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studiohromi · 7 months ago
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Four new Places We Have Loved prints coming soon!
In preparation for Eastown Streetfair this Saturday, I spent a good chunk of last week on three new drawings of iconic Eastown landmarks (Billy's, Wolfgang's, and Yesterdog) and for the first time I will also be releasing prints of my 2022 illustration of Brick Road Pizza Co. These new prints and a big restock of all my previous Grand Rapids buildings will be available starting Saturday September 7, either in person at the Eastown Streetfair market (and other events this month) or at studiohromi.com/shop.
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dykesbat · 1 year ago
unfortunatrly. giong through it so so bad rn
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tijanatasmaric11 · 7 months ago
Grmis kako izgledas 🔥⚡️
Hvalaaa ☺️
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love-n-purple · 10 months ago
Fino grmi zemlja se trese
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grimsneverendingfuneral · 1 year ago
grmi in uour expett opinion whats the mosy accurate candaian stereotype
the most accurate stereotype of a canadian is their heavy-handed politeness that is actually just a mask they use to cover up their fear of the other. canada in general is a pretty insidious country if you look at its history with indigenous people and the enmeshment of catholicism with the state. i dont like saying im canadian. im quebecois but obviously not many people are aware of the implications of that. but if im going to actually answer your question, i'll say a stereotype thats accurate is that we do all have a can of 100% maple syrup in our refrigerators and we use it to sweeten everything
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nepoznati-poznanik · 2 years ago
Razgovor sa samim sobom - Unos broj 135
21.07.2023. petak 21:54
Ovih dana je bilo pomalo naprono. Brat i snaha su bili tu, Eso je bio u drugoj kući a babo je prodao auto.Tako da se je Pežo navozao. Ali evo, već par dana je sve po starom. Brat i snaha su otišli u Zavidoviće, Eso se vratio nazad kod svojih u Brčko i sutra ako Bog da vozim oca da kupi drugo auto. Ovu sedmicu nisam trenirao jer sam ozljedio tetivu desnog lakta baš na onom mjestu gdje imam kamenčić. Pored toga, ozljedio sam ili neki mišić kod rebara ili samo rebro, čudna bol pa ne mogu definisati. Dane provodim pišući skripte i trateći vrijeme. Moram se vratiti treningu što prije. 
Taman kad je ljeto počelo, nevrijeme kuca na vrata i evo već par dana je vrijeme nestabilno. Bio mi je Velid. Za pet mjeseci je smršao dvadesetak kila, ima neku bakteriju i već neko vrijeme pije trojnu terapiju. Kaže da se dobro osjeća ali je vidljivo da je poprilično oslabio. Sutra će mi ako Bog da doći Alžirac pa će i on ostati koju noć. 
Sinoć sam igrom slučaja upoznao jednog čovjeka. Zove se Andrija i 20 godina je stariji od mene, oženjen je i ima troje djece. Dok sam pričao nešto prijatelju, prekinuo me i pitao da li bih nekad mogao njegovoj ćerkici pričati bajke. Na prvu mi je to bilo poprilično čudno ali nakon par minuta sam shvatio da samo želi s nekim da razgovara. Kako je naš razgovor polako tekao, on se sve više otvarao. Pričali smo o raznim temama i kada je pričao o svojoj porodici, oči su mu bile pune suza. Iskren je i dobronamjeran čovjek i molim Allaha dž.š. da mu se smiluje i da ga na pravi put uputi. 
Sad je vrijeme upisa u srednju i faks i čuo sam se s dosta učenika. Da im Allah swt pomogne u daljnjem školovanju te da učini da postanu što bolji ljudi i što bolji vjernici te da budu korisni zajednici. 
Nedavno sam ponovo počeo sanjati nakon dužeg vremena. Napolju sijeva, grmi te pada kiša i večeras će biti ugodno spavati ako Bog da. 
Učinilo mi se da sam danas vidio profesora Hüseyina kad sam krenuo na džumu i izgleda da je to fakat bio on, vidio sam na fejzbuku da je stigao u Bihać.
Ili se meni čini ili je ove godine jako puno ljudi preselilo, više nego inače mislim, što starih što mladih. Sedmi je mjesec i do sad sam klanjao desetak dženaza. To mi je nedavno naumpalo a Allah najbolje zna. 
Čuvaj se i dobro iskoristi podareno vrijeme.
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studiohromi · 1 year ago
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Places We Have Loved: The Pyramid Scheme; Grand Rapids, MI
This has been a popular request and has been on my to-do list for a long time. It was fun to figure out how best to feature Jeff VandenBerg's mural on the side of the building, and I opted to simplify things a bit by including just the first few panels as an homage (yes, there's a window and a door there in real life and the building extends MUCH further back, but hopefully you'll forgive me for taking some artistic liberty).
Places We Have Loved is a spinoff series from Places I Have Lived (more about that here). After I ran out of my own homes to draw, I wanted to continue working in this style just for fun, so I also began illustrating some of my favorite places in Grand Rapids. As a concept, Places We Have Loved may be iconic public places, other people's homes where I've spent meaningful time, or commissions by businesses.
Prints of select places and information about commissions can be found at studiohromi.com/shop. Prints of this illustration coming soon!
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osjecaj · 2 years ago
danas, vraćam se kući s faksa, naletim na susjedu, čiji je muž (inače najdraža osoba u mom susjedstvu) preminuo prije više od 3 mjeseca, kako dolazi kući s posla. gledam ju onako umornu od svega, iscrpljenu, bez obzira što je prošlo više od 100 dana. ona se ni trunkicu nije pomirila s time da njenoga Jure više nema. stanem, porazgovaram, osjetim njenu bol, a ona me kroz razgovor pita : “imaš li ti nekog svog?”, ja odgovaram: “nemam, nemam… u današnjem svijetu svatko me razočarao, ne vrijedi…” kaže ona meni: “nemoj tako, imaj nekog, nebitno kakav je, bitno da je tvoj, bitno da je kraj tebe, i kad grmi i kad grije.” ja razmišljam kako da joj na fin način kažem, da nije moguće danas naći ljubav koju su oni našli prije 30ak godina? samo joj odgovaram sa : “ma dobro, ima vremena, tek mi je 20…”
u sebi se zapravo duboko i istinski nadam da ću i ja jednog dana naći svoga Juru, da je kraj mene i kad grmi i kad grije.
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askme012 · 1 month ago
1-Year Courses After Graduation: A Smart Investment for Career Advancement
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In today’s job market the competition is relatively high, making the environment difficult to find and figure out your career path. Thus, having just a degree sometimes may not be enough to stand out. Many students who have graduated face the challenge of transferring their knowledge into the workforce and find themselves in need of differentiating themselves. One easy way to do that is by pursuing a 1 year course after graduation. There are few reasons as to why doing 1-year courses are a smart investment for career advancement, take a look at this blog for more.
Features of a 1-year course 
Take a look at some of the advantages of pursuing 1 year courses after graduation: 
Specialised knowledge and skills – One of the main benefits of doing the professional courses after post graduation is the ability to attain specialised knowledge in a particular sector, tech, finance, market, etc. The 1-year courses provide detailed education in the targeted sector, making it highly valuable to the employers.
Time and Cost Efficiency – Unlike the full-time degree programs that take a few years to finish, 1-year courses seem more time-efficient and affordable alternatives. They allow the graduates to learn new skills faster, making them more marketable to the employers. The shorter duration means lesser time out of the workforce along with being more accessible than pursuing a long-term degree, providing faster return on investment.
Increased Job Opportunities – These specialised courses help the graduates in pivoting to new business sectors or enhancing their CV within their current industry. 
Practical Experience and Networking – A lot of the 1-year courses include hands-on learning experience through various internships and/or industry projects, giving them a better learning prospect by giving practical experience which can later be applied directly in their jobs.
Better Earning Potential – Professionals who acquire specialised skills through these 1-year courses often see salary spikes and better job security. 
Popular 1-Year Courses 
Data Science and Analytics – Courses taken in data analysis, AI and machine learning leads to high paying tech roles.
Risk Management with- GRMI, the Global Risk Management Institute, offers a 1-year Postgraduate Diploma in Risk Management that equips students with comprehensive knowledge of the field covering all types of risk. Since it is a globally recognised institute, GRMI graduates are highly sought after. The programme covers 18 technical papers with subjects ranging from a variety of verticals such as cybersecurity, applied data analytics, financial risk management, strategic risk, enterprise risk and more. The practical aspect of the course covers internships, live projects, simulations, case studies and networking with lectures taught directly by industry-experts. GRMI holds a 97% placement track record with an average CTC of INR 9.5 LPA, the alumni work in some of the top consulting firms in the country in a variety of job roles. To know more call 09910939240. 
Project Management – PMP(Project Management Professional) certification can help the individuals into several leadership positions.
Digital Marketing – Specialising in SEO, content marketing or social media may lead to enhancement in the career of marketing.
Finance and Accounting – Courses opted in financial analysis and/or investment banking are ideal for the individuals who are looking to enter the finance sector.
A 1-year course after graduation seems a smart, quick and a cost effective way to help in the advancement of one’s career. With the capability of specialising in high demanding fields, enhancing the job prospects and increasing the earning potential, these courses provide the graduates with skills and experience which are required to succeed in a competitive job market, making climbing the corporate ladder or switching careers easy for them. For more on becoming a risk-intelligent professional call 09910939240. 
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coursesaftergraduation · 1 month ago
The Most Comprehensive Risk Management Courses for Beginners
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For beginners, finding a comprehensive risk management course can help them take up risk management as a career. It can give them the basic elements that address principles, methods and tools necessary for the evaluation and management of risks. Specific types of risks are financial and operating risks, strategic risks, environmental risks and IT/web/cyber risks. Risk management is a well-defined and strategic procedure of threat assessment that allows to reach the optimal decision in an organisation. In the beginner course, one should add the framework, elements, hands-on to link with reality, all over the curriculum exploring different types of risks such as operations, financial, strategic, compliance risks. Learning from best risk management courses can provide invaluable insights. Courses taught by industry experts often go beyond the textbook and give you the necessary experience. A beginner course should be flexible, it should offer online resources or promote self paced learning.
Popular Risk Management Courses
The best risk management courses consist of the following: 
Global Risk Management Institute (GRMI), Gurgoan - This institute offers one of the most comprehensive courses for both freshers and working professionals. GRMI’s 1-year PG in Risk Management programme covers the fundamental principles of risk management in depth, including risk identification, risk analysis, and mitigation techniques. Their curriculum includes case studies, live projects and simulations based on current industry scenarios, enabling students to understand how to manage risks in today’s dynamic business environment. GRMI’s course is taught by professionals in industry, who share their personal experience and strategies which helps a student engage in experiential learning. The curriculum covers 18 technical papers and 5 general management papers. Graduates work in some of the following job roles: internal audit, consulting, ESG reporting, fraud investigation, risk assurance services, financial advisory, due diligence and more. GRMI holds a 97% placement track record with past placement recruiters such as EY, Deloitte, KPMG, PwC, Accenture, Grant Thorton, Wipro etc. For more information call 09910939240.
Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) - They offer a course specifically designed for beginners. It is recognised widely and their curriculum incorporates theory and practice making it ideal for people opting for a career in risk management. However, their course is a bit tilted towards financial risk.
PRMIA Associate Professional Risk Manager (PRM) Certification- This course covers beginning level risk management techniques and exposes learners to areas of study including financial and operational risk. It is a good structured program, which allows the union of theoretical knowledge and practical tasks solving. It lays major emphasis on the ethical side of risk management.
Students should make the right choice by choosing the right course. GRMI’s course offers a comprehensive introduction, equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and certification needed to succeed. For beginners eager to learn, grow, and thrive in a fast-paced industry, GRMI’s risk management course could be the ideal choice. Call 09910939240 to know more.
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consutlinganalyst · 2 months ago
Top Executive Education Programs as an Alternative to Traditional MBA
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In today's fast-paced business world, the traditional MBA, long considered the gold standard for climbing the corporate ladder, is facing stiff competition. Many professionals are now exploring alternative paths to enhance their skills and career prospects without committing to the traditional two-year MBA program. Let's dive into some of the top executive education programs that offer your ideal MBA alternative, and see how they stack up against the conventional route.
Why Look for Alternatives to MBA?
Without a doubt, there are benefits to an MBA. It gives a general view of business, creates powerful professional connections, and offers entry to high levels. However, it is fraught with massive disadvantages. For instance, the price tag for an MBA is astronomical-most run into seven figures and also take up two years from your schedule, meaning a mid-career individual will have to forgo that much time from work.
This is where alternative degrees to MBA come into play. They offer specialized knowledge, flexibility, and, often, a more affordable price tag. Plus, many of these programs are designed with working professionals in mind, allowing you to continue gaining practical experience while you study.
Top Executive Education Programs
Global Risk Management Institute (GRMI): The most notable would be Global Risk Management Institute Gurgaon for the rapidly emerging risk management discipline. GRMI and its flagship program, the 1-year PG in Risk Management, provides you with a curriculum that gives you the tools necessary to comprehend the challenges currently being faced in risk management across the globe. The curriculum, as developed by industry leaders, gives an in-depth learning experience on financial risks and operational and strategic risks, among others. What is unique with GRMI is that they put emphasis on practice in real-life conditions. Their course, designed by industry experts, is conducted based on the current trend and development of the industry so not only do you get to know the theory side of the domain but also have an idea how to put your learnings into reality in the career. To learn more about what they have for you, visit their website or contact them at 09910939240.
Executive Education Programs at Harvard Business School: Harvard Business School offers a range of executive education programs designed to help professionals at various stages of their careers. These programs are shorter in duration compared to an MBA, ranging from a few days to several weeks. They cover topics like leadership, strategy, and innovation, providing high-impact learning experiences that can be immediately applied to your work.
INSEAD's Executive Master in Change (EMC): INSEAD, known for its global perspective on business education, offers an Executive Master in Change (EMC) program. This unique degree focuses on the human side of business, helping leaders understand and manage change within their organizations. The EMC program is part-time, making it a great option for professionals who need to balance work, study, and personal commitments.
MIT Sloan Executive Education: They also come with executive education from MIT Sloan School of Management, one of the best in the world. There include executive short courses, online certificates, and degree courses which are specialized to specialize knowledge in areas of management, technology, and innovation with the idea to be used to outshine a person's career.
Stanford LEAD Online Business Program: Stanford's LEAD program is one of the education offers that cuts across several edges and allows flexibility to working professionals. It takes one year, in an interactive online course with collaboration of peers, application of knowledge in real-world projects, and it is on innovation and leadership that makes it an excellent alternative to the traditional MBA.
How Do These Programs Compare?
Cost and Duration: Among these many options for an MBA alternative, cost and duration vary with respect to that of an MBA; some of the executive education programs may be completed within a shorter period and for a fraction of the time and money required to earn a traditional MBA. In this respect, they reach a more extensive population of professionals than those who would have resources to invest in full-time MBA programs.
Flexibility: Another key benefit is flexibility. Many of these programs are designed to be completed part-time or online, allowing you to continue working while you study. This is a significant advantage for mid-career professionals who can't afford to take a break from their jobs.
Specialization: Unlike a traditional MBA, an alternative to MBA degree focuses on specialized knowledge in specific business areas. For instance, GRMI's risk management focus is ideal for a student looking to build competency in the critical domain.
Is an Alternative Degree Right for You?
The choice between the MBA and an MBA alternative hinges upon a good understanding of career aspirations, financial capacities, and the individual's or firm's situations. Indeed, an MBA is generally advisable to all those persons in the marketplace who will look to engage in multifaceted broad business activities with building relationships at multiple professional networking circles. And then again, if specific knowledge about only one niche, if time flexibility, if not quite affordable, among these alternative programs would attract better opportunities.
Are you ready to check out some of these exciting alternative degrees to MBA and take your career to the next level? IF risk management is what interests you, pick up the phone, dial 09910939240 and get inn touch with GRMI’s admissions team immediately!
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knowledgeguru001 · 2 months ago
Cyber Risk Management Certifications: Which Ones Are Worth Pursuing? 
Identifying, accessing, and mitigating risks associated to information systems is known as Cyber risk management. Cyber ​​security threats are major problems that most organizations struggle to address. Cybercrimes include exploitation of vulnerabilities in systems, networks and applications. Cyber criminals steal data which is sensitive, create disruption in industrial operation, and severely damage brand reputation. Nowadays, cyber-attacks are increasing rapidly, especially after the pandemic due to the rapid digitalization of the world. 
The Need of the Hour 
With an increase in cyber risk, demand for qualified risk professionals is also increasing. Organizations have to consider adopting cybersecurity risk management strategies as it has now become essential for them to do so. A certification of cyber risk management is worth getting if an individual wants to have a competitive edge in today’s fast paced digital world. India’s premier risk management institution is the Global Risk Management Institute. GRMI’s flagship program, the PG in Risk Management, is a one-year, on-campus, certified specialized course that includes comprehensive training in risk management covering all areas of risk, including and not limited to cybersecurity. 
Cybersecurity Risk Management  
Organizations face cyber threats including: 
phishing attacks which is the attempt to steal credentials or personal information through fraudulent practices, 
ransomware which is malware that encrypts data and demands a ransom for its disclosure, 
insider threats malicious or negligent actions by employees or contractors, and 
long-term cyber-attacks from sophisticated actors. 
GRMI's risk management principles are generally laid out with a structured framework to effectively address these cyber risk issues. GRMI’s PG in Risk Management program focuses on specific areas such as cybersecurity risk management and provides their students with effective risk management strategies. The institute has two rounds of admissions in a year and can be contacted on 09910939240. 
How does GRMI prepare high quality cyber risk managers?  
As the importance of cyber risk management is increasing, it has led to an in demand for skilled professionals who predict, identify and mitigate cyber threats. Institutions such as Global Risk Management Institute are playing a critical role in preparing cyber risk managers. 
The PG in risk management offered by GRMI is unique in itself as it encompasses comprehensive risk management training by including all areas of risk including risk management in cyber security. It combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, ensuring that individuals are equipped to meet real world challenges in dynamic business landscape. With the program design to respond evolving cyber threats, GRMI focuses on areas such as risk assessment, threats analysis and cyber security governance. GRMI graduates are highly skilled and have effective cyber risk management strategies making them invaluable assets in today’s high-risk environment.
The importance of cyber security is such that it is no longer an option but a necessity for providing protection against financial losses, reputational damage, and regulatory sanctions. The PG in Risk Management is an ideal course for those who want to get certification in cyber risk management. GRMI plays a vital role in developing the expertise needed to address these challenges in enabling organizations to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Contact the institute on 09910939240 to enquire further! 
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rainystrawberrytriumph · 2 months ago
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grminstitute · 4 months ago
High Demand 1-year courses after graduation in 2025 
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It's a fast-moving world and everyone is moving with a sense of urgency, and for good reason! In this competitive scenario, students looking to make their living are eager to put themselves apart from their competitors. 
After graduation or post graduation, a student has largely two options in front of themselves: 
Further education, so as to expand upon their existing knowledge base and build expertise in a subject. 
A job, to build their resume and enhance their professional profile by inculcating skill sets. 
Both these options have their own sets of pros and cons. On the one hand, pursuing further courses after graduation would further delay the beginning of one's professional life. However, on the other hand, starting a job without a high-level skill set would hinder one's potential for growth within the job as employers are bound to favor trained employees. 
1 Year Courses: All the Rage 
The solution clearly lies in the middle ground of the two options. A lot of students are looking at 1 year courses after graduation to take their career to the next stage. The advantage of pursuing a 1 year course after graduation is that it takes less time than a regular course and facilitates imbibing of a specialized skill set that is bound to add a special factor to one's resume.  
Indian students are spoilt for choice as the country offers a ton of options after graduation or post graduation. Students should explore the PG in Risk Management for a career in the dynamic domain of Risk. 
PG in Risk Management 
The business world is wrought with uncertainties and instabilities. From environmental disasters and government regulations to competitor behavior and operational issues, business firms face hindrances that hold the potential to damage their productivity, profitability, and reputation. Such elements are called risks. 
Risk management, simply put, is the process of dealing with these elements. Upon expansion, it can be defined as the process of predicting, observing, documenting, analyzing, and mitigating such risks in such a way that ensures that business objectives are met. 
In India, Global Risk Management Institute, or GRMI, is the only institution that offers a complete and comprehensive dive into the subject. Its flagship programme, the PG in Risk Management is one of the best courses after graduation in India. The programme is a 1 year, on-campus, specialized programme that fosters a risk-fighting spirit within its students with a comprehensive coverage of various aspects of Risk such as: 
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), 
Internal Audit (IA), 
Sarbanes Oxley and Internal Financial Controls, 
Regulatory Compliance, 
Financial Risk Management, 
Applied Audit Analytics, 
Information Technology General Controls (ITGC), etc. 
The course is divided into two parts: 
10 months of classroom education, followed by 
2 months of a hands-on internship in a top firm. 
This ensures that GRMI students are working effectively 10 months after their graduation or post graduation.  
The admissions team can be contacted on 09910939240 and will provide all necessary details of the course. 
The X-Factors of the Course 
There are a number of professional courses after graduation in India. These courses differ from generic courses in that that they focus more on a specific industry rather than a general overview. What puts the PG in Risk Management apart from other good courses after graduation? Let's read on: 
The course's tenure stands at 1 year, and effectively less than. This ensures that a student's career gets off the mark quicker.  
The Board of Governors at GRMI consists of academic veterans, industry experts and corporate leaders from all around the world, with experience in a variety of projects. This ensures that the curriculum is up to industry standards. 
The admission process is fairly simple: 2 rounds of interviews. As opposed to the arbitrary entrance exam scores, this maintains fairness and sees to it that a student's profile is judged thoroughly.  
The course is extremely practical: the students undergo a variety of case studies and group assignments which imbibes a sense of the real-life corporate world. 
The Placement Track Record of the institute stands at a whopping 97%. Firms that have hired GRMI students include EY, KPMG, Deloitte, PwC, Accenture, Delhivery, Titan and American Express. 
The Median CTC of GRMI students is a stellar INR 9.25 LPA while the Average CTC is an equally impressive INR 9.5 LPA. 
Alumni of GRMI have chosen to pursue the course at all stages of their lives, making it one of the best professional courses after post graduation in the country. This is owing to the fact that the domain of risk management in India is growing by leaps and bounds. Already, tens of thousands of professionals have found employment in the domain, and industry reports predict that the number is going to increase exponentially in the near future. This will make the PG in Risk Management one of the hottest courses in 2025. 
GRMI is not just any educational institute. Rather than merely teaching bookish facts or limiting perspectives to the classroom, the institute aims to expand students' horizons and establish a culture of risk mitigation that is bound to serve them well in their professional journeys or even their entrepreneurial ones should they choose that path. Contact 09910939240 today to start this magical journey! 
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studiohromi · 1 year ago
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Places We Have Loved: Cherie Inn; Grand Rapids, MI
I agonized over which side of the building to illustrate since it has two entrances and both of them are extremely cute, but ultimately reasoned that I lived on Lake Drive for years so this was the side of the building I had the most personal attachment to.
Places We Have Loved is a spinoff series from Places I Have Lived (more about that here). After I ran out of my own homes to draw, I wanted to continue working in this style just for fun, so I also began illustrating some of my favorite places in Grand Rapids. As a concept, Places We Have Loved may be iconic public places, other people's homes where I've spent meaningful time, or commissions by businesses.
Prints of select places and information about commissions can be found at studiohromi.com/shop. Prints of this illustration coming soon!
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gtaradi · 5 months ago
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