#groove system
kyochanbridge · 1 year
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itslydiapm · 1 year
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flipp-ppilf · 1 year
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if anyone is interested in commissions with this art style, message me or check out this carrd! -> https://flip-pilf-comms.carrd.co
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for drawing suggestions, can you draw L with a pigeon or near doing a peace sign w/ Matt playing video games beside him?
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i have no idea what a pigeon looks like
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
The Emperor's New Groove head canon: Kronk is plural and his shoulder devil and angel are his head mates
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wolfspidersystem · 2 months
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Okay but it's still an answer - ♤
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mirensiart · 1 year
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i would say i'm sorry for showing y'all this cursed thing i drew but i'm actually not sorry lol
based on this masterpiece of course
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minamaybe · 1 month
hey everyone! <3 i‘m not sure if anyone remembers me but i used to be quite active here a few months ago - then life got in the way (i graduated and subsequently fell into a deep hole of despair and confusion lol) and i couldn’t keep up with this blog and this community. i‘ve really missed it tho and would like to come back to y’all again, and to re-awaken my love for writing that got lost somewhere between stress and heat exhaustion. i‘m really really excited to see what you‘ve all been up to <3
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fractempyreal · 2 months
also... I'll work on some older starters but if you'd like one... hmu (or like this post)
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zyrinneedssleep · 2 months
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kelseyreagh · 21 days
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me when my system is down
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sophieinwonderland · 7 months
I'm the one that left the comment on the post critiquing your take on inner dialogue and plurality that mentioned my understanding of how trains of thought would work and why a thought process akin to Kronk's dialogue with his shoulder angel/devil doesn't seem to imply that he's "plural" in my opinion. I don't really agree with your rebuttal, that in that example he'd be plural due to the pronouns they use, how they interact, have their own memories, etc.
My comment was again, my understanding of how some people have mental trains of thought. I think it's important to note that everyone thinks/rationalizes differently. Some without words at all but rather things like the perception of the world around them and emotions. They may not think "that's a beautiful photo, I wonder who took it and when. I wish the lighting was a bit better" with those words but they actively feel those things. However the absence of an inner dialogue doesn't mean someone who processes this way without words can't experience something like DID, if that makes sense. Just as someone with it might use "I" and "me". It was hard for me to understand at first how one could "think" without thinking, but I'm mostly going by my understanding and the experiences of people I know and that was also true in my comment as I know others have thought processes like that (and ppl seemed to agree). Which I know isn't a credible source, just different perspectives I've heard based on how different individuals think and process.
It's also normal to my understanding to not only use first person pronouns but also "we", "you", "us", etc. It doesn't mean you perceive yourself as having more than one identity or are otherwise interacting with a different identity with agency and such. I can't imagine that not being normal. For some, it seems thoughts can alternate between feeling like a monologue and dialogue, particularly if you're facing inner conflict or have multiple thoughts on something. I think factors like neurodevelopmental disorders can play a role in this.
A train of thought might interject while someone with a singular identity is thinking about something or having an inner conflict. Someone may think "I think I want ice cream" and another thought might be like "you should have dinner first" and a third may interject as someone remembers something like "wait remember what our doctor said about lactose?". But those pronouns are kind of interchangeable depending on the person, and the memory of the interaction with their doctor brought forth by a train of thought is still their memory. It didn't come from a third party it's just them whereas in someone with alternate identity states, it would be sourced from an alter that is autonomous at least in some regard. I mean is it not possible for that to just be one person at war with themselves? I won't understand how everyone's mind works but that just seems normal. You're you but your thoughts may offer a perspective you didn't initially consider or reference a memory- your memory
So with Kronk again, the back and forth may seem like a dialogue but the difference is that it's sourced from one identity. Might not seem that way but it seems the angel/devil is still his personified inner dialogue. They all experience the same things, have the same memories, and while maybe having different "personalities" everyone has different sides of themselves. Yknow like the evil Kermit meme? One side of you saying to pick up the fallen ice cube and the other saying "you/I/we should kick it under the fridge". Still one person. That's my understanding but again brains work differently even in those with a singular identity state. I hope that's coherent enough (I struggle to condense my words oftentimes) but it just makes sense that a lot of people who think in words would experience it that way? Between what feels like a monologue/dialogue but still being one identity?
These are some fair points.
I would agree that people do just think differently sometimes. And having an inner dialogue or using these sorts of pronouns aren't necessary for plurality. It can even be possible for singlets to have an inner monologue that uses "you" pronouns.
Before going on, for what constitutes a person, I want to being up John Locke's definition of personhood, defining a person as...
a thinking intelligent Being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider it self as itself, the same thinking thing in different times and places
This is what I tend to mean when I say headmates are people.
This is also a general criteria I use for differentiating between multiple and singlet experiences. (With the caveat that plurality is a spectrum and there's a gray area in the middle for median systems.)
A headmate in my opinion follows the same pattern.
1. A headmate can think 2. It's capable of reason and reflection 3. It can consider itself as itself the same thinking being in different times and places.
The first is a bit redundant. Criteria two can't really be true if criteria one isn't. These two though are able to rule out a lot of psychotic hallucinations and dream characters from personhood, as most aren't capable of self-reflection.
The third criteria is actually two in one. It's being able to recognize yourself in different times and places. But it's also being able to distinguish yourself in different times and places.
To recognize when an action is yours and when it's someone else's.
Another layer to this is that it inherently implies some sort of persistence and autobiographical memories. After all, you can't recognize yourself in the past if you don't have a past.
With this context in mind, I'd like to step back to the Kronk point.
So with Kronk again, the back and forth may seem like a dialogue but the difference is that it's sourced from one identity. Might not seem that way but it seems the angel/devil is still his personified inner dialogue. They all experience the same things, have the same memories, and while maybe having different "personalities" everyone has different sides of themselves.
I don't actually agree that they have the same memories.
At least not entirely.
See, they'll each remember the same things happening. They'll each know the general events. But they'll each relate to memories differently.
If Kronk were to recall the conversations he's had with the Angel and Devil Kronks, he would likely recall it in terms "I said this, The Angel said that, the Devil responded this way," etc.
Kronk wouldn't consider their thoughts or actions to be his own. And this would go both ways. If you asked the Angel about things Kronk did, the angel would likely recall those in terms of Kronk doing those things. He wouldn't have a feeling of "I poisoned Kuzco." Because he didn't. Kronk did.
What is happening here can best be described as compartmentalization dissociation. The Angel, the Devil and the core Kronk are dissociated from each other, and don't view the actions of other members as their own.
"Trains of Thought"
I don't believe you're using this term the way most people would use it. When the majority of people refer to having multiple trains of thoughts, they're referring to an ability to think multiple things simultaneously.
What they aren't generally referring to is these "trains of thought" having their own intelligence, identity and recall.
You don't have a "train of thought" that thinks of itself as a separate entity from you, and will still remember things it told you a week later.
If you do have multiple "trains of throught" that are able to think for themselves, have their own distinct sense of self and autobiographical memories, and are self-conscious being able to recognize themselves as separate agents, I think you should consider that maybe your "trains" were people all along.
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itslydiapm · 1 year
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It’s 3 am I need to sleep
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princehendir · 3 months
I wish I hadn't quit right before the end of act 2 lmao
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hacksplatter · 1 year
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do u all see. my vision. the world i live in is bright and joyous come share in it with me :3
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autism-kun · 1 year
anyone else out in the space on the planet of the bass rn???
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