eggs, cheese, and milk may also be exported), and craftsproduts (textiles and leather products, for example).
Due to the fact that most of Anvia is farmland, be it crop fields or livestock pastures, there is very little opportunity for logging. Even the areas that haven't been developed for farming are largely prairie-like areas. Also, Anvia lacks substantial access to mountains or mineral deposits for mining. So they are lacking in construction materials such as timber, stone, and metals.
Oryn, on the other hand, is ripe with construction goods. They have massive mines scattered throughout the kingdom, especially along the mountain range that borders with Anvia. (Ironkeep, the fortress to the Northeast of Westcliff, is a major stronghold built to protect Oryn's most profitable mines.) Additionally, a massive portion of the kingdom is covered in forests, so logging is another major industry.
(Side Note: Kristopher's father and the current king of Oryn, Pierre, has increased both of these industries massively. The working conditions in both tend to be hazardous, with many people being injured or killed. (Fun Fact: If you want to know how Pierre runs his kingdom, listen to Eat Your Young by Hozier.) Kristopher believes that his father is ruining Oryn, not only by ruining much of its natural land, but also by working the people so hard.)
Notably, Oryn is also home to significant number of craftspeople, specializing in blacksmithing, metalworking, and jeweling. Orynian weapons and armor are said to be stronger and more durable than any others, and jewelry made by Orynian jewelers with Orynian stones is highly prized across the continent and beyond.
Oryn's main exports are lumber, stone, metal (raw, processed, and crafted into items), and jewels (raw, processed, and made into jewelry).
However, what Oryn severely lacks is fertile farmland. Not only is most of the land covered in trees, but the soil is quite rocky -- far from ideal for large-scale farming. (The hilly, mountainous terrain doesn't help.)
So, you can probably see why Oryn and Anvia need each other. They are forced to trade with one another to ensure the survival of both kingdoms. However, as I've explained in the past, the two kingdoms have a long history of tension between them -- which actually was the result of conflict over resources to begin with. However, despite this obvious codependency, neither one has been willing to suck up their pride and open direct negotiations between the two nations. (Fallon has tried several times during her rule, but has never once received a response from Pierre.)
So, this is where Oraine steps in. Oraine has a very hot environment, and aside from a few choice crops, not much of trade value grows there. (Their main exports, aside from a few "exotic delicacies", are fancy goods, such as fine clothes, art, and fancy furniture.) However, what Oraine does have is massive amounts of accessible coastline. Because of this, they have a long history of ship-building and maritime trade. Fortuitously for Oraine, Anvia and Oryn's border is mostly treacherous mountains, which makes overland travel difficult.
So, at some point in the past few centuries, some clever Orainian had an idea, and Orain graciously stepped in, offering to conduct trade between the two kingdoms -- for a fee, of course. Eager to continue their mutual cold-shoulder treatment, Anvia and Oryn were quick to accept the proposal. It was agreed upon that both Anvia and Oryn would be able to use Orainian ships to send their goods to each other, to Oraine, and beyond.
There are multiple companies (each owned by wealthy merchant families) that offer these services, both within the continent and beyond, and each is free to set their own price and negotiate their own service contracts with individuals, companies, or the nations themselves. However, they are charge a hefty tax that goes directly to the pockets of the ruler (currently Empress Adrienne) of Oraine.
Not only that, but Orainian merchants are well aware of how necessary their services are to both Anvia and Oryn. As such, their fees are often ridiculously overpriced. And Anvia and Oryn pay them, because they don't have any other choice. (Well, they could choose to talk to each other and begin their own trading initiatives instead of settling for Oraine's horrid prices, but why would they ever do that?)
To tie all this back to the messy international politics of the continent, the Empress of Oraine has her own fleet of trading ships that carry out trades on her behalf. It is these ships that the rulers of Anvia and Oryn are required to use when they wish to send something more between them for political purposes. Orainian leaders have long claimed this is to "supervise" and "prevent increased hostility", but in reality it's just another way to line the ruler's pockets.
The rulers of both kingdoms have signed contracts with the Empire, including a rate of charge for the service. The Empress continually pushes to raise said rate, with the monarchs attempt to negotiate a lower price -- or at least keep the same one they had before. But it's a precarious slope, because if they push too hard, the Empress could retract her offer altogether, which would be disastrous (at least in the short term) for the two kingdoms, until they were able to communicate in a civil manner and establish their own trade barriers. (Of course, the Empress has no intention of actually rescinding her offer -- it's far too profitable -- but the monarchs don't know that...)
And that's all, folks!! To anyone who read all 1,092 words of this, I am hugging you (if you accept), and buying you your favorite meal. Hopefully this isn't too boring of a read...
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blackbrownfamily · 4 months ago
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