x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
well I know about your other blog i was just asking. but your other blog doesn't seem to have much unless i'm missing something....
I don't make a habit of reblogging things unless it's something I really want to have on my blog. I find much more enjoyment from posting things I've made myself.
Please stop asking me questions on here, if you want to speak with me some more, please go to my actual personal blog.
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
do you ever reblog anything
This blog is inactive, so no, I don't reblog anything, I don't post anything here anymore. This is an old rp blog that has long since been abandoned and left to serve as an archive for content I don't have the heart to delete, so if you want more activity from me, then you'll have to click the link I've so kindly provided in several places on this blog to access my official personal account (which just so happens to be a side account linked to this one).
The only reason I changed the url on this abandoned blog is so that I don't have to be embarrassed to message people off anon. This blog literally serves no other purpose than to extend the reach of my actual personal blog
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
((I’ve finally decided to implement some way-overdue changes. My main blog has now become an archive for these muses while this blog has become their new location. Anyone who still wants to rp with these muses is free to do so at the new location. It’s possible that I may deoncelerize/retcon these muses, but any and all relationships/histories with other characters will remain intact (as well as the url for ease of locating me and nostalgia’s sake), the only changes will be made to character designs and backstories.
That being said, follow here if you would like to resume rping:
Follow here for my personal blog:
Visit here if you wish to read through any old rps that occurred prior to the move:
Thank you for your understanding))
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
((idk guys I don't think I'll ever rp on this blog again. As much as I love my muses, I just can't bring myself to do anything with them anymore. I'm quite honestly over the Once-ler fandom; despite making a few really great friends from it, it's overall been the worst fandom I've been apart of so far and everyone has seemed to have moved on from it already
I might change my url to something else so I don't have to deal with the embarrassment of messaging someone from a Once-ler blog))
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
"No, Ebony- wait!" Oncel'r involuntarily reached out for his friend, taking a few steps forward before he had even realized he was moving. He didn't want her to leave, despite her possibly still being under the influence of whatever had rendered her practically insane last they saw each other.
"Do you...remember what happened last time you were here?"
[ ~❦~ ]   Something…possessed her? Could that be why Ebony didn’t remember what the two Tamaranean’s were talking about? What if whatever it was…still had a hold on her, even now. Slowly, she took a few steps back from Oncel’r and Greedl’r, ears flattening even further to her skull. "Then…I should go away," she mumbled, shaking her head slightly as she stepped back. "I don’t want to risk it happening again." 
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
The two Tamaraneans spared another glance at each other before Oncel'r spoke up again, "It's just that...something was, well...wrong." His hands were gesturing at random in front of him, seeming as if the motions were somehow trying to aid him in his explanation. "I can't really explain it since I don't fully understand what happened, but...you weren't acting like yourself at all." He paused for a moment, trying to further collect his thoughts into coherent sentences. "It's like...something possessed you or something."
[ ~❦~ ]   "I wasn’t…myself?" Confusion rung clear in Ebony’s tone as her head tilted to the side, ears maintaining their drooped state. "What do you mean I wasn’t myself, Oncel’r? Who else could I have been?"
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
((If I attempted to come back and rp on here again, who would even rp with me?))
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
"Will it get you to stop freezing my forest?" FoGo muttered irritatedly despite the inquiry being directed towards Kari, his voice just loud enough for the others to hear.
Bring Down the Sky ((rp with Monst-ler))
Jokul ignored them all, focused only on his father. Or was he his mother? He couldn’t remember much about it his birth and even less about his parent. But he knew Kari had troubles with his own mother and feared similar things about himself. It didn’t make up for being alone for so long and he said so. Kari said nothing; merely pulling the wayward spirit towards him and holding him close. Jokul felt nothing but a slight squashing sensation in his guts. “Maybe we should try again. Shall we?”
((Kari’s shrinking him! I think. Wat u doin’ ya crazy?))
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
((blog's still here, but for the most part I'm out))
Once-ler fandom
I’ve noticed that this fandom is potentially dying and I want to know how many of you guys are there. I just recently joined the fandom and I want to help this fandom to be biggering again. Can I have a head count? Reblog if you are in the fandom.
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
A nervous glance was exchanged between the two males before their attention focused back on the confused woman standing before them.
"Well..." Oncel'r started off apprehensively, "You...weren't exactly yourself last time we saw you..."
[❦]    She looked at the two in confusion, a look of sadness flashing across her face as the two backed away from her. Was it really her? What?
"Who else would I be?" she asks, the same tone of hurt ringing in her voice that had flashed across her face.
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
Randy watched Lotty's every move intently, his giddiness unwavering. Something so simple as preparing a bottle seemed utterly fascinating to the young boy, despite him having seen it done many times over.
Lotty smiled tiredly at him, and carefully carried him over the kitchen, looking over everything. “Hmm, let’s see… How about milk for now?” he asked, pulling out a bottle. He looked at the bottle, then paused for a moment. “Ah, I’m supposed to warm this up, right?” he mumbled quietly to himself, as he hadn’t really had most experience with babies. How he managed thus far was beyond him. “Alright then. Let’s do that…” he said with a nod as he began getting it ready.
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
The two Tamaraneans startled backwards a pace or two, a brief glimpse of fear flashing in their eyes.
"Is...is that really you?" Oncel'r inquired with the same timid tone as before, hands held up defensively in front of himself.
[❦]   Ebony turned her head at the familiar voice, a smile making itself known on her face for a moment before it slipped away. What where they doing all the way over there? "Oncel’r? Greedl’r?" she said quietly, taking a few steps closer towards the two of them. "What’s wrong…" 
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
An annoyed huff left the forest guardian, gloved arms crossing themselves over his chest to further display his vexation at the frost spirit.
Guzz and Filt took a step towards Kari as the snow walker left their embrace, voicing their displeasure with a peeved-sounding trill.
Bring Down the Sky ((rp with Monst-ler))
Jokul’s only response was a shrug, as if to say ‘what else could I do?’ But he figured it would be a good idea to apologize. At least it might make Kari more willing to speak to him. “I wasn’t aware these trees belonged to anyone.” Okay, so it wasn’t exactly an apology but whatever.
Kari huffed and settled Kindra against his chest. “And you honestly didn’t wonder just why I left you behind? I was terrified! I could barely handle caring for others let alone having my own children! What if I turned out like my mother?” He handed Kindra to Guzz and Filt and walked over to Jokul, laying his hands on the spirit’s shoulders. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I had done such things to you.”
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
The timid-sounding voice unmistakeably belonged to Oncel'r, the Tamaranean keeping a fair distance away. Standing by his side was none other than Greedl'r, the slightly taller male eyeing Ebony warily.
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[❦]     “Wow…I was gone for a while, wasn’t I? It’s good to be back.”
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
"So you've been creating mini snowstorms and spreading frost that could potentially kill my trees, just to get the attention of dear old dad?" FoGo queried, raising a brow with mild annoyance. "You know, knocking would have been a hell of a lot easier..."
Bring Down the Sky ((rp with Monst-ler))
Kari giggled and rubbed his nose in Filt’s neck. Jokul tried not to look at him, it made his heart hurt in ways he didn’t know. “Isn’t it obvious? I felt it was time for a little family reunion. And yet my dear pappa has forgotten me, how terrible.” Jokul feigned sorrow.
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
Randy, who had been fussing in his crib waiting for someone to come tend to him, giggled and cooed happily when Lotty lifted him up into his arms. The excitable baby looked up at his drowsy parent with bright eyes, unaware of just how early it was and how no sane person would willingly be up at this time. He was in fact hungry, as all waking babies usually were, but the happiness from having another person in the room with him temporarily distracted him from his appetite.
Lotty muttered something incoherently, something that resembled a ‘sure’, before patting Greedl’r’s head and getting up. He walked over to the room, checking on Randy. “Hey, g’morning…” he tried to coo quietly, but it came out as a mumble. “Hmm, are you hungry?” he asked, still well half asleep as he carefully picked him up.
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x-xdreamer45x-x · 10 years
((updated my "other blogs" page, so if you don't follow my personal, you'll still know all the rp blogs I run ;P))
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