#griffin: 001
spellbcok · 5 months
a closed starter for clarke griffin ( @miindfuck )
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"stop! don't come any closer!" fred called out. the gun in her hand shook, her finger resting on the trigger. she really didn't want to shoot them, but she also wasn't going to face death again.
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pyrrhvcs · 2 years
GRIFFIN: Feeling bored here, love. Give me a list of things to watch on Netflix?
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hvneybxns · 11 months
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Jacob Griffin | 62 | Ranch Foreman ( Sam Eliott. ) Mary-Anne Griffin | 60 | Ranch Aid ( Andie McDowell. ) Wyatt Griffin | 38 | Ranch Hand. ( Stephen Amell. ) Layla Griffin | 35 | Bakery Owner ( Peyton List. ) Angel Griffin | 32 | Hockey Player ( Casey Deidrick. ) Brooks Griffin | 30 | Bull Rider ( Miles Teller ) Ryan Griffin | 27 | Police Officer ( David Cornsweet. ) Marcus Griffin | 25 | Ranch Hand ( Kieron Moore. ) Elyse Griffin | 25 | Nurse ( Daisy Edgar-Jones. )
Jacob & Mary-Anne Griffin were a tale as old as time. Growing up on the ranch Jacob had always known he was likely to end up with a local girl, someone that knew the ranch was going to be his life, she'd know how to muck in, what to expect and they'd be a perfect match. The only thing he hadn't considered when he had been making his way through the good town girls, was that the girl he'd marry would be the literal girl next door. His best-friends little sister.
She was off-limits, Jacob knew that but he also knew that Mary-Anne was a stubborn as a mule and she tended to get her own way. Even if that was the cute boy from the ranch next door. At 17 and 19 the two of them kissed for a first time behind the barn at Jacob's birthday party and they never stopped kissing again. Sneaking around made things all the more fun for them but eventually as always happens they were caught in the act.
Mary-Anne's brother and Jacob's rather alike didn't like the pairing, kicked off and said that it would cause too many rifts between the families that relied on each other if they dated but much to everyosn surprise Jacob politely informed everyone at the dinner table if he wasn't allowed to love Mary-Anne on the ranch, then he simply wouldn't be there anymore and he'd take his hat and his girl and he'd find work elsewhere. It took some time, but everyone decided that was the last thing they wanted and tentatively, things began to return to normal.
At 21 and 23 they married on the ranch and Mary-Anne officially moved across the fence line to live with the Griffin family and from then on Jacob joked that he would keep her pregnant enough that at least one kid would want to stick around and help on the ranch when he grew.
Turns out he wasn't lying and they popped out baby after baby, a boy, their precious first and then Mary-Anne's girl followed. She tried to argue stopping there but Jacob still joked the risk was too high they'd both want to leave and another three boys followed. With five babies, Jacob & Mary-Anne were happy to be done but fate had another surprise in store when the twins came along before Ryan was even two. With that Jacob went off to get the snip and their family was done.
They did pretty well on the ranch front, with four our of seven kids still living at home and two of them that want to keep the ranch running when Jacob is ready to turn it over. Angel was the first, with his surprise baby, to bring a grandbaby home and many jokes were had Angel should have known he'd be fertile given his dads track record. Now Wyatt and Layla won't stop complaining to Angel he went and made a baby as now there's more pesterd for grand-baby Griffins that are ranch ready.
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razedhell · 7 months
@lghtyear liked for a starter from simon héoux for griffin wood .
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he exhales slowly, flicking the ashes from the end of his cigarette before taking another drag. fingers tainted black from the charcoal he's using to draw in the small sketch pad he keeps in his pocket as he captures a few more details on paper. nose twitches, the wind bringing the scent of another werewolf across his senses & he does a quick glance around to find the source. head cants, dark gaze taking in the other as he walks past & Simon clears his throat. " there's room here . . . pretty sure you won't find a spot anywhere else. " he nods in the direction of the seat opposite his before taking a sip of his water & resuming his sketch of the various other customers occupying the rest of the outside tables of the little café on a London corner.
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onebigerror · 11 months
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@protectmypeople - continued from here
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bellamy was hot-headed. he had the ability to push all her buttons like no one else. but he was loyal and strong. their stubborn determination often caused them to lock horns but in the end, they both had a common goal and that was all that mattered. “fine.” she shot back. it was obvious she was not ready to completely give in just yet. “just as long as your way isn’t stupid.” clarke had gotten him to back down and agree, she should be happy for that and not testing him but that never seemed to stop her. “is it well thought out? will it get us killed? will it get anyone killed?” bellamy wasn’t stupid and she knew that. he wasn’t the same idiot that came off that ship hungry for control all those months ago. she had to give him some credit. “that will be the deciding factor on if we go with your plan.”
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thelouvrefm · 2 years
open to — @pyrrhvcs ( griffin wallace ) setting — town fair ( the drunk fish )
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from a few feet away, kelly spotted griffin wandering around main street with his back to her. each time kelly and griffin had seen each other, there was always a tension. perhaps that was what led her to challenge him in the game nearest to them. outside of the drunk fish was a kid friendly darts game that awarded fairgoers for popping balloons with darts. you had three tries, but you only needed to pop one balloon in order to win a prize. that's entirely doable, kelly thought to herself. approaching him with an unwavering confidence, kelly tapped on his shoulder in order to get his attention. "care for a little friendly competition, griffin?" she directed his attention over to where the game was set up.
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0odlesofd00dl3s · 2 months
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001 Gingerbrave! [A classic griffin!] [I've been wanting to pick my old chimera/sphinx project back up from here!] and we start today! >:3c Prepare for some odd lil doodles!!
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theoperativeif · 1 year
The First Generation
The First Generation of Operatives... (Would love to hear your thoughts on this list ;) )
001 "The First"
002 "The Second"
003 "Hex"
Cheerful and hyper-violent 003, or Hex, as her siblings have named her is a master of deception. Utilizing a mix of traps, holograms, and stealth armor, she has already shown herself as a dangerous foe, even against her siblings. One of the oldest Operatives, she has also adopted a big sister role to some of her more outcast kin. She displays affection by utilizing ambush hugs and gift-giving.
004 "Shrike"
Unlike most of his siblings, 004 was nicknamed Shrike by the staff here at the lab for his propensity to impale his opponents on premade hooks and left to die or decompose slowly. Competitive and energetic, he has developed a friendly rivalry with 003, whom he always seeks to upstage and harass at every opportunity.
005 "Ari"
006 "Mamba"
Smaller and much shyer, similar to his younger sister 013, "Mamba" earned his name from his siblings much later than the others. Weaker and less adept at combat than his siblings, 006 was assigned to frontline duty, hoping to become a good soldier. On the frontlines, sporting light operative combat armor Mamba began using various poisons along with his weapons, earning him a reputation similar to his more prominent and more adept kin.
007 "Stalker"
A hunter, first and foremost, 007 is an expert tracker, often paired with the Heartbreaker Agency and assigned to hunt down their targets. Cautious and slow to trust, he mostly keeps to himself, though he has often been seen spending time with 008. He was last seen nine months after the disaster at Paradise, attempting to track down an unknown target in Commonwealth space...
008 "Nightingale"
Loyal to a fault, 008 has shown herself to be as talented at saving lives as taking them. Always carrying around a medical kit, 008 is constantly on the alert to help her fellow soldiers. Her dedication to those around her has come at a cost, as she will throw herself between those she cares about and danger. She is littered with old scars, including a robotic leg and metal plating in her back. Devastated at the loss she experienced on Paradise, Nightingale or Gale has become a shallow husk of her former self, shutting herself off from others, including her close friend 007.
Currently under observation at the lab.
009 "Mad Dog/ Maximillian"
One would not expect the words of a gentleman to fit the large and equally terrifying Operative. But 009, despite being an expert in messy close-quarters combat, is similarly interested in reading and studying the arts. Assigned as Prince Vasily's guard, the two are unusually close.
010 "Nyx"
011 "Ceto"
011 or Ceto, is an expert in aquatic warfare, sporting a unique bright blue combat suit capable of diving into the depths of the galaxy's most dangerous water environments. Relatively friendly and calm, Ceto is loyal to the people of the Empire, above all else. She always professionally presents herself, making it easy for her to integrate with military personnel.
012 "Griffin"
Charismatic and manipulative, Griffin is as power-hungry as he is cruel. Appearing as an average human, 012 has shown themselves capable of manipulating those around him. A smooth voice and innocent smile have earned him many allies in the military, with most viewing him as a grand hero of the Empire. His siblings and those at the lab know the true face hidden behind his hero façade.
013 "The Doll/Little sister"
One of the smaller Operatives, 013, is a proficient hunter and tracker, preferring to let the enemy come to her. She sets traps and carefully scouts positions to fight in. Sporting an oddly flashy personality despite being one of few words she does like to show off when her older brothers and sisters are around, as well as collecting pieces of armor to add to her own, giving off a strange mix of color and armor types. Her armor possesses a form of audio mimicry, allowing her to mimic the voices of her opponents.
014 "The General"
Towering over most on the battlefield, 014 appears as a large shining knight with bulky, heavy armor and a large sword. Charismatic and friendly, this honorable knight has been given the rare honor of receiving an official rank within the army. He has an odd friendship with 015.
015 "Wendigo"
Seeking to finally create a true equal to 001 and 002, the Emperor forced 'Mother' to recreate the original recipe used on the first two. The result was 015. Sporting advanced close-quarter combat armor, this Operative was given the callsign Wendigo by the military and deployed to areas devoid of friendly forces. 015 has exhibited concerning tendencies. When first deployed, they modified their armors mask to have a sort of robotic jaw, which they use to 'consume' their victims ritualistically.
015 is affectionate to those they deem as worthy while mostly ignoring others as if they don't even exist.
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hrtslaces · 2 months
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You live in my dream state
Relocate my fantasy
KK arnold
001 Pregnancy
002 Successful delivery
003 That should be me
Dream state
Moving In
Maybe in another universe
Love Potions
Every Little Thing I Do
It’s gonna be okay
Attitude (18+ mdni )
You? A bad mom?
so my darling
Glue song
Candy rain
000 - Side characters
001 -002 - 003
Candy rain remastered
001 - 002
You live in my dream state
Any time I count sheep
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ceruleanmusings · 3 months
sticky notes - carlos & mickey (2.2k words)
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The first sticky note showed up in her notebook.
Actually, it was folded up and tucked beneath her green pen. (Green pens were for taking notes, red pens were for extra or corrected information, blue was for taking tests.) The clip bent out further than it should have, attached to the spiral rings and that's when Mickey saw the bright orange paper.
Mouth twisting, she wiggled it out and unfolded the fresh creases. Flipping it over, neat block letters stared back at her:
Have a good day! :)
Humming, she read the note again and folded it back up. She left it crumpled on the edge of her desk.
She found the second note under her paper plate. Sunshine dripped onto the Palm Woods and the pool deck was packed with teenagers and kids swimming, tanning, listening to music, chatting, and hanging out. The temperature was perfect, the sky a breathtaking solid blue, and the air crackled with the excitement of what they were going to do next with an open slate.
She'd returned to the cabana after a quick break inside. Carlos and James called to her to join them in the pool for a game of chicken but she waved them off, saying she wanted to finish eating. Really, it was because Griffin's voice echoed in her mind that she needed to stay out of the sun. Some bullshit about not getting "too dark" that she tried to make herself forget he actually uttered.
She finished the rest of her drink, cleaned out her little bowl of Dole peaches, polished off her sandwich, contemplating finishing the few cookies leftover but decided if they were so concerned about her skin darkening a tad they'd be worried if one bite of sugar widened her waistline by .001 inches. And she didn't want to deal with that bullshit.
She tossed her cup and crumpled her plate and that's when she saw that note. It was neon yellow this time. The neat block handwriting was still the same:
I a-peach-iate you!
Her eyes went to the trashcan. Her crumpled, abandoned cup lay on top with the empty bowl nestled in its mouth. The little bit of peach juice left sloshed to one side.
Her mouth twitched in the corner.
That was a good pun.
How the third note ended up in her boot of all places, she couldn't understand. Nor how she didn't notice it until she got back to Kelly's apartment and wound down for the day.
The minute she moved past the threshold she hopped around, tugging off her shoes. Kelly preferred not to have anyone leave them on when entering.
Her bare foot smacked against the floor and she hurried out the way to not block the door her sisters and aunt scurried through. Jazz and Mel's shoes went flying, landing in a heap by the shoe bench. Sammi and Kelly always carried their heels, hooked by their fingers, to their rooms to be returned to their proper places. Mickey always made sure to unlace her boots first. She'd swap them out with the next pair she felt she wore those out.
Bright green paper fluttered to the floor, a stark beacon against the shiny hardwood.
"What the...?" she looked in her boot, as if she'd find another one there, and then looked at the paper on the floor. Folded up just like the others.
She wracked her brain, trying to remember when she last took off her shoes. There was playing hide and seek in the Palm Woods—which Katie won when she somehow stuffed herself in one of Buddha Bob's empty mop buckets—and then she laid down some bass tracks at in the studio—for some reason she preferred to play bass or add her vocals while barefoot—and she and her sisters kicked a soccer ball around Palm Woods Park.
She needed to pay better attention to her surroundings. But it was hard to live anywhere else but inside her head sometimes.
You're doing great! ;)
"What're you looking for?" Jazz's question was punctuated by the clatter of a plate and a glass in the basin sink. Resting her elbows on the counter, she grinned upwards at Mickey. "Your marbles? 'Cause you lost those a long time ago."
"Ha ha," Mickey said with a sarcastic laugh. She barely spared her sister a glance, frowning down at the bottom of her backpack where her fingers scrabbled over loose pens, gum wrappers, and a Christmas card she'd forgotten about. "I think those ended up somewhere with your tact."
Jazz stuck out her tongue, pushing Mickey's head with her index finger as she walked past. In retaliation, Mickey swiftly extended her leg and kicked Jazz in the butt as she passed. "Seriously, though, what's up?" She picked up an apple from the bowl and started popping it in the air from her elbow.
"Nothing. Just...y'know, trying to find my head." It was a funny joke their dad used to say. English wasn't his first language so his commentary could be lost in translation sometimes, but he loved one saying: "I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my neck." Though, somehow, over time it morphed into "I'm looking for my head" or other variations, meaning they were trying to get back on track after being knocked off kilter for various reasons. Much like another family favorite, "I was letting the heat out" when having forgotten to close a door (mostly the microwave), it made little sense to anyone else but it made her dad laugh.
"Yeah? 'Cause you've been different lately."
Mickey looked up after crumpled a discarded receipt to Fun Burger from three months ago. She and Logan had split a chocolate brownie pudding. "Overdosing on Vitamin D will do that to you."
"I meant...perkier? More relaxed, maybe." She squinted. "Your aura's different."
"My aura?" Mickey gave her a look. She knew Jazz was into the more spiritual side of things and believing in the powers of the universe but that was strange even for her.
"Okay, your vibe. You're...brighter."
Mickey snorted at that. Strange word choice but even she couldn't deny Jazz's observations. Usually when she woke up she'd g through the motions of getting ready for the day; eat, brush her teeth, wash her face, throw on her clothes. That morning he actually found herself springing out of bed. She even looked herself in the eye in the mirror. "Gets kinda boring walking around with a dark cloud, y'know?" She shrugged one shoulder.
Jazz nodded. "Gotta let that sunshine in sometimes."
"If you start singing 'Tomorrow' from Annie, I will kill you."
Jazz's teeth snapped into the crunchy skin of the apple and she wiggled her eyebrows as she walked off, heading back to her room.
Mickey went back to searching her backpack, filing past her notebooks and binder. Then she sighed and gave up her search.
There must not be a note today.
More showed up over the next couple of weeks. A rainbow of positivity and faith. Before long she began to wonder where they would pop up next.
One was in the mug she always grabbed for Kelly when tasked to grab her some coffee, another woven in between the strings of her bass, another in her backpack, in the pocket of her apron, in the head of her lacrosse stick, in her favorite canvas produce bag, in her ferret's carrier bag, in her drawer of Kelly's desk. (Herself and her sisters each had a drawer to stash their favorite candy. It didn't start out that way but they eventually took over; Kelly tried to fight a losing battle as long as she could.)
Every time one was found a little spark zinged through her. She still didn't know who it was but they somehow always had the right thing to say.
Don't over think it!
You got this!
You're a badass!
Don't forget to breathe!
A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have and I'm so lucky to have you as my friend!
Trust your gut!
I believe in you!
It doesn't matter what others think, they aren't you!
That last one was her favorite.
Mickey's head bobbed along to the beat of Mel's drumming filtering through her in-ears. It melted in with Jazz and Sammi's guitar and synth, creating an easy groove for her to slip into. It was always fun to play "City is Ours", it was the perfect button to a long day of rehearsal.
She danced and jumped in place, letting the music move through her, catching the smiles on her sisters' faces filtering in through her swinging curtain of hair. 'Fun' wasn't a strong word but it encapsulated what she felt perfectly in that moment.
Playing with her sisters was fun. Playing for her friends was fun. This song was fun. She'd been taking it for granted, going through the motions, letting her fingers curl along the strings and form chords while her mind drifted somewhere else. But she kept her mind focused in this moment, in the levity of playing music for the love of it. Maybe she'd been the most hesitant to step into this world but now she couldn't imagine her life without it.
"Hey, Gustavo's letting us off early!" Kendall's excitement was palpable; he nearly crashed into Logan rushing back into Studio B. Gustavo barely let them cut rehearsal short. "Anyone up for some skating?"
He got a chorus of affirmative responses. Mickey quickly unplugged her cords, turned off the amps, and zipped her bass away. She was halfway through the halls of Rocque Records when she stopped and changed her mind, deciding to leave her bass in her locker rather than take it with her. She couldn't fully enjoy her time with her friends if half her mind was worrying someone would try to steal it from the parking lot.
She pinched the sleeve to Mel's shirt, letting her know she'd be right back. She hurried back through the halls, her bass bouncing against her back. It came to a stop the same time she did when she rounded the corner and saw Carlos in front of her locker, tapping his fingers against the slats at the top. When he saw her he froze, face twisted up in surprise. She was sure hers reflected the same.
They stared at one another for a few seconds. Somewhere down the hall the coffee machine gurgled and dripped coffee into
"So it's been you," she said.
"Yeah," he admitted. "I wanted to do something nice. You seemed kinda bummed after Griffin talked to you guys that one day. What he said wasn't cool and I wanted to cheer you up." He opened the locker and pulled out what he'd slipped in, holding it out to her.
A paper butterfly sat pinched between two fingers, perfectly folded in bright blue paper.
"I was going to tell you but...I don't know..."
She almost felt bad unfolding it, it was beautiful construction, all sharp edges and precise folds. But she need to know what it said. She smoothed it out with her thumbs, once, twice, three times, and read the note the exact same amount:
Mickey, you’ll move mountains! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!
"I had help with that one," Carlos said with a sheepish smile.
"I know." It was her favorite Dr. Seuss book. She still had a copy on her desk from when they first moved in with Kelly. Their parents gifted each of them one. She couldn't bare to move it. It was the first thing she saw when she woke up.
It was where she stashed all her previous notes.
Tucking the note into her palm, she placed her bass on the floor and pulled him in to a tight hug. "Thank you," she whispered as they rocked from side to side. His eyes were misty when they pulled away, or were they hers? "Was this origami?"
"Yeah! I wanted the last one to be special."
It was. It really, really was. Because it was from Carlos, because he took time out of his life to cheer her up, because he thought of her. "Where'd you learn origami?"
"Oh, well, there was this exchange student back home in Minnesota. Her name was Aiko. She was in my homeroom and she didn't speak much English and she was alone a lot. No one really knew how to talk to her. I felt so bad for her so I wrote her a note telling her I was happy she was in our homeroom and part of our class. She was very happy so I made sure to sit next to her in homeroom every morning. She showed me how to make those little origami stars and then she taught me some other stuff too. I thought you'd like the butterfly."
"I do." It was perfect. She opened her locker and carefully put her bass in. Then she grabbed a spare magnet and put up the note among the smattering of pictures of her and her friends goofing off and making faces at the camera, of her, Kelly, and Gustavo in his office that Mel caught as they tried to dig through his taxes, of her ferret, and one of James' old headshots (he thought it was "Hot Mechanic", it was actually "Confused Astronaut".)
She'd ask him about how he managed to hide them all later. Her focus was on the present and experiencing all of it without the worry of tomorrow.
Looping her arm through his, with winsome smiles, they headed back to join their friends.
@witchofinterest @raging-violets @partiallypearl @myloveforhergoeson
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pyrrhvcs · 1 year
“you too, man,” leon smiles and gives the other a handshake. he thinks back to when he used to play soccer in high school. he wasn’t particularly good, but he had fun. he wasn’t even on the team, it was just his friends -his first band- and him messing around with the ball on the weekends. “who’s playing?” the blond asks. “imma go to the register because my hand is going numb from the cold,” he chuckles. dramatic as always. starting to walk towards the cashier, leon looks behind him to check if griffin is following him. “you play?”
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"Arsenal and Manchester United, mate," he says. His mind drifts off to his own football days as he runs a hand through his hair. "Ah, I used to play a bit back in the day, you know," he admits, a tinge of nostalgia in his voice. He remembers the rush of adrenaline as he scored the winning goal, the sweat trickling down his face as he sprinted across the field. It was a simpler time, a time when all he had to worry about was getting his homework done and impressing the girls. He chortles as Leon complains about his cold hand. "Yeah, you better get that sorted before you lose a finger," he says, an eyebrow cocked. 
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cfdante · 29 days
The day from Hell | self para 001
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Trigger warnings: Blood, Gore. Knives, Guns, Shooting inside a club, Attempted murder
To say it had been one hell of a long day would have been underselling the kind of day Dante had dealt with. First there had been... whatever that whole thing was with Lucky, and then he had to sit through his own father's funeral and wake while acting like a completely normal and together person. It didn't matter that he could hear his own heartbeat through his chest, didn't matter that when he got up to speak he just wanted to tear someone apart. He had to look like he could be the next leader of the Serpents. People already doubted that Dante had his shit together on a good day, he had something to prove.
He thought he'd done an incredible job even as multiple people had tried to tell him to drink less or slow down. The alcohol hadn't been too much, along with the drugs in his veins they'd kept him together. Too much more and it could have been a different story but he knew when to stop.
Dante stepped out of the club, the bass still reverberating in his chest, still ringing in his ears. He'd been around people for far too long and he knew if he had to deal with it much longer he'd snap. Now, as he stood in the alleyway, he wanted nothing more than to be alone and to get some silence for the first time all day.
He exhaled deeply, lighting a cigarette, happy to finally have some kind of peace and quiet even if his own head was screaming at him. The alone time was short lived, a flash of movement caught his eye at the far end of the alley. He couldn't make out much but he saw a hooded figure dart from a nearby shadow, and disappear into Babylon's backdoor. His instincts flared, muscles tensing as his hand brushed the gun at his waist. Something about this wasn’t right.
Without thinking, Dante moved toward the door the masked figure had slipped through. The figure turned in his direction and as Dante made it to the door it was slammed literally in his face with a loud clang. "Fuck," he muttered both in annoyance and with pain that was quickly spreading through his nose. Probably broken not for the first or last time.
He tugged at the handle. Locked. His pulse quickened, and the sense of unease gnawed at every one of his senses. Who the hell was that and why were they in such a hurry to get away from him? He removed his gun from it's holster and stepped back into the alley, looking around for any sign of what the figure had previously been doing. That was when he saw it - something on the floor further down the narrow path, just far enough away that he couldn't tell what it was. Whatever it was it was just out of the dim neon lights of the club and Dante couldn't help but think that was on purpose.
His heart rate picked up as he strode forward but he didn't panic, he'd dealt with these kinds of things enough in his life. A chill ran down his spine as the familiar shape came into focus, a head of blood-matted hair he’d recognize anywhere even if the body was almost unrecognisable.
"Fuck," Dante whispered, kneeling beside his best friend. It didn't even register in his mind that he was kneeling in a quickly growing pool of blood. Griffin's blood.
"Griffin!" Dante yelled trying to get the other man to say something, anything, hands frantically pressing into any wound he could to try and stem the bleeding. Panic surged through him as he realized just how bad it was. His mind raced, trying to figure out what to do.
"Raelynn..." He heard Griffin mumble weakly, "Protect Rae- Ella... She needs her mom."
"Stay with me. Stay awake, alright? Don't you dare fucking die on me, not today." He reached for his phone but hesitated. Dante never called 911. With ambulances came questions and with questions came cops, especially when a stabbing was involved. The door was locked, there was no going back inside to look for help and going back the way he came would take too long. They didn't have the time for him to search for a doctor.
Griffin was dying.
Dante cursed under his breath, his hands trembling as he attempted to use a touch screen that didn't want to respond to his touch, to his face. He supposed it had something to do with the blood running down his face and coating his hands. He pressed down the button on the side of his phone and finally, finally it went through. He couldn’t lose Griffin, not like this. Not today of all days.
"911, what’s your emergency?"
Dante’s voice was tight, his teeth grinding as he spat the words into the phone. "There’s a man, stabbed, bleeding out in the alley behind Babylon. I think there's some broken bones too. You need to send an ambulance. Now."
His eyes darted back toward the club, knowing there were people inside who could help. But that was when he heard it—gunshots from inside.
His stomach twisted painfully and every word coming from the other end of the phone faded out of existence. Lucky was still in there. He’d left him inside, thinking it was just another night and that he's just find the other man after he's gotten some fresh air. Now, there were bullets flying.
He glanced back down at Griffin, blood soaking his hands. Every second counted. If he left him, he would die.
"Fuck!" He screamed, voice echoing on the walls of the alley. Dante’s mind spiralled. He was torn, pulled in two directions that both felt impossible. His best friend, his brother, was bleeding out in front of him, but the man he loved could be in the middle of a firefight or worse. His breath hitched, anger and helplessness crashing into him all at once. He'd never felt as helpless in his entire life. He knew there was no way back into the club. He couldn’t get to Lucky.
A voice in his ear snapped him back to the present, the dispatcher asking him for more details on Griffin's condition. As he spoke Dante's mine was somewhere else, voice sounding far away in his ears. His eyes flickered toward the club, the sound of sirens already starting to echo in the distance. His heart was pounding, the fear that he might lose both of them tonight settling like a weight in his chest.
He knelt there for what felt like forever before sirens grew louder, flashing lights on walls of the narrow alleyway. He could hear the paramedics approaching, their hurried footsteps echoing in his head.
The second a paramedic took over in assisting Griffin, Dante was on his feet and running to the door as fast as his blood covered shoes would allow him. His fists slammed on the door, hoping he could get in through sheer force alone. There were no plans as to what he'd do once inside but he knew he had to try. Driven by panic, he threw his shoulder against the door. It didn't budge. He kicked it with everything he had, rage boiling inside him as he swung his fist hard against the metal door. Pain exploded in his hand and it snapped him back to the present. Griff.
He spun round to see two people carrying Griffin on a stretcher and loading him into the ambulance and so he ran after them... until one of the medics blocked his path.
“Sir, you need medical attention,” the paramedic said firmly, already reaching for Dante to guide him toward a second ambulance.
“No the fuck I do not. I’m going with him. Griffin-" Dante tried to push past, but the paramedic’s grip tightened. The pain in his hand flared as he tried to shove the medic away, but he was too weak, too spent. His legs wobbled, barely holding him up.
The paramedic caught him before he collapsed completely. “You’re in shock,” the voice said but it barely registered in his mind. Dante was vaguely aware of other words, other voices speaking to him as he was almost carried into a separate ambulance.
Dante’s head whipped around as they loaded Griffin into the back of the ambulance. “No, wait! Griffin... He’s... I need to...” The doors slammed shut before he could finish. Dante staggered forward, his protests turning into a roar of frustration, but he was pulled back, forced into the other ambulance. For the first time in years, Dante felt utterly powerless. He slumped back on the stretcher, breathless and broken, as the ambulance sped away—away from Griffin, away from Lucky. All he could do was pick up his phone in his good hand and send a handful of texts.
To Lucky: Get out? You got out? Answer Please Come Hospital
To Avery Can't take you home At hospital
To Jordan & Miray: Griff hospital come quick dying
To Ludovica & Ella Come hospital Urgent I'm sorry
Somehow, he managed to get all of the important texts sent before he promptly passed out in the back of the ambulance.
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griffinxgallo · 1 month
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Griffin Gallo at Giovanni's Farewell || Event 001
Griffin will arrive at Giovanni's funeral with @aspenlynch and Raelynn. He will be dropping Raelynn and his mother off before arriving at Babylon
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mrlondonboy · 11 months
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°•*⁀➷ Let's Eat Cake | Event 001
English actor, Harry Griffin Jr arrives to the lavish party in a hand sewn, custom made, natural flower jacket by up and coming Russian designer. Taking the more lighter and dreamier, he pairs it with a sheer high collar lace shirt and floral printed pants straight off the runaway of Palomo Spain's Winter collection. His face is lightly powered in white with a detractive mole in the corner of his mouth.
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aspenlynch · 2 months
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ft. living room, dining room with bar, patio with hot tub, home office, master bedroom, kitchen, guest bedroom, master bathroom, aspen's closet/make up room. (not pictured are home theater, guest bathroom, half bathroom, laundry room)
under the cut has aspen's bedrrom at griffin's. @griffinxgallo
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ariesgamesandminis · 2 months
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More restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!
10-037 Word of Blake Omni Mech Pack II 20-037 Dante Frigate 20-215 Ostsol OTL-6D 20-218 Crimson Langur 20-235 Partisan Heavy Tank 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2) 20-356 Po Heavy Tank (2) 20-361 Thorn THE-N 20-380 Rhino Tank 20-487 Shade Fighter S-HA-O Invictus 20-5131 Centurion CN11-O Prime 20-5173 Scourge SCG-WF1 20-5184 Griffin GRF-1N 20-623 SRM Carrier (2) 20-627 LRM Carrier (2) 20-646 Jinggau JN-G8A 20-656 Thunder Stallion (Standard) 20-682 Komodo KIM-2 20-727 Karnov UR Transport 20-739 Ontos Heavy Tank (2) 20-747 Zhukov Heavy Tank (2) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-822 Demolisher Tank 20-899 King Crab KGC-000 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 BT-001 Orc Protomech BT-004 Afreet Battle Armor BT-009 Trinity (Ying Long) Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-068 Trinity (Asterion) Battle Armor BT-133 Corona Battle Armor BT-171 Bandersnatch BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-241 Resgate PAL BT-262 Coyotl A BT-283 Svartalfa Ultra ProtoMech BT-343 Tomahawk II A BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-382 Kanazuchi Battle Armor BT-384 Achileus Battle Armor (3) BT-386 Undine Battle Armor (3) BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-393 Kage Battle Armor Squad (4) BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor BT-436 Buraq Battle Armor BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor BT-460 Saxon APC 20-959E Templar Shield
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